#audrey ros
pygartheangel · 2 years
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justkissmewip · 25 days
Character Post: Audrey/Alistair Sawyer
"It’s when I want to express how I feel the most that I make the biggest mess of it. What is wrong with me? I don't know."
Audrey/Alistair Sawyer is a complicated person. Rude, obnoxious, and self-centered come to mind if you ask somebody to describe them. Their behaviour has made it difficult for them to integrate properly into the social dynamics at St. Augustine, not that they are aware of it. Or at least, they sure act like they are not.
But these assessments of A's personality barely scratch the surface of who they are. Because they can be generous, sympathetic, and even remorseful. A feels intense pressure as the heir to the Sawyer family business, which has a trickle effect into the way they act and carry themself. They struggle to properly articulate their feelings, often saying the complete opposite of what they are truly thinking.
One things for sure, the PC will have their hands full with A Sawyer as their partner in crime when it comes to this body swapping fiasco. But at least it will promise to be an eventful year.
Year: Senior
Appearance: They are thin and lithe with pale skin. Dyed red hair with brown roots barely poking out. Eyes are a cloudy blue, verging on grey. If male, wears a fancy watch and a golden chain; if female, wears an assortments of bracelets and a golden necklace. Speaks with a slight twang, but it's hardly noticeable. Their lithe frame is attributed to the fact that they are not accustomed to much physical exertion.
Height: if male: 6'0; if female: 5'6
Likes: sweets and candy, easy tasks, praise, making their parents proud, thriller TV shows
Dislikes: E Jefferson, the PC (sometimes), being proven wrong, vegetables, sometimes K Berg honestly, cheap toilet paper, romantic comedies, homework
Character Song: Vanilla Salt - Yui Horie
This post is subject to change.
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speakergame · 2 years
Okay, random question. so we know Rory drives a motorcycle, and Kana drives a convertible, But what do the other RO's drive or would drive if they had a car?(since you mentioned the possibility of Az not driving in the car scene) Hope you have a good day/night/afternoon aswell!!
with added specifics because researching cars was actually a lot of fun 😆:
Rory drives a blue '85 Harley-Davidson FXEF Super Glide that they rebuilt themself. they call her Beatrix
Kana drives a white 2018 BMW series 4 convertible
I haven't settled on an exact car for Sebastian yet. Something intentionally "boring" that doesn't stand out in a crowd, that has enough headroom for someone his size, and is at least 10 years old
Li can drive, but doesn't own a car. Borrows Gavin's car, if they need to go somewhere.
Azalea can't drive and doesn't own a car. If she did, she'd probably own a hybrid or electric.
Gavin owns a powder blue late-60's Chevelle, which has been mentioned in passing once or twice already. He doesn't drive very often, though, so it's kind of become the family vehicle.
Audrey drives a red Volkswagen Beetle. the new model, not the old 60's one.
Nellie drives a hatchback, either black or dark green. I haven't decided if it's a Mazda 3 or Ford Focus, but it's one of the two. has a few aftermarket upgrades
Luke, Mama, Henry, Ana, and Casey all borrow Gav's car instead of owning one of their own.
Mal can drive, but hates doing it, and doesn't own a car.
Anya is 7. Owns a Hot Wheels version of her dad's car
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sneeg-snag · 2 years
my friend: i think she’s just a little scared of you, you’re intimidating
me: GOOD!!!!!
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apaise · 9 months
❛ you won’t even look at me ❜ audrey @ nari
her shifts at the electric trade are usually quiet ones, spent re-organizing shelves and checking inventory while gideon or her uncle handles the customers out front. when audrey bishop suddenly strolls through their doorway, nari's all too ready to dump the customer service on gid again, but -- he just so happens to be busy with a client on the phone. damn it.
she greets audrey with a nod, hoping she's not in need of any more assistance. from her demeanor, audrey doesn't seem to recognize her, but it wouldn't be the first time that's happened with someone from school. nari doesn't mind it, in any case ( she tells herself ); it just means her plans to keep a low profile on campus are working. if she's going to go back to seoul next summer anyway, there's no point in making friends.
seeing audrey reminds nari that she had temporarily forgotten about the beanie from this afternoon, however. once the bell rung, nari had just shoved it into her bag alongside the rest of her curious thoughts about the owner . . . but now she's wondering again who in their dinky school would be an aurora syndrome fan too.
mentally sorting through the class list, she almost doesn't hear audrey herself ask if there's anything with a sound like aurora syndrome. but then, nari's pretty sure she could pick up a mention of her favorite band from a block away. this one just comes with an extra layer of numbing shock when it's spoken by the preppiest, plaidest, sweater0vestiest girl in school. nari would've thought isi bloom albums were more her thing.
so that beanie was hers.
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❝ uh, yeah. hold on. ❞ nari masks her surprise by turning away, pretending to look on the shelf behind her while she collects her thoughts. on any other day, she would know exactly which albums to get, but the surprise of audrey bishop being a huge rock fan is messing with her brain waves. ❝ one sec. ❞ she walks away, biding time to efface her shock. gid would tease her later asking what emotion could even be visible when nari always masks up at work, but she could feel vulnerable in a motorcycle helmet in front of the right person.
when she comes back with a stack of albums, audrey straight up calls her out on the dodging. she should've figured. from what nari's seen in class, audrey bishop's never shied away from speaking her mind. except, nari guesses, when it comes to owning aurora syndrome merch. that thought makes her smile a bit in amusement, and the tone comes out in her breath of apology.
 ❝ sorry, ❞ she looks up, locking eyes for just a moment before placing the records on the counter. ❝ here. the tempo and chord progressions here are kind of like aurora syndrome. i think ro's mentioned some of these bands before too. ❞ @feveredblurs
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oneknightstand-if · 4 months
Give us one fact,either adorable or unexpectable about each RO!
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Merlin: Has a soft spot for cute fluffy animals which they turn people into. Also for hulking predators like great white sharks but that's less cute.
Adrian: If this is the timeline where she exists, he's secretly feeding Audrey III, the elected High Queen of Parsimonious Botanical Function.
Arthur: Loves dogs, when no one is looking and sometimes when they are he's rolling around on the ground with Cavall. Pay no attention to Cavall being a cŵn annwyn hell hound.
Percy: He's secretly a Disney princess. Complete with an entourage of random woodland animals.
4̴0̴4̸ ̴E̸r̶r̵o̶r̴ ̷N̷o̷t̸ ̸F̵o̸u̴n̵d̶: [SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER]
Cassandra: Is kind of a picky eater. Watch her flee in horror if you try and serve her liver.
Gwen: 'Adorable' is kinda her schtick so... unexpectedly she's a pro at the drunken fist style of martial arts where she just falls on top of people to take them down.
Vivian: Will periodically freeze the lake so that kids can go ice skating on it. She even makes the ice thick enough that they don't fall through! Usually.
Lorelei: If you want to see her jump five feet in the air than secretly dump a handful of gummy worms on her (just don't ask why). No, real worms won't cut it, they need to be gummies.
Broderick: I already mentioned the stuffed animal collection led by Sir Velveteen in another Ask, so uh... bribe him with Bronze Age superhero comics.
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thematthewscrew · 6 months
Off to Ro's and Harry's house this morning, Audrey making sure Ro's flowers smell good😂 I forgot the twins last night spent the night at their friends house so Colin will get them later for tonight, and I couldn't get Lyd out of bed😂 -Shelby
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darkfictionjude · 9 months
What are the Ros and Crown voices like?
This is very interesting because when I’m writing I know what the ROs sound like but I don’t. Kind of like when your inner monologue in your head when you’re not paying attention is speaking but doesn’t sound like anything but if you focus it sounds like you? By default your inner voice doesn’t sound like anything.
Clear, crisp, strong but oddly enough the ends of his sentences have a natural soft edge to them. I don’t think he notices he does this. He emphasizes every little word that has sound in a sentence.
The closest voice I can find for him is Robert Redford’s real voice.
Her voice is a bit husky underneath, with a clipped almost British surface. She sounds mature and intelligent but also you can’t tell when she is being sarcastic or not.
The closest I found to her is Audrey Hepburn’s voice but not when she was young, in her old age.
His voice is very monotone by default, at times throaty. When he’s being an asshole it does get a bit higher in pitch at the end of his sentences. When he’s angry his voice sounds like a generic teen boy’s voice, betraying his youth.
The closest I can get to his Daria Morgendorffer’s voice of course with a more masculine tone.
For the Crowns it’s more complicated because I don’t actually ever think about what they sound like. The best I can do is tones.
Victor: serious.
Prudence: defeated.
Sally: upbeat.
Percy: sarcastic.
Orla: kind.
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made-by-marlow · 1 year
feminine (& some neutral) character names: big list two
Inspiration: pinterest, books i'm writing, people I know, words that are cool, names from media I like
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Joey / Joie
Lia / Leah
May / Mae
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its-nwarden · 3 months
ROs heights?
I don't have exact heights for them so that your MCs can be placed where you want, but I'll list them from shortest to tallest.
Shortest--> Tallest
Yara, Dax, Fay, Noah, Noel, Zeke, Naomi, Vin, Audrey, Iris, Cameron, Gem
Thank you for the ask!
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thestylesfamilysblog · 5 months
Honestly I forget how to spell with baby brain all the time🤣 thank you Shelby🩷 how are you guys doing?! - Ro
Well, Lydia and Wes are doing good, Abbie is getting ready for basketball camp this summer by doing extra workouts with her friends, Gracie is in the midst of soccer season but also prepping for a tryout for this gymnastic team camp this summer l think could help her achieve her dream of being at the Olympics, little Audrey has developed a little crush on Milo and it's the cutest thing Eve and I have had a few play dates with them and it's precious. And babygirl is just growing away, minus the hip pain starting 🤣 and Colin is going to start working from home soon since it's almost baby month.
Lots of fun things coming up and a busy household it seems!! I love that for you guys, I’m going to miss the hustle and bustle, it’s just going to be Harry and I here, and I think once this last album is done, which sounds to be soon, he’s sitting out of music for a while, maybe not forever but it’ll be nice to have him home all the time❤️ - Ro
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a-reformed-heart · 2 years
Humm… this is probably going to sound weird if I’m wrong but are you the author of any other IFs? The style of your intro post seems familiar for some reason 😅
Anyway, your game sounds really promising, may I ask how the ROs would react to a fake-out make-out scenario? Thank you and have a lovely day 💛
I am! You can find all of my other IFs on my main writing blog @thesesilentwords!
Charles: As her lips breeze across his cheek, Charles could feel himself tense up. The familiar tightness within his chest when he thought of her loosening ever-so-slightly; only for it to be replaced by a fluttering feeling within his gut. Could this mean what he thought it meant? Of course not. He’d be a fool to think otherwise.
“Was that necessary, Anon?” Is the response he finally settles on, forcing his heart to calm down. The forest green shade of his eyes glinting with varying emotions. “I think you could have done something else to get your point across.”
… Even if anything else wouldn’t have foolishly given him hope.
Elizabeth: An amused look graces her face as she stares at her darling step-daughter. For the briefest of moments her façade of a meek wife falls away and in its stead is the face of a predator; a predator that’s staring at the most delectable prey she has ever seen. The crystalline blue of her eyes darkened to an enchanting cobalt as she leans forward.
“Next time you do that, darling, I promise you won’t be able to escape.” An elegant hand cups your cheek, crimson painted lips briefly quirked upwards. “Once I have you completely I’m never going to let you go. Remember that before you do a stunt like this one again.”
She couldn’t wait to see if you would…
William: A pout forms on his lips at the brush off. Hazel eyes clearly broadcasting his annoyance at not being able to have fun with you. You had been an enigma within his brain for quite some time; he couldn’t get you out no matter how much he tried. It was quite annoying that all of his usual tactics wouldn’t distract him from his desire to have you. From his wish to be yours…
“That wasn’t nice, Anon.” His pout becomes even more exaggerated; his arms crossing over his chest. “You’re gonna give someone a heart attack if you keep that up. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle having your presence that close again.”
Oh, but I crave it so…
Ivy: An alarmed expression flits across her face as your own brushes past her; an almost embarrassed look following soon after. She couldn’t believe that you’d do something so forward. Something that she would never imagine doing in all of her years. Though you had always been more forward than her. That’s something that seemed to have not changed; even after all your years away.
“Can you warn me next time?” She clutches her book tighter to her chest; hoping it’ll act like a semi-shield to make sure her emotions don’t go too unchecked. “I feel like that’s something you warn someone about, no?”
She didn’t want to think about how your nearness made her feel…
Victor/Victoria: They recoil at the feeling of you getting closer; it was too familiar, to welcoming, and they hated it. Hated that you could still make them feel like this even after all this time. They hated that they got transported back to the day all those years ago when they thought everything was finally coming together; that they’d finally get the happily-ever-after they had always foolishly dreamed of. Until you had ruined all of that…
“Don’t do that again,” they hiss, eyes filled with anger before the look hides behind their mask of stoicism. “I don’t wish to kiss you, Anon, and I hope you remember that.”
Please remember that…
August/Audrey: Their smile could rival the sun in brilliance as you pull away; an amused look gracing their face. Something that causes their golden-brown eyes to glow that much more with their amusement. They don’t quite understand what exactly you had been aiming for, but they hope you were able to find it all the same. Even if you confused them while doing so.
“Did you get what you want, Anon?” They tilt their head, their earlier grin softening into a gentle smile. “I’m curious what you thought you’d get from doing that, but I hope I was able to help all the same.”
They weren’t going to question you. After all you put up with their odd quirks too…
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justkissmewip · 1 month
Just Kiss Me (WIP)
Hello everyone! After recommendation from some people on the forum, I have finally gotten around to making a Tumblr page for my WIP, Just Kiss Me. I'm Lucky42, or Lucky, and appreciate you taking the time to read about my WIP.
*Scroll down to bottom for current updates*
Your senior year kicks off with your family moving from Sacramento, California to Sherfield, a small town in sleepy South Carolina. You are able to get a scholarship to St. Augustine, an elite private school for the wealthy locals. You feel like a fish out of water compared to your coddled peers, but it's only one year, so it can't be that bad. That is, until you accidentally share a smooch with the richest kid in school, which somehow lands you on a supernatural investigation team dedicated to solving the mysteries of St. Augustine. Well, senior year is supposed to be the best one yet, right?
A choice system that focuses on developing the protagonist's personality
The ability to romance your peers in three ways: Denial, Flirty, or Shy
Three potential scholarship choices (academics, art, sports) all with their own exclusive scenes and characters
The ability to swap bodies with a literal heathen
Morality choices that flesh out how your character sees the world
The ability to influence your peers by leveraging your strongest traits
A banging cafeteria
Alistair/Audrey Sawyer (RO):
Who: the rich, preppy kid you have the misfortune of accidentally smooching. This one mistake leaves the two of you intertwined, for better or for worse. And it’s looking like for worse.
Character post: Alistair/Audrey Sawyer
Klaus/Kristina Berg (RO):
Who: a friendly, cheerful student who is eager to please others and is always willing to lend a helping hand. He/she can often be found reading a nauseatingly cheesy romance book.
Character post: Klaus/Kristina Berg
Evan/Ebony Jefferson (RO):
Who: the insanely attractive student council president who has a reputation of being a bit of a heart-breaker. Prides his/herself on knowing every student who walks through the school’s doors. He/she seems to have taken an interest in you.
Character post: Evan/Ebony Jefferson
Who: a whimsical girl with a keen interest in the supernatural and a killer part-time job. Her “research” is the reason you’re a part of this mess. Thus, she’s the de facto leader of your group.
Year: Senior
Appearance: short and slim with brown hair and brown eyes. Speaks with a Southern drawl, thick compared to the rest of your classmates.
Reba: she’s crazy. But you’ll figure that out soon enough.
09/12/2024 - 175,000 words (excluding command lines)
Prologue - Finished
Chapter 1 - Finished
Chapter 2 - In Progress
Demo word count: 103K
Let me know all of your thoughts and opinions, and thanks a bunch for your time!
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👗 any ten oc’s you want for Did I Mention?
(bonus: Sloane & Anissa are cheering so they're in the uniform)
Blossom ( on having her be a cheerleader so two options! And yes the jacket is Ben’s and yes he’s very insistent on her wearing it for game days 🥺 :
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Finley with Ben’s jacket 🥺 (he lends it to her after Audrey “accidentally” spills a drink on her own jacket):
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Harmony (I'm not saying that she's wearing Harry's colour knowing that the game will be on the tv in Uma's restaurant but...):
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Kyra (she always wears Aziz's jacket to show team support):
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archival-arrival · 2 years
a -songic gender related to Audrey's Room from the Bendy And The Dark Revival soundtrack
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names: aud, audrey ro, room, roomie
prns: au/aud, au/audrey, aud/rey, aud/audrey, audrey/audreys ro/room, ro/om, room/rooms
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owlsie-hoot · 2 years
Tag the people you want to get to know better
Thank you for tagging me @thursdaysbagman
Three ships: Joan/Morse (Endeavour), Siegfried/Audrey (All Creatures Great and Small), Carson/Hughes (Downton Abbey)
Favourite ship ever: Mulder/Scully (sorry everyone else but this is the original ship)
Last song: Eg Anda - Sigur Ros
Last movie: Affinity (2008)
Currently reading: “Last seen wearing” (Colin Dexter), “The World of All Creatures Great and Small”, “An Immense World ( Ed Yong)
Currently watching: Endeavour
Currently consuming: Tea and Shortbread
Currently craving: a two week holiday in a cottage by the seaside please?
Tagging @cookie-moi @good-now-kiss-me @mirai-desu @blackberryjamcollective @itssoinevitable
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