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xavierpardell · 6 months ago
Los Hongos
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Muchas infecciones por hongos, como el pie de atleta y las infecciones por levaduras, no representan ningún peligro para una persona sana. De todos modos, las personas con sistema inmunitario debilitado (por enfermedades como el SIDA o el cáncer), pueden desarrollar infecciones por hongos más graves.
Ubicados en una región intermedia entre plantas y animales, los hongos y las levaduras constituyen un reino entero de la vida, del cual numerosas especies poseen un tamaño microscópico.
Los hongos poseen células dotadas de paredes celulares de quitina, distintas de las de las plantas, y proliferan en medios húmedos, reproduciéndose mediante esporas, de manera generalmente asexual. En muchos casos, sus esporas sirven como agente infeccioso y contagian a los seres vivos de hongos parásitos, causando así enfermedades.
Desde luego, los hongos microscópicos no poseen la forma tradicional de hifa de los champiñones u otras especies de hongos ordinarias, sino que son unicelulares, desprovistos de flagelos y de movilidad.
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Las infecciones por hongos son infecciones comunes que pueden afectar diferentes partes del cuerpo, incluida la piel, las uñas, la boca, la garganta y los órganos reproductivos. Los hongos son organismos que viven en el medio ambiente y pueden entrar en contacto directo o indirecto con el ser humano.
Los síntomas de las infecciones por hongos varían según el área del cuerpo afectada e incluyen enrojecimiento, picazón, hinchazón, dolor y secreción. Algunas infecciones por hongos son leves y se resuelven por sí solas, mientras que otras requieren tratamiento.
El tratamiento de las infecciones por hongos depende del tipo y la gravedad de la infección. Estos pueden incluir medicamentos antimicóticos tópicos u orales, cambios en la dieta y el estilo de vida y medidas preventivas para evitar futuras infecciones.
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Enfermedades causadas por hongos
Es una infección causada por el hongo Cándida, que puede afectar a la boca, la vagina, la piel y otros órganos. Los síntomas pueden incluir picazón, ardor, secreción blanca, dolor al orinar o al tener relaciones sexuales, entre otros.
Es una infección causada por los hongos Trichophyton, Microsporum o Epidermophyton, que pueden afectar a la piel, el cuero cabelludo y las uñas. Los síntomas pueden incluir manchas rojas, descamación, comezón y pérdida de cabello o uñas.
Pitiriasis versicolor:
Es una infección causada por el hongo Malassezia furfur, que provoca manchas blancas en la piel al impedir la producción de melanina. Las manchas suelen aparecer en el tronco, el abdomen, la cara, el cuello o los brazos.
Pie de atleta:
Es una infección causada por los hongos Trichophyton, Microsporum o Epidermophyton, que se localiza entre los dedos de los pies. Los síntomas pueden incluir grietas, descamación, comezón y mal olor.
Balanitis fúngica:
Es una infección causada por el hongo Cándida, que afecta al glande y al prepucio del pene. Los síntomas pueden incluir enrojecimiento, inflamación, dolor, secreción blanca y dificultad para retraer el prepucio.
Es una infección causada por el hongo Sporothrix schenckii, que se transmite por heridas provocadas por plantas o animales contaminados. Los síntomas pueden incluir úlceras cutáneas, nódulos linfáticos inflamados y fiebre.
Es una infección causada por el hongo Aspergillus, que se inhala al respirar esporas presentes en el aire. Los síntomas pueden incluir, expectoración con sangre, fiebre, dolor de pecho y dificultad para respirar.
Es una infección causada por el hongo Histoplasma capsulatum, que se inhala al respirar esporas presentes en el suelo contaminado por excrementos de aves o murciélagos. Los síntomas pueden incluir fiebre, dolor de pecho y pérdida de peso.
Es una infección causada por el hongo Paracoccidioides basilienses, que se inhala al respirar esporas presentes en el suelo. Los síntomas pueden incluir úlceras bucales, tos con sangre, fiebre y pérdida de peso.
Es una infección causada por los hongos Mucorales, que se inhalan al respirar esporas presentes en el aire o se introducen por heridas en la piel. Los síntomas pueden incluir dolor, hinchazón, enrojecimiento, necrosis y secreción de pus.
Xavier Pardell
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coachingneurobiologico · 1 year ago
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Micosis es el término general para indicar las infecciones producidas por hongos. Aparece bajo forma de comezón. Una piel con costra y hendida que indica que mi mente está irritada.
Las micosis se han denominado por el nombre del hongo implicado, como la aspergilosis causada por Aspergillus, la candidiasis provocada por Cándida y la criptococosis por el Cryptococcus.
Los hongos son agentes limpiadores, que se alimentan de sustancias muerta.
Tengo dificultad en aceptarme tal como soy y quisiera tener la aceptación y la adoración de la gente que me rodea.
Conjunción de dos conflictos:
1) Uno relacionado con la muerte o el papel que la muerte representa para nosotros (Conflicto del “rol del limpiador”). Relación con la muerte, con la representación que tiene la persona de la muerte. ¿Cuáles son las sustancias muertas para ti?
2) El otro con las relaciones (epidermis). Posiblemente por exceso o falta de contacto.
Si quieres saber más sobre la cándida puedes leer en https://coachingneurobiologico.com/sanarlasheridas/candida/
Para ver los conflictos que afectan a la piel puedes leer en https://coachingneurobiologico.com/sanarlasheridas/piel/
Un síntoma o enfermedad indica que se ha vivido un impacto conflictivo al que el inconsciente responde con un programa de adaptación.
Te ofrecemos un programa único, de Sanación Personal y Formación Profesional, con las más modernas técnicas para promover la sanación integral de las personas: Tanto a nivel físico, emocional, mental, espiritual y actitudinal.
Diplomado de formación profesional en Coaching NeuroBiológico, con triple certificación internacional.
Solicita la información!
#Micosis #hongos #Cándida #biodescodificacion #biodecodificar
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jwps01 · 2 years ago
Poultry Production Status, Major Constraints’ and Future Prospective
Poultry production is a sector of livestock production to gain meat, egg and other products from domesticated bird species which includes chicken, ostrich, turkey, duck, fowl guinea and others. The poultry production is different from countries to countries due to different situation of regions depend on economic activities, environmental situation and cultural aspects of society and other impacts. With this in mind, the current aimed to review the studies to revise the current status of poultry productions, highlight the constraints in poultry productions, and estimate the future fate of poultry productions. In many societies, poultry plays an important socio-cultural role. Diseases, market problems, feed resources, lack of proper housing, predators, as well as social and cultural constraints are all obstacles to the future growth of the poultry industry. Despite, the presence of large chicken population in Ethiopia, contribution to the national economy or benefit exploited is very limited due to diseases, predators and veterinary services. The main disease affect the chicken in Ethiopia includes viral disease (Newcastle disease), gastrointestinal parasitosis, ectoparasitosis, aspergilosis and different bacterial infection due to lack of biosecurity. In addition predators of chicken imposed on poultry production in Ethiopia are wild mammals locally called ama, cats and birds(vultures). However, the poultry production system has a bright future since different local and international humanitarian organization have recognized that addressing this sector will benefit the poorest and most disadvantaged people in developing nations. With the need for increased animal protein sources in the world, there is general agreement that these areas are going to witness further expansion in the current decades. Therefore, it is recommended to increase productivity through improvements in health, good management and control of predators should be encouraged.
Journal of World’s Poultry Science, Rovedar Publication
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fundacionluchandovenceras · 4 years ago
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TUBERCULOSIS (TB) Infección causada por las bacterias Mycobacterium tuberculosis y Mycobacterium bovis. Se propaga cuando una persona con un caso activo de tuberculosis tose, estornuda, habla o canta y luego otra que está cerca inhala las bacterias. Suele afectar los pulmones, pero también puede afectar otras partes del cuerpo como los riñones, la columna vertebral y el cerebro. Hay dos formas de tuberculosis, a saber, la infección latente y los casos activos. En las personas con el VIH, la tuberculosis se considera una afección característica del SIDA. . . . . . #infeccionesoportunistas #infecciones #oportunistas #vih #sida #herpeszoster #herpes #zoster #sarcomadekaposi #ks #kaposi #herpes #citomegalovirus #cmv #enfermedaddechagas #chagas #aspergilosis #microsporidiosis #infecciónporelcomplejomycobacteriumavium #mac #infeccion #mycobacterium #avium #coccidioidomicosis #retinitiscausadaporcitomegalovirus #retinitis #citomegalovirus #cistoisosporiasis #neumonía #histoplasmosis #salmonella #toxoplasmosis #criptosporidiosis #tuberculosis #tb #candidiasis #fundacionluchandovenceras #fundacionlv #flv #chile #varicela #purpura # inmunodeficiencia #toxoplasmagondii #gondii #toxoplasma #indetectable #informa #stopvih #salud #respeto #respect #vihchile #sidachile #conciencia #feminismo #UequalsU https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFwYp-HEkH/?igshid=13ojxk0i31a3s
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innspubnet · 3 years ago
Fungal contamination of markets in Warri Metropolis: A threat to food security and human health | JBES 2020 By INNSPUB
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 By: E. M. Ilondu
This study reveals numerous fungal spores encountered in some markets in Warri metropolis. Market environment may serve as reservoir of human and plant pathogens due to wastes and debris dumped there that support the growth and proliferation of fungal spores. When these spores are inhaled by people may lead to different types of respiratory diseases. Infections of spores can also increase chances of mycotoxin contamination of food and other agricultural commodities sold in the market.
There is always population surge towards physical market because it is a major outlet for purchase of food items and other human needs. Biological contamination of air is one of the serious issues of the environment varying among geographic areas and sampling heights. The aeromycology of three major markets in Warri metropolis which include Effurun market, Igbudu market and Main market using open plate method was evaluated. The study was conducted for the period of six (6) months (April to September, 2017) at two heights: human height (1.5m) and building height (3.5m) and three different locations (foodstuffs, clothing and abattoir sections) in each of these markets. Petri dishes containing PDA medium were exposed for 5 mins and incubated in the laboratory for 2–3 days. Developed fungal colonies were counted and sub-cultured to fresh PDA medium for identification by morphological and microscopic examination using standard identification keys. A total of 6145 colonies with 35 species were isolated and identified. Main fungi identified with their percentage frequency of occurrence include Aspergillus niger 699(11.37%), Mucor mucedo 459(7.47%), Penicillium candidum 404(6.57%), P. digitatum 395(6.43%), Monilia sp 324(5.27%) among others. Off these fungi, members of the Deuteromycotina contributed 46.58%, Ascomycotina 38.76% and Zygomycotina 14.66%. The population of fungal colonies varied from month to month as follows: July>August>June>September>May>April. Human height has 4285(60.73%) colonies while building height was 1860(30.27) colonies. Igbudu market, Main market and Effurun market have 2412, 2030 and 1702 fungal colonies respectively. There are strong indications that these market environments are heavily contaminated with airborne fungal spores which may pose a serious threat to food security and human health. Continuous clean-up exercise of these markets is imperative.
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The air, depending on the constituents of biological or nonbiological particles regulates the quality of the environment (Mahadeo and Kelpit, 2017). Biological contamination of air can be evaluated by an indoor (intramural) or outdoor (extramural) studies. Their composition and concentration vary greatly with respect to geographical location, human activities, natural sources, meteorological factors, sampling heights and techniques among others (Ginn-Gofron and Bosiacka, 2015: Makut et al., 2014: Mahedeo and Kelpit, 2017: Ghosh et al., 2011). 
Atmosphere of market air contains varied fungal spores that are hazardous to human health of which about 80% have been linked with respiratory disorders (Khan and Fatema, 2015; Bhajbhuje and Akare, 2018). Various allergic diseases including Asthma, Aspergilosis, Mycoses, Sinusitis among others have been attributed to inhalation of airborne fungal spores (Ahire and Sangale, 2012; Khan and Fatema, 2015; Hernandez and Martinez, 2018). As opined by Hagale and Patil (2008), airborne fungi have been regarded as indicator of certain level of atmospheric biopollution. Similarly, these fungal spores can settle on surface of food items causing their deterioration thereby reducing the market and nutritive values on one hand and on the other may be toxic to humans when consumed (Okigbo et al., 2008; Atando et al., 2009; Djeri et al., 2010; Fagbohun et al., 2010). On the whole, food security and human health are threatened. 
Markets are the major outlet for purchase or sell of food items, agricultural produce and other human needs. To this effect, there is always influx of people in and out of market environment. This study was conducted with the aim to (i) Isolate and identify fungal species of three market environments in Warri metropolis (ii) Study their occurrence in relation to different locations, meteorological data and sampling heights. It is hoped that the result of this study will sensitize the general public on the impact of fungal spores on their health and environment.
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This study has shown that the three market environments in Warri metropolis were contaminated by abundant fungal spores. Major spore types include those of Aspergillus niger, Mucor mucedo, Penicillium candidum, Monilia sp., Alternaria alternate, Aspergillus flavus, P. digitatum and Curvularia pallescens. Most of these fungi have been documented by other researchers in markets (Hogale and Patil, 2008; Ahire and Sangale, 2012; Kakde and Kakde, 2012; Khan and Fatema, 2015) and other environment (Makut et al., 2014; Prasad et al., 2015; Ilondu and Nweke, 2016; Mahadeo and Kalpit, 2017; Bhajbhuje and Akare, 2018; Njokuocha and Aguru, 2007, Ghosh et al., 2011). Aspergillus species were the most abundant in this study. Similar occurrence was recorded by Kakde and Kakde (2012), Khan and Fatema (2015); Ilondu and Nweke (2016), Ilondu (2017). Some of these fungi are known to cause allergic reactions in human, skin infections, food spoilage and diseases of plant in the field. As the market environment get contaminated by these spores, health challenges like Asthma, Aspergillosis, Eczema, Mycoses, Sinusitis among others become eminent. 
Generally, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Curvularia, Penicillium and Cladosporium have the history of being allergenic in nature (Hogale and Patil, 2008; Khan and Fatema, 2015) and have been proven to be biodeteriogens (Reddy, 2018). Mucor, Rhizopus and Absidia cause mucormycosis in man and animals, a species of Cercospora has been a cause of face lesions in man. Candida albican being implicated for various types of candidiasis in man while Geotrichum candidum is known to cause Geotricosis (Sharma, 1989; Hernandez and Martinez, 2018). The involvement of Curvilaria lunatus in human pneumonia has been reported and as opined by Louis et al. (2017), by year 2047, may have been evolved to a phenotype that will make disease management difficult. Botryodiplodia theobromae, Curvularia lunatus, Cercospora, Alternaria cause leafspot disease of many crops (Ilondu, 2013a; 2013b; Metrotra and Agawal, 2004; Shahzady et al., 2017). Accumulation of some of these fungal spores on food has been reported by Okigbo et al. (2008), Ilondu (2017). Species of Aspergillus, Alternaria and Fusarium have been associated with toxin production in stored food (Atanda et al., 2009; Adebayo-Tayo et al., 2009; Djeri et al., 2010; Fagbohun et al., 2010) which may be carcinogenic when consumed. Among all identified spore types, Deuteromycotina was the most abundant group. 
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This is in conformity with the reports of Kakde and Kakde (2012), Ahire and Sangale (2012), Mahadeo and Kalpit (2017). Moreso, Ascomycotina and Deuteromycotina have been shown to contain allergic microfungi (Bhajbhuje and Akare, 2018). This investigation also revealed that population of fungal colonies varies from month to month, the highest being recorded in the month of July. High humidity and rainfall with low temperature recorded in this month may have favoured the growth, sporulation and spore discharge into the market atmosphere. Availability of natural sources like dead and decaying market waste may have contributed to inoculum upsurge. The lowest concentration of spores observed in the month of April may be as a result of high temperature that does not favour the growth of fungi in the atmosphere. Similar results with regards to variation in the meteorological data were documented by Ahire and Sangole (2012), Grinn- Gofron and Basiacka (2015). 
Since fungi may react simultaneously to a combination of factors, it may not be easy to separate the influence of individual meteorological factors on the occurrence of these spores (Grinn-Gofron and Basiacka, 2015). The highest number of fungal colonies was recorded in Igbudu market compared to others. It could be due to overcrowding, poor sanitation and other human activities as suggested by Ayanbimpe et al. (2010) that population density affect the quality of environment. More so, lack of basic facilities for waste disposal may favour fungal proliferation. Fungal colonies recorded in building height were less in number compared to human height. Khattab and Estelle (2008) indicated that spore types decreased logarithmically with increase in height from the ground, while more airborne spores at human height may be due to proximity to natural sources at ground level and favourable meteorological conditions which aid release and dispersal of the spores. 
Meanwhile, market wastes have been indicated as one key source of fungal spores (Khan and Fatema, 2015). The slaughter section of the markets harboured highest number of fungal colonies, in comparison with foodstuff and clothing sections. It is possible that vigorous activities including dressing of carcass may have led to spread of mycoflora contaminants into the air (Syed and Sarangi, 2013). Nevertheless, the higher colony count in the foodstuff section must have been contributed by decaying and rottening of vegetables and other food items in that section (Khan and Fatema, 2015; Meraj-ul-Haque and Patil, 2016). Similarly, least number of fungal spores recorded in the clothing sections could be as a result of frequent cleaning and some level of hygienic practices observed there (Khan and Fatema, 2015). Therefore the effect of these fungi on human health and food security cannot be over emphasized. Get full articles via original source Fungal contamination of markets in Warri Metropolis: A threat to food security and human health
Journal Name: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES
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mediosdigitalesdelsur · 3 years ago
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jesse-pinkman123 · 4 years ago
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Forecast Opportunity Analysis-2027
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Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market, by Product Type (Antibiotics (B Lactam, Quinolones, Macrolides, Tetracyclines, Aminoglycosides, Sulphonamides, and Others), Antifungal ( Azoles, Echinocandins, Polyenes, and Others), Antivirals (Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, and Others), and Others (Anthelminthic and Antiprotozoal), by Indication (Pneumonia, MRSA Infections, MSSA Infections, Sinusitis, Tuberculosis, Dermatophytosis, Aspergillosis, Candidiasis, Hepatitis, HIV Infection, Respiratory Tract Infection, Urinary Tract Infection, and Others), by Distribution Channels (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, and Online Pharmacies), and by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa) - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2019 – 2026
Small molecule anti-infective drugs are used for the treatment of various infectious diseases such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infections, sinusitis, cellulitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, aspergilosis, and hepatitis. Anti-infective drugs have the capability to eliminate and suppress infections that are caused by various bacteria and viruses.
* The sample copy includes: Report Summary, Table of Contents, Segmentation, Competitive Landscape, Report Structure, Methodology.
Request a sample copy of this report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/2655
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Drivers
Increasing approval of new drugs is expected to drive growth of the global small molecule anti-infective drug market. For instance, in April 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the approval of Dovato (dolutegravir and lamivudine), which is used for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults. It is manufactured by ViiV Healthcare.
Furthermore, in August 2018, Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals received the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for its new drug, Xerava containing Eravacycline, which is used for the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections (CIAI).
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Restraints
Increasing severe side effect of drugs is the major restraining factor of anti-infective drug market, it is expected to the hamper the small molecule anti-infective drug market growth. For instance, NBC news report in December 2018, U.S Food and drug administration sends warning letters to Fluroquinonolone antibiotics because U.S FDA found that Fluroquinolones antibiotic can increase the occurrence of serious events of rupture in the main artery of the body. These ruptures called as the aortic dissections.
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Regional Analysis
On the basis of region, the global small molecule anti-infective drug market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.
Browse Research Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/small-molecule-anti-infective-drug-market-2655
North America is expected to hold dominant position in the small molecule anti-infective drugs market, owing to new product launches of small molecule anti-infective drugs. For instance, in November 2018, Xellia Pharmaceuticals launched its new product, Vancomycine Hydrochloride for injection, in the U.S market.
Furthermore, Asia Pacific is also projected to witness significant growth in the global small molecule anti-infective drugs market, owing to increasing collaboration activities among key players. For instance, in April 2018, Entasis Therapeutics Holdings Inc. collaborated with the Zai Lab Limited. This collaboration facilitated phase III clinical trial for a fixed-dose combination of ETX2514 and sulbactam. This combination is intended for the treatment of multidrug-resistant infections caused by Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria. The study started in April 2019 and is expected to complete in July 2020.
Key players operating in the global small molecule anti-infective market include, Merck & Co., Inc., AstraZeneca, Theravance Biopharma, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Novartis AG, Bayer AG, Pfizer, Inc., Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline plc. (GSK),and Allergan plc.
Buy-Now this research report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/buy-now/2655
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sapiensmedicus · 4 years ago
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Aspergilosis Broncopulmonar Alérgica y Neumonía Eosinófila Crónica. Revisamos a continuación las claves del diagnóstico y tratamiento de la aspergilosis broncopulmonar alérgica y la neumonía eosinófila crónica, principales eosinofilias pulmonares que debes conocer en tu práctica clínica. Aspergilosis Broncopulmonar Alérgica La aspergil...
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amshrihari · 4 years ago
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market, by Product Type (Antibiotics (B Lactam, Quinolones, Macrolides, Tetracyclines, Aminoglycosides, Sulphonamides, and Others), Antifungal ( Azoles, Echinocandins, Polyenes, and Others), Antivirals (Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, and Others), and Others (Anthelminthic and Antiprotozoal), by Indication (Pneumonia, MRSA Infections, MSSA Infections, Sinusitis, Tuberculosis, Dermatophytosis, Aspergillosis, Candidiasis, Hepatitis, HIV Infection, Respiratory Tract Infection, Urinary Tract Infection, and Others), by Distribution Channels (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, and Online Pharmacies), and by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa) - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2019 – 2026
Source https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/small-molecule-anti-infective-drug-market-2655  
Small molecule anti-infective drugs are used for the treatment of various infectious diseases such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infections, sinusitis, cellulitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, aspergilosis, and hepatitis. Anti-infective drugs have the capability to eliminate and suppress infections that are caused by various bacteria and viruses.
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Drivers
Increasing approval of new drugs is expected to drive growth of the global small molecule anti-infective drug market. For instance, in April 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the approval of Dovato (dolutegravir and lamivudine), which is used for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults. It is manufactured by ViiV Healthcare.
Furthermore, in August 2018, Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals received the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for its new drug, Xerava containing Eravacycline, which is used for the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections (CIAI).
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Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Restraints
Increasing severe side effect of drugs is the major restraining factor of anti-infective drug market, it is expected to the hamper the small molecule anti-infective drug market growth. For instance, NBC news report in December 2018, U.S Food and drug administration sends warning letters to Fluroquinonolone antibiotics because U.S FDA found that Fluroquinolones antibiotic can increase the occurrence of serious events of rupture in the main artery of the body. These ruptures called as the aortic dissections.
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Regional Analysis
On the basis of region, the global small molecule anti-infective drug market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.
North America is expected to hold dominant position in the small molecule anti-infective drugs market, owing to new product launches of small molecule anti-infective drugs. For instance, in November 2018, Xellia Pharmaceuticals launched its new product, Vancomycine Hydrochloride for injection, in the U.S market.
Furthermore, Asia Pacific is also projected to witness significant growth in the global small molecule anti-infective drugs market, owing to increasing collaboration activities among key players. For instance, in April 2018, Entasis Therapeutics Holdings Inc. collaborated with the Zai Lab Limited. This collaboration facilitated phase III clinical trial for a fixed-dose combination of ETX2514 and sulbactam. This combination is intended for the treatment of multidrug-resistant infections caused by Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria. The study started in April 2019 and is expected to complete in July 2020.
Key players operating in the global small molecule anti-infective market include, Merck & Co., Inc., AstraZeneca, Theravance Biopharma, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Novartis AG, Bayer AG, Pfizer, Inc., Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline plc. (GSK),and Allergan plc.
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Taxonomy
By Product Type
Antifungal Drugs
Antiviral Drugs
B Lactam
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors,
Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor
By Indication
MRSA Infections
MSSA Infections
HIV Infection
Respiratory Tract Infection
Urinary Tract Infection
By Distribution Channels
Hospital Pharmacies
Retail Pharmacies
Online Pharmacies
By Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East
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Coherent Market Insights Pvt. Ltd.
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morethansumofparts · 7 years ago
Blood, why won’t you glue? The DDVAP Challenge
The DDVAP Challenge isn’t quite as vlog worthy as say the Cinnamon Challenge or the Ice Bucket Challenge partially cause it takes 24hrs to complete and theres not an awful lot to film, but I’m going to make this just as gripping as I can.  Your either reading this cause your looking up what the DDVAP Challenge is or you’ve got really lost in a rabbit hole.
Okay so how I got to take part in the challenge, I have really badly bruised legs, and I don’t mean one or two I mean the whole of my shins are shades of blue green purple and other colours associated with bleeding beneath the skin.  Doctors put it down to long term steroid use. (No I don’t have giant muscles)  Until one day I got pin prick bruising (petechia) down my arm, I’d had it before but showed it to a doctor who took concern and sent me to haematology.  To cut a years worth of blood testing and two different hospitals being involved story short, they decided I probably had von Willebrands Disease.
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What’s Von Willebrands I hear you say?  VWD effects 1-2% of the population, in simple terms it means your blood is missing the glue bit.  (This gluey bit is a protein called von Willebrand Factor of Factor VIII represented by the yellow bits on my fab illustration).  You tend to bleed easy and you don’t clot well.  This can be really problematic when it comes to surgery, childbirth, or if you are in an accident.  VWD is primarily genetic and is the most common bleeding disorder although Haemophilia is more recognised. vWD is a rare condition and in the UK will put you on the National Congenital Anomaly and Rare Diseases Registration Service (NCARDRS) and you should get a special I have vWD card! Like being in a VIP club!
So the DDVAP Challenge is a test that is used to test a medication, Desmopressin, to see if it will work in making your blood more sticky (non-medical term) so if you are in accident, childbirth, or surgery this can be administered to stop a serious amount of blood loss occurring. 
My experience of the DDVAP Challenge
I arrived at the Haematology outpatients unit to have the DDVAP Challenge done at MRI.  Haematology outpatients treat blood disorders so VWD and Haemophillia tend to be the smaller percentage of patients in outpatients to Leukaemia and other blood cancer patients.  Because of a high majority of low immune systems if you cough you have to wear a mask.  I cough constantly cause of the Aspergilosis so I got to stay in a room where they tested me.  If you don’t cough you sit in the waiting area or can walk off around the hospital grounds.  The chairs are amazing!
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So my lovely nurse first took my blood then administered the Desmopressin injection which wasn’t that painful.  More than a flu jab less than a B12 when you really need it.  Then you get bloods taken 1hr later 2hrs later 4 hrs later then you go home and come back for a 24 hr blood test the next day.     That’s it!
Fluid intake is an important note, you can only consume 1 litre within that 24hrs cause a side effect is water retention that can lead to a fit. This includes soup and any liquid in whatever form or name you give it.  
Overall the test is pretty easy really, as long as you don’t keep your nurses chatting so they get distracted and don’t hit your vein.  Get your best veins at the ready!
Advice:  If you have allergies like me remember take lunch, take any meds you’ll need as you can have things as normal, take paracetamol as a side effect is headache. I took a 0.6 litre bottle of juice, only drinking from a measured bottle will help you restrict your fluid intake.  Just take sips when your feeling dry this will help it last and remember if you take meds to leave enough to take a good gulp with them.  
Last bit of advice as with all long hospital visits/stays take entertainment.  I took my kindle with GGBO on. Mmmmm Cake!!! You can eat what you want YAY!
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Hope this has been interesting/helpful to anyone who reads
If you want more info on how blood works in general check out Crash Course True Blood
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rodriguezclinic · 4 years ago
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Aspergilosis: una nueva infección por hongos en pacientes de COVID-19 Mientras la India se enfrenta a un número creciente de casos de hongo negro o mucormicosis entre los pacientes de COVID-19, también se han notificado otras infecciones fúngicas como el hongo blanco y el hongo amarillo en el país. Ahora, una nueva infección fúngica llamada Aspergilosis fue reportada en Vadodara, Gujrat. Hasta el 27 de mayo se han registrado un total de 8 casos de esta infección... #Covid19 LEER MÁS
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fundacionluchandovenceras · 4 years ago
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TOXOPLASMOSIS Infección causada por el parásito “Toxoplasma gondii”. Se transmite más comúnmente por contacto con heces de gatos infectados, y el consumo de carne y agua contaminadas. También se puede transmitir de la madre seropositiva al niño durante el embarazo. Los síntomas, si se presentan, incluyen inflamación de los ganglios linfáticos y dolores musculares que duran un mes o más. Los casos graves de toxoplasmosis pueden causar daño en el cerebro, los ojos u otros órganos. En las personas con el VIH, la toxoplasmosis del cerebro es una afección característica del SIDA. . . . . . #infeccionesoportunistas #infecciones #oportunistas #vih #sida #herpeszoster #herpes #zoster #sarcomadekaposi #ks #kaposi #herpes #citomegalovirus #cmv #enfermedaddechagas #chagas #aspergilosis #microsporidiosis #infecciónporelcomplejomycobacteriumavium #mac #infeccion #mycobacterium #avium #coccidioidomicosis #retinitiscausadaporcitomegalovirus #retinitis #citomegalovirus #cistoisosporiasis #neumonía #histoplasmosis #salmonella #toxoplasmosis #criptosporidiosis #tuberculosis #tb #candidiasis #fundacionluchandovenceras #fundacionlv #flv #chile #varicela #purpura # inmunodeficiencia #toxoplasmagondii #gondii #toxoplasma #indetectable #informa #stopvih #salud #respeto #respect #vihchile #sidachile #conciencia #feminismo #UequalsU https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFVsVyHNZr/?igshid=5mg7uv86kk2u
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noticiaspuertomontt · 4 years ago
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ALERTA 🔴 SE CONFIRMA CINCO PACIENTES COVID-19 DE LA REGIÓN DE #VALPARAÍSO SE INFECTARON POR "HONGO VERDE". Estudio realizado por la UV sigue sumando casos de asperfilosis pulmonar -ya serían 12- provocados por este hongo y quye están asociados a enfermos de coronavirus internados en UCI locales. En la Región de Valparaíso el aumento progresivo de cifras Covid complica por muchos factores sanitarios, sociales y económicos y desde ayer por una nueva consecuencia que trae consigo el hecho de permanecer entubados en una UCI, dado que se detect�� en cinco pacientes regionales la presencia del 'hongo verde', causante de aspergilosis pulmonar. En termino simples se trata de un tumor que se desarrolla en donde tuvo lugar la infección pulmonar. Este tipo de afección se puede diseminar a lo largo del cuerpo. El hallazgo fue hecho por un estudio clínico realizado por el Centro de Diagnóstico e Investigación de Enfermedades Infecciosas de la Universidad de Valparaíso, que detectó cinco casos de aspergilosis pulmonar asociada a coronavirus en personas ingresadas en UCI de la zona. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPhDqBXsZNL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hidroseco-blog · 5 years ago
¿Sabias los efectos de la humedad sobre la salud?
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Sí, la humedad tiene un terrible efecto en la salud pero sus síntomas no se muestran normalmente de forma inmediata sino a largo plazo. Los efectos son especialmente nocivos en bebés, ancianos y personas con asma, alergias, afecciones respiratorias o enfermedades inmunodeprimidas. 
La exposición a elevados niveles de humedad en el ambiente aumenta la posibilidad de contraer ciertas enfermedades respiratorias (como el asma o la sinusitis) e infecciones pulmonares (como la bronquitis). Y no solo eso, la humedad contenida en el aire también puede causar síntomas inmediatos como sensación de malestar, escalofríos, fatiga y dificultad para respirar, dolor de cabeza,malos olores. 
Es un hecho que el moho es una de los principales desencadenantes de alergias. Por regla general es muy común encontrarlos cuando hay acumulaciones de agua: baños,  marcos de las ventanas así como sótanos y estancias húmedas.
El frío y la humedad son factores que pueden aumentan el dolor a personas con enfermedades reumáticas o que hayan sufrido accidentes musculares o una fractura de huesos.
Además, la humedad en las paredes es el hábitat idóneo para ácaros, hongos y bacterias que pueden provocar muchas enfermedades y alergias. Mucha gente termina desarrollando alergias a los hongos, como la aspergilosis, que es causada por un hongo que afecta especialmente a bebés y personas mayores.
En Hidroseco nos encargamos de solucionar todos los problemas de humedad, contáctanos y recibe asesoramiento sin cargo en tu domicilio.
Teléfono: +54 1167076950
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Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market: Moving Towards a Brighter Future 2019-2022
Small molecule anti-infective drugs are used for the treatment of various infectious diseases such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infections, sinusitis, cellulitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, aspergilosis, and hepatitis. Anti-infective drugs have the capability to eliminate and suppress infections that are caused by various bacteria and viruses. Click To Read More On Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market.
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Drivers
Increasing approval of new drugs is expected to drive growth of the global small molecule anti-infective drug market. For instance, in April 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the approval of Dovato (dolutegravir and lamivudine), which is used for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults. It is manufactured by ViiV Healthcare.
Furthermore, in August 2018, Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals received the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for its new drug, Xerava containing Eravacycline, which is used for the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections (CIAI).
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Restraints
Increasing severe side effect of drugs is the major restraining factor of anti-infective drug market, it is expected to the hamper the small molecule anti-infective drug market growth. For instance, NBC news report in December 2018, U.S Food and drug administration sends warning letters to Fluroquinonolone antibiotics because U.S FDA found that Fluroquinolones antibiotic can increase the occurrence of serious events of rupture in the main artery of the body. These ruptures called as the aortic dissections.
Key players operating in the global small molecule anti-infective market include, Merck & Co., Inc., AstraZeneca, Theravance Biopharma, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Novartis AG, Bayer AG, Pfizer, Inc., Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline plc. (GSK),and Allergan plc.
Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Taxonomy
By Product Type
*Antibiotics : B Lactam, Quinolones, Macrolides, Tetracyclines, Aminoglycosides, Sulphonamide, Others, Antifungal Drugs, Azoles, Echinocandins, Polyenes, Others.
*Antiviral Drugs : Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Others
*Others : Anthelminthic Antiprotozoal
By Indication : Pneumonia, MRSA Infections, MSSA Infections, Sinusitis, Tuberculosis, Dermatophytosis, Aspergillosis, Candidiasis, Hepatitis, HIV Infection, Respiratory Tract Infection, Urinary Tract Infection, Others.
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Small Molecule Anti-infective Drug Market Regional Analysis
On the basis of region, the global small molecule anti-infective drug market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.
North America is expected to hold dominant position in the small molecule anti-infective drugs market, owing to new product launches of small molecule anti-infective drugs. For instance, in November 2018, Xellia Pharmaceuticals launched its new product, Vancomycine Hydrochloride for injection, in the U.S market.
Furthermore, Asia Pacific is also projected to witness significant growth in the global small molecule anti-infective drugs market, owing to increasing collaboration activities among key players. For instance, in April 2018, Entasis Therapeutics Holdings Inc. collaborated with the Zai Lab Limited. This collaboration facilitated phase III clinical trial for a fixed-dose combination of ETX2514 and sulbactam. This combination is intended for the treatment of multidrug-resistant infections caused by Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria. The study started in April 2019 and is expected to complete in July 2020.
About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
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wetread · 6 years ago
Wetread Case 28 Answer
Answer: Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)
Inflammatory response from Aspergilosis leading to bronchiectasis and chronic mucoid/fungal impaction with finger-in-glove or “sausages” in the lung.
ref: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/allergic-bronchopulmonary-aspergillosis?lang=us
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