#attract abundance of money prosperity luck and wealth
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moneymagnetlaw · 1 year ago
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quoteyourluck · 2 years ago
"Luck is the residue of opportunity and design." - John Milton
>> Click To Try Your Luck Today
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astra-ravana · 5 months ago
Basic Incense and Their Uses
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Types of Incense:
• Sandalwood: Protection, healing, purification, pleasing the spirits, consecration
• Cherry: Attracts and stimulates love, new beginnings
• Vanilla: Luck, love, happiness, stimulates memory
• Jasmine: Luck; especially in love, peace, intuition, moon magick
• Coconut: Purification and protection, fertility, love and chastity
• Frankincense: Spirituality, protection, love, prosperity, growth, confidence, an offering to the gods
• Cinnamon: Wealth/money, prosperity, success, focus, amplifies any ritual or spell, third eye
• Myrrh: Protection, exorcism, consecration, purification, peace, meditation, spirituality, offering to the gods
• Patchouli: Money, abundance, attraction, passion, romance, lust
• Rose: Love, self love, safety, calm, healing, purification, connection to maternal ancestors
• Strawberry: Passion, love, luck, friendship, romance, opens/connects root and sacral chakras, goddess offering
• Dragon's Blood: Increases personal power, manifestation, attraction, sensuality, love, favored by many entities as an offering
• Sage: Cleansing, banishing, protection, clearing the air, nullifying negativity, promoting a more peaceful environment, longevity
• Lavender: Psychic abilities, divination, dream magick, protection, purification, beauty, intuition, peace, calming
• Nag Champa: Amplifies a ritual, great for meditation
• Clove: Protection (especially for children), love, money, purification, exorcism, shielding/warding
• Juniper: Exorcism, protection, healing, love
• Allspice: Attracts luck and money, provides extra physical energy
• Copal: Protection, cleansing, purification, connection, spirituality, ideal for cleansing crystals and stones
• Bay: Good luck, manifestation, success, purification, protection, healing, sharpens psychic abilities
• Rosemary: Protection, exorcism, purification, promotes sleep, restores and/or mantains youth, draws love, increases intellect
• Thyme: Health, vitality, healing, cleansing
• Pine: Money, strength, patience, shielding, purification, offer to nature spirits/deities
• Fern: Burn indoors to drive out malevolent spirits, burn outdoors to bring rain
• Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, amplifies mental abilities
• Arabic Gum: Purification and protection of the home
• Blueberry: Keeps unwanted influences away
• Passionflower: Peace, anxiety soothing, promotes sleep, friendship, joy, openness
• Mullein: Courage, protection, health, divination, offering to the dead
• Rowan: Psychic ability, self reflection, healing, protection, power, spirits more likely to obey demands/requests
• Star Anise: Psychic power, manifestation, luck
• Mugwort: Strength, psychic power, spirit communication, protection, astral travel, dream work, visions/premonitions
• Rue: Healing, mental health, comfort, exorcism, love, bonding
• Saffron: Health, wealth, happiness, success, wind raising, manifestation, lust, strength, third eye
• Palo Santo: Clears stagnant/negative energy
• Eucalyptus: Healing, cleansing, physical health, clears tense energy, invigorating, empowerment
• Wormwood: Magick, astral travel, spirit work, dream work, divination, third eye, protection from magick, curses and unwelcome energies, spiritual love, opens spiritual doorways, return to sender
• Lotus: Inner peace and outer harmony, third eye, meditation ascension, recovery, offering to Lilith
• Chamomile: Love, peace, comfort, stress reduction, luck in gambling
• Amber: Manifestation, good luck, success, love, romance, patience, protection, balance, sensuality, pain relief
• Damiana: Sensuality, sexuality, astral travel, love/sex magick, baneful witchcraft, attraction, drawing spells, shadow work, healing trauma, speaking your truth
• Skull Cap: Balance, calm, recovery, anchor to bring consciousness back to the body after astral projection
• Albizzia: Opens you up to oneness, attunes the heart, brings happiness
• Lemongrass: Calming, balance, love, depression relief
• Ginger: Strength, power, prosperity, relationship success
• Oregano: Joy, travel, creativity, love, hand fasting
• Cardamom: Love, lust, charm, mental clarity
• Sweet Grass: Removes malevolent energies, draws prosperity
• Marshmallow: Spirit pulling, protection, cleansing, stimulates psychic power, self-understanding, nurturing, healing, fertility, love, sexuality
• Orris: Love, protection, divination, spirit work, intuition
• Storax: Courage, healing, moon magick, meditation, divination, encourages restful sleep, offering to Hekate
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Incense Smoke Divination:
Smoke direction- Up/down:
• Up: Positive spiritual journey
• Down: Challenges, deviation from the path
Smoke direction- Right/left:
• Right: Desires will be fulfilled
• Left: Blocks and turbulent energy
Smoke direction- Towards/away:
• Towards: Reciprocal affection
• Away: Neglect or indifference
Smoke forms a circle:
• Clear circle: Strong vibes, manifestation is near
• Hazey circle: Weak vibes, uncertain manifestation
Smoke forms a Ladder:
• Multiple steps: Elevated spiritual path
• One step: Need to enhance spirituality
Spiral shape:
• Clear spiral: Big, new change
• No distinct shape: Chaos, uncertainty
Smoke splits in two:
• Important life decisions
• Trust your instincts
Many broken corners:
• Confusion, need clarity
Infinity symbol:
• Very auspicious omen
Thick and dense smoke:
• Negative energy
• Change is needed
Abrupt lighting and smoke:
• Smooth/even flame: Clear path
• Choppy flame: Hurdles on path
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bloomzone · 6 days ago
Lucky Vicky Affirmations
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• I am the luckiest person in the world.
• Everything always works out in my favor.
• Good things happen to me unexpectedly.
• I attract luck effortlessly.
• Success and happiness come to me easily.
• I am blessed with endless opportunities.
• Miracles unfold in my life every day.
• I am surrounded by positive energy and good fortune.
• My desires manifest with perfect timing.
• I am a magnet for luck, wealth, and success.
• Every step I take leads me to something amazing.
• Lucky opportunities find me wherever I go.
• I was born lucky, and my luck keeps growing.
• The world bends in my favor, always.
• Luck follows me everywhere I go.
• Everything I desire comes to me with ease.
• I attract unexpected blessings every day.
• The universe loves surprising me with good fortune.
• I am always in the right place at the right time.
• Life unfolds perfectly in my favor.
• Lucky breaks are a normal part of my life.
• I trust that everything is aligning for my highest good.
• My life is filled with abundance and prosperity.
• I am effortlessly lucky in love, money, and success.
• The more I believe in my luck, the stronger it becomes.
• I am destined for greatness and unlimited happiness.
• Opportunities chase me because I am so lucky.
• I am proof that being lucky is a mindset.
wanna know more on this mindset ? click here
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aeth-eris · 3 months ago
★ indicators of financial gain in solar return ★
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★ jupiter in the 2nd house is one of the strongest indicators of financial expansion and growth. jupiter brings abundance and optimism to the area it touches, and in the 2nd house, it can suggest an increase in earnings, unexpected financial windfalls, or opportunities to grow one’s wealth. jupiter in this position often reflects a year where money flows more easily, and there’s a general sense of financial luck or support.
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★ solar return venus in the 2nd or 8th house can also signal a year of financial gain. venus is associated with wealth, luxury, and resources, so its presence in the 2nd house (earned income) or 8th house (shared resources, investments) often brings favorable circumstances for increasing assets. venus here may reflect a more comfortable financial situation, opportunities to attract money, or support from others, like inheritances, gifts, or financial partnerships.
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★ solar return sun in the 2nd house places the individual’s focus on finances and self-worth, which can often lead to efforts or decisions that boost income. with the sun shining a light on financial matters, there’s an increased drive to improve one’s material situation, sometimes resulting in higher earnings or improved financial strategies.
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★ pluto in the 2nd or 8th house can indicate transformative financial shifts, often involving significant changes in income or resources. while pluto can bring intensity, it also has the potential to amplify wealth through deep focus and strategic transformation. in the 8th house, pluto might point to gains from investments, inheritances, or other people’s resources, though it often requires careful handling to maximize potential.
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★ 2nd house ruler in the 10th house or aspecting the midheaven suggests that financial matters are linked to career and public image, indicating potential gains through professional achievements. when the 2nd house ruler is connected to the 10th house, it often reflects a year where career success or advancement directly impacts income, potentially bringing raises, promotions, or recognition that translates to financial rewards.
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★ jupiter in the 8th house can bring financial expansion through shared resources, inheritances, or investments. the 8th house is often connected to other people’s money, so jupiter here might indicate gains through financial partnerships, business investments, or family resources. it’s a favorable position for those looking to grow wealth through collaborations or long-term investments.
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★ solar return moon in the 2nd house places emotional focus on financial security and material well-being, which can lead to proactive steps in managing and increasing income. this placement often reflects a year of increased financial awareness, and there may be a tendency to save, budget, or invest wisely, leading to better financial health.
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★ venus aspecting jupiter in the solar return chart is a classic indicator of luck and financial gain. both venus and jupiter are benefic planets associated with abundance, so when they’re in positive aspect, it creates opportunities for prosperity, whether through work, investments, or unexpected good fortune. this aspect often points to a financially supportive year where money feels easier to come by.
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★ solar return mars in the 2nd house can bring energy and motivation toward building wealth. mars here often reflects a drive to increase earnings and work hard for financial gain. while it may not directly signify a windfall, it suggests a proactive approach to improving one’s finances, often resulting in a higher income due to increased efforts or new ventures.
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★ north node in the 2nd house points to a year where financial growth and security are part of one’s life purpose. the north node brings karmic significance, and in the 2nd house, it suggests that financial independence or material success is aligned with personal development. this placement can create opportunities to learn about wealth-building, often resulting in a more prosperous outlook.
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★ solar return ascendant in the natal 2nd house often emphasizes a personal focus on income and self-worth. when the solar return ascendant falls in the 2nd house of the natal chart, it’s a strong indicator of financial focus and motivation, often leading to proactive efforts that enhance income or savings. this alignment can suggest a year of prioritizing financial stability or growth.
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★ solar return 2nd house ruler in the 1st house suggests that personal identity and self-confidence are linked with financial success this year. when the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 1st, it often reflects a sense of empowerment and drive to improve one’s financial standing, resulting in efforts to attract more resources or build self-sufficiency.
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★ solar return 10th house ruler in the 2nd house can indicate a link between career advancements and financial growth. with the 10th house (career, reputation) ruler in the 2nd house (income), it suggests that achievements or progress in one’s public life directly impact finances. this placement can often bring professional recognition that translates to higher earnings or bonuses.
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lilianasgrimoire · 10 months ago
Herb Correspondences - M-R
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Mandrake - Spell strengthener. Use for protection, happiness and wealth.  It aids money multiplying. Element Earth. 
Marigold - See Calendula. 
Marjoram - Use for cleansing, purification, and dispelling negativity.  Also aids grief and sadness. Element Air. 
Marshmallow Flower - Cleansing, protection, love, sex and fertility. Used in handfasting's. Elements Water. 
Marshmallow Root - Protection and psychic powers.  Use in tea to aid sore throats. Handfasting herbs and cleansing.  Element Water.  
Meadowsweet - Used to increase the chances of getting a job. Helps peace, love and happiness.  Aids divination. Element Air. 
Mint - Promotes energy, communication and vitality, protection and draws custom. Element Air. 
Mistletoe - Also called Witches Broom. Used for fertility, creativity, and protection from negative spells & magic. Hang at handfasting to kiss beneath and promote peace. Element Air. 
Mountain Ash Berry - Also called Rowan Berry. Strong fairy and Goddess connections. Aids protection and meditation help to clear the mind. Element Fire.  
Motherwort - Mother’s Herb. Love and fertility. Grounding helps against bad luck. Protection and good fortune. Element Fire. 
Mug wort - Use for strength, protection and healing. Mug wort amplifies magic. Aids astral projection, and psychic power.   Element Earth.  
Mullein - Represents the crossroads.  Offers protection from nightmares & hexing.  It attracts love and keeps evil energies and spirits at bay.  Element Fire. 
Mustard Seed - Courage, faith, and endurance. It is a good luck amulet. Aids mental power and offers protection.  Element Fire. 
Myrrh - Spiritual, meditation, and healing. Supports youthfulness and protection.  Luck and peace. Element Earth.  
Nasturtium - Banishing and releasing fear.  It helps create your own reality. Aids creativity and independence.  Element Air. 
Nettle - Uses include dispelling darkness & fear, and curse breaking. Healing and protection and increase lust in partners. Renewal.  Element Fire. 
Nutmeg - Magical uses include attracting money/prosperity, and luck.  Use for fortune telling and when you need favorable decisions to be made. Element Fire. 
Oak - Connected to Litha and the most sacred of all trees.  Oak supports success, good luck and healing. Stability and potency and attract money.  Element Water. 
Orange Peel & Flower- Attracts abundance, luck.  Love and happiness strengthen divination.  Element Fire. 
Oregano - Aids astral projection, health, and vitality.  Increase joy and justice and protect against evil.  Use at Handfasting's. Element Air. 
Parsley - Use this herb to help with contacting the dead. Increases strength, vitality and passion.  It is uplifting and helps spiritual growth. Element Air.  
Passionflower - Attracts friendship and passion. Calming, peace and instills passion into stale relationships. Good for house blessings too.  Element Water. 
Patchouli - Used in spells for connecting with spirits. Money attracts increases fertility and lust. Calming and peaceful.  Element Earth.  
Pennyroyal - Use for peace, harmony and tranquility. Carry to avoid seasickness or for physical strength & endurance. Element Earth. 
Peppermint - Use for headaches and other forms of healing. Increases sleep and love.  Use for increasing psychic power and divination. Element Air. 
Pilewort - See Celandine.  
Pine/Needles - Prosperity and success.  Protection, purification and divination. Throw it in the fire to dispel negativity. Use in house and business blessings.  Element Fire. 
Plantain - Increases fertility and libido.  Healing, protective and offers strength.  Use to have power over supernatural events. Element Earth. 
Poppy Seeds - Pleasure, love and luck.  Aids sleep and insomnia. Use in astral projection and flying magic.  Increases fertility and happiness. Element Water.  
Pumpkin Seed - Use in lunar magic to honor the moon.  Also healing and increases divination. Element Fire. 
Raspberry Leaf - Used for healing, protection, love. Raspberry leaf not to be eaten by pregnant women until due date, as it induces labor. Helps to reduce the pain involved in childbirth. Supports sleep, dreams and love.  Element Water. 
Red Clover - Aids success, love and money.  Increases fidelity. Use in exorcism.  Element Air. 
Rose - Use for divination, increased psychic power, love, lust and healing. It helps strengthen close friendships. Place it around sprains and bruises to help them heal faster.  Element Water. 
Rose Hips - Used in healing spells or to bring good luck and invoking good spirits. Aids stronger love.  Element Water. 
Rosemary - Use in healing poppets and love/lust spells.  Improves memory. Increases sleep, mental power and protection. Burn to help purification and remove negativity. Associated with faery magic.  Element Fire. 
Rowan - See Mountain Ash.  
Rue - Use in healing, health and love.  Also, protection against the evil eye.  Increases mental power and clarity of the mind. Used in exorcism.  Element Fire. 
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months ago
Beginner friendly love spell & prosperity spell
Simple Self-Love Spell
Self-love spells help boost confidence and cultivate inner strength.
What You’ll Need:
• Pink candle (symbolizing love and self-care)
• A small mirror
• Rose quartz (optional, for love and healing)
• A piece of paper and pen
• Lavender or rose petals (optional, for calm and love)
1. Prepare Your Space:
• Cleanse the area with incense or visualize white light clearing any negativity.
• Place the mirror and candle in front of you.
2. Set Your Intention:
• Focus on what self-love means to you. Say or think, “I deserve love, respect, and kindness.”
3. Write Affirmations:
• On the paper, write affirmations such as “I am worthy,” “I am beautiful,” or “I love myself.”
4. Light the Candle:
• As you light the pink candle, visualize it filling you with gentle, loving energy.
5. Use the Mirror:
• Look into the mirror and repeat your affirmations out loud. Feel the words resonate within you.
• Place the rose quartz or rose petals around the mirror if using them.
6. Seal the Spell:
• Fold the paper and keep it somewhere meaningful (like under your pillow or in your journal). Let the candle burn down safely or extinguish it, thanking it for its energy.
Simple Prosperity Spell
This spell helps attract abundance and good fortune.
What You’ll Need:
• Green candle (for prosperity)
• Cinnamon stick or ground cinnamon (for luck and abundance)
• A coin (symbolizing wealth)
• A small jar or pouch
1. Cleanse Your Tools:
• Pass the candle, coin, and jar through incense smoke or visualize cleansing light.
2. Set Your Intention:
• Focus on what prosperity means to you (financial security, career success, etc.).
• Say, “I welcome abundance and prosperity into my life.”
3. Prepare the Jar:
• Place the coin and a pinch of cinnamon inside the jar. As you do, visualize your goal manifesting.
• Hold the green candle and think of it as a beacon for attracting wealth.
4. Charge the Spell:
• Light the green candle. While it burns, focus on your intention and imagine money or opportunities flowing to you.
• Say, “With this spell, I attract prosperity and abundance. So it is.”
5. Seal and Keep:
• Seal the jar and keep it on your altar, near your workspace, or wherever you handle finances.
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leoascendente · 1 year ago
PAC/ Major blessings of the new year ✨️
Hi my loves! Welcome back to another pick a card, this time focused into the new year and what will be the major blessings this new year has in store for you. As always, take a deep breath and take a moment to choose your pile, I suggest you to pick the one that makes you smile the most.
I wish you the best year possible, may peace, happiness and love be always by your side every day of this new year ❤️
Decks: Woodland wardens oracle, Raider Waite tarot and astrodices
For private readings click here / 2024 readings are open
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All pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
Pile 1/ pile 2/ pile 3
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Pile 4/ pile 5/ pile 6
Pile 1:
This new year will be your year of preparation, there's something huge coming into your life at some point but first you need to learn some new skills to get and keep the success you are looking for. Universe is giving you extra time to prepare what you really want to achieve, it's like a period for trying new things and tests what works best for you, especially in matters of career and money because you'll be very lucky in these areas. If you are thinking into opening your own bussiness and be an enterpreneour, this year will be a lucky year for you but the cards wants you to focus on burocracy and legal matters too, you'll have it easy but there are some things you'll need to learn before, like paying taxes on time or investing money wisely
Your areas of luck will be about starting projects and trying new things it's all about taking the lead without fearing risk, whenever you follow your inner compass you'll find yourself attracting more abundance than what you expected. You'll also be very lucky when it comes to gain wealth and what will play the most at your favor is your knowledge about burocracy or legal matters, not only for this year but the years ahead where you'll be managing big amounts of money.
This year will be filled by happiness and meaningful changes, sometimes change can be overwhelming but for you this feels like something you've been waiting for a long time, a desired transformation of your reality. You are the group that got more major arcana, so this 2024 will be an end of a cycle where your life will take a 180-degree turn, there's also this energy of getting out of your head so much and starting focusing on your present moment. With the empress and the magician cards, I see you'll feel a lot more grounded and, for what I'm feeling, this will help you attract money easilly, you'll be a literal money magnet this new year. These two cards are also indicators of a good year of prosperity with work and money, the empress also indicates a huge physical glow up and a boost in your confidence, you'll feel super empowered during the new year ahead :)
Pile 2:
This new year brings you balance and stability, you'll feel a lot more supported and certain about the path you are taking in life, things will feel more peaceful for you this new year. If you deal with anxiety or something of that sort that involves your mental health, I see a big relief over 2024, you'll be making a lot of progress in this area. The major word I channel is balance, on your outside circumstances but mostly when it comes to yourself and your inner wellbeing, I feel my heart rushing and a knot in my stomach that are slowling relieving, this year might also involve some kind of spiritual or emotional healing too. If you have difficulties dealing with stressful situations this year will also bring you clarity to discern what's best for you and where to invest your precious energy.
You'll be lucky when it comes to find new ways to develop your passion or how you share it with the world, you'll be very lucky if you use some kind of social media or technologies to promote it too, especially if you are an artist. Your intuition will be improving too, if you follow it you'll find sucess at the end of the road, your guides will also be taking relevance in your life. Btw, blue will be your lucky color during the year
This new year will end up some conflicts you were dealing with, the feeling that you needed to constantly fight will dissipate in a very natural way, it will happen progressively in a time where you'll feel like you can finally sit and relax, you might feel extra tired sometimes but it will be because your nervous system will get out of survival mode. You end up a karmic cycle of your life that will allow you to focus on your finances and being productive at work because you got the ace and the 8 of pentacles right after the card of the world, so working and seeing progress will be a major theme of your year ahead, if you are into handcraft of some sort you can get extra income with it. You'll be also getting out of your comfort zone more often to find beautiful things outside of what's known to you, this will be a year of adventures that you'll live with peace in your heart.
Pile 3:
There's an improvement on your energy levels and your home life, you'll feel a lot more healthy and vital during the new year, I don't usually talk about health in any of my readings but your pile deserves it because your body is regenerating positively somehow, whatever you are doing to take care of it just know it's working and will give you proofs of it this new year. There's also a major message about your home life and how it will be taking a more important role in your life, maybe it's something as simple as to be able to decorate it the way you like or it's something more relevant like making a renovation of pipes or fixing leaks, whatever it is, it's something you've been wishing for a long time, It could also be that you'll finally be moving to the house of your dreams.
Your lucky areas talk about health again with virgo in the dices, I see trying to have healthier habits will help you in this aspect of your wellbeing, maybe create a healthier routine or something that sort (it will be different for each of you reading this), always do what's most aligned with yourself. You also got pluto and the third house so this year will be good for you to transform yourself, maybe stepping out of what's known for you and try new practices, it could also be that you are re-learning some things after an important spiritual awakening. For a little amount of you this could mean taking a different approach when it comes to your physical health and needs.
Uhhh things got interesting with your tarot cards! There's a lot of love entering your life my dear :), you got so many beautiful cards that I had to take a minute to channel and summarize all the info. After a period of healing and purification all your dreams will start to come true, the healing process might seem too intense because you'll be getting a lot of channelings in a short period of time but suddently everything will start happening for you, it will happen in the most unexpected way at the mostt unexpected time, you won't see all the happiness coming, even if you receive signs you won't be paying that much attention. You got the star, 10 of cups, ace of cups and the empress, if this is not an omen of your true love entering your life I don't know what it is lol, maybe the message about the home means that you finally meet the person you are going to create a home with because you got the king and knight of pentacles at the bottom of the deck so this person is arriving with commitment, peace and stability. Congratulations my dear, you'll be discovering love in many different aspects of your life during this new year.
Pile 4:
Your major blessing is some kind of dharma, it's something that will make you gain hope in Universe's protection over you, this will come through other people that will communicate things to you that will feel like an eureka moment where everything starts to make sense. Honestly, this feels like making amends with the past, do you know when you see the bully of your high school after 10 years and all the rage dissapears because that person is having a nightmare of a life?, it's not about being happy about other people's suffering, it is more the feeling of there's someone up there watching everything we do and no one leaves without paying their karma.
Your area of luck is about the people that will enter your life, I see you reuniting with your soul tribe this year and finding lovely people that will treat you with the love, respect and admiration you deserve. If you are someone that has dealt with the worst aspect of human nature, this year will be a proof from Universe of all the good traits humans have, it's like Universe wants to compensate you for the battles you have gone through in the past, you'll find your place and your people in this world.
With the tarot cards I'm seeing that you'll be meeting the most lighthearted and positive aspect of life, there's happiness, support and love entering your life to stay. You'll be moving on from a lot of mental patterns that were holding you back, it's like you have learnt the theory and you are finally dealing with the practice that you thought it would be supper difficult and challenging and will ressult into being the most easy and peacefull process ever, like you don't even have to make any effort because everything will be moving at your same pace, like Universe is adapting to you. Between all the new positive people entering your life, there are a lot of chances to find a romantic soulmate there, because of the cards you got I see an unblock in your heart chakra that will unblock your love life too, especially for those that have been single for a while. At the bottom of the deck you got the 6 of swords and the wheel of fortune so this new year will be a shift in your luck to the positive aspects of life, you'll also be feeling more hopeful and optimistic.
Pile 5
Your pile is the only one that has one extra oracle card and it's because that card wanted to fly and land on the opposite side of the room, not to give you spoilers but it was the card of romance. This new year will bring you a lot of different blessings, I see 3 major ones at least, romace is very prominent through all your spread so this year you will meet your true love and will start your life together as a couple. Another blessing I see here is some sort of independence (it will be different for each of you so take only what resonates), it can be moving alone to a new place, working by yourself or releasing emotional attachments, whatever independence means to you is what you'll be getting this new year. I also see admiration from people when they look up to you, you'll be receiving adoration from others, like getting a fan club or something like that, it feels like people being devoted to you, so you might get viral or achieve some level of fame throught the new year
Your lucky areas will be taking care of yourself and your beauty on the inside and the outside, if you've been thinking about changing your style, this year will be very favorable for you in this aspect, also for beauty treatments or anything related to your image and appearance. Another lucky area will be your drive and inner power, you can rely on this aspects whenever you need a boost of confidence, remind yourself your talents and keep moving, you are your most powerful lucky charm <3
Ohhh Divine counterparts energy here in your tarot cards, the hierophant and the high priestess and the king and queen of cups, so you'll be finding a person so in tune with you that it gives me goosebumps all over my spine, you'll understand what a twin flame connection is after this person enters your life, btw, it's someone completely new, no one from the past. Your overall message about this new year is success and moving on from what no longer serves you, this new year you'll be aligning with your happiest and most successful version and honestly, I feel like you won't have to do that much because Universe is pampering you during the whole year
Pile 6
Your oracle card's literal is happiness, so honey, happy days are here again for you, I see even see you crying of joy a few times during the year. You are my spiritual pile and my dear, this year you'll be having magical moments with your spirituality, you'll see miracles happening in front of you, I'm literally hearing 'a glitch in the matrix' so you'll be seeing and undestanding Universe in such a deeper level. You'll be nourishing your soul during this new year, you'll be more in tune with your inner child and you'll be focused into what's best for you and your happiness, life will also be very gentle with you.
Your lucky areas have something to do with your soul mission, especially if you are the kind of person that loves helping others and would like to dedicate your life into a major service for people. It's something related to healing, it can be your own or this might be more related of a soul mission that involves helping others, whatever it be, you'll be receiving rewards because of this so don'tdoubt to help those who need it. Another lucky area will be the people that will enter your life, you'll have an amazing support system in the people you will know this year.
You'll be knowing a soul mate this year! You got 2 and 10 of cups and a lot of major arcana, so I see a major connection with a romantic soulmate but also there are a lot of soul mates that will enter your life to align you with your soul mission, every person will come with a lot of knowledge that will make you feel fullfiled on a soul level. There's also a shift in your luck but it will be mostly driven by your own mentality, you'll feel stronger and more confident in whatever your passions are, you'll be also having some sort of realization about what you want to do with your life and will plan how to make it true, Universe will be favoring you in this aspect.
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novy2sirius · 9 months ago
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Wealth Numbers in Numerology
💸 certain numbers are better for wealth in certain countries. 4 and 24 can be great for wealth in the united states for example. however, this post is strictly about wealth numbers as a whole
💸 if you were born in a pig, cat, and especially a goat year you’re more likely to gain wealth as well. these animals are in the wealth trine (referring to vietnamese astrology)
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8 energy - this is the main number of money. 8’s often are poor before they’re rich, but their literal purpose in life is to gain wealth and still be a good person even when successful. if they don’t become wealthy or experience multiple financial classes (middle, upper, etc) they haven’t fulfilled their purpose
9 energy - this is a number you’ll see commonly in wealthy people. especially famous wealthy people. notice how the word “investment” starts with “i”, the ninth letter of the english alphabet
19 energy - this is the most powerful wealth number in numerology. 1 is associated with the root chakra and physical world such as materialism which includes money and 9 is associated with extremes in numerology. you’ll also notice in the american dollar sign there’s an s and s is the 19th letter in the english alphabet which is one of the most powerful languages in this matrix
26 energy - this is the wealthiest variation of 8 and is known as a number associated with prosperity and abundance of income by the kabbalists as well as by many other belief systems
28 energy - attracts money with minimal effort. if not wealthy it’s likely because of unresolved karma. money comes to them when they need it most. anything that 2 is placed next to will double its energy and 8 is the number of money which is why this is a wealth number. notice how some of the richest people in the world were born with 28 energy
38 energy - these people have lots of luck with money since 3 is the number of luck and 8 is the number of money
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the-mortuary-witch · 3 months ago
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ACACIA: exorcism, banishing, money, love, to be burned for alter offering, aiding in psychic powers, meditation, and protection.
ACORN: strength, money and wealth, and protection.
ADAM’S AND EVES ROOTS: (TOXIC) attract love and happiness.
ADDERS TONGUE: healing and divination.
AFRICAN VIOLET: protection and promote spirituality.
AGARIC: (TOXIC) encourage fertility.
AGRIMONY: protection, banish negative energy-entities, reverse spells, break hexes, promotes sleep, psychic protection, and returns spells to their senders.
AGUE ROOT: protection and break hexes.
ALDER: whistles entice the elemental earth, water magic, and strength.
ALFALFA: abundance, prosperity, money, anti-hunger, frugality, and providence. Place in the kitchen.
ALKANET: repel negativity, attract prosperity, and purification all heal-mental powers.
ALLSPICE: money, luck, healing, prosperity when burned, courage, magickal power, love, and lust.
ALMOND: prosperity, success in business ventures, money, wisdom, love, and anger management.
ALOE: protection, luck, money, repel evil, healing, beauty, success, and peace.                           
ALOESWOOD: love, spirituality, money, protection.
ALTHEA: protection, psychic power, and attract good spirits.
ALYSSUM: protection and to calm anger.
AMARANTH: healing, protection, healing heartbreak, and invisibility.
AMBER: healing.                                       
AMBERGRIS: lust and sex.
ANEMONE: health, protection, and healing. 
ANGELICA: protection, exorcism, remove curses and hexes, healing, visions, wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house, increases life energy bringing warmth of Fire element, and wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house.                          
ANISE: divination, psychic awareness, joy, dreams, luck, love, enthusiasm, Winter Solstice, and entices the spirits to aid in spells.
APPLE: love, healing, garden blessing, buried in the garden on Samhain as food for the departing spirits, to be shared with one you love,  immortality, happiness, luck, broken heart, spirit food, and the goddess.
APRICOT: love. 
ARABIC GUM: purification, spirituality, and protection. 
ARBUTUS: exorcism and protection. 
ARROWROOT: protection. 
ASAFETIDA: purification, protection, and exorcism. 
ASH: Prosperity, protection, healing, love, wands, leaves for prophetic dreams, sea rituals, longevity, peace, luck, purification, study, enhances magic, and besom.
ASPEN: protection, eloquence, and anti-theft. 
ASTER: love.                     
ASTRAGALUS: fortification, and strength. 
AVENS: exorcism, love, and purification. 
AVOCADO: beauty, love, and lust. 
BALM OF GILEAD: (TOXIC) love, manifestations, ease a broken heart, protection, and healing.
BAMBOO: protection, luck, break hexes, and wishes.
BANANA: prosperity, fertility, and potency.
BANYAN: luck and happiness.
BARLEY: healing, protection, and love.
BASIL: exorcism, love, protection, prosperity, wealth, repels negative energy, sympathy, wealth, flying, courage, business, fertility, healing relationships, and ensure faithfulness on masses.
BAY: psychic powers, protection, healing, purification, strength, wish magick, wisdom, good luck, fertility, banish negativity, energy, insight, divination, victory, prosperity, employment, mental power, and burn for psychic powers.
BAYBERRY: employment.
BEAN: love, protection, exorcism, wart charming, reconciliation, and potency.
BEECH: creativity, wishes, fertility, and balance mental health.
BEET: love.
BELLADONNA: (TOXIC) visions, astral protection, and divination.
BENZOIN: purification, prosperity, astral projection, confidence, and protection. 
BERGAMOT: success, money, confidence, protection, prosperity, employment, and unwanted advances.
BETONY: love, healing, burn at Litha for purification, protection; place under pillow to be rid of nightmares; sprinkle around doors to ward off despair, and psychic awareness.
BIRCH: purification, protection, exorcism, cleansing, beauty, catalyst, blessing, health, besom, and beginnings.
BISTORT: fertility and psychic powers.
BITTERSWEET: (TOXIC) protection, healing, and broken heart.
BLACK COHOSH: courage, love, protection, and potency.
BLACK HELLEBORE: (TOXIC) invisibility, exorcism, and astral projection.
BLACK PEPPER: courage and protection.
BLACK SNAKEROOT: love, lust, and money.
BLACKBERRY: healing, protection, prosperity, money, and pies for Lughnassadh.
BLACKTHORN: returns evil to its sender.
BLADDERWRACK: psychic powers, protection, money, water or sea spells, wind spells, travel, and psychic clarity.
BLESSED THISTLE: protection, animal healing, and abundance.
BLOODROOT: (TOXIC) love, purification, and protection.
BLUEBELL: luck and truth.
BLUEBERRY: protection.
BLUE COHOSH ROOT: courage, balance, and protection.
BLUE FLAG: (TOXIC) money, wealth, and success in business.
BODHI: wisdom, fertility, protection, and meditation.
BONESET: protection and exorcism.
BORAGE: courage, psychic powers, and carry leaves for protection.
BRACKEN: protection, healing, fertility, prophetic dreams, and rune magick.
BRIAR: add to tea for clairvoyant dreams and protection.
BRIONY: (TOXIC) mage magick, protection, and money.
BROMELIAD: protection and money.
BROOM: (TOXIC) divination, wind spells, purification of the circle, and hung indoors for protection.
BRYONY: (TOXIC) pleasure and reveal secrets.
BUCHU: prophetic dreams and psychic powers.
BUCKEYE: luck, divination, money, wealth, prosperity, and gambling.
BUCKTHORN: protection, exorcism, wishes, and legal matters.
BUCKWHEAT: protection and money.
BURDOCK: protection, healing, wards off negativity, purifies, protects (washing floors or dried root on red string around the neck), happy home, clears space & holds the space safe, and spirit of north.
CABBAGE: luck.
CACTUS: protection and chastity.
CALAMUS: (TOXIC) luck, protection, healing, money, and purification.
CALENDULA: stress management , opening to the 3rd Chakra, and helps energy move outward from centre of body extending in all directions.
CAMELLIA: prosperity, wealth, and luxury.
CAMPHOR: (TOXIC) healing, divination, chastity, past lives, prophetic dreams, purification, psychic awareness, and unwanted advances.
CAPER: lust, love, and potency.
CARAWAY: protection, lust, healing, mental powers, repel negativity, psychic healing, vitality, energy, magickal power, and anti-theft.
CARDAMON: lust, love, and burned in love spells and in love sachets.
CARNATION: protection, strength, healing, altar offering to the goddess, strength.
CAROB: protection and health.
CARROT: fertility, lust, vision, and the God aspect.
CASCARA SAGRADA: protection, money, and legal matters.
CASHEW: prosperity, money, and communication.
CASSIA: psychic awareness, and spirituality.
CASTOR: (TOXIC) protection and repel negativity.
CATNIP: love, beauty, happiness, power, courage, positive cat magick, friendship, joy, anger management, depression management, and familiars.
CAT TAIL: lust.
CAYENNE: exorcism and healing.
CEDAR: healing, purification, money, protection, cleansing, courage, stopping sexual harassment, prosperity, aura field, and space.
CELANDINE: joy, protection, happiness, escape, legal matters, and depression management.
CELERY: lust, psychic powers, mental clarity, concentration, and peace.
CENTAURY: snake removing.
CHAMOMILE: purification, tranquility, money, sleep-rest (tea), love, luck, meditation, prosperity, incense for the God, gambling, hex breaking, legal matters, peace, dreams, dexterity, and protection.
CHAPPARAL: Fire element rituals, protection, and Spirit of South.
CHERRY: love, divination, burn chips at sabbats, creativity, and victory.
CHICKWEED: love and fidelity.
CHICORY: favours, frugality, remove obstacles, invisibility, frigidity, and liberation.
CHILI PEPPER: fidelity, love, and break hexes.
CHINA BERRY: (TOXIC) luck and change.
CILANTRO: health.
CINCHONA: protection and luck.
CINNAMON: prosperity, success, spirituality, healing, lust, protection, love, psychic powers, passion, power, dreams, strength, astral projection, courage, money, purification, and personal empowerment.
CINQUEFOIL: money, protection, sleep, prophetic dreams, purification, lust, prosperity, and divination dreams.
CITRON: healing and eaten to increase psychic powers.
CIVET: love, lust, and sex.
CLOTH-OF-GOLD: animal communication.
CLOVE: protection, exorcism, purification, love, money, mental clarity, burn for wealth, wards off negativity, counter spells, cleansing, divination, luck, depression management, psychic awareness, prophetic dreams, happiness, and gossip.
CLOVER: success, protection, money, exorcism, love, fidelity, consecration, beauty, luck, youth, healing, faeries, and prosperity.
CLUB MOSS: protection and power.
COCONUT: purification, protection, chastity, and water.
COHOSH (BLACK): courage, protection, potency, and menopause.
COLTSFOOT: love, psychic visions, healing, wealth, and prosperity.
COLUMBINE: courage and love.
COMFREY: (TOXIC) money, root or leaves for healing, carry for safe travel, protection, stress management, safe journeys (Worldly or through Meditation), and Winter Solstice.
COPAL: love, purification, exorcism, protection, spirituality, earth element, sets sacred space, and allows guides and guidance to come.
CORIANDER: love, health, healing, protection, and longevity.
CORN: divination, protection, luck, and money.
CORNFLOWER: psychism.
CORNSILK: Water element and stimulates flow.
COTTON: luck, healing, and protection.
COWSLIP: youth, healing, treasure finding, luck, love, and psychic dreams.
CRANBERRY: healing, energy, and abundance.
CROCUS: love, visions, and wisdom.
CUBEB: love.
CUCKOO-FLOWER: love and fertility.
CUCUMBER: healing, fertility, and chastity.
CUMIN: exorcism, protection, prevents theft, fidelity, and love.
CURRY: protection and exorcism.
CYCLAMEN: fertility, protection, happiness, lust, and broken heart.
CYPRESS: healing, protection, comfort, longevity, peace, sleep, and liberation.
DAFFODIL: love, luck, and fertility.
DAISY: love, lust, luck, depression management, faeries and elves, and happiness.
DAMIANA: divination, love, lust, sex magick, dreams, visions, psychic powers, and opens door between worlds.
DANDELION LEAF AND ROOT: purification, divination, wishes, and calling spirits.
DATE PALM: potency and fertility.
DATURA: (TOXIC) protection, sleep, and break hexes.
DEERS TONGUE: (TOXIC) lust, psychic powers, and gossip management.
DEVIL’S BIT: love, protection, luck, and exorcism.
DEVIL’S SHOESTRING: protection, luck, gambling, power, and employment.
DILL:  love, lust, seeds draw money, leaves for protection, and flowers for love.
DITTANY OF CRETE: manifestations and astral projection.
DOCK: money, healing, and fertility.
DODDER: love divination and knot magick.
DOGBANE: love.
DOGWOOD: protection and wishes.
DONG QUAI: health, vitality, and fire element rituals.
DRAGONS BLOOD: power, protection, exorcism, potency, love, courage, fortune, catalyst, magick power, strength, purification, stimulates action of other herbs in incense blend, and stimulates movement of energy.
DULSE: harmony and lust.
EBONY: protection and power.
ECHINACEA: strengthening spells, health, strength, and wards off negativity or undesirable energies.
EDELWEISS: invisibility and bullet-proofing.
ELDER: (CAUTION: SEEDS ARE TOXIC)  money, wishes, theft protection, exorcism, healing, prosperity, sleep, wards negative thoughts when used as wind chimes, blessings, do not burn the wood of elder for it is sacred to Hecate, see fairies in the trees at Litha, flowers used as an alter offering, berries for esbat wine, flowers added to candle spells directed at Hecate during the new moon, cleansing, and offering.
ELDERBERRIES: prosperity, protection, sleep, joy, visions, banishing, energy, ancient wisdom, contact with elementals, and invoke magic.
ELDERFLOWER: purifying and healing.
ELECAMPANE: love, protection, psychic powers, and anger management.
ELM: protection, love, and attracts elves.
ENDIVE: love and lust.
ERYNGO: peace, love, lust, and traveler's luck.
EUCALYPTUS: (TOXIC) healing, protection, joy, purification, and air element rituals.
EUPHORBIA: (TOXIC) protection and purification.
EYEBRIGHT: joy, psychic powers, mental clarity, mental ability and clarity, and visions.
FALSE UNICORN ROOT: connection to magical realm, and contains energy and intention.
FENNEL: protection, exorcism, healing, purification, virility, sacred to the God, hung over doors at Litha, strength, courage, and money.
FENNEL SEED: stimulates movement.
FENUGREEK: prosperity, wealth, money, mental powers, and clearing.
FERN: (TOXIC) money, wealth, eternal youth, protection, outside for rain, luck, riches, health, and exorcism.
FEVERFEW: protection, wards sickness, and wards accidents in traffic.
FIG: divination, fertility, and love.
FIGWORT: protection and health.
FIR: health, prosperity, and birth and rebirth.
FLAX: luck, money, protection, purification, beauty, psychic powers, healing, health, and initiates flow.
FLEABANE: exorcism, protection, and chastity.
FORGET-ME-NOT: mental powers.
FOXGLOVE: (TOXIC) faeries and elves, lust, and grow in garden for protection of the house and yard.
FRANKINCENSE: exorcism, purification, protection, spirituality, power, meditation, blessing, concentration, banishing, courage, divination, healing, love, purification, consecration, sets sacred space, sets safe space for guides to come in, and spirit of East or North.
FUMITORY: money and exorcism.
FURZ/EGORSE: burn at Ostara for protection and as a preparation for any conflict.
FUZZY WEED: love and hunting.
GALANGAL: protection, legal matters, lust, health, money, psychic powers, break hexes, energy, strength, and courage.
GARDENIA: love, peace, healing, spirituality, and psychic awareness.
GARLIC: protection, healing, health, exorcism, lust sacred to Hecate, flowers for altar offerings, cloves for protection, anti-theft, wishes, and relief from nightmares.
GENTIAN: power, love, break hexes, wishes, and theft.
GERANIUM: (TOXIC) courage, abundance, health, love, protection, and fertility.
GIANT VETCH: fidelity.
GINGER love, money, success, power, aphrodisiac, psychic ability, apathy, lust, good health, magickal power, fire element rituals, brings into existence, bringer of the manifestation, 3rd chakra vitality, inner strength, stimulates flow of energy, and spirit of south.
GINSENG: longevity, sexual potency, protection, healing, love, lust, wishes, beauty, vitality, fertility, desire, encourages a long lasting affect, and strength.
GOAT’S RUE: healing and health.
GOLDENROD: prosperity, money, divination, and luck.
GOLDENSEAL: money and healing.
GORSE: protection and money.
GOTU KOLA: meditation.
GOURD: protection.
GRAIN: protection.
GRAINS OF PARADISE: love, lust, luck, money, and wishes.
GRAPE: mental clarity, money, fertility, garden magick, and happiness.
GRASS: psychic powers and protection.
GROUND IVY: divination.
GROUNDSEL: health and healing.
GUM MASTIC: magickal power.
HAWTHORN: happiness, fertility, powerful wands, protection, chastity, fishing magick, faeries and elves, purification, business, depression management, purity, and cleansing.
HAWTHORNE BERRIES: 4th chakra strength and vitality, love, and contentment.
HAZEL: luck, fertility, protection, wishes, nuts strung on cord in house or ritual room to invite the help of plant fairies, used for wands, healing, anti-lightning, love, aphrodisiac, wisdom, divination, mental powers, intelligence, and inspiration.
HEATHER: luck, protection, red to start or end an affair, white for protection, purple for spiritual development, use at Samhain to invite spirits to visit, rain making, and spirituality.
HELIOTROPE: (TOXIC) exorcism, prophetic dreams, healing, wealth, invisibility, money, spirituality, prosperity, and psychic awareness.
HELLEBORE (BLACK): (TOXIC) protection.
HEMLOCK: (TOXIC) astral projection, diminish libido, power, purification, charging, and alignment.
HEMP: healing, love, visions, and meditation.
HENBANE: (TOXIC) love, luck, divination, and invisibility.
HENNA: healing, health, love, change, and dying material.
HIBISCUS: love, lust, divination, and 5th chakra.
HICKORY: legal matters.
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR: (TOXIC) strength, confidence, health, love, money, success, happiness, break hexes, increase strength, legal matters, anointing, and victory.
HOLY THISTLE: purification and break hexes.
HOLLY: protection, luck, dream magic, anti-lightning, balance, dreams, enhances magic, holiness, consecration, and beauty.
HONESTLY: money and protection.
HONEYSUCKLE: protection, money, psychic powers, confidence, broken heart, luck, happiness, healing, and depression management.
HOPS: healing, sleep, stress management, and opens the channel in and out of the body in relationship with the universe.
HOREHOUND: exorcism, healing, purification, protection, mental clarity, balance, banishing, and opens air element within body and in the world, opens channel for clear communication.
HORSE CHESTNUT: (TOXIC) healing and money.
HORSERADISH: exorcism and purification.
HORSETAIL: fertility.
HOUSELEEK: love, luck, and protection.
HUCKLEBERRY: protection, luck, dream magic, and break hexes.
HYACINTH: (TOXIC) business, court cases, sleep, depression management, love, protection, and happiness.
HYDRANGEA: break hexes.
HYSSOP: healing, protection, purification, wards negativity, prosperity, money, banishing, and dragon energy.
IRIS: purification, wisdom, courage, reincarnation, spirituality, and happiness.
IRISH MOSS: luck, money, protection, opens throat, and opens channel for clear communication.
IVY: (TOXIC) divination, protection, healing, fertility, love, and fidelity.
JASMINE: divination, love, money, prophetic dreams, sleep, prosperity, spirituality, visions, confidence, broken heart, astral projection, business, and court cases.
JIMSON WEED: protect against evil spirits.
JOB’S TEARS: luck, wishes, and healing.
JOE-PYE WEED: love and respect.
JUNIPER: protection, love, exorcism, health, anti-theft, banishing, peace, wishes, aphrodisiacs, sets sacred space, and spirit of north.
KAVA KAVA: lust, protection while traveling, astral projection, visions, luck, visions, protection, love, and opens one to receiving guidance and guides.
KELP: wind spells, psychic powers, protection, connection to divine source through the physical and spiritual, unity, life-force strengthening, and spirit of centre.
KNOTWEED: health, binding spells, and protection
LADY’S MANTLE: love and self control.
LADY’S SLIPPER: protection.
LARCH: protection and anti-theft.
LARKSPUR: protection and health.
LAVENDER: protection, call in good spirits, love, sleep, longevity, happiness, peace, healing, burn for purification, peace, use in bath for purification, burn at Litha as an offering, psychic awareness, chastity, liberation, menopause, childbirth, grief or loss, youthful vigour, stress management, travel, anger management, and attracts elves.
LEEK: exorcism, love, and protection.
LEMON: purification, love, friendship, longevity, cleansing, healing, peace, success, broken heart, anger management, and devotion.
LEMON BALM: love, success, healing, depression management, aphrodisiac, and soothes emotional pain after relationship ends.
LEMON VERBENA: protection, purification, love, power, beauty, youth, happiness, peace, mental and emotional balance, and Summer Solstice.
LEMONGRASS: psychic powers, mental clarity, lust, and repels snakes.
LETTUCE: love divination, sleep, protection, chastity, and luck.
LIQUORICE: love, lust, fidelity, aphrodisiac, meditation, and harmony.
LIFE-EVERLASTING: health, healing, and longevity.
LILAC: exorcism, protection, purification, beauty, love, peace, and psychic awareness.
LILY: protection, exorcism, repel negativity, truth, break love spells, strength, purification, and breaking hexes.
LILY OF THE VALLEY: (TOXIC) mental clarity, happiness, insight, depression management, and peace.
LIME: healing, love, protection, cleansing, happiness, and purification.
LINDEN: healing, protection, luck, love, sleep, bark for protection, leaves and flowers for immortality, good fortune, youth, attraction, and longevity.
LIQUID AMBER: protection.
LIVERWORT: love and protection.
LOBELIA: (TOXIC) healing and love.
LOOSESTRIFE: peace, protection, harmony, and purple restores harmony and brings peace.
LOTUS: protection, spirituality, love, lock opening, liberation, and mental powers.
LOVAGE: love, attraction, cleansing, and purification.
LOVE SEED: love and friendship.
LUCKY HAND: protection, luck, money, travel, and employment.
MACE: psychic powers, mental clarity, and divination. 
MAGUEY: lust. 
MAGNOLIA: fidelity, past lives, peace, sex, broken heart, beauty, and wisdom. 
MAHOGANY: anti-lightning. 
MADIENHAIR: beauty and love. 
MALE FERN: luck and love. 
MALLOW: love, protection, and exorcism. 
MANDRAKE: (TOXIC) potency, exorcism, protection, fertility, money, love, health, protection, catalyst, prosperity, divination, increase psychic powers, aphrodisiacs, cursing enemies, building, banishing, and protection in the subconscious, unconscious and underworld. 
MAPLE: money, longevity, and love. 
MARIGOLD: prophetic dreams, protection, legal matters, marriage spells, enhanced psychic powers, pick in full sun, business and legal matters, clairvoyant dreams, and mixed with water and rubbed on the eyelids to see fairies. 
MARJORAM: protection, love, happiness, health, money, depression management, and prosperity. 
MARSHMALLOW: healing, friendship, boundaries, love, protection, strength, and emotional balance. 
MASTERWORT: protection, strength, and courage.  
MASTIC: psychic powers, lust, manifestations, love, and magick power. 
MAY APPLE: (TOXIC) money and prosperity. 
MEADOW RUE: love and divination. 
MEADOWSWEET: love, divination, peace, happiness, harmony, and 3rd chakra. 
MESQUITE: healing. 
MILK THISTLE: creativity, protection, dispel, and transformation. 
MIMOSA: love, protection, prophetic dreams, purification, past lives, and visions. 
MINT: exorcism, protection, money, lust, healing, travel, alter offering for helpful spirits , love, luck, anger management, dreams, abundance, prosperity, and rejuvenation. 
MISTLETOE: (TOXIC) Healing, protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism, hunting, success, catalyst, lust, liberation, and sexual potency. 
MOLUKKA: protection. 
MOONFLOWER: liberation. 
MOONWORT: love, money, and divination. 
MORNING GLORY: (TOXIC) peace, happiness, and depression management. 
MOSS: luck and money. 
MOTHERWORT: balances within, self empowerment, and 2nd chakra. 
MUGWORT: astral projection, strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing, divination, rub fresh herb on crystal balls and magick mirrors to increase their strength, pick on full moon night, clairvoyance, purification, sex, renewal, fertility, clearing, sleep, visions, opens one to the teachings of the subconscious and unconscious self, and 6th and 7th chakras. 
MULBERRY: protection and strength. 
MULLEIN: exorcism, health, protection, courage, love divination, calling spirits, dreams, and opens life energy flow through the body. 
MUSK: purification and sex. 
MUSTARD: fertility, protection, mental clarity, health, and money. 
MYRRH: spirituality, purification, protection, healing, exorcism, wards negativity, burn for purification and consecrations, banishing, sets sacred space, and ancient wisdom. 
MYRTLE: peace, money, love, youth, fertility, sleep, healing, and prosperity. 
NARCISSUS: peace. 
NASTURTIUM: healing. 
NEROLI: love. 
NETTLE: exorcism, protection, healing, lust, abundance, 3rd and 6th chakra, banishing, stress management, and gossip management. 
NIAOULI: protection. 
NORFOLK ISLAND PINE: protection and anti-hunger. 
NUTMEG: protection, money, health, luck, fidelity, break hexes, burn for prosperity, love, psychic awareness, and relief from nightmares. 
NUTS: fertility, prosperity, love, luck, use for tips on wands, gifts, and communication. 
OAK: protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck, the God, wands, burn leaves to purify the atmosphere, acorns draw money, burn wood for good health, acorns draw money, power, balance, and prosperity. 
OAK MOSS: court cases, money, and protection. 
OATS: money, offering to the god, and stress management.  
OLIVE: healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust, victory, and spirituality. 
ONION: exorcism, healing, protection, purification, money, prophetic dreams, and lust. 
ORANGE: love, divination, luck, and money. 
ORANGE BERGAMOT: prosperity, success, energy, joy, friendship, success, prosperity, psychic awareness, peels for love, and incense for good fortune. 
ORCHID: love and psychic powers. 
OREGON GRAPE: money and prosperity. 
ORRIS: divination, protection, love, prosperity, money, clairvoyance, sex, and psychic awareness. 
PALMAROSA: healing and love. 
PALM DATE: fertility and potency. 
PANSY: love, divination, rain magick, mental powers, and strength. 
PAPAY: protection, love, and wishes.  
PAPYRUS: protection, wisdom, and self-insight. 
PAROSELA: hunting.  
PARSLEY: purification, protection, lust, love, fertility, and prosperity. 
PASSION FLOWER: peace, sleep, friendships prosperity, increase libido, popularity, anger management, and stress management. 
PATCHOULI: money, fertility, lust, break hexes, incense for drawing money, earth, underworld, business, confidence, court cases, love, desire, prosperity, protection, success, sex, and enemies. 
PAU D'ARCO: fertility, wards off negativity,  and clears. 
PEA: money and love. 
PEACH: exorcism, love, fertility, wishes, longevity, broken heart, and youth. 
PEAR: love and lust. 
PECAN: money, employment, prosperity, dreams, and discipline. 
PENNYROYAL: exorcism, consecration, strength, protection, peace, and healing. 
PEONY: exorcism, protection, and purification. 
PEPPER: exorcism, protection, use in amulets or grow for protection, and wards off negativity. 
PEPPERMINT: purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers, divination, money, apathy, exorcism, insight, lust, menopause, and clears energy and space. 
PEPPER TREE: protection, purification, and healing. 
PERIWINKLE: (TOXIC) Protection, money, love, lust, and mental clarity. 
PERSIMMON: healing, luck, changing sex, and insight into others. 
PETITGRAIN: protection. 
PILOT WEED: protection. 
PIMENTO: love. 
PIMPERNEL: protection and health. 
PINE: (TOXIC) protection, exorcism, money, healing, fertility, brush outdoor ritual area with a branch to purify and sanctify, burn for cleansing, needles in money spells, spirituality, gambling, dreams, cleansing, banishing, purification, prosperity, employment, birth, rebirth, strength, life and immortality. 
PINECONE: magic, human enlightenment, resurrection, strength, internal life, health, fertility, and regeneration.
PINEAPPLE: luck, money, chastity, hospitality, and protection. 
PIPSISSEWA: money and calling in good spirits. 
PISTACHIO: breaking love spells. 
PLANTAIN: protection, healing, strength, and snake repelling. 
PLUM: protection, love, healing, and self-confidence. 
POKE: (TOXIC) courage and breaks hexes. 
POMEGRANATE: divination, luck, wealth, wishes, and fertility. 
POPLAR: money, astral projection, and success. 
POPPY: fertility, love, sleep, money, luck, healing, and invisibility. 
POTATO: healing, image magick, astral projection, separation, foundations, and earth energy. 
PRIMROSE: protection and love. 
PURSLANE: protection, love, happiness, luck, and sleep. 
QUASSIA: love.
QUEEN OF THE MEADOW: power and protection.
QUINCE: protection, love, and happiness.
RADISH: protection and lust. 
RAGWEED: courage, faeries, and elves. 
RAGWORT: protection. 
RASPBERRY: healing, visions, protection, love, alleviates labor pains, spirit of centre, and spring equinox. 
RATTLESNAKE ROOT: protection and money. 
RED CLOVER BLOSSOMS: abundance, love, money, protection, success, and summer solstice. 
RED ROOT: clears energy and dispels. 
RHUBARB: health, protection, and fidelity. 
RICE: protection, money, fertility, rain, blessings, and weather magick. 
ROOTS: protection, divination, and power. 
ROSE: beauty, protection, purification, love, psychic powers, healing, divination, peace, luck, courage, catalyst, sex,  sleep, prophetic dreams, anger management, love divination, abundance, attraction, and prosperity. 
ROSE GERANIUM: protection. 
ROSE HIPS: healing, luck, call in good spirits, abundance, strength, and fall equinox ceremony. 
ROSEMARY: exorcism, protection, healing, love, lust, mental clarity, sleep, youth, burn for purification, wards negativity, love, blessing, consecration, cleansing, strength, wishes, dreams, beauty, theft, healing, psychic ability, spirit of south, grow to attract elves, and blessing. 
ROWAN: protection, success, psychic powers, healing, power, wands and amulets for knowledge, incense of leaves and berries for divination, fires to call upon spirits for help, grow for protection of the home, inspiration, wisdom, enhances magic, and attracts faeries. 
RUE: exorcism, protection, purification, break hexes, health, mental clarity, healing, blessing, consecration, use in altar oil, love, money and wealth, and gossip management. 
RYE: love and fidelity. 
SAFFRON: love, lust, healing, strength, happiness, psychic powers, wind raising, and depression management. 
SAGE: purification, protection, wisdom, longevity, wishes, health, immortality, intuition, divination, luck, prosperity, money, spirituality, menopause, psychic ability, clears, inner guide, longevity, and vision.
SAGEBRUSH: exorcism, protection, purification, joy, and peace. 
ST. JOHN’S WORT: (TOXIC) exorcism, protection, courage, strength, happiness, health, love divination, burn at Litha to send away negativity, wear for invincibility, willpower, gathered at Litha, power, and stress management. 
SALTPETER: unwanted advances. 
SANDALWOOD: protection, exorcism, purification, wishes, healing, spirituality, full moon esbats, wards negativity, spirit offering, luck, sex, banishing, astral projection, business, success, and mental powers. 
SARSAPARILLA: love, money, inner strength, grounding, and purification. 
SASSAFRAS: money, health, and healing. 
SENNA: love. 
SERPENTARIA ROOT: love and aphrodisiacs. 
SESAME: money, success in business, lust, happiness, and gambling. 
SHALLOT: purification. 
SHAMROCKS: faeries and elves. 
SHEPHERDS PURSE: sleep, depression management, and healing. 
SKULLCAP: peace, love, fidelity, stress management, and anxiety management. 
SKUNK CABBAGE: good fortune and legal matters. 
SLIPPERY ELM: halts gossip, aids verbal communication and development, enemies, friendship, and ends disputes. 
SLOE: exorcism, protection, and banishes negative energy/entities. 
SNAKEROOT: money, luck, break hexes, love, and lust. 
SNAPDRAGON: protection, break hexes, exorcism, prophetic dreams, prosperity, gossip management, and money and wealth. 
SOLOMON’S SEAL: love, exorcism, protection, and an offering to the elementals for their aid. 
SOUTHERNWOOD: love, lust, protection, and faeries and elves. 
SPANISH MOSS: protection. 
SPEARMINT: healing, love, and mental clarity. 
SPIKENARD: health, fidelity, love, luck, strength, wisdom, and mental powers. 
SQUILL: protection, money, break hexes, and business. 
STAR ANISE: psychic powers, luck, good fortune, and spiritual powers. 
STILLENGIA: psychic powers. 
STRAW: luck, attracts fairies, do not burn magik infused straw, it will bring ill-fortune, used as an image to protect an area, image magick, and fertility. 
STRAWBERRY: love, luck, joy, and broken heart. 
SUGAR CANE: love, lust, prosperity, and sympathy. 
SUMBUL: psychic powers, love, luck, and health. 
SUMMER SAVOURY: mental clarity and strength, and mental powers. 
SUNFLOWER: wisdom, health, wishes, fertility, happiness, friendship, and prosperity. 
SWEETGRASS: calling in good spirits, bringer of positive energy, clears, seals In, burned after white sage which clears, and spirit of east. 
SWEET PEA: strength, courage, friendship, chastity, truth, and love. 
TAMARIND: love. 
TAMARISK: exorcism and protection. 
TANGERINE: magickal power. 
TANSY: healing, health, and longevity. 
TEA: strength, courage, prosperity, riches, and health. 
THISTLE HOLLY: purification and hex breaking. 
THISTLE MILK: exorcism, protection, healing, strength, break hexes, and snake enraging. 
THYME: purification, courage, psychic powers, sleep, wards negativity, burn for purification, healing spells, love, renewal, youth, divination, prophetic dreams, faery folk, and romance. 
TI: protection and healing. 
TOADFLAX: protection and break hexes. 
TOADSTOOL: (TOXIC) rain making. 
TOBACCO: (TOXIC) healing, purification, and offerings. 
TOMATO: protection, prosperity, and love. 
TONKA: (TOXIC) courage, love, money, wishes, luck, friendship, and prosperity. 
TORMENTIL: protection and love. 
TREFOIL: decorate altar, protection, luck, when taking one, and leave a bit of ginger or milk poured into the ground as payment to the fairies. 
TRILLIUM: love, luck, and money. 
TUBEROSE: love, lust, peace, and psychic awareness. 
TULIP: protection, prosperity, and love. 
TURMERIC: purification (used with sea salt), fortification, strength, and clears aggression. 
TURNIP: protection, endings, and banish negativity. 
UVA URSA: (TOXIC) psychic powers. 
VALERIAN: protection, purification, love, sleep, prophetic dreams, peace, sex, friendship, anxiety management, and self esteem. 
VANILLA: love, lust, mental clarity, money, confidence, attracting people, magickal power, prosperity, success, and wishes. 
VENUS FLYTRAP: protection and love. 
VERVAIN: sleep, protection, purification, love, money, peace, healing, gather/burn at Litha, altar offering, brings riches, creativity, wards psychic attack, youth, chastity, astral projection, unwanted advances, anger management, and prosperity. 
VETCH GIANT: fidelity. 
VETIVERT: love, luck, money, break hexes, wards negativity, anti-theft, exorcism, wishes, peace, protection, prosperity, and divination. 
VIOLET: protection, healing, love, lust, luck, wishes, peace, sleep, insight, and visions. 
WAHOO: (TOXIC) courage, success, and breaks hexes. 
WALNUT: health, mental clarity, wishes, infertility, spirituality, and travel. 
WATERCRESS: healing. 
WAX PLANT: protection and power. 
WHEAT: money, fertility, and prosperity. 
WHITE WILLOW BARK: healing, blessings, binding, sacred earth connection between human and earth and spirit, protection, and spirit of east. 
WILD LETTUCE: love divination, protection, sleep, opens to the deeper consciousness, and attunes to deeper meanings. 
WILD PLUM: healing. 
WILD YAM: fortification, grounding, release, and 1st chakra. 
WILLOW: protection, healing, love, burn bark with sandalwood for divination, vitality, energy, ending pain, moon magic, wishing, spirits, death passage, besom, inspiration, and psychic energy. 
WINTERGREEN: protection, healing, break hexes, strength, good fortune, and opens channels. 
WINTER’S BARK: success. 
WISTERIA: spirituality. 
WITCH GRASS: exorcism, happiness, love, and lust. 
WITCH HAZEL: protection, chastity, healing, beauty, and unwanted advances. 
WOLF’S BANE: (TOXIC) protection and invisibility. 
WOOD BETONY: love, purification, and protection. 
WOOD ROSE: luck. 
WOOD SORREL: healing, and health.
WOODRUFF: protection, money, victory, add to Beltane wine to clear away barriers, success, changes, psychic awareness, and prosperity. 
WORMWOOD: (TOXIC, BURN IN WELL VENTILATED AREA, PREFERABLY OUTDOORS) exorcism, protection, love, psychic powers, calling spirits, protection while traveling, evocation, divination, scrying (stronger when combined with Mugwort) at Samhain, sacred to the moon, good luck, clairvoyance, divination, and safety in cars. 
YARROW: healing, divination, exorcism, protection, courage, love, psychic powers, happy marriage (wedding bouquet), wards negativity, defense, protection, gather at Litha, happiness, fidelity, broken heart, prophetic dreams, spirit of south, clears, and stimulates movement. 
YELLOWDOCK ROOT: clears stuck energy and fortification. 
YERBA MATE: love, lust, and fidelity. 
YERBA SANTA: protection, healing, psychic powers, beauty, and clears channel to divine life force. 
YEW: (TOXIC) Yule symbol for death and rebirth, used for dagger handles, raising the dead, psychic awareness, and spirits. 
YLANG YLANG: insight, love, past lives, peace, sex, and visions. 
YOHIMBE: (TOXIC) love and lust. 
YUCCA: protection, purification, and transmutation. 
136 notes · View notes
samwisethewitch · 11 months ago
Bewitching Your Coffee
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I am 100% a coffee drinker. I love drinking it black, I love it in lattes and cappucini (yes, that's the actual plural of cappucino), and I especially love the experience of sharing coffee with another person. And, like everything that comes out of my kitchen, I like finding ways to make coffee more magical.
But even though coffee is a daily essential for a lot of us and has a long history in folk magic, people don't talk about it nearly as much as tea magic. I did some digging, and this post contains my research into the magic and lore of coffee and the things we like to add to coffee. I hope my fellow kitchen witches find this helpful!
Correspondences of Coffee and Common Coffee Add-ons
Coffee: Used for grounding and to anchor a spell in the physical world. Useful in spells for mental clarity and enhancing psychic senses. Used in several types of American folk magic as an offering for spirits. Author Starr Casas uses coffee for powerful cleansing and blockbusting in her Southern folk magic practice. Because of its association with energy and movement, coffee can be used to add strength to spells. I personally associate coffee with the Earth and Air elements and with the planet Uranus.
Milk has different correspondences based on whether you are using cow's milk or a plant-based milk.
Cow's Milk: Associated with nurturing, love, and abundance. In pagan Ireland, offering someone milk was an effective blessing. Milk and cream are said to be favorite offerings of fairies. I associate cow's milk with the Water element and the Moon.
Soy Milk: Soy may have been a sacred food crop in ancient China and is associated with blessings. During the Japanese festival Setsubun, soy beans are used to repel bad spirits and draw good fortune in a practice called mamemaki -- soy products can be used in spells for protection or good fortune. Use soy milk or other soy products in spells for success, good luck, and prosperity. I personally associate soy milk with the Earth element and with the planet Jupiter.
Almond Milk: Associated with prosperity, wealth, and success in business, as well as with increasing wisdom. Almond milk and other almond products are associated with the Air element and the planet Mercury.
Coconut Milk: Associated with purification, healing, and protection. In African American magic traditions, coconut can be used for peaceful home work and protection work, as well as ancestor offerings. Coconut is associated with the Water element and the moon.
Oatmilk: Associated with prosperity and money magic. Oats are associated with the Earth element and the planet Venus.
Sweeteners attract sweetness and good fortune. Different sweeteners have their own associations.
Sugar: Associated with love and lust. In Southern folk magic, sugar is sometimes used in money work. Sugar is associated with the Water element and the planet Venus.
Brown Sugar: Has the same associations as regular sugar, but works more slowly because it contains molasses.
Honey: Associated with home, family, love, and blessings. In Southern folk magic, honey is sometimes used in domination or control work, especially honeycomb. I personally associate honey with the Water element and with the planet Venus.
Maple Syrup: Associated with love, money, and long life. I personally associate maple with new life and transformation based on Robin Wall Kimmerer's writings about them in Braiding Sweetgrass. Associated with the Air element and the planet Jupiter.
Artificial Sweeteners (Splenda, xylitol, and other man-made sweeteners): There's very little written about the magical uses of these sweeteners, but I personally associate them with creativity, innovation, and new discoveries. I associate these sweeteners with the Air element and the planets Mercury and Uranus.
Caramel* is actually made from sugar, which is cooked over low heat until it caramelizes, or turns brown. Caramel has the same magical associations as sugar, but with a stronger connection to Fire energy and to transformation.
*Note: In the US, "caramel" is often made with corn syrup. For example, the caramel drizzle at Starbucks is basically 100% corn syrup, or at least was when I worked there a few years back. This isn't to say you can't work magically with corn syrup-based caramel, but the energy will be different. I don't have experience here because I have a corn allergy, so I'd love to hear if anyone has experience working with corn syrup in witchcraft!
Chocolate** is originally from Latin America and was an important ceremonial drink in Mayan culture. In Mexica (Aztec) culture, chocolate was used as currency and was said to be a gift from the gods. It was associated with the devil and with witchcraft when it was first brought to Spain by colonizers. Later, during the Renaissance, it was seen as a miracle cure for all kinds of medical conditions. Based on its history, chocolate can be used in magic for love, sex, energy, spirituality, magical abilities, and healing. I personally associate chocolate with the Fire element and with the Sun.
**Note: Scott Cunningham includes a note on "chocolate" in his book on magical herbs, but this is actually carob, Jacaranda procera. The cacao tree, which produces chocolate, is Theobroma cacao.
Cinnamon is associated with success, healing, adding power to spells, spirituality, wealth, and protection. Cinnamon is important in Christian folk magic because of its use in the Bible. In Southern folk magic, cinnamon is used for money, luck, and lust and is said to work very fast. It can also be used for blessings and protection spells. It is associated with the Fire element and the Sun.
Clove is probably most famous for its use in spells to stop gossip, but it is also used to drive away harmful spirits and to attract wealth. It is also sometimes used in love and sex magic and for successful business work. It is connected to the Fire element and the planet Jupiter.
Ginger adds power to spells and situations. It is used in spells for love, money, success, and healing, but it can be included in any spell to add power or make results happen faster. Ginger is associated with Fire and with the planet Mars.
Hazelnuts have long been used in Western European folk charms for luck and good fortune. It is said that eating hazelnuts makes you wise and can increase fertility. Hazel is also associated with protection and with granting wishes. It is connected to the Air element and the Sun.
Lavender is used in love spells, especially spells to attract a masculine partner. It also has a strong association with peacefulness and with calming emotions. It is sometimes used for protection and is said to both attract and banish spirits, depending on the source. Lavender has a long historic connection to the queer community. It is associated with Air and the planet Mercury.
Nutmeg is most famous as a good luck charm, but it is also used for healing, money, and success. In Southern folk magic, it is used mostly for money, success, and good luck. It is associated with Fire and with Jupiter.
Peppermint is commonly used in healing magic, but it can also be used for purification, attracting good spirits, divination, love, and money. In Southern folk magic, peppermint is used for hex breaking. It is associated with Fire and the planet Mercury.
Vanilla is strongly associated with love and comfort. It can sometimes be used in lust spells. Scott Cunningham mentions using vanilla to replenish lost energy. It is associated with the Water element and the planet Venus.
Magical Coffee Brews
With these ingredient correspondences, you can easily mix a spell into a coffee drink. For example, a pumpkin spice latte (which is made with pumpkin pie spice, i.e., a mix of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves) can be a spell for money and success. A lavender latte with oatmilk could be an excellent love spell, especially for queer love. A peppermint mocha (coffee with chocolate) could be a healing spell. There are lots of possibilities for a magic brew!
Witchcraft for Everyone by Sam Wise
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
Hoodoo Herbal by Starr Casas
Jambalaya by Luisah Teish
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Wikipedia article for soybeans
Wikipedia article for Setsubun
"History of Chocolate" on History.com
"Chocolate: From witchcraft to miracle worker in early modern Europe" by Erin Alice Cowling, published in The Conversation
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greenwitchcrafts · 5 months ago
Smokeable herbs and flowers
Smoking herbs itself is not a safe practice because smoking substances can cause damages to the lungs & respiratory system that can lead to bronchitis, lung cancer & other respiratory illnesses.
Organic, food safe herbs & flowers should be used if you choose to smoke these. Plants from garden centers, outside foraging in the city, ect may have pesticides or other unknown & possibly unsafe substances on them which make them no longer safe to consume.
•Some of these herbs burn harshly & would be better vaporized and/or in herbal blends. PLEASE LOOK UP HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN HERBAL SMOKING BLENDS
Never under any circumstances should you ingest or inhale a new substance before checking with a medical professional, especially if you are taking medication. You could have negative reactions.
Blue Cornflower
Known as: Bachelor's button, bluebottle, blue bow, blew cap, garden cornflower & hurtsickle
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Magical attributes: Abundance, calming, divination, Earth magick, enhancing psychic abilities, faerie magick, fertility, love, protection & sex
Deities: Chiron, Faeries & Flora
Blue Lotus
Known as: Baino, Egyptian lotus & lotus root
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Fertility, healing, lock opening, love, luck, meditation, mental clarity, passing over rituals, protection, spirituality & wishes
Deities: Hermes, Horus, Isis, Nefertum, Oshun & Osiris
Blue Vervain
Known as: Brittanica, enchanter's herb, enchanter's plant, herba sacra, herb of grace, herb of the cross, holy wort, Juno's tears, lemon verbena, pigeons grass, pigeonwood, simpler's joy, verbena, van-van & verveine
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Abundance, astral binding, blessings to children, calming, chastity, creativity, divination, faerie magick, fertility, fortune, healing, love, luck, money, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, sleep, stimulates action, tranquil dreams, wand making & youth
Deities: Aphrodite, Aradia, Artemis, Bast, Cerridwen, Diana, faeries, Hecate, Hermes, Innana, Isis, Juno, Jupiter, Kali, Mars, Thor, Venus & Zeus
Known as: Chanvre, gallowgrass, ganeb, ganja, grass, hanf, kif, marijuana, neckweede, plant of the gods, taima, tekrouri, the tree of life & weed
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Commerce, exorcism, healing, love,meditation, protection, purification, spirt, travel & visions
Deities: Amaterasu & Sahe no Kami
( WARNING: will get you high.)
Known as: Bride of the sun, marigold, ruddes, ruddles, summer's bride & sun's gold
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Dreams, good luck in money, legal matters, prophetic dreaming, protection, psychic powers, respect, sun magick & wishes
Deities: N/A
(WARNING: can give a similar effect as smoking cannabis but more subtle)
Known as: Cat, cat's play, cat's wort, catmint, catnep, catrup, field balm & nepeta nip
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Animal blessing, beauty, binding, cat magick, dreams, happiness, healing, love, luck, peace, psychic connection, quick action & sleep
Deities: Bast, Cat Annis, Corn Cat, Freya, Maftet, Skhmet & ubastet
Known as: Camomyle, chamaimelon, Earth apple, ground apple, heermannchen chamaimelon, maythen, manzanilla, scented mayweed & whig plant
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Attraction, blockages removed, calmness, curse removal, gambling, hex breaking, love, luck, meditation, money, patience, purification, sexuality, sleep, spell combative & wealth
Deities: Cernunnos, Karnayna, Mercury, Oshun, Ra & St.Anne
Known as: Mum
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Protection & strength
Deities: N/A
Known as: Ass' foot, British tobacco, bulls foot, butterbur, coughwort, donnhove, dovedock, foal's foot, halffoot, horsehoof, pas d'ane & sponnc
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Animal magick, love, peace, prophetic dreams, prosperity, tranquility, visions & wealth
Deities: Brigid, Chiron & Venus
Known as: Love leaf & Mexican Damina
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Aphrodisiac, astral travel, chakra opening, divination, love, lust, meditation, psychic powers, sex magick, spirt contact, tantric magick & visions
Deities: Artemis, Diana, Ganesha, Oshun, Pan, Vishnu & Zeus
(WARNING: smoking this will cause mild euphoria)
Known as: Blue gum, curly mallee, fever tree, maiden's gum, mottlecah, river red gum & stringy bark tree
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Air & water
Magical attributes:  Abundance, blockages removed, fertility, fortune, healing, luck, prosperity, protection, repel negative energies, road opening & water elemental evocation
Deities: Ogun
( WARNING: should be smoked sparingly as the oils can irritate your lungs. Try vaporizing it.)
Known as: Ginkgo biloba, living fossil & maidenhair tree
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Aphrodisiac, beauty, business, dreams, fertility, healing, love & spirt calling
Deities: N/A
Known as: Aaron's rod, blue mountain tea, goldruthe, gonea tea, solidago, sweet goldenrod, sweet scented goldenrod, verg d'or, wound weed & woundwort
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Divination, encouragement, find lost/hidden objects, luck, money, prosperity & wealth
Deities: Venus
Gotu kola
Known as: Chi-hsing, hydrocotyle asiatica radix, Indian pennywort, Indian hydrocotyle, marsh penny, pai kuo, thick-leaved pennywort & white rot
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Magical attributes: Aphrodisiac, calming, depression, divination, energy, gain, healing, longevity, lucid dreaming, meditation, memory, mental stimulation, psychic powers, psychic protections & vitality
Deities: N/A
Known as: Bee flower, beer flower, flores de cerveza, hop flower & stinging nettle
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Air
Magical attributes: Blessing, healing, health, repelling negativity, protection & sleep
Deities: Hygeia, Hypno, Isis & Thoth
Known as: Hyssop herb, isopo, ysopo & yssop
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Banishing, blockages removed, faerie magick, hex breaking, protection, purification, road opening & sacrifice
Deities: Faeries & Obatala
Known as: Jessamin, moonlight on the grove, pikake, poet's jasmine, queen of perfume, royal jasmine, sampaguita, yeh-lsi-ming & ysmyn
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon & Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Abundance, anger reduction, aphrodisiac, aura health, calming, compassion, confidence, depression, divination, dreamwork, elegance, family, fertility, fortune, gardening, grace, healing, health, love, lucid dreaming, luck, lunar magick, meditation, money, peace, prophetic dreams, prosperity, protection, rejuvenation, sexuality, sleep, spirituality, spirtual love, visions & wealth
Deities: Diana, Venus & Vishnu
Kava kava
Known as: Asava pepper, ava, ava pepper, intoxicating pepper & yagona
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Aphrodisiac, astral travel, cleansing, dreams, employment, promotion, healing, humility, legal matters, loce, luck, protection, psychic powers, replenishing respect, rites of passage, soul strengthening, spirt contact, travel, visions & water magick
Deities: Kanaloa, Kane & Lono
( WARNING: some users indicated it may cause psychoactive, numbness and euphoria)
Known as: Elf leaf, nard, nardus & spike
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Magical attributes: Chastity, clairvoyance, devotion, dreams, faerie magick, handfasting, happiness, healing, longevity, love, meditation, mental clarity, money, peace, protection, purification, sexuality, sleep, virtue & wishes
Deities: Aradia, Elves, Faeries, Hecate & Saturn
Lemon balm
Known as: Balm mint, bee balm, blue balm, cure-all, cropsy plant, garden balm, lemon balsam, oghoul, sweet balm & tourengane
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Blockages removed, esbat rituals, healing, love, road opening, spirtual development, success sympathy
Deities: N/A
Lemon grass
Known as: Citron
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Magical attributes: Abundance, blockages removed, calming, fertility, fortune, luck, lust, prosperity, purification, psychic powers, road opening & soothing
Deities: Hermes & Mercury
Linden flowers
Known as: Lime blossoms, lime tree, linnaflowers & tilia
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Magical attributes: Immortality, love, luck, protection, sleep & spirtual health
Deities: N/A
Known as: Asthma weed, bladderpod, emetic herb, emetic weed, gagroot, Indian tobacco, pukeweed, rag root, vomit wort & wold tabasco
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Health, love, protection & storm halting
Deities: N/A
(WARNING: smoking too much may make you puke)
Known as: Joy of the mountain, knotted marjoram, knotted marjorane, marjorlaine, mountain mint, sweet marjoram & wintersweet
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Magical attributes: Attraction, desire, dreams, handfasting, happiness, health, joy, love, money, protection, purification, repelling negative energies & wishes
Deities: Aphrodite & Venus
Marshmallow leaf
Known as: Althea, guimavuve, heemst, mallards, mortification plant, schloss tea, slaz, sweet weed & wymote
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Magical attributes: Exorcism, love, protection & psychic powers
Deities: Althea
Known as: Lion's ear, lion's tail, Roman motherwort & throwwort
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Confidence, counter magick, easing childbirth, ego bolstering, feminine magick, feminine strength, fertility, happiness, joy, midwifery, perfection & success
Deities: Ogun
Known as: Artemisia, artemisia herb, cingulum, felon herb, muggons, naughty man, old man, old uncle Henry, sailor's tobacco, St.John's plant, sancti johannis
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus & Moon
Element: Earth
Magical attributes: Astral travel, clairvoyance, divination, fertility, healing, lust, prophetic dreams, protection, psychic powers, scrying & strength
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Isis, Lakshimi & St.John
Known as: Aaron's rod, Adam's flannel, beggar's blanket, beggar's stalk, bug taper, blanket herb, blanket leaf, boy scouts toilet paper, candlewick plant,cow's lungwort, cuddy's lungs, devil's tobacco, duffle, feltwort, flannel flower, flannel plant, fluff weed, graveyard candles, graveyard dust, great herb, great mullien, hag's tapers, hare's beard, hedge taper, ice leaf, Jacob's staff, Jupiter's staff, lady's Foxglove, lungwort, miner's candle, pig taper, quaker rouge, rag paper, shepard's herb, shepard's staff, torches, torchwort, velvetback, velvet dock, velvet plant, white man's footsteps, witch's candles, witch's taper & wooly mullin
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Astral work, centering, courage, curse repellent, divination, dreams, exorcism, graveyard dirt, health, helps to keep a good head spsce, herd protection, Hunter's charm, love, protection to children from faeries, protection, repelling malicious ghosts & spirts, repelling negative energies, repelling nightmares & travel safety
Deities: Jupiter & Saturn
Known as: beggar's lice, common nettle, nettle leaves, ortiga ancha & stinging nettle
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Consecration, exorcism, fishing magick, funerary rituals, healing, lust, protection & repelling negativity energy
Deities: Apollo, Chang-o, Helios, Oya, Ra, Shango & Thor
Passion flower
Known as: Granadilla, grandilla, maracoc, maypops, passion vine & purple passion flower
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Calming, friendship, peace, prosperity, sexual vitality, sleep & tranquility
Deities: Hestia, Hypnos & Yemaya
Known as: Brandy mint & lammint
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Abundance, divination, energy, fertility, fortune, healing, love, luck, lust, mental stimulation, prophecy dreams, prosperity, psychic powers, purification, sleep & visions
Deities: Pluto & Zeus
Raspberry leaf
Known as: European raspberry & red raspberry leaf
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Love, protection & safe pregnancy
Deities: Innana, Isis & Oshun
Red clover
Known as: Cleaver gras, cowgrass, honey, honeystalks, marl grass, shamrock, three leaved grass, trefoil & trifoil
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Magical attributes: Abundance, anti-hexing, counter spells, exorcism, faerie magick, faithfulness, fertility, fidelity, fortune, hex breaking, love, luck, memory, money, power, prosperity, protection &success
Deities: Artemis, faeries, Osiris & Rowan
Red willow bark
Known as: Osier, pussy willow, saille, salicyn willow, saugh tree, tree of enchantment, witch's asprin & withy
Gender:  Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Astral work, besom making, death, divination, empathy, enchantments, fertility, healing, inspiration, love, moon magick, passion over rituals, psychic energies & wishes
Deities: Artemis, Belili, Belenus, Ceres, Diana, Hecate, Hera, Mercury & Persephone
Known as: N/A
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Abundance, beauty, clairvoyance, divination, dreams, feminine magick, fertility, fortune, friendships, handfasting, healing, love, luck, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic powers & visions
Deities: Adonis, Aphrodite, Aurora, Cupid, Demeter, Eros, Freya, Hathor, Holda, Hypocrites & Isis
Known as: Compass weed, dew of the sea, elf leaf, guardrobe, incsensier, labonotis,Mary's cloak, polar plant, sea dew, stella maria & star of the sea
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Aphrodisiac, baby blessing, cleansing, elf magick, exorcism, faerie magick, friendships, handfasting, healing, hex-breaking, longevity, love, lust, memories, mental powers, protection, psychic powers, purification, sleep, strega magick, Wiccaning & youth
Deities: Elves, Faeries, Sea spirits & Virgin Mary
Known as: Common sage, garden sage & meadow sage
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Magical attributes: Animal guides, aphrodisiac, blockages removed, cleansing, courage, Earth magick, fertility, glamour, grounding, healing, hex breaking, house blessings, immortality, longevity, prosperity, protection, purification, road opening, strength, wisdom & wishes
Deities: Chiron, Consus, Jupiter, Obatala & Zeus
Known as: N/A
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Binding, love & memories
Deities: N/A
( WARNING: Can cause psychoactive effects)
Known as: American skullcap, blue pimpernel, blue skullcap, European skullcap, greater skullcap, helmet flowers, hooded willow herb, hoodwort, scullcap, quaker bonnet, mad-dog weed, mad dogweed, madweed & side-flowering skullcap
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Dedications, fidelity, handfasting, initiation rights, love, oaths, peace & relaxation vows
Deities: Faeries, Hera & Obatala
Known as: Brown mint, fish mint, garden mint, green mint, green spine, lamb mint, mackerel mint, mismin, our lady's mint. Sage of Bethlehem, spire mint & yerba buena
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Healing, love, mental ability, money, psychic powers & wishes
Deities: Mercury
St.John's wort
Known as: Amber, fuga daemonum, goat weed, herba John, John's wort, kalimath weed, klamath weed, scare-devil, sol terrestis & tipton weed
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Binding, divination, happiness, health, hex-breaking, love, power, protection & strength
Deities: Baldur
Known as: N/A
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Magical attributes: Consecration, compassion magick, goals, healing &l lasting interest
Deities: Lilith
( WARNING: Some users reported hallucinatory effects)
Known as:  Asemaa, taaba, tabacca & tabak
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Astral, banishing, confidence, divination, dreams, healing, legal matters, peace, prophecy, purification & strength
Deities: N/A (However, it is a traditionally good offering to many)
Known as: Brush leaf , holy basil, Thai basil & vana tulsi
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Abundance, banishing, binding, clairvoyance, commanding courage, divination, exorcism, fertility, flying, fortune, happiness, harmony, health, honesty, house blessings, love, luck, mending quarrels, money, obstacles removed, passing-over rituals, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic development, purification, relaxation healing, safe travels, sympathy, temper soothing & wealth
Deities: Aradia, Ares, Dionysus, Erzulie, Jupiter, Krishna, Loki, Mars, Obatala, Ogoun, St.Joseph, Seth & Vishnu
Uva ursi  
Known as: Arberry, bearberry, bear's grape, bear's whortberry, crowberry, foxberry, hog cranberry, kinnikninnick, mealberry, mountain box, mountain cranberry, sandberry, uva ursa & universe vine
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Astral work, divination, dreams, prophecy & psychic workings
Deities: N/A
( WARNING: Some historical reports indicate a “narcotic” or stimulant effect, but it was almost always smoked with other herbs)
Known as: All heal, amatilla, bloody butcher, capon's trailer, cat's valerian, garden heliotrope, graveyard dust, phu, red valerian, St.George's herb, sete well, setwell, valerian toot & vandal root
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magical attributes: Dream magick, harmony, love, protection, purification, quarrel mending & sleep
Deities: Obatala
Known as: Absinthe, crown for a king, green ginger, madderwort, old woman & wormot
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Magical attributes: Animals, calling spirits, clairvoyance, divination, love, protection, psychic powers & transformation
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Innana, Iris, Isis, Lakshimi & Sif
Known as: AchiUea, allheal, angel flower, arrow root, bad man's plaything, bloodwort, cammock, carpenter's weed, death flower, devil's mustard, devil's nettle, devil's plaything, dog daisy, eerie, feild hops, gearwe, gordaldo, gordoloba, green arrow, herbe militaris, hierba de las cortadura, hundred leaved grass, knight's milfoil, knyghten, lady's mantel, milfoil, military herb, millefoilium, noble yarrow, nosebleed plant, old man's mustard, old man's pepper, plumajilo, sanguinary, seven year's love, snake's grass, soldier's thousand seal, soldier's woundwort, squirrel's tail, stanch grass, stanch weed, tansy, thousand-leaf, thousand seal, thousand weed, woundwort, yarrowway & yerw
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn & Venus
Element: Earth & water
Magical attributes: Attracting friends, banishing, blockages removed, contact with others, courage, divination, dream work, exorcism, faerie magick, fear repelling, handfasting, happy marriage, healing, longevity, love, prophecy, protection, psychic powers, purification, repelling negative energies & road opening
Deities: Achilles, Aphrodite, Faeries, Oshun & Yemaya
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic** by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
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sensualnoiree · 1 year ago
astro notes: jupiter through the houses pt.1
Symbolizing wisdom, luck, and spiritual growth, Jupiter guides us through journeys of abundance and higher learning. As it rules Sagittarius and Pisces, and co-rules Pisces with Neptune, its reach extends to philosophical pursuits, foreign travel, and spiritual exploration. From its exaltation in Cancer to its debilitation in Capricorn, Jupiter's placement illuminates our beliefs, aspirations, and sense of justice. Throughout this exploration of Jupiter's journey through the houses, we unravel its transformative power and guiding light, embracing its blessings of prosperity, abundance, and divine guidance.
Jupiter in the 1st House:
Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom, graces your first house with its benevolent presence, imbuing you with an aura of confidence and optimism that is hard to miss. Your natural charm and amiable demeanor draw people towards you, and your boundless enthusiasm for life makes you a natural leader and mentor figure. With Jupiter here, you possess a larger-than-life personality, exuding an air of positivity and hopefulness that inspires those around you.
Your insatiable thirst for knowledge and higher learning leads you on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal growth. You may find yourself drawn to philosophical or spiritual pursuits, seeking to unravel the mysteries of existence and expand your understanding of the universe. Whether through formal education or self-directed study, you are constantly seeking to broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding of the world.
However, it's important to remain mindful of the potential pitfalls of this placement. Your tendency to think big picture and overlook details can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations or a lack of attention to practical matters. Additionally, your generous and forgiving nature may sometimes leave you vulnerable to exploitation or manipulation by others. It's important to strike a balance between optimism and pragmatism, remembering to ground your lofty ideals in practical reality.
Overall, Jupiter in the first house blesses you with an abundance of confidence, optimism, and generosity, making you a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around you. Embrace your natural leadership abilities and use them to uplift others on their own journeys of growth and self-discovery.
Jupiter in the 2nd House:
With Jupiter gracing your second house of wealth and possessions, you are blessed with a natural talent for attracting abundance and prosperity into your life. Your financial affairs tend to flourish, and you may find that opportunities for growth and expansion abound in the realm of money and material resources.
Your eloquence and wisdom make you a persuasive communicator, able to charm others with your words and inspire them to action. You have a deep appreciation for the value of wealth and resources, and you are generous in sharing your blessings with others. Whether through philanthropy or simply by being a supportive friend or family member, you take pleasure in enriching the lives of those around you.
Family life is particularly harmonious for you, and you may find that your home is a source of comfort and stability in your life. Your upbringing may have instilled in you strong moral values and a deep respect for tradition, which you carry with you throughout your life.
However, it's important to guard against the temptation to overindulge in luxury or extravagance, as Jupiter's influence here can sometimes lead to excess. Remain mindful of your spending habits and remember to cultivate gratitude for the abundance you have already attracted into your life.
Overall, Jupiter in the second house blesses you with financial prosperity, eloquence, and generosity, making you a valuable asset to both your family and your community. Embrace your ability to attract wealth and abundance, and use it to create a brighter, more prosperous future for yourself and those you love.
Jupiter in the 3rd House:
With Jupiter gracing your third house of communication and intellect, you possess a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge that drives you to explore the world around you. Your mind is sharp and inquisitive, and you excel in areas that require critical thinking and analytical skills.
Your relationships with siblings, neighbors, and peers are characterized by warmth and camaraderie, and you may find that you are able to forge deep bonds with others through shared interests and intellectual pursuits. You have a gift for teaching and sharing knowledge, and you may find fulfillment in roles that allow you to impart wisdom to others.
Travel is another area where you may find opportunities for growth and expansion. Whether through short trips or longer journeys, you have a deep appreciation for the adventure and excitement that comes from exploring new places and experiencing different cultures.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to scatter your energies or spread yourself too thin. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to take on too many projects or pursue too many interests at once, leading to a lack of focus or follow-through. Remember to prioritize your goals and channel your energies into pursuits that truly resonate with your passions and values.
Overall, Jupiter in the third house blesses you with intellectual curiosity, communication skills, and a love of learning. Embrace your natural gifts for teaching and sharing knowledge, and use them to inspire others on their own journeys of exploration and discovery.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoiree or yt @sensualnoiree
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aspens-apothecary · 1 year ago
Color Magic Cheat Sheet
Hey all!
Color magic is a good way to incorporate magic into your day to day life and add more power to spells. Here is a little cheat sheet for you!
Red: Passion, Love, Charisma, Strength, Lust, Courage, Will, Vitality, Energy, Anger, Motivation(good in glamor spells)
Orange: Creativity, Justice, Success, Ambition, Joy, Opportunity, Harvest, Attraction.
Yellow: Learning, Knowledge, Focus, Confidence, Memory, Happiness, Friendship
Green: Prosperity, Nature, Grounding, Money, Luck, Fertility, Growth, Self-Awareness, Success, Hope, Growth
Blue: Communication, Travel, Loyalty, Forgiveness, Tranquility, Healing, Truth, Childhood
Purple: Psychic Ability, Divination, Wisdom, Knowledge, Intuition, Meditation, Spiritual Power, Astral
Pink: Love, Self-Love, Femininity, Beauty, Compassion, Romance, Affection, Emotional Healing
White: Spirituality, Peace, Calm, Cleansing, Purity, Higher Self, Truth, Innocence
Brown: Home, Protection, Fauna, Family, Loyalty, Stability, Grounding, Pets, Concentration
Black: Banish Negativity, Protection, Loyalty, Binding, Energy, Absorption, Defense, Justice
Silver: Divination, Lunar Energy, Clairvoyance, Intuition, Feminine Energy, Dreams
Gold: Healing, Wellbeing, Wealth, Cosmic Energy, Attraction, Luck, Prosperity, Abundance
I hope this helps!
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youraveragechaoswitch · 3 months ago
Broke af right now so i did a little money spell jar
Cleansed the jar with rosemary incense
Put in some basil for prosperity
Cinnamon for attracting wealth and abundance
Note with my intention
Added pyrite to attract money
Some green aventurine for good luck
A little tiger's eye for financial security
Sealed it with green wax 👍
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astra-ravana · 5 months ago
Astra's Essential Herb Collection
Tumblr media
A list of herbs I simply can not be without. (May update over time.)
Alkanet- Serpent energy, loyalty, good luck, good fortune, protects money, protection from betrayal
Amber- Protection, mental clarity, personal power boost, spiritual alchemy, manifestation, transformation
American Mandrake- Protection, love, control, spirit communication, astral travel, psychic strength
Amaranth- Strong love, good luck, longevity, prosperity, connection, travel, movement
Bergamot- Purification, exorcism, manifestation, good luck, prosperity, intuition, divination, calms spirits
Bindweed- Binding, strength, temperance, control, peace, beauty
Bittersweet- Nullification, neutralizing, baneful magick, platonic love, friendship, truth (TOXIC)
Black Locust- Defensive, baneful magick, protection, strength, passion, drive, motivation, courage
Blue Lotus- Connection to the divine, divination, astral work, dream work, psychic ability, intuition
Calamus- Spiritual protection, comradery, connection, immortality, clearing, repels negativity, control (TOXIC)
Damiana- Sex magick, love, awareness, seduction, baneful magick, dream work, psychic ability
Dandelion- Divination, wishes, spirit calling, positive chaos, friendship
Dryad's Saddle- Good spirits, the Fae, positive energy, spiritual growth, protection, love, luck
Elder- Transformation, regeneration, ancestor work, the Fae, astral travel, confidence, strength, warding
Eyebright- Psychic ability, divination, truth, third eye, awakening, new beginnings, focus, intuition, perception
Five Finger Grass- Love, money, health, power, wisdom, protection, warding
Fumitory- Consecration, purification, protection, counter magick, return to sender, exorcism, calming
Holy Basil- Spiritual wellness, good luck, blessings, meditation, manifestation, abundance
Jezebel Root- Love, passion, attraction, control, wealth, business success, baneful magick
Lily of the Valley- Purification, protection, happiness, higher consciousness, meditation, peace (TOXIC)
Magnolia- Abundance, banishment, fidelity, fertility, growth, self-reliance, tranquility, wisdom
Marshmallow- Good spirits, love, fertility, cleansing, protection, healing
Mojo Bean- Wishes, good luck, unexpected gifts, prosperity, wealth, good fortune
Mugwort- Dream work, visions, psychic ability, meditation, astral travel, wisdom, protection, channeling, spirit work, spiritual growth
Mullein- Clearing, focus, love, bravery, dreamwork, spirit work
Patchouli- Success, prosperity, abundance, manifestation, connection to nature, energy work
Red Clover- Protection, healing, prosperity, warding, relaxation meditation
Saffron- Success, manifestation, boosts power, protection, love, sex, divination
Sandalwood- Meditation, spirit work, higher consciousness, clearing, cleansing
Star Anise- The evil eye, happiness, psychic ability, manifestation, divination, offerings, abundance, harmony
Spanish Moss- Growth, regeneration, love, strength, patience, justice, revenge, baneful magick
Sulphur- Breaking curses, protection, nullification, baneful magick, exorcism, invoking and banishing
Trillium- Connection to spirit, balance, bravery, recovery, enlightenment, empowerment
Wormwood- Psychic ability, divination, astral travel, spirit work, love, cleansing, protection, power, connection to spirit
Vanilla Bean- Personal Empowerment, good luck, love, money, healing, happiness, glamour
Willow- Healing from depression/grief, protection, cleansing, spirit work, renewal, revitalization, perseverance, resurrection
Wood Betony- Protection, dream work, return to sender, nullification, neutralizing, calming, promotes peace, balance, evil eye
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