#ask chūya
poeticdevastation · 28 days
what was up with that last ask dude, crazy stuff. are you single btw
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Why you wanna know?
Who sent this.
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askstormbringer · 8 months
You end up really loving Dazai in the future, Chuuya
the fish eyed bastard?! no way in hell.
who’s dazai?
nobody ‘tross fuck off!!
mmmm suspicious
it’s not!!
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dandelion-roots · 6 months
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No matter what you do, you just can't shake him off, can you, Chūya?
[lyrics: Florence + the Machine | id in alt]
EDIT: I made a whole ass janky animatic to this song, enjoy!
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sskk-manifesto · 5 months
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And what has it been of my boy Akutagawa :(
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askryuu · 2 months
hey Chuuya didn’t you promise to kill Ango?
Yea, and? I can change my mind an’ delay his death by my hands what about it?
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winechuuya · 4 months
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"Hey there, nice to see you."
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ask rules + info ;
- any and all asks are allowed. keep in mind the admin has a right to remove any that may make them / the character uncomfortable.
- ship asks will all be answered in accord to chuuyas relations with that person. there is no bias.
- if requesting something to the admin, use brackets to make it obvious.
- rbs with / as other characters are allowed, though may sometimes be ignored to not clog up the blog.
- dms are open for anything.
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"i look forward to hearing from you all."
( anon list )
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kalorphic · 1 year
I remember you mentioning before one of the ros is viciously in denial that they love the mc and I cannot wait to hear more about them 🫣
Drift partner RO! 🫶
They’ve undergone a name change from Cináed to Ciaran (because no matter how many times I look up the pronunciation for Cináed, I forget it five seconds later), but other than that, they’re still the same idiot trying desperately to deny their love for MC like they’re not projecting that loud and clear across the drift 😭
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Do you have any chuuaku headcanons 👀
Young man, I always have chuuaku headcanons
After Dazai left, after Akutagawa and Chuuya got more occasions to work in tandem since Akutagawa rose rank, Akutagawa unconsciously picks up fighting with his hands in his pockets from Chuuya.
Some time before they started dating, Akutagawa started carrying a lighter in his pocket just to be prepared for the rare eventuality Chuuya asked him a light to smoke, because he strives for the casual intimacy of lightning Chuuya's cigarette. Which is ironic, considering that Chuuya will stop smoking around him as soon as they actually start dating.
Akutagawa gradually, inadvertently moving to Chuuya's apartment before either of them realizes. Differently to Akutagawa, who was used to being surrounded by his family of friends back in the slums and has besides lived with Gin since he can remember, Chuuya never got to experience his house being filled by someone else's presence. He'll find any excuse to invite Akutagawa over, and then will invite him anyway even after running out of excuses. Akutagawa is glad, since he doesn't fancy going out anyways, and Chuuya will smile fondly at all the little hints he finds scattered around the house of another person living there.
On a related note, every day before leaving the house for work in the morning Chuuya will turn back one last time to see Akutagawa's messy hair peeking from under the sheets, soundly sleeping, and he'll direct to him the most tender and affection filled look ever. He'll leave with his energies magically recharged.
The too frequent occurrence of Chuuya very drunkenly coming home to Akutagawa and looking at him like he was his whole world, not stopping sprouting how much he loves him and how he's the luckiest man on earth to be dating him to a very flustered Akutagawa. It's kinda cute.
First kiss in Chuuya's office!!!!!
The actual struggle was for Akutagawa to drop the honorifics when addressing Chuuya. It took years, even after he got comfortable and familiar with Chuuya's presence.
Akutagawa being sincerely baffled upon finding out other mafiosi do paperwork
Chuuya once took Akutagawa out flying– with no previous warning. The clouds suddenly covered the city so the view of Yokohama wasn't as beautiful as he had fantasized, but the feeling of Akutagawa desperately clinging to his arm holding on for dear life kinda made up for it.
Not big on pda, at work barely anyone knows they're dating. It's really more about shyly holding hands under the conference table and Akutagawa spending exactly more time than necessary in Chuuya's office.
Akutagawa takes dog naps in it btw. Chuuya ends up working overtime far too often and Akutagawa will just crunch up in a ball on his couch and wait for him to finish.
Chuuya always kisses Akutagawa's mouth shout whenever he senses he's having intrusive / self-deprecating thoughts. It works every time.
Ultimately, it's about being so different but meeting each other halfway, you know? Akutagawa disliking bars but still indulging Chuuya if he asks him to go out for a drink with him. The caffeine stacked in one of Chuuya's kitchen cabinets being slowly replaced by tea. It's not about instantly clicking and being fated to be perfect for each other, it's about the daily compromises people make when they get to work to build a relationship.
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saffron0v0 · 1 month
I just need you to know that I hate Shirase more than I hate Mori. 😐
I hate them equally, because both of them were the prime reason Skk lost their faith in their own humanity.
They should have a cup of tea; I'd love to see that play out.
Mōri would constantly be offending Shirase, his tone laced with so much mockery, covered up with his disgusting smile. Shirase would be scared shitless.
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yashiro-ink · 1 year
You should draw Chuuya with a pet puppy. Just a thought. 🥰
Good idea ! 🐕
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They are SO cute !❤️
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vinntea · 7 months
Thanks for the answer i hope for his sake that he want have to do the surgery that is required of the hunting dogs.
I forgor to reply to this BUT Chuuya does indeed receive the surgeries!! He has medical scars he covers up with skin colored patches whenever he's not in uniform.
So when skk meet and become closer in this au, they see the other's method of covering scars and they're both like "That's so dumb"
Chuuya doesn't LIKE the surgery but he acknowledges that it'll make his job a lot easier. It prevents him from being out of commission due to injuries that would put a regular person in the hospital. Chuuya wants to put Yokohama/Japan and all the people in it before himself, he doesn't mind sacrificing what little humanity he has left.
Giving away the few parts of him that make him feel physically human in order to feel morally human. He sees the surgeries almost as a coping mechanism. They're painful, annoying, inconvenient, and make him feel even less like a person, but they allow him to be the hero he feels he needs to be for Yokohama. Giving his humanity to the people who need it. That's how he sees it.
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poeticdevastation · 26 days
Trigun > Any Other Anime
/half srs
Badlands Rumble was also pretty good n' I enjoyed watchin' Stampede with the gang.
Excited to actually sit down n' read through Maximum.
@ohtheinhumanity is obsessed with Trigun & got me into it a while back.
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askstormbringer · 8 months
Hello there, I am Paul Verlaine, stay and ask us questions i suppose…
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please keep your asks sfw!! we’d appreciate it!!
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Characters - Iceman, Albatross, Pianoman, Lippmann, Doc, Nakahara Chūya (16), Adam, Verlaine Paul, N, Other Chūya, Dazai Osamu (16), Détective murase
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this blog is part of the askryuu cannon! sister blogs are @askranpo @askryuu @askthedoa !! any additions to our cannon is welcome! [account run by @hopelessbluebird]
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this is takes place right Before verlaine finds chūya, but canon time can shift if you specify when you want to ask
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[ dividers by @cafekitsune !! ]]
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solunstell · 1 year
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Osamu Dazai and Chuuya Nakahara, Bungou Stray Dogs, 2-5-23
Reblogs help more than likes!
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sskk-manifesto · 1 year
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Fifteen Soukoku BSD Dazai, Chūya, Age Fifteen Volume 1 clean postcard
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askryuu · 3 months
oh keep seeking revenge
except a version of Verlaine and Dazai killed the scientist once, but he came back again.
and the same Verlaine now takes care of a tiny 7year old Chuuya. He’s super sweet.
N is back? AND I WAS NOT TOLD?!
i am going to tear him limb from limb and make him suffer.
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