#doppo Kunikida pink November
bungou-stray-dingus · 4 years
Pink November Day 5
Pairing : Kunikida x Reader 
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He stretched out in the bed, his arms falling to the mattress beside him. “Oh! I’m sorr-” He was so used to you being in the bed next to him, his stretch most likely would have accidentally hit you had you been there. He was partially grateful that you weren’t in bed, but the other half of him was wondering where you were. The sound of your quiet whistling coming from the kitchen let him know that you were still there. He yawned, sitting up in bed and stretching one more time before finally getting out of bed completely. 
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“What are all these lunches for? You know that if you pack them too early, all the food will go bad.” He scolded you, but when you turned around he couldn’t keep the stern face. You melted him completely, with the soft edges of your rounded cheeks and the way your eyes creased in the corners when you smiled. “I uh... I just don’t want to get food poisoning is all.” He mumbled, closing his eyes and pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. 
“They’re not for the week. I made it for your employees.” You nodded quickly, finishing off the last of the lunches and closing the box. “You’re always talking about how most of them rarely ever bring their own lunches in, especially that one... what’s his name?” You tapped your chin as you tried to remember before Kunikida answered for you. “Dazai. His name... is Dazai. You didn’t have to make their lunches for them though. Most of them are grown adults, and if they’re not responsible enough to pack their own lunches, that’s their problem, not yours.” 
You walked over to him, admiring his morning look. It wasn’t quite disheveled, he always looked neat, but there was something about seeing him without his hair pulled back in it’s usual ponytail. His long blonde locks falling around his face, his eyes still slightly glossed over with the sleep that he had yet to rub from them. It was a look that you loved to see because you knew that you were the only one to ever see him like this. You kissed him softly, watching the blush slowly spread across his cheeks. “I know it’s not my problem, but, no good work was ever done on an empty stomach.” You tapped your finger lightly against the tip of his nose and turned back to the boxes, stacking them up to be placed in the tote bag. 
He groaned, turning on his heel to head back into the bedroom to get ready for the day. He wasn’t actually irritated that you had made them lunch. It was quite endearing, he loved that about you. The way that you cared about everyone else, the way that you always put others first. You must have woken up so early to prepare the lunches for everyone in his office, he worried that you might crash. Straightening his tie, he walked out of the bedroom, finding you curled up on the couch. Your eyes were shut, you were snoring quietly, but there was a smile on your face. He grabbed the throw blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over your body, kissing your temple before grabbing the bag with all the lunches and heading out the door.
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Lunch time rolled around, and as usual, the typical employees didn’t bring their lunches, and one was busy eating sweets that would end up rotting his teeth, making him crash later, or both. He groaned, standing from his desk and handing out the boxes, placing them on everyone’s desks. 
“What’s this?” Atsushi asked, looking up from the box. Everyone else in the office was waiting for an answer, staring at him from their own desks, the lunch boxes sat in front of them. “Don’t question it... just... eat up. Y/N spent all morning making them.” Kunikida grumbled, sitting back at his own desk and opening his personal lunch box. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out, smiling to himself when he saw your name. 
“Did they enjoy their lunches? I hope they did. Let me know, and I’ll see you when you get home. Love you.” He turned around to see everyone eating their lunches, the office was quiet for once now that everyone was focused on one thing. “Oi! Kunikida-kun! Y/N should make lunches more often, that was great!” Dazai said, leaning against his desk, holding out the now empty lunchbox. 
He slipped his phone back into his pocket and snatched the box from Dazai’s hands, glaring up at him. “Don’t expect this daily, Dazai. Y/N worked hard on this, woke up too early. It’s not good for them. Try making your own lunches for once.” He said sternly, turning back to his own lunch. “Could you at least ask if-” Kunikida held his hand up, stopping Dazai from continuing his sentence. “Walk away, Dazai. Let me enjoy my lunch in peace.”
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When he returned home he found you on the couch, still curled up under the blanket, but your eyes were open, filled with excitement as you watched him walk through the door. “Welcome home! How was work?” You smiled up to him, but he knew what you were really asking. You already knew that work was pretty much the same for him every single day, and if anything new did actually happen he would have texted you about it immediately after it happened. Not because he couldn’t wait to actually tell you, but because he didn’t want you to worry, just in case you heard or saw something from someone else. 
“They loved their lunches. One particular waste of bandages actually wants you to make him some tomorrow.” He groaned, setting the bag full of empty lunch boxes down on the kitchen table. “Really? Oh that’s great! Maybe I should, especially if they loved them!” You got up and walked to the kitchen, about to grab the bag off the counter when Kunikida swiped it away. “No. It’s too much for you. You crashed on the couch right after you made them. I don’t want them to expect so much from you.” 
You stepped closer to him, placing your hand on his and giving him a soft little smile. “I enjoy doing it. It makes people happy, and that’s what I want to do. I don’t mind, really.” He shook his head, pressing a kiss to your forehead and placing the bag back on the table. “You’re selfless... I worry about you.” You chuckled and grabbed the bag, heading over to the sink and pulling them out. “Don’t start yet, at least let me help with that.” 
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