#atsv ficlet
shinekocreator · 11 months
Based on this post
a/n: tw mention of discussion of ab*rtion, hurt and comfort
Leaving was hard, but you knew staying would be much harder.
You loved your work, and all the spider people you got to hang out with, but you had to get away from Miguel, so without anyone noticing, you replaced your watch with a day pass, and used the "go home" machine to return to your universe, knowing Miguel was too preoccupied to find out.
You had to disappear, you knew that much, so you got a new place and left no contact info.
The next part was harder, you had to quit being Spider Woman altogether. You got rid of the costume in a random dumpster, you changed your name, you made sure all information regarding the name change was gone.
After all was done, you sat on your bed and wept.
You had a conversation with yourself about whether or not you should get an abortion, but decided against it. You thought you'd have to deal with the pregnancy alone, luckily for you, you had much help from your neighbours, and couldn't be happier about the place you moved to.
Four years passed. your daughter was already three years old when you finally met him, Michael John Watson, and boy, was he everything you could want in a man, sweet, kind, funny, intelligent, emotionally stable and very accepting of your daughter.
Three more years and you were happily married, Michael absolutely adored your daughter, Isabella, who was now already six years old, and she absolutely loved him as well.
Two years passed, and you couldn't be happier, when he finally found you.
It was a calm day, in the middle of spring when you heard a knock on the door. You hated being interrupted during movie time with your family, but you cared for your neighbours, and if one of them needed help, you would be more than happy to.
When you saw Miguel at the door, you hurried to close it, but he was quick enough to stop you.
Michael and Isabella had no idea what was going on at the door, but when Isabella heard you bark "NO!" she knew she had to investigate. So she came to the door to see who you were talking to.
As soon as she saw Miguel she asked "Mommy, who is that?"
Miguel nearly choked when he saw Isabella, she was clearly his daughter and he wanted to get explanation. Knowing this, you dragged Miguel away from your house.
"Explain" was all Miguel said to you.
You laughed bitterly, "There's nothing to explain here".
"The child is clearly mine, I demand an explanation"
"You might be her sperm donor, but you're not her father, I don't want you near her EVER!"
Miguel looked furious "I DEMAND TO MEET OUR CHILD!"
You looked at him with a hardened expression "Not your daughter, and I would like to keep her away from harm"
Miguel looked hurt at that "Please, babe, I miss you, I want to be with you, and our daughter. I promise to cause her no harm." He pleaded, but you were deaf to his pleas.
"You're a heartless man Miguel O'Hara, and I refuse to be with a heartless man. I'm finally happy and I very much love my husband. I don't need you back. Now leave!"
All arguments died on Miguel's lips at the mention of a husband and he just left.
You breathed out in relief and returned to your house, finally at ease now that you got closure over that part of your life.
Miguel returned to his universe, and headed straight to his office, for three weeks he stayed alone, replaying moments of you two together on his screen and crying, he stayed isolated and pushed out everyone.
This was it for him, no more chances for a happy ending.
Thank you to anyone who reads this,I hope you enjoyed it. and especially thank you to @sillyblues for the amazing base I had to work with.
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tiagems · 9 months
Love the idea of Hobie finding out that there's a "forbidden" dimension once he joins Spider Society. For Hobie, "forbidden" is code for "secrets inside" and he makes it a point to go there. No one tells Hobie Brown where he can and can't go, not even other spidermen.
He finds 1610 to be pretty unassuming. It's bright and colorful and everything New London isn't. It's snowing but Hobie doesn't get cold easily.
It's easy to find the Spiderman of this dimension. Hobie's spider sense alerts him to something big, and he's almost crushed by a monsterous Green Goblin being thrown into a wall. He jumps away just in time to avoid the rubble.
"C'mon, Norman, ain't you tired of this dance?"
A Spiderman decked out in black and red leaps through the air and aims to kick Green Goblin in the face. A huge clawed hand catches him by the ankle, but Spiderman twists and lands a kick square in Goblin's jaw with his free foot.
Oh, he's good. And fast.
Hobie watches as Spiderman lands on a nearby rooftop and they make eye contact. His spider sense tenses in a familiar way. You're like me, it whispers.
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Could you do a Miguel story where he proposes to Y/n(female reader)and she doesn’t even realize it because she was daydreaming about food?Its fluff.
Yeah, me and this reader have a lot in common with food ❤️.
Fluff under the cut ~
Your senses tingled with the so many aromas that filled the room. Fresh bread, stews, sweet baked fresh goods, your mouth almost salivated. Damned be Pavlov, cause every time you heard a ding, your head turned to the dispatching window to see if it was your order. And there it was Miguel.
"I don't know how... this turned into what my current feelings are-"
Another ding, your eyes casted to the dispatching window. To say you were hungry was an understatement, you went to a mission with Miguel, almost get killed, but walked it off, thanks to Miguel.
You went straight for the cafeteria to try the new spicy chicken empanadas. To your surprise they had ran out quite quickly. And then Miguel had asked you to follow him, that there was something he needed to discuss with you.
"And I think it's time for me to come clean and say that... you're quite reliable and always give your best-"
A new aroma was added to the list. Chocolate. Freshly baked chocolate croissants and other choux pastries that steamed up away in the cooling racks. You licked your lips, your eyes settled in Miguel once more
"You're one of the oldest members in the Spider Society, and it's always..." he cleared up his throat as he put both his hands on the table, he wasn't one for stutter, much less to be nervous, but considering that he was about to choose a new partner for life, he had all the right to do so.
Why your food was taking so long, was a mystery. But damn, that french onion soup from the other table looked fantastic. You had wanted to surprise Miguel with some of his favorite food, and were kinda been bugging LYLA about it. Even asking her for the recipes to try at home.
He was always saving your ass when things were too overwhelming in the battlefield. He was reliable. Or so he had been saying. One thing you found cute is that sometimes he spoke too much about himself, as giving and living the example. But you knew better. With a lot of patience on both ends, he had let you in, get closer and of course, things just kept growing from there.
"So I would like to know... if you'd like to marry me?"
Another ding and your eyes shined with joy upon watching the food coming your way from the dispatching window.
"Oh my god, yes!"
Miguel blinked for a moment and sighed, releasing the breath he didn't know he had trapped in for so long.
"That's... Good to hear." He took your hand and placed the ring quite fast and he cleared up his throat. You looked up at him, and then at his hand holding yours, with a ring on your finger.
Your stomach growled and now it was your time to blink.
"W-What's that?"
The food was placed on your table, as your order of spaghetti with meatballs was brought.
"You just... agreed to marry me, (Name)" His brows furrowed in confusion and mild annoyance.
"But I guess-"
"No" You withdrew your hand to hide it. and smiled.
"For you to give it someone else? Nope. You're mine. You kidding me?" You pouted before giving a bite to the meatball.
Miguel just stared at you with confused, yet loving eyes.
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iffeelscouldkill · 10 months
Spray-Painted Spiders (A PunkFlower ficlet)
A/N: In my day job, I work not far from the Leake Street tunnel, a tunnel in London's Southbank totally covered in amazing graffiti. One day, I was walking through and couldn't help but imagine how Miles might react to the place, and this little fic started to write itself in my head...
Originally I was going to have Gwen and Pav join them, but I decided to keep it simple, just Miles and Hobie, and then it turned PunkFlower-ish ;) How to impress your artistic, graffiti-loving crush, by Hobie Brown: bring him to the Leake Street tunnel :D
Pics of the real tunnel after the fic!
Miles' whistle echoed around the walls of the tunnel, every inch of them covered in colourfully-painted portraits and landscapes and swirling abstract patterns.
"So people paint... this whole tunnel?" he asked, gaping at their surroundings. "Don't the cops stop them?"
Hobie shrugged fluidly. The two of them were in casual clothing, spider suits tucked away underneath, and the dim light illuminated the smirk on Hobie's face. "They try," he said. "But we're persistent. Besides, they don't like to come down here too much. It's considered an "unsavoury" area."
Miles was busy leaning back to marvel at the ceiling, which was covered in an intricate black and white design. "Woah, how did they get up there?"
The longer his eyes travelled over it, the more the geometric design started to resemble something... familiar. Something like a series of spiralling, interlocking spider webs. "Did you...?"
Hobie's smirk was decidedly wolfish now. Miles was glad that the dark concealed his pink cheeks. "It could use some flair, I think," he said. He unslung the backpack on his shoulder and took out a can of red spray paint, which he presented to Miles with a flourish. "You up for it?"
Miles reached out to accept the spray can, and their fingers brushed. He answered Hobie's grin with his own. "Yeah, man."
Under cover of darkness, masks pulled down to cover their faces, the two Spiders leapt lightly up the walls and clung to the ceiling. Miles stared at the black and white canvas that stretched out below him. It wasn't often that he built on someone else's work, but this design... Colour leapt into his mind's eye, weaving in and out of the spaces between the webs. He could see it so easily. Mesmerised, and not even aware of Hobie watching him, Miles shook the paint can and got to work.
Hours later, the faint glow of sunrise was creeping into the mouth of the tunnel as Miles and Hobie beheld their completed masterpiece. The webs seemed to glow, highlighted with bright shades of neon green and yellow, while in and around the strands crawled spiders in vivid blue and red. Down the walls, spiders crawled and hid in the crevices of the other artists' work, even scuttling across the floor.
Miles eyed his last strokes critically, adding some pale blue highlights to a hanging spider. It was Hobie's turn to give a low whistle, and Miles looked over to see him nodding slowly in approval.
"It looks good. It looks really good."
Miles thrilled inside, even as he tried his best to play it cool. "Not bad, right?"
He could no longer see Hobie's face beneath the mask, but there was a smile in the older Spider's voice as he answered, "Not bad at all."
Miles took a breath to say something more - and then a shout cut through the air.
The two half-turned, muscles coiled to spring at the first sign of danger. A police officer stood at the entrance to the tunnel, mouth hanging open. "What the hell..."
Hobie reached out a hand, and Miles took it without a second thought. "Let's Scapa Flow," he said in an undertone, and though Miles had no idea what that meant, he got the message. He squeezed back, and Hobie pulled him along as they sprinted into the dark of the tunnel.
Footsteps sounded and a whistle blew, but the officer was no match for the two Spiders. As soon as they got far enough into the tunnel that they'd be hidden from view, Hobie fired a web and leapt into the air, and Miles followed him. Soon, they were out and swinging through the silvery grey London dawn.
There was no-one around to notice the two figures that alighted on top of the stationary Ferris wheel overlooking the river. Miles was panting a tiny bit from the sudden chase, and with a glance at Hobie, he raised his mask. Hobie followed suit a second later.
"So, d'you like it, then?" Hobie asked.
"Like it? It's amazing. Your world is amazing," Miles couldn't help but enthuse. Playing it cool had kind of gone out the window, but he was too suffused with adrenaline and the thrill of the moment to care. He saw Hobie smile, genuinely pleased.
"You know you can come here any time," Hobie said.
"You mean... like Gwen comes here any time?" Miles couldn't help cautiously checking. Hobie glanced over and raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe a bit different to that," he said. Miles looked at Hobie's profile, wondering if it was the pink glow of sunrise touching his face or something else. He thought he knew what Hobie meant, but he wasn't sure how to be sure. Looking back across the water, Miles was searching for the right words when he felt soft lips press against his cheek.
He turned, surprised, and Hobie drew back a tiny bit, but still so close, his dark eyes searching Miles' features. "Too much?" he checked.
Miles smiled, knowing that he didn't need to find the right words after all. "Just right," he said, and leaned in to kiss Hobie on the mouth.
A/N: Scapa Flow = go (Cockney Rhyming slang)
In the real Leake Street tunnel, graffiti is actually legal, and it's quite a tourist hotspot, but since this is Hobie's world I decided to make it a more underground, subversive spot. But I kept the London Eye so that they could have a romantic moment afterwards on top of the Ferris wheel ;)
The tunnel really does have artwork on the ceiling - probably not painted by Spider-people, but who knows :D Here are some photos from my recent visit (the artwork changes every time):
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circusinthewalls · 2 months
☆ Fashion Me a Blessing (AMAB ver.) ☆
Late night meetings full of droning voices and men you can't stand in stuffy board rooms for hours on end, then the grating lights of Nueva York's cityscape on your taxi ride home.. Your head is throbbing, but Miguel knows better than anyone just what you need to take that edge off.
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Tags: Soft Miguel O'Hara, AMAB Reader, Gender-Neutral Terms, Oral Sex, Reader-Receiving, If You Squint , Sub Miguel O'Hara, just a smidge, Miguel is like dangerously head over heels, Short & Sweet, Reader Orgasm, Hints of Body Worship if you look close enough, Proship DNI, MDNI
a/n: Copy and pasted directly from ao3 along with the tags. AMAB version of my super short one-shot 'Fashion Me a Blessing'. Yes the gifs are the same I couldn't be bothered to find a different one rn sorry y'all. [ao3 link] [Masterlist]
Miguel can't remember how long he's had his head buried between your thighs for now. Only that it's there, and he doesn't dare to think about pulling away anytime soon. You taste fucking divine, so he'll gladly stay like this for the rest of your lives if that's what you want. Working his mouth over you slowly, occasionally taking you in deeper to earn a gasp, while his large hands absent-mindedly grope at your hips and thighs. He loves you, loves this. Absolutely adores doing whatever he can to make your life a little easier and express his devotion in the most physical way he knows how.
Especially when those crimson irises flick up to you now. You're sat half-slumped in the armchair, brow knitted and eyes closed, head relaxed back so beautifully. It's such a stark contrast compared to when you first came in the door. When you looked just about ready to rip some poor asshole's tie off and strangle them with it. When you'd stopped cursing under your breath and kicking your shoes off to take him up on the offer of some 'relief', and then promptly dragged him forward by the hair when he was finally on his knees in front of you.
You tug lightly again now, hips subconsciously grinding forward a little. Of course, he eagerly obliges. Looping his arms under your thighs and taking stronger hold of your waist, he doubles his efforts. His throat does most of the work keeping your cock so firmly buried within it, but his tongue along the underside employs equal fervor in bringing you closer to a blissful orgasm.
The breathy moans and shuddered expletives you let out are all the motivation he needs, and he doesn't stop even as you're cumming into his mouth. No. Instead he works you through it, loosing some satisfied noises of his own while you weakly buck and grind against his face, and he swallows you down.
When you do at last settle he pulls off, face an absolute mess with you.
"Better, amor?" he asks in a quiet rumble.
You're not in any state to properly respond, exhausted and now teetering on being a bit fucked out while you bask in the afterglow, but you hum appreciatively and give a small thumbs up. His mouth tugs into a smile at the sight.
Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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lexyvey · 1 year
just a little Miles ficlet/drabble
WARNING: This is a continuation of Across the Spiderverse's ending. If you don't want spoilers, don't read yet :)
He gets it now. When they said he was an anomaly, he’d refused to believe it. Just because he did his own thing doesn’t mean he wasn’t still Spider-man. Just because his world already had a Spider-Man doesn’t mean he couldn’t be too. Just because the spider that bit him was from a different universe, doesn’t mean he couldn’t put that bite to good use. Anyone can wear the mask. Anyone. Including him.
But it was more than that. He didn’t understand then, but now he does. Anyone can wear the mask. He’s just wearing the wrong one. He’s been wearing the wrong one. The spider was always going to bite Miles. Miles was always going to become Spider-Man. He just… wasn’t the Miles the spider was supposed to bite. No, the spider was supposed to bite the face in front of him. The spider was supposed to bite this universe’s Miles, and he wasn’t him.
Now this Brooklyn was overrun with bad guys and no Spider-Man to stop them. It wasn’t his fault though. He never asked to be Spider-Man and now he understands he was never meant to be Spider-Man.
But if Miles was never meant to be Spider-Man, who was he meant to be? Was his life supposed to unfold in the same way as in this dimension? Was he destined to become the Prowler? He’d always been close to his uncle up until the bite. He still couldn't fully accept that his Uncle Aaron was a bad guy – mean he was Uncle Aaron. He was family. And when Uncle Aaron realized it was Miles under that costume mask, he’d tried to spare his life.
Ay, Dios mío.
That’s exactly what his life was meant to be, wasn’t it? Miles wasn’t meant to be the hero. He wasn’t meant to take up the mantle of Spider-Man. He was meant to carry on his uncle’s legacy.
If that spider hadn’t bitten him, he wouldn’t have returned to the scene that night. He never would have needed saving either. He never would have distracted the rightful Spider-Man. Spider-man would’ve been able to get back up. He would have never met Peter B. Parker or Gwen. Maybe he would’ve met Gwen still… but it wouldn’t have been the same. He’d have never been involved in any of this. And if that were the case then… maybe his Uncle Aaron would still be alive in his dimension.
Miles was an anomaly. He wasn't Spider-Man. And now, the eyes staring back at him would never be Spider-Man.
The spider that bit him was dead, and their lives had already been irreversibly altered.
Everything was wrong and Miguel was right.
He didn’t belong.
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jupiterlandings · 1 year
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Who is New York’s newest girl about town? Would could the motive behind her string of good deeds be? J. Jonah Jameson weighs in below ⬇️
New York once again finds itself in chaos as a new freak of the week makes themself known.
Joining the ranks of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen & uptown’s Blue Demon (no affiliation), or as he himself the “Nightcrawler", a mysterious new arachnid-themed vigilante has entered the fray.
Not much is known about the masked young woman; in her first sighting a tourist couple claimed they were saved from a mugger when human-sized puppets appearing to be made of webs apprehended the criminal who had been holding them at knifepoint as their rescuer swept them away to safety while seemingly controlling her helpers with strings attached to her fingers, like those a proper puppeteer might have.
Officers called to the scene say the they found the criminal “webbed" to a wall & the masked woman fled the scene when asked to identify herself, simply stating that ‘all anyone needed to know is she’s “here to help"’.
As this individual has gone on to intervene in different incidents ranging from escaped pets to house fires New Yorker’s have dubbed her their “friendly neighborhood Web Head", a nickname stemming from the long, stretchy white braids she’s attached metal rings to ends of & uses to provide a hard knock to unsuspecting opponents.
Despite her public persona this reporter questions what this so called “hero" could be hiding behind that mask; could she be attempting to gain the trust of the public only to go on to a crime spree of her own?
Could there be humans, live or otherwise, cocooned inside those webs, forced to do her bidding?
As these escapades continue & her powers seem to grow it seems that only time will tell what goes on inside the masked mind of the city’s latest self-virtuous neighborhood oddity.
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awakening5 · 1 year
Hey awakening, just got to ask do you have more fics for gwiles planned? Wakening absolutely was one of my favourites and was my introduction really to the fandom.
Hey nonny! I have a couple ideas brewing. One is a multi-chap that picks up right where atsv ended. I've been slowly writing the first chapter and would love to get it posted some time this week.
I have an idea for another ficlet. What if Rio and Jeff didn't interrupt Miles and Gwen under the water tower? Cuz those two were getting awful close...
I'm open to prompts, too. I love these two and the unique world(s) they inhabit!
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cartoonkitten · 1 month
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leisures-writes · 1 year
˗ˏˋ character requests info ´ˎ˗ canon typical violence / abuse / blood, canon typical incest ( hotd only ), yandere / obsessive behavior. violence ( not directed to reader ) is okay to request along with nsfw. more to be added!
˗ˏˋ poly character requests´ˎ˗ i can write poly! charas x reader ( ie, gojo x f! reader x geto! ) but please make sure that it’s stated it’s poly or if its yanderes competing romantically for the same darling!
˗ˏˋ age note ´ˎ˗ the reader ( or oc ) is going to be in the same age range as the yandere(s) if not specificed in the writing or request. certain liberties will be taken if some backstories of the character(s) are still in the works and / or being written ( or if i hate the chara back story / canon divergent!! )
˗ˏˋ note ´ˎ˗ format for answered requests will be a short drabble or ficlet in 2rd person ( he, him, she, her, they, them— for the characters —and you, yours for the reader. ) unless requested otherwise! i’ll be seeing if there’s anymore fandoms i’d be interested in writing for but at the moment, this is it!
˗ˏˋ atsv characters — movies only! ´ˎ˗ miguel o’hara ( e - 928 ), peter b. parker ( e - 616 )!
˗ˏˋ jjk characters´ˎ˗ gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, ryomen sukuna! ( will add more once i finish the anime / manga! )
˗ˏˋ haikyuu characters´ˎ˗ oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, kuroo testsuro, kozume kenma! ( more tba. )
˗ˏˋ hotd characters´ˎ˗ daemon targaryen, rhaenrya targaryen, laenor velaryon ( male reader / oc romantically only ), laena velayron, harwin strong.
˗ˏˋ genshin & hsr characters´ˎ˗ diluc ragnivndr, kaeya alberich, childe, zhongli ( post archon war ), kamisato ayato, thoma, kaedehara kazuha, shikanoin heizou, cyno, tighnari. sampo, gepard, more to add!
˗ˏˋ updated ´ˎ˗ june 14th, 2024.
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innerslumber · 11 months
WIP Game
Got tagged by two amazing and lovely friends!! Thank you so much @voylitscope @gfawkesphoenixchokingonashes!!! I'm sorry this reply is so late lolol. Life has been hectic and I have so many ideas but writing has been glacial in speed. Forgive me. I can send you corgi pics as atonement. 😭😭😭
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I have way too many WIPs so I'm not going to put them all here!!
What You've Tamed : Magical Steve x Kitsune Bucky. Current chapter is at 6K words and by the time I am done I think it will be 10K...but I'm desperate to get this one done because @mxaether's beautiful art needs to be shown to the world.
Indelibly Engraved : Winter Soldier Trigger Words fic. Working on chapter 8 where Bucky finally makes it back home to New York.
The Great Equalizer : I wrote a ficlet inspired by this incredible Stucky fanart and I've written more for it...just gotta finish it. 😭😭😭
Grosse Pointe Blank Stucky AU : Assassin Bucky x Journalist Steve based on the movie.
Stucky a/b/o AU : Lawyer Steve (Alpha) x Veteran Bucky (Omega).
From Hell's Kitchen With Love : Continuation of my Matt x Peter fic.
Spider-Man ATSV : Miguel x Peter B. Angst angst angsttttttt. And biting.
Absolutely no pressure tagging. @duchessonfire @buckyismybicycle @circaclementine @winterchildatheart @andrea1717 @greenwichmeanlime @bittersweet-in-boston
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tiagems · 9 months
I'm obsessed with the idea of a soulmate au where every universe's soulmate thing is different. Tattoos with your soulmate's name, matching eye colors, feeling each other's pain.
On Earth 138, it's a birthmark tattoo that matches your soulmate. There's a lot of variation in that one and it fits the style of the world. Of course, Hobie doesn't like the idea of soulmates, just in general he doesn't believe in them. Despite the sunflower printed on his left shoulder, he's very loud and proud about how he "doesn't have a soulmate" and how he doesn't need some weirdo cosmic power telling him what's best. "It's creepy," he says when Gwen asks one night, looking at her own soulmark(a black band around her ring finger; it was pink when Peter was alive). "Some dickhead up in the clouds makin' decisions for me? Gross."
Earth 1610's soulmate mark is the nickname your soulmate will give you written on your wrist. Miles spent his entire childhood not really paying attention to it, but as he grows older he starts to get anxious. "Sunflower" isn't exactly a common nickname, but then again isn't that the point? And then he thinks that maybe Gwen is the answer- except she can't be, because she's from another universe and besides, she's never once called him anything other than Miles or Spider-Man.
And then he starts spending time with other Spider-Men his age. Pavitr, Margo, Peni. Hobie.
And one day Hobie just casually says "Wanna go for a swing, sunflower?"
Miles thinks his heart has exploded.
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tired-biscuit · 8 months
What’s the difference between a thirst and a request?
okie so to keep it simple, a thirst is just a concept or a general idea that gives me more creative freedom with how i want to write the scenario (that is if i even want to write it!!!!!!)
it can range from just swapping ideas, to a drabble, a ficlet or a full blown fic if i’m feeling particularly inspired by the prompt (that happened with the last werewolf fic that i wrote lol — THANK YOU WEREWOLF ANON FOR SHARING UR BIG BRAINED IDEA DJSJDHDH) but again, at the end of the day it all depends on how i’m feeling about writing it.
meanwhile, a request is way more detailed (usually with how reader is described and just the plot in general) and it usually requires to be lengthier. it has to be ‘properly’ written instead of just like sharing ideas for a certain scenario. it’s more complex and time-consuming. i don’t do requests.
but i am open to receiving thirsts, though sometimes it does take me a while to reply to them. also, if they don’t inspire me, then it’s possible that i won’t write them at all.
if i’m completely honest, i usually only reply to the kiba, naruto, obito, bakugou and kirishima (and sometimes miguel from atsv) ones nowadays cos they inspire me the most and i rarely ever care about other characters dhdhdhdh…….
ik i haven’t been really responding to thirsts that much cos i’ve been busy with the werewolf fic but now that it’s posted, i’m very excited to dig into the ones that have been sitting in my inbox cos they’re really good >:)
kiba and naruto thirsts are always welcome tho lmao
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iffeelscouldkill · 1 year
Grand Jeté (A Gwen x Miles ficlet)
A/N: Back in Into the Spiderverse fandom there was a headcanon I really liked about Miles getting into ballet (and/or gymnastics, but particularly ballet) to level up his Spider-Man skills, inspired by Gwen. I didn't wind up writing anything on it (though I had a whole fic plan I just discovered yesterday) but I thought it would be cool to revisit the idea for an ATSV ficlet.
This is a kind of alternate version of Gwen and Miles swinging through Brooklyn together, since it's not really designed to fit in with the film version. It's just intended as a fluffy little canon divergent scene! Enjoy ~
(PS: I'm not a ballet dancer; I did a bit of research for this fic but I hope there aren't any glaring issues! More notes at the end)
"I've got some new moves," Miles told Gwen, because he was eager to show her how far he'd come in the time they'd been apart. When they'd met, he'd barely begun to find his feet as Spider-Man (hell, he'd barely begun to *be* Spider-Man) and most of their interactions had centered around what he couldn't do. He wanted to show her that he could hold his own now, that he was more than just the overwhelmed Spider-newbie.
He couldn't say to her, You're an inspiration to me, but he could show her.
"Show me," Gwen said, and they were off, swinging across Brooklyn. A thrill rose within him to have Gwen back by his side, and everything else that had been horrible about the day - being late to the party, the cakes, his parents, the stupid Spot - faded into insignificance. He would overcome it, because he was Spider-Man.
Miles watched Gwen's movements through the air. When he'd first seen her in action as Spider-Woman, he'd been struck by her grace and precision, but now he had a whole new appreciation for what she was doing. He could almost hear his ballet teacher in his head, tone approving: Demi-pointe, glissade, grand jeté. Very nice form.
He could feel his own muscles stretching back into the familiar forms, waking back up like they did every time he warmed up, the stretch a faint echo of how he'd felt at the beginning, when everything was awkward and unfamiliar. Miles had almost quit multiple times, feeling like an idiot in front of a class of mostly girls, with the only other guy being white and also someone who'd taken ballet classes when he was little (he hadn't danced in years, hence the beginner's class, but it was obvious that it was coming back to him pretty easily). His teacher, Mme. Howard, had convinced him to stick at it.
"If you truly don't want to be here, you can stop; but I see a lot of potential in you, Miles Morales. And I think it would be a shame," she told him.
It was close enough to what his dad had said - about seeing a 'spark' in Miles - that the jeering, doubting voice in his head quietened down a bit, enough for him to push past it and keep going, getting some practice sessions in on his own where he didn't have to worry about what other people thought.
Also, when he started to get better at it, ballet felt really cool. And being Spider-Man felt cooler.
He and Gwen came to perch on top of the Williamsburg bank building and Miles exhaled happily. He could feel Gwen's gaze on him, and he did his best to act casual while also sneaking a glance out of the corner of his eye. Did she seem impressed?
"You do have some new moves," Gwen remarked, and yeah, she definitely sounded impressed (and a little surprised). Miles couldn't help the proud grin that overtook his face. "You've improved your flexibility a lot."
"I've been taking some gymnastics classes," Miles told her, because he had, and he enjoyed learning different things from both gymnastics and ballet, and thinking about how to combine elements of each while web-slinging. But he wasn't sure why he didn't just come out and tell Gwen that he'd been learning ballet. Suddenly, he was afraid she might laugh - not because he was a guy, but because it was obvious that he'd taken it up because of her. It felt like another embarrassing show of his heart on his sleeve - like the drawings in his sketchbook.
Gwen hummed, but he could tell that she wasn't quite satisfied with that response. "Some of those didn't look like gymnastics moves, though. I could have sworn-"
"What about you, though?" Miles blurted over her. "You've been adding some new stuff into your style, too. Also, your jeté is looking really-" His mouth snapped shut, but Gwen had already whipped around to stare at him. "Uhh-"
"I knew those were ballet moves you were using earlier," Gwen said. "Have you been taking classes?"
Miles ducked his head. "Yeah, uh, for about a year now."
"That's... really cool," Gwen said wonderingly. "Why didn't you want to tell me? You know I do ballet too, so I'm not going to think it's weird." Her tone turned teasing. "Or are you worried it'll ruin your image?"
"I thought you might-" Miles began and then broke off. Gwen waited, and Miles pulled himself together enough to admit, "I thought your style was awesome, with the dance moves. They had a ballet demonstration at Visions, and I realised I recognised the moves from you, and - I had the chance to sign up for classes. I wanted to learn how to do what you do, but I thought you might find it..."
"Sweet?" Gwen finished for him, softly. "Touching? One of the coolest things imaginable?"
Miles couldn't help laughing, his face heating up as he finally met her eyes. "Uh, yeah."
"Of course I love it, Miles," Gwen said, and Miles savoured the words "love it" in Gwen's voice, imagining she might have said something else instead. "I finally have someone to share my love of dance with. And now, when I practice... I can think about you doing the same."
Happier than he could remember being in a long time, Miles leaned into Gwen, and together they looked out over the city.
After a few minutes, Miles said in a low voice, "For real, though, I've got aches in muscles I didn't even know I had."
"Oh god, tell me about it."
A/N: I initially planned to write this as "you can read it as friendship or shippy" but then towards the end I went "fuck it, this is shippy" xD
Demi-pointe: A foot position in which the dancer has the weight on the balls of their feet with their heels off the floor.
Glissant: French for "sliding", a ballet step that can be used as preparation for jumps or leaps.
Grand jeté: A broad, high leap with one leg stretched forward and the other backward, like doing the splits in midair.
I'm not 100% sure these are all terms Miles would know after just a year of ballet, but let's pretend ;3
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circusinthewalls · 2 months
☆ Fashion Me a Blessing ☆
Late night meetings full of droning voices and men you can't stand in stuffy board rooms for hours on end, then the grating lights of Nueva York's cityscape on your taxi ride home.. Your head is throbbing, but Miguel knows better than anyone just what you need to take that edge off.
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Tags: Soft Miguel O'Hara, AFAB Reader, Gender-Neutral Terms, Oral Sex, Reader-Receiving, If You Squint , Sub Miguel O'Hara, just a smidge, Miguel is like dangerously head over heels, Short & Sweet, Reader Orgasm, Hints of Body Worship if you look close enough, Proship DNI, MDNI
a/n: Copy and pasted directly from ao3 along with the tags. AMAB version will be up in a couple minutes. Super super shot, but I hope y'all like it. o7 [ao3 link] [Masterlist]
Miguel can't remember how long he's had his head buried between your thighs for now. Only that it's there, and he doesn't dare to think about pulling away anytime soon. You taste fucking divine, so he'll gladly stay like this for the rest of your lives if that's what you want. Working his tongue over you slowly, occasionally pushing it in to earn a gasp, while his large hands absent-mindedly grope at your hips and thighs. He loves you, loves this. Absolutely adores doing whatever he can to make your life a little easier and express his devotion in the most physical way he knows how.
Especially when those crimson irises flick up to you now. You're sat half-slumped in the armchair, brow knitted and eyes closed, head relaxed back so beautifully. It's such a stark contrast compared to when you first came in the door. When you looked just about ready to rip some poor asshole's tie off and strangle them with it. When you'd stopped cursing under your breath and kicking your shoes off to take him up on the offer of some 'relief', and then promptly dragged him forward by the hair when he was finally on his knees in front of you.
You tug lightly again now, hips subconsciously grinding forward a little. Of course, he eagerly obliges. Looping his arms under your thighs and taking stronger hold of your waist, he doubles his efforts. His nose does most of the work pressed so firmly against that precious bundle of nerves, but his mouth employs equal fervor in bringing you closer to a blissful orgasm.
The breathy moans and shuddered expletives you let out are all the motivation he needs, and he doesn't stop even as you're cumming into his mouth. No. Instead he works you through it, loosing some satisfied noises of his own while you weakly buck and grind against his face.
When you do at last settle he pulls off, face an absolute mess with you.
"Better, amor?" he asks in a quiet rumble.
You're not in any state to properly respond, exhausted and now teetering on being a bit fucked out while you bask in the afterglow, but you hum appreciatively and give a small thumbs up. His mouth tugs into a smile at the sight.
Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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gongmunhums · 1 year
Noir x Miles would be the most wholesome proship for ITSV & ATSV because I do not see Noir at all being cruel to Miles or even any sprouts in the world. He would help every single person he could even if he has a harsh exterior that he maintains for his enemies. He has to have his foes closer in order to protect his loved ones.
I see Miles feeling so delighted whenever his man Noir is around with so much love and charismatic game, he’s Noir’s number 1 fan. Noir even if he does not try very hard at it, he’s a hard cushion for Miles to stand on. Especially if Miles feels insecure about their relationship.
Sometimes Miles thinks too much whenever he feels he’s not providing much into the relationship, that he’s just being an admirer or riding on his cool as hell coattails. Noir would offer his lap to pet his lil kitten, maybe even allow his hat to be worn to show that his love for Miles is an offer that he does not want to take back.
“Hey kid… Are ya, feelin under the water?”
“Mmm.. Yeah, everything’s cool”
“No kidding, you’re laying on bed here without a blanket”
“Sorry man, I just have to go… refresh myself you know?”
“Hmm, Miles sonny, you’re doing it again”
“D-Doing what?”
“Being pouty”
“H-Hey I’m not pouty!”
“See my cheeks are smiling!”
“And your cheeks must weigh 12 tons the way I see you today”
“Hey hey doll… my lil kitten. What’s the matter…?” Noir says more gently “…If you want to just relax, that’s alright too kid…”
“Tch, … Ahh… I don’t really know….” Miles hugs a nearby pillow. “Sometimes I… I don’t feel like I really do enough for you… A-And I know that you deserve so much, I know that I have a lot on my plate, but I-I still like you, you are my…”
Miles blushes but struggles to say the last important word
“Husband. You are my husband Miles”
“….W-WAIT A MINUTE! W-What are you talking about?! Uh-Uhh-ummm oh lord…! Did I miss the or”
“Hahaha! No silly. You want us to be like a married couple right? Sorry for the heart attack there”
“No- I mean yes! I mean…! I love you so much alright?! I-I admire you so much.. The way the wind blows everywhere you go. Your cool awesome clothes making you look like a Spider-Man that gets down to business, of protecting people. From kids, adults, parents, employees, friends, family, uh and… loved ones~ y-yeah!”
Miles faces down twiddling his hands on his warm pillow. Noir puts a hand on Miles’s shoulder, gesturing him to lay on his lap. His hands moves around to pet Miles’s hair
“I know sweetheart~ And… sorry that I’m not really one of the the most… reciprocatory guys in the world” Noir takes off his mask and leaves a small smooch on Miles’s head, “You deserve a much better lover boy than me kid”
“No no please don’t say that. I deserve you alright? Because…..?”
Noir grumbles knowing that Miles is egging his ego on. But looking at Miles’s hopeful plea for his husbands self worth sparks a glee within Noir’s gray beating heart.
“Heheh stop smiling like that kid…It’s becauseeeee… my sweetheart deserves the best, alright you rascal!” Noir growls playfully as he messes with Miles’s hair
“Hahaha! Come on stop that dude!”
Noir then removes his hat and promptly plops it onto his lovers head.
“Alright dudee,” he remarks slightly mockingly as Noir takes off his trench coat “Just make sure to always treat yourself. It was raining today for darns sake!”
“I got it, ..love you Peter~”
“I love you too Miles” he wraps his trench coat & himself over Miles, snuggling the whole night away looking towards each other like a star that made each other’s wishes come true.
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