#asylum cave
fungus-no69 · 4 months
Little things on defiant pc (you/your pronouns) ft. Gn Bailey, Harper, Remy and Wren
pc bites a lot, Bailey typical human trafficking, pc is implied to have been attacked by/visited the wolves, mentions of Harper's medical malpractice, amab Harper???? (dick jokes), mention of the wolf tf in Remy's, mention of pc in prison in Wren's, pc is joked to (possibly) have rabies, pc is feral in general
You're a little terror.
You're fucking impossible to wrangle. If Bailey does manage to force you into restraints and sell you somehow while you're still kicking and screaming like you're being murdered you show up again within an hour or two.
They sold you to a party of rich people why are you covered in twigs and fur??? Why do you have (wolf)shrooms?????
Half considers putting a bounty on your head. Might.
Daydreams about the day you finally pay them
Harper is fighting for their life over here- you're showing up after passing out, being sent to the asylum every now and again, get them riled up and just escape???? Kissing them while your hands wander to their-
You sneaky little shit.
Yeah sure, Harper can just..... not creep on you but they can't help it! :( you're so cute!!!!! So what if they get a bit close or stick their fingers in your mouth to test your gag reflex? (you bite them so hard it breaks the skin and they have to get their rabies shots)
They are not a masochist. Ignore the boner.
Always half hard and ready to go with you I'm sorry.
You get taken to the Underground farm and tell Remy to go suck a fat one
You get muzzled for that. Also the whole biting thing you've got going on I guess.
With the wolf tf they are going to try and turn you into cattle without letting you out with the others. They know you probably won't eat the cows but they're not taking any more chances here. You've already made sure that half of the staff needs vaccinations against several infections and diseases (advised by Harper, who seems all too acquainted with you and your 'habits')
Why can't you eat grass normally....
What the fuck do you mean you befriended the horses. You can't even get along with people- oh you escaped.
When they see you working with Alex they damn near have an aneurysm. They just smile at you, strained. Why must you torment them like this.
Please stop eating the blackjack cards
It's literally that image like 'the smart kid wondering how he's losing to me : me eating the pieces when he's not looking' yk the one except neither of you are winning because you're fucking eating the cards.
You guys meet up in the prison so much to the point that they're not even surprised anymore.
More shocked you got caught.
It would USUALLY be concerning how horny they get over you but it's Wren so yeah.
Expect to be teased and egged on
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meirimerens · 17 days
MEIRI!!!! i am taking a class in art history and i wanted to ask about your favorite paleolithic cave paintings, cause i know you're very passionate about that!
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okay so this is gonna be real hard for me to choose. like reallll hard. but i think i can narrow it down. i don't know how much #info you need or how much Lore you care for me to add, but you've activated my trap card, so now you're stuck in the cave with me, i have the torch, and if you try to leave you won't find your way back. okay. let us start.
at least in the Franco-Cantabrian geographical and paleo-cultural area [this thing], which contains some of the most famous painted caves such as Lascaux, Chauvet, Pech-Merle, Altamira, etc, one main currently reigning hypothesis, because it allows to explain the most amount of [gesture] Stuff Going On, is that cave art exist within a magico-spiritual system of belief of the animist persuasion likely with shamanic elements. The places where walls were painted in the caves, were very, very rarely Living quarters. paleolithic tribes prefered to make camps outside, or just at the very entrance of caves: the depths were Hard to navigate, dangerous, possibly inhabited by predator animals. you didn't got to these places to fuck around; you went because you had a drive, you believed in something about them.
Jean Clottes (one of our main prehistorians in France, who wrote Pourquoi l'Art Préhistorique ?, or "Why Prehistoric Art", translated into english as "What is Paleolithic Art" which is fucking stupid, the "why" is the whole question he's trying to answer in the book, is this guy fucking stupid) identifies 4 main concepts that exist within indigenous, nomadic or semi-nomadic, hunter-gatherer, animist & shamanist societies and peoples, that are widely distributed (as such having "universal" elements) and could, likely, have been found within paleolithic societies, and possibly give us clues to their belief system, which are:
the INTERCONNECTEDNESS: of animal species between one another (explaining the numerous accounts of paloelithic art depiction species together, or separated), and of human and animal: including through mythologies in which humans were created from animal(s), or animal(s) later changed into human(s).
the FLUIDITY of the living world: animal species are recognized as kin, for they can become it; animal species are given, or projected-onto attributes that make a tribe, a clan, recognize themselves in it
the acceptation of the COMPLEXITY of the world: paleolithic people likely had deep, complex mythologies and cosmogonies, which we might Never, Ever, know anything about (this drives me insane.) their language, and their rites, might (have) reflect(ed) an understanding of the complixity of nature, or animals, that sedentary, then later capitalist societies might have lost the nuances of.
the PERMEABILITY of the living world(s). this again is seen in beliefs in the permeablity between human & animal, human a animal, animal as human: this is also where Shamanism might come into play. shamanism(s) rest(s) upon the conceptualization of the world as divided-but-permeable between a physical, living world, and an unseen, spirit world: the Shaman is the mediator, the person who can freely go between these two worlds, to communiate, to heal, to direct, to plead, etc. AND, and this is where it gets real interesting for The Caves: potentially, the belief in the permeablity of the cave rock itself: multiple painted sites might contain hints of a belief in the cave being the place where spirits dwell; and painting them is less "calling" or "invoking", even if there might be some of it, but rather "revealing". the cave itself, maybe, could (have) be(en) considered the place where spirits dwell, and come forth/from. more about that later.
WITH ALL OF THAT IN MIND. at least in the franco-cantabrian area, the placement of cave art is, very Very likely, extremely deliberate. it is not just the art that counts, but where it was made. we can ask ourselves, why it was made here, and not elsewhere. i am picking my answer on this axis. some caves might be so beautifully painted, but are The Vibes here? if the expression of this potential magico-spiritual complex and tens-of-thousands-of-years-spanning(!!!!!!!!!! this is nother thing that's fucking insane btw. did you know we are as close to Lascaux as Lascaux is to Chauvet, another very ornate painted cave. MULTIPLE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS) is visible, or #feelable, let's mention it. now onto the good part
THE NIAUX (pronounced "Nyo") CAVE
reason: i've been there. twice. sobbed both times. came out changed like genuinely. made me go back to uni. the Niaux Cave is located in the Ariège (a-ryeh-juh) département [think smaller than a state bigger than a county] of southern france, in the Pyrénées (pee-reh-neh) mountains making the border with spain.
the almost entirety of the art is concentrated in the "Salon Noir" of the cave.
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now. come close and listen to me. the Salon Noir is some 700 meters from both the modern entrance and the prehistoric one. today, like back then, you have to navigate rough, slippery terrain, crouchspaces, and generally accident-inducing (source: my dad slipped & fell just like our guide warned us about) walking space. for most of the way, the ceiling is 5 to 10 meters above, and the walls relatively close together (but not claustrophobic). the Salon Noir seems to be "indicated" by, on both of its sides, red symbol markings. now listen to me. the Salon Noir's ceiling is twice as high. even with modern lamps, you struggle to see it. now imagine. having walked all the way there, in the Wet, the fire of your torch or your grease hand-lamp to guide you, and suddenly not only can you not see the ceiling anymore, but the rock seems to speak back to you. the echo is intense, in the Salon Noir, way more than anywhere in the lower-ceiling'ed cave. your voice carries on for 5 full seconds, if you sing the rock continues singing after you. did you know? in france and spain, studies have shown that most parietal (=cave wall) art corresponds to particular acoustic features. did they sing? did they play the flute, the drums? did they use lithophones: the stalagtites & stalagmites, hit of small sticks, to make them ring? in the Salon Noir, most of the animals are bisons, as is very common in the franco-cantabrian area. now this is just something fun that our guide told us, possibly nothing more than an interesting coincidence, for its truth would rest on an unproven-hypothesis-within-an-unproven-hypothesis, but did you now that the female bison has the same gestational period as the human? 9 months.
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the bison to the right, with the red markings and the "eyebrows", is my dad's favorite: he says its profile looks like him, with his beard and his big nose, which to be fair, truly it does. in a previous-previous-previous-previous life my dad as an upper paleolithic era bison. this is my dad's paleolithic fursona.
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my favorite is this horsie. see? she smiles.
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so does this one on the left, a protome (= name for the depiction of only the front of an animal, of a human)
PERGOUSET (pronounced per-goo*-zeh) CAVE
(* but the "oo" sound is short)
i'm cheating a little. because this is not painting, it's carving. but i consider sculpture an art, and parietal carving to be as important and interesting as parietal paintings, so. take it or don't!
yeah the whole cave. you'll see why. basically if i think about Pergouset for too long my skin starts melting i foam at the mouth etc. anyways. since the cave is closed to the public, and basically only available to researchers' viewings, it is quite hard to find images of it, so we'll just ball on this one.
Pergouset is located in the département of the Lot, in southwest-central france. this region is Plentiful with caves, including Pech-Merle that is basically next door, and Lascaux 1.5h away. why this one & not any of those two? well. come closer.
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okay. the pussies & this guy with his penis out cave. what's her deal. Well, first piece of lore is to know that, in the grand scheme of franco-cantabrian paleolithic cave art, human representations are minimal. animals make up the majority of depictions, however, "archetyped" or "stereotyped" human figures that insist on sex characteristics are Plentiful. and within representations of that, "female" archetypes outnumber "male" ones by a lot. basically you cannot cough on a paleolithic "human" depiction without landing on a vulva frankly. many such cases in life as well. one of the hypotheses, which Michel Lorblanchet brings forth in his book La Naissance de la Vie: Une Lecture de l'Art Parietal (from which the picture above is from) is that it could be part of a belief system in which the cave, the whole cave, itself could be a "female" principle or archetype: the whole of the cave a matrix, a uterus. basically its giving, it's giving birth. one of the biggest data point he has for that hypothesis is the Pergouset cave. in the Pergouset cave, carvings of vulvae rhythm a long narrow passage following an underground river. the 3 vulvae could represent that of pre-birth, that of currently-pregnant (with the line in the middle, like the pigmentation line on pregnant belly + carved over a convex part of the stone), and that of currently-actively-giving birth: "vulva 3" is just two streaks in the rock, surrounding a naturally-occuring hole in the rock: as if that feature of the cave itself had been recognized as It's Giving Birth / hereditary voice I Am Your Mother. as you can see on the picture, vulva 1 is all the way back in the #depths, in the #dark, and vulva 3 the closest to the exit, indeed to the light ( -> it's giving birth). now. and this is the insane thing. foaming at the mouth like unwell arms shaking rn. i've had to go pace 4 times since i started typing. in the depths of the cave, the animals that are carved are less (see the numbers on the picture). but also, they're... more fantastic. stranger, more unusual. lacking the realism that is typically associated with parietal art. they're... as if from a dream, an undetermined land of weirdness, of amorphousness. as they get closer to the light, they get more numerous, they proliferate, life crawls the walls: they become also more and more realistic. as we reach the last carved vulva, as it is giving, what is it: giving BIRTH, animals are numerous, abundant, fully formed, their visible selves in the world outside: it is as if the cave itself, the depths of cave itself, gave birth to these animals, formed them inside of itself, let them out from this unknown, amorphous, strange land beyond the stone, where human cannot reach. humans went in, and meticulously, sometimes using a natural relief in the stone for an eye, a feature, "released" the animals from the stone, "revealed" them from their state of hidden-inside-of-the-depths-ness. the whole cave this Mother from which all the animals drawn on the walls emerged.
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flippinegg · 10 months
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havent used this website in a bit anyways here are some more binding of isaac co op babies i made for fun and also a mod. once again im sorry for all the tags teehee. anyways back to being inactive bye!!!!!!
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icarusredwings · 3 months
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14 at Disneyland... Coming soon
Who gave this man a phone??
Tony Stark looking ahh...
From 'Man in the Attic' on AO3 <3
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goryhorroor · 1 year
masterpost of horror lists
here are all my horror lists in one place to make it easier to find! enjoy!
action horror
analog horror
animal horror
animated horror
anthology horror
aquatic horror
apocalyptic horror
backwoods horror
bubblegum horror
campy horror
cannibal horror
children’s horror
comedy horror
coming-of-age horror
corporate/work place horror
cult horror
dance horror
dark comedy horror
daylight horror
death games
domestic horror
ecological horror
erotic horror
experimental horror
fairytale horror
fantasy horror
folk horror
found footage horror
giallo horror
gothic horror
grief horror
historical horror
holiday horror
home invasion horror
house horror
indie horror
isolation horror
insect horror
lgbtqia+ horror
lovecraftian/cosmic horror
medical horror
meta horror
monster horror
musical horror
mystery horror
mythological horror
neo-monster horror
new french extremity horror
paranormal horror
political horror
psychedelic horror
psychological horror
religious horror
revenge horror
romantic horror
dramatic horror
science fiction horror
southern gothic horror
sov horror (shot-on-video)
splatter/body horror
survival horror
vampire horror
virus horror
werewolf horror
western horror
witch horror
zombie horror
horror plots/settings
road trip horror
summer camp horror
cave horror
doll horror
cinema horror
cabin horror
clown horror
wilderness horror
asylum horror
small town horror
college horror
plot devices
storm horror
from a child’s perspective
final girl/guy (this is slasher horror trope)
last guy/girl (this is different than final girl/guy)
reality-bending horror
slow burn horror
pregnancy horror
foreign horror or non-american horror
african horror
spanish horror
middle eastern horror
korean horror
japanese horror
british horror
german horror
indian horror
thai horror
irish horror
scottish horror
slavic horror (kinda combined a bunch of countries for this)
chinese horror
french horror
australian horror
canadian horror
silent era
30s horror
40s horror
50s horror
60s horror
70s horror
80s horror
90s horror
2000s horror
2010s horror
2020s horror
blumhouse horror
a24 horror
ghosthouse horror
shudder horror
other lists
horror literature to movies
techno-color horror movies
video game to horror movie adaption
video nasties
female directed horror
my 130 favorite horror movies
horror movies critics hated because they’re stupid
horror remakes/sequels that weren’t bad
female villains in horror
horror movies so bad they’re good
non-horror movies that feel like horror movies
directors + their favorite horror movies + directors in the notes
tumblr’s favorite horror movie (based off my poll)
horror movie plot twists
cult classic horror movies
essential underrated horror films
worst horror movie husbands
religious horror that isn’t christianity 
black horror movies
extreme horror (maybe use this as an avoid list)
horror shorts
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thebubblesareevil · 3 months
Switched at birth uncle! AU
So Bruce had a little brother, but because of corruption or incompetence at the hospital he was swapped with a baby that had the SIDS or something. The family is distraught and Bruce doesn’t bring it up.
Years later when Jazz is in Gotham interviewing to become the new head of Arkham asylum she runs into a young Damian Wayne. She can’t stop staring at the young copy of her brother (if not for the clear middle eastern roots).
Damian is suspicious of the Psychological that won’t stop staring at him, certain she was another harley in the making he starts researching the Fenton family.
Alfred finds him in the bat cave and nearly has a heart attack at a picture of someone who looks remarkably like a young Thomas Wayne. Together the two investigate.
Cue gala shenanigans where both Damian alfred try to steal some dna from Danny.
They get the results that are corrupted by ectoplasm but show a definite genetic match.
This is what Bruce walks in on.
Meanwhile Batman and phantom have worked together many times and while Danny knows Bruce Wayne is Batman, Batman does not know that Phantom is Danny Fenton because who would expect the dead guy to have a secret identity.
So Danny is actively avoiding the Wayne family while Bruce tries to reconnect with his baby brother.
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battymommastuff · 1 year
Revenge... (Final Part) (GRAPHIC)
Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: Batmom and Jason did what needed to be done...
Part 1 Part 2
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How far had you fallen? From the sight you and your second oldest left for Gotham City left the broken city divided in half.
Too far...
or not far enough...
That sight? Joker's corpse lying on the Bat-Signal. That sick, and sadistic grin still on his face. It made you sick to see it, but you were satisfied that he was gone, "It doesn't fix it. That bitterness I feel." You said as you watched the GCPD conduct their investigation from a nearby building. You didn't know if Batman was lurking about. Was he too scared to face you? Or was he just waiting for the perfect moment to pounce?
"It'll never go away. Trust me, Mom. You're taking that to the grave." Jason said coldly as he polished one of his guns. The other was tucked safetly in your belt. One bullet had been fired from each gun. One shot for Jason's revenge, and one for yours. Was it poor form to take him out while he was in a coma? Sure, but it was much more satisfying than pulling a plug.
Jason's bitterness was ever growing. When his eyes first opened, he was floating in a green pool surrounded by the League of Assassin's. Once his memory returned, the seed that was already planted before his death began to grow. That seed kept growing, and growing once he learned of your fate after his death. How did he find out? He had to listen to Talia praise you without seeming affected. She was proud of you for avenging something so precious to you. Then she turned around, and degraded you for allowing yourself to be throwing in the Asylum.
That didn't matter now, you were free. The Joker was finally gone. The disgusting, smog filled air seemed lighter now that he was gone.
Bruce sat in front of the batcomputer. The biggest image on the screen was of your face. The last image of you before you left the Asylum. That cold gaze with the evil smirk. He knew what that meant...he's seen that gaze several times throughout his vigilante life.
You were coming for him. His wife died the night he carried Jason's dead body into the cave. Something else was born, and grew within the walls of the Asylum. Now you were coming for him. He couldn't fight you. You were the love of his life. His reason for breathing, and yet...he made the biggest mistake of his life. Bruce changed the image from you to the one of Joker's corpse. The scars from your vicious beating paired with the two bullet holes. One in his heart, and the other between his eyes. He couldn't blame anyone, but himself for this.
Now he has to prepare for the hell you and Jason are about to unleash upon Gotham's Underground. No villain or evil doer was safe now. He couldn't stop you, and he knew you would never let him hurt Jason. He created two monsters, when it was so easy to prevent it.
Gotham was going to burn, and you were going to be the one holding the matches.
@igotanidea @rosalindatheog @khaylin27 @zbeez-outlet @sugarysweetsandpainfulteeth @emily-roberts @grandstrangerphantom @oilyb1tch @kurxxmi @rl800 @dtsyoongs @viperbaroness @lovepity @avitute @bitchyexpertprincess @amieliaine
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Duke meets Harold
Duke is in the bat cave like normal it’s a normal day, he’s usually not in the batcave during the day. But it’s quiet and he needs to look up something. All of a sudden he hears a noise and it’s coming from the bat mobile.
Duke: who- whose there?
the clanking and clanging of tools alerts duke to their position.
Duke: I SWEAR if it’s you joker I will BASH your head in with a crowbar
all of a sudden a short hunched man appears from behind the Batmobile.
Harold: *waves*
Harold: *shrug*
Duke: are- are you supposed to be here?? WHO ARE YOU???
Harold: *nods*
Duke: *thinks for a moment* wait can you talk?
Harold: *shakes his head no*
Duke: damn, wait you don’t have a AAC or something?
Harold: *shakes his head no*
Duke: I don’t think you’re a criminal or anything but we are going to go out and grab a AAC, it’s not fair for you man,
Then duke and Harold go out on the town to go find a AAC device after a few stops and a lot of calls later Duke and Harold return home and all the while Harold's been testing out the AAC.
Harold: *presses some buttons on the AAC and a computerised voice starts playing* Hi I am Harold
Duke: nice to meet you Harold your getting a hang of that quick!
Harold: I have never heard of these
Duke: yeah they weren’t really a thing for a while, but technology and stuff got way better and more people were able to use them!
Harold: *presses buttons* Bruce and The family are really nice to me, but I did not think I would ever have a voice
Duke: I mean? Not many people do sometimes, also YOU KNOW BRUCE???
Harold: he took me in so I didn’t have to go back to the asylums
Duke: wait people were putting you in an an asylum???
Harold: many people like me get put in institutions and asylums, they are not good places.
Duke: wow I am learning things, well it’s nice to meet you formally Harold! Do you want me to drop you off anywhere or do you wanna go home?
Harold: I was in the middle of updating some parts to the Batmobile, and would like to continue.
Duke: sure dude, want any food before we go home? Because we are out already why not?
Harold: would not, but thank you
Duke and Harold make their way back to the bat cave, there Tim is sitting at the bat computer pouring over Case files.
Duke: hi Tim
Harold: hi tim
Tim: HAROLD???
Harold: I have a AAC now, duke got it
Tim: wait what is that?
Duke: dude, you don’t know what a AAC is?
Tim: no what is it?
Duke: it’s a device so that mute people or nonverbal people can communicate without having to speak, uh also why did no one tell me about Harold?
Tim: oh Harold usually sleeps during the night and tinkers in the shed, you never noticed his room?
Duke: uh, no.
Tim: wow no one told you?
Duke: yeah no.
Harold: I do not blame you, nice to meet you duke
Duke: you too man, wow uh so you really have been here the whole time?
Harold: yes HaHa
Tim: that thing really works wonders
From that moment forward Duke and Harold became good friends, and they started to talk often about all sorts of engineering and technology related things, and Duke would bring Harold cookies and cool things he picked up on his travels and fights.
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tomboy014 · 1 year
Dun Dun Dunnn!!! Arkham Security Guard Danny's Epic Backstory! with Dick Grayson
I fell in love with the Arkham Guard AU by @xy-is-i and like most projects I work on, rather than starting where the story starts, I end up going backwards and delve into the backstory.  And I mean waaay into the backstory.
Because while the stories might start when the Bats run into Danny and Jazz working at Arkham Asylum isn’t where they first met.
Long, long ago, through shenanigans unknown, Robin and Phantom became friends, and honestly, they both really needed it. 
Dick Grayson, age 16, has been Robin for a while, but this is so early in the day that there just aren’t many teen heroes or sidekicks yet.  He’s basically pioneering the field of child heroes.
For Danny, 14, Sam and Tucker are great, but there are just some parts of superhero-ing that they just don’t get when you don’t have to hide a secret identity. 
Batman, for his part, does not approve of the friendship.  He’s already not a fan of metas in his city, but when the two of them get together, the chaos twin energy between Dick and Danny multiplies.  Worse, it brings about the pun-pocalypse, and there are only so many puns Bruce can take.  And then there’s the sibling discourse…
After all the stories Danny has told about his family, Dick is desperate to have a little sibling of his own, and the two repeatedly gang up on Batman to adopt another kid.  Their acting may be stilted, but the efforts are constant.
It never works.  Bruce doesn’t have empty nest syndrome yet, and tiny, homicidal Dick was already more than he could handle while he was trying to figure out how to adult, but he also can’t stand that he’s disappointing Dick.  Alfred isn’t helping either; he wants more grandkids.
And there’s no way in HELL that he’s adopting Phantom.
But for Robin and Phantom, they finally have someone they can talk to who gets it.  They can vent about their rogues, get help with homework, bitch about balancing their vigilantism with going to school, talk about whatever TV they’ve been watching, anything and everything.  It’s not uncommon to see them hanging off the Gotham gargoyles or grabbing a bite on top of the Nasty Burger.
There’s an unspoken rule between them that neither pries into the other’s personal life or secret identity, but as they get more comfortable with each other, little things slip out.  Then more.  Numbers are swapped, bits and pieces about their families come out. 
Later on, homes and secret hideouts are visited and they know each other’s first names.  It’s not a problem for Dick to go to the Fenton’s, but technically, Danny isn’t allowed in the Bat Cave or the Manor.  Those visits happen behind Batman’s back, and they were almost caught when they hid in the chandelier before Danny remembered he could turn them invisible. (Alfred encourages the friendship and bakes extra cookies once when he finds out Danny is over.) 
And eventually the relationship grows until they’re comfortable enough to swap full names.  No more secrets.
Dick likes going over to Danny’s place since it’s a chance to feel a lot more normal, even if they have to be very careful and either stay in civilian clothes in the shared areas or stay locked in Danny’s room if they’re in uniform.  Danny also goes out of his way to keep Dick from ever meeting his sister, Jazz (Danny knows he has a type).  It doesn’t stop them from swapping their numbers under the door.  (Jazz will unofficially be Dick’s therapist for years after this)
But being this close, Dick can also see just how stressed Danny is trying to maintain this lifestyle.  Doesn’t help either he has to listen to Danny’s parents go on and on about wanting to rip their own son apart, molecule by molecule.  Sure, Danny has a couple friends to help him, but he doesn’t have the same mentor or support system Dick has.  For a kid his age to be anything other than a sidekick is practically unheard of in this day and age.  Superheroes are still fairly few and far between, but Batman helped start a group called the Justice League a couple years ago with the idea that heroes could help each other.  Maybe there’s something there…
So, Dick starts the Teen Titan.  He had originally intended for Danny to join him as one of the founding members, but are you kidding?  Jump City is on the opposite side of the country!  He has school! and parents! (That’s the point, Danny. We’re trying to get you away from the parents that want to dissect you) He can’t just up and leave home and run halfway across the country!
So, Dick found the other iconic members and still joined the Titans, but Danny will always have an open invitation to join them and a room at the Tower, something Danny does occasionally take advantage of.  Jump City doesn’t spawn as many natural portals as Gotham, but he visits whenever he can and basically haunts the tower the entire month of December to get away from his family.
Still, the distance and growing up are hard on Dick and Danny, and they grow more distant over the years, but they’ll always have each other’s backs in an emergency.  Dick was there when Danny thought he was turning into a monster (it was just ghost puberty).  Danny stole the Spectre Speeder so they could scour the Ghost Zone after Jason died.  And Danny would eventually become godfather to Dick’s daughter, Mar’i. 
But things cooled down between them… at least until a panicked Danny called because his sister just took a job at Arkham…
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lunememes · 2 years
🌙 * ― 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 ( a collection of various settings for drabbles or prompts, or both! )
001. a tattoo parlour, buzzing with machinery and walls lined with artwork . 002. a shopping mall, crowded and loud . 003. a cabin in the mountains, taking shelter from the snow storm. 004. an abandoned tea party, occupied with broken dolls . 005. the shooting range, empty casings clinking on the floor and sulphur in the air . 006. a music room, filled with melodies of an instrument . 007. an empty auto shop, hood of a car left open and quiet music coming through speakers . 008. a bright arcade, coins falling from machines and claws grabbing at soft toys . 009. the kennels, filled with barking dogs and excited companions . 010. a restaurant, where everyone is eerily quiet and staff are overly friendly . 011. a riding arena, with trained riders atop proud horses . 012. a mini golf course, sails of a windmill obscuring the path ahead . 013. a zoo, filled with an array of unique animals . 014. the docks of a bay, boats lining the decks . 015. a pond with ducks, seeking food . 016. a museum, displaying ancient bones and pottery of a history long ago . 017. a closed down prison, ghosts of violent history echoing in empty cells . 018. a quiet train station, lights overhead flickering and announcement board displaying errors . 019. the vast desert, scorching heat baring down at high noon . 020. the dark woods, filled with strange hanging symbols made of sticks . 021. a deep hole in the ground, covered by leaves and sticks . 022. a wishing fountain, base lined with copper coins of past wishes . 023. an abandoned picnic in an empty field, flask still warm with coffee . 024. a barn filled with hay and tools, old wood creaking in the wind . 025. a graveyard in the dead of night, wind howling through the trees . 026. a crumbling bridge above a raging river . 027. the refreshing waters of a lake, away from prying eyes . 028. the crossroads, in the middle of nowhere . 029. a cosy bonfire at summer camp, marshmallows roasting on the fire . 030. the top of a radio tower, with the perfect view of the surrounding area . 031. a lone phone box on a street corner . 032. a large elaborate temple dedicated to a deity, offerings still intact . 033. a drive-in movie theatre, cars empty and projector casting only light onto the screen . 034. a strange trail of breadcrumbs on a woodland path . 035. a haunted mansion, ancient paintings watching every footstep . 036. a decrepit mine located out in the hills, believed by locals to have a powerful curse cast upon it . 037. the edge of a cliff, overlooking the rough waves and distant sounds of approaching danger . 038. a road trip across country, music blaring through speakers . 039. a flower shop, filled with bouquets and a sweet aroma . 040. an airport in the early hours of the morning, deprived of sleep . 041. a train on its way to its destination, a sleeping passenger resting on a shoulder . 042. an abandoned shack filled with strange books of the occult and something mysterious bubbling on the stove . 043. an empty throne room, moonlight glimmering through tall windows . 044. an underwater tunnel in an aquarium, fish swimming overhead and sharks looming in the distance . 045. deep within unmarked cave located in the side of a mountain, lit only by a flare . 046. the dusty streets of a western town, watched by wary residents . 047. the back of a vast library, surrounded by books, when a black book falls from the highest shelf . 048. a room of an asylum, an abandoned camcorder left in the middle of the room . 049. the shores of an unknown beach, washed up from the ocean . 050. the deck of an unsteady ship, waves crashing against the haul and rain lashing down from dark clouds .
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Random meet the batfamily reveal situations i dont see enough of so have some examples/prompts
The JL: Batman is truly terrifying. No one has the guts to lie to his face
The JL: *video calling the batcave*
Spoiler: *walks across the room and is seen as she passes behind Batman*
The JL: wait! Its you!
Batman: Spoiler, why and when did you have contact with the Justice League?
Spolier, no hesitation: i have never met these people in my life
The JL: WHAT? What are you talking about?!? We saw you two days ago
Spoiler: wasn't me. I don't know what to tell you, you must've saw someone else
Batman: *turns on his camera for the JL zoom call*
The JL: uh, Batman?
Batman: *steamrolls right into the meeting material so he doesnt have to talk about falling for a prank*
Batman: what happened?
The JL: well this group broke into the Watchtower and put Green Arrow and Green Lantern in the infirmary! They refuse to tell us who they work for or how they got past security-
Batman: *trying not to laugh because he is pissed that they broke into the Watchtower and possibly compromised them all but the image of Lantern and Arrow sitting next to each other in matching bandages like cartoon characters is hilarious*
Batman: i can answer one of those questions. This group typically works with me. They are supposed to be stationed in Gotham right now.
Batman: Nightwing, what could not be accomplished at the cave that this many of you needed to come here?
Nightwing: well, uh, you see...
Batman: Robin, why are you all here?
Robin: there was a... incident in Agent A's kitchen. It is no longer usable. We are here seeking asylum from his wrath.
Batman: *facepalms*
The JL: *gasps at the facepalm*
Batman: one of you blew up the microwave again, didn't you?
Robin: i will neither confirm or deny that claim.
Batman: *dealing out his children's punishment*
The JL: damn he's really giving it to them
Orphan: *hugs Batman's arm and gives him puppy eyes*
Batman: *speech falters but he keeps going*
Nightwing: *comes up behind Orphan and rests his chin on her head, also giving puppy eyes*
Batman: *speech begins to taper off*
Signal: *starts faking a leg injury and claims to be exhausted*
The JL: no, he's not gonna FOLD is he?
Robin: *refuses to stoop so low as to use these tactics but is adorably sulking behind them*
Batman: *folds like a house of cards and the kids get off mostly free AND with hugs*
The JL: *are flabbergasted*
The JL: how did you hack our security?! It's the best in the world
Red Robin, clearly exhausted: i built your security you fu-
Batman: Red Robin. What can we do for you.
Red Robin: answer your damn phone when i call you.
The JL whispering: who does this guy think he is?
Red Robin: we're out of coffee. I need you to swing by the store on your way back or just steal some before you leave.
The JL: you interrupted our very important meeting because you want Batman to go grocery shopping for you!
Batman and Red Robin: no coffee is a emergency.
Red Robin: *cracks open a five hour energy*
Batman: please don't-
Red Robin, making direct eye contact: *pours five hour energy into a can of monster*
Red Robin: desperate times call for desperate measures, B
Nightwing: it's freezing out here.
Nightwing: *pushes Superman aside so he can wrap Batman's cape around him*
The JL: uhh
Batman: i told you to bring a jacket.
Nightwing: jackets limit my mobility. And last time i brought one it got slashed to pieces and i had to buy a new one. I cant do that every time it gets cold!
Batman: *sighs*
The JL: did Batman just sigh in defeat??!!?!!!??
Oracle, interrupting a meeting: Batman. It's been four hours.
Batman: i am aware. Thank you Oracle.
Oracle: you need to eat, B.
Batman: i am fine.
Oracle: then you shouldn't have a problem eating. I know there are snacks in your belt.
The JL: is Batman getting bullied by his own AI?
Oracle: i am not a AI. And i will hold up this meeting until you eat.
Batman: *grumpily pulls out a granola bar and starts eating*
Red Hood: *marches right through the Watchtower and up to Batman*
Red Hood: you did not tell Robin to "just watch" Pride and Prejudice!
Batman, calmly turning in his chair: i did, yes.
Red Hood: i can't look at you right now. I don't know if i can ever look at you again.
Batman: the one i recommended is praised for it's faithful adaptation-
Red Hood: it's not the same! There is no substitute for reading a Jane Austin work!
Red Hood: next you'll tell me you've never read it
Batman: *silence*
Red Hood: get your stuff, we're leaving.
The JL: where are you going?
Red Hood: to a bookstore!
Red Hood: i'm coming over for lunch tomorrow and you better be at least one chapter in. You hear me, B?
Batman: Hn
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A Palestinian citizen of Israel has been granted asylum in the UK after claiming he would face persecution in his home country on the grounds of his race, his Muslim faith and his opinion that Israel “is governed by an apartheid regime”. “Hasan”, whose real identity is not being disclosed for his own protection, has attended pro-Palestinian protests in the UK, and his lawyers also argued that his activism would place him at increased risk of hostile attention on his return. His lawyers said on Tuesday they believed the Home Office decision was unprecedented in the case of a Palestinian who held an Israeli passport. The 24-year-old is understood to have spent most of his life in the UK. He had claimed asylum to avoid being sent to Israel, and a first-tier tribunal hearing had been due to take place today. However, the Home Office unexpectedly caved in on Monday and granted Hasan asylum, so avoiding a hearing in which his legal team were intending to argue that Palestinian citizens of Israel were unsafe, and in particular those that were willing to speak out. It was Hasan’s belief, his lawyers said, that Israel was governed by “an apartheid regime that engages in systematic and pervasive discrimination, persecution and violence touching on all aspects of Palestinian life”.
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froot-batty · 10 months
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Gods worst friend group !
I'm excited to finally be able to talk about them. Venture down there if you beware
These guys are pretty entwined, so just like in the Twobat backstory, It'll just be one big thing. BIIIIIGGG thing, sorry
Viktor Fries was born in Denmark, an only child to two very loving parents. He'd always had a love for the cold, which grew into a love for winter, which grew into a love for cryogenics. His parents couldn't get him enough books or research papers written about the subject, so his eventual decision to pursue it in higher education came as no surprise. At the time, Gotham University and WayneTech were the leading institutions in cryogenic research, so Viktor packed his bags and ventured off to America.
Kirk Langstrom was born a sickly little baby at Gotham General. He was born with Chediak-Higashi syndrome, which not only caused his albinism, but made Kirk very prone to bacterial infections, especially when he was younger. It would also cause motor issues as Kirk aged, resulting in the need of mobility aids like canes or a wheelchair. As a child, Kirk was teased for his appearance, likened to a vampire - or, on one occasion, an albino bat another kid had found and presented to him. Instead of being offended, this moment was what kickstarted Kirk's love for bats, and eventual pursual of chiropterology.
And for Hugo Strange....well, no one really knows where he came from.
The three met when they were all in college, and they became friends almost instantly. They were three smart outcasts who had little to no real friends before this, so naturally they latched onto one another. Hugo a little more than the other two, but I'll get into that.
For the time they were in college, they were good for each other! But as most things go, they drifted a bit after college ended. Viktor by now had fallen in love with Nora and gotten his job at WayneTech, and Kirk had gotten the opportunity to take a research trip to study Bracken Cave (which is where he'd meet his eventual wife, Francine). This left Hugo mostly to his own devices, which he put towards his career at Arkham Asylum and eventually becoming the head of it.
When Kirk eventually returned from his trip, they reconnected with one another. Now here's where I'm gonna talk individually about what happened to Fuck These Guys Up.
Chronologically, Nora getting sick and Fries' accident is what happens first. When Nora started getting really sick, Viktor and her had no idea what it really was, only that it had the potential to kill her if they didn't find a treatment. Viktor's desperation to find it would eventually lead him to Hugo, who agreed to assist Viktor in his research. When Viktor and Nora mutually decided to freeze her to give Viktor more time, Hugo allowed them to build the machine that would freeze her in an abandoned room in the basement of Arkham (which Hugo was using for his own experiments).
Viktor panicked during the process of Nora freezing, and went to turn the machine off in the middle of it, not fully thinking through what he was doing. It caused the machine to malfunction and the chamber (with Nora in it) to explode outward, releasing everything that had been meant to cryogenically preserve Nora out into the room. The injuries and exposure to chemicals should have killed them both, but the temperatures (and medical assistance) managed to preserve the both of them, though it left Viktor as a living but slowly rotting corpse, who is both being killed by the cold and needs it to keep living in whatever state he's in now.
Hugo was actually the one to find the both of them. Though he had personally never cared for Nora, he followed the plan she and Viktor had laid out, making a new chamber to preserve her while he had a suit specially made for Viktor in order to keep him alive. With a tracker installed inside of it so Hugo could know where he was at any time.
This is probably a good time to cut and explain what's wrong with Hugo. He is...insanely devoted to both Kirk and Viktor. They were both his first friends and he loves them very much and he will Keep Them at Any Cost.
So after Viktor awoke, and realized that Nora had been preserved (even though part of him didn't want that anymore), Hugo instructed him to begin working on a cure for her. Hugo couldn't care less if she died he'd get Viktor to himself then, but Viktor had grown dangerously depressed after the accident and the thought of one day being reunited with a cured Nora was the only thing motivating him to stay alive.
Because Nora's chamber is in the basement of Arkham Asylum, Hugo has control of when and for how long Viktor can visit her. If he doesn't make sufficient progress on her cure, he isn't allowed in.
Now, onto Kirk. He had no idea that was all happening, as their contact with one another had been limited, even after reconnecting. One day, though, Kirk had mentioned his interest in changing his current study to focus on his condition, CHS, instead of his bats. Mostly because he was worried about progressing into the accelerated phase, as most people with CHS do. But Hugo suggested instead that he could figure out some sort of treatment for Kirk - and don't worry, you can just go back to your bats! I promise it'll work; in fact, it'll have you feeling like Batman!
So Kirk, suffering from chronic pain and various disabling motor issues, agreed happily. He visited Hugo's lab when the "treatment" was finished and received two injections in the neck, which turned into those two scars. When it didn't work after a couple of days, Kirk was disappointed, and was ready to tell Hugo that he needed to try something else when something...happened.
Kirk blacked out for a couple of hours and woke up shirtless, covered in blood in an empty alleyway. And, strangest of all, he wasn't in pain.
And this kept happening. Every couple of nights he would black out and return home bloody. He attempted to hide this from his wife, but something like that can't stay under wraps forever, so when she found out she urged him to talk to Hugo and figure out what the hell that "treatment" did.
So he did (rather angrily, of course). Hugo would explain that the treatment was actually an experimental chemical he'd developed to be able to turn humans into animals, specially developed for Kirk to turn "at will" instead of being stuck like that permanently. Because of Hugo choosing a vampire bat as the animal for the specific "treatment" developed for Kirk, he would need to feed on blood while in bat-form, thus the reason he was bloody every time he awoke from his blackouts.
There was only one bonus to the transformation. The concoction was, actually, a sort of cure. The bat form didn't have the same chronic pain or issues that Kirk's normal body did. But it came at the cost of being a mindless, bloodthirsty monster.
All he needed to do, Hugo said, was figure out how to become the bat instead of letting it take over, and then he'd practically be the perfect creature!
He would have to keep coming to Hugo for regular injections, though.
Kirk initially, obviously, refused - he wasn't a monster, and he didn't want to hurt anyone or anything just to help himself. But he kept thinking about it. And thinking about it. Could he really tame the bat, and live as something powerful and strong? Something he'd never been?
It weighed on his mind so much that he inevitably returned to Hugo, just to try it. What he didn't know at the time was that the injections were purposefully addictive, growing worse and worse the more he returns to take them.
Hugo Strange friend of the year everybody
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micewithknives · 4 months
Top 5 archaeological sites in Australia that you feel people should know more about? Or top 5 Australian artefacts?
I feel like I’ve talked a bit about artefacts in a few recent asks, and also I feel like a lot of Australian archaeology (and as such, sites) are very underrated, particularly on a global scale. Its often acknowledged in Australian archaeology that getting international academia to recognise the importance of our country’s archaeology is very very difficult.
While there’s a million and one sites I’d love to talk about, I’m going to TRY and give sites that relate to different aspects and locations
This is probably going to be long, so...
1. Nauwalabila, Madjedbebe (Malakunanja II), and the Deaf Adder Gorge region, Northern Territory (Aboriginal)
Rock shelters in this region, and specifically Madjedbebe, are currently the oldest location of human habitation in Australia. Dating evidence from 2017 excavations provided an estimate of earliest occupation of 50 000 years at certainty, possibly extending back as early as 65 000 (+/-6000). It also has provided a lot of evidence for research into the extensive grind stone technologies of the Pleistocene.
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2. Cloggs Cave and the Buchan region of the Victorian Gippsland (Aboriginal)
So much research has been done into this region in various ways. Josephine Flood focused her research on Bogong Moth usage (and festivals) within this region, providing some of the earliest accepted academic research in support of Aboriginal peoples’ claims of large scale Bogong Moth Festivals in Australia’s highlands (although the fac that no one really believed communities until then…………..). In 2021 grind analysis found Bogong Moth residue, making this the earliest stone artefact with evidence of insect food remains. And in addition to that recent 2017 research in the area investigated Holocene occupation with Aboriginal community members, with a focus on understanding the interaction of spirituality with the resources found in the caves.
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3. Mabuyag Island, Torres Strait Islands, Queensland (Torres Strait Islander)
Mabuyag Island (alternatively known as Mabuiag or Mabuyaagi) has archaeological evidence of human occupation since 7300 years ago. The island is both associated with recent religious practices associated with he heavy processing of dugong remains, and totemic associations with these, which played a role in early 2000s into community lead and directed archaeological research into ritual and religious traditions and practices. In addition to this, Mabuyag is the location of the first archaeological excavations in Australia to find pre-colonial pottery fragments. The fragments at the two sites on the island were associated with Melanesian and Papua New Guinean pottery trade. The excavations relating to pottery on the island played an important role in our understanding of domestic and international trade in pre-colonial Australia, and also formed an influence for the recent excavations at Lizard Island, 300km south, which identified the first datable domestically made pottery technology found in Australia.
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4. Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney, NSW
Hyde Park Barracks is part of a collection of colonial heritage structures in Australia, relating to Australia’s time as a penal settlement. Hyde Park Barracks in particular were the location of the housing of convict men from 1819 to 1830, with the 1830s to 1840s also involving the site being a location of additional convict punishment, and the base for the Board of Assignment of Servants. Following on from a reduction of convicts to NSW in the 1840s, the Barracks became the Female Immigration Depot, and the Orphan Institution, later becoming the Asylum for Infirm and Destitute Women.
This time period of women’s occupation provides some of the most interesting archaeological remains, as redevelopment and management of the site has found high rates of preservation within walls, and in areas below floorboards. This includes textiles and fabrics, papers, and other non-organic materials such as pipes (with their tobacco intact) stashed in what was once floor, wall, and ceiling cavities. Archaeological investigations in the area form one of the most detailed assemblages of artefacts relating to instituted women in the British Empire during the 19th century.
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5. Notch Point, Western Australia (Multicultural heritage)
Notch Point is a site of varied and mixed archaeology, ranging from pre- and post- colonial period Aboriginal heritage, to diverse 19th century occupation of the region by Chinese, European, Malay, and Aboriginal peoples in association with pearling industries off the coast. In addition to this, the point is located on Dirk Hartog Island (otherwise known as Wirruwana), the site of the earliest European arrival in Western Australia in 1616, and contains archaeological evidence of both various early Dutch interactions with the island in 1616 and 1697, as well as French arrival in 1772, 1801, and 1818. Notch Point in particular also contains evidence of conflict between the predominantly Chinese population of the pearling industry, with white-Australian and European pearling masters, and pastoral agents. Its not a site that is widely discussed, but provides a fascinating overlay of the amount of varied cultural groups that can be present within Australia’s archaeological sites.
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Honourable mentions to:
Lake Mungo and the Willandra Lakes which should 100% be on this list, but also I feel like I talk about it ALL the time and I wanted to mention sites that I actually don’t see discussed a lot. Theyre super important for cultural reasons, for archaeological reasons, and also for their role the development of archaeology, Aboriginal community consultation, and the role its played in developing repatriation practices in modern Australia. I have multiple posts about them HERE
Budj Bin Eel Traps in Victoria (same reasons, I’ve definitely talked about them before).
Juukan Gorge (and its destruction, im still horrified)
Harrietville Chinese Mining Village
Strangway Strings and The Peake Afghan Cameleer sites
Recherche Bay in Tasmania, and its 1792 French settlement sites
Homebush Mill & Mission Hall in QLD and Beowa National Park sites containing South Sea Islander heritage
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spiraphobia · 16 days
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not-my-final-account · 6 months
I sighed and leaned back onto the chair provided as the family argued in front of me, Nightwing seemed very untrusting of me which was sad but to be expected, Jason however was valiantly defending my honour saying that it calmed down the pit rage. I really need to look into these pits, both because they’re clearly ectoplasm of some sort and also yum.
I watched them argue back and forth but when Jason didn’t try to kill any of them or storm away (poor guy really needs to get his system cleaned) they seemed to accept that what I had done had worked, they also did a few blood tests and with some assurance that I knew how to take non dangerous levels of blood they left it alone.
Jason turned around to talk to me but I was already in mist form to watch his reaction, he gave a smal sigh and muttered something about asking him to do that more often, ooh, good. I flew through the layers of stone and walked to Arkham Asylum to see Jazz, she’d moved there as a psychologist and apparently had the longest streak of staying alive or sane as one, weird.
A guy with a face full of clown makeup skipped happily down the street and everyone turned their gazes away and not say anything, Gotham truely does reminds me of home but with more crime and more normal stuff, like nice normal clowns instead of freakshow or ghost clowns.
I walked into the asylum “Hi! I’m here to see Jazz!” I said, he glanced at me and then my teeth and claws
“Poor Jasmine, if you kidnap her can you set it up to look like Joker? I’ve got money riding on him.” the guy asked, I gave him a look and went to where Jazz was, waiting until some guy with an impressive nose walked out of the room
“Danny!” she cried as the ran over and hugged me
“Jazz!” I said back “Have you heard about the Bats?” I asked
“I’m Jokers therapist, I know about them.” Jazz said and I laughed
“Okay so here’s the story
I walked down the street sipping my ecto, it’s blood red was kind of disorientating but whatever, better than having to pay for food. Suddenly two guys jumped me! I sighed and kept drinking, I punched the first guy into a wall a bit harder than I intended to but he’d be fine, the second guy I knocked out easily, and the third guy tripped me but I caught myself by flying and tripped him up then gave him a purposely harder punch which winded him, no need to knock my lunch out of my hands.
I turned around to pick up my thermos and saw Batman, BATMAM. Look, maybe hissing then turning into mist and flying at him to get it might not have been the smartest choice, but I don’t have fully human instincts anymore so there was no fear stopping me and no one in the world needs any more sources of ecto, and I had spent hours tinkering around with that so it filtered ecto from the atmosphere just right no way was I doing that again!
Anyways, he thought I was a vampire so I decided, giw are after me so I decided to be a vampire, I got jumped about a week later. I’m living in the Bat cave.” I said
“Are they treating you right?” Jazz asked, I nodded “I have a story too. I’m liminal, we all know this, anyways, I saw this lady whos on greyscale and could be from the victorian era. So I met Lady Gotham!” Jazz said “She’s cool.”
“Oh awesome, I left some gifts for her when I moved in. She said I could live here but I only met her that once.” I admitted
“Good.” Jazz said with a nod “Listen to what Frostbite and Clockwork teach you about Ghost etiquette.”
“There’s this guy who has really good tasting ectoplasm too, it’s fermented and in his blood.” I mentioned, Jazz blinked
“Huh. What do you think of him?” she asked
“He’s strong, keeps mentioning ‘pit rage’ I think these pits are old ectoplasm, good ectoplasm, it’s delicious.” I said
“Is this guy Red Hood? Lady Gotham mentioned him, he died and got revived by a pit of ectoplasm, but he didn’t come back as a ghost, just the same human as before, so the ectoplasm is keeping him alive but he’s probably makes way too much for a human to filter.” Jazz suggested “He was probably frustrated about something, and then it amplified that frustration which led to more frustration and anger which got amplified, creating a positive feed back loop. He probably has no control over the anger now though.” Jazz said, I knew enough about coding from listening to Tucker to know what a positive feedback loop was.
“Huh, poor guy.” I said, Jazz nodded solemnly when there was a knock on the door and the gruff voice of someone who’s seen some stuff
“Your next patient Ms Fenton.” he said
“Bye Jazz!” I said and I walked out.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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