#aspen the teddy
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lew-dee-tee · 3 months ago
wanted to see if mickey has their hair and eye colour listed in my save files (they don't) and found their real name and pronouns (i think??)
it's different in each save file btw
dee's/wynn's save
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hyacinth's save
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cerise's save
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aspen's save
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fern didn't meet mickey yet ><"
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aspentree97 · 2 years ago
okay so my dumb lil Teddy Lobo sketches are doing numbers compared to my usual garbage so I wanna know:
Do you guys want some fuckin fanfiction?
Because lemme tell ya, I used to write some damn good shit back in the day, but I need motivation.
slap some buttons, tell me if it's worth putting the effort in
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admiringlove · 3 months ago
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daisy-jonesss · 3 months ago
two: your secrets safe with me.
summary: when you're asked to be the supporting act for daisy jones and the six, how could you say no? there's only one issue; figuring out how to manage your regression around these strangers.
pairing: little!reader x daisy jones and the six (platonic)
word count: 1.7k
content warnings (chapter specific): all works on this page are sfw. reader regresses as both a coping mechanism and a trauma response / reaction to extreme stress. reader typically regresses to around five or six. little!daisy. cg!karen and minor cg!teddy. reader is embarrassed about her regression. mentions of alcohol (it's literally one line.) daisy is like a big sister and is a bit bossy but its all good <3
author's note: hi hi hi! i'm an age regressor however i am still learning terminology and how to cope with this myself. if anything i say is in any way shape or from hurtful please dont hesitate to let me know or correct me as my intentions are not to harm anyone! i'm still learning so please be gentle with me! if there are any other content warnings you think should be added pls lmk! aspen out <3
edit: just realized that the headcanons that daisy has chewable necklaces and star shaped snacks was not, in fact, something i dreamt about but something i read! so full credits to @cryingatwindermerepeaks because she’s so iconic for that !!
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Teddy calls you into his office three days before the tour is scheduled to get on the road. He offers you a warm smile and closes the door, gesturing to a black leather armchair opposite his wooden desk. “Sit.”
You warily do as he asks. “Does the label want to drop me or something?” You frown. 
Teddy laughs. “No, kid, they don’t wanna drop you. I just wanted to ask you something, if that’s alright with you.” He waits for you to nod before perching on the edge of his desk, keeping a decent amount of distance between the two of you so you don’t feel as if he’s backing you into a corner or anything. “So… I wanted to know how you would feel about sharing a tour bus with Karen and Daisy.”
You cock your head to one side, brows knitting into a tight line of confusion. Despite the fact that you’re feeling completely big and in control right now, you still haven’t got a clue what he is yapping on and on about. “Huh?”
Teddy doesn’t laugh or roll his eyes like you were expecting him to. In fact, you’re almost certain by now that the man has the patience of a damn saint. “I was wondering if you’d be comfortable sharing a tour bus with Karen and Daisy.” He repeats. 
You mull the idea over in your head. You had gone out for drinks with Karen and Daisy earlier on in the week when you felt like you could handle it without regressing, and, sure, you had had fun and you liked them, but you didn’t know them, not really. 
Teddy waits patiently. “What’s going on in that head of yours, huh, kiddo?” 
You huff out a sigh. “I just— it isn’t that I don’t like them. I think theyre really cool. I just—” You pause in an effort to gather your thoughts. “I don’t know if they’d like the idea.” You settle on saying. 
“I’ve already cleared it with them. They’re on board if you are.” Teddy says. He hesitates; he can tell that you’re not keen on the idea and he has a gut instinct that tells him he knows why, too. He keeps his voice gentle as he speaks. “Look, kid, if this is about your age—”
“Its not!” You insist, despite the fact that the two of you know damn well it is about that. “I just—” You groan. “I don’t know.” 
Teddy smiles reassuringly. “That’s okay. Take your time, kid.” 
“I don’t want them to know,” You finally whisper. “I don’t want them to think I’m weird or think I’m any different or incapable or anything,” You say as you fold your arms over your chest. “I didn’t even want you to know— uh, no offence,” You add. He chuckles light-heartedly but lets you finish talking. “I’m not incapable and I’m not stupid. I can do my job. I can.” 
Teddy gives you a perplexed look. “I never said you couldn’t, hon. You’re a damn good guitarist and an even better singer. And how your mind responds to things that are thrown your way does not change that. Do you hear me?”
“You don’t think it’s stupid or weird or anything?”
Teddy throws his head back in a laugh. “Kid, I’ve met stupid and I’ve met weird and you are neither of those things. Not even close. Got it?”
You let out a breath that you didn’t even realise you were holding in. “Got it.”
“And just for the record?”
“Daisy and the others might surprise you. They tend to be a lot more understanding than you’d think at a first glance.” He smiles. “Look, I understand you’ve got your reservations about being open with someone youve just met. I’m not saying you go out there first thing tomorrow and tell them your deepest, darkest secrets.”
“So… what are you saying?”
“I’m saying give them a chance.”
You suck in a steadying breath and squeeze your eyes closed. “Alright. I’m in.” You pry your eyes open to see Teddy grinning. Biting back a smile of your own, you stand and say, “Don’t you dare make me regret this, okay?”
Teddy starts humming Regret Me under his breath as he shuffles through a stack of papers. “I’ll try my best, kid. I’ll try my best.” 
Teddy comes to see you and the band off as you get ready to hit the road. Everyone’s rushing around to triple-check they have everything they need and you watch in amusement from where you sit on the edge of the sidewalk.
Between last minute trips to the supermarket to pick up supplies and making sure your apartment will be livable in for when you return to California, its been a long damn week, and you are feeling smaller than usual as Daisy plops down beside you. Her eyes are hazy and wide, and you wonder if she’s high. “Hey there.” 
“Hi,” Daisy says, tapping her fingernails against her thighs. She looks over her shoulder to make sure the other band members are preoccupied before leaning in close to you. “How old are you?” 
You momentarily freeze before shaking your head to pretend as if you were registering what she said. “I’m twenty-six. Why?”
Daisy fixes you with a firm look that says, ‘You cant bullshit a bullshiter.’ She glances over her shoulder once more to make sure no one has snuck up on you to eavesdrop. “Alright then, how old do you feel?”
You hesitate. Clearly, Daisy’s smarter than people give her credit for, but that doesn’t mean you want to admit it, so you go down the denial route. “I dont know what you’re talking about.”
Daisy folds her arms over her chest and shuffles a bit closer. “Kay well, I’m twenty six, too, but when I’m stressed or overwhelmed or unable to cope, I can sometimes feel younger. Ringing any bells?”
You purse your lips. “How old do you… feel, then, at those times?”
“Usually between eight and ten. How old do you feel during those times?”
You glance over her shoulder to make sure that your conversation stays private. “Younger.” 
Daisy nods. “How much younger?”
You hesitate again. “You’re not gonna… you won’t tell anyone, right?”
Daisy looks almost offended at the insinuation. “Of course not. Your secret’s safe with me. Just… don’t tell the boys about me, either, okay?” You nod and some of the tension leaves your shoulders. Her face breaks into a wide smile. “So, how much younger?”
You sigh, averting your gaze. “Usually around five or six. Sometimes it can go younger, depending on how stressed I feel.” 
Daisy nods empathetically. “I get that.” Her eyes light up. “Wanna see something cool?” 
You nod nervously. “Yeah.”
She grabs you by the hand and pulls you onto your tour bus. It’s cooler inside and she leads you over to one of the reclining sofas before grabbing a rucksack and holding it out to you. “This is my go- bag.” 
“Your go-bag?” You tilt your head to one side as Daisy flops down on the sofa, pulling you down with her. 
“Uh-huh. It’s got all my little things in it. Wanna see?”
Your head is fuzzier and your thoughts sticker, and you nod, peeking to see what’s in the bag when she unzips it. 
Daisy starts pulling things out and setting them down beside the two of you, rambling off a list of items as she goes. “These are my strawberries; Karen cuts them into star-shapes so I’ll eat them. I have colouring books and crayons and this is my stuffie, Thumper. I have sippy cups and pacifiers for when I feel extra, extra small and I have tangle toys and— oh! Look at this.” She pulls out a rubber necklace, eyes wide and full of child-like excitement. “It’s a chewable necklace. Karen bought it for me ‘cause I used to bite my nails. Do you have a go-bag?” She doesn’t wait for an answer. “We can make you one!”
You frown, eyeing the door worriedly. “What if Karen comes in?”
Daisy shrugs. “Karen takes care of me when I’m small.” She hesitates. “You know, if you wanted to be small, too, Karen wouldn’t mind taking care of you. She likes taking care of people. She told me so herself.” She can see the doubt on your face and she grabs your hand, squeezing. 
“I wouldn’t want to be a burden—”
“You wouldn’t be,” Daisy insists firmly, shaking her head. Another question pops into her head. “Can I… ask you something?”
You nod. 
“Who takes care of you when you’re small?”
You frown, shaking your head. “How d’you mean?”
Daisy frowns now, too. “Who cuddles you and cuts your food into stars and holds your hand when you walk the street and stuff?”
You laugh. “I do.”
Daisy’s frown deepens. “Why?”
You huff. You’ve never really thought about it, in all honesty. “Well… I don’t know, actually.”
“Do you want someone to take care of you?”
You squirm. “Dunno.”
Daisy can tell her questions are annoying you so she decides to lay off. “Sorry—but if you ever feel little and want someone to take care of you, I can. I wont be as good as Karen but I can try.” She offers. 
“You don’t have to—”
“I want to,” Daisy insists. “But I do think Karen would do a better job, so when you’re ready to tell her, we can tell her together if you want.”
“And until we can get you your own go-bag, we can share. Ill even let you sleep with Bambi if you want to.”
You laugh. “Thanks, Daisy.”
Daisy shimmies her shoulders back and crosses her legs underneath her. “So, let’s make a list!”
“A list of what?” You ask warily. 
Daisy can tell you’re slipping further, so she grabs a pad of paper and a crayon from her go-bag, too. “Of things for your go-bag, silly. I’ll do the writing. You just tell me if there’s anything you want added. We will make it our first stop in the supermarket,” she decides. 
You nod along, only half taking in her words as you tentatively grab a blue crayon from the box and start shading in a corner of the page. Daisy watches you curiously before smiling and continuing to ramble. 
And, for the first time in a long time, you feel safe. 
Maybe Teddy was right. 
Maybe Daisy and the others would surprise you. 
And hell, maybe you could tell Karen at some point. Not right now, but maybe at some point.
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hotseok · 2 years ago
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windenburg pride : evening
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bloodyinkandquill · 4 months ago
Folly x Reader
grapes are here!! time to munch, also new merch for something i love me and my best friend are going to get each other it as Christmas gifts! we did the same last year for something else we both love, still one of my favorite shirts i have
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- How the hell you managed to bag a nine and a half foot tall primordial being is a mystery to everyone, even you in all honesty
- Folly is interesting to say the least, at first she treated you no different then anyone else but as time went on and she begun to take more of an interest in you, and finding that your kindness towards her was genuine, not any sort of trick, slowly she became less cold and malevolent towards you, eventually it got to a point where if you were having a nightmare she’d use her powers to stop it
- Eventually when you do get together, how official it was is up to debate, she still acts the same bit has a certain kindness to her voice, her insults and hate aren’t actually real, she’s just scared to truly let her guard down around anyone, no matter how much she’s beginning to trust you now, you understand and are very patient with her letting her say bad things since you know she doesn’t truly mean them
- Since she’s so large she picks you up like a plushie or teddy bear, it would be funny if you weren’t squirming as she smirked, we’ll you’re assuming she’s smirking, she doesn’t have a mouth so based on her eyes you assume if she could smirk she would be smirking
- Speaking of her lack of mouth she can’t exactly kiss you, she was very against the idea of you kissing her mask at first, it is one of the most vulnerable parts of her, eventually when she grants you permission you cover her entire mask in kisses, you don’t kiss where it broke though for both of you, she gets very flustered by it and disappears in her cloud of smoke, now though she’s more chill with it, it still does fluster his but if you ask if you can kiss her she lets you, and leans down, or stands next to something you can stand in to reach her face without her having to hunch down more then she already done normally
- On top of holding you like a stuffed animal she doesn’t really do small touches, her touches are go big or go home, holding you mostly, especially since her hands are so large small touches are harder, whenever you try and hold hands you just hold one of her fingers instead, or grab the edge of her sweater sleeve, which like her mask she was hesitant about but less so since it wasn’t broken like her mask
- If Folly can’t be around you she watches you through the aspens, it was really creepy at first since you felt like you were being watched then you realized it was her so you when alone will hug the trees as if hugging her to say thanks for watching over you, it doesn’t get less creepy watching the fake pupils on the trees move to follow you though, you will never get used to that
- Her dates aren’t conventional, they still happen but they’re not the usual dates people think of, some are close but not quite, like tending to a garden, granted it’s a forest of aspens in the dark expanse of where she comes from but it’s close enough, or a sleep over, which just means you fall asleep on her and you do something in your dream together, another is baking, that happens at your place which she doesn’t fit in that well and she can’t eat anything you bake but it’s still nice, she helps you bake and gets stuff on herself that you wipe off with a laugh
- She sometimes tells you of how her home use to look like, beautiful and comforting, it was like a dream, till it became a nightmare, you tell her that even if everything’s changed you love her no matter what she’s gone through, and no matter what she still may go through
- You occasionally visit Wallter with her, he’s the closest thing to a friend she has but she almost always sees him in his dreams, so they don’t usually see each other in person, when they do she does her usual thing of being all edgy and brooding but while discussing poetry and listening to piano music, and pretending to drink tea, she lets you actually drink it she just likes to pretend
- Her love language is closest to quality time, granted most of that time is in your dreams, but based on how often she visits them just to be close to you and spend time with you, so your best assumption is quality time
- She knows many languages, comes from being a primordial being, so if you want to speak in another language or need help learning or translating one she can assist you, her favorite language however is any of the slavic languages, which is why she has a Russian accent, so she enjoys teaching you words in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, etc
- She makes you read her poetry, you don’t get a choice, you don’t mind but it can be inconvenient sometimes if you’re doing something and suddenly she appears telling you to read the newest poem she wrote, she’s really good at it though so it’s not too much of a bother since it’s an enjoyable read, to some degree, it’s very graphic and disturbing on occasion, or a lot of occasions
- She’s cold to the touch, after the cleaving her body no longer produces natural heat, which is a part of the reason she’s such a big cuddle bug, you’re warm and she quite literally parasites that warmth from you, she’s the kind of person to stick her cold ass hands on your exposed back when you aren’t expecting it making you shout at the sudden freezing touch
- Folly thought she’d never be happy again, she was broken, destroyed, used, abused, she never thought she’d ever feel like how she once did, which maybe she never will, but she has truly started feeling better since meeting you, maybe not truly happy but you do make her feel warm, literally and figuratively, so even if she knows she can never go back to that innocence and joy that once was her entire life she’s getting there
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i love folly, not as much as mach but i still love her, and holy shit the cleaving was insane, also literally such a good depiction of a certain type of trauma, iykyk, which props to catjam, also just in general for creating folly, anyways imma probably nap, i am not immune to the afternoon naps
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hogwartsstudentconfidential · 2 months ago
Update Hogwarts Confidential
Hello my good people. It has been a very boring week. You all need to step up your game. But since there's less gossip there's going to be more updates and bs, cause why not.
Starting with this weekend is Ravenclaws final game of the season. In the game between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Ravenclaw is supposedly hosting a board game night tonight whether they win or lose so dress comfy and get ready for the most competitive board game night ever.
After board game night, Hogwarts will begin setting up for the loveliest holiday, Valentine's Day. We will have mini cupids and even house elves set up to deliver love letters and telegrams to send to those you love. Professor Slughorn has even convinced Dumbledore to allow anonymous telegrams to take place.
And since I have nothing else to write for announcements I guess we'll hop back into our weekly gossip.
Starting with this previous weekend Phoenix Harvey and Jamie Ho preformed at karaoke night, both showing up in the best suits ever, showing off their hot bodies (especially Phoenix, I mean I could cook a steak on those steamy abs), then ending the night with a steamy kiss. Just kidding, we all know it was two bros showing each other some love and I believe calling a small truce.
Speaking of Phoenix the boy seems to have met up with Ho’s stunning girlfriend, Anastasia Selwyn. The two were caught hanging out in the snow before disappearing off into the woods where I believe the two actually finally kissed. I think Ho has gotten a little too trusting with the two while he's away.
Congrats Mr. Ho on your quidditch interviews.
Now onto a totally different couple(?) Aspen Parker and Noah Montague seem to be getting really close. The two were seen mingling and might I say heavily flirting at karaoke night before disappearing together and I believe I saw Aspen making her way to the older boys dorm just last night.
And another couple- why are there so many couples? Do y'all actually like each other? What is going on- is love actually in the air?
And on to our final couple for this week (boring), Xenophilius and oh wait this isn't about their girlfriend, this is about their secret relationship with none other than Lucius Malfoy. Xenophilius and Lucius were caught talking and even confessing their feelings to one another. Xeno even going as far as feeling the need to break up with his new girlfriend, Pandora. The two concluded their confession with parting ways instead, the boys guilt becoming too much for him to break up with the girl. But to be honest I called this soooo long ago. Pandora, honey, get your man. Xeno, sweetie, get your shit together. Lucius, darling, stop trying to ruin Pandora's relationships.
Anyways that's all for this week! Catch ya next time on Hogwarts Confidential!
Tah Tah 💋
@james-the-amazing-potter @starlight-starbright-thatsme @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mystical-magical-me @king-ofthe-crop @xeno-graphical @rodolphus-le-strange @averykissableguy @fire-allayer @poison-penmanship @lifeofthe-barty @whokilledevanrosier @pandoras-nox @little-king-official @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @hjonesworld @mary-mcdeal @emmelineandhervans @sybill-patricia-trelawney @lilytheginger @alicethekindone @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @severusprince-snape @fabian-with-an-f @mollberryshortcake @fawningamos @k1ndest-keeper @aelius-with-a-quill @annajohn-silvae @adam-lukas-morningstar @imogenmorningstar @oxxen--free @camille-laurier @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @daughter-of-spring @magandang-kaluluwa @flyasaphoenix @tjsinclairofficial @secretlifeof-asher @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @ted-the-teddy-tonks @scattered-across-thesky @alectocrow @lucius-malfoy-back
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ abbie. adelaide. adorablesse. adorablette. aerlyn. alena. alexis. alice. amaia. amaya. andrea. angeline. ankou. annabelle. annie. antoinette. anxiette. anxious. apricot. asaka. ash. asha. aspen. atticus. ava. avel. babette. babydoll. bambi. bambina. bambino. bashfelle. bashful. beau. bellamy. belle. bells. bernadette. blu. blue. bluesse. bluette. blushe. blushesse. blushette. boo. bram. bronach. bronagh. brone. button. buttons. cadel. candace. carmilla. carrie. catherine. cessair. charlie. charlott. charlotte. chelsea. chia. chica. chirella. chirelle. chiwa. chuckie. claeg. coffin. colere. commedia. constance. coquette. cordelia. corelle. corette. corsette. cypress. dahlia. dalia. damon. darling. dawn. dearesse. dearest. dearette. dearie. deidre. demure. desdemona. devin. devon. doilie. doily. doll. dollaintye. dollawie. dollerie. dollesse. dollette. dolleyed. dollie. dolline. dollita. dolly. dolores. dottie. drea. dread. drusilla. dáinn. eeria. eldritche. elissar. eliza. elle. elodie. eloise. emerence. emily. essie. esther. evangela. evangeline. evelyn. eveyln. faith. frill. frillette. genevieve. genoveva. gia. gladys. glorie. glory. gorey. gorie. gracelyn. gregory. gretta. gwen. gwenivive. haldor. haunt. hiccup. hyde. iraia. iresse. irette. itishree. jabez. janelle. janet. jannet. jinx. josie. julie. juniper. juno. kailey. kanani. kewpie. kiva. krak. lace. lacesse. lacette. lacey. lacie. lain. laintess. lakka. lalki. lavender. lea. lefu. letta. letum. libitina. lilac. lillith. lilly. lily. loaela. lola. lolah. loletta. lolita. lolite. lolla. lottie. lovelace. luci. lucius. lulu. lute. lyla. lys. madison. mahina. mandy. mannie. manon. many. mara. maria. marianette. marie. marion. marionette. marionne. marotte. marrionette. marrow. mary. maryjane. marzana. maveth. meek. melanie. melodie. melody. merripen. miel. minuette. mold. moldie. moldy. molly. moonie. moore. morana. morgana. morgue. mors. mort. mot. muriel. murmur. muse. nadine. nadzen. nancy. nanea. nanelle. nanette. nappi. naz. negan. nekane. nelly. nemesis. nettie. nicodème. niegan. nimbus. nina. nuri. olive. oliver. olivia. omega. panchaali. parner. pinkesse. pinkette. pinkie. pinky. pinocchio. pippin. poe. poppet. poppette. poppy. porce. porcelain. porcelynn. prantika. pulau. punthali. pupetta. puppet. puppetear. puppetesse. puppetette. puppette. puppyte. putala. quinn. ravanche. raven. realiteer. rebel. ribbon. ribbonne. riley. rion. robert. rose. rubella. ruby. sacrifette. salem. sasha. satin. scarlet. sebastian. sew. sewine. shivani. shiver. sidney. smierc. smiley. smilie. softesse. softette. softie. solikha. spirit. sprout. statuette. stitches. strings. sweeheart. sweetheart. sweetie. sweetiebelle. sweetine. sychar. teacup. tearie. teddy. tempest. thalia. than. thana. theodora. thorn. trembelle. trista. ultima. ulysses. vanessa. vera. viola. visage. whisp. whisper. willow. winston. wisp. wispera. wrathes. zizi.
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PRONOUNS︰ adorable/adorable. ae/aer. angel/angel. anger/anger. antique/antique. app/apparition. bell/bell. berry/berry. berserk/berserk. bjd/bjd. bla/black. blank/blank. bliding/bliding. blue/blue. blush/blush. bug/bug. button/button. cake/cake. car/carcasse. cheer/cheer. cloth/cloth. coffin/coffin. control/control. coo/croon. cor/cor. cor/corrupt. core/core. corpse/corpse. coy/coy. crack/cracked. cracked/cracked. cre/creepy. creep/creepy. cu/curse. cu/cute. curse/curse. cute/cute. da/dark. de4/de4d. de/dear. de/demure. dea/dead. dead/dead. dead/death. dear/dear. death/death. decay/decay. delica/delicate. delicate/delicate. demon/demon. despair/despair. dirt/dirty. do/doll. doll/doll. doll/dolly. dolly/dolly. dread/dread. dress/dressup. dress/up. d♡ll/d♡ll. eer/eeerie. elegant/elegant. en/energy. end/end. evil/evil. eye/eye. fabric/fabric. fae/fae. fi/figure. fig/figure. figurine/figurine. flower/flower. fragile/fragile. frail/frail. friendly/friendly. frill/frill. fury/fury. gho/ghost. glass/glass. glo/gloomy. gore/gore. grave/grave. grief/grief. grim/grimm. grime/grime. gru/grudge. ha/haunt. happy/happy. haun/haunt. hx/hxm. h♡/h♡m. it/it. joint/joint. joint/jointed. joy/joy. ke/ker. kew/kewpie. kill/kill. kor/kor. kor/korrupt. la/lace. lace/lace. lae/lace. lo/love. lo/loved. lolita/lolita. love/love. mad/mad. mae/mae. mari/marionette. marionette/marionette. me/meek. mi/mier. mim/mimic. model/model. morbid/morbid. mu/mutter. mur/murmur. nap/nap. null/null. ny/nym. patch/patch. phan/phantom. pink/pink. pitter/patter. plastic/plastic. play/play. play/playtime. play/time. plush/plush. plush/plushie. por/porcelain. porce/porcelain. porcel/porcelain. porcela/porcelain. porcelain/porcelain. pose/pose. pose/posed. possess/possessed. pup/puppet. puppet/puppet. rea/reality. rest/rest. reven/revenge. rib/ribbon. ribbon/ribbon. rot/rot. scare/scare. scary/scary. seem/seem. sew/sew. sew/sewn. shi/shift. shi/shiver. shx/hxr. sh♡/h♡r. sie/sier. silk/silk. slee/sleep. sleep/sleep. smile/smile. snap/snapped. sneak/sneak. soft/soft. sou/soul. spi/spider. spi/spirit. spo/spook. spook/spook. sta/stalk. sta/stare. statue/statue. sti/string. stitch/stitch. string/string. sweet/heart. sweet/sweet. sweet/sweetdolls sweetie/sweetie. ta/tap. te/teer. tea/teatime. teeth/teeth. thre/thread. thread/thread. thxy/thxm. th♡y/th♡m. ti/timid. to/toy. toy/toy. toy/toytime. trick/trick. un/canny. unca/uncanny. ve/ver. vey/vem. vi/vr. vintage/vintage. vomit/vomit. wan/wander. watch/watch. whi/whisper. white/white. wilt/wilt. wood/wood. wrath/wrath. yarn/yarn. zzz/zzz. ♡/♡. ⚰️ . 🍨 . 🛌 . 🛏️ . 🥀 . 🧸 .
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thelonelyshore-if · 1 month ago
typed up an insanely long ask that Would Not Be Answered Anyways for spoiler reasons but i am l o o k i n g at that siphoning Teddy's fear scene. anyways, a bit interesting that one of the preset nicknames is Aspen, and Willow's diary has a doodle of an aspen tree with a figure behind it. along with the eye imagery on the next page, and that reblog about aspens having eyes from a week ago. but also on the following page, what looks like a lake doodle? with something in the water?? hmmm.
Hehe well I always love long asks, but I do get not wanting to send something in that can't be answered. Just know that if you ever feel like sharing your theories, I love to read them 👀
I love this ask though tysm for sending it. The magic choices with Teddy were some of my favorite things to write last chapter!! And that one specifically I'm still obsessed with.
As for your thoughts...I like where your head is at, Nonnie. I'm eating this all up. To add to your conspiracy board, here's one of my favorite bits of writing from the prologue ;)
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platinumaspiration · 2 years ago
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hi. it's me. with more hair! most of these were suggestions sent over (thank you for the suggestions!). One was a request from way back because eh, I felt like it now. Some are up there in poly count, download at your own discretion.
Download All - SFS / MF Pick & Choose - SFS / MF
credit: simandy, aharris00britney, uxji, meghewlett, liliili-sims, wistfulcastle, okruee, raccooned, saurus, oydis, kiarazurk
details under the cut
simandy endless CF-EF | 15.180 poly
ah00b ayaka CF-EF | animated | 6.133 poly
uxji kim mullet UU | animated | +6 custom | 2.896 poly
meghewlett sakusa kiyoomi UM | 6.596 poly
EA BG Buzz Cut UU | +10 customs | 466 poly
liliili-sims leslie CF-EF | 15.200 poly
liliili-sims kitty CF-EF | 12.591 poly
EA BG Balding Stubs TM-EM | +2 custom | 554 poly
wistfulcastle wave CM-EM | animated | 7.120 poly
okruee heartstrings UM | animated...? | 8.739 poly
raccooned hushed TM-EM | animated | 12.648 poly
saurussims zach (ponytail) TM-EM | 1.944 poly
oydis aspen (no roses) CF-EF | +6 custom | 19.058 poly
oydis aspen (roses) CF-EF | +6 custom | 22.263 poly *also converted by nonsensical-pixels here
liliili-sims teddy v1 UM | 4.010 poly
liliili-sims teddy v2 UM | 2.172 poly
liliili-sims milla UF | 2.385 poly
kiarazurk benjamin UM | 4.220 poly
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lew-dee-tee · 4 days ago
tried making my pcs in this picrew! ><
the hair is kinda inconsistent because it doesn't have ombre or split dye colour options ><"
also there's no bear ears so i had to improvise for Aspen ><"
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i also tried to give them expressions that i think suit their personalities the best =w=
feel free to do this picrew too (either with your pcs or yourself/your sona and your pcs). also feel free to either reblog this or tag me if you do post your version on here owo
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sterrnenkiind · 2 months ago
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𖹭 ꣑ৎ‎ Winter ID pack 𐔌✝︎ ͡꒱
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NAMES ; Ebony / Snow / Nevada / Blanche / Eira / Winter / Pine / Bambi / Sarah / Aspen / Elsa / Frost / Jack / Lumi / Neve / Lynx / Alpa / Alpian / Crystal / Dementia / Dimitri / Anastasia / Ella / Gwen / Gwyn / Nova / Aira / Iira / Mary / Bianca / Fynn / Jarilo / Violet / Eternal / Clara / Seele / Bronya / Natasha / Pela / Ivory / Vanilla / Powder / Chiffon / Cream / Moon / Luna / Orion / Opal / Pearl / Dee / Divinity / Dollett / Furina / Focalor
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PRONOUNS ; shx / fern / frost / snowflake / shi / vi / teddy / hx / hymn / carol / muse / shiver / fluff / cotton / ice / star / cloud / sy / soft / porcelain / ivy / shell / che / chm / bell / ding / coco / chocolate / nutmeg / chestnut / parch / silk / vanilla / sugar / hym / hyr / di / doll
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aspentree97 · 2 years ago
Please I am down horrendous for tedward please anything at all PLEASE
Oh don't you worry your little head about it, I have smth in the works already, just be patient
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hogwartsthenextgeneration · 9 months ago
Had absolutely ZERO inspiration lately so here are the Next Gen’s Kids, the next next gen? Idk here they are anyway
James x Alice:
* Roman Ives Potter - Male, B. 2029 (G)
* Seren Dove Potter - Female, B. 2029 (H)
* Oran Jasper Potter - Male, B. 2031 (H)
* Maeve Aspen Potter - Female, B. 2033 (G)
Albus x Scorpius
* Felix Orion Potter - Male, B. 2033 (G)
* Toby Castor Potter - Male, B. 2036 (S)
Lily x Dominic Wood
* Eliza Bloom Wood - Female, B. 2035 (G)
* Dennis Kellen Wood - Male, B. 2037 (R)
Teddy x Victoire
* Matilda Dora Lupin - Female, B 2028 (S)
* Freya Ander Lupin - Female, B. 2030 (H)
* Aiden Remy Lupin - Male, B. 2032 (R)
Rose x Benjamin Adebayo
* Rhys Jabari Adebayo - Male, B. 2034 (S)
* Jade Izara Adebayo - Female, B. 2035 (R)
Louis x Omar Karim
* Margot Dakoa Karim-Weasley - Female, B. 2032 (adopted in 2036) (R)
* Zain Deacon Karim-Weasley - Male, B. 2034 (G)
* Rayan Taron Karim-Weasley - Male, B. 2036 (H)
* Finnick Robin Karim-Weasley - Male, B. 2037 (adopted in 2039) (S)
Roxanne x Otto Caine
* Harvey Kjartan Weasley - Male, B. 2028 (H)
* Jude Ragnar Weasley - Male, B. 2031 (G)
* Della Carina Weasley - Female, B. 2031 (G)
Fred x Verity Morgan
* Morgan Dane Weasley - Male, B. 2030 (G)
* Perrie Rue Weasley - Female, B. 2034 (S)
Molly x Wren McKinnom
* Willow Honey Weasley-McKinnon - Female, B. 2029 (adopted in 2029) (S)
* Isaac Rueben Weasley-McKinnon - Male, B. 2030 (adopted in 2031) (R)
* Maia Juno Weasley-McKinnon - Female, B. 2032 (adopted in 2032) (G)
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daisy-jonesss · 3 months ago
one: teddy.
summary: when you're asked to be the supporting act for daisy jones and the six, how could you say no? there's only one issue; figuring out how to manage your regression around these strangers.
pairing: little!reader x daisy jones and the six (platonic)
content warnings: all works on this page are sfw. reader regresses both as a coping mechanism and as a trauma response/reaction to extreme stress.
word count: 1.4k
author's note: hi hi hi! i'm an age regressor however i am still learning terminology and how to cope with this myself. if anything i say is in any way shape or from hurtful please dont hesitate to let me know or correct me as my intentions are not to harm anyone! i'm still learning so please be gentle with me! if there are any other content warnings you think should be added pls lmk! aspen out <3
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When Teddy had asked you to open for Daisy Jones and The Six on their world tour, you had been nervous to say the least. You were still pretty new to the music industry, and despite having gone on a tour of your own, you were anxious. You were honored that Teddy would even think of you to do this, but you didn’t like not being in control, and, honestly, you felt intimidated by the members of the band, and… well, you knew damn well what happened when you felt intimidated. 
Still, you would be beyond goddamn stupid to pass up an opportunity like this, so you had nodded and told Teddy, “yes” anyway. 
Teddy drives you to the music studio to meet the band a week before the tour is scheduled to begin. You tap your fingers on your thighs, and the anxiety rolls off of you in waves as you fight to cling to your bigger headspace. 
Teddy watches you out of the corner of his eye. He may have only known you for a little over a year, but he can spot the signs of someone regressing from a mile away, and not for the first time, either. “Hey, kid?” 
You snap your head to the side to answer him. “Mhm?”
He doesn’t want you to feel like he’s calling you out, so he doesn’t ask the direct question that he wants to. “You feeling okay?”
Words are too hard to form, and they get caught in the back of your throat when you try to push them past your lips, so you just settle on a shrug and a nod. 
Teddy doesn’t push. He doesn’t want you to feel called out or like he’s judging you, because that’s the last thing he is doing right now. “It’s alright, you know.” You raise a brow, not following his train of thought. “If you’re not feeling okay, I mean. It’s alright to be scared.” 
You sigh. “‘M not scared.” Your voice sounds meek and small and you mentally slap yourself for not managing to hold it together. 
Teddy chuckles, but it’s not done in a malicious way. He just finds it amusing that you’re trying to deny the very obvious truth. “Alright, kid, whatever you say. But try not to stress over it. Daisy, Billy and the rest of the band may put on a big, bad front, but they’re harmless.” He pauses. “Well, for the most part, anyway.”
You laugh. 
Teddy smiles to himself before hesitating. “Kid?” 
“Would it make you feel better if I stayed while you all got yourselves acquainted?”
You raise a thin brow. “Surely you have more important things to be doing.” 
Teddy shrugs. While there’s an air of truth to what you say, he would much rather be there just on the off chance that you do slip in front of the others. “Nah,” he blows a raspberry and parks his car outside of the studio. “So, do you want me to stay?”
You don’t want to seem like a child (and maybe that has something to do with the fact that you still have a tad bit of shame tied to the fact that you age regress), but Teddy is offering, and you really dont want to go in there alone, so you nod. “Is that okay?”
Teddy kills the engine and opens his door as you do the same. “‘Course it is, kid.” He deposits his car keys into the back pocket of his jeans and holds open the door to the studio. 
You both step inside, and almost immediately, you can hear shouting from one of the break rooms. Teddy sighs, and your anxiety spikes as you wipe your damp palms in to your skirt. Placing a reassuring hand on your arm, he leads you towards the break room. 
You try not to think of the horrible memories that the shouting stirs up in you. Instead, you focus on Teddy’s steading presence beside you, and the way your sandals feel against the carpet. 
The shouting doesn’t stop, even when you and Teddy step into the break room. A woman with flaming locks of red hair, who you almost instantly know is Daisy, and a man with a broad stature, who you would assume to be Billy, continue screaming at one another. Billy’s up in Daisy’s face and you try not to shrink in on yourself. The rest of the band seem to notice you, and you try to appear bigger than you feel.
Teddy squeezes your arm reassuringly before clearing his throat. The arguing dies down and both Daisy and Billy whip their heads around, their eyes locking on you and Teddy. “You guys done?” He asks, voice bored. 
Daisy’s cheeks are flushed red from screaming and Billy runs a hand through his curls in frustration. The band are scattered around the break room, watching both you and their lead singers with interest. 
“Who’s this?” Billy snaps, gesturing to you.
Teddy frowns at his sniping tone. “This is the support act for your tour.” His voice is sharp and leaves no room for argument and Billy seems to pick up on this, because his demeanour changes and he lets out a resigned sign. “Are you two done fighting yet?” 
Daisy huffs and resists the urge to roll her eyes. Her eyes linger on your frame, as if shes sizing you up. She seems satisfied with what she sees and she offers you a genuine smile. In a few quick strides, she crosses the perimeter of the room and pulls you into a hug. You freeze, caught off guard for a second, before you melt into her touch. Daisy feels warm and safe, and you find it ten times harder not to slip. She smooths her hand up and down the length of your back before pulling away and holding you at arm’s length. “I’m Daisy. It’s so nice to finally meet you!” She grins like a Cheshire Cat. Her eyes are so full of wonder and child-like light that it makes you wonder if she’s a regressor, too. 
Before you can even give her your name in return, she steers your attention towards the other members of the band and points to them in turn. “That’s Karen. She’s our keyboardist.” 
Daisy points to a blonde who’s watching your interaction with her head tilted to one side. Karen offers you a warm smile and crosses her arms over her chest as she analyses you. 
“That’s Eddie. He’s our bassist,” Daisy says, pointing to a guy who looks up from a sheet of paper at the sound of his name. His hair is unruly and he arches a brow in your direction before offering you a curt nod. 
Daisy continues going around the room and introducing you to the band. Warren, their drummer, has a mustache and is tapping a rhythm on the table with his drumsticks. Graham, Billy’s brother and the guitarist, has long curls and a lopsided smile. 
Daisy turns to Billy and actually does roll her eyes this time. “And that’s Billy. A bit of an entitled prick, so if he gives you a hard time, just come to me and I’ll sort him out for you no problem.” 
You laugh, making note of her offer in your head. 
Billy narrows his eyes at you. “Well, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, we have some practicing to do. So, if you don’t mind…” He gestures to the door. 
Daisy scoffs. “See what I mean? You can stay if you’d like. We’d have no objections.” 
“Thank you for the offer, really, but I should probably get going. But it was really nice to meet you all!”
Daisy gives you one more hug as you wave goodbye to the others and slip out of the break room. Teddy closes the door behind you both, and gives you a smile. “See? Harmless.” 
You hum your agreement, smoothing out the creases in your skirt. 
Teddy drops his voice an octave. “You did good in there, kid.” 
Your brows furrow. “How do you mean?”
Teddy hesitates before shrugging. “I know you wanted to slip, but you didn’t. I know that takes a lotta effort when you’re scared or feel anxious, so… well done.”
Your mouth hangs agape. “How did you—”
Teddy laughs. “Don’t worry about that. But just so you know, if you ever need a place to go or just somewhere to have a break, my door is always open. Got it?” 
Your heart feels lighter as you answer. “Got it.”
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hotseok · 2 years ago
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love day in sulani
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