#assests to buy
truproelites · 10 months
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amaya-writes · 11 months
this is kinda specific but bear with me! for ringtober—what about reader who is like Mori's niece or sm but she helps handle the business-y side of the mafia, then one day Mori is kinda like ykw you're a young girl you should be married at some point and sets up an arranged marriage. With Dazai, Chuuya and Akutagawa.
Ringtober Masterlist
Notes: I didn't add Akutagawa because I really couldn't come up with a reason for why Mori would pick him.
Warnings: regular port mafia esque warnings I mean it's a mafia fic so expect slight mentions of mafia themes, slight angst themes?
Characters involved: Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara
Fem reader, you/yours
Dazai Osamu
Dazai always knew his relationship with you was merely professional, and he was happy to keep it that way.
Mori had only decided to get the two of you married so that you couldn't come in harm's way. There had been several...complications at work lately, several 'what ifs' that Mori didn't like the sound of.
It was awful to think it, but Dazai knew Mori wouldn't care for you as much as he did if you weren't an asset.
You were valuable, and Dazai was on a job to protect the mafia's assests.
This was just work for Dazai, just another assignment, albeit an extremely long one.
He wasn't emotionally attached to you whatsoever, heck Dazai didn't even know if he could feel such things for someone.
You, however, were.
He could tell that this arranged marriage meant a little more to you.
Mori would have convinced you to agree either way, but you caved at the idea of marrying the suicidal mafia executive a lot faster than anyone expected.
It could have been anyone else. In fact, Dazai was certain it would have been Chuuya. He was the perfect fit—someone with enough power and hear to be able to look out for you and be a good husband.
But Dazai? Dazai was just doing his job.
Marriages held some sentimental value for everyone. And he couldn't lie, seeing you at the mafia headquaters in a white Kimono did slightly intrigue him. But that didn't change anything.
You spent your wedding night in separate beds and Dazai left the house far too early to encounter you.
The same continued for months, until that looming sad aura hanging over you began to disappear.
In its place came something more heartless, but Dazai couldn't find it in himself to care. In fact, he quite liked this side.
If only you had developed this personality sooner maybe he wouldn't have had to marry you.
He knew you liked him, knew that this marriage was more than just work for you. But Dazai Osamu was a suicidal maniac working for the most notorious mafia in Japan.
He lived to die, and a ring on his finger wasn't going to change that.
Chuuya Nakahara
At first, it doesn't mean anything to him.
He knows the only reason Mori picked him is because he can't trust Dazai enough to not manipulate and use you to hurt Mori.
Chuuya was too loyal to the cause, and powerful enough to ensure you would never be in harm's way so long as you had him by your side.
He wasn't the first choice, but the logical option.
The fact alone wounded Chuuya's ego quite a bit, and Dazai was always around to rub some salt into those wounds.
The day the two of you signed your marriage papers Chuuya didn't even bother looking at you properly, and got drunk and passed out on his bed soon after.
By the time he woke up you had already left for work.
Things continued like that for a few days, but they started to change with time.
It started slowly—you buying extra dinner and leaving it out for him, him offering you a glass of wine after a long day.
Casual nods each other's way turned into greetings and then small conversations.
By the time you got around to your one month anniversary, things had progressed to small conversations and occasionally having dinner together at the table.
Chuuya knew neither of you had any romantic inclination to one another, but over time you started to feel comfortable around each other.
You were more like roommates than husband and wife, a fact that Dazai and Kouyou never fail to tease him about.
Needless to say there have been a lot of jokes regarding Chuuya's inability to perform sexually and the impact that has on your relationship. All lies of course but that doesn't stop Dazai (Kouyou laughs with him).
Chuuya doesn't want to pressure you to think you have any obligation towards him as his wife. Aka he won't force you to do anything you don't want.
But with time the two of you become friends and then even more than that.
You start to help each other. Casual things like reminding each other to eat or cleaning each other's wounds. Sometimes Chuuya would find you asleep slumped over a pile of paperwork and would carry you to bed.
Othertimes you would help him get the stains out of his uniform since he was terrible at it, and constantly spilt both blood and wine over himself.
This one time Chuuya was drunk and made you wear his hat and has never stopped thhinking about how you looked. At that moment he felt very grateful to have a woman like you as his wife.
Maybe in a year or two your relationship evolves into a romantic one.
Or maybe not. But either way, Chuuya tries to be the best husnad he can.
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radiosummons · 2 years
This obviously would never happen in SW canon, but like ... I can't help but love the idea of Count Dooku just continously attempting to convince Obi-Wan to "join the Darkside."
Not for like, potential Sith!Obi-Wan purposes, but for just the sheer comedy of Dooku finding increasingly ridiculous ways to spend time with his grandpadawan grandson on the battlefield, all under the very thin veneer of trying to convert Obi-Wan to the Sith's cause.
Idk just the mental image of Sith Lord Palpatine and Dooku sharing a holocall, and Mr. Sheev is all like:
**Sidious: My apprentice, Kenobi has already turned down your generous offer to join us in our crusade against the Jedi. Why do you continue to toil after him while he clings to the corrupt ideals of his wretched Order?
Dooku: My Lord, Master Kenobi is among the few noble opponents to our righetous cause as well as a potential assest I feel we would be remiss to ignore. While he is indeed intrenched in the mires of the childish idealism of his fellow Jedi, I have sensed great turmoil within him. A turmoil which, if exploited properly, could potentially stoke the flame of awakening that you, my Lord, instilled within me.
Dooku: The longer this war continues, the more Master Kenobi will see through the hypocrisy of the Code he has sworn himself to. I sense that with time, he will cease his meaningless repudiations of the truths of which I have envailed to him, and will thus join us as yet another avatar of the Dark Side's will.
Sidious (not buying it one second but completely resigned to the fact that Dooku will continue purusing this anyway): ... very well.**
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is getting increasingly confused as to the direction Count Dooku's "tactics" have been going. Dooku never stops, of course, being his hypocritical ass self, and continues to give his extremely opinionated takes on the "failings of the Jedi Order."
But overtime, they'll be locked in a deadly duel and Dooku will just randomly inquire what type of tea is Obi-Wan's favorite and if he'd ever be interested in sitting down together sometime to debate over the philosophical differences amongst various Force wielding cultures and the like.
Obi-Wan, naturally, does not allow himself to fall for this farce of an inquiry into his personal interests. Clearly, the Count is simply trying a new (and completely unorthodox) approach in attempt to throw off Obi-Wan's guard. Surely, this new more "sentimental" Dooku is going for is merely a ploy and nothing more?
Although, he did seem quite genuine in his interest. For what reason, Obi-Wan has absoutely no idea.
Cue several months worth of "coincidental" clashes between Obi-Wan and Dooku, the former seemingly aware of where Obi-Wan will be regardless of how well the Jedi Master goes to hide his whereabouts. The GAR and Jedi Council, obviously, find these "coincidences" to be highly suspicious and concerning. Obi-Wan does as well, but he can't help but try to think of potential ways they could use Count Dooku's painfully obvious interest in him to their advantage.
Nobody (besides Yoda-because of course he would) quite understands Obi-Wan's growing humor with the whole situation, but they can't deny that he has a point.
Anakin can't stop being annoyed that Dooku won't stop dismissing him, but conceeds that he'd prefer the contempt the Sith Lord has for him over whatever the weird quasi-familial relationship that his Master seems to be forming with the traitorous Sith.
Ahsoka doesn't understand much of what's going on either, but she sort of gets where Obi-Wan is coming from. If there's a way that they can keep Count Dooku's focus on one target and away from the rest of their campaign, then surely that's something they should at least try? But, yeah, it is really really weird how amused/excited Obi-Wan seems about the prospect of being Sith bait yet again.
Cody would just like one campaign where he doesn't have to witness his General engaged in a violent physical and verbal spar over where Obi-Wan's loyalties should lie. It would also be amazing if his General would stop making jokes about the Count kidnapping him one day and serving him vintage Serreno wine in his prison cell.
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Kagami wondering how she can convince Marinette and Adrien to have a threesome with her?
It had originally started as just an idle idea, a way to have Adrien fuck her like she had wanted for so long, but the thought had progressively grown over time in Kagami's head. It had complexified, it had enlarged. Adrien was a perfect boy, a perfect man, but Marinette was not too bad looking either, and her friendship was something that Kagami highly valued.
So, if she were to convince the couple to have her for a threesome, it would be difficult (she knew how jealous Marinette could be) and hard (Andrien could be dense at times). Not to mention that Kagami did not want to come across as begging or pleading, her pride would not permit it.
So she would need to phrase her question and arguments in an extremely careful manner that would allow her to achieve her goals.
It took her multiple days of pouring ideas on a paper, of striking them, correcting them, amending them, writing new ones and tossing them away later... but she finally had a plan.
The first step was to take place during one of her fencing sessions with Adrien. She had made sure that her gear was extra tight today (even buying one a size too small to further emphasize her assests) to entice Adrien, and then once in the changing room, she had begun chatting with him (she had taken great pleasure in his very pointed attempts to look her only in the eyes, and his slight slip-ups). She mentionned how she liked to train with him, that all this sports had paid off in making him extremely handsome, how practicing sports was 'a great way to relieve tension', and so on.
It had not been subtle at all, and she had eventually shifted the conversation, briefly asking if Marinette was 'enough to relieve [Adrien's] tension' when the two lovers were alone, and adding that Kagami would be 'more than happy to help if needed'.
Again, it had not been subtle, but with this couple, 'subtle' wouldn't do.
As for convincing Marinette, Kagami had been even more blunt, simply waiting until the two were alone before straight-forwardly asking what Marinette thought of a threesome. Marinette had been extremely flustered and shocked, but with much blushing, had eventually promised to 'ask Adrien about it'.
And a couple of days later, her phone rang with a text.
Adrien agrees. How does Sunday evening work for you?
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dadswallet · 2 years
If you own a business, buying an older asset can make sense to reduce costs and increase cash flow while still providing for your consumers and expanding your enterprise. Due to the care and maintenance that their first and subsequent owners undertook, there are several vehicles and pieces of equipment that are still in excellent functioning order. Dad's Wallet assists with older asset financing by identifying the borrowing solutions that are appropriate for your company. We can quickly determine the optimal course of action because we have strong ties with a variety of lenders. Please get in touch with us at https://dadswallet.com.au/commercial-asset/older-asset-loans/ to find out more.
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iankarlo · 2 years
Sunday's Rest | 21st
Finally, I got a chance to sleep longer. I woke up around 7am and stayed in my bed until 10am. It feels good to stay in my room and do nothing for a while. I enjoyed staying home and resting.
Another good thing happened today is finally, my kitchen faucet is fixed. The past weeks, I have been struggling with it that's why I chose to just eat outside so I will no longer cook food and wash dishes. 
My Christmas gift packages are all set and I will start wrapping them by end of this week. It is good to still manage to send gifts to my friends this Christmas. 
I went out around 6pm to SM for dinner and so I can just walk around and feel alive. I went to Miniso and I bought the Toy's Story tote bag that I missed to buy last month. I thought it will no longer be available but it is. 
Anyway, I managed to get a massage too and it feels great. I feel relaxed and feeling better right now. 
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There is one thing that bothers me lately that, I feel like everyone knew I liked Ae. I'm starting to get shy on him cause I feel like he might avoid me or what. I just don't feel like it is okay. I don't want our office relationship will be affected by this little crush thing. I don't have time to like anyone else right now. I just like a crush but nothing more than that. I just feel like I don't need it right now. What I need is to create more assest and money for myself. I wish I could make it happen next year. 
Anyway, enough of him. I need to be more focused on developing myself. My asset is myself. So I need to make myself better than I was before. 
Good night. 
Love always,
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hardmelaninheadtma · 2 years
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YOU MUST READ THIS IN ITS ENTIRETY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT MODERN SLAVERY IS AND HOW YOU DONT EVEN KNOW YOU ARE A SLAVE°•○●□■◇☆ It amazes me how people dont understand that GOLD and SILVER was taken from them~ Legal tender does not pay off a debt! You can have all the money(PAPER DOLLARS) in the world but the most important treasure is GOLD and SILVER°•○●□■◇☆ This was took from you and THE ONLY PRESIDENT TO RETURN THE GOLD CURRENCY BACK IS DONALD TRUMP°•○●□■◇☆ Executive Order of April 5, 1933 UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER OF PRESIDENT Issued April 5, 1933 All persons are required to deliver °•○●□■◇☆ON OR BEFORE MAY 1933 all GOLD COIN GOLD BULLION, AND GOLD CERTIFICATES now owned by them to a Federal Reserve Bank, branch or agency, or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System°•○●□■◇☆ EXECUTIVE ORDER °•○●□■◇☆FORBIDDING THE HOARDING OF GOLD COIN GOLD BULLION, AND GOLD CERTIFICATES°•○●□■◇☆ Understanding how important it is to have GOLD and SILVER is the evolution of your freedoms and rights outside of the GOVERNMENT°•○●□■◇☆ This gives you the ability to form your own SOCIETY which would result in YOUR OWN LAWS AND RIGHTS bringing you out of MARITIME(WAR) LAW INTO COMMON LAW~ This allows your assets and resources to be backed with GOLD and SILVER. To add insult to injury DO YOU KNOW WHO REALLY DIED ON THE TITANIC AND WHY:○●□■◇☆ The US Federal Reserve Act, was passed by Congress two days prior to Christmas in 1913(THE SINKING OF THE TITANIC). Are you still with me? This has to do with why you are a slave from your strawman and how your GOLD was took○●□■◇☆ This is around the time the banks were trying to buy THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THROUGH EXECUTIVE ORDER(MONEY ORDER) WHICH PURCHASED YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND SOCIAL SECURITY AND THEN CREATED YOU AS A BUSINESS(STRAWMAN) 🙄 The US Federal Reserve is a private, foreign owned corporation. THIS MEANS THAT THE TIME IS HERE WHERE YOUR LEGAL TENDER(DOLLARS) AND ASSESTS WILL HAVE TO BE BACKED BY GOLD°•○●□■◇☆ The more GOLD and SILVER dominates the less the value of the dollar system(legal tender) till they are thrown all over the streets because it is of no value°•○●□■◇☆ https://www.instagram.com/p/CjqpVo5ucqs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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strangerpixels · 4 years
so EA made a game pack... and called it an expansion
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surajsingh0007 · 3 years
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Money buys you assets.✔️ Assets bring you wealth.✔️ Wealth buys you freedom.✔️ . . . . . . . . . . . #surajsingh0007 #iamsurajsingh #workforfamily #brings #coach #moneycoach #assets #wealth #freedom #buys #writer #right #quotestheday #wafentrepreneurs #wafentrepreneur #playbig #play #proudplaybig #assests (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUKzyZ0MSVU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Hellooo! I'd like to make a request.
JJBA, pt. 3, no villains please! And no drastic age differences.. don't wanna be paired with ol' pops Joseph. (Though I did like him alot in pt. 2) Yes, I would like to know how their stand interacts with me.
I would be enthralled by their stand. I'm a very curious person and a bit more daring than I should be at times. I'd definitely make some attempt to interact with their stands if I got the go ahead. I also know that their stand is literally an extension of them, and so they'd be treated accordingly! They're as human as they come I imagine and wouldn't be exempt from any doting.
I'm a particularly caring individual and make an effort to learn those I'm close to. I've been described as motherly or wholesome on multiple accounts. In my head, a relationship of any sorts goes both ways, so if anything is to work out you need to know the other party for who they are entirely. I'm also a rather open individual and typically don't care to hide much about myself - the good or bad - though I do sometimes struggle a bit with communication, and understanding myself. It also takes me a considerable amount of time to open up and be comfortable - but once I'm there, I'm there. I'm an impulsive person and it sometimes leads to conflict or misunderstandings. I'm emotional but not in an irrational sense, I'm not afraid to feel whatever I may feel and know I'll need to process it regardless of whether I want to or not. I would say I'm a "selective extrovert." I can get along with most anyone and consider myself good at socializing, but most people only get to see the tip of the iceberg with me. I'm talkative and can hold a good convo, partly because I get tense with silence. It's not often that I'm comfy just sitting and not talking with someone - but those I can do so with are the ones closest to me. I'm also pretty sarcastic at times, I joke around and am playful often but know when not to. I can also be flirtatious, but usually not with much intent.
I'm 18, at a grand height of 5'3. I'm a curly redhead, hair reaching about to my shoulders, with fair skin + freckles, blue eyes. My facial features aren't that angular. I have a realistic hourglass figure, but my assests.. (breasts, buttocks) are what I would considerate medium, and I have full thighs.
Pisces, ENTP, 8w9. I'm female and use she/her. I consider myself pansexual, but I've only had experience with males, so I'd prefer to be paired with one.
Any date where I could be in the moment is good for me. I love trying new things, seeing new places, learning new info. I could never turn a date at a museum of any sort down. Science, art, music, don't matter! But I also enjoy going shopping, or eating at new food, I'm definitely a foodie. I like zoos and aquariums, sorta. I often feel bad that they live so confined, but I know a lot of the time it's because they couldn't be relased into the wild anyhow. I also enjoy dates that more simplistic, going to a park to feed the ducks, star gazing, a car ride with nothing but the music sounding. But most of all I wanna enjoy my company, I wanna speak with them and exchange interests or sit quietly while soaking the feeling in. What's their perspective on it all? Have you tried this food? Do you know any information on this animal or even plant? What do you feel or see in this art? I'm not one to take too many pictures while on dates. I think being in the moment is what makes things special.
I am very affectionate. I'm rather physical, enjoying to hold hands, or lightly rubbing some body part. I'm also verbal, I like expressing how I feel in words even though it's not always easy. I try to be thoughtful and do things the other party would appreciate, buy them this, make this food, personal grooming. Are songs a love language? I like to share music.
Hobbies! I adore plants, I love gardening - particularly the part that gives you food - and tending to house plants. I also enjoy ceramics, it's the one art form I feel I'm decent at. I enjoy watching TV or reading AS LONG AS IT HAS A GOOD PLOT. It's hard to stay interested without a good story. I'm interest in sewing - I like fashion despite my budget saying otherwise. Nature overall is thrilling. Animals, plants, there's always something new to learn through a documentary. Philosophy recently piqued my interest though I haven't touched on it yet. I enjoy cooking! Can't say I'm a chef but I like to learn new recipes or techniques.
Dislikes. I think I mostly dislike the way society functions at times - how much of a box everyone can be in, I don't like narrow minded, shallow people. I don't complain much about it, just don't bother associating with them. I know better than to focus on things out of my control.
Siblings!! I have two younger sisters, 11 years old. They can be an annoying hassle, but I love them dearly. I'd defend them without thinking twice. Too nice for their own good sometimes.. other times, brats. I occasionally say screw it and indulge in their idea of fun but it can be hard to get on their level with the age difference, but I try to be the big sister where I can.
Anime Matchups 💘
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
I appreciate your patience. I had a family death so I’ve had a lot going on but I finally feel up to writing. I understand not wanting a drastic age difference. Also I didn’t know what 8w9 meant. Is it a reference to something? Hope you like your matchup.
Noriaki Kakyoin
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I pair you with Kakyoin! You two seemed like the best match to me. He seems like the type to enjoy trying out all sorts of dates with you and I can see you two forming a great relationship filled with a wonderful understanding of each other.
Your caring and understanding self would be very admirable to Kakyoin. He’s also daring and rash at times himself so he understands. He’s also understanding when you sometimes don’t open up. He’s not the best at opening up so in moments where you do it’s super comforting to him. He will also take time to open up so when you both are comfortable with each other it feels so genuine. To Kakyoin he’ll know you’re the one when this happens.
Your motherly side is super attractive to him. He has a huge appreciation for your wholesome moments. He likes that you take the time for him. He’ll return this in tenfold.
In moments where you’re impulsive and it can sometimes cause conflict he will try to steer you in the right direction.
Your sarcasm and jokes will make him laugh at times. I can see him chuckling at this side of you. If you flirt he’ll do it right back.
He actually enjoys comforting silence so he’ll try to make you comfortable with this around him.
He often finds himself getting lost in your blues eyes. He’ll often compliment your beauty. He will offer to brush and style your hair since he loves curls. He spends time on his curly bang since he likes the look so when he sees your hair he’d like to help you with it. If not he understands but might ask if he can touch it.
He’ll be sure to take you on all sorts of dates! Your interest in various dates will make him want to take you on all sorts of dates. I can see Kakyoin as the Adventurous type of guy so he will easily whip up some unique dates. He’ll love hearing about your interests. As far as food I’m sure he’s tried plenty of different dishes based on the adventures he’s been on. He’ll tell you about all of the ones he’s tried. He’s also Japanese so I’m sure he knows about different Japanese dishes as well. He’ll tell you his thoughts on them as well. He’s quite intelligent so he’ll know a thing or two about plants and the arts. Kakyoin will share with you what he knows. He’ll respect your thoughts on taking pictures and will only take them on special occasions.
He isn’t used to affection but I can see him enjoying your hand holding and words of affection. Once he’s used to physical affection I’m sure he’d love to indulge you in it. He’s pretty honest so he’s sure to express his feelings when he’s closer to you. If you rub a body part I can see him getting flirty with you. He’d like to return that affection to you.
If you give him something thoughtful he’ll really appreciate it. He’d like to return that generosity because no one has ever done that for him. Also he wants to spoil his partner. I can see him enjoying music. If you got a song to share he’ll give his thoughts. If you explain how they’re a love language he’ll be honored by the gesture and share a song that reminds him of you.
Your hobbies will be very cute to him. He’ll like watching you sew, tend to plants, and working on ceramics. He doesn’t mind watching tv with you and as far as books go he’ll be sure to share some good ones with you since he enjoys reading very much. He’ll take you clothes shopping or buy you materials for sewing. Watching you cook is very calming to him. He’ll join you when you cook. He’ll barrow some cook books from the library for you. I envision him baking a cherry pie or other cherry desserts for you.
Kakyoin will be 100% agreeable on your dislikes. He’s faced a lot of people he’d rather not associate with. He’s also been judged for no reason and has seen shallow people often. Closed minded people are the type of people others avoid.
He thinks you’re a wonderful older sister. Your protective side is admirable and he’d like to know your siblings better. When you indulge in activities with them he’d like to join you.
He wouldn’t expect such a reaction to his stand. He’d be grateful for it since he feels like such an outcast with his stand. It brings him comfort you’d feel such a way about his stand.
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Hierophant green really admires you and will curl around you affectionately like a loving snake (or kitten if you don’t like snakes). His stand appreciates how you treat him like a person. Hierophant green won’t be letting go since he exposes Kakyoin so much. Affection x3
Hierophant green also is very helpful. Reaching objects you can’t reach yourself, helping with cooking, cleaning, and getting the remote when you can’t find it.
You’re a Pisces and Kakyoin is a confirmed Leo
It’s seems the compatibility isn’t the best but there’s still room for a relationship to work. Pisces and Leo’s must take steps to work on the relationship to keep it going. How you interpret this is up to you.
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All in all this dynamic will be a friends to lovers type of relationship. You two need time to get to know a person before taking the steps to build a relationship. You both would gradually have a good understanding of each other and form a close relationship. Once you’re in a relationship you two will have fun and enjoy spending time together. Love is only a step away. This relationship is one both your friends will think of as a OTP. It’s also my OTP.
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schrijverr · 2 years
Cheater, Not a Slut
After Rachel finds out he cheated on the LSATs she’s mad, when in the elevator it goes slightly different and Mike confesses to what he nearly did instead of cheating on test.
AKA Mike gets to yell at Rachel for her attitude about him refusing to cheat.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: prostitution mentioned
Rachel has figured it out. Figured out that he helped her friend cheat on the LSATs. He stands helplessly in the cube farm, watching her go, wondering if she’ll tell anyone, if she’ll still be mad tomorrow.
In the air he whispers: “It’s not the whole story,” but there’s no one to hear that.
He doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at how fucking fitting it is. No one was there for him in that time, no one heard him struggle. And now he is again, finally in a place where he’s going somewhere, where he’s happy. Yet when it all might get pulled out from under him, there is no one to hear him out.
Faintly he wonders if that will ever change, deep down he feels it won’t. Mike has always been alone. Grammy was there, but she had to work her ass of to take care of them both until it got too much for her. Trevor was a good friend when things were good, but he flaked the moment things got tough and Jenny has always picked his side, even if she didn’t want to.
For a second he debates calling Harvey, they just helped free Gabby Stone and saved Morello Assest. He’s probably in a good mood, but Mike doesn’t want to risk angering the man… disappointing him.
No, he’s always been alone, he can deal. It doesn’t split him apart inside at all.
So, he goes home and decides against calling Grammy, despite how much he wants to tell her about his win, wants her to notice something is up and ask. But he also doesn’t want to burden her with worry and a small part of him is scared she won’t notice. That there will be another sign that she is getting older, getting worse.
It’s probably best to let her get the rest. It’s late anyway and he’ll have to be in early again tomorrow, so he curls up under his sheets and refuses to cry.
They had a win today.
It was good.
He’s not going to let one conversation ruin that…
Yet when he rides to work the next day, he’s still out of it. He thinks it’s unlikely Rachel will sell him out, since the only reason she knows, is because she tried to hire him. Still, he can’t help but think about all the ways this is going to fuck up his life, or at least his only friendship within the firm.
Naturally he’s so distracted that he nearly hits Rachel with his bike. Fucking of course. He exclaims: “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” as he does, feeling even more shitty about it. “Oh, god, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
Rachel glares at him and starts to walk away, but not before saying: “You know there are easier ways to kill me, if you’re worried I’ll rat you out for cheating o the LSATs.”
“What?” Okay, so she’s still pissed. He knew that, but it stings anyways, so he quickly locks up his bike and hurries after her in an attempt to make it right. “Come on, Rachel.”
“Unbelievable,” she calls out, leaving him standing there for a second.
“Rachel!” he tries again. She throws away her coffee and he follows after her again. “Rachel, come on, let me buy you a fresh cup.”
“Are you actually going to buy it this time, or are you going to steal it?” she asks coldly, leaving Mike with a hollow feeling in his chest.
One of the things he likes best about having a job with a steady and good income is that he can buy little things for his friends now. That he can bring Grammy flowers when he visits. So, having that thrown in his face like this feels like shit, especially when he remembers all the times he thought about it and didn’t, because he really didn’t want to go down that road.
He tries not to let the hurt shine through as he defends himself. “Okay, first of all, I don’t steal, I cheat. There’s a big difference. And I don’t do it anymore.”
They’re at the elevators now and Rachel finally looks at him, only to scathingly say: “Oh, great defense. I’m sorry, your honor, I know that I murdered her, but I promise I won’t do it anymore,” like the two are even comparable.
“Look, I understand why you’re mad,” he says when they’re in the elevator. He’s still unsure why he’s even trying and he can’t help but be a bit bitter. “But I still don’t think you’re being entirely fair.”
Can’t she see that?
Doesn’t she understand?
“Not fair?” she repeats, clearly still mad. So, she doesn’t get it. “What’s not fair is that you repeatedly help people skirt a system that stands in the way of me become a lawyer.”
And suddenly Mike snaps. He has tried so hard to make her understand, to make it right, but she refuses to see where he’s coming from. He doesn’t have to stand there and take it. She isn’t right, sitting on her high horse and he doesn’t have to grovel.
“You know what?” he says sharply. “It isn’t fair that you’re judging me for this. You found out because you wanted to cheat and I’m not helping you, because I know you can do it on your own and I don’t want you to live with that for the rest of your life. I am doing you a favor, whether you can see that or not, and all you’re doing is shitting on me.”
“Mike-” Rachel starts, already doing that eyebrow thing when she doesn’t believe him.
“No, Rachel,” he cuts her off. “I was jeopardizing my entire future by taking those tests,” that is technically true, “do you really believe I was taking those test just for fun? For helpingother people?”
“Think,” he demands. “How much did Theresa say she payed me to do it?”
“A- a thousand bucks,” Rachel stammers out the answer, slightly put out under his intensity.
“That amount? Is not even a third of Grammy’s medical costs,” he tells her. That part is completely true and he doesn’t feel bad for the semi lies he tells her next. “You think I could study full time and have a job that earned enough for her care? I took those tests because I had to and every time I resented them for it. I resented that I was putting myass on the line, because they couldn’t do what I did on my own. They just had that sort of cash to buy their future, while I had to resort to that to get by and just pray I wouldn’t get caught, that I would have a future without connections to help me get to where I am now.”
“Mike, I never-”
“I took those test,” his voice is shaking and he can barely believe he’s confessing this to Rachel of all people. “I took those test, because I could look myself in the mirror after, because it was better than sucking a random guy’s dick for a 100 dollar. So, don’t you dare stand there and judge me for finally having the funds to leave that behind me. For not burdening you with having such a thing on your conscious forever. For believing that you can do it.”
Rachel is speechless, the elevator is still moving and the only noise is Mike’s heavy breathing.
He remembers the first time he thought about it, how much he didn’t want to and how much bills there were to pay. He remembers it perfectly. He remembers allowing Trevor to pull him out to a bar, thinkinghe might as well get it over with and a bar seemed like a great place to get into that sort of business.
God, he was so scared and so relieved when they chatted up Jenny and her friend, like they were giving him an out for the night. He recalls how he hadn’t wanted to show off, afraid no one would like a smart hooker if they’d been overheard.
Most of all, he remembers how that friend had given him another solution to his problem. How he almost didn’t do it because it would be risky, before remembering that was stupid and it paid better anyway.
Still, he resented her for it. He resents all of them. He’d sit in those halls, make those tests, knowing that they would have a future because of him, while he could only watch those that couldn’t do what he does advance, because they had that sort of money to throw around to get to where they are.
“Mike,” Rachel’s small voice snaps him back to that elevator, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he sighs, unsure if he means it. “Just think before you judge me next time, okay. I’m not against you and I know your life hasn’t been all easy breezy. Of course, I know that. It just wasn’t easy for me either and you seem to forget that.”
Rachel nods and promises to do better.
For a second there’s an awkward silence as the elevator completes the last leg of it’s journey, then dings open. The cube farm is empty and Mike can’t help but utter: “Whoa! Wait, did I miss an apocalypse? Where is everyone?”
“You know, for someone with a freak brain, you manage to forget everything important,” Rachel says, but it sounds less harsh than it could have been. It’s still awkward between them, but they’re getting back to where they were.
I know them making up earlier in the episode throws the whole thing off, but screw canon xp
Btw, I actually like Rachel, but she makes it hard sometimes. I know she has her own issues, but sometimes she forgets how much money has helped her in the past and not everyone had that and it irks me so much. So, I wanted Mike to have one moment to just be mad about that :D
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ladynestaarcheron · 4 years
me: 🥰
*remembers when f/eyre, a billionaire, got upset nesta didn't buy her a birthday present when she literally had no money and only came to the stupid party in the first place because she was threatened with homelessness because she has no money of her own because her home was destroyed in the war so any of her business assests are long gone and she is too traumatized to be able to provide for herself and anyway this is a holiday party so why didn't you get her a present, hmm, f/eyre?*
me: 😡🔪
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larvawaffle · 3 years
anyone know that dreville fic where Draco gets out of Azkaban by being purchased by Neville as like a pet/servant to stop Dawlish from buying him? It’s really sweet and like I remember Draco learning to cook? Similar vibes to Theft of Assests but without the virginity stuff. Ringing any bells? 
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twstmusic · 4 years
I want to make something very clear real quick: I do not datamine/take files from twst.
I've noticed that there are many accounts here on tumblr that are ripping/datamining/taking the files from twst. That is illegal. Unless official people (Disney, f4samurai, Yana Toboso, etc) have explicitly said that it's okay to take and use game assests it is illegal (and do you really think Disney is gonna let anyone do that? I'd be extremely shocked if they did). The twst team has not given the okay to do that, and it's not likely they ever will. They can come after people who do that, they can sue and I don't see how they wouldn't win the case. Everything in twst is copyrighted material- copyrighted by Disney of all companies.
I, for one, am not gonna play that game. I won't risk throwing the whole western fandom (cuz of course the JP fandom knows better and doesn't pull this stunt) under the bus just to share the music, I'm not gonna risk pissing off Disney. If they want to they can pull the game at any point, terminate it completely. Or they can make it even harder for international fans to play. I can't say whether Disney would do either, but I can say that I've seen it happen before with other things.
Word of caution from me to all of you: I highly suggest not interacting with people who do datamine/rip/take files from any game (unless some kind of official 'okay' has been given). I strongly recommend you do not download any assets that have been taken from the game- taking files and then giving them out for download is the biggest no-no (redistributing copyrighted material is always a Nope). I know you guys wanna download the music but I don't put it up for download for this reason; that and if a soundtrack were to ever be released I know many of you wouldn't buy it if you already got it for free, which is unfair to Mr. Ozawa (the composer).
As for how I get the music, I simply record it. That's how I've gotten every track, and that's why I can't get certain ones from the very beginning.
I hope this clears things up for anyone who was either confused or wondering if I'm getting the music by illegal means- I most definitely am not, and I never will.
Side note: this kind of thing applies to Abema as well. Recording/taking screencaps of Abema and reuploading them breaks Abema rules (at least this is what I've been told by Japanese people on twitter). So all those clips and screencaps of the twst live... those shouldn't be up anywhere
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psgmisquotes · 3 years
PSG: Oh p*tain! I'm gonna cry. My 10th Ligue title.
AS Monaco: PSG, there's people who are being relegated. You think you have problems? Bordeaux is so broke their assests are being seized by the feds, LOSC will sell half the team to buy coal for this winter, OL is 4th and OM have to live on the past to avoid falling into cronic depression over their sad existence.
OM: And what about you?
AS Monaco: Well, I have a hot coach, I'm 3d, insanely rich and today i enjoyed the only sport event that matters: F1 Monaco Grand Prix, thank you very much Marseille.
PSG [cleaning tears with a Chanel handkerchief]: Thanks dear, that helped.
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notofire · 4 years
Tumblr media
Industrial Gas leakage can be hazardous for life and assests..!! Detect the leak before its become tragedy..!! Buy now Independent Gas Detectors and say No-TO-FIRE.
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