#at one point i was like god damn let me check out these accessibility options im dying here. specifically i was like
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im not colourblind so i could be off base but sometimes i see colourblind options in video games just be like, a filter to simulate colourblindness to the non-colourblind?? and im like. that cant be helpful right? like half the time its gotta make it even harder to distinguish the colours for the colourblind gamer right? no one suffers more on this earth than the colourblind gamer...... o7
#i end up using colourblind accessibility options a lot despite not being colourblind#because 1) different screens have different colour accuracy and sometimes u need extra distinguishing#i play games on 15 year old thinkpads with 30% colour accuracy sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!#and 2) often colour information blurs together in my head as background noise. idk why#so if i have an option to turn on like idk symbols or patterns or other ui changes that were originally just colours i will#but damn. @colourblind people u are really fighting in the trenches with so many games#i was trying out rift of the necrodancers demo and hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm#i'll try it out some more. but some of these ui things have me like hmmmmmmmmmmmmm#at one point i was like god damn let me check out these accessibility options im dying here. specifically i was like#really constantly forgetting which colour monster was which. and i was HOPING. hoping there would be an option to like#idk just slap a number on those bad boys or something. a symbol? some patterns? something to make them more differentiated#but it was just a couple colour change filters 😔 alas#animations are cute tho! i turned off the monster animations but the side animations were fine so i kept em
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cream a little dream of me; knj
➺ pairing; kim namjoon x reader
➺ genre; lveb!universe, you’ve been asking for this and i’m finally here to tell you that this is smut! nsfw! 18+! oral sex (receiving)! dirty talk! namjoon has a dirty mouth and y/n is into that!! y/n’s a great listener and namjoon is very into that!! also frosting is involved somewhere
➺ wordcount: 8.9k
➺ summary; y/n has a wet dream about namjoon and yoongi just wants to help his best friend get laid.
➺ what to expect; “it’s not a big deal or anything, but, uh... when were you planning on telling me about that nice little dream you had two weeks ago?”
➺ optional reading: here’s the link to la vie en bonsai if you haven’t read it yet or if you just want to experience the story all over again!
»»————- ☁️ ————-««
to say the least, yoongi is… confused.
in the three years that he’s been friends with you, he likes to think that he’s seen every single one of your emotions
but this?
this is different somehow… yet he can’t quite put his finger on what’s so different about it...
he’s seen elated y/n
he’s seen devastated y/n
he’s seen infuriated y/n
he’s seen stressed out y/n
but this y/n?
the starry-eyed and constantly looking like you’re day dreaming y/n?
he can safely say he’s never seen this version of you before and it’s a little concerning because now he has no idea what the protocol is
even back when you guys were in university you practically never daydreamed during lectures
you were always focused on the professor and whatever powerpoint was playing on the screen with a concerning amount of intensity
one time, yoongi put his hand over your eyes just to be funny and you nearly snapped his wrist off
“okay, seriously?” yoongi waves his hand in front of your face for the fifth time in half an hour before shaking his head gently, “what’s gotten into you?”
you blink quickly when you snap out of your little daze, looking at him and setting the bowl of batter down on the counter before checking out the damage you’ve done
you’re supposed to fold this batter
not whIP it
now it’s ruined and you’re going to have to start all over!
“i don’t know what that batter ever did to you, but you might need to take it down a notch before you sprain your wrist…” yoongi trails off, leaning over a little and wondering if he can get away with dipping his finger in for a teeny tiny taste
sure, he might get salmonella or whatever from ingesting raw eggs, but it’ll be worth it
“also, what are you even making?” he frowns, gesturing to all the items splayed on the counter, “because there are like ten different things going on here-”
you look around the kitchen before reaching up to scratch the back of your neck
you... don’t really have an answer for him
there’s bread dough over here
three bowls of frosting (chocolate, cream cheese, buttercream) over there
some chopped up peaches on the cutting board
the puff pastry is de-frosting in the fridge
there’s a pie baking in the oven at the moment
you just finished greasing up a mini cupcake tin
and don’t forget about the bowl of batter you’re currently whipping the life out of
(let the record show that you have no idea what you’re making. you have no clue what this batter is for. and why’d you take out your set of food-colouring dye??)
you just needed to let off some steam and this is the only way you know hoW
“isn’t this great? working out in the comfort of my own personal gym…”
both you and yoongi look over towards the kitchen door when you hear jin’s voice ring through namjoon’s laptop from the living room
yoongi perks up in interest when you suddenly scurry over to spy at namjoon through the crack of the door before he gets up to follow you
“yeah, easy for you to say-” namjoon grunts as he pushes himself up off the ground so he can clap his hands together quickly before his palms land back on the ground in a solid thump
he thought push-ups were already awful as is so he wasn’t very pleased when jin told him to start doing them with claps in between each set
also, jin has access to a full-blown gym in his house, but namjoon doesn’t have any access to actual weights so he’s had to resort to using jugs of water instead
it’s actually working out pretty well!
he took the sweeper part of the broom off and then used a lot of duct tape (and patience) to tape the jugs to both sides of the pole
he felt like he was mulan from that one part of the movie except mulan is probably physically stronger than him
“you know, i’m surprised he hasn’t smashed his face against the floor yet...” yoongi snorts as he continues to peer at namjoon over your shoulder
he waits a couple seconds for you to respond but frowns when you let out a short little sigh while keeping your eyes glued on your sweaty boyfriend
you’re doing it again!!!!
you have your bottom lip tucked in between your teeth and your eyes have gone all lidded and hazy
your grip around the edge of the door is really tight and your knuckles are going kind of white
good god
yoongi narrows his eyes suspiciously before jabbing your shoulder roughly, “hey. what are you thinking about?”
you shake your head a little too quickly for his liking before turning back around and brushing past him to get back to the counter
something’s up for sure
he doesn’t know if it’s good or bad or whatever but he’s going to find out
your cheeks and the tips of your ears are a little flushed now which is even more interesting
what could possibly be going on in that little noggin of yours?
“tell me what you were thinking about.” yoongi sits back down on the stool as he stares you down across the counter, “y/n- look at me.”
“i’m not-” you glance up at yoongi for a quick second before looking back down, “nothing!” you mutter, your arm starting to move faster as you continue whipping the mystery batter
yoongi immediately points to the ball of dough sitting a couple feet away from him, “tell me what you were thinking about or i’ll eat that ball of raw dough right noW-”
“-!” you set the bowl down before scrambling to move the dough out of yoongi’s reach
he’s eaten raw dough before (it was raw cookie dough and he took bites of it every time you turned to face away from him) which resulted in him suffering for like 48 hours and you’re not taking any chances
“you can’t keep secrets from me.” yoongi deadpans, “aren’t we best friends? don’t you trust me?” he bats his lashes at you before pushing his bottom lip out in a pout, “because i certainly trust you… and you, out of all people, should know how hard it is for me to trust someone…”
your eye twitches
you know he’s only saying all of this to butter you up so that you’ll inevitably give in and tell him what’s going on... and you hate that it’s actually working...
look at that face!
those cheeks!!!
those eyes!!!!
“i…” you trail off, biting the inside of your cheek as you contemplate whether it’s a good idea or not to tell yoongi what exactly’s been going on with you lately
if you tell him, he’ll stop bugging you about it
then again, if you tell him, he might keep bugging you about it
but he’s already suspicious of you so it seems like you don’t really have a choice...
this is really a lose-lose situation, if you think about it
“hey, do you remember that time you were crying really hard and i made you feel better by telling you that i kind of sort of loved you...?” yoongi mentions casually while inspecting his nail beds, his eyes flickering up towards your face for a quick second to see your reaction
he bites back a smirk of success when he hears you let out a sigh
ha HA
hook, line, and sinker bABY
“okay, fine, but-” you slam the bowl down on the counter before placing your hands on your hips, ”it’s a secret. between us!” you gesture for him to come over to you
“god, finally-!” yoongi nods enthusiastically and hops off the stool before scurrying over to join you at the other side of the counter
you lift your hand up so the side of your mouth is covered and yoongi reaches up to wrap his fingers around your wrist, grinning excitedly as you whisper something into his ear
yoongi’s jaw drops
holy shit
no wonder he hasn’t seen you act like this before!
this isn’t elated y/n or disappointed y/n or excited y/n
a new player has entered the ring
this is HORNY Y/N
“you… little… horndog!” yoongi cackles with glee as he claps his hands together wildly, “you, y/n y/l/n- you had a wet dream?!”
you feel your anxiety spike at how loud yoongi’s being and you make a gesture to try to get him to use his inside voice but he doesn’t seem to be paying any attention to you at all right now
“wow...” yoongi laughs lightly, crossing his arms as he looks up towards the ceiling, “i mean, welcome to puberty, i guess. a bit of a late start if you ask me, but either way i’m actually pretty proud of you for basically creaming your-”
“shh!” you quickly shove a spoon into yoongi’s mouth and he spits it out immediately
it falls onto the counter with a clang
to be honest, you actually don’t remember too much of the dream
flashes of namjoon’s head in between your legs and his strong arms wrapped around your thighs pinning you down pop into your mind every now and again to taunt you
but other than that
it’s just that joon’s been working out a lot lately (jin’s trying to get in better shape because of one photo where the shadow made it look like he had a double chin and it traumatised him) so it makes sense that he’s turning into an actual beefcake now
the other day you accidentally busted a bag of icing in your hands after squeezing it too hard because you were watching namjoon doing bicep curls with the milk jugs
his arms just….,,.
you want to bite into them
or dig your nails into them
or just look at them!
you would be perfectly content with just staring at them 24/7!
now, the issue here is that you...
you don’t really know…
you don’t know how to initiate things with namjoon
it’s awkward!
…on your end, that is
since getting together, you and namjoon have had plenty of heated make-out (and slight groping) sessions but you always end up chickening out as soon as you feel things starting to escalate
you just get nervous that you’re going to do something wrong and it’ll pop the love-bubble you guys are in right now!!
and you really don’t want to pop anything!!
and namjoon, being the sweet, kind, caring, considerate, wonderful, absolutely flawless boy he is, never has an issue with it because his number one priority is making sure that you’re comfortable
he’s totally okay with moving at your pace!
but after the last couple of times where you’ve left him high and dry, you notice that he either a) puts a pillow over his lap almost immediately and tries to change the subject or b) waddles off to the bathroom for a ‘pee break’
you feel awful knowing that you’re blue-balling him but you don’t want to take things further if there’s even a slight possibility of you ruining things
so... yeah!
your only stress reliever has been baking which isn’t new
you’ve stress baked before but this is a nEW type of stress baking
this is the most chaotic level of stress baking there is because everything’s just a disorganised MESS
“you know what, it actually makes sense now,” yoongi reaches up to stroke his chin in thought before nodding to himself, “you’ve been acting so weird lately that i thought i did something wrong- and it turns out you’ve just been excruciatingly horny this entire time-”
“lower your voice!” you hiss, hurrying over to the door to make sure namjoon’s not listening in to what should be a private conversation if yoongi wasn’t so damn loud
he may be in the living room but who knows how far your voices can travel??
you peek out to look at poor namjoon who looks like he’s just about ready to pass ouT from exhaustion
he lets out an almost animalistic growl as he pushes himself up off the ground one last time and you feel a tingle in your southern region
if you were a cartoon character there would be gigantic hearts pumping out of your eyes, your tongue would roll out of your mouth like a red carpet, and a horn would be blasting aooga in the background
“okay, well - you can’t not tell me about what happened in it.” you turn back around to face yoongi, “give me all the details!!!!” he wiggles his brows as he leans down and folds him arms atop the counter, “and get real nasty with it because i haven’t had sex in months-”
“no way!” you scoff before crossing one arm over the other to make an ‘x’ sign at yoongi, “no! i don’t remember anything.”
“you’re lying to me.” the smile on yoongi’s face drops and he scowls at you, “you totally are!”
“am not! it’s true.” you chirp, nodding satisfactorily when yoongi doesn’t respond
the topic has been dropped and now you can focus your attention back on this weird, runny batter you’re still beating the life out of
“...what about if i guess?”
you pause
oh no
you don’t like that idea at all
you don’t get a chance to shake your head nO before yoongi starts listing out all your possible wet-dream scenarios
“he was finger-fucking you.”
“you were sucking him off?”
“he was eating you out!”
“69? you on top? or was it him on top? …no, it was probably you on to-”
“a classy combination of tongue and fingers? ooh, quick question- how quickly did dreamjoon find your g-spo-”
“missionary! can’t go wrong with good ol’ fashioned missio-”
“doggystyle? cowgirl! reverse cowgirl? or was he kind of, like, spooning you from behi-”
“ooh! plot twist! you gave him the strap-”
“butt-stuff! butt-stuff?? butt-stuff but the plug had a tail on- oh-ho, it was butt-stuff, wasn’t it-”
“something with a belt? something with cuffs? something with leather?”
“roleplaying! he was a sexy gardener with a big ol’ hose and you were just an innocent wittle twree-”
“was he rawdogging you?”
your eyes immediately widen and you look up at yoongi for the first time since he started rambling, “wha- WHAT is that?!”
that sounds like it’d give you carpet burn for some reason
“sex without a condom.” yoongi states as if it’s the most obvious fact in the entire world, “duh.”
boys are so
“why not just say that instead??” you ask incredulously, tilting your head
yoongi snorts, “well, because rawdogging sounds way hotter-”
your face screws up immediately, “does it really, though…?”
yoongi pauses before his face lights up, “aha! so dreamjoon WAS rawdogging y-”
“crude!” your entire face is bright red at this point and you hurry over to the fridge to grab a bag of frozen blueberries out of the freezer (for what purposes? you have no idea.)
“you think i’m being crude?” yoongi scoffs, “i think you’re being a prude. okay, lemme see what else i can think of-”
“yoongi, literally no one asked you to list-”
“were you grinding on his-” yoongi pauses again, “you know, like dry humping?” he hums before pushing himself up off the counter and placing both his palms flat on the surface of it, “i mean, i guess i can see why that’d be hot, you know, with clothes being restrictive and all- oh! were you getting off on his thigh? because a couple of girls have done that to me before and it was actually pretty hot AND since namjoon’s dna consists of 80% plant he basically has tree trunk thighs-”
“okay, i don’t remember too much-” you grab yoongi by the arm to yank him back in so you can whisper in his ear again
yoongi listens attentively
you clear your throat before shoving yoongi away to make it seem less suspicious if namjoon just so happens to come into the kitchen at this very moment
“surprisingly simple, but it does the trick, that’s for sure…” yoongi hums as he strokes his chin thoughtfully, “damn. i hyped it up way too much. that’s actually a pretty boring dream compared to what i’ve dreamt about, now that i think about it-”
you can’t help but roll your eyes as you open up the bag of blueberries
…what did you pull these out for again?
“well, what’s the problem?” yoongi frowns, “you guys are already dating. just go up to him and ask him if he wants to do stuff. if a girl told me that she creamed her panties because of me, i’d be ecstatic!”
“stop saying it like that-”
you feel a little weird talking about this with yoongi
he’s always been comfortable telling you about his sex life but you prefer to keep your intimate details private
it’s not that you don’t trust him or anything, because obviously you do, but… you’d feel more comfortable if you talked about this with a girl-friend, you know?
guys just don’t understand!
“i don’t know how to…” you shift in your spot, “ask.”
yoongi scoffs in response and crosses his arms, “y/n- namjoon is a man. men are simple. do you remember the other week when you invited me over for a breakfast and you dropped the spatula on the floor?”
you nod before tilting your head curiously, “…why?”
yoongi clears his throat
now he’S the one who looks slightly uncomfortable
“well...” he clears his throat, “namjoon was wearing sweats and i swear i wasn’t purposely looking- my eyes just happened to be looking downwards in that general direction naturally-”
“the man’s dick twitched in his sweats when you bent over, alright?” yoongi blurts out and your eyes immediately widen, “my point is: men are simple- painfully simple creatures. so... just ask him!”
you frown
just ask him??
was he even listening to you??
you just told yoongi you didn’t know how to ask namjoon and his advice was for you to ask namjoon
that’s like taking someone who doesn’t know how to swim and immediately tossing them into the OCEAN with a punctured life-ring
“god,” you roll your eyes before flicking your wrist at him, “just forget i told you!”
“hey!” yoongi gawks and shakes his head, “i can’t forget! now my only purpose in life is to get you some head-”
“jesus christ-!”
you jump ten feet into the air like a cat that’s just been sprayed by water when the kitchen door suddenly swings open and a sweaty namjoon stumbles in
“i think there’s sweat dripping into my contacts-”
“namjoon!” yoongi spins around in his stool and props his elbows up on the counter, “what a coincidence! we were just talking about you, my man…”
yoongi looks over at you with a cheeky grin and you shake your head stiffly before turning to get the jug of water from the fridge for namjoon
“oh yeah?” namjoon huffs as he places his hands on your hips from behind, sliding past you to grab a clean glass from the dish rack, “what about?”
“just about how…” yoongi looks back at you quickly and you shoot him a glare
he wouldn’t…
would he??
(he absolutely would.)
any word of your conversation and you’ll skin him alive
“-hard you’ve been working out lately!” yoongi chirps, “i mean, it looks like you were trapped in a washing machine-”
“oh, god. trust me, it’s so not worth it, i’m in so much pain-” namjoon winces and shakes his head, “you’re welcome to go and take my place if you want-”
“absolutely not-” yoongi snorts, “first of all, it’s the holidays, and everyone knows you don’t work out during december. also, you couldn’t pay me a million dollars to do a push-up. i’m perfectly happy with my somewhat doughy centre.” he pats his tummy with a happy hum and you can’t help but giggle
silly boy
namjoon laughs lightly before pausing to chug down some water, “i wish i could say the same. unfortunately, jin’s not giving me a choice-”
“sweaty!” you whine when namjoon suddenly wraps an arm around you from behind before kissing your cheek and he frowns playfully when you swat at his forearm, “and sticky…”
“relax, i’m about to hit the shower-” he nudges his nose against your cheek before pulling away, “and then i won’t be sticky and i’ll smell like peaches-”
“i should probably go, too.” yoongi gets up from his seat, “i just ordered my dinner and it’s going to arrive at my apartment in like half an hour.”
“wait!” you hold a finger out before turning to open up the cupboards for a tupperware box, “take some pie with you…”
»»————- ☁️ ————-««
“still coming friday?” you ask as you watch yoongi put his shoes on
you asked yoongi if he would be interested in helping you decorate the apartment on friday (aka you told him he didn’t have a choice and that he had to come and help you whether he wanted to or not)
“mhm.” he glances up at you, “still ordering pizza?”
you reach down to pat the top of yoongi’s head gently just because you want to and pauses in the middle of tying his laces to reach over and jab your stomach
“i know the main focus is decorating the place for christmas but i think you guys are going to love the nature documentary i picked for us to watch while-” namjoon chimes in but shuts up quickly when you and yoongi exchange knowing glances, “what?”
yoongi looks back up at you with a raised brow, “…does he really have to join us?”
“no choice.” you shrug casually and namjoon’s jaw drops
“oh, hold on-” yoongi gets up off the ground before patting his pockets down with a frown, “i think i left my keys in the kitchen… can you go and get them for me?”
you nod before turning to hurry to the kitchen
you don’t want him to get another parking ticket
it’s only after you disappear into the kitchen that yoongi swiftly pulls his keys out of his back pocket with a jingle
namjoon opens his mouth to say something but yoongi quickly holds his hand out to shut him up
“야 남준아- 어제 니 여친이 니 꿈 꿨데~ (y/n had a sex dream about you).” he chirps and gives namjoon two firm pats on his surprisingly firm chest before his eyes widen in surprise, “어우 딴딴해 운동 열심히 했나보네! (woah, you really have been working out! good man.)”
“yeah, i-” namjoon chokes, “wait, wha-”
“y/n, i found my keys! my bad!” yoongi calls out and gives you a thumbs up when you come out of the kitchen, “see you losers on friday!”
he gives namjoon a grin and a light punch to the arm before swiftly turning on his heel
namjoon’s eyes are as wide as saucers as yoongi shuts the front door behind him and he blinks rapidly before turning to look at you
you tilt your head at him curiously and namjoon swallows before offering you a sheepish smile
oh, boy.
»»————- ☁️ ————-««
namjoon hasn’t been able to think straight since it was revealed to him that you had a sex dream about him.
it’s been an entire week that he’s learned this new piece of information and it’s been weighing verY heavily on his mind!!
when he wakes up his first thought is gee i wonder what y/n dreamt about
when seokjin’s rambling about god knows what the only thing in his mind is gee i wonder what y/n dreamt about
the last thing he thinks about before he goes to bed is gee i wonder what y/n dreamt about
and then his imagination conjures up what could’ve happened in your sex dream which is very dangerous because he has an overly-active imagination
it sucks that he doesn’t even know the details of the dream because stinky yoongi ziPPed off before he got a chance to squeeze the truth out of him!!!
and he hasn’t mustered up the courage to ask you about it because… how is he even supposed to ask you about it in a casual, non-confrontational way?!
he doesn’t want to embarrass you or anything like that!!
the only reason why he’s only slightly nervous about the whole situation because he doesn’t think he… oozes sex appeal?
so it was more than surprising to find out that you had a naughty dream about him
he’s like 90% leg and 10% dimple for crying out loud
and it’s not like he hasn’t done anything before, because he has, but it’s just different because it’s… you.
you’re his girlfriend and if he flubs this up the first time around then it’d be even more embarrassing than if you were just some random girl!
“말해줘여어 (you have to tell me).” namjoon whips around from where he’s standing by the tree, cradling the box of baubles to his chest, “you have to!”
“싫어 (nah).” yoongi shakes his head, tossing a kernel of popcorn into his mouth only for it to bounce off his cheek and onto the couch
he purses his lips before kicking it under the coffee table
it’s fine
the dust bunnies will get rid of it
“말해줘여어! (you have to tell me!)”
“야 안돼 (no way).”
namjoon clenches his jaw and sets the box down onto the floor promptly before balling his hands into fists and setting them on his hips, puffing his chest out
“아 왜여어어어~ (why not??)” he whines, deflating and resisting the urge to stamp his foot and throw an actual tantrum
“아니 비밀이라고 했으니까 그렇지! (it’s not my thing to tell! and i can’t betray y/n like that-)” yoongi shrugs as he keeps his eyes glued on the screen, “by the way, you didn’t even choose a cool nature documentary. what are we even watching?? the guy’s been talking about seaweed for the past ten minutes-”
“what do you mean it’s not your thing to tell??” namjoon scoffs, not even paying attention to the fact that yoongi just insulted his favourite nature documentary about plants in the ocean, “형이 먼저 말 꺼냈잖아! (you were the one who told me that she dreamt about me in the first place-!)” he snaps
“잠깐만 (wait, wait-)” yoongi sits up quickly, a couple kernels of popcorn rolling off his chest and falling onto his lap, “일주일이 지났는데 아무것도 안 했단 말이야?? (are you telling me that you… it’s been a whole week and you haven’t done anything about it??)”
namjoon shrinks down before reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, “노 코멘트 (…no comment.)”
“킄 정말로? (really? wow.)” yoongi snorts before shaking his head and leaning back against the couch, “both of you- i mean, both of you deserve each other, seriously-”
namjoon resists the urge to flop down on the couch dramatically, “아니 뭐라고 말하는 거예요 (well, i’m sorry, what am i even supposed to say-)”
“아우 그러지좀마 걍- (you don’t have to say anything, all you have to do is-)”
“yoongi!” namjoon and yoongi look over when you stick your head out around the kitchen door, “cream cheese or vanilla?”
“vanilla, duh.” yoongi raises a brow
you should know by this point that he prefers vanilla frosting over cream cheese!
halfway through the documentary you decided that you were going to make a carrot cake
(and yes, part of the reason why you made that decision was because you were bored of the documentary and wanted to do literally anything else, but you’ll never admit that to namjoon in case it breaks his heart)
namjoon stays quiet until after you disappear into the kitchen again and then he turns to face yoongi with both of his hands clasped together, “말해줘요오! (you have to tell me, c’mon!)”
“말해주면 제발 다른 거 보면 안 될까? (if i tell you, can we watch something else?)”
namjoon scowls
“아 됐어요 도와줄 거라도 있는지 확인 해볼게요- (fine, forget it. i’m gonna go see if y/n needs any help.)” he steps over the boxes of decorations on the ground before turning to look back at yoongi, “부엌에서 필요한 거 있어요? (you need anything?)”
“아니 (nah.)” yoongi responds before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, “oh! actually, see if y/n would be willing to make little carrot cupcakes instead of a whole carrot cake. holding a tiny little cupcake in my hand makes me feel like a giant.”
»»————- ☁️ ————-««
“knock, knock…” namjoon knocks on the kitchen door quietly before pushing it open, “everything going okay in here?”
he smiles when you look up from the bowl and beam at him, “hi!”
“hi-” he comes in and shuts the door behind him, “you need any help?”
“help? from you?” you giggle lightly and shake your head, “i’m good.”
ever since he accidentally poured salt into your batter that one time he hasn’t been allowed to help you
“yoongi changed his mind, by the way.” namjoon gestures back to the direction of the living room, “king min would like cupcakes now.”
your shoulders immediately droop and you gesture to the already greased cake-pans sitting on the side
what a waste!
“hey, don’t shoot the messenger!” namjoon raises both his hands in defence before shrugging, “the man wants what he wants.”
you resist the urge to go out there just to throw the cake pans at yoongi
you’re definitely going to force him to wash everything for you later
“also... you’re just doing this to get out of watching the nature doc, aren’t you?” namjoon wraps both his arms around you from behind and leans down to prop his chin up on your shoulder
you could’ve helped with the decorating, but somehow everything looks better when namjoon does it
he hung a big red bow on your front door and it looks great!
you pause in the middle of shredding carrots before letting out a nervous chuckle, “whaaat? no...”
“it’s about the types of plants in the ocean!” namjoon points out, “is that not cool?? plants are cool.”
you shake your head no almost immediately
not cool
two and a half hours of someone talking about grass that lives in salty water?
not cool at aLL
“how’s the decorating going?” you ask, giggling lightly when namjoon nudges his nose under your jaw before planting a kiss against your neck
“it’s going fine… yoongi isn’t helping, obviously. i handed him one bauble to hang and he hooked it on the collar of his hoodie and told me he’d do it later.”
a brief moment passes where the only sound that can be heard is the carrot you’re shredding against the grater
namjoon purses his lips as he thinks about what yoongi just said to him
fuck it
“hey, can i ask you something?” namjoon sighs, smiling in delight when you suddenly turn your head to press a sweet little kiss into his cheek
“mhm!” you turn back, continuing to grate away
“it’s not a big deal or anything, but, uh... when were you planning on telling me about that nice little dream you had two weeks ago?” namjoon asks cockily, biting back a grin when he feels you freeze in his arms
it’s at this moment that the fact that you had a wet dream about him has finally sunk into the depths of his brain and now he’s actually feeling... really good about it
you had a sex dream about him
what’s not to love?
he can almost hear the alarms wailing in your head
and now that he’s got the ball rolling- he’s not as nervous as he thought he’d be!
as a matter of fact... this could be fun.
“w-” you clear your throat quietly and the half-shredded carrot drops into the metal bowl with a muted plunk, “i- what dream? i didn’t have a dream about you.”
he knows you’re trying to play it cool but he can see how tightly you’re gripping the grater and he can feel your ears getting hotter against his cheek
“i never said the dream was about me.”
oh, shit
you messed up
“so...?” namjoon moves your hair to the other side before leaning in to plant a warm kiss under your jaw, “this dream that you had… about me. tell me what happened in it.”
you swallow thickly, the gears working overtime in your brain as you try to come up with some kind of an excuse to get yourself out of this situation
you know that now isn’t the most appropriate moment to be thinking about this but you’re 100% going to slaughter yoongi the moment you get a chance to
the secret ingredient to make these cupcakes taste good will not be love
it will be BLEACH
you can’t believe he ratted you out like that!!
how embarrassing!!
“you were-” you cough, “um, you were… you… we…”
oh boy
this is already a train wreck
this is exactly why you didn’t want to tell namjoon about it!
because you know yourself and you knEW you were going to get all flustered and twitchy bringing it up
“well, i was-” you pause, “i was sitting on- sitting on the counter-”
“this one right here?” namjoon’s hand leaves your waist to pat the surface of the counter lightly and you nod gingerly, staring down at his obscenely pretty fingers, “what else?”
“that was it.” you blurt out, “the end!”
namjoon steps back a little and spins you around quickly before pressing you up against the counter, “what else, y/n?”
he traps you in between his arms and you fight the urge to explode into a million bits
oh god
just tell him!
just SAY it
it’s time to get it over with!!
“you were…” your eyes flicker downwards and your nose scrunches slightly
you really don’t want to say it but you don’t think you can back out at this point because you’ve already said too much
“…eating me out.” you force out before averting your gaze and looking off to the side
you really wish there was a better way to say that because the phrase eating me out just sounds so… in your face, you know?
namjoon swallows thickly
so you had a dream about him eating you out?
“y/n, there’s really nothing to be embarrassed about, i promise-” namjoon laughs lightly when he notices your entire face starting to go red
you let out a particularly pathetic whine before leaning your forehead against his chest and gently shoving at his (firm) abdomen
“what’s the problem?” he asks, rubbing comforting circles into your back, “i think about you, you know.”
“you’re just saying that…” you mumble, reaching up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “you’re lying...”
“no, i’m serious!” namjoon pulls away to look at you, “i… i think about you. i think about things.”
you blink twice
he thinks about you
he thinks about things
he thinks about you?
he thinks about things??
…what kind of things does he think about?
“y-you do?”
“of course i do.”
a moment of silence ticks by
“i think about a lot of things, y/n.”
“like what?” you look up at him, the corner of namjoon’s pretty mouth curling upwards
“you really wanna know?”
“yes.” you respond a little too quickly before clearing your throat quietly, “…please.”
“hm.” he smiles, “as polite as always-”
you gasp in surprise when namjoon suddenly lifts you up and plops you down on the countertop in one swift movement and your stomach flutters at how effortlessly he just did that
he places both hands flat on the surface on either side of you before looking up at you with his head tilted slightly
you keep your hands folded in your lap, nervously picking at the worn edges of the sweatshirt you’re wearing (it’s namjoon’s coffee-coloured sweatshirt that you ‘borrowed’ from him)
“mostly about fucking you into the headboard.” namjoon confesses, a smirk twitching at the corner of his mouth when he notices the way your eyes flicker
you definitely seemed to like that idea
“i think about your fingers pulling at my hair when i have my face in between your legs...” he hums, trailing a finger up from your kneecap to your thigh, “i think about how pretty you’d look bent over the counter for me. i think about the sounds you’d make, how soft your moans and gasps would be… i especially like thinking about you moaning my name. i think about you riding me wearing nothing but that cute little apron of yours - you know, the one with the little honeybees on them?”
“apron’s in the.. in the washing machine.” your breathing’s become a bit more shallow and you haven’t blinked in nearly a minute so it’s safe to say that he has your attention
“you know… i think you know what you do to me when you walk around wearing nothing but one of my sweatshirts and a pair of panties, or when you come out of the shower wrapped in a little towel because you ‘forgot’ your clothes in the bedroom…” namjoon murmurs lowly, “and don’t think i don’t notice the way you look at me whenever you suck frosting off your fingers.”
“frosting?” you whisper, namjoon nodding as his eyes flicker down to your lips briefly
your tongue pokes out to swipe over your bottom lip for a split second
“that’s right.” the metal bowl scrapes against the counter as namjoon drags it over and you jump in surprise at the feeling of the chilled metal bumping up against your bare thigh
“you think you’re so innocent, don’t you?” namjoon chuckles lowly, lifting the spatula up before swiping some frosting off of it with the side of his thumb, “you think i don’t know what you’re up to?”
“i don’t…” you trail off, going cross-eyed when namjoon’s hand comes closer only for his pointer finger to tap at your bottom lip
“you do. open.”
you’re just a little thrown off because namjoon’s never... you’ve never seen him like this before
he’s never spoken to you like this before
he’s never looked at you like this before
you’re certainly not complaining, of course
“you taunt me because you like to-” you can’t seem to break away from namjoon’s gaze, the side of his pointer finger hooking underneath your chin as he pushes his thumb into your mouth, “i know you do it on purpose.”
almost immediately, the taste of sweet vanilla frosting washes over your palette
“you want me to think about you, don’t you?” namjoon swallows a groan when you start sucking, your cheeks hollowing slightly as your tongue swirls around his thumb to make sure no frosting gets left behind, “you like the thought of that? like leaving me high and dry because it forces me to use my own imagination?”
(admittedly, yes. a little part of you likes the thought of you completely consuming every corner of namjoon’s mind... just a little part, though.)
you nod slowly in response with glazed over eyes and namjoon clenches his jaw
he flattens his thumb down on your tongue to get you to open your mouth a little more for him and hums contently when you do so obediently
a thin line of spit stretches from your tongue to namjoon’s slick thumb as he pulls his hand away and you don’t even get a chance to register whatever that moment was before he’s leaning forward to slant his mouth over yours
namjoon kisses you purposefully, pulling you closer to him as you fist at his shirt tightly
he savours the faint sweetness of the frosting left behind on your tongue and can’t help but smile when he hears you whimper
“can i tell you something?” namjoon pulls away only to start sponging kisses to your neck and you tilt your head to the side for him
“uh-huh, y-yeah-” you nod quickly, slinging an arm around his neck to keep him close while the other hand grips at his shoulder
your eyes roll to the back of your head for a split second and you can’t help but quietly mouth an ‘oh my god’ to yourself because you never knew it could feel this good to have your neck kissed
“i think it’s hot as fuck that you had a wet dream about me,” namjoon groans lowly and you immediately feel a zing! of electricity travel straight down south from the sound of him speaking to you in such a deep, gravelly voice, “and you definitely don’t have to be shy about asking me to touch you… because i’m very willing to do so.”
“i want you to- w-want you to touch me-” you stutter, feeling your cheeks warm from hearing those words come out of your mouth, “want it so bad-”
your eyes pop open when namjoon suddenly pulls away and you frown, instantly missing the feeling of him being pressed up so tightly against you
“lift your hips-” namjoon pushes the bowl of frosting to the side before tapping two fingers on your upper thigh, “-up off the counter.”
your brows knit together in confusion
why would you-
your eyes widen in realisation when it dawns on you what exactly is happening here
“w-what-” you glance at the (for the most part, closed) kitchen door frantically before looking down at joon, “but yoongi’s in the-” you turn back and jump in surprise when you see that namjoon’s face is right in front of yours
you’re practically nose to nose with him
“i know.” namjoon leans in to give you a quick peck before pulling away with a particularly smug grin, “so you’re just going to have to stay quiet for me then, aren’t you?”
you WHAT
“why don’t we get these off, hm?” namjoon hooks a finger into the waistband of your shorts and gives it a gentle tug
you look at the door once again and then back at namjoon, who offers you an innocent little smile as if he didn’t just suggest going down on you on the kitchen counter with your friend in the room next door
think about this!
think about this with your logical brain and not your bonk horny brain
would you rather see your very hot boyfriend’s face in between your legs or would you rather send him away so you can continue making a cake for your very picky friend?
you plant both palms on the counter before raising your hips a little, namjoon grinning in victory before yanking your shorts down in one go
if you would’ve known this was going to happen today you definitely would’ve worn a sexier pair of panties
white cotton is boring!!!
also you know this is the wrong time to be thinking this but you’re wondering if it would be possible to rope yoongi into a shopping spree at victoria’s secret next week because you’re going to need better looking panties if namjoon’s going to keep springing these spontaneous sessions on you
“cute.” namjoon hums, poking at the little blue bow that sits at the centre of the waistband
your breathing stills as he slowly lowers himself to his knees in front of you and you feel like your heart is about to beat out of your chest at the sight alone
“soaked right through…” namjoon observes quietly, turning his head to press a kiss to the pillowy flesh of your inner thigh, “i’ve barely touched you, baby.”
you jolt in surprise when he runs his thumb slowly up your slit through the thinned fabric of your panties, though he stops right as he’s about to reach your clit
so close yet so, so painfully far
you nudge him with your foot, “you’re teasing.” you swallow thickly, namjoon offering you a boyish grin as he tilts his head, pushing his bottom lip out in a mocking pout
“aw… am i?” he coos, and you shiver when he leans in to press a kiss over your clothed clit, “i’m sorry, darling… that must be so hard for you…”
“and you’re being mean.” you murmur, namjoon chuckling to himself as he pulls your panties down your legs
“am not.”
“are too.”
“am not.” namjoon perks a brow, pushing your thighs apart gently, “take it back.”
“no wa-!” your back immediately straightens as if a jolt of electricity just shot straight up your spine at the first feeling of namjoon licking one long stripe up your centre, and you fight back the urge to snap your legs shut
that’s.,., new!
very new
very new feeling
you’re certainly not against it and it’s not a bad feeling
it’s just…
“good?” your breath wavers when namjoon hums against you, your eyelids fluttering shut at the feeling of his tongue slowly pressing in deep, “hm?”
namjoon slips his tongue in between your folds before sliding it flat and straight up to your swollen clit, grinning to himself when you finally give in to pleasure and lie back on the counter
you whimper, rolling your hips down towards his mouth as he drags his tongue over your slit in repetitive strokes before flicking his tongue over the top of your clit
it’s too much and not enough at the same time, your legs instinctively starting to squeeze shut around him
“nuh-uh, baby…” you find that you can barely move, namjoon’s fingers digging into your thigh as a warning as he keeps your legs open, “keep them spread for me.”
namjoon watches your reaction intensely, finding pleasure in the way that your chest rises and falls quickly and in the way you twitch every now and again
from here, he can see the way your brows furrow and the way you bite and tug at your bottom lip in a poor effort to keep yourself quiet
“you can use your words like a good girl, can’t you?” namjoon teases, two fingers rolling tight little circles into your clit as he watches you, barely blinking, “tell me how good it feels…”
“good- ungh, feels good-” you whimper, hips bucking up against his fingers desperately
namjoon looks down to see you practically dripping onto the counter
he would’ve done this a lot sooner had he known you’d be acting like this from his touch
“fuck me,” namjoon groans suddenly, and all of a sudden it seems like everything’s moving ten times faster than before, “you look so fucking hot right now-”, he wraps his strong arms underneath both your thighs before yanking you closer to him, practically burying his entire face in between your legs
your right leg gets hitched up over his shoulder and you quickly sit back up, digging your fingers into the soft strands of namjoon’s hair as his tongue laves back and forth against your folds
your back arches and you tilt your head up towards the ceiling, namjoon instinctively pushing his clothed crotch against the bottom part of the counter for some kind of relief
he’s so painfully hard from just hearing you hold back moans and watching you squirm and twitch
you remind yourself to loosen your grip on namjoon’s hair because you’re worried that you might accidentally rip some strands out and leave him with a bald patch, but namjoon obviously doesn’t seem to mind as he doubles his efforts and starts to lick and and suck with tremendous fervour
“fuck, you taste good-” he curses, his right hand sliding underneath your sweatshirt to cup your bare breast before he pinches and rolls your nipple in between his fingers
he drags his tongue down to circle around your tight hole and you jerk immediately, “oh my god-” you pant, overwhelmed by all the different feelings your body is experiencing at this moment, “that feels so-”
your bum is teetering on the edge of the counter at this point because namjoon’s basically pulled you off of it and you reach down to grip at the edges so you don’t fall off
“gonna cum?” namjoon murmurs, eyes locking on your face almost immediately as he feels you starting to squirm underneath him
he really wants to watch you cum
“j-joonie, god, don’t stop-” the arm wrapped around your waist tightens around you and your eyes roll to the back of your head as he continues his torturous onslaught of pleasure, “i-i- nngh- namjoon-!”
“i’ve got you, baby… you can cum…” namjoon feels himself twitch in his sweats upon hearing you moan his name like that
the thought of gagging you with your own panties to mute your moans briefly flits through his mind but... he wants to hear you moaning his name over and over and over again
he wants to make you scream for him
when it happens, you practically bite your bottom lip off trying not to cry out in ecstasy
namjoon has to hold your trembling thighs open to keep them from snapping his head right off
your hips buck lazily as you quiver around namjoon’s hot tongue, your body glistening in a sheen layer of sweat as you bask in the slow, rolling waves of ecstasy
you lie back down against the counter, chest heaving beneath your sweater as you stare dazedly up at the ceiling
oh, wow
you watch as the ceiling fan whirrs around and around and around
you feel like you’re not physically here right now
like your soul left your body and you’re just floating in the air like a bunch of particles
“-!” you twitch when namjoon carefully wipes you off with your panties before setting them onto the counter next to you
you slowly prop yourself up onto your elbows so you can look at him, feeling your cheeks flush when you see that he’s looking right at you
you’re not sure why you’ve gone all shy again as if his tongue wasn’t licking you out ten seconds ago
“hi, pretty girl...” he smiles, his dimple popping up in his right cheek, “welcome back.” he jokes, rising to his feet while keeping your right leg propped up onto his shoulder
he turns to give your ankle a kiss before gently bringing your leg down and helping you sit up
“that was really something...” you wrap your arms loosely around his neck as he grasps your hips before leaning down to give you a sweet little kiss
“oh yeah? did i live up to dreamjoon?” namjoon teases, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before pinching the apple of your cheek
“you did a much better job than dreamjoon.” you hum, and it’s only then that you’re aware of the very prominent bulge pressing into your centre, “but i... i wanna make you feel good, too…” you murmur, namjoon biting back a groan when you nudge your bare centre against him, a darkened splotch now staining the front of his sweatpants “and…” you lean upwards to whisper something into namjoon’s ear
holy shit
yes please
“yeah, shit, we can definitely do that-” namjoon hates to admit to how horny he is but he can’t help it when you go around saying stuff like that to him, “we-” he pauses suddenly, eyes going wide in panic, “oh, shit!”
“wh- what??” you look around the kitchen frantically before grabbing the closest thing to you as a form of defence (a silicone whisk)
“friggin’ yoongi-!” namjoon hisses in pain as he adjusts himself in his sweatpants, “i forgot about yoongi-”
a little weird of him to be thinking about yoongi while he’s touching his-
“oh my god, yoongi!” you hiss quietly, hopping off the counter with wobbly legs
namjoon hands you your shorts and you quickly wiggle into them before pulling your sweatshirt down
you completely forgot that yoongi was in the room right next to you guys and that last moan of yours wasn’t exactly quiet
and you know that yoongi might not have a lot of knowledge when it comes to baking, but you’re sure that he knows enough to know that practically screaming namjoon’s name out loud isn’t a key step in achieving a fluffy cake batter
“we weren’t doing anything!”
the two of you stumble out into the living room and you file through your brain to come up with some kind of a logical excuse as to why you’re hot and sweaty and why namjoon’s hiding his lower half behind a kitchen towel and how in the world those two facts are related to his precious carrot cake cupcakes
you pause when you notice that yoongi’s nowhere to be found
the documentary’s still playing on the TV, the boxes of tinsel and baubles have been completely abandoned, and there’s nothing but a blue sticky note sitting on the couch
taking a nap in my car. text me when you guys are done being horny. also - you’re welcome.
christmas with cee 2020 masterlist
🎁what would you like from ceenta this year? 🎁
#omg this gif#on my knees sir#ON MY KNEES!!#tell me why i'm nervous#cwc2020#bonsai!joon#bonsai!joon drabbles#namjoon#namjoon fics#namjoon fic recs#namjoon smut#namjoon smut recs#bts smut#bts smut recs#bts#namjoon fluff#namjoon fluff recs#bts fics#bts fic recs#bts fluff#bts fluff recs#namjoon au#kim namjoon#namjoon drabbles#namjoon hot#namjoon hot gifs#reader insert#namjoon x reader#namjoon x reader cute#namjoon x reader smut
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Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E121 (Jan. 19, 2021)
Aaaand we're back! The epic pet montage at the start is still the greatest thing ever.
Tonight's guests? Matthew Mercer and Marisha Ray!
We begin with an extensive discussion of waffle farts. As you do.
Matt is asked what it's been like to get to build out the characters in the Tombtakers. Lucien is Matt's favorite, but they've all got some fun traits to them. "It's one of those rare experiences as a dungeon master where you get to watch your players combat with the necessity of playing along. The instinct is: fuck these guys, I want to fight them, we'll take their shit... or I guess we have to play nice. And they begrudgingly grit their teeth and I smile internally."
On the Lucien accent: "You guys are all so mean to Taliesin!" Matt knew his own take would be a "weird mutation" of Mollymauk's accent anyway.
How's Marisha feeling about a lot of her predictions panning out? "Aw, I mean, gee, me? What? Noooo. It's definitely vindicating, I'm not gonna lie, and rewarding, but I also know that I write a lot of shit down in that notebook that's never relevant ever again. It's definitely a good feeling to know that I didn't go on that fifteen-minute deep dive and was utterly wrong about everything I said." Matt: "I was super proud. I was just silently cheering you on as you went on these long tangents."
What does Lucien think of the Mighty Nein? "Lucien is definitely curious about why they're getting involved in his shit and what they're planning alongside them. One, he hates Beau because he doesn't like people who challenge his authority. He gravitates towards Jester to an extent because she's the most open, which from his standpoint makes her easiest to manipulate. He loves toying with curiosity, and so between Jester and Caleb, those are the two people that he's the most comfortable interacting with. Caduceus makes him feel a little weird. He's amused by them. Fjord to Lucien is one of the more guarded and less accessible at the moment."
Is Beau enjoying getting under Lucien's skin? "Beau's picking and poking still kind of stems from her defensiveness and guardedness and her feelings, in a lot of ways, and the way that she's coping with things. It's a few steps removed from her default and what she often resorts to when she starts throwing up those barriers. She still has in the back of her head that she's looking at her dead friend. It's her way of protecting herself if she can go, fuck you, I don't care about you. This isn't too dissimilar to the way she reacted when Yasha was brainwashed." Matt: "It's a unique social sparring match the whole time they're traveling side-by-side. It's unique to have an antagonistic force that you're--" Marisha: "That we're going camping with."
Navigating the Tombtaker/M9 relationship as a DM is "challenging. At any given moment, a wrong statement could escalate matters one way or the other. It's having to pay attention to a lot of things at all points in time to be ready for how those chain reactions can happen and where it might go." He likens it to trying to follow and participate in two different conversations simultaneously at a party.
On the note from Yasha: "Oh man, you guys. Oh, it was so sweet. I don't think Beau was expecting Yasha to be so forthcoming with everything, and so complimentary and eloquent. Beau is awkward with healthy relationships, so she doesn't know how to handle them. She's still processing that and wants to not ruin it. No, it was magical." Ashley told Marisha after the episode that she was trying to think of what to say and wound up basing it on what she would say about Marisha.
Cosplay of the Week: an amazing Vax (by stormfeather_cosplay, photograph by travi_b, both on Instagram)!
On using variations on the Wild Magic table: "I wanted to give it some variation to consequences. They took some of the tooth out of it from earlier editions. I knew it would be fun once I gave them the specifications of when these things would happen - players are just waiting for someone to roll a 20 or a 1 at all times."
Why is it so important to Beau that she and Yasha have a proper date? Part of it is a fresh start. "So much of Beau's past relationships have been rooted in some toxic behavior. Beau feels like, well, maybe we should just start from the beginning in the most us way possible: fighting through the tundra with our dead-ish friend."
The sci-fi-ish theme came toward the end of developing Aeor, but it mostly comes from rationalization. Matt is intrigued by how all these different societies want to usurp the gods... which has parallels with modern society. He notes that focusing more on the science of the magic means the aesthetics pull away to "instead facilitate the utility or the most direct route to the answers you want. You streamline as opposed to focusing on the aesthetics."
Beau’s reaction to all the weird magic stuff? “I think Beau’s just so focused on the pragmatic aspects of it all right now. There are greedy people with motives and the will and want to corrupt across all spans of cultures and times. She’s trying not to get lost in the magic, both proverbially and literally, of it all, and just trying to focus on the motives of these people at hand.”
In some ways, Matt was surprised by Caduceus’ strong reaction to the creepy woods. “It was the first major reveal that there are some other sides to the coin that he hadn’t learned about. I had no idea how he would react. It pushed him away more in ways than I expected.”
Fan art of the week: an amazing Lucien! (by oratorkayla on Twitter)
What’s Dagen’s motivation? “He’s definitely a man of his word when it comes to fulfilling a contract and getting the other half of his pay, but it’s not hard to see they’ve grown on him a little bit. He’s really good at getting around the tundra unseen and unnoticed.”
Brian: “In true Sam fashion-” Marisha, instantly: “OH MY GOD.”
Marisha: “Here’s the thing. Here’s the tea, okay? If I ever hear one more fucking person trying to claim that I’m ruining things by metagaming, I’m going to point to Sam. I’m expected to respond accordingly to Veth being a Sam troll. Gods damn him! Raven Queen curse upon him! Let chaos reign! He made me pull out my earphones, I can’t hear anything you’re saying. It’s frustrating because I’d be mad at it if it wasn’t so god damn funny.” Matt notes that at a different table this wouldn’t be great behavior, but they all know each other well enough (and check in with each other enough) that it’s comfortable teasing.
With a bit of a deeper pull, Matt is asked whether he knew Avantika would return someday? “I knew she was a fun, interesting option out there. The M9 still have in their grasp the single most important artifact, in Uk’otoa’s opinion, at the moment. As long as they carry that artifact, his eye of Sauron is upon them.” Matt notes that he has more encounter tables going, so a lot of the time even he’s not sure what’s going to happen.
Caduceus suggested contacting Essek, but Beau and Caleb nixed that idea. Does Beau trust him? “Gods no. Absolutely not. She can like Essek personally. As a person, he’s fine, I guess. But I think a lot of people might be forgetting that he’s kind of a war criminal and kind of set off a lot of bad things in motion with this war with the Empire and the Dynasty, because he wanted power and to know things. So now here he is, also in Aeor. Yeah. Just kinda putting two and two together there. It is another one of those things of, you’re walking that line on trying to keep him on your good side and having a mutually beneficial relationship before it could easily go completely south.”
On the Star Razor being a Vestige: “I don’t want this to be--- the Vestiges aren’t always a thing where it’s like, you get a Vestige and you get a Vestige! I want them to be still considered special and rare. This is one that had to be earned, it had to be reforged. I didn’t know the circumstances that would involve it coming about.” He based it on the circumstances of Fjord’s evolution into a paladin. “In essence, not only did he finish the creation of the sword, but he Awakened it at the same time as he made this transition. It is Exalted at this point, it’s in its final form.”
What does Beau think might lie ahead? “I have no idea. I am trying to abandon expectation when it comes to that. I know what we don’t know, and that’s it. Beau is trying to compensate for the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns. I hope we can keep this tenuous relationship through to Aeor, because we need more answers before it explodes in our face. Beau, and Marisha, is hoping for a little more information before shit hits the fan.”
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I’ll Always Be Here to Help You
Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader
Request: If you don’t mind, I wanna request maybe something like sam and the reader previously being lovers in the past but they separate and she becomes a lab rat for hydra or something like that, and he saves her and what not. Very cliche yet cute in my opinion. 🙂🙂❤️ @jeonsblackgf-writes
A/N: Hey, All! I have to admit, this one made me a bit nervous. This is my first Marvel One shot and I wanted it to be so good so I hope you all like it. Also, this is written in 3rd person, which is new for me in one shots so I hope you don’t mind.
Warnings: torture, breakups, hydra stuff
H/C: Hair Color, S/C: Skin Color
There’s a moment when you’re watching something about to happen, something terrible, where you so badly want to turn your head, to avert your gaze, but something is still fixing it onto whatever is happening. Car crashes, accidents, injuries. You would never purposefully enjoy watching something so terrible, but your brain doesn’t make the connection between something about to happen and needing to shield yourself from it.
That was exactly how Sam Wilson felt as he watched the screen in front of him. He wanted so badly to turn, to leave the room. Steve had even approached him to try to get him to leave, but some sick part of his brain wasn’t allowing him to even step a foot away. He watched as the sick criminals injected something into her skin. Her skin. It was so grey, so much paler than her normal (S/C) tone. Bruises and bloody injuries lined nearly every part of her body.
Her (H/C) hair, which he had loved so much, was matted and dirty. It was so unlike you, so rare for you to be so weak, so hurt, that he almost didn’t recognize you at first. It was her screams of pain, her desperate pleading that brought him back to reality and allowed it to actually sink into his brain. Hydra was using her as a lab rat. They had no plans to actually turn her into anything, they were just testing all of their materials on her.
He hadn’t seen her in so long. If he had known she was in danger, if he had known that this would have happened, he would have done anything to make sure she was safe.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Sam sat down at the park bench, holding her hands tightly as he tried to explain the very thing he was dreading explaining to her. It was worse than he imagined. “I can’t force you to wait for me when I’m off god knows where, fighting in the Air Force.”
She turned her head. Sam Wilson, the man who meant everything to her, the man who she’d been with since she was in 10th grade, was breaking up with her to go into the military. He didn’t want her to have to forsake her health and life so that he could live his own. “Sam, I don’t care about where you’re going. I’ll go with you. There’s nothing keeping me here anymore.”
He shook his head. People walking by looked over as the two of them spoke. Tears poured out of her eyes. She was still trying to keep from sobbing out loud, although she wasn’t sure how much longer that would actually last.
“You need to live your own life,” He was strong with his statement. As a rescuer, his job would be dangerous and take up a considerable amount of time. “Even if you came with me, I wouldn’t be around much. I can’t drag you to some unknown location and then force you to stay there without any friends and family. This is for the best.”
Y/N didn’t want to even look at him. She turned your head slightly and crossed her arms. She felt like a child who wasn’t getting what they wanted. Sam meant everything to her and it hurt her that he was leaving without even giving her an option in the matter.
“I love ya, sweetheart,” He ran his hand along her back, trying to comfort her. He hated when she cried and it hurt him even more that he was the one causing those tears. “I’ll come back and visit you when I get the chance.”
That had been the last time he spoke to Y/N. The last time he spoke to her before she was captured, he left her on a bench. The guilt began to spread in his chest at the thought. She must have been so terrified, so lost when Hydra captured her, and he wasn’t there to help. “We need to get her.”
Steve nodded his head. “Where do you know her from?”
Sam watched as she withered in the chair they had her strapped in, screaming for help. His chest constricted at the idea of Y/N in so much pain, the idea of someone hurting you like that. She had absolutely no business being there. “Her and I dated when we were in high school and a little bit before I joined the military. I broke up with her.”
Steve’s face dropped. He had no idea that she had been so close to Sam. He knew that his friend must have been devastated. Moving forward, Cap placed his hand on Sam’s shoulder. “We’re gonna get her, Sam. I promise you.”
Sam was flying over the base, trying to find some weak point to enter through. It was easy to find the location. Because they had received the video via hacking, all they needed to do was look at the location codes. Rumors had been circulating about a Hydra base closeby, so once they had a general spot to look in, they found it rather quickly.
“Sam, the third window to the left in the back looks unguarded,” Clint said through the earpiece. “Goes into a small closet. We did a quick X-Ray check and it seems there’s no one guarding that either.”
“I’m goin’ in,” He said quickly, rerouting his position towards the back of the large base. He was surprised no one had found them yet. They were able to get into the base rather easily, which sent shivers up his spine. It was never this easy.
Apparently, it was right to be worried. As soon as he broke through the window and closed his wings to begin walking through, three men immediately charged him. He dodged them quickly, throwing one into the wall as he kicked another in the face, knocking him out. The last charged forward with a knife held in hand, but he quickly grabbed the man’s arm, bending it backwards. The sound of a bone snapping echoed through the small closet and he screamed out slightly in pain. Sam quickly pushed him into a cabinet while his defenses were down and slipped out before he tried anything else.
He walked carefully through the hallways, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself than he already did. He hoped that the three men were the only defenses they put up against him, but he seriously doubted that.
The one thing that kept him going was thinking about Y/N. She deserved none of this and he would make sure she was safe before anything else. He pressed on the small bud in his ear. “I’m in. You see anything else?”
“There’s a couple of guys fighting down here,” It was Natasha this time. “Steve and Clint are trying to hold them off while you’re down there. Try to get to her quickly.”
“Well, it’d be a whole lot easier if I could see a damn thing down here,” He turned the corner, but could only see about 3 foot in front of him. The combination of dark walls and a lack of windows made it quite dark. “You’d think an organization that has been around for this long would have enough money to turn on some lights every once in a while.”
“Ha Ha, Wilson,” Natasha said sarcastically. “Just find Y/N and get the hell out of there.”
He went into overdrive mode. Occasionally, someone would pass by, almost completely oblivious to the fact that they had an enemy raiding the base at the moment. They were unprepared and by the time they realized they had to fight, Sam already had them on the ground.
One room in particular stuck out to him. There was a breaker box right outside the door for electricity. This meant they likely needed quick access to the controls here. He was wary, unsure of what he may find inside. He prayed that if she was there, no one else would be. He needed to get her and leave as quickly as possible.
He opened the door quickly, ready for a large fight. There she was. Y/N. She was sweating, but shivering at the same time. Her eyes were huge as she turned towards the door, caught off guard by the loud sound. He would never forget the expression of relief that crossed her face as soon as she saw him.
There was a man frantically trying to undo her restraints, likely trying to evacuate her before Sam could get to her. He quickly rushed forward, tackling the man to the ground. He grabbed the man’s head, hitting it against the concrete floor until he was seemingly unconscious. Sam pried the key from the man’s hand and rushed to unlock them.
“Sam, what are you...what are you doing here?” Y/N questioned. She was shocked. She had prayed that someone would help her, that someone would save her from the absolute misery she was experiencing. The person she expected was definitely not her ex boyfriend.
“Found a video of you being used as a lab rat,” He started, moving to her legs now that her arms were free. “There was no way I was going to let you stay here. Can you walk?”
“I-I don’t think so,” She looked down at her hands. “I’ve been here for a few weeks so my legs are so weak.”
It hurt Sam almost physically that they hadn’t even let you out of the chair. As soon as you were completely unshackled, he leaned down and lifted you into his arms, quickly carrying you throughout the facility.
This time, there was seemingly no one left to fight. He went through the same way that he came in, making sure he didn’t take a bad turn. Taking the wrong turn here could be the difference between life and death. Steve was waiting in the same closet he’d broken into, his eyes surprised as soon as he saw Sam come through the door with the girl in his arms.
Steve helped Sam out and sprinted with them as they made their way back to the jet. He could feel his arms beginning to grow heavy but he knew he couldn’t let you go. You wouldn’t be able to walk by yourself. Your muscles were likely atrophied at this point.
As soon as the team got the go ahead, they were taking off. A doctor had rushed forward to help Y/N, taking care of the most dramatic injuries first. He cleaned off a few deep wounds. “These likely needed stitches when they happened but they’re too old now. Stitching them would just cause the infection to be trapped inside.”
Sam watched as they worked, making sure that she wasn’t afraid. He felt the need to use comic relief, as he normally did, but refrained. It would likely be in bad taste at the current moment. After a few hours of poking and prodding, there was a few minutes where Y/N could just soak everything in. She had been rescued, saved from the most terrible people by Sam, her old love.
Sam sat quietly on a chair next to the small gurney. He looked down at his hands but kept a close eye on you to make sure you didn’t need anything. “Thank you, Sam.”
He looked up, surprised by her words. Why would she ever think she needed to be thankful for him for this? He got her out of a situation that he wouldn’t have wished on anyone. “You could have just called me if you wanted my attention. You didn’t have to do all this.”
A grin crossed Y/N’s face. He was the same old Sam. Even though he was a superhero and looked quite different physically than he had before, he still had the same personality. “Yeah, I might have to think about that differently next time.”
Sam slowly walked towards you and grabbed your frail hands in his large ones, giving you a comforting squeeze. His eyes were sincere as he looked down at you. “I meant what I said when I saw you last, Y/N. I love you. Even though we haven’t seen each other in years, I’ll always be here to help you.”
#sam x reader#sam wilson x reader#one shots#marvel#avengers#falcon#falcon x reader#captain america x reader#steve rogers#imagines#steve x reader#Bucky Barnes
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I don’t know if you’re taking crossover prompts but if you are I’d love to see little Lena helping Sam Carter/SG-1 save the Earth.
Samantha Carter was an old hand at navigating the patriarchy. She’d been raised into the military, after all, and STEM wasn’t exactly a walk in the gender equality park. Combine that with a decade of experience meeting new cultures through the Stargate and Sam clocked the instant the alderman’s gaze ticked to Lena Luthor and stayed there. When the village head man did the same, Colonel Samantha Carter was immediately on her guard.
She signaled Teal’c with a minute nod towards their guest. He acknowledged with a tilt of his head-- he’d seen it too. Knowing he wouldn’t let the doctor out of his sight, Sam allowed herself to survey the rest of the village. Nothing seemed out of place since their last visit, nothing to indicate a threat beyond the attention of a few powerful men laying eyes on a beautiful woman.
Doctor Luthor had followed the pre-mission briefing to a tee: she’s reported for her pre-gate check-in wearing standard BDUs with her hair in a simple braid, sans makeup. Even so, Lena Luthor was strikingly beautiful, and Sam’s hand drifted towards her zat’nikatel when she saw the way Lena’s smile of greeting rippled through the crowd of men gathered to greet them. Having been on the receiving end of such attention, Sam knew the negotiations for access to the ancient site would only end one of two ways: well, with the alderman and head man tripping over themselves to accommodate Lena and earn her favor, or-- very, very badly.
As the negotiations commenced, Daniel introduced himself as their chief negotiator, but before long the alderman began directing his responses towards Lena, who-- with a nod from Sam-- responded smoothly.
“And of course, we will accommodate anything you require, Dr. Luthor. You will remain a guest of utmost honor for as long as you wish to remain.”
Lena shot Sam a look, but to her credit didn’t show any other indication she was surprised by the assumption that she would be staying longer than the three days she was scheduled. Even SG-1 was only here to open the table for the negotiations-- the actual work of building and working the mines would fall to local labor trained by other SGC personnel.
“Thank you for your gracious invitation of hospitality,” Lena replied, turning her gaze and her smile back on the alderman, “but I’m afraid I’m only here to confirm that your ancient site is what we’re looking for. Likely a few days at most.”
“Doctor Luthor is very important to us on Earth,” Daniel interceded, seeing the way the alderman traded looks with the head man. “We are very lucky she agreed to visit at all.”
“Yes, yes of course,” the alderman returned. Quickly, the conversation turned elsewhere, but Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that they’d discovered how these negotiations were going to turn out-- and it wasn’t the first option.
Later that night, Sam handed Lena her own GDO. Lena accepted it with question in her eyes.
“If we get separated, head straight for the Stargate, by any means necessary,” Sam instructed. She took a deep breath and held it, swallowing against a wave of sudden nausea. “You remember how to dial Earth?”
Lena nodded. “You noticed it too, then.”
“It happens.”
“You think there’s going to be trouble?”
Before she could respond, the nausea overcame Sam, sending her lurching for a chamberpot. Trying to ignore Lena’s panicking gaze, Sam gave in and vomited up her entire dinner. And then some. And then some more.
“I think--” Sam paused to spit. “I think we already have it.”
At that moment, Daniel came bustling in, looking green around the edges. “We may have a problem.”
According to the villager who caught Daniel vomiting outside their guest home that night, Lena Luthor was the spitting image of Magdalena, the village’s moon goddess. The timing of SG-1’s arrival with Doctor Luthor coinciding with both a lunar eclipse and a new moon had left the alderman certain that Lena was the goddess in human form, and that she would need to be returned to the sky in order to retake her rightful place among the stars.
And since Lena wasn’t planning to stay long enough for the moon to return, the members of SG-1 had been dosed with a mild poison, so that the alderman’s men could seize Lena while they were incapacitated.
“That’s… strange,” Sam finished, jaw clenching. It wouldn’t be the first time one or all of SG-1 were mistaken for gods, but usually the misunderstanding came with bigger feasts and easier negotiations.
“They see it as some sort of test-- a goddess walking among them to judge how well they protect the ancient site.”
Lena looked between them. “And… should we be concerned about how they intend to return me to the sky?”
Daniel grimaced, shoving his glasses higher on his nose. “They’ll need to, ah… destroy your physical form.”
Lena paled. “Oh.” A beat passed. “I see.”
“It won’t come to that.” Even as she said so, Sam felt her stomach churn, and not just with apprehension. She turned and vomited again. She didn’t try to stop it-- the sooner it was out of her system, the better. When she was finished, she straightened, ignoring the way her stomach cramped painfully.
“We’re leaving.”
“Colonel…” Lena trailed off, her meaning clear.
Sam shook her head, even though the motion made her want to puke again. The chills had started halfway to the gate, quaking her limbs so badly Lena was carrying most of her weight while Teal’c supported Daniel. They’d made it out of the village undetected, but it wouldn’t be long before they were followed, and now just outside the clearing where the Stargate stood, Sam doubted they would make it through the five men on guard.
“Don’t even think about it,” Carter grunted.
“You’re a down to single man,” Lena justified, “and it’s me they want.”
“Moon returns in two nights,” Daniel huffed, panting between retches. “They won’t risk letting you live until then.”
“Then you have two days to mount a rescue.” Lena began to strip off her pack, unburdening herself of the extra weight. “I’ll draw them off while you and the others head through the gate. Teal’c,” she directed towards the Jaffa, the only functional member of SG-1. “Make sure they get there.”
Sam’s lips curled into a scowl, even as she tried to keep from retching. “Luthor--”
“When you get there--” Lena paused only long enough to grab Sam by the hand and press a watch into her palm. “Call Supergirl.”
With that, she turned and pelted full tilt into the clearing. She froze at the sight of the guards, giving them a good long moment to recognize her before dashing off into the underbrush. The guards, having spotted their quarry, gave chase. In their wake, the Stargate was left free and clear for their approach.
God damn you, Luthor, Sam thought, as Teal’c hoisted her and Daniel up by one arm each and marched them towards the gate.
You better be right about this.
“Call Supergirl??” General Jack O’Neill drawled. “Who the heck is Supergirl?”
One round of anti-emetics later, Sam and Daniel each sat on the edge of an infirmary cot with barf bowls in their laps. The informal debrief had been short, punctuated with a single, “you lost Lena Luthor?!”
At least the puking had stopped.
“Supergirl is the alien hero who defends National City,” Teal’c stated. Jack shot Sam a look, but she could only shrug. She didn’t keep up with news as closely as Teal’c did.
“Great,” Jack muttered. “I don’t suppose any of you happen to have this hero’s phone number?”
At that, Sam offered him the watch Lena had slipped into her hand. “She gave me this.”
Jack took it and examined it. Sam watched him fiddle with it, and blinked with the watch face slipped open to expose a single button in the shape of an unfamiliar glyph. Jack wordlessly handed it to Sam, who could only shrug before handing it to Teal’c.
“That is the symbol of Supergirl,” he confirmed, returning it to the general.
After a consideration that lasted but a moment, Jack’s eyebrows shrugged. He pressed the button.
A moment passed, then another. Daniel and Sam shared a look. “Well, we are several hundred feet below ground,” he pointed out, pushing his glasses higher on this nose. “Maybe we need to--”
Suddenly, there was a loud bang that echoed throughout the entire base, followed by a squeal of tearing metal. A sudden wind gusted into the infirmary. When the air calmed, the entirety of SG-1 turned and stared at the tall, muscular woman standing before them, arms akimbo.
Piercing blue eyes regarding them in turn.
“Where is Lena Luthor?”
Supergirl declined a set of BDUs.
“I don’t work for you,” she told Jack when he suggested the idea. It had already been an exhausting debate even to allow Supergirl to join the rescue mission, which ultimately culminated in Supergirl dialling up the President on her smartphone and handing it over to Jack.
Authorization received, vehemently, it now came down to strategy.
“We don’t want to disrupt the negotiations any more than they already have been,” Jack warned. “You may not work for me, but while you’re offworld, you answer to Colonel Carter, is that understood?”
“Crystal,” came the clipped reply. Sam didn’t bother pointing out that she had no way of asserting her authority against a being who could throw her into the sun.
But when they stepped through the Stargate onto Hava, Sam was relieved to find that the woman didn’t immediately zoom off to the village, or the ancient site beyond.
“SG-1 and SG-3 will recon the ancient site,” Sam ordered. “Do not engage. Remain out of sight until I give the signal. Supergirl-- stay here.”
The hero bristled. “But--”
“How quickly could you travel to the village and back?” Sam asked quickly.
Supergirl’s brow furrowed. “Less than a second.”
Sam nodded. “It doesn’t matter where you wait, so long as you’re out of sight, and considering you don’t exactly camouflage, it’s safest here until we’re ready.”
Scowling, the woman relented. “Fine.”
Sam nodded to Reynolds. “Let’s move out.”
Sam moved towards the ancient site with her heart in her throat. Dressed in a gown of white linen with flowers woven in her hair, Lena stood bound to a maypole that had been erected in the center of the clearing, a pile of dry brush bundled at her feet. Barely a yard away, the alderman stood with a burning torch in his hand, sermonizing solemnly as the entire village watched and listened with their hands clasped in prayer.
Sam could see Lena’s head moving on a pivot scanning the area around her for any sign of rescue, her features edging on worry. They were cutting it close. Too close.
Sam reached for her radio. “Super--”
Before the word fully left her lips, Sam felt a whoosh of air as a blur of red and blue rushed past her before coming to a stop beside the alderman, her hand locked around his wrist before it could descend to spark the kindling at Lena’s feet.
From her bonds, Lena smirked. “You asked for a god?”
Supergirl glared at the alderman’s gaping face. He dropped the torch, only for Supergirl to release a gust of chill breath, extinguishing the flames before it landed harmlessly among the bushels. The gathered crowd gasped, and Sam swallowed the urge to do the same-- knowing of the alien’s abilities in no way prepared her to see them in action.
A blast of heat vision severed the rope binding Lena to the pole, and when the crowd shrank away with a collective cry, Supergirl swooped in to scoop Lena into her arms, flowers and all.
“I’m not a god,” Supergirl said, her voice carrying over the open radio channel. Belying her words, the Kryptonian lifted off the ground to hover over their heads with Lena cradled in her arms.
“Just a hero,” Lena murmured, relaxed now that she was no longer in the path of imminent immolation.
Sam edged away from the gathering, melting back into the forest. “Fall back to the Stargate,” she ordered.
Situation contained, she left the scene, making quick work of the hike back to the Stargate. When she arrived, Supergirl was releasing Lena’s wrists from the rough cord binding them. Sam didn’t miss the way Supergirl’s thumb caressed the reddened skin, or the brief touch to Lena’s cheek as she verified Lena was okay before they both turned to face Sam.
“Thank you for trusting me, Colonel,” Lena issued by way of greeting.
“You’re lucky we decoded your riddle in time,” Reynolds said, tucking his rifle against his chest. Sam tried not to feel irritated that he’d answered on her behalf.
Lena’s eyebrow arched as she eyed him. “I didn’t think ‘call supergirl’ would stump America’s best and brightest,” she drawled.
“The people here will find their own way to explain what happened here today,” Supergirl piped up before Reynolds could find a retort. “But I think you’ll find that your negotiations won’t be adversely affected.”
“Thank you, Supergirl,” Carter said. Her gratitude was sincere. Despite everything, they’d managed to avoid an interplanetary incident. “You saved lives today.”
“All in a day’s work.”
Lena rolled her eyes. “Come on, Miss Hero. I need a shower.”
Supergirl smirked. “I dunno,” she said out of the corner of her mouth, “the floral thing is kinda doing it for me.”
“I changed my mind: put me back in the fire--”
When Supergirl silenced Lena’s joke with a kiss, Sam met Reynold’s gaze with a smirk before they both turned towards the gate.
“Let’s go home.”
// prompts are closed
#supercorp#supergirl x sg-1 crossover#supergirl#sg1#prompt filled#it's a little rough#but its the shape of the story i wanted to tell#so i'm happy with it#dunno if it's exactly what you were looking for nonnie#but i hope you like it anyway#enjoy!#read more
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Delinquent affection (Delinquent!Bakugou X Reader)
Pairing: Delinquent!Bakugou Katsuki X Reader
Length: 4,400 words.
Warnings: Swearing and possibly uncomfortable themes.
Summary: Your parents made it clear for you to stay out of trouble at school. You tried your best, but as a teenager, there's always trouble you can easily get caught in whether you liked it or not.
~It's said, that High school years will be the best years of your life...
~Perhaps for some, but to you right now it feels like endless suffering in some twisted mafia.
~You could precisely recall your father's words before he dropped you off to school on your first day. Before you could open the car door, he spoke:
~"Remember what we talked about. Don't get involved in any shady business and try to focus on school. I don't want my daughter to be a member of some street gang." You assured him that you had no interest of doing such things as you stepped out of the vehicle.
~"AND IF YOU'LL BE TALKING TO ANY BOYS!! YOU BETTER NOT-" You slammed the car door shut and went on your merry way.
~At the time you thought he was being overprotective and you still do to some degree, but now you can admit that you could have been at least a bit more careful or observant when it came to talking to certain people.
~Two months into your first year, you met most of the other first years and also became very good friends with some of them. You studied hard but you too had time for your friends. You would sometimes goof off but still kept it on the legal side (hopefully). You felt lucky as if nothing could ruin your happiness.
~That's what you thought before you encountered the person responsible for your current anxiety.
~Keiji Hatcher and his underlings....
~You heard from one of your friends that he was a second-year student who was no good news and that you should stay away from him. Or that was the rumor among the upperclassmen.
~You took their advice, but you ran into Keiji by the vending machine no one usually uses behind the school.
~At first he seemed just like any high schoolboy. But that image quickly turned into something else, when you kept on bumping into him. He teased you a lot and at one point it made you feel a bit uncomfortable, but you didn't exactly push him away.
~Day after day, his approaches got more touchy and pushy. You didn't return them as his only intention was to have you as his little pet, and you would never stoop that low. By now, you realized you didn't want to have anything to do with him, and you even told him to stop meeting you and that you've had enough.
~Keiji did not listen and instead brought his minions with him every time he talked to you. "Sweetheart, I thought it would have been nice to have some audience."
~No one knew about what Keiji was doing, and there really was no point in telling anyone, none of the teachers would believe you. Keiji was the son of one of the most respected teachers in the school, and he was a damn good actor when it came to covering up something, spreading lies, or explaining situations.
~You couldn't talk to your friends because they would probably think you were gross for hanging around with an older guy who treats his girlfriends as trash.
~And talking to your parents was out of the questions for obvious reasons. Leaving you nowhere to hide or seek comfort.
~That's how you've been living. Always on edge and checking every corridor before you walk out behind the corner, trying your best to stay out of his sight. Sometimes even that wasn't enough.
~This time he went too far...
~You were cowering next to the same vending machine you and Keiji met, crying and hiding away from the other students who still haven't left the school building, even when it was well past 5.30 PM on Friday. You hugged your topless torso tighter in hopes of either hiding yourself more or to just disappear from all existence.
~The only comfort you had at this moment was the lack of people and that Keiji was "generous" enough to only take your coat and shirt, leaving you in your bra while the bottom half of your uniform was still on. Thankfully.
~You attempted to dry your tears with one of your hands while the other arm covered your chest. You felt so humiliated, frightened, and exposed.
~"Why would he go this far?" You questioned while the tears kept on coming. You gave up on trying to dry your tears and started to rock yourself back and forth in hopes of helping yourself to calm down.
~"Why would someone do this?" You cried. You had no idea how to get back home. Your house was many miles away from the school, so you usually traveled by train or car. Your parents were on some business trip and they couldn't get you and you didn't feel confident to go on the train without a shirt. All of your friends already left school.
~With this realization, you felt trapped and out of options of what to do.
~"What am I going to do?..."
~"Oi! Why the fuck are you here?" You heard someone shout. You tensed up and hugged yourself even tighter out of fear. Footsteps probably belonging to the voice came closer until they stopped before you. You didn't dare to say anything nor to look up at the stranger.
~"Hey! I asked you a god damn question!" He shouted again and you started trembling profusely. What if he wanted to touch you too?!
~The blond male observed your hunched over being. He didn't notice it before, but now he could see that the girl in front of him didn't have any shirt and was clearly terrified of his presence. And if he looked close enough, he could even see a few hickeys on your neck.
~Bakugou stood up straighter and with a bit softer voice and expression, he spoke again. "Who did this to you?"
~You cautiously lifted up your head to look at the person speaking. Piercing red eyes looked into your own behind spiky but fluffy looking hair. The person had his hands in his pockets and a scowl on their face, but his eyes gave away that he was somewhat interested in what happened to you.
~You sniffled. "I-I can't tell you, or h- he might do something to get me b-back..." You whimpered as you lowered your gaze again.
~"So the bastard's him, huh." The male muttered mostly to himself but you heard him clearly.
~"Y-Y-You know him!?" You looked up to him again shocked.
~"I know that the guy is an asshole, but this is a new record for him." He said. "Don't get the wrong idea, I don't associate with that fucker even the slightest. We delinquents do our own thing."
~'Delinquents?...' You repeated in your head as you looked him over again.
~The blond male wore the school uniform, but he had styled it differently. His jacket was unbuttoned and instead of the usual white t-shirt underneath the jacket, he wore an orange t-shirt with a skull and explosions on it, without a tie. His ear was pierced and not only did he have a book bag, but he also had a second 'bag' strapped to his back that was more of a holder or a shield for a baseball bat or other sports equipment.
~Seemingly, he uses it to hold his weapon that the delinquents tend to carry with them at all times, judging by the shinai handle that was poking out of the top of the bag for easy access.
~He definitely is one of the school delinquents you've heard about, you couldn't deny. You thought you'd never meet them in person. Now the question is, what does he want with you? Why was he even talking to you in the first place?
~"W-Why are you here?..." You asked, not realizing that your tears had stopped flowing.
~"That's none of your business. Aren't supposed to be at home already? Calling your parents to come and get you?" To you, he sounded rude and impatient, but in reality, Bakugou was attempting to sound softer.
~He may be a delinquent, but he wasn't completely heartless.
~"I don't have anyone to call. I-I guess you could say that I'm trying to figure out how I'm gonna get home unnoticed." You admitted. You're already topless and embarrassed in front of a male stranger, mind as well throw a little more firewood to a house fire, right? It won't change anything.
~The blond male stood there silently while you were still crouched down. Now you realized that you oddly felt a bit better for some reason. You weren't shaking as much as before and your crying had stopped.
~Was it because you finally talked to someone about your problem and the stranger didn't make fun of your current state? You heard that the delinquents don't really care much about anything.
~Suddenly you heard the male shift a bit on his feet and it sounded as though he was shrugging something off, then you felt something being carelessly draped over your head and back. You jumped a bit from the surprise and looked up at the boy, now standing there without a jacket.
~He... He's letting you borrow his jacket?
~"Cover yourself up and go home." He growled out and began to use the vending machine next to you. You couldn't say anything. You just looked up at him in disbelief and he noticed your staring.
~"Are you deaf or something!? You don't need to stare like a creep." He shouted and it snapped you out of your daze. You quickly put the jacket on properly and buttoned all the buttons all the way. You picked up your book bag and you were ready to run off in the direction of the train station, but you stopped yourself before you could.
~The blond shifted his head to the side, questioning why you were still here. You had so much to say to him and questions to ask, but the only thing you could muster out was:
~"Thanks..." Before you ran off.
~The weekend went by in a flash. You did your best to study on an upcoming test, but here and there your mind shifted to the grumpy delinquent boy that lend his jacket for you to cover up. When those thoughts filled your mind, you often found yourself staring at the jacket that sat on your dresser.
~Thinking how generous it was of him to help you when you didn't even know each other. You didn't even know his name nor what year student he was.
~As Monday rolled around, you walked to school with the jacket in your book back for you to give back. If you can find him that is...
~Your day went on as usual. Attending classes, talking with friends on breaks, and then came lunchtime. For many, it was the best moment of the day, but you never looked forward to it no matter how hungry you were.
~Just as you got out of the classroom, an arm snaked around your waist pulling you along with them to the opposite direction of the cafeteria while whispering right next to your ear.
~"Did you have a nice weekend sweetheart?" Keiji teased with his sickly sweet tone. You shuddered in his hold and you tried to lean away from his face but his grip on your waist wasn't easing up.
~"I hate you..." You spit out and he only chuckled as he led you behind the school.
~"Ah ah ah~. Remember to watch that tongue, doll." He pulled you behind a corner and slammed you against the wall. His other friends emerged from behind the dumpster and were now surrounding you as you looked at Keiji's almost glowing eyes.
~"Now... where were we...?"
~That's how it went every time.
~After all of them left, you were left alone to fix up your wrinkled uniform and messy hair. While doing so, you looked at the time on your phone and sighed out of relief. Lunchtime wasn't over yet and won't be in a long time. Keiji stopped earlier than usual.
~"I guess he just wanted to only mess with me today..." You thought out loud as you fixed the tie around your neck and straightening the shirt collar to hide the new and old hickeys from other students.
~"OI!!" A familiar gruff voice called from behind you. You turned around and your eyes met fierce ruby eyes of a delinquent. Your momentary panic vanished as you realized that he was the guy who helped you last Friday.
~He wasn't wearing his uniform jacket which made you remember that you had it with you right now. You immediately started fumbling and digging through your book back for the item the blond male was probably waiting for. You pulled the gray jacket out, ready to give it back but he spoke and you jumped.
~"Why are you letting him do shit like this to you?" He asked and you looked at the ground ashamed and unsure while you unconsciously gripped the jacket tighter in your grasp. Should you tell him? Or maybe the better question was, Why should you tell him?
~He is a delinquent. They don't bother with the other students unless they benefit from it. What does he gain from helping you or asking you these questions? Wait... Why are you just now realizing that he probably witnessed or at least heard the whole thing happen a few minutes ago?
~He was waiting for your response, but when you couldn't decide what you should say he spoke for you.
~"If you're not going to talk then that already by itself tells a lot." The blond stepped closer and you stayed put, clutching the jacket to your chest now.
~"If I had to guess... I bet he has something of yours that you can not give up for whatever reason or he knows an embarrassing secret about you, with that he uses you as he pleases because he knows you can't say no. If you did, he would break the 'pledge' or spill the secret." He was now standing directly in front of you while a bead of sweat began to form on your forehead.
~You looked away from him and down at the ground in shame and sadness. He saw right through you.
~"H- He has pictures of me..." You squeaked while still looking at the ground. You couldn't possibly look him in the face right now. "The day I finally decided that I've had enough, he practically ripped off some of my clothing with his gang and took embarrassing pictures of me. I saw them once and they look like straight out of a lewd magazine." Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you recalled the event.
~When you started high school, you didn't think it would turn out the way it did, and you didn't know exactly who to blame. Keiji or yourself.
~"If I don't do as he says. He will put those pictures into use and once he does, I'm completely done for." You finished. a Few tears now rolled down your cheek as you kept on thinking about the worst possible scenario that could happen if Keiji did what he said he would.
~It could/would ruin your reputation in school and it would only worsen if your parents heard about it. More and more scenarios went through your head and you finally snapped out of it as a napkin was thrown in your face. You flinched from the sudden attack and swiftly snatched the napkin before it fell to the dirty ground.
~You looked up and saw that the red-eyed blond was the one responsible for the gesture as he looked to the side. He clearly didn't know how to comfort someone sad.
~"Stop crying like a loser." He commanded and the look of slight embarrassment on his face looked almost cute to you. You smiled and wiped your tears into the napkin. "Crying doesn't suit you." You would've blushed at the comment, but your face was already red with tears so it wouldn't have made a difference. When you were done you realized you were still clutching his jacket.
~"Oh right, I almost forgot." You scrambled for the garment. "Thank you again for lending me your jacket, you practically saved me last Friday. Don't worry about it being dirty, I washed and ironed it." You outstretched the jacket and he took it from you by grabbing it from the collar and inspecting it for a moment before swinging it over his shoulder.
~With that out of the way, you repositioned your book bag on your shoulder and bowed to him as a last thank you. You turned around and walked around the corner to the nearest bench to eat your home packed lunch.
~Little did you know that as you ate, someone familiar was watching over you from a distance like a guard dog.
~Something felt odd...
~Forget that, something was off and it put you on the edge.
~It has been a whole week since you last saw Keiji or his minions. He hasn't dragged you to the boys' bathroom, the janitor's closet, or behind the school to have his version of 'fun'. You haven't even seen the guy in the halls nor anywhere in the school for that matter.
~You didn't mind that he wasn't around, quite the opposite, you were cheerful that he isn't here to breathe down your neck. But the whole issue was the reason why he wasn't here. The longest he has left you alone was two days, now it has been a whole week and you were now more nervous than ever.
~Was he planning something? Did he somehow find out that you talked to someone about your problem? But the last time you talked to the delinquent was more than two weeks ago! How could've he found out? Is he now going to get you back by sharing the photos!?
~The familiar feeling of anxiety crept upon you as you couldn't concentrate on the lesson that was currently being taught. The class was dismissed later than you would have liked and your other classmates headed out to grab lunch.
~You were wary as you stepped out of the classroom, looking both ways of the hall before leaving the classroom towards the cafeteria to eat with your friends. As you walked for a minute, there wasn't the usual pull on your wrist or waist you were used to on Mondays during lunch.
~It made you really wonder what was going on with Keiji, as you feared for your reputation, expecting the worst.
~"Didn't you hear? Hatcher is temporarily suspended." You heard a second-year female student speak from another table behind you. The name Hatcher caught your attention, so you pretended to eat your bento as you listened to the conversation.
~"No I didn't, I thought he was sick." a Boy spoke this time.
~"No he isn't. From what I heard, he and his friends were suspended for harassing a first-year student. Apparently it was so bad that Hatcher's friends got a two-week suspension but Hatcher himself got a two-month suspension! Can you believe that!" The girl laughed and the other students chuckled along.
~"Serves him right. He has been getting away with his disgusting actions for long enough. It's almost hard to believe that someone actually managed to rat him out. Guess Keiji felt overly confident." Another girl spits out.
~Your eyes were wide as saucers, as you comprehended the information you just heard. 'He's suspended?' You thought. You couldn't believe it, it was too good to be true.
~"Do you know who exposed him?" The boy asked and you focused your attention again.
~"Not a clue. Apparently someone gave the teachers a package with a note and a USB drive. On it was evidence of the assault and since Hatcher's and his friend's faces were clearly in the video, they were found guilty." The girl explained with a laugh.
~"How do you know this sort of stuff!!?" Someone in their table exclaimed and the girl just chuckled mischievously.
~"I have my ways~." She sang. The second-years kept on bickering while you sat there stunned.
~Someone gave the teachers the evidence in a package? Meaning even the teachers don't know who the 'rumor-monger' was. Who would go out of their way to keep their identity a secret? Who even knew about the assault anyways?
~Then it hit you like a brick and you hurriedly packed your stuff with little explanation to your friends as to why you were leaving. You blindly ran through the school halls, courtyard, and on the rooftop of the school looking for the boy. With no success.
~Then you remembered that he was a delinquent and that they don't hang around in the places where the other students would. You hit yourself on the forehead with a giant L and bolted down the stairs, beginning to run to the back of the school where you always saw him.
~Soon you were out of breath and you leaned against the vending machine that no one usually used. You cursed your low stamina and prepared to run off again when a figure emerged out of nowhere.
~"Oi! What are you doing here?"
~'Of course it's always him who finds me.' You humored in your mind as you straitened up and turned to the blond boy. He had his usual annoyed look on his face with his hair pointing in every which direction and his hands were buried in his pockets.
~His tone of voice sounded pretty normal, but you swore you could identify a tone that told you he was half expecting you to show up sooner or later. You walked over to him and he eyed you wearily with his ruby eyes.
~"It was you... I know It was you!" You told him and he stayed put. "You exposed Keiji of his wrongdoings and got him suspended." You exclaimed in shock that he actually managed to do it but also in gratefulness that he went out of his way to do so. The blond smirked for the first time in front of you as he huffed.
~"He was a disgusting extra who thought he had everyone wrapped around his fingers. Not only did that bastard harass girls, but he also often got me and my friends in trouble. So when I heard about what he was doing to you, I recorded evidence of him right in the act for a couple of days and gave it to the teachers to handle the rest. Simple and easy." He explained as he shifted his weight on one foot and lifted his hand in the air to further showcase how simple his stunt was.
~"So you're telling me you did it because you wanted him off your back and not mine?" You inquired half-joking and half-serious, not even caring about the fact that he had been recording you. He looked to the side blushing a faint pink.
~"He was a complete asshole, I would have done it even if he didn't bother us, so I could watch him suffer for his actions. You happened to be just the perfect reason to use as an example." You blushed at his words and smiled slightly. Then you realized something and your smile fell.
~"But he still probably has the photos! H- He still could get his revenge and-"
~"I already took care of it." He stopped your panicking by placing a hand on your head, making you stand still. "Me and my pals confronted him and made him spill what devices he stored the photos in he took of his victims. We stole his phone and also his friends' phones and broke them. He was too confident that no one would find out that he didn't save them anywhere else. a Moron move if you ask me." He further explained and you calmed down under his surprisingly gentle touch.
~"So... I'm finally free?" You questioned to confirm just in case.
~"That's right, whatever he tries, you don't need to do shit." He smirked and lifted his hand off and buried it back into his pocket. Your smile returned and you couldn't hold the laughter in as you giggled from happiness.
~Finally it's over. Now you don't need to do gross things with him and you can now wake up without worry every day.
~"I owe you so much!" You said while laughing and he 'tch'ed.
~"What can someone like you offer to a delinquent who can get anything from other students just by intimidating them?" He challenged. You dug into your bag and pulled out an unopened bento box.
~"For starters, I can offer you this extra bento I made." You offered it to him and he lifted his brows as he took it. "I was supposed to give it to my friend but she wasn't at school today, so you can have it, plus I doubt you have your own lunch." You dug out your own and walked to the old-ish bench next to the vending machine and sat on it, he eyed the green container once more before following your lead and sitting on the opposite end of the bench to begin eating.
~You were right. He, in fact, didn't have lunch to eat today.
~You sat there in a newfound peace as the birds in a nearby tree happily chirped. You smiled. For the first time in a while, you felt at ease and able to breathe. Feel as free as the bird in that tree or in the sky.
~It was funny. You were eating lunch next to a delinquent who has a reputation as an intimidating and violent person, but you felt safe. In reality, the delinquents are people too and they only attack if someone approached them first.
~'He is interesting for sure.' You thought as you scooped more rice in your mouth.
~"What's your name?" He suddenly spoke and you looked at him. Oh right, you don't even know each other's names.
~"My name is (L/N) (Y/N), and you are?"
~"Bakugou Katsuki."
#bakugou katsuki#bakugou#bakugou katsuki x reader#bakugou x reader#x reader#bnha#bnha fanfiction#mha#mha fanfiction#bnha x reader#mha x reader#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#fanfiction#delinquents
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Seasons Change [3]
iii. the summer will warm the coldest parts of your heart
pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
word count: 3.3k
warnings: smut, language.
summary: a mission throws you and steve together, bringing a new sort of revelation to your relationship.
a/n: okay, yes, I know this is late, but listen, I couldn’t find my laptop amongst all the moving boxes! good news is that I did find it though, so here is seasons change part 3 (my favorite part!), one day late!!! the taglist for this series is open!
previous chapter // series masterlist // full masterlist
June 20, Rome, Italy.
You walk out of the bathroom of your hotel room, your final belongings gathered in your arms. You dump them into your open suitcase, not bothering to organize them since you’re finally flying home again, before zipping the suitcase closed and plopping down beside it on the bed. You stare out the window of your room, admiring the Sydney skyline outside, though you’re glad to trade it for a familiar skyline in just a few short hours.
As you stand to grab your suitcase, your phone rings, and your stomach drops with dread, already aware that this phone call is not going to be one that you like. You grab your phone from your pocket, eyes scanning the familiar number on the screen before you answer with a sigh, “Hill, this better not one of those calls.”
“It’s just recon!” You sigh again, and you can practically hear her cringe though the phone, “I know you haven't been home in months, but you’re our best agent. And you know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.”
“Who gave the orders?”
Not optional then. You nod once, even though she can’t see it. “Where?”
Your brows lift slightly, “Italy?”
“You know any other Romes?”
You deadpan, “Yeah. Georgia, Alabama, Illinois.”
Hill lets out a short laugh, “Okay, okay, I get it, smartass. Yes, Rome, Italy.”
“Just recon, huh?”
“Just recon.”
You sigh, knowing you can’t say no if it’s from Fury. “Alright, send over the file.”
“Already done.” You can hear the smile in her voice when she adds, “Oh, and you’ll have a partner on this one.”
You groan, “You know I do better solo.”
“You’ll like this one!”
“You said that about the last one.”
“Who, Franklin?”
You hum in acknowledgement, “He talked too much. And he ate way too much garlic for someone sharing a tiny room above a church.”
Hill laughs again before she mutters, “Well, I mean it this time.”
“Who is it?”
“Can’t say. Classified.” You let out a sound of frustration, and you can hear the amusement in her voice when she reassures you. “You’ll meet him in the safe house.”
“Don’t forget that you’re my favorite agent!”
“Yeah, yeah. Talk to you soon.”
Shield sends a Quinjet to fly you to Rome, which you suppose is the closest thing you’ll get to an apology for not getting to go home. Still, it’s better than flying commercial, so you accept the gesture, and your flight passes uneventfully, which you’re grateful for.
The safe house is close to your landing spot, so you decide to walk, thinking the fresh air will be good for you. Unfortunately, you underestimated just how hot it would be beneath the Italian sun, and by the time you arrive at the safe house, you’re sticky with sweat. You walk inside, the apartment pretty small as far as safehouses go, but you’re used to sharing close quarters with other agents, so you aren’t worried about it. You drop your bag on the floor in the living room, heading towards the kitchen and calling out as you move. “Hello? Anyone here?”
As you step into the kitchen, you find it empty, save for a note on the table, along with a small brown paper bag. There’s a delicious smell wafting towards you from the bag, buttery and warm and full of cinnamon, and when you pull it open, you see a fat cinnamon roll staring back at you. You get an idea of who your partner is before you even read the note left beside the bag.
Went to grab a few things, be back in a bit.
You roll your eyes and mutter under your breath, “God damn it, Hill.”
You knew you’d regret telling her about your arrangement with Steve, but she was suspicious after he called her in Japan, and she pretty much pieced it together on her own. All you did was confirm the details for her. Still, it felt nice to talk about it with someone. Not as agents, but as friends. You work so often that you don't have a lot of opportunities to get close to anyone, and besides Steve, Hill is the closest thing you have to a friend.
You shake your head, sure that she’s laughing her ass off at HQ, before you settle into one of the chairs at the table, pulling the bag with the cinnamon roll towards you. You pull a copy of the file out of your bag, given to you by the pilot in the Quinjet, reading through it again as you eat the cinnamon roll left to you by Steve. And that’s where he finds you later, sitting at the table and popping the last bite into your mouth, and he says from the doorway, “Where does it rank on your list?”
You look up in surprise, so engrossed in the file that you didn't hear him come in, and he smiles as he walks into the room and sets two bags of groceries on the table. “So?”
You shake your head at him, not understanding. “So, what?”
“The cinnamon roll, where does it rank?”
You smile and wipe your hands clean, looking down at the crumbs scattered on the table. “Oh. Definitely not as good as my mom’s, but it’s one of the better ones I’ve had, so maybe a 7?”
Steve’s brows lift and a playful smirk settles itself on his face. “A 7? It’s at least a 9.”
“There’s isn't enough icing for it to be a 9.”
He smiles and nods, taking note of the criticism. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He starts to put the groceries away, and you stand to help him. “So you’ve read the file?”
“Simple surveillance, in and out in a few days. Intel says Alexandrei Ivanov has been scoping out tourist traps to test Hydra weapons at.”
You nod, both of you on the same page, before you ask, “So how are we gonna play this?”
Steve grabs a different file, turning to hand it to you as he grabs the last few groceries. “Newlyweds Victoria and Logan Jones. Honeymooners happily in love, hitting up all the best tourist spots and snapping plenty of pictures for their family back home.”
You feel your cheeks heat up a little as you scan the file, realizing that you’re gonna have to pretend to be married to Steve for the next few days. And everyone knows that you have to stay in your cover at all times, because you never know who’s watching. This should be fun. You take a deep breath and look up at him with a smile, feigning a confidence you don’t quite feel. “So, when do we start?”
It turns out that you’re starting right away.
You freshen up from your flight and change clothes into the ones Steve brought for you, a bright yellow sundress; both of you looking incredibly average when you reveal your outfits to each other. Preparing to be tourists, you both don sunhats and grab a camera, and with your cover in place, you head to the Coliseum hand in hand, playing the part of a couple in love.
It doesn't take long for you and Steve to spot Ivanov, as most of the Hydra operatives tend to stand out in a crowd. Steve squeezes your hand when he spots him first, and he turns to you and sweeps you in for a kiss, whispering softly against your lips, “Ivanov at your 3 o’clock.”
You feel your skin heat up with his touch, and you tell yourself that it’s the Italian sun, because you’re an operative and this is just work. But Steve seems to notice the effect he’s already having on you, because he smirks, and you repress an eye roll as you turn away and look around for Ivanov. When you spot him, you turn to your fake husband and exclaim, “Let me get your picture, love!”
You see his cheeks tinge pink, and now it’s your turn to smile, the nickname clearly something he enjoys. He passes you the camera and stands in line with Ivanov, and you point the camera at Steve, pretending to snap pictures of him, when in reality you’re capturing Ivanov in the background. Once you get the shot, you smile at Steve, waving him back over. “Oh my god babe, you look great! Come see!”
Steve walks over and checks the pictures, smiling his approval at you. “Wow, you really captured my good side!”
You lean into your cheesy role, beaming up at him. “Every side is your good side!”
“Baby, c’mere.” He pulls you in for another kiss, this one more passionate than the last, his tongue instantly slipping into your mouth. You have to work hard to remind yourself that you’re in public and this is a job, so you need to keep your composure. Every move the two of you make needs to be calculated, it needs to serve a purpose.
Steve’s mouth moves over your jaw and down to your neck, his mouth pressing kisses and love bites into the skin there. You automatically tip your head to the side, giving him better access, and you hear him whisper against your throat, “Think you can get his phone?”
He lightly nips the side of your neck, and despite yourself you let out a soft moan, unable to hold it back. You feel Steve smile against your neck, and you clench your fists hard, pressing your nails into your palms, trying to calm yourself down again. You nudge Steve back up to your mouth and pull him close, running your tongue over his bottom lip, sinfully slow. You hear Steve’s breath hitch in his throat and you smile before whispering, “Phones are my specialty.”
You pull away from him, stepping back and smiling at his expression, Steve clearly getting into this just as much as you are. You’re slightly relieved that you aren’t the only one affected by his presence or his mouth on yours. You’ve seen each other a few times since Japan, quick flings on your way to other cities and missions, but each tryst never feels like enough. You feel yourself wanting to spend more and more time with Steve. Not just for the sex though. The sex is great, but you’re starting to enjoy just being with Steve.
You try not to think about it too much, focusing instead on your arrangement. No strings attached, just hook ups. No feelings, no relationship. That’s it.
You shake your head to clear your thoughts, returning to the present and your need to lift the phone off Ivanov. You carefully evaluate him; where’s he’s standing, where his phone is most likely to be on his body, what’s the best way to get it off him. And as you watch him standing near the railing, a thick crowd of tourists moving past him, you decide that the best method is to slip it from his back pocket as you move past him with the crowd.
You blend in with the families and couples moving through the attraction, and when you get close enough to him, you deftly slide the phone from his back pocket, quickly switching it to your other hand, held out of sight. You wander over to an area with brochures and pamphlets, grabbing a few and using them to further hide the phone, before making your way back to Steve, the phone hidden in your hand. When you reach him, you give him a smile, passing the brochures and the phone to him. “Look at all these places we need to visit here! So many exciting things to see!”
Steve beams at you when he feels the weight of the phone, and he quickly slides an SD card into the phone, transferring whatever he can as he chatters away about what cafes look best and what attractions you absolutely need to see before your honeymoon is over. When the transfer process finishes, he pulls you close and whispers, “Now how do you get it back?”
“Bumping into him is best, he’s less likely to feel it sliding into his pocket that way.”
Steve smiles at you, “I have the perfect idea then.”
Your brows furrow together, wondering what he has in mind as he pulls you towards Ivanov, talking excitedly the whole way. When the two of you get close, he holds up the camera. “This looks like a good spot, babe! Let’s take a few selfies here.”
“Good idea, love.”
His eyes cut to yours, and you confirm the nickname is one he really likes as he lifts the camera and pulls you close. He snaps a few of the two of you smiling before he leans in and kisses your cheek, snapping a few more. Finally, his lips find yours, and you hear the camera snap a few more times before his arm lowers and his kiss grows more passionate. His tongue slips into your mouth again, and you feel one of his hands slide down to your ass, the phone hidden beneath his hand, pressed against your butt.
You feel a spark of arousal as he shifts you backwards, his mouth moving to kiss your neck as he bumps into Ivanov, quickly sliding the phone back into his back pocket. Steve’s hand quickly returns to your ass, squeezing lightly as Ivanov turns to look at the two of you with disgust. “Watch where you’re going!”
“Sorry man, it’s just hard to keep my hands off her.”
Another squeeze to prove his point, and you close your eyes, steadying yourself as Ivanov retorts, “Maybe you should take her home and fuck her then.”
“Maybe I should.”
You look up and find Steve’s eyes, and the look in them is enough for you to know that he means it. You both mumble another apology to your target before Steve takes your hand and leads you through the crowd, the two of you heading back to the apartment you’re sharing. But it’s like the walk cools Steve off or something, because when you arrive back at the building, he drops your hand and steps inside, awkwardly rubbing his neck as you lock the door behind you. “Good grab back there.”
“Yeah, you too.” You shake your head, your mind too focused on his hands on you, before you amend, “I mean, thanks.”
He holds up the SD card and the camera, “I should get these sent over to Fury.”
“Uh, yeah. Of course.” You glance towards the bedroom door, thinking there’s only one thing that’s gonna cool you down at this point. “I’m gonna shower, try to wash off this sweat.”
“Enjoy it.”
You swear you can see Steve physically cringe at his response to you, and you nod once, grabbing your bag as you head into the bedroom, closing the door behind you. You move straight to the bathroom, switching the water to cool, hoping you can shock your arousal out of your system. You strip quickly and step under the cool stream, the water shocking the heat that seems to linger on your skin. Goosebumps lift on your skin, chasing away all thoughts of Steve, and when you feel calmed down enough, you switch the water warmer, intending to wash up before you get out.
You wash your hair and body quickly, wondering if you can claim jetlag and pretend to go to sleep early to avoid any more awkward interactions with Steve. But as you stand beneath the warm water, letting it wash over you and relax you, you hear the bathroom door swing open. Confused, you turn to see who it is, surprised to see Steve striding towards you and pulling the shower door open. “Steve, what are you-”
The rest of the questions dies on your lips as he pulls you towards him, crashing his lips onto yours. His tongue slips into your mouth and you moan into his touch, hoping he won’t pull away from you this time. You tug him closer and he steps into the shower fully clothed, moving beneath the stream of warm water with you. His hands start to roam over your body, and your lips move together frantically.
You reach up and unbutton his wet shirt, pushing it off his body and onto the shower floor with a wet sound before your hands find his pants and belt, undoing them too and pushing the fabric down to join his shirt. His boxers are the last to go, and as you nudge them down his legs and grab him, his hand slips between your legs, expertly moving against you. The two of you stand pushed together, water running over you as you bring each other to the edge, ridding yourself of the tension that’s been building all day between you.
Steve is the first to pull away, muttering “bedroom” against your lips. You nod and reach behind you blindly to switch the water off before allowing him to lead you into the bedroom, both of you dripping water across the floor. He leads you to the bed, still wet, and you lean back into the sheets, too aroused to care. Steve follows, and he’s inside of you in seconds, both of you moaning as you climb towards your highs together. It doesn't take either of you long to reach the top, and stars explode across your vision as you tip over the edge, Steve’s name coming out of your mouth as you finish.
You fall asleep almost as soon as Steve rolls off of you, exhausted from traveling and spying and being with Steve. You wake a few hours later, when the moon is high in the sky, and you roll over to face Steve, only to find that he isn’t there. Curious, you slide out from beneath the sheets that Steve tucked you into, and you pull on your discarded sundress from earlier before wandering out into the living room.
There you find Steve, sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep. You smile when you see him, wondering why he’s out here, until you see the sketchbook in his hand. You move closer to him, grabbing the book to close it and set it aside, and as you do, you spot the drawing half finished on the page.
It’s of you, fast asleep, sprawled out on the sheets, a soft smile on your face. You flip to the page before it and find another picture; you in Japan, eating across from Steve, and the one before that is you at the holiday party a few months ago. You look at Steve in surprise, still sleeping, unaware of what you’ve seen, and you smile as you close the book and set it on the table beside him.
You hear your phone ring in the other room, and you head back to the bedroom, scooping it from your suitcase and answering without looking at the screen. “Hello?”
“Good job in Rome. We’re running the data from the phone and already getting hits on other locations, which means we need you somewhere else.”
You wander to the doorway between the bedroom and the living room, looking out at Steve as he sleeps on the couch, and when you do, you suddenly become aware of the intimacy of all of this. The playing pretend, the cinnamon roll, the notes, the sketches, it’s a breach of your arrangement. No strings attached, no feelings. You shake your head at yourself, wondering if you’ve managed to ruin a good thing, and at the same time, Hill’s voice comes through the phone, soft and concerned. “Agent, are you there?”
“Yeah, sorry.” You look at Steve one last time before turning and heading to your suitcase, already starting to pack up. “Where do you need me?”
This time when Steve wakes up and looks beside him, there is no note.
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you are so valid and I totally see why everyone I've ever mentioned it to loves the hell out of it
aksdjlsdfj I meannnn if you want to hear my rambling about it then hell yeah
Okay, gonna put this below the cut to save everyone else XD also- since I'm not leaving this Mass Effect obsession anytime soon, if you're not interested in seeing occasional posts about it, please feel free to block the tag "night plays ME"~
(mild spoilers ahead??)
((also for real I mean it when I say this is rambling as hell lol, apologies and no stress if absolute no one reads all this))
OKAY SO Mass Effect 1-
Stars help me, I was honestly hooked right from the start?? Like even in Legendary Edition (the combined trilogy just re-released in one "can play it on one system + minor improvements", for anyone who doesn't know) where it's smoothed out, of course it's obvious that ME1 is a decade old... but the foundation for these relationships are all there and gods I love them already.
Like - Kaiden right off the top is a delightful good fightin lad, what the hell. I've heard that he's viewed as 'bland' by a good portion of the fan community but I dunno, he's a delight and even more complex by the time 2 rolls around and you encounter him on Horizon, it was honestly Ashley I was way more meh about - mostly because before you can learn about her family history/etc, she comes off as hella xenophobic and I was immediately offended for my growing space family that she didn't like/trust all the aliens around, pfff.
(she gets redeemed a bit through further actions/evolving thoughts, but I thought in retrospect it was a bummer that they didn't flip the order there, give her a chance to be liked before the complicating factor of being so rude about aliens >:c that then she could grow from... ah well. Apparently she has a good arc but uh, let's just say I chose Kaiden at the "key junction" in the latter part of the game so I won't be seeing anymore of Ashley uh... anytime soon, haha.)
Garrus??? Is??????? The ABSOLUTE best???????????
I liked him from the start, I'm always a bit of a sucker for a rogue-detective "the system won't bring this bastard to justice, so I've got to" type and all their moral shadiness XD But he just gets better, honestly, and where I'm at in ME2 (right before the Reaper IFF mission, as of typing this, with everyone's loyalty!) I am only digging myself deeper into this hole-
-*wheezing* okay anyways -
Wrex is AMAZING I love fightin' middle-aged krogan bastard, gods. Liara is great too, I'm a sucker for a wlw relationship (playing fem!Shepard, so) - buuuut I'll admit she's a bit more one-note in ME1. Last week while I was still on ME1 I remember hearing (while trying to dodge spoilers) that her arc is really good, though. I think they leaned a little hard on the 'innocent but sexy' sterteotype on her (so despite the yikes aspect of a few of the things I've learned in ME2, lol, I actually really like the complexity that's been added to her character.)
Saved Liara first, so by the time I got to Noveria and had the standoff with Benezia there was the chance to have emotions over Liara having to face her TwT and of course, I made the questionable but quality decision to free Queen Rachni heheh. no ragrets
More than a blow-by-blow of my choices though I totally wanna take the chance to say that even in the mild jankiness of ME1 (goddammit, the Mako.... please..... please just go up this impossible cliff I just want to resource hunt-) the way that the lore, both obvious/key to main plot and the lesser/filler/background/world-building kinds... I just love it. It incorporates it well, you can go ham in the codex learning more, or just dive into the basics - it's clearly a complex galaxy (and they do an even better job in 2 of fleshing it out further), and it never really felt overwhelming. It was pretty natural figuring it all out-!
Plus the interesting implications of resource hunting amongst the sapient races, and the little side missions you better bet I did every one of- there's so much rich depth in the story if you do 'em!! (And that lead with that Keeper side mission...? Looking back, damn, clever foreshadowing-!!!)
And oh my gods, Ilios??? hell yeah. I loved that mission so much, especially having Garrus & Kaiden with me when talking to the hologram/computer, and more than anything, that last sprint in the Mako trying to get to the jump before it closed-???
yeet the boi-
Also mannn I love a good setpiece, and having to go up the side of the elevator, space-side?? such a cool setup!!
Plus it felt good having been Paragon enough (as simple as the good v bad vibe system is, I don't hate it, lol) to avoid one of the Saren fights, ngl. And the er, "second fight" with Sovereign-Saren.... hell yeah
... I'll admit I had to double check my choice re whether to save the Council. I did in the end, but I swear, sometimes the way they phrase things I'm like ".... okay but Garrus is right, defeating Sovereign is more important than these few leaders??????" woops. Listen, priorities, is all I'm saying..... ( ̄ヮ ̄|||)ゞ
'Course later they emphasize (in ME2) that there were 10,000 people on that same ship and I was like well I wouldn't have second guessed if I'd known that, I mean c'mon-
Also I did indeed romance Liara in this one, so I got that scene ;Dc But,,,, I also knew by the end that I was totally gonna romance Garrus in 2 since he's an option then finally,,,,, lemme tell you the guilt as I waffled over whether to romance Liara bc of it. hahaha.
Aaaaand Mass Effect 2-
So I'm only up to right before the Reaper IFF Mission, so I don't know the ending, etc etc lol. That said, I've just finished every side mission I've found with the exception of the Shadowbroker Quest and the Arrival Quest (I've heard the latter basically leads into ME3, and the former is best either right before the Omega 4 jump or in postgame).
So from the start - fuck yeah fuck yeah what a high adrenaline start Shepard noooooo but also yes save Joker aH-
The motion comic too hot damn nice job
I loved this setup, seriously - especially forcing Shep into this situation, having to work with/for Cerberus, and the compelling reasoning given behind "why" they do what they do (I especially found it a good point that the Salarians have the Task Force, the Asaris the Commandos, the Turians the- etc... like, true, when you put it like that, having a similar group advancing human interests/solving human interstellar problems is pretty reasonable...). That said, I love too that it really isn't shied away from how Cerberus is nonetheless fucked up - or its at least done fucked up stuff.
Listen, I still think some messed up stuff is gonna be revealed in 2's endgame......... after that Horizon mission and the Collector's ship???? TIM I SEE YOU YOU SHADY MF-
aaanyways lol...
I'm so so glad on a gameplay level they nixed the Mako style exploration. A few Hammerhead missions are fine and a lot more focused than the slippery ass navigation in that glorified ATV, pfff. The probes are a neat way of getting after similar resources - and more importantly, having good levels and some good hubs (the Zakera Wards, Omega, Ilium, etc) is way way more fun than having a more 'sprawling' space that is.... a lot of empty nonsense, lol.
Then there's the fact that we get Joker right off the bat and you can interact with him so much - and him and EDI??? Get out gods I love them. Kasumi is so right when she says they sound like a bickering old married couple lol. I have a terrible feeling that some shit is gonna happen with EDI..... but I don't think she's evil as-is, at least.
Side-eying the hell out of those "access forbidden" parts of her that she doesn't even know.... and the fact that her AI core has a locked door access................... something's gonna happen gdi LEAVE OUR ADOPTED AI ALONE.
(Also Joker pls stop fracturing your thumb on the mute button)
Also please save me there are so many hot aliens in this game,,,,, the xeno/monsterfuckers really comin' through strong in the sequels............... doin' the lord's work........................................
In general, I love how many levels ME stepped up in two with complexity and interwoven narratives!! Like, to the point it'd be almost a drag to replay ME1, even though it was fun going through it (if occasionally a bit tedious with the cookie cutter rando planet science/mine facilities, lol). Like, just from how fun and interesting ME2 is, mostly! more of all the pre-introduced races, plus new ones, plus more filling in of intragalactic politics, and more interesting implications of all these space-faring races mixing....
Also gods WREX and his planet holy shit,,,,, fuckin' hell yeah my man get their shit together and also adopt Grunt yes good-
And Mordin??? My singing semi-evil scientist best friend forced to confront his choices more than he thought he ever would have???? With some of the best ongoing general report chatter of all the companions??
(when I tell you I choked on my coffee when I talked to him after confirming romance choice w/ Garrus and that 'pamphlet' and 'anaphalactic shot if ingesting-' kajsldkfjsldfjk)
Like, fuck, the fact that they actually dive into the mixed morality and horrors of the genophage, and you can confront Mordin on it, for good reason, yet he still stands his ground, until finally some bits of his loyalty mission seem to... affect him, and I'm guessing might set up things for 3 with him? Unsure, but either way, damn, the fact that they start to dig into it...
And Taliiiii my beloved forbidden alien wife TwT her loyalty mission was SO GOOD. I love how varied they all are?? Getting to defend her and discover what she'd unwittingly been a part of-!!
Zaeed is a bastard but tbh I love that he is and that he's unapologetic in him - and Kasumi omg, best thief. A heist?? Gods, yes- I love our couch lounge chats XD
Samara is..... illegally.......... she's an illegally powerful and beautiful and eloquent MILF...........................
(.... listen I'm sapphic as hell and I'm kicking my own ass for picking her up last aksjdlfksjdfl - but her loyalty mission, damn. And seeing how there's this interesting cultural subset, and the struggle with the Asari in that they unquestioningly accept/respect justicars, but also know that the impact outside their culture is a diplomacy nightmare waiting to happen-)
,.,,,,,T,,, Thane,,,,,
I am weak for morally implicated murder dads okay?? And that voice??? His mannerisms?????? How you first see him, and that prayer after assassinating her...???????? And his history/his people's history with the hanar, gods I love how messy it is, it feels so much more real!
Also Jack is a mess and I love her (and want to get her some therapy, omg), and her and Miranda nearly duking it out after you've done both their loyalty missions??? so good and makes a lot of sense-! Honestly I would love more interactions between teammates on the ship, but there's already so much the devs had to balance I can't blame 'em for minimizing, heh. But suffice to say I also love Miranda and Jacob, even if I'm softest for my alien crew XD Hell yeah Jacob, we'll get loud and spill drinks on the citadel indeed TwT
.... I could write a whole essay on how much I love Garrus oTL Perhaps because he and Tali are the throughlines from 1 on your 2 crew, I have some of the strongest feelings about them... but genuinely, he was one of my favorite companions in the first game, and how you find him as Archangel in two? Getting to help him fight his way out after he's gone nearly 48 hours straight fighting off three gangs alone, jfc. His vengeance quest and what can happen there.... That line? fuck me, that line -
It's so much easier to see the world in black and white. Grey? I don't know what to do with gray...
How DARE you come for my heart like this, devs holy shit
(also, some other choice faves so far from the series from him include We can disobey suicidal orders?? and This wasn't in my training manual... [in 1, if you have him with you @ th Thorian fight] and his whole.... pop the heat sink - in his romance ;Dc)
asdasdfksadjfkl like I said I can write an essay on him PFFF suffice to say I'm very looking forward to his romance scene and where things go in 3
But yeah gods I'm just gonna keep rambling if I'm not careful lol. Gods I don't even know what to talk about it's all so good and while I can understand people roasting the obviousness of Paragon V Renegade (v neutral) choices/alignments, I think they do a pretty damn good job in 2 of pushing it further - to the point that there were some times that I accidentally got renegade points and I wasn't that mad, haha. There's so much fun in the interactions that I just have a good time anyways~
I have so many thoughts about TIM (The Illusive Man) and Cerberus.... theories evolving galore............... and like, what the hell!! Omega 4 going to the center of the galaxy is such a cool twist, goddamn - though my heart still breaks at losing Kaiden (his line if you haven't romanced him?? about feeling like he lost a limb when he lost you??? holy shit.... but I also can't blame him for not trusting Cerberus to the point of it affecting his ability to trust Shepard... like fuck Shep go after himmmm) I'm really excited to see where that goes since he comes back in 3, and what the fuck happens with Cerberus bc while I love the fact that obviously there are a lot of people in it for the right reasons, doing good work, there are those that are doing the opposite, and I have a very bad feeling about where TIM will end up landing....
All that said though I need to do the Reaper IFF mission (where I'm lightly spoiled as to getting That Boy, but not how/what happens to make it so - just that it's apparently wise to have all your side missions done before getting him...) and the actual Omega 4 jump. So we'll see what happens and what I think about it from there heheh!
.... major kudos and genuine props if you made it here to the end, I am so sorry for not editing on condensing all this, and appreciate you so much ;w;
#night answers#night plays ME#(yes that's a purposeful pun lol)#((i sure have played myself by starting this series its so good aksdjflskjfd))
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lucid locations (gbd)

while one full year of wakeheart and an impending candle launch are definitely moments to celebrate, you might just have another plan for the ceo’s attention
word count: 7.5k
warnings/tags: ceo!grayson, lots of smut, 🥵 is all im sayin
feel free to send in requests! and check out my masterlist if you wanna :)
Between construction at the house, the warm California summer and an inviting pool right in the backyard, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d had on more than a bikini top, running shorts and one of Grayson’s shirts. He was the same - mostly running around shirtless in his shorter shorts, maybe throwing on a tank top if he was building. When you’d packed up to take haven from the construction dust and noise, headed for a rental house in Malibu, you’d had to convince him he needed to pack more than his new speedos.
Needless to say, getting cleaned up and ready for a black tie event was quite the shift from your usual day to day. The makeup you were swiping on felt almost foreign, especially the lipstick. But the hand that made it’s way onto your bare back was all too familiar. You relaxed into it, smiling at Grayson in the mirror.
“God damn.”
“Stop it,” you rolled your eyes, closing them when he leaned over to press a kiss to your shoulder.
“You look so good,” he hummed. “But can you look good 6 inches to the right? I gotta clean up my beard.” Your eyes went wide, lip jutting out as you moved over, opening up the spot in front of the sink.
“Don’t shave it.” You blurted, making him laugh.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m just cleaning up the edges. The scruff stays.”
“Good, it makes you look very... ceo-ey,” you grinned, reaching over to run a finger over his jaw, feeling the coarse hair there that you loved so much.
“What, I don’t look ceo-ey with a baby face? Not even in this fit?” He gestured down to himself in his speedo, striking a bit of a pose.
“King of business. Steve Jobs is quaking. The bulge really sells the whole look,” you teased, scrunching up your nose. He belly laughed at that, a hand moving to his chest as if to brace himself until he moved forward to you, spinning you around a bit so he could press his nose to yours.
“Can’t blame me when you insist on getting ready in a bra and tiny shorts,” he mumbled with a grin, fingers ghosting up your bare sides as if to reiterate his point.
“I’m enjoying the ethan-has-his-own-bathroom perks of this house, sue me.” His lips brushed against yours just barely as you spoke, so light that it almost tickled.
“I’m enjoying it too.” He pressed a kiss to your lips gently, a small one.
“Don’t smear my lipstick bub,” you cautioned nicely, wrapping your arms around his neck. He sighed at that, eye meeting yours and just looking. It was the type of gaze that made your cheeks as warm as your core.
“Bring more so you can fix it later. You’re very kissable right now.”
“And you’re very sappy,” you mused. He always got sentimental on big occasions, excited to make new memories. “And kissable.” You gave in, giving him a quick one, ignoring his attempt to deepen it. “We gotta get ready or we’re gonna be late to your own event.”
“The CEOs have to be a little late, I think it’s customary,” he tried, but you just shook your head, covering his lips with your hand.
“Shave, I gotta do my hair anyways. And I’m probably gonna need your help with my dress.”
That was enough motivation for him to get on with getting ready. You’d been sneaky, not shown him the dress you’d picked out for the evening. It was your first black tie event that you’d gone to ever, and definitely the first one with him at your side. You wanted to look good next to him, look good in the pictures you knew were going to be taken that he was no doubt going to post and probably print out to add to his photo collection too. It had butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you did your hair the way you liked, keeping it simple and making sure it framed your face.
It took you a little while, and you smiled when Gray wandered back into the bathroom in his suit, bowtie hanging loosely around his neck just as you finished. You let out a low dramatic whistle, breaking it off into a laugh when his cheeks turned your favorite shade of pink.
“Help.” He walked over to you, lifting his chin up so you could better access his bowtie. You went to tie it immediately - you’d taught yourself last week when he decided to wear one. It made you smile as you recalled the two of you sitting on his bed, him shirtless with just the bowtie around his neck while you practiced, the spitting image of a male stripper from a bachelorette party. You’d been laughing so hard that it took you a ridiculous amount of times to get it. Luckily now you got it on your first try, proud of yourself as you straightened it out.
“Is it dress time?” His eyes flashed a bit when you nodded in response, heading for the closet where your garment bag was waiting. You pulled it out, having to hold your arm up high so that it didn’t pool on the floor as you moved it to the bed.
Grayson rubbed his hands together in anticipation before he balled them into fists, the full embodiment of a kid on christmas, but in a 6 foot body.
“You look like you’re gonna combust baby, chill,” you teased, shaking your head as you slipped your shorts off. You felt his eyes on your thong, the smallest one you owned. You still weren’t sure it would work - only one way to find out.
You reached behind yourself and unclipped your bra, letting it fall to the floor before you leaned down to scoop everything up and toss it the laundry.
“I like where this is going.” His voice had dropped a bit, eyes taking you in from head to toe.
“Oh yeah? Well, get excited,” you teased, reaching into the Target bag on the floor to pull out a few nipple pasties. “These bad boys are coming along for the ride.” You wiggled them around dramatically in the air before you turned to the mirror to put them in place. Grayson watched, entirely unfazed.
“Okay, go stand in the bathroom for a minute,” you instructed, pointing to the door. He balked, eyes going wide.
“What? Why!?”
“Cause, you seeing me wiggle into this thing will ruin the allure. And I like surprises.”
“But I wanna see,” he pouted, giving you the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. You weren’t sure how a 6ft man in a tuxedo could look so soft, but he pulled it off.
“You will see, in like two seconds,” you teased, pushing gently on his chest as he walked backwards towards the bathroom door. He was still pouting when you closed it.
Taking a deep breath you went back over to the garment bag, pulling the zipper of it down to reveal the fabric you hadn’t seen in a while. Just laying there it looked almost innocent... almost. But when you put it on? You’d never felt like such a bad bitch - even in the fittings you’d felt powerful, sexy.
“Do you have it on yet?” Grayson’s voice was impatient, a bit distorted. He was biting his fingernails, you could tell.
“No, just gimme a minute,” you laughed, coaxing the dress off the hanger and carefully stepping into it. The fabric was silky but dense, with enough structure to give your body shape and enough flow for it to be flattering. It was a deep purple that reflected in a way that made it almost blue when it caught the light. The cleavage was there, but subtle, and that subtly was made up for with an open back. The material pooled right over the curve of your ass, leaving almost your entire back exposed, held up by the tiny straps over your shoulders.
But once you had it on, you remembered your favorite part, the main reason you’d bought it besides the color.
The slit.
It was high. So high that it was borderline inappropriate, but still just classy enough. It tapered up at your hip, leaving your entire left leg open to the air. And as you’d feared, the lace line of your thong was visible.
“Let me see,” Grayson whined from behind the door. You knew if you didn’t give in he was going to come out anyways.
“Alright alright, come in!” You called to him. He wasted no time in getting the door open as you stayed where you were in front of the mirror, trying to figure out what to do about the underwear situation.
“Holy. Fuck.”
That caught your attention, and you turned to see his face. He was smiling, but his mouth was wide open, jaw slack as he looked you up and down. You expected him to get it together after a few moments, but he just stood there, awestruck, eyes never leaving you.
And then, to top it off, he finally took in a raspy breath, coughing a little. You opened your mouth to say something, but he held up a finger and moved towards the bed, rummaging around by the bedside table.
It was a sight you always wanted to remember - him, puffing on his bright red inhaler while standing there in a tux.
“Wow, that good huh?” You couldn’t help the ego boost that it gave you to see him so undone just from looking at you.
“You got room for this in your bag? Might need it later with you lookin’ like that.”
You rolled your eyes a bit, but you held your hand out anyways, taking it from him and sitting it down next to your bag. The fabric tape you’d bought peeked out at you and you pulled it out with a sigh. It wasn’t the most comfortable looking stuff, but you didn’t have much of an option.
You moved back in front of the mirror, reaching up to your thong and hooking a finger through it and pulling it down.
“What’re you doing?” His mouth sounded dry as he spoke.
“It was showing. Can’t wear any with a slit this high.”
“You’re actually trying to kill me.” He watched you step out of them with hooded eyes, which turned to confusion when he watched you open the packaging on the tape. “What’s that?”
“Fabric tape. Keeps everything where it needs to be, ya know?”
“You can’t just wear the dress?”
“Do you want the entire Wakeheart team to see my vagina tonight?” You laughed, quirking an eyebrow at him in the mirror. He scrunched his nose at that idea, staying quiet while you got everything arranged and taped.
“Okay, tell me if you can see anything.” You spun around slowly, trying out a few different angles with your leg that you might do during a photo.
“You’re good. I fuckin’ love that dress, it looks perfect on you.”
“Thank you baby. You look pretty fuckin’ hot yourself.” You fixed the collar of his shirt with a smile. He brought his wrist up, checking his watch - his green rolex, of course.
“Ah shit, we gotta go or we really are gonna be late.”
You just nodded, moving to the box with your new black heels and pulling them out. Grayson held his hand out for them and you handed them over, blushing when as you watched him crouch down and reach for your foot.
“I can do that you know.”
“I know.” He grinned up at you before he looked back down and guided your foot in, his big fingers giving him a few problems when he got to the tiny clasps on the straps. “These are stupidly tiny.”
“I can get em,” you offered again, but he just waved you off, sticking out his tongue as he focused and finally got the buckle to thread through. The left shoe went easier, even though you had to hold onto his shoulder while you balanced on your right.
He stood up when his work was done, eyes flashing wide when he looked at you.
“You’re so tall now. That’ll be nice for my back.” The question must have been clear on your face, because he answered it. “Don’t have to bend down to kiss you.”
“Shut up and put your shoes on,” you laughed, kissing him quickly before moving to check yourself in the mirror one last time - even you had to admit, you looked damn good. Grayson got his Louis shoes on quickly, tying them and coming beside you, phone in hand. He pulled you against him so you both fit in the mirror, posing like you were on a red carpet just for his phone.
“Turn around.” His voice was gruff, and when you did as you were told you knew why. You couldn’t help it - he took the first picture of just you looking up at him, your back on display. But by the time he snapped the next one, you snaked your hand down, white nails bright against his black pants as you cupped him over the fabric, his bulge already growing.
He snapped the picture anyways.
“You sure?” You didn’t have to lean too far to get close to his ear now that you had on heels, and he rolled his neck as he sucked in a breath. His eyes flashed to yours, desperate and angry and wanting all at once.
His hand fell over yours, pulling you off of him by your wrist. “Later.”
“Promise?” It rolled off your tongue as you looked up at him through your lashes.
“Jesus,” he groaned, the effort he was using to stay put together obvious. He pressed a kiss to your knuckles before he let go. “Yeah, fuckin’ promise.”
He saved the last picture under my eyes only and put his phone away, taking your hand as you grabbed your bag and followed him out of the room.
“Does my hair still look okay?” You turned to Grayson, a bit nervous that you’d undone all your hard work.
With gentle fingers he fixed a few strays that had come loose. You should have known that they were going to play Cudi the whole way to the venue - it was a Dolan celebration after all. The boys always got hype, and you couldn’t help but join in, dancing along and singing at the top of your lungs. For your mood? Wonderful. But for your look? Maybe not so much.
“You look perfect.”
“Promise?” You quirked an eyebrow, knowing exactly what you were doing and loving every minute of it.
He sat back down in his seat further, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath through his nose. Ethan noticed from the front seat, watching for a moment and then deciding he should probably mind his own business.
Grayson’s eyes were serious when he turned to you, leaning over so no one else heard your conversation.
“We have photos in like 5 minutes. I’m begging you. Behave.”
You pondered it for a minute - how many times had he fucked you up, got you turned on in public when there was nothing you could do about it? But there was a sincerity in his eyes and his voice that you couldn’t ignore.
Did you like being told what to do? No. But for Grayson? You’d do just about anything.
“Fine,” you conceded with a grin, leaning over to give him a quick kiss. “But only cause I want you to be able to post the pictures without your dick showing.”
“How considerate of you,” he rolled his eyes, but it was light hearted. He laced his fingers with yours, thumb running over your skin as his excitement mounted every minute closer you got the venue. You watched out the window as the fancy buildings started to emerge, signaling that you were getting close. Malibu had a more relaxed yet somehow more exclusive vibe than LA, and it had your heart racing.
“You’re gonna be fine, it’s just cameras.” He had somehow sensed your nerves, putting his own aside as he tried to comfort you instead.
“You’ve done this before, of course it’s not scary for you.”
“True. But I’m gonna be with you the whole time, which means you have nothing to worry about,” he countered, almost asking you to challenge him on it. You just nodded, picking up your purse from the floorboard.
“When we get out can you stand in front of me? I don’t wanna accidentally flash anybody.”
“Of course baby. I thought thats what the tape was for though,” he mused.
“Better safe than sorry.”
“We’re here, you guys ready?” Ethan turned from his spot in the passenger seat, excitement written all over his face. He reached back, hand extended to his brother, his partner in all this. You watch them do the handshake they could do in their sleep, a silent communication of excitement and support.
And then, it was time for the show to really begin. It was a bit of a blur after that, mixtures of adrenaline and nerves. Grayson opened your door, standing tall and broad as you stood up, got your footing and adjusted your dress to make sure all was covered. And then he offered you his arm, prideful grin on his face as he showed you off.
It was a blur after that. You vaguely remembered pausing in front of the backdrop, a simple white with the Wakeheart logo scattered across it. You took a few serious pictures, giving your best sultry look, but mostly you just smiled, so proud of your man for all he worked so hard for.
At one point he stepped back from you, gesturing towards you proudly. It took you a minute to register that the photographers were calling out for you to pose, just you by yourself. You did your best, posing and looking where you were called.
You only relaxed when Grayson reattached to your side, leading you down the rest of the carpet that stretched up to the venue. You posed for a few with both him and E just for fun, the three of you goofing off and just being yourselves before you made it to the end, the doors open to reveal the inside of the venue.
“They want some of just E and I, do you wanna wait out here or do you wanna go sit down?”
“I’ll go sit, save my feet. Have fun!” You kissed him quickly, vaguely aware that a few cameras flashed. You reached up and wiped a tiny bit of lipstick off his lip before letting him go, watching him head back over to his brother.
You weren’t alone for long - you’d barely made it into the room before Sterling saw you, lighting up and running over to you. She was in a floor length green number, the sparkles on it catching the light from outside.
“Ster! You look amazing!”
“Says you! Holy shit! You rode in with the boys right?” You nodded, starting to look around. “Do you think they’re gonna like everything?”
“Oh they’re gonna love it, for sure.”
The room was dim, colorful lights all around giving just enough brightness to make it functional without ruining the vibe. It only took you a second to realize that each light was specific; purple, blue and a light orange, just like the Enterlight collection. There were little Wakeheart touches everywhere, from the little mini fragrances on the tables to the logo printed on the name cards at the tables.
“Your all’s table is at the front I think,” Sterling offered, pointing up by the stage. “I gotta go find Daniel, I’ll find you later!” She disappeared to find her boyfriend and you headed in the general direction of the front, weaving through some of the tables.
You turned, lighting up as you realized the call had come from Deon who was beelining for you, the biggest smile on his face.
“De!” was all you could get out before he had you wrapped up in a hug, almost lifting you off the ground. It had been too long since you’d seen him, too long since he’d come by to hang out after the first few times that you’d hit it off.
“You look hot as hell girl, damn!” He praised, and you blushed so deep that you were sure he could see it, even in those lights.
“Did Kai get to come?”
“Yeah, he’s getting us drinks, wanna meet him?”
“Of course! Gotta see what all the hype is about,” you nudged his shoulder, taking his hand as he lead you over to the bar.
Kai was taller than you’d pictured him when Deon had described his boyfriend, but he was beautiful enough for all De’s constant gushing about him to make sense. The introductions went well, and you almost forgot where you were until someone cleared their throat.
“You guys gonna get drinks or what?” The bartender that spoke was a burly guy, too much muscle, and probably too old to be happy as a bartender if his tone and glare said anything about him.
“Oh right, sorry! Just uh, two mules for us. Y/N?” Deon looked at you expectantly.
“A mojito for me please,” you kept up the niceties, trying to stay pleasant. Maybe he was just having a bad night.
“I hate making those.”
Niceties? Gone.
“Well then I guess it’s a good thing you’re getting paid.”
“Suppose so,” he grumbled, passing over the two mules to Deon and Kai. They took the gratefully, giving you a little wave before they headed off, so caught up in each other that they didn’t even register the conversation. You stood up a bit taller now that you were by yourself, practically daring him to try something.
“You here by yourself?”
“Don’t see anybody with you.”
“So observant.” You let the annoyance seep into your tone, but you were right in assuming that he was the type of guy who didn’t give a fuck if the women around him were uncomfortable.
“Where’s your man then? Not a smart one if he’s gonna let you walk around here wearing that by yourself.” The way his eyes raked up and down your form didn’t sit well with you.
“He’s a bit... occupied. And considering I’m the reason there’s a bar here in the first place tonight, I suggest you watch your mouth and make the drinks before the CEO changes his mind.”
“What she said.”
You’d know that voice and the hand that slid dangerously low across your back anywhere. Apparently, the event planners must have shown the workers who the whole party was for, because the man behind the bar changed his tune immediately.
“Mr. Dolan,” he greeted, so serious that is almost made you laugh. “Can I get you anything sir?”
“You can get my girl what she asked for, and you can watch your mouth. That’ll be all.”
You weren’t sure how a guy the size of the bartender could look sheepish, but he managed it as he handed over your mojito.
“Thanks! Have a great night!” You hoped your insincerity was blatant enough as you took your drink and waved back to him, letting Grayson’s hand guide you as you turned around.
“Hi baby, how were the rest of your pictures?” You asked as you walked to the table, chasing your straw with your tongue for a moment before taking a sip.
Grayson just shook his head at you. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
You shrugged, enjoying the compliment and lifting up to kiss his cheek in thanks. He pulled your chair out for you before you sat down, settling beside you. As you expected, he was a hot commodity, a stream of people coming up to the table to give their congratulations. It only got more constant when Ethan found his seat on the other side of Grayson, everyone making sure they got their moment with the boys.
Grayson was fully engaged, and you did your best to listen, focus on what he was saying, accepting the little nods of acknowledgement everyone was giving you.
But you were much more focused on the way Grayson’s hand was reached back so he could keep a hand on your thigh, his diamond ring cold against your skin as he squeezed every once in a while - a little reminder that he appreciated you being there with him.
It was innocent enough - but the mixture of him in that suit, the professional tenor of his tone, the lights, the fact that his hand was big enough to cover all the way across your thigh. You couldn’t help it - you shifted your legs just barely, only then realizing just how wet you were.
It was wishful thinking that he didn’t notice. And of course, right at that moment there was a lull in the congratulations. He turned back to you, a playful glint in his eyes.
“Come with me, I wanna show you something.”
You smoothed out your dress when you stood up, hoping your skin didn’t look as flushed as it felt.
“Hey. We gotta talk at 8. Don’t leave me hanging.” Ethan’s tone was all too knowing, and if you hadn’t already been blushing you would have when he fist bumped his brother.
You took Grayson’s hand, his Rolex cool against your wrist as he lead you out of the event room, down a small hallway and to an elevator. He hit the button labeled R, and you both waited as patiently as you could. As soon as the doors were closed he was on you, both hands on your face, thumbs over your jaw as he pulled you to him.
You melted into him, molding to his form, whimpering when his right hand traced down your back, crossed over and tucked under the fabric of your dress, fingers ghosting over your bare hip.
“Fuck, forgot you ditched the panties,” he groaned, turning in annoyance as the doors dinged and opened.
There were very few things that could have pulled your attention away from Grayson at that moment - the view was one of them.
“Oh wow,” you breathed, looking out at the rooftop that the elevator had brought you to. It was a garden of sorts, lots of greenery and flowers all around. But the real stunner was the view over the ocean, a perfect Malibu beach stretching out, visible even in the dim twilight that had settled over the sky while you’d been inside.
“Figured you’d like it up here. And it’s private.”
You turned around, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Private.” You swallowed around the word as he came closer to you, pulling you in for another kiss. This time you got your piece, hands coming up to his neck, searching out any skin you could find over his collar. He one upped you, both hands moving down your back, under your dress and over your ass, squeezing and massaging as he reached further, getting dangerously close to where you needed him most.
“We can’t, Gray we can’t.” Your words didn’t match your actions, whole body jolting when his hands moved out of your dress, right hand resting on your hip from the front now, the slit just making it that much easier for him to gain access.
“Why not?” He mused, kissing along your neck.
“Cause we can’t go back down there looking fucked out. We’ll be home in a few hours.” There wasn’t even a flicker of conviction in your voice, and he just shook his head, unwilling to hear it.
“Can’t. Got me fucked up down there, calling me CEO and shit, hyping me up to that piece of shit. Don’t think I’m gonna make it home without at least a taste.” His hand traced left, ducking under your dress. You gasped as the tape peeled off your skin, leaving you vulnerable.
“Fuck Gray,” you whimpered as his hand cupped over you, your knees buckling underneath you at the feeling of his fingers sliding through your slick.
He groaned at what he found, other hand coming up to the back of your head, chasing your lips with his as you gasped when he started to move.
“Just hold onto me baby, I got you.” His voice was deep in your ear as you clung to him, his arm wedged between both of your torsos as he worked you over. But just when you were really getting there, legs shaking, he pulled away, leaving you exposed and cold in the evening air.
You were about to complain, but the look he gave you told you he was far from done.
“You’re on watch.” His voice and the wink he threw you had your already weak knees about ready to give out as he sunk down, moving your dress away like a curtain.
He pressed a sweet kiss to your hip before he ducked down, holding onto your thighs as he dove in with a wide tongue, finally getting what he’d been waiting for. And even if he hadn’t told you to you would have been bracing yourself on his shoulders.
“I like these heels,” he murmured when he pulled back for air. “Gets me a better angle.”
“Fuck, Grayson.” Something about you using his full name had him diving back in with a vengeance, tongue rough and active, only pausing to suck on you in the most delicious way.
Your eyes rolled back, hands finding his hair, not caring if you messed it up as you held on, twitching a bit as he hummed at the feeling of your nails on his scalp. You forced yourself to focus, watching the door to make sure no one wandered up to the roof, found the star of the whole affair buried in your pussy.
But something else caught your eye - a little clock, number shining blue.
“Gray, G-Grayson, stop, stop it’s almost 8, you have to - fuck - you have to go,” you warned, but you couldn’t bring yourself to pull him away from you.
“Gotta keep my promise first,” he said, only speeding up, knowing you were close from your breathy tone and your quivering thighs. Sure enough, all he had to do was add his finger and you were completely undone, calling out his name and bracing on his shoulder so you didn’t collapse.
He stood back up with a triumphant grin, ego booming as you just stared at him, working through the aftershocks. He checked his watch and clenched his teeth, giving you a nervous look.
“Hell yeah, one minute to spare. Take the elevator.” He pressed a wet kiss to your cheek and jogged off, leaving you panting and alone as he disappeared down the staircase.
“Jesus christ,” you huffed, trying to walk forward on your wobbly legs as quickly as you could, doing your best to pull yourself together. It was all deep breaths and attempts to ignore the wetness on your thighs in the elevator ride as you tried to re-stick the fabric tape with no luck.
The only reason you didn’t go to the bathroom to get yourself re-situated was because you didn’t want to miss the boys speech. So you quickly made your way to your seat, sipping on your drink to try and cool yourself down while you watched Ethan attempt to fix Grayson’s hair at the side of the stage. Oops.
They walked up eventually, waving and acting as humble as ever while the room applauded them. Grayson looked entirely unfazed, as if he hadn’t just been nose deep in your pussy 60 seconds ago. You tried to manifest the same energy, pretend like you weren’t still practically dripping sitting there in your dress.
But when he looked right at you and swiped his thumb across his bottom lip, wiping away what you knew was you? You clenched around nothing, biting down on your straw.
It was going to be a long rest of the night.
They thanked everyone for coming, and for all the support of the brand over the last year. They shouted out everyone on the team, giving them the praises they deserved. Grayson slipped in a little moment for you, a “thank you to my amazing girlfriend who always smells every sample I bring home and isn’t afraid to give her honest opinion, and who keeps me sane and supports me through every step of everything I do” that had your cheeks burning as all the eyes in the room sought you out.
When they were done he wasted no time in putting his hand right back on your thigh as soon as he sat down, smirking a bit when he wrapped around and found just a trace of wetness.
“Easy. My tape won’t re-stick,” you warned, not wanting him to get too frisky and accidentally move your dress.
“Guess you’ll just have to stay close to me then huh,” he mused, leaning in for a kiss that you gave him happily.
The rest of the night went smoothly, from the meal to the social hour afterwards. You stayed on Grayson’s arm, right where he wanted you as he made his rounds, made sure he spoke to the executives that he and Ethan had invited, got the advice he’d wanted to ask about.
Before you knew it midnight had come and gone.
“You ready to get out of here baby?”
“Hell yeah.”
Perks of dating a 20 year old CEO? He has his own driver when he wants it. But to your surprise, the man who drove the three of you there handed him keys instead of leading you to a car.
“Had em drop off the porsche in case we wanted to ditch early and Ethan didn’t.” He answered the question he knew you had, leading you to the familiar blue car that was waiting on the side of the street.
“Always the planner,” you teased, squeezing his arm before he opened your door for you and helped you in.
“I do run a company you know,” he mused, leaning down to kiss you one more time before he picked up the rest of your dress and put it in the car so it didn’t get closed into the door.
You watched his every move as he went around the front of the car and climbed into the drivers seat, starting it up and revving it up once just for good measure.
As soon as he pulled out of the spot you were leaning down to unclasp your heels, groaning in relief when your feet were freed.
“So much better,” you sighed, relaxing back in your seat as he plugged the rental address into the GPS and started down the road.
“Those shoes have their perks for sure. Sorry they hurt you though.” He palmed the wheel as he turned and you bit your lip, remembering exactly what perks he was talking about.
Now it was his turn.
You reached over, hand resting on his thigh, nails digging in just barely. He twitched, foot pressing a bit on the gas, lurching the car forward.
“Easy baby,” you cautioned, turning in your seat so you were facing him, fingers tracing up further, gauging his reaction.
“What’re you doing,” he asked as if he didn’t know, eyes trained forward on the road.
“Keeping promises,” you mused. “Got me fucked up back there.”
He sucked in a breath through his teeth as you repeated his words from earlier, unbuckling his belt and pushing it out of the way as you spoke.
“Yeah? How’d I get you so fucked up baby. Tell me.”
“You know exactly what you did,” you reminded him, popping the button open with your nail, coaxing the zipper down to reveal his Calvin Klein briefs that were already getting stretched as he got harder and harder.
“Wanna hear you say it,” he grunted, knuckles white on the steering wheel.
“Could barely walk to the elevator when you ran off, my legs were all wobbly. Made me feel so good,” you explained, stroking his ego and his bulge simultaneously.
“Fuck yeah they were, and you still made it down for my speech.” You reached up under his waistband, pulling his underwear down enough for you to get your hand around him. His hip stuttered as you started to work him over like only you could.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” you hummed, using your thumb to trace the vein on the side of his shaft, up over the tip with just enough pressure to really fuck him up.
“Shit baby. Just like that.”
You did as he said, twisting your wrist over him as he grew in your hand. When your knuckles grazed over his balls the porsche jolted again, making you grin.
“Careful. Can’t fuck you if we don’t make it home.”
“If you weren’t so fucking horny we wouldn’t have a problem,” he huffed, looking at his phone to check the ETA. 2 more minutes.
“Can’t help it. You in a suit just gets to me,” you admitted, batting your eyelashes a bit just for fun. You didn’t count on him dropping his right hand from the wheel and reaching over to you, shoving your dress to the side and immediately cupping over your already sensitive folds. You jolted in your seat, squeezing his dick in your hand.
Two could play that game. With a wicked grin, you shifted, closing your legs so he couldn’t reach you and leaning forward, dropping your head.
Before you could get very far his hand was in your hair, pulling your head back up so you had to look at him.
You swallowed hard and nodded at his command, sinking back into your seat as he pulled the porsche into the driveway, typing in the gate code, fingers drumming on the wheel while he waited for them to open. He pushed the gear shift forward into park as soon as he stopped, looking over to you.
“Wait.” He said again, opening his door and readjusting himself back into his pants before he came around to your side of the car. He opened your door sweetly, offering you a hand.
As soon as you were on your feet he was crouching, shoulder hitting your hips before he grabbed and lifted, practically throwing you over his shoulder.
You squealed, trying to find purchase against his back, hands balling up his suit jacket in an attempt to hold on. He was unfazed, even taking one hand off you to unlock the door.
By the time he made it to your alls room on the top floor you’d gone limp, knowing there was no point in fighting him. You missed his face while you couldn’t see it, smiling when he leaned forward at the edge of the bed, let you fall on top of the comforter, bouncing slightly.
“Dress on or off?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow.
He pondered it for a minute, eyes darkening as he imagined both scenarios, played them out in his head.
“Off,” he decided. You nodded, standing up and pulling one of the straps off over your shoulder. His fingers found the other before you could, pulling it off so that the top of your dress fell down, revealing your breasts. You looked down with a laugh, almost forgetting about the nipple pasties you’d put on.
He cupped them anyways, thumbs running over the little petal shaped cut outs, the muffled sensation of his fingers on your nipples making your back arch, asking for more. He was gentle as he peeled them away, not wanting to hurt you, ducking down to kiss each one when they were free.
You ran your fingers through his hair as he licked over them, kissing his way across. Your dress continued to fall down, gathering at your hips until his hands found it and pushed it the rest of the way off.
“Much better,” he grinned, guiding you back until you fell on your back again.
It was quite the show, watching him strip out of his suit in front of you. He started with the jacket, tossing it away without a care before he started working at his bowtie.
You couldn’t resist - you sat up, untucked his shirt from his pants, hastily fumbling over the buttons, pausing to run your hands over his abs as soon as you saw them. He groaned at that, especially when you leaned forward to kiss his warm skin. He got the tie off somehow, working from the top button and meeting you halfway before pulling it off. Just him shirtless in those fucking pants was enough to have you fully worked up again, and you laid back down, watching him pull his belt off through the loops, undo his button and pull everything down at once.
Your mouth watered, ready for him, but to your surprise he crawled on top of you, resting just enough weight down to pin you to the bed. He was beaming as he looked down at you for a few moments, just taking you in.
You reached up to cup his face, pulling him down to kiss you, surprised but warm nonetheless at his sudden change of mood.
“I love you,” he murmured against your lips.
“I love you too.” There was no question. “Proud of you.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you.” He pulled back, readjusting so he could line up. You opened your legs a bit wider to make room for him, anticipation mounting as he rubbed himself over your folds for a few strokes. His lips found your forehead as he finally pushed in, stretching you out as he slowly let you adjust to all he had to give.
“So fuckin tight for me, every time baby, fuck,” he huffed out, sinking down further onto you. If you had room to, your back would have arched as you drug your nails over his arms, overwhelmed at how deep he already was.
He dropped to his forearms, rocking above you so hard that your whole body moved across the bed with each thrust. You clung to him, arms moving around him, scratching at his lower back.
You couldn’t even form words, the only things falling from your lips being his name and a constant stream of whimpers, punctuating each drive he made into your heat. Every time he pulled out his tip ran across that spot deep inside you that had you squirming, body unsure of whether you wanted to run away or get closer, overwhelmed by the force of the sensation.
He knew you were close when you started to clench around him, walls fluttering in a way that pushed him towards the edge like nothing else ever could.
When your orgasm came, it was almost too much. You cried out, clinging to Grayson as he continued to pound into you without mercy, only spurred on when you bit onto his shoulder, riding it out before your body went limp for a moment, completely fucked out.
“Almost there baby, fuck,” he groaned, sitting up and grabbing your hips with both hands, holding you up as he chased his high, lost in you entirely. “Want your mouth.”
Somehow in your blissed out state you managed to sit up enough for him to get close enough to you and your waiting tongue. It only took a few quick strokes before he was cumming, hips stuttering as he unloaded into your mouth. You found the energy to suck him dry, taking all he had to give before he guided you off, much too sensitive for you to keep going.
He laid down beside you, rolling to his right to find your hips and pull you on top of him. Neither of you moved a muscle for a few minutes, just trying to get your breathing under control and your heart rate back down to an acceptable rate. When you finally got enough energy back you made your way up to his face, catching him with soft and lazy kisses over his lipstick stained lips, drinking each other in.
You knew that the pictures would run tomorrow, and your faces would be everywhere. You could see all the headlines about Grayson in your mind: CEO, youtuber, famous, heartthrob; every girl that saw him in that suit would be just as enthralled as you had been. But none of it mattered. Because they didn’t get your Grayson, the Grayson who picked you up and carried you to the shower twenty minutes post fuck, helped you take your makeup off and made you laugh until your stomach hurt when he washed his hair and spiked it up in a soapy mohawk like a six year old. That was your Grayson; your CEO, your heartthrob, for the rest of your fucking life. You relished in the thought as you curled up to him that night, loving the weight of his arms around you as you drifted off.
#so... heres this#SURPRISE :)#grayson fic#lynds writes#grayson dolan#grayson dolan fanfiction#gray#pls pls pls lemme know what you think IM NERVY
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Happy Birthday [Donquixote Doflamingo]
A/n: as promised smutty Mingo. I warn you; it’s basically porn.
You should have declined; torn the invitation in two and went about your monotonous day, had you known how the night would end.
Better engagements will come along.
As if.
Choices like this are not yours to make. An invite to the castle is not an option to squander. You doubt that you will ever play in Dressrosa again if you were to turn down the shot to perform at the current king’s birthday party. It’s like this every year since Gatz told him about you; an invite arrives and you consider tearing it apart.
You know you shouldn’t, but that doesn’t mean you don’t think about doing it. Beni – your brother – says that you’re acting like a child. You convince him to come along; mainly to watch you, ane because there is a piece you want to play.
As darkness consumes Dressrosa you are ushered into a small room set up as a dressing room to prepare. You sit in front of a mirror and stare at your gloomy painted expression. Why did it have to be this way? And where is Beni? Everything about tonight annoys you; the short dress you’re wearing, the distant chatter of the guests in the next room.
“This is terrible,” you whine.
Beni returns from the banquet hall; platter of coral macaroons in hand, and sits them down next to you. About damn time.
“Don’t tear into them just yet. We’re about to go on,” he states.
You sigh in disappointment – the desserts are one of the few things you take delight in, coerced into parties such as this.
“How much longer?”
Beni hums. “Not sure. Soon I was told.”
“I sure hope so.”
You honestly want to get this over and done with. Beni takes a seat on the settee beside you and sighs.
“Are we ready?”
He looks to you for an answer – instruments and act; check – but even you aren’t mentally sure. Giving him a fake smile, you can’t help but to feel annoyed with yourself. It’s far too late to change your mind now.
Like the year before, Gatz calls you to the stage. You follow Beni into the banquet hall, taking your position at his side. The room goes eerily quiet and you force a smile, drawing your bow across the strings of the fiddle you love so much.
The performance begins.
Right from the start the piece is high charged. You rap the heel of your boot on the stone floor, lost in your music. Beni follows, strumming on his guitar. His playing is much louder; aggressive even.
You scold him with a wag of your finger and saunter forward towards the front of the stage, agreeing to his challenge with furious notes. He joins you again once the peak leading into the chorus builds up, but you easily dominate him; smile on your face.
Beni raises a brow; it’s a war.
At times you allow him to defeat you to build suspense, and he allows you to do the same. You dance together and sometimes pretend to be blown away by one another, but alas the cunning heroine wins. The piece ends with you panting in exhaustion, sweat coating your skin.
The banquet hall erupts in a chorus of applause. Even the King claps; tongue tracing his bottom lip. You give a bow to him, in relief that Doflamingo seems pleased. Beni takes your hand and quickly pulls you from the stage, leading you back to the dressing room.
“That was tense,” he states with a laugh. Beni shuts the door behind him.
You agree while collapsing back onto the settee. “He liked it; I’m so thrilled.”
Tossing Beni a macaroon you too eat one; you certainly deserve it for surviving another birthday.
Alas, the fun doesn’t seem to end. As you are packing up your fiddle someone knocks on the door. You give Beni a shocked look, pleading with him not to open it, but he does.
The woman behind the door you recognize. Baby 5 is the name she calls herself; a slim woman with black hair. You feel nervous. Did something happen? Was the King not pleased?
She enters the room and locks eyes with you. “The Young Master wants an audience with you. He insists you stay until the party is over and bring your case.”
You frown; somehow you doubt no is an option. Dread fills your stomach. Beni seems reluctant with this decision, but you assure him that you will be fine. Honestly you aren’t too sure. Before she leaves, Baby 5 mentions that she will return to escort you to the King once the party is over. You nod in agreement.
What could he want from you?
As planned, Baby 5 returns around midnight to retrieve you. Beni left hours ago, but he’s the least of your worries.
You quietly follow her through the castle, head bent towards the floor in gloom. She brings you to a large set of doors and knocks loud enough for the King to hear, allowing you to enter once he grants you access. Baby 5 shuts the door behind you and leaves you to his mercy.
The dread returns. The first thing you notice is that you’re in his chamber; a spacious room with a large bed and many book shelves. The King himself is seated in a chair near the far wall. He motions you forward with a finger and smiles as you hesitantly submit.
“Have a seat.”
You nod and seat yourself in the chair in front of him. It’s several times wider than you, but you ignore it and place your case in your lap, urging yourself to get comfortable. Once you do, despite the situation, you wait for him to speak.
“How many birthday parties have you entertained for me now?”
You hum in thought. “This will be the third year, I believe.”
“And you also play at the colosseum as well I’ve heard,” Doflamingo mentions.
You nod. It’s an honor; at the same time, it scares you. Did you upset him or someone from his family? Tears sting your eyes. “If me or my brother have done some––
He brings up his hand to stop you. “Fufufufu! No reason to worry yourself; though I find it amusing how skittish you are with me. It’s rather cute.”
Embarrassment warms your face. “Can you blame me? You are a king; I am a mere musician.”
“That’s extremely honest of you,” he mocks with a laugh. “But also, the reason you’re here. I want you to play me a song.”
For a second his words you don’t comprehend. Did he request a private performance? You smile; all the worries fade away.
“I’d love to play for you. It would be an honor.”
Opening up the case, you retrieve your fiddle and set it into position. He nods to urge you to continue, but once you start; a few slow notes in, Doflamingo stops you. What could be wrong? You freeze up in fear.
“I want to see you how you are on stage – erotic and intense.”
You seem to understand. “May I stand up?”
“Be my guest,” Doflamingo replies.
Getting back onto your sore feet, you start again. The piece also calls for a piano; in fact, it sets the mood for the beginning, but you make do without it. You tap the strings with the beat in your head and once the fiddle solo begins, you dance in a line from side to side as you play, rapping your boots on the floor and swaying your hips.
The notes slow down before the chorus and you slide the pointed toe of your boot in a wide circle across the floor. At the next verse, you really put your all into it, playing faster. Your entire body moves to the beat like an erotic dance and once the piece is done, you are panting in utter exhaustion.
Doflamingo seems pleased. He again licks his bottom lip and claps his hands. You bow and plop back down on the chair.
“Finished already? I haven’t told you to stop playing yet.”
Your face heats up. Is he serious? The strings are worn; there is no way another performance like the previous one can be done without replacing the strings first.
“My apologies, your grace. I acted without your blessing,” you blather out.
Doflamingo laughs. “No worries, little mouse.”
His smile fades and he stands to his full height, sauntering over to you. He’s taller up close. You sink back into the chair and stare at him with wide and horrified eyes. Only when he moves behind the chair do you lose sight of him.
His fingers slide into your hair, sending shivers down your spine. “Let me show you my thanks.”
He tilts back your head and leans down to place a hard kiss on your lips. A grunt of surprise leaves you. What is he doing? Why is he kissing you like this? Your eyes widen in shock. He’s not serious, is he?
Doflamingo pulls away and takes your hand, leading you from the chair over to the bed. This is really happening; he really wants to fuck you. Did your music do this to him? You bite you bottom lip; you should tell him no, but honestly you want him to fuck you.
He lets you go and allows you to hesitantly crawl onto the bed. You sit on the edge since your boots are still on, but he doesn’t seem to care as he bends to his knees and begins to remove them. A King isn’t supposed to do this. Strangely enough it makes you wet.
Once your boots are off and gone, Doflamingo leans up and presses his mouth against yours again. You kiss his bottom lip, moaning as he rubs his thumbs into your bare thighs. He reaches up into your short dress and tugs your panties down your legs.
“Lean back,” he orders.
You do so, watching him in embarrassment as he spreads your legs and rests them over his shoulders. Oh God please. Your prayers are answered as he lifts your hips and closes his lips around your clit, sucking lightly.
You moan and arch your hips. His warm breath fans out across your pussy as he leans back and eases his long tongue into your hole. Waves of pleasure consume you. He feels good.
“P-please, my lord … please don’t stop.”
Doflamingo smiles against you. His mouth returns to your clit; tongue drawing circles into your bundle of nerves. The sensation in the pit of your stomach grows. It won’t be long now. Sadly, he doesn’t allow you to get off and leans up with a smile. You grunt in annoyance; your arousal gleams across his lips.
Standing up, he urges you back further on the bed. You watch him take off his pants, freeing his swollen and rather long cock. He certainly is a large man, you think; not only his stature. Doflamingo crawls over you and moves your short legs to rest at his hips.
How will it fit? You try and relax your tense body as the engorged head inches into your core. Wet or not it hurts a bit; your tight walls stretch to accommodate him. Doflamingo seems unresponsive to your obvious struggle, because quickly he thrusts himself to the base inside of you, robbing you of your breath. A gasp escapes your mouth; sharp and burning pain strings your insides, but again, he seems not to care. He thrusts roughly into you.
You bring up your hands and push at his stomach. You don’t want him to stop, only to back away a bit. Every thrust hits your cervix in a harsh way that brings tears to your eyes.
“Relax,” he grunts. His eyes are hidden, but you can hear the irritation in his voice.
What does he expect? Someone as small as you can’t be expected to take a cock as large as his so easily. You nod and try to bear it for a bit longer. The uncomfortable pain is sure to go away. The stretch is a dull sting at this point. You feel good; so full that you doubt even a finger can fit into you. Have you ever felt this full before? It’s intense. You pant in satisfaction as he continues to thrust into you.
Arching your back to meet his thrusts, you relish in the fact your lower abdomen bulges when he pushes roughly into you. This has never happened before. You rub the area, moaning as you feel it press into your palm. It’s not a terrible sensation. You aren’t sure whether it’s normal or whether you are supposed to like it, but you do; fluid leaks down your thighs.
“Good little mouse. You’re taking me well for someone so small,” Doflamingo grunts. His mouth hangs open in satisfaction, but his smile never fades.
It’s a kink to him, it seems. His grace takes delight in watching his cock fit into someone much smaller than him. You swipe your tongue across your swollen lips. How lewd of him; how wicked.
“I feel so full … so good,” you sigh.
His thrusts gain intensity. You nearly cry out as his thumb finds your clit, rubbing small and deep circles; round and round. Your eyes roll back in bliss as his thrusts match the alacrity of his fingers. Waves of pleasure consumes you.
Your body tenses up as you come undone, moaning softly. Doflamingo lets your orgasm ride out, then pulls out. Your core spasms around nothing, and he notices.
“Fufufufu. Done already, little mouse?”
Tears blur your eyes. You feel exhausted; your throat is dry and sore, but strangely you miss the contact. You want him back inside of you. He never even got off. There’s no warm and wet mess on your thighs – except your own.
You clutch his hips and urge him forward. The head of his cock pushes against your entrance, but glides up your slit and nudges your clit. You moan in protest, short nails burying into his skin.
“Patience. You got yours.”
A whine leaves you, but you agree with him.
“Turn over and submit yourself to me,” Doflamingo commands.
You do as he orders, rearing your ass once you’re on your hands and knees in front of him. Your face is consumed in heat, but with your head pressed into the mattress you’re certain that he can’t see. Unfortunately, neither can you. Touch is the only sensation he allows you.
His large hands grab the fleshy globes of your ass, spreading your cheeks. He thankfully lines himself back up and thrusts into you. His fingers dig into your hips, keeping you in place as he fucks you. It feels deeper this way; a little less intimate, but honestly you don’t care.
At one point he stops and allows you to rock your hips back, fucking yourself on his cock. Drool leaks from the corner of your mouth. Pleasurable as it is, Doflamingo seems to dislike the slow buildup and lifts you up, resting your exhausted body against his chest as he continues. His thumb finds your clit and within minutes you cum again. It’s too much; too intense for you.
Your body nearly collapses onto the mattress, but Doflamingo holds you up as he reaches his own high, removing his cock from your abused walls to cover your thighs and the bedsheets in spurts of his warm cum. A shiver runs down your spine. This is honestly something you never expected to happen; you don’t mind at the moment – fucked out of your mind – but how can you ever look your king in the eye after this. You won’t be able to even play in front of him again without thinking about this moment.
In any case, your welcome feels overstayed. You pull away from Doflamingo, legs shaking in protest, and move towards the edge of the bed. Your panties are somewhere; you just have to redress and leave.
“I thought we made it clear that until I dismissed you, you aren’t allowed to leave,” he coos. His arm slides around your waist, drawing you back onto the bed with him.
Your head rests against his heaving chest, but your eyes remain closed, listening to his labored breathing.
“Give me a minute, little mouse. The night is still young, and there’s still much I want to do to you.”
You feel too tired to protest and simply nod. Maybe you won’t faint on him; it’s possible. He’s way too much for you.
Happy birthday.
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Welp, feeling like doing an update because there's been a lot going on to be honest. its one of those weird dichotomies where every day feels like an eternity and there's so much going on and then you look back and you're like oh, ok its just my brain making it difficult and making things take forever but anyway.
Lockdown life was good, apart from being thrust into it so suddenly dave left a banana on his desk. Wasn't great to come back to after 5 weeks out of the office - mummified mouldy banana!! Classic. We luckily got our first jab before lockdown started so that was good, and we were reasonably well stocked up on food and were generally a lot healthier this lockdown that last. honestly, there's a level of chill and serenity in lockdown that i just love. the ability to set my own schedule and only work the hours I actually work to get the job done? Amazing. getting 8.5 hours of sleep each night without having to wake to an alarm blaring? AMAZING. getting to go for walks every afternoon? SO FLIPPING GOOD. I love it so much, I really really do. I need this to be my life permanently.
Work is just ongoing and draining and honestly, coming back to the office was so fucking stressful and it was only one day. Being at home is just the fucking bomb. Pending home decisions, I wanna go contracting I think, but also ideally two part time contracts to have more flexibility? I dunno. You'd think a big 4 would provide variety but it really doesn't and honestly, with Richie leaving, wellington is just a sinking ship. Sean's off on parental leave, Kirstyn is down to four days a week, ben will be gone if he doesn't get promoted (and I don't think he will be tbh). Jack is just muddling along, Nigel wants to swap to consulting as well, Matt's going to be a shit leader in terms of bringing in work so it's just not going to work. and in our wider group it's going to get even more messy with heaps of the analysts leaving and a couple of senior hires too. so I think it's probably time to jump ship in general, pending the home stuff below. Also, coming back after a break again, I'm like, I don't actually like a lot of you? All the people I enjoy here are in other teams and groups, and I'll be sad to leave you all, but like, not enough to stay anyway lol.
Pending the home below, two options are to just going and get a job with a $30k payrise to make up for the maternity leave benefits I'm gunna leave behind when I leave this role - 18 weeks full pay, $100 a week for the first year back and a full year of maternity leave. It's basically 30k post tax which is a bit nuts to walk away from to be honest.
Otherwise the other option is to go contracting. Less security overall but holy shit so much money. If I went in as a project coordinator at the lowest rate to build up a bit of a portfolio I'd need to work 40 weeks of 40 hr weeks and Id basically match my current salary plus the lost family leave benefits and still qualify for govt maternity leave payments. Realistically I could go in as a project manager for $140 an hour ($60 more an hour than the above math) and absolutely smash it at that level as well so ya know, there's a bunch of other info. I like the idea of the flexibility of it and only having 6 months even if its a shitshow and beign able to walk away at the end of it. I really don't want to get a govt job and this is a v govt town which is fine but also, if I can avoid it that would be great. I just know I'm not gunna thrive in that environment.
Need to talk to Dave to get him across the line on the security issue part of that though. I've mostly come a long way in terms of my financial management (thanks YNAB) so I think he'd be ok with it mostly.
So there's a lot to toss up there because......
We got the reno plans done during lockdown, finally. which was super good. but holy fkn jesus $$$$$$ ++++++++++. The guy is coming around for the final quote on Thursday. We indicatively said $100k total because we're doing kitchen laundry bathroom and toilet. so only the most expensive rooms and when I was talking to him last week he said 'that might cover it' and they're seeing cost escalations of 7-10% a week which is just insane. we're not doing anything structural apart from putting in a cavity slider in the bathroom, and the quote they'll give us won't include flooring since they won't do it.
Meanwhile, the prefab homes I were looking at for our site were $425k fully done. Like, I'm not going to spend $130K on doing up my 1940s ex state house ya know? That's not good cost benefit ratio.
So depending on what that comes out at on thursday we'll be able to make some plans.
We also want to start trying for kids next year and need these renos done first - I am not having kids and no dishwasher lol.
Also we need bank financing so good to be in a permanent stable job for that application. the good thing is we have so much equity we know we can borrow whatever we need, I just don't want to spend that much money on it because it's fkn ridiculous. and if I'm going on maternity leave we need to be able to cover it all on dave's salary and whatever benefits I have as well so there;s a lot of financial planning and spreadsheeting going on at the moment lol. it's fab.
either way. we've got plenty of options up our sleeve. we've got friends who's brother owns a building company so we can talk to them, we've got the garage so we can get things prefabricated even if they're not installed til next year, Dave can get shit at cost through his work for whiteware, there;s plenty of things to like cost control we can do, we just need to know where we're starting from basically. thats the challenging part. but we'll figure it out, its just taking longer than I want it to basically.
We also planted up the vege garden for the spring/summer which was lovely, super jazzed about that. we've finally got the garden to a reasonably low maintenance level where everything is mostly under control and it's such a relief, honestly.
Man what a shift to lockdown last year honestly. I think the last 8 weeks in particular has just been like, a massive reality check of how absolutely shit the last year was and how fucking glad I am to be rid of it. I spent a week absolutely spiralling 2 weeks ago now and honestly, I don't know how I lived in the state for more than a year. I actually don't know how I did it. and I could not be more glad that I'm finally on the other side of it, for the most part. There's still a bunch of other stuff to work through (hahahahahaha when is there not like damn) but fucking hell its nice to just not be anxious and nauseous and wound up constantly. life is actually accessible. miracle.
My workmate had his bebe - I went round and got newborn cuddles and was like, oh, is this what it is to be clucky? this is odd. so there's that as well. I think we'll probably start trying next year pending renos and jobs etc. If the renos can be done in jan I'll prob just stick it at the job to get the benefits but I dunno. it's a tough call to make really. we shall see. This all assumes we get knocked up without any issues which is questionable these days. I really want to feel healthier before getting pregnant as well, and part of that is losing weight. however, given discussing that is what triggered the spiral we're working on that one slowly.
Also, lets have a moment for counselling, because fkn bless anne and all her hard work honestly. I actually ended up emailing her being like, I;m losing my shit on the monday and then talked to her on thursday. And its so funny because it's such a counselling thing but I didn't realise until afterwards what she'd done but she was like you're clearly not doing well and then the night before dave got a fkn miserable migraine and he was up for like, 2 hrs powerchucking except he didn't make it to the bathroom in time so guess who was cleaning up vomit at 130am trying not to chuck herself but I digress. anyway, not doing well, couldn't even explain why, didn't even have words and super tired and she's like, what lynaire up to this week how's she going with izzy and chat about that and then be like how are you feeling about your body and then 5 more mins of chat about the cat and the chickens and then like bam hard question and then hows it going with x and y and z and its like, it wasn't til I was on my walk afterwards when I FINALLY started feeling marginally better I was like damn woman work your magic for figuring it out for me and helping me reregulate. all over the phone as well since we were still in lockdown. GREAT WORK FRIEND.
and then last week was like totally fucked theoretical discussion about religion and the role it's played in my life and fate vs free will and all this nutty shit but genuinely just a great discussion. She's the best and I love her. thank good for good counsellors. thank god I can afford to pay for it honestly.
Dave and I are just chugging along, god bless that man. I love him. its amazing. I miss having friends close by but understand why they had to move (boooooo f u house prices). Family is pretty chill, still not really talking to dave's parents which is nightmarish but we'll deal with that when we need to. gunna have to go and visit them at some point coz dave misses them and I feel for him, I really do. It's the whole boundaries renegotiation I went through with my family last year post wedding blow up and its just not a fun place to be. oh well. can't fix it for him but also I'm not putting up with that level of BS from either of our families once we have children. not gunna happen.
Either way, life is busy and full and fun and I'm enjoying it. Daylight savings starts this weekend too, its october next week WTF and I'm just waiting for 4pm to find out what's gunna happen to our girls trip. Clearly we cancelled our sept trip to christchurch and akaroa and hanmer springs so my covid travel curse continues. fkn ridic. Still dunno what we're gunna do with $2500 of flight credits coz if we get knocked up theres def no international trips happening any time soon.
thus concludes the almost 2000 word write up of life. hope you've enjoyed it. I'll throw up some pics in a separate post if people care about reno plans. such a good time!
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Alright, I pulled out my corkboard and red string again, this time in hopes of dissecting the MAG timeline to see if there is anything there to support my fan theory of:
~Could Jurgen Leitner be Martin’s Dad~
And so far, signs point to a solid "it could be possible”. So in lieu of this, I will be presenting all my evidence with exceptional bias so it better illustrates my desired outcome. Okay? Okay! Let’s get into it.
Let’s begin with 1985, when Jurgen Leitner supposedly begins renting an office in Pall Mall, central London. Presumably this is just where he sets up an office, and not the actual location of the Library, which isn’t something we get-- anyways, getting sidetracked, uhhh.
Right, we know, vaguely, that Martin was born in 1987, two years after Leitner would have set up shop in Central London; and interestingly enough, in that same year of Martin’s birth, Leitner attempted to hire some people to dig a big ol’ hole in the floor of his office to lead into the tunnels built beneath the building. And this could just be wishful thinking, but I believe it is implied that these tunnels connect to the other tunnels of Millbank Prison. Interconnected, and with many exits leading to various parts of the city. Basically, a needlessly intricate means of escape (I guess balconies and back doors just didn’t exist yet, you know) should shit get real. Anyways, the point I’m trying to make, is that it would make sense for Leitner to suddenly be very interested in having direct access to these tunnels from his main office after receiving news that he’s a father, or whatever. Or maybe it’s just because he’s always been a loser that loves vibing in tunnels.
[Obligatory readmore, because this shit gets long, and even more ramble-y. Also I’m not sorry, because y’all are more than welcome to continue scrolling past this mess]
Alright, now fast-forward to 1994, the destruction of the Library. At this point in time, Martin would have been 7. Now hold up! According to the Magnus Archives Wiki, Martin’s father abandoned the family when he was 8 or 9; so isn’t that a whole in the theory right there? No. It’s not. Because the only thing that is implied about Leitner around 1994, is that he went into hiding after the destruction of the Library. At no point is it implied that he even left the country (or even London, but like, I refuse to believe he’s that stupid; even if that alternative is hilarious). To set up my point, I’m going to shift the focus onto Martin now, and what his life might have been like when he was younger.
So, by present events (present actually referring to like, pre-season 4, actually), Martin’s mother is in a care home in Devon. Could be because care homes are cheaper there, or something, I have no idea. Honestly people in my family don’t live long enough to ever even consider this option, so I don’t know how assisted living works at all lmao. But let’s say, for simplicities sake, that Martin actually just grew up around Devon; and I’m throwing a dart at a map and declaring Plymouth as the city he grew up in. Anyways, why does this matter? Because I do in fact believe that Leitner is stupid enough to think that changing which county he lives in counts as being in hiding. And he gets maybe one (1) good summer with his family before the weight of his sins bare down on him, and he realizes that staying in one place really isn’t an option. So maybe he tries travelling around a bit; but inevitably he always ends up coming back to Plymouth. It takes him a year, maybe two, to finally realize that this won’t work forever. His habits are too predictable, and what’s this? The mother of his child is getting sick; and her condition only seems to worsen over time (you know, like how it usually works when someone is taken ill.); and Leitner gets it into his head that he could be the cause of it; so what is the safest course of action, but to completely abandon his family? Surely things will turn out for the better for them all if he were to just... disappear. To cut ties entirely, so as to make sure no one ever comes after them in an attempt to get to him.
And that worked out fucking great, didn’t it.
Bunch of unimportant stuff happens, and eventually Martin ends up dropping out of school, presumably only a year early from graduation (weird but fine); and it’s safe to assume he eventually ends up traveling to London in hopes of better job opportunities. Plus, if he’s gonna be lying on his CV, probably better to head out of county to some place where no one knows him from anywhere to begin with, right? That makes sense, and none of you can say otherwise.
And where does he find himself sliding into a new job position? Oh, that’s right; at the Magnus Institute. In the Library. I’m just saying. I am just saying, that’s a little interesting. I mean, he lied about having a degree in parapsychology on his CV; so if Bouchard really wanted to play along like he thought the CV was entirely legit, it actually would’ve made more sense to put him in Research, or even in Artefact Storage with a degree like that. But nope, Bouchard put him in the Library. Though, I guess we don’t know exactly what all might’ve been on Martin’s faked CV. But I swear to god, if we get bonus content that’s just Martin’s faked CV and it even hints at him working at a “family library/bookshop” I will spontaneously combust.
Regardless, in 2009, supposedly (according to the wiki), Martin began working at the Institute. Personally, I always thought he started working there in 2010, but that doesn’t matter. I actually like 2009 better, because then a year later, Leitner apparently begins working with Gertrude Robinson. Which I find interesting. I mean, really there’s no reason for them not to work together, I just find the timing of it interesting. Of course, Leitner (in MAG80) alludes to the fact that Gertrude was likely only working with him because there was a lack of anyone else around. But that really only explains Gertrude’s interest in Leitner. What attracted Leitner to the Magnus Institute in the first place, I wonder? Aside from the fact that it’s essentially the Library of Alexandria of research on the Entities.
But Leitner had managed to stay out of public eye for about 16 years, why would he chose right around then to start playing peekaboo with the Beholding? Rhetorical question, of course. Y’all should already know exactly where I’m going with this line of questioning. Martin. Martin is what lead Leitner to the Institute, and to Gertrude. Dude just wanted to check up on his son, and now he’s just as trapped as everyone who works for the damn Institute because of all these weird rituals and shit. Plus maybe there was another reason why Leitner went through so much effort to help Gertrude, even putting himself on the line for it; and I think we can all agree that Leitner is a pretty selfish dude who’s only real character trait is being like a fucking cockroach. Straight up, the only way to kill a cockroach is to beat those suckers until they pop like a fucking pimple-- sorry, I’m actually getting ahead of myself, I don’t want to talk about that yet, um.
Leitner’s biggest character trait, and on some level, character flaw, is his Self-Preservation instinct. When the going gets tough, his own health and safety comes first. But maybe he gets a bit sentimental in his old age, and maybe he struck a deal with Gertrude; if he helps her stop the Unknowing, (or actually I think it would’ve been the Dark’s ritual first), she will bring his son down to the tunnels so Leitner can see how he’s grown, and maybe even talk to him. I just think that would be interesting character motivation; because at the end of the day, it’s still a pretty selfish motivation. But at this point, Gertrude’s only other option for help is a teenaged Shadow the Hedgehog wannabe; so she’d likely agree to just about anything for the extra pair of hands. And given what later happens in regards to the Dark’s ritual, which then results in Gertrude’s death; Leitner gets scared back into his hole in the ground.
But hey, I guess things actually kind of worked out for ol’ Jurgen. Because like a year later, his son* (*allegedly, according to apparently no one but me) starts living in the Archives. It’s like he’s living in his son’s basement, he can just pop up for tea and say hi whenever. Maybe complain about all the bugs that keep crawling around. Or not, because Jürgen Leitner is a coward. But I 100% would not put it past him to shuffle his old bones up into the Archives to stand creepily at the edge of wherever Martin was sleeping and angst quietly at the sight of his son. It’s creepy, funny, and sad. Basically a peak TMA scenario right there.
Then Leitner gets brutally piped by Bouchard. Actually, can I say it like that? “Piped” isn’t some kind of... new-age slang for something, is it? God, I hope not. Anyways; Leitner isn’t just beat upside the head with a length of pipe, but literally pulped by Bouchard (or at the very least implied so), in a way that makes identifying the guy difficult enough that he remains a John Doe straight up until Elias confesses to the murder. Now, obviously there are plenty of reasons for this; given that both Daisy and Basira are familiar with the name Leitner, so presumably other sectioned officers would be as well; so there was at least a slim chance that whatever officer got sent to the Institute upon the discovery of the body might just recognize Leitner immediately. But, and sorry to sidetrack here, but there was just one thing that really stood out to me about Martin. One thing that always stuck with me, that for some reason was the main thing that made me thing Leitner could’ve been his dad.
Martin looks like his father, whoever that may or may not be. It is explicitly canon, that Martin looks like whoever his dad is. So wouldn’t it be better safe than sorry for Bouchard to beat Leitner to a pulp wherein no one could easily discern any major features of him once he was found. After all, it would make things rather messy and a bit too complicated if everyone who saw the body was like, “wow! That looks just like you, Martin.” So really, it’s for the best that not only did Bouchard kill Leitner, but he thoroughly did so.
And so, I will end this already way to long of a ramble with the one thing that solidified me on this theory, and Spoilers for Season 5 of MAG, but... In MAG181 Salesa says, “Now you mention it, you actually remind me of Jurgen a bit. In his younger days of course.” to Martin. Of course, Martin did just shoot out a snappy one-liner about books, but... it’s the clarification of Jurgen “in his younger days”, that gets me. Mikaele could just have easily said something about Martin just “sounding” like Leitner. But the way this reads, and how it’s spoken, even, it seems more like someone that might’ve been looking at Martin for awhile, squinting at him as if he’s seen that face somewhere before, and then right when Martin mentions books, it finally clicks. After all, it would’ve been almost 20 years, or possibly more, since Salesa would have left Leitner’s employ.
So yeah, I admit this theory has a much weaker backbone then my Banks/Folger post, but... I just think it’s neat. And it’s another one of those things that actually doesn’t have any affect on the major plot whatsoever. I dunno, maybe it was meant to be some sort of subplot early on that got ditched or something? Point is, that’s all for now, and with any luck, I will never post another crack theory again, and the TMA tag can be safe from my ramblings once more.
#burl posts#the magnus archives#tma spoilers#tma fan theory#martin blackwood#jurgen leitner#no editing; we post rough drafts like idiots#also i didn't actually write this with nearly as much bias as I intended too#i'm too facts-based; and the moment i try saying something that isn't absolutely factual#i'm too quick to add a ''this is only alleged we have no canon proof''#did the same thing with my last redstring theory#i actually think i might start calling my tma theories ''pink-string nonsense'' because it's less#red string means; IT HAS TO BE TRUE IT DEFINITELY MAKES SENSE#whereas pink string is more; IT COULD BE TRUE BUT REALLY I THINK IT WOULD JUST BE NICE/COOL
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Whumpay 2021: Day 7 - Mercy
Together We Will Grow
read on ao3 2771 words star wars, rogue one, cassian andor/jyn erso, canon-typical violence, angst
Great. Just great! Of course Imperial troopers had caught up to her. It wasn’t as if she had done that much! Well, she’d drunk an officer under the table and he had ended up dying of alcohol poisoning, she’d stolen an Imperial freighter along with all its weapons, had sold the weapons and the ship, and had had the ship stripped down for parts, and oh, she’d attacked three troopers after they’d tried arresting her for forgery of scandocs. So maybe she had done quite a bit. Really, Kestrel Dawn was out on her luck.
The stormtroopers that were after her had decided using stun prods was more acceptable than just stunning her with a blaster. For one, it was more fun for them, and for two… well, that was about the only reason.
Out of breath, hoping she’d lost her pursuers in the chaos of the market, Kestrel hid behind a stack of crates holding joguns. She brushed her dyed auburn hair out of her face, blowing out heavy breaths. Her heart raced.
“Check down that alley,” she heard one of the stormtroopers say, voice filtered through the helmet.
Kriff. Kriff!
Her stomach decided to grumble at that time (when had her last meal been? Three days ago?), so, thinking it best to multi-task, she grabbed as many joguns as she could and stuffed them into the bag she had over her shoulder.
The clatter of the stormtrooper’s boots against the hard ground was getting closer. He was about to be right on top of her.
Kestrel grabbed one of the purple fruits and threw it in his general direction—not taking time to aim—and then she knocked the crates over.
She ran for it.
“Hey, get back here!”
To her surprise, the stormtrooper fired at her, and she dodged. The blast hit the corner of a building, spraying bits of broken stone into the air. Some of the debris hit her face, slicing through her left cheek, and just above her eye.
Damn it! So the blasters weren’t set to stun. That had to be against some regulation or other, but what would the Empire care?
The blood welled up fast, and began to drip down to her eye. Now blinded in one eye, the blood stinging, she didn’t see the other stormtrooper coming from around the corner at the end of the alley that led back into the market.
She was hit with a stun prod. A choked scream left her at the pain, and she went down, colliding with the hard ground. Her head smacked against hard-packed dirt and sand, leaving stars in her vision. A small part of her worried about the fruit in her pack, and hoped they hadn’t cracked open. She told herself it was because the juice could ruin her datapad, but really, despite the pain she was in, it was difficult to forget her hunger.
Training kicked in as Kestrel heard the other trooper rush to help her current attacker, and she ignored the pain, tried to breathe into it. She unclipped her truncheon from her belt, while hooking her foot behind the trooper’s calf and having him go down.
In moments, she was up on her feet, kicking the stun prod out of his hands, and kicking his helmet off. Seeing the young face beneath did nothing to deter her, and she kicked him into unconsciousness. Showing mercy to these scum wasn’t an option, not when they would surely throw her in prison, and not when they could take her to someone higher up who might discover her true name.
She was shot at again, but a well-aimed throw with the helmet had the second trooper drop his blaster. He lunged at her, trying to grab her, and she whacked him in the solar plexus with the truncheon. Her blows landed quick and hard. He got a few blows in, punching her in the face, leaving her already-cut cheek throbbing relentlessly.
He started calling for backup, revealing her position.
Terrified, Kestrel wrested his stun prod from him. She powered it on, whacking him right in the neck with it. He went down, and for good measure, she held the prod to his throat, right in between the white plastoid of his armor. His body jerked, choked cries eventually going silent. Kestrel didn’t take the time to see if he was alive. She didn’t care.
Deciding to keep the stun prod with her, she clipped it to her belt with her truncheon, blew her auburn hair out of her face, and started heading to the docks. She’d have to steal a ship, but that was nothing new to her.
When she was Jyn Erso she wouldn’t have been able to do any of this, but Jyn Erso had been hurt and abandoned. She’d learned, and for now, she was Kestrel Dawn, and Kestrel wasn’t about to let herself be put in an Imperial prison. If that took showing no mercy, then so be it.
Joreth Sward was having a really bad day. It had started out fairly normal: he’d been bullied by Admiral Grendreef into getting him some caf (yes, Joreth was his assistant, but that was beneath him), organizing his datapads, and gathering some other employees beneath him for further bullying.
Things had really changed when the oh-so-merciful admiral decided to dock at a civilian station in the Midrim. He was to make a prisoner pick-up. Joreth had been given the list of names just to make sure that when they collected the prisoners, all of them would be there.
Making sure no one had been following him, he made his way to a computer terminal, looped the camera to show the compartment empty as it had been before his arrival, and logged in. He managed to get past the firewalls put in place so lowly assistants like himself couldn’t get at the real information. He searched the Imperial database for the prisoners, wondering why they had been waylaid for such a task. Surely someone else could’ve been sent for prisoner pick-up? It wasn’t strictly in an admiral’s duties.
The list of names was long, but after the fifth name he was sure he had all the information he needed. The prisoners were scientists: engineers, and at least one physicist. Further digging had shown that they had been working in sustainable energy and had been taken prisoner by the Empire to be forced into work on some sort of project called Celestial Power. It seemed straightforward enough, but this task had been marked as high importance.
He’d have to call this in.
Joreth took out his datapad and began to download the information. He’d put a binary lock on his info so his information couldn’t be accessed and drawn back to him. Once hooked in, he waited, slightly nervous, for the information to download. A beep sounded from the terminal to let him know the download was complete, and he removed his datapad.
Once done with that he cleared the log and history. He hadn’t completed all his training with computer terminals, so for now, that would have to do. By the time anyone thought to search for the missing information, he would hopefully be long gone.
Now to make his way to comms.
Datapad in hand, Joreth hurried through the ship, putting on a flustered look as if Admiral Grendreef had just sent him on another wild bantha chase. The Imperials had the brain cells to get out of his way.
The comms center wasn’t empty (it never was), but he’d be using codes anyway, so it shouldn’t be a problem.
Joreth passed on the information to his commander, and then he was given a single order: Terminate the prisoners.
It was that order that ruined his day.
So here Joreth now was, standing before cell block B, lying through his teeth to some stormtrooper guards.
One of them stepped closer to him, not yet buying what he was saying, “These prisoners are to be interred until we reach base DS-1; no one allowed in or out.”
Joreth did his best to look annoyed, even as sweat began to run down his back, and he was sure his hands were shaking. To hide it, he clasped them behind his back.
“I know what your original orders were, but the admiral wants them inspected and logged again, and he’s having a very bad day. Would you like to take it up with him?”
Thank god Admiral Grendreef had a horrible reputation, because the two troopers looked at each other, clearly questioning what to do. No one wanted to be on Grendreef’s bad side. His temper usually ended with someone facing a firing squad.
“Why did he send his assistant to do it?”
Joreth gave them a smile, trying to put them at ease. “I haven’t poisoned his caf yet, so I think he trusts me,” he joked.
“I’d poison his caf,” the one on Joreth’s right muttered, somewhat amused.
“Check yourself, trooper.”
“What? Comms are off.”
Joreth cleared his throat.
“He wants it done now.”
Surprisingly, the one who had joked about poisoning the admiral said, “I don’t know. We should take it up with our superior.”
“And who do you think he answers to?” Joreth asked.
This was taking too long, and he could tell they weren’t buying it.
“Fine, I didn’t want to have to do this,” he said, his accent slipping, his pronunciations of words becoming softer rather than similar to the clipped Coruscanti style.
Joreth kicked a blaster out of one stormtrooper’s hand, and the other raised his own to fire. It wa easy getting inside his defenses, and he was able to disarm him, along with elbowing him in the gut hard enough to faze him.
Step one was to get the weapons. Step two… disable comms. These bucketheads had the comms right in their helmets, so he didn’t feel at all bad for shooting them at point blank range.
It was over before it had barely started.
He ran a hand over his face, and through his dark hair, trying to settle himself. He had to do this.
And he didn’t have a lot of time. The guards had to check-in each system cycle, which was fifteen minutes. He’d checked his chrono before coming down here, and he checked it again now. He’d wasted about four and a half minutes arguing with them, so he barely had ten minutes left.
What was the Rebellion even thinking asking him to do this? Joreth wasn’t an executioner! But today, he had to be. He had orders.
So he got to work. A vibroblade would be quieter, but then he’d leave a trail of blood. So the blaster would have to do.
One by one he executed the prisoners, pushing all feelings aside, not thinking about what he was doing. No mercy. There couldn’t be any mercy if they were to win against the Empire. Yet why did winning include killing innocent prisoners?
When he was finished with the job he was sweaty, and shaky, and felt like he could barely breathe. Yet he managed to drag the bodies of the stormtroopers into one of the cells after stripping one of his armor. He donned the armor, and then it was time for a check-in. Joreth’s voice sounded fake and dead to his ears as he called in the attack. Hopefully they’d believe it long enough for him to get off this horrid ship. After all, he had left one of the blasters with a prisoner. A prisoner whose blood was soaking the floor, and—
Stop. Stop. Focus.
In the chaos that ensued, Joreth managed to sneak away, and he made his way off the ship. Once he was away from Imperial controlled space, he took off the armor, and sat down with his head in his hands, trying to hold in tears. He was in a stolen shuttle, and had already done everything he could to make sure it couldn’t be tracked. He’d have to dock before reaching his destination on Atollon to refuel and get supplies. He was so tired, exhausted down to his very marrow by what he had done.
But kriff, he still had a job to do. He had to report in. Wiping at his eyes, then staring at his hands, half-expecting for there to be blood on them, he pressed the comms button and dialed in his code to reach base.
It was a relief to drop the accent, to let Joreth Sward slip away, as he said, “Captain Andor to base 1. Checking in.”
“Base 1 to Captain Andor, reading you loud and clear.”
“It’s done,” Cassian said, voice numb even with the rich accent. “Tell General Draven that the prisoners have been terminated.”
“Right away, sir. Base 1 out.”
“I did it for the Rebellion,” Cassian whispered to himself in the quiet of the shuttle, the quiet of space.
No one was there to assure him that it had been the right thing. It must have been, so he locked all his feelings away, and he settled in for the long journey ahead.
Blast this rain! It was pouring down hard, getting in Cassian’s eyes, obstructing his view of Galen Erso. Bodhi had left, so now he had a job to do.
It was difficult to get a pin down on Galen. There seemed to always be something in the way. Cassian counted his breaths as he waited for the right moment, as he tried to get a precise lock on his target. He’d have to get him in the head. That was the only way to be completely sure.
Galen was talking to a man in white. Did his eyes deceive him, or was that Director Orson Krennic? There had been rumors about him, that he was the one in charge of this weapon that had been tested on Jedha. Cassian’s trigger finger twitched, a deep, dark part of him wanting to take him out too. He wanted to take them all out. For what they were planning to do, for what they had already done to Jedha!
But no, that wasn’t the plan. The plan was to assassinate Galen Erso, stop him before the weapon could be complete.
Yet, as he lay there amongst the dark, wet rocks, soaked through to his skin, Cassian didn’t take the shot.
There was something wrong with his orders. Jyn had spoken of her father, and what he saw now, with him protecting his engineers, he wasn’t the monster the Rebellion thought.
He’s still a danger, a liability.
Still, Cassian couldn’t pull the trigger. He showed mercy, and maybe it was because of Jyn Erso. ~~~
Jyn put up the bare minimum of a fight as Cassian stopped her from going to Krennic. She wanted to kick him, stomp his head in. For killing her father, for Jedha, for everything. But Cassian pulled her away, and she listened to the insistence in his body, the gentle urging that was somehow so comforting in that moment.
“Leave him,” Cassian told her.
And somehow, Jyn did just that. She told herself it was because she was sure Krennic was going to die anyway—something told her that she and Cassian were about to die—but perhaps she’d seen enough death for one day. Perhaps she had done enough terrible things in her life, and she wanted it to end.
As Jyn and Cassian helped each other walk, and they took the lift down from the spire, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. Away from this man that had shown her father mercy, and who had just taught her to do the same thing. She wanted to kiss him, but somehow, when their eyes met, she knew that what they had went far beyond that. In this moment, they were the two closest beings in the galaxy.
“Do you think anybody’s listening?” Cassian asked, desperation in his voice, in the way he clung to her.
“I do,” Jyn answered, voice filled with raw hope. “Someone’s out there.”
It had to all be worth something, and she believed it was. Her last act had been mercy, and giving hope to the Rebellion. To Jyn, that made it all worth it—the pain, the loss, the anger. She and Cassian had learned from each other, built off of each other, let their hope grow within one another.
As the Death Star came out of hyperspace within targeting range of Scarif, and her injuries began to take hold, that was all she could ask for.
#star wars#rogue one#cassian andor/jyn erso#rogue one fanfiction#cassian andor#jyn erso#star wars fanfiction#star wars: rogue one#fanfiction#angst#writing#my writing
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I’m Being Serious | Tony Stark
Pairing: Tony Stark x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 1,533 words.
Request: i am afraid to ask ive been having a bad time lately with body image. i was wondering if you could write me a tony stark story of him trying to convince his fiancee that just cuz shes bigger than pepper that the reader is ok to him and her view of herself is wrong? its ok if it takes a while. i dont wanna be pushy. please and thank you.
Warnings: body image issues, self-doubt, angst, some reassurance, fluff. Is rushed writing a warning?
A/N: —
Being engaged to Tony Stark came with many privileges, you were aware of that. Sure, he was difficult sometimes, mostly when he was in a creative mood and entrenched himself in the lab, but other than that the only problem you had with him wasn’t even his fault.
You couldn’t say it was yours either, self-deprecation aside you knew damn right the issue was deeper. You’ve heard and much to your dismay thought unkind things about yourself over and over since you could remember, in the good days they didn’t matter, but in the bad ones they hurt more than you wanted to admit.
He didn’t know, of course, you found it too dumb to address it. In your mind, you would bore him with a talk about your self-esteem. As you looked down, your eyes caught the ring on your finger, such a beautiful piece of jewelry, obviously custom made due to its size— and perhaps also due to how over the top your fiancé was.
Rhodey had said he and Pepper helped Tony to choose it, something that unknowingly to them caused you mixed feelings. You knew your fiancé would never cheat on you, you trusted him, you trusted Pepper whom you considered a friend too, but you didn’t trust yourself.
You didn’t believe to be what he deserved, or what he needed. How could you when Pepper was right there? Her, so pretty and smart, so assertive, and strong, and independent— and thin. Pepper was everything you wanted to be, many times you wondered why Tony had even fallen for you when he had a woman like her before. She would be a prettier bride, a better wife, Tony could show her off in ways he couldn’t with you.
“Ms. (L/N)?” FRIDAY’s voice filled the room.
“Mr. Stark wants you to give your input on his new project.”
Tony, God bless him, would often ask what you thought about his projects and updates, sometimes he’d even present to you the issues he was encountering as if you were as smart as him. Any other day you would have laughed happily and amused him, but today you weren’t so sure to be up for it. You could try, though. Telling the AI that you’d be there in a moment, you unconsciously looked down at your body as you stood up from your spot on the couch.
You listed every flaw you saw, the ones that Tony could clearly see too. He wouldn’t have to see those things with Pepper, he would only see her beautiful smile and her slim body. On your way to the lab, you went through said list again, finding more flaws. There were issues in every single one of them, flaws in the flaws, issues in the flaws, true nightmares in the form of things you so desperately wished to change.
The door was unlocked for you, the AI probably having told Tony you were on your way there so he’d grant you access before you could punch the code. He was alone except the bots, pieces of a suit scattered on the table he was sat in front of.
“Honey, hi!” he greeted, too chirpy to not have drunk more coffee than the recommended amount a day.
He explained his new idea in details, you knew because he was moving his hands while speaking. Every word escaped you as you stared at his slender fingers that fit perfectly with your chubbier ones. Pepper’s weren’t like yours, they probably fit his way better. He went on, probably thinking you were following his ramble or far too into it to realize your eyes were welling up with tears.
Why was he even with you? Pepper was a better option in any way. She knew how Stark Industries worked, how much space he needed and when, what to do to get him to take better care of himself— she was such a force to be reckoned, and you were just you. Everything that made you interesting was in front of you, his warm eyes fixed on your face.
You didn’t see him stand up, or walk toward you. You only reacted when you heard him call your name softly, in that tone he reserved for his loved ones, when he wasn’t wearing the facade he had been forced to show to the outer world.
He asked FRIDAY to check for injuries on your body and you could only shake your head. “I’m fine, Tony.”
“You’re crying, baby.” His hands rested on your arms, prompting you to focus your gaze on his t-shirt to not cry harder. “Did something happen? Is everyone in your family okay?”
God, he was always so nice, so kind that you couldn’t believe him to be real sometimes. “They’re fine.”
He rubbed your arms, up and down, something you often did to him when he was going through the aftermath of a panic attack. “Then? Did you watch that movie again? The one with—“
“Why are you with someone like me?” you interrupted him, supposing it was now or never.
Tony looked taken aback. “Because I love you.” He then turned serious, almost stoic. “Did someone do something to you? Did they say anything?”
“No!” You moved out of his grasp. “But I can’t stop thinking that you’re making a mistake, Tony. Pepper is right there,” you pointed to a random part of the laboratory just to put some emphasis.
“You don’t want to marry me?” he asked, hurt lacing his tone.
You bobbed your mouth, “of course I do, what kind of question is that?! But Tony, be realistic, I’m not Pepper. God, I’m nothing like Pepper at all. I’m not skinny, or blonde, or—“
“Is it what this is about? Your body?” You nodded in response. He approached you again, taking your chin between his thumb and index to lift your face. Your eyes found his, warm brown orbs full of emotion staring deep into your soul. “You know? I don’t like how harsh you’re on yourself,” he said softly, clearly meaning it. There was no intention of being pushy behind his words, only the truth.
But for you, the truth was what you had just said, and when you let him know that, he shook his head. “Tony,” you groaned, “it’s fine, I’m fat and we both know it.”
“But there’s nothing wrong with it and it looks like you don’t know it,” he countered with that matter of fact tone he liked to use when he knew he was right. He continued talking, “you’re not Pepper, you’re not anyone but yourself and that’s why I want to marry you because you’re are you, I love you.”
You opened your mouth to fight him on it, yet Tony being Tony wasn’t having any of it. He shook his head for you to stay silent and asked FRIDAY to type some notes on everything he had worked on that day.
He took your hand, guiding you out of the laboratory and toward the living room where you had been sulking earlier. You sat beside him, looking down at your shoes that suddenly were very interesting. He shifted, pulling you closer by your still intertwined fingers.
The position you two ended on was a little uncomfortable, he was fully on his back on the couch, hand twisted to not let yours go as you tried to place your weight in the correct way to not crush him. He chuckled at your attempts.
“You’re not going to squash me,” he assured you. You didn’t believe him, he knew. “Honey, there’s not a single thing wrong with you or your body, why can’t you believe me?”
“I see myself in the mirror every day.”
“Well, then maybe your eyesight is not as fine as I thought, but that can be fixed.”
You snorted at the joke, he breathed a laugh. “I’m being serious.”
“I am too, and I don’t want to hear you say those things again.” Seconds later, he seemed to understand how his comment could’ve come across because he clarified, “I don’t want you to feel like that, that’s what I mean.”
Humming, you tried to come up with something to ease his mind. In all fairness, you didn’t want to feel like that either, you just couldn’t control it sometimes. Bad days were heavy, they overpowered the good ones no matter how great those felt, you wanted to be able to go through the bad ones without doubting yourself so much. Explaining it was tougher than thinking about it, than feeling it.
Tony didn’t need you to explain it, though. With a kiss on your forehead, he mumbled, “we can talk about it later.” His free hand came to rest on your back, trailing up and down in a steady motion. You breathed in a little deep, humming again.
How much time passed you didn’t know, the truth was that his reassurance had been of a lot of help. By the moment you spoke again, you both were getting sleepy. You didn’t want to fall asleep without thanking him, though.
His answer? “I simply told you the truth.”
#tony stark x reader#tony stark x plus size reader#marvel x plus size reader#plus size reader#plus size reader fanfic#plus size reader imagine
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Don’t Dye On Me (T. Kageyama)
For @ktdkp
Pairing: Tobio Kageyama x Reader
Word count: 1,595
Summary: You want to dye your hair red! What could possibly go wrong?
“Hmm...” You stared into a mirror hanging in your boyfriend’s room, playing with a loose strand of hair that had fallen in front of your face.
“Something wrong?” He asks, without even bothering to look at you. He’s laying on his bed, face up and setting a volleyball.
“No, nothing. I just think...” you trail off, considering your options.
He waits for a moment. “You think...?”
“I should dye my hair!” You exclaim proudly, turning around to face him.
Your outburst was enough to surprise him, apparently, since the ball slipped from his hands and rolled freely onto the floor. He sits up, saying nothing, and stares at you.
“Something, uh... Something wrong, Tobio? Is it a bad idea?” You mess with another strand of hair, trying to distract yourself from his intensifying glare.
“No, I didn’t say that. What color are you thinking?”
You shrug, “dunno yet. Red, maybe? You think that’d be a good color?”
It’s his turn to shrug now, “your choice. It’s your hair, dumbass. Wanna do it now?”
You pout at his insult, though you know he uses it as a term of endearment now since you both started dating. “Yeah, sure, why not? Life is meant to be lived on impulse-”
“It’s really not-”
“So let’s go to the store! C’mon, help me pick a nice shade of red.”
Tobio Kageyama is a god on the volleyball court. That cannot be denied in any way, shape, or form. He’s quick to learn and just as fast at adapting and putting his newfound knowledge to good use.
Only on the court, though.
“Tobio, please, you’re supposed to-”
“Do it in layers, I know.” His tongue stuck out in concentration. He gently brushed the dye against your hair. The red dye sat in a bowl on the bathroom counter.
He had insisted he help you dye your hair, but you weren’t sure this was a good idea anymore. He was careful, sure, but this was taking a much longer time than you originally anticipated. Part of your hair was pinned up for easy access, but…
“Tobio, you don’t need to be so meticulous with it…”
“I don’t want to mess up.”
“I know, babe, but at this point we’ll be at this for an eternity. Just… go ham with it. My neck is starting to hurt.”
“Babe. I am begging you right now.” Christ, what you would do to lay down right now. Alas, he was only half finished and you were about to grab the brush from his hands and do it your damn self. The only thing stopping you was the possible puppy eyes you would probably get from your boyfriend.
He stares at you for a second before finally allowing himself to relax. He finally started to spread the dye freely onto your hair.
By the time he was finally finished, it was dark outside. When you checked your phone, it was 8 o’clock.
“I texted Suga earlier to grab some snacks for us by the way. He should be here soon.”
He just hums, checking the time on his phone himself. You smile at his wallpaper- a picture that Suga had gladly taken of the both of you kissing after a game. Normally, he wasn’t one for PDA, but the adrenaline running through his veins and the excitement of the win outweighed any care he had at the time.
Your hair was completely pinned up to keep it out of your face in case the dye got anywhere else on your skin. The shirt you were wearing was effectively ruined, though. It couldn’t be helped, you suppose.
“Do you have a shirt I can borrow after I shower?” You planned on sleeping over, anyway.
“Yeah, just grab one from the wardrobe. I don’t care.” He glanced towards his phone when it pinged. “Suga’s outside.”
You jumped down from your (rather uncomfortable) seat and made your way to greet your friend at the door.
“He- oh! Your hair!” He offered you one of his signature carefree smiles.
You grinned, “yeah. Sick, huh?”
“Sick.” He handed you the bag of snacks he had picked up for you. “Heyy Kageyama!”
Your boyfriend came down the stairs behind you, offering Suga a small wave. “Hey.”
“I’ll be one my way, okay? Don’t have too much fun.” He winks at the both of you.
“Don’t worry so much. Thanks for the food!” You wave goodbye, locking the door behind him. When you turn around, Kageyama’s face has gone almost completely red. “You okay, babe?”
“Wh-Huh? Yes. You’re supposed to wash that stuff out of your hair now, by the way.”
You check your phone, “oh, yeah. Just gimme twenty minutes. I’ll leave hot water for you, don’t worry.” You stick your tongue out at him as you place the snacks onto the living room coffee table and make your way upstairs.
“No you won’t.” He mumbles amusedly.
“Oh? If you’re worried about that then just join me.”
He snaps his head towards you, eyes wide. “Wh-”
“Just kidding!”
When you had finished and tossed on one of Kageyama’s large gray shirts, you found your darling boyfriend lying comfortably on the couch. The TV was playing and he was tapping away on his phone without a care.
Well that certainly wouldn’t do, now would it?
“Coming in!” Was the only real warning you gave him before you practically body slammed yourself onto him.
In the few seconds he had to prepare, he lightly tossed his phone aside and caught you, wrapping his arms securely around you and placing a small kiss to your crown.
“Your hair looks nice.”
“I look like I’m related to that middle blocker from Shiratorizawa.”
He gives you a look, “the guess monster?”
You hum, resting your head against his chest and turning your attention to the TV. Naturally, he had put in a CD of a volleyball highlight reel.
While Kageyama seemed practically emotionally invested in the TV, the comforting rubbing against your back had your eyes feeling heavy in no time.
In your half asleep state of mind, you managed to crawl your ass over to the other couch to allow yourself some more room to sleep. No thanks to Kageyama, who just watched you struggle to, first and foremost, figure out the exact direction of the couch. Then took a picture as you attempted to walk towards it, fail, and then give up and drag your body towards the couch like the demon from the goddamn exorcist.
When you finally felt the coolness of the pillow against your face, your consciousness finally fully drifted away.
Kageyama didn’t remember falling asleep, but holy shit did he not feel good when he woke up. He must have fallen asleep with his mouth open, since he was definitely drooling and definitely very, very thirsty. He smacked his lips together, standing up.
The only light in the room was the flashing of the TV. Otherwise the entire room was completely dark. He stumbled, tripping over his blanket on the floor. He wiped the grogginess from his eyes and somehow, by the lord’s fucking will, managed to turn a light on and make his way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and make his way back.
Kageyama likes to consider himself a reasonable person (for the most part).
But goddamn it, it is four in the morning and he had woken up less than five minutes ago.
So when he turns to gaze at you, expecting to see his girlfriend sleeping peacefully and instead sees you with red all over the pillows, he swears he feels his heart drop to his fucking ass.
The water bottle in his hand is on the ground and he’s shaking you because holy fucking shit is the love of his life dead?
“[Name]. [Name], wake up. Please, fuck. Wake up.” He began mumbling to himself. When you still wouldn’t wake up, he violently shook you awake.
Finally, you sat up, looking around and expecting something like a fire for him to be so frantic at, shit, what time is it? “What? Did something happen? Is everything okay?”
His heart rate won’t slow down. God, which arm hurts when you’re having a heart attack, again? “Yo- you’re… You’re fine…?”
You stare at him as if he’d grown another head. “Yes…?”
He stares back at you as if you’re the one that’d grown another head.
“C-can I help you, honey…?”
He grabs your head before you could stand up, inspecting you.
“Tobio, babe-”
“You’re not bleeding.”
“Uh, I don’t think s-” You turn around and finally see the mess of red that had splattered onto the white pillow you were laying on. “Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. God, sorry.” You scrambled to rip the pillowcase off of it, desperate to get your hands on a bottle of white vinegar and some detergent to get the dye out. “Shit, Tobio, if your mom kills me just know that I am well and truly sorry and that I love you.”
Before you could get more than a few steps away from him he gathered you into his arms and held you in place. His hands were shaking slightly.
“Hey…” You covered his hand with yours.
He presses his face against your shoulder, “I thought I lost you.” His voice is muffled against you.
“Hey, hey…” You turn and press a kiss onto his lips. “You’re not gonna lose me.”
He presses his face even further against you, “promise?” His voice is weak.
You chuckle, “promise.”
#Kageyama x Reader#Kageyama Tobio#Tobio Kageyama#Tobio Kageyama x Reader#Haikyuu#haikyuu fanfiction#Haikyuu Kageyama
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5e Soraka the Starchild build (League of Legends)
(Artwork by Riot Games)
That feel when I put off making this build for so long that I can now remove my warning for this build using Theros content.
Soraka is a very obvious choice for a Theros character. Along with being a Satyr (by the way Soraka’s a Satyr she has goat hooves so of course she’s going to be a Satyr) she has a clear divine connection with Mount Targon. So she’s a great pick if you want a healer in Theros, or a healer in general!
To heal and protect - Soraka is the first character people think of when they want a support in League. She heals so much it hurts her!
Violence cannot go unanswered - That doesn’t mean Soraka can’t do damage, calling down the wrath of the heavens to harm enemies and heal herself.
Have hope! - Soraka isn’t just a good healer because of big numbers. She’s also a good healer because she’ll rush to your aid if you’re in danger!
Along with being a Satyr (by the way Soraka’s a Satyr she has goat hooves so of course she’s going to be a Satyr)
Soraka’s a Satyr she has goat hooves she’s a Satyr. As a Satyr your Charisma increases by 2 and your Dexterity increases by 1. You count as a Fey rather than humanoid, and henceforth have Magic Resistance for Advantage against all magical effects.
You can Ram enemies to do 1d4 + your Strength modifier as an unarmed strike, and have Mirthful Leaps to add a d8 to any jump you make. You are a Reveler with proficiency in Persuasion and Performance, as well as a musical instrument of your choice. (Divine Soraka’s artwork shows her playing the Flute so choose that.) And finally you can speak Common and Sylvan, and have a walking speed of 35 feet, which I mention because it’s more than average!
15; WISDOM - All the compassion abilities are tied to Wisdom, and you have to be pretty damn compassionate to main Soraka.
14; CHARISMA - With a base model like that you’re still one of the most popular champs in the game. That takes some form of Charisma.
13; DEXTERITY - With the +1 from our race it gives us enough to dodge a few hits. And by “dodge a few hits” I mean wear Medium armor.
12; INTELLIGENCE - As a child of divine power and an enchanter you’re bound to know a thing or two about Religion or Arcana. (Feel free to swap this with Constitution if you want more health but worse skill checks)
10; CONSTITUTION - You’re an enchanter support. Squishy.
8; STRENGTH - You’re an AP support, not an ADC.
I actually had to read Soraka’s lore; end me. Do you know how many times this shit was revised? Didn’t Soraka have a rivalry with Warwick at one point? Regardless based on her lore Soraka was... literally formed from the stars? Fuck me... Well Hermit gives us Religion and Medicine proficiency so that’s good enough for me. Your background feature “Discovery” essentially says “the DM gives you plot spoilers.” Maybe you learnt that you were a child of the stars? Maybe you saw the coming of an army and a great war? Maybe you won’t be playing a campaign in Runeterra?
(Artwork by Riot Games)
“Oh Soraka’s a healer so she must be a Cleric I bet she’s going to be a Life Cleric!” Nope! Wrong!
Soraka was born from a star which means her healing power is innate, henceforth meaning that she’s a Sorcerer! Her subclass is pretty obvious too but let’s get her proficencies sorted out first: choose Arcana for knowledge of magic that may cause harm, and Insight for knowledge of people who may cause harm.
For your subclass: want to heal as a Sorcerer? Divine Soul! Divine Soul Sorcerers have Divine Magic, giving them access to the entire Cleric spell list along with the Sorcerer spell list! Additionally they get another spell tied to their alignment and naturally Soraka is a holy good girl of goodness so you’ll learn the Cure Wounds spell to... cure wounds. Divine Soul Sorcerers are also Favored by the Gods, letting them add 2d4 to a failed saving throw or attack roll once per short rest.
But now for spells! Along with Cure Wounds you can learn 4 cantrips and 2 leveled spells from the Sorcerer list or the Cleric list. To guide your allies the Guidance cantrip is a good choice, letting them add a d4 to an ability check. And to guide them through the darkness Dancing Lights will let them see what’s ahead. For some generic magical effects Prestidigitation is good to help in small ways, and to sling a banana to inflict Grievous Wounds grab Chill Touch, because sometimes you need to harm to heal. For leveled spells Healing Word will let you heal at a distance and not get in harm’s way yourself, and Sleep will let you end a fight without bloodshed.
“Oh well Cleric at level 2 is clearly done so you can get Life Cleric for increased healing!” Nope wrong again! While Soraka heals a lot her heals aren’t really empowered; they’re just really big. But you know who Soraka does heal a lot? Those who are injured. Time for Grave Domain baby!
Grave Clerics are in the Circle of Mortality, letting them heal for the maximum amount on any target who is at 0 hitpoints. Additionally they get the Spare the Dying cantrip with a casting range of 30 feet, and can cast it as a bonus action! Grave Clerics can also detect those who insult life’s natural circle, and can use Eyes of the Grave to detect any undead within 60 feet that aren’t behind full cover or protected from divination magic. You can use Eyes of the Grave a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and regain all expended uses on a Long Rest.
But let’s talk spells, because woo boy you’re going to get a lot of them with this build: as a Cleric you can learn three cantrips from the Cleric list. Sacred Flame is another way to deal damage which we didn’t take as a Sorcerer, and Word of Radiance is a way to keep yourself safe if surrounded. Finally Thaumaturgy will let you perform some divine acts that are a little more intimidating than Prestidigitation.
You can prepare a number of Cleric spells equal to your Wisdom modifier (2) plus your Cleric level (1 - so a maximum of 3.) As a Grave Cleric you always have Bane and False Life prepared, to keep your enemies at bay and keep yourself from being harmed. To further protect your allies grab both Shield of Faith and Protection from Evil and Good, and to illuminate your foes in an Equinox grab Guiding Bolt. It’s worth mentioning that Clerics are prepared spellcasters because Sorcerers are not, so any Cleric spells we grab as Sorcerer are “essential” while the ones we grab as Cleric are more “optional” and can be swapped out as you see fit.
Second level Clerics get access to Channel Divinity: all Clerics can Turn Undead, forcing all undead within 30 feet to make a Wisdom save or run away from you. Additionally Grave Clerics can further set up with Equinox thanks to Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, allowing you to curse an enemy and make it vulnerable to the next attack that hits it. Root your foes to set up for some potent skill shots! Regardless of what Channel Divinity you use you gain the ability back on a short rest.
You can also prepare another spell like Bless, letting your allies add a d4 to attack rolls and saving throws.
Lol what’s second level spells? Second level Sorcerers get Font of Magic, giving them Sorcery Points equal to their level in Sorcerer. You can convert sorcery points into spell slots, and thanks to the Class Feature Variants UA you have a few other options: Empowering Reserves lets you spend 2 Sorcery points to gain advantage on a skill check, Imbuing Touch lets you spend 2 Sorcery points to make a weapon magical for the sake of overcoming magic resistance, and Sorcerous Fortitude lets you convert Sorcery points into d4s which you can roll to grant yourself temporary hitpoints. None of these are really in flavor for Soraka except maybe Empowering Reserves, but it’s still nice to have the option if your DM allows UA.
You can also learn another spell and to keep you safe from those who’d wish to abuse your power (and try on new skins) grab Disguise Self, letting you alter the appearance of yourself and your clothes! No what do you mean we have too many first level spells?
Third level Sorcerers get Metamagic to alter their spells with their Sorcery points. To keep enemies at bay grab Hightened Spell and spend 3 Sorcery points to give enemies disadvantage on their first saving throw against your spells. If you want to cast from bush and not draw attention to yourself then Subtle Spell will let you spend 1 Sorcery point to ignore any verbal or somatic components of a spell, so that you can cast without a sound and without drawing attention to yourself.
And hey look at that: actual second level spells! You know me: when given the chance Misty Step to Flash is always going to be my spell of choice.
At 4th level you get your first Ability Score Improvement, but we’re actually going to be a good support and ward with the Observant feat. Along with a plus 1 to your Wisdom you also get a +5 bonus to your passive Perception and Investigation by watching the minimap, and you can read people’s lips to make sure they aren’t complaining about how you’re a shit support. What no I’m not projecting.
Also yeah with an increase to your Wisdom modifier you can prepare another Cleric spell.
You can also learn another spell and another cantrip! Minor Illusion will let you make a small image you can use to deceive enemies; maybe it’s a scarecrow? For your leveled spell you have a silence in your kit so grab Silence to silence enemies. Silently.
(Artwork by Riot Games)
5th level Sorcerers can grab third level spells: to protect yourself and your allies with a Banshee’s Veil grab Counterspell, blocking incoming magic and keeping yourself safe!
6th level Divine Soul Sorcerers get Empowered Healing, allowing them to empower... their healing. Whenever you or an ally within 5 feet of you rolls dice to heal you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll any number of those dice once. Soraka’s healing isn’t strong because it’s high but because its consistently high.
Speaking of healing Life Transference will let you give your life to others. You hurt yourself for 4d8 necrotic and then heal that much to the target you choose. I should also mention that technically speaking you can cheese this spell with Empowered Healing: since only the healing is affected if you roll all 1s against yourself you can then Empower the heal and get more value out of your self harm! ...That sounds really weird when you say it out loud!
7th level Sorcerers can learn 4th level spells but I’m actually going to suggest quickly hopping back to third level for Fly. Why? Because it’s Fly, and because Star Guardian Soraka can fly. Also because it’s Fly why do I have to justify this?!
8th level Sorcerers get another Ability Score Improvement: seeing as most of investment so far has been in the Sorcerer class get more Charisma for better Sorcery.
You can also learn another spell but again we’ll be hopping down a few levels for Hold Person for a Root with Equinox.
9th level Sorcerers can learn 5th level spells which means it’s finally time for Starcall! Enervation is a ranged attack that heals you: the targeted creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d8 Necrotic damage. On each of your following turns you can continue doing 4d8 to that target without them being able to make a saving throw! If they succeed their save when you target them you only do 2d8 damage, but regardless of if they save or fail you will be healed for half the damage you deal to them!
(Artwork by Riot Games)
Third level Clerics can prepare second level spells. Grave Clerics have Gentle Repose and Ray of Enfeeblement innately prepared, keeping foes from harming your allies and keeping your allies that were harmed... fresh for respawn. Lesser Restoration will let you remove some minor CCs with a crucible, and Zone of Truth will let you figure out who blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned your friends.
4th level Clerics get an Ability Score Improvement: now that we’re taking Cleric levels increase your Wisdom for better Cleric spells.
A Wisdom increase means two more prepared spells, along with the new Cleric cantrip you can learn! We may as well grab Mending because you hardly need more offensive cantrips. For prepared spells you can lend Aid to your allies to increase their max HP (and use some of those higher level slots you don’t have spells for.) We’ll hold off on preping anything else until...
5th level Clerics Destroy Undead of CR 1/2 or lower that fail their saving throw against Channel Divinity: Turn Undead. Of course it’s unlikely you’ll be fighting CR 1/2 enemies at level 14 but...
5th level Clerics can also prepare third level spells! As a Grave Cleric you will have both Revivify and Vampiric Touch innately prepared, for more healing from harm and a way to bring your allies back from literal death. To further keep your allies from dying Beacon of Hope will maximize incoming healing in the area while also giving allies advantage on Wisdom saves and Death saves. For a close-range Wish (the League of Legends ultimate, not the D&D spell) Mass Healing Word will let you heal 6 creatures within 60 feet as a bonus action.
6th level Clerics get a second use of Channel Divinity per short rest, but more importantly as a Grave Cleric you’re a Sentinel at Death’s Door, letting you negate critical hits on allies within 30 feet! You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier and regain all expended uses on a long rest.
You can also prepare another spell and to further aid against crowd control Remove Curse will let you... remove a curse affecting a target.
(Artwork by Riot Games)
7th level Clerics can prepare 4th level spells. Grave Clerics will always have Blight and Death Ward prepared. How Blight falls into your mantra of not doing harm I don’t know, but keeping from falling off the brink of death is always useful! Speaking of useful: knocking an enemy out of the fight harmlessly with Banishment can allow your allies to focus on more dangerous threats.
8th level Grave Clerics get Potent Spellcasting, letting them add their Wisdom modifier to the damage of their Cleric cantrips. Naturally since your cantrips are going to be increased with Wisdom I’d suggest increasing your Wisdom with the Ability Score Improvement you just got!
With our final increase to Wisdom you can prepare two more spells and we’re actually going to be hopping back a few levels, first for Daylight from third level to banish the fog of war, and then all the way back to first level for Detect Evil and Good, so you will know who has evil in their hearts.
10th level Clerics get another Metamagic, but none of these are really that impressive so you may as well grab Empowered Spell to keep your enemies from ever damaging your allies in the first place.
You can also learn another spell and to root more powerful beasts grab Hold Monster, which is like Hold Person but it works on monsters! And you learn another cantrip like Resistance, letting your chosen ally add a d4 to a saving throw, so you can support them without using any resources.
11th level Sorcerers can learn 6th level spells and of course we’ll be going all out for the most reliable Heal in the game. A creature in 60 feet is instantly healed for 70 health and cured of any blindness or deafness.
12th level Sorcerers get our final Ability Score Improvement, so cap off your Charisma modifier to have the strongest spells from two spell schools.
What? Did you think that you’d get another spell to learn? Lol nope screw you Sorcerers only get a spell every other level past level 10 because I don’t know. Feel free to replace one of your older Sorcerer spells with a 6th level spell if you wish, because you’ve certainly got the slots to do it.
I lend my aid - You’d never guess that the character built specifically to heal would be good at healing, with tons of supportive spells to keep your allies alive and your foes at bay.
What must be done - You also do quite a lot of damage with powerful spells like Vampiric Touch, Blight, and Enervation, not to mention an insane array of cantrips and your Channel Divinity empowering the attacks from allies.
Where am I needed? - Even out of combat you are constantly helping the party with an ungodly amount of cantrips and insane utility with both Charisma and Wisdom skills.
Be at peace - Sorcerer levels plus no Constitution modifier equals less than 100 max health on average! Your foes don’t even need to hit you: just hit the Power Word Kill button and you’re down for the count! Not to mention that your AC and saving throws are incredibly subpar, even if being a Satyr helps against magic.
Never waste a breath - The vast majority of your damaging spells are Necrotic, so while you may be intended to be the healer of the group you might struggle to do much else against foes that resist necrotic damage.
This is my path - There’s such a thing as too much Cleric. Doing a near-perfect 50/50 split between two spellcasters means that while your slots go up to 9th level the actual spells you know only go up to 6th. And you don’t even get Wish; that’s literally the name of your ultimate! What’s more is that Divine Soul Sorcerer really doesn’t help us much with the only use you get out of the class being Empowered Healing. Sure 2 more levels in Sorcerer would give you wings but then you lose out on Potent Spellcasting and an ASI.
But your job was to heal and protect which is a job you do well. Any brute can save the day by crushing the head of the bad guy, but saving the world through compassion is a tough task. But keep a level head, support your team, and be ready to mute everyone if it becomes too much to handle. You’re just a Deathcap away from becoming the very thing you swore to destroy.
(Artwork by Riot Games)
#DnD 5e#dnd#dnd build#dnd guide#League of Legends#League of Legends Soraka#healer#dnd cleric#dnd sorcerer#dnd multiclass
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