#asks: ff7r
the-moogs · 3 months
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marlene loves when her gay aunts babysit her 🎀
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altocat · 7 months
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Silly me sitting in my silly house thinking my silly thoughts like how Hojo had three literal cylinders full of his darling son's skin, hair, and blood.
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waifujuju · 7 months
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Cloud would be so much more powerful if he had a phone
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c-o-t-o · 10 months
Your writing of Zack and Cloud's date ideas was sooooo cute! Do you think they'd get jealous of you talking to other guys, assuming they had a crush on you?
Thank you so much!! I actually love comparing these two because I feel like their personalities really are so opposite. If they had crushes on you and saw you being friendly with other guys they'd 100% get jealous.
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Cloud would probably be really pouty about it but try to pretend nothing is wrong. It would be written all over his face that he's bothered by it, but the second you ask him what's wrong, he'll say it's nothing and try to do something to distract himself. He'll stay relatively quiet about it, but inside, it's all he can think about. Eventually he'll shyly murmur it out, that he wishes you'd talk to him as much as the other guys. Eventually Cloud would have no choice but to admit that he likes spending time with you, trying to convey his message without entirely confessing to you just yet. But the second you catch on and start to probe him, he'll say "never mind" becoming too bashful, walking away so you don't see him blushing.
Zack would make it SO obvious that he's jealous, and pretty outwardly. He'll try to make a joke of it, saying that you must really like those other guys to be talking to them so much. And have a "what's so great about them when you've got me!" approach to talking about it. He'll go out of his way to make sure you're always seeing him do stuff like working out or fighting in the combat simulator, cracking jokes with others as you walk by to show he can be funny... showing off, basically. But Zack will be real with you at the end of it all and would probably end up confessing to some extent because he wants you to know he really likes you and wants to spend more time with you. And then joke again about how the other guys there aren't that great, anyway.
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rocketbirdie · 17 days
Cloud Strife Appalachian accent . That's it that's the ask Nibelhiem is West Virginia.
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Aerith: *writing Aerith Fair in her notebook*
Cloud: *writing Cloud Fair in his notebook*
Aerith & Cloud:
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sephirthoughts · 1 month
1. and 4. for Sephiroth? Perhaps? I wanna see you talk about him more
1. Canon I outright reject
Hojo is Sephiroth's biological father.
I know it's canon, so far as we know, and has been officially stated many times. I don't argue with that, whatsoever. I simply reject it. From pure delusion is why this is my imagination-land in here and no one can stop me.
Also this is not official canon, but it seems to be dudebro canon, from what I have read on that apocalyptic shitshow reddit, that Sephiroth was 'born already evil' or 'always meant to be a villain' because fuck you. That's flat-out refusal to look directly at the piece of media you are engaging with and comprehend the story it is telling. You don't even need to play First Soldier to know he wasn't even a tiny little bit evil until Jenova mindfucked him into a sexy evil puppet (the sheer irony of him calling Cloud a puppet is so delicious BTW). His story is an epic tragedy, with pain and regret and near-misses and infinite nuance, not a saturday morning cartoon. Admit you hate him because he's better than you and heavily queer-coded and shut the fuck up. Ahem.
4. Favorite line
Literally every single obsessive ex-boyfriend thing he says to Cloud in Remake. I love every one of those lines the absolute most because they are SO gay and SO drama and SO Sephiroth.
My favorite single line of Sephiroth's (at the moment) is: "Depending on what happens, I may abandon Shinra." Spoken to Zack in Crisis Core.
It seems like a little throaway line, but there is so much loaded into those few words, I'd need a dissertation to cover it all. The major points:
It subtly demonstrates his vulnerability and the level of trust he already places in Zack, to say those words openly to him, in that moment.
It shows his bone-deep (and possibly unconscious) loathing for Shinra, finally surfacing just a tiny bit.
It shows his heartbreaking delusion, thinking that he will ever be allowed to just walk away from the nightmare hell he lives in. It's all so painfully, beautifully, madly tragic I literally can't get enough.
Thank you so much for the ask these are so fun!!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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rottenpumpkin13 · 9 months
Let me be delusional please, my fragile heart needs this. We know that the remnants are part of Sephiroth, Kadaj is hatred and rage, Loz is physical strength and speed, and Yazoo is charisma and his aloof demeanor. But what if there aren't three remnants, there are four of them, but the fourth one is a bit "special".
The fourth is child Sephiroth, S-1, the kid is Sephiroth's innocence and pain.
Obviously, Sephiroth resents this weak, pathetic thing. Just the idea of having to look at S-1 makes him seethe in disdain look at how powerless he used to be, such thing is not worthy of Mother's love so Sephiroth just leaves S-1 in the Lifestream and lets Gaia do the work for him, this Planet and him have one thing in mutual is that they both loath each other, Gaia is too much of a coward to take the risk of letting some part of the Calamity's son roaming in the Lifestream, no matter how weak or harmless it seems to be.
To be fair, he is right about the last part. The Planet first wants to dissolve S-1 and be done with it, however, Aerith doesn't agree with them. At first, she was not sure what to do with S-1, she pitied the child that is for sure, but all in all, the poor child is still part of The enemy of the Planet, and Gaia can be very stubborn when it comes to anything related to the Calamity. But Zack... Gaia, Zack looks devastated when he takes the first look at his old friend, or at least what is left of him. He doesn't try to persuade her to save the child, he knows how unfair it would be for her since it was Sephiroth's blade is the thing that led her to her demise, but she knows how badly Zack wants to save S-1. Zack still feels guilty about what happened in the Nibelheim reactor, despite Aerith's continuous reassurance that is not his fault, he claims that he should have done more, he could have saved thousands of lives, and most importantly, Sephiroth wouldn't have lost his mind.
Saving the child probably would heal the Nibelheim-reactor wound in Zack so for Zack's sake, she negotiates with Gaia.
(Part of her feels sorry for Sephiroth, the man is doomed from the second he was born. He was born broken and never got the chance to save himself. Maybe by saving S-1, the deceased hero maybe can finally find a small bit of peace.)
I struggle at first to think of the name for the fourth one since I don't want to use Sephiroth. But then I remembered that all the pain and suffering of Sephiroth comes from the Jenova Project, what name fits more than S-1? English is not my first language so no matter how I want to write this idea into a fic, I can't lol, best I can do is write some small bit. This idea was actually inspired by an ask from anon to Alto but I forgot which one sorry, I just remember that they said they feel sorry for Sephiroth, and honestly? Same, I wish him to have a happier life in another world because there is no chance for him to have that in FF7 when even death refuses him.
This is such a perfect idea ughhhhhhhh I want to read a version of this where they send him to Cloud and Tifa—after Advent Children—so that they can raise and take care of him. Imagine everything being over and done with, and then a much younger version of Sephiroth shows up at their door.
*screams into the void* I love this so much it's killing me 💗
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do you think sephiroth is a warm weather person or cold weather person 🤔 he definitely seems like a fall-winter type of person to me but i’m curious to know what others think!
I can see him being one of those guys that wears shorts in 0 degrees lol
More serious answer, i also think he would prefer late fall and winter. I headcanon that SOLDIERs in general are resistant to cold but not heat because they’ll send SOLDIERs to Modeoheim during a blizzard with no cold weather gear and their uniforms are tank tops basically and no one says anything. But when Zack gets put in the desert simulation, he’s dying. Sephiroth probably has a bit more resistance to heat but there’s only so much he can do about it. Plus his uniform probably gets super freakin gross during the summer. Definitely better suited for winter lol
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tifa-simp · 3 months
The day the English localization team can translate FF7 with some respect for the source material is the day I know peace. JP dub and Eng dub Rebirth are 2 different game fr. How can we still have mistranslation this bad in the hellish year of 2024????
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altocat · 3 months
Not me sitting up late thinking about how Sephiroth spends all of FS Chapter 8 worrying about his men, pushing himself to physical exhaustion trying to save and protect them...
...only for THIS to happen in Rebirth. Right in his face. Mocking him.
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Idk how long it takes to write the scripts for FS compared to the development timeline for Rebirth. But these two events had to have had some level of narrative syncing during the writing process. Someone HAD to know one would echo the other. And it's so, so cruel.
A man who wished to preserve life despite his station. Growing into a man who sought to end life at all costs.
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crisp-art · 2 years
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Where's he taking him? 🤔
This is a thank you piece for @ cloudmateria on twitter!!
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featherlumina · 3 months
Hello there. Based on the Genesis wingy thingy I was wondering if I could throw this question at you. When/how/why do you think Sephiroth had his wing? (If we know this from canon and I just forgot cuz i'm a dummy, please disregard the question)
Hi hello there, @emotionalwarmth! :D
In the OG, as far as I recall, Sephiroth only starts sporting his black wing when he turns into his Safer Sephiroth form. And then in the FF7R series, it appears at will after the the main game's events have kicked off. So we really don't get any sort of idea of when it first happened or occurred.
Maybe we can assume he learned this about his body shortly after falling into the Lifestream in the Nibel reactor? He probably put 2 & 2 together after learning his origins and seeing Genesis and Angeal and figured it was something he was more than capable of as well. Of course, the real fun happens when you get AUs creeping in and you can imagine it happening well before Seph's aware of his origins. There's loads of angst and feelings to be be had there for sure.
Thank you for the ask!!
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mejomonster · 6 months
Is cloud bisexual in canon? I dunno. Couldnt say for sure (im in Rebirth chapter 12 and Only discussing rebirth rn). I can definitely say he's Aware Andrea admires him, Super Aware Dio likes him and is flattered by it and up to flirt with that opportunity (wild choice cloud but okay).
And i certainly cant wait for clouds date with barret <3
#ff7r#lb#do not spoil me and let me down lol ill find out#now Personal Headcanon? oh yeah that boys BI hes been bi to me since Crisis Core and his obvious crush on Zack Fair#asking zack for ramen and flirting and laughing. and his flirting with barret in ff7 original.#in my hwadcanon clouds in the BIGGEST fucking polycule ever and the wildest thing is he didnt even mean to#he just Happened to like aerith whos also bi and super GREAT at flirting so she dragged tifa in#and cloud already liked tifa. then tifa dragged cloud into co adoption with barrets kid and barret got#mushy at cloud caring about him so much so now clouds got a bf. then cloud met Vincent and Cait sith (who form their own eventual polycule#with yuffie)#and clouds like Mildly with cait sith and vincent but its Complicated and queerplatonic#then Cid has a crush on aeriyh but she wants nothing to do with hin romantically but#cid would probs fuck aeriths boy cloud and then#of course sephiroth WANTS to fuck cloud and eventually Possesses him (so inside him nonstop if u will)#and tseng likes Aerith and Reeves (cait sith) and rude likes tifa. reno likes rude. elena likes tseng#cissnei likes zack. zack loves aerith and cloud (litetally the 2 babes he saves in Rebirth his Top Ppl in life)#and Rufus WOULD hate fuck cloud then stab him. and there u go the biggest messiest polycule#its just the entire FF7 cast. in ffx uts like... yuna and tidus. in ff7 its like... nah theyte all messily tied together#in a polycule. oh and u could add hojo as like. once in a fucked situatuon with lucretia and vincent but#dear god i would rather NOT mention how hojo and aeriths mom and lucretia tie into the huge polycule tbh
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Angeal: Why he's crying?
Genesis: He forgot Zack at the airport
Genesis: We have no idea where he is right now
*completely different place*
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Kunsel: Suuuuuure...
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deathberi · 5 months
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