#at least zander is wearing more clothes than they are
carrotcouple · 5 months
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I think Tumblr might have completely shot the quality.
Anyways, say hello the protagonists' group for "The Ashen Magus". This took me two years to finish. not because it was hard, but because I kept putting it off. From left to right, Ilana - The Guardian, Chou - Magus of the Ocean, Yura Corcrain, Zoe and Zander - The Silver Twins, Princess Ebony Rubina Nijik, Jasper - The Eighth General, and Taher of the Sun.
Quick recap to anyone who knew anything about my ocs already and have somewhat forgotten. For those who don't know anything this is for you too, but I promise I am considering character sheets to make everyone's lives easier.
Ilana is a Dura and survivor of the First Battle of Makena where she was forced to kill her father and then go on the run so that the antagonists could not rise up to power again.
Chou is considered the guardian of the Stygian bloodline (which Ebony and the antagonists belong to). She chose to serve Ebony above the antagonists, Vlad and Hypatia. Chou is a mix of many different races, but the one that ended up being prominent was human, as a result, she is a Water Mage.
Yura Corcrain only makes an appearance halfway into the story so anyone who was avidly following my ocs before my tumblr hiatus actually has no knowledge of her. She is Violet's identical twin (who some might remember).
Zoe and Zander are the protagonists of the story. They're both twins and Zoe is an Air Mage and Zander is *looks around and then whispers furiously* his magic is a secret for plot reasons. Those of you who remember and know, well...that's only for you to know. They're the youngest people in this piece....teenagers....
Princess Ebony Rubina Nijik is Vlad and Hypatia's distant niece. She's the only remaining survivor of her immediate family and she was in hiding for decades before the plot starts. She is a Plant Mage. She's also YES. the shortest. Zander makes fun of her for it. She stabs him for it.
Jasper - The Eighth General, is a Prince of Yaqut who ended up serving as a general to the army that was brought together for the sole purpose of ending Vlad and Hypatia's reign. He is the youngest and last general of the army. He's a Metal Mage (which sounds really weird actually).
And lastly, Taher of the Sun is one of the Fire Folk. He served as one of Queen Hypatia's closest confidants. However during the First Battle of Makena, for some unknown reason he betrayed her. Now he works with Chou primarily.
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
Alright so I really wanted to write smth with This so thank you @unicornscotty <3
I know it’s the fourth but I really wanted to participate in the @summer-of-whump event but I didn’t have the time until today so technically this is also for the day one prompt “overheating” (fun fact: originally I had a piece with Wren planned for this)
CW: pet whump, dehumanization, locked outside, emeto mention, drowning mention, heat exhaustion
He woke up when he was suddenly grabbed by the collar and dragged off his bed, roughly pushed to the floor. He was disoriented, squinting up at Cain from where he laid. His owner looked irritated, apparently still upset over the fight Zander lost the night before. He should’ve been expecting this, seeing as Cain hadn’t punished him immediately after getting home.
“Fucking hell… good morning to you too.” He muttered sarcastically, while Cain jabbed him in the side with the tip of his shoe, Zander wincing as he dug into one of the bruises.
“Get up.” He ordered, and Zander sighed, pushing himself up and getting to his feet. He was too exhausted, too sore to fight with him. He figured he may as well just accept his punishment and get it over with. “Hands behind your back.”
“Sure thing, officer.” He snickered, doing as he was told though, only for Cain to quickly cuff his wrists together. Zander followed him from the room, mentally preparing himself for a beating, a whipping, caning, drowning, anything like that, but instead, Cain led him out back.
Now that he was outside he realized it was early in the morning, around the time Cain usually left for work. He sighed heavily, realizing that it was going to be another day locked outside, but instead of dragging him out into the yard, he was made to kneel on part of the patio- specifically, the part that wasn’t covered. Cain had clearly already prepared this punishment, a chain locked around one of the nearest posts, which was grabbed and clipped to his collar. It was just long enough that he could lean forward, but he couldn’t have moved from that spot, even trying to move into the shade was impossible for him.
“You’ll spend today out here. If I’m in a better mood, I might let you in when I get home.” He said, and Zander jerked away when he tried to ruffle his hair. Cain started to head inside after that, pausing to add, “Oh, and by the way mutt- I’m working late today.” He said, Zander glaring when he flashed a smile at him before heading inside, the doors slamming shut and locking behind him.
Zander tried to tell himself this wasn’t that bad. He’d been left outside before, sometimes for days at a time, he could handle it. He wasn’t happy, but he could handle it, in fact, he considered it better than a beating. He was bored, of course, but by now he was used to boredom. He didn’t think it would be a problem at all, but as time passed and the day went on, he quickly realized that wasn’t the case.
It was the middle of summer, and while it wasn’t so bad early in the morning, the temperature continued to climb higher and higher. He was used to being tied in the yard, on the cool grass, with a chain long enough he could move into the shade of the trees. He was trapped here though, the sun beating down on him as he knelt on hot concrete. He regretted falling asleep wearing shorts, even if it would’ve been hotter at least pants would’ve provided some protection from the burning heat that had him constantly shifting uncomfortably.
He didn’t normally hate the heat very much. He was used to it, he used to enjoy being out on a sweltering day, but back then he’d usually end up at a friend’s pool or down at the lake, anything to cool off. He would’ve killed for even a drop of cold water, done anything to be submerged in it. His hair and his clothes stuck to his skin, sweat beading on his forehead, the back of his neck, he couldn’t even really wipe it away thanks to his hands being restrained. He winced as sweat stung open scratches from the night before, squeezing his eyes shut and taking a slow, deep breath.
He could handle discomfort. He was always uncomfortable. Hours went by and discomfort had given way to sickness though, somehow nauseous despite the fact he hadn’t even gotten to eat that day. He was doubled over as much as he could, trying to ignore the stomach pain and the sick feeling, but it was difficult when there was nothing else he could focus on.
“Fucking Cain.” He muttered to himself, attempting to talk himself through this. “Fuck him, fucking idiot. Can’t fucking believe this…” He winced, his stomach in knots at this point. “It’s fine… it’s just the sun… fuck, if I get a sunburn I’m gonna be pissed… I hope his stupid ass gets a sunburn, pale fucking vampire looking-“ He was forcibly cut off, dry heaving as the nausea got worse and worse.
By late in the afternoon he felt weak, even more exhausted than he had been that morning. His legs hurt, there was no position that was comfortable as the concrete burned his feet and legs. He hated to admit how much he cried, when he finally couldn’t take it any longer, but he couldn’t even cry for long, as though he were too dehydrated to manage even that. He kept his eyes shut as much as he could, his head was pounding and the bright sunlight wasn’t helping at all.
By the time the back doors opened again, Zander was blinking in and out of consciousness. It was sometime in the evening by then, but it was still warm out, too warm for Zander after enduring the whole day like that. He didn’t actually recognize that Cain was back until he was standing directly in front of him- something held in his hands too.
“Hey, you look like shit.” He snickered, and Zander couldn’t do much more than attempt to glare at him. He didn’t even want to know how he looked right now, likely drenched in sweat, red in his already bruised face. He was taking slow, deep breaths, he’d been fighting against the urge to vomit all day. He set down something in front of him, a bright red dog bowl, which was filled with water. “Go ahead boy, I’m sure you’re thirsty.” He told him, and it took Zander a moment to realize what he was saying.
Am I really this fucking desperate?
His mouth was so dry it was difficult for him to swallow. His throat hurt, he was hardly even capable of keeping himself awake right now, so exhausted and dizzy he couldn’t even really think straight. He hadn’t had anything to drink that day, and no matter the circumstances, this was water being offered right in front of him.
Fucking whatever, dignity be damned.
He abruptly lurched forward, desperate for it after all this time, only to gag as the chain stopped him, only inches from the water but just out of reach. He whined pathetically, he pulled against the chain despite the fact he couldn’t breath and it was showing no signs in breaking, but there was nothing he could do except sit there, and listen to Cain laugh- something that very, very quickly set him off.
“Fucking Bastard- really?!” He shouted. “Fuck you! Fucking let me go!” He growled, using all his energy just to yell at cain. “Stop fucking laughing, it’s not fucking funny!”
“No, it’s hilarious!” Cain laughed. “You’re such a desperate son of a bitch, huh? Would you really drink from a bowl like the dog you fucking are?”
“I would if you weren’t such an asshole! I don’t give a shit, just give me something!” He cried, just short of begging him. Cain was still laughing, but he nudged the bowl closer to him and Zander really did disregard any desire he’d had to avoid this, doing his best to drink from the bowl without his hands. The humiliation was absolutely nothing compared to the relief he felt, he’d never tasted anything better than that water tasted now. He drank as much as he could, as fast as he could to avoid having it taken away, but eventually Cain did take the bowl from him, then he unclipped the chain from his collar.
He tried to get up but he only just now realized how weak he was, collapsing almost immediately. Cain had to actually help him back into the house, his legs were trembling violently and he swore the room was moving side to side. Cain made a face since he was close enough to smell him after a day of sweating under the summer sun, if anything Zander counted that as some sort of victory on his end. He didn’t seem to realize anything was actually wrong with him though, he was dragged to his room and shoved to the floor, where he laid as he was locked into that cell again.
It took a long time for him to move. He couldn’t walk, he had to drag himself into the bathroom and turn on the shower to cold water, his hands shaking as he peeled his clothes off, sitting on the shower floor and breathing a sigh of relief as the cold water poured over him. He took deep, shuddering breaths, and he winced as the water hit the fresh burns on his legs, worse than he thought they would be. He wasn’t even sure if he had anything in his supplies meant for burns, but he figured he could work with what he had, he’d always done so before.
He didn’t expect to pass out in the shower. One moment he was tiredly looking at the back of his hand, at his bruised knuckles, and the next he was waking up slumped against the wall, cold and shivering now that he’d been in there long enough. He didn’t know how long that had actually been, but he finally was able to turn the water off and struggle to his feet, able to keep himself upright long enough to dry off and get dressed. He wanted to go pass out in his bed but just the thought of the mattress and the blanket made him feel hot, he wasn’t entirely thinking straight when he laid down on the bathroom floor, but he found he didn’t regret it one bit, finding relief in the cool tiles against his skin.
He wasn’t thinking entirely clearly, his thoughts still clouded with confusion, but he knew one thing for certain- With how angry he had been over his little “joke”, Cain was lucky Zander had been restrained.
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radioactive-synth · 3 years
tagged a long time ago by @aviatorfics thanks!
taggin: @theartofblossoming , @the-laridian , @portergage , @just-another-wasteland-merc , and whoever wants to do it!
little something as i started to replay FO1...im not intending to write a whole novel for my Vault Dweller, but my mind is kinda set on this little ancient game <3
She cannot lie, she was scared, but in the same time, fascinated. All her life she knew, it was cold metal, yet the artificial warmth was never missing. Recirculated air and recycled water, never missing. And food grown from the laboratory, and only on special occasions, the stash that was given by the long gone ancestors was opened, serving pork and beans, sugar bombs, canned meat and even boiled chicken eggs preserved in boxes.
But now? She seen crops that she never seen before, yet they taste the same as the one in the Vault. People who wear other clothes than the same boring, but comforting blue vault suit, with the number branded on the back. And people who reuse the junk left by ancestors in different ways, either building walls to protect their cities, or redone as weapons.
But nothing could had compare to the feeling of the rays from the Sun on her face, when she got out the cave.
Noné Smith had received coordinates for the Hub, where there could be more chances to find what she needs. Or at least, to buy some fresh water for the Vault. She doesn’t have much... caps on her, but she is not afraid to get her hands dirty. All she hopes is that she doesn’t need to kill another human being...
She felt her legs giving out any time, but she pushed further. As she could see from afar, another city seems to arise. She stops a bit, looking through her backpack and retrieve her pip-boy. The machine shows a location, but she cannot make it much. She closes the screen and puts it back.
She felt pain struck her left leg. That damn oversized scorpion managed to pinch her with its claw, but she was determined to take them all out. Only when she got back to Shady Sands, she noticed the blood soaking her vault suit. She received help and shelter for a few days, until she healed enough to move again. But the doctor warned her to take breaks in her travels.
But where to take a break in this wasteland? she wondered. Only dead trees, junks that were once transportation machines, and... bones she hoped that were of animal origins. She took another few steps, and felt her leg give out. She groans in pain, and limped to the nearest pile of metal. Not much of a shelter, but her back can be protected. 
She put her backpack besides her, her gun loaded, and let her back rest against the cold metal. She had thought to use a stimpack, but she only has two left. Only in emergencies....
‘’Tis the way, to Hub. Told ya I will get you there!’ the raspy voice echoed through the valley.
‘Sure, sure, just alert any other scorpions and rats, while you are at it!’ another coarse voice warned them.
She just glances at them, but paid them no mind, as she pulls the robe from a brahmin, to make her move faster. They have been on the road for days. Or weeks. Libby no longer had kept count of the days, or the years, ever since her face changed, just like how it happened to the other three... colleagues? Friends? 
She cannot really decide how to call them. They were the only ones who didn’t shot her on sight, decades ago. One of the men is a veteran, who has his theories on who launched the bombs first, but is an excellent fighter, the other man was a teacher, who has good survival and communication skills, and the other person, another woman, who was a tailor, and still can create clothes from almost anything. And about her? Her knowledge of pharmaceutical products made her fit for fullfilling the role of the medic/chemist of the group. She always thinks she is not a medic, like her son... is... but she had helped and saved the lives of other people on many occasions.
She looks through her jacket, and pulls out one of her salvaged photography. The one that depicts her son, Vaughn Aleksandros Zander, and her nephew, Vincent Nathaniel Hudson. The boys she raised and loved them a lot. One of them was long gone even before the bombs, went down as a hero, in the war. The other one... she still thinks he is still alive, in the Vault, or at least her grandson Shaun had also survived and thrives now. She gently runs her thumb over the photography, before putting it back in her jacket.
Libby then looks over, but the road seems clear, except for some dead trees and burned carcasses of the cars. But then her attention is drawn to something else. Or someone...
‘Hey, think there’s someone at that truck.’ she calls for attention at her group.
The other three looked where she pointed out.
‘Huh, another corpse fresh from the Vault-Tec.’
‘Pretty sure it ain’t dead.’
‘Not for long. Now come on, the Hub is over there. Y’all better cover up yer mugs, or get again shot at.’
‘And you really will leave them out there?’ Libby asked, her tone a bit firm.
‘Libby, don’t fuckin’ do it again! We can’t help any stray out there!’
‘That “stray” is also a human, like us.’
‘Then it better use your face as practice shooting!’
‘Go fuck yourself. I catch you up later.’ Libby said, and went to the truck’s direction.
She figured it out that the... vaultie is not dead, but she noticed their stained suit. They seemed to rest, as they had their head on their knees.
‘Hey. Are you alright? Do you need help, darling?’ she said in her usual motherly tone.
She stirred from her sleep, feeling her back stiff. She heard the coarse, but very gentle voice. As she could sworn she heard her grandmother talking. But.. she was long gone.
‘Huh? What? Hey, I don’t want trouble!’ Noné said, looking up. But before her, there stands a person that seemed to be a burnt victim, yet she has a very unusual warm smile. She yelps a bit, and gets up, pointing her gun to the intruder. ‘What the fuck? Are you a zombie? Get out!’ her voice is trembling, as her finger on the trigger.
She heard the... person sighing, and sees that they raise their hands a bit.
‘Look, darling, I know I look repulsive, but I don’t mean any harm. I seen you there, and thought you need help.’
‘Wh-why? What? What are you? You look horrible! Why you don’t have your nose?’
The person shakes their head. 
‘Darling, I’m your first ghoul, right?’
The look on her face had gave the stranger the answer they expected.
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asarahworld-writes · 4 years
all i want
Prompt: Be careful what you wish for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: Z-O-M-B-I-E-S
If she hadn’t had white hair, if monsters didn’t exist, if the moonstone had never fallen to Earth, if she wasn’t a freak dating a zombie…
 “-then maybe you would have the picture perfect lives you want. I wish you could just be happy!” Addison yelled, turning away from her parents and swiping angrily at her watery eyes.  What she needed right now was to get away, to be with Zed, but she knew that leaving at this hour would only make things worse.  She looked at her watch, sighing with exhaustion. She’d see him in about five hours anyway.
 Five hours spent restlessly trying to sleep, scrolling mindlessly on her phone, pacing her room, staring out her window at the full moon as the sky lightened – purples turned pink then orange as the sun rose, bathing the world in daylight.  Six am. Addison got up, shivering as the covers fell away.  She looked down in surprise… she didn’t remember changing into pajamas last night. She looked to see where her clothes from the previous day were...nowhere.  The laundry hamper was filled with monochromatic pastels she hadn’t worn in a month.
 She shook her head and rubbed her eyes.  Shower first, figure this out after.
 Addison let the water flow over her entire body, soaking in the warmth.  She massaged the shampoo into her scalp, rinsed.  She applied conditioner to the ends of her hair, easily combing through its mid-length strands.  She frowned, looking at the hair twined through her fingers.  Blonde.  The exact same shade as her wig.  The same length.  Even the same texture.  Odd…
 She watched the water run clean into the drain and shut it off. Even if she didn’t wear it in public any more, her parents would still be seriously pissed if they found out that she’d ruined her wig by wearing it in the shower.  Maybe it was salvageable.  She reached up to take it off and frowned when she felt herself grab her own hair.  She reached again and again, somehow, managed to miss the wig.  Addison stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around her body as to not drip all over the floor, and walked over to the mirror.  It had fogged during her shower and she rubbed at it with the hand towel.  Blonde. The wig still wouldn’t come off. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, so familiar and yet so strange.  She pulled sharply at the blonde hair and winced in pain.
 Addison reached out as if to touch her reflection, watching as it mimicked her perfectly.  She looked into her own blue eyes, her brown brows, every feature she knew so well and then back to the foreign yet familiar blonde hair.
 There was a soft tap at the door.
 “Addison, dear, you don’t want to be late for school.”
 Dear?  Her parents might use informal pet names for each other, but never with her.
 “Yes, Mom.”  She pulled the blonde hair into a bow at the back of her head, picked up her bag and headed for the kitchen where a bowl of fruit was waiting for her.  She ate without really tasting the food, grabbed her lunch money, and started walking.
 Real blonde hair.  Her clothes gone.  Her parents were suddenly much more affectionate.  Addison was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice arriving at school or even opening her locker.  Focus, Addy.  She grabbed her books for first period and looked at her watch.  She’d must have walked faster than usual, class wouldn’t start for fifteen minutes.  However, Zed was usually at the school early, hanging out with the guys or studying/chilling in the safe room.
 She opened the safe room door and called his name.  “Are you here yet?”  Her voice echoed in the empty room and she turned to leave.  The door sealed and she walked down the hall, alone, not noticing that the room wasn’t what she remembered.
 Students filled the hallway and Addison’s heart skipped as her eyes landed on the tall, lanky football star that was her boyfriend. She easily made her way through the crowd, using her short stature to her advantage to get around the other students.
 “Zed,” her voice cracked slightly, betraying her stress, and she froze, looking him over.
 “Um, can I help you?  I really don’t have time for autographs right now, but if you come back during free period I can hook you up.”  With that, he started to push past her.
 Without thinking, Addison grabbed his hand.
 He whipped around, easily breaking her hold.
 “Zed,” Addison looked him over, taking in the pink skin, dark hair, pastels.  “What did you do?”  Her brow furrowed in concern, her hand reaching out to touch his rosy face.
 “Okay, why are you trying to touch me?  Football stars are people too.  Personal space much?”  With that, Zed finally looked down at her, meeting her eyes.  The dark circles perpetually under his eyes were gone, his face was full of colour, his skin even felt warmer.  “Addison.  I thought I told you not to do that in front of people.  You know the deal.  Date the football star, get a bit of the spotlight.”
 “Zed, what are you talking about?  I thought we didn’t care what people thought, remember?  And I thought you were never going to mess with your Z-band again.  What did you do?”  She looked at him, black hair without the slightest tinge of green, skin that didn’t look like he was half-dead, and wearing perfect Seabrook colours.
 “I haven’t done anything I’ve never done before.  But if you’re looking for something different, find yourself a new boyfriend.  I won’t have any trouble replacing you.”
 Addison looked down, not wanting to let this… this person see her cry.  “Where’s your Z-band?”  Addison looked back up to Zed’s face, back to his empty wrist.  She reached for him again, looking for any hint that he was about to lose control.  There was none.  In fact, he still looked far too human.
 “What’s a Z-band?”  He scoffed.
 Addison felt her eyes well with tears and turned to leave, planning on finding Bree, when he caught her arm.
 “If I let you leave like that, it’ll give people the wrong impression.  Let’s go chill in the supply closet for a few minutes.”  Not-Zed, still holding her arm, led her to the Safe Room.  Or at least, what should have been the Safe Room. Instead of bunk beds and rations, the room was filled with cleaning supplies and a small first aid station.
 Addison took a shaky breath, trying to calm herself. “This isn’t right,” she whispered.
 “Really?  No shit it’s not right.  I should be out there with the guys, not stuck in a closet with a mopey girlfriend. I thought you were supposed to be a cheerleader.”
 “Zed,” Addison’s voice cracked, unable to look at the humanized person in front of her.  “This isn’t right.  This isn’t who we are.  This isn’t who you’re supposed to be, something’s happened, something horribly wrong.  But nobody seems to notice…” she couldn’t finish her thought.
 “Notice what?”  He was leaning against the doorframe, tall and dark, and…slightly intimidating.  Who would have thought that Zed would have made a scarier human than monster.
 “Everything’s changed,” she whispered brokenly. Not-Zed said nothing.  “When I woke up this morning, my hair looked like this,” she held it up limply, “all blonde like my old wig.  My parents…it was like something out of a movie.  I come to school early and you’re this…this isn’t you, Zed, not at all.”  She wiped the tears from her eyes before they could fall and continued.  “No matter how much it hurts, my parents are ashamed of me. My hair is an unnatural white color and until now I’ve always worn a wig to keep it hidden.  You’re still the star of the football team, but you’re not human, you’re a zombie.  You… gar-garziga, Zed.  The real Zed.”
 The real Zed, the real Seabrook, her real parents, she just wanted everything to return to normal.  This version of Zed, who apparently was tired of Addison being a clingy and vapid bitch, listened as everything poured out.  The accident at Seabrook Power, the creation of zombies, their first meeting, football, the cheer championships.
 “And all that just ‘changed’ this morning?”  Not-Zed scoffed.  “Things don’t just change overnight because you say ‘I wish’, Addison.  Not even for a cheerleader.”
 “But they did,” Addison whispered, broken.  “This isn’t right, any of it.  This isn’t who we are.”
 “So how did it happen?  I told these floozies I wish you’d just leave me alone, several times a day, and yet that never happens.”
 Whether not-Zed actually cared to know or not was irrelevant. “It was about one a.m.  I had a huge fight with my parents.  I said a bunch of things I knew they hated about me and said that maybe if none of them existed, that they could be happy.  If I had normal hair.  If monsters didn’t exist in this town.  Stuff I said in the heat of the moment.  And somehow, it all came true the next morning.”
 “In your version of the world, monsters exist?”  Not-Zed said incredulously.  “And I’m one of them.”
 They were both quiet for a moment.
 “In your world…Zoey was at the cheer championships last year.” Not-Zed finally looked at her, his eyes hard.  Addison nodded, swallowing hard.
 “She started how monsters finally became accepted in Seabrook. There was only half a squad left and they were falling apart.  Zoey went on stage and started cheering herself.”  Addison smiled at the memory.  “Most of the zombies in attendance joined us onstage and we might not have won the championship for the first time in fifty years, but we were united.”
 Not-Zed didn’t say anything for a long time.  He lifted his head and said hoarsely: “My sister died when she was born, with my mother.  I’ve never told anybody about her before…her name was Zoey.”
 “Zoey is the little sister I never had.  She wants to be a cheerleader more than anything and she loves dogs.  She had a stuffed dog called Zander and at the end of last year, I got her a real dog. A small dog with long white fur she named Puppy.”
 “I don’t know how you found out about Zoey, but this is the dumbest prank anybody’s ever pulled.  Who set you up?”
 “No,” Addison said brokenly.  “Zed, I’m not making any of this up, I swear.  I know Zoey, I love her like she was my own sister.  Monsters are real in Seabrook.  They’re zombies, you’re a zombie.  And we’re… gar-garziga, Zedka.”
 Addison’s heart shattered when he spoke again.
 “Is that gibberish supposed to mean something to me?  We’re through, Addison.”  The finality of his statement hit her in a wave of emotions as he left the closet.
 Addison left school early, telling the nurse she’d gotten her period and felt nauseous.  The nurse agreed to send her home, noting that the walk might do her some good in relieving the symptoms.  Unfortunately, the walk back passed quickly and she was home.
 She let herself in and practically collapsed against the door.
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Forty-Two
Table of Content or Part Forty-One
Read here on Wattpad
Words: 3.6k
Warning(s): Explicit language, explicit sexual situations, miscarriage
Tag: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphordarling @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi @fancywasmyname1 @teller258316
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I had miscarried a week before the four month mark, and despite the large amount of stress I was under, I was told my body showed signs of preparing to discard the pregnancy, anyway, and it was estimated there hadn't been a heartbeat for almost a week prior.
I planned on telling Nikki before my stomach grew to an obvious size, but I managed to keep it under the radar and it just looked like I was gaining some weight.
Andy had taken me, in and out at consciousness, to the hospital after Nikki's blue color started to miraculously subside and he decided it was better to keep the freshly overdosed heroin junkie away from anyone who could notify authorities.
A D&C was performed, I was given hospital-issued pajama pants since I wasnt wearing any, told not to use tampons, insert anything into my vagina or have sex for two weeks, and I was sent on my way.
"I-I heard the nurse say something about a failed pregnancy." Andy tells me, hesitantly, as we head back to the apartment to see if Nikki's still there.
"They thought it might have been one, but I told them I wasn't pregnant and they decided it was a serious spell of period cramping." I reply.
"You don't fucking pass out from a period cramp, Vivian."
"I passed out because I was in shock from Nikki being blue." I argue.
"That was a lot of blood to be--"
"Andy, until you have a uterus that sheds once a month, you don't get to make the rules as to what's a normal amount of period blood and what isn't." I cut him short and he sighs out.
"Got it, Viv."
When we get back to the apartment, it's empty.
The Rat is gone, and Nikki's gone.
"Do you think he's back at the hotel?" Andy asks me and I pray in my mind he is.
"Maybe he is." I tell him.
I have to give it to Andy, he managed to get Nikki breathing again while simultaneously trying to get me to regain consciousness...all while on heroin himself.
Vince killed his drummer, and he still saved Vince's bassist.
I get back to the hotel, Doc interrogating the front desk, demanding to know where I went and if she's seen me recently.
"Doc, chill out." I tell him, rubbing my eyes and he sees me and relief washes over him.
"Where the fuck have you been?!" He shouts at me. "I was about to call the cops, Vivian!"
"I know, I'm sorry, I just had to go to the doctor for lady issues." I tell him and he looks at me like I've lost my mind, looks at Andy and throws his hands up.
"All you kids are fucking impossible, holy shit!" He calls out, stepping to the elevator.
I turn to Andy, smiling tiredly up at him.
"Thank you for helping Nikki." I tell him.
"I'd do it ten times over, Viv." He replies.
I try my hardest to memorize him, snapping a mental picture of his soft smile, his liner smudged eyes, his clothes...preparing for this being the last time I ever see him, because at the rate he's going, he'll be dead in a couple years.
Tears blur my vision, but never break over my lashes, and I hug him to me.
"Take care of yourself." I tell him calmly. "Please."
"Oh, I'll be fine." He replies, squeezing me back.
When we pull away, his hands hold at either side of my face.
"Keep your head clear." He tells me one last time and I nod.
To this day I still hear him in my mind when I'm overwhelmed.
"Keep your head clear."
I get up to the room to pack, thinking of what the hell to say to Nikki.
He's getting out of the shower when I get in, bruises covering him from where he was hit with the bat, and his chest is bruised from CPR.
I decide not to say anything, ignoring him when he tries to talk to me.
"Baby." He states, realizing I'm purposely ignoring him.
I just fold my dirty clothes up and put them in my bag.
"Vivian." He tries again. "I really don't need you to be pissed at me about this, Viv."
Again, I don't say a word.
I try to head to the bathroom before he's grabbing at my arm, stopping me.
"I over did it, I know I did. I'm sorry, alright? Just please talk to me."
"I'm going back home." I tell him and he looks shocked before his face suddenly scrunches up.
"I am going back to L.A." I repeat.
"Because I'm not hanging around to see you pick up where you left off before you nearly died, Nikki, and I know that the second we get to the next city, you'll be pinpointing a dealer as soon as possible." I state.
"I--Viv, I made a mistake, I understand that I made a bad call." He tries to reason with me before snatching my shirt out of my hand before I can pack it. "Will you listen to me?"
"Why? You never listen to me." I hiss at him and his eyes glass over in tears.
Instead of yelling at me, or arguing, he puts my shirt in my bag for me, and helps me pack the rest of my stuff before he gets dressed and gets his own stuff together. "I just want to go home." I finally tell him, feeling a little guilty for being mean to him after what happened to him.
"I know." He says lowly, sitting next to me on the bed. "I just don't want you to."
"I'll only be a phone call away, and the tour will be over in less than a month and you'll be back in no time." I point out.
"Yeah, I guess." He replies.
"Just, please, be careful." I plead, grabbing his hand.
He looks at me and nods a little.
"I will, Viv. I promise." He assures me.
It was bullshit. Two days after that, he was hanging out with Tommy, Rodger Taylor and Robin Zander, at dinner and when lines of power rails of coke were offered to them, Nikki snorted all of it on his own.
But I wasn't worried about Nikki. I prayed for him before I left London and that was that.
I bombard Steven when I see him by Duff's car in the parking lot, wrapping my arms around him tightly, nearly crying tears of joy.
"Have you gotten taller?" I tease, ruffling his fluffy blonde hair.
"Nah, maybe you're getting shorter." He replies as I put my bag in the trunk.
"Short-stop." I shoot at him.
"Firecrotch." He replies without missing a beat and I can't help but laugh.
"You've been hanging around Izzy too much." I point out, getting into the car.
When we get to their apartment, I set my bag on floor by the door and look around at the shithole it is.
"The guys are out, I'm about to go see if I can find 'em if you wanna come." Stevie offers.
I shake my head a little, already knowing how I want to spend my night.
"No, thank you, just wanna shower and get settled." I explain, and he nods.
"You're gonna have to air dry because we don't have towels, and we don't have hot water." He adds. "Also, pee in the shower if you gotta pee because we don't have a toilet anymore."
"What about if I need to do the other?" I ask him and he rubs his lips together.
"We usually just do that in our friend's apartment down the hall. Apartment 205." He informs me and I raise my brows but don't say a word.
"Got it." I reply.
"Alright, well, I'm out." He tells me.
"Okay, see you later tonight." I reply, shutting the door behind him.
I turn to face the mess that is their apartment and I take a breath and get started.
I'm just getting out of the shower by the time I hear the front door open and close, and I hold my arms over my chest and peak my head out of the bathroom, seeing Duff's lanky frame in the kitchen, the only light is from the small lamp on the floor in the living room.
"Hey." I tell him, and he turns around, brows raised.
"Oh, shit, hey." He chuckles off his startledness. "Are you done with your shower?" He asks and I nod.
He's stepping to me, his hand holding out a cheap towel.
"Steven said you were crashing here tonight so I went and got some things...I knew you'd appreciate a towel." He tells me and I chuckle, grateful for his consideration as I step back into the bathroom to wrap up in the towel and step back out to my bag to get pajamas. "I got some shitty sheets for that mattress." He motions to the one bedroom. "And a blanket because we don't have any."
"How do you guys stay warm then?" I ask and he shrugs.
"We usually go home with girls who have blankets." He chuckles and I shake my head a little. "At least they do. Anymore I come back and crash here." He adds. "Also, thank you for cleaning." He notices the much more organized and clean apartment I'd been working on ever since Steven left three hours ago. "Which brings me to my last purchase I know you would need." He puts a can of disinfectant spray on the counter next to the blanket and sheets and I can't hold back to laugh that comes when I see it. "I suggest using the whole can."
"I'm planning on it don't worry." I chuckle as he takes can of spray and the sheets into the bedroom.
I'm assuming to spray down the mattress and put the sheets on.
I dry off and towel dry my hair before slipping on a pair of pajama shorts and a Crüe band tshirt.
Once I'm done in the bathroom, I see Duff sitting on the couch with his bass and I sit beside him as he goofs off with it for a couple minutes before I point to a note his finger is on.
"What's that?" I ask him, curiously.
"J." He tells me and I furrow my brows a little.
"There's a 'J' note on bass?" I ask and he nods, his expression serious for a moment before he cracks into a smile. "Duff, I'm serious." I push at his shoulder lightly and he chuckles.
"I don't know what note it is." He tells me.
"Bullcrap." I state.
"I'm being serious. I don't know a single name of any of the notes."
"You play by ear?!"
"I just wanted to play bass. I didn't want to learn it step by step. It's obviously working out for me the way I do it now, so." He shrugs. "Is that not what Nikki does?"
"Yeah...but he's Nikki I don't expect him to know all of it. He sticks to the same template of decently easy notes in every song anyway because he's too fucked up to remember anything elaborate." I tell him and he chokes a little, looking at me.
"That's mean." He points at me.
I think about it for a second and sigh out.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm just tired and moody I guess." I mumble, running a hand through my hair.
"Do you need to go to bed?" He asks me.
"Probably." I admit, seeing it's 1:17am on their crooked wall clock, standing up and stretching.
I look towards the bedroom, then to Duff and back to the bedroom before sitting back down.
"What is it?" He asks me.
"I'll just chill here with you for a few more minutes." I tell him.
I lay down, my legs curling to my chest as the top of my head brushes against the side of his thigh, my eyes closing.
I'm probably asleep for another hour before I'm being woken up.
"Viv." Duff slowly shakes me awake and I groan a little, blinking up at him.
"C'mon, I'm helping you to bed." He tells me and I nod sleepily, taking his hands as he helps me up.
I'm half asleep when I fall to the matress on the floor and he chuckles at me grabbing the blanket to cover me up.
"You good?" He asks me after covering me up and I nod. "Okay, I'm crashing on the couch if you need anything."
"Sleep in here." I tell him, rubbing the sleep from my eyes in an attempt to wake myself up a little.
It's obvious he's thinking really hard about the invitation.
"Please?" I ask. "I don't like sleeping alone."
He thinks about it for a moment longer before getting his boots off, laying down beside me as far away as possible, not even taking his jacket off.
"Goodnight, Viv." He says.
"Goodnight." I barely mumble back.
This is where the very strict "friends" line that separated Duff and I began to slowly blur, and I despised myself for it.
I'm tired, but I can't bring myself to sleep, turning to face Duff.
I wonder if he's asleep.
"Duff?" I whisper.
"Hmm?" He replies.
He's laying on his back with an arm tucked behind his head, the other across his abdomen.
I think about how he kissed me, and how did it like he meant it, openly and honestly, and I freaked out over it.
And why?
Because of Nikki?
I remember the reminiscent feeling I got with Duff, when he made his drunk move, mirrored how I felt when Nikki first made his five years ago.
My eyes go back to the blonde beside me, the temptation to either scare him away or draw him in more is pulling at me strong.
"Take your jacket off." I say to him lowly and he looks at me in the dark of the room, the only sliver of light coming from the neon glowing lights of the strip.
"Viv." He says it like he knows what I'm thinking he's begging me not to because he couldn't possibly resist.
I sit up getting on my knees, pulling my tshirt over my head and discarding it.
"Shit." He mumbles to himself, sighing out as I crawl to him.
All it takes is my leg swinging over his hips to straddle him and he's caving.
He doesn't dare make a move to touch me, probably trying to decide if this is real or not, until I'm pressing my lips against his, moaning softly as my nipples gently rub against the fabric of his clothes.
My hands grab either side of his unzipped jacket, pulling him up to a sitting position, pushing the leather from him, he discards the jacket across the room and my hands run down his arms to his wrists to guide his hands to my hips as I slowly start rocking against his groin as my forehead rests against his, my breath catching in my throat as pleasure sparks through me.
"Fuck, Viv..." he breaths out, finger tips lightly pressing into the flesh of my hips.
Pull up on the bottom of his shirt, leaning into him when it's off, feeling his skin against mine as our lips meet once more before I'm running my tongue along his bottom lip to give him the hint.
His hands move to my ass, guiding the slow, needy movements of the junction of my thighs against the hardness in his pants.
Our tongues tangle together as he moves one of his hands up to run his thumb against my nipple.
I whimper, the ache in my core growing stronger as he gets comfortable and shifts from being shy and acting like he doesn't know what to do, to complete dominance, pushing me onto my back, my hair hanging off the foot of the bed.
He takes his pants off as I pull at my shorts, rubbing my thighs together, looking up at him as he gives me a happy smile, pressing his lips to my ankle, working his way up inch by inch, worshipping me with each caress, each kiss, each move.
He's running his tongue against my clit, eliciting another moan from me, my back arching as my hands fall into his blonde hair.
When he hits a certain spot, I gasp, my eyes nearly watering.
"Right there, please, Duff." I quietly whine out a beg.
He listens, continuing to move his tongue against me, causing me to resort to shallow breaths as pleasure builds.
One of his hands goes to my breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers, only encouraging me to grind into his face with his slow, savoring, pace.
I'm coming before realizing it, my toes curling, his name catching in my throat as I arch my back.
He looks like he's about to go back for seconds but I'm sitting up and pulling his lips to mine before taking my hand and wrapping it around his prick.
The thought of it inside of me sends me into overdrive and he groans out as I run my thumb over his tip, my thigh hooking around him as my legs spread, wanting him inside of me.
I fall back on the matress taking him with me as our lips stay locked, and both of his hands are on either side of my head as we break our kiss.
"Are you sure about this?" He asks me. "I mean really sure. I don't want to hurt you, Viv, I--"
I cut him short, giving him reassuring kiss before looking up at him again.
He nods, as if convincing himself to disrespect Nikki and our marriage as he jerks himself off a couple of times before placing his head at my entrance.
He slowly pushes himself in, and by the time he's in as far as my body has room for him to be in, he's grasping the blanket we're on, under his hands, obviously trying to keep his control.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, giving me time to adjust to him.
I don't answer, my hands pushing at his sides to get him to pullout of me, and he thinks I want him off of me, nearly moving completely out of me before I'm wrapping my legs around him, causing him to push back into me.
The feeling forces a loud, wanton, nearly pornish sound from me and he realizes I want him to keep going.
He smiles to me, kissing me again while pulling out and thrusting back into me, gently.
"Duff," I start, breathing out.
"Y-Yeah?" He asks, stopping suddenly.
"I'm not gonna break." I tell him with a shy smile as a subtle hint to screw me into the mattress.
He's chuckling a little, loosening up, before thrusting into me a little faster, rougher, and harder.
"Fuck, Duff!" I can't control myself, my nails screaming against the skin of his back as his length moves inside of me addictively.
He repeatedly hits against my tender cervix, and the thought of him finishing inside of me is fucking crazy but nearly primal.
"You feel so fucking good." He tells me, his cigarettes laced breath adding to the comfort of him pulling pressing his body against mine, taking my lower lip between his teeth.
My fingers curl into his blonde hair, my nipples aggressively move against him with his desperate pace.
"I'm gonna come." I tell him, my eyes closing, my lips slightly opened as tremors course through me.
I cry out so loudly he has to put his hand over my mouth incase any of the guys are home.
Tears roll down my face as he picks up the pace, chasing after his high with my legs locked around him.
"I love you." He tells me, his lips brushing against mine.
"I love you, too." I say back, my hand going between my legs to play with my clit to try have another hit before he finishes.
His hand is moving mine out of the way and rubbing at me far better than I can in my love-high state.
More of my juices flood onto him as my brain fills with more endorphins, my eyes heavy with a floating high.
"I'm about to come." He tells me.
"Come in me." I tell him, hazily, not thinking clearly.
"Viv, I--"
"Please, I wanna feel it, Duff. I wanna feel you." I beg, arching into him, pulling his hips into mine with my thighs.
He doesn't argue, cursing out as streams of his cum pump into me.
He doesn't get off of me until he's finished, the both of us laying in silence as nausea forces it's way through me.
I'm sitting up, throwing up, my body sweating and my face soaked with tears.
I realize I'm throwing up on the living room's stained carpet as Duff startles awake from where he fell asleep beside me on the couch.
Izzy's passed out on the floor on the other side of the coffee table and I look at the clock to see it's 5:00am.
"Viv, are you alright?" Duff asks me, but all I hear in the sound of his voice is the terrifying idea that I just dreamt up an entire fantasy about him that seems so unbelievably realistic, that if he weren't still fully dressed, jacket and boots included, I would swear it actually happened.
My heart sinks to my stomach.
I need Nikki.
It was one hell of a foreshadow.
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rodgram38 · 4 years
3d Hifu Facelift therapy
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Because exercise not only tightens the muscles, it likewise smooths your skin. Cellulite is the result of fat cells underneath the skin pushing upwards on its surface layer.
What can you not do after HIFU?
After-Care Guidelines – HIFU Neck and Face Lift Avoid caffeine and alcohol for 48 hours afterwards, even longer if possible for optimal results. No strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours to reduce any swelling that may have occurred during your treatment.
Every little thing from cigarette smoking, a bad diet plan and also absence of workout can be responsible for the dreaded orange peel. The arise from the self-reported aesthetic analogue scales from the topics themselves showed, as expected, that throughout month one there was no modification in the appearance of cellulite. Nevertheless, the outcomes showed that during month two, while the stockings were being used, there was a significant enhancement in the look of cellulite.
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In our loosened up and friendly centers we give a superior level of client care. Using a really alternative approach to visual therapies, we believe in achieving natural looking results. wart removal is absolutely nothing much less than for our customers to leave us looking fresher and our proverb is 'Natural Looking Outcomes; A Fresher Looking You'. The practice of shot lipolysis for spot reduction of little areas of fat deposits is expanding extra prominent. Cavitation isn't uncomfortable, with patients experiencing just a minor warm sensation which is completely tolerable and also subsides at the end of the therapy.
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If not dealt with quickly, the infection can infect other components of the body, such as the blood, muscles as well as bones. Ginkgo Biloba aids to raise blood flow; Lemon Remove help to shield the wall surfaces of the capillary to prevent swelling.
Combined with organic rosemary extract to stimulate circulation as well as metabolic processes, toning ruscus remove, and skin-smoothing oils of revitalising apricot, vitamin-rich wheat-germ and restoring jojoba and also a rejuvenating citrus scent. This type of reliable home heating and also vacuum promotes the growth of new collagen as well as elastin which causes the decrease of skin laxity, body quantity as well as a total renovation in skin structure and structure. Nonetheless, listed below we've focused on the non-invasive options as well as advised products that have actually verified cause removing cellulite, or at the very least a lot of it.
how Much Time Does The treatment Take?
The orange peel skin that typically appears on our bum and thighs can be a headache, however it is very important to understand that it's common. Hypotonic Cellulite normally starts to appear between the ages of 35 and 45 and also impacts the reduced thighs as well as in some cases all-time low. This sort of cellulite gives the look of a drooping upper leg when it just impacts the upper thigh.
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Can HIFU cause nerve damage?
FRIDAY, Dec. 15, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment for skin laxity can cause facial nerve injury, according to a case study published online Nov. 22 in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.
Achieving major enhancements will take time, uniformity and a mix of way of living changes. If you remove the cellulite however do not take care of the negative flow it will certainly appear again. Adipocytes comprise fat, the area where energy is kept as fat.
man's and Also St Thomas' personal medical Care.
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That's right, you can remove cellulite simply by putting on clothes! Smart Leggings are among numerous on the market developed to easily fight dimples.
This renovation was statistically considerable even in the small number of clients entailed. The arise from month 3 were really intriguing and revealed that there was a continued improvement in the appearance of cellulite after the stockings had actually been discarded. Consequently the objective of this research study was to analyze whether the particular 'micro-massage ridge technology' anti-cellulite compression stockings work in decreasing the appearance of cellulite. You can figure out more regarding skin-tightening products and also their effects here. A scrub with coffee grounds likewise purifies and promotes the circulation in the cells. Biking, jogging and the step device are your allies on the route to good-looking skin.
We will certainly have the ability to offer you a quote throughout your appointment.
The only therapy that I have actually seen results with is the Lipofirm Pro!
In the past I've attempted all type of systems to aid with my stretch marks and also reduce and tighten my infant stubborn belly after the birth of my youngsters.
The size of the treatment area and the strategy chosen impacts the period of the HIFU treatment session, which can range between 30 and also 90 mins.
After checking out the center the therapist told me that as a result of absence of motion, my flow has slowed down and I have established cellulite.
Some light swelling, tingling or tenderness might take place momentarily.
Less usual impacts include slight bruising and also skin sensitivity.
If a person is leaner, there is less fat, but they can still have cellulite," included Lucy. To help get to the base of this, we have actually spoken with professionals to reveal what causes cellulite and the science of cellulite elimination. It's far more common than you could think, as well as it doesn't just affect individuals that are obese-- far from it. My cellulite has actually greatly minimized, to the extent I no more really feel awkward concerning it and also happily wear shorts and little outfits. I've also worked out more than I may or else have done, primarily brisk strolling and also swimming in the river near my home-- Kate urges aerobic activity that targets locations prone to cellulite like the hips as well as bum.
How does HIFU face lift work?
HIFU makes use of ultrasonic energy to penetrate deep below the skin and fat layers of the face to gently but effectively target connective tissue. HIFU has a tightening effect on the loose connective tissue, restoring firmness to areas of sagging skin and resulting in a visible lifting effect.
Depending upon the stimuli that the adipocytes receive, they will increase and also store even more fat or reduction and shop less fat. Genes have a lot to do with cellulite, therefore it's less complicated for some to decrease cellulite than others. Response 5 questions to discover your skin as well as uncover our ideal items for you. B-Calm-- An innovative dermocosmetic range to decrease the symptoms of exceptionally sensitive skin as well as rosacea. Some high power ultrasound treatments might function well also, while the reduced varieties are not really reliable.
When it influences the bottom, bottoms take on a heavy, sagging appearance. Grade 1 - No noticeable cellulite, even when the skin is pinched. There are 4 different grades of cellulite as well as there are unique cellulite medical diagnosis plates which, when hung on the skin, tell us the quality to ensure that we understand exactly how best to treat it. Cellulite is a general term that covers several sorts of skin problem. Given that cellulite has actually now ended up being something of a warm topic, we asked skincare expert Jill Zander to fill us in on whatever you ever before needed to learn about cellulite. His Greetings Britain coworker Susanna Reid stuck up for Kim, calling on women to celebrate their curves as well as if they have cellulite, to not hesitate to show it.
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The treatment can be used for the thighs and butts, abdomen, flanks as well as arms. It is advised that you have 6-8 treatments at once a week periods to acquire the most effective possible results. Below is a short overview of the treatments we offer here at Aesthetic appeals of Liverpool, you can find out more about each treatment type by clicking the web link to go through fully page on our site. Also a few of the most toned, healthy and fit women suffer with the issue of cellulite and also wish frantically to be free of it. 90% of females will suffer with cellulite eventually during their lives.
' An artificial radiance is amazing for smoothing over the appearance of cellulite; it's an instant confidence increase' she claims. ' Operate in firm, circular motions from your feet upwards to work with the all-natural direction of blood circulation.
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We recommendGermaine de Capuccini's Slim Accuracy Anti-cellulite Solution. Sadly, there's no quick solution for dealing with cellulite long-term.
Skin may go a little pink however it's a sign the blood is rushing to the surface, striving because cellulite battle'. In limited-time offer , specialists say that between 80 and 90 percent of females experience cellulite, and that it's not an indicator of being obese-- slim individuals are often affected also.
3JUVE ® The ultimate fractional laser resurfacing, IPL and also radiofrequency equipment using the most in-demand face skin rejuvenation treatments in the sector. She likewise recommends a fake tan to make you really feel much more certain.
The lymph system is additionally affected by hormones, particularly progesterone and oestrogen, which is why cellulite can come to be a lot more obvious in ladies throughout the age of puberty, menopause and maternity. So I'm curious concerning what Kate, the 56-year-old British owner of popular leg-care brand Legology, assures is her brand-new, less 'negative' means to decrease cellulite substantially.
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im-not-corrupted · 4 years
Safi, No (A Witchlands Fanfiction) - Chapter Nine
Written with @un-empressed, who wrote Aeduan’s POV!
Read the other chapters here: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight
Chapter Summary:
The group chat is a mess. Iseult and Aeduan end up talking a bit more.
Also on Ao3!
Aeduan was doing a great job of ignoring his phone. He could tolerate it lighting up every now and then, signalling a message from the insane group chat he decided to ignore.
It was going very well until Iseult called him. He didn't know it was her at first. She probably got his number from the group. It was weird, but Aeduan found he didn't really mind.
"Stop them," Iseult said as soon as he answered the call. Aeduan didn't even need to ask who 'they' were at this point.
"What are they doing now? Is somebody trying to bribe and corrupt people again?"
"Well, yes, but they want - Just read the messages. You'll see what they want," she said. Aeduan went to respond, but the call was already done. Aeduan shook his head to himself. Out of all groups he could've gotten himself involved with...
Aeduan opened the group chat and scrolled up to the beginning. Apparently Vaness's friend joined the group chat. Aeduan couldn't believe how well this whole thing was working for such a petty cause. Merik Nihar had better watch out.
Aeduan rolled his eyes as he read the first few messages. They weren't that bad, but since Safi sent them, they were... Well, what she considered hilarious, and everyone else considered over the top. Still, Aeduan had to admit how she referred to everyone in the group was sort of funny, if the slightest bit offensive.
But who wouldn't laugh? She kept referring to Iseult as her favourite partner in crime, and called Stix a 'traitor, but tbh I get it, imagine being loyal to Merik'.
Aeduan himself was 'Polly's moody friend who tolerates only Iz'. It was the truth, really, but something about the way it was phrased made Aeduan uneasy. And after all, he did 'tolerate' Vaness as well. She was unwillingly thrown into the whole mess, after all.
It was harmless, considering what Safi was capable of doing. Aeduan wondered why Iseult called him, but as he continued reading, he understood.
Iseult: Seriously? Nobody minds the nicknames?
Aeduan most decidedly minded his, but looking at the time stamp of the message, he was twelve minutes late.
Stix: Not really. Get me 'Traitor' on a jacket and I'd wear it
Safi: Oooooh! That's a great idea! We should all get jackets! Does anyone know someone willing to make us jackets?
Lev: I have this theory that Caden can sew
Aeduan snorted out loud. He hoped Caden couldn't sew, though. Safi was definitely not above getting them jackets.
Safi: I'm intrigued. Continue
Caden: It's been months! Just let it go already! I genuinely don't remember where I got the shirt!
Lev: suuuuuureeee
Safi: No, but this is perfect. We need some kind of motto for our group
Vivia: I thought Bribery and Corruption was the motto?
Stix: No, that's the name and main policy
Vaness: You are all insufferable
Aeduan had to agree with Vaness on that. They were all worse than the last. He wouldn't be surprised if Vaness's friend chickened out after a week. He certainly wouldn't blame her.
Safi: Thanks
Safi: Does anybody have suggestions for the motto?
Lev: "This guy's not even worth digging a hole"
Zander: We aren't using that one
Stix: I've got 99 problems and at least 73 were created by Merik Nihar
Safi: And the other 28?
Iseult: *26
Safi: Oh well forgive me for not being a math magician
Safi: So?
Stix: I am literally half blind
Safi: ?
Stix: Nearsighted
Vaness: Then why don't you wear glasses? It must be hard to get around with bad vision
Stix: First of all, glasses would ruin my whole aesthetic. Second of all, I'll have you know I have at least a mediocre vision and that I do not deserve to be made fun of like that
Vaness: I fail at feeling even remotely apologetic for insulting your eyesight
Safi: You could've just said "fuck you too" but okay
Aeduan rolled his eyes. He really didn't want to keep reading, but he did regardless.
Safi: Do we get them personalised for each of us or should they all say the same thing?
Iseult: Saf, we are not getting jackets
Safi: But Iz!!! It's what the people want!!
Vaness: It is absolutely not
Stix: I mean, it kind of is
Lev: It definitely is
Safi: See?
Iseult: I do, unfortunately
Safi: Why are you so negative?
Aeduan could list a few reasons why. The first few were perhaps a bit rude and subjective, but he didn't really care anymore.
Iseult: Maybe because you're setting up a plot to get revenge on someone who only kind of unintentionally wronged you?
Vivia: Knowing him, it was definitely intentional
Safi: See???
Iseult: Still, you don't even know him.
Vivia: Lucky her
Stix: Amen
Aeduan had never talked to Merik, but surely that many people couldn't all be exaggerating the same thing on the same level. Or maybe Leopold paid them to, just to mess with Aeduan. He was certainly both rich and insane enough.
They were all amazing actors if that was the case. Aeduan was genuinely afraid of Safi making him wear a personalised bribery and corruption jacket. He was really, really afraid.
Safi: I found a good website for ordering custom clothes
Iseult: No
Safi: Yes
Vaness: Safi, No
Safi: Safi yes
Stix: Safi definitely
Caden: Safi maybe? Depends on how the jackets look
Iseult: We are not getting jackets
Vivia: I mean, if they're subtle enough I wouldn't be opposed to it
Vaness: I thought you were sensible
Stix: She is. Those were words of a sane woman if I've ever heard some
Safi: See? My revenge plan is a great opportunity to make friends
Zander: That sounds almost like a commercial
Stix: "Break Merik's leg and you get the satisfaction of breaking Merik's leg"
Safi: 9 out of 10 doctors don't recommend it but that's what makes it fun
Iseult: Why would one doctor recommend it??
Caden: Because Safi bribed and corrupted him.
"You're a monster," she told Safi once again. 'You're a monster' was the only accurate way to describe her friend these days, even if Iseult said it with fondness.
Safi grinned and winked at her. "Thanks."
"And you're insufferable."
"Again. Thanks."
Safi confused her when she did things like that - when she took everything as a compliment, even when they certainly weren't intended as a compliment. There wasn't much of a difference to Safi, though, and Iseult had to admire her confidence.
Safi sat at the edge of her bed, staring down at her phone with a glint in her eyes that Iseult recognised and did not trust. "Who else could be bribe and corrupt?" She asked Iseult, who rolled her eyes.
"I already told you, I'm not taking part in the revenge plan. And that means I'm not helping you decide who to bribe and corrupt next." Iseult shook her head. Really, how many times did she have to repeat herself? It was beginning to get annoying, though she would never say that.
Safi pouted. "Oh, come on. Please?"
"Wait!" Safi grinned again. "What about that Ryber girl? Or Ryber's friend, Tanzi? They're friends with Merik. It could work to our advantage."
"No, it will not work to our advantage," Iseult stated matter-of-factly. "Do you know why?"
"Because they're Merik's friends."
"Stix was Merik's friend, and she was more than eager to join," Safi pointed out.
Iseult rolled her eyes. It was an action she caught herself doing often around Safi. "Stix wasn't his friend."
"Then why did she sit with him?"
"For her actual friend, Kullen, who happened to be friends with Merik." She sighed. "Didn't you listen to a thing Stix said earlier?"
Safi stared into the distance for a second before shrugging. "Apparently not. To be fair, I was making a mental list of who else to bribe and corrupt."
"Don't you have enough people in on the revenge plan?"
Her friend stared at Iseult in horror. "Iseult, darling, there is never 'enough people' when it comes to making Merik's life hell."
"I'm just saying," Iseult replied, raising her hand in mock-surrender. "It will be a whole lot easier for someone - for Merik - to find out about your plan if you 'bribe and corrupt' more people."
Despite having a very good point, Iseult's words weren't actually paid any attention. No, instead of listening to the voice of reason, Safi was grinning down at her phone, typing something quickly. At first, Iseult thought that maybe Safi had decided who she wanted to bribe or corrupt next, but when Safi looked up from her phone and Iseult's didn't show any notifications from the group chat, she quickly changed her mind.
"Iseult," Safi began in a sing-song voice. It was a tone of voice that would've sounded innocent if it wasn't coming from Safi.
She sighed. "Yes?"
"Leopold wants to discuss strategy at the ice cream place."
Iseult snorted. "'Discuss strategy'? We aren't fighting a war, Saf."
Her friend glared at her. "This is war, Iseult. Merik is a plague upon this earth. War is the only way to rid of him."
"Okay then," Iseult nodded along, giving up. Safi was clearly set in her ways.
"Good," Safi nodded. "Now, are you in? Aeduan will be there."
Iseult was going to say 'yes' anyway, but the promise of Aeduan being there made it sound somewhat more appealing. She shrugged. "Sure."
Iseult was an idiot. That was the only thing she could think as she sat opposite Aeduan in total silence - the same state they had been in for the last ten minutes.
To be fair, Safi made it very easy to trust her. Too easy. She had walked to the ice cream place with Iseult, waiting for Leopold and Aeduan to arrive. But before they did, Safi claimed she needed the toilet and disappeared, leaving Iseult there alone.
Until Leopold had arrived with a very unhappy-looking Aeduan in tow. They talked for a bit, not long, when she received a text from Safi. Sorry, had to head home. You guys have fun! ;)
Iseult hadn't thought anything of it until Leopold stood from his seat, a mask of innocence plastered on his face as he said, "Oh, sorry, I'm needed...elsewhere? Yeah, elsewhere. See you tomorrow!"
That's when it dawned on Iseult. Leopold's mask of innocence did not discuss the mischief in his eyes.
Leopold and Safi had set them up.
That's how her and Aeduan ended up in this predicament - sat opposite each other, with no idea what to say. All their interactions so far had been focused on the revenge plan, so now that they weren't forced into talking about it, they didn't know just what to talk about.
"Is Safi late?" Aeduan asked her. It sounded like a genuine question, and that was almost enough to make Iseult bang her head on the table in front of her.
Apparently, it hadn't quite dawned on Aeduan yet.
Iseult rolled her eyes. "No, she just had to head home."
Aeduan nodded, though he looked confused. "Okay then. Do you want some ice cream? I'll get it for us."
"Sure thing. Might as well since we're here," she answered with a slight shrug, relieved that they were no longer stuck in silence.
Aeduan didn't move. "What flavour?"
"Oh, yeah." She forgot flavours were a thing. "Strawberry, please?"
"Sure." Aeduan left to get their ice cream, leaving her alone, though not for long. He came back a few minutes later, two ice cream cones in hand - two scoops of strawberry for her, and mint-chocolate-chip for him.
"Thanks," she said, taking the cone from him.
"No problem," he replied, and took a bite of his ice cream.
Iseult stared at him in horror. "You just - did you just bite into your ice cream?"
"Yes?" He answered, though it sounded more like a question in his confusion.
"How the fucking hell? Didn't it hurt your teeth?" She took a lick of her own as Aeduan's confusion only intensified.
"Uh, no?"
"You alien."
He laughed slightly. "So, what should we talk about?"
Iseult shrugged. "Literally anything would do."
"Okay." He took another bite, an action that still baffled her, and seemed to consider his question carefully. "Let's start with something easy. How did you and Safi become friends? You two seem like polar opposites."
"What can I say? Opposites attract, or whatever people say." She shrugged, licking her ice cream again. "We've been friends since we were kids. Some kids were picking on me - I don't really remember it now - and Safi stood up for me. We've been friends ever since."
"She sounds like a good friend," Aeduan replied.
"She is. I'd ask about you and Leopold, but I already know the story behind that one." She laughed a little, and he smiled a little.
"Yeah, I don't feel like going through the many questions there," he joked, taking another bite. He surveyed the rest of the room - there were few people there, and it was very quiet. "Hey, do you want to get out of here?"
She contemplated that for a second, then shrugged. What was the harm? If he turned out to be a serial killer and murdered her, Safi was to blame for the not-so-subtle set up. "Okay."
Read the next chapter here: Chapter Ten
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askmyboys · 6 years
Zander Samms aka the narcissistic asshole and Duncan Castella aka please save this man
First and Last Name: Zander Samms | Age: N/A | Height: 7'9 | Eye Color: Dark Green | Hair Color: Mocha Brown | Facial Hair: (Circle Goatee- wow- im really stickin with this option huh) | Appearance: Red and Black suits mainly, he has many other suit combinations and not really anything casual, he always has to look his best, he keeps his hair slicked back most of the time and other times he just lets the hair do what it wants so long as it doesn't get TOO messy- this bitch even got fancy pants so go figure- EVEN FANCY SHOES- | Personality: He isn't really evil or so he claims its... "just business" as he and even the family says, he is a major asshole however and all he truly cares about is money and family and even then, he might care more about money than the actual family itself, its hard to tell with him as he never really opens up and usually he's just out and about to do what he wants or needs to, however if you insist on interacting and talking to him be prepared to listen to all the accomplishments he has, and really- at this point your just having a conversation with a basic narcissist, however he never actually tells about any of the whole mafia/mob business he gets up to, so maybe he does care at LEAST a little bit about the family (basic gist is he is just a plain ol narcissistic asshole who only cares about money and maybe a bit about family) |  Side Facts: When family is mentioned, they are actually not even related, nobody at all is brother, sister- nothing like that, they just like to think of themselves as a family- A rather... not so pleasant family but a family nonetheless- Zander h a t e s that they paired him up with Duncan, he can't stand the blubbering mess of a man, he can barely even kill properly without crying so why the hell should h e have to be the one to take care of this nuisance? If it wasn't for the family... Zander would probably have slaughtered Duncan long ago, however even Zander knows he isn't a match against all of them... He's... not the best to have a conversation with, its usually all about him, him, him- nothing much else, luckily for most though he does mind his own business, he doesn't care about interacting with other people- if anything, he would actually rather push people away than risk having them get too close for comfort...
First and Last Name: Duncan Castella | Age: N/A | Height: 4'5 | Eye Color: Teal | Hair Color: Dark Teal | Appearance: He's a bit mixed with clothing, he has really fancy suits and then he has his casual clothing which honestly he seems to prefer wearing, really the only time you'll see him in any fancy clothing is when he has to attend a formal type of event, he has a rather large poof of hair on top of his head and he barely has any hair on the sides of his head (he got that p o o f) and surprise- surprise- he doesn't have facial hair- | Personality: For a Mobster man, he is.... actually quite nice, he tries to be kind and caring and he even seems to have a little anxiety, he doesn't like harming people at all, killing people almost sends him into a panic attack right then and there, however he wants to get better at this, he wants his anxiety to just go away, he wants to impress the family and he knows there's really only one way to do that, he has to do his job/missions right- and maybe even try for a little extra credit on the side. (basic gist of him, is he's just a smol anxiety-ridden nice dude) | Side Facts: He tries his best to get along with Zander but truth be told, he really doesn't feel comfortable being in the same room as the other, especially if their both alone in a room, he gets very panicked when he's alone in a room with the other even if he does know Zander can't actually do him harm thanks to the family, even as much as Zander terrifies him he still... tries to be nice to him, he could never be mean to the other- even as much as the other is mean to him... He gets super anxious when it comes to the boss, in fact- the boss has actually sent him into a full blown panic attack once, it... wasn't on purpose or so it seemed.
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latinegro · 6 years
I am a brilliant asshole and not in a good way. I’m always putting myself in a situation that sounds great at first, but as it happens, it’s not so great at all. 
I put the pencil on the paper and I begin to outline the basic layout of my model. Myra is laying on the couch in front of me. It’s old couch too, she’s probably the best thing that has happened on that couch in years.
She posed herself in a particular way so that the contours of her curves can be accentuated. I nervously erase the first mistake I make. It’s been a very long time since I’ve drawn a nude model. I’m acting like I’ve never sketched a naked woman before, it’s really not that hard. But, this is absolutely the first time I’ve drawn a woman that I’m acquainted with. It doesn’t help that I find her to be one of the sexiest women I know.
I can feel my heart racing because I know what I’m doing is wrong. I know that I shouldn’t be doing this but an opportunity presented itself and I had to take it. It does sound selfish but in a way, it really isn’t. First of all, the artist in me will not allow me to call this whole thing off. Secondly, I try to tell myself that she’s not a hot woman that I have been attracted to for a while but rather a future portrait for a client. I take a few deep breaths so I can maintain my concentration. Nervousness will only lead to a shaky hand and that’s not good for any sketch.
But, of course, I had to open my big mouth. I’m a writer at heart and by trade. I can describe what she looks like the best way I can use words and adjectives not with this damn pencil that I’m pretending was my hand going down those beautiful thick brown legs of hers. The thing is, I used to draw fairly regularly. I was one of those kids that would be so annoyingly good at drawing anything that I felt I didn’t need those pretentious art classes. I could freehand any comic book cover I see. I could draw anything or anyone if they were standing in front of me. My only weakness was I could never draw anything as I good as I wanted to from memory. My measurements were always wrong, at least that was what I was told.
At the end of the day it wasn’t big deal to me because no matter how good I was at drawing, my heart wasn’t in it. I didn’t love it like other people love it and that’s probably why I didn’t take it as seriously. I felt much more at ease using words to describe anything. I can perfectly describe how beautiful Myra is. She’s like a brown-skinned Athena from Themyscira that Wonder Woman would never talk about. Myra is the reason some would believe that God exists. When scientists talk about how we’re all made from stardust, they had Myra in mind.
I need to focus.
I have the basic shell of her body that fits perfectly on my old couch that should seat three people comfortably. Her black curly hair may be a problem for me. Myra chooses to wear it natural which makes her even more attractive but if I don’t shade it correctly this whole drawing would look like a caricature. But, alas, her big brown eyes look past me. She stares off into space truly hoping that I’m capturing this moment and indeed I am catching this very moment of her looking past me. I will consider that to be my fault. I may be good with writing words but actually speaking them to women is another thing entirely.
I met Myra first but I lacked the basic courage to kick it to her. We ended up being a little less than friends but more than just passing acquaintances. Of course, when Jules met her it was all downhill from there. I was always happy for them but mad at myself. Jules is a decent guy and when they first got together, all they did was fuck. Yes, I know that is normal because if it were me, I would hope that she would break me every damn day.
Another mistake. I may need a better eraser.
I get up and she asks, “Everything OK?”
“Sure, I just have to get another eraser,” I answer. She shrugs her bare shoulders as I walk to the desk and open the drawer. Jules is the real artist in all this. He’s one half of the team behind the independent Black comic book, The Insiders. We met at the NY Comic Con years ago and Jules and I became fast friends. Through the years we created our own comic book universe that has a plethora of characters. The excitement for this project is palpable because we’re building something important. In our universe, there are no meaningless black characters created for the sole purpose of being sidekicks. Together we’ve molded superheroes that matter; superheroes that look like us. There is a true meaning behind every page and we’re ready to take the industry by storm.
Jules has tons of different art supplies in this desk that it’s hard to keep track of all of it. But, at least I know where the erasers are. He stores most of his art supplies in my apartment since it has become our default workspace. It’s just easier this way since both of our day jobs make it hard to be the creators we are. We need a place to work and bounce our ideas off of each other. I pick one a small eraser and close the drawer. Before I walk away from the desk, my eyes focus on one of the sketches he was working on from issue #3. One thing about working with friends is, at times, it’s hard to come to a real agreement on the philosophy of a particular story. I really don’t think that the splash on page 11 is necessary but clearly, he’s working on it anyway.
I walk back to my chair and I smile at Myra before I sit down. I grab my pad and I keep going. My eyes scan slowly scan her from left to right. She’s laying on her right side with her right arm holding up her head and her left arm resting on her hip. Her breasts are a perfect size. They don’t sag at all and her tummy is a result of a lot of gym work. No visible stretch marks and no tattoos. This makes this sketch easier than what I originally anticipated.
I draw carefully. My pencil tries to mimic everything that my eyes absorb. I cannot believe that Julius’ wife is laying on this couch modeling for me. She wants this to be a present for him on their upcoming anniversary. Has it been two years already? It must be. That’s was around the time we decided to build this whole comic book company together. He’s the artist and I’m the writer. Now, look at me, doing a sketch that I may be getting more pleasure from than she is. Granted, this probably a bad idea, but how can I deny her this. I tried to convince her that perhaps it would be a better idea to dress up as a sexy gender bender of Grand Admiral Thrawn and I would make sure to get the colors right. She denied that, but I can, at least, convince myself that I tried to get her to wear the most clothes as possible.
I scan her navel trying to make sure that I can get the correct dimensions and diameter of the belly button ring. It looks like a small little pendant that sparkles from the light coming from the ceiling fan above. I scan further past her navel toward her vagina. Her legs are slightly crossed with her left leg slightly bent downward covering her right. It casts a shadow from the light.
My pencil breaks. Shit, was I pressing down that hard? She chuckles, “Having trouble?”
“Not at all,” I reply as I grab the extra pencil next to me. I want to try to be as emotionless as possible. Mentally I’m shaking my head. How did you get into this Zander? I will tell you how; I was cocky. I thought that I could talk enough shit in hopes to just flirt a little and now... my partner’s wife is my living room, nude.
Did I mention I was a brilliant asshole and not in a good way?
I remember staying over their townhouse in Brooklyn one night and while I have wondered what is that she does that allows her to own such a place, that was the night I got a glance of how skillful she was.
It was a late night of partying and they offered me a room to crash. I was so drunk that night that I just passed out as soon as I hit the bed. It must of been an hour or two later when I really had to use the bathroom. I got up and there was a long hallway that I had to navigate despite my lightheadedness. As I begin to walk down the general direction of what I thought was the bathroom, I hear noises. I slowly passed the room where it coming from and that is when I catch a glimpse of her reverse cowgirl riding Jules in a way that made me realize that twerking needs to a sport. I tried not to voyeur too long and thank God I had to piss, but all I remember was my heart beating so much that I felt it in my dick.
I need to continue on her legs and feet. I really do hate drawing feet. I can never get the right angle. I need to take my time and make sure the curvatures are correct. Shadowing will also be a problem. The lighting is pretty decent in here but I will need to at least need to define her curves with some type of shadow.
I can’t even imagine actually inking this. The good thing is that I can scan this into the computer and work on all the coloring there. I assume she wants it colored. Actually, I never asked. “Did you want this sketch in color?” I do my best to look at her eyes when I converse with her.
“Hm, You know, I think that would be a nice touch. Sure, if you can do it. But I will take one in black and white, just in case,” Myra chuckles a bit. I think she knows that coloring may be a tad difficult for me. Not only do I have to make sure that I color inside the lines, but how do I get her exact skin tone?
Then it hits me. I put the pencil down and I look at her. “So, I have an idea and it’s totally ok if you’re not willing to do it.”
“What would that be?”
I’m nervous to even suggest it. “You know what? Never mind. It’s a dumb idea. I don’t even know why I would even think of such a thing.”
“Just tell me.”
I take a deep breath, “Ok so, I want to get the shade of color just right and once I scan this in into the laptop I will need to..”
Myra laughs, “Zander, just spit it out.”
“I need to take a picture of you so that I can match your skin tone with the RGB color code.” I look down at my unfinished sketch as soon as I said it.
“You sly little devil!” Myra sits up and looks at me with a surprised look on her face as if she caught me red handed.
“What do you mean?” I ask
“Why the fuck you lyin?” She asks in a sing-songy manner. “You just want a nude picture of me!” I honestly can’t tell if she’s being serious or not, but she’s absolutely telling the truth. See how much of a brilliant bastard I am? This is how I get myself into trouble and once again I feel my heart coming through my dick.
“I mean, I would delete it as soon as I got the color correct.” Which is a lie.
“I don’t know about that. In all honesty, you can just take pictures of me with my clothes on and then screen-grab the color.” She was totally right about that. I hadn’t thought about it. Then she continues, “The reason why I am asking you to do this sketch is because I do trust you. That is why I never said anything to Jules when I saw you peeping into our room that night.”
“What are you talking about?” I ask nervously. I was never sure if she actually saw me and I assumed that since no one said anything that perhaps we were all just drunk. Of course, I cannot forget that after I went to the bathroom I returned to continue my voyeurism. Shit.  
Myra gives me a smirk, “Please, do not insult my intelligence. I know you’ve seen me naked before and I am quite comfortable with my body. So I will save you more embarrassment by saying that I do want this drawing to come out correctly. So I will allow you to take a picture but I want you to delete the picture in front of me.”
I pull out my iPhone from my pocket and ask her to return to her original pose. Myra is right about this but I don’t care right now. Even if I delete all the photos from my device and the cloud, I will still have her body burned into my brain. If not, there is always the original copy of this sketch… for portfolio purposes of course. I take a few pictures with and without the flash.
Myra smiles and asks, “How many photos do you plan on taking?” I want to explain lighting and such but then she cuts me off, “I hope you have enough space on the cloud for all of these.”
I freeze, “Um…”
“I am not stupid, Zander. I fully expect you to find a way to try to keep pictures of me. Just know that…”
Bang. Bang.
We both look up. There’s a knock on the door. I look at Myra as she gets up quickly and covers herself with a robe I gave her.
“Who is it?” I ask cautiously.
“It’s Jules. Dude, let me in. We need to talk…about everything.”
Shit. I put my face in my palm. This could be four years and three issues down the drain.
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prktaeil · 6 years
I promise to never fall in love with a stranger.
New York City. 2015.
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chapter 1.
he had zero idea what was happening around him, the music in his earphones being too loud that it can be heard by anyone who’s within three feet radius from him. he didn’t care if it was annoying, as long as it blocked his mind out of having to listen to everyone around him. 
taeil opened his locker as his group of friends gathered near him, talking amongst themselves. he wasn’t sure if he could call them friends, really, they were more like people he got along well with. but that’s when he noticed that one annoying blonde cheerleader and her friend making fun of them. taeil could only roll his eyes and ignore. these preppy people were never worth a second thought. he stopped his music and took his earphones out, stuffing them in his pocket where his phone was, and that was the moment he noticed another cheerleader around. he was surprised, to say the least, to see the head cheerleader shutting her friends up.
as him and his friends walked away, minding their own business, one of the other guys spoke up about the new kid in school, and taeil could feel all of their eyes on him. “he’s your brother, isn’t he?” he asked. taeil sighed, rolling his eyes. “... yes, idiot, we’re identical. but let’s not even associate him with me. we’re nowhere alike.” he answered in a tired tone in his voice. “yeah, no shit.” the others laughed amongst themselves, definitely seeing the difference between the pair of twins. 
that same day, taeil sat in the very back of one of his classes, which just so happened to be one he had to take with his brother out of all people. all he could do was stare out the window and pretend he didn’t know him. as close as they were when they were younger, they were very different now and taeil didn’t like being around him as much as he used to. they got compared to each other a lot, and a lot of stereotypes were thrown at taeil in particular that he eventually got sick of it. ignoring the teacher, taeil rested his head against the desk, his music playing in his earphones ones again, at a lower volume to not get caught. he could pass these classes so easily anyway, even with how the teachers always thought he must be cheating. 
as they sat around their usual table in the back to eat their lunch – the emo kids table, by the way – taeil noticed rosie plopping down across from him, and he raised an eyebrow at her. “didn’t know you liked talking to preppy cheerleaders.” he stated in his usual monotone, blunt voice. he saw her talking to that head cheerleader and it was honestly so weird. “she’s a friend of mine, but we never hang out.” the girl simply shrugged. “she’s been telling me about some party, so... you guys going?” 
taeil leaned back in his seat, looking at the others around him. they were debating about it for a little while until they finally decided to go, and taeil looked at rosie again. “guess i’m going then.”
“okay.” she nodded, stuffing her mouth with her food, and taeil could tell that she was worried about something or was hiding something. she looked way too awkward as she looked at him, which was strange, coming from rosie. “tell zander we’re going.” he told her, knowing their friend was too much of a loner to even get talked to, let alone invited. “you’re gonna ask that weirdo to come?” one of the guys laughed, and taeil and rosie immediately looked at him with an evil glare in their eyes, shutting him up immediately. 
the party didn’t seem too bad. it was filled with kids he didn’t know, mostly populars and rich kids who just so happened to have one of their houses empty and decided to have a party. taeil didn’t really care, as long as there were free drinks, he wouldn’t complain. he was sat on one of the stools in the kitchen, rosie sitting beside him as they kept pouring themselves some drinks. in that moment, is when things started to get interesting. head cheerleader – mina, was it? – walked in, dressed in all black, a color you’d never see her wearing except in rare occasions. that, along with the most tom-boy clothes he’s ever seen on her. taeil was too tipsy to keep things to himself, and just as mina stood close to them, he leaned over to rosie to whisper... maybe a little loudly. “okay, she’s hot.” rosie could only stare at him with a horrified look on her face. 
“you think i’m hot?” mina asked, leaning against the island with a smug smile on her face. “i guess so.” taeil said casually and shrugged a shoulder like he didn’t care. meanwhile, rosie was sat there looking between them, looking very surprised at the odds of this happening. “well, i think you’re hot too.” the conversation kept going like that, but mina’s smile didn’t resemble anything near trying to get into bed with him. it was a soft one and taeil found himself warming up, despite his usual asshole-ish attitude where he kept more to himself and had a blunt tone in his voice. “you know, i'd say we could take this upstairs, but people would talk.” she said, tucking back a strand of her hair. taeil put down his drink and smirked. “let them.” before they knew it, they both got up, with mina dragging him upstairs, all while rosie stared at them with wide eyes as they left. “what... the fuck?” she muttered to herself.
while all of that was happening, minho was standing there on the other side of the kitchen, watching the interaction between mina and taeil unfold with a knowing smile on his face. as he was watching, his eyes were also traveling to where two other people were standing, talking to each other. one of them, yubin, was encouraging his friend to do something. while the other, jinwoo, was rubbing his arm nervously as he kept looking between yubin and the floor. eventually, minho saw him nod and bravely go to knock back a shot. once he did that, minho noticed him coming towards him and his heart started to beat a little faster. he’s always seen the boy in some of his classes and also subtly stared at him, but never had the courage to speak much to him despite being one of the most social people in the school. and now the nervous kid was walking up to him and he didn’t know what to do with himself. 
jinwoo took a deep breath. “you-... you look, uh r-r-really good-... like in- in a-... like... h-hot? i-... you know what d-d-don't worry about it, have a good- good night.” he immediately ran off that minho really had no idea what had just happened. did jinwoo just call me hot?! his mind screamed. “hey, wait!!” he screamed, putting his cup down and running after him. 
“what the fuck was that?” yubin sighed, shaking his head in disappointment as he watched jinwoo run off with minho right behind him. “gay panic.” someone suddenly spoke. yubin looked up, only to see a boy with colorful hair standing next to him. he recognized him as that one loner that everyone found so annoying because he always spoke his mind when he wasn’t asked for it. “where the fuck did you come from...?” yubin looked at him weirdly. zander? was it? looked at him with a dopey smile, obviously high. “right behind you. anyway, you’re that hot dude in the dance troop, right?” 
“... what is happening right now?” yubin just stared at him, not knowing what to do. “you ask way too many questions, hot guy. let me get you a drink.” and before yubin knew it, zander was pouring vodka in a plastic cup – yubin’s least favorite, actually – and handed it over to him with a smile. “uh...” the taller stared at the contents of the cup, then looked at the other again. “thanks. you can... go now.” 
“hey, wait up!” minho finally caught up to jinwoo outside the house. “are you okay?” he asked, and only got a nod from the other as he kept staring at the ground like he was about to cry. “can i... can i talk to you? i really want to...” minho asked carefully, not knowing what to say to not be too much on the boy. “please?” he smiled sweetly. 
jinwoo looked up at him and nodded once again. minho’s smile widened and he immediately reached over to take the other boy’s hand. he could feel how tense he was and he understood, because he was feeling his heart about to jump out of his chest. “you’re so cute! what the hell?!” minho blurted out as he dragged the taller boy over to a garden swing nearby. jinwoo simply stared at him in shock, like his brain was about to explode. “i-i-i... i-i am?” and minho laughed, nodding enthusiastically. “you are.” 
“i-i-i- oh- oh my- g-god.” he was blushing so much, minho felt the need to squeal. instead, he had the widest, most in-love smile on his face that he ever had. “so, you said i was hot?” that question only made jinwoo blush more and hide his face, somehow getting more nervous than he already was. that’s when he gave another nod in response instead of speaking. 
“well, guess what? i think you’re hot too. also cute, extremely fucking adorable and really damn beautiful.” minho confessed bluntly, thinking he might as well just tell him what he’s been holding back. jinwoo didn’t think he could handle what was happening right now. 
as they sat out there, away from the noise and the music, even if there were some drunken teenagers nearby, minho talked to him, trying to start a conversation. jinwoo eventually got more and more comfortable, despite his nervous stutter, and minho was grateful for what he was getting. he kept holding his hand and had turned to look at jinwoo properly as he talked, wanting to give him his full attention. at some point, they found themselves leaning in close to each other, until they stopped and pulled away, looking at anything but each other’s faces. minho’s heart was threatening to fly out of his chest at any moment and he didn’t think he could handle this. 
“promise you’ll talk to me more often in school?” minho asked, smiling softly at him. jinwoo nodded shyly, and minho even got him to exchange numbers. “and you also have to promise to text me.” he demanded, getting jinwoo to laugh a little. “i-i-i will.” 
“do you want to stay at the party? because i’m not really feeling it anymore.” minho asked, thumb pointing back to the house. jinwoo shook his head and minho stood up, offering him his hand again. “let me walk you home then.” 
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tonthrone7-blog · 4 years
how Can You eliminate Cellulite and Also What's the Best therapy To lower It?
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Since exercise not just tightens up the muscular tissues, it likewise smooths your skin. Cellulite is the result of fat cells underneath the skin pushing upwards on its surface layer.
What can you not do after HIFU?
After-Care Guidelines – HIFU Neck and Face Lift Avoid caffeine and alcohol for 48 hours afterwards, even longer if possible for optimal results. No strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours to reduce any swelling that may have occurred during your treatment.
Whatever from smoking, a poor diet as well as absence of workout can be at fault for the dreadful orange peel. The arise from the self-reported aesthetic analogue ranges from the subjects themselves showed, as expected, that during month one there was no adjustment in the appearance of cellulite. However, the outcomes revealed that throughout month 2, while the stockings were being put on, there was a significant improvement in the appearance of cellulite.
You Can expect exceptional individual treatment From Our Talented consultants as Well As Dedicated Nursing group.
Is HIFU available on NHS?
In some cases, doctors can carry out HIFU treatment outside of clinical trials. HIFU is not widely available and its long-term effectiveness has not yet been conclusively proven.
In our relaxed and friendly facilities we provide an impressive level of customer treatment. Using a really holistic approach to visual therapies, we believe in accomplishing natural looking results. Our purpose is nothing less than for our clients to leave us looking fresher and our adage is 'All-natural Looking Outcomes; A Fresher Looking You'. The method of shot lipolysis for place decrease of small areas of fat deposits is expanding much more prominent. Cavitation isn't painful, with people experiencing only a small cozy feeling which is totally bearable and subsides at the end of the treatment.
Why select The hospital group For Facelift surgical Procedure?
Can HIFU cause fat loss?
One of the biggest downsides of other HiFu treatments is that, if they hit fat cells, they can destroy them, leading to fat loss. This can lead to hollow areas on the face, which actually cause more lines and wrinkles rather than providing the desired lifting effect.
If not treated swiftly, the infection can infect other components of the body, such as the blood, muscular tissues and also bones. Ginkgo Biloba assists to increase blood flow; Lemon Essence assistance to secure the walls of the blood vessels to stop swelling.
Incorporated with natural rosemary remove to boost circulation and also metabolic processes, toning ruscus remove, and skin-smoothing oils of revitalising apricot, vitamin-rich wheat-germ and renewing jojoba as well as a revitalizing citrus scent. This kind of effective heating as well as vacuum promotes the development of brand-new collagen and also elastin which results in the decrease of skin laxity, body volume and also an overall improvement in skin structure and also appearance. Nevertheless, below we have actually concentrated on the non-invasive options and recommended products that have actually verified lead to getting rid of cellulite, or at the very least a great deal of it.
for How Long Does The therapy Take?
The orange peel skin that usually shows up on our bum as well as thighs can be a frustration, but it is essential to know that it prevails. Hypotonic Cellulite normally starts to appear between the ages of 35 as well as 45 and impacts the reduced upper legs and sometimes the bottom. This type of cellulite gives the look of a sagging upper leg when it only affects the upper thigh.
Uk Coolsculpting.com states.
Can HIFU cause nerve damage?
FRIDAY, Dec. 15, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment for skin laxity can cause facial nerve injury, according to a case study published online Nov. 22 in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.
Accomplishing severe enhancements will take time, consistency and a combination of way of living changes. If you get rid of the cellulite however do not take care of the poor blood circulation it will appear once more. Adipocytes compose fat, the location where power is saved as fat.
guy's as Well As St Thomas' personal medical Care.
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That's right, you can do away with cellulite simply by using clothing! Smart Tights are one of many on the marketplace made to effortlessly battle dimples.
This enhancement was statistically considerable also in the handful of patients included. The results from month three were extremely interesting and also revealed that there was an ongoing renovation in the look of cellulite after the stockings had been disposed of. Therefore the objective of this study was to analyze whether the details 'micro-massage ridge innovation' anti-cellulite compression stockings are effective in decreasing the appearance of cellulite. You can find out more regarding skin-tightening items and also their impacts here. A scrub with coffee premises also cleanses as well as promotes the blood circulation in the cells. Cycling, running and also the step maker are your allies on the path to good-looking skin.
We will certainly have the ability to offer you a quote throughout your assessment.
After my course as well as a little Physio I am completely back on kind.
In the past I have actually attempted all sorts of systems to help with my stretch marks and also reduce as well as tighten my child stomach after the birth of my youngsters.
The size of the treatment location and also the plan chosen affects the period of the HIFU treatment session, which can range in between 30 as well as 90 mins.
https://loughborouogh.spireaesthetics.co.uk/ have always been quite athletic, but lately because of injury I have actually been not able to educate and as an outcome my chest as well as Abdominals have gone a little lumpy.
The therapy actually helped me obtain my confidence back, as well as the will to start training once more.
After checking out the facility the specialist informed me that because of lack of activity, my circulation has reduced and I have developed cellulite.
Some light swelling, tingling or inflammation might occur momentarily.
Much less typical impacts include mild discoloration and also skin level of sensitivity.
If a person is leaner, there is less fat, yet they can still have cellulite," added Lucy. To help obtain to the base of this, we've spoken to professionals to disclose what creates cellulite and also the scientific research of cellulite removal. It's much more common than you might think, as well as it doesn't simply influence individuals who are obese-- much from it. My cellulite has actually enormously decreased, to the extent I no more feel self-conscious regarding it and gladly wear shorts and also little dresses. I have actually likewise exercised more than I may or else have actually done, primarily vigorous strolling as well as swimming in the river near my home-- Kate motivates cardiovascular activity that targets areas susceptible to cellulite like the hips and bottom.
How does HIFU face lift work?
HIFU makes use of ultrasonic energy to penetrate deep below the skin and fat layers of the face to gently but effectively target connective tissue. HIFU has a tightening effect on the loose connective tissue, restoring firmness to areas of sagging skin and resulting in a visible lifting effect.
Depending on the stimulations that the adipocytes get, they will multiply and also keep more fat or decline as well as shop much less fat. Genetics have a lot to do with cellulite, for that reason it's less complicated for some to minimize cellulite than others. Solution 5 concerns to discover your skin as well as discover our finest items for you. B-Calm-- An advanced dermocosmetic variety to lower the symptoms of incredibly delicate skin as well as rosacea. Some high power ultrasound treatments might work well as well, while the low varieties are not really reliable.
When it impacts all-time low, bums take on a heavy, sagging look. Quality 1 - No visible cellulite, also when the skin is pinched. There are 4 various grades of cellulite and there are special cellulite medical diagnosis plates which, when held on the skin, inform us the grade to ensure that we know exactly how ideal to treat it. Cellulite is a basic term that covers several types of skin problem. Considering that cellulite has actually currently become something of a hot topic, we asked skin care specialist Jill Zander to fill us know whatever you ever required to learn about cellulite. His Greetings Britain associate Susanna Reid stuck up for Kim, contacting ladies to commemorate their curves and if they have cellulite, to not be afraid to reveal it.
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The treatment can be used for the upper legs as well as buttocks, abdomen, flanks and also arms. It is recommended that you have 6-8 treatments at weekly periods to get the very best feasible results. Below is a short rundown of the treatments we provide here at Aesthetics of Liverpool, you can discover more regarding each therapy kind by clicking the link to experience to the full page on our web site. Even a few of the most toned, healthy and fit ladies suffer with the trouble of cellulite as well as desire frantically to be devoid of it. 90% of women will certainly experience cellulite eventually during their lives.
Can I wear makeup after HIFU?
Makeup (preferably mineral based) may be applied immediately post treatment. Soothing, non-irritating creams or moisturizers may be used. Use a sun block with an SPF of 30 or greater if going out into the sun to help prevent future sun damage. Apply repair solution for maintaining lasting effect.
' A synthetic glow is fantastic for smoothing over the look of cellulite; it's an instant self-confidence boost' she says. ' Operate in company, circular activities from your feet upwards to deal with the natural instructions of blood circulation.
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We recommendGermaine de Capuccini's Slim Accuracy Anti-cellulite Solution. However, there's Spire Aesthetics website for treating cellulite long-term.
Skin may go a little pink but it's a sign the blood is hurrying to the surface, working hard in that cellulite fight'. In fact, specialists say that between 80 and 90 percent of women experience cellulite, which it's not a sign of being obese-- slim individuals are regularly impacted also.
3JUVE ® The utmost fractional laser resurfacing, IPL and also radiofrequency maker using the most sought-after facial skin restoration treatments in the sector. She likewise suggests a phony tan to make you feel a lot more certain.
The lymph system is also impacted by hormones, specifically progesterone and oestrogen, which is why cellulite can end up being a lot more noticeable in females during puberty, menopause and also maternity. So I wonder concerning what Kate, the 56-year-old British creator of popular leg-care brand Legology, guarantees is her brand-new, much less 'unfavorable' way to lower cellulite considerably.
0 notes
artnerd1123 · 7 years
Not My Fight
Chapter three ——————–
It’s about time we had an update, eh? Happy reading all :3c Chapters list can be found here
After Avery had made a proper blanket tent, he extinguished the flame of the lantern that sat on his desk. A soft purple glow soon shone from his cupped paw. He used the light of his magic fire to get back to his bed. Settling down, he let the small fireball float above the scroll. It illuminated the old runes and small pictures that a monster had inscribed decades upon decades ago.
“Ok,” he whispered to himself, “let's see what this guy has to say about the little pests…”
Pcoumos: their creation and their impact on monster society
Pcoumos are highly interesting creatures. They were created by a magic battle between two very powerful wizards, back in the days where magic ruled over all. We aren't quite sure what spells caused their existence. Hence their name, which is an acronym for Parasitic Cloud Of Uncertain Magical Origins. What we are certain of is that they “spawned” during what would have been a fatal blow to both wizards, who were both using a barrage of different spells in addition to their death spells. Due to the unique properties of the opposing magics, the resulting explosion cloud took on a life of its own.
Pcoumos can be anywhere from harmless (but extremely annoying) to lethal. This, of course, depends purely on their interactions with other monsters. When you spot a pcoumo, it is advised that you flee the scene and report it to the authorities-
At that point, Avery snorted, and stopped reading the short paragraph. They've made it clear since we were babies what we are supposed to do about them, he commented mentally. Freeze, run, and report. I bet that would just make them come after you...
He skimmed the scroll to see if he could find anything of more interest than warnings. Sure enough, he found a passage discussing the pcoumo’s instincts. This oughta be good, he thought. He moved into a more comfortable position before beginning to read again.
Since they are magic based beings, they need a host to replenish their energy regularly. This host is always a monster of some sort. The pcoumo usually enters the host by phasing through them; similar to a fog and a cloth, but stays inside the host’s body. It can also take control via a handshake. Sometimes the host does not realize it is a host until the pcoumo becomes rather difficult to remove.
Avery shifted uneasily, briefly wondering if anyone he knew could have a pcoumo. He shook his head. The kingdom had taken precautions for that. Especially after all of the ruler of Nthenda’s actions concerning pcoumos…
He moved the scroll up.
Once inside the host, the pcoumo gets to work by slowly learning the monster’s mannerisms and behaviors. Upon gathering enough information, it will communicate with its host via dreams and faint telepathy, giving off the appearance of unconscious thoughts. It will offer the monster the ability to gain its wildest fancy. Or occasionally offer to help them with a particularly difficult academic or job-related issue. If the host accepts this offer, the pcoumo has access to the host’s limbs and memories. This particular method of taking over a host is why most targets of pcoumos are of a relatively young age, as younger monsters are easier to win over.
The host can also be a voluntary one, as certain very old pcoumos have gained the ability to speak. It’s not uncommon to find children playing with them. One must be extremely watchful of their children if it is after dark or storming out.
It takes anywhere from a couple days to a week for the pcoumo to get full access to a host’s body. But when it does, it can take control of the host whenever it wants, and do anything that it desires.
However, these desires are usually just pure curiosity, such as chasing after butterflies or stopping to watch a fish swim by in the river. That does NOT mean that they can’t also be destructive. While pcoumos generally do not listen to monsters’ instructions, they can still be trained to do one’s dirty work. This can include forcing the unfortunate host to comply to whatever the monster who trained the pcoumo wants them to -
There was a noise outside the hall.
Avery let out a small panicked gasp. If he was caught reading scrolls in bed again, he’d be unable to do any training for two weeks. He snuffed out the small fireball he’d summoned with one paw, then attempted to toss the scroll onto his desk with the other. He winced at the clattering sound it made.
The sound of footsteps in the hallway went silent. Avery’s wince turned into a grimace.
I shouldn't have done that, he thought, pulling the covers over himself. But it was better to be caught with a scroll on the floor than a scroll in his bed.  
The footsteps moved slowly closer to his door. Avery did his best to take shallow and deep breaths. It would give him the appearance of sleep, even if he was still in his squire’s clothes.
But, unexpectedly, there was a knock at the door. A  very particular knock. Two knocks, a pause, then three slow knocks. Avery was silent for a moment more before rolling out of his bed. He crept silently over to the door.
“Avery…?” Francis called sleepily, half opening an eye to look at him, “What’re you doing…?”
“Shh-” Avery put a finger to his lips, “someone’s at the door. Go on back to sleep.”
“Mmh… ok…” Francis yawned, folding his petals up around his face again.
Avery waited until Francis had fallen asleep again before knocking on his door softly, mimicking the previous sound. There was an answering thump from out in the hall. He opened the door to reveal a yellow and brown dinosaur. The moonlight glinted off his dusty scales, and made it seem like it's chocolate brown eyes glowed in the dark. The dinosaur was a few inches taller than Avery, forcing him to look up in order to meet his gaze. Its banded sleeves revealed that this particular dinosaur was a guard, and on duty at that. But Avery knew the scaly sentry well. It was his colleague; Kade.
“Kade, what are you doing here?!” Avery whispered vehemently, “we’re gonna get caught!”
Kade simply shook his head.
“Just follow me. And be quiet about it.” he said gruffly.
Avery sighed. Nodding, he carefully slipped out of his room to follow the dinosaur down the hall. Despite his rather bulky frame, Kade moved almost silently. It was only the soft clicking sound of claws on stone that revealed his footsteps.
Avery followed as silently as he could, but still managed to be louder than an elephant in a glassblowing shop. That’s what he thought, anyway. It’s just late night jitters, he thought to himself. He wondered what Kade would want to do at this hour. Certainly not to go train. At least, I hope not.
Soon, the two had reached the outer wall of the castle.
“Jus a bit more,” Kade muttered, “through here…” He gestured to a gap in the flagstones before slipping through. Avery tilted his head, brows furrowed in confusion, but nonetheless followed Kade through.
The gap had led out to a ledge built into the castle wall for an archer during a time of siege. But for now, it housed Avery and Kade. And a rather large bush. Avery glanced over at the dark leaved plant before turning back to his scaly companion.
“Ok Kade. The jig is up. What did you want to show me?” he yawned, rubbing his arms to keep them warm.
“This,” kade said, gently reaching up to pat the bush, “you can come out now, Prisma.”
Avery bleated in shock, slapping a paw over his mouth. The bush’s leaves and branches had begun to retract themselves into the stonework to reveal... a ferret?!
It wasn’t so much the presence of the ferret inside the bush that surprised him. It was the colors she was wearing. The ferret, who he guessed was Prisma, stretched her arms and scooched over to stand next to Kade. She had light tan fur with taupe markings around her eyes and on her paws, tail, and back. Her outfit confirmed her occupation as a spy, but the color of her shirt was sea green rather than blue. This was not a spy from Eitilte.
“... Kade…” Avery said nervously, “Why is there a spy from Ranomasib here? Why didn’t you turn her in?! And why did you show her to me?!” He reached for his sword, momentarily forgetting that he’d left it in his room. Kade held up a hand, giving Avery a warning look.
“I wanted you to meet her. I found her a few weeks ago. And I did report her. The princess didn’t say her presence was unlawful,” he explained.
“Well… alright then… but does that mean there are more spies from Ranomasib?” Avery asked, shifting uneasily.
Prisma nodded.
“Price Zander’s spies are in more places than you would expect. I was gathering some castle information when I was caught by Kay here,” she said, turning to look up at Kade. She chuckled. “He was… unsure what to do, but I let him take me to your princess.”
Kade snorted.
“If by “let”, you mean “made me chase you around the castle walls twice,” then sure. You let me take you.”
“Oh be quiet. I didn’t know what you were gonna do to me.”
“And I didn’t know what you were doing in the first place. But hey, it all worked out.” Kade smiled gently at the ferret. “And we’re partners now.”
“In more ways than one,” prisma said, grinning mischievously. She leaned on Kade’s chest and laughed, holding his hand in her paw. Kade simply snorted and rolled his eyes, but didn’t deny it. A small rosy hue had appeared on his cheeks.
Avery looked back and forth between them.
“So… let me get this straight,” he said, clapping his paws together and pointing them both at the couple. “You're partners with the spy of another kingdom… and you're dating her too…?”
Kade’s cheeks flushed a darker shade of red.
“That’s about the gist of it, yes…” Kade responded with a small nod.
“Is that a problem?” Prisma’s bluish-purple eyes flashed dangerously in the dark. Avery gulped. An angry spy wasn’t one he wanted to tangle with.  
“No, no, it’s fine-” Avery waved his paws, taking a step back- “I-I just wanted to clarify…” He sighed, pushing his fur up out of his eyes. This was… he wasn’t sure what to call it. Not necessarily good, but not really bad either.
“So… what now…?”
“I just wanted to introduce her to you. Y’know. So she could be a part of the group.”
Avery stared at him blankly.
“You… want her to be a part of the group?”
“Yeah, I mean, she won’t do any harm…”
“And I’ve heard so much about it already!” Prisma broke in excitedly.
Avery jumped. Her voice had seemed to come out of thin air. He shook his head. Spies, he thought to himself, sneaky even when they don’t mean to be…
“Well… I suppose i could talk to Kry about it…”
Kade grinned at him, going over to clap him on the back.
“Thanks Avery. I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”
“Heh, no problem kade…” Avery said with a yawn. “Now can I please go back to bed…?”
“Oh, right. It is kinda late.”
“Kinda late??? It’s like 11 at night kade! I’d call that actually late. Especially when I’ve got training tomorrow.”
Prisma laughed, and Avery felt himself blush. He muttered to himself, shifting from foot to foot.
“W-what…? What’ so funny?”
“Oh, isn’t he a riot! 11 at night is “actually late…” Well, off to bed you go then,” she said, smiling. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around!”
“... I… guess so…?”
Kade chuckled, shaking his head.
“Stay here, my partner in crime,” he said, giving her a kiss on the forehead, “I’ll be back in a jiff.”
The two walked back to avery’s room in silence. It was more due to the need to be quiet in the late hours than Avery’s inability to ask questions. He had several buzzing around in his head. By the time they were at the door to his room, he was fit to burst.
“Kade-” he started, whispering, but was stopped by a claw over his mouth. Tomorrow, kade mouthed. Avery huffed, but reluctantly nodded. He slipped back inside his dark room, and fumbled for his bed.
He lit a small fireball, letting it float in the air by his bed, then got into his night wear. He flopped onto his bed with a sigh. There had been so many questions left unanswered by kade’s spontaneous night visit. Things like, how long had he had a girlfriend? Why was she a spy of all things? Who else knew about her? Why had this happened so suspiciously close to the ball? Why wasn’t Kade worried about how easily a spy could get into their kingdom, especially at a time where Nthenda’s power was so ominously growing in the distance?
Then again, she is a Ranomasib spy, his brain chattered as he slipped under his blankets, relations with that kingdom are always good. And princess glacia never seems too troubled to share stuff with that prince Zander guy.
It’s just prince Squall that we really have to worry about.
He shivered, tugging the covers closer.
Prince Squall Derecho Gladeness. Nthenda’s current and most dangerous ruler.
Just the name was enough to make people glance over their shoulder. He certainly didn’t need to be thinking about the yellow-eyed dragon before bed. And not just because of the dumb rumors about him coming to get you while you slept. Those were for babies. It was because it send his mind down paths he didn’t want to go. Paths where he had to go onto battlefields while he was still in his squire’s garb. Where his friends were sharp-toothed and red eyed. Where he felt himself forced into hurting people he cared about by some evil black cloud.
He whimpered softly and rolled over. It was just best not to think about Squall at all. He reached out and extinguished his ball of purple fire. He had training in the morning, so he figured he’d better get some sleep.
Avery tossed and turned in his bed. He slept fitfully for a couple hours, but when he woke up for the tenth time in thirty minutes, he gave up on trying to stay asleep. He sat up, running his paw through his messy fur. Stupid Nthenda. Giving me nightmares and bad thoughts, he grumbled mentally.
He swung his legs over the side of his bed, gently placing his feet on the floor. He shuddered softly. The stone floor was cold against the pads of his paws. He summoned in a fireball, gently tossing it up so the purple light would illuminate the room. He tiptoed over to his desk, crouching down to pull out a box he kept under it before hopping back into bed. He stuck his feet back under the covers. They were warm, and would hopefully warm up his feet after the small walk on the frozen flagstones. He hated being cold…
Opening the box, avery twitched his paw to bring the fire closer. He rifled through it, searching for something… Pebbles, small flasks of different liquids or spell scrolls, a couple gems… there. He gingerly lifted a ribbon out of the box. Setting the rest of the contents back inside, he put the box on the floor. A quick shove sent it sliding over the floor to rest under his desk once again. He turned his attention back to the ribbon.
It was a gentle shade of red, the kind you would see from a rose or the sky as the sun sets. Avery smiled to himself as he remembered the day Krystal had given it to him.
It was after they’d been friends for about a year. They’d been talking about the different things they liked to collect and keep, as they were out in the creek looking for different feathers or stones or cool looking plants to decorate their tree fort with. He’d mentioned how much he didn’t really collect any one particular thing, and how she was confused. He remembered laughing at the expression on her face before telling her about how he liked keeping all the little things his friends gave to him in a box. Explaining how each thing he had was a reminder of what his friends liked. Of what they meant to him and what he meant to them by what different trinkets they’d give him. He remembered her soft laugh… her kind smile… how she’d reached up and untied one of the red ribbons around her ear to give to him… how their paws had brushed, and they’d laughed it off…
Avery shook his head slightly to bring himself back to reality. The slightly-faded ribbon had been in the box for six years now. And what wonderful years they had been. A jesc hooted softly outside his window. He yawned. It was still late, and he needed to sleep. Squall or no Squall.
He tied the ribbon around one of his horns, then laid back down on his bed. He dropped off to sleep, dreams of laughter and playing in the fields dancing in his head.
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Having ended the call he tap a few keys on his keyboard and leaned back stretching his arms over his head and leaning back in his chair. He breathe a sigh of content. When he stood up he left his beautiful computer to go back into his room for a change of clothes. Pulling out a loose pair of black sweatpants from the drawer and a skin tight sleeveless compression muscle shirt that was also in black. He strip what he had on and put them on first the clothes he had taken off he pitched it in the dirty clothes hamper. Since his dirty clothes hamper was in the closet already he grabbed his breathable athletic tennis shoes and put them on. Keys, wallet, armband with his phone in it he put his wireless ear bud headphones in his ear and tie a jacket around his waist.
 With his purple pink hair and golden eyes he stood out from the crowd like a sore thumb unless he was praying around outside a visual kei concert or cosplaying something he didn’t know. Beside all that his face is pierced in multiple spot and in his tongue. He even had both his nipples pierced and it was visible on his shirt. Other than that he was sporting tattoo on one side of his face than going down his neck, shoulder, arm and stopping at his wrist. He had series of unusual similarity marking that matched his face and arm on his chest down his side, his hip, and midway down his thigh before it curled around his mid thigh stopping short inside his inner thigh. That was all on one side of his body and on the opposite side of his body there was one tattoo circling around his ankle in a band of series of dots, crescent, and lines. These mark was not something he consented too and it wasn’t made from Connie. It was something he didn’t talk about nor shared. Rubbing underneath one eye he checked the time on his wall. He gave Jill a call telling her where his route for her to join him if she wanted and she did despite how late it was.
He took off using a different route to exit out of the building all his co-workers were either working or passed out. He spoke a command and a few second later his play list started to play. He half jog half ran he spotted Jill five miles away from his starting point.
The woman jogged in place and turned to face him a smile was on her pretty face. He caught up and they were both jogging at a steady pace the woman was tall but, he beat her by a foot. The music he had been playing was no paused since the two of them were talking. He thought back of when the two of them were training together. Back than he had been an instructor teaching the saplings how to fight. He had gone back from time to time to check on them and dragged into teaching them while he was there. 
By the time they stopped in front of a vending machine he bought two water bottle he tossed the second one to her who caught it on the fly.
 “When the call went out you were back, every female in the British Isles chose our group to be in. I wonder why,” Jill added dryly. Killian took a long swig of the cool water and smiled. “You jealous, pet?” Her expression turned serious. “I could be, Killian. If I thought I could ever truly win your heart.” Inside, he squirmed. This was the discussion he loathed, for he truly hated the thought of hurting her. Of any one...
“I’ve no heart to give you, Jill,” he said quietly, regretfully. “So you’ve told me many a time, but you’re wrong, Killian. You’ve a big heart in that finely hewn chest. You just haven’t met the right female, yet. And as much as I wish otherwise, I’m not the one.” No, she wasn’t. No woman was, as he tried to tell them all. He’d watched one woman whom he’d loved more than his own life die. It didn’t matter that she’d been his sister, not his lover. If losing his sister could hurt so much, how much more would losing a mate? He’d long ago decided that love of any kind led to heartache and nothing more. He was better off without it. He hooked his arm around Jill’s neck and placed a kiss on her cheek. “You’re a fine thing, pet. And I love you in my way, you know that.” “Aye, I know it, Kieran. I know it.”
The two walked around the district linked together since she had come here on an assignment they two of them meet up and run together or spar whenever they had the chance. Next month she’ll be going back to British Isle without him he had every intention of staying where he is. 
He has everything he wants and need right in that small building he calls home with friends who doesn’t want more of him than he is willing to give. Two hours later they split ways he went back home and she went back to where ever she was stationed at. Since no one was in the male bath he grabbed some shorts and his wash bin with everything in it. 
Yawning loudly to the point to tears he rubbed underneath his eyes getting the wet substance out of the way. He really wanted a bath but, the second he wasn’t focused on walking a straight line he ended up running into a pillar with a vase on top of it. Snatching the vase before it fall to the ground he had to drop his clothes in his other hand to wrap his arm around the heavy pillar.
rightening the pillar back into its proper place he set the vase on top of it before snatching his towel and shorts. He went straight to his private bathroom and shower the sweat and dirt of him. Seven minutes later he dried off pulled the short over his ass and ditch the towel and his athletic wear into the dirty clothes hamper. He only put his shoes on the shoe rank out of habit since he likes his place cleaned and orderly. Two minutes later he was face down on his pillow he didn’t bother getting underneath the covers. He had enough strength to turn his head to the side. Like Ria they pulled all nighters eleven days straight and this night made it the eleventh night. Ria wasn’t the only one sporting dark circles under their eyes he had em too. 246 hours....but, the did manage to power nap or at least in Ria case she has a overprotective male who wouldn’t leave her alone. There was a few time he pressed a pressure point behind her ear to make her sleep which he used that time to take over while she get a well deserved rest. Cases shows after three or four days without sleep once can start to hallucinate... She began hallucinating about apples on the fifth day that was when he came in.
He didn’t have that but, when she sleep he does too the AI runs things while he power nap for himself. Slowly his body relax and his breathing deepens he set an alarm clock at five to take a proper bath around five thirty Zander would be coming in with Lemon drop. So he has thirty minutes to wash his hair and soak in the hot spring before locking himself in his room. Maybe he’ll come out of his room if Z was making blueberry stuff like muffins or pancakes...hell even waffles would have him become the blueberry bandit and haul it back to his lair.
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thedragonkingsbride · 6 years
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Eren closed his eyes, “I see but, if you have family and they don’t even know you’re alive. That you’re up here.... Than that in itself is pretty sad. If I were a mother, a daughter, or a sister. I’d be heartbroken especially since your body was never recovered. I think instead of just watching them from afar you should contact them. Maybe than they could at least meet you half way until you’re ready to come back to homeland even if it’s for a visit.” He said softly, he always missed his mother. Her touch her warmth her laughter and her hugs and kisses he just wanted her to see that. From her family point of view if it was ignored at least he said what he wanted to say.
His lips curled up at the corner, “I can’t take away you’re memories or even the bitterest of emotion. I have to be careful because of what I can do and I’m compel to help it was just in my nature to do so. I hope I did not offend you too badly. Unlike me you’re irreplaceable to Levi.” Eren stood up to see her off when she picked up the tray he had his meal on. “It was lovely to talk to you too. I’ll be sure to speak to you before I leave.”
Eren said with a larger smile on his face once she had left he closed the door behind her and went right back to the bed. Reaching his hands under the pillows he retrieved his medical book and sat right down of one of the few sofas he have in his room.
With only his mind he poured himself another cup of tea and brought it over to him with care. He had the little plate underneath the cup and sat it beside him opening to the page he had his bookmark in he began to read with a focus to be truly admire. 
“....I could find a similar plant with the same potency with a lot more quality to it than a plant growing on the side of the mountain or on the ledge where the ocean is very unpredictable...” He brought over a few notebooks out of his bags with a writing utensil with ink. He zipped everything back up again before he started making notes on the new book he owned. He was so busy studying that he almost didn’t hear the knock on his door. Looking up and the mess all over the sofa he answered. “Just a moment, please.” Eren set the brush on it’s holder and the ink lid closed before closing every book he owns plus his journals. He stack them neatly on top of each other before setting it on the table with the ink jar and brush pen on top.
Eren quickly answered the door, “Thank you for waiting.”
On the other side of the door was the King, “I am sorry that I am so late. I wasn’t expecting that storm and we won’t be able to leave until tomorrow.” Eren blinked to see his hair wasn’t completely dry despite the dry clothes he was wearing.
Eren stepped back and gesture him inside, since their have been people before him he didn’t mind the visitation. “It’s alright no need to apologize.” Eren replied with a smile, when he finally looked up to him he fall silent. Eren tilt his head ever so slightly. “Do you not want to come in?” Eren asked softly. He was being polite but, he wonder if that was the wrong move.
“You look stunning….”
Eren blinked slowly but, he heard him right....
“Thank you your Majesty.” Eren bowed graciously before gesturing inside one more time. “Please come inside.” When he walked in he closed the door behind him before he left him for just a moment to grab a soft towel he would love to own. Going back to him he placed the towel on top of the King’s head and rubbed the towel through his hair strands.
“You’ll get sick if you don’t dry your hair properly. It must’ve been cold outside with the storm. Is everyone okay?” I heard Topher almost drowned out there.”
Still rubbing his hair dry he became aware that he was taller than him... ‘Oh...’  Catching his the glint of the King’s eyes had him pause momentarily in stroking his hair dry properly.
‘Now that I’m looking at him he really is good looking. He has the color of storm in his eyes.’
Eren resumed his task until he was satisfied his hair was completely dried, “There all dry now.” Eren left to dispose of the towel in the hamper that was provided. 
“Well...let’s see. Is there anything you want me to know about you? Like what’s your favorite drinks or your favorite snacks. What’s your favorite food and what do you like to do on your free time?”
Since he was so quiet maybe he should be the one he should be the one to ask question. “You can take a seat I’ve finished off the tea but, we can order some more if you want to stay with me longer. But, the way you’re being silent maybe you don’t want to talk right now and wish to rest from your journey.”
When The King actually looked up frantic to tell him no Eren smiled while taking a seat himself. “Just making sure since the last time I saw you. You were more energetic and talkative when you left.”
“...I prefer tea over coffee.” When he said that the brunet asked him what Kind of tea does he like. It turns out he doesn’t have a particular one he favored more than all other.
“I like anything Zander make.” Eren wonder if this was a pattern of his. “Do you not want to tell me your favorite things because I’m just the hired help or you don’t trust me.” Eren shook his head to discourage a response, “Don’t worry about it I expected it this much.”
Eren knew it those of commoners couldn’t even be friendly associates so he treated Levi like a client. He’ll still try to get to know him but, at least it wouldn’t be personal. He felt bad that Levi is deceiving people with bringing him to his homeland as some sort of special guest when he’s nothing but a part-time fake lover.
“Well, what about the things you like to do?” He said with a smile, ‘Yeah, I knew I wasn’t something special especially since I come to this Village a lot so maybe that’s why he picked me of all people.’
“I like to read and paint and you know swim too.”
Eren nodded his head, “I like to read too.” Eren replied, it was no use lying when he moved to put his stack underneath the table on his other side away from Levi.
“And swimming.” Eren tact on everyone in this village knew he loved playing in the water. He and his baby sister loved playing in it and catching fish whenever they get hungry enough.
As the two of them talked Eren was polite and smile, “Would you like to go on a walk with me tomorrow after the storm has passed?”
Eren giggles a little, "Yes, I would love that.”  
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thistavernofours · 7 years
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The owner of the tavern was setting up for the late shift which starts at 5:30 in the afternoon and goes until 2am then it changes into a cafe from 6am to 3pm. He was relatively busy and he had different staff working different shifts for both the Tavern and the Cafe.
At five foot three the compact well built male stood at five foot seven in the four inch black suede ankle boots he was wearing. Long black thigh high socks encase his slender, though powerful legs. His well rounded ass was perfectly molded in a pair of cuffed daisy dukes with a black apron tied around his hips. The tantalizing red straps of his thong could be seen riding the crest of his hips above the waistline of his shorts.
His mid-drift was bare showing off a well defined stomach with smooth pale skin. He wore a cream colored half-tank under a red flannel button up which he had tied in a knot. His sleeves were rolled back to his elbows so he could work more easily when a gorgeous blonde walked through the door a half an hour before they opened.
“We’re not open.”
The male said with a stubborn scowl as his gaze landed on the woman. She simply smiled brightly at him and brushed his icy greeting aside and took a seat at the bar. Marcus was getting set up behind the bar while his twin was helping restock and put inventory away.
“Don’t be so frosty Levi Darling. Can’t a mother just come and visit her beloved child?”
The blonde asked with a bright smile as she set her purse on the stool next to her. The black haired male snorted as he hefted up two cases of liquor with little effort. His steel grey-silver blue hues saw through her smile. His mother was playing hooky because she didn’t want to be bothered by a bunch of stuff officials while she was working.
“What are you havin’ Mama Estelle?”
Zander called out from the kitchen where he was getting a head start on the specials of the day. Appetizers and soups where being made before so that people could have a variety of options with a low wait time when they first arrive at the Tavern.
“Surprise me dear. Don’t give me that look Levi I love this place you’ve made. It’s the perfect place to escape to. The administrators still haven’t figured it out.”
She said cheerfully as she swiped her across the front of her eyes from her left ear to her right prompting her mobile computer to form into a visor going across her eyes. The digital screen was comprised of nanites that with eye and hand movement allowed you to adjust what you were seeing. It was a multi-function device that could do all manner of things.
Currently she was working on agricultural disputes on one of the northern Islands that were governed by Reverie. Estelle was great at her job and was much beloved by her people. She was a fierce but fair ruler and her people loved her for it.
“Quit trying to use the excuse you’re coming here to see me. You’ve probably got another eighty years in you before you retire. I’ll worry about those kind of problems then not now. So if you want to stay don’t bother me I’m working.”
He said sternly which garnered him a salute from his mother as she took got down to work in the peaceful atmosphere of the tavern. Marcus casually left her favorite drink on the counter in front of her purse. They couldn’t legally serve it to her until opening but if she so happened to take it off the counter when no one was looking who could possibly fault them for that?
It was about five minutes to opening when two males Levi and the others hadn’t seen before walked in. Both were good looking though the one was wearing glasses but he pulled them off at least with the rest of his body. He was delivering a few trays of food around since they had five minutes before they opened.
Everything served before opening was free except for booze since they couldn’t serve that until they were officially open for business. He had three pitchers of beer in one had and a tray of food in the other. The beers would stay in his hand for another five minutes until they were officially open and then he would set them down on their tables.
He noticed the one male stop and stare at him until his friend dragged him over to a nearby table that was unoccupied at the moment. There were a bunch of regulars already there already who generally came in after work to hang out and relax. Zander would feed them until it was opening time when they would have to start paying for both food and drink.
Levi had no problem with it. He also made it a standing practice that if the homeless wandered in they were fed for free if they couldn’t pay for it. His mother wasn’t the only one who was much beloved by their people. He was well known for his harsh but fair nature. Everyone knew he wasn’t one to be trifled with though he would go out of his way to help people.
His wrath was as mighty as his kindness was great. His life style was completely his own and he dared anyone to say otherwise. He didn’t suffer the media hounds or paparazzi beating down his door or sneaking around trying to use him for a story. They had fucked over several of his relationships as a teenager and his wrath had been all powerful then as well.
Everyone had learned quickly not to incur the wrath of the prince. That also meant fucking with his little sisters too. They had enough trouble with that from their mother over the years. The damn woman usually had a camera of some kind within her reach at all times. It was fucking irritating since most of his life has been documented by her. He was pretty sure the she video taped him loosing his virginity. It was just something that had happened but she had been weirdly happy for like a week after he got laid. It was suspicious.
It was five minutes after they opened officially when he passed the newcomer again and he said something Levi didn’t hear very often. This male was obviously very bold indeed as he called Levi gorgeous. Everyone in the tavern within ear shot looked in the male’s direction and then looked to Levi to see how he was going to take the stranger’s odd request.
Estelle was watching her son from behind her Vi-Com. With a few discreet hand gestures she started recording her son and the strange boy who was propositioning him. It was one of her joys in life; to catalogue different aspects of her children’s lives and save them for posterity’s sake. And for her own enjoyment as well. It was a joy she enjoyed sharing with her husband as well.
“Hoho... I’m Levi and if you show me yours I’ll show you mine sexy.”
Levi purred at the male. His eyes now that he could see them were a complete turn on. It didn’t take him long to realize what kind of person he was dealing with when he started to take off his clothes right there in the middle of the tavern. His friend’s reaction was also an indicator that the sexy stranger was obviously very honest and very literal in everything he does.
He found it funny that his friend though he was being sarcastic. It must be because of his face. He got that often enough because he didn’t deal with anyone’s drama but his own. He wasn’t sure why but it seemed to be the case more often than not.
It was entertaining watching Eren’s friend attempt to hold his friend off. He had almost thought the poor bastard was trying to cock block him that he had almost asked him if he wanted to see him naked too or if he just wanted to fuck. Though Eren made his personality very clear as the conversation went on. He even had to laugh when he offered to marry him just to see him naked.
Soon Eren was pressing up against him and making his body tingle at his touch. He knew he was going to be fucking this male and he was dying to see what was underneath. However when his friend mentioned sexual harassment he was officially cock blocking him the fucker. Sure it was probably because of his Eren’s personality but damn. Couldn’t the guy read the signals he was obviously throwing his way.
“I thought you wanted to see me naked Cher? It’s not strip night or I’d be more than willing to take most of my clothes off here but we can go to one of the private party rooms and I can give you a special welcome to Reverie just for you.”
He purred walking over to the table where Eren had sat down and only the two of them. Well the three of them including Petra who had had to clean up the other guys drink when he had dropped it. She had the grace not to say a thing mostly because there were few people who ever got Levi’s attention enough on the first meeting for him to say something like that on a first meeting.
Levi was surprise when he was picked up off of his feet in the middle of the tavern and carried to the back rooms after giving Eren a few directions. Once on his feet again Levi watched with appreciative eyes as Eren removed all his clothes and then told Levi it was his turn.
With a confidant smirk Levi slowly began to take off his clothes making a sexy production out of the process. The first thing to go was his flannel shirt slowly followed by his tank top. That he showed Eren his back to so that he could watch as it slowly rose uncovering his tattoos which splendidly covered his skin.
Turning he tossed his shirt on Eren’s chest where he had sat him down on one of the couches in the room. It was one of the rooms mainly used for karaoke so not only was it sound proof when the door was closed but it was also one of the most comfortable rooms for doing what he intended to use the room for.
Facing Eren his slowly slid his hands down the his parted legs then slowly ran them back up the insides of his legs to his crotch as he slowly turned around. Slowly he ran his hands down his back and over his ass to his thighs and up again to remove the apron. Once that was gone he slowly undid the buttons on his shorts and slowly slid them over his ass which he had point.
All that was left was the thin scrap of cloth that was Levi’s thong. Slowly Levi stepped out of his heels and made a production of taking off each of his socks until he finally finished by slowly, teasingly taking off his thong. Once he was fully naked he slid onto Eren’s lap. The huge erection an obvious sign that he wanted him made Levi wet with wanting that fat cock buried deep inside of him.
His mouth descended on Eren’s hot and heavy like an inferno of passion. Eren’s hands were all over his body touching and teasing as if he were memorizing his body which if he was honest was a complete turn on. Levi impatiently grinded against Eren there on the couch. The two of them fully naked and needing the release they could only find in each other’s  arms.
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
6. What kind of clothes is your oc least comfortable wearing?
For Zander, Wren and Cain
15. What’s your oc’s morning routine like?
16. What’s your oc’s nighttime routine like?
For Cain
Wren: He likes really simple, comfy clothes. He mostly wears jeans and t shirts, and he always has some sort of hoodie or sweater on, in fact after getting out of Cain’s, he almost never wears short sleeves. He tends to wear really plain, cool colors, lots of blue and grey and black. His hair is usually the most colorful thing about him.
Zander: He wears lots of dark colors, t shirts and jeans and heavy boots. He always wears a jacket and his collar of course, but at home he usually dresses the way he did living with Cain, loose shirts and sweatpants all the time.
Cain: He’s very particular about his clothing, he’s always dressed well in expensive clothing, and he hates wearing anything that shows his arms, he’ll only reluctantly roll his sleeves up when it’s hot out or he’s at home. He is a lot more relaxed at home and he’ll wear more comfortable clothes, but he refuses to be seen by anyone other than his dogs that way.
Wren: He doesn’t like revealing clothing pretty much At All, and he really hates wearing certain textures, wool and velvet make him angry and uncomfortable. He also has a weird thing about wearing shoes that aren’t red, he refuses to do it (and causes several fights over it in the BTL)
Zander: He doesn’t like formal clothing, he just feels weird and uncomfortable about it. A part of that is that he really dislikes wearing ties.
Cain: Anything revealing, anything too flashy, anything “cheap”, it’s more a matter of how other people see him than what he actually likes.
He usually wakes up pretty early, he makes breakfast and sometimes feeds the boys before getting a shower and getting ready for work. He typically leaves the house about the same time nearly everyday
On a normal night where he wasn’t at the fights, he has a pretty basic routine, a whole shower and skin care routine before bed, he’ll usually stay up around an hour in bed just reading or watching TV before turning in for the night. The fights do interrupt this, as he usually gets home and after putting the boys away for the night, he tends to pass out on his bed still clothed.
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