#i like the build buy assets tho
zebee-nyx · 10 months
CalmWriMo Day 15
So didn't really get around to working on the prologue today... (-.-) So kinda kicking myself for that. But I did make the writing goal time on other stuff so there is that. On that topic tho! I've been a little bit busier with work than I was honestly anticipating when I made the goal. (o.o) So I'm considering halfling it if things persist like this much longer. Cause the most important part of goals [and for me mental stability (0~o)b] is that they are obtainable! Still just considering it for now, but if it randomly changes next week that'll be why. ('^.^)
2 Hour Writing Goal: ✅
Blurb: [see below]
Self Care:
Food: ✅
Hydration: ✅
Sleep: ✅
Reading: ✅
Blurb: NEX Conglomerate
(NEX = Neocago Enterprise Annexes... unless I figure a better acronym that fits lol)
The NEX Conglomerate, or simply NEX, was originally formed behind closed doors by a coalition of corporations who wanted to seize power over the city from Plax Technologies (Neocago's founding corporation). In a rapid hostile take over using both buy outs, refusals to honor security contracts, and a raid on Plax's headquarters the coup of the city ended almost as soon as it started. Now with NEX as the unshakable top dog in the city a new chapter opened in the city's history... and it would be one of cold corporate dominance. NEX is made up of seven corporations alongside their numerous subsidiaries.
List of NEX members:
Ferncorp: At NEX's head is Ferncorp, who controls most of the agriscrapers around the city and with them most of the city's food supply. A fact that they have used to leverage their power to maintain their position. Their subsidiaries are some of the more essential for the city's more financial functions, official media, as well as the remains of Plax itself.
Apex Water: This corporation was originally contracted to provide clean water and plumbing services for the city by Plax. Following the takeover they have effectively gained a monopoly on water in the city. They have begun producing several flavored soft drinks.
Biotechna: Is a corporation that before the Great Collapse was funded by the US government to gather and preserve the genetic material of as many species of plants and animals as possible. Following the collapse they found new contracts with Ferncorp to work on bioengineering projects to design superior crops among other things...
Holder&Holder Security Firm: A security firm with a small military at it's disposal. They primarily only provide protection for NEX assets, properties, and personnel.
Ares Armaments: A corporation that once was contacted to develop and produce weapons for the US. They moved on to working with Plax, and just as quickly jumped to NEX. While significantly quieter than other NEX member corporations they have the widest global reach and sell weapons across the world.
Street Flex: This corporation owns most of the road and rail infrastructure in Neocago after winning a major contract with NEX following the takeover. They keep the city's "veins" maintained and operational in return for a sizable stipend.
Ace Aero: Originally simply an airline company Ace Aero has developed into massive aerospace industry. They own and operated numerous space stations, satellites, and moon bases. They are only headquarter in Neocago as most of their launchpads and vehicle assembly buildings are further south nearer to the Gulf of Mexico. They also own the primary airport in the city.
[Bit of a random lore dump... Not short on ideas, but also not sure what to focus the blurbs on. ('^.^) So if anyone is curious any bits about this world feel free to ask! (^.^)b Anyways and always, I hope you had a lovely day, peace (^v^)v]
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maaanlmao · 3 months
1010 u done.
Devil been playing footies in my dreams
Mfs switching up
Roaches been attacking me
Past traumas resurfacing
Thoughts tryn eat
Demons tryn take my belief
Well like ga damn 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Devil bitch u really got beef ??? Like what’s Tea bitch I already know and you not bouta break meeeeeeeee ahhhhhaaaaaaaa idgaf bitch
Fuck it whatever part of the story, part of da journey how many successful ppl been thru and got thru my position. Bitch y not me. Y not you hoe?????? Get your shit together !!!! Who really got shit on you????!!!! That’s why he madddddddddddddd bitch I can have lent in my pocket I’m still da same me bitch. I could have a billion to da right and assets out da asss ima still b da same bitch. Better buy me bitch. You ain’t snatchin shit tho. Good try. I give you that. Yous trying fasho. 😘🤣 fuck what God tell me ? Try harder 🤣🤣🤣😘
Na I’m guided and protected tho. You just gon build me up. Keep on bih
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strangerpixels · 4 years
so EA made a game pack... and called it an expansion
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https-sen · 3 years
Haikyuu Dates!
A/N: EXAMS ARE OVER HOLY FUCK I FEEL SO RELIEVED- pls pray and hope i pass, i need to redeem myself as a good student after skipping classes sobsob 😭 anyways, tomorrow im planning to buy a skateboard ehe so enjoy!!
Genre: Fluff
Pairing(s): Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Kenma x gn!reader
Warning(s): Cussing, and Not Proofread!
BIGGG NOTE: this consists a lot of memes hehe
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♡Ideas and Planning♡
He scrolls through Pintrest for his ideal date! He's not sure what to do when it comes to date ideas or planning them since he usually let's you pick.
♡Date Choice♡
He would be stuck in between a picnic date and a cat cafe but he'd end up bringing you to a petting zoo since it sounds more interesting!!
"Y/N!! Over here!"
He waves at you from the train station entrance with what seems to be.. a convenience store bag? "Tadashi, what's in the bag?", you asked. "Oh! I bought us drinks since the train ride would take a while..", he replies as he opens the plastic bag for you to see 2 bottles of juice. "That's so sweet of you honey.", you smiled at him as he hides the bag behind him shyly.
'Train 069 to [...] is departing soon, passengers may get on.'
"Oh, that's our train! C'mon, we're gonna miss it if we keep standing here!!", he exclaims before dashing through people together hand in hand as you both laugh before getting in.
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♡Ideas and Planning♡
He doesn't admit it but he sucks at dates. He tries googling things but he's picky with the results. He'd end up asking Yamaguchi about date ideas to go on with his s/o.
♡Date Choice♡
With the help of Yamaguchi and Google, he's made up his mind with a cafe date. Although he questioned it a few times but he mostly agreed with it. It was the classic, cute, overused date idea!
"Kei, where are you taking me?", you asked your boyfriend as you both walk hand in hand through the calm yet busy street. "On a date, where else?", he looks at you funny as if you said something weird. "I know but where's the date? Do you want me to guess or something?", you raised an eyebrow as Tsukishima nodded while looking at his phone.
"Hm.. Is it those fancy free wifi lounges you see at malls?", you guessed. " No, what is it with you and free wifi lounges these days? You know my place has wifi already.", he pokes your side. "Hey! Well there's no harm in trying right?", you poke is side back. "Oi! Well, we're almost there so stop with your weird guesses.", he shows his phone GPS.
" Destination Arrived! ' The Little Rabbit Cafe, Piss Street (im so sorry no im not) No.69' "
"Woah, it looks cool! And a cafe huh? Kinda cliche but good job, Kei!", you laugh as he pokes your side 4 times before getting in the cafe.
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♡Ideas and Planning♡
He doesnt know 😦
♡Date Choice♡
He's too lazy and a too busy with games- wait. That's it, an online date!! Seems a lot like him, he knows that, but he watched some minecraft building tutorials on youtube to build something special for you.
"obamadeez (thats you) has joined the server"
"Honeyyyy, come on!", he whines as he fiddles with his fingers. "Wait, my assets are loading in!! Bare with me, my laptop can only do so much.", you told him as you switched to the discord tab to send him the screenshot you took.
"Alright, what are your coordinates?" "You dont need coordinates im standing behind you." Your character turns to look behind to see a Kenma's Hanako skin peeking from a tree while holding a torch. "C'mon!", he said shortly before walking away. "Okay, jeez. Wait for me though!"
You look around the pretty picnic area he made with fairy lights hanging around from a mod pack he downloaded. "Aww, honey this is so cute!", you gushed. "I'm glad you like it..", he says shyly. "C'mon, I have a lot more to show you later.", he says as he gives you a book.
'I love you'
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this one is kinda sucky tho ngl, im not pleased with it :(
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weedhorse69 · 3 years
Holy shit bitcoin is really just a worldwide game that got value because enough people agreed to play.
This is my favorite article on the topic so far and the one that explains it most clearly. But yeah, it works because of artifical scarcity and people willing to spend money on processors to guess/”solve” the right hexadecimal value to mine coin.  Which means that Ethan got incredibly lucky that he decided to play this game back in 2012 (while I was busy being suicidal what am i DOING). 
Several coins like this exist, and it looks like dogecoin is the second most popular cryptocurrency. 
Environmental impact: 
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Ooooh why are the top articles funded by powerful financing groups that have a lot to gain from bitcoin staying in circulation. Ladies, ladies please.  
“Studies indicate that the annual carbon emissions from the electricity generated to extract and process Bitcoin are equivalent to the amount emitted by New Zealand or Argentina.
The publication indicated that there are still disagreements about how big the carbon footprint of cryptocurrencies is, "but nobody disputes that it is big." Also, because of the way the industry works, the more popular Bitcoin becomes, the higher its carbon footprint”
So a solution is that bitcoin can still exist with a switch to sustainable energy practices.  The issue is that most folks are still using electricity off of our current grid which produces carbon emissions. the foundation is bad, not bitcoin mining.  The issue is that our current carbon emitting foundation is also the most consistent source of energy (talking America rn. I know Europe and Canada are ~different~ and we’re all jealous lads).  
“One additional potential risk from the growth of bitcoin mining (and other proof-of-work systems as well) is the increasing energy usage required by the computer systems running the mining algorithms. While microchip efficiency has increased dramatically for ASIC chips, the growth of the network itself is outpacing technological progress. As a result, there are concerns about the environmental impact and carbon footprint of Bitcoin mining. There are, however, efforts to mitigate this negative externality by seeking cleaner and green energy sources for mining operations (such as geo-thermal or solar), as well as utilizing carbon offset credits. Switching to less energy-intensive consensus mechanisms like proof-of-stake (PoS), which Ethereum is planning to do, is another strategy; however, PoS comes with its own set of drawbacks and inefficiencies.”
“For example, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, promised to invest $ 10 million in developing cleaner technologies for the production of the cryptocurrency. In turn, Aker Solutions, an international engineering company based in Oslo (Norway), will build Bitcoin mining facilities that use renewable energy.”
Another common concern is that it is a waste of electricity.  Meh.  You can argue that TV is a waste of electricity.   
Ways to Benefit: 
"I've done the math. Forget mining. Is there a less onerous way to profit from cryptocurrencies?"
As mentioned above, the easiest way to acquire bitcoin is to simply buy it on one of the many exchanges. Alternately, you can always leverage the "pickaxe strategy." This is based on the old saw that during the 1849 California gold rush, the smart investment was not to pan for gold, but rather to make the pickaxes used for mining. Or, to put it in modern terms, invest in the companies that manufacture those pickaxes. In a cryptocurrency context, the pickaxe equivalent would be a company that manufactures equipment used for Bitcoin mining. You may consider looking into companies that make ASICs equipment or GPUs instead, for example.
In conclusion: 
Bitcoin is only bad for the environment because of the framework it sits on.  A switch to renewable sources could remedy the very very real environmental impact that bitcoin has.  The trick would be convincing mining pools that investing in solar, wind, geothermal, etc is a good idea. Or providing an incentive to switch to renewable sources.  
This means that 
a) calls need to be made to your government official to make a penalty for mining pools giving off a certain carbon emission. might be hard to regulate tho since mining pools are spread throughout the country and bitcoin ensures a good amount of privacy in transactions.  
b) Pressure the mining pools themselves to reduce the carbon footprint or suffer further public backlash (looking at Malaysia incident). This seems to be the current popular path.  
c) Market renewable energy as more efficient than the current system. 
No, no girlie, think about who you are appealing to.  These are likely businessmen or redditors.  Both are likely to forget that people are an asset or are likely to undervalue humans.  They wont do anything until the environment affects them.  Their values align with being the strongest and most affluent there is.  
...I would have to think about this.  These folks tend to be high risk, high reward (like my bf) And rn the high risk high reward thing is to keep mining and keep playing with climate change cuz they usually think renewable isnt as good or easy cuz its not right there yet.  This is a marketing problem, isnt it.  Omg Im cringing as I say it but I deadass think that time would be better spent lobbying Elon Musk about this.
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haileybeehappy · 5 years
Ashton Irwin - Oh baby!
Word count . 2,028
Warnings . Lil angsty
Summary . After Ashton completely cuts you out of his life you find out your pregnant. Nine months later you have a run in at your favorite coffee shop
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 You and ashton had dated roughly a year ago. The breakup was messy. Really messy, there was rumors of the both of you cheating long eachother and that you were sleeping with all the other members of the band. Small fights started everyday. Small fights turned into screaming matches and throwing things. It became toxic. So after the two of you broke up. And when you broke up everyone cut you out of there lives. They said it was for the better of both of you but you know its because they didn't want there to be any chance of you and Ash getting back together. 
Two months after you and Ashton broke up you noticed you hadn't had a period in a while. You took like a million pregnancy tests, all positive. Every single one. When you tried to tell Ashton no one listened. Thought you were just trying to get him back. Of course you didn't tell them why you NEEDED to talk to him because you needed him and only him to know. 
So here you were almost ten months later with a baby. He's only a few weeks old but he looks just like his dad. You named him Cash. A combination between His dad's name and your old best friend. You had kept in contact with Calum for a while, he said that someone in management found out and freaked at him. He kept talking for a while but slowly faded out. 
It was hard being a single mom with a minimum wage job. After the breakup no one really paid attention to you. Paparazzi stopped spotting you about a month after the breakup. You deleted all your social media and now you have become a little hobbit. You had a few work friends and a woman from mommy and me that you had coffee with once in a while but that was it. 
So here you were sitting outside of a coffee house drinking decaf coffee, because if you drank caffeinated Cash would be up all night.  Breastfeeding was hell sometimes. You were searching up daycares and daycare assistance when some familiar voices floated by. Ash. Youte head shot up. You watched as the boys walked by Ash was holding a woman's hand. She was beautiful. You stood up and grabbed the carseat dashing after them. You have no idea what you're doing but you were doing it. 
"Ash!" Nothing. "Ashton!" The boys must have not recognized your voice because they turned around with smiles. That instantly turned to straight faces as they saw it was you. You got the the group and faced Ashton. 
"I really need to talk to you," you say out of breath. He looks down at the carseat and there's an unreadable emotion on his face. 
"Um. Yea. Guys give us a second," the two of you walk back to the coffee shop not saying anything. You realize you left your purse, laptop and diaper bag there carelessly. You shut your laptop and set the carseat back in the table. 
"Well, hi," is all Ash says. 
"I know you don't want to be here so I'll make it quick. I had a baby, yes he's yours. And as much as it sucks. being a single mom I'm not going to ask you to be in his life. I won't ask you for child support and I won't tell anyone that THE Ashton Irwin is a deadbeat dad. I just thought you should know that you have a kid. Of course I would love for him to have a dad and for you to be in his life but we will be perfectly fine without you," you had tears running down your cheeks. Those last few words were hard to squeak out. 
He sighs. 
"I'm not leaving you in the dust. I could never do that to you. Or our son," he looks into the carseat. Cash is awake but content. Hes not perfect but hes an easy baby. Only ever cries when he needs to be changed or fed. "Can I hold him?" You nod and stand up, getting him out of his carseat. You rest him on your shoulder holding him with your right hand while grabbing his blanket. You wrap the blanket around him and hand him over to his father. Ash's large hand make the baby in his arms look even smaller. 
The boys and the girlfriends have made their way over. Some of them look at you with pity. Not Cal he's got his arms wrapped around you in seconds. 
"Hey princess," he just holds on to you for a second. It's what you need right now. He separates from you and sits by his friend. He looks at your small bundle of joy for a moment. His fingers run across your sons head. "What's his name?" 
You smile. Slightly embarrassed. 
"It's Cash. Wanted to name him after his daddy and my best friend," they both remove their eyes from the small baby and instantly to you. Calum has a huge smile. 
"I love it," Ash whispers. He looks back down at his son. "I love you," after a minute he hands the child to Calum and he heads over to the group. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" He's now undistracted and confused. 
"I tried. But you blocked me and no one would let me talk to you. Granted I didn't tell them why I needed to talk to you," you look over at your old best friend holding the love of your life. 
"Was it hard?" You nodded. 
"When I was pregnant, he really didn't like food. Any food really. I'd have to take a shit ton of vitamins. If I got cravings I was lucky. I ate a lot of cereal. That's really the only thing I could hold down," you grabbed the diaper bag and pulled some pictures out. They were from when he was first born. You always kept them on you, it was the best day of your life. "Labor was hell, the nurses really helped me through it. He was not wanting to breastfeed. I was in the hospital for a week before he would latch," 
He listened intently. He hated that he wasn't able to be there for the both of you. That he missed one of the most important stages of his son's life. Being born. 
"He's a pretty easy kid tho," you laugh. "He's been sleeping almost through the night. Only waking up two or three times a night. He only really cried when he's ready to be changed or hungry. But that will probably change soon," You hear the soft cries of your baby and instantly stand up to see what he needs. Calum seems panic bringing the small bundle back to you. You can't help but laugh. You swiftly grab your son from his grasp and hold him to your body. 
You feel his diaper and he's wet. Knowing this coffee shop doesn't have a changing table you pack him Into his carseat. You live in a small studio apartment less than a block away. It's about time for him to sleep and you like feeding him in the privacy of your home. 
"I'm going to head home, he needs go ne changed and fed. Maybe even a nap. So I mean you can come with. You too Cal but my apartment is not nearly big enough for all of you. Ash nods. He relays the message to his friend. He hugs the woman I presume to be his girlfriend and him and Calum walk back to me. Michael waves and Luke has really been avoiding me the whole time so you weren't surprised when he just left without anything. You and Luke were close at one point, hell he was the one that introduced you and Ash. 
The two of you fought before you left. He said that you needed to stay, saying that you were still part of the group and that it wasn't going to change, it didn't have to change. He said that if you left he wouldn't forgive you. That leaving them all behind was a selfish bitch move. He wouldn't talk to you again. So you weren't sure if he was guilty or sticking to his promise. 
The three of you made it to your apartment. Cash still whining in the car seat but mild down because of the pacifier in his mouth. It only takes you a few minutes until you're punching the code into your building. The boys followed you up the three flights of stairs. Ash tries to carry the car seat but you do it everyday so it's no problem. You make it to your apartment and you quickly unlock the door and enter your small home. You gesture for them to sit on the couch (that turns into your bed). You make your way back into the sectioned off part of the living space where Cashes 'room' is. You quickly change him and make your way back to the boys. 
You hand him to Ash and start to clean up a little. 
"Wasn't really expecting company. Sorry," you throw some toys into a small plastic bin and fold up a few blankets. 
"Y/n please. Leave it. Come sit and talk," Calum says. You sit on the other side of Ashton who is sitting in the middle of the fold out sofa. 
"This is quite the place," Ash says letting his son hold onto his long fingers. He has them pulled to his mouth. 
"Yeah, it's not much buy it'll be good for the two of us for a while, when he gets a little bigger he's gonna need his own room and space," Ash shakes his head. 
"No, like I said I want to help. I want to be in his life. I know this is a big offer you could come stay with me. Please come stay with me. I want to be able to spend as much time with my little man as possible, don't answer yet. Let it sit for a few days? Please?" You don't give him a response because you're shocked. You just nod. 
"So, I get god father rights right? You didn't pick someone else?" Calum speaks up a bit later breaking the slightly awkward silence. 
"Of course Cal, as long as you stick around and change a few diapers definitely," you laugh. Cash suddenly begins to cry and Ashton tries to soothe him. You know what he's crying for and Ashton does not have the ... assets to give him what he needs. 
You shake your head and motion for Ashton you bring him to your chest and remove the flap from the 'maternity clothes' and feed your child. Calum looks slightly uncomfortable and is distracting himself with his phone. Ashton watched his son eat and you weren't uncomfortable with it. One, you have become used to it, people watching you as you feed your son. And two, as bad as the relationship was in the end you loved him and he made you comfortable, always. 
Cash made these cute little noises whenever he ate. He'd clench his fists until he was full and then he'd slowly release them. He only ate for a few minutes until he was content and pulled away. His little eyes opened and they were just the same as his fathers. You put yourself away and grabbed a burp rag from the coffee table and throw it over your shoulder. You bring your son up to your shoulder and begin to burp him. He gets fussy so you stand and walk him around the room. 
"Can I help?" Asks Calum. 
"Have you ever burped a baby?" He shook his head. You motion for him to come to you and show him how. It's not rocket science. "Bounce a little as you walk to," he nods and begins to walk him around the small apartment. Humming to him as he does so. You sit on the couch next to Ashton. 
"So how are we going to do this?" He asks. 
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commonsandsystems · 5 years
2020 is imminent: a brain dump
I'll be 40 next year
Freya will be 3
I might be pregnant again
The world is on the brink of collapse (has it always felt like that? Maybe. But the science is overwhelming)
How do I want to spend the next 30 working years? "The revolution needs facilitators and mediators". Could that be me? I am feeling so furious at the people carrying on as normal. Driving their fucking land rovers down the Euston road like they own the place. Idling their engines outside our house. Flying on unnecessary holidays. Buying crap. But the urge to fill a stocking with crap for Freya just to see her little smile when she sees it is strong! Thankfully it's never hard to make her smile tho...
Shared assets needs energy next year. We are working to create the new institutions and ways of organising that the revolution needs. If I can help make that happen that would be wonderful. I want to facilitate more things! Be more adept and conscious of group dynamics. Support more creative people. Be more creative myself. Learn more about anarchist ways of organising. Unpick existing power structures with grace and tenacity. Help create frameworks for making sense of the world. Build a healthy and powerful team at SA. Hold my work lightly and for it to feel joyful and full of flow, not heavy and guilt enducing. Help things grow on the allotment, and then eat them. Deepen our relationships with our neighbours, join in with mutual support in Tottenham. Act both as if we were all going to die tomorrow, and like we might live forever.
Also go on a holiday and do a pull up. Just one.
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authoratmidnight · 5 years
OK I actually have a lot of ramblings about the newest VRAINS ep so, here we go!
So, first up, the summary mislead us. The summary we had gotten said that Ai was ‘attacking humans’. Which suggested either he was attacking people at random or had a list of people he was tracking down. Neither of which was the case.
What he really did was attack Queen-the one who was responsible for the murder of his friend, then send Akira a warning telling he’d be coming for him. Or more accurately his key.
I’m still thinking Ai’s plan is to take control of SOL tech and use it/their assets to try and revive his friends. That just, makes the most sense. Also, I really don’t think his actual intent is to kill Akira, Akira is just panicking and overreacting. All Ai said was that in three days he was coming for the key and Akira would not longer be #1 at SOL. Which, if Ai takes the key even without a fight, is exactly what’s gonna happen. Ai 1) Ai would be the one in control, automatically making HIM #1 and 2) Akira would probably be demoted for losing something that important. So yeah. Ai is just a dramatic bitch and Akira is paranoid and panicking.
On that note, while I get Yusau being sad at seeing what Ai is doing, he’s making it sound like is just, indiscriminately attacking people with sadistic glee instead of, you know, having attacked one single person in an act of revenge, who frankly had it coming. Also it’s Ai, as I said before, he’s dramatic. Ofc he’s gonna look like he’s enjoying this(also it was probably cathartic).
I know some people aren’t impressed with the identity reveal but I liked it. I’m not sure if Aoi had already figured it out and led her brother there so he could figure it out, or if she saw Shoichi at the hotdog stand and went ‘oh shit it him’ recognizing him as Unnamed and put the pieces together like Akira did and then decided to drag Akira there. I’m just glad it happened (how long till it clicks that Takeru = SB and who’s gonna tell him that the cat’s outta the bag?)
I’m sort of amused how throughout the scene Aoi’s just, enamoured cause she’s meeting the hero of Link VRAINS and the one who saved her and her brother several times, irl and Yusaku is just, really confused about everything.
Now, I don’t ship Angelmaker (I just want them to be friends at the very least, which seems likely) but like, from an Aoi standpoint it, kiinda makes sense if you think about it. I mean, a handsome mystery man has saved her and her brother and Link VRAINS so it makes sense for her to be enamoured by him and like, have a hero-worship kind of crush thing going on (like Naoki).
Also if we’re gonna use the ‘the writers are making them spend time together’ as proof that they’re trying to build to it, I guess they’re trying to build to Recoil as well since they’re stuffing Rev and Takeru as a team and together in the OP multiple times. lmao
Yusaku on the other hand, yeah. haha. His expressions said it all. He was so deeply confused. Poor guy. (tbh it’s probably the lack of interaction + Yusaku’s absolute disinterest that makes it hard for me to ship it. i could definitely buy a one sided sort of thing for Aoi tho)
Aoi: I want you to shake my hand.
Yusaku, internally: But why tho?
Ahh Pandore. Yeah this totally won’t backfire in any way. Nope. I see my sorta theory from the other day about her was right tho. And only time will tell if she will double as a Pandora’s Box as well. And what all that entails.
Also, between Akira wanting to talk with Rev about ‘one more thing’ and him being super sure that his physical body is safe, I wonder if he enlisted their help. Like, hiding on their boat/up in the house. Cause really, I don’t think Ai would think to look there. For Yusaku yes, not for Akira.
I had a thought earlier, when Ema said that Akira would take the blame if/when SOL’s dirty laundry comes to light even tho he wasn’t responsible for that stuff. What if that was why they insisted on promoting him? They could tell SOL was on shaky ground, so why not set up a fallguy for when shit hits the fan? Seems like, exactly the sort of thing they’d pull.
And really Aoi, you’re object to working with Hanoi cause ‘they’re criminals’. Aside from those 5, your group also consists of, 3 hackers (Playmaker, Ghost Girl and Shoichi), a guy who used to do work for Yakuza and other gangs/organized crime groups (Akira), a bounty hunter who’s probably done less than legal things (Blood Shepherd) and someone who was something of a delinquent and may or may not have gotten in trouble for it (Soulburner). Like, Aoi and Go are the only one who haven’t done anything illegal at this point (Go did bad things, but he was working for SOL so none of it was really, illegal). Plus ike, ya sure didn’t have a problem teaming up with them against Lightning.
I’m amused that the episode shut down the idea of whether or not Yusaku would recognize Ai when they fought/met in one fell swoop. Ai’s just like ‘Yo it me’ Not even trying to hide it.
Im not sure what to make of GO and BS being back. I wish they’d acknowledge what BS did to SB cause like, yeah that was mean an uncalled for. I’m sure Ema’s making sure her bro plays nice but still. Idk if we’re gonna get an explanation for Go, maybe he learned things from Earth while having the Ignis in his head and that + his last defeat was the wake up call he needed. Who knows.
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proteusspade · 6 years
On the debacle with Fallout 76
 I feel like the debacle with Fallout 76 has become a testing grounds for a lot of the dominating theories and myths about video games and video game consumers in general, as well as more specifically about Bethesda studios and Bethesda gamers. I apologize for the LONG post ahead, but there’s a lot to unpack here and I want to make sure everyone’s on the same page before I try and make any big points. For those not in the know, I will attempt to summarize: - Bethesda released Fallout 76, a multiplayer installment in the Fallout franchise, with a set release date of November 14, 2018.  - The game was announced with the marketing that it would be playable and enjoyable as singleplayer, that every person you ran into would be a real person, that it was a new Fallout experience, that its graphics would improve upon Fallout 4′s graphics by 16 times, and notably, one collector’s edition which cost $200 was marketed as coming with a wearable helmet and a canvas bag.
The beta was shaky and riddled with bugs, and upon release, the game itself was still pretty much broken -- far moreso than other Bethesda titles, and this coming from a company where the running joke since Oblivion has been that the bugs are so prevalent that they are a feature, not a flaw. An enormous patch was released shortly after launch, which was larger in size than the game itself, and which not only didn’t fix almost any of the bugs, but created hundreds *more* bugs, as if they didn’t playtest the patch at all.  For players like me who can go a surprisingly long time in a Bethesda game without seeing any bugs at all, I will note that these bugs include: - T-posing enemies which either spontaneously assume their correct animations only when you get close, or never do, or which teleport suddenly into you to try and display their attack animations - Horrendous enemy A.I. where a lot of them will just stand in one place looping an animation - Enemies spawning out of thin air directly in front of you due to slow loading - A bug where enemies spontaneously heal the exact amount of damage you deal to them, making them invincible - Falling through the ground out of nowhere - Clipping through and getting caught in the world - Frequent server crashes, often due to in-game happenings (the game eventually gives you access to nuclear bombs, but the same bombs can crash the server if you drop them) - Frequent disconnects - Frequent game crashes (with no ‘save game’ function) - Body horror bugs like the Wendigo Bug which have been present since Fallout 4 and haven’t been fixed by Bethesda yet, even though modders were able to fix them weeks after Fallout 4 came out. Three years ago.  Moreover, the game directly ported over most of its visual assets from Fallout 4. Most of the landscape elements come from Fallout 4, almost all of the weapons come from Fallout 4, almost all of the outfits and armors come from Fallout 4, most of the monsters come from Fallout 4, the physics and gunplay is directly ported over (minus the ability to pause the game to open your inventory, of course, and minus the time-slowing aspect of V.A.T.S, which makes V.A.T.S almost completely useless), the character creation is ported over, the loot is ported over, the base-building system and all of its assets (walls, floors, anything you’d use to build a base) are ported over. Basically, other than trees and certain monsters unique to West Virginia, you’ll have a hard time spotting content which isn’t directly ported over from Fallout 4, often without palette swaps. Is the promise of better graphics fulfilled?  Well, the lighting is significantly improved, and even very pretty and atmospheric -- though occasionally light will shine through solid far-away objects, like mountains. Modders had done this almost immediately with Fallout 4, too, though, so it’s not really a huge achievement. And the landscape is much more colourful than in any other Fallout game, which is admittedly a nice change of pace, even though it makes no goddamn sense why the trees would survive while everything else dies around them. But other than those two elements... yeah, it just looks like Fallout 4, but usually doesn’t render as well due to being on a multiplayer server and due to the graphical glitches. How about the promise that every person you run into is a real person? Well, that was true all right, but how anyone thought that was a good idea is beyond me. It’s one of those things that sounds really cool and innovative until you think about it for literally any length of time at all. Why would that be a good thing? Unless you have quite a lot of friends who you’ve somehow got onto the same server (which, by the way, I don’t think has much functionality in Fallout 76), you’re not going to be very interested in those people, and you have no reason to be. They’re just big lumps of immersion-breaking, as I seriously doubt many people are going onto the game to vocally roleplay their way through the game experience.  Moreover, this means no NPCs besides monsters and robots. No quests from anyone but robots and holotapes. Now, I like holotapes. I’m one of those unbearable players who listens to every holotape and reads every computer terminal. My favourite part of Fallout games is usually finding out the big stories behind Vaults or unusual locations. But when you are doing this quest for someone you will never meet, and have complete certainty of this fact, the reason to do quests in the first place starts to ebb away. You just get holotapes or robots telling you to go to a place, kill something there, rinse, repeat. That’s the entire game. Nothing is achieved; everyone who recorded those holotapes is dead, or a monster now. You’re not doing anyone any favours. There’s no one to help, there’s no one to hate, there’s just you (and whatever people you’re playing with, who, again, aren’t really part of the story as multiplayer gamers don’t typically roleplay). The main quest of the game revolves around trying to find the previous Overseer of the vault. There’s zero suspense, interest or urgency, because as a player, you know with complete certainty going in that if you find her, she’ll be dead or a monster. When you remove the NPCs, you remove all our reasons to care about quests. You also remove all interactions in the game besides “kill thing, loot thing, make stuff with loot”. And killing monsters with such laughable AI and glitches, AI designed for Fallout 4 where V.A.T.S could pause the game and dropped into a game where it doesn’t, isn’t nearly enjoyable enough to make that game loop anything but ghastly. How ANYONE thought this was a good idea is beyond me, and I’m pretty sure at this point that they didn’t do it because they thought it was a good idea, they did it because having NPCs function like they would in a singleplayer game, while in a multiplayer server, is an incredibly daunting task. When literally no one asked for the game to be multiplayer in the first place, but hey. Is the game fun to play alone? Not from literally anyone I know who has, no, and this is due to the above factors. Is the game, as the marketing said, more fun to play with your friends? Well, yes, but the same could be said of cleaning out a moldy garage alone versus with friends. Being with friends makes anything more enjoyable. The game does not cease to have all its serious underlying problems when you play with friends, you just have someone to commiserate with and witness this bullshit with you. Is this a new Fallout experience? Not really. It’s Fallout 4 with a prettier landscape, story constrained to holotapes and therefore constrained to the past (and not the present the player is actually playing in!), and it’s arguably not even a Fallout experience at all. It wears a Fallout skin but the core roleplaying, choice, and narrative features of the game are gone, and all that’s left is a world that’s much bigger, but where all the new space is pretty much empty anyhow.  Oh, and the canvas bags for the collector’s edition were cheap vinyl when people got them, Bethesda just went “yeah canvas was too expensive lol, u can have five dollars’ worth of the game’s microtransaction money for free tho if you want, just file a complaint”. The amount of the microtransaction digital money wouldn’t even buy a virtual canvas bag, mind. Then someone threatened a lawsuit, and it looks like people are going to get their actual canvas bags. But they still need to file a complaint, and WHOOPS! They accidentally doxxed everyone who filed a complaint, to some other people who filed a complaint! The absolute cherry on top. (Yes, it really was an accident, it’s even stupider than it sounds.) So what can we take away from all this? Well, I wouldn’t take away much hope for Fallout 76 as a game, for one. It’s a dumpster fire, and they keep pouring gasoline onto it. But the game has scored abysmally low basically everywhere. People have noticed, and they’re not pleased. The game’s price has dropped 30%, and that’s in the first couple weeks after launching, which is completely unheard of for a AAA game. Returns are going wild. Youtube is FULL of videos taking Fallout 76 to town. So clearly, gamers won’t lap up whatever you give them just because it’s a sequel to something they love. The sunk cost fallacy hasn’t run that deep, and people are suddenly extremely skeptical of whatever Bethesda releases next -- which at this rate, is going to be either The Elder Scrolls: Blades, or their new sci-fi game, followed by The Elder Scrolls VII (title as yet unannounced).  I would also suggest that studios may finally have been given a good indication that clumsily slapping multiplayer on something that had success as single-player isn’t the greatest idea. This is a lesson that probably should have been learned years ago, but better late than never.  I would also hope that game studios, Bethesda especially, develop a touch more respect for their fanbase and realize that player bases can be lost. Bethesda has relied upon their fanbase to mod away their bugs, laziness, and incomplete content hampered by release dates for many years now, but faced with a multiplayer game with no mod support, they are put in a position where they have to realize how heavily they’ve been leaning on those mods. But there’s another part of the story that isn’t being covered so much -- one which challenges the assumptions which has led Bethesda and the players to such a disaster in the first place. Red Dead Redemption 2 has been in the makings for a long time now, but was released something like a year late in comparison to its originally announced release date. The new Kingdom Hearts has been repeatedly delayed. I’d expect the fans would have reacted with nothing but outrage! But they ... haven’t, for the most part. There’s been some frustration and groaning, especially with people who have pre-ordered the games, but for the most part, the fans have been pretty understanding. It turns out they’d rather have a game come out finished than come out on time.  That seems simple, and even obvious, but for close to twenty years, it has been the prevailing logic that for a game to sell well, it has to come out at a pre-defined and specific date, and if it isn’t done, that’s just how the process of making games work, and we’ll fix it in bug patches, or wait for mods to fix it. This is such an assumed phenomenon that it shows up repeatedly in Extra Credits, a show which talks in great detail about the production of video games, and I’d be hard-pressed to name a game that I own or play which doesn’t have unfinished content, even if it’s fairly bug-free. But here we are, Red Dead 2 is out, and it’s a roaring success, despite considerable delays. The conventional wisdom is simply wrong. And it gets even better. This is the trailer for The Outer Worlds, a game made by Obsidian. I urge you to watch it. First of all, the game looks good. The graphics are good, the human characters are expressive and dynamic while still looking realistic. The backgrounds are great. The humour is great. The world-building, what we see of it, looks very promising. And oh my god, the shade they throw at Bethesda is gorgeous. Not only does Obsidian highlight themselves as the creators of Fallout and Fallout: New Vegas -- that is, the two most-loved Fallout games -- they play with the concept of a cryogenically frozen player character (possibly lampshading the use of the same concept in Fallout 4), and they point out that player choice isn’t just about a binary “who do you shoot” moment -- another moment from Fallout 4, and one of the few real choices you get to make in that game -- and implies that variety of choice, including non-combat choice, is going to be a Thing in this game. Look at the comments section for that video. You will see hundreds, nay, THOUSANDS of comments praising the trailer, talking about the shade it casts on Bethesda, making New Vegas meme jokes, praising the music, lauding the humour, wondering about the characters it shows us. You know what I didn’t see? Even one single, solitary comment complaining that there’s no definite release date shown anywhere in that trailer. Seriously, watch it again. It doesn’t say exactly when it’s coming out. Just 2019. No month. No date. Just sometime next year. You know... when it’s done. What you might not have known was that The Outer Worlds was originally estimated to come out this year. You didn’t know that because they didn’t release the trailer until just recently -- when they were far enough in production to produce such a great trailer, for one, but also once they were far enough to be certain they would be finished with production within a year.  No one cares when it’s coming. They care that it looks like a good game with so much original effort put into it. That’s what matters. And maybe if the game studios can realize this, we’ll finally see an end to the exploitative bullshit that happens -- exploitative of not just the gamers, but of the thousands of overworked employees it takes to make a AAA video game -- in the service of an absolute deadline above the game itself. God, now that’s a thought. So don’t be discouraged by the failure of Fallout 76. There’s way better on the horizon. The myths that studios need a firm deadline to put out a good game, the myths that players in some way demand a firm deadline, the myth that players will sit there and take any level of bullshit, they’re all being thoroughly, publicly debunked. Feels good, man. Feels good.
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ufointhesky · 3 years
I dont identify as bipolar but i do identify as a creative, the difference is I don't perceive to be openly diverse to all groups but only the truely exceptional ones. So in this way, I think the term is spectric - u know like you're friendly with friends and not with strangers or how a street cat would turn vicious towards animals if it didn't find food. I don't think bi-polarism exists, maybe ptsd and adhd do but those are side-effects of your lifestyle or the tasks you are given or you give yourself. Often times, I don't think it is a disorder to be spectric either, u know how I like chiaki and junko both, well they both have disorders where one plays as multiple characters in videogames, and the other has multiple personalities within herself and they both assist them with their lives... I would say there's multiple types of spectric personalities.. same way there's yandere's or tsundere's in manga but society doesn't have the proper term for people who suffer from "bipolarism", most of the time it's the bullshit around them too.. for instance - a security expert working on iOS is hostile towards others bc she knows how to read the code inside databases or the things the devices tell them back... but me being set aside and focus on the real world am not hostile but open to ideas from others most of the time including hololive, valve, and rockstar games because without them developers suffer and every company under apple does too. I think it just has to do with how you think of yourself too, whether if you're an asset of a corporation, or you’re being played by the rest of your co-workers. In most scenarios I would steer away from thinking management gives a shit, and focus on your ideas instead.. the trick to life is thinking you're not working for someone else - you're working for your future self or your kids futures and in that way you don't think of ceo's as more than you but is a way to tell them you can overthrow them if they misbehave and i've personally told managers before civilian arrests are a thing. If restaurant workers ever found out the managers are making 3x to 5x their required incomes but only giving them 10 dollars an hour (1x) everyone would quit.. it is honestly an awakening to see people like myself too, just discover the bs i didn't know when i worked for people like that. I am not sure on that stat tho, many people report that all it takes for a restaurant chain to make more would be twenty cent difference in one of their items... and their wages would be at 22 per hour? well i am sure this is everywhere in the US because managers don't actually go to college and instead rank up from within the restaurant so they also have dreams and use those employees and garnish their wages to buy themselves homes and cars and that alone is a 3 to ten to twenty year process for most people i think, and if the highest rank is a manager no wonder most people are mad at them. proper management would be someone who has gone to college is shift lead, and they do the accounting while everyone works instead of working at a separate building in most areas but college people think they have special priviledge's and they pay themselves even higher salaries than the managers that actually train the employees and stuff.
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bearsace · 7 years
Hello! I saw that you were taking requests for IkeSen headcannons/fics, so I hope this isn't too much to ask, but what do think about female!Mitsuhide or any of the guys? What do you think they'd be like if they were girls instead?
ikesen requests are open!
oh my goodness so i only did the oda forces sinc those are the ones i know well enough to write with confidence sdlkfjdlkfj but this was so fun thank you! i pictured a female mc for this, but it could definitely be easily changeable ;;
she’s super gorgeous, has the same seductive qualities as male nobunaga ;; curvy, tall, and statuesque with these eyes that just smolder at you
when you first meet her you’re a little confused because …… this is the great warlord (warlady?) nobunaga?? the one from the history books?
you imagined a woman who didn’t look like. as hot as her honestly
and when she presses you against the wall in the famous Using Your Lips as a Cup scene
well that’s when you’re done for. you can feel every curve of her body and her voice is low and sultry, and her eyes light up in a grin when you swallow the sake
when she comes home from a fight one day you’re really shaken;; she just wrings the blood out of her long hair and her eyes are cold
but getting to know her is something amazing (i mean it is no matter what gender nobunaga is :’)). games of go are filled with tension as her eyes slip into focus and her slender fingers rub the pieces between them, and she bites her lip while she thinks of her next move
she knows exactly where to touch as well oop
when she kisses you she brings your hand to her breast, just above her heart and holds it there, and you can feel her relax in your arms and lean in to the kiss
she likes to sit with her back against the headboard and pulls you in close between her legs with your back to her chest, stroking your hair almost in the way someone would stroke a pet and nipping at the junction of your neck and shoulder. the tops of her kimono are falling off her shoulders so you can turn around and kiss the skin there, making her shiver, and the ends of her kimono pool up around her legs so you can rub at her thighs
she’s so hot gdi
like nobunaga, she’s got the same slinkiness about her, but stands taller
when she looks at you from her vantage point, she tilts her head and regards you through half-lidded eyes with this infuriating smirk that’s probably painted in blood-red lipstick
and this woman clearly thinks she’s better than you but she’s so attractive dammit you want to deck her
her hair is either super long and flowing, or it’s pin-straight and cut blunt, longer in the front than it is in the back you pick
you know that tumblr post about being hot enough to make people question their sexuality?
yeah that’s mitsuhide
and she knows it too
which means she literally never stops teasing you and watching how flustered you get
probably the kind of person who flaunts her assets to get what she wants out of prisoners and shit
she bleeds sensuality honestly, and it has you so shook because gorgeous snow-haired woman? paying attention to my me? it’s more likely than you think.
she has these really long, sharp nails and she likes to run them across your thighs, tapping her fingers along the way
and when she undresses you she does it verrrryyy slowly and deliberately—
she begins at your throat and traces her way down to your bellybutton, down between your cleavage, opening your kimono just a little;
then back up to your mouth where she caresses your lips with a smirk, then comes back down
and she continues until you’re moaning for her just to take me already dammit, we haven’t even gotten started and u just undressing me has me so sh00k
okay not actually wonder woman but build-wise, she’s lean and muscular and proud of it
she ties her brown hair back into a braid that’s long enough for her to tuck into her belt, and you can see mischief playing in that bright eye
you see her playing with her sword one day, and when she catches you watching, she grins at you and bites her lip
well that’s it you’re done for
she’s actually a little short compared to the others, which makes her fighting style even more ferocious and calculated as she’s got the speed and slipperiness that they don’t
the first time she kisses you you’re so shook
like maybe you haven’t even kissed a girl before (or if you have, definitely not one as attractive as masamune)
and she flirts with you even more than she already did after that because gotdamn you’re So Attracted to her
the first time you go horseback riding with her you’re so shaken; she pulls you close and you can feel the hard muscle of her body against your back as her throaty laughter rings out in your ears
not many women are allowed to have such a high military position, she explains, and she had to prove herself time and time again and you can tell by the way she so clearly enjoys her time with the troops and riding her horse that she was born for it
she was born to ride other things too
she’s a biter, and she leaves her mark up and down your body
definitely keeps her habit of calling you “kitten” and one day calls you a “good girl” in bed. automatic nut
anyways after a night of Fun you come into the common room without realizing how many bite marks you have up and down your body
hideyoshi bursts out laughing
masamune just smirks. you berate her for not telling you. she simply catches your finger between her teeth while you’re wagging it at her and winks at you, and you’ve gotta excuse the two of you for maybe an hour or the entire day
fighting smol
seriously like she’s even shorter than masamune
but she’s slender and literally looks like a doll she’s so pretty and porcelain, like you’d never expect her to be anyone scary
probably like 5′0″ and 100lbs, hair cut to shoulder-length (think the wavy windswept bob hairstyle in-game)
has a glare like ice honestly, and tbh her voice is probably pretty high pitched compared to the others ;;; probably the one to give off the ~cute~ image but lowkey wants to murder you in your sleep
when she’s practicing archery, she suddenly becomes someone imposing
and when she gives you that pair of earrings she scowls, but blushes anyway and she has really good taste in jewelry
so you buy her this beautiful necklace and she honestly turns beet red
“well…… i guess i have to take it since you spent money on it…… but i wish you didn’t buy me things as useless as jewelry”
you see her wearing it like everyday after that tho
but you take heed and instead commission mitsunari to design a practical bracelet that helps with archery (idk maybe it holds arrows or smthn so she doesn’t have to reach elsewhere to pick one out to nock?) and ieyasu is so shook she can even overlook the fact that mitsunari designed it
when she kisses you, she has to stand on her tiptoes and sling one arm around your neck to pull you down. in any other situation it would be cute because “omg she’s so short” but in this situation like… “wow ieyasu that’s really hot” with the confidence with which she brings you to her level
she’s really outright with what she wants in bed. “no i don’t like that” or “yes, that feels perfect” are common phrases you’ll hear
she pays special attention to bringing you to climax. her brow furrows as she focuses on touching you in all your sweet spots
Extremely Gorgeous Goddess Lady
long hair that falls in the most perfect waves, voluminous, straight out of a pantene commercial. lips that are a natural scarlet color like she’s just been sucking on a cherry popsicle. tall-ish, about your height, but not quite as tall as nobunaga and mitsuhide
you’re drawn in by her almost immediately because her eyes are clever and kind
that one girl who all the boys follow around, but she doesn’t know that;;; she thinks that they all want war advice
you become fast friends as she teaches you to play go before u realize,, Oh Shit, I’ve Fallen for Her!
she has a laugh like bells honestly. so good. so pure
you have tea with her all the time but she’s SO BAD at making tea and apologizes profusely when you nearly throw up since it tastes like gasoline?? um??
it’s fine, because you make her these delicious dumplings and sew her a pretty new kimono which quickly becomes her favorite. she wears it to all the important war councils which makes her even more of a stunner among men tbh
on that note……. during war councils she goes from soft angel to confident war woman…… her eyes take on this sure and calculating gleam and it’s so hot you can hardly keep your hands off her when the council is over
she loves to hold you in bed and stroke your hair— you both always find yourselves laughing together, and her skin feels so soft against yours
she’s really careful, always asking you what feels good, though she’s not afraid to experiment. her hair is soft and silky and you love to run your fingers through it while she kisses your neck
she alternates between big spoon and little spoon tbh. when she’s big spoon, her breath washes over the back of your neck while she sleeps and even the sound of it is so calming um wtf?
when she’s little spoon she rests her head on your shoulder and gently kisses along your jawline till you fall asleep
even when you become romantic partners, she stays your best friend and you can talk deep into the night
she’s about the same height as you and mitsunari, so it’s pretty funny to watch her order around the likes of mitsuhide, one of the two Tols in the group
especially when she scolds him oop
her loyalty to nobunaga is something to be admired, because it’s passionate and devoted and she’s completely unashamed of it
she garners the attention of both men and women (and you)
like she makes people question their sexuality not for the same reasons as mitsuhide’s attractiveness, but rather because she’s confident and independent and women are often confused whether they wanna bang her or be her
it’s a little bit of both, at least for you
she doesn’t trust you initially and makes that clear, but you’re persistent
and as you get to know her you fall hard b/c if she were a modern woman, she’d be the Strong Independent One you hear about all the time who runs a business
she takes good care of you
you fall ill one day and she nurses you back to health,
“honestly, mc, i told you not to go out in the rain like that”
and she sighs, looking genuinely distressed, and you’re shook to the max
she stops by a lot to make sure you’re doing okay, and usually swings by and keeps you company, putting off this sure, steadfast aura that comforts you and makes you feel safe around her
she knows what she wants in bed and guides your hips to where she wants them to go
but she’s also gentle and patient and makes sure you climax as well
in the morning, you’ll wake up and see her smiling at you and all is well in the world :���)
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dodigitals · 4 years
10 Legit Ways To Make Money Online
Did you acknowledge you’ll truly create cash online? yea, that’s right, and every one you would like may be a pc or phone with web access. therefore during this article, I’m getting to show you ten Legit ways that to create cash on-line. Some facet money financial gain or if you're very serious concerning, some sensible Money! Isn’t that amazing!
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On variety of those websites, you’ll truly create the utmost quantity as one hundred greenbacks on a daily basis or even additional, and so the higher half is, you don’t got to quit your nine – five job, you’ll create this cash, operating in your free time. On the web, there area unit 2 distinct ways that of making cash.
The first manner is active financial gain. With active or regular financial gain, it’s like your traditional nine -5 job. you simply get purchased the work you're doing. If you are doing not work, you don’t create cash, as straightforward as that.
The second manner is thru passive financial gain. this can be my favorite methodology as a result of, with active financial gain, all you're doing is place at intervals the work once, and so the money, in theory, ought to keep rolling in, while not you having to do to any further work except for perhaps promoting what you’ve got created, or in some cases what folks have created. let’s begin.
10 Legit ways that to create cash on-line
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1. Dropshipping
With drop shipping, what you’re essentially doing is commercialism someone else stuff for a touch or massive profit while not having to have an effect on the shipping. therefore essentially you’re acting variety of a broker or a middle man.
You can do that by gap up a Shopify store and so linking it up with Oberlo. Oberlo is actually associate degree app that integrates with Shopify, and it’s what heaps of people use to supply for stuff that they may would like to sell on their stores. The basic principle of dropshipping is, you produce a store or any channel wherever folks can buy stuff from you. Then once they purchase one thing from you, you pay the manufacturer, typically for tons but what you acquire it for, then have the manufacturer ship it to the client.
All while not you ever seeing or touching the merchandise. the most effective a section of drop shipping is that you {simply|that you just} simply set your own worth of the merchandise you'd wish to sell, then take the profits and pay the manufacturer the rest.
So yea that’s dropshipping in an exceedingly shell. If you're fascinated by drop shipping, there area unit a lot of tutorials here on YouTube, which will show you the step by step guide of making your store, finding product, advertising, finding influencers, and eventually shipping and obtaining paid.
It’s slightly difficult to start out out, particularly at intervals the start, however you’ll create many money… with drop shipping.
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You have most likely detected of Fiverr mentioned heaps of times, as a result of it’s a straightforward and simple web site to start out creating cash. however if you haven’t, essentially it’s a contract web site wherever you’ll virtually source something which I… as long as its legal, for as very little as $5. There area unit such a large amount of other ways to create cash on Fiverr, simply to call many. you'll do animations, brand style, Packaging style, net & Mobile style, Social Media style, Photoshop written material, design & Floor coming up with, 3D Models & amp; Product style, T-Shirts & amp; commerce, SEO then way more.
3. Upwork
Upwork is additionally an internet site for freelancers.  With Upwork, you're creating active financial gain. businesses and people post services on Upwork that they may would like to source like, video written material, app development, coding, their many jobs and services being outsourced on Upwork. The beauty of all usually|this can be} often its low barrier of entry, you simply got to be one thing. If there's one thing that you simply area unit sensible at perhaps graphic style or cryptography or simply concerning any ability, head over to up works, and begin creating some cash.
Here’s a tip if you're considering acting on Upwork, have a sturdy profile that appears sensible. this may drastically grow your probability of ever receiving job offers, from potential shoppers. Displaying your best work or lightness specific expertise will and can assist you to square out.
4. Amazon
Amazon start up the corporate commercialism books, Amazon currently sells virtually something you'll consider. It’s not simply a web site for getting your favorite toys tho', you’ll truly create cash with amazon. And here area unit 3 ways you how….
The first manner is Amazon Mturk – Mtruk is kind of like up works, it’s a region wherever businesses source work that's too tough for a trojan horse to do to to
Such as audio or sound written material and transcribing, translating audio and video from totally different languages, testing webpages, writing reviews, and a complete heap of alternative services. you'll create the utmost quantity as $20, $30 associate degree hour, by engaged on one or two of various tasks.
This is a legit manner of making cash, which they are doing pay. this can be a full of life financial gain tho'.
The second manner is Amazon Kindle commercial enterprise. flip your ideas into associate degree eBook and create cash nowadays. on every occasion you buy associate degree eBook from Amazon, Amazon, and so the publisher makes cash, and you’ll too. The factor with kindle commercial enterprise is… you at the start want a book to sell. you'll either write this book yourself otherwise you'll rent somebody to put in writing down it for you.
You don’t got to be a old author, or realize a publisher to do to to the present. you'll truly try this from the comfort of your home and start earning some passive financial gain. Sounds amazing right? and therefore the better part is, it’s fully free, therefore sign on and begin creating some cash.
Amazon takes care of the money handling and you’ll sit back relax on your couch, whereas creating some sensible old… passive financial gain.
If you’re very interested in kindle business enterprise, I very recommend you're doing heaps of study on this subject. You’ll notice free videos and tutorials right here on YouTube that will teach you the basics.
If you would like knowledgeable recommendations, you will got to first pay cash for a course. I’ll link a awfully wise one at intervals the outline, if you’re interested. Some people build over $100,000 business enterprise Kindle e-books on Amazon. It’s beyond any doubt a market to look into.
The third means that is that the Amazon associates program. this will be associate degree awfully commonplace and easy means that of earning passive gain. All you're doing may be a sign in to the amazon associates program that's free, then you’ll choose between thousands of stuff amazon sells on their internet site and start promoting. Amazon offers you a special link, and every time someone buys through your link, amazon offers you a commission anywhere from 5– 100% of the sale.
Amazon pays you sixty days once a shopping for deal and you’ll choose to be paid either through amazon gift cards, wire transfer to a bank account – tho' this will be presently exclusively on the market at intervals the us but if you reside outside America you’ll be paid via cheques, otherwise you'll have the money transferred to your amazon account and start buying stuff with it.
5. Flippa.com
Flippa is that the favorite marketplace for obtaining and commerce on-line businesses. It attracts an oversized audience, and it offers nice tools to increase visibility, it’s associate auction web site very terribly like eBay, for those commerce and buying digital assets, like websites, apps, domains, Shopify stores and amazon FBA accounts. If you’re wise at making apps or even websites…you can really sell it on-line and build some money. Or higher, however, if you have got got some money lying around and you’re interested in buying either websites, apps, or eCommerce stores… that unit already making money, you’ll do thus with flippa.
What happens is, you place a bid, terribly like eBay and if your bid is that the very best, then congratulations as a results of you just bought yourself an online business. you’ll in addition build money by commerce on-line businesses. thus that’s flippa for you.
6. Shutterstock
primarily shutter stock is also a platform where you’ll acquire or sell digital media. like photos, music, and video clips. primarily created by freelancers and third parties, thus if you will be considerably wise at photography taking very good photos and videos. Or specific at making sick beats, you’ll permit your talent on shutter stock. The means that you produce money with shutter supplier once some purchases one in every of your photos, you get paid a commission, usually one or 2 cents to one or two of greenbacks, if you’re lucky. The trick to making many money with Shutterstock is to consistently keep uploading best footage.
7. Rover
Does one like pets? Dog in particular? If thus, then you got to all told chance scrutinize rover. Rover is also a dog sitting service, but this will be presently exclusively on the market at intervals the us and North American country.
Therefore if you reside in any of those two countries then you’ll register as a dog sitter, and acquire noninheritable  aid dogs. you’ll build anywhere between eighty – $100 a night, just by observation someone’s dog! you’ll just about build several greenbacks week by merely aid someone’s pet. presently but this for a deal?!
Take lessons is also an online web site where you’ll teach any talent. everyone encompasses a talent, that they'll teach, whether or not or not that perhaps, teaching someone a language, how to cook, how to play associate degree instrument, how to unravel difficult maths equations… any such heaps of. something {that you|that you simply|that you simply} just assume another person might not perceive, you’ll teach people on taking lessons, and start making money.
9. YouTube
Not many people perceive this but, you’ll really build money with YouTube. If you’re considering happening YouTube to make money, check that you understand one issue clearly. thanks to the new rules, if you’re springing up with on starting a distinct channel from scratch, you at the start got to reach the YouTube minimum threshold to urge monetized. That is you’ll would really like 4000 watch hours, and1000 subscribers at intervals the last twelve months. Once you have got got reached that, you’ll get monetized, what proportion area unit you ready to depend on YouTube? Honestly the utmost quantity as you want!
As long as you keep uploading wise content that people unit willing to watch your golden, and so the longer the video the additional cash you’ll expect to build… you’ll create anywhere from 1$ to thousands even several thousands of greenbacks.
A lot of views you’re getting, the additional cash you’ll expect to make, and in addition, you get heaps of subscribers! With YouTube, what you’re earning is passive gain, build one or two of videos, which they got to keep making you money consistently.
you’ll in addition build money with YouTube through paid sponsorships, but with paid sponsorships you’ll would really like associate degree outsized audience, usually a minimum of 10k subs to do and try this. you’ll in addition build money through affiliates, however, we’ll get there to later…
10. Clickbank.
Clickbank is also a marketplace for product creators and affiliates to make money on-line to get commerce their courses or services to the earth.
Clickbank exclusively sells digital product, however, the marvel relating to ClickBank is that the commission playout is such heaps on the far side that of Amazon.
Some affiliates pay you the utmost quantity as ordinal, for commerce their services, whereas others pay as low as baseball game, thus keep that in mind. but with that said, you’ll build some specific money on Clickbank, innumerable or even thousands of greenbacks. just head over to Clickbank, select one thing to sell, and start making money.
Final Word
in this article we tend to see ten Legit ways that to create cash on-line. a number of the ways that area unit Active financial gain and a few area unit passive financial gain. we tend to make a case for what's active financial gain and passive financial gain conjointly.
If you prefer ten Legit ways that to create cash on-line then follow us
0 notes
localbizlift · 6 years
Crypto-collectibles and Kitties marketplace Rare Bits raises $6M
Rare Bits wants to be eBay for the blockchain, where you buy, sell, and trade non-fungible crypto-goods. After CryptoKitties raised $12 million from Andreessen Horowitz last month for its digital collectibles game, there’s been an explosion of interest in the space. But without a popular marketplace, it’s hard to find the goods you want at the right price. Now a team of former Zynga staffers is building out its crypto-collectible auction and commerce site with a $6 million round led by Nabeel Hyatt at Spark Capital, and joined by First Round Capital, David Sacks’ Craft Ventures, and SVAngel.
“Because of the Ethereum ledger, for the first time, users can truly own their digital items” says co-founder Amitt Mahajan. “Previously in mobile or social games, virtual items earned through play or by spending money were actually owned by the company operating the game. If they shut down their servers, the items would go away and users would be out of luck. We believe this new asset class represents a paradigm shift in digital property whereby centralized assets will be moved onto decentralized systems” For now, Rare Bits isn’t slapping any extra fees on its marketplace, compared to paying 1 percent to 4 percent on other marketplaces like Open Sea and Wyvern Exchange. Instead, if a crypto-item developer charges a fee on secondary sales, say 5 percent, they’ll split that with Rare Bits for arranging the transaction.
Users get the benefit of having all their crypto-collectibles in a single wallet. They can see historical pricing before they buy anything thanks to the transparency of the Ethereum ledger, whether they want to “Buy Now” or win an auction. They collectors can also see related items rather than transacting in a vacuum.
Rare Bits founders from left: Danny Lee, Payom Dousti, Dave Pekar, and Amitt Mahajan.
Mahajan, Danny Le, and Dave Pekar all met after selling their gaming startups to Zynga. [Disclosure: I know Pekar from college] Their fourth co-founder Payom Dousti worked at crypto VC fund 1/0 Capital and sold his sports analytics startup numberFire to FanDuel. With experience across the gaming, virtual good, and crypto space, Mahajan tells me “We thought long and hard about potentially building blockchain-based games ourselves but ultimately decided that there was a larger opportunity in focusing on crypto-based property as a whole.” The Rare Bits exchange launched in February and did over $100,000 in transactions in its first month.
With some CryptoKitties selling elsewhere for as much as $200,000, investors liked the idea of taking a cut of everyone’s transactions rather than just launching another digital trading card. That led Rare Bits to raise a $1 million seed from Macro Ventures and angels like Steve Jang and Robin Chan. As scaling issues threaten to prevent the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains from supporting micropayments and mainstream commerce, new use cases like crypto-collectibles are taking the spotlight.
Now with the $6 million Series A, Rare Bits is bringing in some heavyweight angels from the world of gaming. That includes Emmet Shear and Justin Kan, the co-founders of Twitch. Former Dropbox execs and married couple Ruchi Sanghvi and Aditya Agrawal are also in the round, alongside Greenoaks Captial MD Neil Mehta and Channel Factory CEO Tony Chen.
The team hopes the runway will help it secure partnerships with developers and creatives to publish new collectibles for the blockchain that have a home on Rare Bits. “While today most of these items are items from games and collectibles, we envision that we will see licenses, tickets, rights, even tokenized physical goods represented as digital assets” Mahajan tells us.
Rare Bits will have to deal with the inherent scaling troubles of the Ethereum blockchain it operates on. For now, it’s refunding users the “gas” it costs to execute purchases and sales on its marketplace in a timely manner. Thos range from a few cents to a few dollars depending on network congestion. But Rare Bits could be looking at a steep bill or be forced to push those fees onto users if it gets popular enough.
There’s always the danger that CryptoKitties and the like are just the new Beanie Babies — valued today, but worthless when the fad dies. Rare Bits benefits from getting to follow the trend to whatever crypto-collectible is in vogue, and just has to hope the whole concept doesn’t fade.
“Our ultimate goal is to convince millions of new people to begin owning and transacting crypto-based property” says Mahajan. But the founders will probably be okay regardless. “Like anyone crazy enough to start a crypto app company this early, we started buying and HODLing BTC and ETH years ago.”
0 notes
pmsocialmedia · 6 years
Crypto-collectibles and Kitties marketplace Rare Bits raises $6M
Rare Bits wants to be eBay for the blockchain, where you buy, sell, and trade non-fungible crypto-goods. After CryptoKitties raised $12 million from Andreessen Horowitz last month for its digital collectibles game, there’s been an explosion of interest in the space. But without a popular marketplace, it’s hard to find the goods you want at the right price. Now a team of former Zynga staffers is building out its crypto-collectible auction and commerce site with a $6 million round led by Nabeel Hyatt at Spark Capital, and joined by First Round Capital, David Sacks’ Craft Ventures, and SVAngel.
“Because of the Ethereum ledger, for the first time, users can truly own their digital items” says co-founder Amitt Mahajan. “Previously in mobile or social games, virtual items earned through play or by spending money were actually owned by the company operating the game. If they shut down their servers, the items would go away and users would be out of luck. We believe this new asset class represents a paradigm shift in digital property whereby centralized assets will be moved onto decentralized systems” For now, Rare Bits isn’t slapping any extra fees on its marketplace, compared to paying 1 percent to 4 percent on other marketplaces like Open Sea and Wyvern Exchange. Instead, if a crypto-item developer charges a fee on secondary sales, say 5 percent, they’ll split that with Rare Bits for arranging the transaction.
Users get the benefit of having all their crypto-collectibles in a single wallet. They can see historical pricing before they buy anything thanks to the transparency of the Ethereum ledger, whether they want to “Buy Now” or win an auction. They collectors can also see related items rather than transacting in a vacuum.
Rare Bits founders from left: Danny Lee, Payom Dousti, Dave Pekar, and Amitt Mahajan.
Mahajan, Danny Le, and Dave Pekar all met after selling their gaming startups to Zynga. [Disclosure: I know Pekar from college] Their fourth co-founder Payom Dousti worked at crypto VC fund 1/0 Capital and sold his sports analytics startup numberFire to FanDuel. With experience across the gaming, virtual good, and crypto space, Mahajan tells me “We thought long and hard about potentially building blockchain-based games ourselves but ultimately decided that there was a larger opportunity in focusing on crypto-based property as a whole.” The Rare Bits exchange launched in February and did over $100,000 in transactions in its first month.
With some CryptoKitties selling elsewhere for as much as $200,000, investors liked the idea of taking a cut of everyone’s transactions rather than just launching another digital trading card. That led Rare Bits to raise a $1 million seed from Macro Ventures and angels like Steve Jang and Robin Chan. As scaling issues threaten to prevent the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains from supporting micropayments and mainstream commerce, new use cases like crypto-collectibles are taking the spotlight.
Now with the $6 million Series A, Rare Bits is bringing in some heavyweight angels from the world of gaming. That includes Emmet Shear and Justin Kan, the co-founders of Twitch. Former Dropbox execs and married couple Ruchi Sanghvi and Aditya Agrawal are also in the round, alongside Greenoaks Captial MD Neil Mehta and Channel Factory CEO Tony Chen.
The team hopes the runway will help it secure partnerships with developers and creatives to publish new collectibles for the blockchain that have a home on Rare Bits. “While today most of these items are items from games and collectibles, we envision that we will see licenses, tickets, rights, even tokenized physical goods represented as digital assets” Mahajan tells us.
Rare Bits will have to deal with the inherent scaling troubles of the Ethereum blockchain it operates on. For now, it’s refunding users the “gas” it costs to execute purchases and sales on its marketplace in a timely manner. Thos range from a few cents to a few dollars depending on network congestion. But Rare Bits could be looking at a steep bill or be forced to push those fees onto users if it gets popular enough.
There’s always the danger that CryptoKitties and the like are just the new Beanie Babies — valued today, but worthless when the fad dies. Rare Bits benefits from getting to follow the trend to whatever crypto-collectible is in vogue, and just has to hope the whole concept doesn’t fade.
“Our ultimate goal is to convince millions of new people to begin owning and transacting crypto-based property” says Mahajan. But the founders will probably be okay regardless. “Like anyone crazy enough to start a crypto app company this early, we started buying and HODLing BTC and ETH years ago.”
via Social – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2qHekRo
0 notes
ronnykblair · 5 years
Hedge Fund vs Private Equity: May the Best Exit Opportunity Win
The “hedge fund vs private equity” question could refer to many things:
Investment vehicles – If you’re wealthy, should you invest in hedge funds or private equity funds? Also, how do they invest, and how do they charge fees?
Exit opportunities – If you’re currently in investment banking, sales & trading, or equity research, which one is best for the next step in your career?
Long-term careers – What are the trade-offs in terms of day-to-day work, advancement, and salaries, and will these industries be around for the next few decades?
Around 90% of the articles I found addressed point #1, often copying and pasting the same text to do so, while completely ignoring points #2 and #3.
But we don’t use $5-per-hour writers in 3rd world countries on this site, so I’m going to explain the differences and focus on hedge funds and private equity as careers:
Hedge Funds vs Private Equity: What Do They Do?
Both private equity (PE) firms and hedge funds (HFs) are classified as “alternative investments” and share some high-level similarities.
For example, they both raise capital from outside investors, called Limited Partners (LPs), and then invest that capital into companies or other assets.
They attempt to earn a high return, and in exchange, they take a percentage of that return for their performance fee.
They also charge a management fee on the total amount of capital raised.
After that, however, almost everything else is different.
The biggest difference is that PE firms tend to acquire entire companies using equity and debt, while HFs acquire very small stakes in companies or other liquid, financial assets such as bonds, currencies, commodities, and derivatives.
As a result, PE firms have a long-term focus (often 3-5+ years for individual companies) and spend more time on operations and growth for their portfolio companies.
Hedge funds focus on finding mispriced financial assets and benefiting from quick gains in near-term, 12-month periods.
Because of this longer-term focus, PE firms require longer lock-up periods from their LPs, while redemptions are easier at HFs.
While both types of firms have management fees and performance fees, hedge funds usually charge lower percentages for both because of market factors and poor post-financial-crisis performance.
Private equity fees have fallen a bit over time, but they’ve remained close to the traditional “2 and 20” model – a 2% management fee and 20% performance fee – while the average hedge fund now charges a management fee of under 1.5% and a ~15% performance fee.
And the trend is toward even lower management fees, with performance fees that scale up or down based on annual returns.
Finally, “performance” is measured differently; it’s linked to IRRs and hurdle rates at PE firms, but net asset value (NAV) relative to the high-water mark at hedge funds.
So, if the fund’s previous highest NAV was $200, and it ends this year at $180, the performance fee will be $0 even if the fund earned a positive return in this year.
That exists because LPs don’t want to pay fees on returns that offset losses from previous years.
Is This Description Still True?
The description above is the “classical view” of the hedge fund vs private equity comparison.
However, both fund types are increasingly converging.
For example, many hedge funds have been moving into deals and acquisitions of entire companies.
And large private equity firms like Blackstone have been moving into hedge fund-like strategies, sometimes even acting as funds of hedge funds.
So, it’s not quite as clear a division as it once was, and you need to read the fine print about a firm’s strategy before making a decision.
Recruiting and Candidates
In both fields, candidates who attended top universities or business schools, earned high grades, and worked at the top investment banks have an advantage.
But recruiting is quite different once you go beyond that.
Private equity is “Investment Banking 2.0,” so it attracts mostly former investment bankers, as well as some consultants and Big 4 and corporate development professionals.
On-cycle recruiting is highly structured, with rounds of interviews, modeling tests, and quick timelines (e.g., “We interviewed you this weekend and gave you an offer on Sunday – respond by Monday”).
To get in, you need to understand accounting, valuation, and financial modeling, but you must also have deal experience and know how to source, execute, and manage large transactions.
Hedge funds attract more diverse candidates, including investment bankers, equity research professionals, buy-side analysts at other firms, and sales & trading professionals.
Quant hedge funds also hire many math, computer science, and engineering students who can program and build mathematical models for the markets.
Most hedge fund recruiting is “off-cycle” and unstructured: you must screen for funds, network with professionals, and prepare for interviews independently.
You don’t know when you’ll hear back, how many rounds there will be, or how they’ll make a decision.
If you recruit for a hedge fund that does “fundamental analysis” (e.g., long/short equity, merger arbitrage, credit, etc.), then your knowledge of accounting and valuation is crucial, but you do not need deal experience in the same way you do for private equity.
Your passion for the markets and ability to generate, validate, and execute investment ideas are much more important.
For more about these differences, see our articles on how to get into private equity and how to get a job at a hedge fund.
Hedge Funds vs Private Equity: The Nature of the Work
The day-to-day tasks as a junior-level person in private equity include:
Deal sourcing.
Reviewing potential investments.
Valuation and financial modeling.
Monitoring portfolio companies.
Assisting with add-on acquisitions or preparing portfolio companies to sell.
Coordinating due diligence on potential deals.
Administrative work such as editing NDAs or other deal documents.
Meeting with bankers, lawyers, lenders, and other industry contacts.
Preparing marketing materials for the fundraising process.
Similar to investment banking, you’ll spend a lot of time in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, but you’ll take a critical eye to each company rather than selling your client(s).
That requires more brainpower, but it also means that you’ll spend a lot of time looking at marketing documents like the CIM and finding reasons to say “no” to deals.
By contrast, the daily tasks at traditional hedge funds fall into just two categories: research and analysis.
Everything is shorter-term and higher-tempo, there are no deals, and portfolio companies don’t exist in the same way, so you spend the bulk of your time:
Coming up with investment ideas;
Building models and doing research to support your ideas; and
Pitching your ideas to the senior team.
You still monitor your current positions, but many of the logistical and fund-wide issues are up to the Portfolio Manager, not the Analyst or Senior Analyst.
Both fields use valuation and financial modeling, but on average, financial models are more granular in private equity because of the longer holding periods.
You don’t need to create a 5,000-row Excel model to validate a quick arbitrage opportunity at a hedge fund – you just need to verify that, very roughly, the stock’s current price is way off.
Lifestyle and Culture
You should expect around 60-70 hours per week in both fields, with more consistent, market-based hours at hedge funds.
In private equity, the hours spike up and down with deal activity, and when a deal is in its final stages, you might be at the office all day and all night.
At hedge funds, hours can increase during earnings season – and if your fund hasn’t performed well in the year to date, and the end of the year is approaching.
At “mega-funds” in both industries, expect something more like investment banking hours (80+ per week).
The stress in private equity comes from deal deadlines and negotiating with other parties, while the stress in hedge funds comes from the market moving against you.
You may do some business travel at a hedge fund – to do channel checks, for example – but it’s far more common in private equity since you work with entire companies over many years.
The culture in private equity is much closer to the one in investment banking, with a similar amount of formality and similar people (high-achieving, “work hard, play hard” types).
You’re more likely to find eccentrics and oddballs at hedge funds because they care less about your formal credentials as long as you can generate high returns.
Founders and Portfolio Managers also tend to come from more diverse backgrounds, so the culture varies a lot more.
Careers, Advancement, and Salaries
Just as the work in private equity tends to be more structured and hierarchical, so too are careers.
We covered this in detail in the private equity career path article, but there’s a well-defined hierarchy (Analyst, Associate, Senior Associate, VP, Director/Principal, and MD/Partner), and your work and responsibilities change at each level.
Initially, you spend more time crunching numbers, churning out documents and analysis, and quarterbacking deals, but as you move up, you become more of a manager, then a negotiator, and finally a decision maker, fundraiser, and firm representative.
Firms look at specific criteria to decide whether or not you’ll advance to the next level, and almost everyone stays in each level for a specific number of years.
Hedge funds are different because the advancement process is more random, there are fewer levels in the hierarchy, and the nature of the job doesn’t change quite as much as you advance.
At the junior levels (Junior Analyst, Analyst, Research Associate), you spend time crunching numbers, doing research, and building investment theses.
But beyond that, even Senior Analysts, Sector Heads, and Portfolio Managers do some of those tasks as well.
PMs do have other responsibilities, such as fundraising, LP relations, risk management, and investment logistics, but the job is not as different as the private equity job at the Associate vs. Partner levels.
We gave approximate promotion time frames in the hedge fund career path article, but in practice, these vary widely.
Some people who “kill it” consistently might reach PM in only a few years, while others could reach Senior Analyst and stay there for a long time.
For a quick summary, plus salaries and bonuses, please see these tables:
Private Equity:
Position TitleTypical Age RangeBase Salary + Bonus (USD)CarryTime for Promotion to Next Level Analyst22-25$100-$150KUnlikely2-3 years Associate24-28$150-$300KUnlikely2-3 years Senior Associate26-32$250-$400KSmall2-3 years Vice President (VP)30-35$350-$500KGrowing3-4 years Director or Principal33-39$450-$700KLarge3-4 years Managing Director (MD) or Partner36+$700-$2MVery LargeN/A
Hedge Funds:
Position TitleTypical Age RangeBase Salary + Bonus (USD)Time for Promotion to Next Level Junior Analyst or Research Associate22-25$100K - $150K2-3 years Analyst24-30$200K - $600K3-4 years Senior Analyst or Sector Head28-33$500K - $1 million3-5 years Portfolio Manager32+$500K - $3 millionN/A
Hedge fund compensation is more variable than private equity compensation, but at the junior levels, you’ll most likely earn a bit more in private equity.
At the top levels, a star hedge fund PM who has a great year could easily earn more than an MD in private equity – depending on the fund size and structure.
The average case is similar, with total earnings in the high-six-figure-to-low-seven-figure range.
Exit Opportunities
Private equity has the clear advantage in the breadth of exit opportunities: you could move to a normal company in a corporate finance, corporate development, or strategy role, you could move into venture capital, or (gasp) you could even move back into IB.
There’s also business school, starting your own company, and moving into other buy-side roles, such as hedge funds or asset management.
You develop a broader skill set that’s based on people and processes, along with financial analysis, so you’ll have a good number of exit options.
By contrast, it’s much harder to move into most of these fields if you’ve worked at a hedge fund for a significant period.
You won’t have the deal skills that PE firms and corporate development teams look for, you won’t look that appealing to most VC firms, and you won’t have enough “management” experience to join most normal companies.
So… you will most likely stay in hedge funds, move into asset management, or maybe do an MBA to make a complete switch.
You could also start your own company, especially in a field like fintech, but that option is not specific to hedge funds.
Future Outlook
If we focus on traditional/fundamental hedge funds vs. private equity, PE has a better outlook for a few reasons:
Post-financial-crisis hedge fund performance has been quite bad, significantly trailing the S&P 500.
Central banks have manipulated financial markets with QE and permanently low interest rates, making it harder for public markets investors to perform well.
Huge amounts of capital have moved out of active strategies and into passive and automated strategies.
Private equity performance has still been decent, partially because there’s more asymmetric information about private assets.
That said, I don’t think these trends will continue forever.
As soon as there’s another market crash or recession, I expect the passive investing bubble to deflate as people realize the risks of doing the same thing as everyone else.
Private equity still has the advantage, but hedge funds will probably do a bit better once one or more of the factors above changes.
Hedge Fund vs Private Equity: Summary
Summing up everything above, private equity is better if:
You want to work on long-term investments, and you like structure, process, and relationship-building.
You’re analytical, but you don’t like math enough to be a “quant,” and you want a variety of day-to-day work.
You come from a traditional investment banking background, and you want to continue working on deals.
You don’t mind hours that fluctuate with deal activity as well as a decent amount of business travel.
You like the structured hierarchy and advancement process and the career visibility that accompanies them.
You’re not 100% sure what you want to do in the future, and you want to leave your options open.
Hedge funds are better if:
You are extremely passionate about the public markets and investing, and you want to spend the bulk of your time coming up with ideas and making investments.
(For quant funds) You have a math, engineering, or computer science background, and you want to use it in a technical role.
You don’t fit the mold of a “typical banker” (i.e., top undergrad, top bank, high grades), but you can make money in the markets.
You like regular, predictable hours and a consistent location with less frequent travel.
You don’t mind the random/unpredictable advancement process, and you can tolerate significant uncertainty.
You’re very certain that you want a long-term career in investing, and you have no interest in joining a normal company or doing something outside of finance.
OK, But Which One is Right for You?
Instead of making “hedge fund vs private equity” an either/or question, it might be better to think of it as a sequence from ronnykblair digest https://www.mergersandinquisitions.com/hedge-fund-vs-private-equity/
0 notes
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I got a speeding ticket last year around the same time for 15 mph over and just received another (in a different state) for going 18 mph over. Also, I have another ticket from 3 years ago (will be 3 years in a couple weeks), so that shouldn't effect my insurance after that. I called my insurance company and asked them how much my insurance would increase with this new ticket. They said $11 over six months, so that equates to less than $2 a month, which is fine, but I'm just not sure how honest they are being with me. Another person from the insurance company told me my premiums would go up by atleast $10/month without calculating anything, which seems excessive. Do you think it will be closer to $2/mo or $10/mo increase?""
Choosing the most affordable insurance company?
I'm currently staying in Texas and I am shopping for an auto Insurance for my Mitsubishi Lancer ES 2011. I'm 22 years old and I started driving for the past 9 months, and also had received my Texas drivers license 9 months ago. I never had an accident of any kind or received any tickets. I need to find an auto insurance company that's affordable, I understand that because i'm a new driver and young I will be paying more. But I would like to get any tips on getting a cheap quote while satisfying all minimum state requirements for bodilly injury liability, property damage, motorist and etc. plus a $500 deductable for both comprehensive and collision coverage. Also if im asked how old I was when I received my drivers license, would it make a difference in my auto insurance monthly payment if I lied and said I been driving since I was 20 instead of 22?""
""Help! Advice best cars under 1,000 best to get for a 40year 1st time driver for cheap car insurance?""
Please help I am pulling my hair out ..... My boyfriend is 40 and has had his licence for just under a year. Fingers crossed we will soon be in a position to buy ourselves a cheap car fr say under 1,000 I am looking at quotes for like 2,000 up wards. What are the best cheap cars to get for low insurance ?? Where is the best place to get quotes from??? direct, internet?? Please help""
Insurance in someone else's name?
Hey everybody! Ok, here is my situation... I am ready to buy my first car, but I am only 22 years old. I am also the only one in my family capable of getting a Auto loan, but the Insurance companies are giving me quotes off $700 a month, and I have 0 points!! Is it possible to get insurance in my mothers name? Will the bank accept full coverage under her name? She has already agreed to it. I live in the state of MI. Thanks in advance!""
""I'm pregnant, without insurance, and desperate, HELP!?""
Just this Monday I found out I was pregnant. Two Clear Blue PREGNANT's, and I was bawling in the Target bathroom. I all ready have two children, both of which are on ALL Kids because my husband didn't want to keep our health insurance last year due to the rising costs (like, it kept going up $100/year, and towards the end, we were paying $500/month). So now I'm pregnant, no health insurance, and pretty much stressing out over it. I will apply for SOBRA Medicaid (something I found on Alabama's Department of Health site) after my doctor's appointment next Wednesday, but if they don't accept me, then I don't know what else to do. Giving my baby away is not an option, neither is abortion. I will love this baby no matter what happens. I just need some reassurance or something to keep myself from stressing out and crying all the time over worrying about money. I totally got screwed over by something called Direct Med and will be calling them tomorrow to try to get my money back. I did that out of desperation and plain stupidity. A little help, please?""
Car insurance in the UK?
Can anyone in the UK recommend a decent & reasonably priced car insurer for a 1st time female driver in her mid 30s?
Car accident claim to insurance company?
a car rear-ended me one night. after i made a claim to his insurance company, his insurance company said that they will deny my claim because that guy was also rear-ended and he was dragged into my car. i did not see any car rear-ending the car behind me. when i told that insurance company that your customer might be lying to you, and i asked them if they are going to go for his words. then that insurance company told me that, wouldn't your insurance company do that for you. what should i do in this case? any help is appreciated. thanks""
""Car insurance question, does adding someone to a policy for a car you own cost more? so 2 people for 1 car.?""
Okay, young and stupid here with car insurance I am moving to fla, from louisiana. I have a car,and my girlfriend does not have a car. At this point, she refuses to drive the car because of insurance issues if something happened. So, to the question! Will it cost me more money to add my girlfriend's name to my insurance policy, so she can drive the car if I do not need it? Basically, im just adding someones name to the policy for 1 car.""
What is the average total cost of learning to drive and a car or suitable respect when your 17?
Including everything like learning, insurance, the test, the car and so on.. I just turned 16 so I was thinking of starting to save up A car that is not embarrassing to be seen in yet isn't to expensive because your only 17:P Thanks if you answer oh and I'm male""
How long after someone dies to get life insurance benefits?
my grandmother died about 2 weeks ago and i was wondering when her life insurance policy would go through so we can receive the money from it to manage her estate, we heard that probate takes about 16 months, but we cant wait that long for the insurance so how long does it usually take?""
Where can I find affordable insurance when living on disibility?
I am disabled and I only earn a certain amount per month, and I also have a wife and child. I just want to cry sometimes.""
Can you swap your bike for a hire bike with insurance?
I have a hire bike with my insurance while my bike is in repair, the hire bike is perfect and really fits my needs perfectly, is it possible they could swap mine for the hire bike even if it means paying money for it""
How can a young person get some half decent car insurance prices?
No I haven't been previously insured, you gotta start sometime! im 20 trying to get a job and i need a car no accidents/tickets cancellations I'm even married! (dont know why that is a factor though) Live in Toronto best quote I get is like $730/month!!!! (this country is INSANE) charge the young person with the 24k/year job the most, and the old people with 65k+ next to nothing!! (INSANE) and thats without tickets. I get one ticket for a rolling stop, and my insurance becomes HALF MY SALARY Someone please tell me, what can I do to lower it as much as possible (besides getting a scooter -.-) Tell me the key things making it high (eg. under 25 yrs old and so on) advice is greatly appreciated before I go nuts.""
How can i sell truck insurance?
appointed agent to sell truck insurance
Does my husband need his own insurance on another car?
my husband was insured on his car but its now sold and the insurance run out yesterday, he also drives his business partners car on which he is a named driver on the insurance, now his insurance on his own car has expired is he still covered to drive his partners car even tho he dosent have his own policy? im unsure how it works so just want to double check..""
""What is the average cost for liability insurance for a startup pressure washing small business in BC, CA?""
I own a franchise of College Pro Window Cleaning in Washington State and have been doing a lot of pressure washing through that. I do roofs, decks, driveways, walkways and fences. I am hoping to start up a small weekend pressure washing business in Vancouver BC because I go to UBC. I want to register it and do everything legal but I really want to know about how much i am looking at to get liability insurance or if I should just have my clients sign a damage waiver and probably then cut roof work to decrease my risk of damage. Any insight would help me out a lot.""
Does auto insurance cover theft of vehicle if you leave keys in car?
i got my car stolen from my home driveway in the middle of the night. i carry full coverage with $500 deductible and also gap (guaranteed asset protection) but could not find my keys the next morning either. i feel sure i could not have left them in the car (08 accord) because it dings extremely loud and that is something that i never do. i always lock my car and i am mystified as to where the keys are. i am concerned that my policy will not cover me if it is determined that keys may likely have been in the vehicle. thoughts or advice?
Will my insurance skyrocket after this ticket?
I got my first speeding ticket the other day.. 70 in a 50. I'm 20 and only a few months away from turning 21 (when rates go down a little). I know there are other things that factor in to this but how much can I expect my insurance rates to go up? Should I pay the court fines and just request supervision to keep it off of my record?
Does a warning for running a red light increase insurance rates? PLEASE HELP!?
Today I got pulled over for the first time for running a red light , when the officer pulled me over, as he was getting off his bike I took my seatbelt off (I know, now that I think of it, it was such a stupid thing to do, but it was my first time being pulled over and I didnt know how to react). He di.dn't say anything about the seatbelt, but he told me that I ran the red light back there. Ok, let me explain this to you guys now, i don't know if you're familiar with Cape Cod or not but there are TONS, literally tons of tourists here right now, and the roads are really narrow.. There was a guy in an Audi pulling into a parking spot in reverse in front of me and he was taking half of the lane that I was on.. This parking spot happens to be 10 ft away from the set of lights. In my mind I was thinking, I'm gonna go to the left side to let this guy go in, and while that was happening I was worried about the tourists that like to jaywalk and cross the road inbetween cars... So I go to the left and the left and gas it a little bit, I was going like 10 mph as I was taking off, and the light turns yellow, I cross the crosswalk, then the light turns red and I drive under the set of lights.. These 2 bike cops came immediately after me... So long story short, it was my first time being pulled over, I took the seatbelts off, and I ran the red light because there was a guy pulling into a parking stop right in front of me and I was too worried looking around afraid I was going to hit a jaywalking tourists. I know people always think they're right, but I honestly think I didn't do anything wrong here. I got a $25 seat belt fine and a warning for running the red light, which is complete BS. I know it's a warning but I don't want it on my record at all, how can I appeal, any tips? Im only 18 years old, just got off my JOL and I'm very conscientious of other people, never speed or anything. I appreciate your help, will give best answer, thanks!""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old kid with a licence.?
how much more will it cost to add him to his parents insurance, and its MERCURY INSURANCE""
What types of risks can be transferred in insurance?
What types of risks can be transferred in insurance?
Why not sell medical insurance like Auto insurance?
I know this is long but please bear with me. Rather than set up a separate government run medical insurance or expansion of medicare to the general public....One criticism of government care is that it will be in direct competition with existing providers. Ultimately siphoning insurance customers away from traditional plans and onto the rolls of govt care causing these providers to go out of business. Here in my state the auto insurance companies MUST offer the same basic minimum coverage in order to do business in the state. Everyone here must have at least the same basic level of insurance (both auto and medical) . You can go to any provider you choose and this basic minimum insurance level costs the same . If you want more insurance you can pay for additional coverage. But that basic plan is available to all. So why not have a similar program for medical insurance as part of a nation wide group policy. This group can be subsidized by the government but it would be managed by the existing insurance providers. (In other words if you want to be in the insurance business you must offer and support this minimum plan which would be a foundation for any other plan you offer) The govt pays the insurance company a flat rate to manage each person enrolled in the basic plan. The more money the company saves (the better they manage the insurance) the more money they keep. However if that company provides poor management it will cost them. Either subscribers will change management companies if they feel they are getting a raw deal or wasteful management would not be payed for by the government. One advantage I see here is that consumers would have an alternative providers to go to if they feel wronged by a particular management company. Insurance providers also have an incentive to offer additional services to the basic plan members in order to attract more subscribers and earn money. With a govt program like medicare your stuck with the one provider (the governement). As they say One Choice is NO Choice.... If someone wants additional insurance they can buy additional coverage from any provider they choose. But No one could be denied coverage for the standardized basic plan. Since everyone is part of this national group policy the basic insurance is portable and independent of supplemental policy one may have. So if you change jobs or move to a different state you may loose the supplemental policy BUT your basic coverage remains intact. You merely transfer the company that provides the management services for the basic medical. Insurance providers would get paid by the fed to manage the participants in the basic plan for each participant in the basic plan. this would put market forces into play for the insurance providers to make money by attracting additional participants through better service or offerings. COunter to this is if the consumer gets crappy management services they can transfer to any other insurance provider.
Trying to get free motorcycle insurance quote from progressive?
Its asking me this though: What date would you like your Progressive policy to start? Im confused. I just want a free quote, i dont want to actually sign up for insurance""
what do insurance companies ask for a quote
what do insurance companies ask for a quote
Can I get onto my parents insurance?
I don't have a car yet but i want to buy one in a year... I was wondering if I could join my parents insurance and if yes how much do you think ill have to pay monthly (Progressive) for a '65 Chevy C10 Custom?
If the insurance is group 6 then how much ROUGHLY would the insurance be for a 17 year old?
the car is the rover streetwise so it's pretty new with good safety features.
Is it legal to have car insurance on your vehicle under someone's parent's name?
Is it legal to have car insurance if it's in someone else's name, and they are aware and okay of it? The specific situation is, I am getting a car from my dad, and the auto insurance is going to be under his name still. I am a licensed driver, and need to figure this out, because I do not want to drive with his insurance, if it is illegal.""
Where can i buy cheap car insurance?
Hello. Im 18 years old and im looking to buy car insurance for a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 sxi 60 plate costing about 8000. I passed my test last year April 2010 and have not driven any car so i have no NCB. Where can i get cheap car insurance for around 1000-1500?
Which 5 R the best health insurance companies in India?
In terms of claim settlement ratio and efficient service
What are some cheap auto insurance companies in Phoenix Arizona?
I have an older car it's a 89 Ford Crown Victoria and I do have 10 points with my current insurance company (Progressive).
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
Is pregnancy considered a pre-existing condition in florida?
IM PREGNANT!!!! I am 7 weeks along and just found out! The problem is I start a new job next week and will not be eligible for insurance until after 90 days.. By then I will be over four months along and I'm not quite sure if they will accept me or if they will say that it is a pre-existing condition? So, my dilemma is either: pay out of pocket until my 90 days are up and hope they accept me OR apply for medicaid and use the health department? If it changes anything the insurance I would be applying for is Florida Hospital private owned insurance.""
Motorcycle insurance full coverage!?
how much will it cost me? im 18 and im going to take the MSF course...my bike is a honda cbr 600rr 2005 i could i put my dad under my motorcycle? he is 50 and no tickets he had his m1 for like 10yrs but not no more i live in pomona,california 91766""
Need help buying and insuring a motorcycle.?
I am trying to buy and insure a motorcycle without my parents knowing. I am 21 years old and have moved out of my parents house. I have my own car and my own job, but my car is still insured through my parents' insurance. Is there any way I can start my own insurance plan, without my parents knowing, to get motorcycle insurance? Or would motorcycle insurance have to be tied back to the same insurance that covers my car (through my parents). What kind of monthly rates would that cost me? (I'm a 21 year old male living in Nebraska) Any and all help and advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
What is the cheapest car to insure for 17/18 yr olds?
Really want to get a small car with low insurance
How much will insurance be now?
I'm 16, I got in a big car accident.. I flipped over my car twice. Fortunately, I was untouched and I was the only one involved. Naturally, I was taken off the insurance policy and lost my car. Before, I had the good student discount so we paid $350 for half a year as a full time driver. How much would I have to pay to be a full time driver now after the accident? My dad said $2000 but it can't be that much? Will they strip me of my good student discount? How much will it cost to be put on as a part time driver now? Will it go down after a year? Please help?! I've been very depressed as the whole experience was very traumatizing. My mom keeps giving me a tough time about it and I just cry randomly throughout the day and eat all the time to cope. I don't understand how it could happen to me, I'm a model student, I have straight A pluses in all advanced and AP classes and I was even following the law when I had my accident. Tips on coping would be appreciated as well. Thanks.""
Can i add someone to my car insurance policy?
i live in Toronto Canada , and i go to university.. i want to buy a car for me and my bro who lives in windsor , to share between us.. i was wondering if i will be able to add him to my insurance even though he doesnt have the same address as me..""
How does homeowner's insurance cover belongings? ?
Maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm new to this. So my fiance and I bought our first home pretty recently. Yes, I'm a bad person and did not read through or understand everything in the giant insurance book. I'm a bit confused as to how homeowner's insurance would cover belongings in the event of a theft, accident or whatever. We chose a low, $500 deductible. Let's say there was a theft. And I estimate the belongings stolen were worth $2000. What's stopping me from saying they were worth $3000? Or more? Wouldn't they want some kind of proof as to the value? I don't have the receipt for the television I bought 3 years ago, for example. I know I can ask my agent these things, but she is too overly helpful and chatters on and on and just ends up confusing me with information overload. :-)""
""I am 17 years old, got my driving license 8 month ago, but i don't have insurance on my car! What would happen?""
What would happen if the cops would stop me? I have my mom's insurance, for my car , can it be helpful with the cops?""
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is more beneficial?
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is better. I have a 2005 wagon r lxi and wants to renew the insurance which one should i opt for.?
How much would my property insurance go up after a large claim and non-renewal?
I own a 5 unit apartment buidling and after 20 years of no claims, I filed one large $80,000 claim last year for a burst pipe and water damage. The insurance company won't renew my property insurance this year. How much do I expect my insurance cost to go up if I find another insurance company that will insure me? I was paying $3,000 per year. Would I expect the premium to double or more?""
Cost to insure a Bentley?
For a school project, we have to estimate the price of insurance for a speicific car. How much would it cost to insure a 2012 Bentley Continental GT? (approx.) I can't call my insurance company, I'm 14. Thanks!""
What cars get low insurance rates?
I am a 16 year old and just planning ahead for when i'm 17 and get my G2. I want to buy my own car...obviously a used one...a very cheap one. I am looking to spend as little money as possible on GAS and INSURANCE. I understand there are possible discounts for good students, or if you take a driving course...but in general, what cars get low insurance?""
Car Insurance Renewal?
How is it that my car insurance renewal has gone up by 60 per year and when I rang the company to cancel explaining that they are far too expensive, they then try to offer me more discount. Why not just offer this when the renewal is sent in the post Just to add I still didn't take the insurance and cancelled as the discount only consisted of 30 and I've had a quote elsewhere for 300 cheaper. BTW I have 9 years no claims, no points, no convictions and only drive a 1.4 car""
Anyone know how to get mental health treatment with no insurance in California?
I have depression, anxiety ADHD and I think bipolar disorder. I dont have insurance except urgent care visits. I make a little less than $300 a week. I feel so down these days and really need some help. Even though everything in my life is going well I still have these issues. Any ideas?""
Any body know the cheapest place to insure a 17 year old driver?
My 17 year old son just passed his driving test and would like to buy a car. This wouldn't be too much of a problem but the insurance quotes we have had are unbelievably high. The cheapest quote has been 4300 with some companies refusing to quote at all. Some of his friends have told him they pay around 2500 because they have a 'box' fitted which monitors their driving. The co-operative was recommended for this but when I got an online quote from them it was 7,500 with the box. Help!!!! Anyone have any ideas?""
Insurance rates 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old male who has been driving for about 2 and a half years. About how much more would a coupe cost for me than a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/
Im 18 years old and just got a ford focus and i want to get liability insurance on it how much would it cost?
Im 18 years old and just got a ford focus and i want to get liability insurance on it how much would it cost?
""When you are geting health insurance, what does coin insurance mean?""
i am comparing insurances right now and some have coininsurance, some say 20% after deductible and some say 20% coininsurance after deductible.. what is coininsurance?""
what do insurance companies ask for a quote
what do insurance companies ask for a quote
""Just paid off my car! I want to lower my car insurance, advice?""
I just paid off my car and I want to lower my car insurance, but I'm not sure how to go go about it. I still want to maintain good coverage but not pay for so much. I'm a 27 year old male, with a good driving record. I would just like some advice on what coverages I could lower or get rid of and still have myself covered. Thanks""
What's a good health insurance option for a 22 yr. old male?
My boyfriend just lost his coverage under his parents policy and needs insurance that's pretty affordable but still covers things such as: -emergencies (of course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor visits/sport physicals Any recommendations are welcome! Thanks!
Can I have my mom title my car in her name for cheaper insurance?
My mom lives at a different address than I do. How easy is it to get away with having my car and insurance in her name, and address..but keep it at my house which is about an hour away.. and if I ever got into an accident claim I was just borrowing it for a day or two?""
What's the best option for changing cars and insurance?
Ok so I got my Service/MOT, Insurance and Road tax at the end of the month, I've been driving for 1 year now and touch wood I wont crash by the end of the month to get my 1st year no claims. I currently have a Renault clio 1.2 However in about 6 months I would like to change to a Audi A3 1.6 as my insurance will be cheaper with the 1 year no claims. (Had to get a 1.2 for the 1st year as Insurance would be crazy) I am currently getting quotes from Admiral and Diamond insurance for a annual fee of about 670 or Monthly installments that come to 1000, so Ideally I will just pay the full year off. But as I said in 6 months ill change cars and by the time Ill sell and buy a new car there could be 2 months where I'm not even driving, and don't want to pay for insurance for not even driving about. I can't find on these dam insurance sites about if i can put my insurance on hold (Admiral). Not sure if I will get charged if I put it on hold or not, as all these insurance company's are very sligh. and Should I pay the Road tax for the whole year or just the 6 months? Also what's the best place to buy/sell cars? ebay / auto trader? (I bought mine from the Motorline Renault garage)""
Why buy life insurance if you are young?
What is the benefit of buying life insurance if you are young and not married and have no kids?
Drink driving insurance?
I was convicted of drink driving last year. Just got my driving licence back. Does anybody know where I can get cheap car insurance, theres loads of companies that say they specialise in convicted driver insurance but some of the prices I have been quoted have been astronomical. 1000+, Ive tried all the comparison sites, is there any companies out there that specialise in providing insurance for convicted drink drivers?""
Are there any car insurance companies that don't use a social security # when determining your rates?
I think it is horrible that they base car insurance rates on your credit history. Having bad credit doesn't make you a bad driver. If they are worried about you paying the bill, why do they make it HIGHER if you have bad credit? Isn't that a little messed up? Are there any companies that don't do this?""
Can a 17 year old get insurance in his own name?
im 17 years old and my dad wont put me back on his insurance. can i just start my own/ If so whats a good cheap one to get liability on?
Renting a car for prom insurance question?
Ok so im 18 and i currently don't have a license but prom is in like 3 weeks and i will have my license by then. The problem is that i want to rent a car but i dont have auto insurance and i wont have it when i get my license neither because my mom doesnt want her insurance to go up... Is it possible for me to be added as an additional driver to any rental car companies if i dont have any auto insurance and the fact that i just got my license(wen i get it). My Dad is willing to pay everything for the rental car(i dont live with him though) btw i have already found a place where i can get a rental at the age 18(Ez rent a car dot com) but i just want to know can i rent without insurance, like by using there insurance if they have any I refuse to get dropped off to prom by a parent Lol""
Health insurance overlap! Two health insurance companies - is this ok?
Is it legal to have medical insurance with two separate health insurance companies during the transition between the two? And if one denies a claim, can you still file with the other?""
Which job has cheapest car insurance?
what job do i have to get to get real cheap car insurance
Whats the cheapest bike insurance for a 1st time biker - 21 yrs - 125cc only CBT done?
Any gd experience to pass on? (Honda CG125)
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
Insurance prices for 17 year old male?
I would like to buy a car after just passing my test. Which would be cheaper for insurance? A ford ka, fiesta. a vw lupo or a nissan micra? All second hand of course. Or any other suggestions are welcome""
Will my car insurance rates go up if another driver lives at my address who is not under my plan?
I have an insurance plan that covers myself and my wife. Recently my son switched insurance plans to the same carrier that I have with his own insurance policy for his car that he ...show more
How does purchasing a car that was subject to an insurance claim affect the new buyer?
I'm looking to buy a car on autotrader and to be honest I really do not know as much as I would like to about cars. Someone is selling a car for quite a bit cheaper than its worth but the reason they've given for this is that the car has been subject to an insurance claim. In what way will this affect me?
Where can I get temporary van insurance?
I'm looking for temporary van insurance for my van as I want to drive it to Spain for a few days but don't use it enough to warrent paying for a year's insurance. I would also need european breakdown cover, so if someone could help with that as well, I would be very grateful.""
For a 21 year old what is the cheapest car insurance company in ottawa ontario?
I am 21 years old male and a first time driver, have never been insured, and have my G2. I am looking for the cheapest quote""
""Affordable Health Insurance, any suugestions?""
I am a nanny. My employer does not offer any insurance. I need primary, dental, and vision coverage. I used to have the best insurance. $5 dollar co pay no prescript payment for generic and coverage for all drs. That was when i was under my mom's blue cross blue shield ppo plan. I cant afford too much but need something. Any suggestions on affordable health insurance?""
What is the best place to find cheap autoinsurance for teens?
i am getting my licence soon so i will need car insurance. i will not be getting a car just using my parents car. is there any really cheap auto insurance that you all can help me find. thanks P.S. please and the link you found so i can click on it and check it out
What do car insurance companies base their quotes?
i know insurance for each car is different but what do they take into consideration, before giving a quote?""
How much would car insurance cost for a first time buyer?
I'm 20, male, and buy a brand new car and it will be my first time driving, how much would I expect to pay for insurance in the first year?""
Teens why is car insurance so expensive?
This morning i was looking at this 2001 ford crown vic. and the owner wanted $700.00 for it, but when I called the insurance company they told me my insurance would be $300.00 per month. why is car insurance so expensive, thats crazy AM I RIGHT?""
Cheapest car insurance for a 21 year old 2002 Mazda protege 5?
Live in Ajax Ontario, and I also have 2 suspensions non alcohol related""
Cheapest insurance company for young males with points?
Cheapest insurance company for young males with points?
what do insurance companies ask for a quote
what do insurance companies ask for a quote
How do I become a 220/440 insurance agent in FL?
How do I become a 220/440 insurance agent in FL?
What is the average cost of having your wisdom teeth extracted without insurance?
My dentist has referred me to see an oral surgeon to have my wisdom tooth extracted. At the moment, I have no.16 & 17 3rd molars vertically impacted. I do not have dental insurance and I would like to know the average price per molar extraction with anesthetize?""
Questions about car insurance?
Okay, so my car got stolen a couple of days ago. Who ever stole it ripped it apart and left it to get towed. It was a 1990 Toyota Camry. I paid $100/month for full coverage on the car, and I was told that I am not going to get anything from the insurance company for the car. How does that make sense? Am I just stupid or is there something wrong here?""
Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?
Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?
I'm 18 can my 18 year old friend take me to my driving test?
I just turned 18 and I'm about to take my driving test. Can my friend take me who is 18 and has her CA driver's license already? Also, if I'm borrowing her car, does my name need to be on the insurance? I live in southern California Thank you""
Insurance for 18 year old girl?
My daughters just passed her test would i be as much money having her on my own car insurance as she would be if she had her own car and was the main driver thanks in advance for any answers
Can I register and insure a car in Florida but use it in California?
I'm from Miami but live in San Diego for school, so I'm only in California for half the year and don't want to completely get rid of my Florida residency - nor do I want ...show more""
Are insurance companies allowed to take skin colour into consideration when working out a cost?
If it is found that black people make more claims can the use this
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket ...show more
Is dental insurance mandatory in Massachusetts ?
Medical insurance is mandatory in Massachusetts, but is the dental insurance also mandatory ?""
""Dems, why don't you believe you'll be fined or jailed if you don't buy health insurance?""
With few exceptions, everyone would be required to buy health insurance. Each adult without it would pay an annual penalty, set at $200 in 2014; $400 in 2015; $600 in 2016; and $750 in 2017. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That's Obamacare in a nutshell dems. Buy health insurance or else! LOL, how's that hopey changey stuff working out for you dems? You're going to be FORCED to buy health insurance now from Obama's Wall Street buddies.""
Where to find really cheap car insurance?
I want to buy a $200 car mainly to run it into my friend's $200 car (kind of like playing bumper cars with real cars). I need a really cheap insurance that will basically only allow this car to be legal. I don't plan on making any claims on it or using it for anything other than playing around on private property. Only want to make it road legal. Any suggestions? I am looking for something under 50$ per month
Teenager boy Car insurance?
i am 17 years old and I just got my license. I try to get some quotes under my moms name and it came out to be around 3000 to 5000, in other words, 2 to 4 grand every six month just for me. How much is normal teenager boy insurance rate it NY State? One of my friends(they are twins) and they pay 20 total under their parents insurance. They own really creppy car costs like 1700 but still I thought guys under 30 pay the most expensive rate in car insurance. What exactly is the average rate for teenager boy? I DO NOT Want any recommendation to go get a quote in insurace companies or wutever.""
Car insurance/traffic ticket question?
I got a ticket for speeding (67 in a 50) a little over 8 months ago. I took it to court because it was a first offense and got the points down from 2 to 1. I never got anything from my insurance company, so I thought I got lucky and my rates would stay the same. About three weeks ago, we had a bad wind storm in Maryland and a tree limb fell on my jeep. I reported it the same day and the insurance is fixing. Yesterday I got a letter in the mail from my insurance saying my rates were going up from the ticket in March. Do you think that my report of the tree limb triggered them to look at my driving record and raise the rate or is it just a coincidence that this happened at the same time?""
Can I be insured on my mums car insurance if I don't live with her?
Hi I moved out 3 months ago and I have been put on my mums insurance while I have my provisional licence I will be getting my own car soon and i was wondering if I can still be on her insurance if I still won't be living there ? Thanks Billie x
Does term life insurance have an expiration date? (Other than death)?
Does term life insurance have an expiration date? (Other than death)?
Motorcycle Insurance question?
I recently bought a motorcycle and i'm just about to buy insurance but i am abit confused, I'm thinking of getting the Third party fire & theft insurance, which means i wont get no claim if I crash my bike but what if the other drive is at fault? Does their insurance cover my damage or what? thank you""
How much would a private insurance agent make in Connecticut?
As in selling every company's insurance and working from home.
Car insurance?
is there such a thing as shared car insurace, kinda like family health insurance?( like 1 insurance bill 4 2 cars)""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin?
It seems to me that every insurance company out there is claiming to have the lowest rates, etc. In your experience, who has had the cheapest prices? I'm referring to basic car insurance...no frills, just the minimum coverage that is now required in WI? Thanks (and please dont try to sell me something...I just want some ideas here)""
Car or bike insurance?
What is more expensive when you are 17, Car or bike insurance???""
Cheap car insurance for young new driver?
hi, I`m 19 years old, i passed my test two months ago and i would like some help. I tried lots of insurance companies, different cars, last time i tried i used a 2002 smart for two with my dad as a first driver, 4 years ncb and the insurance is still 4k. can someone help me and give me some advice ? thank you""
Health insurance......?
Im applying for the health connect in missouri and they asked me to call two different insurance company for quotes. My coworker said to call like prudential and allstate but i thought they only sale care,home,life insurance. do they sell health insurance too? i called but they dont work on saturdays so i just wanna know if they do or what other places i can call.""
Cheap car insurance for 18 year old?
Ok my younger brother is looking for cheap car insurance, hes just turned 18 and is looking at cars in the 400 region, there has been loads of nice looking cars for that price all fully working but obviously reasonably old. this is fine but when it comes to insurance some companies have quoted up to 8000!! I was just wondering if anyone had any tips that could help us out? aiming for under 1000 if possible! Thanks. Mark.""
""What is... THE, CHEAPEST, CAR INSURANCE... IN... THE... UK?""
i mean what is legaly the cheapest you can possably pay... im looking for real cheap scraping by scum insurers that wont cover F all... the cheapest... THE... CHEAPEST... i dont wanna hear you mention popular names!!... i wanna hear hidden hated piece of S**t insurers... understand... REALLY cheap... none of this.... 4000 stuff... robbin sc*m... im looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP...""
what do insurance companies ask for a quote
what do insurance companies ask for a quote
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