#at least 1 kid is gonna get an ocean-y name
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I love dragon family on tt 😭💕 every time I see a vid I’m like “this is literally so parents!cove x mc (and river🤭)”
imma.. go binge watch this now... 🧑🦯
#just wait for the parent!cove rabbles#ALSO WE NEED TO TALK ABT WHAT COVE WOULD NAME HIS KIDS BC IDK ABT EVERYONE ELSE#BUT PEARL IS ON MY LIST#at least 1 kid is gonna get an ocean-y name#its the law#cove holden
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My best friend and my sister
Word count: 3714
Pairing: Tammy x Miller!Reader (Lou’s younger sister)
Prompts requested: 1 “Why didn’t you tell me” 18 “How could you be so irresponsible?”
A/N: For my sweet Anon, I hope you enjoy x Sorry it’s taking so long to get these out, I’ve been very burnt out recently but I’m back on track now!
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @saucy-sapphic @witchxaf @creepingwolfberry @chewbacca0805 @coconutlipss
Prompts 1 & 18
You and Lou had always been close growing up. Having such a cool older sister had its perks. Like when you were eight years old and you had pleaded and begged for that toy you had spotted in the window but your parents had shook their heads, not having enough money to afford ‘special gifts’. Those were only reserved for birthdays and Christmas’s. You had walked out of the store devastated with tears in your eyes until Lou walked you around the corner and revealed the toy from the depths of her long coat, a finger to her lips and a wink keeping the secret gift between you both. Lou had been seventeen then and was struggling to find a part time job to help pay some of the family's bills and so she could buy you gifts.
“Every kid should have a few toys growing up. Including you, Y/N.” She would say.
Once Lou had reached the sweet old age of twenty-one, an opportunity had presented itself before her, one that she just couldn't refuse. One right where the tall green statue stood proud overlooking the city of dreams. New York City was Lou's chance to make something of herself and, who were you to deny her of that?
"This could be good for us, Y/N! I could make enough money to bring you over and you can live with me!" She had exclaimed, excitement filling her youthful blue eyes. You had nodded and basked in her excitement, the dreading feeling of abandonment slowly creeping its way through into your chest.
Once you had turned eighteen, Lou had kept to her promise of bringing you over to the big city, flying first class from Australia and leaving your parents down under, ready to start your new life; a better life.
You had lived with Lou while studying in New York. Your apartment was small, but enough for the two of you. That was, until Lou introduced you to the infamous Deborah Ocean. The woman was beautiful and mysterious, her words carefully calculated, her dark eyes taking in the room before she had even stepped into it. You thought she was pretty badass compared to your older sister, especially when you found out what they did for a living. The ‘jobs’ that they did helped keep you both afloat through your first few years in New York City, especially when the bigger jobs were coming through, which helped you move into a bigger, fancier place that you could call home.
That was the day you fell in love with the most breath-taking human you had ever laid eyes on. The woman was average height, her blonde hair resting against her breasts in soft curls. The small dark freckle on the corner of her upper lip drawing you in and oh, that wide smile that lit up her whole face making her brown eyes sparkle ever so slightly under the sunlight that seeped into the open living room space where you had stood, staring a little too long at this stunning woman.
"Stop drooling, kid. You're gonna end up needing the mop at this rate and we haven't even put an offer in yet," Debbie had whispered to you, teasing your love sick expression. You had snapped out of your gaze at that remark, stuttering over your words trying to defend yourself. You both stood and watched as Lou and this beautiful blonde discussed the price by the bay window overlooking the busy streets of New York. Tammy was her name, and it was the most beautiful name you had ever heard of, her soft voice showing a tiny hint of a lisp making you swoon just that bit more for her.
She was an old friend of Debbie's who knew just the right places for the best prices around the area, she had also helped with some of the more high profiled jobs when needed, mainly moving various illegal items across borders. You looked at the sweet blonde in awe, wondering how a woman like that could look so innocent and sweet.
You had never gotten over that first meeting with Tammy but as the years went by and you matured into a strong minded individual, you realised that you'd rather ignore that pining feeling and continue on with your life as if nothing had changed within you that day. As if you hadn't pictured her breathless beneath you while you buried your fingers deep inside her throbbing heat or how good her left hand would look with a diamond ring on her finger letting everyone know she is yours and you are hers.
No, she was a friend of your sister… your older sister, and a good friend at that.
'Still, it doesn't stop you from thinking about how sweet she would sound moaning your name,' You think bitterly to yourself, hating that you still have this pull to her.
That’s why you totally weren’t stalking her social media page as you entered your shared apartment with your older sister and her best friend. Briefcase in hand and your eyes glued to your phone screen, eyes transfixed on the sweet blonde who’s smile still makes your stomach flutter.
You were so invested in your scrolling that you had missed the knowing smirk shared between your sister and her best friend.
“Hey Kid, how was your first day on the job?” Lou asks, hiding her smirk beneath her coffee mug as Debbie lays out the new flooring plans for their next big job. You look up at the sound of her voice, taking in the blue papers on the living room table.
“Yeah, it was good! The students were lovely and eager, which was encouraging.” You gush, the excitement from your first successful day distracting you from the breath-taking photos of your secret crush.
“God, just the thought of college makes me shiver now. Thank god I develop my skills as a con artist.” Debbie jokes, her eyes trained on the carefully mapped out plan. You move to sit next to her, leaning your chin onto her shoulder pointing at an unmarked area on the layout plans.
“If you place the camera chip by the corner on the east wing here, that should cover up to the left side of the entryway down the hall.” You mumble, before grabbing Debbie’s hot coffee and taking a sip. Lou scoffs from her seat across but you can spot the pride in her eyes. Living with two very intelligent con artists has its perks. Debbie kisses the top of your head with enthusiasm.
“You’re the best, pumpkin. Still think you’re going down the right career path?” She questions, a playful smirk appearing on her lips making you shake your head as you move towards your bedroom.
“You guys have your thing, I have mine. Besides, I’m far too good for your lil crew, Ocean.” You joke, turning to wink at the brunette before heading into your room. You falter slightly upon closing your door hearing your sister’s voice shout through to you from the other side.
“The ‘crew’ are coming over later to go through the plan. You wanna join us?!” You bump your head lightly against your wooden door, already feeling the knowing smirks coming from both women.
“Maybe. I’ll see how I feel later.” You reply against the door, before moving away and removing your work clothes piece by piece, leaving a trail of material towards the en-suite bathroom.
Placing your phone on the drawer by the bathroom door, you head in for a shower completely missing the new text message from your favourite blonde.
Hey darling! I hope your first day went well. Can’t wait to hear all about it tonight! Tam x
Writing up the last few lines for your lesson plans, you look towards the digital clock on your desk as your stomach flutters in anticipation at seeing the blonde. You see, you may have never seeked out your intentions with Tammy but you would be fooling yourself if you thought you were over your silly crush on the woman.
A loud knock on your door interrupts your thoughts.
“Y/N! They’ll be here soon, are you joining us or not?” Lou’s deep voice came muffled from the other side of your door.
“Uh, yeah. Let me finish up this lesson plan and I’ll be out.” You reply, distracted by your thoughts. Shaking your head, you refocus back onto the task at hand before you can let your thoughts trail off into a much more filthier place.
You continue to write in your planner making sure that every detail has been looked over at least twice wanting everything to be perfect, completely unaware of the unannounced presence that stands by your doorway leaning heavily against the doorframe, soft eyes gazing lovingly at your hunched over figure.
“Hey, you.”
The voice startles you from your productivity, making you gasp and swirl around swiftly at the unexpected voice. Hand on chest, you try to catch your breath as the sweet angelic sound of Tammy’s laughter echoes throughout the bedroom.
“Oh my god, Tammy! You gotta warn me next time.” You breathe, turning back to rearrange your notepad and planner. Tammy chuckles this time before pushing away from the doorframe and making herself comfortable at the foot of the bed.
“I’m sorry darling, but we’ve been out there for nearly an hour and well.. I missed you. We haven’t hung out with you much lately and we’re missing our most valuable member of the crew.” She confesses, a small smile playing on her lips as she takes in your room. You feel your heart flutter at the thought of her missing you, but you quickly squish down the thought knowing she didn’t mean just her but the rest of the gang.
“Oh shit! I hadn’t realised the time. You guys haven’t ordered yet, right?” You ask, eyes hopeful and mouth watering at the thought of some delicious greasy pizza.
“We have..” You pout at her words before watching her smile wide at you. “But don’t worry Y/N, I ordered your favourite.” She informs you with a smug expression. You leap out of your chair and practically leap towards her, placing your arms around her shoulder you press a big kiss to her cheek before moving away just as quickly heading for the living room.
“This is why you’re my favourite, Tam Tam.” You exclaim, already out of the room before she could blink. Within your excitement you missed how the blonde touched her cheek where you had placed the kiss onto her scorching skin, a tint of pink blushing across her cheeks.
Yeah, you weren’t the only one smitten.
Over the next few days, you had helped your sister and her crew form the perfect plan to take over the new Randervelt Museum and their very expensive art pieces. Debbie had dropped enough hints that you ended up being a part of the plan.
“We can’t do this without you, Y/n.”
“The money is good.”
How could you say no? After all, you were a Miller and the thrill of a heist had always been appealing to you ever since your sister brought you along to your first one when you turned 21. “It’s tradition”, Lou had said.
During that time, you had noticed Tammy had been awfully quiet around you. Sometimes you would catch her staring just a little too long at you before she would turn away and engage in conversation with one of the others, as if nothing was wrong. You had tried to talk to her about her odd behaviour but every time you got her alone, she would make some kind of excuse to not be around you.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt but the plan had gone smoothly with everyone accounted for, all except for well... you.
“Where is she, Constance?” Tammy raged through her earpiece, getting ready to jump back out of the van and go searching for you herself.
“She’s got caught up with that big ass guard. I’m going to intervene to see if I can get her out of the way.” Constance replies, far too calm for her liking.
“What do you mean caught up with the guard?! What’s he saying to her?”
“I dunno but, uh… it seems like he’s flirting with her.” Tammy gulps slightly at that, feeling her stomach drop.
“Well, get him to back off before I come in there and do it myself.” She says through gritted teeth.
“Alright girl, chill the F out. I’ll go get your girl.” She mumbles into her ear. Tammy’s eyes widen at the blunt statement as she hears quiet chuckling from the others.
“Ladies, can we please focus? This is my sister and I swear to god if anything happens to her I- just… Constance, go and get her. Me and Debbie are going to bring round the other truck so we can transfer the paintings over to you, got it?” Lou’s authoritative voice crackles through the earpiece. A collective of sorry's are mumbled across the team as everyone returned back to the task at hand. Tammy holds her breath, waiting for Constance's confirmation of a safe exit with you in toe.
“Got her. We’re on our way out now, be ready for us.”
She can finally breathe again.
The journey back to the warehouse was quiet and tense. Tammy tried to let go of the pent up frustration and unwanted anger of having you in such a situation in the first place, but she couldn’t seem to drop it. That is, if her knee bouncing rapidly had anything to say about it.
You kept your eyes fixed on the empty seat across from you, knowing that a certain pair of brown doe eyes were burning into your skull from the spot across. Once you had all entered the apartment, the team disperses towards the living area bringing in the pieces one by one.
Tammy is no longer able to keep her thoughts to herself, the words ready to spill from her throat.
“How could you be so irresponsible?” She scolded, turning towards you.
Your eyes widen as you gape at her, showing your shock at her blunt words.
You can hear Lou chastising Tammy quietly in warning from across the room, but from the look on the blonde's face she wasn’t about to listen to her friend.
“Excuse me?” You exclaim, taking a step closer to her.
“You could have gotten into some serious trouble back there Y/N, if that guy had caught onto what you were doing.. You need to be more careful.” She lectured, trying to slow down her rapid breathing knowing that secretly, deep down, it wasn’t your fault.
“Are you being serious right now?!” You question, baffled by her defensive behaviour.
“I knew it was a bad idea putting you in danger like that. I should have said something.” Tammy mutters to herself, but her words are clear enough for you to hear.
“What do you mean, Tam? Is that why you’ve been so weird with me? I knew there was something up with you.” You summarize, pointing an accusing finger at the blonde. You notice at the corner of your eye, the other woman silently leaving the room, clearly not wanting to be involved.
Your eyes catch your sisters, her crystal blue eyes staring back at you with understanding and knowing, baffling you even more before Debbie escorts her reluctant form out of the room, knowing that you are old enough to deal with the problem at hand.
“Okay, fine! I was pissed off, alright? I hated the fact that you were dragged into yet another job, an illegal job might I add. You are doing something good with your life right now, darling. I don’t want you getting mixed up in all of this. You’re too good for this.” She says, indicating towards the stolen art pieces. You frown at just how concerned she is with your involvement.
“Why do you care so much, Tam? I’m just your best friend's kid sister, remember?” You mock, remembering back to the time when you overheard her conversation with Debbie about your odd relationship with the older woman.
“She’s young, Debs. I’m merely being a friend.” Those were her words back then and they still stung to this day.
Tammy drops her gaze, shame evident, remembering how she saw your retreating form from the corner of her eye back when she spoke to Debbie about her confusing feelings towards you.
“I only said that because I was too scared to admit how I actually felt about you, Y/N.” Her voice soft, faltering slightly under her confession. Her eyes bright with unshed tears, her shoulders dropping as if the weight of her secret love for you has been lifted. You gape at the woman in front of you, overwhelmed with uncertainty and hope.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You managed to croak out, unable to form further words.
Tammy shrugs her shoulders in defeat, before slowly meeting your conflicted gaze. You could see the vulnerability in those big brown eyes, making you step towards her. That instant pull between you growing stronger just like it had during that first meeting.
“What, and tell your sister ‘oh hey, I know I’m one of your closest friends but I’m in love with your younger sister’? I don’t think that would have gone down well back then, do you?” You both chuckle slightly realising how ridiculous this all is.
“I’m pretty sure she’s known something was going on,” you pause for a minute, thinking carefully about your next words. “Because I dunno if you know this, but I’ve been in love with you since I first laid my eyes on you.” You confess, folding your arms across your chest as if to protect yourself from your own words.
Before you could apologise or take back your words, scared by the fallen silence that has settled between you both, Tammy walks the last few steps towards you placing her hands gently against your jaw, cupping your face within the palms of her hands. The tenderness within her hold makes you want to cry at just how much love seeps from her one single touch.
“I would very much like to kiss you.” She whispers, her lips an inch away from your own. You close your eyes basking in the moment before you reply.
“Then, do it.” Her lips clash with your own at your words, desperate as if they’ve been waiting a million years just to touch your own soft lips. Her tongue traces along your bottom lip making you part your lips ever so slightly but enough for her to trace her tongue along your own, fighting for dominance. Bringing your hands up, you thread your fingers through long blonde locks keeping her close not wanting to break away just yet. You continue with this fight for dominance with your mouths before the distinctive sound of someone gagging makes you break apart.
Turning your heads to the side, you both see Lou and the others stood by the doorway with stupid grins on their faces. All except for Lou, who was fake gagging next to Debbie who just rolled her eyes at her best friend's antics.
“Are you guys done sucking each other's faces? Because I wanna order pizza.” Nine says with indifference, before moving into the room and towards the kitchen where the food menus lay scattered on the kitchen island table.
The others laugh watching as you both fluster at being caught making out like teenagers. You eye up your sister who has been very quiet about the whole exchange, feeling Tammy shift uncomfortably next to you clearly waiting for your sister to react.
You keep a supportive arm around her waist, silently telling her that no matter what you’re both stronger than the rejection. Lou walks agonizingly slowly towards you both with a stoic face, giving nothing away while Debbie rolls her eyes at her friend's dramatics, once again.
“My best friend and my sister...” Is all she says, as if trying to piece the information together out loud.
You gulp once she’s up close to you, standing with her arms crossed as her eyes flicker between you and Tammy. The silent exchange feels like it goes on for a century before she breaks out into a huge smile, showing her pearly white teeth and her arms out wide towards you both.
“My best friend and my sister!” She exclaims excitingly, before pulling you both into a three-way hug. You both lock eyes over your sister’s shoulder, relief evident in those perfect brown eyes making you grin softly.
“Yeah, me and your sister, Lou.” Tammy says as she laughs at your sister's antics. Lou pulls back, holding your shoulders with her hands eyeing your now clasped hands.
“Just don’t make it gross, yeah? She’s still my little sister and I will kick your arse if you hurt her, Tam Tam.” Lou threatens, but the tone of her voice clearly shows she’s only half joking.
You roll your eyes at your sister’s empty threat before she bops you on the nose, which you bat away with your free hand.
“That goes for you as well, kid. She’s still one of my best friends, you hurt her in any way then me and you will be having words. Got it?” She promises, before winking and walking back towards the kitchen where the others have been not so subtly listening in to the exchange.
You look at the blonde in front of you, taking in her soft features and perfect smile, overwhelmed with love for this woman in front of you. Leaning in, you kiss the corner of her mouth softly.
“I could never hurt you Tam Tam. Who would get my pizza order right, if not you?” You tease, watching the mischievous glint burn within her brown eyes as she playfully shoves you.
“You, dork.” Grabbing her hand quickly, you place it over your heart and whisper.
“But I’m your dork,” you smile cheekily at her.
“Yeah, my dork.” She confirms, her adoring eyes gazing into your own thinking to herself.
#tammy x reader#sarah paulson x reader#oceans 8#lou miller x reader#tammy is an angel#sarah paulson#lou miller#debbie ocean
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Skin deep - Chapter One || B.H.
Synopsis: Billy survived the battle of Starcourt but is left with a body full of scars. Scars that remind him of the pain he had to go trough and the horrible person he has become. In order to forget about all of that and move on, he wants to get them covered up. Good thing Hawkins has a brand new Tattoo studio and the girl who works there might just be the help Billy has been looking for.
A/N: I needed a TattooArtist!Reader x Billy story so I wrote one and you know me, I can’t keep it short and simple. There will be several parts to this. Don’t ask me about an updating schedule because I don’t have one. I try my best to be consistent but I make no promises. Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated.
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
Billy’s palms are clammy as he steps out of his car. His eyes wander towards the sign hanging above the door, welcoming him to “Little Bear Tattoos” as an American traditional bear face grins back at him.
This isn’t his first time getting a tattoo, by all means, he shouldn’t be as nervous as he is. But things are different now. Everything is different. Things change after you almost die because you sacrificed yourself to an otherworldly creature to save a little girl.
He had just turned 18 when he got that stupid little skull inked onto his arm. That’s now just a little over a year ago but it seems like a lifetime has passed since then. Sometimes, Billy thinks, sometimes It feels like that was another person altogether. That dumb little boy who thought he knew shit. The one that paraded his tattoo around like a complete and utter douchebag. He thought it made him look rough and cool and dangerous.
In retrospect, it just made it more obvious that he didn’t know shit about anything. Not life. Not death. And most definitely not about what it means to look rough and cool and dangerous. Sometimes he wishes he could go back to that moment and just relish in ignorant bliss. Most of the time he tries not to think of the past though because thinking of the past means thinking of all the things lost that night in July. Most of all himself.
Back then, getting a tattoo was easy. Now, it feels like the entire world is resting on his shoulders. It feels like he can barely keep it all from crashing down on him.
The bell above the door chimes as he steps inside the tattoo parlor. It’s a relatively small shop but it looks clean and the walls are covered in framed drawings of very intricate designs. If those have been drawn by this place’s artist, he’s in good hands.
A fluffy little brown dog is lazily resting on a pillow by the shop window and only raises his head as the sound of footsteps approaching fills the room.
“ Hi, welcome to little bear. “ a cheery voice calls out to him as a girl steps out from behind a curtain leading to some backroom. She has a big radiant smile on her face though it exudes a certain warmth that only genuine smiles do.
“ Hi uh — I was wondering if you have a free spot. “
“ Hmm… that depends. What are you wanting to get? “
To be quite honest, he hadn’t really thought much about it. All he wanted was something to cover up the ugly scars still streaking most of his body. When before, he felt a certain kind of pride whenever he passed a mirror, now it sends a sharp pain straight to his heart. Everything about him, from the perpetually tired look in his eyes to the scars, it’s al a reminder of the bad things he’s done. And the worst part is that he can never talk to anyone about it. Ever. No one will understand but the people who’ve been there, and though he and Max are getting along much better now, he still doesn’t fancy having long profound conversations with her about his demons.
“ I uh — I’m not sure but it needs to cover something.”
“ Old tattoo? “
Billy swallows audibly “scars.”
He’s not sure what reaction he’s expected from her but a casual “Okay, we can figure something out. “ is not it. Though he avoids wearing short sleeves these days, whenever someone manages to catch a glimpse of his damaged skin he got 1 of two reactions. Either people started regarding him with pity or disgust and he honestly wasn’t sure which was worse. At least those disgusted by him left him well enough alone and didn’t hold a million questions they expected him to answer in great detail.
“ Let’s sit down and we can talk about some things you like and see how we can incorporate those into a tattoo. Also, I would have to take a look at the area you want me to tattoo and see how bad the scarring is just so I can take that into consideration when designing the piece. Scar tissue is harder to tattoo but don’t worry, I promise I can do it. “
“ You’re gonna be tattooing me? “
It seems like a dumb question but honestly, Billy hasn’t met or seen that many female tattoo artists in his life and this girl seems to be about his age. That’s not something you see every day.
“ Yup. I’m (Y/N), this is my shop. Now, do you want something to drink while we discuss the piece? I got all kinds of sodas, I got water and I got non-alcoholic beer.
“ Dr. Pepper? “
“ Good choice. Coming right up. “
She walks behind the counter with the cash register and reaches into a small fridge taking out two cans of Dr. Pepper before leading him towards a little seating area by the window.
The fluffy little dog lifts his head once again regarding the two of them with only mild interest before plopping back down.
“ Oh, you okay with dogs? I can take him to another room if you’re uncomfortable. “
Billy shakes his head. Nah, he loves dogs. Always wanted one but Neil, being the miserable bastard he is, never allowed the kids to have any pets. Too much work, too much responsibility. What an asshole.
Though Billy is never going to admit it, the bedside drawer, that was once filled with issues of Penthouse magazine, now holds a bunch of self-help books and magazines dealing with topics of PTSD and trauma. A lot of them mention getting a support animal whether that be a specially trained dog or just a hamster to keep you company. It makes sense, it gives you someone who listens to you vent about all your problems and insecurities. If only his dad cared enough about his mental state to reconsider his stance on pets. Then again, when has Neil ever cared about him?
“Nah, it’s fine don’t worry. He’s cute.”
“Thanks. His name is Bear and he’s kind of the mascot of this store.”
There’s a twinkle of pride in her eyes while she talks about the shop and her dog. Something Billy is infinitely envious of. Everything he’s ever felt any hint of pride in is gone. His car. His looks. All of it.
“Okay so tell me a little about yourself. Is there anything you can think of that you’d like to get inked? Any interests, hobbies? Maybe you wanna tell me a little about yourself.”
Back before, when things were different, Billy would’ve packed as much ego enlarging words and compliments into it as possible. Would’ve mentioned his car and his most satisfactory performance skills in the bedroom. But now, he hardly knows who he is these days.
“ Um … my name is Billy. I’m 19, I’m from California. ‘Bout two years ago my dad packed us all up and had us move out here to the end of the world. Then … things happened.”
“You miss California?”
“Every day. The thought of going back one day is the only thing that keeps me fucking going. I miss the ocean. I miss surfing. I miss home. I miss all of it.”
She looks at him intensely for a moment, sizing him up, contemplating her next words. He can almost see the creative gears running in her head.
“Alright. I might have an idea. I’d have to see the area first though.”
He expects pity in her voice though there is none. Her words are comforting and warm and calm. Billy wonders how often she has to deal with clients like him. Those who come to her with painful and ugly reminders of their past.
His hands are shaking as he pulls off his denim jacket and reveals his left arm to her. The skin is streaked with scars. They’re the same paths that used to wind up and down his arm in inky black hues like poisonous vines. Now they’re a faded pink but that doesn’t mean he hates them any less.
Billy can feel his heart beating in a fast rhythm as anxiety floods his system. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe -
“Okay how big would you want to go,” (Y/N) asks, her voice gentle and soothing and her eyes switching from his arm to his eyes. She doesn’t ask him what happened and that’s a relief.
“As big as you can. I know you can’t make it disappear but I’d like as much of it covered as possible.”
“ I won’t be able to do an entire sleeve today but if that’s something you want we can start with a bigger piece on your upper arm today and then work our way to a full sleeve in the future?”
“Sounds good. I just want the scars gone. I need them covered.”
“Well my guy, you’ve come to the right place. It’s my specialty. You’re in luck too, I’m free all day so depending on your pain tolerance and the trauma of your skin, we might even be able to finish the first piece today.”
Pain tolerance, he wants to scoff at that. What he’s been through, the pain and the anguish and the emotional trauma, nothing will ever compare to that. Not even close. He’d get a 100 tattoos all at once and it still wouldn’t measure up.
“Alright, let’s do it.”
“Cool awesome! Imma go over to the drawing board and you can feel free to keep yourself entertained in the meantime. We have an arcade machine in the back. There’s records in the corner if you want to listen to some music. I’ll even let you choose.”
“Is that an honor?” Billy asks, a small smirk on his face. Every once in awhile a flicker of the person he used to be shines through. But then it’s gone and he’s left as this shadow of his former self.
“Oh you have no idea.”
As (Y/N) settles behind a big wooden table and starts scribbling away, Billy wanders over towards the corner of the studio. A bright red record player is resting on a sideboard surrounded by several boxes filled with vinyl records. They’re sorted by band name then chronologically. There’s all kinds of genres too. AC/DC and Judas Priest but also Stuff like The Mamas and the Papas and the Monkees.
“Anything, in particular, you wanna listen to? Kinda hard to make out your taste with this selection. There’s … everything.” Billy calls out to her, leaving through the records.
“What can I say? I like a bit of everything. Don’t like to limit myself.”
Old Billy would’ve raised his eyebrow and asked her if that extends to her love life as well. But old Billy is gone and so he keeps his mouth shut.
“I know it seems like just your kinda music, but maybe stay away from the hard rock. Maybe something a bit more mellow.”
He hasn’t really listened to a lot of music since … well since everything. He mostly sleeps or reads and sometimes when it’s a good day he even attempts to do a bit of writing. It’s nothing spectacular but it’s - something. An outlet really. The stories vary from an autobiographical retelling of the incident to silly tales of young boys going on space adventures. It's a way to get lost in the save parts of his mind. The ones that can create make-believe worlds and happy thoughts. Not the ones tainted with gruesome images of the past.
The opening notes the Monday Morning by Fleetwood Mac fill the air and Billy doesn’t miss the smile tugging on the corner of (Y/N)’s lips.
“Nice. Didn’t really think you were a Fleetwood Mac fan.”
Billy shrugs his shoulders casually “they’re a classic.”
He sits back down in the seat by the window, watches as the clouds pass the sky and the people go about their day. That’s until a furry little ball of fluff settles down in his lap and demands to be cuddled.
“Oh hey, you.”
“Sorry about that. Bear does not understand the concept of personal boundaries. He thinks everyone is only here to pet him. If he bothers you just set him down.”
But he doesn’t mind one bit. In fact, combing his fingers through the curly brown fur fills Billy with a sense of calm and it grounds him a little. He really needs to adopt a dog for himself.
“It’s fine. No bother.”
Time passes with Billy cuddling the dog and ever so often glancing over at (Y/N) while she’s working on the sketch. She’s drawing then erasing then redrawing. Copying then throwing it away then doing it all again. All the while she’s dancing along to the music. There’s a lightness about her that Billy wishes he could possess. Even before the Stacourt situation, he never had this unbothered lightness about him. That’s just not the person you turn into when you grow up in a house with Neil Hargrove.
A light drizzle falls outside and Stevie Nicks sings along to it and life feels … almost peaceful right then. Billy lives for these small moments of normality. These glimmers of what life used to be.
“Okay, I’m ready. Wanna have a look?”
There’s a bright smile on her face as she looks at him and waves the sketch around. “I think I nailed this one. I hope you’ll like it.“
Billy can see that she actually means it. It's not just a silly phrase she’s tagged onto her sentence. She’s genuinely nervous for him to see it.
Bear follows Billy as he walks toward the counter, a smiley (Y/N) watching their every move. There’s something about how passionate she is about her work that makes Billy both happy and sad. There used to be things in life that he was passionate about. His car. His clothes. The music he loved. Now it’s all dull and trivial and he’s lost. So damn lost.
His eyes wander towards the sheet of paper. Delicate black lines run across the page, swirling and arching and creating a beautiful composition. It’s a lighthouse. A tall and sturdy one. It shines it’s light out into the distance to guide the ships safely around the sharp edges of the cliffs. It’s a beacon of safety and hope surrounded by the rough sea and crashing waves.
“I thought it was a nice symbol, you know. Light in the dark. Guiding ships to safety.” (Y/N) explains. She’s biting her lip nervously and Billy thinks it’s insanely adorable. This piece is perfect, to think she’s uncertain and nervous about his reaction …
“I tried to incorporate the ocean and the crashing waves. You know, as a reminder of your life in California.”
Billy is speechless for a moment. Everything he wanted. All the ideas swirling around in his head. She put it down on paper, made them visible. And he didn’t even have to voice them. They were all just mushy gray clouds in his head, non forming a coherent picture. Just a feeling. A feeling of peace and belonging. Of being strong when everything around you tries to push you down to your knees.
“Do you like it? I can change it if you —“
“I love it!”
Her mood immediately changes after hearing those words. As if a switch is suddenly flipped and sunshine floods her face. Her eyes light up and her smile widens.
“Okay perfect! Wanna get started?”
“Sure, let’s do it!”
The black leather chair is soft underneath him as (Y/N) puts the stencil onto his skin. She has a soft gentle touch which only matches the tone of her voice. Very calming. A complete opposite to the rest of Billy’s life.
“Okay, so it’s not gonna be pleasant since I have to tattoo over scar tissue. If you wanna tap out or take a break just let me know.”
He’s fairly sure that whatever pain he’ll have to endure, it will be nothing compared to what he’s already been through. Pain has a completely different meaning to him now.
“I’ll be fine.”
And he means it. Not just about the tattoo, about everything. It feels like this is the first step into a new life. One that won’t be determined by his past mistakes. By the trauma.
The buzzing sound of the tattoo gun fills the air and (Y/N) starts pulling the first few lines. Short strokes. As if to test his pain tolerance. Her eyes wander up to meet his, a silent question shining through them.
He grants her a nod. One of pure determination. One that says, without question: “I’ll be fine!”
For a while, they sit in comfortable silence. There’s just the humming of the machine and the raspy voice of Stevie Nicks to lull them into a soft tranquility.
“ I’m not gonna ask about the scars but can I ask about the skull on the other arm?”
Billy lets out a mix between a laugh and a scoff. “Sins of my youth really.”
“ Oh geez, that makes you sound so old. You’re what, 19?”
“ Almost 20.”
“ See. You’re still in the prime of your youth!”
Billy shrugs his shoulder as she dips the tattoo gun back into the ink. Truthfully, it doesn’t feel like he’s in the middle of his youth. He feels so damn tired. He never got to be a kid. Never got to be a teen. Always wandering in between it all, lost and disillusioned with no one there to guide or help him.
“ How old are you?”
“ Just turned 20 a few days ago.”
“And you already have your own shop. That’s impressive.”
“Yeah well, it’s all I ever wanted to be. Worked my ass off. Spent all my free time at my cousin's tattoo studio up in Carmel. He taught me everything I know. Worked after school and on the weekends and then when I graduated my cousin gave me a little loan and I had enough to open the shop. He believed in me when no one else did and it means everything to me. Hope I make him proud. I just always felt like this is what I'm meant to be. An artist. And this way my art gets immortalized on people’s skin and in some cases it can help them overcome difficult times in their lives. I hope I can make even the smallest change in people’s lives. “
It doesn’t get lost on him, that she doesn’t mention her parents. Something must be up there but it sure as hell isn’t his place to ask about it. Families, he knows quite well, can be a touchy subject.
“Well, you’re definitely making a change in mine.”
She looks almost bashful as the question tumble from her lips.
“Yup. I … I need to make those scars disappear. They — they remind me of the worst time in my life and of a version of myself I never want to be again. Having you cover them for me with this art piece that’s so fucking cool, it means everything.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“You should be proud of yourself.”
There’s a connection there, one he can neither grasp nor explain. It’s like she understands parts of him he doesn’t even put on display. And it’s both scary and exciting. And maybe, he understands parts of her she’s not aware she’s putting on display either.
“Okay. I’m done!”
There’s an infinite sense of pride exuding from her words. Billy wishes there was something in his life that he was good at. Something to let him be proud of himself.
“Wanna take a look?” (Y/N) asks with the most radiant smile playing on her face.
His legs are stiff from sitting in the chair for so long but he can’t wait to see the finished piece. Slowly he walks towards the full-length mirror, (Y/N) hot on his heels.
His eyes fall onto the artwork now permanently inked into his skin. There are vibrant shades of blue and dark black lines. The sea is alive, it’s unforgiving and rough. But there’s the light from the lighthouse, the hope, the safety. It’s all there’s and it’s beautiful. Where there used to be ugly pink scars thick and burning, there’s now a beautiful painting. The scars are gone. The pain is gone. All that’s left is beauty and hope.
He doesn’t realize that tears are running down his cheek until she hands him a tissue. His first reaction is to wipe them away and pretend they weren’t there in the first place. A Hargrove man isn’t allowed to cry. Not in front of people anyway. Especially not in front of women. Hargrove men are bitter and numb. They’re stoic. Silent. Angry. Above all they’re sad.
But isn’t that the person he wants to leave behind?
So he lets himself feel it. Lets the tears fall as if it were nothing.
Maybe this can be the next step into becoming the person he wishes so desperately he can be.
“I take it you like it?”
“I love it.”
And he hugs her. Pulls her close and tight as if he’s known her forever. She reciprocates the hug in no time. Softly oats him on the shoulder.
She smells like flowery perfume and clean cotton. Soft. Sweet. Intoxicating
“I can not thank you enough.”
“Billy, trust me this means as much to me as it does to you.”
He doesn’t disagree with her but he’s sure that’s not true. It means everything to him.
They talk for a little longer then he pays her, way too little if you ask him. She deserves way more and he suspects that some kind of personal sympathy plays into the price. But he’s not one to argue. Not when he’s sure he’ll come back. There are more scars. More pain. He’s not fixed but he’s at least a work in progress now.
She takes a few Polaroids of his tattoo, to put on her wall. To show people she can cover scars. Can help them. Help fix them. Make them feel less broken.
“They’re burn scars.”
Billy finds himself sharing a piece of his story. One he’s kept so close to him, sometimes he almost wondered if it was true. But it is. And there are more reminders all over his body. It feels right to share it though. She helped him cover part of it, without judging. Without questions. She deserves to know.
“My scars. They are burn scars. Not — not from the outside but from the inside. Like fire going through my veins. I uh don’t know how to explain but that’s what they are. You can tell that to your clients. That you covered burn scars. That you’re that talented. “
For a moment she just stares at him, a deep sense of affection shining from her eyes. It’s comforting and nerve-wracking all at once. But he lets himself feel it. He promises himself to let himself feel the good things even if they seem scary.
“That’s … hey, would you like to grab some dinner with me? I could really go for a burger at the diner round here. It’s real good. “
And with the way she smiles, how the hell is he supposed to say no to that.
“Sounds good to me. Lead the way!”
The sun hangs low above the horizon almost dips behind the line to vanish and make room for the moon but not quite yet. They step out into the dawn, Bear pattering alongside them his leash grabbed tightly in (Y/N) hand.
As hues of red and pink and orange surround them and dip the world into a golden haze, Billy feels like maybe this is the way. Maybe this is his path leading into a new future. With less pain. Fewer scars. More color and more smiles.
And maybe a beautiful and talented girl and a little dog by his side.
#billy hargrove x reader#Billy hargrove imagine#billy hargrove fanfic#billy hargrove fanfiction#billy hargrove imagines#stranger things imagine#stranger things imagines#stranger things fanfiction#stranger things fanfic
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Saved - harry Hook x Evies sister! reader - part 2
part 1
“is that-“ Evie muttered, squinting as she spied on Umas crew, it was the night before the trade for Ben.
And….and was that her sister!?!
She would know that laughter anywhere, she had missed for 6 and a half years now. Her shining (h/c) and blue hair hidden under a tricorn hat.
“Evie you good?” Evie couldn’t speak, breath catching in her throat as she spotted the heart encrusted bracelet on the girl's wrist, the same one (y/n) wore the day she was shipped off to the isle of the doomed.
“that’s my sister” she let out a light sob, falling back onto her heels and covering her mouth.
“What!” Mal looked back, raising her brows as she spotted the dark blue edges of the girl's hair “are you sure?”
“yes” Evie let out a shuddered sigh, the echos of her sisters pleads for help still in her head, from all those years ago.
“why is she with shrimpys crew then?”
Evie shrugged, she didn’t care, her sister was safe and alive.
“How did I never know this information?!!” you screened, spitting out your drink, staring perplexed at Uma.
She looked at you surprised “no one told you?”
“no!” you yelled, “no one told me my sister went to Auradon 6 months ago, I thought she was still up at the castle holed up with my mother, and THAT’S why I never saw her, sheesh!” you sighed, taking another swig of your flat soda.
“sorry” Uma sighed, shaking her head as she leaned over her plans once more. “what do you want us to do about it? She's apart of the group that’s gonna trade the wand for the beasty boy”
“i-I don’t know!” you whined, starting to pace around “let-let me talk to her? Alone? At least say hi and goodbye properly!” Uma sighed and nodded.
“Alright, but you gotta tell that to the crew, who knows who’ll get to her first” you stopped, smiling at Uma.
“thank you”
“no prob”
You dodged the crew as the raced down the gangplank, keeping your eye on the bright blue figure moving up the deck.
“she's mine!” you yelled, the two male members looked from Evie to you, nodding and continuing to the other members of Mals crew. Evie spun around at that, gasping as she made eye contact with you.
She leaped over a barrel and made her way towards Carlos who was starting to engage with Desiree and Jonas.
You flicked your wrist, sliding a throwing knife out of its place and throwing it at evie, the blade landing just an inch in front of her nose.
She gasped and whirled around, her brown eyes locking with your (e/c) ones. “(y/n)?” she whispered, you gave her a small smile and nodded, lowering your sword a bit and jutting your head to a corner that was mostly hidden.
She slowly nodded and kept an eye on you as she walked to the corner.
You sheathed your sword and walked in after her, just as she was about to talk you jumped at her and pulled her into your arms.
“you’re alive” you whispered, burying your head in her shoulder.
“are you kidding me? YOU’RE alive” Evie sobbed, wrapping her arms around your torso and burying herself into you further “how did you get off-“
“Uma-well Harry actually, he found me and got me off the isle” you sighed, rubbing your cheek into her shoulder “if it wasn’t for him I would still be on the isle of the doomed”
“Tell him thanks for me” Evie laughed, pulling away and wiping her cheeks.
“I will” you chuckled, wiping away your own tears. You jumped as you heard uma scream in frustration, peeking out you saw Mal near the tunnel, screaming out for Evie as she battled Uma.
“you need to go!” you muttered, grabbing Evie’s collar and pushing her out, drawing your sword and starting to force her back to Mal.
“ill get you off, ill get you all off” she whispered to you, you grinned back and nodded.
“ill hold you too that” you slashed at her, forcing her to turn and run towards Mal, yelling at Carlos for a smoke bomb.
“(y/n)!” an arm wrapped around your waist, picking you up and tossing you behind them. Harry covered you with his jacket as the smoke surrounded you. “are yeh alright?” he whispered, face only inches away from yours.
“i’m fine, thank you Harry” you muttered back, leaning up and kissing his cheek.
“wha’ did you and blueberry talk ‘bout?” he asked, slicking his wet hair back. You smiled and patted his arm.
“things” Harry repeated, snorting and shaking his head “alright keep yer secrets”
“you’ll find out soon enough” you sighed, watching Uma run around the back to get to the other end of the tunnel.
Evie let out a sob, watching as you ran from Harry's side to her, she cried your name out, opening her arms and running towards you.
“(y/n)!” she laughed, screaming as you crashed into her and lifted her up, spinning her around.
“Evie!” you screamed back, letting her go and jumping around with her, letting her grab your arm and run back with you to the Auradon gates.
“Harry come on!” Harry smiled and shook his head, following you and Evie into Auradon.
“wait are you and Harry?” you grinned and nodded, Evie squealed and running towards Harry, grabbing his hand and dragging him back towards you, and intertwining your arms “welcome to Auradon you two.”
“Thank yeh Evie” Harry chuckled, softly smiling at you and Evie as you giggled and talked to each other.
His princess was reunited with her sister after 7 years, and they were both off the isle, away from their parents.
He looked around, eyes sparkling as he gazed upon the never-ending ocean.
Maybe being good wasn’t so bad.
--end! Sorry, it's not much! Just felt like I had to get a part 2 out since the original requester did want one XP--
#descendants#Descendents#disney descendants#harry hook#harry hook descendants#harry hook x reader#harry hook imagine
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Stray Kids Playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons
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A/n: M.List linked down below! | My very first reaction!!! :D I hope you all enjoy <3
Tag List: @distrikt9 @hanniiesuckle17 @smolboiseavey (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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✧ Bang Chan ⇢ STAY Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Crisp Ringleader
Okay family
As our ENFJ king Chan would totally have a island that revolved around the others
Sure he’d have his own space too
But he’d def be one to put up lots of fun camping space and interactive inventions
A cute little barbecue grill on the beach with a wooden table and log benches 🥺🥺 and a picnic area too
I feel like he’d also go out of his way to breed black roses but that may just be me 😂🤷🏻♀️
Black and white flowers everywhere, and maybe some red roses too?
He’d also be a generous donator and frequently visit the others to see if anyone needed help with anything
Just stopping by to check in and drop off some hardwood, or iron, maybe even gold
...That’s a big maybe on the gold cause we all know that stuff ain’t common and if you want Marshal on your island you better have some handy
In addition to this, I think that the generosity would only go so far and he’d be quite the tease too
Running around left and right ratting the others out during pranks and “borrowing” things from the others
“where’d my recipe for gold armor go???”
🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ “idk bro I think I saw Minho running off with it?”
For villagers, he’d have a plethora of the animal kingdom on his island
Anyone is welcome
You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit 🥴
He’d def have mentions of Stay on his island too
And the guys, his squad
A Stay flag and Stray Kids written in the sand somewhere
Maybe vice versa
His character would likely be of similar resemblance but I can totally see him playing with the fun hair colors and face paint
His wardrobe would consist of similar attire too: black, white, caps, hoodies, and chains
Y’all AC fans know that one punk outfit with the chains across the bodice? He’d own that
His home is a toss up: on one hand it could be very chill and cozy, but on another I’m seeing workout gear in one corner and iron tables and a TV and radio going, maybe (definitely) a music studio setup (similar to Weber’s home but more hardcore LMAO)
All in all, I think Chan would be a chill/causal player that would be happy to help his friends and community while also playing hard ball once in a while just to mess with everyone 😂♥️
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✧ Lee Minho ⇢ Soodori Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Total Genius
Soodori is a combination of Minho’s cats
Your boy Minho couldn’t resist the ingenious idea
He’d pondered for the longest time which of his precious babies was going to be awarded the title of his island; an impossible decision
Then along comes our creative leader, “why don’t you just use all three?”
Genius!1!1!!1!1 😩✨
On Soodori, you bet all the villagers are cats; if you don’t have pointy ears and a swishing tail, Access Denied 🙅🏻♀️
This means you, Han
Villagers included would consist of Raymond, who may or may not be an island celebrity
And let’s not forget Queen Ankha
But to Minho, all his cat citizens are equally loved and cherished as a valid part of the community
His whole aesthetic would be cats too
That includes a cat cafe
His flag would probably be a paw print 🐾 or his cat’s names, maybe a cute scribbling of their faces
And if you disrespected that, there’d be blood to pay
I can see his character closely resembling him as well, with a little paw print on his cheek? Maybe some whiskers?
He’d thoroughly enjoy visiting the others islands “if he absolutely had to”
Swipe some goods
And bundle them up to go on the plane out ✈️
For the most part, I see him being more of a hermit on his island that only heads out On Demand
Even then, it’s kind of a toss up: good luck getting him to leave his children behind
If you’re nice to him, he MIGHT let you come and view the splendor...m a y b e
But you better not touch or take anything 🗿🔥
Shoot, when it came to special visitors, like Redd or K.K., he’d probably try chasing them off
Put those tools to use
There’s more than one way to skin a cat
(Don’t tell him I said that tho 👀💧)
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✧ Seo Changbin ⇢ DARK Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Music-Loving Loner
Dark, dark, dark
We all done knew, didn’t we?
Changbin is the KING of darkness
So it goes without saying that his whole island would radiate the stuff, too
It may seem depressing and a little emo at first, but eventually the concept comes off being pretty cool
...In an angsty, Evanescence sort of way
He’d probably be very lost on how to play at first...at first
He’s got Felix and Chan to help him tho, so he’d be breeding black flowers before you know it
Maybe a little gray and navy blue tones to break up the solidarity somewhere
I’m seeing a kind of night sky aesthetic, maybe some astrology furniture???
Look out, Celeste
She’s gonna be running to Big Brother Blathers saying some scary short guy is following her around the woods
Poor Binnie just wants a Starry Sky wall...until he sees how bright it actually is
Then it’s 💯 a fat pass
Binnie would kindly welcome all sorts of villagers while being minorly selective
After all, we can’t break the darkness with some cheery-idol-wannabe villager, or some Judy the anime bear
I can say with utmost certainty at 95% that his whole wardrobe would be black caps and hoodies
Maybe a plain black tee
Some black pants
White or black sneakers 🥴✨
I think he would be pretty intent on building up his island...in particular, collecting all the artifacts and critters for the museum
He’d work hard but not go crazy or stress about it and still take lots of time to just chill in his deep dark vibes
Maybe get out once in a while to visit Felix and learn a thing or two
Overall, we see through your front, Bin; you may have a dark vibe but you’re really just a small big softie ☺️
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✧ Hwang Hyunjin ⇢ Kkami Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Soothing Season
Welcome to Kkami Island, which was almost named something else aesthetically cute like Honeycomb or Applepuff
However, like Minho, Hyun simply couldn’t resist a chance to use his precious baby’s name
On Kkami, life is pretty chill: EXCEPT WHEN ITS SERIOUS 🔥
That’s right folks
This boy may have some vibing days and go at his own pace
But don’t be fooled: he plays to win
Plant those money trees
Enter those QR codes
Carve out those pathways
Where is Blathers we have a donation 😤😤
Hyunjin would be a steady-paced worker bee 🐝
He’d likely be selective of his villagers and go for cute ones
Possibly top to secondary tier
When it came to games and get togethers, you’d likely find him chasing another member with a net or an axe, in most cases Jisung
“qUiT LEaViNG TrASh oN mY iSLaNd!!1!1!1!” 💢
“DROP THAT DIY!1!1!1!!1”
Let’s see
His whole island aesthetic would be cute and peaceful:
Plants, terrariums, soft sunlight...
There’d be so many flowers!!! Hyunjin would have a whole colorful flower field 🥰🌸
White and wooden furniture in and around the home
An adorable tea and snack time plaza too! And a library!!! 📖✨
Very cozy and sweet ♥️
Though, shoot, if he had the energy, this guy may just build himself a palace... 🏰
Regardless, just look for the boy with the staple headband and likely some face paint to boot
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✧ Han Jisung ⇢ Swag HOT Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Trendy Supreme Being
(Edit: Minho convinced Felix to hack his account and changed this to Untossable Trash)
Ohhh boy
I bet y’all were waiting patiently for this one
Or maybe you jumped right to it
Either way here we go:
Han Jisung would be the king of the trash heap
And by that I mean this guy would save up all his bells and buy himself a crown 👑 where he’d sit atop a throne of garbage
This guy would be yeeting furniture and garbage all over the place
...Okay maybe that was a bit overdramatic
Maybe not EVERYWHERE...
...It’d be pretty messy tho
He’d probs have traps set up too
You step off the plane and get catapulted into the ocean, if that were a thing
You’d have to navigate and hop around discarded junk for sure
He’d have clothes here, a fan there, a...urinal...on the beach???
.........o k a y ._.💧
Han Jisung wouldn’t be all that competitive when it came to gathering every fruit or collecting all the fish
He doesn’t have the patience for that
He needs to run around and be free, letting his mind wander while wrecking havoc for everyone else; which is also Minnie’s job but we’ll get to that later
For villagers, he’d have at least one squirrel or two (Marshal?! :D) but I’m not so sure it’d really matter...all that much?
I’m not sure he’d even want many villagers at all
He’d be spending most of his time crashing other member’s islands and leaving little surprises like a useless DIY they already have or a fake painting he got roped into buying bc he was too lazy to check if it was genuine =_=
Everyone got sick of it pretty quickly but no one like Minho or Hyunjin; he’s permanently banned from those two locations and Jeongin’s considering adding him to the list next
Despite there being so much junk, his house would have an almost decent vibe: lots of instruments and fun gear, along with some random clothes, a lava lamp, and...another urinal 🗿💧
Seriously, someone get this boy a closet and some coaching in organization
Chan and Changbin are working on hiring Minnie but it’s not going too well; for one he charges too much
Maybe you can talk some sense into him...
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✧ Lee Felix ⇢ YEET Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Festive Chum
Okay y’all
Would be
ALL THE FRUITS!!! 🍎🍐🍊🍒🍑🥥
Boy would have a five star island all sorted into perfectly measured categories
An amusement park, a picnic area, a freaking ranch probably 🐮
Some awesome neighborhood for his tier one villagers with a YMCA down the street
A fancy one at that
I mean this boy would have it all
Expect a competitive softie that really just wants to have fun but like
He’s gonna win too lmao
He’s got his Nook Miles program all maxed out
When playing with the others, he comes up with really creative solutions when faced with a crisis
That’s because this smart cookie knows the ins and outs of the game
There was one time where he fenced Jisung in like the creepy Easter bunny and left him for ded oop
That was a bad day for Jisung and a hilarious day for everyone else
He felt bad about it but he also wanted that Subway gift card 🤷🏻♀️
Each day is a new hair color for Felix
Sometimes every few days or a week
He sometimes likes to synchronize it with his current hair color but
Experimenting is also fun
Face paint too! 🌈 He chooses a warpaint print he found on Pinterest, for days when the gang gets together for a game of tag or bug catching contests
Even if he doesn’t win, Felix always makes it into the Top 3
And he has a lot of fun doing so! 😊
He’s just one heck of a gamer is all
And his whole aesthetic shines brighter than the sun T-T ☀️
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✧ Kim Seungmin ⇢ Seungmin’s Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Radiant Boy
Like Felix, Seungmin would be an ace at AC
He wouldn’t get everything right off the bat
But he’d put in a logical tried-and-true effort, and once he got the ropes and found his groove, my oh my
This boy would have it all
Sophistication ✨
Class ✨✨
Flair ✨✨✨
He’s got a plethora of fruit and stylish attire too
And his aesthetic is so simple but chic
He’s got this whole clean and polished vibe
Lots of artwork and creativity
He’s even got traps that look like fancy furniture
Those are mainly for Han Jisung tho
That oughta teach him to quit nosing around and taking his DIYs <_<
One time he tried stealing a few apples for Swag HOT Island
Didn’t go well sis...
He made it to just outside the pier before getting lost in the hedge maze by Cafe Seungmin
After that Seungmin closed him into a corner as punishment and wouldn’t let him out until he dropped the Apple
But Jisung was feeling pretty prideful that day so he ate it instead 🗿💧
This guy would def make a character that looks just like him!
Would he try new hair colors and face paint? ...Maybe
It seems like a sorta-Seungmin thing to do
Seungmin would wanna be the best of the best while still staying true to himself, so you’ll likely see tier one and two villagers that he particularly fancies
Fancy you, fancy me 🥳✨💃🏻🎶
He’d also be one to go around admiring the chaos from the background while occasionally becoming the chaos
Kinda like the Cheshire Cat 😅
When challenging the others to an art contest (who could buy the most expensive artifact from Redd without using the internet) he switched some of the other members paintings while they were distracted by a meteor shower
“Look, a shooting star! And another one!”
“Make a wish.”
“How do I do that?!”
“Tilt your camera towards the sky and press A.”
“I’ve got my camera app open and it’s just taking photos???”
“Not you CAMERA camera—“
“Hey! Chan hyung, Minho just stole my star!!!”
“I didn’t see your NAME on it...”
“Don’t fight, you can each have half!”
“That’s not how it works at all...”
It was pretty comical until Changbin had to say something, about the art that is
Then Minnie had to bounce before the angry shovels and nets caught up to him
“Hey!!! Why is my painting on Minho’s side???”
“Why is everyone attacking me???”
“Oh, Hyunjin has my painting...”
“I do not! ...Oh hey I do? Why’d you put it over here?”
🛫 🏃🏻♀️💨
Poor Minnie just wanted to have some fun amongst the confusion 😔
When it gets right down to it, you better believe this boy would be an aesthetic and skillful player ✨
♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫
✧ Yang Jeongin ⇢ Go Away Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Mistakingly Caught Son
Go Away Island means just what the title intends: go away :)
Initially, Jeongin was prepared for what he senior members would do
He knew there would be much anticipation to visit the 막내’s island and drive him crazy
Sometimes, he doesn’t mind it
But others he just wants to be left alone and do his own thing
When he started the game, it was one of those days
So he wanted to make the message clear 😤😤
Also, Don’t Bother Me seemed to be too long 🤷🏻♀️
Go Away was straight to the point ;D
On Go Away, you’ll encounter lots of cute characters 💓
Innie has a very cute and true-to-himself aesthetic
He doesn’t understand much of the mechanics but he’s working on it okay?
And he’s getting better every day!
Okay, so like, sometimes he’ll allow Chan to come over and help
Or Felix or maybe Seungmin if he promises to be genuine and behave
But like
The rest of the members are semi-banned
Hyunjin gets a pass if he whines enough
Or he’ll come up with a crafty excuse to come over
“Innie, look! I got peaches on my island! Don’t you want one? They’re cute like you! 😩❣️”
...He could do without that last embarrassing remark but okay sure
He really did want those peaches for his picnic garden 😔✊🏻
In terms of hair color? We’re on a rotation like Felix
We’re trying lots of hair colors
And a few aesthetic designs, too!
Jeongin is very resourceful when it comes to QR codes, something Felix and Seungmin taught him
He uses them to set flowers and stones pathways everywhere
And an especially prominent one leading to the door 👉🏻🚪
♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫
↬ Which island will you be visiting? 🌴✨
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Stray Kids Playing Minecraft~

A/n: I hope you all enjoy, and if you liked, please leave a like! 💖💖💖💖
Tags: @straysrachaa @lordseochangbin @channiesmixtape @starryseung @felixsanxchatbot @jisungsjheekies @mrbangchannie

- doesn't know almost anything about Minecraft the first time around but he plays with you to make you happy
- you have to baby him for a while
- He goes and learns about the game in his free time
- and then he pleasantly surprises you now that you he doesn't suck anymore
- and most peculiar of all
- he got really interested in redstone
- boi can make some INVENTIONS
- His house is like, fully automated - farm and all
- it makes you jealous but also very proud
- a pretty big pacifist
- shears, veggies and bread is all he needs
- he still big soft baby but he smart baby now
- also, would totally run around with a pumpkin on his head if you could still wear them in the latest version
Lee Know
- would kill everything that moves
- would hoard all the meat and refuse to give you any
- deforestation at its finest
- king of surplus
- playing with him is actually playing by yourself cuz he goes off on his own
- builds himself a goddamn empire!
- and no one knows where it is
- if he catches you inside his house without permission: shoot first, ask questions never
- mobs fear him, not the other way around
- will give you items cuz you're a charity cause
- actually shares when you both go mining though
- but let's face it, he's just OP
- would try to get all the cats
- totally to chase away creepers
- not because he wants an army of them or anything
- gets annoyed that he has to constantly fish because the cats keep taking them but won't be tamed by him
- he totally did not search for mine shafts just for name tags to name his cats
- or he'd cancel you in-game and irl too
- would be super excited to play Minecraft with his friends
- he would be the first on the server to scout out the land and get resources
- however, no one warned him about night fall
- and all the creepy, scary things that spawned
- changbin lives in the ground now
- he dug a hole at the base of the mountain to take refuge during the night and never looked back
- normal person? No way! He was a mole now!
- the best at mining and interior rock design
- he would only resurface to seek out food and animals
- it was Changbin who stole all the cows and sheep, so you couldn't find them for felix
- he would have three large pins just next to his mountain
- lots of cows, rainbow sheep and pigs with saddles
- " uh...so I found these pins of animals and like...no house?"
- "What?"
- "I think the magical Minecraft fairy spawned it into the world?"
- "It's super weird. But I'm gonna kill some cows for their leather"
- and to your shock, a secret door in the mountain opens and Changbin comes running out
- the door made courtesy of Chan
- "He's got a diamond sword already?!?"
- it's the last thing you scream as he kills you for being near his cows
- and after a round of feeding and breeding, he disappears back into his hole
- would only be about building
- he would be the first one to have a diamond pickaxe just so he could mine cobblestone faster
- would also get efficiency V just so he could speed run through the mines
- would wander through different biomes for days to collect clay so he could make concrete
- and while you're busy actually playing the game, he would beg for you to pick flowers on your trip so he can dye the concrete different colors
- his first house would be a mansion
- but he would give up half way because he kept falling off the roof and dying
- would forget he is actually playing the game and would get scared when night falls and mobs start spawning in his unlit house
- not like you didn't tell him countless times to put down torches
- but he kept saying they ruined his aesthetic
- but now he keeps dying because mobs are literally waiting at his spawn point, killing him over and over and over again
- and he begs you to set the time to day and kill the mobs for him
- but you just laugh uncontrollably at him because karma really is a bitch
- but in the end, he ends up making an entire city, and invites the others to come and play on the server.
- would be just like Chan
- a pure ass baby when it comes to playing minecraft, but super eager to play the game
- his first spawn would be in the middle of the night (because of server)
- and you would try to tell him to not leave the safety of spawn, but he just wouldn't listen
- "Listen, Y/n, I know what I'm doing! I'm a pro at this!"
- and he would run confidently into the night, like the actual idiot that he is
- he wouldn't get too far before he was attacked by all the mobs and got killed
- "Well that was just rude!"
- "Oh my god Jisung, I told you not to do it."
- "Well how was I supposed to know they were going to kill me?!"
- and you can only shake your head at his stupidity
- he would eventually wait until daytime, but unfortunately all of his items would be lost due to despawning
- it's not like either one of you were equipped to go and retrieve his items
- zombies sucked man! And skeletons are the worst!
- but with a new day comes a new adventure and you both head out to find a place to call home
- Jisung would run the entire way, even though he had no food to keep his hunger up
- he also wouldn't be paying attention to where he was going and would fall into a hole
- a very BIG hole
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "Really Jisung?"
- "I couldn't see it!"
- playing with Jisung would be a very challenging task, because he would never learn
- because by the time he had diamond armor and ready to fight the wither, he would have fallen from fifteen cliffs, twenty holes in caves and three ravines
- "Jisung if you die one more time I swear to god!"
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "That's it! I quit!"
- You would be so hyped to play with Felix
- You've seen him play other games, so you knew he'd be great at minecraft
- Getting the server had been his idea, the easiest way everyone could play together
- First day of spawn, Felix would already be listing off the things that you would need to accomplish
- wood, cobblestone, iron, seeds, sheep
- it was all just so overwhelming
- by the time you make your first complete set of wooden tools, felix would have iron tools already
- he'd been ten feet underground, digging for more resources while tasking you to find the animals for food, wool and feathers
- easier said then done
- and when he resurfaces and you don't have animals, he would simply sigh and go do it himself
- which would upset you because you would spend hours looking for just one god damn cow
- meanwhile, Felix would take five steps in one direction and come across hundreds of cows!!!
- he'd travel the whole map just to find a jungle to get coco beans
- seriously though, how did he find the fucking jungle?
- it like doesn't exist
- except it does and Minho most likely lives there with all his cats
- Also, there's pandas!!!!!
- Felix would try and tame a panda, even though it's not possible
- When not trying to show off, Felix would be in his crappy little hut (cause hyunjin was still making the city), making cookies and cakes because why wouldn't he?
- at least he shares, unlike someone.....
- Felix would be absolutely unstoppable at the game, while you struggle to get to iron level armor (while trying to keep Jisung alive)
- Felix would have just a big ego
- it's okay though. One strike from Seungmin's sword and he'd be put back into his place
- Revenge is a dish best served Seungmin.
- the worst of the worst
- he would be the one to pretend to not know the game
- but really, he would be a minecraft expert
- read: troll
- every chance he would get, Seungmin would try to do something to ruin your day
- don't ever go mining with him. EVER!
- he would be the one to lead over a creeper to you in a ravine while you're trying to mine diamonds, right next to a lava pool
- the first one to explode wouldn't do any damage, thankfully
- "Don't you dare bring a creeper over here!"
- "I wouldn't."
- somehow, you wouldn't be convinced
- but you decided to trust him
- y/n clown
- you're just mining away at the diamond when a big explosion happens
- and you notice two things
- 1. the diamonds and the surrounding area were blown up
- 2. you were now in the pool of lava, dying
- meanwhile, Seungmin was running away, cackling like the evil little shit that he was
- the holy terror, that's what they would call him
- he would purposefully go out and fight creepers just to gather their gunpowder so he could make dynamite
- no one was safe from him
- except Minho
- because no one knew where he was
- Jeongin would spend at least two days researching things for the game before actually playing
- he would want to have some knowledge before walking into hell that was the Stray Kids server
- it's okay though, because everyone loves Jeongin
- really, he wouldn't need to do a thing
- diamond armor, enchanted? check
- enchanted weapons? check
- his own cat and dog? double check
- everyone would do anything for this baby
- but Jeongin isn't one to mooch *coughJisungcough*
- even with all his presents, he would still start with the basics of punching a tree
- while others have found this skills in cooking, mining, falling into holes, redstone and building
- jeongin would be more interested in potions and enchanting
- Jeongin would quickly master potion brewing
- even if it meant battling the scary blazes in the nether
- huh, so that's why Changbin was screaming so much
- he would be hired by Minho to make him potions of breathing so he could go claim an ocean monument
- Jeongin would only do it if he could help
- surprisingly Minho agrees and for the first time in 84 years, everyone gets to see Minho's character
#stray kids#skz#kpop#fanfic#stray kids scenarios#stray kids imagines#skz scenarios#skz imagines#kpop fanfic#kpop scenarios#kpop imagines#bang chan#lee know#changbin#hyunjin#jisung#felix#seungmin#jeongin#han#lee minho#i.n
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Let’s talk TroPreCure! (^∀^ 🌺)
i’m so stupidly proud of this dumb pun “tropurikyua~”, hahahahaha
Last post of the year and wow is there are lot to be excited for!
I even had to make a list for the stuff I want to talk about and I’m sure I already forgot one or two things but we’ll get to them as we continue to float~ along the wave to February 28th, mmkay? :)
Now for what has peaked my interest so far. And yes, we have to talk about the following first:
1) HealPre the shortest Precure season??
Unless they plan for double features in February (which I doubt but you never know), HealPre is likely going to reach only 45 episodes long instead of the usual 48~50 before TroPre I’m using this shortening of the title for now so if there’s a better alternative, tell me and I’ll switch out begins its broadcast.
Understandable because the producers probably want to get back to their normal scheduling as soon as possible (toy sales, y’know) and I suspect pushing the start of the new season back by a month is the most they’re willing to compromise.
As for me, I’m quite happy about this since HealPre’s lost its hold on my attention a while ago so the sooner TroPre gets here, the better. Though the downside might be a scrambled climax and a rushed, underwhelming ending for HealPre (I dunno if it’s January’s titles that feel a bit messy or if the hiatus is still throwing me off) but whatever. We’ll refresh ourselves with the new blood Cures so it’s all good.
2) Tropical movie announced for Autumn 2021, no All Stars??
First saw this mentioned on Youtube somewhere but it’s all over the fandom forums by now. I mean, HealPre’s movie is set for March, the usual time slot for All Stars release. If Toei intended for there to be an All Stars in 2021, there’s no way they would announce the seasonal movie before it so speculations of them skipping it this year are probably true.
To squeeze it somewhere between March and October-ish would force them to readjust their budgets as well and I don’t think even Toei wants to go through that extra hassle after all the trouble the pandemic’s caused for everyone already. It’s just easier to resume All Stars in 2022.
That, and I think Laura being a major character in TroPre despite not having a Cure title (yet) would make for an awkward situation when the three latest teams gather so perhaps that’s also one of the reasons. But I’ll get back to Laura in a bit.

3) Cure Summer is a RAINBOW Cure
So god help me if I see anyone calling her a Pink Cure.
Yes, she’s the lead Cure for this season. NO, she is not a Pink Cure.
Look, even the official website has a rainbow overlay for her profile pic and text font while everyone else’s respective theme colors are a solid hue:
Therefore, RAINBOW.
In promotional material and merchandising, they’re probably going to advertise her primarily with pink bah and at worst, she might occasionally be labeled as a White Cure with multiple subcolors (her outfit is not pink-dominant) but definitely NOT. PINK.
...also, this goes without saying but f***yea, we finally got a lead Cure practically and unabashedly wearing the LGBTQ flag and you cannot tell me otherwise, Toei!
Own up to it! Declare Manatsu/Cure Summer as the Precure queer icon!
I’m not gonna stop yellin’ until you do! 😠

4) Laura = obvious midseason Cure is obvious
First of all, Laura is a babe. I already love her the best and she’s not even Precure yet. <3
Anyways, the set-up is pretty much in the description. Important main character who’s not a mascot, stated to have a self-confident personality and just speaks her mind (oooh, I like~ :D), magical/foreign being from another world looking for Precure to save her home, possesses her own special item(s), has aspirations to become the next Queen (so she’s a princess-candidate or something to that effect, I suppose).
We’ve seen various combinations of these traits in past midseason (and a few starter) Cures so nobody should be surprised when we all guessed that one of the Cures would be a real live mermaid.
The only question is why not just make Laura a Cure from the get-go if she’s introduced to us at the beginning (like Hime or Lala) and having a team of five with no unnecessary extra add-ons later on (like Smile).
Well, there’s a simple answer for that: formula.
Toei is afraid that if they don’t spit out some new animation sequence at the halfway and third quarter points of the show, the kids will lose interest and abandon the series altogether. Which means failed toy sales. Oh nooo... [/sarcasm]
And this way they can also have Laura available in the Cure lineup for the next All Stars in 2022 instead of making her sit the fight out if we were going to have one in 2021. I’m convinced that’s gotta be one of the reasons. *shrug*

But ok, whatever. Her debut is gonna be later, that’s all. She’s a delayed Cure. Midseason Cure, same difference.
Moving along to the more important stuff now like what’s her Cure name gonna be, y/y?
Well, knowing Toei, a translation of the term “mermaid” into another language is the most predictable route even though we already have a Cure Mermaid. Not like that ever stopped them from repeating words before (ex. Cure Happy vs Cure Felice). Though if they do go down that road, I hope they opt for the Spanish/Italian “sirena” and not the French “sirène” because the latter sounds too close to how Cure Selene is pronounced in Japanese. And, putting it nicely, we all know Japanese pronunciation of foreign words is as off kilter as can be.
Hell, even the the Portuguese “sereia” sounds aesthetic as hell so it’d be nice if they can just remember there are other languages that exist out there besides Japanese, English and French when making the final decision at the writing table! *stomps foot* >:/
Alternatively, “nereid” or “naiad” are good choices too but they remind me too much of Greek myths and Laura’s from the Grand Ocean which covers more than just a couple of seas (Greece is surrounded by three, btw) so...
I dunno. But whatever it’s gonna be, she’s definitely got a strong association with water and her powers will probably be based on that.

As for theme color, since there’s noticeably no blue or green Cure in the starter lineup, it’s likely she will take up that spot when she debuts around ep 20.
Pink is also open since Cure Summer, again, is technically not a Pink Cure and Laura’s hair and tail fin are hot and light pink respectively but looking at Laura’s design and concept, does anyone seriously believe that?
Her upper torso consists of aquamarine while the body of her tail is definitely some shade of cyan, implying they’re aiming for somewhere around the middle of green and blue on the lighter spectrum.
And yea, I’m aware that green and blue are considered exchangeable in some perspectives with how close some of their shades are to each other but officially, I think Laura’s gonna be grouped with the Green Cures.
Cuz of the hair. If Laura’s gonna keep it the same or a similar shade after transforming, that is. The Blues have always had cool-colored hair so putting Laura in with them might disrupt that harmony whereas if you put her with the few Greens there are (including Parfait), she’d fit right in.
I mean, we’ll see but that makes the most sense, doesn’t it?
On another note, I just want to say that I love how they added frills to her arms instead of letting her elbows go bare naked. It definitely makes her look more like a genuine mermaid than if she didn’t have them (remember, half fish doesn’t mean half the body :P).
5) Magical Items
Frankly, I’m tired of seeing the transformation device being a compact again even though one of the main motifs is make-up this season. But at least, as far as Precure compacts goes, the Tropical one is my favorite cuz of how cute and delightfully colorful its toy version looks! So I guess I’m okay with it.
The Heart Rouge Rod, though? ...I dunno. I think it would’ve been fine without that...straw (?) jutting out at the top. It looks weird, doesn’t it look weird? :S
As for the collectible clip-ons, I can live without those for the rest of my life. Yeesh.
Laura’s items, the Aqua Pot and the Ocean Prism Mirror.
Again with the portable, travel-size housing. *sigh* 😩
Alright, I can let this year slide cuz Laura (I’m so soft for her, omg) probably won’t be getting legs for 20 weeks so she’s got to move about on land somehow. But unless they’re really thinking about turning this idea of carrying your apartment around in your bag/pocket/purse into a reality (cuz that would be effin’ awesome), please be more creative with your toys.
On the other hand, I’m much more interested in the Ocean Prism Mirror but from what Kusyami (the Precure merchandise reviews I follow on Youtube) said in his latest vid, this is the ED dance item so don’t know if it’ll actually have an relevance to the story or not. But I did hear him mention it having something to do with the Queen as well and since Laura wishes to become Queen, maybe it’ll be important after all? Maybe it’s her transformation device?
That’d be super cool. Let’s continue the trend of the midseason Cure having a different transformation item than the starters. Honestly, we should alternate every other year or two but we’ve gone three seasons with all of them using the same henshin gimmicks up till HealPre and I just want a break from that.

6) Fin sleeves??
These look so impractical for combat so maybe it’s exclusive to group attacks.
And/or a sort of precursor to the super forms?
*GASP* Does that mean they all eventually turn into mermaids? 🤩

7) Yui finally became Precure!! 😭
lol, it’s all crack from this point on so don’t take it too seriously but man, after Yuni’s deceptive braids, I thought I wasn’t gonna see anything that reminded me of Yui for a while and lo behold, Sango.
kehehehehehe xD;
Though Yui might be closer to Minori in terms of personal interests (fairytales and storybooks).

8) Akira, the actual Onee-chan version
I didn’t think this when I first saw her but once I read “Onee-san” in her profile, there’s no saving you now. Sorry, Asuka. 😅
Also, damn, do her sandals make her feet look big! Compare them to the heels she wears as Flamingo. Are they even the same?! lololol
9) ...this sounds awfully familiar...
Tokimeku Tokonatsu! [Exciting/Thrilling Everlasting Summer!] Cure Summer! Kirameku Hoseki! [Sparkling Jewel!] Cure Coral! Hirameku Fuurutsu! [Flashing Fruit!] Cure Papaya!
Japanese reiteration:
Mallow/Mao: Pink no tokimeki! Lillie: Blue no kirameki! Lana/Suiren: Yellow no kagayaki!
Care to explain yourselves, punks?!
୧(ʘ ∀ ʘ ╬)
#it is 1:30 AM and im hungry and still have to do work on new year's eve so i'll come back to amuse-rage later#tropical rouge! precure#precure 2021#cure summer#cure coral#cure papaya#cure flamingo#laura la mer
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The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 8 Deep Bleu Sea
That Sinking Feeling
Welcome back to A Crown of Candy, the show where you’re forced to come to terms with a possible PC perma-death every single battle episode, no exceptions.
We left our five PCs in an extremely sticky situation last week--on a sinking ship, in open ocean, with two House Bleu ships gunning for them. The only real move here is to abandon ship and commandeer one of the enemy ships to make their escape.
This is one of those eps where a LOT happens in a very short period of time so, rather than a straight play by play, I’m going to make sure you get the mood of the fight along with all the key moments.
Amethar makes for the closest enemy ship while Ruby unhooks the grappling hooks that were going to be used to board their ship. Liam--newly christened war guy--has a HELL of a turn, fully killing one of the enemy ship captains, ignoring the difficult terrain that stymied Amethar to leap to the next boat, and not only can he see in the dark--the ship is largely in darkness--because the enemy pirates are using alchemy to get night vision, Liam is invisible to them. They hear him land on the ship but they can’t see him. Rage is apparently a good look on Liam.
Stilton, on his turn, wastes zero time. He swings over to the crow’s nest of the Colby and, on a Nat 20, runs Primsy through with his sword to the genuine horror of everyone at the table. Primsy drops to death saves instantly but he fails his rolls to strike again, failing to finish her off. Primsy has to make her first death save right away which she fails. Thanks, I hate it. The only silver lining is that Jet (owing to a Nat 20 stealth check last episode) is nearby, concealed, and ready to spring into action.
New Kid on Deck
A rowboat comes to collect Stilton and bring him back to his ship and one of the rowers clocks Jet and yells, “Archers, archers! The princess!” Jet gets the sense that she’s about to be riddled with arrows when, all of a sudden, there’s a puff of swirling pink and red fog, out from which pops a pink and blue cotton candy monk--the same cotton candy monk from Theo’s flashback last week--Cumulus Rocks! He slams down onto the rowboat and declares “The Hungry One must feed,” doing a knockback attack that knocks all the soldiers into the yogurt (something that has already been established as pretty lethal considering the downsuction of the sinking ship and also the current). Welcome back Zac Oyama! Jet wants to know who this dude is and he says he’s a cousin to Amethar and he’s arrived to protect the magic of Candia.
Not to be outdone, on her turn, Jet hits a Nat 20 to attack Stilton (with a soft, “For Lapin”) and not only pushes him into the ocean (already a death sentence) she also throws a dagger at him on the way down to the very bottom of the ocean. The dude is fully dead. She also tries to stabilize Primsy and fails (but does get her to do some more strong woman affirmations, which is something). She holds the rest of her action (which she intends to use to get herself and Primsy into a rowboat) until Ruby can send Yak to help her.
Theo gets a Nat 20 to throw his sword at some rope in the ship’s rigging and call it back so he can grab it and use it to get to Primsy. Brennann is gonna give him a hard time about doing it in full armor but, guess what? Bam! Another Nat 20! He makes it straight up to the crow’s nest with Primsy, no sweat. But, unfortunately, when he tries to stabilize her the classic Murph rolls come back and he gets a Nat 1.
Amethar jumps to the boat with Liam (doing 14 damage to the captain) and most of Annabelle’s sailors follow him. This is not at all relevant to the plot but I would be remiss to not mention how hyped both Amethar and Lou are about the concept of this squad of bad-ass lady sailors.
Ruby, Mage Hand’s the rope from the enemy ship and ties it to herself like an aerialist so she can shoot from above and sends Yak to help Jet. Then she aims for the same captain that Amethar just attacked and guess what? Nat 20 Baybee! That’s 8d6 and she plugs him in the head, taking him out.
Jet takes her held action now and brings Primsy into the rowboat with Cumulus. Liam continues to be Peppermint Batman and does a bunch of damage to help clear the ship.
Primsy has another death save which she fails but, thankfully, not with a Nat 1 which would have been fatal.
The marauders still on the Colby jump into their escape rowboat and square up with the other rowboat where Jet/Primsy/Cumulus are. The last Cheddar sailors make it off the boat but Theo is still on deck and Annabelle won’t leave anyone behind so she goes to help him.
Cumulus jumps into the enemy rowboat and kicks ass. We also learn that he has the ability to, after killing someone, siphon their life energy in the form of temp HP. Theo yells and asks if someone named Lazuli made him and he says, “In a sense, yes.”
Jet uses Yak for advantage and stabilizes Primsy with a 19 medicine check. Annabelle sees her actions from her spot on the Colby and, once again, salutes Jet.
Into the Drink
Theo knocks a dude who’s been griefing him into the ocean and then jumps into the party rowboat, from there to the enemy rowboat, and then Action Surges so he can knock some heads.
Since Annabelle used her action to help Theo and not steady the ship, the ship starts sinking faster. Jet--standing in the nearby rowboat--has to make a Dex saving throw to not get jostled by the suction and she fails, falling into the ocean. Cumulus steadies the rowboat they’re in but Annabelle fails her save as well. The top part of the crow’s nest falls into the ocean, Annabelle along with it. Brennan has everyone (except Ruby) roll Strength saves to weather the storm and not only is Annabelle pushed underwater, Theo (who is wearing full plate mail armor--famously not buoyant) falls in.
Amethar tries to maneuver the ship so it will be positioned to stop his friends from getting washed out to sea and, when it fails, runs and jumps back onto the sinking Colby. There is one last sailor on there that steadies the boat on his order and gets the broken mast of the crow’s nest near Theo.
Ruby, on a Nat 20, swings over to the enemy ship and Mage Hand’s Jet a rope.
The big Bleu ship that they haven’t commandeered starts sailing away since the fight clearly isn’t going their way. (Sidenote, extremely wild that the big bad of this fight got unceremoniously taken out literally in round one and was really the least of everyone's’ worries.)
One of the cheese dudes tries to attack Cumulus. Murph, the genius, asks if he can use his reaction from Swirlwarden to move to take the attack--move from the ocean where he will for sure die to the safety of the rowboat. Brennan bestows upon him the title of motherfucker but lets him take a DC 20 Athletics check with disadvantage (cancelled by Sprinkle to a straight roll) to do that shenanigan. He hits it! As he’s drowning, Swirlwarden glows and Theo knows a member of House Rocks is in danger. He springs out of the ocean, and takes 13 points of damage for Cumulus, absolutely saving his life.
Annabelle nails three checks in a row so she can get her head above water and start making her way back to safety. Jet, on her turn, pulls herself back into the boat and then attacks a dude with a dagger so she can spend a superiority die to give Annabelle some extra free movement (which is a very wild thing to do--to kill someone incidentally so your friend can walk a little faster somehow--the mechanics of D&D are wild). Theo holds an oar out for Amethar to help him get off the sinking Colby.
There’s another round of saves and Ruby rolls a Nat 1 (so does Theo but he’s in a position of safety so it doesn't matter). She not only falls into the ocean, she falls off on the side of the boat where there’s no one to help her.
Amethar needs to swim to the commandeered ship but Lou first tries to figure out if there’s anything he can do for Ruby. “I’m so far away,” Siobhan says, “There’s nothing you can do.” Lou fully disregards that and Amethar swims to the boat, rages, and starts chucking cheese dudes into the ocean, one of which he (on a Nat 20) throws into a piece of the ship which knocks down to where Ruby is so she can grab it. Ruby then throws a rope to Liam and calls Yak back to her to help. She pulls herself back onto the ship and throws the rope to Annabelle (though it goes a little wide).
Liam continues to kick ass (fully clearing the ship) and also sails the ship closer to the sinking Colby to help the sailor still on it. Annabelle jumps onto the ship with Liam and takes the helm. Cumulus and Jet commit some quick war crimes and kill the two remaining cheese bandits from the rowboat that had already surrendered on their turn. The other big Bleu ship continues to sail away and they don’t chase it. There are some medicine checks and only one of Annabelle’s sailors ends up dead (which I’m sure is sad for her crew but, on a macro level, is frankly a miracle).
Rocks Family Reunion
The fight over, they’re left to figure out what’s going on with this extremely clutch, Keanu Reeves-y, Cotton Candy monk who poofed in out of nowhere.
On a Nat 20, History/Family Tree check, Ruby knows that Cumulus is a distant cousin who disappeared (not left, disappeared) 25-30 years ago, before the war. She Messages that info to Jet and Theo (interesting that Theo is in the inner circle now). Theo clocks a Lapiz Lazuli pendant around his neck and asks how he got it. Cumulus said he got it from the lady herself, that he’s an Order of the Spinning Star monk, and that he was created by her to protect the magic of Candia.
Theo knew that Lazuli was doing a lot of cool/crazy experimental stuff but is a little taken aback by Cumulus. Lazuli never really talked about the monks and also didn’t call on them to help in the war, saying that they were doing plenty already, something that annoyed him at the time. She said that the war would preserve the kingdom but the monks would preserve Candia (which she also didn’t explain because what kind of Divination Wizard would she be if she was straightforward about things? That was meant to be rhetorical but as I type, the answer is Adaine/Ayda).
He also knows that she had “different servants” to help her with different things. Theo’s not sure where the monks get their magic from but he knows it’s not wizard magic and he knows that Citrina got into a big fight with Lazuli once after visiting the monastery (which is a pretty big clue). Theo tells everyone all of that. Cumulus says that he was sent to help when Candia went to war and makes it seem like he was in some kind of suspended state (or maybe confined physically) until he was needed because of Candia’s war with the Concord. He doesn’t really get the specifics. He also doesn’t get why he hasn’t gotten any of the Rocks Family Christmas High Frosting’s Eve cards over the past 30 years. And, wildly, that’s where we end our episode!
Before I get to the normal post-recap segments, I have some business to take care of. There is an anon who I like to think of as my Angel of Death anon, who called Brennan’s shot on Preston before it happened and then called Primsy’s death before this episode. I said that if Primsy so much as went down and had to roll death saves, I would invent a Crown of Candy version of detention just for them and, as it turns out, she did, immediately. So, because I’m a woman of my word:
1 Million Years Dungeon!
Congrats anon! You get to be the first occupant of the dungeon and you’re not even an N/PC! Honestly, kinda impressive.
Sunny Side Up
Not that I doubted them for a minute, but very gratified by the obligatory Gilear shout out while in the Yogurt Shoals.
“I’m trying to kill you Brennan, personally. I’m trying to make you die.”
(to Brennan who just claimed he’s being bullied on his own show) “*YOU’RE* being bullied?”
“Do I get an opportunity attack on Theo?”
“Do you think reality is being strained by the fact that a bird is helping you perform surgery right now?” (And then Siobhan’s assertion that Ruby and Yak have a telepathic connection so it’s actually Ruby--an 18 y/o bandit with no medical training--who is giving the help. So much better.)
Brennan says something like, “Kids, don’t try this at home,” about the absolute insanity happening in the battle and then Siobhan goes, “Yes, because they will definitely get the opportunity to do so.”
Whatever the hell was going on with Dome cheese.
Things I’m Concerned About
Like the whole attack at the cathedral, this is another fight that doesn’t look good on the Candians from an outside perspective. I mean, they’re already fully persona non grata but Stilton is a known man of the church. No one else really has a reason to suspect him of treason. So it just looks like they’re sniping Bulbians. Plus they left some of his men alive which means they get to tell whatever story they want when they get back. Like, maybe in their version it’s actually the evil Candians and their traitorous Dairy Island allies who ambushed the poor dearly departed Lord Bleu. They might have given the church a martyr.
OK, so between the fight Lazuli and Citrina had about the monks and Cumulus fully declaring, “The Hungry One Must Feed!” before doing his life drain mojo, it seems pretty clear where his powers are coming from. We don’t yet know if the Hungry One is like the Bulb in being powerful but mindless or if it has motives--sinister or benign or anything in between--but, either way, fraternizing with an affiliate with the direct antithesis of the State Sponsored Deity™ (who also sometimes does war crimes) seems, como se dice, problematic.
What’s going on with the rest of the House Cheddar fleet? Were they given bad orders from Bleu that they had no reason to mistrust or were they in cahoots?
I, generally speaking, trust Lazuli but mmm, making full people (assuming that’s what Cumulus meant), dealing with entities beyond mortal comprehension, and keeping secrets from everyone aren’t things that have a history of going super smoothly. I’m getting Princess Bubblegum vibes and I always found PB so shady. Also, if you create someone in lab, is cousin the title they get? Is that how that works?
This isn’t something I am concerned about so much as something I was concerned about but a Cotton Candy monk in an ocean fight is just a recipe for anxiety.
It seems like Caramelinda is gonna be in next episode and that just activates my fight or flight in a way I can’t fully articulate.
Five More Things
Extremely funny that Lou, who plays a pirate’s son in Fantasy High, is truly just guessing when it comes to all ship words but Siobhan sounds like she moonlights as a boatswain.
Zac was the party healer, he died, and he decided actually? Only heals for myself from now on. And you know what? Valid. (He’s a Way of the Long Death Monk btw) Very interesting that Zac’s last character unlocked all this information about the Bulb and now it looks like he’s playing someone who could do the same for the other side of the coin. I think it was very smart for him to show up in the middle of a tense battle where the mood would be, “Is he helping? Great. Welcome aboard,” and not, “We are fugitives, we shouldn’t be trusting anyone right now.” And him apparently being a Rocks also helps. (Also, shoutout to everyone who called Cumulus as being his new character!)
I swear, these fights keep getting more and more tense. A near insta-death mechanic like the ocean currents pulling people away really makes things crazy. At the end when it seemed like the fight was turning in the PCs direction and then people started falling into the ocean! I was already writing Ruby’s eulogy when Amethar made that amazing save. And Theo using Swirlwarden to take that damage and get out of the much deadlier ocean was Galaxy Brained. I get what the cast was saying about Nat 20s not even being exciting. They got what felt like ten Nat 20s this episode and that was the bare minimum they needed to just get everyone out alive.
That being said, the Nat 20 to drop Primsy followed by Jet’s Nat 20 to double kill Bleu was pretty rad and cinematic. Just instant karma.
Very curious about what the Dairy Islanders’ position on helping the Candians is now. About half of them almost died helping them survive--and this had nothing to do with them. This wasn’t trouble that followed them due to their fugitive status. This was all Cheese Drama. If the Candians hadn’t stowed away, they’d be dead. I have to imagine that makes a person more receptive to some light treason. And if they get implicated by the surviving marauders, they might not have much of a choice.
One More Thing
On a serious note, everything is bad right now or rather, everything has been bad for a while and it’s all come bubbling to the surface. To speak for myself, I am black so these issues are pretty inescapable on the regular but they’re extra inescapable right now and it’s stressful as hell. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post about it here and cross the streams but it’s important and also this is the show that also brought us Bud Cubby and rats fully eating a crooked cop so the streams are already well crossed.
Anyway, Black Lives Matter, stay safe if you’re out protesting, and, if you wanna donate, D20 style, twitter user @sofiabikes is doing a donation/giveaway on her twitter so hit her up (update: more info on her tumblr here). Also, dropout is donating all June merch sales to BLM and Pride orgs so if you wanted a t-shirt or whatever and you’ve been holding off, now is the time.
Edit: No new C.O.C. this week. Instead, there’s going to be a charity livestream for protester bail funds on YT, just an FYI.
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Captain Patrotic: Part 2
Summary: Chris and OFC Samara go on their breakfast date:)
Requested by @thatoneperson5000
Word Count: 1.8K
Read Part 1 in my Masterlist!
I always found the expression ‘Running around like a chicken without a head’ funny, yet that was the perfect way to describe my frantic state. I glance at the alarm clock on my bedside table which is flashing the time ‘9:49’ in bright red block numbers. I had rolled out of bed just 15 minutes ago, after accidentally snoozing my alarm one too many times. Shit I cannot be late for this. Chris was gonna be here any minute to get me for breakfast.
In record time I threw my curly hair into a somewhat decent looking low bun with a few loose strands shaping my face, some light makeup to conceal the under-eye bags I was sporting. I grabbed my bag threw my wallet and phone in before heading downstairs to look for a jacket and some shoes.
On my way down the stairs I noticed my keys sitting on the kitchen counter, Imagine I forgot those, would’ve been pretty hard to get your car from the stadium huh Samara. As I threw them in my bag I heard a knock at the door and froze. Get it together, Samara! It’s just a date.
“Coming! One Sec!”
I slipped on a pair of adidas sneakers and a jacket and opened the front door ushering Chris inside. “Sorry for the mess, I woke up late and i’m a little all over the place and I almost forgot to grab my keys and I am rambling i’m so sorry” I sighed and looked at him, and I mean really looked at him. It blew my mind how someone could look this good at this hour. Dressed in a grey sweater and jeans he still managed to look straight out of a Vogue shoot. When my eyes finally wandered up to his face I noticed he was smirking at me.
“Are you ready for the best breakfast of your life”
“I sure am” we laughed and made our way to his car after I locked up my house. Ever the gentleman, Chris opened the passenger side door for me, Thanking him I got in and bucked my seatbelt and then we were off.
“Are you gonna tell me where we’re going?”
“Nope” he smiled at me
“Not even a hint” I put on my sweetest smile and the best puppy dog eyes I could muster but I’m willing to bet it didn’t look nearly as cute as I hoped it did. He laughed and said “it’s a surprise, I really think you will like it”
After making light conversation for 20 minutes, the car came to a stop outside an adorable cafe on the water, It was quiet and dainty and secluded yet perfect. “Wow this is-an amazing view Chris, how'd you find this place?” “I’m glad you like it, Scott and I found it a couple years ago just driving around the area, I come here pretty often when I’m in Boston i’m kind of a regular” he laughs, a little nervously “I’ve never brought someone here though, besides Scott but we can pretend he doesn’t count”.
He’s never brought someone here? Clearly he likes it if he considers himself to be a regular. He also seems a little nervous, maybe it’s not just me then.
“Come on, let’s sit, they have everything you could want here” “Well it’s no iHop but it’ll do” i smiled at him to make sure he knew I was playing around. He scratched the back of his neck, “Yeah I wanted to take you there but the only one around here is in the city and I was worried I would get recognized too much, I didn’t want that to ruin this” The Lizzie McGuire in me swooned at his answer. “That’s very thoughtful of you, I’m excited to eat here, now cmon I’m hungry” taking a little leap of faith I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me to the entrance.
We were seated right away, the hostess recognizing Chris, she brought us to a secluded corner table with a fantastic view of the water. She gave us each a menu with a “Your server will be with you shortly” and went back to the front counter. I opened the menu which could’ve been mistaken for a book, it had so many options.
I decided on getting the French Toast with a side of Bacon and a cup of coffee, Chris ordered an omelet with a side of bacon and a coffee. The waiter took our orders and menu’s and was off to the kitchen.
“I see why you love it here so much, it’s lovely but not too over the top” “It’s my favorite place to come when I’m feeling overwhelmed or need to clear my head. The view, the atmosphere and the food just makes for a prefect de-stressor” he laughed. I nodded my head and looked around the room at the decor, the restaurant had an indoor-outdoor design with tones of orange, gold and brown throughout. The huge doors opened completely out to a beige stone terrace that wrapped around the building, looking out onto the ocean. If the harbor water was a bit bluer I would’ve mistaken this place for the South of France.
“So tell me about how you became the worlds biggest patriots fan” Chris dived into his upbringing and how his father used to bring them to games and just being from Boston forced him to love the sport and the team. He also talked about how when he was in high school he tried playing football but he deemed he enjoyed it better as a spectator. I found myself getting lost in his blue eyes, which lit up as he talked about his favorite sport, hours could’ve passed and I wouldn’t have had any idea.
“Enough about the pats, what about you? What’s something you’re so passionate about you can’t contain yourself when talking about it?”
“Would have to be writing, I became a teacher because I love kids but I’ve always had a passion for writing and the escapism it brings. I think some of the most powerful stuff is written down in a good book and there’s no better feeling than hours of time passing while you’re getting lost in a novel.” I smiled shyly realizing how big of a nerd I must’ve sounded like.
“I completely agree with you” wait what? “Reading a good book is the best medicine to anything, I have a library room in my house and it’s probably my favorite part of the house, besides the kitchen, I love to eat as well”
I stared at him shamelessly “y-you have a library? in your house? are you serious that’s only like my dream” I stuttered out of complete shock. “I do, you’d love it it’s got all the classics. Maybe sometime next week you can come over and check it out? I could make us dinner if you would be up to that?” “Name a day and I’ll be there” we laughed.
Our food arrived and it was downright the best breakfast i’ve had in ages. The food was absolutely intoxicating and mouthwatering I didn’t want to finish it because it tasted so perfect. However, We scarfed down the food and asked for the bill. Chris insisted on paying but I wasn’t gonna let that happen, between taking me home yesterday and taking me out for breakfast paying for the meal was the least I could do.
When the waiter brought the check I quickly swiped it out of his hand before Chris could react, put my card in and gave it back to the waiter, smiling at Chris the whole time.
He sighed and shook his head “I said I would pay for it” “Gotta be quick around here Mr. Evans. It’s the least I could do for you” “Sam, I asked you out to breakfast” “Yes, which I thoroughly enjoyed, you also gave me a ride home yesterday and are taking me to my car so think of this as a thank you” “You really didn’t have to” “Yes I did” the waiter returned with my card and a receipt which I signed, leaving a tip. Standing up, I ushered Chris to follow me as we walked back to his car.
We pulled up to the stadium laughing about how I nearly face planted in the parking lot yesterday after the game. He pulled up next to my car and parked, ever the gentleman he opened my door for me, walking with me to my car, i unlocked it and threw my bag in before turning to him.
“I had a great time today, seriously thank you for bringing me there I can tell that place means a lot to you and I appreciated you-” Chris cuts me off with a kiss and before i know it I’m kissing him back. We pull away for air and he says “You’re cute when you ramble” I blushed hard and looked at my feet not knowing what to say, all my thoughts in overdrive by the kiss. He lifts my chin with his finger and looks down at my lips as if to ask permission to kiss me again. I slowly nod my head and his lips are on mine once again.
I swear my knees would’ve given out on me if I wasn’t being held up between my drivers side door and Chris’ body. The kiss turned a bit heated before he pulled away and smiled at me. He backed up a couple of steps before taking out a small piece of paper from his pocket and slipping it into my hand, closing my fist around the paper.
“Thank you for breakfast, text me about our library dinner date next week. Get home safe, Samara” “But I don’t have your number!”
“Yes you do” he winked before getting in his car. Opening the crumpled piece of paper in my hand was a 9 digit phone number. Chuckling I waved at him and got in my car. As soon as I arrived home I put his number in my phone so I wouldn’t lose it. Debating if I should text him now or wait. If I text him now, I don’t want to look desperate, we just said bye like a half hour ago, But at the same time I didn’t want to wait.
‘Hey it’s Samara, Just letting you know I got home safely, hope you did too!’
Shit. Did he give me the right number? What if he thinks I don’t want to see him again because I don’t have the right number? Should I text Carly?
‘i’m messing with you, I did get home safely and I’m glad to hear you did as well. How’s Wednesday night for dinner?:)”
‘You asshole!!!!! My stomach dropped, but yes, Wednesday’s perfect’
‘Hahah! I couldn’t help myself I’m sorry, I can’t wait for Wednesday’
Chris and I texted sporadically throughout the rest of the day, Once again a smile never leaving my face.
A/N: I had so much fun writing this, maybe I’ll make it into a short series who knows. Gimme your thoughts💓💓
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The Ignorant Beauty and The Beast of New York - Chapter 1

SYNOPSIS: Y/N is an exhausted bio major. Steve is danger with a capital DANGER. She thinks he’s a sarcastic prick with an impressive knowledge in art history. He thinks she’s cute even if she’s only running on one brain cell. All he wants is a single date, but she’s adamant upon denying.
Art Hoe™️
There’s nothing in the world that can beat Saturday morning. A time to sleep in and be lazy with ease in your heart that you don’t have to do anything for the rest of the day.
Bucky leaned back in the office chair (one that wasn’t his) and kicked up his feet onto a neatly organized desk (not his either). His steel-blue eyes were fixated on the screen of his phone with his brows knitted in concentration. Saturday mornings were Mario Kart mornings and Bucky was never one to be less than first place.
Sam walked into the office with his eyes glued to the papers in his hand. He looks up to find someone he’s not supposed to find.
“Bucky, what the hell are you doing?” He asked, annoyed. Bucky’s presence was enough to annoy Sam.
“Shush, I’m in the middle of something,“ he hushed him. Sam rolled his eyes with a groan.
"Where’s the boss?”
“Didn’t I just tell you shut it, Wilson?” Bucky said again, dropping back into third place.
“Are you playing that stupid kids game again?”
“It’s rated E for everyone, punk,” he growled at him. He smiles a little when his Princess Daisy bombs Bowser.
Sam crosses his arms. “You’re not supposed to be in here,” he reminded.
“Alright, mom, what do you want?” Bucky said, his eyes finally pried away from the game.
“First get your dirty shoes off the desk and second, where is Steve?” He asked. “I’ve got some info on the delivery tonight.”
Bucky clicks his tongue but listens to him. “Tell me, Sam, what is today?”
Sam was puzzled. “It’s Saturday,” he replies.
“It’s Saturday morning,” he corrected.
“Okay, and?” he asked, growing peeved.
“Saturday mornings are when Steve goes to meet his muse.”
”The Love Letter by Jean Honore Fragonard" you read off the pamphlet. You look up at the painting with a lopsided frown.
This was what you came all the way from Brooklyn to see? A picture of a lady with a bouquet in her hand and a small smile on her lips. At least the dog was cute but not enough for wasting a perfectly good Saturday morning on.
You didn’t understand where the appeal came from. For this painting or any other for that matter. Yeah, they were pretty but that’s it. You didn’t feel the overwhelming emotion that some felt when they looked at a masterpiece. Never have you ever been moved to tears because of painted canvas. But then again, nothing ever moved you to tears.
You groaned at the picture. “Stupid art professor,” you grumbled with your arms crossed.
You were visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art for an art history project. Your eccentric professor had given an assignment in which you had to find three pieces of artwork and write how you felt about it. She gave a list of the ones to check out first and you decided to just follow it.
You weren’t an art buff or even remotely interested in the subject. It was just a gen ed class you needed to check off and you were hating every minute of it. An hour on the subway just to look at something you could’ve googled in a second. At least you got in for free.
You huffed at the girl. “What’s so great about you anyway?”
“What’s not great about her?” a voice chimed in from your side.
You turn to find a man standing next to you, admiring the masterpiece and overhearing your conversation with the painted lady. He was drop-dead gorgeous. Looking like a blue-eyed, blond-haired Adonis that walked out of one of those thirsty cologne ads. His face was beautiful. Well-defined with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. The ocean blue of his eyes matching the light complexion of his skin.
He was the kind of guy that made you stop dead in your tracks. He must’ve gotten used to it by now. The natural sudden pause one made as he walked by or the way women must’ve bitten their lower lips at him in desire. He seemed like the type of guy who knew he was good-looking but didn’t pay it any mind. The type of man who would remain modest and humble.
He was dressed casually in a tan Hilfiger wool sweater, a pair of black trousers, and casual sneakers. Oooo rich guy, you thought as you raised a brow at his question to you.
“Pardon?” you asked.
He turns to you with a charming, crooked smile. “Sorry, I couldn’t help but hear you talking about Marie like that.”
“Marie?” you asked slowly.
“Yeah, that’s her name well according to some scholars,” Steve replied turning fully towards you. “Marie Emilie Boucher. She was the daughter of Fragonard’s teacher.”
“I see,” you nodded slowly, not really knowing what to say. Great, you just crossed paths with an art geek.
“So why don’t you like it?” he asked. His inquisitive eyes bore into your soul, searching for an answer.
You turned to the painting and shrugged. “It’s just another painting of a lady. One that’s not naked, thankfully. I just don’t see the appeal. It’s just an average painting.”
“An average painting?” he asked, completely shocked by your answer. You take a step away from him just in case he got hostile. “How could you say that?” he exclaimed. “There’s so much depth! So much mystery! So many amazing techniques hidden in it!”
“Chill, dude,” you tried to calm him down with your hands in front of you.
His shoulders dropped in disappointment. “I guess some people just have weak eyes.”
“My eyes are perfectly fine,” you retorted, offended by the strange man’s reaction. Warning: hot guy is a jerk. But aren’t they all?
“Then how can’t you see it?” he asked, pointing at Marie. “I mean the brush strokes, the usage of lighting and the coloring. It’s glorious. Absolutely magnificent.”
“Okay, so he painted her dress blue instead of pink, big woop.”
“It’s more than just that,” he shakes his head. “It’s the realism in it. Don’t you feel the mystery around her?”
“Sure,” you replied, not wanting him to freak out again. He chuckles at your blase attitude but goes on to speak. He’d never miss a chance to talk art.
“Look at her face,” he asks and you do as he says. “The small smile on her lips and the sneaky look in her eye showing off that she knows something we don’t. She has something we don’t have. A love letter from her admirer. A fiance? A husband? A secret affair? We don’t know and all we can infer is from the way she teases us with the name on the letter. Her expression is unmistakably coy and it only brings about the question. What could have been written in that letter? Words of deep adoration? Maybe one of a longing desire? Her behavior displays a bit of misconduct considering its time period.”
“You seem like a very nosy person,” you noted earning a chuckle from him.
“I just enjoy art,” he stated.
“I wouldn’t have guessed,” you said, scribbling down some of the stuff he said. It’s not plagiarism if you’re paraphrasing.
“Are you copying down what I said?” he asked, looking over your shoulder.
“Yeah,” you admitted shamelessly, “you don’t mind right?” Who cared if he minded you were going to use it anyway.
“Nah, it’s fine, but it’ll cost you,” he said with a mischievous smirk. You turned to him with a raised brow. “How about you share a cup of coffee with me, beautiful?”
You groaned inwardly. Of course, the hot guy had to make a move. It was hard for them not to. It was in their blood. “Sorry,” you said, sticking your book back into your bag and taking out your pamphlet. “I’m here to work not lounge around. So I’ll see ya.” You turned on your heel and waved him goodbye.
He followed right behind with a smile on his face. “Come on, princess, that ain’t fair,” his Brooklyn accent showing just a little. “Take my words and then give me the boot.”
“You were the one yapping away,” you retorted, your strides getting wider to get away from him. It didn’t take many steps for him to reach you. “You gotta be careful with your words or anything for that matter. How do you think Rosalind Franklin felt when she got robbed by Watson and Crick?”
“I don’t know who that is,” Steve said, sidestepping you, ��but you’re from Brooklyn, aren’t you? I can tell from the way you talk.”
You stop in your path when he stands in front of you. “You know the name of the chick in that painting, but you don’t know who Rosalind Franklin is? The founder of the DNA structure?”
“Well, that’s good for her,” Steve replied, not paying much mind to it to ask his own question. “You from Brooklyn?”
You pout with a deep exhale from the nose. “That’s none of your business,” you said pushing past him with your shoulder hitting his arm.
He follows you anyway, it’d take more than a shoulder bump to get the mob boss off your trail. But he guessed you didn’t know who he really was.
“Listen, jerkface,” you hiss at him when you catch him still following you. “I’ll call security if you don’t stop following me.”
“Sweetheart,” he chuckles with the corners of his eyes crinkling, the shine in his eyes unbearably alluring. “It’s gonna take more than simple security to get me away from you.”
TAGLIST: @rootcrop @scuzmunkie
#steve rogers imagine#steve rogers x reader#mob!steve#mob!steve rogers x reader#mobster steve rogers x reader
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4 Times He Left You Behind and 1 Time He Didn’t - Matt Grzelcyk
Type: childhood friends to lovers, age progression, fluffy
Requested: No
Warnings: N/A
(Y/N = Your name)
A/N: I love these 4+1 fics, and thought I’d try my hand at writing one. Let me know if you’d like to see more of them!
1: 5 Years Old
Your small legs struggled to keep up with the boys. They were only a year older than you, but your brother and Matty were somehow flying ahead of you, one of their steps making up two of yours. Matty had promised you would play together today, but then your brother asked him if he wanted to play in the pool and he was gone. Your brother had yelled back at you to keep up, and you were trying, but they were too fast. They didn’t even notice you weren’t behind them anymore, and you trudged back to your mom sadly.
She looked at you and then at the pool, where your brother and Matty were now slapping each other with pool noodles. “He’ll slow down for you one day honey, you’ll see. They’re just boys right now.” You didn’t believe her. You were too small to play with the boys.
Matty came back to play with you when your brother began playing tag with the other boys, and you were both too young to understand the look your parents gave each other as Matty handed you a plate of dino chicken nuggets to share.
2: 10 Years Old
The boys were going down to the creek to build a treehouse, and your brother had promised you could tag along if you could keep up. They had hopped on their bikes and taken off, and you were left to try and catch up to them. They were better at biking than you, your mom not letting you go out and bike as much as your brother, and you were quickly falling behind.
“Matty, wait up,” you called ahead, hoping that he would slow down. He turned around for a second, and you saw him hesitate before one of the boys grabbed his arm and tugged. Matty turned forward again and began pedalling faster to catch up to the others, but he threw another look of regret back in your direction. “Sorry,” he mouthed. You slowly turned your bike around to head home again.
Your mom was waiting when you walked back in, a cookie and some chocolate milk waiting. She knew without you speaking that the boys had left you behind. “They’re boys, Y/N. I’ll talk to your brother about slowing down for you. One day they’ll be chasing you, just watch.” You rolled your eyes. No way would any of those boys be chasing you. You didn’t want them to; they were gross, and they were friends with your brother.
Matty came over for dinner that night, and he gave you his cookie afterwards. “Sorry, Y/N,” he said, “I didn’t know where they were going or I would have waited for you.” You shrugged, and split the cookie in half. As you handed him the larger piece, you said, “it’s okay, Matty. I know nobody wants a girl tagging along.” He didn’t have a response, you could see that, so you smacked his shoulder and jumped up, yelling “tag! You’re it!”
Your parents laughed as you took off running across the house, Matty laughing and jumping up as well. He tagged your brother, and then all hell broke loose. It was one of your favorite summertime memories.
3: 15 Years Old
Matty’s games were your favorite events to go to. Sometimes he invited a girl, and you’d become their go-to source of information on everything hockey when they didn’t know the rules, which was often. Most of the time they were cool, and spent a lot of the game asking you for embarrassing stories about him. This new girlfriend was your least favorite so far. She had a problem with you, for some reason, and she rolled her eyes every time someone made an inside joke. The group you were with had been together for years, mostly neighborhood kids that had been together in diapers, but she was from Belmont. She’d met Matty at one of the Belmont High School football games, when Matty went to go watch one of his teammate’s brothers play and she was cheerleading.
“So, like, why do you come to Matthew’s games if you’re not dating anyone?” You looked at her questioningly. “I grew up with Matty,” you said slowly, “I’ve been going to his games since he learned how to skate. He played with my brother.” That earned you another eye roll. She didn’t speak to you for the rest of the game, which made it more pleasant, and you and the rest of the group spent the third period yelling at Matty to shoot. It was one of his pet peeves, but you knew it would make him laugh coming from you guys.
Matty took longer to come out of the locker room than if you guys were going back to his house to watch a movie. For him that wasn’t unusual; he usually took longer when a girl came to the games, and actually fixed his hair rather than slapping his ratty old Red Sox hat on. The girl threw herself into his arms as soon as he appeared, and you made gagging noises behind her back. Matty saw and chuckled a little, which the girl took to mean he was happy to see her. She smashed her lips onto his, and you’d had enough of the horror show, preferring to greet the other guys to watching your best friend get his face sucked.
“You coming with us, Y/N?” You didn’t get a chance to answer before the girl was cutting in. “I was hoping we’d get a chance to spend some time alone together, Matthew,” she said in what you thought was supposed to be a seductive tone. She began pulling Matty away before you could even congratulate him on the win, and he barely turned around to look at you before turning back to the girl.
Your mom was sitting in the kitchen when you stomped back to the house, mumbling under your breath. “Boys,” you cut your mother off before she could say what she always said. “No, mom,” you shouted, “it’s not going to change! He’s always going to leave me behind.” Your voice broke on the last syllable, and she was sweeping you into a hug. “Oh, honey,” she whispered, “you’ll see. That boy follows you around like a lost puppy most of the time. He just hasn’t figured it out yet.”
Matty showed up later that night, climbing the tree outside your house onto the roof by your window. You were already sitting on the windowsill, waiting for him to show up. You didn’t speak when he sat down next to you, and you knew he could tell you were angry. “I broke up with her,” he said quietly. “She had a problem with us being friends. And she called me Matthew.” He made a face at the last sentence, and you giggled a little. It was hard to stay mad at him. Matty leaned his head onto your shoulders, and you reached down to grip his hand. You sat like that for hours, and didn’t notice when your mom opened your door quietly and took a photo.
4: 20 Years Old
Spending a year in Montreal was going to be good for you and your career, you knew that, but it didn’t make leaving home any easier. You were spending your last year abroad, perfecting your French and learning marketing from somewhere other than BU. Your parents held a party to celebrate your move, a going away and a congratulations party all in one, but really you knew it was just an excuse to get everyone together for a little while. Your friend group had spread out as the years went on, with moves and new professions and college and professional hockey. Matty had stayed nearby, at least, but now you were going to be apart anyway.
“What’cha thinking about, Y/N?” Matty bumped your shoulder with his own, and you almost fell over with the force of the bump. You shook your head, and he shrugged. “I’m gonna miss you, nerd. Who else is going to look after the rookies on campus this year?” You laughed, and bumped Matty’s shoulder back. “I’ve got something to make you smile,” he said mischievously. “Tag!” Matty smacked your shoulder and took off running, laughing like a little kid as he dodged people across the deck. You laughed and took off after him, chasing him like always.
The game took almost an hour before everyone called it quits, and by the end the entire neighborhood group had joined in, even your brother with your nephew strapped across his chest. As luck would have it, Matty was the last person who got tagged. You caught him on the ankle as he tried to jump into a tree, and he dropped back down in front of you. “Tie?” He held out his hand for you to shake on, and you grabbed it with a nod. “Tie.”
Your mom looked on and turned to Mrs. Grzelcyk with a smile. “They’ve been chasing each other their entire lives. It’s nice to see they can still be children about it.” Mrs. Grzelcyk laughed and nodded. You and Matty were too busy sharing dino chicken nuggets like you did when you were little to notice.
+ 1: 25 Years Old
It was sunny outside, and the breeze from the ocean was fluttering the curtain to your right. Your mom was adjusting your dress with a serious expression on her face, and Mrs. Grzelcyk was sitting in a chair trying not to cry. Today was your wedding day, and Matty was somewhere in the house waiting to go outside.
The Cape was shining in the sunlight, and the breeze knocked white fabric around your ankles gently. Matty stood at the end of the aisle of sand with all of your two sets of brothers, and you could see he was already tearing up. Your dad was definitely already crying next to you, and you were struggling to hold it together. Everyone in the chairs had been witness to the dance you and Matty had been performing since you were little, whether they knew it at the time or not. So many of them had said I told you so when you and Matty finally got together upon your return from Montreal, no one more so than your mother.
Your vows were short and sweet, more about reminiscing on your childhood than anything. “I left her behind more often than not when we were little,” Matty admitted to a crowd who loudly agreed, and you laughed harder every time he shared a story. “For some reason she always stuck around, although I suspect it was because of the dino chicken nuggets.” You leaned forward far enough that your head was resting on Matty as you laughed, and you felt his chest move as he laughed along with you. “I promise you, Y/N, that even when it feels like I’m leaving you behind, I will always come back to you.” You weren’t laughing anymore, but crying. Your story was one of him always coming back, and you hadn’t ever thought about it that way.
Later that evening your mom found the two of you, slipping a small box into your hands. “I took this when you were teenagers,” she said with a small smile, “and I’ve been saving it for your wedding day.” You looked at her incredulously. “I told you, Y/N, one day he would stop running from you. This is what I meant.” She hugged you both, and Matty slid the top off the box. Inside was a framed photo of the two of you sitting in the windowsill, a silhouette of two people joined in shadow, the moon illuminating only enough to see your outlines.
You had spent so long chasing Matty, and now, like the picture, you were connected to each other by more than just friendship.
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𝕄𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜 (Ch.9: Hawaii.)
A/N: This was a fic I’d originally posted on Wattpad last year. Hope you guys enjoy!
Description: Working for Mr.Yoo Kihyun was an absolute nightmare; Y/N hated everything about him, and was convinced he was either part demon or at least some sort of reptilian hybrid- never in a million years would she have expected to learn that he was, indeed only human, and even worse; that he might even be…likeable?
Link To: || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8

My eyes opened slowly as I stretched my arms and legs out, feeling the coolness of my comforter against my face. I took a moment to adjust my vision, but then I caught sight of my suitcase next to my feet at the other end of the bed.
"I OVERSLEPT!" I shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom, shoving my toothbrush into my mouth.
I brushed my teeth as I walked around my apartment, grabbing the outfit that I was smart to lay out the night before. I checked the time.
45 minutes.
I grabbed my suitcase, backpack, my phone, and my keys and then headed out the door. In the Uber on my way to the airport, my phone vibrated in my hand.
Kihyun: Where are you? We were supposed to meet half an hour ago to check in.
I bit my lip and tried to sound casual.
Me: I'm on my way already, just overslept. Be there in a bit!
I put my phone in the zipper of my backpack and decided to not worry myself with Kihyun, knowing that he'd just make me more nervous about getting there on time.
10 minutes left.
"Uhm...sir? Is there any way we could speed this up? I'm gonna be late for my flight," I leaned forward, trying to sound extra polite.
"Sorry, miss. We would be there in two minutes if it weren't for this crazy traffic."
I felt the panic rise in my chest, but I tried not to freak out, "I understand... thank you..."
Finally, traffic let up a little and we were moving faster. When my driver pulled up to the airport entrance, I swung the car door open and yanked my suitcase out of the backseat.
"Thank you!" I yelled before slamming the door and running inside.
I ran over to the area where people were waiting in lines to check their bags into the plane, and all the way at the end, I spotted Kihyun, who was checking his phone and looking around, tapping his foot. I took advantage of the fact that I was wearing my sneakers and I ran all the way to where he was. When he saw me, he rolled his eyes.
"You're late."
Out of breath, I put up my index finger.
"But..." Breath, "I made it," Breath.
He sighed, "Come on," He grabbed the handle of his suitcase, and just as I was about to grab mine, he reached out his hand, "I got it."
"No, it's okay. I can-"
"I said I got it," He was aggressive as he snatched the handle out of my hand, but I didn't recoil the way I usually would.
Is he actually doing something nice?
We approached the counter and checked our luggage in, and were handed our boarding passes. We were able to relax a little more as we walked over to the metal detectors.
"You sure you didn't wanna just check that in?" Kihyun asked, pointing to my backpack.
"Actually, my wallet and the documents are in here. I don't want to risk losing it. Precious cargo, right?" I held onto the strap.
He nodded, "I guess that's smart."
We placed our shoes and belts into the plastic tubs for them to go through the metal detectors, and then we went through the machines ourselves.
Finally, we got to a table where they would do a search of the carry-ons. A TSA grabbed my backpack from the bin and placed it in front of herself, carefully unzipping it with gloved hands. She saw my wallet, the documents, and my small makeup bag. She was about to pass it back to me, but then pulled her arm back,
"Whoops, forgot to check the pockets-" She stuck her hand into the side pocket of my backpack, and immediately, my heart started pounding in my chest as I remembered what it contained.
My teeny, tiny, pink bikini.
My face was red and hot as she pulled out the skimpy bathing suit. I glanced at Kihyun, who was almost as red as I was, with his mouth hung slightly.
"All done," The TSA shoved the little pink shoe string back into the backpack, a slight blush on her face.
I wanted to die right then and there.
"Thanks..." I muttered, slightly sarcastically as I grabbed the backpack and walked past Kihyun.
We walked in silence and I avoided eye contact at all costs. He cleared his throat to say something, but I put up my hand to stop him, "I wasn't planning on wearing it. I know we're gonna be too busy to even swim, and I really don't even wear things like that. I bought it when I was drunk in Hawaii and-"
"I was gonna ask if you wanted some Starbucks...?" He tightened his lips, the corner of his mouth curling up as he stifled a smile.
"Oh-" Again, my face was burning.
"Come on," He chuckled, "I'll buy."
I let out a deep sigh and followed him over to the Starbucks in the waiting area. We ordered and waited on the side for the coffees to be ready. We stood in silence. My eyes wandered around the room, and he kept track of the time.
"We only have about five minutes until we're called," He said, beginning to tap his foot again.
"You seem nervous," I said carefully, not wanting to set him off.
He furrowed his brows, "Nervous? I don't get nervous."
I raised my eyebrows and turned my head as a smirk creeped up onto my face.
"Kihyun? Your drinks are ready," The barista's voice was forcefully low and flirtatious as she called out his name.
I watched as she put on her best smile, but he was too busy checking his phone to notice, "Thank you."
Instinctively, I scoffed at her efforts.
"What?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing. Let's go," I walked ahead of him over to the seats closest to our terminal.
We waited for only a minute or so, and then we heard a woman's voice over the speaker,
"10AM flight to Seoul, South Korea now boarding."
Kihyun sighed as he stood up and held out his hand. I stared at him for a moment, confused.
Does he want me to take his hand?
He rolled his eyes, "I'm not asking you to dance. I'm trying to carry your backpack."
"Oh, right. Thanks." I handed him my backpack and we walked over to the growing group of people lining up.
When we got inside the plane, Kihyun put my backpack in the overhead compartment and then ducked his head to look at me, "Scoot to the window seat so I can sit in the middle."
I scoot down one seat and turned to look out of the window, feeling excited to be able to look out when we took off.
"Maybe I should've fought you for the window seat," His voice was close to my ear, and it sent shivers down my spine.
"We can switch if you want-"
He smiled and shook his head, "I'm kidding. I've had the window seat a million times- once won't kill me."
I smiled, "Thanks..."
"I wonder when they'll get here," I said, motioning to the empty seat next to him.
Kihyun shrugged, "Not sure. But hopefully he's not too loud because I'm already tired."
He put his head back on the seat and shut his eyes. I nodded and continued to look out the window.
It wasn't until after the flight attendant was through with the instructions that I realized that the third person never came, but when I turned to Kihyun to let him know he could scoot over, I noticed he was fast asleep. Even as the plane rumbled as we took off, Kihyun's stirred not once. Meanwhile, i was silently flipping out- I've always hated planes. I had to be partially drunk just to board the stupid plane when I went to Hawaii with Lizzie and Karina.
"It's gonna be a long flight..." I muttered.
I opened my eyes slowly. The plane was dark, and only the little reading lights above us were on.
"What the..." I looked over and saw Kihyun's head resting on my shoulder. My eyes widened, and I wasn't quite sure how to react. I looked around, and everyone was in their own world- some were asleep, some reading, some having quiet conversations- but everyone was minding their own business.
Would it be so wrong if I just let him sleep...?
I checked the time on my phone, and yawned.
Eight hours in.
My eyes still felt heavy, and as soon as I leaned my head back, I was back under.
"Y/N...." My name was whispered in my ear so deliciously, I almost thought it was part of my dream.
"Y/N..." Kihyun's was a little louder, and my eyes opened.
I looked up at him through sleepy eyes and immediately, my eyes widened at the realization that my head was on his shoulder now. I quickly sat up and cleared my throat, "Sorry..."
He chuckled, "Don't worry about it. I didn't wanna wake you up when the flight attendant was walking through so I ordered for us," He pulled down my folding table and then his own.
"Oh...thanks," I yawned, still waking up.
I looked out of the window at the vast ocean below us. It was beautiful, but I still found myself wanting to puke.
"Not a fan of planes?" He asked, leaning over to look with me.
I shook my head, "Nope. I make it policy to always stay on land."
He laughed, "Good policy. I don't really like flying either."
I raised an eyebrow, "Really? You seem completely fine."
"Well, you're clearly a nervous wreck, so one of us has to be fine, right?" He smiled.
His smile made my heart flutter.
After we'd eaten our meals, I found myself desperately needing to pee, but I didn't want to make him move.
"Uhm, Mr.Yoo?" I bit my lip.
"Mm?" He looked over at me.
"I have to..." I cleared my throat, slightly embarrassed, "use the bathroom..."
"Oh, sorry-" He reached to undo his buckle, but I put my hand up,
"No, it's okay. You don't need to get up." I undid my buckle and stood up.
Crap. Should I face forward? Or should I do it with my back to him?
I didn't really decide before my body started scooting out, my face toward him.
Suddenly, the plane shook in a moment of turbulence, causing me to fall forward onto Kihyun.
"Sorry!" I squealed.
Kihyun's expression was a mix of surprise and embarrassment.
I managed to quickly get up and then get out of our row. I kept my head down as I walked all the way over to the bathroom.
I looked in the small mirror and groaned.
I can't believe that happened.
I splashed water onto my face and took a deep breath as I readied myself to go back out.
When I'd reached our row, Kihyun motioned for me to wait while he got out of his seat so that I could go in. I blushed, replaying my fall in my head. When I'd settled into my seat, I waited for Kihyun to take back his seat, but he sat in the third seat, closest the aisle.
I felt incredibly embarrassed.
I made him uncomfortable...
I sunk in my seat, and my heart sunk with me.
"Y/N..." I heard his voice close to my ear again.
"Hmm?" I opened my eyes and looked over.
"Come on, it's time to go." He stood up and stretched.
I stretched my arms and then stood up as well.
A few people went by before us, but once he got my backpack, we were both making our way oit of the plane.
It was windy and the air was thick with smog.
I coughed, feeling the air coat my throat.
"Yup. It's Korea," He sighed.
We silently stood in long lines, presenting our passports and documentation and then we waited for our luggage. He passed me my backpack and then carried both of our suitcases to the front of the airport, where a man in a black uniform stood holding a sign that read, "Yoo Ki-hyun".
We walked over to the man who smiled as soon as he saw Kihyun. Kihyun smiled back and they greeted each other.
I stood to the side and waited for them to finish. Kihyun glanced at me and then motioned for me to come forward. He seemed to introduce me, and the man and I bowed to each other.
I didn't speak much Korean, but I tried my best to use what I did know, "Annyeonghaseyo."
Kihyun looked at me with a pleasantly surprised expression, but then turned his attention back to the man and started walking, motioning for me to follow them.
I was quiet next to Kihyun in the back seat as I listened to him carry a conversation with the driver. It was strange to see Kihyun speaking so kindly to him. Occasionally, Kihyun would glance over at me and I could almost see the corner of his mouth turn upward.
"Woah..." My mouth hung open slightly as we pulled up to the ginormous hotel. It was beautiful- much nicer than any place I'd ever stayed in.
"What?" Kihyun asked as he unbuckled himself.
"It's so beautiful..." I said, opening the car door.
Kihyun got out of the car and then walked around to my side.
"Oh come on..." He briefly examined the hotel and then looked back at me, "I'm sure Hawaii had much nicer views..." He smirked.
I blushed, my mind flashing back to the bikini.
"Come on, let's go check in."
#monsta x#mx#monstax#smut#fluff#angst#monsta x scenarios#shownu#wonho#minhyuk#kihyun#hyungwon#jooheon#changkyun#im#im changkyun#fanfic#fanfiction#kpop#kpop stan
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Billboard #1s 1986
Under the cut.
Dionne & Friends -- "That's What Friends Are For" -- January 18, 1986
While listening to this song, I think it's a very squishy ballad with a nice sentiment that's not for me but is tolerable. Until a certain point. That point is when Elton John has his big part. Dionne Warwick, Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight: Great, amazing, I love them, and though their talents are wasted on a song this slight, they make it listenable. Elton John's talents are not wasted on a song this slight. Couldn't they have brought in someone else? There's no way Prince would do something like this, but what about Paul McCartney? Kenny Loggins? Billy Ocean? I guess George Michael was too young for the song's schtick. But I'd take even Lionel Richie over Elton John.
Whitney Houston -- "How Will I Know" -- February 15, 1986
Whitney Houston was an amazing, phenomenally talented singer. And she oversang. Almost all the time. She didn't have to; she knew how to sing with subtlety and grace. But oversinging was (and is) popular, so that's what she did. It means I don't like most of her songs, including this one.
Mr. Mister -- "Kyrie" -- March 1, 1986
I'm not Christian any more, but one can pull inspiration from anywhere. I love the phrase "kyrie eleison." There's something beautiful about that combination of sounds, and there's also something beautiful about the sentiment. The music does not live up to it, unfortunately, though the opening is gorgeous. It also gets super repetitive at the end. It's pretty good, but I want it to be great, and sadly it is not.
Starship -- "Sara" -- March 15, 1986
I'm going to have to listen to "White Rabbit" a dozen times to cleanse this from my brain. A band that used to do stuff like that devolving into making this garbage is extremely depressing. This song starts with music box tinkling which sounds nice. Then saxophone over it which... okay. Just the sax would have been nice, but over the music box it's a little much, but I can keep going with it. Then they add a harmonica layered over it, and it's like I'm listening to a parody of mid-80s easy listening. And then randomly there's a drum crash and the weak voice of this guy comes in along with massive synth, and I start to wonder if I'm being punked. Are we sure this song wasn't a joke?
Heart -- "These Dreams" -- March 22, 1986
I watched the video probably hundreds of times when I was a kid. (On Betamax!) I adore this song. I got to it and went well, this is gonna win 1986, because there's only so much rational distance I can take from what was my favorite pop song when I was 9 years old. This song didn't start my Romantic sensibility, but it spoke to what was already in bloom. "There's something out there I can't resist." We'll see what else is on the list.
Falco -- "Rock Me Amadeus" -- March 29, 1986
I love the movie Amadeus, even though it constitutes a massive slander against poor Salieri. It gets Mozart pretty spot-on though. And I always loved classical music, was surrounded by it from infancy, so I was glad to see its popularity spread by the movie. (Yes, at age nine. I've always been a huge nerd.) This song is really fun and well-made too, though of course I can't understand any of the German lyrics.
Prince -- "Kiss" -- April 19, 1986
Prince sings this almost entirely in falsetto, so one would guess I would hate it, since falsetto usually sends me running in the other direction. One would be wrong. I adore it. Prince was that kind of artist -- he could get away with anything. He was notoriously arrogant, but was it really arrogance when it was just a proper conception of his own abilities? Anyway,
of course "you don't have to be cool to rule my world" deeply spoke to my experiences. I was the most uncool girl in school. Until high school, when somehow my not giving a damn about being cool (as I'd failed at it my whole life) actually helped me.
Also when Prince drops to a low note on the last "kiss," it is incredibly hot.
Robert Palmer -- "Addicted to Love" -- May 3, 1986
I have no idea what I'd think of this song without the video. The video infuriates me. The clone-looking emotionless women aren't "sexualized." No, you have to be treated like a human being on at least some level for that. They are purely objectified, treated literally as blank interchangeable things, with nothing at all inside them. The song is skeevy anyway, though I guess the music's good. But blech.
Pet Shop Boys -- "West End Girls" -- May 10, 1986
I've never liked this song and I've never really understood why. It's the kind of song I felt I should like. But I've always felt (since I noticed it as a teenager) that there was something missing. Now I know why: According to the Stereogum article about it, the band leader doesn't like rock n'roll, and is a pop critic. Oh. Some rock is exactly what this song needs. Without it, it's too cold and removed, and to me sounds smug. Also how can you be a pop critic and not like rock n' roll? That is a wrongness.
Whitney Houston -- "Greatest Love of All" -- May 17, 1986
Whitney Houston doesn't oversing on this song as much as usual, so that's good. Though she still oversings. What's not good are the music and lyrics. The music is bland as can be. Lyrically, it starts with "I believe the children are our future" and there's a verse about "the beauty they possess inside." Blargh.
Then after the first verse there's a total change in theme, going into how the narrator never found anyone to look up to. And that the "greatest love" is loving yourself and only depending on yourself and no one else. I despise this sentiment deep in my bones. Not of loving yourself -- though the song claims that's "easy to achieve," which is bollocks of the first order. Rather that you should only depend on yourself. That's literally inhuman. We are social creatures; without depending on each other, we are adrift in nothingness. So yeah. I hate this song.
Madonna -- "Live to Tell" -- June 7, 1986
This song gives me chills. The music is gorgeous and perfectly suited to the lyrics. I listened to the "True Blue" tape many, many times from about age 10 until, um. Well, I listened to the album on Spotify the other night. This song is the standout for me on it. I always thought that Madonna was singing about having been emotionally abused as a child herself. That is apparently not it at all; it's a song for a movie soundtrack. But to me it's about familial abuse. And always has been. It felt like she was singing for me. "The light that you could never see/ It shines inside, you can't take that from me."
Patti LaBelle & Michael McDonald -- "On My Own" -- June 14, 1986
Not the Les Miz song, sadly. It's about how the narrators are breaking up. Patti LaBelle is great, but I am so bored. Michael McDonald isn't bad, but he can't match Patti LaBelle, and even she can't stop this song from being deadly dull. It took me like 5 tries to be able to listen to the whole thing.
Billy Ocean -- "There'll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry)" -- July 5, 1986
What makes someone decide to put a parenthetical in a song title? Is there a formula? Anyway, he's singing (in his head) to someone he wants to be with. The "sad songs" are not actually supposed to be sad songs, it seems, but love songs that make him think of her. I guess. I don't know. Something about this song is turning my brain to mush. The tinkly parts and the violins are nice I guess. But I'm going to fall asleep at my desk if I try to listen to this song any more.
Simply Red -- "Holding Back the Years" -- July 12, 1986
Just looking at the lyrics, this song should be deeply depressing. He feels that so far his life has been a waste, but somehow he'll "keep holding on." There's a beautiful saxophone part. The song is not depressing -- it's Blues. It's terribly sad and cathartic at the same time. I'm not thrilled with Mick Hucknall's voice though.
Genesis -- "Invisible Touch" -- July 19, 1986
I did not pay attention to any of the lyrics of this song except the chorus until just now. I thought it was about a woman with an "invisible touch" whom people fall for left and right, and that's true. What I did not know was that she was supposed to be doing it on purpose. Which, okay, sort of like "Maneater"? Except no, because "Well I don't really know her, I only know her name." Then how do you know this about her?! He sounds like a stalker. Or this sounds like a first draft. The music is good enough, and the chorus could make for a good song around it lyrically, if they had bothered with that.
Peter Gabriel -- "Sledgehammer" -- July 26, 1986
I used to think this song was meant to be about a guy who was going to basically tank for you (and also have sex with you.) Well, apparently he wants to solve only one of your problems in particular: namely, that of your lacking orgasms. The "sledgehammer" is supposed to be a metaphor for his dick. Ow? Whatever, I'm going with my own interpretation of it. I like the beginning flute part, which is actually from a keyboard demo. It's a fun song, but it gets pretty repetitive.
Peter Cetera -- "Glory of Love" -- August 2, 1986
"We did it all for the glory of love" is a sentiment I usually adore. But this song is a limp dishrag. Did what for the glory of love? Why does she seem to be thinking of leaving him? And Peter Cetera being "the man who will fight for your honor" is a hilarious idea. His voice is nasally and he sounds like a faker. He comes off as someone who only vaguely understands the small-r romance of flowers and chocolates, and not at all as someone who understands the Romance of a castle far away. Bryan Adams did much better with this kind of thing in the 90s.
Madonna -- "Papa Don't Preach" -- August 16, 1986
The article I'm reading about this says there was a controversy over this song regarding abortion somehow, with left-wingers being upset that the narrator didn't consider it and right-wingers praising her for keeping the baby. Maybe in California. That is not what I remember in Michigan, and I do clearly remember a controversy. What I remember is right-wingers being absolutely incensed that Madonna was singing about the pregnancy of an unmarried young woman (or teenager, though I always felt the narrator was college-age) at all. I also remember one on the radio being angry that this working class girl was keeping her baby rather than giving it up to a rich family.
It is a really good song. Actually it is kinda Romantic. The narrator's in a dramatic life-changing situation, she has to choose whether or not to marry a guy before she's sure she's ready, and there are intense violins. Her father disapproves of her boyfriend, but she needs her father's advice. She's also not ashamed. She's in a difficult situation, but there's no guilt. Good. And this is what made so many people so angry with Madonna, and what was so deeply important about Madonna. She refused to even pretend to be guilty about sex in her music, ever.
Steve Winwood -- "Higher Love" -- August 30, 1986
I think this is about wanting to believe in a god. But then there's "I could make the sun shine from pure desire." Maybe it's about Aphrodite. Chaka Khan sings on this song, and she's obviously the best thing about it. It's not great, but it's enjoyable enough.
Bananarama -- "Venus" -- September 6, 1986
Speaking of higher loves. Bananarama are obviously having a wonderful time singing this 80s dance version of this song, and who wouldn't? The "she's got it" of the song of course also means "I've got it", hence "I'm your Venus." And Bananarama leans into that in a really fun way. It's a great version of a great song.
Berlin -- "Take My Breath Away" -- September 13, 1986
This is the big love ballad from Top Gun. I have managed to escape ever seeing Top Gun, though I've picked up some ideas about it. Mainly that it's a commercial for the U.S. air force, that Tom Cruise looks blank in it a lot, and that there's some kind of volleyball scene. Before I knew it was a commercial for the U.S. air force and therefore avoided it, I avoided it because of Tom Cruise. He has always been a total cold shower to me. As I've said since I started noticing these things (which was right around 1986), he reminds me of a Ken doll.
So the song. It sounds more like it belongs with a fantasy movie than in a modern military movie. Though I guess Top Gun is a fantasy too. But not the kind in which people usually look through hourglasses. It's a big, emotional ballad. I like it but I don't love it. If it weren't associated with Top Gun possibly I'd like it more.
Huey Lewis and the News -- "Stuck With You" -- September 20, 1986
This is a middle-aged man singing to his middle-aged wife about how he's "happy to be stuck with you." It's like if dad jokes became sentient and got married. It's cute and bouncy, and honestly pretty true-to-life. You can't be all higher love all the time.
Janet Jackson -- "When I Think of You" -- October 11, 1986
If "Nasty" had gotten to #1, it would have taken my "best of the year" spot. Sadly, it didn't, and this was Janet Jackson's first #1. "When I Think of You" is a really good song though. Janet Jackson is the best of the Jacksons and always was in every way. I think she was even a better dancer than Michael. (I don't know about "is", considering her age, but she's still a better artist.) "When I Think of You" is a very simple love song lyrically. When her "world gets crazy," she thinks of you to calm down. If this were easy listening, it would be unbearable. But it's a dance song, and a fun one. There's some great bass and interesting syncopation.
Cyndi Lauper -- "True Colors" -- October 25, 1986
This is such a beautiful song. It's helped me through some rough times ever since it came out -- the tape it's on was one of my first. It's straightforward in both lyrics and music, so there's not much to say about it besides that it's a great song.
Boston -- "Amanda" -- November 8, 1986
I am listening to this song now, and I don't recognize it. When they get to the chorus near the end it sounds kinda familiar, but I'm not sure that's because I recognize this song in particular, or because it sounds like every song like this in existence was put in a blender and this is the resulting slurry. Either this wasn't played on the radio much where I lived, or I changed the channel as soon as it was. It wants to be a power ballad, but it's an absolute nothing.
The Human League -- "Human" -- November 22, 1986
I guess it's an apology song, but "I'm only human" doesn't sit right with me as a real apology for something truly bad. He cheated on her. Which I do consider forgivable, depending on the circumstances and apology, but his is that she wasn't around so he was driven to cheat on her. And he should forgive her because he's "only human." Then the woman comes in and says she cheated on him too when they were apart, because she's human too. That makes the song tolerable. Maybe they need an open relationship. They still both sound whiny. And I don't like the music. It's boring and repetitive.
Bon Jovi -- "You Give Love a Bad Name" -- November 29, 1986
SHOT THROUGH THE HEART! AND YOU'RE TO BLAME! I love this song. Also I thought Jon Bon Jovi was hot at the time, though nowadays that 80s perm is hilarious. His voice is still hot though (so is he nowadays, grey hair and all, with his more contemporary haircut.) This song got plenty of radio play. Still does. And deserves it. It's technically a heartbreak song I suppose, but the video gets it right: It's Bon Jovi goofing around on stage in front of a joyous crowd. I love the bass, I love the guitars, and I did mention Jon Bon Jovi's voice is hot, right? Voices over looks every time for me, though both together is obviously welcome.
Peter Cetera and Amy Grant -- "The Next Time I Fall" -- December 6, 1986
Christian fundies had a deep and abiding hatred for Peter Cetera. Maybe they still do. I encountered this multiple times online over the years, and finally looked it up -- it's because of this song. Amy Grant used to be a singer of Christian music only. Then she had a pop hit with this dweeb, and certain usual suspects decided she was being corrupted by him.
The only way this song could corrupt anyone is if they started smashing things because they were so bored. The narrators have been heartbroken but are gonna try it again with each other, and it's as passionless as possible. Amy Grant's a better singer than Cetera by a ways, as she does not sing through her nose, but it's not like anyone could elevate this sludge.
Bruce Hornsby and the Range -- "The Way It Is" -- December 13, 1986
People are racist and treat poor people like shit. And people say that's just the way it is, but don't you believe them. This is true. We have come incredibly far, and things change. It's a good sermon, but as a song it's too simplistic for me, both musically and lyrically. I agree with the sentiment, but it's not a song I really want to listen to either.
The Bangles -- "Walk Like an Egyptian" -- December 20, 1986
Of course I loved this song when I was a kid, all the kids did. But I was already a Bangles fan. I had their first tape, which is their best and has the least pop sheen. I would prefer "Hero Takes a Fall" had been a big hit, but oh well. "Walk Like an Egyptian" is still fun.
BEST OF 1986 -- "These Dreams" by Heart WORST OF 1986 -- "Sara" by Starship
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New Horizons (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Animal Crossing AU
(PART 1)
(PART 2)
Byleth, Megumi, and Kazuma must spearhead their group to safety after being transported to an unknown world…
…Of pure comfort and relaxation, led by talking Raccoons, apparently.
When the plane finally landed, Kazuma, Aqua and Megumi stretched and took in the island air.
(Kazuma) “Ya know for a buncha raccoons, they’re really good fliers!”
(Megumi) “It’s strange seeing our world like this. Though...the situation here seems far more ideal than the one I was in...”
(Aqua) “Hm? Whatcha mean?”
(Megumi) “...Oh! I’ll save that story for another time, I think everyone has sea legs...Or would that be air legs?”
Everyone else was shaken after being on a vehicle that defied all of their logic.
(Claude) “Sweet land, how I’ve missed you so!”
Kazuma rolled his eyes and turned around to see three raccoons.
Two of them were Timmy and Tommy and the bigger one seemed to be in charge.
(Tom) “Hello, is everyone here?”
(Megumi) “Yes, sir.”
(Tom) “Perfect! Now, let’s all head over to the plaza, I’ll be making our announcement there!”
After heading to the plaza, the raccoon took names of everyone and checked the names off his clipboard.
Once everything checked out, he cleared his throat.
(Tom) “Welcome everyone, to your new island! My name is Tom Nook, and I’m the founder and president of Nook Inc., yes yes! Today is the first day of your new pristine island life!”
Tom Nook explained to the party that they were to begin their new lives on this deserted island as a getaway package, and that their company would be providing everything they need to be comfortable.
Tommy and Timmy gave everyone tents to set up their first homes.
(Tom) “When you’re done, please head back to the plaza! We’ll see you in a bit!”
He turned around and began speaking to the smaller raccoons, presumably about what to do next.
(Byleth) “I guess we oughtta go head and find somewhere to camp out.”
(Kazuma) “Well, see ya in a bit then.”
Everyone nodded and went off in separate groups.
Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude
(Claude) “Ah, this gives me some nostalgia!”
(Edelgard) “You cannot be referring to the time when we were running away from those bandits, right?”
(Claude) “Course I am! It’s kinda a similar situation. On the move, unknown territory, and all of us together!”
(Dimitri) “I fail to see the connection. These aren’t bandits they’re...talking raccoons! I cannot wrap my head around this, nor the technology they possess!”
(Edelgard) “Megunee Kazuma and Aqua seem used to it though. They did say that this was their world, correct?”
(Claude) “We should ask ‘em next chance we get, I’m getting more and more curious about this place myself.”
(Dimitri) “Well in any case, is this where we are sleeping?”
The three of them were standing near the beach, the view looking right at the ocean waves crashing against the sand.
(Edelgard) “Beachside property, eh? Heh, looks like you do have some taste, Claude.”
(Claude) “I’m the only one who does here.”
Byleth, Darkness, Megumin
(Byleth) “Strange, I thought you would’ve gone with Kazuma and Aqua.”
(Megumin) “We already live with them, so it’s nice to take just a little break now and again! And besides, with how small this island is, I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other a lot.”
(Darkness) “This truly is a fascinating world. No war, just peace and quiet...and...talking animals.”
(Byleth) “Yeah, it’s quite the sight. Oh and uh, while we’re here-”
(Darkness & Megumin) ?
(Byleth) “Try...not to weird Tom Nook and the kids out, yeah?”
(Darkness) “I honestly have no idea what you mean.”
(Megumin) “Uh...huh.”
The three of them made their tents nearby the river on the right side of the area.
Megumi, Kazuma, Aqua
(Megumi) “So this is camping!”
(Aqua) “First time?”
(Megumi) “Yes, I’ve never had the chance to do this as a kid. In Japanese cities, there’s not a lot of places where you can do this.”
(Kazuma) “Yeah, it’s a bit claustrophobic. Though, I wouldn’t know too much about that.”
(Aqua) “I’m still trying to figure out how we got here? I can contact Eris and Sothis just fine, so we definitely have access back but...”
(Megumi) “But you don’t know, yes?”
(Aqua) “Right. For Kazuma to get back to his old world, he had to defeat the Demon King. And when we got transported to Fodlan, I think we’re supposed to fight the Flame Emperor or something. As for here?”
(Kazuma) “Meh, I’m fine living in Animal Crossing.”
(Megumi) “So, what is this world? You seem to know this place a bit.”
(Kazuma) “I’ve played a few of the games myself, actually. Basically we just live here in houses and just laze around all day. It’s very relaxing to play, and it’s gonna be even sweeter to live in! Just the life I wanted!”
(Aqua) “Tch, of course the first thing you do is take advantage of it.”
(Kazuma) “Hell yeah, I am! No way I’m gonna let my life of luxury go away like this!”
(Megumi) “Well...Do you know if humans are still around? Tom and the others didn’t seem to react to us that violently.”
(Kazuma) “Oh yeah, it’s supposed to be modern day and everything. Japan, Europe, America, they’re all still here. Only difference is that there’s talking animals that live here in this world too, and no bad war or anything seems to happen.”
(Megumi) “I...I see.”
Megumi’s hand clenched around her necklace for a moment.
(Aqua) “You alright?”
(Megumi) “Y-Yes! Let’s just set our tents, shall we?”
They all nodded and got to work. Their tents were in the middle of a field with barely any trees around.
Everyone made their way back and Tom Nook smiled.
At least they assumed so, all he did was close his eyes.
(Tom) “Alright, with that taken care of, we can move onto more serious business...LIKE THROWING AN ISLAND-WARMING PARTY! We’ll have it right here in the plaza with a roaring campfire!”
(Claude) “Hah, that’s something I can get behind!”
(Aqua) “PARTY, WOOOO!”
(Tom) “I’m glad to see you’re so excited! Now, we’ll just need a couple supplies! Dimitri, Claude, and Edelgard, let’s clean up the plaza! Byleth, Darkness and Megumin, you should find some snacks on the trees! I’ve test tasted a few of them and they’re safe to eat. Aqua, Megumi, and Kazuma, if I could have a word?”
Everyone got off to work as the three went up to Tom Nook.
(Tom) “Now, I know it says that Megumi is the Representative of the island, but can I entrust you two to help as well? You all seem the least nervous about the package, and I’m sure everyone would rally behind you!”
(Aqua) “Hah, you made a good choice!-”
(Kazuma) “Can we have Byleth instead?”
(Aqua) “HUH?!”
(Kazuma) “He’s actually our professor, alongside Megune-Er, Miss Sakura here. Aqua is just kinda here.”
(Tom) “A professor you say? Very well, Aqua could you go help Megumin and Darkness then?”
She ran off quickly towards Byleth’s group and everyone else looked on in awkward silence.
(Tom) “...She’s a colorful character.”
(Megumi) “Hah, you have...no idea.”
(Kazuma) “Anyways, we’ll be more than happy to help mister Nook!”
(Tom) “Excellent, thank you very much! Now, let’s get to work!”
Kazuma walked off to help Dimitri’s group, but Megumi was still standing.
(Tom) “Is something wrong?”
(Megumi) “Um...is it possible to send a letter out?”
Once everyone did their assigned jobs, they all stood in front of the plaza as Tom stood in the center.
(Tom) “Now, it’s been a big day for the island of Garreg, and it’s gotten a bit late, so let’s all have a toast!”
Everyone got out their drinks.
(Tom) “These are pear drinks made with the help of Byleth, Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin!”
(Byleth) “Glad to have helped.”
(Aqua) “Hmph!”
(Darkness) “A simple task for a paladin.”
(Megumin) “Insultingly simple for the Crimson Demon!”
(Tom) “And we have this toasty fire thanks to the efforts of Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude, Kazuma, and Megumi!”
(Claude) “No need for thanks!”
(Dimitri) “How modest you sound, Claude.”
(Edelgard) “We appreciate the attention, mister Nook.”
(Kazuma) “My arms are sore as heeeee-...ck.”
(Megumi) “M-Mine as well, but it was well worth it in the end!”
(Tom) “Now, on the count of three, let’s have a cheer to our new life!”
The party began with everyone chugging down their drinks, and the music played from the nearby radio.
Aqua entertained everyone with her party magic, and for a grand finale, Megumin cast a powerful and colorful explosion in the skies. As everyone mingled and danced to the music, Byleth quietly slipped away from the crowd.
Megumi was the first to notice and followed her, which in turn made Kazuma follow her.
Byleth sat on the beach, watching the waves glisten from the starry sky above.
(Megumi) “Byleth?”
(Byleth) “Megumi.”
She sat down next to him, and Kazuma joined the two by sitting down as well.
(Byleth) “This...is a bit unsettling. I’ve never had an experience quite like this.”
(Kazuma) “After the first time you kinda get used to it.”
(Megumi) “I don’t understand how!”
(Byleth) “I...think I understand how you two feel now. Being transported to some unknown world, not sure what happened to everyone back at home...”
(Kazuma) “Bah, you got the easy end! We’re in a happy cuddly world, lot better to your war torn world!...No offense.”
(Byleth) “Hm. None taken. My world is the Monastery now anyway I don’t care much for outside of it.
(Megumi) “My old world was...enjoyable...until a certain day...”
(Kazuma & Byleth) “Huh?”
(Megumi) “Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to bring the mood down! This is supposed to be a party after all!”
(Kazuma) “This have something to do with your letter you sent out?”
(Megumi) “Ah...”
(Byleth) “Letter?”
(Megumi) “Well...When you said that this was a world without crisis, and it was Earth in modern times I...asked Tom Nook to send out a letter to some former students I taught and my mother.”
(Kazuma) “What are their names?”
(Megumi) “Yuki, Yuuri, and Kurumi. In short, let’s just say...something happened to me that I was no longer able to talk to them so...If this world is truly as peaceful as you say, I wish to experience it with them. My family as well.”
(Sothis) “Hah, that’s much like her. Thinking about others before herself.”
(Kazuma) “Wouldn’t be Megunee if she didn’t right?”
(Megumi) “H-Huh? Who said that?”
Byleth and Kazuma’s eyes widened and Sothis faded away quickly.
(Byleth) “Um...Anyways, so what are we in for, Kazuma?”
(Kazuma) “Well...if this is like Animal Crossing, we’ll be living here for a good long while. We can pretty much relax everyday and do whatever we want. But uh...we’ll be in debt.”
Kazuma loudly sighed.
(Kazuma) “Even in a kid friendly world, my ass is still in debt...”
(Megumi) “Wait, debt?”
(Tom) “Oh, I wouldn’t phrase it that way!”
Everyone jumped up, hearing Tom directly behind them.
(Kazuma) “JESUS!”
(Megumi) “GAH!”
(Byleth) “WHOA!”
(Tom) “Sorry, I did not mean to frighten, haha! I just wanted to let you all know that everyone is heading back to their tent for some shut eye. I’ll be telling you all what’s in store for your new lives tomorrow!”
They looked at each other and nodded.
(Kazuma) “Well, we’re looking forward to our lives here!”
(Megumi) “Indeed!”
(Byleth) “It’ll be interesting.”
(Tom) “Good to hear it, good night!”
Tom nook waved everyone off and went back to the plaza.
(Byleth) “New lives...again.”
(Megumi) “I won’t waste the second chance of life I’ve been given.”
(Kazuma) “Same here...Wait, what?”
(Megumi) “Good night everyone!”
Byleth and Kazuma looked concerned for a moment, but decided to ignore it. After saying good night, they all went to bed.
#shitpost#fire emblem three houses imagines#fire emblem three houses headcanons#fe3h#fe16#gakkou gurashi#school-live!#konosuba#animal crossing new horizons#Edelgard von Hresvelg#dimitri alexandre blaiddyd#Claude von Riegan#satou kazuma#dustiness ford lalatina#darkness#megumin#aqua#megumi sakura#animal crossing#tom nook
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1. I remember everything - John Prine
I was going to write an incredibly earnest and long review of this song that outlined just how much John Prine meant to me. I can’t really do it and I think this song probably says enough alone. With only a few chords he always manages to express all the little things that make love what it is, all different kinds of love. Long lasting, short moments, love with places, sounds, going places and staying home, endless family ties, and the often fragile but in the end tenable love between all human beings in the face of catastrophe. The pandemic stole a lot of things from a lot of people this year, including John Prine, but he will remain one of the greatest songwriters of all time and his songs will live on forever.
2. Dream Palette - Yves Tumor
I can’t drive but let’s pretend I’m driving, I’m in LA and it’s night time or something, my elbow’s out the window, don’t know why I’m wearing sunglasses, this song comes on the radio, I’m the coolest person alive.
3. Boylife in EU- Yung Lean
Not to repeat my review of Garden but when the chorus comes I feel like I’m on top of a really big hill and its pouring it down with rain and im screaming but this time its because of a no-deal Brexit.
4. Garden- Joseph Futak
My review was already used as part of Joe’s promo campaign and it said: “feel like im on top of a really big hill and its pouring it down with rain and I’m screaming when the drums come in x x”
5. Circle the Drain- Soccer Mommy
I like this song because I too, am often alone in my room, and I have also become obsessed with subtle breakbeats to an extent where people around me have become very bored of the subject.
6. The Brothers William Said- The Innocence Mission
I listened to this song over and over when I was travelling round London in January just after my birthday, it felt like I’d been listening to it for years, like it was in a movie I’d forgotten. It felt at the time like I was saying a lot of goodbyes, recognising that things weren’t really like they used to be.
7. On the Floor- Perfume Genius
Say it with me ladies: I CROSS OUT HIS NAME ON THE PAGE!!!!
8. Shameika- Fiona Apple
She may not believe it but I bet Fiona Apple looked tough with a riding crop.
9. Song for Our Daughter- Laura Marling
Everything about this is fantastic, mellow and bright at the same time. Every part is brought forward individually and no part of this song gets left behind. A stunning vocal from Laura Marling and purposeful lyrics set to a cinematically emotive instrumental. Pure magic as always.
10. Building site outside- Piglet
Not going to lie, I was in a very vulnerable emotional state when I listened to this song for the first time, but I think that makes it no less powerful and just, sad. The lyric ‘she smiled at me so much last time’ is just so simple and devastating that you forget this would’ve been on every indie film soundtrack from 2000-2008 if Piglet was an industry plant.
11. I wonder- Shamir
One word: EPIC
12. Crimson Tide- Destroyer
Listened to this every time I came on my period this year.
13. In the Dining Room - Joe Pera talks with you
Adam showed me Joe Pera when I really felt incredibly sad at the very beginning of this year. It’s a show that’s made me feel good, no matter the circumstances. This moment in the show made me smile, and I love hearing Gene come in a bit too early.
14. Stupid Love- Lady Gaga
Shakin my little booty in the kitchen to this x
15. Might bang, might not- Little Simz
Livid we didn’t all get to go to End of the Road and see all the hot dad’s loving Little Simz.
16. Fire- Waxahatchee
A truly insane vocal. I listened to this song on my way to work almost every day from September to December and fantasised singing back up at some kind of outdoor gig in the summer and it made everything significantly less bleak.
17. Hannah Sun- Lomelda
This song is too nice and genuine for me to say anything other than, “really lovely song :)”.
18. Scroll of Sorrow- Machine Girl, guayaba
Listened to this a lot this year while sitting on my kitchen floor staring into an empty oven, wondering if I was ever going to go to a party again.
19. Build a nest- Jeff and Ruby Parker
Have put this on in the flat because the guitar solo reminds me of everything my dad listens to at home. A really great piece of music that kicks off a really exciting album.
20. Kiss me thru the phone- That Kid
Ned said yesterday that he thought it was funny how much the original of this song is so foundational to hyper pop and I agree. Also I’ve started saying ‘Bitch’ like That Kid does every time I stub my toe.
21. Cuckoo- Sam Amidon
I am punting down a creek, looking in the branches that hang over the water for the bird that shall lead me to my next clue.
22. Places/ Plans- Skullcrusher
Used this song to comfort myself in moments where I also just don’t understand why I’m not famous.
23. Sweetjoy- Jam City
Finally….. HAIM for dudes.
24. Clean Living- Slow Weather
I saw someone listening to this on the side of my Spotify so I decided to give it a go and it was a fantastic decision. It’s mental that half of this song is an outro.
25. Summer All Over- Blake Mills
Along with the music video visuals and the dampened piano tone, this wins the competition for least summer-y song with the actual word summer in the title.
26. Ready Cheeky Pretty- CHAI
All of my joy this year has been brought to me by CHAI. I have nothing negative to say about CHAI. If you have anything negative to say about CHAI you’re gonna have to go through me.
27. Diaphanous- Land of Talk
This band was recommended to me by a guy I was trying to flirt with at rough trade east but everything closed before I could impress him by saying ‘I think they’re really cool’.
28. Anything - Adrianne Lenker
Anyone who has ever attempted to write a song with me knows how much I simply love rhyming. Seriously though, every thing rhymes, brilliant stuff. (It’s also such a brilliantly full and constant song that still manages to move and remain exciting from start to finish. I imagine this is partially due to Adrianne Lenker’s almost nursery rhyme- esque structure and also due to her beautifully colloquial approach to family dynamics.)
29. Blow- Dj Gigola, Kev Koko
This song makes me wish I was Jason Bourne- just wanna jump really far while something explodes behind me.
30. Money Can’t Buy- Yaeji, Nappy Nina
‘Well I’ll buy some Yaeji tickets, they’re for NOVEMBER, there’s NO WAY they’re gonna get cancelled’.
31. Only the Truth- Johanna Warren
When I first listened to this song I felt like I was floating in the ocean looking up at the stars as the drums came in on ‘what more can I do’. An incredibly beautiful and careful song.
32. Gasoline- Haim
2020 could probably be summarised with the phrase ‘WHY AM I NO LONGER IN CALIFORNIA? WHY DID I LEAVE CALIFORNIA?’ And this song is the 3 minutes 13 seconds seconds of escapism I needed to not topple into a full spiral.
33. Mapuu - Ic3peak
No one can convince me that Ic3peak are real people. They are a collective made up of child ghosts.
34. Don’t Worry- Bladee
Whenever I have an anxiety attack in the night I wake up and see Bladee’s ghost of the future over my bed, he says ‘Don’t worry’ and mumbles for a bit as I fall back into a peaceful sleep.
35. The biggest tits in history- The magnetic fields
The most relatable magnetic fields song imo.
36. Sand Castle- nijuu
Yujin is a genius and my answer is yes, I do want to just walk for a while.
37. Curl Up- Darren Hayman
Ned reminded me how much I used to love Darren Hayman, and both of them have been a pretty big part of my year.
38. When Will Death Come- Sarah Mary Chadwick
‘Wow, mental voice’ - Ned, while doing the washing up.
39. Dear Dad - Sylvie Wiley
‘But I didn’t cry, you’d be proud’ Sylvie, I’m weeping forever.
40. 34+35- Ariana Grande
41. Garden Song- Phoebe Bridgers
Phoebe Bridgers is a pretty unparalleled lyricist and this song feels like a disconnected series of thoughts that somehow all make sense together and come to create something that doesn’t build, but all just kind of sits? What I’m trying to say is that I don’t really know what she’s talking about but like, I get it.
42. Ringtone (remix) - 100 gecs, Charli xcx, Kero Kero Bonito, Rico Nasty,
I love the way it sounds like everyone got just one take and had to improvise all the lyrics but it still bangs.
43. Changer- Andy Shauf
Thank you lord for another album about a smaller than average man overthinking all of his social interactions with lots of lovely clarinet parts.
44. What’s your pleasure - Jessie Ware
My pleasure jessie? Probably just sitting by the fire with a tough crossword and a glass of merlot x
45. Slime- Shygirl
Shygirl’s series of singles this year made me even more livid that I had to take out my eyebrow piercing for my new job this year.
46. Sears Tower- Salem
Perfect halloween release.
47. Title track- happyness
Ned turned to me and said: ‘so is their new thing that they sound like Elliot Smith’ and I said: ‘and that’s a bad thing?’
48. Cross-sound ferry (walk on ticket) - Hamilton Leithauser
Have found unbelievable joy in chopping veg and shouting GREEEEEEEN PORT, NEEEEEEWWWW YOOORK alone in my kitchen.
49. Lowswimmer- Hailaker
I’ve loved hearing Jemima’s voice when I haven’t got to see her much this year. I normally take the piss out of the Hambledon line but I haven’t seen that this year really either. I guess we find sentimentality in strange places.
50. XS - Rina Sawayama
This song made me feel very decadent on those days where I didn’t wash.
51. Emily- Clem Snide
Let’s be more kind and brave in the face of it all.
52. Building a fire- Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy
P.O.V you’re doing bushcraft in the garden with your husband Bonnie Prince Billy and he’s here to protect you.
53. Asexual Wellbeing- Okay Kaya
This song absolutely bangs but I am truly bewildered by the way they singled out the line ‘if they could put a pulse into a spinach leaf, can they turn the two of us into a tree?’ in the production as if that was a true piece of genius. As I say great tune tho.
54. Anthems- Charli xcx
The soundtrack to couch to 5k
55. Never Better- Kitty Fitz
A SE London queen bringing us huge pop tunes in 2020. So so excited to see what 2021 brings us from Kitty, she’s gonna be a real force!
56. Deep in Love- Bonny Light Horsemen
This is such a delightful song which (mainly due to the time I actually got around to listening to the whole record) for me really rang in the spring. A beautifully recorded testament to the feeling of love getting stronger meaning you have a lot more to lose.
57. Malibu- Kim Petras
My song of the summer, made me feel like I was at the beach when really I was in Lewisham.
58. Like I’m Winning it- Girlpool
I’m so delighted that the turn girlpool have made this year is towards dramatic goth music with breakbeats. Their voices both sound amazing and they look simply incredible.
59. Azad- Frazey Ford
I have no idea what she’s saying as always but I love it.
60. Helio- Charlotte Dos Santos
I’m literally so excited for what Charlotte Dos Santos is gonna put out next. The production is fantastic and her aesthetics are flawless.
61. Lost in the Country- Trace Mountains
‘I checked my email twice as I cried’. Safe to say we’ve all been there this year amirite girlies x
62. Unfold You- Rostam
I hated this at first, I thought, what’s this lo-fi beats to study to shit, but it’s now my classic ‘I’m just gonna pop to the shops, anyone want anything? x’ song. Huge.
63. Oh Yeah- A.G cook
One of 2020s realisations is that me and A.G Cook kind of look like we could be cousins.
64. Can’t cool me down- Car Seat Headrest
I would like to personally thank will Toledo for giving me a tune that got me off my ass when I was too warm to do exercise this summer.
65. Take back the radio- Katy J Paerson
In love with Katy J Pearson’s voice and the way this song builds. Just pretty flawless and feel good in my opinion. I think she’s such an exciting new artist who’s gonna be around for a very very long time.
66. Good Woman- The Staves
‘I’m a good woman’… speak for yourselves.
67. A Little Love- Jack Francis
Feel like I’ve been singing this song for about 5 years! It’s amazing and I’m so excited about what Jack’s going to bring out in 2021, he’s a genius and also the nicest man on the planet.
68. Lullaby No.4 - Snailbeach
This song makes me feel like I’m being hypnotised on a haunted carousel in a very relaxing way.
69. Boyfriend in every city- Roma Radz
Sucks that she can’t see any of her boyfriends cos of covid :(
70. Jaja ding dong- Will Ferrell
Get back in there and play Jaja Ding Dong !!!!
71. Highway- Jonatan leandoer96
Man, would be pretty sick to have 20 boys outside the club but alas the clubs are dead and I’ve only regularly texted about 4 people this year.
72. De nadie- Kali Uchis
Felt v sexy listening to this for the first time in a Morley’s in Honor Oak.
73. Weird Fishes- Lianne La Havas
This album was a pretty triumphant return for Lianna La Havas and me teenage self simply couldn’t be happier.
74. Micro Creature- Aya Gloomy
Love that despite everything about this song telling me otherwise, that the artwork for this single looks like Aya Gloomy is just chilling in the fields by my family home in Hampshire.
75. Si Ella Sale- Bad Bunny
Better get on the duolingo now if I’m gonna know what this guy’s saying at Porto next year.
76. Through my sails- Mountain Man
Truly gentle reimagining of an already incredibly beautiful song, mountain man make every word seem new!
77.Christmas Day (get me outta this funk) - Baggio and Blue 5 Years- Bath days
In joint 77th place are two banging Christmas songs that have soundtracked a pretty bleak Christmas period and have made me feel pretty joyous in their ways, despite one literally being called Blue Five Years.
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one needy request: following captain!MC and captain!julian’s encounter in the tavern, they party on either on Mc’s or Julian’s ship and spend the night teasing, building ENORMOUS sexual tension like eye contact, mc noticing details about him dhxhshsv but also getting to know one another and their crew... all perhaps leading to a smut or any sort of tension relief satisfaction? up to you, tho im sure whatever you choose to do t’ll be eyecandy 🌸👀
"Are you a good man, Captain?" Julian x Reader (pt.2)
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, sexual tension
Part 1
Word Count: 3,839
On the last chapter....
"Captain! We won!" Jackie bursted into the room and Julian turned his head while I ducked to the side to look at her "Ooooh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were, well, yeah. I'm, uh, going down and, well, see ya!"
We kept looking at the door until the sound of her footsteps were nothing but a simple memory. We stared at each other again and starting laughing, still holding onto one another.
"Now that was a mood breaker" I pressed my forehead against his chest and he sighed.
"Well, I'm sure we'll be able to continue our fun another time"
My eyes went wide and I smiled at him "We are having a party tonight at my ship, you and your crew should come!" I realized I sounded to excited and fake coughed "I mean, only if you want to"
He laughed lightly and kissed my cheek "It'll be my pleasure, darling"
I let go of his clothes and walked past him, going out of the room, but stopping before he vanished from my sight "Maybe you can show me how bad you are"
I ran down the corridor, rushing down the stairs, excited and giggling like a teenager. I couldn't wait to tell Jackie all the juicy details.
"Ah, I just can't believe I ruined that! Captain, you were finally gonna get some!" Jackie said loudly enough to turn some heads in our direction.
"Keep it down, I don't want everyone to know about my personal life" I led her by the arm to the street, going outside of the crowded bar.
"So, do you have anything in mind? I mean, he looks like a piece of work. The type that likes to keep things interesting"
She wasn't wrong. By the little time I spent with him I noticed that he was the type that liked to be surprised. Dull wasn't his thing. I wanted to make a good impression on him, not gonna lie. But I still didn't want to seem desperate.
"Not really. I don't want to overdo it, but I definitely want to show my interest. What do you suggest?" I trudge Jackie with my life, and she always had success on her love affairs, so why not ask her?
"You know what? Go to the ship, take a nice bath, dress nicely and spray some perfume. I'll take care of the rest" Her mischievous grin made a chill run down my spine.
"Can't you at least tell me what you're thinking?"
"Sorry Cap, no can do. Now go and get sexy" She started pushing me to walk faster and I did, a little grumpy for not knowing what her plan was about.
After a few minutes walking on the dark and calm streets, I saw my ship. The beautiful Enchantress, lit by the moonlight. It was a "family inheritance", since all my ancestors before me were pirates as well. My parents retired, saying that piracy life wasn't for them anymore, and gave me the ship. Even though I was quite young at the time, I still managed to select a very good crew, sail and manage it with grace.
The ship itself had been strictly taken care of. I have visited many ships during my years as a captain. Invitations to raids, parties or just drunken talks were quite usual for me. And that gave me the chance to take a look at other captains ships, making me feel proud of my own. There was usually blood, oil or even piss on the deck, making it unbearable to stay on the deck for more than fifteen minutes.
My beautiful Enchantress, on the other hand, was vigorously scrubbed almost every day and, to my surprise, the crew actually enjoyed doing the cleaning. Some of them had some experience with ships and claimed that they always wanted to keep the place organized, but their former captains required other types of services from them, leaving no time for cleaning. It was a relief for them to be able to work in a nice smelling place.
As I entender the ship, the soft smell of the ocean entered my nose and I could help but feel I little bit more relaxed. I strutted towards my cabin, the captain's cabin, and started taking some of my ornaments off. Hat, bandana, necklace and rings were all off and laying on the bed next to my recently removed sword. I noticed a stain on my shirt and leaned down to smell it, instantly regretting it. Booze and probably piss. It probably got there when I was crawling behind the counter.
And then it hit me. Shit! Captain Devorak probably smelled that on me. And now he must be thinking that I'm a drunk that pees on myself. I ruined everything. Damn it. Changing clothes was the best option that crossed my mind and I decided to oblige to it. Taking off my pants and dirty shirt, and throwing them on the dirty clothes bucket, I opened my wardrobe to find...almost nothing. Literally, almost nothing. The piece of clothing was almost nothing. On one of our scavenging hunts to Danog, Jackie stole this, well, night lady worker's dress and told I would look marvelous on me. Of course, marvelous wasn't the word that she used.
And now that was the only piece of clean clothing left on my wardrobe. I couldn't wear something dirty, especially after the booze and piss incident. That would have to do for the night. I gave light pats on the dress in case there was any dust on it and started to put it on. At first it was a little uncomfortable, since the outfit had many holes on it and I didn't exactly knew how to put it on. After five agonizing minutes, the dress was on and I looked at myself on the mirror, not recognizing the person staring back.
The dress wasn't short, but it had an opening in it that went from my feet to the middle of my thigh. Its fabric was very light and soft, making the dress dance with the slightest presence of wind. On the chest part, it was indeed very exposing. It showed off almost all my chest, and if I bent down, that's exactly what would happen. It had no sleeves, except for a very thin strap holding the whole dress on my body. It was definitely not my style, but it had to do for tonight.
As I kept preparing myself, I could hear people getting on the ship and going lower deck, towards the little saloon that we had. I couldn't help but to hear Jackie and the Captain speaking to each other, quite loudly actually. They seemed very excited. I love Jackie with all my heart, but sometimes she just can't hold her tongue. Once, she sold off all our plan to the Royal Navy and it ended up bloddy. Of course, is not the same situation, but still, I should get there fast.
I put on my classy shoes and exited the cabin, rushing downstairs. As I went down the stairs I slowed down in order to analyze the room. The music was loud, the room was filled with laughter and bottles were being lifted everywhere. I gently strolled down the stairs and heads slowly turned to watch me. There was a lot of whispering and a few shy whistles were heard here and there. I couldn't help but feel embareased and I quickly tried to find a distraction. I ran my eyes along the room and grabbed a rum bottle lifting it up while flashing a smile.
"TO PIRACY!" Excited screams and clincking bottles where heard from everywhere. Soon, other things were heard. "To money, to power, to women, to a good fuck" and so the saloon was filled with laughter and music again. I could help but to notice a tall man, speaking loudly at one ot the tables as a small crowd gather around to hear what he had to say.
"...and so he stared at me in the eye and said "I bet you could do that blindfolded" and so I did" A few gasps were heard as Julian finished his story and leaned back on his chair.
"Did you really walked on a lake of piranhas blindfolded?"
"And with your hands tied?"
"Sure did" He grabbed a cup and started chugging on it.
"Now that's impressive" He chocked on his drink as my voice reached his ears. He immediately put his drink down and sat up straight.
"Captain (Y/L/N)! How delightful to see you! Oh my, you are absolutely stunning tonight. Looking like a real mermaid" He tripped on his own words as he tried to talk to me. Maybe it was the drinks, or maybe something else.
"So, tell us more about your many dangerous adventures" I sat down opposite to him, slightly bending over the table and watching his gaze fall down to my cleavage "I like a little danger" I grinned.
"How funny, I, um, I can't think of any more stories right now. How odd" He cleared his throat "Well,well, I'm gonna get some fresh air, if you don't mind" And then he left, hands shaking and ears turning red.
"You know he's into you, right?" An old lady said to me, probably part of his crew.
"What do you mean?"
"Haven't seen him behave like that in a long time. And we've been on the same boat since he wore diapers"
"Since he- what?"
"Doesn't matter. Go after him, kid" She gave me a daring smile and patted my shoulder.
"How impolite, I haven't even asked your name" I extended my hand to greet her.
"Mazelinka. And I know exactly who you are. Now go, you're wasting time" She shooed me away from the table and I left the lower deck going outside and feeling a soft and salty breeze on my face.
I felt the bottom of the dress swerling around and it tickled my legs a little. I liked that feeling. I couldn't help but to do a little twirl. It was definitely a change for me to wear something like this and I was a nice change of scenario.
"I think I changed my mind. You look more like a fairy than a mermaid. And yet, your beauty exceeds all others"
Julian was leaned against the mast and only turned his head to look at me. His coat was off and his hat was far back on his head, exposing his whole face and the front part of his hair. He wore tight black pants with a white loose shirt tucked in it. What a sight.
"I can say the same for you, Devorak. You look absolutely stunning under the moonlight" I lifted my eyebrow at the sight of his red cheeks by using his own compliment against him.
For a moment, the only things that could be heard were the sound of the waves hitting the boat, my shoes hitting the wooden floor and our clothes dancing in the wind. I positioned myself in front of him and stared at his face. He tried his best avert his gaze from my face, but I grabbed his chin and made him stare at me.
"You're making me confused, you know. You flirt, you get me all worked up and then you just shy away. What do you want from me, Captain?" I stared deep into his eyes.
He started to mumble nonsense and I couldn't help but to chuckle. He was so shy and yet so bold. I remembered Mazelinka's words and did something on impulse. I moved my hand from his chin to the back of his neck and pulled his head towards me.
He was definently taken by surprised, since he didn't move for a few seconds. But eventually his bold side took over and he grabbed me by the waist, pressing your bodies together. I could feel the temperature rising and the kiss was getting more and more intense. His hands dared to explore more of my body and eventually ended up on my ass. I let out a little gasp that made him chuckle. He forced my body to the side, exchanging positions and pressing me against the mast.
"You have no idea how much I wanted this" He muttered as he slowly kissed your neck.
"I can make things even better" I pushed him, making Julian tumble backwards. My intention was for him to think he would fall but at the last second feel the starboard hit his back. But instead, his feet got tangled in some rope and his body changed the course towards an small opening on the boat. He was actually going to fall.
I rushed to him, the dress making things more complicated, and held a rope attached to the ship with a hand and his waist with the other. He looked absolutely terrified but after realizing he wasn't actually going to fall, he stared laughing and so did I. What really wasn't expected was a loud caw behind me. A crow's caw. I got startled and lost my balance, making me let go of the rope and making both of us fall in the direction of the sea.
It was a matter of instants before we could feel the cold water surrounding us. The dress made it harder to emerge, but I managed anyway. When I got my head out of the water, Julian was already there, almost out of breath, laughing.
"Wait, you're not...angry?" He looked at me, still laughing.
"Are you serious? Why would I be mad? I'm having a nice time with a beautiful girl and now things just got more interesting."
I started to laugh with him and swam closer to his body, embracing and kissing him again. Since we were out of breath, the kiss didn't last very long before we were almost passing out for lack of oxygen.
"We should swim back. We might catch a cold" He agreed with my statement and we both raced back to the docks, shivering, and then entering the ship again.
We were greeted by Jackie who had a very mischievous grin on her face and her hands laying on her hips.
"Having a good time, Captain?" She failed to hold back a giggle.
"Absolutely" As I passed through her I managed to whisper "Make sure we are not disturbed, please...until morning"
"Aye aye, Captain" And with that she left.
I guided him to the cabin and after getting in, I discreetly locked the door. Even though I had warned Jackie, that was always someone who had a complaint or some gossip and decided to tell me on first hand. Better safe than sorry.
"Soooo...what do we do now?" He was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, staring at me like a wet dog.
"Well, I had some ideas in mind" I waltzed around the room, putting out the fire on most of the candles, leaving the room very poorly lit "First, we should undress"
I turned around and, even if the room was almost as dark as the night, I could sse that Julian was blushing. I laughed and grabbed a bucket from the floor, extending it to him.
"Our clothes are wet. Unless you wanna catch a cold, you should undress. Then I'll give you a blanket and maybe we can chat. How does that sound?"
"Marvelous" He grabbed the bucket and turned around. I grabbed another bucket myself and turned around as well.
As the clothes left my body I felt a cold breeze rushing through it and a chill ran down my spine. A soft moan left my mouth and I heard a grunt behind me. A tall mirror was close to me, in an angle that allowed me to see the naked body close to me. He had his clothes off, except for his trousers and his hand was laying on top of a bulge on it, gently stroking.
I couldn't help but bite my lip. It was wrong to watch him, but he looked so helpless and fragile. So needy. He let go of his erection and threw his head back, slightly turning it to the side. It was a matter of seconds before our eyes met in the mirror. I smirked at him and he did the same, with red painted on his cheeks.
I turned around and so did he. Our naked bodies, only covered by our undergarments facing each other, and for a moment, neither of us knew what to do. I stretched my arm and my hand cupped his cheek. His head leaned agaisnt my hand, like a puppy seeking for comfort. I ran my hands through his hand and gave it a small tug.
His lips parted in pleasure and I knew exactly what he liked. I pulled his head so that we could be on the same level and kissed him hard. Soon, his not-so-shy hands started to rub circles on my waist, gently pressing our bodies against one another's.
"Come. Lay with me" He just nodded eagerly and let me guide him to the massive bed covered in red silk sheet underneath the thick fur of the blankets.
I pushed him into bed and appreciated the sight. I've lost count of how many times he had blushed, but he still managed to keep the cherry color on his cheeks. His skin was pale and his chest was covered in hair. He was biting his lips so hard that I though they would start bleeding soon. I knew exactly what he wanted and deserved. And I was going to give it to him.
I left him waiting on the bed a little while longer and walked graciously to the nightstand. Opening the drawer, some items could be found inside. Rope, a piece of red cloth and an expensive massage oil I had acquired during one of my trips. Just what I needed.
"Now this is what you're going to do for me. You're gonna sit on the bed, rest your hands on the headboard, spread your legs, and be a very good boy"
He followed every one of the commands quickly, and soon, his wrists and ankles were tied to bed, his mouth had a made up gag and I was sitting on his lap, naked.
I reached for the oil and slowly opened the bottle, dripping its content on my hands. I placed the bottle on top of the nightstand and rubbed my oily hands over my body. I started at my chest, rubbing circles on my breast while staring intensely into the captain's eyes. They were begging me to touch him. But not yet.
I ran my hands lower and spreaded the oil on my things, each one on the sided of his body. Every now and then I brushed my fingers lightly against his sides just to tease him a little bit. Seeing him squirm under my touch was very pleasant, I had to admit that.
After the front part of my body was shining with oil, I decided to take some pity on the pirate and lossened up the cloth wrapped around his mouth, making it possible for him to talk properly.
His mouth was wet and red, a little swollen, probably from biting on his lip. Which was exactly what he did again, running his eyes over my body, also licking his lips on the process.
"Please let me touch you. I'm begging, please" He lunged forward, being restrained by the ropes, only inches away from my face. He had a desperate expression on his face.
"Not now, bunny. But you will have your time soon. Right now" I slided my hands down his chest "I wanna have some fun with you"
I leaned down and trapped his bottom lip between my teeth, pulling back a little, forcing him to come along. I placed my hand on his neck, and the other one gripped his underwear, pulling it down skillfully. He hissed as a cold breeze hit his region, making it stiffen and rise a little.
I used the little portion of oil left on my hand to rub him down, earning back a chocked moan from his throat. I stroked his shaft up and down in a painfully slow motion, making him buck his hips in response. I chuckled a little and my mouth traveled to his neck, giving it soft nibbles and slight butterfly kissed. I trailed my tongue along his chin, and a little bit lower, trying to find a soft spot.
When he groaned I knew I had found it. I bit him right on the spot and he moaned pornographycaly. His wrists kept trying to break free, which made me realize just how desperate he actually was. He just had to take it just a little while longer.
I braced myself on his shoulders and stared deeply into his eyes as I pushed him into me. We never broke eye contact, even as we started moaning, our mouths hanging open and I staterd to bounce on top of him. The only option he had to relief a little of his heat was to buckle his hips as hard as he could, slamming himself into me. I had to hold both my hands on his shoulders to keep myself from falling of his lap.
The pleasure was way to intense, and I just couldn't take his pleading eyes anymore. I leaned back to untie his ankles and he thrusted his hips firmly up, making me almost loose balance and scream of pleasure at the same time. After his legs were free, I started working on his wrists, which was hard given he hadn't stopped his work down there.
Not even after two seconds after he was free, he embraced my back lunging forward and sitting with his knees pressed against the bed, holding me close to him, like our bodies were one. He still thrusted into me, our means mixing together and we stared at each other's eyes. He kissed me deeply and laid me softly on the the bed. Finishing himself inside of me. I finished soon after and he detached himself from me and pulled me to his chest, caressing my back and planting a soft kiss on my forehead.
"You're beautiful. And I mean it. You're special. I want to be with you" I looked up at him, a soft and genuine smile forming on my lips.
"I want that too"
Six months later, your belly was starting to get heavier. You felt a soft pain in your stomach and let go of the ship's wheel, but a pair of firm hands came from behind you and used one hand to hold it and the other one laid on top of your baby belly.
"I told you many times already," He kissed my cheek "go back to bed. You need rest"
"Rest my ass. I'm still capable of running this ship. I'm no less of a captain just because I'm pregnant"
"I know it, darling, but the ships now has two captains for a reason. When one isn't available or not feeling well, the other one takes over"
I sighed. There was mo point on arguing with him.
"I know, bunny, I know. I'll go, okay?" I kissed his hand and strutted to the deck, encountering Mazelinka on the way.
"How's that baby mama going, huh?" She gave you that smile you loved.
"Actually, better than I expected. Some occasional pains, but it's part of the process, I see it now"
"Very well, that's good. Julian told me to keep an eye on you. Now off to bed" She pointed to the captain's cabin.
I groaned to her in a pleading way but she kept her posture. I walked grumpily and she followed right behind. I pulled the sheets and laid down, eventually trying to pull the sheets, but I couldn't reach it because of the belly. Mazelinka grabbed the sheets and covered me, giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"You're a strong woman. You'll be a strong mother too"
And with that, I fell asleep, content.
Author's note: I loved doing that one, and I loved to see that at least one person liked it and asked for more. Thank you for your support 💞
#julian devorak#julian x mc#julian x apprentice#julian x reader#julian x you#julian imagines#julian imagine#pirate!julian#the arcana smut#the arcana imagine#the arcana#pirate!julianxreader#pirate!juliandevorak
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