#astros fics
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atsro-slut · 3 months ago
Would you be willing to write a fem!reader x Remus where you're good friends with Remus, but one lingering touch and you were head over heels, so you're ranting to Lily about your feelings, and she comes up with a plan to set you up with Remus? Team efforts with the other marauders seem fun but you're completely free to do whatever you want! 🫶
Catching Lupin
Hey!!! My literal fav is back! I hope you enjoy bby!!
Remus Lupin x female!Reader
Y/N’s crushing on Remus, and with a little help from Lily and the Marauders, it’s about to go from friendship to something way more.
Y/N had always considered Remus Lupin to be one of her closest friends at Hogwarts. Their friendship had blossomed over years of late-night study sessions, shared laughter over ridiculous inside jokes, and quiet walks around the castle grounds. But lately, something had shifted. The comfortable camaraderie they’d always shared suddenly felt… different. At least, it did on her end.
It all started with one lingering touch.
It wasn’t anything overly flirtatious—just Remus gently brushing her arm when handing her a book during their usual spot in the library. But the moment his fingers grazed her skin, a spark had ignited inside her, leaving her breathless and painfully aware of just how close he had been. Since that moment, she couldn’t stop thinking about him—about the warmth of his hand, the way his brown eyes glinted when he smiled, how she felt safe and seen whenever they were together. It was maddening.
And now, Y/N was pacing back and forth in the Gryffindor common room, her hands tangled in her hair as she vented to her best friend, Lily Evans.
"I can't stop thinking about him, Lily!" Y/N exclaimed, nearly knocking over a cup of tea in her haste. "Remus! And it’s driving me insane. I mean, what was that touch? That touch—it was nothing, but everything, you know? I swear, I’ve never been this pathetic over a guy before."
Lily raised an eyebrow, a small smirk tugging at her lips. She had been watching the two of them for a while now, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that there was more between Y/N and Remus than either of them realized. She set her tea cup down, a mischievous glint in her green eyes.
"Oh, I know exactly what you mean," Lily said with a knowing tone, crossing her arms. "I’ve seen the way you look at him when you think no one’s watching."
Y/N groaned, flopping onto the couch dramatically. "This is ridiculous! He’s my friend. My good friend. And now every time he’s near me, I’m… I don’t know, melting like some kind of love-struck idiot."
Lily laughed softly. "Well, it sounds to me like someone needs a little nudge. What are you waiting for? A grand confession from him?" She paused thoughtfully before her eyes lit up with a spark of inspiration. "Wait, I have an idea."
Y/N sat up, her eyes wide. "What? What idea?"
Lily leaned in conspiratorially, lowering her voice as if they were planning the most intricate plot in wizarding history. "You want Remus? I’ll help you get him. But we need to make a plan. A plan where he realizes just how amazing you are."
Y/N blinked, slightly stunned by the sudden shift. "Wait, are you seriously going to help me? You, the one who always says I should wait for things to happen naturally?"
"Desperate times call for desperate measures," Lily said with a wink. "Plus, you’re clearly head over heels, and you’ve been too busy staring at him to actually do something about it. Leave it to me. I’ll get the Marauders involved. They owe me a favor anyway."
Over the next few days, Lily set her plan into motion, gathering the Marauders for an impromptu meeting in the common room. Y/N had no idea what was going on, but she was already feeling the heat of anticipation in her chest. The Marauders—James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus—had always been close to her, but now that her feelings for Remus were growing, the thought of being around all of them was starting to make her feel a little self-conscious.
One evening, while they were all sitting by the fire in the common room, Lily subtly nudged her toward Remus. He was sitting on the other side of the room, a book in his lap, looking so effortlessly handsome that Y/N could barely keep her focus.
"You know what I think?" Lily whispered, leaning closer. "I think you should go over there. Sit next to him. Get a little closer. Let him see just how much you’ve been avoiding him."
Y/N’s eyes widened. "You want me to just… sit next to him?"
"Yep. And don’t be all nervous about it. Just be yourself." Lily gave her a sly smile. "And I’ll take care of the rest."
Lily’s plan was set into motion the very next evening. As Y/N walked into the common room, she found Remus lounging near the fire, reading a book. His hair was slightly messy, his glasses perched low on his nose, and his warm smile greeted her as she entered.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, looking up from his book. "How’s it going?"
"Good," she replied, her heart pounding in her chest. She hesitated for a moment before taking the seat beside him, her knee brushing his in the process. It wasn’t intentional—at least, not entirely—but the moment their legs touched, she could feel the heat spreading up her spine.
"Mind if I sit here?" she asked casually, trying to hide the way her stomach was doing flips.
"Of course not," Remus replied with a smile, not seeming to notice the nervous fluttering in her chest. He continued reading his book, but the proximity made Y/N acutely aware of every little movement he made, of the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathed, of the faint scent of the woods and parchment that always lingered around him.
"Y/N," Lily said from across the room, catching her attention with a pointed glance. She gestured subtly toward Remus, then to herself, as if signaling some silent code.
Y/N blinked, her heart pounding in her ears. What was Lily up to? Before she could question it, Sirius, who had been watching the whole thing with a grin, leaned toward James and whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear, "So, what do you think, James? Should we help these two out? I feel like we could, you know, nudge them in the right direction."
James immediately caught on. "Oh, absolutely. Time for a little friendly intervention."
Peter, who had been quietly observing the conversation from the corner, suddenly piped up. "Are we talking about Remus and Y/N? I think we can help. A few well-placed compliments, maybe some strategic distraction…"
Before Y/N knew what was happening, the Marauders had begun their campaign. James and Sirius started joking around with Remus, purposely steering the conversation toward how “amazing” Y/N was—her intelligence, her kindness, the way she could make the most mundane tasks feel fun. Meanwhile, Peter, being the expert in misdirection, kept Y/N distracted with casual small talk, occasionally giving her a teasing wink.
Every time one of them said something about her, Y/N’s heart skipped. She was blushing. She had to admit, their plan was working.
Finally, Remus glanced over at her, his brown eyes meeting hers with a soft, almost shy smile. "You know," he said, his voice low and warm, "I’ve been meaning to tell you something."
Y/N’s heart leapt into her throat. "What’s that?"
He hesitated for a moment, then chuckled softly. "I think I’ve been a little oblivious... But I do like spending time with you. A lot more than I’ve realized."
Y/N blinked. "Oh," she breathed, a smile tugging at her lips. "I think I like spending time with you too."
Sirius, from across the room, gave a thumbs-up, and James clapped dramatically. Peter, ever the strategist, even pretended to be busy so they could have the moment to themselves.
Remus, looking a little sheepish but pleased, finally leaned closer. "Would you maybe want to… go for a walk? You know, just the two of us?"
Y/N’s smile widened. "I’d love that."
As they stood up together, heading toward the door, Lily gave Y/N a wink, mouthing, “Mission accomplished.”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, feeling lighter than she had in weeks. Maybe it hadn’t been so hard after all. And thanks to her friends—especially the Marauders—Remus Lupin was no longer just her good friend.
He was something much, much more.
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ink-and-dagger · 3 months ago
What if Astrid find a pic of young Silco by accident hehhehehehhehehehehhe
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A Drink With Me ficlet
870 words || Established relationship || Silco x Astrid (but can be read as gen f!reader) || SFW but suggestive || MDNI
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“Oh my Gods.”
“Oh. My Gods.”
Time has stripped the photograph between your fingers of its glossy sheen and has left the edges blunt and frayed, but you would recognise those features anywhere; no less sharp nor striking through the faded sepia.
“This is you.”
It had slipped from between two ledgers as you’d perused Silco’s bookshelves – an activity more to entertain your idle hands than a genuine search for reading material. The image itself is simple and candid: A young man, seemingly oblivious to the fact his portrait is being taken, sat at a familiar bar, with eyes downcast toward a spread of papers.
That same man looks up at you now from a very similar spread of papers. “What is?”
“This.” You drift over to his desk and perch on its edge, all the while unable to tear your gaze from the photo in your hands. The pitch dark hair swept back into a low bun. The familiar strays – the same ones that even now will always be the first to escape any styling under the combing of agitated fingers – falling forward into his face, only far longer and thicker than you’re used to. His skin, unblemished and smooth, save for the chronic furrow between his brows – etched there long before time and tragedy ravaged the rest.
Silco hums absently; an indication that he acknowledges your discovery but finds little interest in it. You can imagine the man in the photograph making the exact same noise, were someone to distract him from his paperwork for a reason he deemed benign. You flip the photo over. No date.
“How old are you here?”
Silco exhales through his nose, places his pen down with a pointed clack, and extends his hand wordlessly toward you.
“Hah! Do you think I’m wet behind the ears?” you hold the photograph out of his reach, “You can tell just fine from over there thank you very much.”
He cuts you a scathing glance, before leaning forward in his chair with a foreboding creak to peer more closely at the image. His scarred lips purse slightly in thought.
“Mid–late twenties. I can’t say for certain.”
“You were hot.”
“Were and are,” you coo, reclining backwards over the desk into his space, one elbow pitched on his paperwork to hold your weight whilst you flap the photograph in front of his face, “Can I keep this?”
“For what reason?”
“Dirty ones.”
“Hardly necessary,” Silco says, the very corner of his mouth creasing upwards as he catches your wrist to halt your photo-flapping, “You have access to the real thing.”
“True, true, and you can be sure I’ll continue taking advantage of that.” You grin, shoving your captured, photo-wielding arm a little closer to him in emphasis, “But right now I’m talking about some alone time with this guy.”
Silco scoffs under his breath and releases your wrist. You twist onto your front, weight propped on both elbows as you admire the photograph in your grip. You trace a finger down the slender throat of the man in the photo, over the generous wedge of chest exposed by his open crimson collar.
“D’you think he’d notice me? If I came into that bar?”
“Oh I’m certain he would.”
“Yeah?” You lift your gaze from the man in the photo to the one before you – as equally breathtaking. More so. You catch your lower lip between your teeth. “What line would he use?”
Silco hums, low and thoughtful, leaning forward in his chair, closing in on your space. He picks up his abandoned pen, briefly twirling the implement until it’s poised between his elegant fingers like a cigarette. Nib safely facing his own palm.
“After downing the dregs of his drink for courage... he would have approached you.”
With sensual tenderness, he brushes the barrel of his pen along your cheek, warmed metal against warmer skin. Catching at the curve of your jawline, and tracing over your pulse in a way that makes it fumble a beat.
“Cast his gaze over each of your pretty, pretty features. One by one,” he murmurs, slowly drawing the end of the pen down your jugular, down the slope of your collar bone, to leisurely trail through the cut of your cleavage. The corner of your mouth hooks up. The warmth low in your belly coils a little tighter.
“He would have leaned in close,” Silco whispers, demonstrating just so, “Close enough that you’d almost taste the whiskey on his breath.”
Blunt metal drags a purposeful line up your throat, and your lips part softly as he tilts your face toward his with the barrel of his pen flat and firm beneath your chin.
“And asked you – very nicely – to stop leaning on his paperwork.”
You press your tongue against the inside of your cheek while Silco’s dual eyes sizzle with smug mirth. It’d be unthinkable, really – to forfeit either one for the sake of a matching pair.
You straighten and push off his desk, hips swaying as you saunter over to the bedroom with the photograph in hand.
“Well,” you say, pausing in the threshold and turning to him with a smirk, “If you need us, you know where we’ll be.”
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mykoreanlove · 11 months ago
say please? 🥺
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“Open your legs baby, come on.” You shook your head in disagreement. Your boyfriend’s piercing eyes didn’t leave yours, not even for a second, as he was cowered in front of you, begging on his knees like the good boy that he was. His long fingers softly glided over your shins up to your thighs, but you still denied him access. “Baby, just do it.”
A soft energy surrounded him as he was trying to seduce you. Eun Woo had multiple sides to him, but he knew that you liked his whiny, pleading characteristics the most. Seeing him in such a state of contrast ignited a fire within you, one that would burn you with deep desire.
His appearance exuded an aura of danger, his well-defined physique and tousled hair presenting a captivating, heartthrob allure. Yet underneath this exterior, he radiated warmth and kindness, embodying qualities of compassion and love. “Don’t you want me to make you feel good?” His deep voice was hushed, yet sweet as honey. His eyes were glistening, painfully needy of his one true love. “Open your legs for me. Come on, princess.” You shook your head once more. Eagerly. Eun Woo chuckled in frustration, deciding on taking another route. “So, you don’t want my lips on the insides of your thighs? Pampering you with kisses? Soft, sweet kisses? The ones that are moist? Is that it?” You felt your thighs tingling, immediately responding to his words, screaming at you. “Now open your legs for me, honey.” He noticed you squeezing your thighs together in response and smirked internally, knowing that his tactics were paying off. Eun Woo got up on his knees and propped his arms on both of your sides, leaning in for a kiss but stopping right before touching your lips. His scent was intoxicating. His breath was too sweet. Everything in you fought hard to not give in. “You know that I can make you feel really good, don’t you, baby? The kind that has you high for days? Hooked even?” He watched you cautiously, all his focus was on you. You heard him whisper sultrily once more. “Open your legs for me, darling.” Eun Woo’s eyes darted down to your throat, only for a millisecond, catching you gulping hardly. He knew what he was doing to you, just as you knew what your resistance to him did. But now he was getting impatient. He turned his head to the side and graced your ear with his soft lips. “Let me taste you, baby girl. I really want to fucking taste you. Slide my tongue into your wet pussy. You are wet for me, aren’t you, baby?” He noticed your chest heaving heavily, going all in now. “Let me tell you what I want to do to you, y/n. You are going to open your legs for me, and I will dive head-first into your precious cunt. And I will drink you up like juice. I’m going to circle on your clit, poking and sucking until you’re jelly for me. Let me make that cherry pop, baby girl.” A soft moan escaped your lips, his words definitely painted a picture for you. “Open your legs for me, now.” You felt the heat in your body, but you decided to make him wait a little longer, you needed him agitated for a bit longer. Eun Woo clicked his tongue impatiently; the annoyance was written all over his face. “After I made your cherry pop, I’ll be sliding my tongue into your hole, baby girl. Sliding in and out, in and out while your delicious juices will be drooping all over me. Let me lick your folds. Let me lick you clean. Please just let me tongue-fuck you. Please.” His voice was almost breaking, his need for you too unbearable. Eun Woo turned around to face you again while breathing deeply. He noticed your dilated pupils and flared nostrils; he could even sense your pussy’s heat from up here. Fuck, you both needed each other badly, so he tried one last time. “Open your legs for me, baby. Please?”
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biaswreckmepls · 2 years ago
A moment of silence.
This isn’t usually what I post, especially since I’m not an Aroha, but I’m moved to tears to do this. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of Moonbin’s family and friends right now. My heart is truly breaking. Sua, Sanha, Jinjin, MJ, Rocky, Eunwoo, Seungkwan, SinB, Chanwoo, his family, we’re all thinking of you. I hope everyone respects their privacy and their need to grieve, and I also hope we are all able to celebrate his beautiful life and all that he was, and all that he gave to it. Kind, gentle, incredibly talented, I can’t imagine what could’ve happened that got him to get to this point. My foundation feels shaken to its core.
Moonbin-ah, I hope you know how much you were loved, and how sorely you shall be missed. You have left a beautiful legacy behind you, and yet it was nothing compared to all you could’ve done. You remain in our hearts and our memories. You were wonderful.
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Rest In Peace.
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astro-stars · 1 month ago
can your horns be used as handles (TWST
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The dimly lit, atmospheric common room of Diasomnia was alive with the faint crackle of a magical fireplace. Yuu sat at a table strewn with notes, quills, and books, working diligently on a project with Sebek. Well, Sebek was working diligently, his handwriting precise and his focus unwavering. Yuu, on the other hand, was half-distracted, their mind wandering as they stared at the intricate patterns of the dorm’s decor.
It wasn’t until Malleus entered the room, his regal presence as commanding as ever, that Yuu’s thoughts crystallized into a single, burning question that had been lingering in their mind for weeks. They glanced at Sebek, who was muttering about the importance of proper formatting, and then at Malleus, who had taken a seat on the nearby couch with Lilia and Silver.
Without thinking, Yuu blurted out, “Hey, Malleus, can you feel your horns?”
The room went silent. Sebek froze mid-sentence, his quill poised in the air as if someone had just declared open war on the Thorn Fairy herself. Lilia’s lips curled into an amused smile, while Silver blinked slowly, clearly trying to process the sudden shift in conversation. Malleus, for his part, tilted his head slightly, his expression one of mild curiosity.
“My horns?” Malleus repeated, his deep voice tinged with intrigue. “What an unusual question, child of man. May I ask what brought this to mind?”
Yuu flushed but pressed on, their curiosity outweighing their embarrassment. “I’ve just been wondering. Like, are they sensitive? Can you feel them the same way you feel your hands or something?”
Sebek’s face turned an alarming shade of red. “HUMAN! How dare you ask such a personal question of the Young Master?!” he bellowed, his voice reverberating through the room. “Have you no sense of propriety?!”
“It’s fine, Sebek,” Malleus said calmly, raising a hand to silence him. “I find the question rather intriguing.” He turned his attention back to Yuu, his emerald eyes gleaming. “To answer your question: Yes, I can feel my horns, though not in the same way I feel my hands. They are part of me, but their sensitivity is… limited, shall we say.”
“Huh,” Yuu said, nodding thoughtfully. “That’s kind of cool. So, theoretically, if someone were to, I don’t know, use them as handles, would that… bother you?”
The silence that followed was deafening. Sebek looked like he was about to faint from sheer outrage, while Lilia burst into laughter, his voice ringing out like bells. Silver sighed, rubbing his temples, as if wondering why he even bothered to stay awake for these conversations.
Malleus blinked, his expression unreadable for a moment before his lips quirked into a faint smile. “Handles, you say?”
“Yuu!” Sebek shouted, his voice cracking. “That is utterly disgraceful! Apologize to the Young Master at once!”
Lilia wiped a tear from his eye, still chuckling. “Oh, Yuu, you truly are a delight. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sebek this close to imploding.”
“I’m just curious!” Yuu defended, throwing up their hands. “It’s not like I’m actually going to try it or anything. I just… wondered.”
Malleus regarded Yuu for a moment longer before nodding slowly. “I see no harm in curiosity, as long as it remains respectful. However, I would advise against using my horns as… handles, as you put it. They are still a part of me, after all.”
“Fair enough,” Yuu said, grinning sheepishly. “Thanks for answering, though. I’ve been wondering about that for a while.”
Sebek groaned, burying his face in his hands. “Why does the Young Master tolerate this insolence?!”
Silver patted Sebek on the shoulder, his voice calm. “Relax. It’s not worth losing sleep over.”
Lilia leaned back in his seat, clearly enjoying the chaos. “Well, this has certainly been the most entertaining study session I’ve witnessed in years. Carry on, Yuu. You make life in Diasomnia much more lively.”
Yuu laughed nervously, returning to their project. They made a mental note to think twice before letting their curiosity get the better of them again—though they couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit proud for making Malleus smile.
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TAGLIST: @soramcduckahyucky
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astrobei · 2 years ago
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he’s very tired after his surprise party btw
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endless-ineffabilities · 3 months ago
Endless Astro Fic Recs
a/n: had a bit of fun with this ol' site today. not all of my fics are here yet, and this will be updated as we go. also, I cannot speak as to the accuracy of my choices — if thou doth protest, you're welcome to do so!
main masterlist
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Aries ♈️
turning red (modern Daemon)
burn them all for you (Aemond)
heart on fire (Aemond)
as I believe in you (Anakin)
if these walls could speak (Daemon/Aemond)
Taurus ♉️
she is my heart (Daemon)
hmm, a christmas drabble (Aemond)
babydoll (Bucky)
blue eyes so green (Ewan)
Gemini ♊️
chemical override (Ewan)
in the shadow of your heart (Daemon)
so high school (Bucky)
serrated edges (Aemond)
Cancer ♋️
the sapphire and his sun (Aemond)
there's hope for us yet (Anakin)
eclipsed (modern Aemond)
Leo ♌️
be young, be dope, be proud (modern Aemond)
fire like yours (Daemon)
but daddy, i love him (Daemon)
my man of the year (Ewan)
sun (Ewan)
do me no good (Ewan)
Virgo ♍️
casual (modern Aemond)
rogue ink (Daemon)
maroon (modern Aemond)
too soon to tell you I love you! (Ewan)
laundry day (Ewan)
Libra ♎️
backhand stroke (modern Aemond)
tongue in cheek (Tom Bennett)
husband for a day (Ewan)
Scorpio ♏️
sapphire-hearted (Aemond)
le marquis et le moineau (Marquis de Gramont)
dollface (Bucky)
revel in my depravity (Aemond au)
Sagittarius ♐️
diet pepsi (modern Aemond)
the other side of the door (Ewan)
the bolter (Steve/Bucky)
Capricorn ♑️
i will never say that i am in love (Aemond)
labyrinth (Aemond)
without you, i would not be (Daemon)
Aquarius ♒️
national anthem (modern Aemond)
in between (Ewan)
House Mitchell takes on Halloween (Ewan)
Pisces ♓️
lavender haze (Aemond)
the only place (Ewan)
technicolour (modern Aemond)
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wakyu-waku · 5 months ago
I love your writing! Can I have an Astro x Reader, please? Reader is usually very outgoing and energetic, but around Astro they’re very calm and quiet. Astro asks about this one day, and Reader is like “oh you don’t like loud noises.”
Slides you two dollars and a stick of gum
Of course! I love the idea very very much, and you anon have the honor to be my first Dandy’s World x Reader story! And apologies for the delay, I’ve had a mini break to charge my power to start writing everybody’s requests!
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Astro x Reader - Slumber Party
You and Astro were exact opposites in every way, with Astro being the calm yet timid introvert he was- and you the energetic flower. Always happy to have fun and help other toons, as Astro observed from afar about you.
You and Astro were exact opposites in every way, that it came as a surprise to him and every toon that you’d caught feelings for him- and made it very clear by confessing to him.
You and Astro had already been close friends before such feelings blossomed, however Astro always noticed when it was just the two of you alone- you suddenly were all calm and quiet. You were still your kind self, however such a shift made Astro wonder- even after your confession to him.
And your confession to him gave him more questions than answers.
It was just the two of you looking at the starry sky, when you whispered your love to Astro with the same happy grin.
You expected Astro to be asleep already by the time you whispered your love to him, but suddenly his eyes sprung open and a blue blush was cast over his cheeks.
It’d been a few weeks then when you two started dating, and now you were planning a slumber party for all the toons!
“Brightney, I’m really grateful you were so eager to help organize everything for the slumber party!” You energetically say as Brightney crossed off some checkmarks on her list, not knowing Astro was watching from afar as usual.
“Of course [Your Name]! I’m always happy to help you and Astro!” Brightney giggled.
“Everything’s ready for this awesome slumber party! See you tonight!”
As Brightney waved goodbye, you would notice Astro putting some lavender on the vases. You’d go over and help him out.
“Lavendars?” You ask with a warm smile, your voice now a mere whisper.
“Mhm..” Astro nods, smiling back at seeing your face. “They help with sleep and anxiety..”
“I remember the smell.. Did you put some of it on your blanket?” You ask, making Astro a bit shocked you’d notice such a small detail on such a quiet Toon like himself.
“Mhm.. I have..!” Astro nods, a blue blush dusting his cheeks.
Soon enough, the sun had set and it was time for the slumber party! Toons started flooding in, and you did most of the greeting as Astro watched.
“I HATE SLUMBER PARTIES!!” Shrimpo shouted as he stomped in.
“But you came by anyways! Hehehe!” You giggled as Shrimpo grimaced.
“You know [Your Name], this slumber party is so gorgeous! Really sparkling decorations!” Glisten praised until he froze up at the sight of a familiar fish bowl.
“Glisten’s right, [Your Name]! This really is Fin-Tastic!” Finn laughed as Glisten scowled, and you couldn’t help but laugh along as well.
Astro watched on with a smile on his face at all the toons you talked to during the slumber party. Although he didn’t participate in the activities himself, he felt a fuzzy feeling watching you and everyone else have fun.
But if you’re so happy all energetic and outgoing, why weren’t you that way around him? Was he making you unhappy all this time?
He always had these questions in him, but at this particular night they started to claw at him so tightly like the second pair of arms around his body.
When it was finally time for all the toons to go to sleep in their own sleeping bags or spots on the couch, you and Astro stayed awake.
Astro couldn’t believe the look of love in your eyes as you at him.
“[Your Name]..” Astro shakily sighed out, worry weighing his back. “You’re always so outgoing and excited with the other toons.. However with me, you’re so quiet.. Why is that?”
You only gave a reassuring smile and opened up your arms.
“You don’t like loud noises Astro, so I’m quiet so you’re comfortable. Because I love you very very much..”
Sleeping in your arms felt like the softest cloud in the world for Astro, and his worries all flew away to the wind. Your love for him was the most comforting blanket, and that night every toon had a good dream.
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astrowaffles · 7 months ago
I'd love to get back into my series with another interview-style fic! However, I'm extremely uncreative so I'd like to borrow some of your usernames and questions.
If you'd like one of the JJK cast to answer your question, shoot me an ask or DM here or on twitter (@astrowaffles_) telling me your question & which character you'd like to answer it!
You can:
- direct questions towards multiple characters
- ask multiple questions
- submit from multiple usernames
- ask something related to a previous fic
- be silly or serious
- use games like KMK or would you rather
- mention other anime characters, especially MAPPA characters, in your questions
You cannot:
- ask anything NSFW (my works are for General or Teen Audiences & many characters are minors)
- ask anything that could be offensive
I reserve the right to not include your question in my writing if I deem it inappropriate.
Please reblog to spread!
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atsro-slut · 2 months ago
Hiya lovely! So ima project cause we love that with your amazing writing, but I was thinking about reader who cries very easily and then she gets mad/upset at Remus and when he raises his voice during an argument she just loses it and cries but is too stubborn and mad to let him comfort her? I love a little hurt/comfort now and then to balance out the fluff 🤭 Thank you and enjoy your holidaysss <3
Snowfall and Second Chances
Hi hon!! This one hit super close to home, so I hope I did it well! Enjoy!!
Remus Lupin x female!reader
After a fight with Remus, Y/N's tears won’t stop—no matter how hard she tries. When Remus tries to comfort her, she pushes him away, but he’s not giving up that easily. Can he fix things before Y/N’s stubbornness gets the best of her?
The Gryffindor common room was warm and lively, the fire crackling in the hearth as students laughed and relaxed after a long day. But Y/N was not in the mood to enjoy it. She sat stiffly on one of the plush couches, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, a storm brewing behind her eyes. Across from her, Remus Lupin looked just as tense, though he was trying his best to remain calm.
“Y/N,” he started, his voice careful. “I wasn’t trying to embarrass you.”
“Oh, really?” Y/N shot back, her tone sharp. “Because that’s exactly what it felt like, Remus.”
The incident in question had happened during dinner in the Great Hall. Remus had made an offhand joke—something about Y/N’s habit of losing her quill at least once a day—and it had earned a round of chuckles from their friends. But to Y/N, who was already feeling off that evening, it hadn’t been funny. It had felt like a spotlight shining on her in the worst way, and now, hours later, she couldn’t shake the sting of it.
“I wasn’t mocking you,” Remus said, his voice growing firmer as his frustration bubbled beneath the surface. “It was just a joke, Y/N. You know I’d never want to hurt you.”
“Maybe you should think about how your ‘jokes’ sound before you say them,” Y/N snapped, her voice trembling. She could feel the telltale prick of tears threatening to spill over but fought desperately to keep them at bay. Crying would only make this worse.
“Merlin, Y/N!” Remus threw his hands up in exasperation, his voice rising now. “Why are you blowing this so out of proportion? I’ve apologized a dozen times already!”
And that was it. The dam broke.
The first tear slipped down Y/N’s cheek before she could stop it, followed quickly by another. She clenched her jaw, her throat tightening as the sobs she was holding back threatened to escape.
“Don’t,” she said, her voice wobbling as she tried to maintain her composure.
But it was no use. Once the tears started, there was no stopping them.
Remus’s frustration evaporated the moment he saw her cry, replaced instantly by regret. “Y/N...” he said softly, reaching out to her.
“Don’t,” she said again, pulling away from him and wiping furiously at her cheeks. “I don’t need your sympathy right now, Remus.”
“No!” she cut him off, her voice breaking. “You raised your voice, Remus. You never raise your voice. And now you want to comfort me? Forget it.”
Y/N stood abruptly, wrapping her arms around herself as if to shield her heart. She was too upset, too stubborn to let him close. Every part of her wanted to retreat, to hide away until the tears dried and the ache in her chest faded.
“I’m going to bed,” she said, her voice tight as she turned toward the stairs leading to the girls’ dormitory.
“Y/N, please don’t go like this,” Remus called after her, his voice gentle again.
But Y/N didn’t stop. If she turned around, she might crumble, and she wasn’t ready for that.
The dormitory was quiet and dark, but Y/N couldn’t sleep. She lay curled up under her blankets, staring at the ceiling as her emotions churned. She hated fighting with Remus. He was usually so patient, so kind. But tonight had been different, and she didn’t know how to bridge the gap between them.
She thought about his apology, about the hurt in his voice when he’d tried to explain himself. Maybe she had overreacted. Maybe. But that didn’t make her pain any less real.
Eventually, her exhaustion won out, and she drifted off into a restless sleep.
The next morning, Y/N woke up to the pale light of dawn streaming through the curtains. Her head felt heavy, and her eyes were puffy from crying. She groaned softly, sitting up and hugging her knees to her chest.
There was a soft knock on the dormitory door.
It was Remus.
She froze, her heart leaping into her throat.
“I know you’re probably still upset with me,” he said through the door. “But... I made you something. Can I show you?”
Curiosity got the better of her. She slipped out of bed, tying her robe around her before opening the door just a crack.
Remus stood there, holding a steaming mug in one hand and a small, folded piece of parchment in the other. His expression was soft, his eyes full of remorse.
“I made you hot chocolate,” he said, holding out the mug. “And... I wrote this.”
He handed her the parchment, and she opened it slowly. Inside was a short note, written in his neat handwriting:
Dear Y/N, I’m sorry for last night. I should have been more careful with my words, and I shouldn’t have raised my voice. You mean the world to me, and the last thing I want is to hurt you. Please let me make it up to you. Love, Remus.
Y/N felt a lump rise in her throat as she read the note. She looked up at him, her eyes swimming with fresh tears—not of anger this time, but of gratitude.
“Remus,” she said softly.
“Can I come in?” he asked hesitantly.
She nodded, stepping aside to let him in.
They sat together on the edge of her bed, the hot chocolate warming her hands as they talked.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Remus said, his voice earnest. “Sometimes I forget that you feel things so deeply, and that’s one of the things I love about you. But I was thoughtless, and I’m sorry.”
“I overreacted,” Y/N admitted, her voice small. “I know you didn’t mean to embarrass me. I was just... tired and sensitive, and then when you raised your voice, it just hit me harder than it should have.”
“You have every right to feel the way you feel,” Remus said gently. “And I’ll do better to remember that.”
Y/N looked at him, her heart swelling with affection. “And I’ll try not to be so stubborn next time.”
“Deal,” he said with a small smile.
She leaned against him, letting his warmth and steady presence soothe her. For the first time since the argument, she felt at peace.
By the time they left the dormitory, the sun was fully up, casting a golden glow over the castle. Y/N and Remus walked hand in hand, the tension of the previous night replaced by a renewed sense of closeness.
“I was thinking,” Remus said as they made their way to the Great Hall, “maybe we could go for a walk later. Just the two of us. I hear the forest trail is beautiful in the snow.”
Y/N smiled up at him, her heart feeling lighter than it had in days. “I’d like that.”
And as they stepped into the warmth of the Great Hall, Y/N realized that even the most challenging moments could bring them closer—because with Remus, every storm eventually gave way to sunshine.
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ink-and-dagger · 3 months ago
Remember in Drink With Me Chapter 9 when they get hammered and Silco smiles at Astrid?
Yeah. That’s the one.
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mykoreanlove · 11 months ago
afraid of love
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Exhausted from the intensity of the night before, you sank into the comforting embrace of your fluffy bed. But even in the tranquility of your room, your mind raced with memories of Eun Woo.
Did he make it to Seoul already?
Images of last night flooded your consciousness like a vivid, intoxicating dream.
Heated kisses on every inch of your body ignited a fire within you, each touch sending shivers down your spine and leaving you breathless with desire. Eun Woo's lips, soft and insistent, traced a path of passion across your skin.
His dark, brown eyes seemed to peer into the depths of your soul, stripping away all pretense and laying bare the raw, unfiltered emotions that lay hidden within. In those moments, it felt as though you were the only two people in the world, lost in a shared intimacy that transcended words.
Your bodies intertwined for hours, moving together in a dance of ecstasy and longing. Every touch was a symphony of pleasure that left you both gasping for breath.
Dirty promises were whispered into your ear, each word sending a jolt of electricity coursing through your veins. In the darkness of the night, with only the sound of your ragged breaths to fill the silence, you reveled in the shared intimacy of your whispered confessions, each promise a testament to the passion that burned between you.
As the night wore on, you both became a canvas for each other's desires, covering each other in colorful marks that served as a physical reminder of the passion that had ignited between you.
And as sleep finally claimed you both, you drifted off in his strong embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulling you into a peaceful slumber. In that moment, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that you had found something special, a connection that transcended the physical and reached deep into the depths of your soul.
Adrenaline flooded your system as you thought off all the things you did last night.
Or three nights prior to that. You matched on a random Sunday, after being abstinent from dating for a long time. Eun Woo was in town only for a couple of days for a video shoot but that didn’t stop him from having a good time.
He had been single for years after having his heart shattered by his first love. Ever since, he toyed with women as he pleased.
The first date was spent in his apartment, eating, and talking, cuddling, and fucking.
He was a passionate lover, even though he was starving for love and affection. The second date was a spontaneous invitation late at night, after all his mandatory meetings had been dealt with.
You repeated the first date’s actions but this time it felt more familiar, already knowing what you liked and needed. Eun Woo gave you his all, adoring you in every way he could.
Until he had to leave.
You remembered the sound of his alarm clock this morning, way too early and too sudden. He shifted in his sleep, groaning as he did not want to leave you.
Kisses on your neck were accompanied by his fingers entering you, sighing in appreciation. “God, you feel so fucking good, y/n.”
Minutes after he was gone, catching his plane back to Seoul. You put your fingers on your lips, looking for the traces he had left. The sudden vibration of your phone brought you back into the present moment.
I landed. Tired as fuck though. How are you?
Missing you.
You didn’t want to get your hopes up – after all he didn’t even live in the same country. This was nothing but a repeated one-night stand, right? You thought back to the conversation you had before falling asleep.
“Do you think there is a future for us?”
He caught you off guard with this question, making you panic to find the right words.
“That depends on how well you treat me, Eun Woo”, you mocked jokingly.
He broke into laughter, loving your sassy side.
“I will love the ground you walk on, my queen. How about that?”
You joined in on his laughter and turned to face him, staring into his beautiful eyes.
“Do you mean it?”
He nodded.
Did you really mean it, though?
Oh, good! Seoul has you back then �� Lying in bed and cuddling my plushie since you’re gone…
Did that sound stupid?
Your insecurities churned within you, suddenly you were hyper-aware of everything you said and did.
That’s it?
You felt sick to your stomach as you took that as confirmation. After all, you were right about him. He only used you for some fun during his trip. And now he’s back in his real life, in which you had no place in.
This was nothing but fun to him. Nothing but a repeated one-night stand.
What the fuck?
Barely awake you searched for your phone on your nightstand.
3:33 AM.
Who the fuck texts me at this hour?
You were instantly awake as you realized who it was.
Eun Woo.
I have no idea if you’re awake. You’re probably asleep. And I shouldn’t blow up your phone. But I can’t help myself.
Anxiety formed in your stomach.
What was that supposed to mean?
Are you okay?
It took him seconds to answer.
You’re awake? Did I wake you? I’m sorry.
You sat up in bed, anxiously typing your reply.
It’s alright. Why are you up? Everything okay?
You saw him type his reply for minutes, driving you crazy in your heightened state.
No. Nothing is okay. I can’t stop thinking about you.
You swore your heart skipped a beat.
Did I read that right?
I can’t stop thinking about you and it drives me crazy.
You gasped, trying to think of a reply.
You make it sound like it’s a bad thing…
Countless messages followed.
It is. Because you are not here with me. And I’m not there with you. I… I didn’t want to leave you this morning. I wanted to stay. With you, y/n. I really wanted to stay.
You pinched yourself, unsure if this was real.
Definitely real.
I know I sound crazy. Maybe I am. But I have fallen for you. HARD. The last hours I’ve thought about how I can manage to come back to your city. Or how I could persuade you to come visit me in Seoul. I almost popped a blood vessel thinking of ways. What did you do to me?
You chuckled. Relief washed over you, since he felt the same way you did.
I keep replaying last night over and over. How mesmerizing it felt to look into your beautiful eyes. How amazing it felt to kiss you. How mind-blowing it felt to be inside you. Oh god and speaking of blowing. The way your juicy lips wrapped around my cock? I’m losing my mind here, y/n. I’ve jerked off twice and still I couldn’t fall asleep. Or stop thinking about you. I’m a simp now, aren’t I? Look what you turned me into.
You were in shock.
Hours ago, you thought he would abandon you and go on with his life but here he was, confessing his desire for you. Making it obvious that he wants to continue this and get to know you better.
Now is the time to get my hopes up, right?
Do you want me to fly over?
You felt brave asking, believing in your chance at love for once.
Already checking flights, babe.
A broad smile formed on your lips.
I can’t believe this.
He is serious, isn’t he?
I can’t wait to be with you, y/n. I really fucking mean it. And that scares me the most.
You understood him perfectly, especially since the connection between you was so strong. This was nothing like you had ever encountered before. It scared you just as much, but you were willing to try.
Hey, uhm… Wanna be scared together?
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astro-stars · 2 months ago
First years convos (1)
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The cafeteria buzzed with its usual lunchtime energy, but one table in particular stood out—the one occupied by Yuu and the first-year chaos squad. Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, and Yuu had gathered once again for their daily dose of questionable conversations and hearty laughter. Today’s topics promised to be even more chaotic than usual.
“Alright,” Ace said, leaning forward with a smirk, “serious question: if you could have any superpower but it came with a ridiculous drawback, what would you pick?”
Deuce scratched his head. “Uh… super strength, but I’d have to sneeze every time I use it?”
“Lame,” Epel said, waving a hand. “I’d want to turn invisible, but only when I’m holding my breath.”
Jack frowned. “That’s not practical.”
“None of this is practical,” Yuu pointed out with a laugh. “I’d want to talk to animals, but the drawback would be that they’d all gossip about me.”
“Shrimpy, you’re already living that one,” Ace teased, and Yuu threw a napkin at him.
Jack crossed his arms. “I’d pick super speed, but the drawback is I have to eat five times as much.”
“You already eat a lot,” Epel said, grinning.
“That’s why it’d work,” Jack replied, deadpan.
“Next topic,” Deuce said, clearly eager to contribute. “If you could swap places with any of the housewardens for a day, who would it be?”
“Vil,” Epel said immediately. “I’d banish all the fancy skincare rules for one day. Live free.”
Ace snorted. “I’d pick Leona. Dude spends all his time sleeping anyway, so it’d be an easy day.”
“You wouldn’t last five minutes in Savannaclaw,” Jack said.
“You’re just mad ‘cause I’m right,” Ace shot back.
“What about you, Yuu?” Deuce asked.
Yuu thought for a moment. “Probably Riddle. I’d want to see what it’s like to run Heartslabyul without a single rule for one day.”
“The dorm would burn down,” Ace said, and everyone burst into laughter.
“Okay, okay,” Epel said, wiping tears from his eyes. “What’s the weirdest food combination you’ve ever tried?”
“I dipped fries in ice cream once,” Deuce admitted sheepishly.
“That’s not weird,” Yuu said. “It’s delicious. I’ve done it too.”
“Pickles and peanut butter,” Epel said, grinning. “It’s better than you think.”
“Nope, nope, nope,” Ace said, shaking his head. “I’m not even entertaining that one.”
Jack shrugged. “Raw eggs in milk. It’s a protein thing.”
“You’re terrifying,” Yuu said, staring at him.
“Alright,” Ace said, leaning back. “Last question: if you could fight any mythical creature and win, what would it be?”
“Kraken,” Deuce said without hesitation. “It’d be awesome.”
“A chimera,” Jack said. “It’s got a lion, a goat, and a snake. Beating one would be a real challenge.”
“You guys are too serious,” Ace said. “I’d fight a unicorn. What’s it gonna do? Stab me with glitter?”
“You’d lose,” Epel said, smirking. “Unicorns are supposed to be super strong.”
“What about you, Yuu?” Deuce asked.
Yuu grinned. “A dragon. If I win, I’d make it my friend.”
“That’s cheating,” Ace said. “You’re supposed to fight it, not make friends with it.”
“Why not both?” Yuu replied, and the table dissolved into laughter.
As the lunch hour ticked by, the topics grew more ridiculous and the laughter louder. By the time they left the cafeteria, they were all wiping tears from their eyes and clutching their sides from laughing too hard. Another day, another chaotic lunch for the first-year crew.
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TAGLIST: @soramcduckahyucky @lunasmisosoup
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astrobei · 1 year ago
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make me long for your kiss
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talkingsaxy · 2 months ago
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taglist: @bang-chan-my-man @saejinniestar
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