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sugar-omi · 1 year ago
I love dragon family on tt 😭💕 every time I see a vid I’m like “this is literally so parents!cove x mc (and river🤭)”
imma.. go binge watch this now... 🧑‍🦯
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narsh-poptarts · 2 months ago
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I LOVE MAKING STICKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this adds on to this entire set of stickers... finally... after millennia have passed..... dual destinies is real....
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oyiiixenia · 6 months ago
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i think i played the wrong Timekilling Time event
You Don't Stand A Chance, Pal.
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freshbeeth · 5 months ago
fuck it. off the hook songs + irl equivalents playlist
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(link in title, tracklist below cut)
OtH first, IRL second
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i will NOT be accepting constructive criticism
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sugusoko · 5 months ago
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my vision that few will understand... :pensive:
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fantasykiri5 · 1 month ago
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Update; I got back into working on charms today!
I had a busy last week or two and hadn’t really had a chance or the energy to start drawing this once since i finished Ayda, for reasons that frankly are a bit boring to go into detail about here, but I’m excited to get back into the swing of things now!
I’m really quite happy with his wings so far, i think i figured out a good method for drawing them >:3
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duckshuffled · 1 year ago
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squidthusiast · 6 months ago
What’s your favorite fic by theashemarie? I want to read her stuff, but I’m so intimidated by how much there is!! Where do I start?
You’ve opened up THE can of worms my good fellow…
I am so sorry for the person i’m about to become
I’ve actually spent the last couple days making a simplified compilation of Ashe’s works, to make it easier for new readers to visualize them.
It’s the reason why it has taken me some time to answer this haha.
As for my favourite fic…. That’s such an insanely hard question to answer T_T
I’ll put the compilation & my thoughts under the cut to minimize dashboard noise.
(Disclaimer: i’m not a writer so some of the terms I use are from my loose understanding of literature!)
Warning for rambling ahead!!
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I tried to make the fomatting as straightforward as possible! If there are any other questions you can drop a comment :)
As for the fav fic stuff:
I don’t think I can have a hard singular favourite of Ashe’s fics, because they’re all different and encompass different themes and vibes and ideas, and fuck man they’re just so good. Ashe has a masters degree in writing and it SHOWS, but also just her writing style & way of developing stories.. it’s so captivating, rich and thoughtful. I love analyzing their work & being rewarded with the amount of detail and effort that is put into it.
Here’s a couple that fucked me up particularly good though, if you must know:
LDR AU | Meet Me on the Rink | And Take Off Your Mask | Simulacrum | Language Barrier
At least two of these majorly impacted my life & mean a whole lot to me because of the themes, topics and characterization in them.
I think one of my favourite things about Ashe’s works is how visceral and raw and real they feel while you read ‘em. There’s a real strong focus on the plot, which makes for a fantastic build up throughout the story. There’s also emphasis on characterization, and by the gods it’s deliciously crafted. The direct and indirect ways in which Ashe portrays the personalities, flaws and motivations of characters… MAN.
A lot of people read fics for a quick hit of fluff or angst, so plot-heavy, meaty fics with a lot of undertones and somewhat unconventional themes can be very different from typical expectations.
Still, I stand by the fact that it’s exactly because of this that Ashe’s work is so refreshing and fascinating to read through, and I strongly encourage everyone to give it a try, especially if you like Off the Hook.
She also has a lot of oneshots and shorter stories that I listed above, if longer ones feel daunting. They’re just as good!!
I’m really grateful that they share all of this work online; creating entails a lot of work, whether it be art, writing, cosplay, etc.
Posting it for free on top of that??? I think we need to appreciate our fic writers more, honestly. They’re a huge pillar in fandom spaces that often goes unnoticed.
That’s my little ramble on the topic, thank you for reading if you went this far!
I hope this helps Anon, and if you need more pointers or thoughts you can hit me up again.
With all that said, big shout out to @theashemarie , this is my big propaganda post for you all to follow her and/or check out their work, and leave her a comment if you enjoy the fics!! I know they appreciate them a lot :)
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the-rat-k-ing · 5 months ago
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drew ace attorney characters decided by my friend as fast as i possibly could
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cherryargus · 5 months ago
New Life season teams!
I've been seeing people do this so I thought I'd try my hand at it!:]
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My most wanted team out of these IS GIGGS, at least some combination of them, please.
My favorite name for the teams is probably Enemies to Haters, I was thinking of teams, saw those three, thought of this name and KNEW I had to put them on here
IDHATNFTBITTWBF stands for, "I Don't Have A Team Name For Them But I Think They Would Be Fun", tbh they were who I had left after the other teams, but nevertheless I think this team would still be quite fun!:]
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keptoabysmal · 10 days ago
I think of all the life series, I find Double Life and Limited Life particularly interesting because they’re the only seasons where the champion’s death was inevitable.
Like yes every other winner (excluding Scar) has chosen to die at the end of their season, but those two had absolutely no say in the matter
Death was the inevitable consequence of winning Double Life, and death was the inevitable consequence of playing limited life at all etc etc
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zackmartin · 1 year ago
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surprise gift for @ciara-knightly 🎁 (★☆★)
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campbyler · 1 month ago
what do you think wills fav pokemon is and also i agree that grass starter will is so real and true
thank you SOOO much for sending this ask i cheered and hooted and hollered (and suni did on my behalf as well) 🙏🙏🙏 allow me to provide you with more info than you asked for 😌
so obviously mike’s fave pokémon is oshawott bc i think he’s very nostalgic about his First Partner Pokémon and although he love all pokémon nothing can beat oshawott. i’ve said at least part of this before but i def think for acswy specifically, gen v (black/white) was mike’s first gen hence why oshawott is his fave, and for will his first gen was gen vi (x/y) — this is what makes to me sense based on when these games came out/when mike and will respectively would be able to access them!! so while will’s first starter was chespin (and he actually loves all of chespin’s evolutions which is why he is better than me) and i do think that there is emotional attachment there i think there are others that he really really likes and always tries to use if they’re available to him!! this also means most of my picks for will’s faves are gen vi and later but it goes without saying he also loves All pokémon. duh.
i think one of his absolute faves is dragalge mostly bc it fucking looks cool and i do think will would love a dragon type as a whimsical fantasy lover 😌 dragalge for everyone’s reference:
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i think some of his other faves would be rockruff (bc will byers loves a puppy pokémon and i will die on that hill, not that i need to bc i am right), hatterene and mismagius (the wizardy vibes of it all), armarouge (knight in shining armor 😳), and milotic (i know i just said post gen vi for the most part but milotic transcends generations. bitch.)
references (in order of how they were listed):
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anyway tysm for letting me rant about pokémon it is one of my fave things to do.
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the-somwthing · 11 months ago
Uhm... Pearl
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I used to always be drawn to shadowmoon for legitimately no reason at all but hey gempearl went pretty hard in secret life
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florals-cardigan · 2 years ago
This is straight up unpopular opinion
We need to bring back dark atmospheric musicals like Sweeney Todd, Elisabeth, and Phantom of the Opera
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typenonsense · 2 months ago
anyways fns/hermit among us rounds (from a skizz (incidentally impulse) pov watcher) im thinking about forever:
that pearl and skizz lovers win where skizz was an impostor along with fwhip while being lovers with pearl. just after the first meeting skizz, pearl, and tango went up in the lab’s direction and skizz killed tango right in front of pearl before venting, only letting her gasp. after tango’s meeting skizz whispers to fwhip not to kill pearl. after the next meeting, pearl and both impostors, along with two others, go to o2 and a they perform a double kill, again in front of pearl, before walking up to security/electrical in a silent line, even passing impulse which baffles him when he reports the body. they’re able to eject a crewmate but the game doesn’t end, even when both impostors and only four people total are alive. they’re able call a meeting. someone jumps on fwhip and the lovers do so too. it’s all too easy.
the round where impulse and skizz were sticking together the ENTIRE round and joked about doing a double kill but in the third set of murders (w six people left) two were dead in a relatively short time so they knew they were both good but also no one had been ejected so far so everyone knew both impostors were still alive and could end the game in a double kill. joker (an actual impostor) passed them before reporting and pinned it on them very easily. impulse was sent to his death, telling them all it was joker, and skizz knew it wasn’t impulse the entire time. the next meeting is skipped, though he tries valiantly to get joker out. his efforts are in vain as mrs tango kills him and the game ends.
that one round where it was just gem, pearl, and impulse at the end where gem was the impostor and impulse knew it, while she accused him. gem and impulse debate for pearl’s vote and i haven’t watched it in a while but MANNNNN its emotional. they harken back to soup group a couple times which is heartbreaking.. ultimately gem is able to persuade her and pearl votes for impulse and im thinking about it forever….
that executioner game from pearl where etho killed in front of the only two other people left (pearl and i think fwhip iirc?) but pearl immediately went after Possibly fwhip, baffling everyone. he went after her in turn and etho obviously followed her in voting for him. as Possibly fwhip is ejected all of the ghosts are bemoaning etho’s win, only for pearl’s victory screen to show up instead.
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