#astra :D
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scented-morker · 1 year ago
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astra-dark · 1 year ago
I think my favorite Trigun headcanon to think about is what it was like the first time Vash slept with any of his companions, and I don’t mean in the nsfw way, I mean in the literal sense of the word.
Like what was it like the first time he fell asleep leaning against Wolfwood in the backseat of the truck, fingers gripping the fabric of his suit jacket. Would he sit up right and try to laugh it off like it didn’t stir something in his chest?
Or what about the first time he ever shared an inn bed with Meryl and woke in the morning with his ear to her heart. Would he panic when her eyes opened and saw him, only for her to say his bed head looks funny and smooth her hand through his blond spikes?
Or the first time he fell asleep with his head in Milly’s lap after running from bounty hunters all day, utterly exhausted. Would he feel comforted like he hadn’t felt in years as she draws little patterns on his shoulder with her fingertips?
I think even years down the road he would have moments where he wonders if okay to want this, where he’d ask himself if he should want the comfort of being with them brings, the feeling of safety of them being there in his non-waking hours. To which his companions would say haha get loved idiot.
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mskenway97 · 5 months ago
TF One Orion Pax x OC(!fem!reader!)x D-16
Beyond Space and Reality
Summary: Astra was a scientist in search of something she had always wanted in life. But once she has made a hypothesis about a source of life and no possible alien existence, she decides to travel. To discover that not everything is like the movies she saw.
Words: 1,5k
Warning: g/t content , g/t fearplay, size difference, first contact au, polyamory
CAP 1: Landing on the planet
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I will put the links of pillowfort and ao3 to publish this application:
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abyssalzones · 1 year ago
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it is the time once more.... to post art i have made for money !! (part one)
below the cut are everyone's credits, thanks to everyone who commissioned me for your support :J
arthur (done via email)
werewolfnoir (once again)
hip-horror (again)
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sirobvious · 7 months ago
D&D5e loyalists are like the imperial guardsmen who report every spec of bad attitude or complaining to the Commissar and then the next day their platoon is ordered to march across a minefield to clear it for the tanks
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craving-for-chaos · 2 days ago
Sage and the pressure she's under
Y'know, something interesting I noticed while scouring agent voicelines—as I do—is the way the other agents talk to and about Sage. What really got me thinking about this was Waylay's voiceline about her: "Their Sage is good, but she is so stiff! I just wanna go over there and shake some fun into that girl."
One could argue that this is in reference to Omega Earth's Sage, who seems to be more ruthless than Alpha Earth's, but I feel like that doesn't hold up considering this could be said by Waylay regardless of whether she's attacking or defending. Technicalities aside, though, I got curious, and noticed that the other agents seem to (intentionally or not) place Sage on a pedestal.
I've mentioned in a past post that Sage has a very noticeable tendency to take on more responsibility than she should, which is very evident in the way she talks to the other agents and about herself. A few examples:
"I will defend you all with my power and with my life." "I wasn't strong enough before. But now, now I am strong enough for us all." "I will do anything for you all. I will subvert the flow, I will hold back the tides." "I will hold up the sky." "Trust in my healing."
Now, a lot of her voicelines are very team-oriented; encouraging other agents, boosting morale, highlighting teamwork, rallying cries, etc. I suppose these lines I quoted could be her attempt at reassuring her team and reaffirming trust, right? It's still a bit concerning, but maybe it's nothing all that deep.
And then I looked at what the other agents say to her. Most of the time, agents will get a wide range of voicelines about them, anything from wariness, to playful and impressed compliments, to talking about plans for off-field activities. Sage should be no different...except that she is.
One glaring common thread that nearly all of the ally voicelines toward her share is expectation.
Astra is quite literally the only one who doesn't have a single line putting pressure of some sort on Sage. Other than her, every agent talks about/to Sage almost like she isn't human, or like she's above them somehow. Most often, when agents compliment or commend her, there's either a sense of awe or lack of surprise. It's not like they're saying, "Woah, that was cool, good job!" It's more like, "Wow, how are you real?" or "You were incredible—just as I knew you would be."
Here are some examples to hopefully make my point a bit clearer:
"Sage, you're working miracles." "So, Sage. You can bring people back from the dead? Anyone? No constraints? Interesting." "Sage, you are truly limitless." "Glad you're here Sage. With you we can't lose!" "Everyone just learnt what I already knew; you're wild Sage!" "Damn, Sage, you do everything. Why are the rest of us even here?" "Sage, "healer," what an understatement."
Even when they AREN'T commending her, there's this strange trend of the other agents still placing responsibility on her, whether that means literally ordering her to help them or reminding her that she is meant to be a powerful leader. Again, some examples:
"Sage, if I die out there, you're in charge. Someone has to look after these knuckleheads." "Sage. Keep me alive. I still have things to do." "Stay sharp, you don't get a second chance in combat, unless Sage is involved." "Lead the way, Sage." "Keep those heals comin'!" "It is strange, Sage. Where I'm from, you're no medic, only a weapon." "Yo, doc! Keep us topped up!" "Sage, let's keep everyone alive." "Sage, protect the others." "Sage, you're the only one who can keep us alive. Don't fail us now like you failed me then." "Show me what you got, Sage." "Stand strong, Sage."
To be clear, I'm sure some of these are meant to be playful and innocuous! But even with that in mind, it doesn't change the fact that almost every single agent treats her as "other." More often than not, she's reduced to her radiant abilities, and even when she isn't, she's shoved into the role of "strong, reliable leader." They don't treat her like just any agent, they treat her like she's a symbol, or something akin to it.
She's there to heal them, to support them, to lead them. It's not about who Sage is or what she wants, it's about what she can do, it's about the role she plays in the Protocol. It's almost worse that so many of these voicelines are thoughtless, because that means that this is such a deeply ingrained opinion that the other agents don't even consciously think about it. It's just a fact in their subconscious.
When everyone talks to and about her that way, it's easy to see how the others are likely reinforcing her savior complex. Even her voicemails to Brimstone (there are only two) are about OTHER PEOPLE. In the first she talks about approaching Deadlock with an offer to heal her arm, and in the second she talks about empathizing with Omen and wanting to help him. She even explicitly says, "If I know his pain, maybe I can heal it."
Every single thing she does is for the sake of others. She's genuinely afraid of not being enough for them, and that's just...painful. Hell, even in the Die For You music video her worst fear is implied to be losing the ability to heal and therefore being useless to her teammates. And then what does she do? Heal Brimstone and run straight into enemy fire.
Going back to Waylay's voiceline about her, though, it somewhat surprised me that someone is acknowledging/noticing how stressed Sage is all the time. It's not the first time someone has, as Astra has a voiceline saying, "Mad love, Sage. Come on, girl. That win's gotta be worth a smile!" and Skye also tells the others to bother her instead of Sage, but still.
Anyway, this is just my interpretation and analysis of things, of course, but I thought I would share my findings. Justice for Sage :(
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desertduality · 3 months ago
Hiii :3 rewatching some Scarland videos. Gave me an Ad Astra question..
You said Impulse was still taking care of Scarland in Scar's absence, so for absolutely Noooo reason at all... Do Scar's morning/nighttime announcements still work? How do the Hermits and Lifers and all feel about it? :P If this isn't too weird a question to ask thank you for your work you're amazing :3
OH THAT HURTS I hadn’t even thought about that. I imagine that by the time everyone got back from the game (except scar lol), the morning/evening announcements had stopped working — but Impulse fixes it at some point. He wants everything to be perfect for when Scar gets back. He’s heartbreakingly careful with the discs that have the recordings on them, and has a nice healthy cry when he hears Scar’s voice on the speakers again. Jellie wanders around looking for him for a while before she understands it’s not really him.
I’d say quite a few of the hermits/lifers visit at least once, even if they just stand on the outskirts and listen. Some of them hate it, it’s like hearing a ghost, but some of them find a painful sort of comfort in it. They used to complain, before, about how loud and how often the recording played. Now they’re afraid it’s all they’ll have left.
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the-star-rigel · 11 months ago
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the sea & the stars
as both an escape from and a return to oneself (home lies infinity infinities away from here)
vocabulary.com, definition of astronaut / ? / Altered Carbon, S1 E3: In a Lonely Place / Swirling Magnetic Field around Our Galaxy’s Central Black Hole, EHT Collaboration + Scylla & Charybdis, ? / Rocket Man, Elton John + Ad Astra (2019) / Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me), Train + Life of Pi (2012) / How Far I’ll Go, Auli’i Cravalho/ The Farthest Shore, Ursula K. Le Guin + Odyssey over Martian Sunrise, 3-D (Artist Concept), NASA + The Odyssey, Homer / Pluto, Sleeping at Last / @theedorksinlove + Artist’s Rendition of NASA’s Cassini before it entered Saturn’s atmosphere / Cosmos, Carl Sagan / Olympics.com + Solar Sail, Bert Willemsen / The Farthest Shore, Ursula K. Le Guin / Star Trek (original series) narrative introduction / Where no man has gone before, Wikipedia / Space Oddity, David Bowie + Interstellar (2014) + Seascape Great Ofean Waves Rock Before Storm, ? / The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry / Story People, Brian Andreas + One Piece (anime) / ? / @ghostwriterofthemachine / Chinese Satellite, Phoebe Bridgers / We’re Finally Landing, Home / Ad Astra (2019) / John F. Kennedy / @heypvrker / Astronomical Tidbits: A Layperson’s Guide to Astronomy, Gerald D. Waxman + Made of Star Stuff, Samrae Duke
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fanaticalfanfantasy · 1 year ago
After putting it off for days, I have finally finished the rolling with difficulty C1 finale.
I’d like to thank the community, the people behind the podcast, and finally the Crew of the Per Aspera and co for helping me through many difficult times, for making me love D&D and bringing me so much joy that I cannot help but grieve even though this end comes with new beginnings.
Simply put by VR-LA: “Thank you for finding me and setting us off on this adventure, thank you for keeping us together, thank you for being my friend “
Feel free to reblog with your own thoughts and rwd quotes
To many more seasons and adventures.
Per Aspera Ad Astra
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seastarblue · 6 months ago
I have another idea for an oc listen up:
there’s this immortal, right? And she was the patron of a specific city or smth
and she’s always listened to other immortals n stuff ya know? Like a “golden child”
she befriends a mortal
tries to save said mortal from death (she never speaks out n also the other immortals are Jerks)
gets brutally beaten n banished from the immortal world
now she’s js There.
I have a species called starborn n I think this character would be one bc a) immortal and b) can get banished bc they live in the stars
I wanna give her a star-based name, rn I got Najma and Taariq!
an yea. :)
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mrdinomaiz · 3 days ago
Cause holy shit Leo, you cannot hit me with the absolute fucking turbo bangers that were ep 38-39. (Astra my goat...)
And then fucking painfully obliterate me in the first 10 minutes of ep 40 why the hell would they do that to me specifically, what the fuck 😭😭
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astra-dark · 1 year ago
Do you ever think of how Meryl probably had a hard time sleeping the first few weeks after her and Wolfwood went their separate ways post July, not just because of the horrors she witnessed and endured but also because she had gotten use to hearing the boys and Roberto snoring.
I can just imagine that that first night all alone in a single bed inn room instead of the packed cab of the truck and the absence of the sleeping sounds of her companions had to hurt her deeply.
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mskenway97 · 5 months ago
TF One Orion Pax x OC(!fem!reader!)x D-16
Beyond Space and Reality
Summary: Astra was a scientist in search of something she had always wanted in life. But once she has made a hypothesis about a source of life and no possible alien existence, she decides to travel. To discover that not everything is like the movies she saw.
Words: 1,608
Warning: g/t content , g/t fearplay, size difference, first contact au, polyamory
CAP 3: Experiment of talk
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I will put the links of pillowfort and ao3 to publish this application:
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astraveil · 9 months ago
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ehehehehe...catted boy
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kiwibirdlafayette · 4 months ago
💀 💀 Trick or treat 💀 💀
*jolts awake with a start* SHOOT
HAPPY LATE HALLOWEEN I HAVE ARISEN chases you down I have a treat for you 👀✨I've dug out a little worldbuilding tidbit from sparkly starbornes AU never before seen by any other eyes, hope ya enjoy <3
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year ago
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ignore my last post. i've been working on npc concepts tonight
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