#asks gane
siberian-xanadu · 2 months
5, 29, 30, 31 for the asks :>
5. Is there anyone that can always make you smile?: Yeah, my best friend! Whenever I'm talking to him, I can't help but to smile. 29. Favorite Film(s): Both Monty Python's The Holy Grail and Life of Brian, I'm also a sucker for The Breakfast Club and Fast Times at Ridgemont High lol. 30. Favorite TV show(s): I don't watch a lot of TV tbh, but I love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia rn! 31. Three random facts (about prog lol) a. The term "progressive rock" dates to 1969 and was included on a Caravan (? either them or Camel) album which described their music. It wasn't until the 1980s that the abbreviation "prog" started becoming more popular with the neo-prog movement. Also, a lot of the time the genre that would become known as Prog Rock was referred to as "classical rock", "symphonic rock", or sometimes simply "progressive music". b. (this one is also iirc) Tales from Topographic Oceans and Brain Salad Surgery were released on the same day in November 1973, and were the number 1 and number 2 album that Christmas. c. The highest charting song Geddy Lee ever sang on wasn't a Rush song at all--- it was Bob and Doug Mackenzie's "Take Off"! The highest charting Rush song also isn't Tom Sawyer--- it's New World Man.
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shaeshark42 · 4 months
Sometimes I feel like Dropout are working really hard specifically to make sure that I can’t explain any of my hyper fixations to my family and friends without sounding completely out of touch with reality.
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stars-etc · 9 months
for hermit fanon swap thingo,,,
sheep/goat impulse (yes thats a reference to the guess the build videos,,,)
ghost iskall
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Shimpulse? Impeep? Sheepulse? Idk man
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I made an ask game
Let people put songs that remind them of your muse in your ask box :)
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milkyplier · 4 months
H8 for Time/Four?
Apologies, I stated in the tags of the original post that I would only be drawing Legend for this challenge. (Photographic evidence beneath the cut)
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3 and 11 for the ask game? Also i love your art it's so perfectly shaped. (from @virgeandhis-pocket-protector)
Aaaaa tysm??? :0
3. your favorite piece(s)?
This was a really hard one dndjdkdk I'll pick a few for you :3
These are the ones that really stuck out to me:
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11. do you listen to anything while drawing?
Not really? I tend to jump around stuff and don't really have one set thing, sometimes I'll watch YouTube (I like to draw whilst watching Drawfee) or films, I will also listen to random music sometimes but it's just whatever I'm feeling - I've also drawn whilst like in class or talking to my friends haha
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beefrobeefcal · 16 days
Tell me more about Tim and sex pollen please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Ah yes... that old chestnut. This one has been brewing for months. I started it back when I was trying to get the @pedroscouts badge for SexPollen and spiraled from there...
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Thank you @burntheedges for asking + thank you @ace-turned-confused for living in my walls.
Yours in sin,
A message from the precinct’s administrator, Sally, read:
You have Rockford with you? Is he acting weird? Daniels saw you leave with him. Other cops at the bust are being treated for non-lethal aphrodisiac intoxication. He should be fine but just watch out 😉
Closing your eyes and groaning, you tried to calm yourself; you couldn’t lose your cool when Tim was clearly so out of it. While you were deep in thought, your eyes still closed, you tapped the rounded corner of your cell phone on your head. And upon opening your eyes, you saw that Tim was gone. You looked around and heard a grunt from under the table.  
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askaxelthefallenangel · 4 months
Oh isn’t gane just a handsome fella?
Tell me Axel, why do you refuse his love? It looks like he cares for you dearly and would make a great partner!!
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i-am-church-the-cat · 5 months
wip game: soaked
Logan sighs as Oscar mouths at his covered dick, soaking the light gray material.
I make a post about dick sucking fics and this is the very first thing that comes up lmao
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teleiapotami · 1 year
I was tagged by @tokkias in this WIP-Share game, so here we go!
rules: share the first line (or two or more!) of every current wip you have (that you feel comfortable sharing) and tag some writer friends! feel free to add the titles of your documents if you see fit
Dragon Bound (Chaptered)
“The only question that matters is this: How do we choose?” Murmurs lifted around the room again before someone cut in loudly.
“Ultear! You can’t seriously be in line with this idea!” The small-framed older man crossed his arms over his chest, his frown deepening.
“I see no other alternative Yajima. Four of those dragons are ravaging our nation, killing at will. If the sacrifice of one person can stem their bloodlust, then the only question that needs answering is…how do we choose?”
Villainy (Working Title, Chaptered)
The first time he saw her was at some high society function, he didn’t remember which one. They were young, no more than 6 and 7 years old. The adults were talking around him when he noticed the blonde girl in her puffy blue dress and shiny black shoes. She was holding an elegant woman’s hand and kicking her feet aimlessly. He tugged on his father’s sleeve insistently.
“Dad, can I go play with her?” he asked when Igneel leaned down to him. His father glanced over at the child his son indicated and smiled.
“Of course you can. Mind your manners, son,” he warned lightly. Natsu beamed at his father and practically bounced across the room. Igneel watched his son completely forget his manners, failing to bow to the girl or her mother.
No Title
Natsu tugged at the stiff collar of his shirt. He knew he was lucky to be a footman, especially in a house as prestigious as the Heartfilia Estate, but that didn’t make the uniform any less itchy. He was grateful for his promotion, truly. He’d never expected (or wanted) to be more than just a kitchen boy. What job could be better? The work was heavy and the hours long, but he was a strong young man, so it never bothered him. Besides that, working in the kitchens gave him ample opportunity to swipe a bit of whatever Mirajane, the cook, was making that day.
But being a footman meant more free time, better pay, and better perks. As a footman, he would get to travel a bit, instead of getting left behind all the time. An empty manor could be an adventure of its own, but he wanted to see the world more than he wanted to explore the empty gardens that he already knew back to front. Footmen also had a better chance of being taken seriously when trying to buy land or a home, and Natsu wanted nothing more than to build a home along a river somewhere and while his days away fishing and dreaming.
No Title
“So, what is it like when you become E.N.D.?”
Natsu looked over at her. Lucy was laying on her stomach, waving her bare legs in the air as she read through a book. She was sitting up on her elbows now, looking up at him. “What’s got you thinking about that all of a sudden?” he wondered.
Lucy ran a slender finger along the page of her book. Something I read in here reminded me of that Tartaros guy, Jackal. He was able to choose between his forms at will, remember? Can you do that? Or is he something separate from you entirely?”
Natsu hummed thoughtfully, trying to remember the feelings he’d experienced in his limited transformations. “I think I could learn to do it….I remember what happens when I take his form, so it’s not like I’m….gone or anything. Lucy nodded and tapped her lip thoughtfully.
Futures (Working Title, One Shot)
“Lucy, now that it’s over, I just…. I wanna hold her. What do you think? You would know her better than I do…is she ready?” he asked the stone. “Did your Natsu ever manage to tell you how he felt? I don’t think he would have. He didn’t have to watch you die.” He fell silent for a long time, just staring at the tree branches sightlessly.
“I think about that a lot. Did he love you as much as I love her? Did you love him too? ……Does she?” His voice was barely above a whisper. He glanced over at the stone and sat up on his elbows. “I wish things could have been different for you and him. I hope you find each other again,” he murmured. He pushed himself into a squat and gazed at the flowers he’d left.
“Happy Birthday Lucy,” he said gently before standing up. “Wish me luck.”
There you go! A hand full of snippets for snacking! I'd love to hear your thoughts or feedback, and to see what you are working on too! I think Tokkias already tagged all my writing friends except @kiliinstinct.
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vorchagirl · 7 months
the fan fic writing asks - ~Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
How do you choose which fics to write?
~Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
I have trouble keeping my fic ideas to myself when I get super excited, though a lot of my really good writing friends from the old days either aren't writing anymore or they're writing in new fandoms. I still babble a lot at @tlcinbflo @alyssalenko @lauraemoriarty @ashenlavellan @lonesurvivorao3 - I probably owe them all apologies for the verbal barrage they find themselves under sometimes when I'm super excited about an idea. Especially lately about Reyes and Harry, lol.
How do you choose which fics to write?
If I have an idea I'll write it down. If it germinates and takes over my brain, then I'll write it out and see where it goes. I do try to only work on one big fic at a time now. While I was writing Haunted I had the idea of Saints and Liars, and although I planned a lot of it out when was still writing the previous fic, I didn't start writing until I was done.
Mind you, smutty one shots are different. I get inspired by all sorts of dumb things, and if the idea is sexy or funny enough I'll write it.
Thanks for the asks! :)
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pcktknife · 1 year
Did irida get a decendant.....
not that we know of and if she did then they either may not be of much importance since perrin was the one that got an intro card or just havent been showcased
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yamirexic · 8 months
I'm over 5'5/ I wear glasses or contacts/ I have blond hair/ I often wear sweatshirts/ I prefer loose clothing over tight / I have one or two piercings/ I have at least one tattoo/ I have blue eyes/ I have dyed or highlighted my hair/ I have or had braces/ I have freckles/ I paint my nails/ I typically wear makeup/ I don't often smile/ Resting bitch face/ I play sports/ I play an instrument/ I know more than one language/ I can cook or bake/ I like writing/ I like to read/ I can multitask/ I have never dated anyone/ I have a best friend I have known for over five years/ I am an only child
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ask-jake-wilson · 2 hours
I mean. I run a Jerry blog that is BARELY in character 😭😭
I feel like doing Jake isn’t much different. /hj
Just add a HEAVY layer of trauma and smoking. And. And somehow MORE depression /silly /hj
[[HEL. My autism(?) is weird where I have to be perfectly ic or I freak out for some reason.?.?. The Steven blog is sillay but. He feels so ooc </3. But that’s probably. Just me trying to be a perfectionist. So blehhhh
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bellatrixnightshade · 2 months
Blog Announcement
Hey, so I just got news that is not super horrible or anything but that may affect me later at times.
I may postpone some of my writing (or may not, depends on my mood) and I am more in the mood of just rambling or talking, so I am on discord and if you want to hop on a VC (using your voice or you chatting and me just talking to you--either goes) or tag me and talk, or dm (if you are close enough) I'm free to do that, mostly on times when I am not working or studying.
I just suddenly found out someone very close to me, a friend I love very much, will be out of state for university and I will miss her. I thought something productive to do in addition to staying busy is to be more personally sociable in real life and online.
So I may hold back on some formal posts-- with the exceptions of asks and tags/requests for me to post something-- and just be here to comment or talk.
You can use me as a sounding board, vent here and there, ask me anything personal (can't guarantee i will answer everything) and my ask box is open too, chat with me on discord, invite me to VCs, and I'll be here!
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jordanshenessy · 2 months
Obsessed with your perfect voice and accent and intonation and everything 😭💘 so 🌟 + your favourite classic by a female author
MILLIE HII BBY here you gooo lyyy <333
Send me a 🌟+ topic and I’ll give you a voice note !
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