#asoue the end
free-my-boy-grumbot · 4 months
i wish people would just check up on me more. a simple “how are you?” “have you eaten today?” “what are the religious themes and parallels in Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events part 13?”. is that too much to ask
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just re-watched asoue netflix finale episode.
you guys don't even want to read this, i am about to be so weird about this series.
ouugghhhh the. them finally driving in the fact that neither side of the schism is free of sin <2 hehe, sudden new perspective that changes the moral and ethical implications of everything that's happened in the series before *twirls hair and kicks feet* <222
olaf just being casually objectified. good. as he should. im happy. im happy he got put in that cage too btw. he is sooo pathetic and unwell and dramatic in this episode btw. if u even care.
klaus has grown up so much holy fuck. looking back at the first episodes and comparing him in them to him in this??? even his voice is so different oh my god. the boy really grew up. damn.
honestly i don't blame violet for wanting to stay on the island at first. she's been through so much, she's had to actively protect her siblings for so long, i don't blame her for being drawn to what seems like a happier, safer place.
i wish we would've seen sunny all grown up and stuff. see her be like an older sister to bea ii. might have to make a teenager/young adult sunny design. i think she'd be a culinary arts major. i also like to think later on in life she reached out to fernald and they're still friends and occasionally meet up and play card games whenever fernald's not at sea with his family :)
"you hurt people." "and people hurt me." actually losing my mind rn. that wasn't an accusation, and that wasn't an apology. that wasn't a judgement, and that wasn't an excuse. it's just two statements, both equally true. and they're both acknowledging things that they clearly haven't shared with each other before: kit's acknowledging how her feelings for olaf are in conflict with her morals, and olaf's acknowledging that his actions directly mirror the way he's been treated, specifically because he was unable to break that cycle. kit's admitting that she is not fine with what olaf's done to other people, and olaf's admitting that he's not fine with what's been done to him. it's not an emotional scene because they're in love; it's an emotional scene because of the lives they've lived.
hey do you guys think lemony ever tried to explain the complicated and could've-been-solved-with-polyamory mess that is sugar bowl gen's romantic subplots to bea ii. like was lemony ever just like "oh btw, i was in love with the woman you were named after, but she married this other guy. and they were the parents of the people that raised you. and also your mother used to date a criminal, who also used to date another criminal....and also my brother at some point probably. oh and my brother was also in love with this one librarian, and another one of our friends probably. oh and that other criminal? she also had a husband, who is now dating just some guy named charles i guess," and bea ii is just sitting there sipping root beer thinking "what the fuck man. i ain't never joining vfd this shit is wild."
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Friday Caliban needs protection squad
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 10 months
Ao3 is run by zionists, here’s what you can do
1. Stop donating. It’s a volunteer organization so boycotting doesn’t hurt them financially, donations do. It’s a running joke in fandom how quickly the goal is met two, three times over whenever donations are asked for; the joke needs to stop running. Your money will endorse an organization that condones genocide.
2. Contact AO3 Support and Feedback and OTW’s Contact Us to voice your displeasure against this. It’s hypocritical of them to rally against censorship, then proceed to the same.
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3. Spread the word. I’ll put my message under the cut as a template of sorts.
It is disheartening to see an organization often lauded for its staunch stance on censorship turn face and commit the same act they spent years condemning. Is it the proper labeling of Israel as an oppressive colonial state that bothers you, or is it your apathy towards Palestinians being ethnically cleansed that made you fire a volunteer for their vocal support of Palestine. Despite what this organizations claims, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” is not antisemitic; the phrase calls for the liberation of Palestine and for the corresponding land to belong in rightful hands. Shame on you for choosing the side of colonialism. Ao3 was a beacon for many, and now it’s tainted. Congratulations, OTW, you’ve transformed from an organization for creative expression to one that condones the brutal deaths of innocents.
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peteytheparrot · 15 days
A Series of Unfortunate Events liberated me as a child in the way that it shows how utterly incompetent adults can be about children, like none of them care to understand how these children are feeling because they don’t see them as real living human beings, because they’re just kids! They don’t know any better!
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random-dragon-exe · 1 month
Okay hot take, but I wouldn't mind if adult Timmy doesn't appear in FOP A New Wish.
Maybe it's just me, but I think it'd be great to have some ambiguity to his fate.
Think of it like the fate of the Baudelaires in ASOUE, at the end of The End, the audience doesn't know their fate. However, it's up to the person's imagination to create their fate. Sometimes, we won't get all the answers, and it's up to the audience to fill in the gaps.
I honestly think it'd be for the better for the show to continue the stories of a couple of OG characters to further the plot, except for Timmy.
Mainly because I'd like the show to continue on its own merit, not just for the nostalgia of showing the OG characters we've seen.
For example, I like the direction that we've seen so far, allowing a few OG characters to return to have an actual impact on the plot, and it feels natural to their story.
A.J founded the Galaxa Institute
Crocker is a janitor at the Institute still with a fairy obsession
Vicky is a birthday princess who terrorizes kids when the adults aren't looking
Again it's a hot take for a reason. I'm aware that I'm in the minority here.
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
Lemony Snicket is an avatar of the eye oh my god his series of unfortunate events could absolutely pass as a series of statements by the Baudelaire siblings like actually
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vfdinthewild · 11 months
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"she didn't understand why he kept leaving to go to the vet for days or hours at a time..."
-via a random cat video that Instagram showed me
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ven10 · 2 months
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free-my-boy-grumbot · 4 months
what are the religious themes and parallels of ASOUE part thirteen?
I’m so glad you asked! and completely unprompted, too :)
okay so you know that karl marx quote “religion is the opium of the people”? and how that means that religion allows its followers to turn a blind eye to societal problems and to ease people’s concerns about their life? yeah well lemony snicket did that literally. the island in The End is a result of Ishmael realising that he had lost control of VFD. originally, he wanted to create a peaceful society of noble, well-read people — this led him to enforce a black-and-white view of morality onto its members. obviously, there were people who criticised this, but believe it or not ishmael is not an open minded man. once again, he believes that there is an objective view of morality, and those questioning it are inherently evil. so, he convinced the volunteers that those people were dangerous, which led to a schism, which led to. well you know. anyways that was a gross oversimplification because that’s not what i’m talking about! what i was going to say was that he took some people affected by the schism — people who were also seeking an escape from the horrors that VFD had put them through — and he created a civilisation for them on an island. the only source of drinkable water on this island was cordial contaminated with opioids, and he knew this. in fact, he actively stopped newcomers from creating a water filtrations system. he then did everything in his power to make the inhabitants forget their old lives. he convinced them they’d ended up here by shipwreck, he made them bring him anything that washed up to determine if it was “safe”, he stored any reminders of the past on the other side of the island and banned the inhabitants from going there.
“nothing wrong with a little opium for the people!!” SIR. SIR THERE IS. Ishmael believes that peace should be achieved through any means necessary. therefore, if a problem has become too difficult to solve, he is all for simply pretending it doesn’t exist. This is why he gives the opiates to the islanders. He believes that maintaining a peaceful VFD has grown too complicated, and that the only way a peaceful society can exist is if its members unquestionably accept his rule. He not only believes morality to be black and white, but enforces this belief onto the volunteers, teaching them that following his authority is inherently “good”, and those who oppose or even question it are inherently evil. Since he couldn’t run a society like this in the “real world” — he would always have opposition, which would always mean conflict — he simply created his own, smaller world, where the civilians were too high off their balls to think critically about his leadership. After that, he only had to seem benevolent on the surface because they would all be too comfortable to dig deeper.
Now, black-and-white ethics, dictation of peace, dismissal of societal issues, and lack of scrutiny towards authority are all classic criticisms of religion, and you could definitely draw some parallels between Ishmael’s style of leadership and organised religion. This has all been quite generic antitheism so far. BUT THAT’S NOT ALL!!!
There is an apple tree on the “bad” side of the island. the tree is hollow. there is a library inside, containing any books which may remind the islanders of their past life. these mostly include books from the volunteers and firestarters, the “good” and “bad” sides of the schism. one might say it’s a sort of. a s. a sort of tree of knowledge of good and evil, if you will.
And then later in the book, klaus and violet, a man and a woman, are given an apple from that tree by a snake. classic daniel handler subtlety <3 so ofc this represents genesis, but here is where we get Wierd With It.
The apple saves the baudelaires. They were poisoned with the medusoid mycelium, and the apple immunised them. in fact, the apple is not presented in a negative light in the slightest. this has VERY interesting implications in my opinion and it makes me think that daniel handler is saying, in the bible, eve was also never wrong for eating the fruit! we would be nowhere without the knowledge of sin and death and suffering, there would be no art without it, nor would there be appreciation for the good (ok this part might be me)! eve was in the right, and so was the snake!! which is also incredibly fitting because everyone thinks that the incredibly deadly viper is evil but it actually wouldn’t hurt a fly (we know because monty tried to feed it flies :))
“ohhh ur overthinking it” yes on purpose overthinking this series is my number one hobby. anyways i just thought daniel handler was making an interesting point here :33 anyways i will add more stuff if i think of it
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cosyvampire · 23 days
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Illustrations based on the ending of the book “The Vile Village” by Daniel Handler (Lemony Snicket)♡
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theatre-artmuppet · 3 months
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if i had a nickel for every time my favorite character from a piece of media i love was a chaotic good, kind of crazy, italian, herpetologist— i’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice
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snckt · 4 months
do you ever think about kit snicket and her long black coat and wilting flower tucked into her lapel and “i don’t need to tell you how terrible it feels to loose a family member. i felt so terrible i vowed to never leave my bed.” and
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peteytheparrot · 26 days
Ok but only A Series of Unfortunate Events could open with such a good quote every episode like ‘Darling, Dearest, Dead’ goes SO hard wtf…
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rhosynviteri · 1 year
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transmasccofee · 1 year
talking about the ending again I love the ending. The more I think about the ending the more I love it. It’s hopeful but it’s not happy. It’s the best conclusion I can think of for Saiki’s character. It gives the audience so much room to headcanon what happens next. It’s so good it’s so sos so sos hkfiejevfemmfrejfmfnfmf.
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