#at least partly
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doriana-gray-games · 8 months ago
Hi dori!! I don’t mean to be annoying if you like didn’t answer on purpose or anything but just in case since I hear tumblr eats asks a lot I was gonna send my old ask again; has mc read Watson’s books on them? And if they haven’t, will they get to? In romance route, does Watson’s writing change at all? Like, be more adoring or something? Thanks!!! Love the game so much! And the new chapter is so amazing!
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It's just a generally low chance of me answering any ask I get. Sometimes tumblr does seem to lose things, but its more that I... Unless I have time and an idea just as I see the ask, I'm unlikely to answer. Partly because I am inclined to forget, but mostly becuase I feel when I spend a lot of time and effort on tumblr I have the bad habit of fooling myself into believing that I was being productive on the game 😂 (when I wasn't really...)
MC has read some of Watson's tales about them. I might make it a choice at some point on just how much, or I'll decide that all of it has been read by Sherlock. A little unsure. But it's safe to say that some has been imbibed (even if MC might protest otherwise...)
I remember I talked somewhere about how fun it would be if the love was sort of... very clear on the page. Haha. We shall see if that happens or not.
❤️ Thank you for playing
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inamindfarfaraway · 4 months ago
If Claudia did the ritual to heal her soul from dark magic, what do you think her deep truth would be?
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tragedyposting · 2 years ago
bikinibottomday.wixsite(.)com/trades/masters has leopoldstadt!
thank you!!
but hhhaaaugh it’s nft and I’m not sure I should pay for a b**tleg bc I’m paranoid abt the legality and also need to work on my frivolous spending habits. Much to think about.
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nonbinary-octopus · 2 years ago
I had a dream, and it kept kinda pausing to be like "this is a real story, it's written down! Here's your tag on tumblr for it, here's the title of the book, here's the names of the characters, remember remember remember, look it up when you wake up, this is real."
this is the second time a dream has been this insistent about me finding the story again when I wake up.
Maybe I need to write more. Get the stories out of my brain and into the real world.
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hydrocodone-acetaminophen · 2 years ago
when I was a little younger I thought the ending monologue in Trainspotting was so fucking lame but now I’m like. damn nigga
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"descended into madness" um actually i climbed here? yeah it was a pretty steep journey. yeah the air's pretty thin up here. i think im getting altitude sickness. pretty dizzy actually
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bijuice · 1 year ago
i'm working on npc overhaul for skyrim!!!!!
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calandrinon · 1 year ago
Here is the link if anyone wants it :)
I also found this picture showing how tiny the book is! I could put it in my pocket. I won't but I want to.
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Selected pages from the Rothschild Canticles, c. 1300.
The canticles live in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library and are fully digitized. :)
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magicicephoenix · 3 months ago
With his little chompers to please! ^^
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well alright, since you said please :)
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morganbritton132 · 5 months ago
Eddie, still on this live-stream: Did your students ask about me?
Steve, genuinely confused: No, why would they do that?
Eddie: Becau-
Eddie: Because I’m famous.
Steve: I don’t think your music is popular with kid. They like Taylor Swift.
Eddie, a little weak: But- but your students last year. They thought I was cool.
Steve: Well, yeah. ‘Course they do. You’re married to me!
Steve: These are new kids. They don’t even think I’m cool. But they will!
Steve: Think you’re cool. Not me. They just don’t know you yet.
Eddie: Take me to work with you
Steve: No, babe.
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mellohiizz · 3 months ago
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so, um. that spoke uu episode, huh.
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mearchy · 1 month ago
On my rewatch of TLOU I realized there were some details that I missed before that help to paint this huge picture about the importance of the preceding Tess/Joel relationship. The first and most obvious is that Joel mentions passingly that he and Tommy met Tess pretty early on, and it sounds like she stayed with him when every other group they were in fell apart, and even when his own brother left. So they’ve been surviving together for at LEAST 15 years, probably longer than his daughter was even alive, which is a length of time I just didn’t fully process before.
We never hear the full goodbye/suicide letter from Bill, but a lot of people have pointed out that over Joel’s shoulder you can see Tess’s name mentioned at least twice at the end — including something about her deciding what to do. We know that basically every time we saw Tess directly interacting with Joel before she died, she was the one giving him directives and making the final decisions. She says outright that he listens to her. This is not a man who trusts fucking anybody after everything he’s been through. But he trusts Tess. She comes up behind him in bed while he’s sleeping, and in a world of raiders and robbers where hypervigilance is a necessity, he barely even stirs.
Now, one of her last lines before she dies is “I never asked you for anything, not to feel the way I felt—“ and he tries to say something and she shuts him down. But here’s what gets me: before that, before they realize she was bit, she turns around and in her dying frantic anger she yells “that is NOT MY HOME!” about the QZ. And it’s like okay… where else could she be thinking about, if she’s spent all these years on the road with different groups, with Joel, and then at least a decade in the QZ? What is she defining as home right now? Why is this correction so intense? And it could be about Detroit, about where she came from and isn’t (apparently) attempting to go back to. But then. But then she turns and she looks directly at Joel. And she’s got the most tragic expression on her face. And I wonder if in that moment Joel knew she meant that he was her home, even if she had never said it that openly before. Wherever he went, she would go. Haring off on a wild chase after his brother across the country? She’s there. She’ll do anything to make it happen. She’ll beg and barter and kill for this truck battery, for a mission she doesn’t even have half the same stakes in. She was his direction and his driving force and a safe place for him, but he was her home.
Thinking about this almost changed the tenor of the remaining story with Joel and Ellie to me. The hospital massacre felt perfectly in character the first time I watched, but when I rewatched with both the Sarah and the Tess story in the forefront of my mind it felt even more fucking inevitable. Joel is Orpheus. This couldn’t have gone any other way. He could never have done anything else. He has failed the two most important women in his life. He has failed a daughter, and he has failed a partner twice over- first by letting her die, and second by letting her die believing she was unloved. How can he fail Ellie now? He has to burn the entire world, tell any lie, just to keep her alive. There is no other option, no other outcome. There is no living Joel post-canon without the hospital massacre.
And the revenge for it will be what kills him.
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thestarlightforge · 1 month ago
Wild that both acts of Wicked start with a musical number that’s essentially Glinda being swarmed by manic Ozians, singing about how happy she’s supposed to be, meanwhile (because Elphie is both absent and being actively hate-crimed) there has never been a person more dead inside than her 🙃
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camelspit · 2 months ago
Roisin's Reading Rumble 2025
i cant believe we're going into the 4th reading rumble!! this is crazy ❤️ and im hoping to make this the biggest best year ever
There will be 12 teams:
The Sophie team
The Keefe team
The Fitz team
The Biana team
The Dex team
The Tam team
The Linh team
The Marella team
The Stina team
The Maruca team
The Wylie team
The Jensi team
Everyone who enters will be assigned a team based on your choice of character. The max # of people in a team is 5 (this is subject to change depending on how many people enter)
The goal? To work together and make as much art, fic, analyses, etc. as you can to post on your assigned day (each team will have a dedicated posting day).
Teams will be assigned on February 1, and you will have until JULY to do as much as you want. Each person should have at least 1 submission.
Note: While its not required, I do recommend having a Discord account, because a server is going to be created so that you can discuss ideas with your team and have fun.
I'm so excited for this and I hope everyone else is too ❤️ Posting dates/info and Discord info will be released after team assignments are posted!!
I also want to add that this is open for EVERYONE. even if you're not sure if your art/fic/whatever skills are good enough or if you think you can only create one thing, if you want to join, join!!!!!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to message me!!!!
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daenystheedreamer · 11 months ago
renly in targ afterlife (he counts through rhaelle) having a kiki with honestly probably rhaenyra watching BRIENNE OF TARTH fall in love with the KINGSLAYER??? and its REQUITED??? i know he's losing his mind up there
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somegrumpynerd · 8 months ago
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Horror's nightmare
Horror doesn't think much on his past anymore, but his nightmares often resurface the guilt he's buried about the idea that he could have prevented it all somehow, even if it came at the cost of his own life.
Thankfully, Nightmare is here to make him a hot drink to calm his nerves and promise him a visit to his brother when the sun is up, because Papyrus will always be very glad to see his brother alive and visiting (and as sleepy as ever).
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