#ask greenfinch
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A big shoutout to all the lovely people who have supported me via ko-fi over the last few weeks: <3
Tucker Alex Becky Maria Nordfuchs Danielle Resa phinn
I am so happy and grateful for everyone who appreciates my art and support it. I know there are many great artists out there... so thank you for seeing me and appreciating my art.
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1, 3, 5, 11 👀
hi rose 💗
1. the last sentence you wrote
“Sure,” Buck answers. His shrug moves Eddie’s shoulder with his.
3. how you feel about your current WIP
it’s unnecessarily angsty as always and i’m finding motivation to work on it hard but i would love to actually finish it because i love the premise 😭
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
Eddie can’t breathe right, and he thinks it’s because of Buck – he can never quite breathe right around Buck.
11. a WIP you’d like to finish someday
the eddie nde fic (excerpt above) that i lost steam for. and i’m always saying i’ll get back to my reddie interstellar au which is a lie but i am fond of her…
ty love! 🥰
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GABBYYY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! sending love from me to you i hope you have a lovely day and the easiest shift in the world 💜 mwah 💌💌💌
so so much love from me to u as well my shift today was in fact very gentle to me thank u 🩷
0 notes
Linnet silked (hatched on Christmas)

Toffee smooth

Greenfinch silked micro

Jellybean smooth?


Maple Sugar

Blackbird, thought they were fully black when they were fresh but they just have interesting markings.

Feel free to ask questions as always
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💫Our Journey💫

✨Pairing: ateez ot8 x gn!reader ✨Chapter 2. After getting dropped in the middle of seemingly nowhere, scared of where you are and far away from home, Y/n meets a peculiar boy with a raspberry hat and a necklace with a topaz on it. Perhaps he can help you? ✨Genre: fantasy au, Elsa Beskow inspired, non romance, ✨Word Count: 6.1k ✨Tag list: ☀️Authors Note: Chapter 2 is here and it is longer than I had planned for it to be! Let me know what you think! It was so hard to decide what berry/flower each member was going to represent/wear.😭 Let me know if you'd like to join the tag list💓
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You didn’t know how long you had been up at the air at this point. The greenfinch wouldn’t let you go no matter how much you had screamed at him. That was until he had gotten far enough where he would stop and just fly over the same spot for a while as if he was contemplating what to do with you now.
You feared that he would just drop you and from the height you were at you knew that you’d be hurt incredibly bad. Just as you finished that thought you were flung up in the air as the bird let you go allowing you to just free fall down and you once again screamed in terror, afraid of what would happen to you next.
What if you got hurt enough to actually die? Far away from home, far away from your family and the comfort they brought you. Far away from everything that brought you serenity. Would you not live to see yourself become old with time?
The trees and the ground got closer and closer and soon you just closed your eyes, deciding you didn’t want to know when you’d hit the ground. You then felt your body connecting with leaves and branches as you crashed into a big oak tree. It hurt so incredibly much you wouldn’t really be able to fully describe it, perhaps the closest you’d get to the same pain you felt as you fell down desperately trying to grab onto something was if you were bitten by a bunch of angry fire ants and also getting stung by nettles. It hurt so much and at one particular point your wrist was in more pain than you had ever experienced before.
You do not know what kind of luck had been on your side during this fall but somehow you manage to land on your bum at the stump of the tree, truly a miracle with how you weren’t hurt even more than you actually were.
You sat up slowly in shock looking around with big wide eyes. Your surrounding was unfamiliar and instead of being welcoming and kind, the forest and greenery around you felt looming and threatening for someone so small. Your wrist was throbbing in pain as you looked around before looking down at yourself. You truly looked worse for wear, bruises were starting to form on your skin, some really big and ugly, soon you’d be hurting even more than you were now.
There were open wounds on your hands and arms and some on your legs, you weren’t bleeding much but enough for some panic to start again deep within you. You once again could not stop the tears from falling down your cheeks, at this point you would have thought you wouldn’t be able to cry anymore but it seems that you were proven otherwise as you bury your face in your hands sobbing loudly.
It was scary, you were hurt and all you wanted was to be in the arms of your mama but she wasn’t here to hold you, to comfort you or to help heal your wounds. She was far away from where you were and it broke your heart into millions of pieces. You could vaguely hear wings flapping over you before something landed with a soft thud in front of you.
”Are you okay?” A voice asked and in your head it was obviously the greenfinch back to torment you even more causing you to lash out in anger at the creature in front of you.
”Stay away!!! Haven’t you caused enough harm to me you vile creature!” You scream as you flail your arms hoping that the bird will fly away but you realize when you opened your eyes that the bird in front of you wasn’t the greenfinch but a little robin, it’s red chest puffy as it’s little face tilts to the side looking at you curiously.
”Oh… I’m sorry I did not mean to scream at you.” You say in shock and the little robin hops closer to you.
”You are hurt. What happened to you? My dear you shouldn’t be outside all by yourself? Where is your family?” The robin asks concerned for your safety, hoping closer to see if you’re incredibly hurt.
”I was abducted by a greenfinch… he grabbed me from my home and flew me away and I’m scared. I wanna go home, i’m hurt and oh please do you think you can fly me home?” You ask the bird desperately and the robin looks at you sadly.
”I’m sorry but I can’t fly you home, my wing is hurt and I can only fly in short distances before I need a break.” It tells you and your face falls at the realization that this nice little bird cannot help you get home.
”Perhaps you should see if the other little people can help you?” The robin asks.
”O-other little people? Here?” You say surprised.
Sure you had known there were others like you and your family out there, it was usually a rare occasion meeting others since the world was big and everyone had different places they fit into. Some lived in the wild open fields with all the flowers because that’s what they were. Dhalias, marigolds, roses and so on.
Some lived in the forest like your family, disguised as blueberries, raspberries, pinecones and other species of plants. But it hadn’t occurred to you that perhaps there were others like you in this part of the world where you had been dropped off.
”Oh yes, I’m not sure where they are but they’re somewhere here. Perhaps you can find them and get help?” The robin chirps jumping back and forth excited to have given you some information that could help you.
”Thank you ummm… I never got your name?” You ask the robin wanting to thank it properly.
”Oh! My name is Stormcloud.”
”Stormcloud?” You ask surprised that the little robin had such a name.
”Yeah! I took my first flight as a little bird during a storm and thus gained the name Stormcloud. My parents thought it would be befitting a brave little robin like me.” Stormcloud puffs his chest out in pride.
”Wow you truly must be a brave little robin then.” You compliment Stormcloud before asking: ”You wouldn’t happen to know where I need to go to find the others like me?”
”They are usually seen deeper into the forest near the blueberry bushes.” Stormcloud tells you looking towards the forest. ”You’ll find them I’m sure of it!”
”What if I get lost…” You mumble causing the robin to chuckle.
”You already are lost are you not? So why does it matter if you get even more lost in the process?”
The two of you talk for a while, Stormcloud giving you information that you might need when traversing the density of the earth. And while he is helpful a lot of his information comes from how he sees things from above. Making it harder for you to understand at certain points what he might mean when he tells you that its next to the rock formation of a wooden stump from above.
Soon Stormcloud bids you farewell and good luck on your journey before he flys away, back to his home and his family. You shakily stand up on your legs. It still hurts and you cannot help but look up towards the sky scanning for the bird who had taken you away. Fearing he might come back to pluck you up again and take you even further away from your home. When the coast is clear and all you can really see is the blue sky and the clouds dancing around you take it as a sign to start walking.
You find a stick which looks good enough to use as a potential weapon to defend yourself with just in case anyone or anything tries to hurt you as you go looking for the other children of the forest.
It’s dark and unfamiliar as you slowly traverse through the greenery and it forms a pit in your stomach. You have no idea what might be hiding in this part of the world. Perhaps swamp trolls or goblins or perhaps even wyverns. How were you going to defend yourself if any creatures like those came to attack you? They were bigger and stronger than you and your father had always told you that the only thing you could do was either run or hide and wish said creature wouldn’t find you. Not many of your people lived to tell the tales after an attack from a swamp troll or a wyvern.
”Be calm and stealthy like a spider.” You mumble to yourself, trying to be as quiet as possible like spiders were but in reality you were terrified, legs trembling with each step they took.
How would you even know where to find these other people? What if Stormcloud had actually been lying to you? And wanted you to get even more lost like the greenfinch that had kidnapped you and taken you far far away from home. From your mama, from your papa and from your siblings.
Your family.
Were they worried? Had they noticed you were missing? What if they did not question it when you did not return? What if they did not care?
That made you stop in your tracks. What were you even thinking? Questioning your own family like that. You shook your head, trying to will away those mean thoughts. Your family would notice you were gone when you did not come home for supper. They would search for you because they cared, because they loved you.
You told yourself that a few times and reminded yourself of the time Birk had gotten lost when you all were younger, perhaps around nine years old. Your father and mother had gone out looking for him and did not stop their search until he was found. Both were worried but determined to find him, they even got the help of their friends like the birds and the squirrels to help search for him.
Birk had been found all alone under a chanterelle, crying because he could not find his way home and when your father had found him he had hugged him tight that day. Your mother had hugged him even tighter and made sure he was alright before the three of them went back home.
They’d search for you.
They wouldn’t stop, not unless all the signs said you were gone for good.
”My family loves me and they will search for me. Just like I would have searched for them.” You tell yourself before taking a steadying breath to calm your racing heart.
It would be fine. You just needed to find the other children of the forest and see if they could help you. Help you find home and perhaps even help you with your wrist which was hurting terribly now after you had walked for a while.
It irked you how eerily silent everything were. Back home the forest was lively and full of life, there were birds singing and chirping, squirrels bickering back and forth and it was just filled with warmth and joy.
This place was dark and silent almost as if it was dead. Not a creature in sight and it bothered you and made your worries rise. Perhaps your worries earlier about dangerous creatures had been right and here you were walking around making noises and being out in the open. Perhaps you should be even more stealthy and hide with leaves so if something comes around the corner it would not spot you immediately. The thought of being spotted made you quickly pick up a big oak leaf that had fallen from its tree to hold in front of you as a shield. This way you could drop down on the ground with the big leaf covering you making sure you were protected if you could not defend yourself with your stick.
You wandered for what could have been hours without any sight of anyone like you. There were certain times where you felt like you were being observed as you tumbled around trying to find your way forward.
There was a certain feeling you’d get when it felt like someone was watching you. Shivers running up your spine but no matter how hard you looked around you could not see anything that would indicate that there was someone in close proximity that would be watching you. In the end you had felt too tired to continue your journey and decided to rest under a cep, using the big leaf you had picked up earlier as a blanket and before you knew it you had slumbered away into dreamland.
What you did not see as you slipped away into dreamland was someone carefully stepping out of the blueberry bushes.
It was a boy.
He was careful, glancing around to make sure the surrounding area was safe before quietly making his way over to you. He was curious about you, never had he seen someone with a hat like you around these parts of the world. You were clumsy and absolutely not silent at all despite you probably thinking you were super stealthy with that stick and leaf in your hands. He had fought hard to not snort or burst out laughing at certain moments of your traveling like when you almost tripped over a little stone but instead stepped on the leaf and fell down anyway.
You were interesting.
Something new and uncertain.
But still very interesting according to him.
Otherwise said boy would not have followed you as you walked around mindlessly with no real destination in mind. He had been sure you would have taken a left near the chanterelle ring and make your way down to the meadow but instead you took right, down towards the caves for some reason.
”What do we have here?” He mumbled as he took a closer look at you. Inspecting your face closely, taking in all the details of the way your nose looked, to how long your eyelashes were and the way your lips were parted slightly as you slept.
He moved on to your hat after studying your face for a while. It was different than his that’ s for sure. His was a pretty pink and looked cute whilst yours screamed stay away from me with the way it resembled a poisonous hat. Perhaps that meant you were poisonous as well? Before he could think if it was a good idea or not he poked your cheek but nothing happened so the boy concluded that you were most likely not poisonous.
You had scrunched your face when he had poked your cheek but that was not something the boy took any notice of. He was too busy inspecting the spots on your hat to notice that your eye were fluttering open once more.
You blinked your eyes a few times before you registered the fact that someone was standing in front you and slightly above you. Before you could even think you pushed the person hard so he fell back on his butt.
”OW! What was that for?!!” The boy screeched looking at you very offended.
”W-what was that for?! What do you mean! You were standing over me like some weirdo!!” You screeched back in anger and fear taking your stick getting on your feet as quickly as you could taking a swing at him.
”WOAH!!” He managed to roll to the left avoiding getting hit by your stick. ”What’s wrong with you! I wasn’t even doing anything!” He glares at you and throws a stone at you that he had picked up as he avoided your attack.
”OW!” You let go of your stick to cradle your wrist which hurt even more bow thanks to the stone hitting it. Tears prickle in your eyes at the pain and you glare at the boy in anger.
”Oh no! Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you!” He looks panicked for a second before getting up on his feet and takes a few steps closer to you.
”Stay away from me!” You say taking a step back every time he takes a step forward. ”I-i’ll bite if you come close!” You say hoping he will stop but he just snorts at that.
”I don’t believe you. You’re shaking like a aspen leaf and you look two seconds away from crying again.” He says before continuing ”Look I’m sorry I scared you like that, that wasn’t my intention at all. I’ve just never seen someone like you around here before so curiosity got the best of me.” He admits bashfully.
”Are you the one that’s been watching me?” You ask finally taking your time to actually observe him. He got a raspberry as his hat with black hair sticking out from it, he got a beautiful face with a mole right under his eye and you find yourself studying his face intently. His eyes are beautiful and they shine in a way only a person being truthful could have and his lips are thin but slightly pink. He looks gorgeous and when the sun flitters through the leaves above his skin practically glows in a way you had never seen before.
Perhaps he had been blessed by the faeries? ”Ummm… Hello?? You’re staring at me.” He says waving his hand in front of you and you can feel your face heat up at that.
”No I’m not!”
”You totally were!!”
”No I wasn't!”
You two bicker back and forth for a while until you by accident slip up and says that you did causing the boy to cheer. That’s when you notice a necklace hanging around his neck. The stones on the necklace are beautiful, some are as pure crystal clear like the rivers back home and some of them are tinted yellow like the sunset.
”You like my necklace?” He asks cheekily, his hand coming up to touch it.
”It’s beautiful.” You mumble and he beams at you seemingly already forgotten the fact that you two had been fighting earlier.
”Thanks! It’s a stone called topaz! My birth stone in fact!” He tells you before taking a step closer causing you to take one backwards.
”Oh come on! I won’t hurt you!”
”How can I know you speak the truth!” You spit back and he shrugs.
”You just gotta trust me.”
”Yeah sure like I will trust anyone right now. I shouldn’t have listened to Stormcloud I should just have tried to walk back home.” You say frustrated.
”Stormcloud? You know him?” The boy asks curiously tilting his head slightly.
”I met him earlier, he told me to find the others who were like me living in this place but I should have tried to go back home instead! Now I’m even further away from home and I have no idea on how to get back to my family. I’m scared and hurt and hungry and all I want is to be home.” You told him your voice growing thick with emotion as you fought back your tears.
”Wait… you’re not from around here?” He questioned and you shook your head as your hand went up to wipe away the tears that started falling again.
”No. I was kidnapped and dropped off here by a mean greenfinch! He took me away from my home and I really wanna go home.” You told him face crumbling into sadness once more.
”Oh I’m sorry that has happened to you! Perhaps I can help you? Me and my friends could? We’re good at traveling! I could take you to them and perhaps we could figure something out.” He tells you gently feeling sorry for you now when he’s realized your situation.
”You’d help me? You don’t even know me!” You ask sniffling.
”Yeah! You don’t seem like a bad person and we should help each other out should we not? After all it’s a big world for us so small! We need to look out for each other.” He says earnestly giving you a big smile.
”O-okay… I’m giving you one chance… mama always says to give someone one chance but screw it up and I’ll leave!” You tell him and he nods.
”I’m Wooyoung by the way!” He introduces himself as he stretches out his hand for you. You take it and shake it as you tell him: ”My name is Y/n. Nice to meet you Wooyoung.” You tell him and he smiles widely again.
You decided then and there that you like his smile. It’s warm and welcoming and comforting.
”Is it okay if I take a closer look at your wrist?” He asks and you nod allowing him to inspect it for a few minutes before he lets you know not to use it and that someone named Hwa could help you.
Who Hwa was you had no idea but perhaps you would meet this person down the line?
”Okay stick close to me so you won’t get lost while I take you to my place!” He says before turning around and walking towards the blueberry bushes. You hurry after him so you won’t loose him in the lush greenery that surrounds you.
”A-are there any wyverns or trolls around these parts?” You ask worriedly and he chuckles; ”Yeah a bunch of them!”
”What.” You feel dread entering your body before Wooyoungs body is shaking with silent giggles.
”I’m sorry that was a joke! I didn’t mean to scare you! As far as I’m aware there are no wyverns or trolls here.” He tells you looking at you over his shoulder with a playful glint.
”Oh why you!” You hit his shoulder lightly, unhappy that he thinks these are times to joke around like this. Especially after you just had told him about how you were kidnapped far from home. Perhaps you should hit him again with your stick just to make a point.
”Do something like that again and I’ll hit you so hard you’ll get amnesia!” You tell him and he laughs again.
”I’d like to see you try!” He bites back as he continues to lead you through the blueberry bushes.
The leaves are a vibrant green and it looks luscious and finally it looks like home making you feel a bit safer walking with this boy you had just met. But he seemed nice and Stormcloud had told you to find the others like you and Stormcloud was someone to be trusted you had decided. Robins were after all widely known to be birds you could trust because of their kindness and their friendliness.
As you glance around the bushes while following Wooyoung you almost get a heart attack when you realize that there seems to be a blueberry moving in a very weird way. It keeps going up and down slightly and moving forward as if it was walking. But that would be impossible would it not? Blueberries cannot walk unless it wasn’t actually a blueberry but perhaps something else. What if it was something dangerous? You start worrying again and before you can think your feet has speed up bringing you closer to your new friend, your hand reaching out to grab his arm causing him to look back at you surprised.
”Are you okay?” He asks, his tone indicating that he seems worried about your sudden behavior.
”I think we’re being followed.” You whisper trying to as subtly as you can motion towards the weirdly behaving blueberry.
Wooyoung follows your movements and you can see how he is fighting back a smile. He thinks this is funny? You think to yourself. Before you can say something to him he calls out.
”Hey San! Stop hiding and come out and meet my new friend! They’ve already noticed you!”
”What are you doing?!” You hiss at him and he smiles at you.
”He’s a friend, don’t worry! You would have met him back at my place anyway!”
”Did you have to call me out like that!” A man said as he emerged from the bushes, his hat was a blueberry and the shirt he wore were a darker green allowing him to truly blend in with the blueberry bushes.
He was handsome you noted, just like Wooyoung. His hair was black and he had really wide shoulders and while that intimidated you, his face looked almost soft in your opinion, like a wilted dandelion, his eyes carving into half moons and the smile he shot his friend looked kind.
Just like Wooyoung he seemed like a kind person and since you’re here trusting Wooyoung you might have to trust this man, San, as well.
”You gotta work on your hiding skills, like come on! Y/n here spotted you immediately!” Wooyoung chastised him and San groaned at that.
”I was trying a new techique but clearly it wasn’t effective!” He explains before turning to you. ”Hi! My name is San! Nice to meet you! I don’t think I’ve seen you around these parts before? I feel like I would remember if one like us with your hat were around these parts of the world.” He said giving you a blinding smile.
”I’m not from here… I got kidnapped.” You mutter before giving him your name. ”My name is Y/n like Wooyoung said earlier. Nice to meet you too.” You nod, still observing the newcomer.
”Kidnapped?! By whom??” San asks worry laced in his tone as concern starts to form on his face as he takes in your battered form.
”That darn greenfinch snagged them up from their home.” Wooyoung bristles clearly not happy with what had happened to you. ”So I’m bringing them back for Hwa to look over them and potentially heal any wounds and then we can maybe figure out if we can help Y/n home?”
”Yeah Hwa should definitely check those wounds and your wrist looks really bad, I don’t think it should be that swollen.” He says stepping closer to look at your wrist. ”Does it hurt a lot?? Can you move it at all?”
”It hurts a bit but it’s a bit numb now from the pain. I don’t think it’s broken, I’ve seen broken bones before and I don’t think I’ve been unlucky enough to break my wrist.” You tell him holding up your wrist for him to inspect.
San takes ahold of it with utmost care and such gentle hands you’d think he wasn’t touching you at all. The way his entire body demeanor change from big buff guy to making himself appear smaller and more approachable and almost fluffy, though you’re not entirely sure how he managed that, which makes you relax more.
”You should not use it at all or I fear it might get worse to the point where you might not be able to use it at all for several days which will not be optimal for trying to get back to where you are from. Wooyoung why did you not take Y/n back quicker!!!” San chastises his friend irritated and worried.
”Hey I would have if they didn’t attack me!!” He defends himself causing you to bite back.
”I wouldn’t have attacked you if you weren’t checking me out whilst I was asleep!!”
”You don’t go up to random people or creatures and check them out while they’re sleeping!!”
”Ughhhh fine I was in the wrong!! There! Are you both happy now?”
”I’m so telling Hongjoong about this.”
”Please don’t he’ll chew my ear of.”
”Serves you right.”
The two of them bicker back and forth and I makes you snort. They’re pretty funny arguing like this you don’t miss how theres no real bite behind their words and how their tones while annoyed are filled with adoration for the other.
”Now lets hurry back! It’s not long before were back home.” Wooyoung exclaims taking your hand and dragging you away from San who hurries after the two of you.
The three of you journey over logs and rocks and you’re grateful they’re both there to help you under and over all obstacles. You learn more about them and find out they’re best friends which doesn’t surprise you at all. San tells you that he and Wooyoung get into all sorts of trouble back home and that they’re known for their mischief in their little group. Apparently they love clinging to someone named Yeosang who is Wooyoungs longest friend and while this Yeosang acts like he hates it when they cling and play with him they both claims that he secretly love it.
”You will love everyone! They’re super kind and lovely.” San tells you as he points towards a place where they live which seems to be in a tree stump. You can see the outlines of a door which seems to have been crafted with lots of care and patience if the decorations of it were anything to judge by.
”Let’s just hope everyone are home so we don’t have to go around with introductions over and over again!” Wooyoung says as he opens the door cheerfully and calls out as he steps inside.
”We’re back and we brought a guest with us!! Come meet them!”
San allows you to step inside first and closes the door once he’s inside as well. It’s slightly dark inside with the only lightsource coming from a crackling fire spreading some warmth in the room. You can vaguely take in six other figures dwelling about in the room and one of them makes eye contact with you. He looks kind and you noted he was another person with a berry on top of his head.
A strawberry to be exact.
His hair was long and a beautiful shade of black contrasting very beautifully with the red and green of the berry. His eyes were big and suddenly filled with concern as he took you in before he stood up and walked over to you slowly. The others in the space seem to be watching him to see what he’d do next.
”Ah! Seonghwa! This is Y/n! And as you can see they’ve been hurt and I was hoping you could look them over and help treat some of their wounds?” Wooyoung explains.
”Come here you’re hurt badly let me get a closer look in the light.” He gently takes your hand and guides you over to the sofa near the crackling fire. He makes you sit next to a man wearing a brown sweater, his own hat which looks like a dahlia resting on his lap as he takes you in silently.
”Wooyoung, San, care to explain why our new guest is here with us?” A man wearing a necklace similar to Wooyoung with topaz in it asked and Wooyoung went to explain your situation to everyone, explaining how you had been kidnapped from your home, how he had trailed after you for a while and how you attacked him when you had woken up.
Someone had muttered that it served him right to get smacked for doing something dumb like that and Wooyoung had just smacked the guy who had said it on his bicep before continuing to tell everyone how he felt bad and thought that they could maybe help you. Help you find home or at the very least heal you, let you rest up before figuring something out.
”This might hurt a bit.” Seonghwa said as he cleaned your wounds and you hissed a little at the sting but otherwise stayed quiet listening to the others conversation about you. It seemed everyone was inclined to letting you stay, especially as the sun was setting.
”We can figure out more of this tomorrow.” The other topaz man said before turning to you and that’s when you noticed the marigold hat he wore. ”My name is Hongjoong. You’ve met Wooyoung and San and Seonghwa as well, since you will be staying the night and eating dinner with us I’ll introduce you to the others as well, Jongho is the one next to you, he’s our youngest but don’t be fooled he is the strongest one out of all of us. Yeosang is over there by the fire.” He points at Wooyoungs and Sans friend who’s beauty makes you stunned for a second. It was very fitting that he was a rose, he was elegant and just downright gorgeous just like his flower. ”Then we got Yunho our resident daffodil and Mingi our resident poppy.” Hongjoong finishes as he points at two very tall people.
They’re probably the tallest people you’ve ever seen in your life.
”H-hello everyone. It’s nice to meet you even though my circumstances aren’t ideal. My name is Y/n and as you can probably tell by my hat I’m not from around here. I got kidnapped while plucking wood sorrel for dinner when this mean greenfinch came from nowhere and plucked me up and wouldn’t let me down. He flew a long way before eventually dropping me off making me fall a long way before I ended up on the earth again.” You tell them tiredly and most of them nod.
Some look saddened by the fact that you were taken from home and the others look like they haven’t really figured out what or how they should feel about you just yet. You don’t blame them, it’s good to be cautious of new folks, that’s something your father always told you.
”We got some nice hot stew ready to be eaten if you’d like a bowl?” Hongjoong asks and you nod appreciatively.
”That would be very kind of you thank you.”
”No problem, we can figure out more tomorrow I promise.” He says as everyone gets up to get their bowls, Wooyoung comes over with an extra bowl for you as Seonghwa just finishes up wrapping your wrist while telling you to be extra careful and not overuse it for a while.
”Thank you Seonghwa and thank you for the food Wooyoung.”
”No problem!” Both of them exclaims.
The night continues slowly, the nine of you enjoy the warmth of the soup and fire and shares stories of what you’ve done and been through to get closer. There’s a lot of laughter and joy as they tell you all the funny or weird things they’ve been through. Like that one time Mingi had gotten stuck in a log and couldn’t get out so they had to ask for a beaver to help him get out or the time they had an encounter with a scary swamp troll. You decided to share stories about what you and your siblings had been up to as children, like how you befriended bats and sometimes rode them during the night or when you danced with the faeries in the early morning fog.
Back in your own home your mother was pacing worriedly back and forth. You had not come back for dinner yet and you would usually be first one home especially today when you were tasked to bring home wood sorrel for her.
”My dear has Y/n not come back yet?” Your father asked as he came back from his first route of searching for you. He, Opal and Birk were searching in every place they possible could trying to find you.
”No and I am worried. What if they have gotten into trouble or hurt themself badly? Oh my sweet baby what if they’re unconscious somewhere?” She said trying to will away the thoughts of one of her children being hurt. It was hard enough as it was for her to have to lie to her youngest children about your wereabouts.
”Mama? Papa? Where is Y/n? They promised to tell me a bedtime story.” Your younger sibling said tiredly, grasping your mothers skirt in her tiny little hand, hoping she would see you soon.
”Your sibling is staying with a friend right now. I am sure Y/n will come back tomorrow.” You mother says picking her up and holding her close.
”Go inside, I will find Opal and Birk and see if they found anything.” Your father says before kissing your mothers cheek and then your siblings forehead as they head inside.
The one who had found any clues about you had been Birk. He had found your pile of wood sorrel and he searched desperately for you, calling out hoping you would respond.
”Y/N!! This isn’t funny!! Please come home!” He called out and called out over and over again and yet no one responded.
It was like you were gone.
Disappeared from the earth and Birk refused to believe it. He wouldn't rest until he found you safe and sound again.
#☀️solaris writes#☀️Our Journey#ateez x reader#ateez x you#ateez x y/n#ateez#ateez fluff#ateez scenario#hongjoong x reader#seonghwa x reader#yunho x reader#yeosang x reader#san x reader#mingi x reader#Wooyoung x reader#jongho x reader#ateez ot8 x you#ateez ot8 x reader#ateez ot8 x y/n#ateez fantasy au#hongjoong x you#seonghwa x you#yunho x you#yeosang x you#san x you#mingi x you#Wooyoung x you#jongho x you#ateez imagines
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What's the Bird?
Location: Ireland
Date: December

We ask that discussion under questions be limited to how you came to your conclusion, not what your conclusion was.
Happy Birding!
Keep the game alive! Submit a bird HERE
Bird-462 graciously submitted by @benidryl
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*I’m just walking around, looking for something. When I see him, I come up and ask.*
“Hello, have you seen anything, ah…suspicious, around lately?”
-Josephine ( @greenfinch-and-robinet )
He blinked a couple times, pausing. What was this person saying.
“I don’t. Believe so.”
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The Parable of the Mustard Seed (icon)
“Jesus put before them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and rest in its branches." -Matthew 13:31-32
Recent icon of this passage by Kelly Latimore:
Commenary by Kelly Latimore:
Jesus' parables are one of the ways Jesus trains his disciples. The parables, like the sermon on the mount, have always been crucial for the church to imagine the kind of community it is called to be. We discover again and again that Jesus' parables significance points to everyday life. The parables are meant to be lived.
The original audience may have been perplexed by this story. They would have known that no-one would intentionally plant a mustard shrub. In fact, the Jewish Mishnah forbade the growing of mustard seeds in the garden because they were 'useless annoying weeds'. In the Hebrew Scriptures the "birds of the air" can be a reference to Gentiles/Non-Jews, the foreigner.
This parable suggests that the kingdom of heaven is available to everyone. Even those who may be considered outsiders or not "Worthy". Jesus is calling us to see the significance in the insignificant. The parables of the kingdom of heaven make clear that the kingdom of heaven is not "up there". Through the parables Jesus is teaching us to "be for the world the material reality of the kingdom of heaven brought down to earth." As Jesus is himself the parable of the father so the church is meant to be the parable of Christ. A people in space and time welcoming the outcast, the foreigner, and the stranger. These kind of communities will look like unwanted weeds to the world, or even to other christians. However, this may be exactly the church Jesus is asking us to embody. Prints, Digital Downloads, and Calendars available All of the birds in this icon are native to the Holy Land. Birds in the icon: Palestine Sunbird, Scrub Warbler, Common Rosefinch, Laughing dove, Barn Swallow, House Sparrow, Fire-Fronted Serin, Red- Rumped Swallow, Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin, Woodchat Shrike, European Greenfinch, Tree Pipit, Nubian Nightjar, Northern Wheatear, Green Bee Eater, Eurasian Golden Oriole, European Roller, Eurasian Jay, Great Tit, Hooded Crow, Eurasian Blackbird, Common Chiffchaff, Rock Bunting, Crested Lark, and White Spectacled Bulbul. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1006593093924270&set=a.437194030864182 https://www.facebook.com/kellylatimoreicons
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Clanmew Expansion: Finches
Lads it's about to be Clanmew time again, I'm gonna blitz through a bunch of asks but first, here are some I made a few days ago for the upcoming Clanmew 102 which evolved into expansive notes.
FINCHES All 8 species of finch seen in the White Hart Wood and at Sanctuary Lake, and how Clan cats feel about them.
First things first! Finches have a 'generic' term, a word that describes the entire category;
Finch (Generic) = Afigu
A small bird with a large beak and colorful plumage, usually seen in groups.
One of the few birds that has a generic name in Clanmew. This is because finches are extremely social and will often flock with completely difference species of finch. A contraction of "Afaf" (Fluttering) and "Pigu" (Songbird).
When used as a name, it's usually invoking a social, friendly image. The name that Palebird chose for her fading kitten (which was quite the social taboo) was Afigumew, "Flocking Finch Kitten"
Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) = Miuu
[ID: Northern Bullfinches, a male on the left, a female on the right.]
Males have a bright salmon-pink belly, and a humble tweeting call. Their beaks are small and powerful, though ThunderClan sometimes comes in conflict with them as they like to eat the buds off of fruit trees.
Most often used as a name by ThunderClan cats, usually referencing jolliness and a love of food.
Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) = Qiliao
[ID: Two chaffinches. A female is on the left, a male is on the right.]
The common finch, males sporting a slate gray hood and red belly. Named for the sudden stop at the end of its song, this finch is a more active hunter than the others in its grouping.
When used as a name, it's used in the high hopes of the kit becoming a beautiful, social, and active hunter. Finchstar of ThunderClan's name in Clanmew was Qiliaoshai.
Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) = Wibuch
[ID: A goldfinch perched on a creeping thistle.]
Has a distinctive 'chime' in its call, a bright red face, and a distinguished yellow marking on its side. A specialist eater that can pluck seeds out of spiky plants such as thistles. Seen as resourceful and brave by Clan cats.
Finchlight of ThunderClan was named "Wibuchshayu," Goldfinch-Radiance, referencing Firestar's opposition of Thistle Law. She is called "Wi-sha" for short!
Greenfinch (Chloris chloris) = Sheeshoo
[ID: Two greenfinches on a mossy branch, a male on the left, a female on the right.]
Has a laugh-like call and is a uniquely colored, yellow-green bird. Seen year-round, males are a lot noisier than females. They tolerate conifers much better than most British birds, meaning they're often seen close to ShadowClan.
Regarded with suspicion by other Clans for their strange sounds and behaviors, it's used mostly by ShadowClan for bizarre and erratic cats. Finchflight of ShadowClan was named "Sheeshoofba," "Green Finch Will Liftoff Powerfully."
Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla) = Nree
[ID: A brambling perched on a twig.]
A winter-exclusive bird that likes to eat beech nuts. Large, beautiful, and delicious. In the Forest Territories they liked RiverClan's beech patch, in the Lake territories they are only seen in ThunderClan.
Older kittens and young apprentices anointed in winter often meet bramblings as the first bird they'll stalk, as the beech patch is just north of ThunderClan camp and a very safe place to explore as soon as they understand that yew berries are deadly. Use as a name invokes winter, soft memories, and a welcome meal.
Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) = Chrri
Mostly seen in winter. Varied, always has a red spot on the top of the head, but sometimes also has a pinkish belly, or is nearly completely brown. The call is short, harsh, and almost rattle-like.
Can be translated into English as 'finch,' 'poll,' or 'redpoll' at translator's discretion. There is a greater redpoll, but it is very rare in this region! When used as a name, it may reference uniqueness. No two lesser redpolls look the same.
Siskin (Spinus spinus) = Iweewi
[ID: A siskin perched on an alder twig, eating seeds out of the cones.]
A bright yellow bird with a rapid call. Considered a survivor for being able to survive year-round in any type of woodland, including conifers, but pretty small to be taken for food except in emergencies. Has a particular love of alder trees and can be seen around them a lot.
Linnet (Linaria cannabina) = Nanarree
[ID: Two linnets. On the left is a female, on the right is a male in breeding plumage.]
Sometimes considered a finch by Clan cats, though it wouldn't be hard to argue to them that it's a hybrid between a sparrow and a redpoll. The kitties have not figured out taxonomy! They love to eat flax and other seed-bearing plants, and thus are seen often in ShadowClan, RiverClan, and at WindClan's watery borders.
In either case, a linnet is strongly considered a 'pigu' and killing one is considered very dishonorable, especially in WindClan. Their songs are sonorous, and hearing them is a beloved experience.
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I shall overcome you, and mock you.

basic info about me:
@nightshade-and-frogs-breath -> @do-not-pursue-the-beast
names: Crybaby/Victor/Pierro/Theory/Wirt/Wylan/Jesper/Spike/Ellis/Auggie/Barr-el/Lock/Orpheus/Seth/Sal (Vic, Theo, or Vicky are okay too :) )
(most preferred atm: Orpheus/Crybaby/Theory/Victor/Pierro)
nonbinary- he/they/blur
sexuality: probably aroacespec I don’t fucking know at this point 💀
I do have a writing specialty (aka my guilty pleasure), which are sickfics and whump, most of the time for specific characters.
!!Please note that I am a minor!!! (so y’know don’t be weird)
the dni criteria is pretty basic (dni if you’re ableist, racist, homophobic, etc.)
cringe culture is not a thing, fuck that
sideblogs, because I get bored: @seths-still-talking-somehow (main sideblog), @sankta-inej-the-pirate-queen (Inej themed sideblog) @kazbrekkers-left-eyelash (Kaz-themed sideblog), @a-sacred-ash-tree (Matthias sideblog) @i-kinda-like-your-stupid-face (Jesper sideblog) @the-queen-of-mourning (Nina sideblog), @not-all-poisons-have-an-antidote (Wylan sideblog)
some of my awesome amazing oh-so-talented mutuals!!!- @sorebelflower , @aestophobia , @willsperotruther , @gert-the-disaster
some of my interests:
Six of Crows
Bungou Stray Dogs
EPIC the Musical (current hyperfixation)
(things I’m still interested in but less interested)
The Stanley Parable
Ride the Cyclone
BSD RP blogs I run:
Kenji Miyazawa ( @undefeated-by-the-storm )
Ace ( @my-madness-lieswithin-thesecards )
Nikolai (BEAST) ( @clown-overcoat )
Akutagawa (BEAST) ( @dont-chase-the-beast )
Spiderman AU Akutagawa ( @rashomons-web )
Eloise Lucian ( @get-necromanced )
Preschool AU Eloise (4) ( @itty-bitty-necromancer )
Circus AU Yosano ( @the-magician-is-in )
Media Industry AU Dazai ( @just-take-the-photo-mackerel )
Stageplay Kunikida ( @doppo-idealist-poet )
Josephine (OC) ( @greenfinch-and-robinet )
Kenji Miyazawa ( @undefeated-by-the-storm )
Ace ( @my-madness-lieswithin-thesecards )
Nikolai (BEAST) ( @clown-overcoat )
Akutagawa (BEAST) ( @dont-chase-the-beast )
Royalty AU Spade ( @shovel-and-arrow )
Eloise Lucian ( @get-necromanced )
Preschool AU Eloise (4) ( @itty-bitty-necromancer )
Circus AU Yosano ( @the-magician-is-in )
Media Industry AU Dazai ( @just-take-the-photo-mackerel )
Stageplay Kunikida ( @doppo-idealist-poet )
Josephine (OC) ( @greenfinch-and-robinet )
XY AU Josephine ( @ringdove-and-linnet-bird )
Exel Walker ( @calamitous-comedy )
asks are always open!!
vic’s reblogging again: basically what it sounds like lol
vicky’s being emo again: vent/rant tag
vicky answers: answering asks!
victor’s dumb thoughts: stuff that I talk about
connie candy 🍬, dark jade 🧷, stargazer ⚰️, finley 🕸: mutual tags

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Hi! Sorry if you've already answered this in the past, but could i use one of your pieces as phone wallpaper?
Ohhhhh. Of course!!!!
Thank you for asking 🥰
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Lessons in Mortality by orphan_account
i promise you i'm not broken by nezarini
Between the Fights (I Still Need You) by multiplelizards
me lámh le do lámh by asweetepilogue
Greenfinch and Linnet Bird by kell_be_belle
Pretty sure these all fit the ask. I've bookmarked them all and have read them at least twice. I hope you find one you enj!
If anyone has any Geraskier fic recs in the 20,000 to 30,000 word range, I'd like to hear them :3
I just finished Echo by ravenbringslight and now I'm in a Jask and Geralt mood
Particularly if they're a little angsty, but always with a happy ending. I only read stories with happy endings 🥲
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I was so happy to see FMA:B is back and now I’m watching it with my sister because she’s old enough now and just. Gosh. What a show. She’s loving it so much and I’m loving it so much (I’ve never fully rewatched it).
my favorite has always been just fma, mostly bc that first full arc really hit me more in the original series than brotherhood, but really?? both are just pieces of artwork i am SO EXCITED that this show is back on and i get to savor coming back to it!! frick!!!
and i bet its even better when you get to introduce it to someone who’s never seen it!! ahhhhhhh that’s so cool have loads of fun
#asks#sorry it took a full middle earth age to get to this ask ;-;#but yeah i am EXCITE#greenfinch-linnetbird
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hi tumblr! this is a short story draft I’m working on, hope y’all enjoy
there once was a gentle giant named quan. he was large, as most giants are, with a body as slender and strong as a teak tree. his hair was like a dark pool of ink, and grew long and straight down his back. his thin eyes were a deep brown, and when he smiled his lovely smile, they crinkled.
quan lived in a rainy forest full of leafy trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. he loved the forest, and tended to it like it was his child. when humans came and tried to burn it or cut it, he scared them away. when animals came, he welcomed them with green tea and his finest lychees.
for a while, that was enough. the trees and the animals were all the love quan needed. they began to call him quan the lovely, for that was who he was; a seemingly bottomless vessel of love.
but it was not to last. slowly, sadness slipped into his life. “even the trees have each other to love,“ he thought. “I must content myself with being a witness to their joy. they might as well call me quan the lonely. all I want is to be loved. is that too much to ask?”
quan cried and cried, and the animals cried with him, for they hated to see their friend sad. after a while, a little greenfinch named mai pecked him on the shoulder and asked, “well, have you tried making someone to love?” quan blinked, confused. “making someone? whatever do you mean, mai?”
mai chirped, “well, you wish for a great love, is that right?” quan nodded. “but only you know who your great love would be, so why don’t you just create them? you have lived for a thousand years and have enough love in your hands to create a thousand hearts.” “I suppose you are correct,“ quan said thoughtfully.
and off he went, with a new spring in his step and a plan brewing in his mind.
author’s note: I hope you have a safe holiday break and get plenty of rest and relaxation. :) I might turn into a series, it was fun to write. Likes and follows are appreciated.
all my love, minh.
#writeblr#writers of tumblr#short story#original fantasy#asian writers#lgbtqia#new writers on tumblr#asian and queer
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The Parable of the Mustard Seed (new icon)
A new icon by Kelly Latimore, followed by his commentary.
“He put before them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and rest in its branches." -Matthew 13:31-32
Commentarry by Kelly Latimore, from his FB page at https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=963990678184512&set=a.437194030864182
Jesus' parables are one of the ways Jesus trains his disciples. The parables, like the sermon on the mount, have always been crucial for the church to imagine the kind of community it is called to be. We discover again and again that Jesus' parables significance points to everyday life. The parables are meant to be lived. The original audience may have been perplexed by this story. They would have known that no-one would intentionally plant a mustard shrub. In fact, the Jewish Mishnah forbade the growing of mustard seeds in the garden because they were 'useless annoying weeds'. In the Hebrew Scriptures the "birds of the air" can be a reference to Gentiles/Non-Jews, the foreigner. This parable suggests that the kingdom of heaven is available to everyone. Even those who may be considered outsiders or not "Worthy". Jesus is calling us to see the significance in the insignificant. The parables of the kingdom of heaven make clear that the kingdom of heaven is not "up there". Through the parables Jesus is teaching us to "be for the world the material reality of the kingdom of heaven brought down to earth." As Jesus is himself the parable of the father so the church is meant to be the parable of Christ. A people in space and time welcoming the outcast, the foreigner, and the stranger. These kind of communities will look like unwanted weeds to the world, or even to other christians. However, this may be exactly the church Jesus is asking us to embody.
Prints, Digital Downloads, and Original Icon available: kellylatimoreicons.com https://www.facebook.com/kellylatimoreicons
All of the birds in this icon are native to the Holy Land. Birds in the icon: Palestine Sunbird, Scrub Warbler, Common Rosefinch, Laughing dove, Barn Swallow, House Sparrow, Fire-Fronted Serin, Red- Rumped Swallow, Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin, Woodchat Shrike, European Greenfinch, Tree Pipit, Nubian Nightjar, Northern Wheatear, Green Bee Eater, Eurasian Golden Oriole, European Roller, Eurasian Jay, Great Tit, Hooded Crow, Eurasian Blackbird, Common Chiffchaff, Rock Bunting, Crested Lark, and White Spectacled Bulbul.
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New Year’s Eve at Lakeside and home: Common Gulls, Greylag Goose, Green Woodpecker, Robin, Woodpigeon, Magpie and more
I took the first two pictures in this photoset of a view out the back and a Magpie on the roof visible from my room today. Both more pleasing tests with my new big lens, and it was interesting to see this Magpie chase off/have a slight tussle with fellow crow species a Jackdaw out the back as well.
When off for my last lunch time walk to Lakeside of 2021 I took in the bare trees out the front and in particular looked at a couple which go a really nice yellow in the autumn. I don’t think I’ve photographed them since they sported the coloured leaves which doesn’t seem long ago time is passing so fast but last year on New Year’s Eve I remember taking a photo one of my last of the year of them in some sunshine. So I took and tweeted tonight on Dans_Pictures a photo of them among some others involving trees out the front. On another pleasant walk to end an amazing year of them I took the third, sixth and seventh pictures in this photoset of views at Lakeside and fifth of more lovely shelf fungi I have seen lately and lichen on a thin tree in the southern fenced off area. I also took the eighth picture in this photoset of views with nice bare tree scenes north of Lakeside on the way home.
With my traditional New Year’s Day Lakeside bird year list building walk now just hours away should nothing go wrong the lunch time walk today could arguably be considered a bit of a rehearsal. Green Woodpecker seen in the fenced off area and the Common Gulls and a flying Greylag Goose still about excited me as they are birds that would be key year ticks tomorrow morning if I saw them. Last year I saw Greenfinch at Lakeside for the first time in a while on New Year’s Eve and then it was one of the key birds I saw of my brilliant Lakeside walk to start 2021 so I am hoping it will repeat that with the Green Woodpecker a bird I frequently but don’t always see in these opening walks of the year. But I have to consider I will be walking into quite a different world as it looks as though it will be quite an early morning walk with our plans for the rest of the day. I enjoyed seeing and hearing a beautiful Robin west of the bowl area which I took the fourth picture in this photoset of, a great connected bird moment this lunch time. I also took the final two pictures in this photoset of a dandelion and young Woodpigeon on the grass on the way back. The Woodpigeon part of a nice little group I saw well. I have enjoyed noticing more dandelions and daisies around lately a delight no matter the time of year.
There were some nice sky scenes I saw from my room this afternoon. I remember replying to a tweet from David Lindo a year ago asking what everyone’s last bird of the year was with “Mine was a nice Magpie at the top of a tree visible from my room just before dark.” and I believe the last species I saw today was a Magpie out the window. Will its cousin the Carrion Crow become my first bird of the year for the third year running tomorrow?
Just now I saw a large Grey Silverfish outside my room well getting a photo with my macro lens which I tweeted, I hadn’t got a photo of one for a while and had seen a few little ones lately so thought another photo may be due. They like to hide especially when the light comes on so it feels good to be quick enough to capture one with my macro lens.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: Two of my favourite birds the Green Woodpecker and Great Crested Grebe, Moorhen, Greylag Goose, Black-headed Gull, Common Gull, Magpie, Jackdaw, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Robin, House Sparrow, Starling, Pied Wagtail well on the roof visible from my room and the Grey Silverfish.
Well that’s the end of my wildlife and photography 2021, another amazing and incredible year for me with my highest ever amount of photos produced by far, probably the most words written on my nature experiences and my third highest ever amount of bird species, joint highest ever amount of butterfly species, second highest amount of dragonfly/damselfly species and joint highest ever amount of mammal species I’ve ever seen in a year. From the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Tawny Owl seen together and Purple Hairstreaks at Lakeside to our adventures in Anglesey and one of my photos appearing on an episode of BBC Springwatch, it has been varied and unforgettable. Its always so rewarding to share it with others via social media, so thank you so much for all the interactions we have had this year it has helped make my year special. Happy New Year all.
#happy new year#moorhen#green woodpecker#common gull#robin#woodpigeon#collared dove#lesser spotted woodpecker#tawny owl#black guillemot#midgenado#springwatch#photography#bbc#uk#lakeside#lakeside country park#england#earth#nature#world#beautiful#lovely#photos#2021#year#birdwatching#2022#jackdaw#magpie
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