#ask answers ii ouija board
ectoamerican · 1 year
@staggerinbeauty sent: ✍️
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draw meme II not accepting.
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///listen i absolutely love her hair, im sorry I don't draw it well tho. QwQ I adore the way you draw her so much ~!
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marzinstarz · 1 month
COUNT -> 100
"Hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance"
"A good family tree"
His 18 y/o medical report
Ebay page for brass knuckles
Full recording of Dipper singing
News article from after the fact
Wikipedia page for 'triangle'
Church meeting recording
Pig adoption page
"Tri harder"
Google page for 'Confusion Hill'
"Never heard of it"
"rat.gif censored for your protection"
"Never mention that name again"
"Life's goth cousin"
"Life 72% complete. Now loading:  Death"
"The one with the sword! He found you!"
A note from Wendy about warding off evil triangles
Thompson and Robbie's messages about summoning bill
Soos's message about life at the mystery shack
A video of a bill cipher pinata getting beat up
Link to youtube video of "Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe"
Adds stickers to the page until it reads "Lab now fully mabelised"
A note from bill telling Dipper to stare at the sun
An oddly sexual video of bread
A romance novel called "The Love Triangle" with an audio recording of the first chapter
Wikipedia page for "Eye of Providence"
Google page for "Restraining order"
Google page for "Sweat resistant bolo ties"
Any swear word
"Not S&P Approved" notice
"Portal.exe has been deleted. I bet you could build one"
"Oh yes oh yes they both"
"Season -1: Antigravity falls"
"Season 1"
 "Season 2"
"For you, kid!"
A faux eye test page filled with codes that someone smarter than me need to decode
"I'm not impressed"
"Time agent lost and presumed incompetent"
"The journal of fun"
"The journal for you"
"The journal for me"
Google page for "Flannel"
Video of an axolotl swimming in front of a Bill statue
"You ask alotl questions"
A video of Weird Al stuck inside the computer
"Hoot. Hoot. Password please!"
A poem about a shepherd
Art labelled "The Bastard Triangle Cuts the Unicorns Hair" 1499
An ultrasound of baby Bill
Dipper's note to ford on anagrams
Downloads a zip file containing fonts of codes and runes
A video of Stan and Ford on the Stan O' War II, with a colour block code
The full image of Ford and Fiddleford at collage
Your webcam is on. We are watching."
"Ducktective stars in 'Love, Quacktually' coming to 'Oi, it's the Cockney Channel innit?' this fall"
A note from Bill about Fords place as a perfect pawn
Image of the oracle with a warning on the back
Images of Bill and his henchmen in the real world, message reading "They found a new home"
Youtube tutorial on how to blanch vegetables
A note from Pacifica about what a loser Bill is
A story of how Bill tried to enlist Pacifica to steal the time rift before turning to Blendin
"Dimension not found"
"Life form not found"
Bill's mug shots
Drawing of Stan catching a mermaid
Youtube link to Jem and the Holograms theme
Urban legend story of the 'Always Garden' a restaurant you cant leave
A video of Matpat tell us were on our own T-T
A hypnosis video with Bill audio convincing you to pledge your soul to him
A Bill Cipher ouija board
"Burned inside"
A snippet of Bill's therapy sessions talking of what ford was to him
"Patient file: Bill Cipher. Greatest love: Himself. Greatest fear: Himself"
"Art therapy notes: All he draws are red and blue triangles"
"Patient's odd phobias: 3D Glasses. Venetian blinds. TV static."
An old game commercial for "Perfection" with a snippet of Bill's [?] voice at the end
A transcript of a fight between Bill and the Time Baby, sheds light on Bill's crime against his home dimension
Downloads a photoshop file full of skin layers
"Life privileges revoked. Now releasing poison gas."
Creepy jump scare video
A novel cover for "Spookemups" with and audio sniper of the story
"Input deleted. AI Antiviral activated"
"Warning: Secondary firewall breached"
"Fatal warning. System under attack"
"Soos! I still love you! We will be together"
"Now downloading girlfriend. (This action cannot be undone)"
Then downloads a zip file full of link to Giffany gifs
A shockingly uplifting poem from Bill with a little image of him as a melting candle
Words that do not trigger the buzzer : BUBBLE, BUTTON, CLEAR, MUSIC
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bad-luck-anon · 6 months
So. Uhhh, welcome back to my… Investigation? I don’t know. It started out with just keeping an eye out to see if DVD pops up again but then someone handed me another tape? I dont know why people keep handing me tapes? Do i look like the kind of person to collect tapes or something? 
Anyways. I was walking around in uptown and someone stopped me on the subway. They looked panicked as they handed me a black box, which is what i have here. They told me to destroy it at all costs. But: the funny thing is that-
The box had another fucking tape in it! But this one looks a little bit different. Not only does this one REEKS of the smell of rotting fish. Also it’s slightly sticky and not going to lie i reallywishibroughtsomekindofglovesbut ITS FINEEEEE. Anyways: the person told me to destroy this tape which is strange because when my neighbor handed me the other tape. They wanted me to protect it?
What secrets do you hold? Anywho. I asked why and all they told me was a name. They just said ████. So i did a little bit of research but unless if you are rich and famous, i dont think you’re going to be getting many answers. So i asked around town but everyone didn’t seem to know who i was talking about. And I can’t find the person on the subway again no matter how long i wait. And trust me, I’ve been waiting. So i looked in the next logical place for when looking for a missing person and the internet doesn’t have all the answers. 
That’s right. Im at the fucking LostField graveyard. It’s smells haunted here. It might be because im almost standing on top of someone’s grave right now. But: an investigator will do anything to go their answers. Right now: my VHS player hasn’t arrived yet but i do have something that i bought from GoodWill.
I bought a fucking Ouija board for this. 
Why the fuck does this have so many mentions about Target? Well. I dont have any candles on me right now. All i have is my phone so I’ll turn the flash on what… and it said not to use it in a graveyard but we’re a bit too far in to back out now. Besides: would this let the spirit get to me easier?
What do you mean I need to have someone else with me? WHY ARE SPIRITS SO FINIKY???
Hey.. Are you in the area? Yes i went through with it. Dont.. dont yell at me like that! Do it in person at least. Listen: can you just come here? Thanks. Bye.
███.. You know I meant asking spirits as a joke, right?
Just help me do this thing alright? Then I’ll never bother you again. 
Yeah sure.. 
████… Are you there?
What is your name? B-O-X-A-N-O-N? What? I thought we were talking to ████? N-O-L-O-N-G-E-R? Ok then.. I’ll just call you Box. Where did you work at? M-A-L-L. Why are you here now?
T-A-P-E-S. What? What do you mean by “tapes?”
Box, how did you die?
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hadit93 · 1 year
I believe you’ve been asked such a thing before but I apologize in advance. It’s still not clear if a historical spirit can be called using ouija board. Say I come to England visit historical monuments and I want to call Anne Boleyn through the ouija board. Would she come or most likely a trickster entitiy will fool me? Or what about Queen Elizabeth II, etc. I feel that those spirits may refuse to come and provide entertainmnet just for show since in my understanding you cannot force a spirit to join a session it it does not want to.
Queen Elizabeth most likely would be embarasser considering all the craziness in her family going still. 😂
If you cannot control for trickster spirits, it is likely such a spirit will contact you every single time. They are closer, they linger, and they are hungry.
Now if you know how to evoke a spirit properly and know how to work with the dead with an established method which offers controls and protections from such interference you are more likely to get a result.
I believe I have answered this before, but I could be wrong. I don't believe you get the actual spirit of a person, but rather a portion of their essence. These beings have become mighty dead, they have become venerated dead in their own rights. You will get an aspect of that consciousness but I don't think we should confuse the aspect of consciousness for the actual individual who may or may not have reincarnated etc.
So yes, you will get something. But the question is how useful would it be to you?
I also don't think location would really matter. How do you know the spirits linger there? Perhaps there is an essence still present at these places, but in the case of Anne Boleyn where would you go? Where would she want to reside?
I would question why you want to contact them in the first place, there are far more useful spirits to contact. I am of the opinion that most people who believe they are talking to the dead are not really talking to the dead. That doesn't make it impossible, but it makes me disregard much of what is out there.
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noweyesee · 3 years
Let’s talk about •••
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••• Spirit Work
You’ve seen it around and decided you want to try your hand at Spirit Work or you have had encounters and would like to take back some control by deepening your knowledge of this practice. So:
I. Where to begin
• First Step
Ask yourself and define this: What do you want to work with? What do you classify as spirits?
Ancestors and Known Deceased
— These tend to be the easiest to communicate and connect with, due to your shared experiences and energies. In this type of Spirit work most people tend to utilize divinatory instruments or the astral.
Unknown Human Deceased
— Just like the first example, these also are somewhat accessible, since their plane tends to be parallel with ours. Normally it requires more steps of protection and precaution, since you don’t know the spirit's temperament nor it’s signature.
Nature Spirits: elements, plants, animals
— These are at the same time the most common and the most difficult type - common because people tend to, unknowingly, communicate with them all the time and due to that their presence is quite naturalized, making it tricky for some to actively seek them out. Each of the subcategories also have their own language and means of communication.
*I’ve added elements, because honestly, ask any nature or green witch out there, elements are also spirits and have their own language, messages and signature.
Nature Spirits a.k.a Entities: angels, fay, demon
— Ah, yes. The coveted and honored. These are easy to connect to, but also are easy to mess up with. Each subcategory of entity has its own subcategory, and in those the methods of communication and connecting vary a lot, but are heavily influenced by two aspects: Respect and also Trying not to mess up and unknowingly sell yourself.
Divine Spirits a.k.a Deities
— Divine Spirits and Deities are the most popularized, since many these days are visited and maintain a tight relationship with their deities. Each deity or divine spirit has its own specificities when it comes to communication and connection, not to mention the UPG’s and particular experiences of their followers, worshipers or workers.
Thoughtforms a.k.a Tar Spirits
— This is a topic to debate, as I’ve seen thoughtform being used in various themes with different connotations, but to specify, this one is related to what the web has been calling Tar Spirits. I, particularly, don’t communicate with them because their egregore and existence isn’t really one amenable to cleansing, enlightenment or anything - but there are people who claim they do so, these two have their own way of being handled when doing Spirit Work.
Those were only some (yes, only some!) generalize examples, each one has its own subcategory. So you see, deciding what you want to work with, first and foremost, is the first step to begin practicing Spirit Work. Also, nothing impedes you from broadening your range of work with time, as long as you have a clear intention as to who and what you’re working with.
• Second step:
With that done, you’re ready for the part that many dread and others adore - Research.
Yeah, yeah, I know. People in the community are already tired of seeing research be always recommended, as if it is implicit. But hey, doesn’t hurt to comment about it once again, because it is true.
This practice, as any other can be done through the empirical way, but will you really put, quite literally, your life at risk?
If the answer is no, then a way to prevent that is to research. Understand the details and methods of the target audience you’ll be working with so that you can prepare and protect yourself.
• Third step:
You defined your target audience, you researched, so much so that you’re confident in yourself and have a certainty that you’ll be safe. Now what? Practice!
Finally the time to start acting and testing all the theory you went through, so… how do you begin?
I’d suggest here beginning in controlled environments with controlled methods. Those, different from just wandering around on energetically charged places (like hospitals, cemeteries and so on) are the ideal to at least not be straight up traumatized in the beginning. So, choose your method of communicating - will you use divination, herbs, meditation, trance, the astral plane, channeling, psychography (the spiritual one, not the study method)?
Whichever method you choose make sure it’s one you're well versed in interpreting, so the chances of having your leg pulled are lesser.
So, do a checklist
Target audience ○
Study and Theory ○
Confidence ○
Preparation ○
Protection ○
Plan and Method ○
Plan B ○
Checked all of those? Then you’re ready to go.
Always make sure to tell a friend who knows what you're doing before, so they can also serve as a second pair of eyes if anything goes haywire.
II. Getting Better
Now, that’s a complicated topic. One because the answer, as you have probably guessed, is to practice. But other than that, when doing Spirit Work you have some… branches of possibility you may choose to follow.
One is to master one technique, applying yourself to the specific type of Spirit with one specific method. Another is to branch out, try as many different Spirits and methods as you want.
So yeah, pretty contradictory, though nothing impedes you from mastering something and then branching out after, just a thought.
III. Instruments
Most Spirit workers do their practices alongside instruments, that of course is not an obligation and it doesn’t mean that if you don’t have one of such you won’t be able to do Spirit Work - but I can not lie, having at least an aiding instrument helps a lot, specially so that you don’t use all your energy up, specially in the beginning of your practice.
Okay, so, these instruments will include herbs and such because they work as an aid during spirit working and also methods of communication, because these too are instruments. With that said, here we go, yeah?
Divinatory Methods: Cards, Runes, Charms, Seashell, etc.
— Used for communication.
Smoking Stick, Candles, Crystals or Incense
— Used for either channeling, warding or intensifying. Can also be used for inviting.
Rue Broom
— Used for cleansing the space before the Spirit work session and after to get rid of any lingering negative energies
Wands and Blades
— Used for directing and controlling energy
Tibetan Tingsha Bells
— Used for attracting and Inviting
Tibetan Bell and Dorjee
— Used for cleansing and passing on the Spirit.
Bones, Remains and Plants
— Used for channeling and Inviting.
Rope and Vessels
— Used for binding.
IV. Interesting Readings
-> How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin
-> A Brief Introduction to Macumba - on The Culture Trip site
-> Features of Trance Mediumship in Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Spiritualism by Martha Maxine Meilleur
-> The State Oracle of Tibet, Spirit Possession, and Shamanism by Homayun Sidky
-> Buckland's Book of Spirit Communications by Raymond Buckland
-> Talking with the dead: Spirit mediumship, affect and embodiment in Stoke-on-Trent by Nadia Bartolini, Sara MacKian and Steve Pile
••••• 👁•••••
This is it, I’m happy I could approach this topic because it has been one that I’ve been wanting to breach for a while here on tumblr. The readings above are mostly easily accessible pdfs, so if you have time take a look at them, yeah?
Hope this somehow can help someone.
( ・∇・)👇🏽
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
Heart ii
Dean x reader x Cas
Notes; The whole white witch plot is borrowed from Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters.
Part 2 of 3
After Sam had forced Dean to admit the three of you were soulmates, Dean and Cas had sent Sam back to the motel so they could explain it all to you. 
As Cas had said, you were a white witch. This was further proven to you by the fact that in your shock of the whole conversation you’d dropped a coffee mug only for it to begin levitating before it hit the ground.
Dean had taken over explaining exactly why this coven wanted your heart. Once every thousand years the planets aligned and the term blue moon was not just an expression. Apparently if these witches, or demon whores as Dean so eloquently called them, could cut out your heart it would become an ingredient to a spell that would render witch killing bullets useless.
And then had come the conversation that you were most dreading. You needed an explanation on the soul mate thing. The two took turns explaining the whole situation, explaining it from both the points of view.
Dean recalled a conversation the two of you had had after a few drinks the night before.
“I said Cas was my soul mate but we had another and we were waiting for them. That’s the story.” He explained, leaning back.
Yeah, his explanation left little to be desired, but Cas was able to really explain it all to you.
Every angel was given a single soul mate when they were created. In the earlier years it was much more common to find them until rules against angel/human were introduced. After that angels rarely left heaven and already existing pairings were killed off.
“Cas here is a bit of rebel and a freak, that’s why he found me and there’s two of us.” Dean chuckled.
“That is not the reason.” Cas sighed.
With that the two of them explained how they met, and then gave an additional explanation as to how Dean died, and how you fit into their dynamic.
“You do have a choice here.” Dean told you. “You don’t have to accept us; you don’t have to think you’re stuck with us. You have a choice.”
When he said this, you sat there and mulled it over for a minute before you nodded.
“This is not me rejecting you. I accept that we’re bound together but I’ve been fucked over by people so many times that I have major trust issues. I don’t do relationships very well so can we please just take this slow?” You asked the two. Cas’s eyes lit up and Dean let out a chuckle.
“Sweetheart, you are definitely ours.”
After a couple more hours, Dean and Cas left to go pack up the motel and pick up Sam. It made more sense to have the three staying in your spare rooms while looking for the coven and so you could bond with your soul mates.
When the boys left you made a beeline to the kitchen but let out a sigh when you realized there was nothing to drink.
“I should’ve told them to pick up a six pack.” You sighed and made your way back to the bedroom.
It had been two weeks since the boys had sat you down and talked to you. The boys weren’t terrible houseguests and you did enjoy their company but there was a part of you that was incredibly annoyed they were there.
You didn’t believe in this shit. At least you didn’t use to. Honestly, before Cas’s eyes glowed that bright blue, you were just going to pretend to believe them. Sure, this as half out of not believing and half because of your own issues.
Dean was currently out getting groceries, the three didn’t particularly like you leaving the house alone, Cas was taking care of some angel business and Sam was typing away on his laptop at your kitchen table as you made some lunch for you and Sam.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to try and find your birth mother? It could be my apology for wanting to kill you?” Sam asked, watching you move around the kitchen.
“Sam, we’ve been over this, I don’t blame you.” You said, shutting the oven door. “If I had been in your position and seen the evidence you had, I would assume it was me too. And no, I don’t want you to find her.”
“Can I ask why?”
“I already met my mother. And she was a wonderful, intelligent, woman, despite her choice of husband, and unfortunately, she passed recently. I won’t disrespect her memory by pretending she’s not my mother.” You smiled, stirring the pasta on the stove.
“I can respect that.” Sam said, continuing to type.
“Sam, can I ask you a favour?” You asked, not looking up from the cooking.
“Yeah, sure. What do you need?”
“Can you tell me a bit more about Dean and Cas? I want to get to know them from someone else’s point of view. You know, the stories they won’t tell me themselves.” You said, looking up from the meal shyly.
“So, you want the embarrassing stuff?” Sam clarified. You gave him a nod causing him to laugh. “Where to start?”
“We’re back.” Dean announced an hour later. He and Castiel entered the kitchen with a bag each to see you and Sam sitting at the table, eating your lunch.
“You two look happy.” Cas commented., setting his bag on the counter.
“Suspiciously happy.” Dean added, looking between the pair of you. “What lies has Sam been telling you, sweetheart?”
"I don't think he's told me anything untrue."
"Everything that comes out of that man's mouth is a lie."
“So you didn’t pull your pants down and yell, ‘Pudding’?” You smirked, standing and bringing your plate to the sink.
“It was for a case.” He defended himself.
“Of course, it was. Go, take a seat. Have some lunch and I’ll finish up.” You said, pushing him toward the table. “You too Cas, I know you don’t eat but you’re going to sit too.” You added, pointing to the table.
“You know we can put away a few groceries, right?” Dean asked as you handed him a plate.
“Yeah but you always put things in the wrong place.” You said, beginning to put your groceries in the correct spots.
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do. Milk doesn’t go in the cupboard.”
“She’s right.”
“You do the same thing back at the bunker.”
“You guys all suck.”
It was week three of living with the boys. In the past week they had come no closer to finding the coven but Cas had been attempting to teach you how to use your powers. You weren’t taking to his teaching very well and the best you had done was use it accidentally.
Sam had decided to go out for the day, leaving you and your soulmates alone in the house. The three of you were slowly growing closer and you found yourself very much liking being around them.
Sam had been gone for two hours. You were in your room reading when you heard footsteps approaching.
“Hey.” Dean started, knocking on your doorframe. “Are you doing anything right now?”
“Nothing I can’t do another time.” You said, putting your book down. “What’s up?” You questioned him.
“Me and Cas were going to watch a movie, you want to join?” He quizzed you, leaning against the doorframe with a smile.
“You sure you don’t want some alone time?”
“Some alone time with our girl? Yes.” He smirked, making you chuckle.
“Then sure you cheese ball. I’ll join you.” You said, climbing off the bed. Dean wrapped an arm around your shoulders as he led you into the living room.
“Look who I found.” Dean announced to Cas who had taken his trench coat off and was sitting on the couch.
“I did say she would gladly join.” Cas said as you sat next to him.
“Yes, I know you’re always right angel.” Dean rolled his eyes sitting on your other side. “What did you pick?”
“Something called Ouija.” Cas answered, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Is this okay?”
“It’s fine, Cas.” You smiled as Dean took your hand in his and intertwined them. About half way into the movie you had to ask. “Please tell me this shit doesn’t actually happen.”
“Well the board itself works but that’s not how possession works.” Dean explained, making you sigh in relief. “You ever used one?”
“Oh God no.” You chuckled. “I never used to think that kind of stuff was real.”
“I guess we kind of destroyed your world view.” Castiel commented. “If not for us you would’ve continued on as normal.”
“If not for you I could be dead right now.” You shook your head. “It was happening all around me and I never even knew it.”
“That’s the point of what we do.” Dean said, squeezing your hand. “We don’t let the public know and keep them safe.”
“Except in this case you did tell me.” You teased.
“Yeah, well, special exception. You’re our soulmate and part of it, little miss White Witch.” He smiled, throwing his arm around the back of the couch. “That’s not how possession works!” Dean yelled at the scream twenty minutes later.
“It’s a movie, Dean. It’s not real.” Cas said, leaning his head back on the couch.
“It’s not even a good movie.” Dean grumbled. “I mean who writes these?”
“Wait to we get to the credits, then you can yell at them by name.” You smirked as Cas groaned.
“Don’t encourage him, please, Y/N.”
“Lighten up, Cas.” You said shifting so you faced him. “This is the best part of watching a bad movie. Mocking it.”
“See? She gets it.” Dean said, moving closer so you were sandwiched between them. “We won the soul mate lottery.”
“That is a statement I can agree with.” Cas agreed, shifting closer to you. “We are very lucky to have you.”
“You’re not going to say that when you really get to know me.” You chuckled bitterly.
“We could say the same about us sweetheart.” Dean informed you.
“There are many things about us that we are not proud of. There is many we have done that we regret. It doesn’t matter what any of us have done or the parts of us that are broken what matters is how we move forward and live our lives.” Cas told you.
“And that there is the angel, been alive for eons and knows better than all, talk.” Dean chuckled, reaching over and taking the man’s hand.
“We’re all broken, I think that’s why we were bound.”
“So, we’re a mess that the universe is rooting for?” You smiled, relaxing into the men’s embrace.
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” Dean said, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Is it too fast for me to ask to kiss you?” Cas suddenly asked. “You don’t have to say yes if it’s too fast.”
“It’s not too fast at all.” You breathed as he now leaned in incredibly close. You could almost feel his lips when he suddenly vanished without a word. “What the?”
“Cas?” Dean yelled, standing from the couch. Dean rushed towards the front windows before letting out a curse. “Y/N, come on!” He said, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the kitchen. “Take this and call Sam. Tell him they’re here. Go out the back.” He told you, shoving his phone into your hand and grabbing a knife from the counter.
“What about you?” You asked, moving towards the back door.
“Never mind about me just get out of here.” He said as the front door ripped open. “Go!” Following his directions, you shoved phone into your pants pocket, turned and rushed towards the back door. You hadn’t even made it to the door when it was shoved open and a woman stood in front of you.
“Ah ah ah.” She tutted, outstretching her hand towards you. With a sudden pressure on your neck you were raised from the ground and shoved into the wall behind you. “Where you going? The party’s just starting.” She smirked before smashing your head into the wall and the world turned black.
When you awoke it was to the moon light shining onto your face. You let out a quiet groan before jolting upright as you remembered the previous events. You glanced quickly around the small room, recognizing the room instantly before jumping up.
“Dean!” You exclaimed, noticing yournd across from you. You went to rush to his side only to be pulled back by chains wrapped around your wrists. “Dean, wake up. Come on Dean.” You begged, pulling on the chain.
A low groan escaped the man after you called his name several more times.
“Sweetheart?” He groaned, sitting up and running a hand through his hair. “Where are we?”
“Old jail on the edgxplore it on our weekends.” You smiled as he began to remember what happened.
“And we’re chained up.” He sighed, tugging on the chain attached to his ankle.
“Will Cas be able to find us?” You asked him, leaning against the wall.
“Unfortunately, probably not. Soul mates or not, they’ll have some serious cloaking going on.” Dean sighed.
“Oh, shit wait.” You said suddenly, reaching for Dean’s phone. “This place used to have reception; it should still have.” You finally managed to pull out the phone and tossed it to Dean who caught it easily.
“Ha ha. We have signal.” He smirked, rapidly typing out a text. “With any luck Sammy and Cas will get here before they cut your heart out.”
“Jesus do you have to say it like that?” You laughed nervously.
“Sorry sweetheart but you know we’re not going to let that happen, right? I’m not going to let that happen.”
“Dean, we’re both chained up in a cell. Neither of us can get out and I can’t grasp how to use my magic. I think we’re pretty fucked.” You sighed, sliding down onto the floor.
“When we get out of this, we’re going to work on your positivity. Cas’ll show you his beehives, that’ll cheer you up.” Dean said, making you laugh. “Seriously, Y/N, we’re going to be fine.”
“Promise?” You asked him meekly, wincing at your own tone.
“Swear on my life.” He smiled. “And when we get out of here, you want to maybe go on a date with us?”
“I can’t believe you’re making a move now.” You shook your head, grinning.
“I never waste an opportunity, sweetheart.” Dean smirked. “So, what do you say?”
“If we make it out of this alive, I’ll gladly go out with the pair of you.”
Before either of you could say another word, you could hear the loud click of high heels echo throughout the room. The two of you stood and watched as an older woman approached the cell.
“Sorry to have kept you waiting.” She grinned nastily. “It turns out there’s a lot of setting up to do for this party.” She said, opening the door and walking in your direction.
“Don’t you fucking touch her!” Dean yelled, surging forward.
“Oh, calm down, Romeo.” She sighed, simply raising a hand and flicking it so Dean was shoved into the wall.
“Dean!” You cried out watching with wide eyes as he struggled against her invisible hold.
“You little miss have caused a lot of trouble.” The woman said standing right in front of you. “Do you know how long it took to find you and how much energy we had to use killing off your parents and little friend?”
“You bitch.” You snarled, going to lunge only to be held back by the chains. The woman only laughed before snapping her fingers loudly. You and Dean shared a look before two more women entered the room with emotionless faces.
The two didn’t say a word, or a make a noise, as they approached you and in silence grabbed the length of chain and dragged you towards them.
“Get off me!”
“You fucking touch her and I’ll fucking kill you.”
“We’ll be back for you later boy.” The first woman pointed at Dean as she stood behind your struggling form.
“Dean!” You yelled as you were yanked forward.
“Y/N!” He choked out before you were pulled away and the cell door shut behind you.
No matter how much you struggled, how much you fought back, the two women continued to drag you down the hall as if you were merely a rag doll.
“Fucking demon whores.” You snarled, trying to throw the women off you.
“Now that is just rude. There’s no need for a superiority complex. The only part of you that’s even valuable is right here.” She said, moving in front of you and tapping your heart. “You’re making a generous contribution to our masters.”
“Fuck you bitch.” You growled, spitting on her face. The woman simply narrowed her eyes before smacking you across the face.
“I’m going to enjoy this.” She smirked, leading the three of you into an adjacent room. The room screamed culty. Candles of every colour and size littered the room, the bright glow of the moon was the only other source of lighting and in the middle of the room was a slab from the morgue.
“No! No get off me!” You shrieked as you were dragged to the table, slab, and chained down.
“It’s no use. The sacrifice is happening whether you like it or not.” The witch said, moving towards an altar.
“Fuck you!” You snapped, attempting to lunge off the table. As you continued to struggle, the three women all gathered at the altar and began reading from a large book. As your struggles intensified you felt a burning from deep within.
The women were now gathered around you and as their chants grew louder the burning became unbearable. You let out a short scream as the fire burst and the three women had to shield themselves from it.
One woman was too slow to dodge and you watched as she caught fire. The woman screamed and flailed as she was brunt to a crisp. The other two women didn't even attempt to save her as they stood
“The ritual continues!” The first woman screamed. “We will be immune to fire! To the hunters! It continues!” She said , raising a knife and stabbing it into your stomach. "Weak little witch can't even control her powers." She mocked over your scream of pain.
"At least I'm not a whore who sold herself for hers." You snapped, groaning as the second woman twisted the dagger.
"Continue!" She snapped, raising the knife. She and the second woman began chanting again. You could barely find the energy to struggle any more, you were bleeding out and weak from the blast of magick you sent out.
A single tear streaked down your cheek before a loud gunshot echoed throughout the room. Your head snapped to the side and you saw Dean, Cas and Sam marching towards you.
Dean raised his gun again and shot the woman with the dagger once in the head. He and Cas appeared next to you as Sam quickly took care of the last woman.
"You're okay, what did I tell you? We weren't letting them cut your heart out." Dean smiled, unlocking the chains as Cas pressed two fingers to your forehead. A bright glow emitted from the room as you felt yourself healing.
"And I thought I told you not to say it like that." You groaned as Cas helped you sit up.
"Are you okay? Do you need a hospital? Is there anywhere else that hurts?" Cas asked, holding your face in his hands. You gave him a tired smile before leaning forward and pressing your lips to his.
"I'm okay." You told him. "I'm fine." Cas gave you a smile before stepping aside so Dean could stand in front of you. "Are you okay?" You asked him.
"I'm fantastic" He said, leaning forward and kissing you.
"Guys, not to interrupt the soul mate moment but we gotta get out of here. The place is on fire." Sam pointed out.
"Yeah sorry about that." You said as Dean helped you off the table. 
"You did this?" Dean questioned, catching you as your knees gave out.
"Uh huh. Got the bitch in the corner." You told him.
"We're going to continue training once you get some rest." Castiel nodded. With Dean holding you up the four of you made your way to the exit. Dean helped you into the back of his car with Cas sitting next to you, with the burning building behind you, Dean started up the car and drove the four of you away.
You were leaning your head against Cas's shoulder when you suddenly had a thought.
"Hey Cas, do you really have beehives?"
@piper-koko-barnes-rogers @hopingforbarnes @skeletoresinthebasement @rvgrsbrns @agent-barnes40 @jelly-fishy-babie @smilexcaptainx @starlingelliot @reann-loves-sebstan 
SPN Taglist
@schischi @supraveng @vicmc624 @beautifulbows924 @yallgotkik
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Coming soon;
Dean x reader x Cas
Wanda x reader x Vision
Steve x reader x Wanda
Natasha x reader x Wanda
Tony x reader x Steve
Meg x reader x Cas
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annab-nana · 5 years
Scared - Colby Brock
Colby convinces y/n to go exploring with him and Sam at an old abandoned hospital, but things take a creepy and unexpected turn.
Warnings: some curse words; mentions of World War II and the Holocaust; mentions of a minor injury and blood
Word Count: 2.3k+
“I cannot believe you talked me into this, Colby,” I say to my boyfriend as he drives his red Toyota Corolla to a creepy ass hospital. Sam chuckles in the back seat to which I send him a death glare. He laughs even harder and I roll my eyes as I huff out and stare out the window.
“I promise you’ll have at least a little bit of fun,” Colby reassures me as he rests his right hand on my thigh to calm me down, keeping his left hand on the wheel. I’m not gonna lie. I’m freaking out a little bit. I’ve never liked hospitals anyway, so to be going to an old, creepy one that has been abandoned for years, I’m not very happy about it.
I gaze out the window watching the trees as we pass them, wondering how much longer it would be until we get there. Colby starts slowing down and pulls over onto the side of the road. I look around and see nothing but trees. Not a hospital or any building for that matter insight.
“Colby, please tell me y’all aren’t going to kill me out here. Where are we?” I state. You could hear how nervous and scared I was in my voice. I hear the two boys laugh and look over to see Colby with a huge smile on his face.
“No, love. We’re not going to kill you. I would never do that.” He says as he pulls me close to him to kiss my head. “We have to walk that way to get to the hospital.” He informs me, pointing in the direction of a narrow trail hidden by the trees that I didn’t see earlier. I let go of a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding.
“Okay,” I whisper as we all get out of the car and open the trunk to get our backpacks full of supplies, flashlights, and the camera. After we got everything out, Colby shut the trunk and Sam set up their camera on the car. He turned it on, and Colby began their intro.
“What’s up, guys! It’s Sam and Colby,” He shouted to the camera. I loved to watch him film videos because he loves it so much and you can tell. I smiled as I watched him do what he loves.
“And today, we are exploring an abandoned hospital with y/n!” Sam shouted excitedly and looked over at me.
“Hi, guys!” I stated just as loud and excited as they did, trying to match their energy no matter how nervous I was on the inside.
“Okay so we parked on the side of the road and we’re about to go down this little trail to get there,” Colby said as he picked up the camera and pointed it towards the path. We started going down the path and Sam and Colby began to explain the history of this place.
“So, this hospital was built just before World War 2 and was used as a mental asylum. I read somewhere that a big group of the patients came together and planned to kill all the guards, nurses, doctors, and anyone else in their way and escape. When the day came to execute their plan, all of the people they were going to kill were gone. When the patients walked out of the building, they were taken by German soldiers and no one knows what happened after that. It is assumed that they were taken to concentration camps and killed there,” Sam explained to the camera as we walked down the path. The hospital was in view now, but we still weren’t very close to it.
“I heard that you can still hear the maniacal laughs around the hospital,” Colby said, and I stopped dead in my tracks, causing Sam and Colby to stop as well.
“What? You can still hear them laughing. There’s no way in hell I’m going in there. Sorry, but no,” I told them. Colby came up to me and grabbed my hand.
“Nothing’s going to happen to you. I won’t let it. Okay?” He reassured me. The way he spoke always calmed me down, so I nodded. We continued our way on the path and came upon a fence that we’ll have to climb. Sam went first with the camera. I still don’t know who he manages to climb with that thing. I followed after him and Colby came last. The wind howled and shook the trees, causing them to make noise as well. That just made everything ten times scarier. In the midst of all the noises outside, I swear I heard a light little giggle come from behind us, like a little boy.
“Please tell me you guys heard that too,” I said as I gripped Colby’s hand tighter and tears of fear brimmed in my eyes. I turned around to see if anyone or anything was behind us, but when I did, there was nothing.
“Hear what?” Colby asked as he looked at me and then to where I was looking and then back at me.
“I’m going crazy,” I whispered and leaned my head on his chest. He laughed a little and lifted my head.
“Do we need to find you a room in here?” He said, gesturing to the hospital. Sam busted out laughing and Colby grinned.
“Fuck off,” I said as I let go of his hand and walked in front of them, heading towards the big building. I am so ready to get this over with. We finally make it to the building, and I wait for the guys to tell me how to get in here.
“There,” Sam said as he pointed to a window that was broken. He carefully stepped through and looked at me to come next. I stepped onto the windowsill and was careful to not hit any of the shards of glass that poked out on the sides. I made it through and then came Colby. Of course, he made it through with ease and then we looked around at the room we were currently in. Our flashlights shined around, casting light on the graffiti that littered the walls and the broken furniture that was scattered on the floor. It was cool to imagine what this place looked like back in the day when it was alive and well.
We walked into the hall and looked both ways before deciding where to go. We went to the right, looking into all the rooms they all looked similar to the first, so we continued until we found stairs.
“Up or down?” Colby asked. I shrugged. I didn’t really care. I just wanted to leave.
“Let’s go up first and then check out down there before we leave,” Sam suggested. Colby and I nodded in agreement and followed Sam up the steps. The next floor was where they kept children. We walked past rooms that had little kid stuff, which was super creepy. There were creepy dolls, toy trucks, and tiny blankets. There was one room we passed that looked like it belonged to a little boy. It had a few toy cars on the floor and there was a stuffed dinosaur sitting on the bed. When we got a closer look at it, there was blood on the little T-rex.
“Oh my God,” I whispered and grabbed onto Colby’s hand for comfort.
“It’s okay, y/n. I’ve got you.” He soothed me. I nodded at him and we continued through this floor. We went back to the stairs and went down until we hit the bottom floor. It looked to be a surgical floor. We walked into a room that had a big metal table in the center. Sam walked up to it and sat his bag on it.
“This looks like the best place to do it,” Sam says as he opens his bag.
“Do what?” I question, looking between him and Colby. I watched as Sam set the camera up at the end of the table and pulled out a Ouija board. My eyes widened and I looked to Colby.
“I’m not doing that,” I stated sternly as I watched the boys set it up.
“Come on, y/n. It’ll be fun.” Sam said.
“You and I have two very different ideas of fun, Samuel,” I said, which earned a smirk and giggle from Colby. I smacked his shoulder playfully. “That’s not what I mean,” I tell him.
“Please play with us. I’ll make it up to you later, I promise.” Colby whispered to me with a little wink. I rolled my eyes and even though I really did not want to, I agreed to play with them.
We all put two fingers on the planchette and circled it around the board three times saying, “Ouija, we are here.” Sam and Colby looked at each other before Sam let out a sigh.
“I’ll go first,” he whispered. “Is there anyone here that would like to talk to us?” He asked. We all stared down at the planchette. It didn’t move for a little bit, then it slowly moved to yes. Sam looked to Colby to ask the next question.
“How many of you are there?” He questioned. The planchette moved to one. “So, there’s just one of them,” he whispered to Sam and me. The boys looked at me to go next. I let out a sigh as I thought of a question.
“Are you a boy or a girl?” I asked and looked down at the planchette, waiting for an answer. It moved to the letter b.
“How old are you?” Colby asked him. The planchette moved to 6.
“Do you like dinosaurs?” Sam asked. It moved to yes.
“Are T-rexes your favorite?” I asked. It moved to yes quickly.
“What happened to you?” Sam questioned. The planchette spelled out ‘died’.
“I’m sorry about that. Do you want to tell us how?” Colby pushed. The planchette didn’t move.
“Maybe we should quit guys,” I told them. The planchette moved to yes.
“Yes, we should. Let’s say goodbye,” Sam said. We all pulled the planchette to goodbye and began to put the board up. There was a lamp that was hung above the table and all of a sudden, it lit up which was impossible because there was no power to this building. Colby pulled me close to him.
“Colby, I’m scared,” I whisper to him. The lamp began to swing lightly, swaying back and forth.
“It’s okay. We are leaving right now anyway. Sam, hurry. Come on.” He said. Sam put the board back in his bag and zipped it up, slinging it over his shoulder.
“Let’s go,” He said. I kept my eyes on the lamp as we walked out. It stopped swaying abruptly and fell right out of the ceiling, crashing and shattering all over the table. Colby grabbed my hand and all three of us ran out of there, up the stairs, and down the hall to the room we came in through. We had to be fast to leave, but careful with the broken window we used to get in. When I was climbing through it, I heard a little boy laugh, causing me to scream and hurry out the window. Colby followed quickly and we all dashed to the fence. I felt a stinging on my arm but didn’t worry about it.
We made it to the fence and all climb over at the same time. We dashed to the trail and ran down until we got close to the opening. We slowed down to a walk and got back to the car where Sam set up the camera for the outro. I felt something drip down my hand and looked down at it. It was blood. My gaze lifted up my arm and I had a long cut going up my arm.
“Um, guys,” I said to get their attention.
“Oh my God, y/n. What happened?” Colby asked as he grabbed my arm to look at it.
“I don’t know. My arm has been stinging for a little bit, but I didn’t look at it until now.” He hands Sam the camera that was sitting on the trunk and opens it pulling out a first aid kit. He shuts the trunk and picks me up, sitting me on top of it. He wipes the blood that had run all down my arm and begins to bandage up my arm. I can’t help but smile at how focused he is on fixing my arm. It’s really cute.
“So, guys, we had a little mishap as we were leaving,” I hear Sam say and see him pan the camera over to me.
“I cut my arm,” I chuckled at my stupidity and tried to remember what was going on when I did. “Did y’all hear the little boy laugh? That’s what was happening when I cut my arm. I heard it and tried to get out faster and hurt myself.” The boys shook their heads at me. Colby finished up bandaging my arm and picked me up again, setting me on the ground gently.
“There you go. All fixed up.” He said as he kissed my forehead. He put up everything and Sam set the camera back down on the trunk.
“Okay guys, that’s it for this very eventful video,” Sam said with a light chuckle. They continued their outro and finished it quickly.
“Adios,” Sam said.
“Peace,” Colby stated as he put his hand over the camera lens to close out the video. Sam turned off the camera.
“Thanks,” I told Colby as I held up my bandaged arm. He laughed, but his face quickly changed from a smile to a frown.
“I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I made you come, and you got hurt.” He looked down in disappointment. I lifted his head slightly to kiss him. I pulled away and looked him deep in the eyes.
“It’s not your fault I got hurt. It’s mine. I should’ve been more careful with that window. I actually had fun exploring. I just didn’t like the scary stuff.” I tell him which lights up his face.
“So, you’ll explore with me again?” He asked hopeful. I nodded at him with a smile.
“Yes, just no more scary stuff.”
“No more scary stuff.”
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snarkwrites · 4 years
02| trouble |greg sanders
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So apparently, I wasn’t done with these two? Yeah.. I thought I’d post another part to their whole /story./ as it were. So, here we are.. I am... honestly lowkey tempted to do this with my Tim Speedle x OC one shots too, because I had this whole ass backstory that I broke down and condensed greatly there that I could rewind and do, too...
So if anybody wants to see it (either of them, Tim or continuing this with Greg), lemme know I guess?
Either way.. Here we are. Part II. Yay! For those who missed part I it is ( here ) I’m off to go brainstorm more on this and create a soundtrack, hehe.
Greg Sanders x Sidle!OFC.
Uhhh... heavy lingering sexual tension. Mutual pining. A whole lotta cute awkward fluffy times.. Eventually, filth. This is non timeline compliant, btw... so if you’re strictly by the timeline posed in the series, I’m sorry? Kinda?
[ faq | tag list doc | soundtrack ] 
                                                TWO. “What the hell are you watching?”
At the sound of Nick’s voice, Greg tried to avert his gaze. Tried to look anywhere but out the window and down into the pool area which happened to be right below the balcony of his apartment. He’d been completely distracted. Forgotten all about Nick still being at his place..
He stepped away from the window, turning his entire body away from it so that his back was facing it.
Nick chuckled and stepped over to the window, peering down.
“Well, I know it’s not the blonde.” Nick mused aloud, fixing a teasing gaze on his friend as he did so. 
“What the hell do you mean you know it’s not the blonde?” Greg’s brow raised at Nick’s assumption. Even though it hadn’t been the blonde, he hadn’t even realized there was even a blonde down at the pool until Nick mentioned her just then, he wondered what automatically made Nick rule out the blonde.
Nick chuckled. “You have a type, Greggo.”
“I do not have a type.” Greg argued.
Nick eyed him and after a second or two, he shrugged. Then with a smirk, he went on. “I can tell you exactly which girl you were starin at so hard your eyes were about to pop right outta your skull though.”
Greg rolled his eyes in annoyance, folding his arms over his chest.
“Fine. Go for it.”
“The leggy brunette in the black Ouija board bikini with the top untied and the lime green earbuds in. She was on the red beach towel, layin on her stomach... I think she was reading a horror novel and eating a green apple. Had herself a little garter tattoo… Am I right?”
Greg’s mouth opened and closed quickly because Nick had him dead to rights and he didn’t feel like arguing. “How the hell did you know? And why the hell were you staring so hard anyway, man?”
“She’s cute. Not my type at all, but cute.” Nick was peering out the window of Greg’s apartment now, probably watching the blonde. When Greg asked him the question, he chuckled and spun around, holding his co-worker’s gaze.
“ Because I know you. I know you well enough to know that you’re gonna go for the dark haired girl, every single time.” Nick shrugged. Greg eyed him, waiting on further elaboration. Which Nick gave, a second later.
“You were checkin her out Monday morning too when I dropped you off after work. When she was jogging?”
“I was not.” Greg said it quickly. Defensively. Entirely too quickly and defensively and he knew almost immediately that Nick didn’t buy that for a single second.
“You were, Greggo. Don’t even bother denyin’ it, I pretty much caught you. Both times, buddy.”
The sound of Greg’s apartment door being knocked on had both men sharing a look. “Were you expecting somebody, Greggo?”
“No..” Greg eyed the door, walking over to it and unlatching the locks, peering out the crack in the door when he opened it.
Belle leaned in the doorway lazily, a sheepish look on her face. Cheeks tinted pale pink and hints of a little bit of a sunburn starting to show. “I,uh… Well shit, this is lovely.” she stammered after a few seconds of the two staring at one another again, her hands dragging through her hair.
“What’s up?” Greg opened the door, letting Belle into his apartment and Nick eyed the two, chuckling to himself as he walked to the door and cleared his throat. “I’m goin back to my place, man. Same time tomorrow?”
“Yeah. My car will be out of the shop Friday, I think.” Greg waved him off and the door closed, leaving him alone in his living room with Belle.
His eyes wanted to roam but he didn’t dare. He cleared his throat and tried to swallow down the lump that had formed in it over the space of the minute or two since he’d opened the door to find her standing outside.
“What’s up?” he eyed her in concern.
“I went down to the pool to swim a few laps and tan… And I may or may not have forgotten the key to my sister’s place… She told me if I managed to lose my key somehow or get locked out, you had their other spare?” Belle gazed up at him hopefully, shuffling bare feet against the living room floor.
“Oh shit.” Greg chuckled. “Yeah, they gave me a spare when they got the place and realized I lived across from them. Let me go try to find it.”
He wandered down the hall and into his bedroom, locating where he’d sat the key on top of his dresser. Pocketing that, he called out to her, “How is it so far?”
She wandered down the hall, leaning in the doorway of his room. Biting her lip as she realized that he was taking off his button up shirt. She only barely managed to tear her eyes off of broad shoulders before he turned around to face her.
“It’s peaceful? It’s a lot more peaceful than New Orleans was.” Belle answered, their eyes locking on each other all over again. Greg went to step out of his bedroom and this put the two of them body to body for a second or two and he barely managed to bite back the groan that wanted to come at the way she felt somewhat pressed against him like she was right now.
He found his eyes drifting down and settling on her lips. 
She dragged her hand through her hair and his eyes drifted upward, watching the movement. Biting his lip as he did so before remembering the key she’d come to get. He put it into her hand, curling her hand closed around it and maybe he didn’t want to let go. Maybe he held on just a second or two longer. She gave a soft laugh and stepped away, following him back up the hall as he started back towards his living room, falling down onto the couch.
“Hey, if you’re not doing anything.. Nevermind. You’re a graveyard shifter like Sara and Gil.. I need to get goin’ and let you get your sleep…” Belle started, stepping towards his front door. Greg called out, “No, what were you going to ask?”
“Well, I’m not the greatest cook or anything.. But I was going to ask if you wanted to come over? Maybe grab some food with me?”
She shuffled her feet, leaning her back against his door as she gazed at him. Greg got caught up in staring at her and almost forgot that she’d asked a question, finally managing to answer a few seconds later, “Actually, I’d like that…”
“Sweet.. I was gonna throw something together and supposedly, it’ll be ready in an hour?”
“Supposedly?” Greg questioned, smiling at her as their eyes met again at last. “Yeah.. I’m covering my own ass because it’s like I said. I’m not the best cook.. And it may well end in the fire department having to come by.” Belle gave him that little troublemaker smirk as she shrugged and he chuckled, nodding.
“I’ll be over in a few minutes. I’m gonna go grab a shower.” 
She smiled at him and nodded, giving him the thumbs up as she closed the door to his apartment behind her.
Greg let out several long and shaky breaths and rose from the couch, heading to take his shower.
I’m surprised I heard the door being knocked on over the sound of The Artic Monkeys blasting through my sister and Gil’s apartment, just to drive out the heavy and almost oppressive silence.
But as soon as I did, I bit my lip, staring at the door. It probably wasn’t a good idea to do this as I was attempting to cut up vegetables for the stir fry I was going to try to make for Greg and I to eat. I managed to nick my finger and, swearing under my breath, I grabbed one of the paper towels next to the stove, holding it against my finger as I called out to Greg, “Just a second.”
I managed to get the finger situation under control and I slunk over, opening the door and stepping out of the way so Greg could step in.
He eyed my paper towel wrapped finger and I bit my lip, giving a soft laugh and shrugging. “It’s like I said. I can’t actually cook that well. And apparently, kitchen knives hate me.”
“Let me see it.” he was reaching for my hand and to my surprise, before I could stop myself, I was letting him take my hand in his. He unwrapped the paper towel and eyed the very small wound carefully. I spoke up. “It’ll be fine. It doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
“Yeah, but it’s still bleeding a little. Did you at least clean it out?”
I shook my head. Apparently, the running theme here is that every single time I’m around Greg Sanders, my mouth and brain are going to cease all function. I wanted to smack myself in the back of the head for it because it wasn’t me at all.
“Yeah, you need to clean that out.” Greg spoke up again, catching my attention. I nodded. Found myself distracted by his eyes and then his mouth… The strong jawline.
,, Christ, you are ridiculous. Get it together, Belle.” I admonished myself, ,, First you’re cooking and you know not the first fucking thing about cooking beyond ramen and barbecue on a grill.. Or frozen meals. What next, huh?” 
I stepped away and slunk towards the bathroom down the hall, finding the bandaids and an alcohol pad.
“Fuck.” I hissed as soon as I’d gotten the alcohol pad out of it’s wrapper and pressed it against the pad of my finger. Greg leaned in the doorway, dragging his hand over his hair. “It smells good. The food, I meant..”
“Thank you.” I glanced up at him, struggling with getting the band-aid around the end of my finger without getting it too tight or having it stick to itself. He stepped into my sister’s bathroom and took my hand in his, biting his lip as he fixed his gaze on the finger and the band-aid, wrapping it around securely before glancing back up at me.
“That should be good.”
The fact that he had to let go of my hand had me pouting a little, then fuming at myself about that internally. I finally managed to bring myself to pull my hand away and slunk up the hallway, into the kitchen. Stopping by my docked phone to change the song from Girls Just Wanna Have Fun to Need You Tonight, dancing over to the stove. Making Greg laugh at me from the doorway.
I stopped mid wiggle and stuck my tongue at him. “What’s so funny, huh? I happen to think INXS fucks.”
Greg shrugged as he stepped into the kitchen. Closer to me. I gulped, staring up at him. Not entirely sure what to say all of a sudden and definitely not sure what to do with my hands. “I mean, you’re not wrong.” he was staring right back down at me. One of us stepped closer and behind me, the shrill cry of the smoke alarm and the smell of my food burning just a little had me biting the inside of my cheek and swearing, pouting as I stepped away abruptly and made my way over to the stove to turn it off and see just how bad the damage to our food was.
“Well fuck.” I whined, turning back. Finding myself close to him all over again. Dangerously close.
Brown eyes seemed to stare straight into my soul before finally breaking away, nodding towards the wok filled with the burnt remains of what I’d been trying to cook.
,, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach my mom said… explain this fiasco, mom…” I gave a soft laugh and shook my head at the thought as it came and I sighed. I didn’t want him to leave.
Him leaving meant that I’d be in this apartment alone again, for one thing. For another, maybe there was just… something about him. A magnetic pull.
The harder I tried to fight it, which I had at first, the harder it was to fight.
“So, uh… do you know anywhere that’s open? I’ll pay.” I offered quickly. Mentally kicking myself because it almost felt clingy.. I hated that I couldn’t control myself more than anything right now. Especially after all that I’d gone through before my arrival in Las Vegas. That alone should have taught me a huge lesson.
But here I went again.
Greg chuckled, rubbing his chin in thought.
“I do have food at my place. And I can throw something together.” he said it and immediately did the same as I had when I’d asked if there were anywhere to go. Tensing slightly, almost as if he expected me to say no. “Forget it, it’s late.. That was probably dumb to ask..” he trailed off after a second or two, but I shook my head no, giving a smile.
“Actually, I’d like that. I love my sister and Gil but this place is a little… creepy… at night. Maybe it’s because it’s so quiet and I’m not used to that yet.”
“It’s not so bad once you get used to it.” he gave me that lazy grin and raked his hand over his hair. “If you want to come over, Belle… I wouldn’t mind at all. I never actually go to sleep when I get in for an hour or two anyway.”
“Oh, I want to.” I replied, slipping on my favorite boots, grabbing the key to my sister’s place and following him out into the hallway, pausing to lock the door. I turned around and found myself kind of pressed against him in the doorway. “Ready when you are.” I smiled, my eyes getting lost in his all over again…
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elstergrin · 4 years
spice and lantern for that ask thing you reblogged?
Yo first off, fun fact, but pretty sure this is the first ask me I’ve answered in... forever, I think. But we’re doing it!  Lantern -  how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other? Okay, so, I’ve had many many friends in my short life so far, but my besties are people who have literally came and got me when I was in a really rough spot mentally/emotionally last year. SO, I consider my besties to be these three guys I’ve known since we were kids, lol. One of them I met in 4th grade while the other two I met in 6th, and we’ve been in each other’s orbits for better or worse ever since, so... anyway, I don’t honestly remember exact first impressions, but I remember very fondly that one of them I became friends with because he had a walk-through guide of Kingdom Hearts II and I was in LOVE with the art/style at the time and he brought it to our middle school band class for awhile haha! I’m sure the other two were for similar reasons at first Spice -  have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted? OKAY, so the short answer is yes. The long answer is that you can make your suspension of disbelief go PRETTY FAR when you’re 13 and in love with the occult and playing with spirit boards and such at a friends’ place. Like, I’m gonna say that I don’t believe the ouija board caused anything, but I definitely don’t know how to explain a table moving by itself with the only two people in the house standing 5ft+ away from it. We supposedly met the ghost of a kid named Zahn, that very much liked me. Is this real? It’s a real event, it happened! Can I explain it? Nahhhhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Ask me more fun fall meme junk~ 🍁
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One of the most potent strategies for reaching a goal is to identify the obstacles ahead of time and to develop a plan to address each before they are encountered. We want to be optimistic, but we don’t want to be a naive optimist. The naive optimist ignores the obstacles in their way and believes that they will not confront any challenges while striving to accomplish their goal. The realistic optimist believes in their ability to accomplish their goal despite the obstacles in their way. They acknowledge and prepare for the obstacles which makes them much more likely to achieve their goal. We want to have faith in our ability to overcome obstacles, not naively believe we won’t encounter them.
Research shows that predicting how and when you might be tempted to break a resolution increases the chances that you will keep it.[i]When you are working on developing a daily discipline, ask yourself: “When am I most likely to be tempted to give in? What situation is most likely to get me sidetracked? What excuses will I give myself to procrastinate?” Once you have such a scenario mapped out in your mind, imagine yourself in that situation, what it will feel like, and what you might be thinking?  If we are struggling to form a habit, it shouldn’t be difficult to imagine what situations will cause us to slip off our path, because these situations must have occurred for us to be struggling with forming the habit now.If you enjoyed this article, please LIKE and SHARE. 
Why is imagining the situations that will cause us to fail such a useful tool for overcoming our willpower challenges? It’s because once we have identified them, we can anticipate them and develop a plan to either avoid the situation or mitigate the temptation. When you have a definite strategy in mind, imagine yourself doing it. Envision what it will feel like to succeed. The more you mentally rehearse your plan, the more likely you are to execute it successfully when the temptation confronts you.
While planning missions in the military, two things were drilled into us. The first was to keep our plans as simple as possible by avoiding unnecessary complexity. We were taught the acronym KISS, “Keep it simple, stupid.” Simple plans are easier to execute. Complexity is the enemy of execution. The second was to rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse. The simpler your plan is, and the more you rehearse it, the better you will execute your plan. Execution is critical. Plans do not produce results unless you execute them.
Gabriele Oettingen a clinical psychologist and author of Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation, found that regardless of the goal, weight loss, obtaining a high-paying job after college, finding your soul mate, or recovering from hip replacement surgery, being a realistic optimist dramatically increases your odds of success. Realistic optimist recognizes the pitfalls that lay in front of them and develop a plan to address them. They don’t overestimate their ability to overcome challenges through willpower alone. They shape their environment and create if-then plans to shape their behavior. Realistic optimists have meals ready to eat in their freezer, they submit more job applications, they exercise more courage to meet potential romantic partners, and they create daily routines around rehabilitation exercises.[ii]
We must believe in ourselves, but one of the worst things we can do is underestimate the challenges we must overcome or overestimate our finite and fickle abilities to overcome them. Presuming that our willpower will always be adequate to the challenge of overcoming every temptation is folly. We need to recognize the challenges before we encounter them and develop a plan, based on proven strategies, to overcome those challenges. We should seek the advice of people that have done it.
Everyone struggles with procrastination, laziness, and overcoming distractions to make progress toward their goals. The bigger the goal, the more likely we are to be intimidated by it. The more likely we’ll be to procrastinate. When a reporter asked Earnest Hemmingway how he set about writing a novel, he replied, “First you defrost the refrigerator.” While I am no Hemmingway, the task of writing a book can seem overwhelming. To prevent the enormity of the task overwhelming me, I focus on writing the next paragraph or outlining the next chapter. A beautiful book about the joys, struggles, and rewards of writing is Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird. She describes writing as a gritty endeavor that requires courage to overcome procrastination born out of perfectionism to produce that “shitty first draft.” She says, “Perfectionism is a mean, frozen form of idealism, while messes are the artist’s true friend.”
Her book’s title reminds me to focus on taking that next small step to produce that shitty first draft. I remember the story of Anne Lamott’s brother for which the book is titled. She recounts the story in her book: “Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a report on birds written that he’d had three months to write, which was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother’s shoulder, and said, “Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.” Her father’s simple advice is something we can all use as a tool to stop procrastinating and take one small step, and then another.
It is a common mistake to think that our weaknesses are unique to us. They aren’t. Many of us wrongly believe that our weakness of willpower reveals a profound flaw in our character. It doesn’t. Frailties and imperfections are common. It is part of what it means to be human. They are so common that we marvel at and celebrate those that can overcome them. Weakness is a part of the human condition. We need to understand our limitations and develop effective strategies for coping with them. We all struggle with willpower, but most of us never seek a better understanding of it. The better we understand our human frailties, the better we can manage them to overcome our willpower challenges.
The only way to beat procrastination is to overcome the mental obstacles to starting. Marla Cilley, the creator of the 5-Minute Room Rescue, found an ingenious way to help us overcome procrastination. She suggests you commit to five minutes of work. For example, tell yourself, “All I am asking for is a five-minute commitment, after that we can stop.” Of course, after starting it is much easier to keep going. This same tactic can be applied to performing a workout when you just are not feeling it. Tell yourself, “let’s get changed, grab a cup of coffee, and warm-up for five minutes, and if we still are not feeling it, we can quit.” Once you get started, it is unlikely you won’t be able to finish the workout.
We have one brain but two minds. One mind is motivated by base instincts and strong emotions, the other is logic driven and focused on our long-term goals. Emotions are powerful. Overcoming them through sheer force of will is very taxing and can deplete our willpower reserves quickly, leaving us more vulnerable to the next temptation. Shrinking the commitment, by asking for only 5-minutes of work is a very effective strategy for overcoming our feelings. The more consistently we can overcome our emotions to do what is in line with our long-term goals the more successful we will be.
Consistency is the key to making progress. John Maxwell’s Power of Five provides a great example of the power of small persistent actions. He asks what would happen if you had a large tree on your property and you committed to taking five swings at it each day? The answer is always the same; the tree will eventually fall. It doesn’t matter how large the tree is. He has written over 70 successful books using the Power of Five. We are often intimidated by the large trees in our life, but if we just committed toward doing a little each day, instead of being overwhelmed by them we would achieve incredible results.
When it comes to writing, I subscribe to Steven King’s philosophy, “Don’t wait for the muse. As I’ve said, he’s a hardheaded guy who’s not susceptible to much creative fluttering. This isn’t the Ouija board or the spirit-world we’re talking about here, but just another job like laying pipe or driving long-haul trucks. Your job is to make sure the muse knows where you’re going to be every day from nine ’til noon or seven ’til three. If he does know, I assure you that sooner or later he’ll start showing up.” I keep showing up. The worst thing we could do is judge ourselves too harshly and believe our weakness of willpower reveals a unique flaw in our character instead of what it is, ordinary human frailty.
The three most important things to understand about willpower is: (1) we need to get adequate sleep each night to begin the day with the maximum amount of willpower (2) our willpower depletes as our day progresses, and (3) the more self-control we are forced to exercise, the faster the rate of depletion. Stress and fatigue are the enemies of willpower. If you wake-up each morning tired, you’re already starting the day at a willpower disadvantage. Most people need at least 7.5 to 8.5 hours of sleep each day. Since our willpower is greatest at the beginning of each day, that would be the best time to schedule the tasks that require the most willpower. You’ll also find you have a lot fewer interruptions in the morning. The last strategy and perhaps the most important is to avoid taxing our willpower unnecessarily. We want to shape our environment to promote positive habits and discourage negative ones.
I have made writing a daily a habit, so it doesn’t require much willpower anymore. It is just a part of my day. Most times I can block out distractions and my ideas flow. Sometimes I cannot, but I keep showing up, determined and excited to make whatever little bit of progress I can make each day with the time that I can set aside. I write in the early morning hours because the rest of my day is filled with personal and professional commitments. I know that if I keep plugging away, I will eventually complete this book and the other books I have already outlined. The key to finishing is to develop the habit of starting again each day. I don’t rely on willpower to write each day; I rely on my morning schedule. I don’t struggle with the decision. I look at the clock, and when it says 4:30 AM, my mind says it is time to write. Routines reap results because they don’t rely on willpower, that fickle friend that is never there for you when you need him. Disciplined habits are our best friends. “A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labors of a spasmodic Hercules.” Anthony Trollope
The more we rely on willpower as our strategy for success, the less likely we are to achieve our goals. The problem with willpower is that it depletes as the day progresses and leaves us naked to temptation. It is more useful to shape our environment to reduce temptations and distractions than to rely on willpower and grit. When we overestimate our willpower, we unnecessarily expose ourselves to people, situations, and environments that will tempt us to break our resolutions. “Research shows that people who think they have the most willpower are actually the most likely to lose control when tempted. For example, smokers who are the most optimistic about their ability to resist temptation are the most likely to relapse four months later, and overoptimistic dieters are the least likely to lose weight. Why? They fail to predict when, where, and why they will give in. They expose themselves to more temptation,” Kelly McGonigal.
Ronald Amundsen
The 1909 race to the South Pole illustrates the necessity to identify the challenges ahead of you, learn from the success of those who have gone before you, and not to rely too heavily on grit and determination to push through whatever obstacles you encounter. Two teams took-up the challenge of being the first to reach the South Pole. One group was led by British Naval Officer Robert Scott and the other lead by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen.
Amundsen gave his people the best possible equipment, and paced their journey to ensured he gave his men plenty of time to rest along the route. Scott’s team was ill-equipped. Inadequate clothes lead to frostbite, and poor goggles lead to snow blindness. Amundsen used dogs to haul their provisions, while Scott used untried motorized sleds which quickly failed, forcing his men to carry their provisions on sleds.
At the South Pole: Wilson (left), Scott, Oates (standing); Bowers and Evans (sitting)
Scott pushed on and ultimately made it to the South Pole, albeit one month behind Amundsen’s team. Tragically, no one on Scott’s team would survive the journey back, while Amundsen’s team returned with no severe maladies. There are many reasons for the radically different outcomes, but ultimately it was Scott’s overconfidence in the grit and resilience of his team that caused him to underestimate the difficulty of their journey. His dying words illustrate this point. “Had we lived, I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance, and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale.”[iii]
I don’t want to diminish their courageous act of perseverance, but merely wish to point out that it could have been avoided. Scott could have given his team a better chance of success if he had better identify the challenges and better understood the limits of human endurance. This program offers tools to make your journey more manageable, but certainly not effortless. You will have to demonstrate some grit and willpower, but much less than if you didn’t use the proper strategies. The mistake I want us to avoid making is relying too heavily on willpower.
A plan that relies too heavily on willpower is doomed to failure. We are foolish to subject ourselves to temptation needlessly. Willpower is a fickle thing that often leaves us during our time of greatest need. As Shakespeare put it, “we are devils to ourselves, when we will tempt the frailty of our powers.”[iv] We shouldn’t tempt fate by relying on willpower when an effective strategy could reduce or eliminate the need for willpower. The proven strategies contained in this program will give you the greatest odds of success. Why make your journey any more difficult than it needs to be? The best use of our willpower is the implementation of strategies to reduce our need to exercise it.
The distance between our goals and where we are is the journey before us. When we choose to spend time with people that exhibit negative attitudes and behaviors, we are deciding to put rocks in our backpack. If we are trying to eat healthier but choose to stock our pantry with junk food, we are choosing to make our journey harder. We are consciously choosing to put pebbles in our shoes. Many people say they don’t want to deprive their kids, of what exactly I don’t know, a lifetime of sugar addiction? I believe desserts should be an occasional treat, not a daily indulgence.
These rocks and pebbles won’t produce an immediate failure, but they will make failure inevitable. The extra weight will slow your progress, and the pebbles will grind away at your resolve with each step you take; until you eventually give up. When your willpower finally gives out, you’ll blame it for your lack of success, instead of your decision to expose yourself to the temptations unnecessarily. You are going to need grit and willpower, just like Amundsen’s team surely did to successfully navigate the South Pole, but they combined it with the right tools and strategies.
Save your limited willpower for the temptations you cannot avoid, instead of putting more in your path. You are going to be tempted at the office to eat the donuts, cookies, and birthday cakes on a regular basis. Our supply of willpower can vary significantly from day to day depending on how stressful our day has been. This is especially true as the day wears on, and our ability to exert willpower is depleted to almost nothing. If we get adequate sleep each night, we begin the day with a willpower reservoir that is fully restored like your cellphone battery. The more we use it throughout the day, the quicker it depletes. Ever notice that most of our bad habits occur late at night?
That is because our willpower has evaporated and all we are left with is our desire to seek instant gratification and relief from our stressful day. Shaping your environment by eliminating the temptations you will encounter in the evening is the most effective strategy you can adopt. The next most effective technique is establishing an evening ritual that supports your goals. Habits conserve our willpower because they don’t require our conscious mind to decide what to do. The decision is made automatic through repetition. Our primitive mind encounters the cue and executes the routine automatically.
Change agents often find that what appears to be a people problem is a situation problem. Instead of taking on the difficult task of changing our behavior through willpower, we can often tweak our environment and make change happen painlessly. Instead of relying on workers following proper procedures, safety engineers install guards and controls to prevent workers from taking shortcuts that put themselves at risk. They do this because they know that it is easier to tweak the environment; rather than to force 100% compliance with proper procedure as workers become overconfident and complacent.
I hope you’ll decide to become an optimistic realist. I hope I have convinced you that we cannot ignore the challenges in front of us or imagine a future in which they won’t exist. We must develop a plan that relies less on willpower and more on structuring our environment to make good habits easier and bad habits more difficult. Our environment profoundly influences our behavior, so it is only logical that we would want to shape it to promote good habits and discourage bad ones.
A realistic optimist anticipates the challenges that are outside their control so they can develop and rehearse a simple plan to address them. If you are struggling to exercise five days a week consistently, I want you to first ask yourself “why am I NOT going to train five days this week?” Then I want you to develop a plan that will allow you to overcome the excuses. Optimism is an excellent source of motivation, but naïve optimism is a recipe for failure that ends in bitter disappointment. I want you to believe in yourself, but I want that believe to be based on the world as it is, and not based on the world as you would wish it to be. I want you to be a realistic optimist.
Best wishes and best health!
[i] Kelly McGonigal, The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It, Avery; Reprint edition (December 31, 2013)
[ii] Heidi Grant, Be an Optimist Without Being a Fool, Harvard Business Review, MAY 02, 2011
[iii] John C. Maxwell, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, HarperCollins Leadership; Revised & Updated edition (September 16, 2007)
[iv] William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida Translation, Act 4, Scene 4
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Don't make the mistake of being a naive optimist. Research shows that predicting how and when you might be tempted to break a resolution increases the chances that you will keep it. Learn more. If you enjoy this article, please LIKE, SHARE, and follow us on Facebook. One of the most potent strategies for reaching a goal is to identify the obstacles ahead of time and to develop a plan to address each before they are encountered…
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morrisondauthor · 7 years
“Bad Séance II”
***this story is a continuation of a story I posted last year for Halloween called “Bad Séance”***
          I never got over what happened to Alton. My friendship with Wade deteriorated and my relationship with Denny ended not long after the incident happened. For a whole year, I went to many different therapists but none could explain what the hell happened. They wouldn’t diagnose me with any mental disorders nor would they explain how Alton could disappear the way he did. I tried my hardest to move on but I couldn’t. It didn’t matter how much time went by or how successful I was in my career, I had to get Alton back. I never stopped searching for answers, and my search one day led me to a house of devil worship.
          “If you’re here to spout your Christian beliefs,” said some old white guy the moment I walked in, “please just go. I’ve already had to call the police on three people today. The crazies always come out on Halloween.”
          “Sir, I’m here because I saw your ad in a laundromat,” I told him as I stepped further into the building. “My name is Cedric and I need your help.”
          He stopped reading a paper and looked up at me to ask, “Are you a true believer in the Almighty Lucifer?”
          “I am.”
          “And why do you believe in him?”
          “Because…he took my friend last year.”
          When I said that, the man rolled his eyes and quickly said, “Leave.”
          “Sir, I am not lying to you. The devil took my friend and I need to communicate with him now. I need to do some kind of deal or something. I’m willing to even trade my own life. My friend didn’t deserve what happened to him.”
          “You need to leave before I call the police.”
          “Please! You have to help me! If you’re a real worshiper of Lucifer then it’s your obligation to help me get in contact with him.”
          “Okay; tell me something, how exactly did Lucifer get your friend?”
          “My friends and I were playing around with a Ouija board and…”
          “I’ve heard enough. Get out.”
          “It’s time for you to go, now!”
          “You know what, you’re a fucking phony. This whole fake ass satanic house of worship is bullshit! You don’t really believe Lucifer exists. If you did, you’d know the fear I have been living with for the past year.” I spit on the floor and then left the building as quickly as I could.
          I felt like I truly was out of options at that point. I was walking back to my car when out of nowhere, this old woman began approaching me while whistling this creepy tune. She looked very old and had long straight grey hair. Her skin was dark brown with liver spots all over, and her eyes were a dark green color. She stepped up to me and said, “If you’re trying to communicate with Satan, then you’re going to have to summon him.”
          Not knowing what to make of her, I asked, “How do I summon him?”
          “How did you do it before?”
          “Me and my friends were messing with this Ouija board. I know it sounds crazy but…”
          “You were tricked, weren’t you?”
          “Yes. He tricked us. He tricked us and he took our friend. Is there any way I can get my friend back?”
          “You’d have to ask Satan yourself. I’m Esmeralda and I can help you. Come with me, sweetheart.”
          I followed her around the block and into her apartment building. It was an old building and looked abandoned. I would’ve thought she was homeless if it weren’t for how decent her apartment looked inside. She turned on a light and then took off her jacket. As she went into a back room, I stood by the door and hoped that this old woman could help me. She returned a few moments later with a Ouija board box.
          “He has many ways of tricking people,” she told me as she removed board from the box and sat it on a small table. “He can come to you in a dream if you’ve committed a grave sin and talk you into signing your soul over to him. He can even get to you through the food you eat if you’re not careful. Not all people who die from food and drink are poisoned. This board here is one of the easiest ways he can get to you.”
          “I wouldn’t have touched it had I known. I wouldn’t have come up with the stupid idea to buy it.”
          “What are you looking to do? Are you looking to make a deal with him?”
          “Well, you have to be very careful and listen to him very closely. I can get him here but you have to do the talking.”
          “What will you be doing to get him here?”
          “You’ll see.” She gave me the creepiest look as she told me, “Place your hands on the pointer, dear.” I placed my hands on the Ouija board pointer and she said, “Ask him if he’s here with us right now.”
          I took a deep breath and asked, “Lucifer, are you here with us?” The pointer moved to the yes circle.
          Without saying anything else to me, she chanted something in another language over and over again. About the fifteenth time she chanted the saying, she began screaming. I backed away from her because I had no idea what was going on. She screamed and covered her eyes as she began to run around in a circle. Her hair flew up in the air as if she were standing on a big fan. And then, she collapsed to the floor. She wasn’t moving or anything and I was scared out of my mind.
          I moved closer to her and asked, “Esmeralda, are you okay?”
          She began groaning nonstop as her body slowly lifted itself from the floor while remaining horizontal. She was levitating. Without turning to face me, she declared, “This isn’t Esmeralda anymore.”
          I was beyond scared at that point. I was shaking so bad that I could barely control myself. I took a deep breath and asked, “Lucifer?”
          She laughed and replied, “In the flesh.”
          “Do you remember me?”
          “I remember all who have summoned me. So yes, I remember you, Cedric.”
          “May I have my friend Alton, back?”
          “Well, can I at least speak to him?”
          “There has to be something I can do. Can I trade myself for him to be free?”
          “Come on, damnit! You claim to have all this power and control but you can’t do a damn thing to put my friend back on this earth! You took him from us, so you can give him back if you wanted to. It shouldn’t have been him. It should’ve been me. Do you hear me, you bastard?! It should’ve been me! I talked them into doing that stupid crap with the Ouija board. I caused this. Take me and give him back!”
          “What can I do? Just tell me what to do and I promise you, I will do it. I swear I will do it.”
          “One of my eternal slaves found a way out of my kingdom and I want him back. He’s possessed the body of some lost soul and he knows I can’t get to him without him summoning me in some way.”
          “I’ll find him and bring him to you. What do I have to do?”
          “You have to kill the body he is hiding from me in. Kill him and repeat this phrase after you’ve put some of the body’s blood on your forehead: I have your slave, Almighty Father. If you bring back the soul of my eternal slave, then I will do anything that you wish.”
          “But you’re a liar. The devil is a liar. How am I supposed to trust that you’ll honor the deal?”
          “Because my eternal slaves are supposed to be mine forever unless I say otherwise. Your friend Alton will be released from Hell if you wish. I can make any wish come true, Cedric.”
          “How do I find the eternal slave that escaped?”
          “He’s living in this city. He’s living in the body of a man named Dreyonn Smith, but his real name is Mason Holt. If an eternal slave escapes Hell, it means their soul has taken over the body of a mortal. They are aware of it but the longer they are in the mortal body, the more they forget about being in Hell. If you say Mason’s name, even in a silent whisper, he will hear you and he will remember. You’ll see it in his eyes. You kill him, Cedric. Kill him and say the phrase. It’s the only way.”
          Before I could ask anything else, Esmeralda fell to the floor and began coughing. I bent down to help her up and after she calmed down, she told me, “That’ll be two hundred dollars, sweetie. And I only take cash.”
          After going with her to a nearby ATM and giving her the money, I ran back to my car to begin looking for the man I was supposed to find. It took me hours but I was finally able to track him down on the other side of the city. He was a construction worker and since it was getting dark, all of the construction workers at the site were leaving. I tried to think of a way to get him but couldn’t think of anything. It wasn’t until I noticed some prostitutes getting out of a car that I finally came up with something.
          “All I have to do is get him into the room and tie him up?” a prostitute, Stephanie, asked me.
          “Yes,” I told her. “And don’t forget to put this over his head.” I pulled a mask I’d purchased from a nearby store out of the bag and handed it to her. “If you do all of that, I’ll pay you five hundred dollars.”
          “I don’t know what kind of kinky shit you’re into, but you got yourself a deal.”
          “Ask which one is Dreyonn and then tell him you’ve been paid by a friend to give him a good time at that motel over there.”
          “Alright, I got it.”
          She walked away from me and I climbed into my car and watched her as she hurried across the street. She stopped a group of construction workers as they tried to get to a subway terminal. Three of the guys walked away from her, but one stayed. He was a tall dark-skinned black dude. When I saw him put his arm around Stephanie and head over to the motel, I knew it was all going to work out. I climbed back out of my and hurried into the motel to follow them inside. They took the stairwell and I carefully followed. They went into room 318 and closed the door. About a few minutes later, Stephanie quietly opened the door.
          I handed her the money and told her, “Thank you.”
          “No problem, doll,” she said back. “I can tell you’re gonna have some fun with him. He is sexy and has a big dick. It was nice doing business with you.”
          “Ditto.” I let her leave and then I stepped into the room and closed the door.
          “Sexy, is that you?” the guy asked. He was naked and tied to the headboard of the bed. The mask was covering his face.
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                          Dreyonn Smith (aka Mason Holt) [pic link]
          I paused for a second before saying in as silent a whisper as possible, “Mason Holt.”
          “What did you say?” he asked as he turned his head towards me. “What the fuck! Who the hell are you? Man, untie me right now!”
          “No, I can’t do that, Mason.”
          He stopped trying to break free and asked, “Who sent you? What do you want?”
          “The devil sent me and today just isn’t your day, man.”
          “No. No, you can’t do this. I’m a person again. You can’t…”
          “I made a deal. And to be honest with you, I don’t give a fuck if that deal goes through or not at this point. I have no other options. I want my friend back and this is the only way. I’m sorry, but you should’ve found another way out.” I pulled a long kitchen knife that I’d brought from my apartment out of the bag I was carrying.
          “Wait, you don’t have to do this. You can find another way. If Lucifer has your friend then your friend deserved it!”
          Without saying another word to him, I raised the knife and stabbed him deep in his stomach. I raised the knife again and stabbed him in the chest. He began coughing up blood and convulsing. I stabbed him over and over again until he finally stopped moving. Once he stopped breathing, I slit his throat to make sure he was dead. Finally, I sat the knife down and put my thumb in his blood. I smeared it across my forehead and said what I had to say.
          “I have your slave, Almighty Father,” I said as I closed my eyes.
          When I reopened my eyes, I was no longer in the motel room. I was completely naked and I was standing beside a naked white man. The way he was looking at me made me feel weird. Finally, he shook his head and asked, “Are you happy now? Look at what you’ve done.”
          “You’re damn right it’s me. You piece of shit! I was out of this place and now you’ve ruined me. You’ve probably ruined us both. Come on.”
          He grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper and deeper into what looked like a cave. The deeper we went, the hotter it became. The ground was so rough that I could feel it cutting the soles of my feet. We turned a corner and what happened next will forever haunt me. Standing right there before us was him; Lucifer. This time, he wasn’t using someone’s body to communicate. He was right there in front of me and he looked scarier than I ever could have imagined. He began laughing at the sight of me in shock.
          “What is this?” I asked. “Why am I here?”
          “Don’t worry,” he said to me. “I just wanted you to see the slave you’ve brought back to me. Now, name your wish.”
          I thought on it for a second and then told him, “I want to go back to the night you took Alton and I want all of this to be erased. I want to remember everything, but I don’t want my friends or anyone else involved to remember.”
          He clapped his hands and said, “As you wish. Close your eyes. When you open them, all of this would have never happened.”
          I took a deep breath before closing my eyes. When I reopened them, I was back in the house I shared with Alton, Denny and Wade. I was in Denny’s room and he was wearing the same clothes he had on the night Alton was taken. Everything was exactly how it was. I looked over at Denny and he smiled and asked, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
          “Nothing,” I said with a smile. “I just missed you.”
          “Missed me? You’ve been with me all day, baby.”
          “I know.”
          “Y’all come here!” Wade called out from the living room. Denny and I headed downstairs to see Wade and Alton were lying on the floor.
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          “What’s going on?” Denny asked.
          “I just learned some crazy shit about this house,” Wade replied. “Y’all know how this part of town used to be called Little Jamaica, right?”
          “Yeah,” I answered. “What about it?”
          “A dude died in this house,” he explained. “Like ten years before they gentrified this area, some homophobic Jamaican dudes tortured and killed this gay Jamaican dude here.” He scrolled through his phone and read more about the situation. “The dude they killed was into some crazy Voodoo type shit.”
          “Man, that’s probably fake,” said Denny.
          “It’s true,” Alton certified. “I’ve looked it up before. The gay guy was a known prostitute in the area. His name was Almani Breaux and he was lured to this house by the guys who lived here. They tricked him into thinking they’d pay him for letting them run a train on him and when he came inside, they attacked him.”
          “Damn,” I said. “That’s messed up.”
          “Do y’all think his spirit is still trapped in here?” Wade asked.
          “Spirit?” Denny asked. “Man, that shit ain’t real.”
          “No for real,” said Wade. “What if his spirit is trapped in this house? I have noticed some weird shit happening around here.”
          I realized it was starting to happen all over again. However, I was supposed to suggest going to Wal-Mart to get the Ouija board. Instead, I suggested, “Guys, let’s stop talking about this. It’s creepy.”
          “Yeah, it is a little too creepy,” Wade agreed.
          “No, wait,” said Alton with a smile. “I think it would be cool to see if we can release the spirit from this house.”
          “What?” I asked. “Alton, no.”
          “Let’s go to Wal-Mart and get a Ouija board. I heard you can communicate with spirits through it.”
          “I’m game,” Denny said. He turned to me and said, “We’ll be right back, baby. We’re gonna go to Wal-Mart.”
          “No,” I screamed as Denny and Alton headed out of the house. “No! He tricked me! He fucking tricked me! No!” I tried to run out after them but it was like they were moving faster than me. I turned back to Wade but he seemed unbothered by me freaking out. “Lucifer, you tricked me! No!”
[Disclaimer]: Pictures used do not reflect the sexuality or personality of people in the pictures. They only serve as visual examples of the characters.
© D.A. Morrison 2017
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ectoamerican · 1 year
@oddliestoo ( Daphne ) sent: ❛ those scare the heck out of me! ❜
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MISC. ANIMAL CROSSING STARTERS. || not accepting atm.
"If you think that's scary, you should try my mom's cooking." It was only a half joke. Were anyone to look in the fridge, they'd likely be assaulted by his mother's leftover meatloaf. As usual, none of it had been eaten. Mostly because it wanted to try biting back.
Danny wondered how long his parents' guests would be at Fenton Works. It wasn't too uncommon for people to come here to ask about local ghost sightings or about their ghost hunting inventions. So he wasn't really phased by having strangers in the house.
He reached for the remote to pause the new horror movie he'd been watching in the living room. He could always finish it when his parents were done with whatever they were up to. "Actually. Nobody should try my mom's cooking."
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musubiki · 6 years
by the by here some oscar headcanons
same age as the other 3, ends up getting into the same class as them
the excited sunshine friend (tm)
also surprisngly the most normal out of all of them. the only one with both his parents
the 1st person he runs into is lime and hes excited!!!! dude!!!! long time no see remember me????? were in the same class now how cool is that????????????
he was limes best friend in early middle school. they would get into so. much trouble. 
so he is notoriously out of the loop for literally everything thats happened 
he sees mochi down the hallway and hes all “Oh my god., iis..is that...mochi palms????” “YEAH shes in our class too”
at first hes a bit playfully mean to her
lime has to literally stop him from bullying her and let him know that theyre on good terms already chill out
(hes not a bully by nature but him and lime used to tease her in middle school and he was just backing lime fjdksdf)
mochi just kinda laughs it off. its ok. relax
hes a HUGE like. ghost adventures fan. hes always chasing paranormal cryptid shit. but hes not scared of it. he goes and calls the ghosts asshole wimps
hes the only one out of the group that doesnt live in the town. he has to take like a 10 minute bike ride to the nearest bus stop and then its another 10 minute bus ride to the school
he lives in a very rural country setting outside the city. theres a lot of like farms and feild out there, but his parents wanted to live in the clean quiet air kind of place (insp from my neighbor totoro kind of place)
oscar takes wood shop as an elective, and he kind of likes it. hes made a bunch of wooden little projects for fun. 
hes also pretty good at carving by hand. once he made a little wodden horse,. it had a dumb looking head and its legs were too short, ubt you win some you learn some nfdksf
sometimes the drama club needs some more specific props. mochi has to go ask him for help because coco is too stubborn. “Can’t we just make it out of like????? cardboard?????/ please???????????” “Or we can have oscar do it for free”
this is because once she asked him and he insisted $300 dollars cash payment. mochi asked him later and hes like “OH sure. np👌” we hate him
him and coco got off on the WRONG ASS FOOT. 
1st interaction was when coco was climbing through the window of the classroom, late to class again, with the teacher that hates her. she was trying to be discrete, oscar is sitting right by the window, she has no idea who this new kid even is, tells him “scOOT YOUR ASS BEFORE HE SEES ME”
ofc oscar is like “????? no wtf” AND SHE ENDS UP FALLNIG ON HER FACE. the teacher looks suspiciously in their direction, shes fokojng hiding behind oscar and mochis tables. “WHY ARE YOU MAKING SO MUCH NOISE OVER THERE OSCAR????” 
“Uhhh its not me its this chick hiding behind me”
que to coco running out of the room with the pissed off teacher chasing her (eventually she outsmarts him and makes it back to the room,., another teacher has to sub because all the running made the other one faint. coco: 34, teachers: 0)
“Whyd you rat me out like that you piece of fruit????!??!?!?!” “?????!?!????? I DOnt want to get in trouble fix your time managment next time” life is hard when you meet someone = to your sass level
overall hes not a sassy guy though. hes a good hearted kid and a good soul but he can totally ROAST you if you come after him. so HAHA now cocos super irritated by him,. oscar just kinda lets it go and forgets about it within an hour, coco is salty for 700 days. 
lime is overjoyed that now someone is here that can actually piss her off 
for unknown reasons oscar is supremely capable of pushing her buttons and no one knows how. he doesnt even mean to he can say literally anything and shes annoyed. [confused nick young meme]
his favorite holiday is ALSO HALOWEEN and is the self-proclaimed king of halloween. this sparks the biggest rivalry between two self proclaimed royalty claiming that they go harder on halloween
cocos main interest in the holiday is more of the ‘get free candy, harass young children, tp houses’ vibe, whereas oscars is more,,. ‘im gonna lure out all the ghosts and no one can stop me’
problematic bc coco is actually kind of afriad of ghosts
once mochi and lime had to stay at their shops for part of the night for the trick-or-treaters, so coco and oscar went trick or treating together. oscar LITERALLY had an ouija board and was READY TO CONTACT THE OTHER SIDE,. COCO WAS FREAKED THE HELL OUT “DUDE PUT THAT DEMON SHIT AWAY WTF????????!?!?!?!!!!”
coco is better with makeup but oscars outfits are better quality
he is also the only one to suspect that mochi is more than normal. he cant put his finger on what it is about her exactly but he feels like something is off. his 1st theory was vampire (quickly disproven bc she obviously. goes in the sun. and hes seen her reflection before.
carries around a notebook to record evidence on supernatural and mochi theories.
“okay 1. lives near the ocean, 2. no one knows of her late night activies, 3. never goes in the water, 4. always drinking water SHE MUST BE A MERMAID”
lime is just shaking his fiukcjng head (post-reveal)
once he saw her cat and literally asked her “..........are you a witch?” at first shes SHOOK but then kinda stares at him for a while, before answering “is this another one of your conspiracy theories” “or a mermaid. are you a mermaid?”
not a bad dancer. actually pretty good,
one time mochi and lime go over to his house for a project. his house is near the border of a big forest. mochi never tells him theres powerful forest spirits in there
but his home is a great safehouse later on. sometimes they make the trip out there just to relax in the mountain air. peaceful(tm)
hes the last of the squad to be introduced, but i havent decided if him or coco find out about mochi first. also havent decided on what his power is going to end up
always drops by mochis shop after school for a snack. hes a little hurt because he has to pay for it whereas lime gets stuff for free LMAOO
he can tell pretty easily that mochi is crushing on lime. he teases lime about mochi too. chaotic nuetral “Have you guys hooked up yet?” “HAHA NOOoo wTF are you TALKING about.,..,..”
the bigass weeb. watches anime and cartoons. pretends like hes the edgy cool guy(tm) but hes really not. literally wears a gravity falls shirt. loser
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neni-has-ascended · 7 years
7 Urban Legends from the Persona Series and the Real World!
This is the script to a video I uploaded onto my YouTube Channel as a Halloween Special. If you want to see the actual video, click here. 
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If there is one theme that has drawn itself through the entirety of the Persona series since day one - Jungian psychology and demons non-withstanding - it's the series' repeated use of ghost stories and urban legends as a narrative device and sometimes even as a gameplay element. 
Literally, the first scene in the very first game has our main characters trying their hands at what amounts to a room-sized Ouija board. No surprise, given how popular these sorts of stories are in Japan - I mean, there IS a reason Japanese horror movies are pretty much considered a genre all of their own. This theme also makes a lot of sense considering it in association to the games' borrowings from Analytical psychology, since rumors and myths of all kind can be seen as an expression of the country's collective cultural unconscious, very much in-line with Jung's ideas. This interpretation is only helped by scenes such as one in Persona 2 where Nyarlathotep outright calls rumors the collective wishes of the people, or a page of the P3 club book, where Ikutsuki claims that information spread on the internet has been an important tool for feeding the collective death wish Erebus embodies, or the scene in Persona 4, where Izanami claims the Midnight Channel was her way of reflecting mankind's own desires back at them--- I think my point is clear, right?
So yeah, how about we take a look at some rumors from the Persona Universe and their roots in real life urban legends?
#1 "Persona-san" VS "Square" (Persona 1)
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Literally the first thing we saw in any Persona game. Ever.
Hidehiko Uesugi coaxes his pals - this includes you and the majority of your future party members - into playing a game that involves 4 people standing in the corners of an empty room, one after another walking over into the next corner, tapping the shoulder of the next person, calling for "Persona" to "come", then the person who's shoulder has been tapped moves to the next corner, rinse-repeat. Eventually this results in awkward CGI- I mean a ghost girl appearing, lightning striking everyone and, bam, Philemon hands out Personas like butterfly Oprah.
This little 'ritual' is very directly based on a ghost story from real life Japan, however, unlike the Persona version, where the rumor claims the game's purpose is to predict the future, in the original story the shoulder-tapping carousel's purpose was very explicitly NOT DYING.
Context: The story called “Square” begins with 5 members of a hiking club going up on a mountain and getting lost in a blizzard. One of them gets hit on the head with by rock, dies. The others manage to carry their dead comrade to an empty hut, sit there for a while, then decide "Well, body count of 1 is quite enough for an after-school activity, dear chaps, let's try to not get ahead of ourselves!" So they keep each other awake by walking from corner to corner and, what else, tapping each other's shoulder. Only after a few rounds of that, the last one of them, let's call 'em "D", realized: 
"Wait a minute. If A is in corner B, B is in corner C, C is in corner D and D is in corner A... Then WHOSE SHOULDER DID I JUST TAP!?"
Eventually, they decided that this mysterious fifth person -let's call 'em F- was their dear, fallen friend, who'd come back from the dead to help them out with staying awake and alive by... lightly tapping someone's shoulder. Because that's what friendship is all about!
And no, I have no idea what this has to do with Philemon. Or Personas. Or anything. But hey, at least the ghost in this one is benevolent! That's more than I can say for pretty much anything else on this list!
#2 "Joker" VS "Satoru-kun" (Persona 2 IS)
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The Persona 2 duology has no shortage of creepy rumors, given that there's an entire game-mechanic that involves gathering and spreading stories around town, however, none is quite as unsettling and familiar as the one that pretty much kicks off the plot. And when I say "familiar", I mean "familiar" to Japanese players, because, again, this one is based directly on an actually existing Japanese Urban Legend.
In Persona 2 IS, "Joker" is an entity that one can contact by calling their own cellphone's number and chanting "Joker, joker, come here." Joker will then appear behind the caller and grant their wishes, unless they don't have any, in which case he'll pretty much just steal their minds and erase them from our plane of existence. Neeaaaaat. There's another version of JOKER in EP who's pretty similar, except this one only grants wishes that involve murdering people, but we're not gonna focus on that one right now.
P2 IS' Joker is based on the urban legend of "Satoru-kun", which goes as follows: Grab a 10 Yen coin and search a payphone. You can't use any other types of phones or coins, it has to be a 10 Yen coin and a payphone. Satoru is very specific like that. Anyway, once you've located both of these, call your own cellphone wait for the call to connect, then try not to feel too embarrassed about yourself as you chant "Satoru, Satoru, come to me" into the payphone.
By the way, this is also where the "Persona, Persona, come to me" chant from the previous number on this list comes from. That one wasn't originally in Square.
Anyway, once you're done chanting, you hang up the call and turn off your cellphone completely. If you did everything correctly, within 24 hours you should start getting calls from "Satoru" on your turned-off phone, informing you where he is right now. Once he says "I'm right behind you", you can ask him a question, any question, and he'll tell you the correct answer. Anything! There's only a few things you gotta watch out for: 
A) Never turn around to look at Satoru.
B) Never be a smartass and ask Satoru a question you already know the answer to, and finally 
C) Never ask Satoru more than one question. 
What happens if you break any of these rules? Ohhh, you'll just get mysteriously spirited away. To hell.
#3 Reiko Kashima (Persona 2 EP)
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I'm cheating a little with this one, since it's literally just a real life ghost story that *happens* to appear in the game as a sidequest, but I just liked it too much to not mention it. Japan has a rich, fascinating culture of school ghost stories, which has spawned equally fascinating academic discourse in the field of Japanese Studies. A common trend among Japanese ghost stories is the appearance of female ghosts appearing in weird places doing terrible things to people for various reasons. This is one of those.
Reiko is a ghost without legs. How she died varies depending on who's telling the stories, but the most popular version seems to be "After World War II American soldiers raped her, then she jumped onto a train track and killed herself." (A KIDS’ GHOST STORY!!) 
Anyway, she'll appear to you when you enter the bathroom, often at night. She'll ask you "Where are my legs?" You're supposed to answer "At Meishin Expressway." She'll ask you "Who told you that?" You'll say "Reiko Kashima did." If she's feelings especially persistent that day, she'll also say "Give me your arms" ("I'm still using those!"), "Give me your legs!" ("I still need those.") or "Do you know my name?" (Trick question. The right answer is "The masked demon of death".) If you answer any of these wrong, she'll dismember and kill you, so the two of you can go on tour together! Oh, also, it's said she'll appear to you within one month of first hearing about this story. You're welcome.  
#4 Fuuka's Revenge VS "Hikiko-san"
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In Persona 3, your first encounter with one of the most adorable members of your party also happens to be one of the creepiest friggin' party member introductions in all of the franchise. Before you ever even get to meet her, Junpei's theatrics and the Shinjiro Aragaki rumor mill are so nice to inform you that Fuuka is considered A) dead B) a ghost haunting Gekkoukan High School and C) responsible for inflicting two of her worst bullies on the mortal coil with a hefty bout of Apathy Syndrome. Of course, it quickly turns out that  none of this true and actually she's just been trapped in a parallel dimension filled with blood hungry monsters for the last couple of weeks (Because that's, y'know, so much better) but the spread of those rumors at Gekkoukan isn't surprising, given how common this exact kind of Ghost Story is around Japanese schools.
One such example is the story of "Hikiko-san". She appears on rainy days, wearing a tattered white Kimono and carrying no umbrella. Behind her. She is dragging something that looks like a mannequin on first glance. If you look closer, it's actually a kid. If you happen to meet her, she'll knock you out, and drag you behind her, on and on, until you finally die, then, she'll dump your corpse somewhere. Now, here's the good news: Hikiko only targets school bullies. So hopefully all of you guys should be safe! ...Hopefully 
(If you’re, in fact, not safe, I’m seriously judging you.). 
Hikiko is actually the ghost of a girl who was either bullied to death or into suicide. Either way, the place where she dumps her victims tends to be the same one where she herself died. Her motivations is to rid the world of the very bullies who've made her life hell. So remember, kids: If you don't want to get brutally murdered in one stormy, stormy night, play nice.
Fun fact, there's a theory that the story was originally derived from a short-story titled "Fukiko", which is my reason for thinking that this might be the one that specifically inspired Fuuka's rumor in the game. Also, Hikiko's full name is often given as "Hikiko Mori". ..."Hikikomori". Very subtle.
#5 Cursed/Magic TV Shows/Websites (Persona 4 with a side of dancing)
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Okay, these ones are so numerous and varied, I really couldn't pick out just a single one, even if I tried. 
Both, the Midnight Channel in Persona 4 and the Cursed Video in Persona 4 Dancing All Night are based on a long-lasting trend of urban legend about screens or radios showing or playing things that aren't supposed to be there, and causing effects to the people viewing them that are either extremely desirable or extremely bad. 
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One example I found are a story about a man who found a Quiz Show at night on a channel that was meant to show Anime. In said quiz show, people admitted to doing various, awful crimes. Finally, the man himself was asked about 'his' crimes by the quiz show. When he refused to answer, he was tossed off his balcony and died. 
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Another example is the story of the "Red Room", a pop up that will appear on your computer after you attempt to research the story. Well, sucks to be me I guess. It says that after you attempt to close the pop-up several times, it will ask you if you 'like the red room'. Then, you'll kill yourself and paint your own room red with your blood. So if I go on another 6 months hiatus after this, you'll know what happened.
#6 High School... of YOUR death (Persona Q with a side of Dancing and Arena-ish...)
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This one.... has got to be cheating, but I found it relevant, so hear I go. Of course, Persona Q is full of school ghost stories, I mean, one of its major plot points is about a literal School Ghost (spoilers?) but the one that stands out to me the most is the legend claiming that those who hear the long idle school bell strike shall die - a story very similar to another rumor from early in Persona 2 IS, where hearing the school bell while wearing the school emblem would result in one's face getting terribly disfigured. This story is--- sadly not one I could find a direct real life equivalent to.  (cry) BUT! I do have something else.
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Dalies and Mentlegen, the Tale of the Dream School.
There's a guy, let's call him Kei. One night, Kei has a very strange dream. He's wandering around a school he doesn't know, full of closed paths he can't go. The school is built like a Labyrinth that goes nowhere and the hallways seem to be going nowhere, which Kei finds very strange indeed. Now, unfortunately for Kei, he neglected to retrieve the key for the emergency exists and leave through there, because that might just have saved him. Instead, he stumbled upon a room of dismembered, dancing students. Yes. Dismembered AND dancing. It's a weird school like that. Anyway, at that point, Kei's fate was sealed, he stayed trapped in the dream world forever and never woke up. The end.
Stories like these are a nice potential source of the Persona series liking for school hallways turning into an impenetrable maze of death, as well the tidbit about "never waking up" in the cursed video's rumor from Persona 4 Dancing All Night.
I, on the other hand, can only wonder if this means that I should be very worried about my recent tendency to flash back to the horrors of my high school years at night. Again. If I disappear, you know where I am.
#7 Magic Message Boards (Persona 5)
And finally, for the grand finale...! Drumroll, please... 
The rumor... Is YOU my friend! Yes, you! The Phantom Thieves! Oh, wait, you thought I meant the real you? Eh, no, sorry. You're just... someone, I don't know... (JK I love you) CARRYING ON!
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While Persona 5 is, for the most part, surprisingly light on the traditional sort of Ghost Story we've been getting used to from previous installments. It gives us one big Urban Legend right there in the premise: You, the Phantom Thieves, as an unexplained, supernatural force, granting the pleas of the oppressed and punishing the very minds of those corrupt. How do you contact this mysterious power for its aid?! Why, via an internet message board, of course! An urban legend of the modern age, indeed. 
Reflective of current trends or not, the way how the world's belief in the Phantom Thieves strengthens and weakens their power over Tokyo over the course of the game -something that is actually measured with an in-game meter- is very reminiscent of how rumors work in Persona 2, and while you may now say "The Phantom Thieves aren't an urban legend in the game's world, they're one hundred percent fact!" Well, the same is true for almost everything else on this list now, isn't it?
The Persona series is and has always been a story about thoughts altering reality, and what thoughts are more powerful than those passed on from person to person, shaping a story so well-known, it already seems real at times! In a way, Nyarlathotep was right, rumors, myths and Urban Legends are reflections of how we, as a collective perceive our world, how we fear it, and what we want from it.
Now, if only the collective unconscious could keep me from suffering the dire consequences of all this forbidden knowledge I have uneart- *disappears spookily and suddenly*
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eos-teric · 7 years
Every traveler needs a map... or some sort of signal. Many paths converge at the crossroads: which one will you choose today?
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bitletsanddrabbles · 7 years
Ouija Says
From one of @alchemine‘s prompts. It’s a one draft wonder.
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Characters: Thomas Barrow, Andrew Parker, Mrs. Patmore
Relationships: General
Warnings: Language and booze
Note: This is what happens when you hand the prompt “ouija board thinks we should fuck” to someone who doesn’t like writing sex scenes.
Note II: While I have nothing against responsible drinking, I hate the taste of alcohol and have therefore never been drunk. May have gotten the whole experience wrong.
"I'm sorry, your Lordship," Thomas Barrow imagined saying as he checked the last of his pockets, "But I seem to have lost the keys to the abbey. No worries, though, I probably just dropped them at the pub, so I'll nip down and check." The thought, and his empty pocket, made him grimace. He would have panicked, but he'd only been through his pockets once. He would panic when he'd gone through them three times, one for each pint-too-many he'd had, and still came up empty handed.
Next to him, Andy sat on a pile of rubbish – old boxes and the like – that had been left next to the door for disposal. The younger man rested his head against the bricks of the wall, his eyes closed. "I think we're going to regret that last pint in the morning," he noted.
"Pretty certain I'm regretting it now," Thomas replied, starting from the top again with the search for the elusive keys. "And not just that one. Still, when a man comes in and buys a celebratory round for the house, you can't just say no. It would be rude." The truth was that he and Andy had only stepped out for a couple of pints, enjoying a little bit of freedom while the family spent a week visiting Lady Edith. However, just as they'd been ready to leave Mr. MacDermont had come in, crowing about the birth of his third son and offering a round on the house, so they'd been convinced to stay. They'd been convinced to stay through Mr. Sacks buying a second round and Mr. Hill buying a third. After that they had been just sober enough to insist that they had to leave while they could still walk home. Apparently the ability to walk lasted longer than the ability to find where one had put the blasted keys.
"If I ever have children, tell me that I'm flat broke and people need to work in the morning."
Thomas chuckled, then brightened as his fingers met metal. "Ah hah, here we go," he smiled, pulling the keys out of the pocket he always put them in. It took a couple of tries to find the right one and get the door open. On the one hand, he regretted locking the door early. On the other hand, if he really had lost the keys, it would have been much better to realize now than in the morning. "Right, then, in with us."
Andy sighed and started to stand, but he had apparently had enough that he was wobbly and his foot came down wrong on something. The something slid, causing him to sit down rather heavily on the stack of rubbish. The force of his weight, in turn, unbalanced the boxes which unceremoniously dumped him with a small crash onto the ground. "Ow!"
"Are you alright?" Thomas asked, automatically tucking the keys into his pocket. He was distracted enough that he chose the wrong one.
"Yeah," Andy grumbled as he worked at righting himself. Thomas offered him a hand, which he took. "Nothing bruised except my pride." As he regained his feet, he glanced down to see what he'd stepped on and frowned. "What is that?"
Thomas looked down, but couldn't quite make out the shape on the ground so, careful of his own balance, he reached over and picked it up. It was a somewhat triangular piece of wood with an eye burned and stained into the back of it. He recognized it immediately, but still turned it over in his hands as if he'd never seen it before. "Hullo, what's this? Didn't realize this old thing was still around."
"What old thing?" Andy asked, peering at it.
"Hm?" Thomas looked at him for a second before his slightly inebriated brain caught up. "Oh," he laughed, "This is part of a game. One of those boards that let you talk to the spirit world that were all the rage awhile back, what with the seances and things. Daisy found it not long after the war ended. I thought Mrs. Hughes had disposed of it years ago. She always hated it."
Andy peered through the rest of the scattered debris. "Maybe she just got rid of the board proper?" he suggested. "I don't see it here..oh. Wait, what's this?" He moved a box and pulled up a flat wooden board. Like the triangle, it was stained and burnt, only it had letters and decorations on it. "Never mind, here it is."
"It must have gotten shoved someplace all those years ago and she just found it." Thomas eyed the two pieces of the board. "Wanna have a go?"
"What, right now? It has to be near midnight, at least."
Thomas shrugged. "That's nothing new. We'd be up another hour if there was a large house party going on, and I don't know about you, but I'd like to wait a spell before walking up all of those stairs."
Apparently Andy hadn't thought about the many flights of stairs between them and a good night sleep. He pulled a face. "Good point. All right, then, you can show me how this thing works."
Thomas held the door for the younger man and, each carrying a part of the ouija board, they walked into the manor. They then stood just inside the door for another five minutes while Thomas, cursing loudly, located the keys again and re-locked the door. This time he was very careful to put the key in the proper pocket. "Right, then," he carried the board into the servant's hall, flicked on the lights, and set it on the table. "The hour is right and all of that. We'll need candles, though."
"What for?"
"To show the spirits the way," Thomas informed him in his best sinister stage voice, which had honestly never been that sinister, but then he'd never really tried. The whole thing was ridiculous, really. In his normal voice he added, "I suppose we don't actually need them. They're mostly for atmosphere."
Andy shook his head. "Maybe some other time. I don't feel like the fuss and bother of hauling them out and putting them away again when we're done."
"Fair enough." Thomas pulled up a seat and gestured for Andy to do the same. Since there were only two of them, they sat next to each other. Thomas set the wooden triangle on the board and placed his fingers at the corner. "Right, then, the idea is fairly simple. You put your fingers on the other corner of this piece here and then we ask the spirits a question. The spirits will guide our hands and spell out the answer." He grinned at the younger man. "No pushing, though. You need to let the spirits do the moving."
"That's it?" Andy gave him a bemused grin as he set his fingers on the triangle. "It doesn't sound all that awe inspiring to me."
"Well, you do need to have a bit of fun with it," Thomas admitted with a shrug. "Do the whole 'calling the spirits' and stuff. And it really isn't the same with electric lights instead of candles, but I'm sure we can manage. Before we start, though, what should we ask?"
Andy thought a bit. "We could start by asking the spirits what we should do while the family's away?"
"Bet they say 'clean the silver' or something like that," Thomas snorted, but didn't offer any real objections. "Then again, Carson's not dead yet, so unless we get the guy who came before him, it might be a bit more interesting. All right, then," he squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. Once again switching to his not-really-that-sinister voice he asked, "Is anyone there?"
Andy dissolved into a bout of  chuckles.
"Do not snigger," Thomas informed him, without changing his tone, although he had a job of it not to smirk. "The spirits do not approve of sniggering."
Of course, that made Andy laugh harder and it was with great difficulty that he managed, after a couple of minutes, to swallow his mirth.
Once he was silent, at least mostly, Thomas tried again. "Spirits? Are you there?" This time, the triangle moved slowly across the board.
Ignoring Andy, who was still grinning like an idiot, Thomas asked solemnly. "Spirits, what should we do while the family is away?"
There was a moment of hesitation, then the triangle moved again. Y.O.U. S.H.O.U.L.D. F.U.C.K.
The two men stared at the board. Then they turned and stared at each other. "You didn't just read what I read, did you?" Thomas asked.
Andy looked at him, then at the board, then back. "I think I did, actually. At least the look on your face is how I feel, so I'm pretty sure I did." He paused, then added, "You weren't pushing it, were you?"
"What?" Thomas looked hurt. "Andy, we settled that years ago. I'm not-"
"I know, I know, sorry," Andy cut him off, shaking his head. "I just, I mean, I wasn't pushing it. I wouldn't joke about that." The two of them looked at each other for another minute. "Maybe we misread something?"
"We must have." Turning back to the board, Thomas cleared his throat and tried again. He was flustered enough, he forgot the sinister voice. "Ah, sorry, spirits, I don't think we quite got that. What should we do while the family is away?"
This time there was no hesitation what so ever. Y.O.U. S.H.O.U.L.D F.U.C.K.
The two of them sat absolutely gobsmacked.  "That can't be right!" Andy protested finally, eyes still on the board. "We have to be misunderstanding it somehow."
"Right," Thomas muttered. "I mean, which one of us is it talking to? And who are we supposed to....well."
"Suppose we should ask?"
Thomas thought about that, then replied, "You should. It's clearly talking to you, anyway, no one would ever tell me to. Um. Do that." He looked at the other man and gave a tight smile and an inviting nod to the board.
"All right." Andy looked a bit nervous, but he schooled his face into the most serious expression he could manage and asked, "Who, exactly, should we...ah..."
Y.O.U. S.H.O.U.L.D F.U.C.K. E.A.C.H. O.T.H.E.R. The triangle flew across the board so sharply, one might have sworn the spirits were exasperated.
"Ouija board thinks we should fuck," Andy stated the obvious, his voice caught somewhere between amusement and hysteria.
"Ouija board is crazy."
"Except wait. If the board is just a way to talk to the spirits, it's the spirits who think-"
"Spirits are crazy." Thomas insisted. He really didn't care whether it was the board or the spirits, insanity was insanity. It really didn't occur to him that Andrew might have been pushing the triangle. The younger man wasn't that sadistic. The fact that the only remaining option was that it really was spirits, since he hadn't been pushing anything, didn't quite sink in past that last pint.
"Crazy or drunk," Andy agreed, nodding.
Thomas frowned at that. "Can spirits get drunk?"
"Why not? They call liquor 'spirits', don't they?"
Thomas grimaced. "Andy, that was terrible. Even squiffy, that was terrible." He glared at the other man, all but accusing him of making the situation worse with his humor.
He received a sheepish grin for his pains. "Yeah, it really was," the younger man admitted. "But really, why else would anyone tell us to do that? I mean, aside from the obvious part where neither of us wants to, can you imagine if we were caught?"
"I don't have to imagine, I've basically been caught thanks to..." Thomas stopped. Thomas blinked. His face blackening like a thunder cloud, he turned his full attention on the board. "O'Brien? O'Brien, is that you?" he demanded.
Andy blinked. "Who?"
Thomas didn't register the question. He just kept yelling at the board, his voice growing steadily more strident. He stood, so as to be more imposing. "That is you, isn't it? You've been sat on by an elephant or something and now you're trying to get me into trouble again. Well it's not working, you hear? Not this time. Andy's a nice boy, but he's not Jimmy and I'm not interested and he's not interested either. You're not going to convince me otherwise. God almighty, I don't know why I ever listened to you -" Something seemed just off enough about that to make him pause. "Well, alright, I do know why I listened to you, but I was a sodding idiot for it. I never should have. Really, nearly got sacked more times than I can count 'cause of you and your scheming and your encouragement, but not anymore. Oh no, go find some other ouija board to haunt, because you are not getting me sacked now! I have a good position, I have people who like me, and you are not going to cost me that. You're not going to cost Andy that!"
"Who is this O'Brien person?" Andy asked, thoroughly confused. "And why would she be trying to get me sacked?"
"Because she never cared who got caught in her schemes, so long as she got the person she was after. That would be me."
Andy was still trying to puzzle through that. "But if it was someone trying to get us in trouble, wouldn't it be someone who didn't like both of us? I mean, we'd both go to prison."
That got Thomas to stop and think. "But who is there who'd want to do that?"
"Denker," Andy suggested. "She never did like that we turned the tables on her back at Lady Rose's wedding."
"She still went after me more. And she's not dead."
"How do we know?  Have you heard from her since the Dowager died? She could have been hit by a train or choked on a fish bone or something."
Faced with the obvious fact that, no, he hadn't heard from the lady's maid since Lady Violet had died the year before, Thomas had to allow that it was possible. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more it seemed likely. "You're right, Andy....you're right. And she certainly was petty enough." He glowered at the board again. "Denker, you old bat, leave off, will you? I wasn't impressed by your tricks when you were alive, I'm certainly not impressed now! And Carson isn't going to back you up on this one. No one is and let me tell you, I never believed a word that came out of your mouth after that run in London. Not without someone else saying you were telling the truth, because you know what? You're not as clever as you think you are and you never were.  Come to think of it, none of you ever were, you scheming lady's maids. Not you, not O'Brien, not Braithwaite – lord, I don't know how Anna and Baxter have managed to keep their positions so long! Manipulative, scheming, no account harpy seems to be part of the job description!"
"All right, Braithwaite's another one I don't know." By this point, Andy had given up on any attempt at figuring out the ouija board's message and is just trying to keep up with Thomas's ranting.
The butler gave a nasty laugh. "Oh, she was a great one. Almost as good as O'Brien, really. She...well, no. I can't tell you what she got up to, I'm not supposed to know. Didn't find out until it was too late to stop her either, more's the pity. Even at my worst I wouldn't have wished her on –" he stopped himself. "The person she went after," he finished. "Of course, she blamed me for getting her sacked." He looked down at the board again. "I didn't, though," he informed the piece of wood. "I actually had not a thing to do with getting you sacked, you little witch, but you know what? I wish I had. I was trying to figure out how to, just someone beat me to the punch. I'm sad I didn't get to help! Nothing would have given me greater pleasure and if you've gone and gotten yourself murdered, I'm not sorry and I don't blame whoever it was and I hope he doesn't get caught! Because you undoubtedly deserved it! And Phillip called me a greedy social climber, really. He should have met you!"
"We had a lady's maid named Phillip?"
"What?" The question caught Thomas off guard. It took him a couple of blinks to process it properly. "Oh, no. He wasn't a lady's maid he was..." He paused again. What was he supposed to say? A Duke? One of Lady Mary's suitors? Someone he, Thomas, really had fucked in the past? More than once? "Someone who visited the family a couple of times. I tended to wind up valetting him. He was...not as nice as he came off. He was a greedy little liar, if you got right down to it."
"You seem to know a lot of people not worth knowing," Andy observed. "Or have known them, I suppose."
"Yeah, I have." It seemed like a revelation, somehow, as if he'd never stopped and thought about it before.
"You know what happened to this Phillip bloke?"
Thomas shook his head. "Probably died in the war, honestly, if he couldn't figure out a way to weasel out of it. He was officer material. Germans usually took that type out first. I'd feel sorry for his wife and kids, assuming he had some by that point. It was what he was after, anyway. Rich wife, heir to pass the title along to." It didn't occur to him that he'd just established Phillip as a member of the peerage, despite his earlier attempt not to. "I hope you got it all," he addressed the ouija board again, assuming his voice would carry through it to the spirit realm. "And I hope you enjoyed it. I hope it was worth being a heartless, hypocritical bastard. And for the record, you were wrong about me. You see, when I say I care about someone, I care. I may not know how to show it and it may not stop me from being a right horse's ass at times, but that is one thing I never lie about and if you'd actually been worth caring about, then you'd have realized-"
"What in Heaven's name is going on in here?" The question brought Thomas's rant to a grinding halt. Both he and Andrew snapped their attention to the doorway where Mrs. Patmore stood in her nightgown, robe, and night cap, torch in hand, staring flabbergasted at them. "Really," the cook huffed, "I come down for a glass of hot milk and find you two ranting like loonies!"
"I wasn't ranting," Andy pointed out.
Ignoring him, Mrs. Patmore stomped over to the table and looked down at the ouija board. "Where did that old thing come from?"
"Rubbish heap," Thomas replied, expression sullen at being taken to task. "It didn't have the good sense to stay buried."
"You didn't have the good sense to leave it there, you mean." Frowning, she sniffed the air. "How much have you two had to drink?"
"Just two pints," Andy informed her. Then he thought about it. "Or, well, it was two pints originally, but then Mr. MacDermont came in and bought everyone a free baby."
"Right, and then two other blokes brought them, and you can't just say no to three free babies," Thomas informed her earnestly.
Mrs. Patmore looked from one to the other as if trying to decide whether or not they were having her on. She then threw her hands in the air, obviously giving up. "All right, you two, enough of that!" She stepped between the two of them and gave Thomas a hearty shove toward the door. It was enough to knock him off balance and he stumbled, protesting. "Off to bed with you. Both of you!" She tugged sharply at Andy 's arm, half yanking him out of his chair. He managed to get his feet under him before he fell. "Go sleep it off and let's not have any more of this nonsense."
The two men walked, more or less, to the door without protest. Once there, however, Thomas turned and fixed the ouija board with one last glare. "Forget the rubbish heap! Tomorrow, I'm going to burn the lot of you!"
"Thomas go to bed!"
"I'm doing it first thing!"
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