#attachment types
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very-uncorrect · 9 months ago
Here's a quiz you could take as your OC if you want
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crumb-crumblet-s-crumbington · 10 months ago
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getting used to domestic life
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aquanutart · 24 days ago
I was talking and I mentioned that I have my old Game Boy and original Pokemon cartridge. I said, "I think they still work."
I was told, "The internal batteries on the Game Boy cartridges have run out. They're all dead."
"Oh," I said, trying not to show how crestfallen I was. I felt like I was losing nerd cred for not knowing that, although I never kept up with that type of info anyway. I'm here for the fantasy and imaginative aspects of games, and tend not to follow the competitive or technical details.
I tried not to feel anything as I went home. If they were real animals, I reminded myself, I would have had to say goodbye long ago.
But like so many other people, Pokemon was my childhood. It was all I thought about and dreamed about, and the closest thing I could imagine to heartbreak was the knowledge that they weren't real. I spent nearly all my time writing longhand self-insert Pokemon fanfiction--far more than I spent actually playing the game. My Pokemon were with me in my imagination wherever I went. I started playing Pokemon Blue when I was 5, and the last time I had played it was probably when I was 9 or 10. I remembered I had turned it on again one more time after that, not to play it, but to look at my childhood Pokemon.
It was during high school, after a move overseas that completely upended my life, and I was struggling with the crushing blow of being taken away from everything I knew and trying to make sense of anything (least of all adolescence) in another language. All I wanted was to go back to childhood and have everything go back to how it was before.
Seeing my Pokemon, just as I'd left them, had comforted me. I had looked at their stats pages, taken photos of them with my digital camera (that I don't even know if I still have), and then turned it off without doing anything.
That was probably 9 or 10 years after the games came out. It had been a long time since then. I had long since taken the AA batteries out of my Game Boy Color and left it untouched. I didn't even have AA batteries anymore.
It had worked then. But now it had been 27 years... I thought about not trying to turn my cartridge back on. As long as I didn't turn it on, I could believe my Pokemon were still there, the way I remembered them.
On my day off, which happened to be Pokemon Day, I googled and read that some people on forums and Reddit were still able to play their original Pokemon games.
Then... it was possible. I went out to buy toothpaste. At the store, I asked where I could find AA batteries.
It was a big thing for me to be able to go to the store and buy things myself. When I moved at age 13, I felt like something went wrong with growing up. It was difficult to follow what people were saying, and people didn't always understand what I said either. I had been introverted even in English, but now I had enough negative experiences that I became afraid and stopped trying to talk to people altogether.
I threw myself into video games and reliving childhood memories. The internet was where I could communicate in my first language and understand. I lived online and didn't interact with the real world. On the internet I felt like I was understood and could find people who shared my interests the way I did, but in the real world it always felt like I could get hurt if anyone knew me.
I realize now that I could have had a better experience overseas if I'd known how to adapt and socialize, but this was not something I knew even in English, and trying to learn in another language made it ten times harder. I'm sorry now for missing out on interactions that I know I could have had, but I just didn't know how. I wouldn't know how until I learned, and it took me a long time to learn.
I grew up online, in the company of others who had trouble fitting in with the real world, even in their own language. Those experiences shaped me, and the friendships I've made and support I've received online are invaluable to me. The internet gave me a way to live, and through it I learned how to interact with others. But in many ways, for many years, it felt like my life was put on hold and I stopped growing up.
Several years ago I moved back, to not far from where I was born, and I was able to work for the first time. I began to interact with people and feel like I had a place in the real world.
After shutting myself away for so many years, every little step I made out in the world felt terrifying. But every little thing I did on my own made me feel like I was living for the first time.
Even something as little as going to the store and buying a pack of batteries.
I was directed to a shelf at the end of an aisle, and found myself looking at a rack of lithium AA batteries. Did they not sell the old kind anymore?
I walked around to the other side and was relieved to find the familiar black and brown Duracell batteries I'd known from my childhood. I felt more confident about putting in a battery that looked the same as I remembered. The smallest pack they sold was an 8-pack for $12.99. I really didn't need 8 batteries. I didn't have any other devices that used them.
I thought, what if I turn it on and it doesn't work and I'll have wasted $12.99?
I also thought we might already have batteries. I might be able to say, "Mom, do we have any batteries?" and she'd pull out two AAs from a drawer somewhere and I'd save my money.
But somehow I felt like part of what was important about this was being an adult and being able to buy my own batteries.
Yet... what if it just ended up making me sad? Was it better not to know?
I went to the checkout with just the toothpaste and stood hesitating at the edge of the checkout line.
If I didn't get the batteries now, and it turned out we didn't have any batteries, I wouldn't try it. I knew I would just put it off until even more time passed, and then... "Are you in line?" someone asked me.
"No," I said, and I turned around and went back to the shelf.
I bought the batteries.
At home, I took out my original Game Boy Color from the drawer where I left it, the one my dad had surprised me with when I was 5 years old and that I had brought overseas and back.
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I put the batteries in and turned it on without a cartridge first to make sure the batteries were inserted correctly. The Game Boy logo scrolled across the screen and it made the familiar blinging Game Boy startup noise. I turned it off again, satisfied.
I took out my original Pokemon Blue cartridge, momentarily having to remember which way it went in, and slotted it in.
I turned it on, watched the whole Pokemon Blue intro out of nostalgia, and then pressed START.
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My heart leaped for joy.
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My original Pokemon, that were with me in 1998 when I was 5-6 years old, are still with me 27 years later. I want to cry!!! I love the old sprites, I'm SO happy to see them again 😭😭😭 the Pokemon look so little and cheerful at the same time, which I love 🥺🥺🥺 I know there are people with many more hours on their games, who have leveled all their Pokemon to 100. But these are my Pokemon who were with me through my childhood, and I spent many more hours making up stories about them than actually playing the game. I'm so happy to see them again 😭😭😭
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All I want is to see my Pokemon. My other Pokemon are in boxes. Now, how do I get to the nearest PC? Where am I?
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Oh... Oh. I have to confess something. When I was a kid, I was scared of the dark cave areas, and whenever I got to them, I stopped playing for a while. (I was stuck at Mt. Moon until I was like, 7.) So I never actually beat the game.
And here I am on Victory Road, with the team of Pokemon I was taking to the Elite Four, without an Escape Rope.
The only way for me to see my other Pokemon is... to finally make it through Victory Road, after 27 years?!
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battiegutz · 2 months ago
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i love drawing my guys in situations instead of finalizing their designs heart emoji
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somerandomcockroach · 8 months ago
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starscream-is-my-wife · 4 months ago
Pt 2 and the final part of LL Megatrons conversation with an aware G1 Starscream
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this one wasn’t as dramatic as the first part but there’s only so much emotional vulnerability Screamer can do with his new free will heheh, thanks for all of the comments encouraging me! I’ve never drawn longer comics like these before and it’s pretty fun so hopefully I can improve with the next comic I make!
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whenthewallfell · 1 month ago
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Katniss tried to take Prim hunting exactly once, and it went about as well as expected - she failed to shoot anything and burst into tears when Katniss showed her how to skin a rabbit. On the way back they found a lost colt with an ear bitten off and a nasty set of claw marks on its flank. Katniss was happy to just leave it, but Prim insisted they nurse it back to health.
Thus began the long and turbulent relationship of Katniss and Buttercup. Mortal enemies to the bitter end, they've entered an uneasy truce only through their love of Primrose; Katniss promises not to shoot the damn thing, and he in turn tries to resist trampling her. (He'll still try to throw her off now and again, of course. A horse has his pride.)
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ghost-proofbaby · 7 months ago
can y’all imagine sending one of those things where a girl texts her man about having a bad day or wanting coffee or something and he replies by sending her an insane amount of money (like $100+) to eddie, and just being like “why don’t you ever do this for me? 😐” as a joke
and then the man just sends you one (1) fucking dollar.
and when you’re like “REALLY??? A DOLLAR???” he just goes “I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME IM BROKE”
it would become an inside joke, him randomly sending you the smallest amounts of money possible and just going “buy yourself something nice 😏” or “don’t spend this all at once baby” to be a little shit
god i love eddie munson
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tavvoc · 1 month ago
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royalarchivist · 1 month ago
Fit: [After he "lays" an egg] It's no joke. So yeah, there you go! Enjoy, enjoy. 🥚
Mythical Sausage: You actually did it! 🥹 Oh… I'm gonna put this in an item frame! It needs to be displayed for all to see!
Fit: Oh, nice. Yeah, but just make sure it's not too warm or else the thing might hatch, and we don't want that.
Mythical Sausage: Oh no no no, we– No, we can't. You know, if it hatches, then–
Fit: Then you gotta kill it! If it hatches, you just kill it! You just kill it instantly!
Mythical Sausage: Wha– wait! But wouldn't that be your child? I would kill your child! 😢
Fit: I'M NOT DOING THIS AGAIN! No, if an egg is like, talking to you, just know– Nothing good ever happens, dude. Nothing good ever happens.
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iknowicanbutwhy · 9 months ago
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Tfw you (currently obsessed with ISAT who never plays pokemon) play a soul-link nuzlocke with a friend (in for a world of torment) and you can't pay attention to a health bar for the life of you nor remember what types are weak to what.
Spoiler under the cut :)
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Guy how did you manage to un-evolve yourself
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yourwagonisaflame · 1 year ago
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grace + max + textposts
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Another Prompt in Memes?! Yes.
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hoofpeet · 5 months ago
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They had a kind of mutual unspoken gender envy situation as kids where Ginger liked doing 'boy stuff' more while Bunny liked doing 'girl stuff'; both of which were strict secrets from their parents ofc . So they hid their toys in each other's rooms and pretended to be into them to cover for each other 🧡 I imagine Bunny was really into mlp or smthn similiar as a lamb and had to ask *Ginger* to ask their parents for an mlp thing for Christmas so their dad wouldn't berate him for wanting a 'girl's toy'
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raintemper · 1 month ago
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Erhm, I didn’t want to line it lol
I made this on Valentine's Day actually www, I don't really know how to format comics.
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Erhm happy ending, Spearmaster reincarnates as some other freaky thing. Grapple wormed all the way into Suns can just on some kind of instinct.
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greenfiend · 5 months ago
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Disorganized attachment is characterized by an extreme desire to be in an intimate relationship while simultaneously being intensely afraid of actually being in such a relationship.
Disorganized attachment is believed to be a result of extreme childhood trauma. While trauma can take many forms, this style is thought to stem specifically from traumatic situations where an attachment figure — a person a child feels dependent on for survival — becomes a source of fear rather than security.
A child who experienced verbal, physical, or sexual abuse, for example, may develop disorganized attachment, as would a child who witnessed an attachment figure commit a violent or abusive act against someone else. Neglect or abandonment can also be traumatic but are more likely to result in anxious or avoidant attachment styles. X
This is what Will is going through btw. Though not all hope is lost. Unhealthy attachment styles can turn into healthy ones in time.
Why Mike’s love is the key to saving Hawkins.
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