#australian election 2019
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batshit-auspol · 1 year ago
I just spent some time scrolling through this blog and am suffering from sever laughter. Thanks so much for collating the countries craziest moments. One of my favourites is when Scott Morrison was in Hawaii while the bushfires where burning.
December 2019: As Australia's east coast is engulfed in the worst bushfires in living memory, rumours begin to circulate that Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison may have secretly fucked off for a holiday in Hawaii.
Keep in mind, this is what is going down in Australia at the time:
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The Hawaii rumour is initially written off as a fringe conspiracy, because surely nobody could be that fuckin tonedeaf, and it was quickly forgotten about... until an Australian man visiting Hawaii UPLOADED A SELFIE ON THE BEACH WITH THE PM THROWING A SHAKA.
At which point all hell broke loose.
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Overnight the formerly popular "Scomo" became the most despised man in all of Australia. Think "firefighters shouting out of their windows to news cameras" level of despised.
After about two days of radio silence and pretending like he was still at home running the country, the Prime Minister's handlers finally dragged him onto call with an Australian radio station, where he pinky promised to return to Australia as fast as he could in an attempt to calm things down.
Unfortunately Scott's empathy consultant (a real job) then had to watch Scott pour more gasoline on the dumpster fire by uttering the now famous phrase "Look I don't hold a hose mate" when asked by the radio interviewer why the fucking fuck the fuckhead wasn't fucking in Australia doing his fucking job during a massive fucking crisis.
Testing just how much worse things could get, Scomo then proceeded to NOT rush back to Australia as promised, instead attempting to complete the rest of his holiday, a fact that was exposed when a passerby snapped a picture of him still lounging on the beach two days later.
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Eventually, holiday complete, Morrison did reluctantly slink back to Australia, and in an attempt to calm things down, he decided to pay a visit to a small town that had been destroyed by the fires.
Which was a big mistake.
Scomo still had not registered how absolutely and totally he had screwed the poodle with his Hawaiian beach vacation, and he walks into what is now taught in PR classes as one of the greatest examples of "what not do do in a crisis" in all of history.
Scotty from Marketing, as he is now dubbed by the nation, spends a painfully cringe-inducing hour wandering around a burned down town with TV news cameras in tow, having to FORCE PEOPLE TO SHAKE HIS HAND in what is some of the most awkward footage you will ever see.
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At this point it's probably also worth mentioning that, before becoming Prime Minister, Scott Morrison's biggest claim to fame in politics was being the guy that was so far up the coal lobby's arse that he literally brought coal into parliament and waved it around, claiming it doesn't hurt people.
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So when a protest was organised it turned out to be one big national fuck you to the Prime Minister, the likes of which the world has never seen before or since.
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Needless to say, at this point Scomo's career was dead in the water, but thanks to the rules brought in to stop Australian political parties from knifing their leader every two weeks (a popular Aussie passtime) Morrison basically couldn't get fired until after the next election.
And so, when the election rolled around in 2022, we decided that was an opportune time to travel over to Hawaii to erect this bad boy tribute to the Prime Minister, on the very beach where Scomo had sat and drank margaritas that one fateful week in December as Australia burned (thanks to @chaser for funding the ticket)
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axvoter · 6 days ago
Blatantly Partisan Party Review VII (WA 2025): Stop Pedophiles! Protect kiddies!
Prior reviews (as the Democratic Labour Party, although whether this is them is debated—see below for why): federal 2013, VIC 2014 (1 and 2), federal 2016, VIC 2018, federal 2019, VIC 2022
What I said before: n/a, see below
What I think this year: Settle in, folks. Get some snacks, crack open a beer, and make yourself comfortable. Here is the most batshit review of this WA state election cycle.
On 13 February 2024, a group acting under the name of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) applied for registration at state level in WA. This took forever, and it was not until 16 September 2024 that the party was registered—with other parties achieving registration much more quickly in the interim (even One Nation, who are famously dysfunctional!). Not long afterwards, the Australian Labor Party introduced legislation to the state parliament to prohibit parties from registering with names similar to that of existing parties, akin to legislation that exists at federal level. This passed into law on 15 November 2024, with one clause specifying that if two parties currently on the register shared the same word in their official name, the party that had used the word for longest could claim it. The legislation was drafted intelligently enough to account for variant spellings, and the Democratic Labour Party had to change its name because its registration was much newer than the Australian Labor Party, who had the superior claim to "labo(u)r".
The DLP WA submitted a new name on 6 December 2024, and within the following quotation marks I am reproducing it exactly as formatted: “Stop Pedophiles! Protect kiddies!” Yes, American spelling of "paedophiles"; no, no capital K. This name was approved on 14 January 2025 and I will refer to them as SPPK from here on. Before the name change, the party had been courting Wilson Tucker—yes, the bloke elected in 2021 for the Daylight Saving Party off just 98 first preferences under the thankfully now-abolished system of Group Ticket Voting—but this new name was so bad that he pulled the pin and is not contesting the election at all.
It seems the name change got sufficient attention outside WA that the DLP (who for now are only registered in Victoria and the ACT) felt compelled to respond. And hoo boy, what a response! The DLP is adamant that they have “never been registered in Western Australia” and that SPPK “has absolutely no association with us and does not share our values, policies or democratic processes”. They instead urge their supporters in WA to vote for the Australian Christians, which to me is fascinating as the DLP is a historically Catholic party and the Australian Christians are historically Protestant.
But it gets thornier. There is no website for a party called “Stop Pedophiles! Protect kiddies!”, nor for a WA branch of the DLP, and I cannot find any social media accounts either (let me know if you can!). Their lead candidate for the Legislative Council—and 11 of 17 overall—is identified only by a first initial and their last name. Every other candidate for the Legislative Council (and I mean every single one for all other parties) is on the ballot under their full first name, not only their initial. This is plain weird.
The lead candidate for SPPK in the Legislative Council is one “H. Dolan”. The WA Electoral Commission’s register of political parties lists the SPPK party secretary as Hugh Dolan, who is presumably the same person. Back in 2022, a Hugh Dolan stood as the lead candidate for the DLP in North Eastern Metropolitan at the Victorian state election. Hugh’s son Thomas Dolan ran for Labour DLP as a candidate in the Bayswater (Victoria) electorate at the same election and came a very distant sixth, then he founded the short-lived Gen Z Party (never registered) and got dismantled in an interview with fellow gen-Z interviewer Leo Puglisi. In that interview, Thomas described his father as “this crazy old man” and referred to “all this party infighting” within the DLP. Thomas diverged with his father on a range of policies and left the party.
Has Hugh moved to Perth, registered the DLP at state level, and then been disowned by the rest of the party? Is this the latest chapter of the infighting that Thomas described? I genuinely cannot be sure because of the paucity of information from the party has left me with no way to confirm whether Hugh Dolan of West Perth is the same bloke who stood for the DLP in Victoria in 2022. It seems likely! But unconfirmed. Trying to track down this party online was frankly more tedious than trying to track down most random independents, and that’s quite something given how badly some of these people campaign. It mystifies me how Hugh Dolan found so many friends prepared to put their name on the ballot for the WA Legislative Council: there are 17 candidates for SPPK, with only the Liberals and Labor standing more on their slates. Dolan also somehow rustled up three SPPK candidates to contest Armadale, Joondalup, and Mandurah in the lower house! Wherever this party is organising and campaigning, it is not online where an ordinary voter can get the slightest idea of who they are or what their policies might be.
What I expected to write for this review was something to the effect that “it’s incredibly funny that a party aligned with Catholicism is running on an anti-paedophile platform given how many paedophiles the Roman Catholic Church has protected and how often it has sought to deny justice to victims of paedophilia”. What I got was something even more absurd.
I have never, and I mean never, in my 12 years of doing these reviews and 20 years of voting across Australia and NZ, found it impossible to get even a skerrick of information about the policy platform of an actual registered party. Well, here we are!
Recommendation: Give Stop Pedophiles! Protect kiddies! a weak or no preference in the Legislative Council. If you are in the Legislative Assembly seats of Armadale, Joondalup, or Mandurah, where you must preference all candidates, you need to make a judgement call on whether SPPK should go dead last as a totally unknown quantity, or whether to put them above known terrible quantities like One Nation. I personally would go dead last, as the DLP connection does not imply much positive.
Website: I haven’t found one!
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mariacallous · 8 months ago
I am bad at small talk, so I went in big. “You are probably going to be the social democratic leader with the largest parliamentary majority anywhere on Earth. How does it feel?” I said to Keir Starmer during a private meeting with him and a few advisors in late 2022.
Starmer’s aides looked annoyed, while the likely next prime minister of the United Kingdom paused and tried to deflect: “We can’t take anything for granted,” which has become the unofficial motto for Labour’s general election campaign.
Yet despite Starmer’s hesitancy to bank success—he is genuinely a modest man—it is likely that on the morning of July 5, Starmer will wake up as the world’s social democratic superhero: the only center-left leader of a major economy with a parliamentary supermajority and the great hope for progressives all over the world.
The governing Conservative Party, which is historically arguably the most successful political party on Earth, now faces electoral oblivion. In 2019, Boris Johnson demolished Labour’s heartlands, the so-called red wall. Labour had become detached from its base and collapsed in its postindustrial heartlands after then-leader Jeremy Corbyn embraced the siren sounds of political extremism; he refused to sing the national anthem at a memorial for the Battle of Britain and drove the party toward a position of fiscal incontinence that scared anyone with financial assets.
Five years later, Labour is on track not only to regain the red wall but also to achieve a dream of progressives by taking solid Conservative seats in their blue wall of affluent commuter constituencies surrounding London and rural seats that have voted Conservative since time immemorial. (East Worthing and Shoreham, for example, is part of a constituency that first voted Tory in 1780 and has been reliably Tory since. Polls suggest Labour is on track to take the seat.)
What is happening in the U.K. is unusual for center-left parties, to put it mildly. Labour could gain as many as 70 percent of seats in the House of Commons—a victory that could surpass even the electoral landside of former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair in 1997, offering lessons for progressives everywhere. A politically dominant Starmer will attend the G-7 as a leader in total political control, in stark contrast to his counterparts in France and Germany, Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz, who are facing high disapproval ratings and struggling to pursue their governing agendas.
Labour’s victory in the U.K. will be important in three key regards: It will recast how progressives can win national elections and set a high-water mark for what social democrats can achieve; it will reshape British politics in new and unexpected ways that could be more important than the victory itself; and it will flip external perceptions of the U.K., resetting international views of the country and its future.
Despite the pathological obsession Britain’s political class has with America’s, it is perhaps time for Democrats in the United States to look across the pond and glean some lessons from Labour’s success.
Part of Starmer’s success has been to take an oath of omertà on culture war issues, much as the Australian Labor Party did. These include transgender rights, Britain’s colonial past, and immigration—all issues that the British right has tried to capitalize on. Starmer, a former human rights lawyer, has committed to scrap the Tories’ controversial Rwanda deportation scheme but on the grounds of practicality rather than as a wider moral statement. More broadly on immigration, the party has been treading very carefully. This is certainly not brave, but it has worked. For all the attempts to fire up the culture wars in this election, Labour has remained focused on the prize.
While the Conservatives have attempted to stoke a culture war, what remains more salient for voters in the U.K. is the perceived corruption and rule-breaking of leading Conservatives, culminating in the current scandal involving elected officials using insider information to bet on the election date.
Scandals including preferential contracts for protective equipment for the National Health Service (NHS) during the COVID-19 pandemic, where an astonishing 4 billion pounds ($5 billion) worth of faulty equipment was procured (some allegedly from companies with links to the ruling party). Then came “Partygate,” in which Johnson and current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak were fined by police for breaking COVID-era laws. A lobbying scandal involving another former prime minister, David Cameron, also caused significant public anger. Elite rule-breaking has cut through with voters in a way that the endless culture wars simply haven’t.
In parallel, Labour has pivoted from a form of identity politics under Corbyn to a very proactive position on class. Starmer has put his humble upbringing center stage in the U.K. election campaign and has spoken authentically about the “class ceiling” in British society. This has particular resonance as Starmer is running against Sunak, whose net wealth of $822 million makes him the richest leader of any democracy.
A typical Starmer set-piece homily is as follows:
“My dad was a toolmaker, he worked in a factory, and my mum was a nurse. We didn’t have a lot when we were growing up. Like millions of working-class children now, I grew up in a cost-of-living crisis. I know what it feels like to be embarrassed to bring your mates home because the carpet is threadbare and the windows cracked. … I was actually responsible for that as I put the football through it.”
This focus on class is unusual in modern British politics. Indeed, recent Labour leaders—from Blair to Gordon Brown to Ed Miliband to Corbyn—were all in different ways outsiders to the British working class: Blair and Corbyn for their relatively affluent (and privately educated) upbringings, Brown and Miliband because of their middle-class backgrounds and partly because Miliband’s father was one of the country’s most notable Marxist academics. As for the Conservatives, the days of a prime minister who was a grocer’s daughter are long gone. Cameron and Johnson didn’t just attend the same elite private school (Eton) two years apart; they went to the same university (Oxford) and were members of the same private dining club (for the most privileged).
Starmer is leaning into class politics—and it is working. The promise to impose the same value-added tax on private school fees that is applied to most goods and services (20 percent) has led to an outpouring of anger from the often very wealthy 6 percent of U.K. parents who send their kids to private schools—usefully, those who are privately educated often tend to vote Conservative. Labour’s pledge to use the private school tax revenues to invest in education for the 94 percent of kids in state schools has, on the other hand, drawn support from ordinary voters.
This focus on class has won back a group of voters who in other countries have now been captured by the right and far right. Labour now leads among working-class voters with 38-42 percent of the vote share, in contrast to Conservatives’ 22-24 percent. For those with the fewest educational qualifications, Labour leads in every age category except the over-50s.
One of the architects of Labour’s reengagement with the British working class is Angela Rayner, who is on track to become deputy prime minister. Rayner is working-class, was a mother at 16, and a grandmother at 37. Opinionated and unfiltered, an unapologetic smoker who enjoys a strong drink, she worked in a care home before rising quickly through the trade union movement and becoming a Labour candidate. Rayner’s story is a masterclass in how to elevate remarkable people into parliamentary politics. Her success is her own, but the unions cultivated her, and the membership backed her as deputy leader. She has real star power—and there is virtually no one like her in the upper echelons of the Democratic establishment in the United States.
Remarkably, the class dimension has not, it seems, alienated middle England. Disillusioned surbubanites and centrist liberals have been turned off by a Conservative Party that seems increasingly radical and dysfunctional. Starmer’s former career as the country’s chief prosecutor, and his knighthood—he is formally referred to as “Sir Keir”—have given him broad appeal, just as the Conservatives’ unapologetic embrace of the populist right’s pet causes has cratered their support.
Part of Labour’s success is due to the systemic clusterfuck that has been the last few years of the Conservative government. The Tories have foisted five prime ministers on the public since 2010—four of them elected by the party’s mostly white, male membership of about 170,000 rather than the public at large. Economic growth is anemic; there are nearly 8 million people on the NHS waiting list in England alone (in a country where the use of private medical care is uncommon); and essential public services including the prison service and local government are on the edge of systemic failure.
Yet signs exist that there may be more fundamental shifts at play. Labour leads in every age group except the over-65s. If you work, you are more likely to vote Labour; 45 percent of voters under 45 are likely to vote Labour, compared with only 1 in 10 backing the Conservative Party. Millennials will become the largest voting bloc in the U.K. in this election. Their key issues include policies to prevent catastrophic climate change (which poll well across the U.K. political spectrum), the building of homes, better transport links (especially for non-car owners, many urban millennials among them), and pro-family policies. All of these have come into play in this election.
Older homeowners across the Western world have been successful in running what is, potentially, the world’s largest cartel—by opposing construction of new homes for millennials. Labour is committed to ending that in the U.K. with a significant loosening of planning regulations that currently thwart sustainable development.
While the party has ruled out taxes on working people, no such commitment has been made on unearned income, leading to widespread speculation that the tax system may be rebalanced with higher capital gains taxes and fewer loopholes for the megarich, including for the landed gentry whose farming estates pass between generations tax-free. Labour has no love for landlords either. After nearly two decades in which London’s property market has been inflated by speculative investments from the world’s kleptocrats, the public appetite for new restrictions on foreign property ownership or new taxes has grown.
Labour has also surrounded itself with a technocratic positivist elite. This group includes Labour Together, an ambitious intellectual think tank closely aligned with Starmer’s inner circle, and the Tony Blair Institute, which has embraced a techno-futurism aligned with the country’s comparative advantage in the life sciences and artificial intelligence. Public sector reform under a Starmer government could be significant if one imagines the potential, for example, of using the NHS’s treasure trove of data (on 70 million people) to drive innovation in health care.
In stark contrast to Labour’s focus on the future, an aging right-wing voter base is now split between the Conservative Party and Reform, a vehicle that is a mix between a private company, a political party, and a personal platform for Nigel Farage—the pro-Brexit politician Donald Trump has trotted out as a posh Anglo stage prop. Conservatives in Parliament are already moving rightward. Tory MPs give statements to the media condemning the European Convention on Human Rights, a document co-drafted by David Maxwell-Fyfe—a Conservative MP and prosecutor of Nazis at Nuremberg—that was inspired by Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s vision for postwar Europe.
Meanwhile, a wing of Conservative MPs are already attempting to cast the almost certain defeat as evidence that the party did not pivot enough to the populist right. The divided right is making the admission of the controversial Farage into the Conservative Party a real possibility, a prospect that fills Labour with glee. Needless to say, the next Conservative leader is unlikely to be a moderate. With the party tacking to the right, it could soon become a vessel for Faragism and a weak British version of the Trump movement.
Finally, there are the vibes. A progressive recasting of British politics will shift narratives around the U.K. National narratives can flip in an instant: Think of foreigners’ perceptions of the United States from Barack Obama to Trump or the assumption of Chinese economic primacy to a sense of retrenchment and decline under Xi Jinping. The U.K. in recent memory was seen as a fairly stable, politically dull island anchored somewhere in the mid-Atlantic. Brexit, Johnson, and Liz Truss put an end to that. With the shift from perceived and actual chaos and an insurgent right to a progressive supermajority, attitudes will likely shift again.
Vibes are important, especially to the economy of the U.K., which may have ceased to be a traditional superpower but remains a cultural one punching significantly above its weight internationally. Six percent of U.K. GDP comes from the creative industries—from the success of British music to the Premier League, a booming film and TV industry, fashion, and the arts. That’s double the level of Germany and larger than the contribution of the German car industry to the country’s output (4.5 percent). For a country that trades on vibes and is reliant on the export of its creativity, Brexit and isolation have caused real damage.
It’s long forgotten now, but during the last Labour government from 1997 until the 2008 financial crisis, the U.K. was the fastest-growing economy in the G-7, faster than that of the Clinton- and Bush-era United States. Given the country’s currently stagnant economy, the next Parliament will be more challenging, but in a highly open society, the role of consumer confidence and investor confidence cannot be underestimated.
In a previous piece in these pages, after Labour’s historic loss in the 2019 general election, I wrote: “Radical leftism is not a drug you can take as a party and return to normal the next morning.” I was right about the election but wrong about the next morning.
No one expected Labour to turn a historic defeat into a historic victory in just five years. The circumstances the Conservative Party faced were extraordinary, but Starmer has shown that tight party management, a focus on voters and not ideology, and a sprinkling of class-based politics can reinvigorate social democratic politics.
What lessons does this hold for other center-left parties?
First, culture war issues aren’t a central motivation for most voters. On all the major culture war issues, Labour holds a less popular position than the Conservative Party. Yet when mortgage rates have risen from 2 to 5 percent, “it’s the economy, stupid.” Progressives don’t need to fear the charge of the populist right; they need smarter answers.
Second, rule-breaking or perceived corruption is a powerful motivator for voters, and global polling proves this. Progressives need a stronger line on conflicts of interest, corporate lobbying, the kleptocratic buy-up of the finest properties in the world’s global cities, and tackling emerging monopolies that exist due to political capture. Doing so counters the populist right head-on.
Third, the dominance of identity politics in left-wing online spaces is not matched by public understanding of or interest in this form of politics. Class is understood, whereas intersectionality isn’t. Class may, or may not, be the most relevant dividing line for progressives in different places—but for progressives to win, they need messengers who are from outside the upper middle class and have lived experience that resonates with people who feel disenchanted and left behind. In other words, Democrats in the United States need an Angela Rayner.
Most critically, once in power, social democrats do not have the luxury of time. Crumbling infrastructure, failing public services, falling living standards, and a lack of housing all point to direct state intervention on a scale not seen since the late 1960s Great Society programs in the United States and similar policies during that era in the U.K. Unless progressives can deliver, it will be challenged further by a populist right that is gaining momentum.
U.S. President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act has been the talk of London and Brussels for progressives, and Biden deserves more credit for his boldness. With a supermajority, Starmer has the scope for even bolder programs. A progressive U.K. government will not only reset Europeans’ views of the country, but if successful, it can aid progressive arguments within Europe that austerity and fiscalization do not generate economic growth or social stability.
Starmer’s victory will give global social democrats a high-water mark for electoral success in a wealthy democracy. The challenge for Starmer is the incredible weight of hope in an era of polycrisis. If Labour succeeds in delivering growth, building homes, and raising wages, then it will provide a blueprint that can—and should—be copied elsewhere.
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peninsulaisms · 26 days ago
Call for ban on developer donations - MP News
MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire councillors have united in imploring the state government to immediately ban all donations from property developers, gambling businesses, and politicians to candidates running for local councils.
Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the move at their 28 January meeting after Cr David Gill led a motion to end the three streams of financial contributions for candidates, as well as set a cap of $500 for all other donations ensuring the process is “transparent and it is accountable”.
“The state government has the power to make these changes,” said Gill, who has made similar pushes in previous years. “It’s not about individuals. People who have accepted donations in the recent election have done so legally, and I’m not arguing with that. “What I’m saying is the process needs to improve and asking the state government who are the only ones that can make the improvement to act. “And it needs to come from lots of councils and from the Municipal Association [of Victoria] so we get to the stage where it is transparent, and it is accountable.”
In supporting the motion, councillors also voted that disclosures of donations are to be made “in real time” up until election day, which Gill believed was only in “fairness to the voter” so “people know about it when they’re voting”. This included the period up to “councillors being sworn in and that all donations to councillors be banned from the time of being sworn in”. Additionally, the shire will also call on the state government to set up a statewide donor register so all donations are tracked by name “and not just by company or any other mechanism that may conceal knowledge about the donor”.
The Victorian Electoral Commission has a campaign donation register, which lists donations made to political parties, candidates and members of parliament for state elections. But there is currently no statewide register for local government elections, which Gill said was needed. “What we’re asking for is a level playing field for local government also”.
Cr Kate Roper said transparency was critical, noting Operation Sandon, which held public examinations in 2019 and 2020 into allegations of serious corrupt conduct in relation to planning and property development decisions at the City of Casey, had “really caused a lot of mistrust to the public about councils and what goes on in the background and how people can influence them”.
Deputy mayor Cr Paul Pingiario said he “wholeheartedly” supported the motion to improve transparency and “to make sure that everyone is playing with the same rules”. “We need to make sure that when we do put these things forward and we do lobby for policies that they are integral to our integrity and they play a massive part in how we move forward as a democracy,” he said.
The shire will now write to the state government calling for all measures to be acted on in the motion. The move comes as just over $30,000 was donated to four Mornington Peninsula Shire candidates, including two who were elected, by a private organisation called the Friends of the Peninsula, which is run by a property developer Ari Lakman, according to records from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.
As reported by The News last month, Friends of the Peninsula gave donations to newly elected councillors Cam Williams ($5,055.16) and Bruce Ranken ($7,136.12) while unsuccessful candidates Peter Clarke and Susan Bissinger received $14,065.72 and $8,873.31 respectively.
Under the Local Government Act council candidates have 40 days after election day to complete a campaign donation return including a record of donations and gifts for the Local Government Inspectorate. Failure to submit a return or providing false or misleading information can result in prosecution and fines exceeding $11,090.
Council Watch president Dean Hurlston welcomed the push by the shire, saying the “key is getting to the source of donations, not the web of companies or associations that they are hidden through”. “As far as we’re concerned, all donations should be real time so that voters, when they vote, know who’s funding candidates,” he told The News.
Hurlston added donations of more than $500 from political parties should also be banned “because a political party is the ultimate hidden funding source; you don’t know who’s donated to that political party and what those funds are made-up of”.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 3 months ago
This day in history
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#20yrsago US will shut down GPS to “fight terrorists” https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna6720387
#20yrsago Firefox ad in today’s NYT https://web.archive.org/web/20050204043841/https://www.mozilla.org/images/nyt_ad_large_2004.png
#20yrsago Barlow’s trial blogged https://web.archive.org/web/20041229065803/http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/weblog/nb.cgi/view/vitanuova/2004/12/16/1
#15yrsago Leaked secret EU-Canada copyright agreement – EU screws Canada https://web.archive.org/web/20091220121340/https://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/4627/125/
#15yrsago Rapist ex-lawmaker claims copyright on his name, threatens legal action against anyone who uses it without permission https://rapidcityjournal.com/news/rapist-former-lawmaker-ted-klaudt-claims-name-copyright/article_03881cae-e9a3-11de-848e-001cc4c002e0.html
#15yrsago RIP, Roy E Disney https://web.archive.org/web/20091220040552/http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=news&id=7174485
#15yrsago Photos of rotting, abandoned water park at Walt Disney World https://web.archive.org/web/20091213143405/http://disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2344523
#15yrsago Great Firewall of Australia will nationally block sites appearing on a secret, unaccountable list https://web.archive.org/web/20091220042804/http://www.efa.org.au/2009/12/17/filtering-coming-to-australian-in-2010/
#10yrsago Barbaric, backwards ancestor worship https://memex.craphound.com/2014/12/16/barbaric-backwards-ancestor-worship/
#10yrsago UK cops demand list of attendees at university fracking debate https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/dec/15/police-university-list-fracking-debate
#10yrsago Over 700 million people have taken steps to improve privacy since Snowden https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/12/over_700_millio.html
#10yrsago Judge convicted of planting meth on woman who reported him for harassment https://web.archive.org/web/20141212022710/http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/ex-judge-convicted-of-planting-drugs-on-woman/njQwd/
#5yrsago McKinsey is lying about its role in building ICE’s gulags, and paying to own the top search result for “McKinsey ICE” https://www.propublica.org/article/mckinsey-called-our-story-about-its-ice-contract-false-its-not
#5yrsago Boston city council election decided by a single vote https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2019-12-13/five-takeaways-from-what-might-have-been-the-closest-election-in-boston-history
#5yrsago Bunnie Huang’s classic “Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen” is now free online https://bunniefoo.com/bunnie/essential/essential-guide-shenzhen-web.pdf
#5yrsago Private equity firms should be abolished https://www.thebignewsletter.com/p/why-private-equity-should-not-exist
#5yrsago ICANN hits pause on the sale of .ORG to Republican billionaires’ private equity fund https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/org-update-9-12-2019-en
#5yrsago San Diego’s Mysterious Galaxy bookstore is saved! https://www.mystgalaxy.com/new-location-mysterious-galaxy-2020
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rottingwaysofmisery · 2 years ago
For fans of Old School Death Metal
This post is to serve as a list of recommendations of niche or newer Old School Death Metal-esque bands, and what bands they’re most similar to.
Let me preface, if you’re looking for Cannibal Corpse you’re not going to get it. I like some Cannibal Corpse songs, but they’re not the kind of music that I want to get from Old School Death Metal (OSDM). You’re going to get a lot more stuff similar to Morbid Angel or Death because that’s mainly what I’m into.
I’m also going to mention themes here, which you may find confusing if you don’t pay attention to Death Metal’s themes but there’s something much more interesting to me about Death Metal that goes into mythology, history, or the occult, in the stead of the classic “Gore and Misogyny” that lazy Death Metal bands tend to do.
With that out of the way, here we go.
Gruesome - For Fans of early Death
American band done explicitly in the style of/in tribute to the band Death, with albums reminiscent of Leprosy or Spiritual Healing.
Sijjin - For Fans of Morbid Angel
A personal favorite of mine, this one has hooks and riffs for days. I found myself surprised to like this, as I had expected modern death metal bands to have nothing interesting in store, but this 2019-born band delivers just as well as any old Florida Death Metal band.
Atrocity - For Fans of the general Florida Death Metal scene
If you search this band up on Spotify, you’re most likely going to be greeted by their shitty cover albums. Yeah, in my opinion this band definitely fell off. I would, however, highly recommend their sophomore release “Todessehnsucht”. It even happens to feature a cover of a Death demo song, Archangel.
Perdition Temple - For Fans of Deicide and Morbid Angel
You’re in for a lot of Morbid Angel-type stuff, even though Death is my favorite band. This one isn’t necessarily just death metal though, as it’s sometimes labelled Black/Death Metal. Not in like, a war metal/bestial black metal kind of way though so don’t get your hopes up if you’re into that. I would personally recommend their first release the most, “Edict of the Antichrist Elect”.
Nile - For Fans of Morbid Angel
You might cry, “That’s not niche or new!”, but if I can get through to at least one Morbid Angel fan who just happens to not know about Nile, my job will be done. As the name suggests, this band thematically pertains to Egypt, particularly Ancient Egypt. I’ve never been a huge Nile fan, but of the few songs I do love I really love them.
Xenomorph - For Fans of Morbid Angel
Specifically, the American band that only released Empyreal Regimes in 1995. I really love the production on that album, something about the tone feels warm.
Angelcorpse - For Fans of Morbid Angel
If you love Morbid Angel but hate the groovier or slower parts, this band is for you. Personally, never been a big fan since I love the slower stuff from Morbid Angel, but you may love this.
Altars - For Fans of Morbid Angel
In direct contrast to the last band, here’s a bit of a groovier death metal band. Specifically, this the Altars that is an Australian Death Metal band that released “Paramnesia”.
Necronomicon - For fans of Morbid Angel
Canadian Death Metal band, I would specifically recommend “Pharoah of the Gods”, if you can get past all the unnecessary intros on multiple tracks at least. Generally, mid-paced sorta stuff.
Sentenced - For Fans of Death
They had a similar thing to Atrocity, except they went into rock music later on instead of just making covers. I would recommend their first album, Shadows of the Past, if you’re looking for that Florida Death Metal sound, and their second album if you’re looking for a more prog extreme metal sound. Anything beyond that I don’t like.
Mithras - For Fans of Morbid Angel
I would recommend specifically their album “Forever Advancing...... Legions”. It’s more on the groovy end of that Morbid Angel sound.
Scarab - For Fans of Morbid Angel (or Nile)
Excellent Egyptian Death Metal band, except this time actually from Egypt! I would highly recommend “Blinding the Masses”.
Coffin Texts - For Fans of Morbid Angel
A very underrated Death Metal band that is yet again, thematically about Ancient Egypt. If you’re tired of this theme, at least know it’s better than the alternative of just gore and femicide.
Nader Sadek - For Fans of Morbid Angel
Morbid Angel-esque riffing, sung over by one of the Morbid Angel singers, but oddly enough, about oil? I would recommend their excellent release from 2011, “In the Flesh”.
End of Recommendations
That’s all I have for now! If anyone has any suggestions I’d love to hear em, if you reply with a suitable band I might give em a listen and reblog this with more!
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beardedmrbean · 2 years ago
CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Tuesday his government stands firm against the United States over the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, an Australian citizen fighting extradition from Britain on U.S. espionage charges.
Albanese’s center-left Labor Party government has been arguing since winning the 2022 elections that the United States should end its pursuit of the 52-year-old, who has spent four years in a London prison fighting extradition.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pushed back against the Australian position during a visit Saturday, saying Assange was accused of “very serious criminal conduct” in publishing a trove of classified U.S. documents more than a decade ago.
“I understand the concerns and views of Australians. I think it’s very important that our friends here understand our concerns about this matter,” Blinken told reporters.
On Tuesday, Albanese said, “This has gone on for too long. Enough is enough."
He told reporters that Blinken’s public comments echoed points made by President Joe Biden’s administration during private discussions with Australian government officials.
“We remain very firm in our view and our representations to the American government and we will continue to do so,” Albanese added.
Assange, whose freedom is widely seen as a test of Australia’s leverage with the Biden administration, was discussed in annual bilateral meetings Brisbane, Australia, last week between Blinken and Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong.
Wong told reporters Saturday that Australia wanted the charges “brought to a conclusion.” Australia remains ambiguous about whether the U.S. should drop the prosecution or strike a plea deal.
Assange faces 17 charges of espionage and one charge of computer misuse over WikiLeaks’ publication of hundreds of thousands of classified diplomatic and military documents in 2010. American prosecutors allege he helped U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning steal classified diplomatic cables and military files that WikiLeaks later published, putting lives at risk.
Australia argues there is a disconnect between the U.S. treatment of Assange and Manning. Then-U.S. President Barack Obama commuted Manning’s 35-year sentence to seven years, which allowed her release in 2017.
Assange has been in high-security Belmarsh Prison since he was arrested in 2019 for skipping bail during a separate legal battle. Before that, he spent seven years inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden to face allegations of rape and sexual assault. Sweden dropped the sex crimes investigations in 2019 because so much time had passed.
Last week, Assange's brother, Gabriel Shipton, called for Australia to increase pressure on the United States.
“Each day the U.S. administration ignores the Australian public on Julian’s freedom, it becomes clearer and clearer Australia’s true standing in the alliance,” Shipton said, referring to a bilateral security treaty signed in 1951.
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ellinafox02 · 2 years ago
Katherine Ruth Gallagher is an Australian government official who served as the Australian Labour Party senator for the Australian Capital Territory since the 2019 parliamentary election. She was the Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory from 2011 until 2014. Katy Gallagher net worth is around $5 million.
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brookstonalmanac · 20 days ago
Events 2.12 (after 1950)
1961 – The Soviet Union launches Venera 1 towards Venus. 1963 – Construction begins on the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. 1963 – Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 705 crashes into the Everglades shortly after takeoff from Miami International Airport, killing all 45 people on board. 1966 – Rabbi Morris Adler is fatally shot by a disgruntled congregant at Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield, Michigan, United States. 1965 – Malcolm X visits Smethwick near Birmingham following the racially-charged 1964 United Kingdom general election. 1968 – Phong Nhị and Phong Nhất massacre. 1974 – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970, is exiled from the Soviet Union. 1983 – One hundred women protest in Lahore, Pakistan against military dictator Zia-ul-Haq's proposed Law of Evidence. The women were tear-gassed, baton-charged and thrown into lock-up. The women were successful in repealing the law. 1988 – Cold War: The 1988 Black Sea bumping incident: The U.S. missile cruiser USS Yorktown (CG-48) is intentionally rammed by the Soviet frigate Bezzavetnyy in the Soviet territorial waters, while Yorktown claims innocent passage. 1990 – Carmen Lawrence becomes the first female Premier in Australian history when she becomes Premier of Western Australia. 1992 – The current Constitution of Mongolia comes into effect. 1993 – Two-year-old James Bulger is abducted from New Strand Shopping Centre by two ten-year-old boys, who later torture and murder him. 1994 – Four thieves break into the National Gallery of Norway and steal Edvard Munch's iconic painting The Scream. 1999 – United States President Bill Clinton is acquitted by the United States Senate in his impeachment trial. 2001 – NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft touches down in the "saddle" region of 433 Eros, becoming the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid. 2002 – The trial of Slobodan Milošević, the former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, begins at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands. He dies four years later before its conclusion. 2002 – An Iran Airtour Tupolev Tu-154 crashes in the mountains outside Khorramabad, Iran while descending for a landing at Khorramabad Airport, killing 119. 2004 – The city of San Francisco begins issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in response to a directive from Mayor Gavin Newsom. 2009 – Colgan Air Flight 3407 crashes into a house in Clarence Center, New York while on approach to Buffalo Niagara International Airport, killing all on board and one on the ground. 2016 – Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill sign an Ecumenical Declaration in the first such meeting between leaders of the Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches since their split in 1054. 2019 – The country known as the Republic of Macedonia renames itself the Republic of North Macedonia in accordance with the Prespa agreement, settling a long-standing naming dispute with Greece.
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darkmaga-returns · 3 months ago
Benjamin Netanyahu takes the witness stand for the first time in his ongoing corruption trial on Tuesday. Ahead of the testimony, Israel’s first serving Prime Minister on trial insisted that he was eager to “present the truth and finally explode the delusional unfounded accusations, the brutal witch hunt.”
The corruption charges against Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were filed in 2019.
let's take a closer look at the allegations that Netanyahu has repeatedly denied.
Case 1000 centers on allegations that Netanyahu and his wife Sara received extravagant illicit gifts like champagne, cigars, and jewelry from Israel-born Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan and Australian investor James Packer in 2007-2016 to a tune of $186,000. Netanyahu reportedly helped Milchan renew his US visa and extended the tax exemption for returning expatriate Israelis.
In Case 2000, he is accused of fraud over an alleged deal with publisher Arnon Mozes, owner of the Yedioth Ahronoth. He reportedly considered enacting regulatory legislation to weaken rival outlet Israel Hayom, according to the indictment’s summary. Netanyahu did not follow through on that promise.
In Case 4000 (Bezeq-Walla), Netanyahu as communications minister is accused of authorizing regulatory decisions from 2012 to 2017 that financially benefited Israeli telecommunications company Bezeq, then owned by Shaul Elovitch. In exchange, Elovitch provided favorable coverage on his Walla news website. Elovitch and his wife are also on trial and deny wrongdoing. Netanyahu has denied any wrongdoing and rejected calls for his resignation.
(4/6) 🇮🇱 ISRAEL 🔴PM Benjamin Netanyahu's long-running corruption trial includes charges of fraud, breach of trust, and accepting bribes. Despite repeated delays, his testimony is set to continue on December 10. 🔴Opposition media suggest Netanyahu hoped the ongoing war in… pic.twitter.com/dOXCcnzbfs— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) December 4, 2024
Fraud and breach of trust can result in prison sentences of up to three years. Bribery charges can result in up to 10 years in jail and/or a fine.
Fresh revelations in the trial, along with the ongoing military actions, could see Netanyahu’s coalition lose an early election, according to a poll by the Maariv daily.
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head-post · 3 months ago
Israeli prime minister to stand trial as defendant for first time
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make his first court appearance in a corruption trial on Tuesday under a court ruling that will likely force him to juggle between the courtroom and the war room for weeks.
The investigation into Benjamin Netanyahu was launched in December 2016. He was questioned by police in early January 2017 and was formally charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust on November 21, 2019. There are a total of three cases against the current Israeli prime minister: “Case 1000,” “Case 2000” and “Case 4000.”
The first is related to the receipt of expensive gifts from Hollywood producer Arnon Milchen and Australian-Israeli billionaire James Packer for a total of more than 700 thousand shekels (about $196 thousand) by Netanyahu and his family. Among them are expensive cigars, champagne and other luxury items.
In return, Netanyahu allegedly patronised the businessmen between 2011 and 2016 (for example, he allegedly helped Milchen obtain a US visa and promoted the abolition of double taxation for Israelis living abroad). As part of the case, the prime minister faces charges of fraud and breach of trust.
“Case 2000” is about the alleged collusion between Netanyahu and the owner of the newspaper “Yediot Ahronot” Arnon Mozes. According to the investigation, Mozes allegedly asked Netanyahu to influence the business of a competitor, the popular Israel Hayom, in exchange for more favourable coverage of the politician’s activities in the pages of the newspaper. Specifically, they allegedly discussed the possibility of passing a law that would limit the circulation of Israel Hayom. Netanyahu also faces charges of fraud and breach of trust as part of the case.
The most serious case
“Case 4000” is the most serious of the three; according to the prosecution’s version, Netanyahu gave regulatory preferences to Shaul Elovitch, the owner of the Bezeq telecommunications company, which benefited the latter financially to the tune of hundreds of millions of shekels.
In return, Elovitch allegedly provided positive coverage of Netanyahu’s policies on the Walla news website he owned. Ilan Yehoshua, the portal’s former executive director, said he was instructed to remove all negative notes about the Israeli prime minister from the site and to publish articles criticising his political opponents. Netanyahu faces charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust as part of the case.
The Israeli prime minister could face up to ten years for bribery, and up to three years for fraud and breach of trust.
On January 1, 2020, Netanyahu asked parliament to grant him immunity from prosecution in corruption cases. But later that month, he withdrew his petition to, as he himself explained, prevent his opponents from “using this issue to interfere in the historic process” of agreeing with then US President Donald Trump on the parameters of the “deal of the century” on a Palestinian-Israeli settlement.
Netanyahu has repeatedly denied all the charges against him, accusing opponents of witch-hunting and attempts to discredit his premiership. Despite the seriousness of the accusations, he not only stayed in politics, but in 2022 he managed to win parliamentary elections again and lead the country after the short-lived coalition government of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid.
A case involving a German company
Netanyahu could face criminal prosecution in another case. In 2022, during Naftali Bennett’s premiership, a special state commission was established to investigate the circumstances surrounding the $2 million deals to purchase submarines and corvettes from Germany’s Thyssenkrupp AG (also known as “Case 3000”).
In June 2024, the commission sent a letter to Netanyahu alleging that he made decisions on deals with Thyssenkrupp that had “significant security implications” in violation of accepted norms and bypassed his own government. The 11-page document said Netanyahu’s actions “jeopardised national security and damaged Israel’s international relations.” However, the prime minister has not yet been charged in the case.
On November 21, 2024, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in the Palestinian territories since October 8, 2023. Israel, however, has not ratified the Rome Statute and does not recognise its jurisdiction.
Read more HERE
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axvoter · 7 days ago
Blatantly Partisan Party Review IV (WA 2025): Australian Christians
Prior reviews: federal 2013, VIC 2014, federal 2016, federal 2019, federal 2022, plus my friend’s b_auspol review for WA 2021
What I said before: “do we really need another party peddling a rose-tinted view of 1950s middle class white morality and theologically unsound conservative interpretations of the Bible?” (federal 2013)
What I think this year: One of the most noticeable shifts in the Australian micro-party landscape over the past decade has been the declining number of explicitly religious parties. Where once voters had to wade through multiple parties whose reason for existing was to advance the interests of a specific subsection of the Christian faith, this election the only such party on the ballot is the Australian Christians. Now, yes, the Democratic Labour Party is more or less a party targeting Catholic voters, but just you wait for my review of their WA copycat party that is now named, and I emphasise that this is the exact name formatted as registered, “Stop Pedophiles! Protect kiddies!” It’s going to be a corker.
The Australian Christians’ heartland is WA. They originated as a splinter from the Christian Democratic Party of Fred Nile, who polluted NSW’s Legislative Council with his regressive views for decades. Evidently no longer willing to work with Fred, the WA and Victorian branches went their own way and formed this party in 2011. The Victorian wing has since fizzled out, but Australian Christians remain very active in WA and have one councillor in Rockingham, Mike Crichton, who is the party president and listed second on their slate for the Legislative Council. First is Maryka Groenewald, the party’s state director.
This party is repugnant. On their website, they currently have two specific campaigns. The first shows that they are transphobes: the Cook Labor government passed the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Sex or Gender Changes) Act 2024, which allows trans and gender-diverse people to obtain official documents that match their identity; Australian Christians insultingly call it the “Abolishing Women Bill” and want to reverse it. The second underscores how they oppose women’s bodily autonomy: it is a “pledge for life” that opposes abortion rights.
Beyond this, they want their own theological views made into the law of the land. Their acknowledgement that other religions can be practiced freely in Australia is begrudging. They seem more extreme than ever in the narrowness of their vision for society. Take as an example their opposition to universal childcare. Groenewald has written a blog post condemning a proposal Labor is taking to the federal election to subsidise three days of childcare a week, because heaven forbid mothers have a life outside the house or be defined by anything other than child-rearing.
This party is based on a falsehood: they claim that Australian “society’s values are based on our Judeo-Christian heritage, which are ultimately outlined within the Bible”. They claim to be “building on the foundation of Australia as ‘A Christian Commonwealth’ as originally described in 1901 in the formation of the Commonwealth of Australia”. Australian society is secular. It was not founded as a Christian Commonwealth. Our constitution prohibits an established religion. Christianity has been prominent historically, but our society evolves over time and no faith has a special claim to define it.
At the last census in 2021, only a minority of the population identified as Christian (43.9%), with nearly as many specifying no religion (38.9%) and a significant number did not state any faith (7.3%). The remainder of the population observes diverse faiths (the three observed by more than 1% of the population are Islam on 3.2%, Hinduism 2.7%, and Buddhism 2.4%). Among that 43.9% who are Christian, there are diverse denominational confessions with quite striking disagreements within and between them. Australian Christians, the party, cannot claim to represent more than a fraction of Christians in Australia; for instance, it is hard to imagine the average member of the Uniting Church shares many of their attitudes! It is both arrogant and conceited for any politician to think their particular religious confession should guide lawmaking and public policy in Western Australia.
Recommendation: Give Australian Christians a weak or no preference.
Website: https://australianchristians.org.au
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mariacallous · 2 months ago
As a blizzard swept Ottawa in February 1984, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau decided to take a walk. The next morning, he woke up and organized a hasty meeting of his senior staff to let them know that he was retiring.
Trudeau’s walk in the snow has, in the 40 years since it happened, become shorthand in Canadian politics for taking some time to reflect, sleeping on it, and quitting.
Today, many in Ottawa are checking the weather forecast for storms, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau—Pierre Trudeau’s son—faces mounting calls to take his own walk in the snow. Down a finance minister and facing the dueling prospects of an internal revolt and a snap election triggered by the opposition parties, the prime minister has, nevertheless, refused.
Over the past year, Justin Trudeau’s personal popularity has sailed off a cliff, accompanied by support for his Liberal Party. Facing the back end of an inflationary spiral, a cross-country housing crisis, declining social services, rising taxes, economic sluggishness, and a general fatigue with a leader who’s been in power since 2015, things were already looking dour for Trudeau.
But, as I wrote during his first real period of turmoil in 2019, Trudeau’s support inside his own party borders on cultish. So, even if his unpopularity prompted some teeth gnashing, his party remained—at least, up to this week—loyal.
Even after his party suffered a humiliating special election defeat in Toronto in June—the equivalent of the U.S. Democratic Party losing a special election in midtown Manhattan—calls for Trudeau to step aside, at least from his own partisans, remained rare.
Publicly, at least. This summer, I happened to sit next to Steven Guilbeault, Trudeau’s environment minister, in a train station lounge as he loudly mused about how best to quell an internal “campaign to show [Trudeau] the door.” That campaign remained in the shadows for months. Another election loss, this time in Montreal, ramped up the outside speculation, but Trudeau’s patriots again remained  mum. The few politicians who piped up with the suggestion that Trudeau ought to retire were not running for reelection, so their criticisms were brushed off.
Among the 100-odd members of Parliament who plan on carrying the Liberal Party’s banner into the next election, virtually every one of them have bent the knee to Trudeau.
Canadian politicians have always inclined toward a lemming-like loyalty to their party leader. But this is quite a different level.
In the early 2000s, the Liberal Party was rankled by infighting amid a power struggle between Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and his finance minister, Paul Martin. That fight ultimately resolved in favor of Martin, who went on to win one election before being turfed two years later.
More recently, the opposition Conservative Party metaphorically defenestrated its mild-mannered leader in an Australian-style caucus spill in 2022. The party instead opted for populist Pierre Poilievre—who has successfully wielded all manner of anti-woke shibboleths and conspiracy theories, from becoming an enthusiastic booster of the anti-vaccine Freedom Convoy movement to declaring that he would not let the globalists force him to “eat bugs.” (Poilievre, polling high, has since endeared himself to Elon Musk and counts U.S. Vice President-elect J.D. Vance’s college best friend as one of his closest allies.)
But Trudeau has never been one for public spats. That’s why the past week has been particularly surreal.
Rumors have percolated for months that Trudeau has plotted a reset of his government. In part to placate internal dissenters—who had been passing around a gentle letter calling for him to reevaluate his political future—and in part because he had a number of retiring and underperforming ministers, Trudeau planned a cabinet shuffle.
As part of that shuffle, Trudeau planned on bringing in Mark Carney, who has served as a governor of both the Bank of Canada and Bank of England, as Canada’s finance minister. When he informed his current finance minister Chrystia Freeland, about the move, she balked.
Freeland, who also serves as Trudeau’s deputy prime minister, had been at odds with her boss for weeks. Trudeau, desperate to reverse their party’s popularity slide, had wanted to send checks worth 250 Canadian dollars (about $175 in the United States) to the majority of the country. Ostensibly a measure to ease the hurt of inflation, it was a naked attempt to curry favor. Freeland pushed hard against the move, insisting that it was an imprudent use of money, particularly as the Canadian debt is mounting. The move looked only more absurd as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump turned up the temperature on a possible ruinous trade war with Canada.
Facing the prospect of being demoted for her intransigence, Freeland opted to quit instead. In her resignation letter, published last Monday, Freeland reminded the prime minister that Canada could soon be facing 25 percent tariffs from the United States. “That means eschewing costly political gimmicks, which we can ill afford and which make Canadians doubt that we recognize the gravity of the moment,” she wrote.
The move briefly turned off the gravity in Ottawa. A planned fiscal update that Freeland was supposed to deliver, scheduled for Monday morning, was canceled in a panic. Members of the Canadian Parliament raced to the capital—including some who were supposed to be campaigning in a special election on the West coast. (Which they lost miserably.) The Liberals called a hasty caucus meeting, where Trudeau pleaded with his party to keep his job.
The meeting ended, and the parliamentarians filed out one by one or snuck out through the back door, with most refusing to comment on the prime minister’s future.
By the end of the week, things had returned back to a strange calm. Trudeau has made no signal that he intends to leave—and nobody has the power to remove him until, at least, January.
Unlike the Conservatives, who installed an ejector seat in the leader’s chair a decade ago, Trudeau’s caucus has no power to remove a leader. (Unless they just lost an election.) Parliament will have a chance to express a vote of no confidence in Trudeau’s government early next year, though it is far from clear that such a vote will succeed—the center-left New Democratic Party and the separatist Bloc Québécois have continued to prop up his unpopular government.
Instead, the country—including many of Trudeau’s allies—will spend the holidays watching the weather and wondering if, or when, Trudeau will finally venture out for his walk in the snow.
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newstfionline · 3 months ago
Monday, December 9,2024
Fear over looming tariffs (Bloomberg) One in three Americans are stockpiling daily necessities like toilet paper and non-perishable food out of fear that President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge to add tariffs to imported goods will lead to higher prices, according to a new survey. Some 34% of respondents said they are stockpiling items because they are “fearful or uncertain about the future,” according to a December report from CreditCards.com, which publishes information on credit cards and financial literacy.
Why did the Californian cross the road? (The Times/UK) To get to the other sidewalk because of Los Angeles’ treacherous crumbling pavements. The mayor of Los Angeles lives in a sprawling, mock Tudor estate in Windsor Square, one of the city’s wealthiest and most exclusive neighbourhoods. And yet, for all its beauty and privilege, Windsor Square is plagued by a problem that afflicts the entire city: crumbling pavements. Joggers seeking a scenic early evening run must contend with slabs of concrete jutting up at shin-height, while young mothers pushing $1,200 prams struggle to overcome the giant tree roots protruding from the ground. All over Los Angeles, people keep tripping on these uneven surfaces and suffering severe injuries. That has prompted lawsuits. The city is spending fortunes to settle claims over its decrepit pavements. One estimate put the outlay on this between 2019 and last year at roughly $65 million. In 2015 Los Angeles agreed to spend some $1.3 billion over the following three decades after being sued by disabled residents over the state of the pavements. Yet according to the Los Angeles Times, it typically takes more than a decade to get a pavement fixed.
Chicago’s perilous finances (Mishtalk) Despite the massive stock market boom, the Chicago Firefighters pension is only 21.6 percent funded. Police is 31.1 percent funded. The Teachers’ pension is only 43.4 percent funded. Illinois’ pension crisis has put taxpayers on the hook for $211 billion in unfunded state and local pension liabilities according to the Illinois Policy Institute. The Census Reporter shows the population of Illinois is 12.55 million and shrinking. There are 5.07 million households. If you live in Illinois, your household share is $41,617. By the way, 11.6 percent of the population is below the poverty line.
Planes or drones? (WSJ) The U.S. Air Force is leaving a decision on the future of the next jet fighter to the incoming Trump administration, a move that comes shortly after billionaire Elon Musk called for pursuing drones over piloted combat aircraft. The Air Force is still building F-35 stealth jet fighters, a program whose total costs are expected to exceed $2 trillion over several decades.
The foreigners flocking to Paraguay (The Times/UK) Two foreigners are sipping cappuccinos on a Saturday morning in a bustling restaurant in Asuncion, sharing notes on what made them decide to come to Paraguay. “You can really forget about the rest of the world here,” says one, Paul Kittson, an Australian entrepreneur. He is not the first to have come to that conclusion. For much of the past two centuries this sweltering, landlocked country in the heart of South America has been the destination of choice for those who wanted to get away from it all. Kittson, who runs a business helping foreigners to obtain residency, concedes the main reason most of his clients inquire about Paraguay in the first place is tax, or the lack of it. A resident’s permit can be obtained within weeks and the recipient is not required to live in the country. Foreign income is not taxed. That makes it especially appealing to digital nomads. “You basically have a licence to travel tax-free,” Kittson says. As word of that perk spreads, Paraguay’s immigration service is processing about 4,500 residency applications a month, double the number of recent years.
Europe’s economy needs help. Political chaos in France and Germany means it may be slower in coming (AP) Even before the French and German governments collapsed, Europe’s economy had enough difficulties. Tepid growth and lagging competitiveness versus the U.S. and China. An auto industry that’s struggling. Where to find billions for defense against Russia? And now Donald Trump threatening tariffs. Solutions will be harder to find while the two countries that make up almost half of the eurozone economy remain stuck in political paralysis well into 2025. Where once there was the so-called French-German axis to push Europe ahead, now there’s a vacuum. French Prime Minister Michel Barnier resigned Thursday after losing a vote of confidence, and while President Emmanuel Macron will appoint a successor, the new head of government will lack a majority. Elections are not constitutionally permitted until at least June. Germany’s coalition led by Social Democratic Chancellor Olaf Scholz with the Greens and pro-business Free Democrats fractured in November, triggering an early election on Feb. 23. Talks to form a new government could last into April.
‘Reindeer’ volunteers bring holiday magic to Ukrainian children living on the frontlines (AP) Hopes for victory, a swift end to the war and prayers for their loved ones’ survival or return from Russian captivity are among the wishes scattered throughout letters sent to a volunteer group by Ukrainian children living in frontline areas. While the volunteers, who are named reindeer after the magical beasts that pull Santa’s sleigh, cannot fulfill many of these dreams, they strive to deliver on the simpler ones, such as requests for power banks to help families endure outages, bicycles, books, and even pets. Every winter, the volunteers travel to heavily damaged cities to deliver gifts and ensure that, despite the war, Ukrainian children can celebrate the holiday season just like their peers around the world. The children’s wishes are published on the project’s website. Donors affectionately known as magicians then choose a letter and buy the requested gift to make that child’s dreams come true. The reindeer then deliver those gifts.
Modi’s BJP says U.S. State Department is targeting India (Nikkei Asia) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has accused the State Department and “deep state” elements in the U.S. of trying to destabilize India in conjunction with a group of investigative journalists and opposition leader Rahul Gandhi. The accusation comes as a surprise as New Delhi and Washington have forged a strong relationship in the last two decades and both have vowed to further strengthen ties despite some differences and irritants. Gandhi’s Congress party used the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)’s articles that “singularly focused” on the Adani Group and its alleged closeness to the government to undermine Modi, the ruling party said on Thursday.
South Korea’s Leader Survives Impeachment Vote After His Power Grab (NYT) South Korean lawmakers’ attempt to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol ended in failure on Saturday night, prolonging the political upheaval and uncertainty that has roiled the country since his short-lived imposition of martial law this week. The failed vote was a reversion to political deadlock in the deeply divided country, despite large-scale protests calling for the president’s removal. It was a contrast to the brief moment early Wednesday when lawmakers across the political spectrum came together to vote swiftly and unanimously against the president’s martial law declaration. Saturday’s move by the opposition to impeach Mr. Yoon was foiled by his conservative People Power Party, which boycotted the vote and prevented the necessary quorum. All but one member of the party walked out of the room before the impeachment motion was put to a vote, making the effort moot even before the first ballot was cast.
Syrians Mourn All They Have Lost, Even as They Celebrate (NYT) Even as many Syrians celebrated the rebels’ advance into Damascus on Sunday morning, they were reminded of all they had lost over 13 years of civil war. The loved ones who were killed, tortured or disappeared into the regime’s labyrinthine prison system. The homes they lost to airstrikes and shelling. The lives they had to abandon. “Thank God, thank God,” said Eman Ouad, whose husband was killed in the civil war. Her voice was close to breaking. “Our freedom has returned,” said Ms. Ouad, 44, who was displaced from her home in Damascus and now lives in Syria’s northwest. “Thirteen years of subjugation. Thirteen years of displacement.” Other Syrians in the northwest said they were playing close attention to the rebels’ capture of the Sednaya prison complex outside Damascus because their friends and family members had been imprisoned there for years. Ahmed al-Misilmani, a journalist, said he ran onto his balcony yelling for joy when he saw reports that President Bashar al-Assad was fleeing the country. Anas Khoury, 24, an opposition activist who fled his Damascus suburb with his wife after a 2013 chemical attack, said he was struggling to express his sense of shock at the latest twists in a conflict that has created so much upheaval for his family. His children were born in Idlib and don’t know their grandparents. “They were born in displacement,” he said. “They were born among the tents.”
Assad flees to Russia (NYT) Syria’s deposed president Bashar al-Assad fled to Moscow on Sunday, according to Russian state news, after his regime crumbled under the weight of the armed Islamist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. Influential neighbors called for a peaceful transition as Western leaders hailed Assad’s fall with caution and called for regional stability. The Russian Foreign Ministry, a major backer of Syria’s government during the civil war, said Assad stepped down as president and fled after negotiations with rebels, a claim that could not be independently verified. / European leaders celebrated the fall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, calling it barbaric and cruel. The leaders called for stability, peace and rebuilding in the country. “The cruel Assad dictatorship has collapsed,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote online. She added that Europe is ready to help Syria rebuild. Britain, France and Germany shared the sentiment. / Jubilant demonstrators filled the street next to the main Lebanese border crossing between the Syrian capital of Damascus and neighboring Lebanon on Sunday. Some were waiting to go back to their home country, while others had just come to celebrate the downfall of the regime they had been forced to flee. “I bring you the good news that the axis of evil has fallen,” a voice boomed over the sound system as the crowd of a few hundred erupted in cheers and chants.
A farming project in South Africa is helping deaf people build skills and find jobs (AP) At the Westonaria agricultural park near Bekkersdal, east of Johannesburg, farm workers are busy tilling the soil and planting tomatoes and lettuce. Despite the hive of activity, there is silence around the park. Most people here are deaf and communicate using sign language. They are members of the Voiceout Deaf farming collective, started by entrepreneur Matebogo Victoria, to create a platform where deaf people can develop their skills in agriculture and find sustainable work. Victoria, who has a hearing disability herself, understood perfectly the challenges faced by deaf people when competing for opportunities with their counterparts who do not face the same challenge. Victoria, who used to work for Standard Bank, decided to leave her corporate job and start Voiceout as a way of allowing deaf people to gain agricultural skills. For Sibongile Maake, the opportunity to learn agriculture in a space where co-workers can easily communicate with her in sign language was transformational. It has also afforded her an opportunity to earn a living and rely less on the welfare disability grants that are paid out by the government.
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thisselflovecamebacktome · 4 months ago
So I’m stealing this from @tayloralisonswift and you should definitely check out their version, but I’m going to listen to and rank all of Taylor’s songs album by album (and then maybe her non album songs at the end). You can also see my debut rankings and what I’ve changed here + my Fearless, Speak Now, RED, 1989 + Reputation rankings here, here, here, here and here.
So with that in mind, it’s Lover’s turn. As per usual, I'll put a content warning here and say that I mention sexual violence, terminal illness, political conflict (usually I would not note this, but given the US election is this week and tensions are high all around the world, I will) and suicidality/mental struggles. They are just mentions, but read at your own discretion.
I Forgot That You Existed: From the first listen, this felt like such a sister song to Are You Fucking Kidding Me by Kate Miller-Heidke, and if you know me, you know I'm one of like 2 Kate stans on here, so that's a plus to me. I know she was going for an opposite vibe/closer to Reputation for this, but I feel like it's weak as a opening track, but a good song on its own. 7/10.
Cruel Summer: In hindsight it's interesting that the fandom clocked that Taylor was going back and writing about the start of the relationship even as early as their first listen to this song. That's not me being like "she was that miserable and deluding herself for years" because like no relationship is that simple, but it is interesting. I also want to note that I am team 'anti ME! and Cruel Summer should have been the opening single'. I'll get into why for ME! during its section but Cruel Summer was too close to Getaway Car production wise and as we discussed last time, Getaway Car was the final radio single for a lot of countries. Overall though, this is one of those songs that I like but feel like everyone treats as the second coming of Jesus when it's like middle of my ranking for this album lmao. I will say that I do like G Flip's cover more than the album version, so maybe I'm just not as big on the production. Either way the album version is a solid 8/10.
Lover: I'm sorry, I've always just found this song very cheesy and kinda boring. Potentially my least favourite of her romantic songs. In saying that, I do like the first dance remix and Niall and Fletcher's cover much more and mourn for what a good duet remix could have done for this song because the Shawn version is even worse than the album version for me. Anyway the album version is a 5/10.
The Man: If this song has no fans, I'm dead. I get that it is not the most in depth feminism media you will ever hear, but I don't need all of my media to be. Sometimes it's enough to have a fun time and say 'A man would not be treated like this'. Also, 'when everyone believes ya, what's that like?' as a sexual violence survivor always has me like !!! in the best way. It was also so fun to see a lot of casual fans go ham for it both at my shows and in the theatre. 7/10.
The Archer: Up until recently, this was the song I said was Taylor's most relatable to me. I'm healed past the point of saying/feeling that now, but it has a very warm place in my heart still. 9/10.
I Think He Knows: The lead single of this album in my heart. I think this would have done everything she was aiming for with ME! without the divisiveness. Overall I just love this song though and it just gets better the more healed I am. 9/10.
Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince: I feel like I do not listen to this song all that much which is a shame because I do like it and it's among my favourite production track on this album. I know this song is seen to fans as an allusion to the US 2016 election, but I feel it's universal in that when I first heard it, it felt very 2019 Australian politics (noting that obviously a lot of those battles are still happening, but I'm talking about first impressions of the song back in 2019). 7.5/10.
Paper Rings: This is another song that I feel like I should like more than I do tbh. Like it has all the elements I like and context aside (because the paper rings line feels kinda sad if I think of Taylor given what we know now), it is a good song; it just never caught my attention. 7/10.
Cornelia Street: My stan song! Not just for the album this time! Like this is my number 1 Taylor song full stop. Every time I listen to this song, I feel like I'm getting a piece of my soul back. I just feel so content and happy every time. If I were ever to make a top songs ever for me, this would definitely make it. Also I know the Paris version is the more popular version of this song in this fandom, but the production is part of why I love the album version that much more. 10/10.
Death By A Thousand Cuts: This is one of those songs that I don't vibe with the production that much and much prefer the tiny desk version, but I do love the lore that it was made based off of a movie that was inspired by 1989 and it is a good song so the album version gets 7/10.
London Boy: Sorry guys, I am not a pubwe fan. If I were to cut a song from this album, this would be it. 3/10.
Soon You'll Get Better: I understand that this is one of those songs that is too sad to rank for most people, but I do want to note that it's a top 2 song from this album for me and really has been a comfort during being a carer for my mum, especially during her more suicidal days. I've also had loved ones say similarly about past versions of me, both in regards to my own historic mental struggles and the period where my long covid was not diagnosed and we thought it may be something terminal. So yeah overall amazing song. 9.5/10.
False God: I don't have much to say about this song, I just really like it, which is kinda funny because I'm so anti 'use sex as a bridge to fix things'. But what can I say? A good song is a good song lmao. 8.5/10.
You Need To Calm Down: I know this song is controversial, but unironically I really like it. And if I'm honest, I feel like all of the controversy I saw was in online spaces with most offline members of the queer community I know appreciating the sentiment even if the song wasn't for them; especially given the work with the equality act that came along with it. But yeah, overall a bop. 7/10.
Afterglow: This is one of those songs where if it came out like a year before, I feel I would have loved it more out of relatability. But it did not, so I find it kinda boring ngl. I will say that the first first notes sounding just like Wicked Games by The Weeknd really has fuelled my 'please collaborate' mindset with them though (for those who don't know, The Weeknd is my favourite male artist). It also did lead me to sending an apology to someone I lashed out at the year before though so yeah, kinda funny in that way, but alas, still boring. 4/10.
ME!: God do I wish this song was not the lead single. I feel like it's the Stayx3 of the album where it works best within the the context of the album/as a companion piece with Afterglow, and it's sad that by the time I heard it in that context, I was already put off by it. In saying that, as much as I hated the spelling line, she should have not gotten rid of it (or at least gotten rid of it without replacing it with something else) because the sound sounds disjointed without it. I also find it kinda funny that it was pushed as a self love song because tbh I feel like outside of the obvious that it's talking about a relationship, it is one of the most anxiety/low self esteem ridden songs in her discography for me. 4/10.
It's Nice To Have A Friend: The first time I heard this, I felt it was weirdly placed and overall didn't like it. Then, two days after Lover came out, I laid on my bed with one of my loved ones and some camomile tea relistening (listening for the first time in their case) to this album and realised that shit, it truly is nice to have a friend. In the best way possible, I still think this is one of her most experimental and least 'Taylor' sounding songs and I would argue that that helped open the gates for Folklore. 9/10.
Daylight: One of my self love songs. A top 3 from this album and overall joy. I mentioned this during my RED ranking, but getting this mashed up with Come Back Be Here (a song I relate to someone who committed suicide) at one of my Eras shows meant the world to me and will forever be one of my favourite performances from her. 9.5/10.
All Of The Girls You Loved Before: Sorry, I am a CD listener, so I barely listen to this. Out of the two songs that leaked at the time, I much preferred Need (and still hope that it'll be a Reputation vault track), and this song just never really stood out to me at all. 5/10.
Final score: 136/190 - 71.6%.
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avandelay20 · 5 months ago
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has told Australians not to expect negative gearing to be part of the government's housing policy... 
The comments come as the government faces fresh pressure over its housing policies...
The teals, Greens and a growing chorus of mostly anonymous Labor backbenchers want the government to revisit its 2019 election policy to wind back negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount.
Fresh modelling produced by the Parliamentary Library, at the Greens' request, estimates winding back gearing could see nearly 300,000 homes redistributed from property investors to homeowners.
The figures are based on a paper by NSW Treasury's Michael Warlters, which found reforming the tax concessions would boost home ownership rates by 4.7 per cent.
It aligns with previous modelling by the Grattan Institute and Deloitte, which has found reform would constrain supply slightly, but reduce investor demand by more, resulting in modestly lower house prices but a big change to ownership patterns.
"The biggest blocker to change is a very stubborn prime minister who seems not to understand the housing crisis, frankly."
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