#audrey foster
a-reformed-heart · 2 years
Humm… this is probably going to sound weird if I’m wrong but are you the author of any other IFs? The style of your intro post seems familiar for some reason 😅
Anyway, your game sounds really promising, may I ask how the ROs would react to a fake-out make-out scenario? Thank you and have a lovely day 💛
I am! You can find all of my other IFs on my main writing blog @thesesilentwords!
Charles: As her lips breeze across his cheek, Charles could feel himself tense up. The familiar tightness within his chest when he thought of her loosening ever-so-slightly; only for it to be replaced by a fluttering feeling within his gut. Could this mean what he thought it meant? Of course not. He’d be a fool to think otherwise.
“Was that necessary, Anon?” Is the response he finally settles on, forcing his heart to calm down. The forest green shade of his eyes glinting with varying emotions. “I think you could have done something else to get your point across.”
… Even if anything else wouldn’t have foolishly given him hope.
Elizabeth: An amused look graces her face as she stares at her darling step-daughter. For the briefest of moments her façade of a meek wife falls away and in its stead is the face of a predator; a predator that’s staring at the most delectable prey she has ever seen. The crystalline blue of her eyes darkened to an enchanting cobalt as she leans forward.
“Next time you do that, darling, I promise you won’t be able to escape.” An elegant hand cups your cheek, crimson painted lips briefly quirked upwards. “Once I have you completely I’m never going to let you go. Remember that before you do a stunt like this one again.”
She couldn’t wait to see if you would…
William: A pout forms on his lips at the brush off. Hazel eyes clearly broadcasting his annoyance at not being able to have fun with you. You had been an enigma within his brain for quite some time; he couldn’t get you out no matter how much he tried. It was quite annoying that all of his usual tactics wouldn’t distract him from his desire to have you. From his wish to be yours…
“That wasn’t nice, Anon.” His pout becomes even more exaggerated; his arms crossing over his chest. “You’re gonna give someone a heart attack if you keep that up. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle having your presence that close again.”
Oh, but I crave it so…
Ivy: An alarmed expression flits across her face as your own brushes past her; an almost embarrassed look following soon after. She couldn’t believe that you’d do something so forward. Something that she would never imagine doing in all of her years. Though you had always been more forward than her. That’s something that seemed to have not changed; even after all your years away.
“Can you warn me next time?” She clutches her book tighter to her chest; hoping it’ll act like a semi-shield to make sure her emotions don’t go too unchecked. “I feel like that’s something you warn someone about, no?”
She didn’t want to think about how your nearness made her feel…
Victor/Victoria: They recoil at the feeling of you getting closer; it was too familiar, to welcoming, and they hated it. Hated that you could still make them feel like this even after all this time. They hated that they got transported back to the day all those years ago when they thought everything was finally coming together; that they’d finally get the happily-ever-after they had always foolishly dreamed of. Until you had ruined all of that…
“Don’t do that again,” they hiss, eyes filled with anger before the look hides behind their mask of stoicism. “I don’t wish to kiss you, Anon, and I hope you remember that.”
Please remember that…
August/Audrey: Their smile could rival the sun in brilliance as you pull away; an amused look gracing their face. Something that causes their golden-brown eyes to glow that much more with their amusement. They don’t quite understand what exactly you had been aiming for, but they hope you were able to find it all the same. Even if you confused them while doing so.
“Did you get what you want, Anon?” They tilt their head, their earlier grin softening into a gentle smile. “I’m curious what you thought you’d get from doing that, but I hope I was able to help all the same.”
They weren’t going to question you. After all you put up with their odd quirks too…
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It’s the guys, guys!
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6bluehorses · 3 months
goodbye horses...
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transgendertails · 8 months
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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Some WIR-Verse Hotel Transylvania pokemon antics!
1. Murray with Harry, Mavis' timid little alolan Marowak back when he was a Cubone. I like the idea of these two getting along, since Harry's a ground type that evolves eventually into a Fire/Ghost type, both if which are pretty up Murray's ally. Plus...this found family seems the type where EVERYONE looks after the kids and pokemon, not just their parents/trainers.
2. Ericka has a female Indeedee named Magenta. Though Mag is probably a MAID at the hotel, female indeedee are supposedly good baby sitters. Ontop of this, both Lurch, Mag, and their daughter Audrey know a pretty powerful Psychic - the pokemon move equivalent of Vampire telekenesis. So, here's Magenta using her powerful psychic powers to stop some of the hotel's smallest residents from causing trouble before throwing them back to their parents. Bonus guest stars include @lovelylivelyv 's Jack Nephalem as a baby, Fiona the Ogre baby, one of the Dronkeys, Nala, Gary the deleted Mogwai, Dennis, Sunny, Winnie, and Meteora Butterfly.
3. Couldn't resist drawing Frank and Dave, Johnny's Low Key Toxtricity (Named after Dave Mathews' band, who's logo is on his necklace.) They just fit together BEAUTIFULLY.
4. Both Incineroar and Zoroark love children, so I had to draw Ericka's Kitty-Cat and Drac's Lulu with some of the hotel Kids. Special guests include Meteora again, Mac from Fosters, Winnie, Dennis, Sunny, Baby Blobby; and Mavis' baby indeedee, Audrey. (Named after Little Shop's Audrey Fulquard.)
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @serial-serializednovelreader @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @wingingfromthezing @ebevkisk @kittyball23 @deathfangirl9 @heartsong1994
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ladymiraclewings · 6 months
Audrey Bourgeois: *who has been getting Chloe's name wrong at all the stay* See you soon, Heather! Chloe Bourgeois: MY NAME IS CHLOE! Audrey Bourgeois: Really? Because you look like a Heather to me.
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stinckers · 4 months
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PEEP comic magazine
lots of sticker friends inside. cover by Alex Schubert
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witchesroad · 2 years
what is joe biden’s plan to bring them back in scream 7
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fandomoni · 1 year
Ema and spoon are so Audrey and noah coded
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nowpause · 4 months
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Scream (2015 - 2017)
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a-reformed-heart · 2 years
What were the ROs' first thoughts when they first met MC?
Charles: She’s going to get herself hurt…
Elizabeth: She wasn’t what I was expecting… I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.
William: I just know we’ll have so much fun together…
Ivy: Please don’t drop the vase…
Victor/Victoria: They’re more than I could have ever dreamed of…
August/Audrey: I can see us being good friends…
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gregorycddie · 4 months
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taskmaster australia and have you been paying attention are about to start airing again...............time to get back to my australiaboo phase
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theatrescribbles · 5 months
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Marigold || Chapter 8 - Somewhere That's Green
Read Chapter 8 on A03
Start from the beginning
"Finally, it was the Saturday of the performance. Marigold was giddy the whole day. Not even a long walk around the deer park was enough to completely calm her. By the time they finally left for the show, and collected Violet on the way, Marigold was almost bouncing with excitement. "
James Potter, 26 year old Bachelor, wants to be one thing more than anything else: a father. Therefore, he decides to give foster parenting a shot. He then meets a little girl, who is set to change his life forever.
Sorry not sorry, contains Little Shop of Horrors spoilers
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I’ve come seeking expressions of interest for a project that a few Kinglets and I have developed the concept for in the past few days.
As this year marks our lovely queen’s 60th birthday, we wanted to do a little something to celebrate her.
Knowing how she loves her fans and also values creativity, we thought that a scrapbook would be the best way to do so and are now looking for submissions of letters of appreciation, art which features Alex herself or a character she portrays, and photos of yourself with Alex if you have them. We’d also love it if you could include a picture of yourself to add with your letter (if you’re comfortable with that) so Alex can put a face to the name.
If the idea of any of those seems daunting, a quick Happy Birthday message would also be lovely to add.
If you’d like to take part, please take a moment to register your interest on this poll so that we know how large the book will need to be to accommodate content:
We need these things to be submitted ASAP so the scrapbook can be assembled as it will be presented to her at her next convention appearance (17th-19th March)
If you’d like something to be included, they can be sent to [email protected] by the 12th of March
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rosetyler42 · 29 days
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Some fun with my Ericka mentoring Audrey and teaching her how to control her powers, fight, and sneak around with the help of her cousin Bendy. The last image was inspired by Fosters Home, the shot of Bloo and Mac hiding from Terrance, since @lovelylivelyv commented that's what the last image in the first dump looked like. I also added in a Beetlejuice joke.
Original for the 2nd one:
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@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @serial-serializednovelreader @blo0st4r @deathfangirl9 @wingingfromthezing @inkiedraws @inkhyaena @inkspottie @inkwelldevil @thedopedemon @thedobermutt @thedemonsurfer @kittyball23 @ebevkisk @howling-nightmare
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wattsandroot · 8 days
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