astrobunnyy · 4 years
The Signs as Tom & Jerry
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Aries, Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius,  Scorpio
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astrologicallyyy · 4 years
Dumb things that the signs have said or done (collab):
(This is purely based on people I know and by no means applies to everyone. This is not meant to offend any of the signs)
- Threw a lunchbox at me during math class and got away with it 
- Set something on fire with their friends and threw it off the 19th floor of a building (it landed right next to a bunch of cops btw) 
- Expressed themselves mostly by yelling? 
- Gotten way too drunk at their ex’s house party and ended up passing out at her house 
- Couldn’t go a day without swearing 
- Refused to help her family carry the luggage at the airport because she was scared her nails would chip 
- Showed up late or didn’t show up to a lot of their exams
- Started writing a book about a girl they ended up cheating on
- Stayed in love with a girl for about two years (and counting) after they broke up
- Ditched school to point where the teachers didn’t know if they are still a student of the same school
- Drove their best friend’s car when drunk and hit someone else’s car
- Did their make up during quarantine because they wanted to make a tiktok but ended up removing it because they realized they had homework due in an hour
-  Made up their own words and still uses them regularly
- “I like small bananas not big bananas” (She was referring to actual bananas, she’s kinda obsessed with them?)
- Gotten drunk with one breezer
- Gotten mad at someone for killing her in a game of kiss, kill or marry (the other options were her best friends) and when asked if she would rather have one of her best friends die she replied, I quote, “F**k those bitches, I wanna live!”
- Kissed his best friend’s ex (they had JUST broken up) apparently to ‘prove that he deserves better’
- Went on a break from their relationship because their girlfriend was ‘mean’ to them 
- Went to a club with their friends and sat in a corner with their kindle 
- Hurt their back once and has been carrying their stuff around school in a suitcase ever since
- Been extremely proud of themselves for walking across the street to a convenience store to buy a pen... and then gotten mad at people who didn’t react with sufficient enthusiasm 
- Pretended not to know what sex is 
- Made up fake stories in front of other people to make their life seem more interesting 
- Pretended to get hypnotized 
- Shaved off their eyebrow because someone told them to
- Played the victim more times than I can count 
The rest of the sign will be posted on: 
- @astrology101 (Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Virgo) 
- @astrobunnyy (Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius and Libra) 
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Okay, so @cardiovascular-tension told me to post this headcanon of mine here on tumblr, so now I’m giving in to peer pressure. 
I thought this would totally be Phichit and Yuri in Detroit.
Like maybe some news show decided to do a special show on figure skaters of Detroit and they’re interviewing Yuri, and Phichit comes running because he’s just so excited about this whole thing. He screams out of joy and Yuri does this thing.
And then some white conservatives, who think Yuri and Phichit aren’t taking this whole thing as serious as they should, are like “THESE ASIANS ARE OUT OF CONTROL!!11!!”
And Phichit and Yuri find it so funny that Phichit starts a hashtag on Instagram, so every time he and Yuri upload a selfie of themselves doing something funny or slightly crazy they’ll tag it as #TheseAsians.
And they’ll consantly say it to each other in random situations. Like maybe Yuri orders a regular coke instead of coke zero, and Phichit’s like “THESE ASIANS ARE OUT OF CONTROL!” And they just break down laughing in the middle of the restaurant and giggle like the adorable little shits they are.
And waaaay later when Victor and Yuri are married, Victor scrolls through Yuri’s old instagram and discovers the hashtag, and he asks “Yuri, what does #TheseAsians mean??” And Yuri just LOSES IT.
He immediately calls Phichit, who answers the call in only his boxers since it’s like 3am in Thailand because Yuri lives with Victor in Russia at the time, but when Yuri calls, Phichit WILL pick up no matter what.
He’s just very tired, but Yuri is cry-laughing so hard and wheezes “Phichit- Phichit! Victor asked- hahahaha Victor asked me what #TheseAsians means!”
And Phichit is wide awake from one second to the other and shouts “THESE ASIANS ARE OUT OF CONTROL” and they just laugh their asses off while Victor sits next to Yuri, so utterly confused and slightly worried about Yuri’s sanity.
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astrobunnyy · 4 years
Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Virgo rising, aries venus and Scorpio Mars for the placement ask. Thank you 💖
- Pisces sun and gemini moon reminds of someone super adaptable, maybe a bit indecisive. You may have the tendency to pulled in two opposite direction by your mind.
- You tend to be both flexible and stubborn at the same time.
- You are extremely smart, can be a bit sly.
- Strong intuition but super restless
- Childlike, super energetic but still mature
- Love to challenge yourself
I really like your venus sign!! Pisces sun - Gemini moon seems a bit conflicting to me, but I feel like they make a unique combination because they’re so different. Scorpio mars seems a bit intense, but then again intense can be really good.
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astrobunnyy · 4 years
Pisces sun, Aries moon rising and Venus. (All that fire has honestly drowned out most of my pisces traits so unfortunately I can hardly relate to my sun sign 😩)
- confident and fierce
- SUPER energetic
- lowkey crackhead energy (hehe)
- can be impulsive and aggressive
- still intuitive
- might not be too emotional
love your rising and your venus!! honestly fire risings are always energetic and down for anything so i love them bc i love doing new things. idk how i feel about aries moons bc they can be a bit rude and impulsive so they say whatever they want. however you have a pisces sun which i feel like balances it out, making you honest but still taking peoples feelings into consideration. i don’t get a long with too many pisces sun’s tho bc they’re super sensitive but your placements say otherwise.
overall i like your placements !!
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astrobunnyy · 4 years
taurus sun, aries moon, libra rising and gemini mercury?
love love love you sun and rising signs. not to convinced by the aries moon.
- super super loved by others
- adorable !!
-tactful and smart
- artistically inclined
- amazing fashion sense (i LOVE ur aesthetic)
- elegant and neat
- impulsive, assertive, independent
honestly really love your rising and sun. your moon however has the tendency to say whatever comes to mind which is not always a good thing. however your sun and moon seem to compensate for this hot-headedness. LOVE UR MERCURY. Gemini (& virgo) rules mercury so you’re really good at reading and communicating with people. you love discovering and learning new things, which i love!!
overall love ur placements 💕
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astrobunnyy · 4 years
hie! what do you think about virgo sun, pisces moon and rising, scorpio venus and mars placements in a chart? 😊
- you can make fabulous arguments
- anxiety and insecurity
- VERY intuitive
- can be overly emotional
- very creative
- very intense lovers
- need commitment
your placements confuse me a bit but if you can make them work you’d be so different. i don’t like too many virgo’s but the ones i do are really nice. pisces moon can be soo emotional but risings seem super sweet, innocent, daydreamers etc. your venus amd mars completely contradict your personal placements due to the mysterious ed’s and intensity of a scorpio. you like soul connections.
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