#atlanta recs things
thepatchworkpirate · 1 year
Just Pick Already!
Decisions, decisions...
I’ve started packing for DragonCon and wouldn’t you know it – I’m wanting to change my costume lineup AGAIN. By this I mean I want to drop a couple of things, and MAYBE finish a new one in their place. I say maybe because it’ll be a lot of work and I have 9 days before fall semester starts. I have a few new costumes I’m bringing (ok – I made them back in October), so those are staying. I have a…
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loversofthegrave · 7 months
What are some of your fave wincest fics?
Oh I'm so glad you asked anon! I am always looking for fic recs so I'm sure some followers will appreciate this little one here;
(in no particular order)
try asking by applecrumbledore
“Jerry says he saw them going at it in the back of that car of theirs outside Atlanta last year, I swear to God.”
“Listen, man, I don’t like them either, but that’s a low blow. Jerry’s a fucking pervert.”
outside POV ftw
other brothers by homo_pink
A callow boy can go from infancy to someone’s lover in the space of two wildflower summers.
Another outside POV but this writer I kneel at the altar for, absolute perfection. Read all their work, you're in for a treat
Howls in my bones by weefaol
When John gets a call to investigate a series of grisly animal killings, he drops Sam and Dean at an abandoned cabin two towns over. The boys find ways to keep busy — playing cards, watching movies, chopping wood — but with a howling winter storm on the way, there’s nowhere for Sam to hide his illicit feelings for his older brother.
As the lure of desire threatens to devour him, Sam must learn to face the wolves that lurk outside and the monsters within.
In the garden where sin began by nyoka
Some places, they grow for you.
weecest, beautifully written, so tender
one on, two out by deadlybride
In the fall of 2001, Deacon gets a letter from his old friend John Winchester, asking if John's son can stay at his house for a while.
not exactly wincest but I want to recommend this because it's just a great insight into a young dean and his vulnerability and there's a sequel involving wincest elements. Really really loved this
it started out with a kiss by intrepidheart
Sam has a date. That's not the problem. The problem is that Sam's asking Dean to teach him how to kiss. The problem is that this kiss changes everything.
rightly obsessed with jealous dean
the repeated image of the lover destroyed by hathfrozen
"Do you really love me that much?" Sam asks.
Dean laughs, a harsh sound, his body shaking underneath Sam.
"Look at me," Dean hisses, eyes still shut. "What the fuck do you think?"
see things so much clearer by deadlybride
Sam's been acting oddly. Dean learns how to use the history on an internet browser and finds out why.
somewhere there's blue by linden
Dean was just gonna go ahead and call this one: evenings which ended with Sam in a river were not evenings which had gone too well.
nickle and dime by linden
It was unlikely, Dean felt, that they'd be coming back to Montana: Child Protection Services had a real nasty habit of not forgetting people's names.
here's a few for now, I have more but I need to remember the names! I will probably reblog this with them but I hope you enjoy! Also if anyone has any recs please point me in that direction
much love
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richarlotte · 7 days
The Collegiate 10.
Everyone I know talks about the glow up that happens when you leave your hometown and get to your college campus. I thought people were exaggerating until I left my home state, got to my campus, and was swiftly blown away by what I’ve come to know as the Collegiate 10. These girls are prettier than pretty; they’re downright stunning. They’re in my lectures, I see them on sorority row, I bump into them at the gym, and I see groups of them walking around the library. It’s not a matter of race because this beauty transcends skin color; it’s a diverse beauty that has so many different components that I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to describing it.
Arizona has the ASU Effect and the Tucson 10, Michigan and Indiana have the classic Jewish American Princess, Atlanta has the Atlanta Baddie, and the SEC is a different beast of its own. I think that the Collegiate 10 is most obvious at major public institutions. I was at UCLA the other day and was shocked by the sheer number of drop-dead gorgeous women I saw wandering around. Each campus also has a unique twist on the look, and I’m of the opinion that each of the different colleges within a university also has their own versions of the effect. I know that the communications and journalism girls I’ve met who are gorgeous are a completely different type of beautiful than the STEM and Pre-Med girls I’ve gotten to know.
I wouldn’t call this a natural beauty at all; I think it’s been manufactured by noticing your surroundings and taking the time to make yourself fit in. Campus Rec is filled with people every time I visit, we have a Sephora on campus that’s always packed, people go out of their way to eat better, and it seems like everyone is doing what they can to make living in apartments and dorms with shared showers worthwhile. This beauty comes from a need to be the best, to be one of the women that people look at and envy. You see it on sorority row before rush starts; you see your friends catch an idea of what will make them popular and start to change, and most people who really want something start to make the necessary moves to get that thing, even if it involves drastically changing their lifestyle & mindset.
Richarlotte x
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How Colorism fuels BW/WM swirls in media
I guess this is maybe a counterpoint/companion post to this one and the dialogue started with @theonlyamazingtazmin in the comments.
That post was an ask that black women set personal boundaries around how the ship and media about the ship is effecting our well being. But an equally important conversation is why do we so often have to look to interracial couples for a well written romance for dark skinned black women. While I'm cautious about the level in investment in these pairings, I cannot deny the appeal and why it's almost a default because of how much romance for dark skinned black woman is gate kept.
My initial remedy to this frustration of how we attach ourselves to this pairing was, we need to watch and support black romance and and black tv shows and movies. But a lot of the problem is in doing just that. I watched mostly black shows in my youth and the pattern was already established of me always seeing the dark skin woman alone or butch while the lighter girls had their pick.
My favorite show as a teen was A Different World. And as ground breaking as that show was in many respects I do have to call out the paradigm it reinforced. Dwayne was obsessed with Whitley, the whitest looking woman shown on campus, and he was the darkest man shown on campus. Ron liked her best friend, Millie, a light skin girl, after that wasn't a thing it was like so crazy that he ended up with Jaleesa. His mom (the fab Patti LaBelle) kept telling him to get with the dark skinned girl with the pretty teeth, but it was like he resisted vehemently beforehand. He does, but then ends up with biracial Freddy and Jaleesa ends up with an old man and becomes a stepmom as her best option.
Back when I had HBO (I only pay for one subscription at a time and my current roommates decided to do the Disney+ package, but I only end up watching Hulu) I watched Insecure but didn't finish. I'm curious to see what happened romantically with the characters. Did they follow the same playbook? I don't want to be spoiled because I hope to continue that show one day, so please don't tell me. But I remember in the precursor to this show, Awkward Black Girl, Issa's love interest was a like pretty average, kinda lame white guy. Her black crush never panned out. I kind of rooted for her and white boy but like not that enthusiastically. I just wanted her to be loved, so tried to be into it, but honestly was like, is this her best option? I didn't finish because it frustrated me that he was her best option. Personal note: I need to finish an Issa Rae show.
Fast forward to literally as of yesterday. I started watching Queen Sugar (Hulu tries to represent black shows and movies but the selections aren't the best, if anyoen has recs, please share) because I said I want to watch more black entertainment like I did in my youth. The most recent try before this was Atlanta and I just wasn't impressed. Come to find out how douchey Donald Glover is about black women and got turned off. Anyways, I did get invested in QS after a few episodes and even cried. So what turned me off a bit and I hope doesn't put me off the show? Spoiler alert: The darkest woman, Nova, is a white cop's mistress. This isn't revealed right away. It opens with them having a sensual morning after but for some reason despite him being hot, I felt ick. Like, I predicted there was something ick coming, and sure enough she's the long term side piece. Her fine af dark skinned brother's ex is a light skinned woman and there seems to be a mild flirtation with his son's Latina teacher. The light skinned sister is married to a man about her skin tone. The aunt who is medium skin tone has a husband darker than her. So it kind of reinforced the colorism and that Nova's only option out of everyone else has to be a white man, and a white man that can't fully commit to her at that.
Now, let me jump back to why I got so invested in Richonne. I know some people probably like does this girl only hardcore ship traumatized curly haired blue eyed white men with dark skinned black women? Not intentionally, haha! But that was the most epic love story I've seen with a black woman who looks anything like me. I wasn't even expecting to ship anything on that bleak ass show. Not my fault. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough? But yeah, when I reached my adult years I kind of got tired of looking for the romance I wanted to see, that represented me, in black media and being disappointed. Because the dark skinned girls didn't get the same love as the lighter ones (or they are lesbians but that's a whole other post). I'm not saying white media isn't guilty. It's just white media when they tend to give a dark skinned black woman a romance it's with a white man if she isn't alone or a lesbian, just like black shows, but the romance tends to be deeper if it's main plot point, or at least that's what I see in Richonne and Carmy x Sydney.
I think there is a good and bad side to this. On one hand yes, give it to me. On the other is it only palatable for a dark skinned black woman to get love in a show with a mixed cast with a white man because there is still and aversion to black love for these women? It's so complex. This is why when I wrote my Syd and Carmy fic I intentionally made her ex a dark skinned black man. Carmy is mad jealous of him. It's not a real love triangle, he just frames it as one because he's insecure of her highly successful, young Idris Elba looking almost fiance, who her dad loves and is a family friend. So, of course Carmy is in his feelings. Although Syd dated white guys I didn't want the strongest competition to be another white guy. And I have Syd speak to the lameness of these other white men on purpose, on multiple occasions. She was always kind of chasing a Carmy replica but not because they were white, it's because he imprinted on her. But she chased trying to be with her ex just as hard, but for different reasons and in a different way.
Anyways, I don't even know what to expect from media at this point because often what we see onscreen does reflect reality. I'll describe myself. I'm a petite, slim curvy girl, cocoa complexion, kinky curly who often gets that "so pretty for a black girl" type compliment in the black community and from racist white people. My dating history has been mixed and mostly white (two Asians also in the mix) in my latter years by default. When I was in high school the few black boys (I went to a mostly white school) chased the white, Latina, or light skinned girls. And the few that were interested were not desirable trouble makers. One was so bad he verbally abused me in front of people consistently and then I found out he had a crush one me. No thanks, red flags galore. The first somewhat decent boy that was interested and actually knew me was my white boy best friend who tried to make a move one day. I wasn't interested, didn't see it coming, but it started a pattern. I just wanted to be his bestie because we were both film geeks, had family trauma, were loners, smoked weed, and were in theater together. It's so funny because he was a dead ringer for Leonardo Dicaprio and all the white girls swooned for him and I was like eh (never thought Leo was all that). So, no, I didn't view him as a prize romantically. But this same type thing continued with white guy friends secretly having a crush and me like not being that excited. But one day I did like one, gave it a try, and was like, ok cool, I can try this. And since then I get way more interest from white men than black men.
*Caveat, I'm currently single and don't think race has any influence on quality of men. My long term Asian ex was the worst boyfriend of my life and I'm still traumatized. Long story.
So should I be this surprised that media reflects my same experience? I don't know what the solution is going forward. Like, will media change and influence society or does society need to change to influence media?
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micamicster · 3 months
Micaaaaaa I am in need of a good TV show. IWTV left me craving for some good writing, please help 💙 I know some of your all-time favourites are Black Sails and The Wire, I gave them a try, but I'm afraid they're a bit too bleak for me :(( Any good recs?
Bestie this is a great question and im honestly a terrible person to direct it to because the truth is I really don't watch a ton of tv! But I'm gonna do my best!
Beneath the cut find a list of shows I think are particularly well written, divided into vague and confusing categories based on how similar to iwtv they might seem?
<3 <3 <3
(Totally get Black Sails and the Wire feeling too heavy. The wire in particular is imo the single most upsetting thing thats ever been put on television so I completely get not being up for it. But if anyone else is looking for shows I think are really well written those would be good places to start! Black Sails would be my first rec for iwtv fans tbh)
Dramas with syfy/fantasy elements:
Russian Doll: for literally anyone other than you (who's already watched it!) this would be my number one rec. One of the best (and specifically best written) shows of all time, has those spec fic surrealist elements, combines comedy and drama, just love it.
Andor: I know, I was surprised too. But despite being a star wars tv show it actually has writers that do a? good? job? And Diego Luna is spectacular. (If black sails was too grim this might also feel that way given our knowledge of the main character's fate, but it might be worth checking out anyway)
I forgot what i was going to put here
Not sf:
Reservation Dogs: Taika Watiti can be hit or miss for me, but this show is the best of his particular combination of humor and pathos. Also he's just really good at writing kids? (I would be remiss if I didn't point out that he has been (rightfully!) criticized for the antiblackness of couple of minor characters who appropriate black culture pretty egregiously, iirc they don't feature after season 1? But it is a flaw to be aware of). Why didn't I put this with the sitcoms? My mind is mysterious even to me
Bad Sisters: great 1 season irish show about a group of sisters trying to murder their sister's abusive husband. Again a really strong writing combo of humor and genuine emotion!
The Get Down: still not over this cancellation it hurt me in ways I can't even begin to explain... anyway a great show about the birth of rap in 70s nyc with beautifully thought out costumes, music, writing, visual style <3
The Americans: two russian spys undercover as an american suburban couple in the 80s is actually a vehicle for a probing exploration of marriage and intimacy. Also pretty grim (the cold war. yeah.) so idk if it would be for you.
The Knick: nobody ever watches this when I rec it because it's too gorey but I don't care! I love it! Period drama about a public hospital in early 1900s new york.
Sitcoms!: (sorry I know you've watched half of these just wanted to include them in case anyone else looked at this list!)
Derry Girls: this show is just hit after hit. Best written show about teens in the world!
We Are Lady Parts: See this entire blog. Genuinely one of the best shows ever made
American Vandal: Ok technically this is more of a mockumentary than a sitcom but i wasn't sure where else to put it. Season one in particular is some of the best tv show writing I've ever watched it is perfect in every way!
MASH: 70s sitcom about a US military field hospital during the Korean War. At its best it's hysterically funny, absurdist, and bitingly furiously anti-war. (At its worst it's racist, sexist, and boring. It was the 70s) This show was a cultural phenomenon, but it has literally over 200 episodes so I would recommend just googling for a best-of list and watching a handful to see if it works for you.
Atlanta: Donald Glover's surrealist sitcom about trying to manage his cousin's rap career in Atlanta. That's such a bad explanation of what this show is about i'm sorry but I'm not sure how to do better.
Shows I've watched between 1 episode and 1 season of, thought to myself "wow! this show is amazing!" but can't in good conscience recommend because I never really watched enough of them to qualify as an expert:
The Sopranos: everyone says it's the best tv show of all time and i watched season one, said wow they're right! and still haven't managed to get back to it! The pilot itself is so fucking funny like... mobster goes to therapy for his anxiety had to have been the pitch of all time
Station eleven: LOVED the book, heard really good things about the tv show, thought the pilot was amazing, got busy and couldn't finish it.
Babylon Berlin: this has the darkly romantic, opulent qualities of iwtv so it might be for you! Unfortunately I've seen less than half of it so I can't promise it doesn't go off the rails.
Breaking Bad: people are right! it's good! It's also (at least in season one, the only season I've watched so far) like someone made a slapstick comedy about a man cooking meth. In a good way!
You might want to just watch a couple gothic romances to scratch that iwtv itch! Check out an adaptation of Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights!
WOW this is too hard. Just watch supernatural i guess
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current shows in each bracket so far (no particular order yet):
ask box and submissions open! all categories are up for debate. If you can make the case for moving a sitcom to cult classic or a misc. show to prestige, I'm open to hearing everyone out!
When each category has 32 shows locked in, I will seed them based on an average between viewership and ratings and open up the polls <3
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
X- Files
Twin Peaks
Pushing Daisies
Freaks and Geeks
Doctor Who (both)
Star Trek (original series)
Avatar the Last Airbender
Over the Garden Wall
House MD
Dark Shadows
Gilmore Girls
Roswell (og)
Skins UK
Midnight Gospel
Adventure Time
Eastbound and Down
Twilight Zone
Battlestar Galactica
Dirk Gently's
The Getdown
The Bear
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
Game of Thrones
Boardwalk Empire
The Wire
Black Mirror
The Great
Big Little Lies
Mad Men
Interview with the Vampire
Black Sails
The Handmaid's Tale
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
The Borgias
West Wing
True Detective
Mr. Robot
Band of Brothers
Downtown Abbey
Mind Hunter
I Hate Suzie
The Last of Us
White Lotus
Orange is the New Black
The Crown
The Missing
Six Feet Under
Bob's Burgers
The Good Place
Arrested Development
The Simpsons
The Office
Parks and Rec
30 Rock
Sex in the City
New Girl
Abott Elementary
Modern Family
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Derry Girls
Our Flag Means Death
Miracle Workers
What We Do in the Shadows
King of the Hill
Man Seeking Woman
Full House
Trailer Park Boys
Ted Lasso
That 70s Show
Broad City
Curb your Enthusiasm
Flight of the Concords
IT Crowd
Documentary Now
Better Off Ted
The Vampire Diaries
Pretty Little Liars
Grey's Anatomy
Stranger Things
One Tree Hill
Criminal Minds
The Flash
Legends of Tomorrow
The Mandalorian
The Umbrella Academy
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The 100
Midnight Mass
Haunting of Bly Manor
How to Get Away with Murder
Gossip Girl (og)
The OC
Young Pope
Haunting of Hill House
Walking Dead
Peaky Blinders
Dawson's Creek
The Society
Prison Break
True Blood
Normal People
American Horror Story
Squid Games
The Boys
Queen's Gambit
The OA
Spinning Out
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
For pillow fort friday<3
If I had to make you a drink I would do a simple whisky cocktail !  (I hope you like whiskey as much as Saya does—bc I know I do!)
-Whiskey on the rocks with a homemade spiced* honey syrup *(cinnamon, ginger, orange, honey+ water/sugar) -A dash of Orange bitters and a weee bit of fresh lemon juice—garnished with an orange wheel
You pick a movie/tv show/anime! (Or 5?) I could use a good rec! :)
good morning, kaz! i'm so sorry i missed this last night, i was busy singing my lungs out very poorly at karaoke, ahaha.
that cocktail sounds fantastic, i will take two, pls & thank you. whiskey (and scotch whisky particularly) is my preferred liquor most of the time, though gin does edge ahead a little bit in the summer when i enjoy a nice fizz with fresh fruit. that cocktail sounds perfectly up my alley! <3
let's see what i can do about recommendations below the cut because they got looonnnnggg (sorry)...
tv shows:
ted lasso. i was very late to this one, but just binged all three seasons and really enjoyed it. on apple.
BEEF. it's sooooooo goood and bizarre and wonderful in the worst (best) ways. on netflix.
trial & error. was an nbc comedy over too soon. on peacock, i think.
the river. likewise cancelled early, but it's horror on the amazon and i loved it a lot. idk where to find this one, but i'm sure it's streaming someplace as all things are these days.
not dead yet. which finished its first season recently is an easy watch & pretty funny. the MC is very relatable in an, "i am a mess" sort of way alsjdf;adfs. i think this is nbc, but i watched it on hulu.
everything everywhere all at once. i can't wait to watch this again. it was my first time in a non-socially distanced movie theatre post-quarantine and it was such a joy to hold my spouse's hand while i laughed my ass off and cried and yelled. love this fucking thing (as does everyone else, as they should).
you won't be alone. this is horror. body horror. it's pretty messy in parts but so so sooooooo soooooooooooooo good. it's also primarily in macedonian with subtitles and i'm not sure how hard it would be to track down.
the impostors. with stanley tucci and oliver platt is a comedy from my youth that i still think is one of the best of all time.
a goofy movie. idk, y'all, i just showed this to my spouse because it was referenced in an episode of atlanta (another great fucking tv show) and it's still just so funny and heartwarming and the music they made for powerline is so good.
spiderman: across the spider-verse. haven't even seen this yet but my god i want to so badly and i just know it's gonna be killer because the first one blew my mind.
anime (i'm probably not gonna come up with much here you haven't already seen or know about tbh but let's see):
blue period. especially as an artist, i think you might enjoy this one. i binged it in like a day and a half and thoroughly enjoyed it all very much. on netflix.
maid-sama! i actually enjoyed watching this anime so much that i then went back and read the whole manga because i needed to know how it ended. it was cute and expected and exactly the sort of low-stakes shojo i needed at the time.
ghost hunt!.i fucking love this little horror anime and am so disappointed it didn't get to go longer. there is a manga and also a light novel that are very worthwhile if you ever have the time.
i think three is all you're gonna get outta me for this category, but i hope something there sparks your fancy! thanks so much! <3
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thealogie · 8 months
what's on your to-watch list? (i sent in an ask about a show some weeks ago and now am having brainfog :(()
I’m gonna start tagging the recs people send me so I can go back to them because currently I just keep a mental list of the next few things I’m gonna watch and then when I run out I try to browse recs people sent me and/or read reviews. My current watch list is as follows (I don’t think it includes many recent tumblr ask recs):
Tv shows: Mr and Mrs Smith (so good), true detective season 1 rewatch, true detective season 4 (I’ll at least give it a try), Atlanta rewatch, criminal record, Stephen Mangan’s zoom show
Movies: sanctuary, descendent, the color purple, do the right thing (rewatch of a fave movie)
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a-queer-seminarian · 1 year
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In this episode of the Stopping Cop City series, Tov shares the dream that drew them to March's Week of Action, discusses Weelaunee's history and the environmental threat Cop City poses, and uplifts the power of humor in the face of police intimidation.
Listen on Blessed Are the Binary Breakers wherever you get podcasts — or click here for links + an episode transcript.
Below the readmore:
Resources to help you learn about & support the movement (including 2 free zines);
Image descriptions (also in alt text);
More quotes from Tov
Support the fight to Stop Cop City by donating to the Stop the Swap lawsuit fundraiser, or to the Atlanta Solidarity Fund.
Click here for information about getting active this upcoming Earth Week, which is also Tortuguita's birth week.
Tov's recs: a zine about Weelaunee Forest; another zine about the Atlanta City Prison Farm
ID: Text on a green circle with a backdrop of a tree canopy reads “Stopping Cop City: Tov’s Story — dreaming a better future. From the Blessed Are the Binary Breakers podcast."
Text on a green background asks, "What did you love most about Participating in the Week of Action?" Tov's answer reads, "I [live in] a relatively rural area…and so I'm not surrounded by a lot of people who think similarly to how I do. Being in a space where it's a very concentrated amount of people who are sort of in alignment with each other's principles, and working towards something of a common goal – that was like, so healing and so beautiful."
Text asks, Any Advice for people who want to join in? Tov's answer reads, "Find some f#cking cool history books and dig in! And then apply those blueprints to what's happening, because…time is kind of a circle, and these things repeat. …And I would say, assess your risks as needed. Assess what your arrestability is; assess what your safety needs are. I'm like so, so big on people using a buddy system, people being informed on their rights."
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ID: a quote from Tov reads, "My spirituality is very, very deeply connected with my dreams...I ended up going out [to Weelaunee Forest] for the Week of Action because of a really intense dream I had. ...It's something that I kind of allow myself to be guided by, and I feel like it is really, in my experience, very inextricable from any type of movement work."
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ID: a quote from Tov reads, "...There is strength in numbers — especially during the weeks of action, there are a lot of people and those pigs are fucking scared! And they should be! ... When you're in a space that is scary and [has] real risks, it's also okay to sometimes laugh at how fucking ridiculous the oppressor is. And to, like, be empowered in that."
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movie recs
smokey and the bandit
summary: get ready to tear up the highway with the bandit a fun loving fast talking trucker who takes on his craziest haul yet- delivering 400 cases of beer from texarkana to atlanta in just 28 hours. with sheriff buford t. justice hot on his trail and eager to teach him some respect for the law the bandit joins forces with good ol boy cledus and runaway bride carrie
national lampoon's vacation
summary: hop in the family truckster with clark w. griswold a chicago family man who leads his brood on a madcap trek to L.A. amusement park walley world. along the way, the grisworlds encounter out of control cars, an ill tempered dog, a beautiful model, and hillbilly cousin eddie.
major payne
summary: when peace breaks out in America, killing machine major benson winifred payne of the united states marine corps special forces is given his marching orders... to the unemployment line. unable to cope with civilian life, payne is thrust back into the military regimen as commander of the madison academy junior rotc. how does the militarys most dangerous secret weapon discipline a few good men when none of them are even old enough to shave?
liar liar
summary: a fast talking attorney and habitual liar who, forced by his sons birthday wish, must tell the truth for the next 24 hours
some like it hot
summary: tony curtis and jack lemmon masquerading as women in order to elude irate chicago mobsters while befriending singer
gentlemen prefer blondes
summary: two glamorous showgirls have everything a girl could want, except engagement rings
old yeller
summary: when his younger brother adopts a frisky stray dog, 15 year old travis tries to shoo him away. but old yeller soon proves he is anything but "yellow" when he protects the family farm and saves travis life
hotel for dogs
summary: after moving into a foster home that forbids pets, siblings andi and bruce must quickly find a home for their dog, friday.the resourceful pair find an abandoned hotel, and with the help of bruces mechanical skills, turn it into a pooch paradise for friday and a number of strays. but when the inevitable baking makes neighbors suspicious, andi and bruce must find a way to hide their canine haven from prying eyes
joseph: king of dreams
summary: inspiring musical advenure retells the classic story of a boy with an extraordinary gift of seeing the future through his dreams
parent trap
summary: hallie parker, a hip californian, and annie james, a proper london miss are identical twins who dont even know each other exists -- until they accidentally meet at summer camp. now theyre up to their freckles in schemes and dreams to switch places, get their parents back together, and have the family theyve always wished for
freaky friday
summary: dr.tess coleman and her teenage daughter anna have one thing in common -- they dont relate to each other on anything. not clothes or men or annas passion to be in a rock band. nothing. then one night a little mystic mayhem changes their lives and they wake up to the biggest freak out ever. tess and anna are trapped inside each others body! but tess's wedding is saturday and the two must find a way to switch back -- fast! literally forced to walk in each others shoes, will they gain respect and understanding for the other's point of view?
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chorusfm · 4 months
Cursive Announce New Album
Cursive will release Devourer on Run for Cover Records on September 13th. Today they’ve shared a video for “Up and Away” and some new tour dates. Tour Dates 10/18 – Omaha, NE @ The Waiting Room 10/19 – Omaha, NE @ The Waiting Room 10/20 – St. Louis, Off Broadway 10/21 – Nashville, TN @ The 10/22 – Atlanta, GA @ Terminal West 10/23 – Orlando, FL @ The Social 10/24 – Miami, FL @ Gramps 10/25 – Jacksonville, FL @ The Bier Hall at Intuition Ale Works 10/26 – Gainesville, FL @ The Fest 22 10/27 – Charlotte, NC @ The Neighborhood Theatre 10/28 – Durham, NC @ Motorco Music Hall 10/29 – Washington, DC @ Union Stage 10/30 – Philadelphia, PA @ Underground Arts 11/01 – Jersey City, NJ @ White Eagle Hall 11/02 – Amityville, NY @ Amityville Music Hall 11/03 – New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom 11/05 – Kingston, NY @ Tubby’s 11/06 – Somerville, MA @ Crystal Ballroom at Somerville Theatre 11/07 – Buffalo, NY @ Rec Room Press Release Freshly signed to Run For Cover Records, Cursive today announced their new album Devourerwill be released on September 13, 2024. The iconic Omaha band is known for their intensity, ambition, and execution, and has spent 30 years creating a bold discography that’s defined as much by its cathartic sound as its weighty, challenging lyrical themes. As daring as ever, their 10th album Devourer is full of intense and incisive songs, proving exactly why Cursive have been so influential and enduring–and why they remain so vital today. The album’s lead single “Up and Away” is also out now alongside a video directed by Brea Grant (12 Hour Shift, Torn Hearts) and starring Jonah Ray; anchored by a sinuous bassline, the song exemplifies the band’s signature blend of dissonance and deep melody.  “‘Up And Away’ is an unusual pop song, it kind of slinks about musically. I had the ‘up, up, up, up, up, up and away’ section of lyrics in my head from its inception but hadn't planned on using something so bright, cheery and arguably trite...until it occurred to me that what I was really singing about was something floating away from me, something I was losing, not my personal elevation into some stratosphere. So, it stuck,” explains singer/guitarist Tim Kasher. “The video is the first in a series of horror-esque stories we've been planning for some time now, a collection of videos created by genre directors. Brea Grant conceived this story of a down-on-his-luck loafer who gets consumed by his own depression, swallowed into some surreal underworld of blanket forts where Cursive seems to be wallowing as well.”  Devourer is now available for preorder. The band has also announced a slew of tour dates this fall in support of the album, beginning October 18th with two hometown Omaha shows at The Waiting Room and including a November 3rd stop at New York City’s Bowery Ballroom. A current itinerary is below. In the years since their 1995 formation, Cursive developed into one of the most important groups to emerge from the late-’90s/early ‘00s moment when the lines between indie rock and post-hardcore began blurring into something altogether new. Albums like Domestica (2000) and The Ugly Organ (2003) became essential touchstones whose echoes can still be heard in new bands today. The pull of nostalgia can be strong over time, but Cursive’s work has often felt like a rejection of those comfort zones; the band has continually pushed themselves, with Kasher’s artistic restlessness steering them ahead. In fact, for Kasher, whose pointed observations always begin with looking inward first, it was an interrogation of this voracious creativity that planted the seeds of Devourer.   “I am obsessive about consuming the arts,” he explains. “Music, film, literature. I’ve come to recognize that I devour all of these art forms then, in turn, create my own versions of these things and spew them out onto the world. It’s positive; you’re part of an ecosystem. But I quickly recognized that the term, ‘Devourer,’ may also embody something gnarly, sinister.” Devourerdelves into that… https://chorus.fm/news/cursive-announce-new-album/
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tundesweb · 6 months
4th of July 
Old story I need to continue (unedited version) (if you knew me since I was GoddessTunde you probably read the edited version that aint have a backstory) (Im tired of keeping all ts in my notes app lol)
What are the odds that the most pro black family
has their eldest son Jherico born on July 4th 1999 making him 23 yrs old today.
Every year his family threw him a counter party where they made it clear that it was a birthday celebration. They were always grateful for the day off however 
The Morrilaje family owned various properties in Atlanta and were well known 
Jherico had oversight over the overarching family business was planning to give it to his younger brother as he wanted to focus on creating technological advancements for the world as well as his family’s businesses
All the security systems including internet processing was over seen by him 
Jherico himself blended his intellect with his knowledge of business administration 
he thinks like business owners and knows their weaknesses and marketing products to that 
some could say that’s cold but at least he’s helping 
he has a free summer program for black youth 
that is mostly remote but on fridays they come in to learn hands on by him, the center is open   7 days and is sorta like a community library there’s a cafe. books etc and even a rec room
The Morrilaje love this as they can donate lots of money for tax purposes to a corporation which is outside of their company but they basically know exactly what where how and why etc 
July 4th, 11:30 AM
Lola and Jherico are parked in the underground family lot
they were earlier than expected and decided to have an impromptu deep conversation about the course of their relationship 
lola began to tear up and say i love you and appreciate you so much. 
he says aww my love don’t cry and wipes her tears
the weird thing about lola is that affection makes her horny 
so now she’s looking at him with a stare that could erect a deadman’s pistol 
she then says you take such good care of me
can i take care you baby 
he says you take care of me as well darling but she just ignores him and pulls down his shorts and grabs his semi hard dick
with her other hand she brings his face close to hers and begins kissing him 
he deepens their kiss and she breaks it first and begins to kiss on his neck, on the tattoo he got of her middle name 
she can feel his dick get rock hard in her hands and she moans 
ooo it turns me on to know i turn you on
she then crawls in between his legs 
pulls his shorts down even lower 
which he kicks off and then 
she begins to kiss on his shaft 
she then starts spitting on his dick while massaging his balls 
his dick is so tall that on her knees she has to rise up to reach the top
she then puts the tip in her mouth and with a vacuum like suction begins to make her way down taking her time nice and slow until she reaches his balls  she then sticks out her tongue so that they don’t feel left out
while and the base of his dick she looks up at him to see him looking down at her with adoration in his eyes. A sucker for approval (no pun intend) she begins to bob her head up 
and down making while gulping and gagging noises. she then pulls it out her mouth and begins slapping her face with it and drags her mouth along the sides. while looking up and him she asks if he wants to cum down her throat or on her pretty face. because she was in a silly goofy mood she decides to suck the tip while one hand is stroking his shaft and the other massages his balls. she can feel that he’s close so she decides to suck harder while moaning because she loves pleasing a man who pleases her. at this point he begins to fuck her mouth like a pussy and she rests her hands on his thighs as they both enjoy the feeling of his dick gliding down her throat he places one hand on her neck slightly choking her and starts talking dirty to her
you think you can just suck my dick like this and get away with it 
she just moans 
he grabs her neck a little firmer 
and says answer me 
she try her best to say no baby with dick in her mouth but it just sounds like ooo bbb with bubbles at best 
at his point her pussy is dripping wet and she’s glad they keep extra panties in the car 
she looks up at him and telepathically tells him 
my pussy is so wet rn. i want to ride that dick so bad 
in her mind he says i know but 
they never break eye contacts as he groans and pumps his cum down her throat 
like the nasty niggas he is 
he pulls her into his lap by her neck and they share a sloppy nasty ass kiss 
he then whispers into her ear that he isn’t done with her yet and she can feel his dick get hard again 
she grabs his dick and sits on with no warning they both moans and 
he just bites her neck 
and says you been showing out today don’t forget who’s in charge 
in one swift motion he reclines the seat all the way back grips the back of her neck while his other hand is around her waist 
with his feet planted on the ground he begins to piston into her. knocking the wind out of her 
she can do much but whimper and moan as he has her locked in position so she just kisses on his chest and drools a little 
as he in her ear telling to be a good girl and cum on his dick, tell me you love me (ily baby i love you so much) 
he then pulls her braids back and kisses and sucks all over neck chest and nipples 
biting her nipples and then sensually sucking on them 
this brings her over to the edge and he holds even tighter because he knows she loves to be held when she cums 
the pulsations from her wet pussy were too
much for him and him pulls out and cums all over ass smearing it like a paintbrush and her booty the canvas as they both catch their breath he places kisses on her forehead.
they lay like that for a while until he reaches over and grabs the wipes to clean them off 
i’m sleepy now she says 
he says we have a long day ahead of us 
that they did… 
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5 February 2023: Squares Blot Out the Sun, various artists. (DB Recs, 1990)
This album was an instant purchase when I saw it in the bins of my neighborhood record shop, as I remember it from my university radio station when it was new. I’m not certain, but I’d wager this might be from the same collection as the items I discuss in my seven previous posts. It’s of later vintage than those other things, but it’s a pristine promo copy and not something you generally see anywhere. I know that collection came from Florida, and DB Recs was an Atlanta label and you just see more things on DB when you’re in the South.
It was an instant purchase in part because I am nostalgic for the albums that we played at the station I programmed beginning 33 years ago, and in part because it was an album I never understood at the time and with a copy in my home I can finally make sense of it. On the surface, it’s a simple concept: it’s just a sampling of songs by bands on the DB Recs label, but it always confounded me because the track listing only shows song titles and not the names of the bands performing them. If you want to know who’s doing what, you have to read that teeny little handwriting that takes up the bottom half of the back cover. The front cover always confused me as well; in 1990 I didn’t automatically understand what “D.B. REC. #72″ meant (it’s simply the catalog number), and again because it’s hard to tell that this is a compilation, I originally thought it was an album called Blot Out the Sun by a band called Squares. On the back is an explanation that this compilation had been in the works since 1984 (!) and got shelved for various reasons until six years later.
Above you can see the front and back covers.
Below we have both labels. Note that here it’s also not explicitly stated what bands perform the tunes. The songwriter is shown in parentheses below the song titles, and in some cases where the whole band wrote the tune (such as the two Pylon songs on side one) it’s understandable, but if you don’t know that “Villar” is a member of the band The Fans, this label is not going to help you. And you certainly can’t guess from this label that the cover of James Brown’s Sex Machine” is by a band called Jack Heard. You may think you know “Stipe” on side two, but what the uninitiated may not be able to glean is that this is by Linda Stipe’s band Oh-Ok and not her brother Michael’s R.E.M.
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And, last, much like the Swimming Pool Q’s album I wrote about earlier in the month, this has a DB Recs catalog insert (though a different version than in the Q’s LP), which I show below (front, inside, back).
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atlantablack · 3 years
Favorite Merlin Fics ft. Imprisonment
a thimble of light for an acre of sky by celaenos 
36,268 | Teen + | no warnings apply 
Golden, beautiful, charming, pompous Arthur, drawing everyone to him like moths to a flame. She thinks of how he is the only other person in the world who understands what it's like to be Uther Pendragon's child, to crave the approval of that looming shadow and want to break free of it in the same breath. She hates him. She hates him. She hates him. 
It’s only part of the truth, even now.
Why I love this fic
This is hands down absolutely one of my favorite season 5 AU’s. The amount of attention that’s paid not only to Morgana and Gwen’s relationship, but also to Morgana and Arthur’s is just fucking amazing. For all that Morgana is technically a prisoner for a large part of the fic it never breaks her, only gives everyone else a chance to get through to her which I truly believe is all they need, a chance. 
I’ve read this fic several times and it never loses its effect, I always feel like i’ve been punched in the gut and I’m always just left in a puddle of my own emotions afterwards. If i had to pick a favorite quote (that hopefully doesn’t give too much away) it would be: 
“I’m going to kill you,” she warns Arthur. “Keeping me here is foolish.”
“Perhaps,” he says, and somehow the teasing smirk of their youth spills out onto his face. “But then again, you’ve always thought that I was.”
“Don’t smile at me,” Morgana snaps. “The only reason I haven’t killed you yet are these shackles, and mark my words, I’ll get them off.”
“Is that?” he asks. “The only reason?”
“Yes,” Morgana snaps, but there’s a horrible inflection to her voice. It comes out far more like a question than a promise.
a king of infinite space by schweet_heart 
1,069 | explicit | no warnings apply
When they bring Arthur home, he is silent.
Why I love this fic: 
The pure amount of detail and emotion that is in this fic is just incredible. it’s only a little over 1k but i’ve read it so many times because I can never get past just how much is in it. Case in point, i just read it again to try and figure out what to say and i’m now in a puddle of my own emotions trying to figure out how something can be both hot and sad and sexy and romantic and ??? just so goddamn good. 
The last line of this fic never fails to blow me the fuck away and sometimes I genuinely just sit and stare at it looking for inspiration. 
Dying to Return by StormDancer 
19,869 | Teen+ | no warnings apply 
When they try to hang him, he floats. 
They put him on the pyre at dawn. 
He doesn’t burn.
Why I love this fic:
I feel like it’s very likely everyone already knows this fic but if you’re new to the fandom (because i stg we gain new people every day against all odds), then this truly an amazing fic. I really really love the way this author chose to write the way Merlin goes about getting Arthur to accept magic. I’m 100% all for unapologetic Merlin just blazing in and telling arthur about his magic and arguing arthur into accepting it, but I also really love this, not soft really, but patient, solemn, quiet Merlin who’s prepared to wait as long as he needs to and just show Arthur how good magic can be just by existing. 
Also I think it’s so lovely how as the reader, some parts of the plot are so obvious to us but to Arthur they’re impossible to figure out and it’s just done so artfully! 
Emblazoning by astolat 
18,797 | mature | creator chose not to use warnings 
Morgana turned away from the high, barred window and rubbed her arms, chilled and bare. Arthur was sitting in the dirty straw at the very limit of his chains, which kept him a few inches too far away to touch Merlin's limp body. Outside they were putting up the stake.
Why I love this fic:
I know this pairing isn’t very popular since season 3 aired, but honestly it’s so good. These four really are just so tangled up together that I love reading fics where they’re all in a relationship. Also, this is by astolat and everything astolat has written is a fucking gem. 
I really love that this is a season 1 divergence, because it really highlights how far Arthur would have been willing to go even then. He’s never been able to just stand back and watch Merlin die. No matter the season and I just love the way its done in this one. The magic reveal, the way Arthur can never truly stop being a leader, a ruler, the way Morgana’s visions and swordfighting come together to create a whole picture, the way Gwen is always there and steady and being their rock. I just love this piece so damn much. 
Safekeeping by schweet_heart 
5,531 | explicit | no warnings apply 
“There were bandits,” Arthur confirms. There is something grim in his tone which tells Merlin this is not the whole of it. “There was also a sorcerer.” 
 Merlin sighs. “Of course there was.” 
 As it turns out, there was also a magical beast, and there was also a sacrifice.
Why I love this fic:
Merlin’s magic reveal in this one is just truly fantastic. I can’t think of many fics where his magic reveal is so goddamn badass and super powered up and yet, he’s also so helpless and doesn’t even realize that he’s revealed himself. Arthur has to make the choice of what to do with Merlin telling him anything at all, without any outside input. Just Merlin helpless and there at his mercy. 
Also.... the sex is hot as fuck lol but really, I love this fic. I love seeing fics that just explore how excruciating magic suppressing cuffs would be on Merlin. Basically, this fic just hit all my favorite points and i love it!
The Game of Lying 
7,262 | Gen | no warnings apply
It's just Merlin's luck to get trapped in a castle with the knights and a crazy fae who wants to see how well he can lie. Fortunately, he's very good at lying. 
Unfortunately, the fae isn't too pleased about that. 
The knights are going to have a lot of questions if they live through this.
Why I love this fic:
Badass, snarky, smartass, “i have a thousand talents other than magic” Merlin is 100% my favorite take. Fics where the knights and Arthur have to realize how little they know about Merlin, without a magic reveal. They underestimate him a lot despite dragging him everywhere with them and I feel like this really highlights this. 
Also, again, I loveeeeeee badass Merlin. badass, overpowered, I could probably destroy the world if I wanted to, Merlin. Love him. Beautiful, perfect. 
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
Milk & Honey - Ch. 1
Austin!Elvis x Black!OC
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Prologue | Next 
Summary: After a few weeks of working at her new job at Club Handy, Honey meets someone new, or does she?
Warning: Swearing, racial issues(you know just cute 1950′s stuff), 
Note: I’ve watched at least 30 hours worth of 50’s movies this week specifically for writing this story, so if you need any recs I gotchu. Anyways, lets dive in!
Ma and I moved to Memphis a few months back, Tupelo just wasn’t putting food on the table anymore. Ma’s getting older and I don’t have any other friends or family, so it’s on me to take care of us. I know I have to be a pillar of strength and support for Ma, but I still have dreams of my own that I’m determined not to give up on.
Elvis and his family left Tupelo the summer after I turned 11, Thomas following suit shortly after. Thomas’ family moved to Atlanta after his dad found himself a nice job of some kind, but Elvis never told me where he was going. 
Elvis grew shy and more distant towards me the older we got, causing that connection we once had to slowly slip away. Of course, I still missed him when he left, but things didn’t leave off how I had expected them to when we were growing up.
I always took it as him finally trying to learn how to fit in with his own people. Can’t blame him. I would have too, if I could have.
In fact, Ma used to teach me how to talk, going as far as scolding me for using slang in her company. She told me I needed to act more ‘proper’ and ‘educated’, which was her way of saying ‘white’. She’d dress me in the most ordinary clothes and wrap my curls up and away from other’s eyes, anything to keep me from standing out. When the boys would run around and ride bikes or play sports, she’d keep me back in the shade, hoping if I dodged the sun enough my skin would lighten over time and help me pass as a white woman.
It didn’t.
Of course, she never directly told me these were the reasons behind her actions because I was only a child, but I knew.
It all made sense.
Honestly, I’m not mad.
Though, I never understood why she tried so hard. It don’t take a genius to know I was born to stand out. Just a glance in the mirror is enough to see the obvious. But all the world wanted to do was hide me.
After the youngest boys left, it was just me and Michael. We’d hang out sometimes, but- it wasn’t the same. 
Michael and I were both awkward teens that didn’t really have nothing in common to begin with. He was difficult to talk to, and I always found myself cutting our meetings short. But honestly, it was because I missed Elvis.
Micheal didn’t see art and music that same way Elvis and I did, he didn’t feel it.
But, it didn’t matter anyways, because one day he up and left too.
I hated the growing feeling of isolation in that small, ghetto town of ours, not to mention the lack of excitement and money. So, I talked Ma into moving to the closest, job filled city. Memphis. I told her I wanted to start working so I could afford a proper education one day, but she never saw all the newspapers I hid under my pillow.
“Free-rolling, new race records corrupt our youth as a new sound sweeps over the South. One thing these rising artists have in common: Beale Street.”
It sounded exhilarating.
Wasn’t too hard to convince her. She would have taken anything over finding me working a plantation like she did.
The population in Memphis was mostly black, which made Ma feel comfortable. However, this did not make it any easier for me.
They like representation. The ‘right’ kind of representation.
Diners were filled and busy, and as desperate as I was, I’d be damned before I became a nurse or washed white folks dirty drawers as a laundress. Not that they accepted my request to work there anyways. Didn’t like that I was mixed white. Told me they couldn’t get caught representing all that nonsense.
But then I found Club Handy. On accident actually.
You see, Ma doesn’t like me walking around during the day, too many people to see me, and if I do decide to show myself in the sun, she’d always put me in a headscarf and make me promise to never look people in the eyes.
Being mixed left me with some… unconventional features.
She had me do this since I was little so people would never see my differences. The awareness that mixed kids were even being born was enough to make the right person go mad, Ma feared those people would find me one day.
But anyways, back to Club Handy. I was out for a nightly stroll, thinking no one would be out to see me, but boy was I wrong. Most of the city was asleep except for one place it wasn’t. Instruments were blasting sound onto the streets that could be heard from miles away. I couldn’t help but follow it. In front of me was a small, baby blue building with a bright neon sign and shadowed figures dancing and playing together behind the curtains of the windows.
It was beautiful, it was new, it was exciting. It was exactly where I needed to be.
But I couldn’t get in.
Private property they told me. Had to be a real musician… and I wasn’t.
I begged them to let me play there just once, but I never even got past the bouncers. They were right though. Sure I had practiced, wrote a few lyrics here and there, but I was nothing compared to Big Mama Thornton or Tharpe like they had in there. But I knew I’d be better with just a little exposure and I was determined to get it.
I spent days learning how to set aside my dignity until I finally asked them for a job I knew they’d hire me as.
A cleaner.
Obviously, not what my heart wanted, but it was a start. It’d buy me time to learn more and develop my voice until I was really ready.
It was a risky job. Had to hide it from Ma. Pay was low too, but it was a colored bar, so it was expected. Nonetheless, I got food back on the table.
I felt bad for lying though. Technically, I told Ma the truth about coming here for better job opportunities. I just never told her which one. As far as she knows, I'm a waitress at a cute little restaurant on the blackest street of town where I serve milkshakes to Harriet Tubman and everyone shits out great moral values for our youth of today. I could never tell her I wanted to be a singer at a nightclub where everyone bumps and grinds till 3 in the morning.
However, even though I got the job, there were still some major complications. The owner, Sunbeam, as kind as he is, was still highly aware of my differences and their negative connotations, even in the black community. Therefore, I was stationed in the back, where I was never in the direct line of customers.
Busy days were becoming more and more frequent as the club only rose in popularity. Sunbeam was getting more strict on who he let play. Only the best of the best got in, and only the best of them actually got to perform. You had to be a creative, bold, visionary to make it here.
Luckily, I had the vision. Unfortunately, I lacked the action.
It’s a slow day today, so Sunbeam was comfortable allowing me out to clean tables every so often. I’d bring dirty dishes to the back, then come out to restock the bar area, trying my best to sneak peeks at the new acts.
Arms full of dishes, I excuse myself to Jackson, the bartender, and bend down to fill any empty slots on the shelf below the counter with freshly washed and warm cocktail glasses and beer mugs.
“Ah! There you are, man!” I hear a customer call from not too far to my left. I glance around the counter, watching as a man walks past the bar towards the doors of the nightclub.
“You know I’d never pass up some good music.” A deep southern accent responds.
A lump forms in my throat upon seeing the last person I had expected to walk through these doors. In the entrance stands a white man.
I hide further behind the counter, preparing myself in case things go south, but after seeing his youth, soft smile, and oversized, baggy tux, perhaps he was of no harm. Maybe having an identity crisis, but mostly harmless. Regardless of who he is, he’s still that last person here I want to run into. I could think he’s fine now, but who knows what he’ll do if he sees me.
I watch as the white man steps further into the club. The black couples seated near the door eye him til he and his friend sit at their own table. He sits, smiling at his friend, throwing his head back in laughter as they talk. He has a playful darkness in his eyes. They’re filled with mystery and wonder behind the few strands of blond hair that fell into his face.
Honestly, he’s kinda cute, but I shouldn’t think that way.
A new singer takes their place on stage, setting up their equipment. I take a glass from my arms and notice that it’s still wet. I grab the towel hanging from my apron and wipe off the few droplets while I study the music being played. I take in everything. They way they move. The way they sing. The way they flick their wrist.
It was inspiring, hypnotizing.
That’d be me one day. I just know it. I felt it inside of me; the passion to perform. One day all those years of watching, waiting, and daydreaming would go to use. One day.
“Hey there, sir. Could you fix me up a nice Pepsi-Cola, please?”
Shit. I jump, ducking further behind the counter. It’s him, right on the other side of the bar.
Jackson lets out a breathy laugh. “Easy enough,” he mumbles. He turns around to reach for a cola, popping off the lid and handing him the glass. “Here you go, sir.”
He tips the glass towards him as a thanks, before tilting his head back to take a sip. He hums in satisfaction, placing the bottle back down on the counter as he takes in the club once more.
Jackson glances down at me for a moment with an amused smirk. Luckily, Jackson’s one of the most kind and understanding people here, so he knows exactly why I’m basically hiding behind his legs like a scared puppy dog.
I wait a few moments longer, not even daring to peek and check if he’s still there. I hear someone step down from one of the stools and walk further away from the bar. I assume it was him, considering how close in proximity it sounded. I sigh in relief, starting to cramp up in my hunched position, finally standing, but not before completely missing Jackson’s silent warnings. I spin around only to come face to face with the very person I was hiding from.
“Well, hey there, little miss. Where’d you come from?” He says wide eyed with an amused laugh.
For a moment, I'm dumbstruck, absolutely wide eyed and frozen, unable to do anything but stare him right in those bright, baby blue eyes. And from the looks of it, he seems to be having a similar problem.
“My, you have you some beautiful eyes.” He compliments.
I can't tell if he's being serious. Technically, this is my first time speaking to a white man, besides Elvis and the occasional run in with his father, but that was different. This is a stranger. Sure, I had seen white people from afar, but to be this up close and personal with one of them is new. And now this guy's complimenting me? I've never been approached in this fashion… by anyone, really.
He chuckles at my lost gaze. “What’s your name, lil darlin?” He asks with his deep, southern drawl.
I feel a heavy blush rise to my cheeks. That's not supposed to happen. 
I quickly snap out of my trance, realizing the man is still waiting for a response. “Um, Honey.” I answer, scratching the back of my neck.
He pauses to process, narrowing his eyes and studying me closely for some reason. “I used to have a friend with that name...” He states dubiously.
Now it’s my turn to squint at him. I take in his face, his features: blue eyes, blonde hair…
No, could be anyone.
I shrug off the thought, “Didn’t know there were any white girls named Honey.” I comment slyly, skeptically eyeing him over.
He chuckles, thumbing the sweat on his glassed cola. “There’s not. At least, that I know.”
I raise an eyebrow at this, curious. What kind of people is this kid hanging around? “You got a lot of black friends?”
“Is that so hard to believe?” He grins.
I guess if he's up in a place like this I shouldn't be so surprised, but still. “Yes.”
Normally, I wouldn’t feel this comfortable talking to any kind of stranger, but something about this guy was just so… familiar– so comfortable. 
He chuckles, “I guess it would be.” He props his head up, resting it on his knuckles. “I s’pose you didn’t grow up in ol’ Tupelo, Mississippi?” He takes another sip of his drink, looking off in the distance as if he’s not expecting a yes out of me. Little does he know.
Immediately upon hearing his question my face drops. Is it-? He couldn’t be-?
I shake my head in disbelief, a small smile creeping onto my lips as my heart immediately begins to recognize the boy in front of me despite what my eyes can barely grasp. He notices the change in my expression, letting his jaw drop. His eyes find mine as we both realize the other’s identity. “Uh uh, ain’t no way.” He mutters, running his hands through his hair while he shakes his head.
“Elvis…?” I just barely whisper.
A large grin appears on his face. He jumps over the bar, completely oblivious to the eyes on him, and pulls me into a big hug. I gasp, embracing him back. “God, I barely recognized you!” I exclaim, pulling back to look at him. “I’m surprised you ain’t forgotten me by now. I’m sure you have a whole posse of friends now. I mean… look at you!” I chuckle nervously. Lord. And I used to think he was cute when we were little.
He scoffs, playfully rolling his eyes at me. “You don’t forget a friend of that many years.” He leans to the side, resting his forearm on the wooden counter with a… mischievous smile. “ And trust me, darlin,” he begins. “I’m the one who’s really shocked here. I mean…” His eyes scan my body up and down. He takes a deep breath, cocking his head to the side with a shy, yet suggestive chuckle. “You’re definitely a woman now.”
My heart thumps ferociously in my chest, hands sweating nervously as my former best friend begins to notice me in a way I had only once dreamed of.
He pulls at the collar of his button up, clearing his throat. “Well, I oughta get back, but uh, I’ll be back to you later.” I nod, still too embarrassed to say anything. He backs away, eyeing me with that dumb grin of his that I used to hate and love so much as a kid. He turns back to his friend but not before shooting me one last flirtatious smirk and wink before sitting down.
I can’t help but giggle as my blush darkens. I turn back to the bar, unable to stop myself from smiling like a gummy idiot. Jackson raises his eyebrow at me, chuckling to himself as he sees my flusteredness. I flash him a quick and embarrassed grin, before scurrying back to the kitchen.
The rest of the night goes by painfully slow. My previous ear for music now directed to the sound of my heart, though I try my best to focus on my work in front of me. Eventually, the club drains out as closing time nears, Elvis and his friend being the last left. I take the time to wipe down tables and flip chairs, prepping the area for sweeping and mopping.
I glance over at Elvis for the nth time tonight. I can’t believe I’m seeing my childhood best friend again, all grown up and a man now no less. It warms my heart seeing as his open and playful personality hasn’t diminished over the many years and that he never lost touch of our roots.
He started doing his hair differently. All pushed back and messy.
It looks good on him.
As I take in his new look, I find myself pathetically oblivious to the fact that I’m fully staring at him, and that he’s aware that I’m doing so. He lets out a laugh as he excuses himself to his friend, who takes the time to go over and speak with Jackson.
Oh, Lord. I’ve gone and invited him over now. What do I say? Maybe I’ll just play off the fact that I was looking at him all night, make it into some small joke. Oh, he’s gonna know I’ve been all goo goo eyes for him since the day we were born. Maybe I should just walk out. ‘Sorry, busy,’ I’ll tell him. Is that rude? Oh! Maybe I’ll-
“I didn’t forget about you, if that’s what’s troublin’ you.” He teases with an annoyingly cocky grin.
I snap my head up towards him with wide eyes, before quickly snapping it back down in embarrassment to look at the table I was cleaning before he had come over. I narrow my eyes, attempting to play it off. “Nothin’s troublin’ me, Elvis.” I assure him.
He hums, not at all convinced as his cocky grins turns into a prideful one. “Really? ‘Cause from where I was standing, you were looking pretty troubled to me.”
I roll my eyes, but can’t fight the smile on my face. “What do you want, Elvis?” A defeated sigh heavy in my voice.
He shrugs bashfully, looking down at his feet. “I wanted to catch up with you. Been a while.” He says softly.
My eyes fall guilty to the floor. “Well,” I begin. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid much ain’t changed.” I say with a sigh. It was true. New city. Same problems.
He scoffs. “That ain’t true, otherwise you’d still be down there, wouldn’t you? What brought you up to Memphis?”
“Money.” I say bluntly.
He lets out a chuckle. “How’s Ma?” A softer look in his eyes. 
I sigh once more, dropping my shoulders. “Lonely.”
He looks down at me with an empathetic look, knowing she still misses my dad.
Ma and Dad met in Alabama. Dad was the son of a plantation owner and Mom was the maid. They spent so much time together that eventually they fell in love. They started fooling around, got caught by his folks. They thought something was wrong with his head and called the cops on him. Ma found out she was pregnant, ran to Mississippi and Daddy got locked up. Elvis and I had that little bit in common. 
I never met my dad. In fact, he had no idea I even exist. Other than that, she never really told me nothing about my dad.
“Yeah, it be like that…” Elvis says, trailing off as he stares at nothing in particular on the floor.”
I clear my throat, attempting to change the subject. “Well, what have you been up to then?”
A small smile returns to his face. “Oh, you know, school. Been going around as a truck driver.” He shrugs his shoulders, trying to appear nonchalant about his recent activities.
I nod slowly. A young truck driver hanging around these parts. I’m sure he gets by well in his community. “How’d you come by Club Handy? Most people like you don’t come around here…”
He laughs, amusedly smiling at me as he leans against the nearest table. “I assume you mean white?” He chuckles when he sees my eyes guiltily look away. "I just really like the music. Can't find it nowhere else."
My smile widens. "S'good to hear you still like music so much."
"You have no idea." He says with a hint of mischief in his eyes. Our eye lock onto each other's. I try my best not to let his gaze get to me, but my lips betray me, forming into a flustered smile which causes me to break our little staring contest out of shyness.
I watch in my peripheral view as he bites his lips, letting it curl into a devilish smirk. I shake my head. “Mama always warned me about you.” I say with a chuckle, looking back up at him.
He stares at me, taken aback, but still amused. “Oh, did she now?” He raises a brow at me.
I nod matter-of-factly. “Mhmm. Said you was all kinds of trouble.”
He takes big nods as he very obviously processes this new information. He accepts it. “I guess I am.” I raise an eyebrow, not expecting him to answer in such a way. 
He glances down at me with a new found sense of confidence. 
“How bout you?”
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@mirandastuckinthe80s​ @queenslandlover-93​
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