#Chavez Cartel
adribosch-fan · 3 months
Fiscalía de Nueva York detalla poder de Maduro en el Cartel de los Soles
La acusación precisa que Maduro empieza a figurar en el Cartel de los Soles desde 2005, cuando Chávez le habría pedido proteger a las FARC. Fiscalía Federal de Nueva York, revelaba este miércoles por El Nuevo Herald, señala que “Nicolás Maduro Moros, el acusado, ayudó a administrar y, finalmente liderar, el Cartel de los Soles en la medida en que él consolidaba el poder en Venezuela”  por José…
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todd was a drug dealer?
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codmw2019-2022 · 8 months
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MW 2022 Characters / NPCs:
Most of Modern Warfare II missions, these missions are not included because there's no/ no new ally NPCs, Recon by Fire | TF141 , CIA , El Sin Nombre | Shadow Co. , Los Vaqueros , TF141 and Alone | TF141.
Reading format : Mission and what group followed by Character Name if shown/give with Call Signs and the character's Status.
Strike | TF141 , Shadow Co.
CDR. Graves - Shadow 0-1 ( ALIVE ) GEN. Shepherd - Gold Eagle ( ALIVE ) SC. Laswell - Watcher-1 ( ALIVE ) LT. Ghost - Bravo 0-7 ( ALIVE )
Kill or Capture | TF141 , Marsoc Marines
Razor-1 SGT. Soap - Bravo 7-1 ( ALIVE ) [ Bravo 7-6 , 7-5 , 7-4 , 7-3 , 7-2 ] ( ALIVE ) CPL. DeFields - Alpha 0-2 ( ALIVE ) [ Alpha 2-3 + 5 non-numbered Alpha ] ( KIA ) Air Support - Kilo 0-1
Wetwork + Tradecraft | TF141
CPT. Price - Bravo 0-6 ( ALIVE ) SGT. Gaz - Bravo 6-2 ( ALIVE )
Boderline | Los Vaqueros
COL. Alejandro - Victor 1-1 ( ALIVE ) SGT. MAJ. Rodolfo - Victor 3-1 ( ALIVE ) Local Police ( KIA )
Cartel Protection | TF141 , Los Vaqueros
Victor 2-1 Sanchez ( KIA ) Rodriguez - Victor 1-4 ( KIA ) CPL. Hernandez - Victor 2-3 ( UNKOWN )
Close Air | Shadow Co. , Los Vaqueros , TF141
Shadow-1 Gunner ( ALIVE ) Shadow-1 FCO ( ALIVE ) Shadow-1 Nav ( ALIVE ) Shadow-1 Pilot ( ALIVE ) Shadow-1 Comms Ofc ( ALIVE ) Shadow-1 TV Operator ( ALIVE ) Copter Extract - Hatchet 3-1
Violence and Timing | TF141 , LF
Nikolai ( ALIVE ) Farah ( ALIVE ) [ LF fighters : Yelda , Irem , Rozhin , Awira , Kejal , Avdar ] * ( ALIVE )
Dark Waters | Shadow Co. , Los Vaqueros , TF141
PVT. Shay - Shadow 1-3 ( ALIVE/INJURED ) PVT. Isaac - Shadow 1-4 ( ALIVE )
Prison Break | TF141 , Los Vaqueros
[ Vaqueros : Sgt. Estrada , Cpl. Rodriquez , Pvt. Diaz , Sgt. Silva , Pvt. Ramirez , Pvt. Gomez , Sgt. Chavez , Pvt. Gonzalez , Pvt. Machado ] * ( ALIVE )
Hindsight | Shadow Co.
Sgt. Dipaolo - Shadow ( KIA ) Erikson - Shadow ( KIA ) Vance - Shadow ( KIA ) [ Shadows : 3-1 , 3-2 , 3-4 , 3-5 ] ( KIA )
Ghost Team | JTF-Ghost Team
Alejandro - Ghost 1-1 Price - Ghost 0-1 Ghost - Ghost 0-2 Rodolfo - Ghost 2-2 [Ghost : 2-4 , 2-7 , 2-9 x4 ] * ** ( ALIVE )
Countdown | TF141 , Marsoc Marines
Helo Pilot - Lifter 1-2 [ Bravo 0-2 , 0-3 ] * ( ALIVE ) [ Bravo 0-4 , 0-5 ] * ( KIA )
* Names are randomly generated for each callsign. List of possible names [ Sgt. Schwartz , Pvt. McCarthy , Sgt. Christensen , Pvt. Park , Pvt. Burr , Pvt. DeLalla , Sgt. Silva , Pvt. Del Rosario , Cpl. Sanchez , Cpl. Garcia , Pvt. Estrada , Pvt. Malach , Sgt. Schwartz , Pvt. Sarono ] ** For some reason there was four different NPCs with Ghost 0-9.
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bremont · 21 days
CHINA 🫖 President XI un pais es como un bosque lo que existe son los árboles 🌳🌲 en Mexico lo que existe son los MEXICANOS 👩‍🦱👱‍♂️👼 en CHINA LOS CHINOS 🥢🍽️ Sin mexicanos MEXICO NO EXISTE. 🤳 EN VENEZUELA sucede Lo contrario es un cartel MAFIOSO que expulsa a los VENEZOLANOS🎥🤳 para crear una nueva NACION religiosa indoctrinada controlada y manipulada con el mito de un MARTIR ✝️ CHAVEZ 🥢🙏 Iglesia⛪ DOGMA 🪘🦃 CHAVISTA Dirigida en Pantalla 📺🙊🙉🙈 por un CHOFER 🚌 se sabe que el CHOFER🚌 es un actor 🎥🎭 con cerebro 🧠 para bailar sin cerebro 🧠 para pensar 🙈🙉🙊 y recitar lo que está escrito por sus superiores literarios El comportamiento de la religion chavista del SIGLO 21 está fracturando las familias los individuos y el concepto humano de unidad racional destruyendo el bosque llamado Pais Nacion transformándolo en grupos de palomitas de plaza donde comen lo que cae en las bolsas de basura y obedecen🛎️ a aquellos que les tiran migajas de pan 🥖 una vez la destrucción familiar 🤳🙏🪘 ejecutada lo proximo humanos construidos en botellas 🧪 en un laboratorio 🔬 palomas humanas que solo sirven para consumir los que encuentran en las calles 💊🍟abandonados. Debido a esta aberración del cerebro 🧠 es aconsejado salir de MADURO 🚌 y Su 🎥 regimen 🙃 invertido 🤳 para evitar una dispersión del reconocimiento facial 📲 de todos los humanos 🌳 individuales arboles 🌳 Humanos 👩‍🦰👼👸 que forman el bosque 🏔️🏞️ de una nación 🌎
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neptunianashes · 2 months
Venezuela has descended into utter chaos. The people rose up to fight with fire weapons. There are many dead people. They are trying to surround the presidential palace and force him to flee. People have brought down more than 5 statues of Hugo Chavez, and they are burning all Maduro's propaganda cartels in the city, and the fighting continues. Maduro has snipers in many buildings, among the dead there are some minors. Some military army forces have deserted the government, and they have joined to fight alongside the people, this have caused the army still loyal to Maduro to be more aggressive towards the rebels and the fight has escalated.
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glowbunnies · 2 months
CHAVEZ CARTEL Share Hypnotic New Single & Video ‘Unfamiliar Boy’ - The Rockpit
CHAVEZ CARTEL Share Hypnotic New Single & Video ‘Unfamiliar Boy’  The Rockpit http://dlvr.it/T9f3fM
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plethoraworldatlas · 6 months
On March 8, a Manhattan federal court found Juan Orlando Hernández, president of Honduras from 2014 to 2022, guilty of conspiracy to import large amounts of cocaine into the United States over nearly two decades.
Mainstream U.S. media generally framed the ex-president’s trial and conviction as a triumph of justice, a service rendered by the impartial U.S. justice system to the people of Honduras.
The great majority of such accounts, however, ignored and obscured context crucial for understanding Hernández’s rise and rule; in particular, how Washington contributed to both. Though the mainstream narrative around the ex-president rightly connects his tenure in office with massive emigration from Honduras, it has elided the degree to which U.S. influence enabled Hernández’s career and thus partially drove the migration that arose in response.
For roughly two centuries, Honduras, the original “banana republic,” has suffered a deeply unequal relationship with the far more powerful United States. One of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, Honduras and its people have endured frequent American military interventions, U.S.-backed coups, and a corrupt, rapacious local oligarchy closely tied to U.S. corporate interests.
Despite Hernández’s ultimate conviction on U.S. soil, he served Washington for many years as a loyal client. The single most important event in the ex-president’s political career was a 2009 coup, which overthrew center-left president Manuel Zelaya (whose wife, Xiomara Castro, won election in 2021 and currently occupies the presidency). Zelaya raised the minimum wage, subsidized small farmers, and authorized the morning-after pill, infuriating the country’s business elite and, in the last case, ultra-conservative religious leaders. Moreover, to Washington’s consternation, he made overtures toward Hugo Chavez’s socialist Venezuela and sought to convert a crucial U.S. airbase entirely to civilian use.
Joint action by Honduras’ military and judiciary — in a manner the U.S. ambassador called “clearly illegal” and “totally illegitimate” at the time — forced Zelaya to pay for these sins in late June 2009. While the White House’s reaction to the coup initially appeared confused, Washington soon recovered its footing. Even as huge protests raged, the Obama administration played a key role in ultimately compelling Honduras’ people and the region’s governments to acquiesce to the regime change as a fait accompli.
Despite widespread repression by the post-coup de facto government, accounts of fraud, and the condemnation of many countries and international organizations (including the normally deferential Organization of American States), U.S.-endorsed elections in November 2009 received Washington’s imprimatur. In her memoirs (the passage excised from the book’s paperback edition with no explanation), then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton explained that the U.S. sought to “render the question of Zelaya moot and give the Honduran people a chance to choose their own future.”
It was in this context that Hernández catapulted into power. After Porfirio Lobo won the 2009 presidential race, Hernández became President of the National Congress as a member of Lobo’s National Party — an institution historically closely linked to U.S. agribusiness. Lobo was Hernández’s mentor and groomed his protege to succeed him. But while Hernández enjoyed success, the coup’s consequences constituted disaster for ordinary Hondurans.
Political violence and repression became routine. The murder rate, much of it due to cartel-related gang violence, soared — it was the world’s highest for three years running. As the economic situation also deteriorated, and Lobo and his son allied with major narcotics syndicates, a huge surge of emigration swelled out of Honduras, with desperate citizens flooding northward. The total number of Hondurans apprehended at the U.S. border exploded — from less than 25,000 in 2009 to nearly 100,000 in 2014 — reaching 250,000 by 2020.
In Washington’s eyes, however, such concerns took a back seat to longstanding strategic needs: above all, Honduras’ openness to foreign investment and its role as a base for American military power. And, as head of the National Congress, Hernandez was seen as particularly amenable to U.S. desires.
“The State Department loved Hernandez,” according to Dana Frank, an expert on Honduras at UC Santa Cruz. As Lobo’s heir apparent, “he was young and could stay in power for a long time.” Frank cites a 2010 cable from the U.S. embassy in Tegucigalpa asserting that “He has consistently supported U.S. interests.”
The depth of American support for Hernández became clear after his 2013 election to the presidency. Despite credible reports of fraud, his National Party’s control over the counting process, and a wave of threats and sometimes lethal violence against opposition candidates and activists during the campaign, the State Department commended the election as “transparent, free, and fair.”
In 2015, a major corruption scandal centered on the misappropriation of funds from Honduras’ Social Security Institute exploded, prompting unprecedented popular demonstrations against Hernandez and calling for his resignation, “There was a real sense that Hernández could fall,” according to Alexander Main, a Latin America expert at the Washington-based Center for Economic and Policy Research. Fortunately for Hernández, however, the U.S. swooped in, helping to defuse the unrest by prodding the OAS to organize a local anti-corruption body known as MACCIH.
In that same year, according to Frank, Washington gave an “official green light” to a “completely criminal” power grab by Hernández whereby his hand-picked Supreme Court ruled that he was eligible to run for a second term in clear violation of Honduras’ constitution. Washington’s complacent reaction — “It is up to the Honduran people to determine their political future” — stood in remarkable contrast to 2009, when Zelaya’s mere suggestion that the constitution might be amended to permit a second term served as the pretext for the coup that the U.S. subsequently legitimized.
In Hernández’s 2017 reelection bid, the fraud was so blatant and widespread that even the generally conservative OAS declared the incumbent’s victory an example of “extreme statistical improbability” and called for new elections. The State Department, however, stood by Hernández, prodding Mexico and other OAS members to recognize the results, even as security forces suppressed massive and prolonged protests with live ammunition.
Indeed, U.S. training and funding also proved crucial in the creation of the brutal special operations units Hernández’s government used to terrorize opposition and environmental activists. Particularly significant in the military sphere was the role of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), the American combatant command responsible for Latin America. Hernández was a particular favorite of John Kelly, SOUTHCOM’s head during Obama’s second term (and then White House chief of staff for Donald Trump), who, as Dana Frank noted, once referred to the convicted drug trafficker as a “great guy” and “good friend.”
Considering the U.S. relationship with Hernández, it is perhaps unsurprising that U.S. officials seemingly turned a blind eye to his deep involvement in narcotics trafficking. As both Hernández’s recent trial — during which a witness claimed Hernandez had privately vowed to “stuff drugs up the noses of the gringos” — and that of his brother in 2019 showed, the drug trade’s reach into the Honduran government was unmistakable, with numerous high-ranking security officials repeatedly implicated.
CEPR’s Main argues that it was “highly unlikely American officials were unaware” of Hernández’s criminality. Indeed, as a document from his brother’s trial revealed, the DEA began investigating the ex-president as early as 2013. As noted in Hernández’s trial, just weeks after his inauguration in 2014, the agency reportedly obtained video evidence indicating his involvement with major drug traffickers. Even after his brother’s 2019 conviction, when it became apparent that millions of dollars in drug money helped underwrite Hernández’s political career, President Donald Trump publicly praised him for “working with the United States very closely” and for his help in “stopping drugs at a level that has never happened.”
Given all this, the U.S. media’s failure to probe the influence of American policy on Hernández’s career begins to look less like an anomalous oversight and more like a manifestation of structural dynamics that tend to reinforce the notion of American innocence. We can see the same logic apply to the frenzied media accounts detailing “caravans” of Central American migrants headed to the U.S. While mainstream news outlets rightly note the relationship between Hernández’s presidency and increased migration from Honduras, they nevertheless fail to connect the two to the impact of U.S. policymaking. Without Washington’s complicity and assistance, Hernandez might have spent 2014 to 2022 in prison, rather than the presidency. Unfortunately, it was the Honduran people who paid the price.
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agentcable · 6 months
Law & Order Special Victims Unit Season 23 Ep. 17 "Once Upon a Time in El Barrio"
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Velasco's former parish priest in Mexico contacted him for assistance when three girls from his hometown went missing in New York City. Benson and her team are facing a trafficking ring supported by a violent cartel.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Three girls in Mexico are discussing a modeling job, and one is instructed to speak English. She is anxious about not being selected. The models will be traveling to NYC. Although she only has $500, she can make her dreams come true for $5,000. In NYC, the girls are instructed to exit a van and take drugs after a long journey. The previous girl refused to take the drug or surrender her phone. She hit the attacker and attempted to flee, but he retaliated by physically assaulting her, pouring urine on her, and setting her on fire.
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Rollins is still absent, and Benson informs Fin that Carisi is taking Rollins and the girls to Orlando. Fin expresses concern for Stabler's well-being, as he heard that Stabler was expelled from OC. Velasco interrupts to inform them that a man from his parish needs to speak with them. The man possesses a voicemail recording of the three girls being tortured. Fin receives a call informing him that the burned body of one of the girls has been discovered. Velasco appears visibly shaken.
The body was found by a homeless man. Identification of the body may require DNA and dental analysis. Velasco was able to identify the victim by the cross she was wearing. He contacts the priest, who will pray for the deceased girl and for Velasco. Velasco is deeply saddened by the loss of the girl, and the priest had been a father figure to her, helping him escape from the cartels and come to America. Despite Benson and Fin's orders to go home and rest, Velasco decides to go undercover. He drives down a surprisingly empty road to talk to some prostitutes, but a Mexican prostitute demands $50 before she will speak to him. Velasco pays the fee, only do discover that she is an undercover officer who promptly arrests him.
Benson and Fin arrived at the 29 to straighten things out. Chavez accused the cops of falsely claiming to be working on a case when she busted them. Benson informed Velasco that neither she nor McGrath were happy. If they were not short-staffed, she would take him off the case. However, she wants to work with the 29 to find out what they know.
Chavez is aware of a bakery where there is a lot of gossip. Fin complains about the walk.
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The woman who runs the bakery wishes that SVU had come up there before it was too late, but she makes a connection with Velasco.
The police go to a seedy motel, but no one will talk to them. Finally, they find a young girl who cries upon seeing the photos of the victims. Velasco informs Chavez that she interacted well with the girl and suggests that she should talk to her since she seems to be afraid of men
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Later, Velasco receives a call from Lucinda, and they agree to meet at the bakery. Chavez is run over by a speeding car, and Lucinda disappears. Chavez passes away. The police are committed to finding the killer and the missing girl.
The bakery woman is distraught and only trusted Rosanny. Velasco speaks to her in Spanish.
Velasco pretends to be injured and goes to a secret clinic for undocumented people, where he finds Lucia. Lucia wants to be released because she fears for her life. She owes money to dangerous people. Benson insists that she can trust them. Lucia reveals that the girls will be sold to another ring and that a police captain forced them to have sex. Before she died, she had told Chavez.
Benson meets Chavez's captain, and they pretend to not know where Lucia is. Velasco has obtained information about the traffickers, including some phone numbers they contacted. He calls one of the numbers, and the captain's phone rings.
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The captain has received numerous complaints, yet still managed to get promoted. Lucia is currently under protective custody, but it remains uncertain how long she will remain safe.
During a lineup, the defense attorney complains about the time it takes for Lucia to identify the suspect, and she eventually recognizes the captain.
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The captain asserts that he had consensual sex with Lucia, but Benson is skeptical and admonishes him for lying. The captain denies raping anyone, but Benson questions his level of involvement in Chavez's death. He blames Benson and her team for interfering and claims he can provide them with information if they show him more respect. He is requesting immunity and full retirement, and denies any allegations of rape. Fin pulls Benson aside and whispers to her that Lucia is only 15 years old. Benson advises him to consider the consequences of being a pedophile cop in prison.
Baptiste acknowledges the advice, and Benson clarifies that she was not playing a game. Baptiste states that he is needed to locate the girls and the traffickers.
The captain instructed to call Jorge and inform him that Lucia has been found and can be delivered to him. Jorge has a potential buyer for the remaining girls. He requests that the captain obtain a new burner and arrange a meeting place.
Velasco has joined the operation. Fin believes it may be too much for him, but Benson is confident in Velasco's abilities. After some initial mistrust, Jorge brings one of the girls out of a motel room. When Velasco offers to pay 40k for all the girls, Jorge pulls a gun on them. Velasco responds by pulling out his own gun, and a group of cops arrive on the scene. Jorge was surrounded by cops and refused to drop his gun, resulting in a standoff. Eventually, he surrendered and was arrested. Benson released the girls, and Velasco updated the pries, who expressed gratitude.
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chavezcatalina · 1 year
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name: catalina chavez
age: 31
gender: cis female ( she / her )
sexuality: bisexual
work: bartender at the scarlet lounge
relation: single
affiliation with:  sicario for los santos
Catalina Chavez was born on the kitchen floor surrounded by many of the wives and girlfriends of the Cartel. Her father was a Capo at the time and had gotten one of the woman he saw casually pregnant. Their relationship was strained to say the least as she wanted him to become a family man but his life would never consists of family dinners and nights helping out with homework. Eventually, Catalina's mother decided to leave the man she had a child with but her attempts at leaving with her child did not end well.
The threat of being hunted down and killed until he retrieved his daughter had the mother leaving her child alone to be raised by her father and those around him. Violence was a custom in her life no matter the ways they tried to shield it from her and it meant that she grew up as someone who didn't flinch away from the sight of pain or blood. Despite her father hoping for her to pursue something outside of the cartel, her interest laid in being apart of the family that she grew up into.
She started doing odd jobs such as cleaning and preparing food due to her father being adamant of her not participating on any runs or involving herself with any part of the cartel drug business. At the age of fifteen years old, she got news that he was arrested and with that came a bittersweet realization. She no longer had her father but she had a freedom to dive deeper into the Los Santos and become something more. She started with selling drugs, encouraging people to tell her secrets which she brought back to the higher ups. Lina was successful, luring in big players and fooling rival drug dealers into telling more than they should have.
Her skills were refined by the time she spent on the street but she knew that she wanted more involvement in the cartel, as well as be of more help. It wasn't until she heard news of a potential raid given to her by a rat did she step into action and proceed to lure him into a quiet abandoned home and forced him to speak, hiding her phone that recorded the entire conversation, only to proceed to kill him. The shipment was rescheduled to another time and location, only for the higher ups to watch the police raid where it was previously meant to be. It was her first step into proving herself to the higher ups. The next few years, she worked hard to become a Sicario for the los santos.
Now she makes a comfortable living and is able to put money on her father's books to ensure he has a comfortable life where he's at given his sentence will mean that he will likely die in prison. Despite being loyal to the gang, she does enjoy playing with fire and teetering a little too close to trouble but she would ultimately give her life for her family.
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thccraft · 1 year
mobile muse list
Angela Grimes. 43. ex-psychiatrist fc: evangeline lilly // fandom: twd/tlou - zombie ap.
Belinda Callohan. 43. emergency room nurse fc: emily blunt // fandom: fandomless
Brody O'Conor. 40. tattoo artist/ex-boxer fc: tom hardy // fandom: fandomless
Callum Jacobs. 42. mechanic / vp of mc fc: charlie hunnam // fandom: fandomless
Cassandra 'Cassie' Donovan. 41. bartender/bar-manager fc: sophia bush // fandom: fandomless
Charlotte 'Charlie' Schmid. 40. homicide detective fc: olivia munn // fandom: fandomless/cm/svu
Dante Walker. 42. defense attorney fc: charles michael davis // fandom: fandomless
Dean Fuller. 54. therapist fc: jeffrey dean morgan // fandom: fandomless
Declan Kentala. 43. farmer / ex-bounty hunter fc: jason momoa // fandom: fandomless
Delilah Martinez. 37. elementary school teacher fc: ana de armas // fandom: fandomless
Gregory Gonzalo. 46. mafia don / jazz club owner fc: oscar isaac // fandom: fandomless
Hazel Monroe. 42. criminal defense attorney fc: jessica chastain // fandom: fandomless
Isadora sanchez. 33. personal assistant fc: priscilla quintana // fandom: fandomless
Julieta Ortega. 38. fbi agent fc: martha higareda // fandom: crime
Katalina Chavez. 31 318. vampire fc: nathalie kelley // fandom: to/tvd/supernatural
Lily Donovan. 39. investigative journalist fc: phoebe tonkin // fandom: fandomless
Lucian Gambino. 44. hitman fc: daniel gillies // fandom: fandomless
Lydia Dononvan. 48. cafe owner fc: holly marie combs // fandom: fandomless
Mateo Santiago. 46. drug dealer for Cardenas Cartel / gentleman's club owner fc: edgar ramirez // fandom: fandomless/crime
Matias Jimenz. 41. Bar Owner & Lieutenant of Cardenas Cartel fc: peter gadiot // fandom: crime
Nathaniel Donovan. 42. fbi agent fc: jensen ackles // fandom: fandomless
Noah Matthews. 46. assistant district attorney fc: john krasinski // fandon: fandomless
Olivia Prentiss. 42. medical examiner fc: rachel mcadams // fandom: fandomless
Pilar Sanchez. 35. special victims ada fc: adria arjona // fandom: crime
Rachel Combs. 39. hunter fc: aj cook // fandom: supernatural
Rosa Nunez. 35. money handler for cartel fc: lindsey morgan // fandom: fandomless
Ryder Valdez. 40. con-arist / serial killer fc: jon michael eck // fandom: fandomless
Samara Romanovski. 39. hired cleaner for mob/cartel/criminals fc: megan fox // fandom: fandomless
Taleen Datyan. 35. event/wedding planner fc: angela sarafan // fandom: fandomless
Tristan Fowler. 45. college professor / archeologist fc: tom hiddleston // fandom: fandomless
Victor Arturo. 39. private investigator / bar owner fc: octavio pisano // fandom: fandomless
Wyatt Williams. 41. mechanic / ex-con fc: pablo schreiber // fandom: fandomless
Xavier Cardenas. 41. Bodyguard & Son of Cartel Boss fc: alfonso herrera // fandom: crime
Ximena Cardenas. 33. Weapons Trafficker & Daughter of Cartel Boss fc: eiza gonzalez // fandom: crime
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back-and-totheleft · 2 years
The world according to Oliver Stone
Oliver Stone begins shooting this summer on his new film Savages, adapted from Don Winslow's 2010 novel about marijuana growers in Orange County outside Los Angeles, who run afoul of a Mexican drug cartel.
The project, which takes Stone to Laguna Beach and other locations in southern California, has a dream-team cast - including Blake Lively, Teresa Palmer, Benicio Del Toro, Taylor Kitsch, Salma Hayek, John Travolta and Aaron Johnson.
Now 64, but as energetic as ever, Stone has been making films regularly for more than 30 years. He has been trying to make them for a lot longer.
When Stone sat down to talk while in San Francisco earlier this month to accept the Founder's Award for Directing from the San Francisco International Film Festival, he stressed that he had struggled to make movies in his early days, even after winning an Academy Award in 1979 for his script for Midnight Express, an adaptation of the book by Billy Hayes.
"It's been an up-and-down experience," said the director of Wall Street, who acknowledged that his career might look like the chart of a stock that spikes and dips. "People say that I'm history. People say that I'm washed up all the time. Nixon, in 1995, was not a commercial success, but for me it was a successful film. Then I went off to make documentaries. They want me to make the same film all the time.
"Frankly, I have different interests at different times," Stone said. "W, about George W Bush, has a simple style. I don't think there's anything wrong with simplicity when you get older. And now I'm off to make Savages. I may go back the other way."
Before the public sees Savages, Stone will premiere a series that he has been working on for three years, The Untold History of the United States, a documentary project for American television in which he examines tragic events of the 20th century. The director said he turned to documentaries "to refresh the source".
"Dealing with fiction or dramatisation, it becomes something of a 'gig'," he said. "I found myself wanting to go back into the field." Stone's non-fiction subjects have been Fidel Castro, Palestine, and the Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez - all controversial for the American audience.
"What we're doing is going back and examining forgotten history. I was brainwashed in school the way most Americans are," said the director, who has never been reticent about his opinions. "I went off to the war in Vietnam, believing that we were fighting evil, monolithic communism," he said. "History was ethnocentric back then. It's better-written now, more critical, but there is still a tremendous gap between reality and what the experience of American history is. We're trying to close that gap."
Stone said that his Untold History would begin with the US decision to drop atom bombs on Japan in 1945.
"Memory is the thread of civilisation," he said. "Without memory, we become barbarians."
Stone said he made Platoon so that the public would remember the war in Vietnam. The director listed films of the 1990s that, he believes, clash with memory. "Black Hawk Down is a well-made movie, but it's in praise of technology," he argued. "Even in Saving Private Ryan, you saw the worship of World War II as the good war. Gladiator in 2001 was part of that war mindset. By the time of the Iraq War, we were ready to go back.
"America loves war, America depends on war, and so does its industry," said the director.
If Stone is right about Americans and war, it seems odd that it was so difficult for him to get Platoon financed there in the 1980s.
"It was considered a box-office downer, uncommercial," he explained. "It got made for reasons of a freak accident. It was an English producer, who made the movie for very little money - $6 million. We did it in the Philippines on the skin of our teeth. John Daley, who just passed away, also produced Salvador for $3m, $4m. Salvador only got distributed because it was the advent of the video revolution, and we had money from that."
In casting Platoon at that budget, "we went as realistic as we possibly could," Stone said. "Most of what we had seen as war in movies before had older men, like John Wayne. I took younger actors, with the exception of Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger, and we prepared them for shooting in what was the equivalent of training camp. So, by the time that they were actually on film, it looked as if they were soldiers who'd been through a war. That's what we wanted."
Stone credited that realism with uniting veterans and critics of the war in admiration of Platoon.
"There were some veterans who called me a liar for what I showed in the film, or people who wanted me put on trial for crimes against humanity, but it was one of those rare moments, like the Obama -election."
He added: "It's a nice thing to see. If it happens again, grab it. It's like a surfer's wave. It doesn't happen very often."
The nature of history has not turned Stone into a cynic, although it has been the gift that gives him stories to make films about. "You've got to have a sense of humour," said the man who dramatised two Wall Street meltdowns. "What a ride. You begin to wonder how much more we can take. Is Donald Trump going to be president of the United States? That might be a reason to move back to Vietnam."
The veteran filmmaker seemed to smell a screenplay, although this subject promised a whiff of comedy, not exactly Stone's trademark.
"I've made comedies," he insisted. "Natural Born Killers is a comedy - it's a dark comedy. U-Turn has comedic elements. Salvador has very comedic elements. I think there are comedic elements in Any Given Sunday and, frankly, the George Bush film, W, if you're willing to look at it with a sense of irony, is a very funny movie. The man is president of the United States, and this is quoted dialogue."
Stone stressed that he stepped back from any opinions he had about Bush. "I'm a dramatist first," he said, noting that he had been criticised for not going on the attack more fiercely. "I thought we should just show the guy, and how he became president, which involved walking in his shoes. Empathy means you're not pro or con, but you're understanding, and letting him speak for himself."
Turning back more than 2,000 years, Stone noted that his 2004 epic about another ruler, Alexander, will finally be released this year at the length he originally wanted it to be - three hours and 45 minutes. "Frankly, I rushed the movie to make the marketing deadline of November 2004, and it had to be under two hours and 55. You can't cut a movie up like that."
"Our new version actually allows the movie to breathe and be what it is," said Stone, who considers the film one of his greatest achievements. "It is at the beginning of time, and it's not at all comparable to George Bush going into -Baghdad."
Stone hesitated for a moment, and laughed. "It was done the same year. What a big mistake."
-David D'Arcy, "The world according to Oliver Stone," The National, May 25 2011 [x]
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Border Patrol brokers nab little one intercourse offender 13 gang members making an attempt to enter US
Border Patrol brokers in a single a part of the southern border arrested a baby intercourse offender, 13 gang members and different migrants with prior convictions – simply as brokers are contending with a steady wave of migration throughout the border Customs and Border Safety (CBP) introduced that brokers within the Rio Grande Valley Sector final week arrested Elmer Armando Valenzuela, a Salvadoran unlawful immigrant who had a previous conviction for lewd or lascivious acts with a baby.  On Sunday, brokers within the sector stopped a Honduran nationwide who was sentenced to a few years in jail after being charged with the aggravated manslaughter of a kid in Florida. Over the subsequent two days, brokers arrested a Salvadoran gang members who had beforehand served time for being within the U.S. illegally and a Mexican nationwide with what CBP referred to as an “in depth” prison file that included abuse and assault – for which he had been sentenced to 14 years in jail. BIDEN ADMIN AVOIDING ‘RUSH TO JUDGEMENT’ OVER PROBE INTO BORDER PATROL CLASH WITH ILLEGAL MIGRANTS Border Patrol brokers say they stopped Elmer Armando Valenzuela, a Salvadoran unlawful immigrant who had a previous conviction for lewd or lascivious acts with a baby. Brokers have additionally picked up a further 12 migrants who belong to the 18th Road and MS-13 gangs. FBI officers have beforehand warned that MS-13, a Salvadoran road gang identified for its brutal crimes, is trying to “rebuild” in elements of america. Border Patrol and different regulation enforcement businesses have been working to interrupt up the organized smuggling of unlawful immigrants, which is organized in lots of circumstances by transnational prison organizations and drug cartels. Whereas many migrants will hand themselves in to Border Patrol, others will try to sneak previous overwhelmed brokers — aided by smugglers. There have been greater than 2.3 million migrant encounters in FY 2022, and practically 600,000 “gotaways.” MEXICAN AUTHORITIES STOP TRACTOR-TRAILER CRAMMED WITH MORE THAN 120 ILLEGAL MIGRANTS “Transnational Legal Organizations proceed to smuggle migrants, many with gang affiliations and prison backgrounds”, RGV Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez stated in an announcement. “I’m so extremely happy with our Border Patrol Brokers for his or her dedication to the mission of securing the border. Their vigilance has stored these prison migrants and gang members out of our communities and off the streets.”  CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP The arrests come as regulation enforcement have busted quite a lot of smuggling operations, together with smugglers utilizing an Uber driver, in addition to the stopping of a truck smuggling over 120 migrants to the U.S. border. That truck was stopped by Mexican authorities. In the meantime, Border Patrol brokers within the Laredo Sector introduced this week that they’d apprehended a bunch of unlawful immigrants which included a Mexican nationwide who had a previous conviction for aggravated sexual assault of a kid and had beforehand been deported earlier this yr. Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Fox Information Digital, primarily protecting immigration and border safety. He may be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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ivanreycristo · 2 years
..fue el 31_12_08 cuando visite el Museo del FUTBOL INTERCONTINENTAL DE VERACRUZ [1era ciudad fundada x Europeos en AME_RICA y donde HERNAN CORTES quemó sus NAVES..donde 13_12_08 vi en el NH KRYSTAL el FC BARCELONA 2 vs 0 REAL MADRID sentenciando MESSI en el último minuto BAJO LA LLUVIA en un CONTRA_GOLPE q intento impedir a la desesperada CANNAVARO estrellándose contra el POSTER tras la VASELINA a CASILLAS en el primer partido como entrenador de JUAN DE LA CRUZ RAMOS [pues cesaron a SCHUSTER al perder en BERNABEU contra SEVILLA y decir q era IMPOSIBLE ganar en NOU CAMP] alias JUAN DOLAR xq dejó tirado al SEVILLA FC tras la Muerte de PUERTA q tenía con 22 años embarazada a su novia 20 AÑOS MAYOR y q fue al FUNERAL con camiseta de GSUS=JESUS..para convertirse en el Entrenador mejor pagado en el TOTTENHAM HOSPUR donde fracaso..partido q vi tras llamarme mi padre desde la recepción del hotel sin decirle cual era cuando me escribió que estaba en MEXICO DF x sus negocios y quería verme x lo q me pagaba el billete de I/V a lo que me negué pues no lo quería ver]..y te hacían foto al llegar frente a un cartel con la COPA DEL MUNDO..y yo llevaba camiseta de los JAGUARS de JACKSONVILLE q compre en su ESTADIO [16_8_08=31 aniversario muerte de ELVIS, 50 cumple de MADONNA y 51 de TIM FARRISS de INXS q me dio su pua poniéndose camiseta de JESUS en su directo LIVE BABY LIVE en WEMBLEY y en cuyo 20 cumple o día de la muerte de ELVIS dieron su 1er show como the FARRISS BROTHERS pues son 3 en INXS]..cuando les vi jugar contra "DEL_FIN_ES" de MIAMI q estaban hospedados en mi hotel HYATT [a la ribera de rio St JOHN] como el jurado de AMERICAN IDOL pues hicieron un casting en el VETERAN MEMORIAL ARENA la mañana del 15_08_08 q vi la gira del cd MAGIC de SPRINGSTEEN al q siguió cd WORKING ON A DREAM
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También ese 31_12_08 fotografié en VERACRUZ una unidad móvil de TV "DSNG" como las q hizo mi PADRE [un total de 50 entre DSNG y de ENERGIA] para VIVE televisión q fundó Hugo CHAVEZ en 2003 y una MANIQUI con un traje TRADICIONAL
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findasongblog · 5 years
Still looking for Christmas presents? What about one (or all 😉) of these EPs?
Jericho Noguera - Get It By The Feel
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Jericho’s Noguera’s first full band record ‘Get It by the Feel’ has been over a year in the making, the track listing ‘​Future Project’,​ ​‘What Do You Really Mean’, ​‘High’​, ‘​The Moon Against the Black Sky’​, and ​‘The Sun’ll Come Up’ ​features a unique blend of jazz, soul, and psychedelia. The EP was recorded and produced by Jericho at home in Birmingham.
‘With the new songs on the EP I’d been worrying that they might take some patience to catch. ‘High’ f​ or example is nearly six minutes long, and builds up slowly over two repeating chords. ‘The Moon Against the Black Sky’​ is another one you kind of have to sink into, I think I'm asking the listener to give a lot to the songs, and that’s something I don’t expect everyone to do. I kept things sparse as a result of the limitations I had with recording, most of the songs have full unedited takes on each instrument, so it’s not one hundred percent perfect either. But ultimately I think that’s what’s given the songs their character. As cliche of a realisation as it is, I think it’s the imperfections that have given the songs life. These days people are compressing the shit out of their audio, among other mainstream habits, so I struggled with the idea of sacrificing a competitive mix against one that the songs really need. But I'm over it now, so here’s the record. (press release)
A Kind Of Man - A Kind Of Man
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Danish A Kind of Man is Bjørn Rosenquist’s solo project and his self titled debut EP was released November 29th.
A Kind of Man’s first single ‘Teddy Love’ achieved airplay on Danish national radio. Following this Bjørn and his band - A Kind of Band - have played several shows in Denmark, also as supporting act for Australian POND. Shortly after, Bjørn was contacted by renowned director Meeto who created a stunning music video for ‘Teddy Love’. This video was nominated for Best Music Video at The True Award 2019.
In February 2020 another music video by Meeto will be released for the track ‘FLIP’ off the debut EP.
Acclaimed artist Nicolai Bruun has made an animation video for A Kind of Man’s latest single ‘Franceen’. Bjørn stars as “Franceen” - an androgynous figure who represents the offbeat emotions in the song. The singles ‘Teddy Love’ and ‘Franceen’ have both been included in the soundtrack for Kaspar Astrud Scrøders documentary ‘Don’t Give A Fox’ which revolves around a group of urban skater girls.
“Hopefully my music sounds like lightly moisted cotton panties on a woman lying half asleep in the sand on a stinking hot beach.”- A Kind of Man (press release)
Junodream - Isn’t It Lovely (To Be Alone)
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While the track’s atmospherics vary dramatically on ‘Isn’t It Lovely (To Be Alone)’, the songs are all thematically linked. They’re a collection of vignettes in the life of an ordinary young man, whose dedication to making the best of his position in life masks the turmoil that lies just under the surface. Think Gregor Samsa from Kafka’s The Metamorphosis dropped into a modern metropolis. The topics that Junodream address are drawn from the band’s personal experiences. But they’re frustrations which are common amongst people in their early twenties: anxiety; the financial demands of debt and rent; lack of fulfillment at work; insecurity in relationships; and an overwhelming lack of control.  Junodream like to see the funny side in things, and these themes are injected with a wry sense of humour. It becomes a catch-22 situation: you’re constrained by the very things that you want to escape. Ed explains the meaning behind the EP’s title track ‘Isn’t It Lovely (To Be Alone), “The track is about a failed relationship in free-fall. It’s centred round a sordid night out where things break down, hidden tensions come out the woodwork and you just want to go home”.  (press release)
The Hollow Ends - The EP II
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St. Louis gypsy-folk act The Hollow Ends announced on October 28 the release of “THE EP II,” a brand-new 5-song album.
The new EP features 5 previously unreleased songs, including the first single “What,” a gypsy folk tune you might hear at a creepy carnival plucked out of the 1930s that you don't feel entirely safe at, which was released on October 30. Kick drum, tambourine, upright bass and gypsy jazz-influenced guitars drive the song forward, and Vaudevillian 3-part harmonies and a Django-style guitar solo add to the circus vibe of this rickety Ferris Wheel tune.
The EP also features “Little Devil,” an indulgent gypsy/folk/rock/punk track from a traveling Tim Burton-on-MDMA circus, and “Annie Pardami,” a twangy alt-folk romp with upright bass and melodica.  These, the 2nd and 3rd singles from the record, were released on November 19 and 28, respectively. The record was tracked and produced by Zachary Schwartz, the brains of The Hollow Ends operation.  Ben Majchrzak of St. Louis-based Native Sound mixed and mastered the record. (press release)
Chavez Cartel - Confidence Is All I’m Taking Home
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Confidence Is All I'm Taking Home is an assertive representation of the Chavez Cartel spirit of self belief and persistence to overcome obstacles, doubts and negativecriticism; pushing themselves beyond their limits to continue evolving as individuals and collectively as a band. Chavez Cartel wear their hearts on their sleeves with this EP,expressing genuine emotion on each track.
Teaming up again with producer Govinda Doyle; the EP comprises of 5 new songs, including the recent single 'Love On The Run'.
The title of the EP derives from lyrics of the first track 'Scum and Fears'; "Confidence is all I'm taking home. Hard earned like ya fathers gold. I'd pay for pain but you bring so much for free." To grow we must accept who we are, flaws and all; embrace every opportunity we're given, make mistakes to learn harsh lessons and become a better version of ourselves.
''Different Underneath' is a battle between doubt and self belief wrestling it out for pole position. Overall it's an encouragement to stop doubting yourself, bite the bullet and pursue your aspirations with confidence. "I know you're weary, I know you're teary. But wipe an eye and have a wonder underneath."
The track 'For Better Or Worse' is a love song about making it through all the ups and downs that come with a romantic relationship and the commitment associated with the vow 'till death do us part'. "Her heart and soul belong to him and his belongs to her. It's written in the stars and in his words. For better or worse." "She's everywhere, he's all around, she's in the air, he's on the ground."
To bring the EP to an end is the live acoustic track 'See You Again'. A dark and gothic take on relationships, focusing on broken promises and empty words. Are you guilty of saying things and failing to follow them through?
Chavez Cartel are proud of their achievement to bridge gaps this year despite the knock-backs. They have proven to themselves that self confidence is paramount to achieve success and to celebrate all wins in the right direction, positive progress is key. (press release)
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listinsemanal · 4 years
El señalamiento de Estados Unidos a Hugo Chávez como líder del cartel de los Soles - Venezuela - Internacional
El señalamiento de Estados Unidos a Hugo Chávez como líder del cartel de los Soles – Venezuela – Internacional
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Más allá de la imagen del líder revolucionario de América Latina, el indictment con el que EE. UU. acusó de narcoterrorismo al gobernante venezolano Nicolás Maduro muestra al exmandatario venezolano Hugo Chávez como “uno de los líderes del cartel de los Soles”, que acordó con las Farc “apoyar sus operaciones terroristas y de narcotráfico”.
(Lea también: Las claves de la acusación de EE.UU.…
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doctorofmagic · 3 years
June Solicitations
I’ve decided to stop writing “Doctor Strange’s confirmed appearances” because well, he’s, you know, dead, and he is not appearing in Strange v3 yet. BUT YES, HE WILL APPEAR EVEN IN DEATH BECAUSE IT’S HIM!
Defenders: Beyond #1 (of 5)
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AL EWING (W) • JAVIER RODRÍGUEZ (A) • WRAPAROUND COVER BY JAVIER RODRÍGUEZ Variant Cover by LEE GARBETT SPOILER Variant Cover by LEONARDO ROMERO Stormbreakers Variant Cover by NATACHA BUSTOS Variant cover by PHIL NOTO • TEASER VARIANT COVER BY RON LIM Al Ewing and Javier Rodríguez follow up their acclaimed DEFENDERS: THERE ARE NO RULES series with a new volume and an all-new lineup, including none other than Loki, God of Stories! When Doctor Strange sends a dire warning from beyond the grave, Blue Marvel, America Chavez, Taaia (Galactus' mom!), Tigra and Loki assemble to defend reality itself! Plus, you won't believe who shows up on the final page! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 
Legion of X #3
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SI SPURRIER (W) • JAN BAZALDUA (A) Cover by DIKE RUAN Variant Cover by Sergio Dávila HELLFIRE GALA VARIANT COVER BY RUSSELL DAUTERMAN TO BE MAD IS TO BE DIVINE! An Arakkii fugitive god is lurking somewhere in the shadows of Krakoa, and Weaponless Zsen must track them down or face destruction at the hands of the terrifying Ora Serrata. After hitting a number of dead ends, Zsen and Nightcrawler turn to the astral plane for answers. Meanwhile, Pixie lures the Skinjacker out of hiding with the help of Juggernaut and…Dr. Strange?! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
Strange #4
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JED MACKAY (W) • MARCELO FERREIRA (A) • Cover by Lee Garbett Variant cover by Logan Lubera FAMILY REUNION! • Clea's mother Umar has come to visit, just as the Blasphemy Cartel launch their latest attack on the Sanctum Sanctorum! • And this time, they brought an unlikely foe to take down the Sorcerer Supreme! • Reintroducing the dark Moon Knight...Shadow Knight! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
First things first, ‘cause there’s a lot to dig.
- I have hope that Stephen will also appear in Marvels #12 as spotted previously in the last solicitations, as well as Mech Strike: Monster Hunters #1. He wasn’t on the covers but it’s not impossible. I’ll keep an eye, as usual.
- Person who asked about Chavez and Stephen, here’s our first interaction! I knew it wouldn’t take long haha.
- Now... oh my Vishanti and Khonshu, being a Moon Knight fan has never paid off so much. I know exactly who Shadow Knight is. It’s Marc’s brother. They have a very unhealthy and intense relationship based on, obviously, violence and betrayal. Randall Spector killed Marc’s girlfriend back when they were mercenaries, and became another Moon Knight in order to seek vengeance (there’s also an arc about a man who was brainwashed to believe himself to be Randall but that’s another story). Long story short, Punisher killed Randall but he was resurrected, only to become Shadowknight and, yes, be killed by Moon Knight. Marc’s past is THAT messed up. It seems that Jed is really intertwining both lores and I’m just so so so happy because they’re part of my favorite characters list! And since we managed to see that the Harvestman taps into the dead, it’s not surprising to be introduced to another dead character. And who’s better for the task than someone from MK’s lore, am I right? *chef’s kiss*
- Lastly, I don’t believe Legion of X will feature Stephen since Loki is on the cover. It’s probably an illusion or something, let’s wait and see.
As I keep saying, for someone’s who dead, Stephen is pretty much active hehe blessed 💜💜💜
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