#asked and answered 146
away-ward · 1 year
In my opinion I don’t care enough about aydin and alex to want get closure for the two of them. NF is not about them it’s about willemmy. What i wanted was for will and em to talk about the elephant in the fucking room which was alex. I just find it hard to believe that em would suddenly be so okay with alex even after knowing that will and alex were once physically intimate MULTIPLE time might I add. Its canon that em is a jealous person at least when it comes to will. It was seen in past chapters and even in blackchurch. The whole train scene was just another way for pd to fetish wlw. I feel like a scene where will and em are fighting once they get off the train and will yells something like “don’t you fucking get it you will always be it for me! almost decade apart and yet all i ever thought about or imagined was you!” and he’s like holding her face really close and they’re both crying. I’m not that good with dialogue but you get the picture. I feel like thats the closure we needed at least with the whole alex thing. I also wish alex and em talked about it as well instead of train scene happening like actual reassurance that alex and will were nothing and will never be a thing.
Seems like most of the people here wanted more talking and less spice. I feel like that would have made sense for a series conclusion; settle all the issues satisfyingly, rather than shove them under the rug or in a closet so that we could get one more sex scene in. I think we were missing the big declaration from Will. We got one from Emory, but we really needed something more from Will to sell us on the fact that he’s really given up his old life and old ways for Emory. And Emory talking to Alex at the bridal party was a bit of a miss because she was really just comforting Alex over the “loss” of Aydin, and they sort of brushed over everything else.
So, in response to how to fix the train scene, this Anon suggests throwing the scene out entirely and everyone just talks for once.
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omni-scient-pan-da · 11 months
Trick or Treat! 👻
Happy Halloween!! Please feel free to take whatever virtual candy you'd like, I clearly bought too much to eat all the leftovers myself
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fiercynn · 6 months
on ao3's current fundraiser
apparently it’s time for ao3’s biannual donation drive, which means it’s time for me to remind you all, that regardless of how much you love ao3, you shouldn’t donate to them because they HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY AND NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH IT.
we’ve known for years that ao3 – or, more specifically, the organization for transformative works (@transformativeworks on tumblr), or otw, who runs ao3 and other fandom projects – has a lot of money in their “reserves” that they had no plans for. but in 2023, @manogirl and i did some research on this, and now, after looking at their more recent financial statements, i’ve determined that at the beginning of 2024, they had almost $2.8 MILLION US DOLLARS IN SURPLUS.
our full post last year goes over the principles of how we determined this, even though the numbers are for 2023, but the key points still stand (with the updated numbers):
when we say “surplus”, we are not including money that they estimate they need to spend in 2024 for their regular expenses. just the extra that they have no plan for
yes, nonprofits do need to keep some money in reserves for emergencies; typically, nonprofits registered in the u.s. tend to keep enough to cover between six months and two years of their regular operating expenses (meaning, the rough amount they need each month to keep their services going). $2.8 million USD is enough to keep otw running for almost FIVE YEARS WITHOUT NEW DONATIONS
they always overshoot their fundraisers: as i’m posting this, they’ve already raised $104,751.62 USD from their current donation drive, which is over double what they’ve asked for! on day two of the fundraiser!!
no, we are not trying to claim they are embezzling this money or that it is a scam. we believe they are just super incompetent with their money. case in point: that surplus that they have? only earned them $146 USD in interest in 2022, because only about $10,000 USD of their money invested in an interest-bearing account. that’s the interest they earn off of MILLIONS. at the very least they should be using this extra money to generate new revenue – which would also help with their long-term financial security – but they can’t even do that
no, they do not need this money to use if they are sued. you can read more about this in the full post, but essentially, they get most of their legal services donated, and they have not, themselves, said this money is for that purpose
i'm not going to go through my process for determining the updated 2024 numbers because i want to get this post out quickly, and otw actually had not updated the sources i needed to get these numbers until the last couple days (seriously, i've been checking), but you can easily recreate the process that @manogirl and i outlined last year with these documents:
otw’s 2022 audited financial statement, to determine how much money they had at the end of 2022
otw’s 2024 budget spreadsheet, to determine their net income in 2023 and how much they transferred to and from reserves at the beginning of 2024
otw’s 2022 form 990 (also available on propublica), which is a tax document, and shows how much interest they earned in 2022 (search “interest” and you’ll find it in several places)  
also, otw has not been accountable to answering questions about their surplus. typically, they hold a public meeting with their finance committee every year in september or october so people can ask questions directly to their treasurer and other committee members; as you can imagine, after doing this deep dive last summer, i was looking forward to getting some answers at that meeting!
but they cancelled that meeting in 2023, and instead asked people to write to the finance committee through their contact us form online. fun fact: i wrote a one-line message to the finance committee on may 11, 2023 through that form, when @manogirl and i were doing this research, asking them for clarification on how much they have in their reserves. i have still not received a response.
so yeah. please spend your money on people who actually need it, like on mutual aid requests! anyone who wants to share their mutual aid requests, please do so in the replies and i’ll share them out – i didn’t want to link directly to individual requests without permission in case this leads to anyone getting harassed, but i would love to share your requests. to start with, here's operation olive branch and their ongoing spreadsheet sharing palestinian folks who need money to escape genocide.
oh, and if you want to write to otw and tell them why you are not donating, i'm not sure it’ll get any results, but it can’t hurt lol. here's their contact us form – just don’t expect a response! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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reverack · 1 year
how were you able to gain so much weight so quick?
I get this question asked a lot, so this will probably be the last time I answer them, but you’re in luck bc this is the perfect excuse to talk about my journey 😈
In January of this year, I was 136 lbs and I hated being thin so I decided to bulk up and become muscular (this was the original plan)
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I was eating 3000 cal a day which was normal because it was a clean bulk. but I got impatient and then decided to dirty bulk in April. I was 146 lbs and by the second week of May I was already 179lbs. I thought my gaining pace was normal 😅 until I kept hearing that I was insane.
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In June is when the comments really start to come in and my clothes are feeling very tight. I was a hard procrastinator, so I was still wearing my small shirts, even though they barely fit me and was squeezing into my sweats. And in that same month I finally hit the 200s. At this point I’m eating 6k to 7k cal a day, I also stopped working out. I became even lazier to try and avoid burning unnecessary calories.
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August was a dud, because I was recovering from wisdom tooth surgery. But once I recovered, in the beginning of September, I got back to business and decided to go even more intense. I now eat 8 cosmic brownies a day, 2 500 cal dinners(which I wanna make 1k) and at night I would eat 3.5k cal before bed, no wonder I gained so fast. Look how I let myself go…Should I keep going? 😵‍💫
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thinkingotherwise · 3 months
Requested by: @chubypotato Heyy ! I hope you are doing okay! Sooo I saw you were doing some x talkative how do u think about doing the same for kiryu +the S/O being an absolute gamer. I'm dying for more kiryu since we didn't see him that much on the anime I can't wait for him to be popular cause he is such a cutie 😭
Ah yes, I'm always up to write for characters that need more recognition. I focused more on the gamer part, hope it's okay 🤞😉
Ps. I just want to say, chapter 146 left me in tears - what the heck was that friendship is magic moment.
Also, Hiiragi looks pretty cool in the last few chapters - I just had to acknowledge it. 🤩
Mitsuki Kiryu x Talkative! Gamer! reader
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You were a talkative gamer, a helpful talkative gamer, who was well-known across the whole server in the MMO game you played. You loved the game and spent a lot of time reading about it, getting to know the mechanics, item drop rates, and side missions that were the most useful. With all the knowledge you might as well be referred to as an encyclopedia.
Honestly, it was all because of Mitsuki. It was he who introduced you to the title and the one who spent his free time going through some tactics and game designs with you. His enthusiastic self made you invested in his favourite game, at first, wanting to spend more time with him, until you installed it, and in the next few hours, it became your favourite as well.
During your low-level playtime, Mitsuki made it his mission to guide you in his own special way. You would talk with him on Discord about the plot and missions you had to do and this man, being higher level than you, knew exactly what you were supposed to do but gave it his best to mislead you. Stealing your kills, leading you who knew where. Whenever he did deceive you, he giggled playfully and you heard it all on your headphones. In retaliation, you talked his ears off about how he could do something like that to you.
After yet another time you were so over it, you started reading whatever info on the internet you could find, just so you knew if he was teasing you or not. Through your frustrations and time-consuming playthrough, you started helping out others, knowing how much time you spent on some missions. If they didn't know something and asked you were usually the first one to answer, sometimes right after Mitsuki who kept being mischievous little shit and leading everyone astray.
You became a really well-known pair, as you almost always played together and grouped together for missions. Mitsuki was the mischievous one who you couldn't be sure if he wanted to help you or get you killed by monsters, while you were the "guardian angel", the true helper. Needless to say, your friend slots were quickly full and everyone added you on discord, you felt almost like a star on the server.
Your chatty attitude and random conversations usually didn't stray away from the topic of games and Mitsuki was one of the few people that let you endlessly rant. Of course, you had a lot of playful arguments about your, self-proclaimed, best classes and build of characters, but otherwise, Mitsuki carefully listened to you talking, sharing your likes and dislikes about the characters, missions, and even game series.
There were some times those arguments were a little more heated, and other times they were led on the discord group call with other people from the server, who quietly listened to your passionate arguments on why you preferred to skill up these certain attributes for your character.
Mitsuki heard you talking, listening in on the little guiding session you gave some of the users on the discord call, while you were getting ready to kill one of the bosses. He was sitting in the same room playing on his phone, and waiting for you to finish.
Mitsuki was so proud of you, of the little crowd you gathered around yourself to listen to you talk, of the happy smiles that appeared on your face whenever someone thanked you, of the possibility of sharing the same passion as you. He was very supportive in your search for knowledge and sharing it with others, even if it didn't show once in a time.
He didn't mind when you showed off your relationship in front of the server and other players, rather he liked it.
You heard a familiar ding letting you know another person joined the call while you were in the middle of telling the rest of your party about the boss' attacks and skills.
"Well hello there." The voice said as soon as you took a short breather asking if the guys understood what you said.
"Hi there, are you joining us for a boss battle?" You asked joyfully.
It was always better to get more people even if the loot might not be that great.
"Why don't we go for a little private session?" They continued in this false seductive voice that made your head tilt and eyebrows furrow.
"No thank you, we can talk here if you want."
"I'd prefer a date, babe." They replied right after you and everyone could hear the big sight you let out when you understood why they joined.
"Ugh.. please stop, it's embarrassing." One of your party members commented followed by others.
"Second-hand embarrassment."
You thanked them all in your mind for saying out loud what you thought.
"Before you say anything else, be aware I've got a boyfriend." Your voice echoed in the call but they were not getting the hint.
"Yeah sure, you do."
At that moment, you were almost sure he was new on the game serve, and certainly new on the discord server, because the fact that you dated Mitsuki, known under his nickname, was a fact everyone knew.
"Mistuki, can you come here for a moment." You said turning to your boyfriend lying on your bed. When he came close enough you went to the discord call and turned on your camera. Giving it a knowing look you looked at Mitsuki and your hand moved to his neck bringing him closer to you.
He smirked knowing well enough what you were doing and before your lips touched he grinned joyfully.
You kissed him straight on the lips, a firm and casual kiss. Your headphones fell to your lap but before that, you still heard the gasps of everyone else.
When you pulled away a smile appeared on your and Mitsuki's faces. You grabbed your headphones placing them around your neck.
Mitsuki knew you had a way with words and your chatty personality could bring attention to you. He was also aware that you knew how to get yourself out of every situation and he would readily help you if you wanted to use him in your shenanigans.
"Now, do you-" You started but when your eyes scanned the call, you didn't see the newcomer anymore. "Oh, he left."
"What a shame." Mitsuki said placing a quick peck on your lips before going back to his place on your bed.
You laughed at his words before turning the cam off.
"Well, let's quickly kill the boss." You said and continued to guide your party to the boss.
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soulofzurvan · 4 months
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▽ What is Overflow? ▽
Overflow is the name of a fan comic and AU of the game Just Shapes and Beats from Berzerk Studios. I am working on it consistently since August of 2021.
The story is set in the Science Fantasy genre with great influences from Cyberpunk. Idea: Blixer still wants the Tree to repeat the events of the game and not being (officially) sorry for any harm he caused.
▽ Overflow (The Main Comic) ▽
Coming first quarter of 2025™
p. 166-171
p. 156-165
p. 146-155
p. 141-145
p. 131-140
p. 121-130
Please be aware that the prologue as well as the first 120 pages are missing on tumblr as I joined this website quite late. To avoid spamming the entire JSAB-Community I ask you kindly to visit my deviantArt to read missing pages. Just navigate to the folder OVERFLOW. There you can easily click through all pages in order.
▽ Overflow Side- and Shortcomics ▽
Logic Gatekeeper
Coming soon™: Downfall
▽ Asks ▽
Little list of Rules:
Keep SFW.
I don't do roleplay. If you describe a very specific situation and ask how a character might react or you do something to a character, it's unlikely I'll answer that ask.
Crossed out characters are currently not available for asking.
Limited behind a character name means they have a muzzle to not spoiler anything.
Of course you can ask myself.
List may grow over time and the crossed out characters will get updated to match the timeline of the main comic.
If you send me a very kind notice and I don't react to it: I DID NOT DISCARD IT! I keep it in my inbox at all times and use it to fuel more content. :3
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▽ How to use Hashtags to find stuff ▽
reblog = Posts from other artists and content creators.
ask overflow = Posts with answered asks
overflow_jsab = Every Overflow-AU related post
overflowcomic = Only the comic posts
overflow doodles = Overflow related doodles, duh
Overflow Ref Sheets 2024 = Ref Sheets from 2024
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aromanticannibal · 1 month
Ojiro hate exists??????? Tf did that little guy do... He's just some guy...
I understand why people would think Ojirou dislikes Shinsou to be honest because until season 5 happened, Ojirou did look mad, or at least annoyed, at Shinsou for using him to win during the Sports Festival. The thing is that that doesn't make him evil, Shinsou was in fact in the wrong for not asking Ojirou normally and using his quirk on him without his consent. I don't think Shinsou is evil either, he's a desperate kid who looks like he's been rejected a lot, but he did a shitty thing and Ojirou would be right to dislike him as a result.
Thing is that Ojirou DOES NOT DISLIKE SHINSOU OH MY GOD. LIKE WOW HE LIKES HIM. We barely see them interact but everytime they do interact after the joint training arc (where Ojirou just looks surprised to see Shinsou) Ojirou is SO excited to see him.
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Like come on. He's one of the characters smothering Shinsou when he makes his grand comeback before the war restarts, he's literally wagging his tail.
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This official art is from chap. 146 which is still pretty early on and Ojirou is looking at Shinsou with a little smile and they're talking to each other. Like this is a nice interaction they r not arguing or giving each other the cold shoulder. And of course.
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LITERALLY dying rn. Ojirou wants to be friends w/ Shinsou so bad it's adorable he's literally doing the tailman equivalent of wrapping your arm around someone if this was like Kirishima and Bakugou people would be going INSANE over this (rightfully so).
Anyways to answer your actual question I fear it's not that people hate Ojirou it's more that people need a villain for their story. I personally think it's often cheap to take a perfectly nice character and make them an asshole for the sake of conflict but a lot of people do it. In Ojirou's case it's especially out of character given he is a genuinely nice boy and does like Shinsou.
I do ship shinoji I'm sorry I fear it may have come through my rant
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acewritesfics · 7 months
Tommy Shelby | Drabble 09
Request: from @/runnning-outof-time
Word Count: 146
Warnings: Calling a child a twat. Can be read as a part two to this drabble: DRABBLE 02
Tommy Shelby Masterlist
"Are you okay, my love?" Y/N asks Tommy as she walks into their bedroom to him sitting on their bed, leaned over with his head in his hand.  
Looking up at her with an exasperated look on his face, he shrugs. “I tried talking to her. I may have even threatened her a little after she got smart with me but nothing. We have even more of a problem now.”  
“I told you she’s a little twat,” she says sitting beside him. “Just like her mother.”  
“What should we do?” he asks unsure of how to handle the situation.   
“I don’t know if there is anything we can do right now,” she answers and leans her head on his shoulder as he takes her hand in his. “If our boy is meant to be with her, I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it."
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lgbtsana · 9 months
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you’ve been chatting with an online friend for about 2 years, you knew them as their alias ‘ahnz’, they never posted their face but you knew almost everything about them. but, did you really know what they were saying was true?
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it’s been about two years since you turned to online friends instead of real life ones. the ones you made offline were just complete assholes. it was always when you needed your real life friends the most is when you realized how fake they were.
you’d call one of your friends, lim dahye, sobbing uncontrollably, begging for her to distract you from your parents fighting. yet, all you got on response from her, “sorry, who are you again?” while you heard giggles in the background. you had considered her a closest friend, but all you received was humiliation.
the closest friend you made throughout the two years online was ahnz. the only thing you knew about them was they were a year older than you and that they, or well she, was a girl.
you had given her a nickname “hannie” and you were happy to know that she thought the nickname was cute and that she liked it.
the more the two of you talked, the closer you two got. you felt like you could trust her, although, you hadn’t met her in person. she just seemed different, not like the other people you had trusted before.
there was one night that your parents started to fight when you received a text from ahnz, you had nicknamed her in your phone as ‘hannie’ since the app you used, let you.
she had sent you a link to a girl group performance, the thumbnail had a girl with short hair poking her cheek. “she’s so pretty, her makeup looks amazing...” you spoke in awe.
you stood up to grab your wired earbuds, since you couldn’t afford wireless ones, and watched the performance. it was a very useful distraction from the fighting going on.
hannie: y/n, check out this video :o [link]
y/n: omg, they’re amazing performers!!
y/n: wish i was that good lol
hannie: don’t say that! i’m sure you’re amazing at it :(
y/n: i see their group name is ive, how do you pronounce that? like i’ve?
hannie: i hear people pronouncing it ivy or i’ve, i guess it’s a matter of preference? idk though
hannie: which member caught your eye?
y/n: hmm, the one with the short hair with bangs. she had so much charisma and just looked fierce! she’s so pretty~
after you’d sent that message, you realized ahnz went quiet. so, while you waited for a response, you decided to watch some more videos of the group she had sent you.
the next day, during class, you received a call from hannie. your teacher, mrs. lee, gave a stern look towards you. “no phone calls during class, miss seo.”
you nodded before answering the call, “sorry, mrs. lee. it’s... an emergency.” your quick answer made her give you a nod, “go out in the hall then, y/n.”
“hannie, what’s going on?” your concerned tone rung in her ears, “y/n, are you able to... meet up...?” she asked, her voice quiet.
“are you able to meet up with me?”
the question hung on a string. a string that was about to snap clean in half. you felt your heartbeat increase as you weren’t sure what to answer. sure, you’ve talked to her for two years, but you’ve only thought about meeting up once.
you weren’t sure if you were ready to meet her.
“y/n?” her voice entered your senses again, making you gasp softly.
“ah, sorry-” you barely let out a whisper as you apologize quietly. “y/n, if you’re able to meet up, please come to 4-5, samseong-ro 146-gil, gangnam-gu, seoul. it should be nearby you, yeah?” you hum giving her the confirmation she needed.
“see you then, hannie.”
you walked back into class and all eyes were on you, “so?” your teacher stares you down, waiting for some kind of response.
your teacher huffs in annoyance, “what was so important?” your thoughts quickly scramble to make up an excuse, “ah- my grandmother passed away.” you give off a weak smile to keep your act straight as your teachers eyebrows narrow.
“i thought your grandmother passed last year?” it was true, but you had an excuse up your sleeve, “that was on my mother’s side, the recent one is on my father’s.”
mrs. lee quickly gave an apology, which you accepted. she didn’t know it was a lie after all.
after your classes came to an end, you found yourself in front of the building that hannie suggest you meet up in. but, it was starship entertainment? you weren’t sure why she’d ask to meet up here.
you shrugged before hitting an intercom, that looked very high-tec. you watched as it lit up and noticed a very small camera, recording your presence outside.
“come in,” a female voice is heard thru the intercom as the fancy doors opened to let you in.
“oh- t-thank you...?” you struggled to sound genuine as you were still, very confused. just why did hannie want to meet here?
you hesitantly entered the tall building and nervously looked around. you felt you stood out against the rest, but not in a good way.
you felt very underdressed, everyone else looked as if they were wearing designer clothes (they probably were), you didn’t feel like you fit in.
a taller figure was approaching you with a smile and it felt like time slowed down as you took in their physique. she was nearly 6-feet tall, her smile was very charming, alluring. her hair was on the shorter side, seemed to be a wolfcut. she has a leather jacket on, seemed to be in the middle of recording something, but you weren’t totally sure.
she looked exactly like the female from the fancan video hannie had sent you. just what was hannie playing at?
“hello, are you y/n?” the tall female looked at you with the same charming smile she approached with. with a slow nod, you gave her the confirmation she needed.
“i can’t believe we’re finally meeting each other! my name is ahn yujin,” she leaned in to whisper in your ear, “you know me as hannie~” the teasing tone of her voice made you jolt back, surprised that the female was actually hannie.
“h-hannie?” your voice was failing you. the sudden surprise of learning she’s your closest online friend was big, you could barely let out your voice.
she gave a simple nod before saying, “you can call me yujin now!”. she reached for your wrist, making your pull it back without thinking.
her eyebrows furrowed and yujin looked down at the ground, “ah, i’m sorry. this must be a shock..”
you nodded, “very shocking, i mean i was just watching a fancam of you a few days ago.”
yujin let out a giggle, “i wanted to know your thoughts~” she lightly punched your arm with that same smile.
faking hurt, you grabbed your arm and yelped in pain, “you pain me, yujin!” you laughed, before noticing yujin was looking at you with wide-eyes.
“you called me yujin this time,” her voice seemed filled with emotion. what emotion? you couldn’t read it.
you shrugged “you told me i could.”
yujin pulled you in for a tight bear hug, “this makes me so happy! i can’t wait to introduce you to the others~”
you smiled as you gave the same amount of strength into the hug, “already? we just met~” you teased as you received a pinch in response.
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A/N: maybe there will be a part two? we shall find out in the future. i do like how this turned out, did you guys enjoy?
TAGS... idol!yujin x fan!reader, tooth-rotting fluff, light angst, online friends to irl friends to lovers, friends to lovers, reader becomes a fan of yujin after she introduces ive to them.
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livinggeekchic · 11 months
For #phreread2023 week 5, @laukisimp and I collaborated to analyze Hecate’s prophecy in Episode 69 “Moon Maiden” and decipher what it tells us about Lauren’s character development.
When Lauren visits the circus for the first time, she is pulled aside by Hecate (the fortuneteller) for a tarot reading. Lauren draws five cards: the two of swords, the five of cups, the tower, the ten of swords, and death. These cards foretell events that will take place over the next two seasons—and we believe the clues in Hecate’s words can be decoded to pinpoint specific moments in Lauren’s character growth arc, leading up to the moment she’s kidnapped in 158.
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The two of swords represents the confusion we face when forced to make a difficult choice. Blindfolded, the woman cannot see the problem clearly and thus cannot find a solution. Throughout S2 and S3, we see that Lauren avoids facing hard truths. She knows that the people around her could be Phantom Scythe, but doesn’t want to believe it can be anyone close to her. She knows Kieran likely can tell her something about the kidnapped kids—about what happened to Dylan—but she’s too afraid to ask. She needs to remove the blindfold and allow herself to seek the answers to these questions. She needs to choose a path: continue to blindly chase the Phantom Scythe in her quest for revenge, or move on and live for the future?
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The five of cups explains why she can’t make that choice: she’s too focused on the loss of her childhood friend, her perceived failure to save him and the others at Allendale (and in losing her rank, putting her even further from figuring out what happened), and the disappointment and guilt that she feels over what happened in her past. She is unable to let go and forgive herself, and thus, she cannot see the two standing cups: new opportunities and potential. She has the potential to help save Kieran, and the opportunity to do a lot of good for everyone who’s caught up in this war between the royals and the Phantom Scythe. In the episodes just prior to this, Lauren and Kieran visit Greychapel and discuss how poor the conditions are. Kieran states that while they’re trying to stop the terrorists in the Phantom Scythe, the revolution must happen. It’s possible that the “new opportunity” is Lauren joining Kieran in helping bring about this revolution.
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In episode 75, titled Tumbling Tower, Sandman reveals that Lauren’s parents were apostles. This knowledge shakes her entire belief system. She thought that the Phantom Schythe was made up of monsters, and yet her parents were founding members. There is also a literal tower in this story—one that Sandman is currently locked in, as he’s writing Lauren a letter. Is it possible that there are more revelations to come? Ones that will bring Lauren’s existing goal, based on false premises, crashing down?
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The destruction of the tower is necessary to clear out old mistruths and make way for something new. But how she handles that course of action depends on her reaction to the betrayal. The ten of swords: someone has stabbed her in the back. But it’s important to note that the sword series in tarot tells the story of a person who attempts to use the swords for faulty reasons, makes mistakes, tries to run from them, and ultimately suffers the pain of being stabbed by them. The story of someone who allows themselves to fall victim to that internal pressure. The swords are a weapon, and can have potential for destruction or good, depending on how they are wielded.
In episode 156, Lauren discovers that March has been lying to them. He’s led her coworkers into an ambush and Lauren herself is being pursued by PS members. Lauren didn’t want to consider that March might be PS; she dismissed Kieran’s questioning of March in episode 146, misinterpreting his statements about his family and the true criminals of Ardhalis.
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In episode 158 she is pursued, chased into a warehouse where all of her anxieties and fears overwhelm her. She has been continually plagued by the guilt she feels about Allendale, and now she adds to that the losses that she fears are yet to come (images of a deceased Kieran, Kym, and Will coming to her mind). She is unable to wield the swords because of her continued avoidance of the truth. Blindfolded, she doesn’t want to face her suspicions about Dylan, and doesn't want to consider March as the betrayer. So she spirals, and all of her anxieties take over. They paralyze her in that warehouse, leading to her being knocked out and kidnapped. The title of Episode 158, Seething Sword, tells us that she has been dealt that final blow.
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But like the death card, the end of one thing means a new beginning for another. She must learn to wield the swords instead of letting her trauma weigh her down. It’s a symbolic death, not a literal one. The old Lauren, the part of her that was driven by guilt and shame, needs to be buried so the new Lauren, freed of those shackles she’s carried for ten years, can instead look to the future.
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And what might we see in the future? We know that Lauren is at a crossroads. The two of swords signifies that two equal and opposing forces are at war, and she is caught in the middle. She has been stuck between the PS and the government of Ardhalis. She wants to take down the PS, but she is increasingly finding that the APD isn’t the paragon of justice she thought it was. Similarly, the PS isn’t entirely evil; though their methods are, their goal is relatable. We believe that Lauren will choose her own path. She won’t side with either, and will instead forge her own way forward, alongside Kieran. Perhaps she will choose to forgo her detective rank and become a fugitive with Kieran—especially if his identity ends up becoming compromised. Perhaps she will support a revolution of the poor and mistreated against the royals who keep them in the dirt.
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“He” is closer to her, more similar than she thinks. We believe this is a reference to the leader. She thinks he is hidden in the shadows, but it’s very likely that the leader is someone close to her, given the clues about her parents, the Snapdragon, and how the leader kept her alive all these years. Like Lauren, the leader has also lost people close to him and seeks revenge—against the royals for the massacre of the Snapdragon, for burying those truths along with their bodies.
Hecate mentions enemies, plural, and it’s true that Lauren has many enemies now. Not only those in the Phantom Scythe, but even within the APD, for what she’s doing as Lune. She needs to question those around her more: Stefan, Dakan, March—these people have all lied to her in the past, and yet she is too clouded by her intense focus on the Phantom Scythe to consider those around her. She must remove the blindfold, and it starts with letting go of the past.
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Lauren’s obsession with Dylan is holding her back. She needs to accept the truth—that Dylan is dead, and there’s nothing else she can do for him. But that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. She can make a difference in Kieran’s life. She can save him from his cursed fate to kill and kill until he himself perishes. She can help him take down the leader. But in order to do this, she might have to set her privileged life aside. Only when she stops focusing on the past can she create a new future.
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away-ward · 1 year
Long post!
1. This might be an unpopular opinion, but i actually like that alex fought in the train with emmy because she was jealous of em. + alex was probably jealous of emmy too because alex and aydin was seduced by em. A big part of the sex in the BC shower and the train was because em was the one doing the talking and seducing and going after what she wants, teasing the men and women there, no? Not alex, and what was alex known for? Exactly this but even she (and probably his ex fiance and othe rhigh profile women) couldnt get aydin in bed together after everything, but this woman aydin just met for a couple of days is serving up his fantasy and contributed to him being pleasured? In alex's mind, she was pronably angry af at emmy, even angrier when she wanted to touch her too, and unlike rika and banks or even kai, it was not business hour, she really did found emmy attractive and wanna get on with her, so she probably thought "ok if i wanna fuck her, why wont aydin?" So instead of seeing this scene as only emmy pleasuring alex, it also means that theres alex and aydin who were always getting what they want and dominating the conversation or sex, seducing people left and right, but with emmy in their equation, THEY were the one who became charmed, and yes, alex didnt like that because em got aydins attention. I'm pretty sure if alex was not in the picture, or will, aydin would've wanted emmy ☠️
2. Unlike you guys, i never thought that alex ever thought she owned will *like that*. The most extreme is just her protectiveness of her best friend and family, which throughout the whole series every woman and man did the same thing, they're physically and emotionally intimate with each other, they casually become possessive over one another, doesnt matter if it siblings, friends, partners etc, and we can see, even that stoic doofus michael was protective of emmy when martin came near her later on at the end of nightfall. +Em was never their friend, and they dont do casual for best friends and family, so how were they supposed to react to and approach her knowing she put them in jail without caring to confess before? A bit entitled for emmy and us to ask for more from them, no? But i can totally see why it's understandable in emmy's pov, she could've seen the whole situation differently just like how will and alex misunderstood emmy's connection with aydin. But whether or not aydin wnated em like how alex and em wnated each other in the train, i think it could be possible, and add to the flames of anger for will and alex (which was drama and messy and at this point, anything that put will alex a peg down, i'm all up for it, lmao, im a messy person 🤣🤞) but we'll never know now how that'll play out in the future. And like i said, this was probably the biggest reason why alex was mad, because aydin wanted em, and em couldve had aydin even without doing much (or even if she might not be interested in aydin herself).
3. I feel like in this book because emmy was the more dominant one, i actually dont see it as her pleasuring alex was something bad or megative, the way we look and frame these scenes in outr minds play a big part to how much we accept it (again probably just my unpopular opinion), because in my mind, that scene was an empowering move for emory, because she gets what she wants, while her man was watching, and it shows that people wants her and wants to look at her too. Women who gives is just as empowering as those who gets back, idk why a lot of you anons and asks always have this implication that being served or pleasure is the only way for empowerment for em, because that thought alone is weird, but maybe it's just me who didnt find your questions and answers kinda ok? Idk, emmy was doing what she wants and maybe it was ugly right, but hey who cares? Not emmy, because the one who was pridefully trying to prove a point to their friends by dragging the other down was alex, not emory (in fact emory had a history of not giving a fuck about what people think of her, so do you really think she would start now?), so even if alex play this game, emmy was not losing anything even out of pride, because after eveyrthing had happened, alex realised that she was the one embarrassingly playing this winning game alone. This was how iinterpreted the bridal gown scene with alex and emmy too, that alex felt guilty towards emmy because the game was one-sided. I remember that in the train, when emmy called her out when alex said em didnt know how to sacrifice lke her, alex couldnt verbally fight back because m was right, alex just didnt want to understand her out of her shallow pride. She fought her physically, but it should how kinda dumb alex was in that moment, Which also goes to show how big-hearted and mature emmy was about the whole situation. Emmy had to get the short end of the stick again, but hey, at leats the characterisation was consistent 🤣☠️😭 (im so sorry emmy for this pun)
4. Now, Could all of these scenes be handled better? Of course, but with characters as immature and wrongly and immaturely loud (most of the time) as will and alex, always talking faster than they think because they do whatever they "feel" like and that is comsidered as the benchmark of "freedom" instead of irrationality like how we and emmy saw it, do you think a rational comversation can happen in the midst of chaos? With will and alex? 🤣 no fucking way, hahaha! I have to laugh when i see someone recommending this because as much as thats OUR wish fulfilment, we dont always get what we want and in this case, a mature and understanding will who was not hurting and able to talk without wanting to just destroy eveyrthing. a lot of dn scenes had more than one meaning, and i dont think all these scenes you guys have mentioned were only catering to one pov, because clearly like mine, it was beyond just emmy giving into alex, but also everyone giving into each other. A scene where emmy getting pleasured by being submissive most likely wont happen because SHE was the one who always seduce and dominate people, and thats how most dominant women gets pleasured, even in real life or in WLW dominant relationships, by dominating others no matter their pride or unjust anger. Idk why we're surprised here and it was not also seen in a different pov like it was something good that a dominating woman gets what she wants, even when her pride was thrown out of the window. Maybe because ikm queer so thats why i can understand this scene better. The only thing that i fucking hated about this scene is the fact that will would let em fuck alex, but not aydin. If they"re all queer, then why would there be a difference between em getting pleasured by and for aydin any different than with alex? This can come off as queer or WLW fetish instead. The same goes when em was ok when will hooked up with damon, but not when he was with alex? Borderline queer fetishes are here in these scenes and its implication, not anywhere else as far as i can catch them by now. But i can also understand how people get angry at alex unlike damon because damon made it clear that he wasnt will's potential love interest, unlike alex who always look like she might snatch will from emmy especially in emmy's povs.
5. Also another interesting point to add is the horsemen, banks and emmy were very prideful people about their weaknesses unlike rika, winter and alex (and even will to some point), they just never talk about their pain or hardship, and its affecting their relationship with others, so something just has to give for these prideful people to talk about it or so something about their weaknesses in order to bridge the gap between them and everyone else, and the classic fashion for pd was through shocking and horrid sex scenes (physical intimacy) imstead of honest talk (verbal intimacy). In that train, emmy finally submit to them all and accepting their all, and them too submitting to her, and for someone who took nearly 10 years to give in like emmy, i think the train scene was shocking, but the impact of it, if you relatively consider about her 10 years of absence, it doesnt really NOT make sense. I feel like we're getting angry at the scene because out of pride as the readers who we want our wants catered to us, we do not want to lose against alex in this game of cat and mouse, but we're not emmy guys, this was how SHE solves her problem, and she was TIRED OF BLEEDING. She was not ashamed of dominating and playing the field too. Something has to give. It's clear that even will thinks like that and even alex later on was more subdued with her behaviour when she met em again in that bridal gown scene, because alex was the one actually losing, not emmy. It's a win fo them but alex, as a friend doing all of that, at what cost? She lost.
6. They cant be like that forever, especially when em wanted to be with will, and is now more accepting to the idea of fitting in with the horsemen and their wives (because she gets to trust and love herself more now, and more inclined to work with his family instead of self-sabotaging herself thinking she wasnt enough to keep up with all of his "amazing life" and him too with everything that is her), and everyone then with emmy because now they know she's with them for life. She's theirs now in ther little cult family with that little cult family crest of a chocker and rongs. Because the ball was almost always in her court then, even in high school, except for damon, no one was against her, and even later damon slowly warmed up to her, but she just never threw it their way and thats also why will couldnt bring her anywhere even in the mask giving scene because he thought she didnt want this lifestyle. Unlike rika in corrupt who already admitted to want to be like them and join this hell shit family. We might not like her to be in this shitty family, but emmy like it, likes them, never hated them, and finally found enough time and love for herself to want to admit to be apart of them, and them with her. Her going to SF and ditching will would be some readers' wish fulfilment but was nit what emmy would wnated for her life. The fact that she went back home after the horsemen went to jail, and would worry when his brother always causes trouble for them since high school showed that in a corner in he rheart where she lets herself be honest, emory did care about will and the horsemen, even if her mouth says no and her actions move backwards.
7. It's all very layered i think, it wasnt as easy as "oh emmy was pleasuring alex and thats not what we want evn though thats what emmy wants", "lf the horsemen were shit to her for no reason" etc etc. like you all got your points here and there, and im adding this ask to add my pov too, +and i believe some of these opinions were already discussed in your older posts about michael and kai's response towards emmy in the train, right? but do let me know if what i said makes sense, because it made sense to me but it might not to others. Sometimes what we want from an author might not fit into our narrative because we kinda already have something in our mind that we want from themand we're fixated on it, and i feel like this is the case for people reading nightfall especially, but this doesnt mean it's good or bad, it just impacts how we read the story. However i also agree that these atrocities could've been done better and pd should really get their shit together and write a better story. It's not a simple series with a black or white pov, i feel like a lot scenes could kean different, IF you're willing to engage yourself in a different pov which a lot of you guys might mot simply because what you guys wnat is nkt guven here, just some two cents from me. I believe a discussion can still be made though, only after considering many povs without limiting an option because lets say "we dont want aydin alex here" "oh this could be a different plot". I liked your "No Apologies" fic but i dont think someone as daring to make shitty turn around arc like pd would go for your tamer plot for both will and emmy, something MORE had to happen, so it was a good fic, but i cannot ever see these fanfic characterisations of emmy by you happening in PD's writing or plot. The willemmy in your fics were always a bit mellow than in pd's, and i feel like it's because it's usually lacking in weird and shocking actions or words that were always present in pd's works. It's canon and fanfics for a reason, i enjoy them both, but for different reasons. They serve their purpose between author's voice and fan works.
Anyway, It's just a goofy fun series to not be taken too seriously at the end of the day, and like your older posts, i agree, some things might make sense, some thing might not, but i like the discussion going on for it though, because the way you guys interpret this series was woahh, very different than me and thats ok. It's because these characters who always feel everything deeply, i feel like we also get carried away with them, the irony! Sorry if this post is too much, or if i come off as harsh, i was just trying yo put two and two together, putting aside feelings and making one scene made semse with the other. Idk if that worked or not.
Hey! Thanks for taking the time to send this in. It was actually very refreshing to get.
but i actually like that alex fought in the train with emmy because she was jealous of em. + alex was probably jealous of emmy too because alex and aydin was seduced by em.
Not wholly unpopular. This idea as a reason for Alex and Em’s back and forth, specifically on the train, has been bought up before. I believe their idea was that Alex felt inferior to Em, but I’d have to check.
This woman aydin just met for a couple of days is serving up his fantasy and contributed to him being pleasured? In alex’s mind, she was pronably angry af at emmy
I personally never felt that Aydin sincerely wanted Em. My interpretation was always that he saw her as being the same as him, and wanted to use her to hurt Will like Alex had hurt him. Not that he had ill-will for Em, but she was never his focus. From what I gathered, he only ever wanted Alex. And I can’t really comment about whether he would have wanted her if things were different, but it’s open to interpretation.
, i never thought that alex ever thought she owned will *like that*.
What I said in that previous post (if I'm thinking of the right one from earlier) probably came out wrong. I didn’t mean that Alex felt Will’s was hers, in that she was possessive over him, but more like you said – hers to protect. Will was her reflection; they were one and the same. They weren’t in love, but they were more than friends (thinking of it from their perspective).
Em was never their friend, and they dont do casual for best friends and family, so how were they supposed to react to and approach her knowing she put them in jail without caring to confess before? A bit entitled for emmy and us to ask for more from them, no?
I’ve expressed similar thoughts in the past. I think it’s important to remember (but also easy to forget) that, one: unreliable narrators very much exist, and two: every character is working with different information. From the past to the present, the reader is the only one with all the pieces as we go.
Even I get lost in the thought of how things should have gone because I’ve gone over this so many times, but you’re bringing up very good points.
Because in my mind, that scene was an empowering move for emory, because she gets what she wants, while her man was watching, and it shows that people wants her and wants to look at her too.
This is a fair way to look at the situation. I think for myself, I’ve always had an issue with this scene because I didn’t see the build-up to Alex and Emmy. For me, Emmy saying she wanted Alex came out of nowhere. I also didn’t understand how they became such good friends after spending one night drinking together.
I have a post where I go into my thoughts on Alex as a character. I don’t think her role within the story was bad. Unlike some, I don’t wish Alex never existed (though I do understand why people feel that way, and occasionally think the things they have to say are funny. What can I say, I think angry rants can be funny. Sue me.). But I get irritated with the way Alex is written.
So, because of those things, I don’t understand why Emmy wants Alex. I do get that Emmy is finally going after what she wants and on her terms, which great for her, but as for why it’s Alex? That I don’t get.
A lot of Anons do have a problem with Emmy always being the one to give and bend. So, to see her dominating Alex, who has recently said and done some pretty nasty things to Emory personally, doesn’t feel good. Even if Alex was acting out of jealousy, she still took the same actions.
This was how iinterpreted the bridal gown scene with alex and emmy too, that alex felt guilty towards emmy because the game was one-sided.
You know, it’s been awhile since I read this scene, and I was working from memory, which admittedly could be faulty. It could be that Alex did express some guilt over the one-sided game she was playing. I do remember her apologizing, but I also remember Emory stopping her, which is what I was pulling from. The conclusion is that Emory is always the one being the bigger person when Alex rightfully owes her an apology.
I think readers get mad that PD didn’t want Alex to apologize?
Which also goes to show how big-hearted and mature emmy was about the whole situation. Emmy had to get the short end of the stick again, but hey, at least the characterization was consistent
Yeah, exactly this.
Of course, but with characters as immature and wrongly and immaturely loud (most of the time) as will and alex, always talking faster than they think because they do whatever they "feel" like and that is comsidered as the benchmark of "freedom" instead of irrationality like how we and emmy saw it, do you think a rational comversation can happen in the midst of chaos?
This is my general feelings towards the idea of the characters “just talking.” Like… even if they were to communicate, it probably wouldn’t do anything because they’re all just talking faster than they think (what a great way to phrase that!).
Because as much as that’s OUR wish fulfilment
It really is. Because of the general discourse on tumblr, sometimes I think that readers have forgotten that characters aren’t always going to do things the “right” way or a way that makes us feel good. For me, when a character behaves in a way that doesn’t make sense, it can draw out my curiosity. Why did they do that? What’s making them act this irrational way? Can I explain it? And even if the explanation is messy, there’s still something to it, I think.
and i dont think all these scenes you guys have mentioned were only catering to one pov, because clearly like mine, it was beyond just emmy giving into alex, but also everyone giving into each other.
Like Will said, Emmy was finally going over the cliff with them. And they were seeing what she was made of.
It was not also seen in a different pov like it was something good that a dominating woman gets what she wants, even when her pride was thrown out of the window.
I see what you’re saying and why it would be a good thing from Em’s pov, but again, for me, it goes back to not understanding why Alex is suddenly the one needing to be dominated. I’m all for Emmy going after what she wanted, taking it without asking. But I don’t see the bond between her and Alex, and I don’t see how it fixes anything between her and Will.
I also don’t like that this is the last fully fleshed out scenes in the series. Every other scene that would happen between the main couple after this is fade to black. It really does emphasis that Will and Emory take a back seat in their own book, and this is feeling is only amplified by how much Alex is featured afterward compared to Emmy, and the kind of scenes that Alex is the focus of in both Will and Emmy's pov.
Maybe because ikm queer so I why I can understand this scene better. The only thing that I fucking hated about this scene is the fact that will would let em fuck alex, but not aydin. If they”re all queer, then why would there be a difference between em getting pleasured by and for aydin any different than with alex? This can come off as queer or WLW fetish instead.
This is a fair explanation for what other anons have been saying. I’ve said that I couldn’t comment on it because I don’t know the intent PD, a queer author, was writing with, but this explanation does help. I had noticed the pattern, but hadn’t made the connection.
. The same goes when em was ok when will hooked up with damon, but not when he was with alex?
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think that Em was ever mad about Will hooking up with Alex or anyone else. She wanted him to be happy, even if that was without her. It hurt that it couldn’t be her, and of course she didn’t want his conquests shoved in her face – which is what he did all the time. That’s where I saw her jealousy mostly come in to play. She could acknowledge what he had done and be fine, but when he started taunting her is when she’d get angry and react.
But your point stands. That was just a little side thought on my end.
I feel like we're getting angry at the scene because out of pride as the readers who we want our wants catered to us, we do not want to lose against alex in this game of cat and mouse, but we're not emmy guys, this was how SHE solves her problem, and she was TIRED OF BLEEDING.
I think it was in character for Emmy for her to want to take charge of the situation. She was never passive with Will; why would she be with anyone else.
I really just think the issue is the dynamic between Emory and Alex needed to be fleshed out a bit more.
Because she gets to trust and love herself more now, and more inclined to work with his family instead of self-sabotaging herself thinking she wasn’t enough to keep up with all of his “amazing life” and him too with everything that is her
I just really liked how you phrased this.
We might not like her to be in this shitty family, but emmy like it, likes them, never hated them, and finally found enough time and love for herself to want to admit to be apart of them, and them with her. Her going to SF and ditching will would be some readers' wish fulfilment but was nit what emmy would wnated for her life. The fact that she went back home after the horsemen went to jail, and would worry when his brother always causes trouble for them since high school showed that in a corner in he rheart where she lets herself be honest, emory did care about will and the horsemen, even if her mouth says no and her actions move backwards.
And this is also why I like working within canon universe a lot of the time. Because when, as a writer, you’re forced to work within the decisions the characters have made for themselves, it helps you understand and sympathize with their decisions.
It’s all very layered I think
It is all very layered. Absolutely. There is no clear-cut, right and wrong interpretation.
Do let me know if what I said makes sense, because it made sense to me but it might not to others
I think a lot of what you’ve said makes sense, and I agree with the majority of it. I do think some of it is going to be unpopular, but different interpretations is just a thing to deal with in fandoms.
Sometimes what we want from an author might not fit into our narrative because we kinda already have something in our mind that we want from themand we’re fixated on it, and I feel like this is the case for people reading nightfall
Oh it absolutely is. PD said so themselves and the negative reactions to NF is one of the reasons they don’t really want to come back to the series. And even in the bonus scene, you could see them struggling with what to write because they already knew that half the fandom was going to hate whatever it was they came up with. Which turned out to be the case with most of the people here.
Again, I can only say what I think based on my experiences, but I feel that part of the issue that what you said before – PD writes these “shocking and horrid sex scenes (physical intimacy) instead of honest talk (verbal intimacy)”, but since we’ve already had the physical intimacy, a lot of readers are ready for the domestic, verbal intimacy, and it just never comes.
I liked your "No Apologies" fic but i dont think someone as daring to make shitty turn around arc like pd would go for your tamer plot for both will and emmy, something MORE had to happen, so it was a good fic, but i cannot ever see these fanfic characterisations of emmy by you happening in PD's writing or plot
and i feel like it's because it's usually lacking in weird and shocking actions or words that were always present in pd's works
Oh yeah, I totally get that. This is very accurate and will always be so. I won’t ever write to the degree of wild, weird, or shocking that PD writes. It's just not what I'm interested in writing. My fics have just been a way to fill a hole in the narrative that I feel, and I post with the hopes that others get a moment of fun from it.
It's just a goofy fun series to not be taken too seriously at the end of the day
Couldn’t agree more. As I’ve said, this isn’t a series that was meant to be looked at this closely. It was meant to be a fun rollercoaster of a series.
And I think there is something very fun about this series and the characters and the writing that keeps readers engaged despite all its flaws, because otherwise half of us wouldn’t have made it through NF.
Sorry if this post is too much, or if i come off as harsh, i was just trying yo put two and two together, putting aside feelings and making one scene made semse with the other. Idk if that worked or not.
Not too much at all. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
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usbkinitopet · 4 months
We are currently working on answering some asks, but in the meantime while we work, I wanted to make a simple post to let you all know, that we are still here!.. Thank you all for 146 followers! Never in, Moon or my wildest dreams, have we ever thought, we'd reach a milestone like this, especially towards an AU blog! I know it may sound silly, but we are very thankful and grateful for your patience, understanding, and kindness, towards the artists and the blog itself We see every ask you send us, and we're working our best to get to all of your asks! Even if we cannot get to every single one, in one day, just know, we'll get to them, when we absolutely can! Burnout is a big problem, we both suffer with, even if we have passions towards this project, but we're both, really glad, you all are understanding towards that. Thank you, for this milestone, and we hope to show you more lore, secrets, and many more, along the way! and don't ever feel discouraged to send a ask! - Mod Soni
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stabbyfoxandrew · 5 months
arsonist neil/firefighter andrew 🙏
WIP Wednesday (4/17) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 146)
After twenty minutes of rehashing the entire plot of the movie, Andrew’s throat feels almost raw. He’s talked a lot today. With Aaron, with Nicky, now 10. He hasn’t spoken this much since… since he was medicated at least. Andrew clears his throat.
“Anyway, I loathe that film and anyone involved in its creation should be set on fire. Want to help me out with that?” Andrew asks, hoping for another bit of laughter. He gets one, a tiny breath of a laugh.
“I take it you wouldn’t recommend the movie.”
“Absolutely not.” Andrew pauses. “Unless you’d like a free copy of the DVD. My brother left it here, the bastard.”
“No thanks. Hotel doesn’t have a DVD player anyway.” 10 sighs wearily. “I think I’m ready to try and sleep again. Thank you for answering.”
“Goodnight, Andrew.” 10 says and Andrew hangs onto it with his teeth.
“Goodnight, firebug.” The nickname pops out before Andrew can stop it and 10 laughs again as he hangs up. Andrew’s phone screen dims and the whole room goes dark. He lies there, staring at the ceiling and wondering what kind of nightmare would have him calling a near-stranger for comfort.
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mikeladano · 3 months
VHS Archives #146: Faith No More's Roddy Bottum answers: How do you feel about being called a "Metal" band?
January, 1991.  Faith No More were huge.  MuchMusic’s Kim Clarke Champniss asks the question:  How do you feel about being classified as a metal band?  Does Faith No More even care?  “Epic” was a huge hit.  Would it have been even without the record company phone calls made to MTV?  Check out Roddy Bottum’s answers. Meanwhile, Mike Patton grins and Mike Bordin plays hide & seek.
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actuallykyogai · 3 months
for the character ask game: takaba!
Of course! I love Takaba!
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My first impression-
Funnily enough, I've always liked Takaba. When I first read the manga, his initial appearance in chapter 146 interested me. Y'know, just some random comedian taking part in the Culling Games. I wanted to know more about his character, and we actually got that in 241, which was great.
My impression now-
If it wasn't obvious enough, Takaba's my favourite character in the whole of Jujutsu Kaisen. Probably one of my top 3 in all media now that I think of it. I also refuse to believe that he's dead, although his conclusion at the end of 243 was awesome. Takaba genuinely has an emotional affect on me, I relate to him a lot.
Favourite thing about him-
I mean, I like everything about Takaba. From his design, to his personality, to his dynamics with other characters. But if I had to name one thing, it probably would be his personality. He's a breath of fresh air in what's typically a more serious manga.
Least favourite thing-
I don't necessarily have a least favourite thing about Takaba. I would've liked to see more of his interactions with Hazenoki, such as when Hazenoki finally caves in and gives him some of his points.
Favourite line/scene-
To be brief, his introduction in 168/169, and the Fantasy (fanta-sea) scene in 242. But it's mainly the Fanta-Sea scene because is portrays such a pivotal moment in Takaba's life. Kenjaku was able to give him something he wanted for so many years, and he was able to just enjoy himself and be genuinely happy doing comedy with someone he liked being around.
Favourite character interaction-
Another shocker, Takaba and Kenjaku's comedy routine was something I really enjoyed. I wasn't expecting to like them together as much as I did (I was- and still am- a diehard Hazenoki/Takaba fan) but they managed to become by favourite duo! Their dynamics are great, two lonely people making company out of the other, giving each other what the other wanted in return. It's beautiful, I would definitely not be opposed to more Pinchan content in the manga!
A character I wish he'd interact with more-
Hazenoki! I think they would be a good comedy duo if Hazenoki was willing to cooperate. But he absolutely wouldn't. I actually would like it if he interacted with Yuji more. He'd be a great father figure...
A character from another fandom that reminds me of him-
Monkey D. Luffy from One PIece! Specifically Gear 5: Takaba's cursed technique reminds me of it.
A headcanon about Takaba-
I think he's a huge anime fan, as well as being a comedy fanatic. I suppose it's already kinda canon, seeing how many references we've gotten. Anyway, he's definitely a JJBA fan.
A song that reminds me of him-
To be honest, I don't normally think of characters when I'm listening to music. A basic answer would be Baka-Survivor by Ulfus. I feel like being extra different though, so I'll say The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny by Lemon Demon. It's a pretty random and funny song, the unexpected events and references to characters in media remind me of Takaba vs Kenjaku.
Unpopular opinions-
I dunno if I have any really unpopular opinions about Takaba. He is fairly popular in the grand scheme of things. But most people don't have him in their Top 10 (power-scaling wise) so there's that '3'
Favourite picture-
Tumblr media
There's a lot, but I chose this one ☆
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gozine-translate · 1 month
Terminally-ill Genius Dark Knight - 146
146 - Moonlight Sword [2]
The first half of the Moonlight Sword.
That third super-form is [Moon Split]
It's a swordsmanship known for its ability to split the moon in the sky, scattering a bright white light. It possesses incredible destructive power and is specialized in breaking barriers. That's why I've decided to master it and use it to destroy this damn water prison.
But there's a process that must be followed.
Obviously, the first step is acquiring the Moonlight Sword.
The second step is having the innate talent and experience to instantly master the third super-form.
In addition, the third step is more essential.
It requires a level of precise control and immense focus that not even Luna, the current wielder of the Moonlight Sword, possesses.
'But it's not impossible. With the Dragon Language Scroll I recently acquired at the auction and the [Light Step] technique I learned from Vernon, it's possible.'
No matter how low the odds are, it's not impossible to get through this moment
If I prepare carefully and seize the opportunity in one shot, 
I might be able to not only overcome this situation but also significantly extend my pitiful lifespan.
'If I can intervene in the transmutation circle and destroy the core that forms the water prison from inside, the tide of battle will turn back in our favor, and I’ll be able to escape. I have to do it, no matter what.'
Some might ask,
If you’re going to use [Moon Split] anyway, wouldn’t it have been better if Luna was the one trapped in the water prison instead?
But there’s a reason I chose to be the one trapped instead of Luna.
It's because the Moonlight Sword that Luna uses, alone cannot destroy this water prison
The problem is her innate mana sensitivity, there is no other reason.
'Alchemy, after all, is a study that has more relation to magic than swordsmanship. So, if your mana sensitivity isn’t exceptional, it’s impossible to break or tear down that form'
Luna has the [Genius of Swordsmanship and Combat] trait.
But naturally, since she has one genius trait, she can’t have the second genius trait.
That's the absolute rule of Inner Lunatic I knew
'But I’m different.'
I’m the only one who has two [Genius] traits.
[Genius of Swordsmanship and Combat] and [Genius of Mana Sensitivity].
With these two [Genius] traits, once I acquire the Moonlight Sword and master the third super-form [Moon Split], I will be able to break this water prison.
From the start, I planned for this and chose to be trapped here.
Even knowing the odds were very low, I had no doubt that this was the best.
Luna also said to me
--- Get into position and get ready. I will explain assuming you already have everything needed.
--- Then let’s begin. [Moonlight Sword]. I’ll explain the basics of my sword, so listen carefully. You only have one chance.
Luna decided to trust me.
Why, I can’t really say.
Was it because I saved her?
I doubt that the leader of a criminal organization like Luna would be swayed by something like that, so this is completely dismissed
Then, was it because I saved Marin in the past?
There’s a bit more possibility there.
But it’s still hard to call it a clear answer.
It's because of my usefulness.
That's the most likely answer
I’m the youngest of the Reinhaver family, born with the best talent and a powerful family.
Is that all?
Swordsmanship is given, I even show prominence in magic. I am doing considerably well as a spy too. In various ways, isn't this all the reason why she keeps me?
Three reasons.
If I ask whether these are enough reasons for Luna to pass on the only thing her master left her, the Moonlight Sword, to me, I can’t say for sure, but . .
I quickly take out the Dragon Language Scroll from my inventory and tear it open.
This is a situation where I need to save even a little time
Then, I begin to activate the ancient dragon language that has long been forgotten.
'Every lost dragon language in the past had an activation spell. It was designed so that the artifact absolutely wouldn't operate without reciting it.'
'Of course, I’ve memorized the activation spell precisely.'
"rheodmldhkdrnr...dlalwotejalrkehoqjflswodkdrmthrrhrhglEjdhfmsms wlstlfdmf dbdlfgks wlstlfdmf."
A muffled voice echoes inside the water.
But contrary to that, the strange-sounding words linger clearly in my ears.
[The Hidden Piece is activated.]
[Using the artifact 'Ancient Dragon Language Scroll.']
[Upgrade assigned 'Swordsmanship' or 'Magic' class by one level]
[Please assign the relevant skill]
"I assign [Upper Intermediate Dark family Swordsmanship]."
I reply firmly.
Then as if the system responded to me, something beyond recognition, new knowledge began to fill my mind and sword
[You have successfully used the scroll!]
[Upper Intermediate Dark family Swordsmanship’ has been upgraded to 'Advanced Dark family Swordsmanship’. Upgraded by 1 level!]
The reason I used the scroll to upgrade my upper intermediate swordsmanship to advanced level was simple.
Moonlight Sword.
To learn this absurd legendary sword, a few prerequisites were necessary.
One of them is precisely
[having at least one swordsmanship skill at advanced level]
Since the highest level of swordsmanship I had was Upper intermediate of [Dark family Swordsmanship], I used the 'Ancient Dragon Language Scroll' to meet that minimum requirement.
'Not only that, I had to master Southern Chaders Swordsmanship too. Characteristic of Moonlight sword is it requires a slashing technique suitable for its name which is to split the moon. This is especially more crucial for using the third super-form.'
Memories of following the best sword build to learn the best sword started coming back to me. Back then, the sword I was trying to master was the Moonlight Sword.
I never imagined I’d get it this early, and in such an unexpected way.
But as expected, this is a surprise element of Inner Lunatic
No, the problem is that I can say this is the reality I'am facing right now?
I set aside my thoughts for a moment, quickly gathering magic throughout my body, gradually changing its form.
It passed through its main element, darkness, and soon became a faintly shimmering white form.
This was absorbed into my body, then infused into Stormbringer, making it hum softly.
As expected, the element [Moonlight] doesn’t suit the sword of the Dark Family’s head.
What I just created was a special element called [Moonlight].
It’s one of the basics necessary to master Luna’s sword.
To get here, I had to put in a lot of effort to become skilled at manipulating magic.
'[Mana Substitution]. Transform the dark element into moonlight.'
Because I had thoroughly prepared to learn the Moonlight Sword, I had no trouble even in this urgent situation.
[Let’s begin.]
[First, you need to stabilize your body as much as possible by surrounding it with magic since you won’t be able to breathe. Then, infuse your sword with your sword energy.]
'I knew that asking something like "How do I surround my sword with energy?" would be pointless at this moment.'
I just had to do it.
Even though I hadn’t learned it yet, that didn’t matter.
I had to figure it out instinctively somehow.
How did Luna and Theo do it?
Their breathing and sword techniques were different.
But there is one thing in common between these two powerhouses.
'Both of them synchronized their breathing with their sword. Even if it was just for a moment, every time that moment came their breathing and swordsmanship's timing were perfectly aligned, therefore their sword didn't waver'
[The player’s mental strength is being pushed to its limits!]
[You’ve entered a state of trance.]
I ignored all the system messages.
The only thing I heard  was Luna’s voice, while giving instructions, cutting through the chimera without any sign of being out of breath
Following Luna’s instructions, I felt my body become stable, and despite still being out of breath, a sense of calm began to settle in my heart.
Luna continued,
[Find the most comfortable position for mana breathing. Then... think of your worst moment. Helplessness, pressure, pain... anything. Just remember the saddest and most miserable moment of your life.]
The leader of Lunatic,
Luna’s sword is not just strong
When I first joined Lunatic.
why did I have to go through a test to resist the [Madness] status effect?
The reason was clear.
It was because of the nature of the leader’s sword that I had to experience up close.
The [Moonlight Sword] of Lunatic’s leader is a kind of swordsmanship that gradually devours player's consciousness, a form of ‘madness’ itself.
That’s why it’s several times harder to master.
The biggest problem with this swordsmanship is that it affects those around.
Because of this, Luna chose comrades who could withstand her sword’s influence. If someone had the mental strength to endure that, they wouldn’t die easily either.
Luna had no other choice.
So, we need to think a bit differently here.
It’s not just about enduring, but what’s required to actually master the Moonlight Sword?
'It requires far greater mental strength and resistance.'
That’s why Luna said to me.
To remember despair.
She was indirectly saying that in order to master the Moonlight Sword, I had to be able to hold the sword while recalling the most helpless moment of my life.
In this fleeting moment, I realized all of this.
I think it's not because I was a veteran in this game
Desperateness, suffering.
I’ve reflected countless times on my weaknesses.
I truly believe I’m ready to move forward.
[Think about it when your despair reaches its limit. Even if you can't shine on your own, tell yourself that there’s still something you can do. Don't be consumed by helplessness. Shout it out with all your heart]
Luna said to me, her voice even contains eagerness.
I no longer even heard the sound of flesh being sliced.
Just as Luna told me, I recalled the most difficult.
The most painful moments of my life.
Was it when the doctor first told me I had a terminal illness?
Or was it when I first got possessed inside Inner Lunatic?
Or was it when I realized, deep down, that I could only save the people I chose?
When was it, exactly, that I felt the most pain and tormented?
'Now I think I realized it'
I finally understood.
The most painful moment was when I deeply felt that I couldn’t shine on my own, when I realized that all I could do was hold in the light.
At that moment, a voice in my head made me smile.
[Player's trait 'Genius of Swordsmanship and Combat' rapidly increases player's understanding of the Moonlight Sword.]
[You have successfully acquired 'Beginner Moonlight Sword.']
Luna also took a deep breath and continued.
[There’s still one more step. The third super-form, ‘Moon Split.’ The way to master it is…]
[No, I think it will be fine even if you didn’t explain it]
I said calmly, placing my hand on my sword hilt.
Next, inside of red blood water
My body, trapped in the water prison, stopped screaming.
[Activating the skill 'Genius's Time+.']
The entire view was painted red by the swirling currents of blood.
But I didn’t care.
I can do this.
'No, I have to.'
Nox von Reinhaver.
Even though this isn’t my own skill or talent, I know that I can improve alongside him.
Because I know this, I crave more.
It’s not just about seeing the end of my story.
The end of this story.
I will focus to my limit, to reach the end of the second part of Inner Lunatic, which has yet to be updated.
Then I visualize it.
With the first breath, the water that sprays up as it bursts,
With the second breath, the red current which became crimson,
With the third breath, I gaze at Grand Duke Jagan beyond the prison water
I found it.
With a faint smile, I let white light pour into my hand holding the sword.
And within no more than a few seconds.
"I can see it now. The core of transmutation circle"
In the middle of the raging current, I witness the geometric patterns and formulas I have to cut.
There’s no delay.
I put my strength, and cut it through perfectly.
[Moon Split]----
Luna's beautiful sounds, like a jade bead rolling. It's impossible for me to recreate it as of now, but that doesn't matter
Right now, this fleeting moment is. 
Set my stalled present in motion.
With a rough noise, my sword splits the prison of blood in half, and red blood begins to pour down from the sky.
Alongside sword's whooshing sound, I precisely cleave the water prison in half.
At the same time,
Luna, watching me fall, began charging toward Zagan.
[This… This can’t be! It was supposed to be an unbreakable barrier...]
Jagan's panicked voice reaches me.
But he cannot afford to be like that
"Regret that you're messing with a member of Lunatic, Jagan"
Even though she's still the weakest, you shouldn’t take your eyes off in front of one of the three sword emperors.
Luna’s sword, glimmering in the moonlight, rushes toward Zagan.
A fountain of blood erupts as both of his arms and the newly grown horns, are cleanly severed.
Luna doesn’t stop, and the moment she is about to rush once more to finish him off, I quietly stop her as I arrive at her side.
[Light Step]. A technique that Vernon taught me a few days ago.
Using the first step [Flash], I instantly close the distance to Jagan, even nullifying the instability of my landing.
No matter how I think it, this is an astonishing talent.
even though it’s Nox's talent. it has become mine now.
And it makes me survive in this moment.
A proud, yet natural, voice escapes my lips.
"I am sorry, Captain, but that bastard is mine."
At that moment, I see a rare smile on Luna’s lips as she withdraws her sword.
For just a fleeting moment, as the beautiful time created by [Genius's Time+] hasn't faded yet, I raise my sword.
Then, once again,
I prepare myself with the same intensity that shattered the water prison.
And as the sword extends forward, I take a breath.
Third super-form of Moonlight Sword.
[Moon Split]
The purple skin, covered in evil eyes [yogan], spewed out black liquid.
[This… No…!! Damn it, the Archduke... Baal will punish you all…!!]
"Tell him to come at me whenever he wants. Just don’t keep hiding behind others."
I spat out the words I’d been holding back along with a mouthful of blood.
The blood splashed onto the ground, and along with it, I heard the familiar and anticipated system notification in my ear.
[You have defeated one of the 72 demons, Grand Duke Jagan!]
[You have gained 150 days of life!]
[Your remaining lifespan is…]
Without listening to the rest of the message, I collapsed.
My fading consciousness caught on the moonlight.
Now bathed in pure, white moonlight, free of the red hue,
I looked at the moonlight that filled my vision and smiled for a moment.
It really is a fun game.
Even as I collapsed, I couldn’t help but think that.
Of course, I had no idea that my units were seeing some of this scene as wel
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