#atsushi is the new waste of bandages
ssaraexposs · 2 months
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tacticiandrafts · 3 months
Source D'espoir ; Kunikida Doppo
Using your ability pushes you to exhaustion. Which Agency detective will take pity on you?
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Having successfully completed a solo job, you were expected back at the Agency to report the day’s happenings. Unfortunately, the journey there was becoming increasingly more arduous as your legs wobbled beneath you. You nearly passed out standing up in the elevator but somehow managed to pull yourself out as you reached the fourth floor.  
“I’m back,” you called, tired eyes surveying the office.
Ranpo cheered around a lollipop, probably saying ‘welcome back’. Naomi shot a bright smile in your direction and Atsushi waved. Kunikida grunted without turning around, evidently hustling to stay on schedule as his fingers tapped away urgently on his keyboard. 
You made your way toward your desk at a snail’s pace, wondering how you were going to convince him to take a break. That probably wouldn’t happen, so instead you sat down and stared straight ahead with bleary eyes, attempting to summon the mental fortitude to either eat or finish your work. You heard a panicked squeak and realized that you were squinting aggressively at Atsushi. Well, time to give up.
You paused for a moment, then folded over in your seat and slipped your head under Kunikida’s arms, resting on his lap. He sputtered a bit.
“You were gone for less than two hours. You can’t possibly be this tired,” he groaned.
“The job actually took me an hour. But then I wanted to try a new place for lunch and I ran into a shootout.” Your words were muffled as you turned your face into his leg.
“Was it the Port Mafia?” Atsushi’s eyes widened sympathetically.
“Mhm…I think the restaurant was a front for a rival gang…that old guy from the Port Mafia walked in right behind me and raided it before I could even order…” You whined as Kunikida started grinding his knuckles into the top of your head, irritated. “Kunikida,” you cried, “I’m so hungry!”
“Stop making it my problem and go do something about it,” he insisted roughly, but he made no move to push you away.
Tomorrow, you’d definitely be embarrassed by your clingy behavior. You tended to be quiet and cool-headed, but using your ability often tired you out to the extreme. Your fatigue obscured your typically reserved behavior, and every once in a while you ended up bothering Kunikida like this.
You felt slightly guilty for interrupting his workflow, but you really needed help and you only wanted it from him. Kunikida flung harsh words at you, but his motherly instincts betrayed him. No one else would have let you get away with this much, opting to send you to the couch before you had the chance to complain.
You sat up for a moment to grab his arm, stopping him from attacking your head and pinning it beneath you as you laid back down. “I have two reports to write now, but I wasted all my energy…”
He groaned, slamming his book of ideals down on the desk and pulling you up with him. 
“Oh?” Dazai’s eyes glinted as he strode in. “How forward of you, Kunikida!”
You felt his chest puff with rage as he shouted at Dazai to stop wandering around and get your work done! You craned your neck a bit to watch his ears turn red as he began dragging you into the kitchen, ordering you to sit still.  
You stayed silent, staring at his back as he rummaged through the fridge and started ranting. He was no doubt scolding you into oblivion, but you barely heard what he was saying.
“You’re the only person I know who’s so incompetent that you can’t even control your own ability. And if you weren’t so responsible most of the time, I’d tear you a new one for acting like such a damn baby when you’re tired. I already have to deal with that shitty waste of bandages coming in late every day, so why do I have to deal with you and your moods too?!” 
You sighed contentedly. Kunikida missed the happy note in your voice.
“Good,” he sighed back, “you should feel remorseful.”
Your satisfied smile grew wider as you rested your head on the kitchen counter, closing your eyes to the sound of his voice lecturing you on nutrition. 
Ranpo passed through for a moment, digging through the cupboards for a snack. He snickered at the sight of your smile as you dozed off, noting the affectionate, dutiful tone that Kunikida often took with you. Fukuzawa had been looking for you a moment before, but he supposed he could keep his mouth shut. You’d owe him a soda later.
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 9 months
I just come up with a great idea and I like it so much smh 😭
Can you do a yandere Atsushi and yandere Dazai (separately) with a reader who really have low self-esteem? It's so low to the point that even if you call them a b-word, degrading them and they would go "Oh thank you so much for wasting your time on taking care of sth like me!" with a happy face.
Surprisingly, the reader also know about that and used it to their advantage, would even victimized themselves just to get what they want.
They would be very caring towards Atsushi and manipulate (bribe, promise, not breaking his mind even more) him into doing what they want without question asked (not like he would anyway) but with Dazai, they would like to see how pathetic he is for wanting their affection, knowing they are the only one could make him gets on his knees and begs that he would be a good pet for them.
Yea, the reader can be a low self-esteem person but also can be a meanie if they want to, but only to their yanderes tho (especially those who that are hard to break like Dazai, Mori, Ranpo,... With those who are easy to break, they would just manipulate them and giving loves)
I want to see this type of reader sometimes but there aren't many, you're my last hope for my fantasy! 😭
This is my first time requesting this so I'm so nervous omg 💀
Oh and, you can call me Ry.
𝙰:𝚗- 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚁𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜.
𝙴𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝.
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎: 𝚍𝚊𝚣𝚊𝚒, 𝙰𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚔𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚊.
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚐𝚊𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚈/𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚖.
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𝘋𝘢𝘻𝘢𝘪 𝘖𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘶.
The only reason how even does Dazai find you appealing is a question itself. Don't get him wrong he love you a lot but.
Your low self esteems and often shyness and couldn't even take a single insult make him wonder why he choose to be with you.
You are indeed a kind women who listen to him and indeed you were there with him when he quit Port Mafia.
He met you during his stay in underground.
Perhaps fate.
But he is still cautious of his words approaching you was an attempt.
A very hard attempt.
As you often be surrounded by people.
But one time he realise his mistake when he got angry at you.
As you mistakenly tied his bandages in wrong shape.
He won't be mad at you for silly reason but he was as his mood was already ruin by the people.
Your eyes were watery as you gaze to the ground avoiding to stare at him.
"I guess you are... Right I am a failure.. A b*tch" you muttered walking away with drag feet.
As much as he was angry he doesn't want you to leave him.
Your the only company he tolerates and somehow you care for him. Maybe you care for the others too.
He was the one who used two years of his and yours to lurred you to follow him.
Yes you are indeed a professional at finding and erasing people records. And no it wasn't your ability but purely skill.
I guess that's also a reason he feel connected to you.
He pampered you with hugs which you never ask but you comply so that you can get what you want.
He buy things for you... Well Kunikida money was at stake too.
He buy the new bag you often shyly mentions.
He knew somehow you want him to comply on your wishes which is why he call you.
"A cheeky chipmunk with greed like an elephant"
You negatively took it.
Yet he didn't bother to console you and only said it was the truth.
Somehow with his sarcasm you eventually somehow got used to it somehow.
But... He is seriously protective of you. Especially as you do not have an ability he prefer you to be on sideline.
He does get jealous when Ranpo and you talk to each other more.
Both of you were a sweet fan
And Ranpo fondness towards you for having no ability but pure skill make him praise you.
Dazai is the one drag you away from Ranpo who often get confused of why yet Yosano mention jealousy which Ranpo was more confused.
Dazai will make sure you spend less time with the others and only focus on him in exchange of your sly demands on things.
He cannot make you leave him right? Of course if you does so... He will make sure the same imply to you that... You only rely on him and only him.
𝘕𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘈𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪.
At first he really admired you from afar.
You the lady who eventually gave him a bread when he was starving on the outside world.
Your gently smile and kindness make him fall for you as he met you again during the Agency time.
You recognise him, oh how happy he was.
He blindly ignore you trying to get information from him about the agency.
He smile at you making you annoyed but you were patient to fulfil your mission and the thought to end him often linger onto you.
As money problem is the reason why you even work for the other group.
But when they insulted you for been weakass and couldn't take out a single useful info about agency. Unaware Atsushi stalk you so that you will be safe that day.
But his anger boil when he saw you cry.
"Repeat it! You are a whore who cannot do anything! Right"
"...I am a who-" before you uttered that word right in your eyes in split seconds the senior of yours was cut to half.
There stay a full transformed tiger as you fall on your kness afraid.
Yet the tiger ate those people as the whole group was eaten only some blood splattered on the floor most were droplets of blood.
"D-dont kill me, I-I am just a-"
"Y/n" said the tiger as your eyes widen when it detransformed back to a human.
You feel yourself vomiting out as you realise Atsushi ate away your colleagues those who pay you.
The blood beside his lips make you back away in fear.
Before you beg for his mercy he hugged you dearly.
Then it click to your mind and you happily agreed to be with him as you would rather prefer a home then leave in streets pretending to be a noble women who is kind and give bread to others but eventually you are starving more then them
A grave mistake on your part even if he gave it all to you as much as he could.
You never able to leave his sight ever again.
𝘒𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘢 𝘋𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘰.
He couldn't even uttered a word to you. You often lose your cool.
You were a teacher like him, a substitute teacher whereas he teaches math you teaches English.
Your self esteem was so low that you came crying when the kids eventually throw papers at you and make fun of you.
He was the one who scared them all for you.
Now that he thinks about he misses you a lot.
But that thought vanish when he saw you out in a park.
People were shock as the guy slapped you across your face.
As tears fall from your eyes as you gripped your bag tightly.
"What a moron can't even bear a single slap" said the other women as the guy cooed at his women while you were a victim of embarrassment.
"What's going on?" Asked Kunikida who approach the scene as The other women point a finger on you.
"She was begging my boyfriend to be hers! Even if she knew I was his girlfriend"
As people muttered how disgusting you were to eyed another man as Kunikida let out a sighed and slapped the women like how the man slapped you.
Your eyes widen as you finally look up to see Kunikida and the man anger.
"How dare you hurt my girlfriend!?"
"These lady here is the side women who stole y/n the victim here boyfriend more likely they both used her. She was a good friend of this women who seduced the boyfriend a vile women"
"I'm not! What proofed-"
Kunikida simply played a voice recorder where they mention about the money you gave to your boyfriend for his business.
Kind you were only to help your boyfriend.
He eventually arrest them both for manipulating you and taking your money.
People gasped in shock as they eventually start pointing the other two for such audacity to victimised a victim as the fault.
Kunikida approach you with the money.
"Here... You alright y/n?"
"Y-yeah thank you..." You said as you gently smile a bit.
He was worried as you were in questioning term how he knows about you and the whole affair thing.
And when did he record it. (Thanks to Katai).
He have been looking out for you some weeks now.
"Thanks again... Umm..."
He was disappointed by your confused face.
"Kunikida Doppo"
"Ah! The colleague!"
"Y-yeah" he muttered as he blush away by your happy smiled.
He couldn't help but feel happy to meet you again.
All this time he realise you were indeed an ideal match for him.
But sometimes he is concern of your low self-esteem as you often kick out of job because of that.
"Live in with me then"
"I know it is not idealistic but... I want you to live with me I will take care of money as you can work at my apartment that way no worries for money and rent as you can repay-"
You hugged him happily in joy. Oh how glad you were to bring it up.
Kunikida couldn't help but be flustered.
But you knew you couldn't get what you want on things of sort after all... Kunikida will and make you an ideal women of his.
Despite you trying to refuse but somehow you knew... Instead of you manipulating him he is the one gaslight you intot submission.
People assume you both as green flag perhaps you were but... The saying goes two red flags make it green.
A:n- that is all good day/night to all!
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reaper-in-reverie · 3 months
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
note. tw for dark themes (it's dazai) such as suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts, depression, and overdose. all things dazai, in short (?). angst, angst, angst. i think i relate to dazai to some level. also, just to clarify, I'm not trying to portray the agency doesn't care for dazai, they do care for him and it's obvious, I just thought they don't take him seriously sometimes. turned out longer than I desired. ooc writing. wc. 905
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Dazai's pen roughly scribbled word after word onto the piece of paper he held in his other hand.
"Please, just this once,"
His handwriting was messy yet still understandable. He stared at the paper for a moment, eyes growing hazy with tears that didn't dare fall; if this worked, he wouldn't have to live meaninglessly any longer, he wouldn't have to look for a justification for his miserable existence anymore.
Dazai quickly placed the piece of paper down on a nearby table, running it in his head if the paper would easily be spotted. Then he moved the table to the corner to make it more noticeable to anyone who could potentially walk in.
"Please, please, just this once, let me do it."
He shakily reached out to the pill bottle.
He stared at it for a moment.
He stopped himself.
It beckoned to him sweetly.
God, Dazai was so tired. He looked the opposite direction, to the wall where his calendar was hung. Today marked the fifth year since Oda's death. His dearest friend. He could feel Odasaku's stare, somewhere out there, and he could feel Odasaku be torn between letting the poor boy rest and wanting Osamu to live. Everyone had their limits.
"I'm sorry, Odasaku—" the words were erased as fast as Dazai had scribbled it into the letter.
He stared at the calendar a little longer, but he didn't think over what he was about to do. Instead he thought about how absurd the Agency was for being so used to him trying to kill himself—the suicidal maniac was always cheery, after all. Never tired. Always bothersome. The Agency would hardly bat an eye. Maybe Atsushi would ask around. That would be the end of it.
"He must be trying to drown himself again. That sorry waste of bandages—he'll come back."
How cruel of them to think he'd always return.
How kind of them to think he'd always return.
"I hope this works."
Dazai breathed out sharply, moving his head to the opposite direction once more, to the pill bottle at the side. He took it and poured some into his hands. Similar to how water escaped from the gaps of his fingers, some pills fell from his hands. He didn't bother to pick them up. This should be enough. This will be enough.
Another stare at his hands.
Then he let the pills drop into his mouth, letting them sit there before he took a glass of water and swallowed harshly, sealing his fate, the pills sliding down his throat with something akin to enthusiasm.
"Just this once."
Dazai paused, waiting for his vision to blur familiarly before attempting to make it back to his futon. Multiple bottles sat around where he hoped to have his final rest, and he stumbled on a few of them—what an ironic design for a coffin.
"Just this once."
He collapsed into the bed, turning his head just slightly to the calendar again. His head spun. His vision faded. He had not learned to begin to care.
"Let me die."
Let me die.
Let me die.
"Please, let me die."
Dazai still woke up.
And he wanted to die more than ever.
He put on a usual cheery smile on the way to work. He stared at the sears on his arms before wrapping a new roll of bandages over them. Yes, everyone would believe that they were there just for design so long they were clean. Yes, no one would suspect a thing.
The Agency wouldn't bat an eye, he thought.
He was just the silly waste of bandages.
"Kunikida-kun—!" Dazai chatted cheerfully, showing the newspaper he picked up to poor Kunikida. It was an article concerning the Agency. Dazai pretended to find it entertaining as he pointed to a pathetic shot of Kunikida.
"You look so manly here, don't you think?" There was a teasing lilt in his voice, which made Kunikida glower at him.
"Oh, you—I should just strangle you!" Kunikida groaned, rolling his eyes and turning away. Dazai laughed obnoxiously, placing the newspaper on Kunikida's desk. He started to walk off, but Atsushi managed to catch up to him before he could leave the office. The younger boy gave Dazai that bright smile, though it immediately morphed into a dismissive look upon processing Dazai's leave.
"Are you skipping work again, Dazai-san?" Atsushi asked, leaning by his desk.
"Of course that bastard's skipping work again," Kunikida rolled his eyes. Dazai looked back at him, his expression solemn for just a split second—before a smirk rose to his face once more. Kunikida hardly listened, anyway.
"You know me!" He waved, shoving his hands in his coat pockets as he made his way to the exit.
"Don't actually kill yourself, this time, Dazai-san!" Atsushi called one last time before Dazai shut the door on the both of them.
This time.
Dazai sighed, walking down the hall and into the elevator to escape the building.
Of course he wasn't actually planning on scurrying away from work. He was going to visit a certain grave. Where a death of five years lay. He was going to visit Odasaku. He was going to visit an old friend who sat peacefully beneath an old willow tree. He wondered if Oda waited for him, wherever he was. Dazai thought he was probably writing a story, living peacefully in the arms of death.
And, someday, Dazai hoped—that he, too, would follow him to where all stories ended.
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kingqueefx · 2 years
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Buttered Up Babies
NSFW Dazai x Butter fanfic. (no pronouns used for the butter)
Osamu Dazai clearly has a certain taste when it comes to potential suitors and love interests. Everyone in the agency was aware of this by now, but Atsushi was confused about the current person Dazai was seeing. Who could have captured his attention so much that he no longer talks about attempting suicide? He desperately wanted to know the answer, but figured in time when Dazai’s ready he would introduce everyone to his partner. Whoever that may end up being.
Meanwhile Dazai had left work early, and was now on his way home from the market. He bought some canned crab, bandages, and butter. A strange array of things, but nothing out of the ordinary. None of it would go to waste either.
With a fumbling of keys and a good shove opening the door, Dazai had made it into his apartment. He immediately sat the brown paper bag of items on the kitchen counter, and took off his coat. “It’s Friday night, no work tomorrow.” he thought to himself. Dazai reached for the bottle of rum he left sitting out. A couple drinks couldn’t hurt. He poured himself glass after glass, but by the third or fourth one he started to feel the buzz. “Shit!” he drunkenly exclaimed as he suddenly remembered that he’d forgot to put the butter away. It was probably soft and melted by now.
Just as he expected. When Dazai pulled out the butter from the bag it had become soft and warmer then room temperature. His long slender fingers ran across the now unwrapped butter feeling it from top to bottom. Suddenly he pulled his hand back. “What the fuck am I doing feeling all up on a stick of butter?” Dazai grumbled to himself as he looked down at his growing erection. How could he let himself go this far? A sick thought crept into his head on how he could relieve the tension in his pants. It was disgusting but nobody would ever know about this secret randevu.
Impatiently he unzipped his trousers letting his cock spring free. Slowly taking the butter in his right hand he began to pump himself with it. It almost served as more of a lube in this situation. Nonetheless just feeling the slickness of the butter was erotic enough. Dazai’s eyes rolled back letting out a moan. Nothing has ever felt so euphoric. It didn’t take long for him to finish. His cum and the butter now all mixed into one. It was certainly a sight to behold. The taste however… Dazai began to wonder what it might taste like. Just a little lick of his hand wouldn’t hurt, right? He raised his hand to his mouth to do just that. It was salty and thick to swallow. It was perfect. Everything about fucking this butter had been exactly the release he’s been looking for.
Soon going to the market to pick up canned crab, bandages, and butter became a regular experience. Nobody, not even Fyodor has found out his secret. At least not the secret of fucking himself with butter. If he was gonna be persuaded to stay alive he needed that high. Butter has become his new lover.
Note: y’all this was sitting in my drafts for over a year now, I’m finally posting it. I couldn’t explicitly write the part where Dazai was actually fucking the butter. I’m just a lesbian so I wouldn’t even know how dicks work/feel. ☠️☠️☠️ anyways if this does well I’ll write more. This one was kinda rushed.
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dazai-fics · 3 years
Stargazing – Dazai Osamu
Pairing: Dazai x Reader (high school au)
Word Count: 2.6k*
Warnings: slight cursing, smut/nsfw- oral, fingering
Summary: Having Osamu Dazai as your boyfriend has never been boring.
A/n: This has been stuck in my head for a while and I finally was able to sit down and write it out so I hope you guys enjoy and don’t judge me too much because this is my first time writing out smut !
Inspired by: Stargazing*- The NBHD
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You could feel the cool of the evening seep into your bones as you groggily sat up in your plush bed. Once, then twice, did you blink to remove any bit of remaining sleep as you looked over to the source of your annoyance.
Your phone lit up with a string of messages from only one contact; a contact that as of late had made your heart pound in a way that was indescribable in every sense of the word. Sighing, you picked up the phone and began to read over the messages your extremely clingy boyfriend woke you up with.
‘Samu ♡:
1:04 AM
hey baby i can’t sleep u up?
Belladonna ? :(
I’m coming over, have a surprise for us :)
He’s what?
You were now fully awake at this point and groaned at the spontaneity and impulsiveness of your brunette lover. Knowing you had no choice but to go along with his antics, you got out of your bed and quickly ran to your closet hoping the faster you went, the quicker the chills would go away as they flared your arms and legs up with goosebumps.
You were already wearing sweatpants, so you decided to just throw on a black hoodie that was suspiciously too big on your figure.
You inhaled deeply as the smell of vanilla and mint overcame your senses causing a serene smile to overcome your features. Yes, this was indeed the sweatshirt of the Osamu Dazai; a man that in the last couple of months has invaded your every waking thought and had claim over any flush in your cheeks, dimple in your smile, and crinkle in your eyes as they closed shut-tight over the unbearable laughter released at one of his cheesy jokes.
Of course that didn’t mean everything was all raised heart beats and shared smiles with the boy as dating Dazai also meant caring for him and all his dark thoughts and emotions. As well as vise versa since your life by no means was easy and perfect. However, no matter how bad things got; or who left or entered your life, you could always count on Dazai, and him you, to be there whenever life caught you both in it’s gloomy and seemingly inescapable hold.
Another smile escaped your lips and you once again inhaled the calming scent; now thinking back to how you met the lanky, mysterious, goofball.
You had moved to your new town back in your freshman year of high school which of course meant having to make new friends and basically start a whole new life in a time that was so important and vital.
You remember your first day at ADA highschool so vividly; the sweat that built in your palms, and the barely visible motion of your toes curling into your shoes from anxiety. You had thought making friends would be impossible no matter how many times your parents assured you that your “charming” personality would help you make friends so very easily.
It was the end of the day and you were sure that your still very much lack of friends would mean that would be the truth for the rest of your four years in this high school you were very much forced to attend. You felt a tear quickly escape your eye as the anxiety started to take physical form; quickly you ran to a quiet corner and began to wipe furiously and harshly at your eyes as you reprimanded your sensitivity.
“What am I five? Why am I crying so hard?”
You jumped suddenly as you heard quiet giggles next to your ear.
You felt embarrassment flood your body as you wiped even harder to stop the tears. He was a bit blurry, but you could faintly make out the long, curly, brunette hair; dark chocolate eyes, and white bandages that wrapped around his long, lanky, figure. He also wore casual clothes which consisted of jeans, a hoodie, and sneakers.
Your first thought, of course besides the initial embarrassment and anger, was why he was wrapped in those seemingly endless rolls of bandages.
“Who is this weird banaged guy?” You scoffed to yourself as your sniffles came to an end.
“Done crying?” He asked teasingly, that stupid smug smile still on his face.
“I don’t remember asking for your help or comfort,” you said defensively, the venom not really reaching your still red and glossy face.
The boy laughed again good-naturedly; not intentionally trying to rile you up but he couldn’t help but think your anxiety was misplaced.
“Well then, why don’t you come walk home with my friend Atsushi and I, could be fun~,” he offered, his hand held out to you in an act of trying to make you feel comforted.
Your eyes widened as you hesitantly accepted his offer; the boy rushing you along as soon as your hands made contact, going into a rant over another boy named Kunikida mothering the absolute shit out of him.
Four years had gone by and you were both in your senior year;  nothing really changing between you except the now official titles of ‘boyfriend’ and ‘partner’ which you had longed for since as long as you could remember.
Since that fateful day, you had become a part of the best group of friends you could ask for consisting of Atsushi, Kunikida, Yosano, Kenji, Ranpo, kyouka, and of course Dazai.
However, you knew you wanted something more with Dazai since freshman year and although you two were… close, he never seemed interested in more. He seemingly always had a new girl on his arm bragging about the various amounts of… sexual interactions he would have with them and each time it broke your heart a little more.
Despite all that, he would hold you whenever you were down, wiped your tears whenever they fell, and held you close when you couldn’t sleep; pressing gentle kisses when he thought you were knocked out by exhaustion finally hitting you.
Dazai had intimacy issues and fears you knew were holding him back from officially committing to you which is why you never pressed anything and kept your feelings locked up nice and tight… until a couple of months ago when it all came to a head.
Harsh words; honest words were shared by you both in an argument you thought would rip the person you had come to love and rely on most from you forever. Luckily it did the exact opposite as Dazai decided he was done with denying himself from your pure and warm love that made his dark world just a bit brighter everyday.
And now you two were inseparable; lips never too far from each other, limbs entangled whenever chance allowed. Your other friends were definitely sick of it but you both didn’t care as you denied each other from this comfort for too long to let any time go to waste.
You were snapped out of your reverie by gentle tapping at your window. You quickly turned your head to see the man of your thoughts sitting patiently on the ledge, a goofy smile etched into his pretty, pink lips.
You scoffed playfully as you made your way across the room to open the window for him. Immediately, he placed his lips on yours in a passionate kiss as his hands came up to cup your face lovingly.
“Mmm missed you so much,” he mumbled against your lips causing you to giggle.
“We saw each other, like, six hours ago!” You exclaimed slapping him playfully, causing him to release a laugh himself.
“Exactly! Now c’mon I’m taking you somewhere,” Dazai commanded you gently, grabbing your hand as he guided you out the window.
“‘Samu it’s one in the morning, where are we going?” You groaned in annoyance wanting your boyfriend to join you in bed and cuddle you back to sleep.
“Nuh uh uh~ It’s a surprise!” He exclaimed playfully booping you on the nose as you both made your way to his black range rover.
“Alright, whatever, can I at least get a hint?”
“Hmm, okay, okay, fine,” Dazai relented as he began to type away on his phone playing a song from his spotify that came out on his connected bluetooth, touch screen.
Take it from the top, if I start I just can’t stop…
You giggled silently as you shook your head, your boyfriend rolling down both of your windows and turning up the music for what he likes to call ‘the full midnight drive experience.’
“So are we going stargazing?!” You yelled over the wind and music.
“Yep!” He yelled back cheerily taking one hand off of the wheel to rub at your thigh comfortingly.
“Pull it out of park put in drive, I can feel your heart beating with mine, underneath the stars, lookin' for a sign glowin' in the dark 'til the sun shines, made it pretty far on the first try, might've set the bar a little too high, started with a spark, now we're on fire-”
You both yelled together which winded up with you both laughing uncontrollably. Dazai continued to sing along with the neighborhood as you took this as a chance to examine how gorgeous this man truly was.
His silky, curly brunette hair went everywhere as the wind entangled with it, his dark chocolate eyes shined with the headlights from the cars going on the opposite side of the freeway, his bandaged hands gripped at the wheel allowing you to see every vein and bone from his knuckles, and his face was flushed pink from the yelling and wind.
You laughed freely as you once again joined in with his singing; utter and complete joy filling you both which was rare.
Eventually, you both reached a secluded park with a hill; perfect for sitting and stargazing. Once you both got out, Dazai layed out a towel for you both to cuddle on without getting soaked from the freshly sprayed grass.
You both giggled loudly like the teenagers in love you were as you made yourself comfortable on your boyfriend’s chest; his lanky arms coming to wrap themselves around you, one occasionally letting go to point out the constellations or meteors blinking past in the inky sky.
You had to hold in your snickers whenever he would wrongly name a constellation but nonetheless; you would place a soft kiss on his cheek and thank him for teaching them to you.
Soon, the soft kisses on the cheek would turn to passionate kisses on the lips as Dazai changed his position to where he was on top of you. He began to leave a trail of kisses down your jaw to your neck; the juxtaposition of his warm kisses to the cold air surrounding you both caused small whimpers of pleasure to leave your lips.
“‘Samu…” you called breathily causing your boyfriend to look up from the dark hickeys he was ever-so-carefully placing on your collarbone.
“What is it, my belladonna?” He asked teasingly, returning to his methodically placed kisses.
“More…” you whined as arousal began to pool in your gut.
“As you wish.”
Dazai kissed lower down your belly to the elastic band of your panties. After leaving a couple small kisses on your hip bone, he looked up into your eyes for confirmation it was okay to go further. You nodded urgently and placed your hand in his soft locks as if to urge him on.  He let out a chuckle at your eagerness but complied nonetheless; you were his princess and whatever you asked of him he would do, even at the cost of his own wellbeing.
After pulling down your sweatpants and panties, he immediately attached his tongue to your clit; moving it in small circles he knew would make you fall apart. Your whines and whimpers fuled him on as your fingers harshly pulled on his locks.
“‘Samu… want your fingers” You ordered in between moans.
“Where baby, tell me,” he whispered, placing a soft kiss on your clit.
“As you wish.”
Dazai slowly placed his ring and middle fingers into your tight cunt, “Fuck belladonna, so wet for me,” he all but moaned as he gently moved his fingers around trying to find the spot that would have you fall apart all over him.
“‘Samu there! Please!” You gasped as he found your G-spot; not letting up until your back arched and you cummed all over his fingers.
“Good girl; my good, pretty girl that’s it,” he whispered gently as he coaxed you down from your high.
He licked away all the wetness from his fingers as he came back up to meet your lips in a passionate kiss filled with lust and love.
“‘Samu, want more..” you begged softly against his lips.
“Mmm what could you possibly mean~” your boyfriend teased causing you to groan.
“Oh like you don’t want the same thing I can see your hard-on from here,” you teased back looking down to see he was indeed impossibly hard in well fitted grey sweatpants.
“Ha-ha touché, belladonna.”
You both shared a loving laugh as you once again met in a kiss, your hand cupping the back of his head to bring him even closer. Dazai separated for a second to take off his pants and underwear letting his painfully hard cock hit against his abdomen, Dazai letting out a hiss from the cold hair hitting it.
“Need you baby, please,” you whined as your boyfriend soothed you with a kiss to the neck as he began to line his dick up with your wet pussy.
“Almost in, tell me if it ‘urts,” he mumbled as he began to fill you up.
You gasped, never truly used to his size but feeling complete nevertheless.
“Okay?” He asked gently and you nodded kissing his cheek giving him the silent permission to keep going.
“Feels so good ‘Samu!” You moaned as he picked up speed.
“Fuck you’re so tight baby, always so good and tight for me,” your boyfriend praised as he kept up a gentle pace trying to bring you both to your respective highs.
“Gonna cum ‘Samu,'' you whimpered as you felt the coil in your abdomen beginning to snap.
“Go on belladonna, cum for me,” he praised as you did just that; the fast tightening of your warm cunt milking Dazai’s cock as he began to cum with you.
Dazai collapsed on top of you, burying his head in your warm neck and you wrapped your smaller arms around his waist.
“Love you so much ‘Samu,'' you whispered as you felt soft kisses being placed on the dark hickeys your boyfriend left prior.
“Love you more, belladonna; thank you for always being by my side,” he whispered back.
After indulging in each other’s warmth and comfort for a while longer, Dazai cleaned you both up with the towel and dressed you both as he then gently picked you up and placed you in the back seat to lay down as you had fallen asleep.
He took a warm blanket he always kept for you in the trunk and tucked and buckled you in as he took his place in the driver’s seat and drove you both back to your house.
Once you both arrived he took you in arms and walked you both up to the front door where he used the key you gave him to let you in.  As quietly as possible, he then took you both upstairs to your room where he tucked you in again and then got comfortable in the bed next to you; gathering you in his arms and then pressing a kiss to your head.
“Good night, my love sleep well.”
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yo-anna0315 · 3 years
Soukoku and a kiddo HCs
Some of this might refer to my own OC rather than just any kid, but anyway Dazai is still with the ADA, Chuuya is either the mafia boss or still an exec under Mori.
Chuuya has a fondness for stray kids and Dazai is impartial to orphans because of Odasaku, but neither of them plan on having kids or adopting because wow they have hectic lives and they themselves are very chaotic.
They’re also doing this new thing called can we have a functional relationship with each other?  This includes Chuuya not turning to alcoholic tendencies every time he gets overwhelmed and Dazai not attempting to actively kill himself without going to Chuuya or someone else first, and the both of them trying to open up and trust each other more outside of combat.  
Chuuya is probably walking home to one of his safehouses late at night, and some street kid comes and pickpockets him.  And GETS AWAY with it.  Chuuya is just shocked because excuse??? Some runt just came and picked his pocket???  He’s more amazed that someone would dare to pick his pocket and succeed rather than be annoyed.  Well damn.  The kid didn’t take anything important, just a bit of pocket change so Chuuya doesn’t care.  But he’s impressed.  
Dazai finds out when Chuuya mentions it over dinner and he’s DYING of laughter.  He wants to meet this kid.
“Chibi got mugged!”  “I didn’t get mugged, you asshole!  I just said they stole some pocket change!”  “Ah, Chibikko’s losing his touch.  “You bastard!”
So Dazai does what Dazai does best and finds the kid without Chuuya even telling him a single thing.  
“All I do is check the security cam footage you have around the safehouse, but that must be too big for your sheepdog brain to handle.”
The kid is a little snappy at first because who the fuck is this bandaged wearing idiot asking if they stole something.  They live on the STREETS, what DON’T they steal?  And then it clicks that they stole from a Port Mafia Executive.  And Not just ANY PM Exec, they stole from the Gravity Manipulator.  
The kid: “haha I’m in danger”
Dazai catches them and brings them back to Chuuya’s apartment and the kid is freaking out because oh my god, I’m going to lose my hand for stealing.  Or worse!  And Dazai is just so happy, what an asshole
“Chibi!”  “What do you want, asshole?”  “Look!”  “Did you KIDNAP a fucking child!”  “No, this is kid who stole from you, remember?  The one who mugged you and stole your cash!”  “You kidnapped a child.”
At this point the kid is in hysterics because why is he so happy?  What’s going on?  Are they going to die???  And then Chuuya, always the one with manners, is like I’m sorry my asshole boyfriend kidnapped you, can I make it up to you with dinner and a shower?
They’re not going to turn down free gifts, but they are extremely on edge.  But Chuuya is a great cook and his shower is luxurious because he knows how to treat himself right (unlike a certain mackerel).  
So the kid takes a shower first because hot water is utterly delightful and should never be wasted, they have two bowls of ramen and rice with nori sheets because hunger.  Chuuya is appreciative because at least someone appreciates the hard work he puts into his food.  Dazai is secretly relieved because he won’t have to eat the leftovers and he can just eat canned crab without feeling guilty.
Dinner and a shower turns into a night on the lounge in the study in safety and comfort, which turns into breakfast in the morning, which turns into dinner every few months and the cycle repeats until Dazai spills sake on the lounge and insists that the kid move into the spare bedroom for the night.
This kid is like okay wtf.  Chuuya is exasperated, Dazai is scheming.  Chuuya makes them have a sit down conversation because he’s trying to be better and the kid doesn’t need more dysfunction in their life.  They extend an open invitation for the kid to come by whenever they want.
“Or you could just stay, it’s not like we’re not used to you at this point.  And you haven’t run away screaming from us so we haven’t messed up yet.”  “Dazai… what the fuck.” 
Dazai and Chuuya agree to keep the kid away from the mafia, mostly Mori because Mori could use the kid as leverage over both Chuuya and Dazai and thas no bueno.  (If Chuuya’s the mafia boss then he’ll probably keep the kid away from the mafia, unless they want in then he’ll sit down with them and have a talk to make sure they know what they’re getting into).  So, Dazai gets a little shadow that just kind of loiters around the ADA.
Dazai trades completed paperwork for tutoring lessons from Kunikida when he has time, Yosano teaches them anatomy and basic first aid, Atsushi, Ranpo, Tanizaki, Naomi and Kenji get a new friend.  Fukuzawa sometimes spends time enlightening the kid about politics and strategy and history, or watches over the kid when Dazai has to work on a case.  
Kouyou finds out about the kid on accident and whisks the kid away to teach them etiquette and class and spoils them with shopping.  Despite her loyalty to Mori, her fondness of Chuuya keeps her from outing the kid to the Boss.
At home, Chuuya teaches the kid martial arts and if they have an ability then Chuuya and Dazai team up to coach the kid through developing their power whatever it may be.  Dazai also teaches the kid how to pick locks and psychology, like how to read body language, how to lie, how to get the truth from someone.
I feel like the kid wouldn’t completely abandon the streets, so they go visit old friends and bring left overs or snacks or water bottles to their friends still on the street.  
Even though they don’t need to, the kid has connections through other street orphans so they can relay information to Dazai and Chuuya.  
“There’s been this group trying to take over one of the ports, but we can’t find any intel on where their base is located or who they are.”  “Oh, you mean the group of people taking shelter in one of the abandoned warehouses?  They’re so rude.”
“The killer escaped, but they aren’t sure how.”  “If you go down this alleyway, you can sneak over the wall.  It’s hard, but once you figure out how to get over, it’s really easy to lose people.”
Dazai and Chuuya have a push and pull type of relationship.  It’s balanced for the most part because they trust each other and know each other well, but sometimes it tips too much like when Dazai gets flighty and suicidal and refuses to tell anyone or when Chuuya starts falling back on alcohol, then it’s a little rocky.  But I feel like having someone else to provide and care for and receive help and appreciation helps them to balance out.
I really like this headcanon because I’m a sucker for found families and Soukoku deserves to be happy dammit. 
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shadyteacup · 4 years
Ice-cream 🍦
Kunikida x GN! Reader
This is so tooth-rotting fluffy I need to visit the dentist. Also please suggest a good title for this.. I literally ran out of brain cells..
Warnings: You might fall in love with a certain blonde man. Tread carefully!
Why was he doing this again?
Kunikida tried his best to look through the piles of shopping bags and boxes he was carrying. His foremost concern was walking into someone due to his obstructed vision, and huring them. It would be even worse if that someone ended up being you.
The mall near the ada office had a sale today , and you had felt it to be your moral duty to ensure the sale of all products of the place. So you had dragged poor kunikida with you. You could have taken atsushi along instead, but you wanted to spend some time with a certain coworker.
"Y/N, are you hungry?", kunikida gingerly asked. He wasn't hungry at all. He just wanted a reason to rest and sit down for a while. Holding all these bags was tiring, but it is in his ideals to help his colleague, and he is a strong man, so he would never admit it out loud.
Besides, he would do anything for you. Not that he'd ever admit it.
"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am. Want an icecream?", you said, turning to face him, finally looking away from the many mannequins and display pieces.
"It would be ideal to have an icecream as it is said to energize the human body." ,he claimed while placing the bags on a nearby bench.
"So, you want an icecream." You stated, while trying your best to not smile.
"You must be tired.. No wonder you want to be energized!"
Kunikida stuttered as he realized that he had dug his own hole.
"I am not tired! I just felt like having some icecream.."
You chuckled a ,"Sure, if you say so." And walked up to the store. It took a lot of convincing, but you manged to let kunikida allow you to treat him.
"It's not proper for a colleague to pay for me, Y/N. One must be independent, and must pay their own expenses! I am not like that bandage wasting idiot! It is not ideal to owe someone monetarily!"
You looked him in the eye, making your best sad, teary face.
"I see how it is. You don't consider me to be anything other than your colleague. I honestly thought we were friends, Kunikida kun but I guess you don't consider me to be one."
Upon hearing this, kunikida flushed red with embarrassment. He hadn't meant to hurt you! He hadn't even meant to say that! What a useless person is he if he can't even convey his point?!
"That's not what I meant Y/N! I'm so sorry! Ofcourse you mean more to me! You are a dear friend!" He said.
Even though he knew you meant more to him than just a friend, he couldn't admit it out loud. He was meant to find a partner and get married in a few years. Now was not the time. Besides, he wasn't sure if you felt the same way. You were chirpy, full of mirth, mischievous and smart. And you were like that with all the members of the ada. So he figured you must consider him to be just a friend.
"Oh." ,you frown, looking away.
Had he managed to hurt you even more?
"Did I say something wrong?! Y/N, please tell me!"
You shake your head and lick your icecream.
"No, it's nothing."
You knew he liked you. You liked him too. He was so bad at hiding it, that you made it a mission to make him confess. You purposely teased him, casually flirted with him, (not that he ever realized that you were flirting) , and even coaxed him to talk about the relationship you both shared. But he always said that you two were 'friends'. He never slipped and said something like 'I like you' or 'I have a crush on you'. He was almost always composed and in control of what came out of his mouth. And it irritated you to no end.
'Well,' you thought, 'I always was the brave and daring one in this little game. I suppose I will have to initiate this journey.'
You took another lick of your icecream and hummed in content.
"This is so good. It's my favourite flavor!"
You shoved the cone in his face.
"Try it!"
Kunikida hesitantly agreed, taking a small bite from the part where you hadn't reached yet. A small bit got smeared on the corner of his mouth. He looked so adorable.
"It is good." He agrees mid bite.
You suddenly lunge forward and lick the corner of his lips, successfully licking the icecream off.
Kunikida.exe stopped working. He sat there, frozen for ten seconds. His face flushed a bright red. If you hadn't known better, you would have taken him to a doctor.
He stared at you, and after realising what had happened, he caught your lips in a kiss.
He had managed to wipe that smug smirk off your face.
You deepened the kiss.
Pulling back, you whispered,"I think I have found a new favorite flavor;)"
Check me out on wattpad
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ssamie · 3 years
seven. “pretty boy”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide
masterlist.           suicide freak!
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"and why did you disappear for two days straight?!" kunikida exclaimed "what could you have possibly been doing all those times you've skipped work?!"
she simply smiled as she hummed under her breath, blatantly ignoring the man. "i told you i had school, kunikida-kun" she said with a soft chuckle
"i know that. i've already let that go since the president approved of it, but your absence is always messing up my schedule!" kunikida grumbled in annoyance as he slammed his hand on her desk.
"you are my partner and you have to work with me and not slack off all the time!"
"are you even listening?!" kunikida shrieked
"of course" she answered mindlessly. she simply stared at the phone she was holding with a cutesy grin and a small blush on her cheeks. "kenma-kun is so adorable! i truly couldnt ask for a better suicide partner!" she gushed 
kunikida irked a brow while atsushi simply sighed. 
"are you seriously following the poor guy around?" atsushi asked "that's kind of wrong you know" he said 
kunikida gritted his teeth and grasped her by the shoulders. "that is what you waste your time on rather than doing your work?!" kunikida exclaimed angrily 
he started shaking her violently, though she still had the same dumb grin on her face as she sluggishly chanted kenma's name 
"oya? would you look at the time, kunikida-kun!" she chimed. she pointed to the wall clock, displaying the time. 7:30. "i have to get to school! bye-bye!" she waved 
suddenly, just before she could exit the door, she turned around to look at him. her eyebrows furrowed as a look of concern painted itself on her features. 
"hey, kunikida-kun" she called out
kunikida glanced at her with gritted teeth, but didn't respond. 
"you should ease down, you know?" she cooed "i heard if you're too neurotic, you'll get lots of wrinkles and your aging becomes accelerated" she said with a hum 
kunikida calmed himself down as he sent her a curious yet wary look. "is that true?" he asked 
"oh, you should take notes" she urged him 
complying, he pulled out his notebook and began writing down. "if you're too neurotic..." he voiced out as he wrote "your aging will-" 
"im messing with you" she admitted nonchalantly 
a loud snap could be heard, emitting from the pen he was holding which was now broken in half.  "bastard! stop ridiculing me!" kunikida exclaimed 
just as the heel of his shoe could hit her, she skillfully dodged and stepped out of the room.  "hehe, see you later~" she cooed as she waved them goodbye 
as kunikida went back to screaming and whining about his good-for-nothing partner, atsushi could only watch in dread and confusion 
atsushi sweat dropped, hesitantly lowering his head on his desk as he muttered under his breath. 
"i really wonder why those two are partners" 
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"oya oya. you sure are late, ms. manager" kuroo mused 
she simply laughed in response and waved him off "sorry. i had some things to take care of" she said  "has fukurodani arrived yet?" she asked as she fiddled with the bandages on her neck 
"yeah, they're in the gym. we were waiting for you so we stayed out here for a while" kuroo said 
kenma sent her a longing glance, though he stood still while clutching his PSP in hand.  call him dramatic, but a minute has passed and she hasn't greeted nor tried to convince him on a double suicide yet. 
it was unnerving. 
"oya? you look peeved, kenma" kuroo whispered to him . the bedhead captain smirked teasingly as kenma huffed in annoyance. 
"shut up, kuroo" kenma whispered back 
then finally, she noticed him. she shot him a loopy grin and a wave
"oh, kenma!" she beamed "i have a pretty funny story" kenma smiled and nodded, urging her to continue with her 'funny story' 
"so last night, i tried to put the toaster in my bathtub!" 
noticing her loud and distinctive voice, and her ever so lovely suicidal tales, nekomata let out an amused chuckle. he lead fukurodani's two managers over to the girl. 
"but my power got cut off." she sulked, though kenma just listened along, completely unbothered 
"so i tried again this morning! but ranpo-san stole my toaster-" 
"this is y/n! she's nekoma's newest manager. so far, she's been doing a pretty good job." nekomata chimed in "hi! we're fukurodani's managers!" they greeted 
she excused herself away from kenma, much to his displeasure 
she sent the girls a smile and a wave "hey, i.." she trailed off. the girls look at her curiously as her eyes seemed to follow a certain dark haired setter. 
"i..think i have found the most beautiful boy i've ever laid my eyes on!" she exclaimed. her eyes seemed to sparkle as she studied each inch he had to offer from head to toe. 
"oh, akaashi-kun?!" one of the managers squealed excitedly
"you have good taste, y/n-chan! wanna talk to him?" the other girl asked 
"oh boy, do i?" she grinned as she prance around happily "i have a very important question to ask him!" 
as she and the two managers made their merry way over to akaashi, kuroo and kenma stayed behind watching them. kuroo chuckled and nudged the pudding-head. "heh. looks like you've been replaced" he said 
"y/n found a new boy to- um.. kenma?" kuroo sweatdropped 
kuroo grinned nervously as he watched kenma scrunch his face up in distaste, looking quite agitated as he gave akaashi a nasty glare. 
kenma gritted his teeth as he watched his girl-friend getting hyped up by the girls to talk to the setter. 
"oh no.. is y/n gonna pop the question to their setter?" yaku said as he caught sight of the girl creeping up behind akaashi 
"i think she's just saying hi.." kai intervened with his usual kind smile 
"no.. most likely not" yaku hummed 
she bit back a grin as she tapped akaashi on the shoulder. the setter perked up as he put away his bottle. he looked back to meet sparkling (e/c) colored eyes. 
"oya? can i help you with anything?" akaashi asked 
"akaashi-kun, this is y/n-chan! she's nekoma's manager!" the girls said 
akaashi nodded and bowed politely "nice to meet you, y/n-san. my name is akaashi keiji" 
she wordlessly took his hand in her bandaged ones, much to his surprise. though akaashi still managed to keep his stoic expression despite the soothing touches she left on his skin. 
"i have finally found a reason to live.." she started off dramatically "a reason to live? no! a reason i've kept living until now!" she exclaimed 
she looked up at him with sparkling eyes, filled with endearment and admiration. "that's right! i've lived to this day so i can go on a double suicide with you!" 
akaashi raised his eyebrows in surprise, while the entirety of nekoma simply bowed in apology from behind her. 
"i-is that so?" akaashi asked, a small chuckle emitting from his lips "yes! im sure of it!" she said "ah, mon amour~" she cooed 
"double suicide?" akaashi muttered in confusion "feel free to do it on your own..?" 
"well, maybe don't do it at all, actually" akaashi said with a soft chuckle.
"a double suicide is not possible alone!" she countered 
akaashi blinked and looked up at nekoma, who were still silently apologising. the dark haired setter looked at her in concerned and asked, "are you in need of a therapist or perhaps someone to talk to, y/n-san?" 
"why would you ask that, mon amour?" she smiled nervously 
"im quite concerned for you." akaashi said "and if you don't, i'd be happy to refer you one." he offered 
she silently stared at him with a smile, him doing the same. his hands were still in hers as they looked at each other in silence. she then flushed a soft pink as she dramatically covered her face with her hands. 
"ah! your vitality is blinding!" she exclaimed 
akaashi simply laughed and nodded along, slightly amused by her crazy and bubbly persona. 
"AKGAAASHII!" bokuto's loud voice called out 
"bokuto-san.." akaashi responded, looking back to meet eyes with his overly energetic friend running towards them 
"oh my" she said with a hum. she simply watched as the gray haired boy slapped his hand on akaashi's back. 
"hey hey hey!" bokuto cheered "did you see my totally awesome spike just now, akaashi?!" bokuto asked, followed by a loud and booming laugh 
"im sorry bokuto-san, but i didn't" akaashi said in his usual monotonous voice. almost instantly, bokuto's mood dropped. his hair drooped as a frown etched itself on his face. 
"r-really?" he sniffled with a pout 
"i saw it." she chimed in 
bokuto then grinned, successfully breaking out of his dejected mode. his head snapped towards her, a proud and happy look on his face. 
"is that so? so you saw how i broke through those blocks?! did you?!" bokuto asked eagerly 
she laughed softy, covering her mouth with her hands, as she nodded. "that's right." she said "i don't think i've seen anyone spike that hard. so far, atleast" 
akaashi sweat dropped as he watched bokuto cheer happily, repeatedly chanting his 'hey hey hey' catchphrase as he does so. 
"you shouldn't butter him up so much, y/n-san" akaashi said "though im very grateful. i'd have to resort in not setting to him until he snapped out of it, once again." he chuckled 
she grasped his hands in hers again and sighed dreamily "ah! your decisiveness is even more blinding!" 
"ehem. y/n." kenma chimed in. he fake coughed as he sneakily glared at their hands. "we need you back on our team." he said 
"right, right" she sighed 
"well then, hopefully, i'll see you both later" she said as she waved bokuto and akaashi goodbye 
"it was nice to meet you, y/n-san" akaashi smiled at her
she blinked rapidly as she studied the angelic boy infront of her. "ah! your beauty is truly blinding!" she exclaimed, dramatically holding out her hand to touch his face 
though, before her skin can make contact with his, kenma was already pulling her away. 
"you shouldn't waste your time of day flirting around with guys you see." kenma said in a quiet voice. he kept an emotionless expression as he guided her back to the bench. 
"hmm. i see" she said. she smirked as she studied his tense shoulders and the agitated aura flowing out of him. 
"ne, kenma-kun" she called out "what made you think i was flirting with akaashi?" she asked tauntingly 
kenma stopped in his tracks and side eyed her "huh? well you were-" 
"or better yet.." she cut him off "why are you so bothered?" she smirked "are you perhaps jealous, kenma-kun?" she asked with a teasing hum 
kenma flinched and looked away to avoid her eyes. "no.. why would you say that?" 
"its not like i have any reason to be, anyways" kenma said 
she smiled knowingly and shrugged. "well, i guess you're right." she mused "after all, you're just a friend. i can look for many more and ask others to join me on my goal of a double suicide." 
kenma furrowed his brows at her awfully unfiltered and hurtful words. he stared at her back as he watched her walk away. 
"why.." he muttered 
"hm?" she hummed, sparing him a glance as she took a seat on the bench. 
kenma walked up to her, his hands laying limp on his sides as he lowered his head.  "why would you say that?" he muttered 
she softly smiled as she leaned back on the seat. "why wouldn't i?" she mused 
"b-because!" kenma exclaimed, it was a bit louder than he had intended. the boys of nekoma looked at them from the other side of the gym. 
kuroo chuckled in amusement while the others look at him in confusion "what's happening?" yaku asked  "dunno, yakkun. maybe a lover's quarell or something" kuroo said jokingly 
"ooohh! they're lovers?!" lev asked excitedly 
"idiot." yaku muttered 
kenma racked his brain for the right words to say while she simply watched him with a smile. 
"yare yare, don't beat yourself up about it" she sneered "after all, im just messing with you" she said with a small chuckle 
kenma pouted at her. he stuffed his hands in the side of his shorts and turned away. "you're so mean." he said with a frown 
"eh?? i was just joking!" she exclaimed as she pulled him back by his arm, forcing him to sit next to her. "after all, i'd never replace you!" she squealed loudly as she latched her arms around him. 
"never never never!" she chanted repeatedly as she nuzzled her cheek along his hair 
kenma groaned as he felt himself getting tossed and tugged around like a doll, once again. 
"i won't let you go until we both drop dead!" she exclaimed loudly. she had a blush on her face, paired with a dreamy smile "ah! imagine dying alongside each other!" 
she squeezed kenma even tighter, possibly crushing his ribs and windpipe. "ah! i wouldn't have it any other way!" she exclaimed with teary eyes
"o-okay, i get it!" kenma wheezed 
he pushed her away and gently massaged his aching body. "geez. keep doing that and you'll kill me before you can have your awfully anticipated double suicide" he said 
he then walked away, back towards the team by the court. as she fully registers his words, she blinked in shock and looked at his retreating figure. 
"does that mean you'll go on a double suicide with me?" she asked 
"dont get your hopes up." 
leaving her behind, kenma walked up to the team, ignoring their painfully obvious stares. 
"what." he spat out, sending his teammates an irritated look. 
"oh, nothing. nothing at all~" kuroo mused, a small smirk grazing his lips 
kenma sighed and picked up a ball, blatantly ignoring kuroo and yamamoto who were now hovering over his shoulder 
"nice job, kenma! you finally snagged a girl!" yamamoto cheered "please go away" kenma muttered 
kuroo laughed and slung his arm around him. "don't worry kenma, no other boy will be taking up your lady's attention" he mused. kenma sighed and turned away from them. 
"again, please go away" 
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it was the end of the day, and fukurodani was settling in an Inn a block down from nekoma. "wanna eat out today? i can call over some people from the other team" kuroo asked them 
"yeah! im so hungry!" yamamoto whined 
"are you coming, y/n-senpai?" inouka asked her 
she simply smiled and nodded. "sure, i'd love to-" 
though she cut herself off as she felt some minimal movement and a pressure nearing her face. she quickly grasped whatever it is in her hand just before it could fully pierce her skin. 
"oya? what’s this?" she muttered with a hum 
"e-eh?? y/n-senpai is that a knife?!" lev shrieked in fear, making the others look her way. 
sure enough, she was standing there, holding a dagger by the hilt. the said dagger pointed to her face. 
"why do you have that?" kenma asked, a hint of panic and worry in his tone 
"well, i was sure it came from nowhere, really" she replied nonchalantly. she pulled the blade away, revealing a small shallow cut on the side of her cheek. a lone drop of blood dripped down from the wound.
she wiped it off with the back of her hand, causing the white bandages to stain a crimson red. 
"what do you mean?" yaku asked, now also worried. 
"well, it came from that direction-" she stopped herself as another dagger came flying towards her. though she used the one in her hand to skillfully block it before it could hit her. 
"oi! who the hell threw that?!" yamamoto exclaimed angrily. the boy looked around the empty street, trying to see who would dare try to hurt their friend. 
"hmm." she hummed thoughtfully, twirling the dagger in her hand. 
"plotting as usual?" a voice called out 
the boys watched in confusion as she perked up from the sound, a look of dread and agitation looming her features. 
"that voice.." she muttered, her face slightly scrunched up 
"its been quite long, and seeing you like this.." he said "soft, vulnerable, wounded.."
"its quite laughable. won't you agree, y/n?" chuuya sneered
she simply gagged and threw the dagger away. "gross! man, gross!" she whined out 
"i like that reaction" chuuya replied nonchalantly "it makes me wanna strangle you." 
she simply gritted her teeth as she watched him in agitation. her eye twitched every so often as he walked towards her. 
kuroo butted in, a look of confusion in his face. "um, sorry but who the hell is this?" he asked with a scoff 
kuroo looked down at chuuya, who simply ignored him and made his merry way towards the girl. 
"did you miss me, you suicidal brat?" chuuya spat out with a laugh 
she simply groaned and hugged kenma's arm as a way to scurry away from chuuya. 
"ugh. ew."
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Months of tolerance
So, I was looking back at my ranpoe valentines story and I got an idea. Why not write a little collection? A little trio or so of Valentines-themed sort of ship stories?
And so, I wrote a second one for Shin-soukoku! Though, please be forgiving, I’m not a super big fan of Atsushi, so I don’t have a lot of ideas and experience on how he works and behaves, so I kinda took inspiration from the rp me and my friend did for BSD and their sort of rendition of Atsushi mixed with canon.
Atsushi had never really experienced Valentines day or White day, so when Dazai offered to take him out on one of his days off and introduce him to the basics of the event he accepted it. He was quick to find it to be a bit depressing.            “Dazai, I don't think I have any real...reason to be here," The tiger sighed, putting down one of the little Valentines bears he'd been looking at in the shop and looking over at the bandage-clad brunette that was to be his mentor in the ADA. The rail of a man just pouted at him,            "Nonsense, Atsushi! You're learning about romance," he assured, giving the white-haired man a sweet smile, which made Atsushi grimace,            "Yeah, but this holiday is obviously for couples, and I don't have any romantic partner of any sort," He pointed out, a stone of loneliness settling in the bottom of his stomach as he spoke, but his mentor simply snorted as if that point was moot.            "Sushi, you don't need a romantic partner to celebrate Valentines day, you can just as easily get gifts for friends. After all, I don't have a partner but I'm gonna get a gift for someone." He assured, and while the tiger was still a bit unsure, he just nodded.
After that, he just went back to milling around up and down the aisle as he poked at the little toys, knick knacks, or sweets scattered about until Dazai clapped his hands together in an idea,          "Atsushi! I have an idea for what you can do on Valentines day!" he chirped, bouncing on his feet in some childish, giddy high, "Why not get a gift for Ryuunosuke!" The tiger blinked and scowled at the idea,          "Why the hell would I do that? I don't have any sort of feelings for him," he about spat, almost feeling his lip curl in a snarl at the mere mention of the wheezing, gothic, Dazai fanboy. However, the brunette simply rolled his eyes at his venom,          "There is a very common phrase, 'kill your enemies with kindness', you ever hear it?" before the weretiger could answer, he continued, "Akutagawa doesn't like you. At all. Hates your guts. But! If you get him a gift, maybe be as friendly as you can be, you can get him to warm up to you!" the weretiger's scowl only deepened, which made his mentor huff and drop the excited, bubbly tone, "If you get him to like you, you won't have to spend quite as much on shirts every week." Atsushi ended up buying a cheap little gift for the goth. However, that now left him with a question. How was he to get the cheap plush cat to Akutagawa? He'd been pondering the question all through out the three days that led up to Valentines day, going back and forth on whether or not he should even bother with Dazai's stupid idea. Is it really worth risking getting stabbed again? Just to give this cheap little thing to a bastard like Akutagawa? He thought bitterly, though his cheeks burned a slight pink while he glared down at the floppy little beanie baby cat that was sprawled out on his meager little coffee table, staring up at the tiger with glassy amber eyes while he sat on his couch the evening before Valentines day. I'd sooner drink my own piss then give Akutagawa a Valentines gift. He told himself firmly, getting up from his couch and plucking the toy from the cheap table to get rid of it. To do this, he threw it out of his livingroom window into the darkness of the cold night and listened to it land in the dumpster across the street with a soft thud thanks to how hard he'd thrown it. And, with that, he shut his window with a decisive 'humph' and went to bed. Dazai was a smart man, but Atsushi was not going to have conflicting and confusing feelings plague him just to placate a violent asshole with a hateboner for him. An hour later, the tiger went out to the dumpster he'd heard the cat slam against and dug the poor thing out to be washed. Not that the weretiger had changed his mind or anything, he'd just spent money on the derpy little toy, he didn't want to waste it. Or, so he told himself. So, he instead returned it to his bedside table after washing it a few times, trying to see if he could somehow rub the new crack out of his amber eye while doing his best to get the dumpster stench out of its fur. If he really was going to 'kill Akutagawa with kindness' like Dazai said, the least he could do was make sure the gift didn't reek of three day old take out and dog vomit. When the next day came, he took the toy to work, then walked home with it draped over his arm after a day of dealing with petty couple squabbles that had turned nasty, or helping Ranpo to and from the smattering of robberies he'd been requested on. Y'know, this just proves why I should've kept this thing in the garbage, he fumed to himself, staring at the sidewalk ahead of him so he didn't see even more lovey-dovey couples for the day, If I gave this to Akutagawa somehow, all that would happen is I'd be a statistic. Nothing more. He hates me too much, it'd probably off- Atsushi's ill-tempered thoughts were cut short when he ran into someone else on the sidewalk, sending them both sprawling to the pavement.           "O-oh my god! I'm so sorry, are you hurt miss?!" The weretiger squeaked, hopping up to his feet at record speeds to offer a hand to the pretty lady in white. She had long black hair, and a familiar style of dress on, but it was her light, steel-colored eyes that finally got her face to click in the frazzled tiger's irrational mind.          "Oh!...Gin, right?" he asked as she took his hand and let him help her up while she nodded,          "Sorry, I didn't mean to run you over," she said, her voice as quiet as the first time he'd met her with Katai and Kunikida, but her words shot a nebulous sort of anxiety into his veins,         "Oh, no no no, it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I-I was going," he stammered, trying desperately to comfort her as he reached to dust her off, but then changed his mind half way, doing that would be super weird, so he instead tried to think up another way to make up for running into her. He felt awful for knocking her over, but had no clue what to do, so he just ended up putting a hand over his anxious heart and staying quiet. Gin, meanwhile, had spotted the saggy stuffed toy on the sidewalk,           "Um, is that yours?" She asked, picking it up and dusting the little thing off gently, snapping Atsushi out of his thoughts,          "What? Oh! Yeah, that's...actually, I bought it for...Akutagawa." he admitted, not knowing what else to say to explain why he had a stuffed cat. Gin blinked at him, raising an eyebrow,           "No offense, but why did you buy my brother a toy? Is it for Valentines day?" Atsushi gaped for a moment, for some reason his brain struggling to give even the simplest answer for a moment,          "I...D-Dazai suggested getting him a gift..." he muttered, his cheeks beginning to heat up as he spoke, which Gin seemed to notice, but she said nothing,          "Well, how about I deliver it to him? He likes cats, I'm sure he'd enjoy this one," she offered sweetly instead, and for a moment Atsushi could only stare at her while his cheeks undoubtedly glowed a healthy pink until he cleared his throat, get yourself together Atsushi! This is a fine way to get the damned gift to Akutagawa, then Dazai can get off your ass, he told himself, pushing down the weird flustered feeling in his chest,         "Um, t-that would be helpful," She nodded, smiling a bit at the toy cat. With that, she wished him well as the sky darkened from the yellow-purple gradient of Atsushi's eyes, to a dark, star-speckled blue, leaving the tiger to walk home and contemplate his day. For the next few days, the weretiger was on edge, just waiting for the wheezing goth to pop out from behind every corner ready to stab him. However, it never happened. Atsushi was expecting it, always at the ready to defend himself, but for the entire month he didn't even see his nemesis on jobs, let alone when he was walking home or too work. So, he began to relax. Maybe he really did enjoy the stuffed toy, he thought a month or so later on his walk home from the ADA. The thought brought an odd warm feeling to his chest, but he was swift to stomp the detested feeling back down into that part of himself he refused to acknowledge. He could accept his tiger, but he was not ready to face anything like that emotion. Then, something slammed into the side of his head. In an instant, Atsushi was knocked onto the sidewalk with his world swimming for a moment or two. In those moments, he laid there in a daze, forced to wait for his senses to return and the throbbing ache in his skull to die before he could finally stumble to his feet. When the pain stopped and he could bare to stand once again, the white-haired man looked around for what might've hit him in the head, but the only thing he found was a can of soda. A soda that, upon closer inspection, he found to be one of his favorites, which was weird enough, since usually his favorite soft drink doesn't fly at people's heads, but, no one was currently around to explain why an unopened, very dented can of his preferred soda was rolling around at his feet after knocking him on his ass like it had. He'd tried to look around, taking advantage of his improved night vision to try and spot anyone trying to hide from the blame for throwing it at him, but the street was currently sparse in other people in the area. However, after a moment of thinking, and examining the near-bursting can, it slowly dawned on the tiger who might've thrown it. Then, the date set in, bringing a stronger wave of hot embarrassment to his cheeks.           "Um?? T-thanks I guess?" he called out into the swiftly growing darkness, and then swiftly continued home, before the hiding goth caught sight of the way his cheeks tinged a small shade of pink or decided to come out to maul him for acknowledging him.
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nyxs-sins · 3 years
Getting Anxious for Christmas
Armed Detective Agency Edition
“Are you ready for Christmas this year, Atsushi-kun?” Dazai asks as he walks beside the younger male.
“Huh? Oh…” Atsushi looks away with a little blush. “I’m a little anxious, actually… I’ve never really celebrated Christmas before, and I have no idea what a “Secret Santa” is or how he’s going to get the the Agency…”
Dazai glances down, eyeing Atsushi as he clutches his bag closer to his chest. “Oh, Atsushi,” Dazai throws his head back in laughter. “You’re a funny one. Secret Santa isn’t a person. It’s a game. We all put our names on a slip of paper, and then drop it into a hat. Whoever you pull, you have to buy a present for. Simple, right?”
“But I don’t have any money.” Atsushi looks up at Dazai, his voice small and his eyes wide. “And I don’t know what I’d get anyone either, I mean, there’s so many great people here and they deserves the best and-“
“Atsushi.” Dazai places his hand on Atsushi’s shoulder, pulling him to a stop as he silences him. “You’re over thinking this. You don’t have to get anyone anything expensive. It could be something silly or even something useful. One year Kunikida-kun gave me a roll of bandages with a note that said ‘change your smelly bandages already you waste of space’.”
“The point is, don’t worry about it. This is supposed to be fun, a break from the stress of everyday life. Take some time to enjoy yourself.” Dazai releases his shoulder, turning his back on him as he continues his short walk to the Agency.
“Take a moment to relax..? WAIT, DAZAI-SAN!” Atsushi clutches his bag as he chases after the older man. “When are we going to draw to see who we’re supposed to buy presents for? When are we supposed to have the presents by?”
“Ah, well, I’d say we’re doing that today.” Dazai says, holding the Agency door open. “And we usually celebrate on Christmas Eve.”
“Christmas Eve?! But that’s tomorrow!” Atsushi starts freaking out again, and has to be pulled into the Agency by Dazai, the door falling shut behind them.
“THERE you two are! You’re five minutes late, Dazai.” Kunikida taps his foot impatiently on the floor, hands pressed firmly on his hips.
“Relax, Kunikida-kun. We’re here now, aren’t we? Have you drawn names yet?” Dazai asks, raising his hands in surrender.
“No, we were waiting for you. Come on, you two are the last ones who need to roll the dice,” Kunikida says, motioning to the two D6s on Ranpo’s table.
“Why are we rolling dice?” Atsushi asks, walking over and picking them up. He clasps his hands around them and shakes them up a bit before dropping them on the table. “A two.”
“We roll the dice to see what order we draw the lots in. I got a six, Kunikida-kun.” Dazai calls over his shoulder.
“So it looks like the order will be Ranpo-san and Kenji, Tanizaki, the President, Yosano-sensei, the Girl, the Lad, and then me.” Kunikida says, checking the names off of his list. “Very well, let’s begin.”
“Kunikida-san? Why are Haruno-san and Naomi-san not participating?” Atsushi asks after he drew his lot, glancing at the name before quickly hiding it in his pockets.
“We usually only include the detectives in the Secret Santa, but we’ll have a whole big feast and party for everyone come New Year’s.” Kunikida replies, neatly folding the paper bag used to hold the names.
“Ah…” Atsushi mumbles, watching as Kunikida places the neatly folded bag in a drawer.
“Who did you pull, Dazai-san?” Atsushi asks, looking up as his mentor as they leave the Agency later that evening.
“Who? Me? It’s a secret.” Dazai winks, holding a finger to his lips. “But I’m sure you’ll want to go shopping right away, there’s still some daylight left and you got a nice fat check burning a hole in your pocket.”
“I guess I should. I wish we had more time to find presents, but I’m glad it’s later tomorrow evening so we have the morning to shop.” Atsushi blushes a little, thinking about the name be pulled. ‘Kyōka, what could I get you that would make you smile?’
“You seem a lot more relaxed,” Dazai muses, slowing to a stop. He stretches his arms over his head, groaning. “Well, I have to go do my own shopping. I’d rather do it now. See ya later, Atsushi-kun.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, see you tomorrow, Dazai-san.” Atsushi says, lifting a hand in farewell. “Hm… a gift for Kyōka… I got it!”
Atsushi shifts his bag on his hip, jogging off to the closest bank to cash his check, and then he was off to the market.
“Did everyone have luck finding their Secret Santa a gift?” Kunikida asks once all of the detectives had assembled in the agency.
“I did!” Kenji exclaims, smiling brightly. He sits down in the middle of the floor, the rest of the agents following suit until everyone was sitting in a circle.
“Okay, who would like to go first?” Kunikida asks, glancing around the circle.
“I will! I got you, Boss!” Ranpo says, handing Fukuazawa a neatly wrapped box. He places his hands back in his lap, twisting them together as he watches Fukuazawa open the present.
“It’s a bone tea set,” Fukuazawa’s eyes widen slightly at the sight of the orient decorations carved into the tea set.
“Do you like it?” Ranpo asks, his voice small, as if he was afraid of the answer.
“I love it.” Fukuazawa gently places the box next to him and wraps Ranpo into a tight hug. “Kid.”
“Hey! Old guy! You’re cutting off my air!” Ranpo laughs, pulling back from the hug. His smile was bright and he visibly relaxed.
“I guess I’ll be going next. I had Dazai.” Fukuazawa says, handing Dazai a folded up piece of paper.
“A receipt?” Dazai asks, opening it and skimming it.
“I paid off your tab at the bar. Try to do better with paying it yourself from now on. It was quiet hefty.” Fukuazawa says, barely able to contain his smirk.
“Awe, Boss! You do care!” Dazai coos, placing a receipt in his pocket. He catches Atsushi’s dumbfounded stare and gives him a wink. “I had Kunikida.”
Kunikida raises an eyebrow as he accepts a small rectangular box. “Hey! These are my spare glasses! You piece of shit! I thought I lost these! I had to go and buy a new pair!”
Dazai laughs at Kunikida’s outburst. “Now now, Kunikida-kun, don’t be angry. It’s Christmas Eve, after all.”
“Why you-!!!”
“Kunikida-san? Isn’t it your turn to tell us who you got a present for?” Atsushi cuts in, but curls back in on himself when Kunikida shoots him a glare.
“Ah, yes,” Kunikida says, clearing his throat a bit and sitting back down. “Yosano-sensei, I got this for you. I heard you lost your old one, so I hoped to replace it for you.”
“A new sharpening set! Now my blades will cut through skin and bone like a hot knife through butter!” Yosano says gleefully, hugging them close to her chest. “How very thoughtful of you, Kunikida,” she adds, turning to fix Tanizaki.
Tanizaki shifts in his place, caught under Yosano’s gaze. He jumps a bit when she tries to hand something to him, but relaxes when he sees what it is. “You got me Chinese food?” He sighs in relief, taking the warm bag.
“And cat toys,” Yosano winks.
“But, Yosano-sensei, I don’t have a cat?” Tanizaki says, his eyebrow knitting together.
“There’s a surprise waiting for you at ho-“
Tanizaki cuts her off by throwing his arms around her in a quick and awkward hug. When he pulls back, his face is red and he can’t make eye contact with her. “Thank you so much, Yosano-sensei!”
Yosano looks a little shocked at the hug, but she quickly breaks into a smile, chuckling. “Of course, Tanizaki.”
“Kenji-kun, I got this for you.” Tanizaki hands him a bottle of cider.
“Oh wow! I love cider! This looks so good! Thank you!” Kenji gently places the bottle next to him, then turns to Atsushi. “Atsushi-san.”
Atsushi perks up a little, giving Kenji a curious look.
“I give you one more year of friendship! That’s right! Our friendship has been renewed!” Kenji exclaims, throwing his arms open with a smile.
“Oh..” Atsushi says, trying to hide his disappointment.
“Oh, don’t look so down, that’s not all I got you. Here,” Kenji says, handing him a coupon.
“All you can eat chazuke?! Whatever you eat in an hour is free?!” Atsushi exclaims, jumping up off of the floor. “Is this real?!”
“Of course! I’m glad you like it!” Kenji beams.
“Thank you so much! You’re a life saver!” Atsushi sits down and turns to Kyōka, suddenly nervous.
“Um… Kyōka-chan..?”
Atsushi hands her a small packet, his hand shaking slightly. “They’re hydrangea seeds. I saw you looking at them a while back, and you’ve been complaining about how bare the flat looks… I thought we could plant them together?”
Kyōka gently holds the seed packet, looking down with a slight blush on her cheeks. She was silent for so long, Atsushi almost started panicking. “I would love to…” she says, her voice barely above a whisper.
“What?” Atsushi blinks, not sure he heard her properly.
“I said, I’d love to plant them with you.” Kyōka says louder, looking up at Atsushi with a small smile. She seems to catch herself, clearing her throat and then turning to Ranpo. “I got these for you, Ranpo-san.”
Ranpo takes a gift bag and opens it. “Marbles! I love marbles!”
“These marbles are special. They explode on impact and are filled with a poisonous vapor that can cause hallucinations to anyone who breathes it in.” Kyōka explains, seemingly oblivious to the shocked glances some of the other members gave her.
“They’re perfect, thank you, Kyōka-kun.” Ranpo says, slipping the marbles into his pocket.
“Well, I believe that wraps up the Secret Santa. Back to work everyone!” Kunikida says, standing up and clapping his hands together. He’s met with groans and ‘but it’s Christmas Eve’ amongst various other complaints.
“Oh, Atsushi-kun,” Dazai catches Atsushi’s shoulder as he gets up, drawing the younger male to the exist. “I got this for you,” he says, handing him an envelope.
“What’s this..?” Atsushi asks, opening it. Inside he finds two train tickets.
“You said you always wanted to see the fireworks up close on New Year’s right? I figured you could take somebody with you and go see them this year,” Dazai says.
“DAZAI! Stop slacking and come here! We have work to do!” Kunikida yells.
“Ah, well, you have the day off, right Atsushi-kun? Enjoy your break.” Dazai raises a hand in farewell, heading deeper into the Agency.
“Wait! Dazai-san!” Atsushi grabs Dazai’s sleeve to keep him from leaving, and only when he’s sure he has his full attention does he let go. “Will you, go see the fireworks with me?” He asks, bowing and holding out one of the tickets.
Dazai smiles at the gesture, ruffling Atsushi’s hair and taking the ticket. “I’d love to.”
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ethereal-blossom · 4 years
I love spooky season so much🎃 Its always so perfect and just important to me🍁
I wanted to ask you for some super fluffy headcanons for dazai and chuuya (maybe atsushi if you want to) with a female s/o were they carve a pumpkin with them and just have a good halloween time! ☺🍁
Have a nice day and I hope you have fun writing this🎃
{ I will be your 🎃-anon)
A/N: Hi, anon! I’m so happy you love spooky season🎃 This request is absolutely adorable and I had so much fun writing it. I hope I did justice to it and that you have fun reading it! Have a nice day and a lovely spooky season👻
🚨 Warning(s) : slight mentioning of blood
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Chances are high Atsushi never experienced a decent Halloween. When you ask Atsushi to carve pumpkins together, Atsushi will experience two emotions: excitement and nervousness. Atsushi loves quality time with you and carving pumpkins together sounds fun. However, he has never actually carved one and Atsushi is afraid to ruin one.
Because of this, Atsushi will pay extra attention to your instructions. When you start carving, Atsushi will search for your approval; asking if he’s doing it all right or how you’d do it. This is only the beginning. The more you praise him, the more confident Atsushi gets.
Atsushi prefers to carve cute pumpkins, the ones that smile happily and don’t freak anyone out.
You’ve to assure Atsushi it’s okay if he messes a pumpkin up. Atsushi could hit his head for wasting one. It might be hard to convince him it’s okay even when you tell him words of reassurance and caress his skin. What would help is if you throw your pumpkin on the ground, stamp on it, and say: “See, ‘Sushi? It’s okay if one doesn’t work out. The most important thing is that you can start over.” That would ground Atsushi and calm him down.
He has the most precious and childlike smile on his face as he carves a pumpkin, loving this new and light-hearted experience.
Bonus points if you carve a pumpkin for him with a tiger face on it. Atsushi would blink a few times, surprised that someone had given him a gift. He then proceeds to smile with rosy cheeks saying you shouldn’t have but that he loves it. Atsushi would follow it up by saying he never got presents in the orphanage and if he did that it was a simple coin.
If you’ve given him a pumpkin, he’s extra dedicated to making one for you as well. That is if he wasn’t working on one already. He puts so much effort into it; the tip of his tongue will be slightly sticking out as his eyes are directed on whatever part he’s carving.
If you accidentally cut yourself, Atsushi is going to be worried but so caring. He cleans the wound, bandages it up, asks you to say when it hurts, etc. Even the look in his eyes is so concerned but soft.
Bonus Halloween headcanons:
Since Atsushi has never experienced a proper Halloween, he has never gone trick and treating. At first, he’s a bit shy and will get startled by the decorations and jump scares, which leads to Atsushi clinging to your arm. However, Atsushi slowly grows more confident as the evening progresses and he enjoys the experience. He’s healing his inner child.
Atsushi’s heart would melt if any children came to trick and treat them at your place! It makes him genuinely happy to see the children have so much joy and know he’s contributing to it.
If you try to watch horror movies, Atsushi gets so scared to the point he uses a blanket to hide his face. At one point, you decide to switch over to the Spook Buddies or a happier Halloween/scary movie.
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Chuuya is surprisingly skilled at carving pumpkins! He's decent with a knife, let's keep it at that. Chuuya would take this activity as an opportunity to be touchy and affectionate. "Babe, let me help you carve this pumpkin," he offers and puts his hand over yours that's holding the knife. You can feel Chuuya's front pressed against your back while the hotness of his breath tickles your neck. When you glance over your shoulder, you see the satisfied but affectionate glint in his eyes and a relaxed smile.
Chuuya values quality time more than the actual result and he takes every opportunity he can get to compliment you and your work (Chuuya gets frustrated if he accidentally messes a pumpkin up though ).
Chuuya's going to be over the moon if you carved a personalized pumpkin for him. He's going to brag about it to his subordinates and fellow executives with the proudest grin on his face.
Seriously, your man is going to place the pumpkin on his work desk so he can say: "Hey Asahi, have you seen my pumpkin? Carved by my baby themselves." It doesn't even matter if the pumpkin isn't perfect because Chuuya still considers it one of the most precious things (not many people give him presents as well).
Chuuya would curse and drop everything if you accidentally cut yourself. He'd treat the cut and afterwards give you kisses while telling you to be more careful.
Bonus Halloween headcanons: 
Chuuya takes decorating the apartment very seriously. There's no limited budget or anything; you can buy as much decoration and candy as you want.
He would enjoy spending Halloween at the bar drinking wine with you!
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One thing you should know about Dazai is that he's a lazy procrastinator.
When you're ready to carve the pumpkins, Dazai is lying down on the couch with the lamest excuse. He would do nothing except make comments about your pumpkins: "Keep up the hard work, Belladonna! We're doing amazing."
Dazai: "Oh my, that pumpkin looks exactly like Kunikida."
You: "No, I just messed up that one."
Dazai: "Precisely." (probably takes the pumpkin to work and is like "Look Kunikida, I found a pumpkin that looks exactly like you :D")
Needless to say, Dazai enjoys observing you. He can't get enough of the small actions you do like brushing a strand of hair behind your ears, stretching your fingers to release the tension out of them, and seeing the concentrated frown on your face. Oh, you were truly an adorable human being.
That was until you accidentally cut yourself. Dazai would be faster by your side than someone can say "double suicide."
After having observed that the cut is not that bad, Dazai acts like he's about to faint when saying "My beautiful belladonna, you're hurt. The agony!" But surprising to you, Dazai delicately grabs your hand and brings you to the couch to take care of the cut in a tender and concentrated manner.
Oh, look at that! Dazai suddenly found a new hobby: carving pumpkins. Be ready for carving pumpkin contests and pumpkin fights because yes, this man will throw the inside of the pumpkin at you to mess with you. It's one of those rare occasions Dazai laughs genuinely.
Bonus Halloween headcanons:
Dazai is definitely into trick-and-treating, even if it's just to mess with people and make them scared. Comes up with the scariest and most concerning ideas to scare the children who want to come trick and treating at your house (and to prank Kunikida).
Also, horror movies! Dazai and you'd sit on the couch with a warm blanket around you- you've to fight with dazai because he's trying to steal the entire blanket throughout the movies. If you love horror movies and don't get startled, Dazai and you'd make it a contest to scare each other. If you get scared during them though, Dazai loves it as well. "No worries, I'll protect you!" he says chivalrously when you're hiding in his chest and curled against him.
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bungou-stray-dingus · 4 years
Pink November Day 5
Pairing : Kunikida x Reader 
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He stretched out in the bed, his arms falling to the mattress beside him. “Oh! I’m sorr-” He was so used to you being in the bed next to him, his stretch most likely would have accidentally hit you had you been there. He was partially grateful that you weren’t in bed, but the other half of him was wondering where you were. The sound of your quiet whistling coming from the kitchen let him know that you were still there. He yawned, sitting up in bed and stretching one more time before finally getting out of bed completely. 
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“What are all these lunches for? You know that if you pack them too early, all the food will go bad.” He scolded you, but when you turned around he couldn’t keep the stern face. You melted him completely, with the soft edges of your rounded cheeks and the way your eyes creased in the corners when you smiled. “I uh... I just don’t want to get food poisoning is all.” He mumbled, closing his eyes and pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. 
“They’re not for the week. I made it for your employees.” You nodded quickly, finishing off the last of the lunches and closing the box. “You’re always talking about how most of them rarely ever bring their own lunches in, especially that one... what’s his name?” You tapped your chin as you tried to remember before Kunikida answered for you. “Dazai. His name... is Dazai. You didn’t have to make their lunches for them though. Most of them are grown adults, and if they’re not responsible enough to pack their own lunches, that’s their problem, not yours.” 
You walked over to him, admiring his morning look. It wasn’t quite disheveled, he always looked neat, but there was something about seeing him without his hair pulled back in it’s usual ponytail. His long blonde locks falling around his face, his eyes still slightly glossed over with the sleep that he had yet to rub from them. It was a look that you loved to see because you knew that you were the only one to ever see him like this. You kissed him softly, watching the blush slowly spread across his cheeks. “I know it’s not my problem, but, no good work was ever done on an empty stomach.” You tapped your finger lightly against the tip of his nose and turned back to the boxes, stacking them up to be placed in the tote bag. 
He groaned, turning on his heel to head back into the bedroom to get ready for the day. He wasn’t actually irritated that you had made them lunch. It was quite endearing, he loved that about you. The way that you cared about everyone else, the way that you always put others first. You must have woken up so early to prepare the lunches for everyone in his office, he worried that you might crash. Straightening his tie, he walked out of the bedroom, finding you curled up on the couch. Your eyes were shut, you were snoring quietly, but there was a smile on your face. He grabbed the throw blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over your body, kissing your temple before grabbing the bag with all the lunches and heading out the door.
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Lunch time rolled around, and as usual, the typical employees didn’t bring their lunches, and one was busy eating sweets that would end up rotting his teeth, making him crash later, or both. He groaned, standing from his desk and handing out the boxes, placing them on everyone’s desks. 
“What’s this?” Atsushi asked, looking up from the box. Everyone else in the office was waiting for an answer, staring at him from their own desks, the lunch boxes sat in front of them. “Don’t question it... just... eat up. Y/N spent all morning making them.” Kunikida grumbled, sitting back at his own desk and opening his personal lunch box. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out, smiling to himself when he saw your name. 
“Did they enjoy their lunches? I hope they did. Let me know, and I’ll see you when you get home. Love you.” He turned around to see everyone eating their lunches, the office was quiet for once now that everyone was focused on one thing. “Oi! Kunikida-kun! Y/N should make lunches more often, that was great!” Dazai said, leaning against his desk, holding out the now empty lunchbox. 
He slipped his phone back into his pocket and snatched the box from Dazai’s hands, glaring up at him. “Don’t expect this daily, Dazai. Y/N worked hard on this, woke up too early. It’s not good for them. Try making your own lunches for once.” He said sternly, turning back to his own lunch. “Could you at least ask if-” Kunikida held his hand up, stopping Dazai from continuing his sentence. “Walk away, Dazai. Let me enjoy my lunch in peace.”
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When he returned home he found you on the couch, still curled up under the blanket, but your eyes were open, filled with excitement as you watched him walk through the door. “Welcome home! How was work?” You smiled up to him, but he knew what you were really asking. You already knew that work was pretty much the same for him every single day, and if anything new did actually happen he would have texted you about it immediately after it happened. Not because he couldn’t wait to actually tell you, but because he didn’t want you to worry, just in case you heard or saw something from someone else. 
“They loved their lunches. One particular waste of bandages actually wants you to make him some tomorrow.” He groaned, setting the bag full of empty lunch boxes down on the kitchen table. “Really? Oh that’s great! Maybe I should, especially if they loved them!” You got up and walked to the kitchen, about to grab the bag off the counter when Kunikida swiped it away. “No. It’s too much for you. You crashed on the couch right after you made them. I don’t want them to expect so much from you.” 
You stepped closer to him, placing your hand on his and giving him a soft little smile. “I enjoy doing it. It makes people happy, and that’s what I want to do. I don’t mind, really.” He shook his head, pressing a kiss to your forehead and placing the bag back on the table. “You’re selfless... I worry about you.” You chuckled and grabbed the bag, heading over to the sink and pulling them out. “Don’t start yet, at least let me help with that.” 
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mccnglade · 4 years
many reasons; dazai osamu
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In hindsight, you should have realised that running after Dazai was not a good decision on your part...
WORD COUNT: 1.8K words
WARNINGS: mentions of suicide, abuse (not reader's), angst (if you squint), fluffy ending. MILD SPOILERS FOR BUNGO STRAY DOGS SEASON 3
(e/c) - eye color
A/N: sorry if the formatting is a bit wonky!! i'm posting this on mobile because tumblr doesn't work on my stupid, old laptop.
this fic is really super, self-indulgent because dazai is my favorite in bsd and i love when situations like the one in this one shot happen in anime, so i combined the two things and wrote this. this was actually going be a scene in a dazai fic i'm thinking of posting on my wattpad, but i decided to scrap it and write it as a oneshot. i hope you all enjoy reading this!!
Also shoutout to @neonghxst who wanted me to finish this one shot hehe. thanks to her, i got the inspiration to actually write this and finish it.
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"Are you sure we should have left him like that?"
You fiddled with the ends of your coat sleeves. Upon hearing about Atsushi's new case and the end result, you immediately wanted to give the boy a hug and never let him go. He had been through so much these past few weeks and hearing about the death of that abusive headmaster of his old orphanage must have been incredibly painful.
But Dazai had promptly pulled you away, after saying exactly what needed to be said. (He always knew what to say in any kind of situation and that made you feel jealous a lot of times)
"Things like that are meant to be dealt with alone. Atsushi-kun will manage," Dazai answered with a cool tone. "You worry too much, (Y/N)-chan."
He tried to ruffle your hair but you slapped his hand away with a huff.
"I have every right to worry, you know," You crossed your arms, angrily staring at the ground. You and Dazai had already left the port area and now were back in the city, walking next to each other. "He and Kyouka just...I just wanna give them both a hug and adopt them as family."
This time, Dazai successfully managed to ruffle your hair."You are very funny, (Y/N)-chan."
"I'm not being funny! I'll actually adopt them, just you wait and see."
"As amusing as that would be, I'm gonna stop you there."
"Well, it's nighttime now. And we are almost near the river. The moon's pretty bright today. Which means one thing and one thing only."
"What, Dazai?"
"It's the perfect time for a double suicide!" 
Dazai suddenly grabbed you by the waist and spun you around. You felt your face grow warmer as he kept his hands on your waist, meanwhile going on about the benefits of a double suicide.
"D-dazai! Let go!" You physically tried to struggle out of his grip, knowing that your Ability was useless in this situation. "Just let go, dumbass!"
"Nope, not gonna." 
Dazai let go of your waist, but then immediately grabbed your hand. But you managed to pull it away. He stuck his tongue out at you. "You are no fun, (Y/N)-chan."
You glared at him. "How many times do I have to tell you no, you bandage squandering idiot?!"
"Ahh!! You sound so much like Kunikida-kun! Why didn't you tell me you were so great at impersonating others?"
"Huh?! What's that supposed to mean?" You went to shove his shoulder but he dodged it,  jumping aside with his annoying (endearing) laugh. You tried to hit him again, but he dodged this time too and started running.
"Oi, Dazai! Come back here, you idiot!"
You ran too, trying to catch up to him so that you could, at least, flick his forehead before slapping him. Why was he so annoying, you always wondered. 
'Isn't this why you like him?' Your heart whispered to you.
'Shut up,' You told it.
You kept on running. Even as you did, the sun had almost set, taking its red and orange hues and replacing it with the dark, navy blue of the night sky. The running brought you to the river bank, a spot where both you and Kunikida had to drag Dazai out of. For some reason, he declared this spot and drowning as his top favorite for a double suicide.
It was incredibly annoying, but at the same time, also incredibly saddening and you wished you knew more about why he was like this.
Finally, you caught up with him. 
In hindsight, you should have realised that running after Dazai was not a good decision on your part. 
Both of you stumbled down the river bank, holding onto each other because there was nothing else to grab onto. The slant river bank ended and they were on flat ground again.
But...but, both of you were in a rather compromising position. 
Usually, you were a pretty confident and self-assured person. But when it came to situations like these (or any romantic situations)…well, you were still pretty inexperienced. So inexperienced actually that you hadn't kissed anyone in a long while, almost two years to be exact. Relationships had always seemed like a waste of time to you, but being in such close proximity of the man you currently yearned for was doing wonders for your heart. (In a good way and a bad away)
Dazai's arms were on your shoulders, pinning you to the ground. He loomed over you, his brown eyes staring right into your (e/c) ones. 
You swore you could detect something there before it was hidden behind his mask again. 
No longer were you able to keep the warmth away from your face. You knew you probably resembled a tomato right now. You wanted to get out of this position quickly, but deep down, your mind and your heart both resisted. And you felt like agreeing with them this time. You wouldn't get a chance like this ever again.
So you decided to speak.
And immediately regret it.
"Your eyes are pretty," The combined forces of your heart and mind make you say something stupidly embarrassing and you immediately want to cover your face. But you can't. So you continue.
Even the darkness of night couldn't keep the redness of your cheeks hidden. 
"I mean, they're not just an ugly brown color. They have this amber-like quality to them. And everytime light hits them, they almost shine and it makes them more beautiful than I ever thought. Like seriously, you have really beautiful eyes. Personally, your eyes are your best feature and they're one of the many reasons I fell for you."
(You wanna crush your own stupid heart for that last bit.)
"Oh?" That was all Dazai said, that stupidly endearing smirk on his face. "Many reasons? What are they again?"
"Um, uh," You hesitated, turning your head to the side. This was more embarrassing than any other situation you had ever been in. There was nowhere else to go and while you could have kicked Dazai away with ease, truth be told you really didn't want to do that. How many chances like this would you ever get? "I don't even know when I started liking you. And maybe it's a stupid thing because nothing is ever going to come out of it, but yeah. I have feelings for you, Dazai Osamu. Truth be told, I can sort of understand why you ask women to commit a double suicide with you. You want someone to be by your side, right? You don't want to be lonely when you die. I guess I can understand that, though I wish I could show you the joy in living. But I don't think I'll ever be able to change your mind."
You laughed nervously, looking anywhere but at Dazai's face, where his smirk had been replaced by a more serious look. "I went on a totally different tangent there, didn't I? You can forget that last bit but to sum up everything, I have feelings for you. I don't expect you to return them anyways so...yeah."
Now, you looked at Dazai. His expression was unreadable. You couldn't understand what emotions were written on his face. You didn't even know what he would do next. Would he reciprocate your feelings? Would he reject them? What would he do? You wanted answers and you weren't getting them.
Then again, it was partly your fault also. You suddenly sprung these feelings on him. You shouldn't expect him to answer quickly. 
(Secretly, you also thought that Dazai wasn't the type of person who'd ever truly  love someone. It was just your stupid luck he was the person you fell for.)
Unexpectedly, Dazai suddenly moved off you, giving you the opportunity to finally sit up and contemplate your next moves.
'Should I just run away?' You thought, thinking about the pain of rejection. You'd deal with it. Somehow. 'It's the coward's way out. But what more can I do?'
"If you're thinking of running away, don't," Dazai suddenly said, meeting your eyes with a stare so intense that you swore he could read every single thought in your mind. 
"That was not what I was thinking," You clearly lied, crossing your arms. 
"You know, I can tell that you're lying, my Belladonna," Dazai put his hand on your cheek, his slender fingers brushing away the stray strands of hair on your face. "You are not a very good liar."
"D — wh-what?" You froze up completely. Because as much as you would like to deny, even an action like this left you wanting more. His hands were inexplicably warm and strangely soft. You couldn't even think about running away now. Dazai put his other hand behind your back, pulling you close to him. Close enough that your noses were almost touching and you could see the little flecks of amber in his pretty brown eyes. 
"D-do you also h-have feelings f-for me?"
What the hell was wrong with your voice? You wanted to ask your question again, but your words died in your throat. 
Instead, your heart chose to speak. You tilted your head slightly, barely brushing your lips against his. Even this small action sent volts of electricity coursing through your body. But then, your courage fizzled out and you tried to move back. 
Key word; tried. 
Dazai put his hand at the back of your head and pulled you closer, finally,  freaking finally, kissing you. 
You wished you could describe what you were feeling, but you really couldn't. Your mind was completely shut down and all you could really think was, that you were floating. And since it was your one of the few kisses you had in your life, you didn't know what to do. So you kept on pressing your mouth against Dazai's, trying to have more; trying to feel more of him. 
It was strange, it felt so strange. But kissing Dazai felt incredibly…amazing. Yeah, amazing. Just him and you and nothing else. You felt like you could touch the stars now and you didn't want it to end. You wanted to keep on doing this forever, or as long as both of you could. 
But then, Dazai suddenly ended the kiss, pulling back with a lazy grin.
You stared at him, breathing heavily. And then, you let your head fall onto his shoulder, grabbing onto to the front of his cream-colored trench coat. 
"Does that answer your question, (Y/N)-chan?" He asked with a sing-song voice, suddenly hugging you. 
"So you do like me?" Your voice was muffled by his coat, but you knew he heard you clearly. 
His lips were pressed onto your neck, moving with his answer. You understood it immediately. Releasing his coat from your hands, you hugged him back.  
You knew this moment wouldn't last very long, but you would revel in it for now. 
It was going to be the only thing on your mind for a very long time.
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a/n: i hope this was a fun read! with this quarantine, i've been thinking of attempting to write more character x readers because they are good practice for writing a multi-chapter fic. so you might see more bsd, haikyuu and bnha content on here. I might also post about DC so let's see.
My wattpad
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cyanogastra · 4 years
Did you know male cats have spines on their dicks?
Read on: AO3
"Do you have spines on your dick?"
He tries very hard to maintain a straight face as the jinko lifts his head slowly, revealing a very confused expression.
“What?” Atsushi blurts out, eyebrows pulling downward in bewilderment. “Why would you even—where did you even get that idea?”
Or: Akutagawa just really, really wants them to move to third base. He resorts to using a weird biological fact against Atsushi.
Starting note:
Hey guys. Biology student here. 100% not inventing this shit up. Male felines have dick spines because for some reason the females don't ovulate without getting their VJs shredded, which is why they're so fucking loud when having sex. That's a dramatized answer, but you get the point.
Akutagawa will be calling Atsushi "jinko" a lot in this fic, because imo I don't think Akutagawa refers to him using his real name even when it's just on his mind. They would have to be on Level 20 of romantic relationship before Akutagawa finally calls him by name. Not that you don't guys probably already know, but jinko = weretiger.
Fun fact: Did you know male cats have spines on their penises?
Akutagawa’s thumb freezes on his phone screen. He very nearly barks out a laugh which he hastily covers up by clearing his throat. Higuchi looks at him in question, looking ready to ask him the reason but Akutagawa just gives her a shake of his head.
Barbed penises? That’s interesting. He thinks to himself as he scrolls down, amused by the new discovery. There’s really only one person in mind who counts somewhat as a feline, and it’s none other than the jinko.
The jinko, whom he has been having an interesting relationship lately.
The arrangement Dazai set for them had been highly appalling at first, but no one can deny that they were indeed more powerful together. Which somehow led to the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency's cooperative relationship, for the first time ever. And by "cooperative" it means that he and the jinko don’t attempt to kill each other every meeting and are willing enough to work together (reluctantly) on joint missions.
Which then further led to this and that. Heated arguments turned to annoyed banters, which turned to almost comfortable silences.
Which then turned to fierce make-out sessions, apparently. Post mission make-out sessions and grinding against each other in back alleys, specifically.
It is incredibly absurd, he admits readily to himself. Absurd in the way that of all the people he’d be doing such things, it had to be jinko, the supposed object of his hatred. But also, it was absurd in that it had been so easy. It’s almost as a natural part of their relationship now, ending missions with the jinko stalking over to him and slotting their mouths together, shredded clothes and bloody overcoats be damned.
And well speaking of dick spines, he doubts that the jinko has them at all given their past excursions. But it would be a real problem if he actually did, though highly unlikely, because well…
It’s been 3 months and they still haven’t done anything on the down low. And Akutagawa is quickly becoming…impatient.
The scenery outside the car windows freezes in place, signalling their destination. Higuchi immediately fumbles to open the door to her side and rounds the car in record time to open Akutagawa’s.
“Senpai! We’re here!”
Akutagawa steps out of the black vehicle, trying very hard not to give Higuchi a full-on irritated face. He's always been annoyed Higuchi for her unnecessary actions, but he’s learned a long time ago that nothing he would say would ever faze her.
He gives their destination a cursory glance; a shipping dock near Osanbashi. Large enough to house multiple freights but small enough not to be considered as major, thereby making it perfect for contraband trade. One of these freight containers is not like the others.
“Senpai, Chuuya-san’s instructions were to either eliminate or capture the foreign syndicate’s ability users. We do not need to track down their upper brass as he thinks the Boss might make arrangements with their leader to be absorbed into the Port Mafia—”
“I know, Higuchi.” Akutagawa cuts her off firmly, trying to let her know that she does not need to reiterate everything to him every single damn time, he’s her superior for god’s sake. But all he gets is an enthusiastic “Yes! As expected from senpai!”.
He almost rolls his eyes, if not for the sudden cough that comes up from his chest. The sounds of his coughing were drowned out by the sound of another vehicle arriving on the scene. The car doors open, and out comes a bespectacled blond man sporting a ponytail, notebook in hand, and from the other side comes out…jinko.
Higuchi is immediately on guard beside him, but Akutagawa cracks up a smirk from behind the hand covering his mouth, gaze locked in with intense violet-yellow eyes.
“The Armed Detective Agency isn’t here to share your goal of eliminating the syndicate’s ability users. We are only here to gather intel about the syndicate’s top brass. We believe one of their leaders is connected to one of our ongoing cases.” Kunikida Doppo recites without looking up from his notebook, scribbling furiously with veins popping out on his forehead. “That damn Dazai messing up my schedule! The stupid bandage wasting machine was supposed to accompany Atsushi here but the idiot really chose this time to escape to god knows where…”
Akutagawa perks up at the mention of his former mentor’s name, surprised and crushed at the same time to know that he could have been here. If Dazai-san were here, I would have used this chance to finally prove myself worthy… Across him, Atsushi raises an eyebrow at his reaction to which Akutagawa pointedly ignores. Behind them, Higuchi is scanning the shipping dock with her binoculars.
“….anyway we don’t need your armed grunts to come rushing in.” Kunikida continues after his mini rant, gesturing to the multiple black cars parked around the vicinity. “I’d rather keep the element of surprise. And we do not have the slightest clue about the abilities of our opponents, which is worrying considering that the agency and the abilities division has nothing on record.”
“Hm. Pathetic.” Akutagawa grunts out. Kunikida’s eyebrow twitches, but he presses on.
“It is unfortunate. What we do know is that while the ability users are here guarding their cargo, their top brass is probably somewhere else. We will need to extricate information from one of their ability users regarding their leaders’ details. Will you be able to cooperate with us on that?”
“Do what you want. Just don’t get in my way.” Akutagawa replies, but he’s not looking at the blond man. Atsushi glares back, looking as if he wanted to say the same thing to him.
“Good. Okay, now here’s the plan…”
Suffice to say, the fight was greatly disappointing. The ability users turned out to be just two scared brothers, probably younger than 12. They were kidnapped by the syndicate from their family in Germany, and were given instructions to deter anyone who takes an interest on the cargo. The only action they got were the couple dozen of foreign armed goons who flanked the cargo ship, which was obviously a piece of cake for the combined prowess of Rashoumon and Beast Beneath the Moonlight.
The ability users weren’t even particularly troublesome; their ability, Grimm Fairytale could create grotesque versions of a person’s fantasies but only if both brothers were holding each of a target’s hands. Kunikida handled them well by addressing them gently, accompanied by some coaxing from Higuchi (a sight that was a bit disconcerting), and the brothers easily squealed their leaders’ details. Well as much as two scared children could possibly know, which was still apparently more than enough for one of the detectives in the agency to pinpoint the identities and locations of the syndicate's leaders.
“Okay. Alright. I’ll see you again at the office tomorrow. Yes. Take care, Kunikida-san!” Behind him, Atsushi ends his call. Higuchi had been forced to accompany the Grimm brothers, mostly because they wouldn’t let go of her pant legs. Akutagawa had waved her off, saying something about ordering her to accompany Kunikida to bring the children to a safehouse. He figures the mission counts as a success on Port Mafia’s end.
He feels an arm curl around his waist from behind, startling him mid-cough. He stiffens reflexively and he’s quick to clutch on the jinko’s forearm with both hands, nails digging into pale skin.
“You do that one more time and I will seriously kill you, jinko.”
Atsushi sighs, turning him around so they were face to face. “As if you haven't been doing that all this time." Atsushi mumbles, eyes not meeting Akutagawa's but rather at his lips. He leans in, and Akutagawa's eyes flutter closed.
They kiss languidly, arms around each other's waists, their similar heights providing them ease. Their tongues dance with no real rush, feeling completely relaxed in each other's embrace. Akutagawa notes something new every time they do this. How the jinko likes to pinch his hands on Akutagawa's waist, or how he likes it when he pulls at his bottom lip with his teeth. Atsushi pulls him flush to his chest, deepening their kiss and Akutagawa lets him, placing both hands on the jinko's shoulders-
Somewhere behind them, one of the goons groans in pain. They pull apart reluctantly, sharing one look before peeking behind to check for the source of the noise. Akutagawa briefly considers stabbing the goon with Rashoumon, if not for the hand that pushes at his shoulder.
"Let's just get out of here."
They're walking along a desolate street, which was unsurprising at this time of the night. Beside him, Atsushi is wearing his spare shoes, but his shirt was tattered on the sleeves, a consequence of his man-tiger form. What a highly incovenient ability, and yet Dazai-san thinks you are better...
He knows an alley is coming up ahead, having memorized all of Yokohama's ins and outs. He wastes no time to grab at the jinko's arm and pulls him there. Atsushi tries to close in on him, going for another kiss when Akutagawa beats him to it, pushing him against the wall.
They're rougher with each other this time, more biting and angry moans spilling from their mouths as they push and pull against each other. He pulls at the hair on the base of Atsushi's neck and pulls their faces away, teeth latching his mouth on the side of the jinko's neck.
"You know..." Atsushi starts to say in between shaky breaths. "I'm starting to think making out in dirty alleys is a kink of yours."
Akutagawa huffs at that and pulls away to glare at Atsushi, not liking the comment. "Why, jinko? You think you can bring me somewhere fancy?" Atsushi smiles, dumbfounding Akutagawa for a moment. His stomach definitely did not do a flip after seeing that expression targeted at him.
"Only if you're paying." Atsushi replies as he promptly wrapping his arms around Akutagawa's waist to change their position. He lets himself be maneuvered, the back of his head hitting the wall behind him gently. Atsushi nips at his ear before leaving feather-light kisses down his neck, which Akutagawa obligingly cranes to the side, a satisfied sigh coming out from his nose. Atsushi’s arms presses them closer, chest-to-chest, Akutagawa’s torso bending back slightly.
Their crotches rub at each other at the action, hard-ons rubbing ever so slightly and—
Speaking of hard-ons…
He's not sure what comes over to him, but he pushes slightly at Atsushi's shoulders.
“Jinko.” Akutagawa breathes out. Atsushi lets out a vaguely annoyed hum, lips still continuing their ministrations at his throat. Akutagawa blurts out the question anyway.
“Do you have spines on your dick?”
A few moments of silence pass by, Atsushi suddenly freezing from the open mouthed kiss he was leaving on Akutagawa’s neck.
He tries very hard to maintain a straight face as the jinko lifts his head slowly, revealing a very confused expression.
“What?” Atsushi blurts out, eyebrows pulling downward in bewilderment. “Why would you even—where did you even get that idea?” He says quickly, taking a small step backwards and giving his own crotch a glance before snapping up to meet Akutagawa’s deadpan expression.
“I read earlier that male cats have spines on their penises. Is that true for you?” Akutagawa replies easily, one corner of his mouth twitching up. Atsushi’s face instantly flushes a shade of pink in front of him, mouth falling open in shock.
“I am not a cat!” Atsushi splutters, to which Akutagawa just raises an (invisible) eyebrow at.
“Well I am…s-sort of, but no, I mean!” Atsushi’s hands flail around for a bit before continuing. “No, I don’t have them! Why would you think that?” He finishes off lamely, crossing his arms while glaring at the dark-haired man.
Akutagawa lets out a hmph, though he sounds more amused that annoyed. He gives the other an unconvinced expression to rile him up further. “How unfortunate. To think you’ve been living like this all this time. Pitiful and pathetic.”
“I really don’t! Seriously!" Atsushi replies heatedly, taking the bait. "I don’t understand why you’d think that when we’ve been doing…” Atsushi trails off, glancing away. The redness from his cheek has spread all the way to his ears, making him look equal parts ashamed and angry.
“Oh really, jinko?” Akutagawa replies challengingly, a new glint in his eyes. He’s met with a violet-yellow glare.
“Prove it then.”
Akutagawa watches his reaction, a self-satisfied smirk on his own face, knowing his words will do something to the jinko.
The effect was almost immediate. Atsushi grits his teeth in annoyance before closing in on Akutagawa’s space in a fit of embarrassed rage. The sudden movement forces Akutagawa to step back and crash into the wall behind him, bracing for an impromptu fight-
But then Atsushi grabs at his wrist and places his hand firmly on his crotch.
"S-so? why don’t you see for yourself?" Atsushi says, face a mere centimeters away from his own. The effect of his glare ruined by the blush on his cheeks. Akutagawa's mouth hangs open in surprise, eyes wide, trying to think of a reply to the jinko’s sudden boldness.
Nothing comes out. Slowly he absorbs the intent behind the jinko's move, moving his gaze downwards. He can’t see much other than the dark fabric of the jinko’s pants and his own pale hand.
He presses harder and rubs tentatively on the sizeable tent underneath his palm. Atsushi swallows audibly, eyes closing and mouth falling open in relief. His still hasn’t let up on his hold on Akutagawa’s wrist, hand curling a little tighter as he grinds back slightly.
Inwardly, Akutagawa could not believe his luck, biting his lower lip as he watches Atsushi use his wrist as leverage. To think that jinko finally pushed things forward between them… He leans forward to press a kiss on Atsushi’s jaw, letting the jinko grind himself on his palm.
“I don’t know about seeing, jinko…” He breathes out, the air from his mouth fanning Atsushi’s pale hair. “Since I’m only feeling you.” He says to the other's ear, giving him a particularly hard rub to make his point clear, making Atushi's breath hitch.
His other hand reaches up to rest on the jinko's belt buckle, trying to give him a hint. Atsushi gets it immediately, pulling away from his shoulder. His hands shake a bit as he fumbles at the metal, pulling off the leather and hastily popping the button on his trousers. Akutagawa watches him work, mouth getting dryer in anticipation. He pushes a hand up at Atsushi's shirt to see him more clearly, resting his hands on his navel and feeling the lean muscles underneath. Atsushi's hands come up to rest on Akutagawa's waist the moment he pops the button open.
As they stand there, underneath the pale half-moon, Atsushi's trousers gaping wide at the front, the very obvious tent on his boxers out in the open for Akutagawa to see, he can't help but think to himself: Fucking finally.
One of his hand plays at the hem of the jinko's boxers while the other cups his hard-on appreciatively. Atsushi lets out a shaky moan, hands moving to nudge Akutagawa's coat open to rest on Akutagawa's hips. He thumbs at the hem of the other's slacks, trying to tell him the same thing.
Akutagawa ignores the action for the time-being, his bony fingers hooking on the hem of the jinko's boxers and dragging it down slowly. Atsushi lets out a hiss as his dick pops out from his boxers, the chill night air hitting his sensitive skin. He hides his face on Akutagawa's shoulder to stifle his obvious embarrassment.
Akutagawa huffs amusedly. The jinko has nothing to be embarrassed about, he thinks as he wraps a hand around the shaft and presses his thumb on the slit, spreading the precum around the head. He notes the differences between them, how the jinko feels thicker than his own, although they are similar in length. The thought annoys him just a tiny bit, feeling more pleased and excited at the fact that they have finally reached this far. He digs his thumb harder on the slit, prompting a high-pitched keen from Atsushi.
"Jinko. Look at me." He says softly. Atsushi's head rises, shy violet-yellow eyes meeting Akutagawa's grey ones. He feels himself get lost in the jinko's gaze as he gives him slow strokes, watching in appreciation as Atsushi moans, back bowing slightly in pleasure.
Atsushi lets him stroke a couple times, his cock coating the other's hand with more precum. His eyes slide back to Akutagawa's still clothed erection, and he feels a small ruge of irritation. Gritting his teeth, he straightens up, fully intent on bringing the other man on the same level. He grasps on the other's hand to halt his movements. The other man complies, but the grip never leaves his cock.
"I want to see you too." Atsushi breathes out, tugging insistently on the other man's trousers. Akutagawa lets out a soft hmph, his other hand coming between them to pop his own button open one-handedly. He pulls the zipper down and moves to reach the hem of his briefs, but the jinko beats him to it. Atsushi eagerly yanks his underwear down and wastes no time to envelope Akutagawa's cock in his fist, prompting a grunt from the dark-haired man.
Atsushi stares, wide-eyed and pleased, giving the other a few experimental strokes. Akutagawa flushes despite himself, exhaling with relief and feeling delighted that the jinko likes what he sees. Don't stare like it's your first time to see one... He strokes Atushi again, this time with more speed, before the jinko could say something about their dicks.
"Ah! Damn it, Akutagawa..." Atsushi groans but mirrors the action, matching Akutagawa's pace. He leans in to suck at the area under Akutagawa's jaw and leaves a small mark, listening closely to the other man's soft mewls and gasps.
A hand comes up behind his head to pull at his hair, but not enough force to pull him away from leaving kisses on the other man's neck. He snakes a hand up underneath Akutagawa's shirt in response, thumb grazing over the indents of his ribs before finding a pert nub. He toys with it using his thumb, Akutagawa letting out a surprised moan at the action.
"You-ah...what do you think you're doing-ngh" Akutagawa sighs out in between moans, and Atsushi quickly becomes attached to the sound of the other man losing his composure. He toys harder on the nipple, liking the way Akutagawa bit his lip in pleasure. Akutagawa picks up the pace on Atsushi's cock in retaliation, determined to make the jinko unravel first. Atsushi groans, long and low by his ear, making him shiver from the back of his eyes and all the way down his back. Atsushi picks his pace up as well, at the same time he drives his tongue inside Akutagawa's open mouth.
The sound of slick sliding between their hands resounds through the alley, making Akutagawa feel both self-conscious and hot at the same time. He responds eagerly to the kiss, tongues moving together in a heated dance before pulling back to gasp for air. The sounds of his moans become louder, but he's too far gone in his pleasure to remember to keep his voice down.
"Akutagawa..ah..." Atsushi gasps his name in between breathy moans, his other arm reaching around Akutagawa to pull them closer. He wraps his hand tighter on the other man's cock and gives firmer strokes, his pace never letting up. Akutagawa's eyes pinch closed at the action and lets out a long keen from gritted teeth, and Atsushi very nearly comes from the sight. He holds himself back, determined to make the experience last a little longer. He leaves more kisses on Akutagawa's jaw, his neck, his collarbone, thoroughly enjoying the sounds coming out from their mouths and from the hands between them.
"I'm close...ah...are you too?" He says breathlessly, whispering directly to the other's ear. Akutagawa shivers and nods shakily, not trusting his own voice. Atsushi almost feels disappointed from the other's refusal to open his mouth, but he's distracted by Akutagawa covering his hand with his own, blunt fingernails digging on Atsushi's knuckles.
A few more hard strokes from the jinko's hand and the pleasure spikes all the way up for Akutagawa who throws his head back in bliss, a dull pain spreading from his head as he hits the wall behind him. He's moaning, long and drawn out, voice breaking with trembling lips. The sight triggers something in Atsushi, quickly forcing him to follow with his own orgasm mere seconds later. His groan is muffled as he bites particularly hard on Akutagawa's neck, eyes closed and his torso bowing so far forward into Akutagawa's chest that he bends him at an uncomfortable angle.
They catch their breath, hands coated by the other's cum. Atsushi adjusts so he's resting his head on Akutagawa's shoulder instead, aware of the strain he put on Akutagawa's back.  The other man lays flat on the wall, eyes still closed with gasping breaths falling out of his mouth.
After a few minutes of coming down from their high, Atsushi pulls back and steps away shakingly. Atsushi watches as Akutagawa tucks himself in and fishes for something in his coat pocket, pulling out a handkerchief which he wordlessly uses to wipe his hands clean of cum. Atsushi blushes at the sight and hastily tucks himself back in his boxers, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Akutagawa reaches for his hand the moment he pulls the button closed, using the same handkerchief to wipe off the mess. Atsushi mumbles out a small 'thanks' before moving to insert his belt back in the buckle, genuinely appreciative for the other man's initiative.
A small awkward silence fills the air as they both finish fixing themselves up. Atsushi fidgets on his feet, unsure of what to say after their tryst. Across him, Akutagawa feels pleased and relieved that they have finally done it.
"Well..." Akutagawa is the first to break the silence, letting out a small cough before continuing. "I guess I'm relieved to find out you don't have them."
Atsushi rolls his eyes, but there's a small smile on his face. He turns around to leave.
So the jinko doesn't have spines on his dick after all.
But that wasn't the point, really. Akutagawa thinks to himself, satisfied, before stepping out of the alley with the jinko.
Ending note:
Handjobs only lol. Mostly because I don’t think Akutagawa can give a blowjob without coughing every 10 seconds, which would have been a real mood killer.
Re:handkerchief. I just think Akutagawa is a neat guy, you know? And neat guys normally have hankies on them. Idk, it's probably the frilly blouse which made me think this way.
Grimm Brothers as in Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, who collected and wrote German fairytales including Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Cinderella. Plot twist? They’re actually VERY FAR from Disney’s versions, with many of their stories containing disturbing content. For some weird reason Disney decided to turn them into rainbows and sparkles.
This is the first fic for a trilogy I'm writing. Hehe. Oh and this is the first time I have written smut.  *finger guns* That's right, this is what 21 year old nerds do. I am proud of myself.
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drangues · 4 years
Oh, so like, they they can kinda,, Feel them, but painlessly? Assuming I’m understanding correctly- Like, there’s pressure, but it isn’t overwhelming??? I’m sorry I’m very tired and I don’t always understand well asdfghjkl,, But I DO understand that everyone knows Dazai is Dramatic, on and off the stage. It’s just How He Is and it’s hilarious. To be fair, it balances itself out with Oda’s big brother instinct rather well~ (Nyanon, 1/8)
Anyways, rocks are cool and I may or may not not have had a geology phase as a kid,, Also what kinda personality do you think a fusion of Dazai and Atsushi would have? I always think stuff like that is cool and I can’t stop thinking about it,, Especially because their outlooks are so different? Like, constant suicide attempts versus an adoration of the act of living- How do you think that’d work? How would that combine with, like, imploding or something? (Nyanon, 2/8)
Like, they think being alive is great, but they don’t deserve it, because their poor senses of self also fused??? I’m sorry I’m a nerd ignore meee- AND AAAHHH IM GLAD YOU LOVE IT CHUUATSU IS PROBABLY DAMN NEAR TIED WITH DAZATSU FOR ME BECAUSE,, THE POTENTIAL,,, Anyways, I could see Atsushi and Akutagawa being friends here!!! Both because of ages, like you said, but also because they’re seen as the next coming of Chuuya and Dazai so they end up working together a lot. (Nyanon, 3/8)
Of course, without the motivation of “Dazai’s Subordinate” Akutagawa had in canon (and BEAST but that’s another painful story), I think they’d get along much better. As for Dazai,, see I’m very torn because on the one hand I have a darker version of things where he ends up the villain because he goes Full Unhealthy Yandere for the For Atsushi because he’s Interesting and Nice, An seems he rarely gets either of those things, much less both, but. (Nyanon, 4/8)
I also have a fluffier version where they meet be chance, and Dazai doesn’t realize that Atsushi is Chuuya’s “amazingly adorable, better than you could ever do” new apprentice, and Atsushi doesn’t realize that Dazai is Chuuya’s “awful, bandage wasting mackerel that you shouldn’t associate with” partner. Shenanigans ensue when they somehow manage to become friends (and yes, in the version, Dazai is nicer to Akutagawa when he becomes his mentor because. Fluff. (Nyanon, 5/8)
It’s mafia but I want Fluff, damnit). Anyways yeah Chuuya can and will Throw Hands if Dazai so much as suggests anything abusive in Atsushi’s general direction. But, my rambling aside, here’s the next AU Concept: I call it the In the Beginning AU, and in it, Atsushi and one or two others are primordial deities from before their universe really existed? Only for Atsushi to nearly get killed by something that woke up when they started experimenting with their abilities. (Nyanon, 6/8)
Meanwhile, his partner(s) got severely injured, and all of them lost their memories and became human. I’m not certain of too much yet, outside of the primordials being based around the “Who/What/Where/When/Why” and the Bad Thing being the “How.” What they’re called, however, is more along the lines of “Us/This/Here/Now,” though I haven’t figured out the equivalent for Why and How yet... I’m tired hush. Anyways, some of the associations are cemented. (Nyanon, 7/8)
For example, Here and Now are Space and Time respectively, and Here is Atsushi before his memories left. I’m just torn on everything else, and who and what they’d be? Thoughts??? (Nyanon, 8/8)
yes theres pressure but painless!!and dont worry about it we all are there i mean im tired and doing my assignment rn AAAAAAAAAAAAA
a fusion of dazai and atsushi?? they would probably love living but not think theyre worth it and will probably be extremely polite and uptight with people they barely know but have the usual dazai antics around people theyre very close to (and shush im a nerd tOO)
I LIKE THE FLUFFIER VERSION MORE NGL- it would be so dramatic like romeo and juliet but in the end chuuya is like “*hard aggressive sighing* F I N E,,,,but if you FUCKING treat my baby wrong ill KILL you”
oh God okay okay lemme gather my Thoughts Here,,,,,us could be the,,,,Creations?? creations made?? and then Who/What/Where/When/Why i really have no clue there bro im so sorry
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