#ask the spa mascot
skarloeyspa · 3 months
Hello, I’m just dropping by and to say that your awesome and I love skarloey. And that chippi chappa chappa one is so cute. Have a nice day
eqjgja thank. you.,.2/?>
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redstuffs-ig · 8 months
Assorted Krayt's Claw headcanons because I guess that's gonna be my niche now
How they formed:
Krayt's Claw was formed shortly after Boba Fett and Bossk broke out of the Republic Judiciary Detention Center. Feeling bitter about being left behind by Aurra Sing on Florrum and believing in strength in numbers, Boba pitched the idea to Bossk, who agreed to see what he could do with his contacts in the underworld. They first tried to sell the idea to fellow escapee Cad Bane, but he wasn't interested.
The first official member was Latts Razzi, who had fallen under hard times and needed some credits to afford her lavish lifestyle. At first she only considered signing on for a few jobs, but eventually decided to become a full-timer after warming up to the team.
Dengar joined shortly after. Already a successful bounty hunter during the Clone Wars, he saw something in the young Fett that convinced him this enterprise may be worth his while. He and Bossk knew each other from before, and kept a friendly rivalry of sorts going on. Dengar was only a part-timer however, as he was also an aspiring swoop racing champion.
C-21 Highsinger was the last to join the original ensemble. A prototype, one-of-a-kind Hunter-Killer, he went rogue and struck out on his own for motives unknown. One day Boba walked into their base with the towering droid in tow and introduced it as "Highsinger". No one knew how he had convinced that monster that sticking around would be worth its while, but they knew better than to ask questions.
Embo had been in talks to join the team for a while after being approached by Latts, but he only became an official member after Boba Fett vanquished Cad Bane during the last months of the war. He got along surprisingly well, and added a nice bit of street cred to the group.
Oked was only a hired goon brought in for the Quarxite job. He was not mourned nor missed.
Random shit I came up with:
Marrok, Embo's pet anooba, is the unofficial team mascot. Everyone finds themselves doting on the fluffy space dog, and even the impassible Highsinger allows it to rub against his leg. That being said, it has a habit of growling at Dengar whenever he says something stupid, which happens quite frequently.
Bossk's ship, the Hound's Tooth, was their only vehicle for some time. The first few rides were full of nothing but complaining about the smell and unfriendly atmosphere while the lizard silently seethed. It took a lot of convincing for Boba to finally agree to let them use the recently-reclaimed Slave I as their vehicle. Embo never flies with the group, instead using his personal transport, the Guillotine, for every mission. Just about everyone resents him for that fact.
Latts and Dengar are the fashionistas of the group, and tend to suggest outfit changes to the other hunters, a proposition that is rarely accepted. They occasionally rate their co-workers' choice in clothing; Embo has the best look by far, Boba's placing went up by a significant margin after he began sporting his father's Mandalorian armor, and Bossk has been the worst-dressed Trandoshan in Tatooine for a few consecutive years now.
Only Latts can wield her grappling boa scarf effectively, and at many points everyone has tried to employ it in some capacity at least once. None succeeded. How she does it is a mystery.
Dengar once introduced Manaroo, while the two were early into their relationship, to the rest of the team. The fact the poor Aruzan survived three hours of being intimidated by some of the galaxy's meanest-looking bounty hunters confirmed to Dengar that she was the one. They've been married happily since. I don't care what the sequels say.
During a mission to Coruscant, Highsinger inexplicably disappeared with no one knowing where he went. While the rest of the team wanted to leave him behind and get going, Boba demanded they at least try to look for him. He was eventually found at the Droid Spa, enjoying a relaxing oil bath as two beautiful androids scrubbed his joints clean of any grime. To say they were all pissed would be the understatement of the millennium.
After Boba regained his armor and bested Cad Bane in a duel, the following group dinner was filled with everyone taking turns to talk about how much they didn't like the blue cowboy. Whether they were trying to warm up to the new boss or maybe let loose some steam, no one knows.
Krayt's Claw eventually disbanded after Boba came of age and began taking solo jobs, though he remained in contact with most of the team and kept tabs on what they were up to. Nothing was known of Latts' whereabouts after she started her syndicate, however.
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abubblingcandle · 3 months
🩺 and 💰?
💰- The Richmond Job
“…cause he’s a fucking idiot,” Roy’s dulcet tones was the first thing that Jamie heard as he returned to his body. The first thing Jamie felt as he returned to his body was every thing in his body. There was pain lancing through all of his nerves, every muscle felt like it had been put through a clothes press, every second was jagged like his lungs were full of steel wool. His throat felt wrong, more wrong than anything else. He couldn’t breathe, but he could breathe. He could feel his chest rising and falling but he wasn’t doing it.
🩺- Have You Noticed You Are Breathing?
"So is that going on the whiteboard then?" Ted asks, pulling out a whiteboard and pen from the kitchen drawer.  "Yeah," Jamie nodded, still rubbing his eyes sleepily.  Ted’s eyes flitted over the list and he added a couple more things to the bottom Jamie’s Cast Off List Night out dancing with the team Spa Day Beach Trip Monaco for Pre-Season (even if cannot play) Helping the coaches at Nelson Road Go to a Musical Go to Cricket with Ted and explain this barmy sport (banana costumes?) Work with Rebecca and Keeley on mascot schemes
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theopard · 1 year
"MC gives the brothers a stuffed animal"
You sewed brothers a stuffed animals for them, because you know that, they're lonely when you're not with them. So their little friends will accompany them.
Their reaction and what kind of animal they get!
You made him a little Cerberus plushie!
He was a little confused when you just enter the room and say that you have a dog for him.
"A dog? I already have one. And even has three heads. But okay, show me what you have got."
When you gave him a plushie of Cerberus, he was just more surprised but accepted the gift.
When he's alone, Lil Cerbie sits on his knees while working and gets pats on his heads.
You know that Mammon likes your surprises for him, so he was excited when you say that, you made him a present.
"Alright! Show me what you made for your first!"
When you gave him a plushie crow, he was...
"G'ah? A crow?! I thought it was money or something..."
Of course he accepted the gift, it was from his human
He doesn't admit to you that since he has it, he can confess his problems to Mr. Crow and is not ridiculed.
(He's secretly practicing how to pick you up on Mr. Crow)
Last time you also made him a mascot, but Levi cried because of it (It was plushie snake and it remindes him of Henry 1.0)
So this time, you try again and sewed him a mascot of golden fish!
"You made Henry 2.0?!"
You thought he was going to cry again, and you were right (but this time they were tears of happiness)
"MC, I love you, I love for this!"
For a few days he didn't know what he said to you and cried into his stuffed fish
I don't need to tell you what kind of stuffed animal he got? (Of course cat)
He was amazed (too much)
He called it by your name because he thinks it reminds you
He loves to pretend it's real cat and even gives it milk
You thought for a long time what to do for Asmo and a bunny would be good for him
"Awww, thank you MC! It's soo cute!"
Asmodeus did a big photoshoot with his bunny and also made a bunny suit to match with it
He also does a spa in his bathroom with it
You once caught him wearing masks and cucumbers on his face with his Asmo Junior (yes, he called it Asmo Junior (because it's pink))
You made a stuffed burger for Beel
He tried to eat it a few times, but stopped because it's a gift from you, after all
"Thank you MC, I love it. I will defend him."
Unfortunately, Beel couldn't help but munch on the burger
But you patched it up and Beel didn't have to worry about the holes he made by his mouth
You made him a plushie cow but purple
Also it's very big so he can lie on it or sleep on Blueberry (it's cute name)
"Thank you for making this for me. It's so soft..."
He told you to lie down with him on Blueberry and just chill
Belphie likes not having to ask Beel to sleep with him (because Blueberry is almost as big as Beel)
If you want more characters, I can write them!
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dzamie-oc · 11 months
Voretober 15 - Beauty
Length: 2000 words Vore type: F/M oral vore, reluctant prey Fandom: Pokemon Other info: Seviper pred, human prey, sexual content, slight exhibitionism? Summary: Beauty Jessica takes her friend to a sauna and convinces him to get eaten with her. It ends awkwardly.
A pair of friends sat at a table at Kecleon Kafe, one with a warm bowl of soup, and the other slowly making her way through a sandwich.
"So is it difficult to train Pokemon?" Dylan asked, trying and failing to scoop up some more noodles. "I mean, you've gotta spend so much time looking that pretty, and on top of that… well, I can't imagine battles are exactly clean endeavors."
Jessica gestured impatiently for herself as she finished her bite. "Ahem. Well, I'm not exactly looking to challenge the League or anything, so it's more of a leisure activity than a real time sink. Besides, it's my girls who get dirty in a fight - not that Leona or Sevy ever mind a spa trip."
Dylan raised his eybrows. "Really? I understand Leona, since Kecleons are… kinda the mascot of this area, but I'd think spas wouldn't take too kindly to snakes, especially Poison-types."
A mischeivous giggle escaped the young Beauty. "Mm, I thought so too, at first, so… her first few visits were not exactly disclosed to the staff. I only worked up the courage to ask about Sevipers on my fourth or fifth trip." She glanced at her phone. "Speaking of, I should head over there if I want to sneak in a spa day today. Care to join me?"
"By which you mean, care to pay for it?" Dylan deadpanned, but with a friendly smile.
"Am I so transparent?"
"You'd give Leona a run for her money."
"Please? I wanted to pick up a new bottle of scale oil for the girls, but that plus a trip to the sauna is a bit more than I'm carrying." Jessica carefully dabbed her mouth with a napkin, then leaned in on her elbows. "Besides, it's not like you don't get something out of it."
Dylan drank down the last of his soup. "Fine, fine. But hey, as your friend, don't get in the habit of letting guys give you money to see you naked, okay?"
Jessica feigned outrage, "hey, what kind of girl do you think I am?"
"A broke bitch, clearly." Dylan dodged the thrown straw wrapper, gathered his garbage, and stood up. "So, to the spa?"
"To the spa," Jessica concurred.
One short walk and a pair of spa admissions later, Dylan found himself locking his clothes in a locker. With a towel around his waist, he quickly made his way to a small sauna room. Inside, Jessica and her Pokemon already sat - herself on the bench in a towel, her Kecleon laying across her lap, and her Seviper surprisingly un-zigzagged across the floor. On his arrival, the Ninetales resting next to the stone and water buckets stood and made a sound of alarm. Jessica jolted back to focus and looked at him.
"Oh, we arrived together. He's fine." At her words, the Ninetales gave Dylan a cautionary look, but laid back down on the floor. "Thanks though, Ninetales."
Jessica beckoned her friend over, and he sat next to her, being careful to step over Sevy's bladed tail. With his hands folded conspicuously in his lap, he did his best to relax next to her. This lasted all of ten seconds before the Beauty nudged him and wiggled a bottle of oil. "Wanna help me put it on them?"
"I'm trying to relax," Dylan groaned.
"And I'm trying to help!" At his incredulous look, she explained, "the steady, repetitive motions are very calming - especially with Sevy - their scales feel nice to rub, and…" she looked pointedly at his crotch, "it'll take your mind off of things for a little. Plus, I bet Sevy will give you a massage if you give her one."
Dylan looked at the Seviper, who smiled back at him. "Being a snake, I think she'll give me one regardless," he said. Sevy nodded, and Dylan smirked at his friend. "Sorry, Jess, they're your Pokemon to take care of."
"Can't blame me for trying." She shrugged and tapped her Kecleon on the back. "Leona, you're up. I'll probably oil up Sevy while she's doing her thing to you."
Leona carefully climbed off of Jessica's lap and stood expectantly before her Trainer. The woman in question unwrapped her towel from around herself, folded it on the bench, and, bare, crouched in front of the Kecleon with the scale oil. Dylan flushed red, and not just from the heat. His friend had quite the body, after all, and he was certainly not immune. The three Pokemon all seeming to stare at him didn't help his nerves any, either, though at least Jessica was focused on Leona.
After a long minute, a minor salvation came in the form of Sevy slithering off the floor and across his lap. The snake may have known exactly how hard his dick was pressing against his towel - and now against her scaly body - but it showed less than the poor showing his hands had made. Sevy made eye contact with him again and nodded; Dylan silently rubbed her crest and back in thanks.
Jessica was just finishing up with Leona, kneeling on the far side of the Kecleon but, thanks to the Pokemon's camouflaging ability, still giving her friend a clear view of her chest, bush, and everywhere inbetween, when Sevy spoke up, "Vipa vi." Jessica capped the bottle of oil and rubbed off the last bits from her hands onto Leona's horns, then walked over to them.
"I think she wants to give you that massage. You ready?"
"I kinda like her here…" Dylan muttered, "but sure. What do I do, lay on the floor or something?"
Sevy slithered off of his lap and up to her Trainer, bumping her snout into her in pursuit of rubs and other affection. Jessica idly ran her hands over the Seviper's head as she said, "nah, just take the towel off, then put your feet in her mouth."
Dylan had half-undone his towel when the rest of her words sunk in. "I… think I misheard you."
Jessica shrugged. "I mean, she could start at your head instead, but I find it much more relaxing to keep your head out as long as possible."
The blood previously rushing to Dylan's head promptly reversed course as he paled in fear. "You're joking, right?"
"No, I've done it plenty of times - just before a shower, of course; can't go out smelling like snake drool - and she's gotten really good at making it feel nice." Jessica put her hand to her chin in thought, then grinned. "I know! I'll go with you! Sevy, think you can take us both?"
Sevy looked between her Trainer and her Trainer's friend, then nodded with a confident, "Sevaaa!"
Jessica took a seat next to him
"That will do the opposite of keeping me calm."
"So you don't want to?"
Dylan drummed his hands against the bench, faster and faster, until, with a frustrated exhale, he stood up, took his own towel off, and sat carefully on the offered lap. With his erection on plain display, he did his absolute best not to think too hard about how soft Jessica's bare body was, how he could feel her breasts squish against his back, how every breath and every heartbeat was-
Dylan grimaced. This wasn't working. "Jess, I don't think this is going to-"
Sevy interrupted his train of thought by wrapping her jaws around his and Jessica's feet. Once again, a cold fear gripped his mind, one he, for once, appreciated… to an extent. The snake's squishy throat muscles quickly slid up his shins, pressing his legs against squishy flesh on one side and the much firmer legs of his friend on the other. As she rounded their knees, his heart hammered against his ribcage - even though Jessica had said it was safe, there was something about watching and feeling a giant snake devour him without a problem that he couldn't shake.
To make matters worse, he was still distressingly hard. As Sevy's snout crept closer to his crotch, it got even more difficult to ignore, not to mention the smug look she gave him. He could swear she paused between swallows when his dick rested against her scales for longer than usual, and it brought back the memory of the Seviper laying on him. After a few false starts, he managed to stammer out, "uh, Jess… is it possible that Sevy has a crush on me?"
"Hmm? Y- wait." Hearing her voice brought the rest of her back to his focus, for good or bad. She was breathing much slower than he, so he was, as he knew, overthinking things, but that didn't mean he took her head on his shoulder, looking down at her Seviper - and therefore, his dick that the snake was balancing on her snout - any better. Jessica sighed, and Dylan did his best to think about how they were both being eaten, rather than how they were spooning naked. "Sevy, are you teasing this poor man? Stop it, that's my job."
"Wait, what's that supposed to-" Any further words or thoughts were immediately cut off when Jessica wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him harder against her. In one quick go, Sevy opened her jaws wide and swallowed hard, pulling his hips from the hot, humid sauna, to the hotter, wetter, and soft embrace of her throat. Dylan gasped and bit his tongue to keep quiet as, thrashing in the grip of both snake and Beauty, he came, shooting his seed between Sevy's throat walls and his own belly.
When he finally came down from the high, panting hard, he realized the Seviper's jaws had climbed his chest. Shame burned at him, not just for Jessica's sake, but also because the Ninetales was giving him A Look. "S-sorry…" he mumbled, lacking the energy for much else. A wave of pressure rolled down his body, and Sevy's fangs rested to either side of his neck. She opened a bit wider and nudged Dylan's chin down with her upper jaw.
"Not your fault," replied Jessica, though her earlier energy was greatly reduced, "if anything, we could blame Sevy for teasing you."
From beside them, an invisible Leona chimed in with a "Kehhhhhh." Jessica grumbled. "…yes, fine, and me. I shouldn't have pushed you to try this." One final swallow, and Sevy's jaws closed over them, replacing the warm light of the sauna with utter darkness, the hiss of steam with the squish of wet flesh and the occasional gurgle.
"Mmrph," Dylan said, before turning his head to not speak directly into Seviper throat. "And how you pushed me certainly didn't help."
The gravity around them shifted - presumably, Sevy was stretching out again on the floor. Dylan and Jessica eventually settled on their sides. "I… yeah, sorry. I thought you would have enjoyed it."
"I did! Too much, as I'm sure you realized!" He let out a frustrated sigh. "And after all that help Sevy was with hiding my boner at first…"
The snake around them began to twist and undulate, pressing in in rhythmic squeezes. "I suppose I should be glad my Pokemon isn't better than me at flirting," Jessica mumbled.
"That was supposed to be flirting?!"
"Case in point." Behind him, Dylan felt Jessica's chest swell and contract with a sigh. "Would you rather be back outside?"
Dylan was silent for a while, taking in the sounds of Sevy's stomach groaning around them, the squishing of wet flesh against wet flesh, and the shifting heat and pressure from the snake around him and the woman behind him. "…no, this is… nice. Let's just… enjoy this for now, and talk after."
Jessica nodded, and the two of them relaxed in the sauna-within-a-sauna, each trying to get their emotions and thoughts in order, or at least away for awhile.
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sadnesslaughs · 3 months
Thor is chosen once a century. Mjolnir comes in many forms, but each is a tool and each is tailored to its wielder’s job. Which explains why Derek, in accounting, found a new fancy pen at his desk one day.
(A response to a writing prompt)
No one knew how to approach Derek. He was just one of those people that existed in the background of an office, like an office plant or water cooler. No one disliked him or anything, they just didn’t know how to start a conversation with the man. They would approach his desk, only to find him buried in a spreadsheet or pile of documents, unresponsive to the world outside of his work. Some of his braver colleagues would try to start a conversation, only to find that task too taxing, giving up before he could even give them a mutter of acknowledgement.
Perhaps that’s why Mjolnir favored him? A man that dedicated deserved some assistance with his work, so he was granted the mighty pen of Mjolnir. A pen that glided along paper like skates on ice.
“Knocky, knock.” Lisa smiled, tapping the grey wall of his cubicle. Lisa had always tried to appear friendly when she greeted Derek, even bringing him a small chocolate bar as an offering for what she was about to ask him. “Hey, I know you’re super busy Derek, and I don’t mean to cause you anymore headaches, but I’m a little concerned about my latest pay slip.”
Derek paused his crime podcast, pulling his headphones out. Mjolnir was fantastic. With this new pen, his job felt like a day at the spa, able to multitask with maximum efficiency. Getting to enjoy all the tasks he never usually had time for. “Yes, Lisa? Did I make a mistake?” Derek knew it was impossible for him to make a mistake, especially with Mjolnir in his hands, yet he still said it in the hopes it would make him sound more down to earth and approachable.
“I believe so. Um, here. A chocolate?” she muttered, staring at the honeycomb bar in her hand, wearing a confused expression like she wasn’t sure why she had been holding it. Placing the chocolate on his desk, she expressed her concerns. “I know you always try to look out for us, but this pay slips all wrong. It says I’m earning an extra thirty grand this year.”
“That’s correct.” Derek stated, wondering if that was all she wanted to ask.
“Correct?” She stammered, trying to figure out how any of that could be correct. “Its an extra thirty grand. There’s no way I’m earning that. No one’s spoken to me about a pay rise. Was there an email I missed?”
“No email needed. The company said if I could save them five million dollars this year, they would let me increase the wages of our department. A few adjustments to our books and a clever switching of manufacturers for certain elements of our business, and I was about to save ten million dollars. Double their asking amount. Which means you should be entitled to another thirty grand on top of the current amount. Although I’ll need to discuss that with our boss.”
Lisa didn’t know what to say. She had gone to accounting expecting to have the extra money ripped away from her hands, instead she was told it would double soon. She stayed quiet before her eyes watered. “You don’t know how much this means to me.” She said, almost tackling Derek out of his office chair as she hugged him.
Derek didn’t know what to do when she squeezed him into her embrace, only softly patting her back in response. “Finally, I can take some time off. I won’t need to work those extra shifts. I can go watch my girls play soccer.”
“I’m glad.” Was all Derek said, giving a soft smile. “Would you like some chocolate?” While it felt rude to offer her gift back, Derek thought she needed it more. Lisa nodded, clutching the bee mascot on the wrapper, holding the chocolate to her chest.
“You care about us a lot, don’t you? Even though we don’t talk to you that much.” Lisa stared at her shoes, almost feeling like she didn’t deserve his kindness. While that thought circled her mind, Derek looked up at her, continuing to grin.
“Of course I care. Everyone here makes an effort to say hi to me. I understand I’m not the most approachable person, so I appreciate the thought. The gesture alone makes me happy.” Derek held a box of tissues up for Lisa, who quickly accepted two of them.
“I’m glad. I’m glad you see the effort.” She dabbed her eyes with the tissue, still lingering in the cubicle. “Why don’t you grab lunch with us all this Friday? We’ll pay.”
Derek looked at his phone screen, seeing that he still had twelve hours left on the Hunchridge ice killer episode of his favorite podcast. He had hoped to get through it by the end of his work week, but perhaps the ice killer could wait. “I’ll be there. Just send me the details.”
When Lisa left his cubicle, he got up, heading to get some tea. Rounding the corner of his cubicle, he spotted a line of his co-workers, each one holding their pay slips in the same confused manner in which Lisa had previously held hers. “Perhaps I should have put it in an email.” He sighed, inviting them into his cubicle.
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pixelchills · 2 years
Another odd question but your world is oddly intriguing; How much enrichment is usually allowed for an animutant? From what I can tell most aren’t specifically given anything to play with since the playing cards and coloring book Moon brings Sun aren’t really theirs so much as things he took from the daycare, and the glamrocks would obviously have access to their own activities. DJMM doesn’t seem to really have anything but they could be an outlier since they’re big enough I could believe making a toy or getting frequent enrichment for something like that would be difficult and costly.
In my mind it makes sense to give them some kind of enrichment since play could be useful in keeping them healthy and out of trouble(Bored animals are more likely to lash out and bored humans do all sorts of dumb things) and because Moon was already provided candy aimed at keeping his teeth sharp. Like are Roxy and Freddy provided chew toys? Does Chica have one of those weird preening brush things(the ones used to remove excess wax from feathers)? It seems cheaper than constantly buying them treats to just let them reuse the same toys for the same purpose.
Ok so this is actually going to be sort of a very minor spoiler for the next chapter, but the Animutants are, indeed, given enrichment too. It all sort of comes down to how important people think they are; for example, Freddy would get more stuff than anyone else if he just asked for it (but knowing Freddy he might be a bit too humble). It is kinda up to the owners how much they want to give to their mutants.
I'd think Chica or Roxy would request nail polish or make-up or extra clothing etc.
Moon for example got video game consoles and games and books from El Chip because El could request them from the staff, being the sister location's main mascot.
Sunrise did get his very own teddy bear when he first arrived at the old location. He just either never asked for anything else, or he did and was turned down or his request was forgotten by the staff member he asked for it, so he just started collecting used stuff instead.
I'd think that since Moon and Vanessa are in such good terms, Moon could ask her to get the message forward to let them have something nice for him and Sun. But since the two of them are happy with something very little too, they got their Daycare, which seems to be enough. :)
Also, I haven't really thought that far but would assume the animal-based animutants with sharp teeth have some sort of chewing toys or other specific items they could use, same goes for Chica with her beak and feathers. I think Chica's spa day would include taking care of her feathers and Monty's taking care of his scales/skin.
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crouton-knight · 2 years
25. hey - what are you working on right now?  
Technically nothing because I'm on mobile and none of my documents are open, but here's all my WIPs right now anyway, including concepts that I haven't actually started on yet. Feel free to ask about them!
Note that most of this is extremely NSFW and also there's uhhh a Lot.
Milk And Honey - The direct sequel to Knot A Problem; Marzi heads up to Glibberspring Caldera and takes on a quest to convince a honey slime to work with the spa.
Magical Yakuza Girl (working title) - A magical girl's mascot is being held hostage by an organized crime group; she has to balance school life, fighting monsters, territory battles with other magical girls, and the demands of her handlers.
Seto Taisho and the Kitchen War - A young boy gets trapped in a haunted house and drafted into an army of tsukumogami, headed by the titular General Seto. (Not started.)
A Rock And A Hard Place - More of Marzi's adventures; Marzi explores the deeper levels of Glibberspring Caldera and discovers a glittering underground city that really doesn't want him to leave. (Not started)
Lays Of Legend - After "A Rock And A Hard Place", Marzi finds himself back on the surface and headed towards a coastal town. There he meets a legendary party of adventurers, the Vulgar Vagabonds. (Not started but I have all the characters named.)
God Will Understand - Sister Netta, an exorcist with some decidedly unorthodox methods, is contacted by an ancient demon pleading for her help in purifying a mining settlement of his disturbed remains. (Not started.)
Naughty Little Helpers - Knoell, an occultist, challenges the existence and influence of several holiday spirits; some take up the bet.
Harem Counseling - Farmer Gerhardt (same one from Knot A Problem) opens up an inn and becomes the focus of various parties' affections, and all of these new faces are each others' exes. (Not started.)
Matches And Tar - Sollux/Karkat Steampunk AU; Sollux ditches an educational outing when he sees Karkat get in a fight and decides fooling around with this scrappy little bastard is more fun.
Decompression Sickness - Dirk/Dualscar/OC Space Trucker!Dualscar AU; Some cargo thaws out during a sketchy delivery, and Dualscar and Dirk find themselves face to face with a slightly deranged part of Dualscar's past.
Price of an Empire, or, A Mutant MechPilot Gets Fucked Up - Karkat/various Mecha AU, sort of; Alternian pilots are chemically conditioned to hyperfocus on combat and defeating the enemy, which has the unintentional side-effect dulling emotional and physical response to other situations: Karkat can't get aroused unless the danger is real.
Brother Lover ep. 2: I Can't Believe I'm Trying To Seduce My Elder Bro By Crossdressing! - Bro/Dave; A direct sequel to Brother Lover: My Elder Bro Is A Pervert Loser And I Might Be One Too!? where Dave decides yeah he was into that and he's going to order a cheap, shitty seifuku and some panties to try and get in Bro's pants again. (Not started)
I'll Set You Up Against The Stars (ch. 2) - Dave/Rose modern gods AU; Dave gets harassed by the goddess of Light and Rain. Current chapter: Dave wakes up from a coma.
Skaia City: Underground (ch. 4) - superhero AU; Karkat tries to be a superhero, with mixed results. Current chapter: Karkat gets a deeper look at Absinthe's methods and motives.
Starry Defender Zodiac Knight (ch. 1) - Magical girl hentai parody AU; Karkat is chosen to be the champion of the stars, which involves a skimpy outfit, going up like five cup sizes, and defeating various kink monsters with the power of ass. Current chapter: Sassacre Public College is attacked by a an interdimensional tentacle monster.
An Unfortunate Honor: Bearing, Duty, And Other Troubles (ch. 15) - breederstuck AU; The Maelstrom runs out of food and a number of trolls have to produce eggs and get some perks in exchange. Current chapter: Karkat gets jumped in the hallway but one of the perks of the job is someone actually rescues him.
On Monsters Fair And Fearsome (ch. 3) - Dualscar/Karkat fairytale/Beauty And The Beast AU; Karkat flees the burned remnants of his hometown and finds himself in a magical, haunted castle, stalked by a beastly prince. Current chapter: Karkat bargains his curse-breaking abilities for his life.
The Menagerie (ch. 9) - EquiKat and DaveKat vaguely Victorian AU I guess; Equius Zahhak, obsessed with the troll who saved his life several years prior, throws out all propriety to seduce Karkat, now a burlesque dancer working at The Menagerie. Current chapter: Equius tries to apologize for his presumptuous earlier encounter.
space cowboy disaster zone (ch. 9) - DaveJadeKat space western/scavengers AU; A ship crashes during an electrical storm? Not unusual. Karkat and company find a survivor in the wreck? Yeah, that complicates things. Current chapter: Dave and Karkat talk about how they each ended up where they are and what they plan to do next.
Stranger Stars and Suns (ch. 8) - Empirestuck!AU; the Dersite royals are settling into their first few days in the Prospitian capital as slaves. Current chapter: Rose has to take another lesson from Kanaya, and considers how much of herself she can bear to lose.
crucible (ch. 1) - some really dead dove torture porn; On the eve of a new Grand Highblood's anointing, the Mirthful Citadel extends an invitation to any trolls of conscription age who would otherwise be culled on Ascension Day: Entertain the juggalos, and if you survive the party, you walk free. What have you got to lose? (not started)
Danse Macabre (ch. 5) - Dave/Karkat modern gods AU; Dave finds a really weird BDSM club that nobody seems to think is out of place but him. Current chapter: Karkat feeds Dave more fruit, takes his jacket, and fucks him stupid.
Let Me Tell You About Humanity (ch. 13) - idk what to even call this; Karkat just learns he's a xenophile. Current chapter: The Striders fuck Karkat and Eridan at the same time.
raze the sky in engine fire (ch. 14) - Sollux/Karkat more nasty smutfic; Karkat gets thoroughly abused by a variety of people at his workplace. Current chapter: Karkat gets a new job, he and Sollux both get fucked and fucked over. (chapter not started)
we daren't go a-hunting (ch. 4) - Eridan/Feferi/Karkat fae AU; Feferi encounters a changeling being hunted by, presumably, his own kind, and gets herself involved in trying to help him out. Current chapter: Feferi tries to figure out how to open some dialogue between Karkat and Eridan. (chapter not started)
House Rules - Cysero/Warlic pre-canon; Some early incidents while Cysero and Warlic were still getting to know each other and how to live together.
Warp And Weft - Aegis/Vaal/Hero; Vaal attempts to train the hero as a chaosweaver aboard the Unity; Aegis shows the hero some fun applications of Soulsynch, with Vaal's help.
dancers in the garden - Notha/Remthalas pre-canon; Notha brings Remthalas as a date to a party, mostly as a distraction so she can go ham on the buffet table, but they mostly end up hanging out in the garden instead.
[untitled bad end fic] - Notha/Remthool; One of Notha's nightmares during Reawakening was... graphic. And a little prophetic.
Milkteeth - pre-canon; Notha loses a tooth as a child and learns about the tooth fairy. She proclaims it heresy.
And miles to go before I sleep - pre-canon; Mr. Nameless, before he was Mr. Nameless, was a child's guardian against nightmares.
Trust Fall - Notha/Remthalas pre-canon Corrupted Champion!Notha AU; Notha, Champion of the Avatars, hunts down the former Keeper of the Water Orb. The two end up trapped in Apsaydaaun for a week and have to rely on each other to survive.
Doppelganger - Envy|Aspar/Tomix; Set shortly after Lust gets banished and Tomix starts having his doubts. Aspar, unable to understand or express his feelings towards him, gets under Tomix's skin- literally.
[untitled sex tape fic] - Cysero/Warlic; Cysero convinces Warlic to dress up in some tarted-up Infernal regalia and "abdicate the throne" for his dick.
[untitled mushRem fic] - Notha/MushRem; Notha explores the remnants of the Northlands rift and encounters a fungal simulacrum of Remthalas. She cannot kill him in any way that matters.
[untitled phantom pregnancy fic] - Notha/Remthalas body horror; After the events of Butterfly Paradox, Rem starts showing signs of pregnancy; physically, it's just hormonal imbalance, and Notha reassures him of such. But in dreams...
The Late Night Adventurers' Guild - The Oldest Profession is alive and well on Lore. Some late night adventurers talk about their experiences and the tricks and tools of the trade. (Names changed or omitted for privacy, of course.)
[untitled jail smut fic] - Kara/Akanthus; Set around the time Kara is in Espina Rosa. Turns out Kara kept her secrets so well because she treated the whole situation as high-stakes bedroom roleplay.
[untitled pirate!Voyna fic] - Voyna Lives AU; Rather than rot in her cave now that she doesn't really have a reason to be there, Voyna signs up for a pirate crew.
It's Okay If It's You - Notha/Remthalas - These two have some severe control issues but come to an understanding of when and how to get their kinks fulfilled at the same time.
Devilfish (ch. 2) - pre-canon; Headcanon backstory for Remthalas. Current chapter: The abyssal elves of Ogenos are suffering a bizarre and terrifying sleeping plague.
As the rain comes home to the sea (ch. 4) - Notha/Remthalas, The Shape of Water-inspired AU; Notha Ly'Vhil joins a research team exploring an underwater city, and meets the last living remnant of its people. Current chapter: Notha checks out the city itself, and then tries to ask Remthalas about it.
let it be different (let it be enough) (ch. 2) - Tomix comes back to life in a Lore very different from when he first left it. Current chapter: The hero and Aegis bring Tomix to Falconreach.
Madoka Magica
Catch Up - Tales From Kazamuki; Midori Tachibana goes around town and reminisces about a dead friend.
Arrhythmia (ch. 3) - Madoka/Homura (sort of) vampire AU; Akemi Homura, a sickly transfer student, develops a crush and obsession centered on Kaname Madoka, a recently-turned vampire. Current chapter: Homura starts getting suspicious about Madoka's friendship with Sayaka.
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crescentfreshsunset · 4 months
Joy and Tragedy! Joyah Tali's Hidden Face!
Joyah Tali surprised the world with her sudden return to the public eye exactly one month ago, standing on the stage of the Pallasite Museum of Heroics alongside Spectacle Mascot Rosette and her former partner Saturn V, but ever since her return, the city has been wondering what happened. The apparently cruel exterior caught by the cameras seemed nothing like the cool but considerate hero of five years ago. Matters worsened as hushed rumours began to spread that after the press conference, Tali was sighted around the city, hunting for the fugitive known as Livewire. She was declared rogue on Tuesday, 26 March 2019 and apprehended approximately one week later.
In the Marble Falls Spa in Morningside, I had the opportunity to talk to Ms. Tali, who was on rest and recovery after her ordeal. The woman I talked to, however, was not the cold blooded killer which has been infiltrating public perception. Rather, she was a sensitive, reserved individual still healing from great loss. Joyah Tali has had a hard life. After STAR’s meteoric rise to success and the swirling mixture of acclaim and controversy that came with their marketable brand and adoption of teen sidekick “Rabbit Boy”, Joy and Bruno “Tecton” Tali became very close indeed. After the unfortunate accident that lead to his death, Joyah found herself adrift, sinking below the public eye, working below the radar. Joy fought against the more insidious villainy that public heroes cannot engage. She became a recluse, solitary and quiet, never reaching out for what she believed to be practical reasons; Heroics is a career where people die, heroes and villains alike. Joy told me in no uncertain terms that she doesn’t want to get close to people with that being the case. She “can’t do it again.” [09:59] But of course, she already is close to people. Riley Abbott, the Leaping Lagomorph Hero, expressed how he misses Joy to me recently, and how he regretted how emotionally distant she had become. Gravitas, the Icon of the Forgotten, mentioned Joy as a friend. Even without trying, she has touched the lives of others. No one is an island, even if they’re the ocean.
All of this is not to say, of course, that her actions have been excusable. To take the life of another is never justified, but now that she is on probation with MARC, perhaps her peers will be able to once again show this hard-hearted aquatic hero the feeling of true compassion. Joy’s main motivation for heroics is to ensure that no one goes through what she had to, but perhaps now she can inspire hope in the hopeless, rather than fear in the fearsome.
“I will try, as hard as I can, to save every life in need of saving, and to never let apathy cloud my view.
I will strive to remember that being a hero is more than just fighting dangerous villains; it's being a role-model to those in need of one.
I will not be ashamed to ask others for help, as a real hero can forego their pride to serve the public good.
I will protect all people equally, regardless of what brings them to the present day.
I will remember that to protect others, I must also care for myself, and will make efforts to ensure my own health.”
Sincerely, Fluffy Crescent, Sunset Herald.
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Clean Up Your Raod with V-Jet Street Washing Services
The Best Road Cleaning Services In New Delhi - An Insider's Guide
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New Delhi is a bustling city, full of people and vehicles. This leads to a lot of road dirt and debris that needs to be regularly cleaned. Luckily, there are plenty of road cleaning services in New Delhi that can help you maintain the cleanliness of your street. But with so many services to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. That’s why we’ve put together this insider’s guide to the best road cleaning services in New Delhi. Keep reading to find out which ones are top-rated and what makes them stand out from the rest!
What are the best road cleaning services in New Delhi?
There are many road cleaning services in New Delhi, but not all of them are created equal. While some offer a subpar service that leaves your car looking dirty, others go the extra mile to ensure your vehicle is sparkling clean. So, what are the best road cleaning services in New Delhi?
1. Gardenia Car Spa: Gardenia Car Spa offers a wide range of car care services, including road cleaning. Their team of experienced professionals use state-of-the-art equipment to clean your car and make it look like new again.
2. Express Car Wash: Express Car Wash is another excellent option for road cleaning in New Delhi. They offer a quick and efficient service that will leave your car looking spotless.
3. Crystal Clear Car Wash: Crystal Clear Car Wash is a great choice for those who want their car to be cleaned using only the best products available. Their team of experts use top-of-the-line products and equipment to clean your car, making it look like it just came off the showroom floor.
4. Spick and Span Car Care: Spick and Span Car Care is a reliable option for road cleaning in New Delhi. They offer a high-quality service that will leave your car looking its best.
5. Shine Auto Detailing: Shine Auto Detailing is an excellent choice for those who want their car to be cleaned by experts using only the best products and equipment available. Their team of
How to choose a road cleaning service?
If you are looking for a road cleaning service in New Delhi, there are several things to consider. First, it is important to find a reputable company with a good track record. There are many companies that claim to be the best, but not all of them live up to their promises. Second, you should ask for references from past clients and check out online reviews. This will give you an idea of the quality of the company's work. Third, make sure to get a written estimate before hiring a road cleaning service. This will help you avoid any unexpected charges. Finally, choose a company that uses eco-friendly products and methods. This will help protect the environment and keep your community clean.
The benefits of road cleaning services
Assuming you are looking for road cleaning services in New Delhi, there are many benefits of using a professional service. The first and most obvious benefit is that it will save you time. If you were to try and clean the roads yourself, it would likely take you hours, if not days, to complete the job properly.
Another big benefit is that it will save you money in the long run. A professional road cleaning service will have the right equipment and supplies to get the job done quickly and effectively. This means that you won’t have to spend money on buying your own supplies or renting equipment.
Finally, a professional road cleaning service can help to improve the appearance of your neighborhood or business district. This can attract more customers or clients to your area, which can boost your bottom line.
The top five road cleaning services in New Delhi
The Best Road Cleaning Services In New Delhi - An Insider's Guide
If you are looking for the best road cleaning services in New Delhi, then this is the right article for you. We have compiled a list of the top five road cleaning services in the city, based on our findings.
1. Mascot Road Cleaning Services: Mascot Road Cleaning Services is a leading provider of road cleaning services in New Delhi. The company has a team of experienced and skilled professionals who use state-of-the-art equipment to clean roads. They offer a wide range of services such as street sweeping, gutter cleaning, pothole repair, and more.
2. Jai Bhim Road Care: Jai Bhim Road Care is one of the most popular road cleaning companies in New Delhi. They offer a wide range of services such as street sweeping, gutter cleaning, pothole repair, and more. The company has a team of experienced professionals who use state-of-the-art equipment to clean roads.
3. Durga Road Solutions: Durga Road Solutions is a leading provider of road cleaning services in New Delhi. They offer a wide range of services such as street sweeping, gutter cleaning, pothole repair, and more. The company has a team of experienced professionals who use state-of-the-art equipment to clean roads.
4. Rahul Enterprises: Rahul Enterprises is one of the
How to use a road cleaning service?
A road cleaning service can be a great asset for keeping your property looking its best. Here are a few tips on how to use a road cleaning service:
1. Schedule regular visits: A road cleaning service should be scheduled for regular visits, typically once a week or every other week. This will ensure that your property always looks its best.
2. Communicate your expectations: Be sure to communicate your expectations to the road cleaning service. This way, they can tailor their services to meet your needs.
3. Be prepared for their arrival: Be sure to clear any vehicles or obstacles from the area that will be cleaned. This will help the road cleaning service do their job more efficiently.
4. Pay attention to results: After each visit, take some time to assess the results of the cleaning. This will help you gauge the effectiveness of the service and make changes as needed.
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shinonometrash · 3 years
💕🍄The 12 Days of Ayumu 🍄💕
July 9th, Day 4 of Ayumu’s Birthday Celebration Countdown!!
Today we’ll be finishing up his first Peach Fanclub booklet and looking some diary entries!
(***Quick disclaimer on the diary entries: our boy’s handwriting is trash!! so I cannot guarantee everything is 100% correct! If you see any mistakes feel free to reach out so I can fix them. I did my best but it was rough! ><)
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May 19
That girl bought this diary thing and so now, for some reason, I’m trying it out, too.
I’m always using my smartphone or computer to manage my schedule, so I guess writing like this will be a fresh way to change things up a bit.
Today I went to work in the morning. I made coffee for Kaga like always and then we had a meeting.
For the first time in a while, that girl messed up in class. I watched her for a bit and, yep, as I had suspected, she was overloaded with different tasks.
Not only that, but she was worn out, too.
I’ll have to check when our next days off are. If they match up, I think I’ll take her to the spa. Although, taking her to a beauty buffet like last time might also be a good idea?
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May 20th
I got a sudden call from Kaga while I was at Namba’s birthday celebration.
I’m not sure what he’s doing right now, and I didn’t ask in the first place. I get the impression when he occasionally calls like that he’s just calling to confirm that he’s alive.
I hope everything is fine. In our occupation, it’s not that uncommon for someone to die.
My present was a sake chosen by Kaga. It’s Kaga’s favorite sake. So I wasn’t able to distract myself by giving it to Namba..
Namba was in the west until the other day. The souvenirs he brought back were local mascots. There was a definite look in his eyes that said to not say anything about how ugly it was. I just put it in a drawer instead.
About two hours later there was something to do, so the celebration ended.
I wonder when he’ll call next. Everyone from Namba’s section, and that girl too, seemed to want to see him again…
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So, how was the first edition? Honestly, I don’t think I can reread something that’s just about me... The next time will be a special birthday edition. Well, see you then!
Thank you to @world-a-to-z​ for screenshots of the booklets!
Stay tuned for more Ayumu content in the upcoming days! You’ll find links to all the posted content here!
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skarloeyspa · 10 months
Okay okay, now that you've listened to Long Live the Iron Horse I am dying to know what you think of Skarloey being the little brother instead of Rheneas
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like this.
ok ok /srs now. I've actually never viewed one of them as being older than the other? The way I interpreted their relationship was that while they have very different ways of showing care for each other (and the other members of their family!), the way they feel for each other is pretty similar. in fact if you forced me to assign one of them as the older brother I don't think I could
(Long Live the Iron Horse spoilers under the cut!)
but i like it!! it definitely makes Rheneas' protectiveness hit home even harder (in case it didn't already...) and also just hurts extra when you take into consideration how he was essentially neglecting Skarloey just so he could secure a place for the two of them on the railway.
i think even in Long Live the Iron Horse Rheneas and Skarloey still aren't that different in age, maybe a couple months at most, which is like. Minutes in human time. Rheneas is probably just more "mature" because of his personality, he had absolutely no obligation to take such a heavy weight onto his metaphorical shoulders but he did anyway, which just makes this hurt so much better.
it's the way that despite their age difference being so small, Rheneas still thinks that he has to be the one to protect Skarloey (well, he kind of had to either way...). I don't know how long Rheneas would have lasted if he didn't have Skarloey as his reason for waking up and getting to work every morning.
It's the way Rheneas just refuses to tell Skarloey anything bad at the time, for fear of ruining Skarloey's "innocence". He didn't need to carry everything himself, he had every opportunity to visit Skarloey and just let things off his metaphorical chest. Skarloey was naive but he wasn't stupid, he'd know to be sympathetic if he heard of the things his brother sat through for him. But still Rheneas kept things to himself because he couldn't possibly burden his little brother with something so traumatizing.
It's the way he keeps quiet about this for 157 years, still holding onto the belief that his little brother was innocent after all this time. How even after everything, he couldn't muster up the courage to tell his brother the truth to his face, but rather through a proxy of the priest.
Judging by the ending I think Rheneas had long since acknowledged that Skarloey was more than mature enough to handle the truth. Heck, has known the truth for some time. I think he just didn't want to acknowledge it, because it symbolized his failure as an older brother, that despite making every decision to protect Skarloey he still failed.
tldr: i love it!! i'm a sucker for protective older brothers who take all the burden upon themselves because they don't want to ruin their younger siblings' innocence! only for them to turn around and realize that their younger sibling is all grown up and don't need to be protected anymore!
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The lesson starts with Simeon and Levi laughing over how Lucifer forgot Diavolo in the game. Belphie complains about what a pain in the ass it was cause Lucifer made Belphie and some of the others go back into the game to get Diavolo and how Belphie had to start with the party at the beginning and so was unable to straight away teleport them to the castle and how as it was the second play through everything was harder and how diavolo had been so pissed he’d given them all the silent treatment, though Belphie did end up chuckling about how much that had freaked out Lucifer. Belphie says that as an apology Lucifer had finished all of Diavolo’s paper work and given him a free day off so Diavolo would be visiting. Levi says that he’ll be shutting himself in his room then and when MC asks about it Levi says that it’s not like Diavolo is coming to see him and it’s not like he cares about seeing Diavolo either. That truthfully he doesn’t really like Diavolo all that much cause he’s too serious and scary and cause they share no interests so Diavolo won’t have any idea what Levi talks about and how he’s scared he’ll say something dumb in front of him and piss Lucifer off. He makes MC promise him to him away from Diavolo. Belphie says that you shouldn’t spend time with a person you don’t like anyway. Simeon says that maybe you should take the opportunity to get to know a person better before you decide whether you like them. MC can agree with either Simeon or Belphie. Simeon then gets a call from Lucifer asking him to send the other 3 home cause Diavolo has gone missing.
At home Belphie says maybe Diavolo actually ran away from home to freak out Lucifer as revenge for the whole game thing. Satan and Beel greet them at the door. Satan to show them something funny and Beel to get one of Simeon’s sandwiches from Belphie. Satan takes them to the living room where Lucifer is pacing and screaming down the phone at Barbatos, yelling about not  being able to find anything yet and demanding Barbatos calls him the second something turn up and if he can’t get to him then one of the others, before keeping the call and trying to figure out who else he can call and traumatise. Mammon is trying to get Lucifer to sit down and calm down and breath for fuck’s sake. Mammon gets yelled at for his efforts cause how the fuck can Lucifer calm down when Diavolo is missing. Except, yeah Diavolo might follow a stranger if they offer him candy, but y’know Diavolo’s an ancient incredibly powerful being I’m sure Lucifer can afford to calm down a little but whatever. Mammon tries to get MC to calm Lucifer down and honestly I love Mammon so much he’s such a good brother is2g. If Mc commands Lucifer to stay he um “EEKs”? and then blushes about the sound he just made (I’m not into romancing Lucifer at all but am I the only one who thinks he’s turned on by MC’s power over him despite his whole Sadistic Dom personality? It happened once or twice in the very beginning of S2 as well) According to Asmo while Diavolo had been going through the portal to the human world Barbatos, who has the flu, had sneezed and now they have no idea where in the human world Diavolo ended up. With the saddest expression Lucifer says, “Oh Diavolo, where have you gone!?” and I’m??? You want me to let MC come in between that!!? Lowkey wish OM! Did something like the Arcana where when MC picks a LI, a couple of the remaining LI get together. In every version where MC doesn’t pick Lucifer I desperately want him and Diavolo to get together and in the versions that MC picks either Lucifer or Diavolo I want there to be the option for the three of them to be in a poly relationship, pls. MC asks why they can’t just call Diavolo and Mammon says they’ve tried a bunch of times but being unable to. Levi says he knows someone who might be able to help
Levi takes them all to his room and Asmo is in tears as he tells levi it’s fine if his friend is imaginary cause asmo has a lot of imaginary friends – aka in his words first he imagines a beautiful man and then a beautiful woman and then well he imagines them all fucking and the fact that this otome game has 11 LIs and not a single one of them is straight is just…beautiful. I’m so happy wtf. Levi insits his friend exists and when MC says they believe him he says that even if he makes other friends that won’t displace MC’s role as his friend. Lucifer tells him to cut the BS. And it’s Alexa!? Levi introduces them to fucking Alexa and I’m screaming sir pls. It’s called Crowe here though and he completely dismisses MC’s “fnkfjkjdjkjkdvjkfd pls tell me you understand wtf that actually is” by saying how Crowe is always up to talk to Levi about any interest Levi brings up and the rest of the brothers are greatly impressed while MC goes through a crisis in the corner. Beel asks if there’s a little person inside it who talks and casts spells. Belphie while blushing asks if he can talk to crowe and I can’t fucking believe after 3 seasons MC’s gonna be replaced by fucking Alexa. Belphie asks crowe if it’s Levi’s friends and gets a “If you say so” which Levi gets really excited about and what it likes about levi and gets “how he’s able to turn everything into a negative thing” which levi takes as a compliment and this is really sad guys but then again I did once spend weeks trying to get Siri to agree to date me so… Belphie then asks Crowe to turn Lucifer into a rabbit, it obviously doesn’t work. Levi asks crowe where Lord diavolo is and MC becomes increasingly more annoyed at being the only sane person in the room. Crowe obviously doesn’t know how to answer that.
Asmo asks about the sensitive spots on Lucifer’s body (wtf asmo c’mon) and Satan asks for Lucifer’s weaknesses, Crowe answers with “I’m sorry. I can’t answer that” which the brothers take to mean that crowe knows but is refusing to say. Lucifer threatens him to keep quiet and Crowe says he understands, Belphie is upset that Lucifer threatened crowe and Levi says he made Crowe sad. All the while MC is losing their mind and insisting that Crowe’s just tech, while the brothers all ignore and talk over them. In what is probably a fit of jealous rage MC commands the brothers to all sit the fuck down and explains to them that crowe really is just an electronic device. Levi refuses to believe them and insists Crowe is his friend. This somehow leads to Levi giving crowe Diavolo’s phone number and Crowe tracking his phone and Lucifer remembers “oh yeah shit missing boyfriend”. They end up in a karaoke bar. The sweet relieved smile on Lucifer’s face when they find him is everything. Diavolo asks how he looks dressed as a human and MC compliments him. Mammon scolds Diavolo for worrying them and Asmo says he feels silly to have been so worried now, Lucifer tries to herd Diavolo back home but Diavolo says he can’t go cause a note on the door (in devildom script) says the room is cursed and only allows you to exit once you get a 100% score on the karaoke machine. Asmo’s pissed cause he has a spa/salon appointment, Levi has a gamin event, Beel has a buffet and Satan’s pissed cause he wanted to think up of more cat related hashtags he could try searching up and I’m- Lucifer says it’ll be easier to do the task than try to break the curse using magic and Diavolo agrees. Belphie says Diavolo looks way too happy. And look I’m just gonna say it now cause we ALL know it – Diavolo’s definitely behind this and using it as some way to hang out with the others.
Asmo’s happy about being able to sing karaoke and Levi complains but is also searching for anime songs so. Belphie and MC think the situation is strange cause doesn’t being in the human world mean this shit doesn’t happen to them anymore? Diavolo says the bar is owned by the three legged crow group (aka yatagarasu) – the Devildom’s largest holdings company and developers of the D.D.D.. Their mascot (Blackjak) is one of the chat stickers. Diavolo’s the majority shareholder of the company. They’ve been expanding to the human world as well, mostly because of demand from sorcerers and witches. They also developed crowe, with Levi having a prototype. Levi realising crowe’s not a real person starts crying (and wiping his face on Satan’s clothes) about crowe got him tickets for a band and how cause Levi thought crowe also liked them he made sure to buy two tickets for both him and crowe and I’m just this is so sad. MC takes the opportunity to sweep in and say y’know I’m your friend and hold Levi’s hand to which Levi blushes and thanks them. Crowe’s the one hosting the Karaoke and says if one person manages a 100 score everyone can leave and that to make things interesting he’ll be throwing in some surprises. Crowe: All right then, party on! Diavolo: PARTY ON!!!!! :D Lucifer: *SIGH*
Asmo goes first cause he’s the best singer they have, Levi complains about Asmo being good at everything when he has nothing and MC teases him about being the Avatar of Envy. Asmo nails the first part of the song but in the interlude as one of crowe’s surprises Asmo starts hearing his fans screaming to him (which no one else can hear) and starts the second part a bit late so his score is 88. As punishment for not scoring a 100 Crowe kills Asmo. Or rather he sends him to be tortured till someone is able to score 100 and set him free. Lucifer, as expected, is not pleased. Levi is excited about how this is suddenly a game of life or death. Lucifer is very much not pleased with that. Diavolo’s also extremely pleased. Lucifer’s going through it. Mammon (who was so busy picking out a song that he didn’t notice one of his brothers got kidnapped) volunteers to go next. Though he’s not as good as Asmo he’s apparently a very good singer and once sang lead vocals in a band at RAD. Mammon chooses a love Ballad “Even if I wind up as a demon, I’ll always love you” and oh baby… the brothers immediately realise Mammon fucked up when choosing the song, Diavolo goes ??? and MC ignores them all to do  what they always do best and that’s to be Mammon’s #1 cheerleader (still can’t get over how much MC took charge and planned everything during Mammon’s bday event and had the brothers start giving him his little presents/notes a whole week before the actual date, when in every other bday event they just took a backseat role and let the others plan and fix everything up while they distracted the bday person. Whether you ship them together or not you gotta agree Mammon’s got a real special place in MC’s heart.) Anyway MC cheers Mammon on and Mammon blushes and stutters and then refuses to sing the song cause he realises he just picked to sing a love song in front of the person he’s in love with and tries to switch his song last minute. But cause he completely missed his cue to start he gets scored 0 and sent to hell. Satan says Mammon should be fine cause he’s used to that sort of thing. Diavolo: :D WOW :D THIS :D IS :D TERRIBLE :D ! :D   Lucifer: Really, cause your face is saying something else entirely…
They all sit silently looking sad for a bit. Lucifer says Asmo & Mammon were their best chances of getting out with perfect scores, satan wonders (with a sad expression) where they are and what’s been done to them. Levi says let’s be real Asmo’s probably getting off rn. Lucifer says they need to focus on who’s here rn and getting out. Diavolo volunteers to go next and Lucifer shuts him down, Diavolo whines about it. MC asks if it’s cause Diavolo is the heir and they can’t risk losing him. Lucifer agrees. Diavolo reluctantly agrees but in exchange he wants Beel & Belphie to sing next together cause he once heard them at a RAD festival and they were amazing. Beel starts ordering everything on the menu. Lucifer says if they harmonize they might be able to get a perfect score. The twins sing perfectly together and Dia & Luci are beaming until Beel’s food order finally arrives by materializing on the table all Hogwarts style and well you can guess what happens then. Lucifer seems uncharacteristically rattled and upset by all this and I mean yeah he has to slowly watch his family disappear in front of his eyes while he’s unable to do anything about it – this is probably his worst nightmare. Plus if they don’t get out chances are he’s gonna end up stuck in a tiny room for the rest of his life so
They’re silent and sad for a bit till Satan says that Levi sings a lot of karaoke alone in his room. Levi says it’s not really karaoke and that he just puts on his headphones and sings along with the opening but also how does satan know that!? And satan says, well who doesn’t know that and Levi freaks out and turn to MC and they’re like lol yeah sorry and Levi freaks out more and wishes for death while Diavolo very happily says that Levi must be very talented and that he’d love to hear it someday and Levi starts floundering and deflecting. Satan says Levi shouldn’t be so modest cause usually when they go out to karaoke he doesn’t let any of them leave till he’s sung all his anime songs and Diavolo asks if Levi’s being shy cause he’s there. Levi blushes while Diavolo keeps complimenting him and encouraging him to sing and MC remembering their promise to Levi bails him out by basically saying he’d be too nervous around new people to get a perfect score and Diavolo lets it drop after Levi agrees with them. Satan’s need to leave and watch cat videos becomes too great and he volunteers and Lucifer happily encourages him. Diavolo gets closer to MC and says so did you do something to Lucifer again? Had one of your therapy sessions? And MC teases and says maybe. Diavolo happily says he knew o=it cause usually Lucifer isn’t willing to admit how highly he thinks of Satan and he actually calls MC a “family therapist” and I’m so glad someone finally said it, at this point MC should be getting paid is2g. Satan sings his favourite ballad and Diavolo compliments his singing while Lucifer just compliments Satan as a person in general for striving to do his best in everything and facing challenges with a cool head. Diavolo laughs about how much praise Lucifer’s giving out and Lucifer says he’s just stating the truth. Lucifer says satan should get a 100 until the tv starts showing cat videos, Lucifer yells at satan to not get distracted and satan is able to resist it until it starts showing a pile of sleepy kittens curled up together, who are starting to doze off. It’s too much for satan to stops the song to coo at them, he gets an 83 and is taken away. Levi says that even though it was fun at first he’s starting to get scared. Diavolo asks if Lucifer wants to go next.
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princessphilly · 4 years
if you still have a prompt spot left I'd love to read one with tk!
Open my heart
Give it to you
Tell the whole world that I'm in love with you
Whatever you want
Baby, I'll do
I know I don't want nobody else but you - Ciara - Promise
Related to Filthy Boy and A Very Filthy Holiday
The first gift was a stuffed Gritty. 
You oohed and aahed over it because you loved the loveable troublemaking mascot of the Flyers. Travis rolled his eyes but you showed off your little Gritty to everyone. However, you kept the note that came with it to yourself. It simply read xoxo, your secret admirer. 
You were the average girl living in Philly so you were surprised to have a secret admirer. But, it was two weeks from Valentine’s Day and you were a romantic at heart so you were ready to ride it out for as long as you could, even if your secret admirer ended up being someone you weren’t attracted to. It was the thought that counted.
The second gift, four days later, was a gift card to Teuscher’s in the Bellevue. You looked at the gift card in a bit of shock. It was for $100 so whoever was your secret admirer, they had some good taste. That night, after an awful practicum, you treated yourself to champagne truffles and dreamed of the Flyers breaking their losing streak. After his game at MSG, you told Travis about it and he looked disgruntled.
The third gift was a vinyl of your all-time favorite album, 1989. When you told the boys on FT, Travis rolled his eyes. Nolan smirked while making eyes at Kia and Kia giggled. Kia replied, “Whoever this is, they have good taste.”
On day four, there wasn’t a gift waiting for you when you woke up and you felt strangely disappointed. However, after you returned home from your shift at work, there was a bottle of rose waiting for you. When you posted a picture of the rose in the group chat, everyone was happy for you except Travis. He sent a meh emoji and you felt angry and sad. If your FWB was mad that you were getting gifts from a secret admirer, he should have asked you out before now. In your opinion, a FWB was not the same as a boyfriend.
Your fifth gift was a pass for a spa day at the Four Seasons. According to the card, you could get as many treatments as you wanted, literally anything you wanted for that spa day. It went from 9am to 6pm and it was for you and three of your friends. Kia mentioned that if you didn’t want to date your secret admirer, she would take them off your hands. Hannah just talked about getting a hot stone massage for the rest of the day. You decided not to mention it in the group chat. Travis sent you a couple of messages and a FT call but you decided to ignore him too. 
The sixth gift came five days before Valentine’s Day and it was the most practical gift yet. You were still a poor, soon-to-be graduating college student and you needed a new winter coat for the Philly winters. Your coat, while it had held up well in California, it was finally done this year. You whistled when you looked at the coat. It was Moncler and whoever your secret admirer was, they had money. You weren’t label conscious or anything but this was almost too much to accept. Then you saw the tags were cut and you sighed. 
For the first time, you felt a bit sad. It was obvious to you that your secret admirer wasn’t Teeks. The gifts were super extravagant and Travis wasn’t extravagant like this. The greaseball hick was more at home in sweats, t-shirts, and his ironic baseball hats. You bit your lip as you put on the coat. You were already this far in, might as well ride it out.
Today was Valentine’s Day itself and luckily, on a weekend. The boys were finally back in town after an extended road trip but you were waiting to see what your secret admirer got you for a final gift. There was nothing waiting for you when you woke up and now, it was 6pm and there was nothing here. Kia was out with Nolan and you were by yourself. Hannah and Britt had gone out for drinks and you were watching cheesy movies while staring at your phone. Teeks hadn’t called you all day even though his IG story said that he was back in Philly. Then you heard a knock on the door.
You quickly got off the sofa, brushing popcorn off your hoodie and shorts. Opening the door,  you gasped when you saw Travis. He was dressed in one of his game-day suits, his gray-green eyes looking intensely at you.
“Hi,” you said as you gestured for Travis to come in. Part of you were happy; his attitude towards the gifts you received this week had you spoiling for a fight. Reading yourself for a snarky comment, you were taken aback when Travis took a jewelry box out of his pocket.
Travis softly stated, “This is for you.”
You gingerly took the box, opening it to show a labradorite necklace. You gasped as Travis smiled. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day from your secret admirer. Be my girlfriend?”
You looked at Travis with wide eyes. The snarky troublemaking spark plug on the ice who you did very filthy things with looked very vulnerable. He rambled, “I know, it’s kinda backward but fuck, I really like you and I want to be the only one dating you and you’re the only one I want-”
You giggled as Travis rambled. Then you got on your tip-toes and pressed your lips to Travis for a second before moving back. “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend. You had me fooled though.”
Travis blushed. “I had to play it off. Everyone kept chirping me, you know.”
“How did you get all of the gifts to me,” you asked, curious.
“Kia was in on it,” Travis confessed. Then he gave you another soft smile before saying, “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
I don't want to catch up on Monday night
Annabeth Chase x Reader
Request - Could you write an Annabeth Chase x Reader where they travel around the world for their anniversary?
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Annabeth woke up to a snowy day in Switzerland. You and Annabeth are staying in Gruyères is a Gothic medieval town in the central alpine region of Switzerland.
She shivered and the room starts to get colder. She crawls back into bed and she snuggled on you, seconds later you start to wake up and she is smiling at you.
”It’s Snowing,” Annabeth said and smiled.
”We should go out and eat breakfast,” You said.
”We can, but I want to lay in bed with you for a few more minutes. Y/N, move closer” Annabeth said.
You moved closer and her arms are around your body. You and Annabeth are happy and she kissed your head.
You and Annabeth got dressed and went to a small restaurant to eat. You and Annabeth did take a few pictures and watched the snow.
You and Annabeth have been dating for more than two years. You and Annabeth always celebrate anniversaries together, but this one is different because you will be traveling to different countries with your girlfriend. Before you and Annabeth would go out and eat at a restaurant, traveling and trying new food is much better than a movie and dinner.
”Since we are here in Switzerland. We can go to the hot spring. I always wanted to try it to see how it feels” Annabeth said.
”We can do that. I always have seen monkeys in hot springs” You said.
”Awesome, can't wait” Annabeth smiled.
She found a hotel that does Thermal Spa and it's not far from you and Annabeth are staying. Once arriving at the new hotel, you and Annabeth changed clothes. You slowly get in the hot water, you stick out your hand and she grabbed your hand.
”How’s the water?” You asked.
”Feels so good, Y/N,” Annabeth said
You and Annabeth sit down and started to feel relaxed.
✯ ✬ ✫ ✯
Tokyo, Japan
You and Annabeth went to Disneyland. You two fell in love with the place, so many things you and Annabeth started to try. Taking many pictures together and can't stop smiling at all. You and Annabeth sit down at a restaurant.
” This place is so awesome!” Annabeth said.
She touches your hand.
”I actually want to stay here forever and buy everything,” You said and she laughed.
”I’m happy that I get to experience new places with you, Y/N. This is the best anniversary ever” Annabeth said.
She kissed you and smiled again. Later, you and Annabeth take pictures with the mascots. During the night, Annabeth puts her arm around you then you two watched the fireworks.
A couple of days later, you and Annabeth keep exploring Tokyo. Trying new food, pastries, and much more. You and Annabeth keep taking pictures together and buying souvenirs.
You and Annabeth now will spend New Year's Eve in Paris, France. The hotel is by the Eiffel Tower, you watch everyone by the balcony.
”Babe, you are not cold?” Annabeth asked.
She put her scarf on you.
”Thanks. I wanted to feel the breeze and just look” You said.
”Do you want to go for a walk?” Annabeth asked.
”Sure, I'm in the mood for coffee and something else,” You said.
She kissed you.
”So cute,” Annabeth said and caresses your cheek.
You and Annabeth got dressed and left the hotel. Again you and Annabeth take pictures of each other and fell in love with the city. It's getting colder, you and Annabeth bought coffee and sat down for a little bit.
Much later, you and Annabeth walked towards the Effie tower. The countdown starts and everyone starts to count, Annabeth pulled you closer.
”Y/N, happy new year, and I love you” Annabeth smiled.
She put her hand on your cheek and she starts to kiss you.
”Happy new year, Annabeth. I love you too” You said.
You kissed her. You and Annabeth watch the fireworks and celebrated New Year with other people.
✯ ✬ ✫ ✯
Venice, Italy
Just had pizza with Annabeth then kept trying different food. Later, you ate ice cream with Annabeth
”How about we go on that?” Annabeth asked.
”Get on what?” You said.
”The gondola ride. I hear it's the most romantic thing in Venice” Annabeth said.
”Sure why not. It seems romantic” You said.
You and Annabeth get on the boat. You hold her hand and the ride is starting to feel romantic.
After the ride, you and Annabeth are walking around looking at everything. A cat walked by you and Annabeth, the meowed
”Such a cute cat” Annabeth smile.
She bends down to pet the cat. You take a picture of your girlfriend and the cat.
Finally, back at the hotel, you are lying down on the bed. Annabeth puts on a song and you watched her crawl into bed to cuddle with you. She can notice you're getting sleepy
”We should go somewhere it's hot,” Annabeth said.
”Brazil? Or maybe Australia?” You said.
”I don’t know yet. Y/N, you are cute when you're sleepy trying to keep your eyes open” Annabeth said.
She kissed your forehead and you hide your face on her chest.
”You are cute too” You mumbled.
”Go to sleep, babe,” Annabeth said.
She watched tv for a little bit before falling asleep.
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reacty · 2 years
Let's go ....with THE FINAL PART!
After the eventful night
MC takes Yvette on park to gift Yvette (and us) of cutest mascot
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..and pet therapy for Yvette/a good owner for Acacia both need love,MC is here for Yvette (and Acacia),the scene is unbearably cute🥰🥰🥰🥰.
Mommy Yvette and MC with Acacia=❤❤❤❤
Yvette thanks to MC,MC thanks to Yvette;both brave themselves to summon the Virtue..so they everyone go to the floral quack Nahara and...Trudy Is the Virtue
R.I.P. me!
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Nahara+Yvette and MC:😡(me too) manhandling Trudy(who ask what she did wrong...)since she had worked with Vuzgamad.. Get Out!!!So the Virtue stuff end up with nothing but Nahara,powerless/frustrated,Yvette and MC being sad/pissed off and Trudy on the run..Luckly thanks Lazareth and Vinca being great friends,
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Yvette and MC go to the Yvette special garden(yes I mean it garden) renewing their vow to get their happy ending(did you hear them Vuzgamad!?! Screw you!!!).So they try again with Trudy/Virtue:result»Trudy suck at being a Virtue🥲 and the whole affair leave a foul taste to Yvette and MC(and me) so they go to a Spa.
MC being a sexy therapist and Yvette got plans😏😏😏..
Which is Dinner date at a fancy restaurant, Yvette is so cute!
So after the dinner she show all the jewels,rings,necklaces for MC to choose freely as gift.
Yvette:I want to give you the world MC so choose a gift to remember this night.
MC(and me):THIS IS SO HOT!!!
{And the not so subtle criticism of different industries and waste (mining, buy and trash items; food; etc ...is very good}
And then↓
Vendor:put your filthy hands out of the jewels!
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Poor Yvette🥲...the Vendor called Yvette, hands, filthy...HOW.DARE.SHE(MC and me)
Well as MC put it the :
1)MC want the Jerk Vendor chocker's(MC gift)
2)So Acacia got a gift(Yvette happy)
3)The Jerk Vendor got what she deserved(Epic Win!)
(MC, showing{[and fully embrace The Deadly Sin Circus]Yvette,Lazareth and Vinca} mindset wonderful!)
So MC distract the jerk vendor Yvette "buy the gift" for Acacia
[I promise that if anyone draw a fanart of the above scene I'll write Wrath S1 Summary/Highlight!]
🥰🥰🥰,my thirsty womens, they grow so fast❤❤❤.Poor Yvette😭,may the external wall be shattered, but the internal not yet.. don't worry MC here for you, don't be afraid(Damn Vuzgamad😡).
Sweet words,free to feel each other ,for this; no demons; no virtue; no other crazy stuff😑; only each other(Yvette and MC🥰):
Yvette:you're mine now!
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After this night, Yvette decide that she want this forever with MC,so since MC helped Yvette in her darkest hour,Yvette is sure that MC can help Trudy on her darkest hour!!!
And since third time the charm, Trudy is being summoned once again.
Trudy:We can't keep meet like this, what if next time I'm in the shower ?
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Me: "Please don't tempt us...wait I meant nononon please don't say that!?!😱 it's already difficult to write this kind of story Trudy! If you keep this up they'll close my blog?!?
So when Trudy repeat that thanks to her actions on Yvette S2, she proofed that as Virtue she suck, so she can't help them.
So it's MC time!😉
MC:OK let's admit that all of us courtesy of Vuzgamad screwed up, but it doesnt matter, it matter what you'll do after that; that will tell about you and people are like diamonds:multifaceted,perfect/imperfect,vulnerable...etc..
So what you'll do Trudy?
Trudy choose to make peace of what happened on Yvette S2, and to help them as a proper Virtue!!!
You. can. do. It.; and Vinca pull down baloon-Trudy🤣🤣🤣😇.
After their earned victory, my thirsty womens; They celebrate in the only right way:
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Sweet and hot....
And is getting too hot here,smell burn oh😨, oh nononon seriously they earned;they deserve their victory why? why? 😭😭😭😭
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