#at least it feels like it
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months ago
For the prompt event, if I’m not too late…?
Healthcare Legend and some whump? Idk exactly how that would work but if that’s not something you can work with, just regular Legend whump, if that’s okay.
Thank you very much for considering!
Gritting his teeth, Legend pushed himself to get up. His knuckles were bleeding from where he’d been desperately scrabbling for purchase as he’d fallen down the small, rocky cliffside. His hip was killing him from where he’d landed on it, and his world was still spinning a little.
That didn’t matter. He had to find the others and warn them. He had to make sure the monster horde didn’t catch them unawares as it had him.
They’d split up to do reconnaissance. Legend had originally had the option to go with Wild, but after having explored with him before, he’d declined, going alone.
It was a stupid move. He knew that. He knew that. But he’d wanted to stay on the trail while Wild was going to wander off, and instead of arguing with him, he’d let the champion and the traveler scamper away into the woods, giggling as they went.
But now they could be in danger.
It started to drizzle, the cold rain pelting against him. It felt like tiny needles digging into his skin, intensifying every ache.
Get up. You can’t let them get to the others.
If the monsters got to Hyrule and Wild, it would be a disaster. The two were powerhouses in their own right, but they were uncoordinated as a pair. Legend didn’t usually step in to lead the group, but he’d seen how strategy would quickly fall apart the instant something went wrong. Hyrule and Wild were among the worst offenders.
Legend took a step forward, grabbing his hookshot, and fired it at the vines at the top of the cliff. He had his sword at the ready as it pulled him, feeling his shoulder scream in protest at the sudden jerking motion. He’d long since learned to brace against it, but falling down that cliff seemed to have aggravated the area.
An aeralfos noticed his approach, charging towards him as he flew upward. He didn’t exactly have any maneuvering ability while his item pulled him to the top, but he managed to use his moment to drive the sword towards his enemy, slicing at its throat as it hissed and tried to claw at him.
The black blooded creature fell to the ground, injured but not defeated (if it hadn’t been cursed it would have been eliminated - this blasted shadow monster had to make everything so stupidly difficult), giving Legend a moment to catch his breath and drive his tempered blade into its chest. It twitched a little under the blade before growing still.
Legend nearly fell backwards when he removed his blade, completely off balance and dizzy. He shook his head, blinking water out of his eyes again.
It was just water, right?
He scrounged through his pouch, hoping to find a potion. Instead, he just found magic elixirs. He rolled his eyes. Typical. He’d forgotten he’d given his last potion to Four. How could he have been so careless, wandering off his own without the proper equipment?
Some veteran of the hero business I am, he grumbled as he trudged forward.
Whatever. They all had off days. He wasn’t going to let this one lead to the others getting hurt.
Legend marched ahead, sword at the ready, eyes alert for the other monsters that he hadn’t yet eliminated. They couldn’t have gotten too far.
That assumption turned to utter bewilderment as he continued to move onward. He wandered into a clearing in the forest with a burnt out husk of a building in its center. He… didn’t remember this. But he hadn’t wandered off the road, either.
When had he wandered off the road? He’d been tracking the beasts, had they come through here?
Legend shook his head a third time. Was it still raining? His face was wet.
Movement caught his attention, and he crouched down, hiding behind a half destroyed foundation. He saw a few bokoblins ahead, and he realized he’d finally caught up.
He remembered there being more monsters than he saw. He could handle three bokoblins and a few keese. And with swift work and expedient use of his varying weapons, he wiped them out quickly.
It was strange, how relieving that was. It was so relieving, in fact, that he promptly fell over.
“Ow,” he grumbled irritably, trying to push himself sit up again, noticing that his knuckles had at least scabbed over from their earlier cuts.
Again, Legend dug through his pouch, wondering if he really didn’t have a single potion to spare. This was dumb. This was so unbelievably dumb.
Groaning, he let himself collapse on the rocky ground. Fine. He’d just lay here. Whatever. The battle was over anyway.
The sky was glowing golden, like embers of a dying fire, heralding the coming night. Legend scrunched his face in annoyance at it. He’d rather just lay here and die than let anyone find him in this state, but he knew they’d start looking if he didn’t make his way back to camp.
The only problem was, he had no idea where he was. He wished desperately for a bloody map.
It was amazingly frustrating, how he could be so experienced in these journeys yet he could still find himself in such a predicament. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been doing this since he was a kid.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, and adrenaline shot through his entire body, jolting him into alertness.
His mind immediately started trying to rationalize that he was okay, despite his automatic reaction to the storm. You’re not at sea. Relax.
He was in the middle of a clearing, though. Exposed.
Legend immediately sprang to his feet, stumbling towards the trees, and promptly fell on his face as soon as he got some cover.
Okay, something was definitely wrong with his head. And his hip was still killing him.
Legend suddenly felt entirely alone. He felt so utterly alone in a place that was completely foreign. It was a disturbing feeling, and far, far too familiar.
He’d always traveled alone. He’d make friends along the way, but inevitably, he adventured by himself. And that was fine. So why did he feel…
He sighed heavily, rolling so that he was on his back, hissing as his hip protested the maneuver.
He missed Zelda.
He missed his uncle.
He missed his fellow heroes, his friends.
He was going to die here alone, wasn’t he?
He couldn’t die here. He had a mission to accomplish, and he’d never let anyone down.
But there were eight other heroes who could do the job jus as well, weren’t there?
Pff. Hmph. Do it just as well. Whether they can do it or not isn’t the point. I set out on this quest myself.
The rain started up again, heavier than before, soaking him to the bone. He shivered, and the tremors turned to outright twitches whenever lightning tore across the sky.
The noise was overwhelming and deafening, and Legend suddenly wished he was laying face down again. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the flash of light behind his eyelids every time thunder roared.
When a warm hand touched his forehead, he nearly jumped out of his skin.
“Hey, easy! It’s just me.”
The voice was familiar, the subtlest hint of a twang, like a rabbit poking its head out of tall grass.
The Hero of Twilight.
Legend felt an insane amount of both shame and relief. Of all the others to find him, at least it was Twilight.
When he opened his eyes, he saw Warriors as well, and his cheeks immediately flushed.
Shooting to his feet, he nearly headbutted the captain by accident as he insisted, “I’m fine, I was just resting a moment.”
“Right,” Warriors drawled, completely unconvinced. “Veteran, you’re bleeding. Just sit down and let us help you out.”
“It’s okay,” Twilight assured him, ghosting a hand over his back, knowing Legend didn’t particularly care for physical contact all that much.
The veteran hero looked between the two, soaked and freezing and in pain, and he relented, easing back down to the ground with Twilight’s help.
“What happened?” Twilight asked gently while Warriors looked for a potion in his own stash.
“Monsters,” Legend replied dully, not quite wanting to admit that he’d wandered off alone. “I… didn’t want them to find the others. Or you guys. Or anybody.”
Warriors and Twilight exchanged a look, and it appeared that the captain was gearing up for some kind of speech when Twilight interrupted his attempt, putting a reassuring hand on Legend’s shoulder. “We’ve got it from here, okay?”
“They’re gone,” Legend said. “I took care of it.”
A proud smile crossed the captain’s face, and he helped Twilight sit Legend up as he held a potion. “I’m always impressed with your ability to fight. It’s definitely clear that you’re the veteran among us.”
Legend swallowed, feeling strange about the compliment coming from another Hero, especially from a knight. He felt unbelievably vulnerable and small in this storm.
Twilight pulled off his pelt, wrapping it around Legend’s shoulders, while Warriors held the potion to his face. The veteran tried to huff in protest, but it petered out of him before he could even try. Instead, he leaned more into their support, feeling the warmth of the wolf pelt, and wordlessly let Warriors help him drink the potion.
Even with its bitter taste, with the warmth of its magic flowing through his veins, he felt utterly spent. The world was no longer spinning, though, and he shriveled into himself as he was made even more aware of his pathetic state.
“Little better?” The captain asked, his tone surprisingly gentle.
“Yeah,” Legend mumbled, cheeks flushing. “Thanks.”
Twilight smiled warmly, wrapping the pelt around him a little more. “Let’s head to camp, then.”
Legend tried to protest the coddling, moved his shoulders a little to get the pelt off him, but it was so blasted warm, and…
The elder heroes took either hand, helping him stand, and though he didn’t wobble and tremble as he had been, he let them guide him along.
He was having an off day anyway. He… might as well just… let them help him.
He didn’t always have to be alone, after all.
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keithle · 6 months ago
might've been said before, but notice how in goodbye athena says 'you're not looking for a mentor, i'm not looking for a friend' and in we'll be fine, telemachus says 'if not his friend then mine'
i think in a way she was looking for a friend, and telemachus was looking for a mentor
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firefl1ezz · 1 year ago
mental illness hitting hard tonite but we ball !! they r so cute i couldnt not draw them despite knowing nothing abt strawberry shortcake lmao
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designs by @qevillous go check them out or else (i am holding a confetti gun to your head)
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sunshine-in-a-bottle · 9 months ago
ccTommy has become a deeply uncomfortable person for me to see most days. I feel uneasy and unnerved whenever the algorithm tries to push him into my YouTube feed or Reddit threads. I don't want him to exist in any capacity near me. People spent years harassing and doxxing others on him and his character's behalf, whether he wanted it or not, and now he's being propped up as some sort of survivor of mcyt who should be praised for being so capable of growth and maintaining a platform.
It's the same old song and dance. The audience hungers for winners and losers, good people and bad. There's only so many that the leopards will eat before they go for the hand that's feeding them.
It's sickening.
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hinamie · 5 months ago
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trick or treat!
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noodles-and-tea · 5 months ago
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How the gentle wind,
Beckons through the trees,
As autumn colours fall.
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stars-and-branches · 6 months ago
Chronic pain pisses me off cause I'm not even incapacitated for like a cool or badass reason instead my body is throwing the world's biggest temper tantrum because it's raining outside
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ditzybat · 7 months ago
Dick, sighing: it’s hard being the only emotionally adjusted one in this family
Tim: LOUDDDD incorrect buzzer
Jason: you’re the most like Bruce out of all of us, and that man isnt exactly the poster child for emotional stability
Damian: I concur, while Timothy and Jason see their feelings as afterthoughts, and fear mine underminded - you, Richard, brood and suppress until the miscommunication blows up in your face, just like father.
Tim: exactly, the most expressive and normal one of our colony are the Batgirls… and that’s saying something
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gagayhem · 9 months ago
not one of my room partners sending low key shade to our group chat 😭😭😭
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 years ago
Obsessed with characters who portray themselves as worse than they are. Who are lying to everyone including themselves about it. People generally assume if someone's lying about themselves they're trying to look better but sometimes they're trying to look worse. They attribute agency to where they had none, add intent to accidents, try to convince everyone that this is something they did instead of something that happened to them.
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awesomeland39 · 2 months ago
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starii-void · 10 months ago
going to chb must be crazy like imagine sharing a camp with
-one of the strongest demigods ever who's saved the world like at least 3 times, fought multiple gods & titans and WON (and is a tartarus survivor)
-the literal main architect of OLYMPUS who's also saved the world multiple times (also tartarus survivor)
-THE lord of the wild who's also close friends with the first two (and has helped save the world multiple times)
-an emo kid from the 1930s who again helped save the world and is also a tartarus survivor (TWICE)
-a son of apollo who survived tartarus with nothing but cargo shorts and sheer will (pun intended)
-the main designer and builder for the argo II, also the first hephaestus kid to have fire powers since hundreds of years ago (did i mention killed gaea? no? yeah he did that too)
-a girl who somehow charmspeak-ed gaea into falling back asleep (also side note daughter of super famous actor because why not)
-pretty much everybody is a two-time war veteran
-THE GOD APOLLO who just sometimes comes down to visit in the form of a teenage boy
-did i mention dionysus, god of wine madness and theatre
-also chiron, trainer of pretty much every greek hero ever
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cimicherrychanga · 1 year ago
Because i feel like i might be overestimating what the average is, i shall Conduct Research
This isn't about how many languages you speak, but how many youre able to count up to at least 10 in, since basic numbers are some of the first words you learn in a foreign language and sometimes you catch them without having studied the language at all
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hinamie · 7 months ago
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noodles-and-tea · 1 month ago
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Redrew a comic from AGES ago
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aboutafox · 1 year ago
So I just watched Dune Part l. Are those really 2,5 hours of exposition?
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