#aspiring freelance writer
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quinnharperwrites · 2 years ago
Writing Intro! <3
Hi! I'm new to writeblr--while I'm here I'll probably post things I write for fun or events, if there are any.
I'm also trying to gain experience with writing content as well as copy so that I can become a freelance writer. I'm a student, so I want to help out with college tuition (and maybe start investing). I hope to surround myself with writers so that I can discover the topics I like, as I took a break from writing for a while. Some things that I have written in the past include Shakespearean sonnets, alternate endings, and short stories. I'm also well-versed in academic-style writing, such as essays like literary analyses, synthesis essays, rhetoric analyses, arguments, research papers, and responses to prompts.
I look forward to meeting new people and learning along the way!!!
EDIT: I recently released chapter one my WIP, so you can check it out here if you want!
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tahbhie · 3 months ago
Three Essential Concepts to Clarify Your Stance as a Writer!
A) If You Write for Yourself
You see writing as a hobby and are less expectant of people investing their time in what you do. You simply want to have fun.
B) If You Write for an Audience Like You
You enjoy what you do and reach out to an audience with the same interests. This audience very much enjoys what you do, how you do it, and supports you.
C) If You Write for the Audience
You are a content writer (freelance), a ghostwriter, or maybe both. You ensure your content is tailored to the audience's needs and preferences, rather than being about you.
Although the lines between this concepts are blurred due to the way writers' interests evolve each passing day, it's still safe to develop this three stance to set a clear foundation.
Which one(s) are you?
Discuss it in the comments 💬
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reneblopez · 5 months ago
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Escritor/e de 21 años. Especializado en relatos cortos y cuentos.
Con pasión por el género realista y la fantasía.
Inspirado en el estilo de George R.R Martin, Suzanne Collins, Liliana Heker y Kafka.
Ofrezco servicios como ghostwriter y como escritor/e propiamente dicho.
También puedo desempeñarme como escritor de blog y columnista de opinión en revistas online.
Manejo bien el idioma inglés, con nivel bilingüe. Siendo capaz de traducir textos
Trabajo en remoto.
Mis tarifas oscilan entre $10 y $17 (EN PESOS) por palabra, dependiendo de la complejidad y longitud del texto comisionado.
Mi obra más reciente "Pueblo Crepúsculo" fue publicada en la antología Purapalabra 2023.
21 year old writer. Specialized in short stories and tales.
With a passion for the realism and fantasy genres.
Inspired by the style of George R.R Martin, Suzanne Collins, Liliana Heker and Kafka.
I offer services as a ghostwriter and as a writer myself.
I can also work as a blog writer and opinion columnist in online magazines.
I am fluent in English, with a bilingual level. I am able to translate texts.
I work remotely.
My rates range from ARS$10 to $17 per word, depending on the complexity and length of the commissioned text.
My most recent work "Pueblo Crepúsculo" was published in the anthology Purapalabra 2023.
Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes:
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mehmetyildizmelbourne-blog · 6 months ago
How Ted’s Return to 9-to-5 Made Him Happier After an Online Writing Business Failure
Discover why going back to corporate life made this person happier and wiser and the key lessons aspiring content entrepreneurs should know before attempting such business. Summary of a Case Study As a content strategist and ethnographic researcher, I conducted extensive case studies on book authors, online writers, freelancers, ghostwriters, and affiliate marketers, providing valuable insights…
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99katarina99 · 1 year ago
*Crying for not being good enough*
I signed up for a freelance writer job at BeWriters last Saturday. Then I had to go through the language test on English. I aced through it all, and then I needed to write a trial essay using MLA citation.
Today I received the feedback from BeWriters, and it broke my heart to see that I didn't pass. Not only that, but every criteria was checked as unacceptable. Picture bellow:
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It just can't be. I nailed the English test very well. I was a top student in English classes at the college, and to think that all of the criteria is unacceptable breaks my heart. Then the essay. Ok, I may have not sticked to MLA citation and all, but it's just that, at the college, we learned to use the Harvard citation style for all of our seminars. I did everything well in the essay. I separated it all in paragraphs (introduction, facts and the conclusion), I was supposed to have 300-400 words (I made it to around 360) and I cited (alright, interpreted) all the sources I've used, even named them all at the end of the paper (name, year, website name, website link and the day I accessed the site).
I was in tears after I read about the results. I couldn't accept it, so I emailed back to BeWriters and I'm still waiting for their response. It's a mistake, it has to be. Who knows, it may have been an AI that checked the answers. They didn't even provide a detailed feedback on what I did wrong.
I was in tears for the next hour that I almost didn't get to record the next part of my Hogwarts Legacy gameplay. It took me that long to pull myself together and go and lose myself in the game.
The whole essay bellow:
ENGLISH 1 – USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA BY CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS             Many people disagree about the appropriate age to allow children and young adults to use social media. Today, social media is all around us and has become a best way to connect with friends and family on longer distances. On the other hand, according to Elissa Blake, social media can represent a lot of risks for young people such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content and privacy breaches.             According to CEOP Education, most of the social media today requires users to be at least 13 years old before registering. Data protection laws say that online services are not allowed to collect or store children’s personal information if they are under the age of 13. Data protection laws also say that only children aged 13 and over can sign up to online services without parental permission. It’s also important to think about a child’s social and emotional skills and their maturity. Social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends, but children who struggle with social interaction offline, may find online friendships difficult. Children who struggle with self-regulation or peer pressure, may not be ready yet.             Some companies out there are doing their best to ensure child safety online. For example, YouTube disabled the comment section on children content following the pedophile case. It now offers a protection and safety for children from potential attackers. Then there’s TikTok. According to Susan Stutzman, TikTok has a feature called “Family Pairing”, which allows parents to link their child’s account to their own where they can control direct messages, set screen time limits, and turn on/off restricted content directly from their phone. Both YouTube and TikTok also have another feature that, when a user clicks on a video that includes something dangerous or inappropriate, it warns the user about it before playing the video, ensuring safety.             In conclusion, companies are doing their best to ensure the safety of children and young adults when using social media. But in the end, I think it all comes down to parents, whether to allow their children to use social media or not. Parents have to keep an eye out on child’s behaviour and stuff that their children do on social media. Works cited Blake, Elissa (2023). The University of Sidney: Is 13 too young to have a TikTok or Instagram account?. Link to the article: https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2023/02/10/is-13-too-young-to-have-a-tiktok-or-instagram-account-.html [accessed on 11/2/2024] CEOP Education (2024). Is your child ready for social media?. Link to the article: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/articles/is-my-child-ready-for-social-media [accessed on 11/2/2024] Stutzman, Susan (2024). Kid Matters Counceling: 5 Things Parents Need to Know about Tik-Tok (Updated 2024). Link to the article: https://kidmatterscounseling.com/blog/5-things-parents-need-to-know-about-tik-tok/ [accessed on 11/2/2024]
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pressrealz · 1 year ago
Interview with VP at Empathy First Media
Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com “Public Relations” Expertise: Question: Can you share a specific example of a challenging PR campaign you managed and how you overcame obstacles to secure positive media coverage for your client? Answer: One of the most challenging PR campaigns I have managed was for a healthcare management consulting company. This was challenging more so because of the lack of…
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dykeofmisfortune · 1 year ago
wine drunk with my best friend and we're proposing a joint business move to forward both of our prospective careers
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midnitetech · 6 months ago
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Download All My Mods in One Zip!
This folder includes everything that is up-to-date!
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 📁midnitetech_modlibrary (ensure you have the latest version) 🌐Lot 51's Core Library  💿 DLC: See the links above for any DLC requirements.
GAME DEVELOPER CAREER✳️ ✳️ Due an overhaul. Track old content updates here.
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deception-united · 11 months ago
Online Writing Resources
Abbie Emmons: A published author. Her videos have great tips and advice for plot and character development.
Hello Future Me: Mostly worldbuilding tips, but very in-depth, with specific examples.
Ellen Brock: A professional freelance editor who provides help with all aspects of writing—outlining, worldbuilding, character writing, plot development, publishing, and generally answering any questions writers may have.
Terrible Writing Advice: Great writing advice, if you can handle the sarcasm.
Writing Excuses: Albeit fast-paced, the given writing advice is quite useful. There's multiple seasons addressing topics such as story structure, characters, and genres, amongst many others.
The Creative Penn: This podcast is run by author Joanna Penn, who shares the lessons she learned in her own journey and advice for writing and publishing your novel.
I Should Be Writing: Interviews with various authors, and encouragement for aspiring writers.
Story Grid: Outlining methods, writing tips, editing advice, and analysis of various works.
Creativity Portal: Author interviews, creativity generators, writing prompts and templates, and various other writing resources.
Now Novel: Aside from writing tools, this website has multitudes of posts about characters, dialogue, narration, plotting, editing, and story structure, as well as writer motivation.
Helping Writers Become Authors: Tips on dialogue, characterisation, outlining, plot development, structuring, character arcs, and common writing mistakes to avoid.
Almost an Author: This website is great help for aspiring authors, with advice that ranges from genres to motivation for writers to guidance for making writing a career.
Hope this is helpful! I'd love to hear any other resources you use or are familiar with. Happy writing ❤
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quinnharperwrites · 2 years ago
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pamsimmer · 1 year ago
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My very first challenge and I'm excited? haha
When I was looking for occults challenge to play I found a lot of witches and vampire type of things, but I don't quite remember seeing a werewolf one.
These three occults are my favorites (unfortunately I kind of ignore the others because you know... meh, not as fun to play with them. But maybe one day I'll try to make a mermaid challenge)
Down here you're gonna find the rules and guidelines for each gen. You don't have to follow strictly the rules if you don't want to, I know it can be annoying sometimes. And also I made it short for those who prefer shorter challenges (like me).
I just hope you have fun!
[edit: a friend made the graphic rules and it looks amazing. if you prefer it like this: HERE]
You must reside only in the occults’s worlds, but preferably in Moonwood Mill (You can always kick your family out and pretend you’re living in another place hehe)
Start as YA, any gender
You can use cheats if you want.
Heir must be a werewolf
Normal or Long Lifespan
You don’t have to max all these skills, but it would be nice if you at least worked on them all your sims lives
When I put ( / ) is because you can choose what you prefer or if you don’t have said pack you can choose the base game one.
Requirements: Werewolves, Snowy Scape, Get Together, Get To Work
GENERATION 1: Waxing Crescent
You grew up close to the Moonwood Collective, they are basically your family and you learned how to be a good sim and not hurt others. You prefer to lock yourself up than to behave like an animal in front of others. You always loved art/writing and your hobby is to play piano. You don’t like the spotlight because of your werewolf tendencies, so you chose a more “reclusive” career.
Traits: Proper/Snob, Bookworm, Good
Aspiration: The Emissary of the Collective
Skills: Charisma, Piano/Painting, Writing
Career: Painter or Writer (It can be the freelance career if you prefer)
Volunteer with family (or alone) at least once a week
Your partner can be any gender, can be human or even another type of occult, as long as the heir is a werewof.
Get married to your partner and never divorce. You two were made for each other
GENERATION 2: Waning Gibbous
Your parents wanted you to be as perfect as they are, but you’re not them. You have your own personality and your own desires. You’re a rebel. You love being a werewolf and you feel powerful when you show others who you are. The only thing you got from your parent was the love for music, but you are more of a guitar type of sim. And you want to be the leader of your own pack.
Traits: Mean, Active, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade
Skills: Mischief, Fitness, Guitar
Career: Criminal or perform only odd jobs and have a part time job
Meet your friends at the bar every weekend
Have a “fight club” club
Get pregnant/get your girlfriend pregnant as a teen (if your sim is a boy: don’t assume the responsability / if your sim is a girl: give the baby to someone else. you can keep the child close to you if you want to play with them later, in case it’s a werewolf)
Get married as a Young Adult and divorce before become an Adult. You can find love again, but if you don’t, that’s okay. (preferably die alone :)
One day your sims is gonna teach their teen kid (the heir) how to fight. You’re take them to Greg and let them fight Greg… alone.
You never got along with your parent. You actually hate them. You prefer to be alone, you’re like a hurt puppy that attacks others who tries to come closer to you. But you’re very sweet on the inside. And finally one day you find the love of your life and you have a beautiful family together.
Traits: Loner, Gloomy, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: Lone Wolf
Skills: Gardening, Handiness, Fishing
Career: Gardner or Fisherman (and perform odd jobs)
If you chose gardner: go fishing every weekend, if you chose fisherman: have a garden
Live off the grid, at least until you get married (after that you can go back to society again if you want to. But it’s not mandatory)
Have at least two kids
You grew up in a loving family. You have so many plans for your life, but you don’t want to be a werewolf forever. You spent your teenager years reading werewolf books and you got the Lunar Epiphany and learned how to make the cure. Maybe you’re the one who breaks the family’s curse, right? and you want to be a super parent because your own parent inspired you.
Traits: Genius, Family-Oriented, Loyal
Aspiration: Cure Seeker
Skills: Logic, Parenting, Baking/Gourmet Cooking
Career: Doctor/Astrounaut
Find love when you are already a human and be the best parent you can be!
Go out on dates at least once a week with your partner, and when you have a child go out at least once a week with your family.
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cleapallea · 7 months ago
master list + More
& how you can make income! 🤑
Is empty house means empty wallet?
There are 12 sectors (zodiac sign + house) in astrology that reflect different aspects of your life. At this point, if you have planets in 12 houses, a planet being in that house as well as the rulers means you should have more focus in that area. For example, too many planets (2) in a tenth house with Venus aspects or rulers (Taurus and Libra) signifies that your career might be related to Venus qualities such as modeling, rebranding, or makeup (products, tutorials, etc.). Hence, I know some of you might ask: So what to do if none?
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Empty Planet in 1st house
Aries: self image, rebranding and investing
Empty Planet in 2nd house
Taurus: depends on your own efforts. Kinda Similiar to 1st.
Empty Planet in 3rd House
Gemini: Person's activity, and investment (education, training and self development -professional)
Example: Graphic Designer, Artworks related, Freelance writer and etc
Empty Planet in 4th house
Cancer: Anything related to fostering homes, and building connections (social network)
Example: adopting a dog (female), and let them grow after that you can sell her puppies. Or you can build a pets/ poultry suppliers.
Empty Planet in 5th house
Leo: Anything related to pleasure, wholesome stuff, makes you happy and alive, self-expression, recreation, and innovation.
Example: Build a program (school, playground, or be a Yaya for a day) and alike
Empty Planet in 6th house
Virgo: anything related to health, wellness, and daily routines
Example: Be secretary, write a blog about health and wellness, Be a Yoga instructor, or Drugs Cashier in some malls, teacher and more.
Empty Planet in 7th house
Libra: anything related to partnership, business and interest in society as a whole.
Example: Be an event planner, teacher, or social media influencer starts to sell your self in social media.
Empty Planet in 8th house
Scorpio: money houses, long term success or growth career, real state investments and financial portfolios
Example: rentals of your personal collection like shoes, etc.
Empty Planet in 9th house
Sagittarius: Travel, higher learning, personal philosophy, exploration and intellect
Example: You may consider writing a story or list of quotes on a known website and look for a small publisher until you get recognized. You can also Teach foreign ppl in diff countries to use other languages.
Empty Planet in 10th house
Capricorn: public image, career aspiration and achievement, and more on ppl oriented.
Example: vlogger, streamer, content creator, YouTuber and alike
Empty Planet in 11th house
Aquarius: humanitarian and personal networks. Anything that may show your passion and interest in specific content.
Example: musician, or be friends with famous people (they can help you a lot), then let them see your talents. I've known a lot of Aquarius placements tend to be very talented. You just have to precise and be stick with good purpose cause double karma occurs if you're not.
Empty Planet in 12th house
Pisces: Mysterious side of humanity, mind, and life
Example: be a tarot reader, practice gambling, or any creative outlets.
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✎ There are no such things as empty planets. The empty planets are ruled by the "lord" or "zodiac signs" inside them. Although I don't really believe it's not your main focus but more in IT'S YOUR HIDDEN GOAL AND SUCCESS, I've heard a lot of women who have their second house empty, but years later become rich due to partnerships, investments in education, and such. We have this called "transitting of each sign."
✎ take note that this is not a dynamic and astrology is about multifaceted interpretation. The question of where and what you can do to make money can vary depending on the whole system of your chart (aside from your energy). For me, I need to see the whole birth chart before I give the exact meaning of it. Every chart is different, so I can't provide full, detailed information about it.
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✎You have to look for your MC (signs), Jupiter house +signs (power), Saturn (warnings/challenges occur) and Moon placed (for reminder why you started, why you need to work something like that) if you don't like your moon, then look for your south code. Or if you dont know how to start, look for the (Pluto). Find inspiration in everything :) God bless!
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Plagiarism is A crime.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 5 days ago
"Write What You Know"
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“Write what you know” - a piece of writing advice that many aspiring authors are probably sick of hearing. Writing about a subject you are familiar with, however, is an excellent starting point for both nonfiction and fiction writers.
Writing about what you know can take many different forms depending on your writing process and the sort of creative writing project you’re working on.
For non-fiction writers, the phrase can be applied by writing a memoir based on your own experiences and real-life stories, or writing about familiar subject matter.
When writing fiction—whether it be science fiction short stories or an epic historical fiction novel—writing what you know means finding aspects of your story and characters that you deeply relate to.
How to "Write What You Know"
Writing what you know at its simplest level can involve writing about your own life and first-hand personal experiences. If you’re writing fiction or pieces outside of your life experience, it can take a bit more know-how and hard work to find how you relate to your subject matter. Here are some tips for writing what you know:
Follow emotional truths. Often as a freelance writer, you work on assignments that cover material well outside your personal experiences. As a good writer, it’s your job to find a way into the material. One way to do this is to focus on the emotional realities of the characters in your piece and look for common ground. As you start writing, especially if you’re a first-time nonfiction writer or are tackling your first novel, look for emotional common ground with your characters.
Reflect on a period of time in your life. Take some time apart from your work to think about a specific time in your life. This can help you find a way into a piece you are working on. Fiction writers like Ernest Hemingway often take direct inspiration from autobiographical events then loosely fictionalize them to use in a novella or full-length novel. First-time fiction writers might find that taking a specific event from their lives and fictionalizing it will demystify the fiction-writing process and help them break through writer’s block.
Freewrite. Freewriting about your own life, whether it be in journal form or something more abstract, is a great way to figure out connections between your personal life and your writing. At first you may not see how deeply personal your work is because, on the surface, it feels so separate from your personal life. Taking the time to write about your writing and the way it intersects with your life can help you see links and forge a more personal connection with your work.
Place yourself in your character’s shoes. If you’re having a tough time relating to your work, take a moment to fully inhabit one of your characters and think about how you would approach whatever situation they find themselves in. You’ll always want to empathize with your characters, but setting aside a specific time to reflect on a character’s motives can help you understand them more deeply. What would you do if you found yourself in your character’s position? In what ways is it reminiscent of situations from your past?
Source ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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gingenr · 12 days ago
🌺 Season legacy 🌺
Four-generation legacy inspired by the personality types and moods associated with the 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter ~ ** You can start with any season! **
Spring : The green explorer 🌱 Summer : The creative butterfly 🌼 Autumn : The average 'dead poet society' fan 🍂 Winter : 'The Frost' by Mitski ❄️
Each generation will have:
1 positive trait (chosen from the list).
1 mandatory negative trait (this trait will be associated with the personal challenge that the sim will overcome). 
1 trait that is completely up to you to decide :) 
Aspirations to your choosing!
This challenge is designed to inspire storylines, but feel free to change and adapt these interpretations of the seasons however you would like! 
Spring : The green explorer 🌱
Personality traits: outgoing, party enthusiast, active, adventurous, cheerful, green friend. Negative trait: noncommittal.
Max ou the gardening skill. 
Date 3 people before finding "the one" (or not).
Visit as many worlds as possible!
Spring is the time for greener and warmer days! These months invite people to crave new experiences. This sim is unable to stay still, and constantly wants to experience everything that the world has to offer. Spring Sims are extroverted and would like to meet others who also share their sense of adventure.  Although non-commital, this sim dreams of growing a loving family.
Potential careers: freelancer, gardener, journalist, athlete, spy, social media.
Summer : The creative butterfly 🌼
Personality traits: good, creative, art lover, music lover, loves the outdoors, active, generous. Negative trait: socially awkward.
Max out one creative skill (painting, musical instrument, writing, dancing).
Get married to your best friend.
Do as many outdoor activities as possible!
Summer involves longer and warmer days. During these months, people often enjoy exploring the outdoors and socializing with others through various outdoor activities. Although this sim struggles to make friends, they crave socialization, unlike no others. Summer sims are deeply creative and enjoy the energy that comes from sharing ideas with others. These introverted sims seek to explore their creativity as much as possible and to form deep relationships with others.
Potential careers: artist, musician, chef, art critic, freelancer. 
Autumn : The average « dead poet society » fan 🍂
Personality traits: self-assured, overachiever, book lover, genius, ambitious. Negative trait: high maintenance.
Max out their dream career. (Bonus: get a university degree).
Marry your life-long competitor. 
Max out 5 skills (Bonus: win a competition). 
Autumn's colder weather brings out people’s desire to change and improve. The upcoming holidays set a mood for reflection which encourages people to make new plans for the years to come. This sim is highly ambitious. They establish goals and seek to achieve them (for better or for worse). This extroverted sim seeks to improve others (whether they want to or not). Their constant desire for improvement can cause trouble in their relationships. 
Potential careers: writer, actor, politician, doctor, scientist, conservationist, civil engineer.
Winter :'The Frost' by Mitski ❄️
Personality traits: loyal, good, family-oriented, maker, generous, animal lover, child of the village/ocean, loner.  Negative trait: gloomy
Max out baking or knitting skill. 
This sim will eventually be a single parent.
Be a homebody, enjoy as many homey activities as possible  :) (baking, reading, watching movies, knitting, yoga, cooking, gardening, video games, writing, painting, etc).
The colder months of winter invite us to lay under warm blankets and enjoy the small pleasures of home life.  Winter sims tend to be introverted and deeply enjoy relaxing at home with a warm cup of tea, a good movie, next to a cozy fire. This sim will often feel lost and experience sadness when reflecting on the past, therefore they seek to find peace of mind and happiness before they begin a new year :)
Potential careers: bakery owner, veterinarian, freelancer, teacher, chef.
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guuccibaguette · 7 months ago
Sims 4 To be or not to be Legacy Challenge
Generation One - To be a Writer
You grew up in a household where you always had to be sure of who you were, your parents were strict on you about everything you did, in school, out of school, in work, out of work. It was stressful to keep a job, keep people happy and also maintain your own social life. Your parents made you this way and you cannot change who you are, but maybe someone else can? Is it to be?
Aspiration- Best Selling Author 
Writing is the only way you felt you had control of who you could be at all times, at anytime, you could be a male, a female, a cat, or a fairy. Writing is your escape of what you can’t be.
Career- Writer or Freelancer but it has to be the writer branch. 
Even though you could not keep a job anywhere else, your job as an author has made it such a delight. You can show people the dreams, the lives of characters that are not real.
*Must only write books in the library for young adult life, no computer allowed in home till adult life cycle.
*Must Marry an athlete
*Have three kids
*Divorce spouse while pregnant with last baby
*Name four of your books after spouse, and three kids
*Retire once elder, no more books allowed to be written
Generation Two - To be an adventurer 
Because of your author parent growing up they always read their crazy adventure stories to you. Those books alone inspired you to go off on your own or with a partner to explore what is never seen by the sim eye. 
Aspiration- Archaeology Scholar
Watching your parents constantly fight not the thrill like the romance, hate to love books. You want to get away from it, all of it. You travel to leave it behind but of course something comes back at you, your double life…
Career- Because of your constant traveling you use your knowledge as a way to get money from each place you venture to. 
Selvadorian Culture
*Start your first vacation adventure as a teen but with your parents
*As a young adult move to sulani
*Have a baby with a native salvadorian sim (you are not apart of their life but its part of the challenge)
*When you come back from each vacation find a sim that you can work a slow relationship with
*Marry said sim but not the other parent of your child
*Find your baby mama or baby daddy and have another child with them on your next vacation
*NEVER tell your spouse about your other kids
*Have TWINS with your spouse (you may cheat for this)
Generation Three - To be a hero
You always knew that something was different about your family. Why did your parent have so many traveling photos but no stories to tell? Why did it feel like those pictures had stories that were gonna stay untold? You had no choice but to put the past behind you and move on, move on to saving sims. 
Aspiration- StrangerVille Mystery
During your journey of saving your town that went to, to avoid your parent you discover more about your parents past.
Career- Military
Research and debate
* Master programming and use this as your way of finding out about your half siblings
* Save the town then marry someone from your group
* Have three kids with your spouse after you marry them
* Once you master your career retire from the military as an elder
* Befriend your first grandchild
Generation Four - To be a STAR
You always knew your parent was a hero, they were your hero. They saved an entire town from a freaking monster lets be for real. Yet even with their hero status they still always made time for you. Time to help you with homework, advice, and of course the dates. Now you want to be their hero when they retire you want to make sure your parent wont ever struggle, being a star will get you big bucks. This is your dream make it come true.
Aspiration- Master Actor/Actress
You take on all the roles you can get even if its just a commercial, simoleons is simoleons.
Career- Actor/Actress
Creativity (As a child)
* Have an affair with your director (it can be any director just one director)
* Marry your co-star
*Have a two kids with your co-star
*Divorce your co-star
*Get back with your ex the director and marry them after you complete the acting career
Generation Five - To be a little bit quiet
Having both parents be stars you and your sibling were always in the flash of lights for cameras. You tend to get sick of it when you dont really have anything to be famous for. You have no freedom anymore because of them. You want out of the spotlight not in. You want peace and quiet.
Aspiration- Inner Peace 
You achieve to have your whole life situated and at peace.
Career- Run your own spa either at your lot or buy your own
*Must find a sim that is a slob and marry them
*Have FIVE children with your spouse to make it harder for you to find peace
*Each child has to have a close age difference
*Adopt a child in hopes to have a peaceful and quiet child (the adopted one is NOT the heir)
*Mentor your children in wellness
Generation Six - To be a vet
Growing up you and your siblings always tried to make the most noise possible, your parent was always into peace and quiet so the house almost always was quiet. Your friends always had what you wanted, a companion. Your parent refused saying it will cause stress and they don’t need that. You don’t believe that, you achieve to have your own companion maybe a few.
Aspiration- Friend of the animals
Career- Run your own Vet clinic
Pet Training
*Have a cat, dog, hamster, and a full fish tank of fish that YOU have caught
*Marry one of your clients that come in for a checkup
*Fix your animals after they have their first litter
*Have two kids 
*Have your kids start working at the clinic once they are teens
Generation Seven - To be a celebrity
You constantly admired your great-grandparents rise to fame with their acting. You never meet them but you watched almost all their films they were in. It made you want what they had, but clearly acting was not your forte, you want fame though thats for sure. Now how will you get it without acting?
Aspiration- World Famous Celebrity
Career- Use your fame to somehow make money
Media Production
*Once you are a two star celebrity host a meet and greet and find the love of your life
*Marry a bouncer or guard when three star celebrity
*Have your first child at four star celebrity
*Have second and last kid at five star celebrity
*Host your hall of fame for the end of this generation
Generation Eight - To be a werewolf
The holidays growing up were always filled with your family, even if one of them almost always had a camera in your face to make themselves grow in fame. One thing you liked the best about the holidays was spooky day. You always loved dressing up as a monster, vampire, werewolf, spellcaster, even mermaid. You felt like yourself, you dont feel like as a normal sim. Why?
Aspiration- Lone Wolf
Career- Style Influencer
Because of your love for monsters and dressing up as them growing up you dream to be able to make them happen for other people as well.
Do whatever you want your a freaking werewolf
* Make your own pack
*Have Gred join your pack
*Marry Greg
*Have five members in your pack
*Either biologically or adopt a child with Greg
Generation Nine - To be a vampire
Yes your parents are werewolves, yes you have to deal with the constant growling and stuff breaking. Yet you don’t love it like you should, they are your family and they don’t make you feel like family. Hell you secretly took the secretly cured yourself of being a werewolf to be something else, something better? You get to be immortal now, outlive your own family, I mean you were anyways.
Aspiration- Master Vampire
Career- Medicine
Your favorite vampire movie is twilight and you were convinced to become a doctor just like Carlisle.
Vampire Lore
*Have five lovers, three BF/GF’s one engagement, and one marriage
*Have five children each with different other parents
*Discover you dont want a immortal to be with forever you want someone that can cure your broken heart.
*Marry a spellcaster
Generation Ten - To be a spellcaster
 Your parent is immortal you know that, your siblings know that, your own spellcaster parent is immortal. It sucks because that means they will outlive you and your spellcaster parent. You cant fathom your bestfriend saying goodbye to you. You dream is to always live for them, make as many potions and spells to stay.
Aspiration- Purveyor of Potions
Career- You use your magic to cheat the system and not ever have to work
*Have a familiar
*Complete the broom collection
*Complete the wand collection
*Learn and master all the spells
*Die from magic
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theabigailthorn · 5 months ago
i am a freelance journalist with iww and wanted to ask some follow up questions if you have the time! and thank you so much for your response!
what are your plans for the future? do you have any other projects that you are working on or can we expect to see you more films or television series soon? how does it feel creating your own film and what advice would you give to new content creators that might be aspiring writers and directors? is there any art form or medium that you haven't done that you would like to do, or if you had unlimited funding and creative control what would be your next project? what was your favorite series to work on House of Dragon or Star Wars?
thank you souch for your time and i hope you have a winderful day!
Is this an interview? If you want to interview me properly you can always just email me :) I can't guarantee I'll say yes, it depends on the outlet and the timing, but that's the avenue
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