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drmenma · 8 months ago
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The lower decks in the "Advance Screening" event.
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purplebutterflysthings · 1 month ago
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Here’s some Shauzia and Parvana just being friends
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Here’s some Asif too, (I imagine that’s what he would look like in ‘Parvana’s journey’ Just dirtier.)
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disorganizedkitten · 1 year ago
A Study In Friendship Masterpost
After standing up to Chloe for the first time, Sabrina latches onto Marinette as a best friend. After all, when you have to pick only one person to be friends with, the one who values you is actually a really good choice. But maybe it's possible to have more than one? Marinette sure doesn't seem to mind sharing.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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eric-sadahire · 2 years ago
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All it takes is two glasses of wine for me to start replying to people's stories as if they were personally sent to me.
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movietitlescollection · 2 years ago
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agameofsong · 2 years ago
I’d read a book about that cat.
The saddest line I've ever encountered in any book, or: Why show watchers need to read the damn books.
“Rhaenys was a child too. Prince Rhaegar’s daughter. A precious little thing, younger than your girls. She had a small black kitten she called Balerion did you know? I always wondered what happened to him. Rhaenys liked to pretend he was the true Balerion, the black dread of old, but I imagine the Lannisters taught her the difference between a kitten and a dragon quick enough the day they broke down her door.”
-Varys to Eddard Stark, A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
This is sad enough on it’s own, it really is, but it requires context in order to really appreciate it.  The first thing you need to know is that little Balerion is still living in the castle.  That last black cat that Arya can’t catch, the mean, scarred little animal that attacks servants and interrupts Robert and Tywin at dinner, making off with the roast, is Balerion, Rhaenys’ kitten.  So just take a moment to imagine that little kitten, bruised and bleeding, latched onto the boot of Ser Amory Lorch, trying to bite through the leather, trying to save his little girl, staring up at her as she’s stabbed over fifty times.  Imagine him being kicked away as they wrap her body up in a Lannister cloak and take it away.  Imagine the kitten following them, limping, to the throne room, where the skull of the great dragon Balerion hangs.  The bodies of his little girl, and her mother, and her baby brother, are all placed at the feet of the man who sits where the little girl’s father used to sit.  And the kitten looks up, and sees the dragon’s headed mounted over the throne, and he knows how small and weak he is.  If I were a dragon, he thinks, I could have saved her.    And so, over the years, he becomes the hardest mother fucker in the entire castle.  He does what he can to hurt these new men who murdered his little girl and stole her home.  He’d kill them all if he was able.  But he’s still too much kitten, not enough dragon.
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zelly-raptor · 3 months ago
26/12/2024: Asif and Raymundo
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Its my Dads Birthday today! So In honour of this day I made him this Card! Featuring OC Tom-Man's Dad Raymundo Sliding on the back of a Serpent with lost OC "Asif". Asif is a Character I doodled in a Note book yearsss ago...In 2015 In fact.
Ill have to show you the original Doodle sometime in the New year.
I was originally going to show you all the ZR logos I've made so far. But I think I might leave that for another time also. For now though here is the B-Day card version of this pic, Line drawing and Pencil sketches.
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purplebutterflysthings · 2 months ago
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I have a genuine question about what people think about Asif?
Asif is such a great character that is so rarely mentioned. He played a very important role in parvanas life for 3 books. And the breadwinner doesn’t have a big fandom so it wasn’t a surprise for me to find out that no one talks about characters such as Asif, Leila, and Hassan. Or even Parvana’s family or Razaq. The fandom usually rotates around Parvana, Shauzia, Idrees and a bit for Sulaymann.
Which is very understandable since Parvana and Shauzia are very unique main characters and I am a big fan of them. They symbolize the struggles of women and girls under the Taliban and their endurance to fight and survive. I quote Deborah Ellis on this beautiful quote.
“To children we force to be braver then they should have to be” In Parvana’s journey
Idrees is the main antagonist and he’s a representation of the Taliban and corruption of young boys. (Though he’s pretty evil ngl) he’s such an intriguing and amazing character to think about and what he is and could be or what he used to be. I understand the hate and I understand why people sympathize with him and thankfully do not think he’s actions are good and Sulayman is basically the character Parvana has been thinking and talking about during the movie, a representation of children lost in war and he genuinely has such a sad story and death and he seemed so kind.
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These are characters I understand the fandom likes to talk about and I do like talking about them to but I also enjoy the other characters since they’re all so interesting and all have struggles. I don’t have a favorite in the books but I personally favored Asif because of his funny nature towards Parvana and he ended becoming. I already did my interpretation of him. I wanna see others talk about him.
So what do you think of Asif as a character?
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agameofsong · 1 year ago
It’s actually also a good point. Why couldn’t a god see through it? And why would your scalp show anything you were hiding anyway? That would be in your brain or your soul, right? Septa Roelle is so ridiculous.
Brienne could see the crown of his scalp where he had shaved it. Many holy brothers wore such tonsures. Septa Roelle once told her that it was meant to show that they had nothing to hide from the Father. "Can't the Father see through hair?" Brienne had asked. A stupid thing to say. She had been a slow child; Septa Roelle often told her so.
Brienne is insecure about this moment, but apart from it just being the kind of thing a kid would say, I think it points to untapped comedic talent. This kind of observation made sarcastically instead of earnestly is the basis of like 90% of Jaime's sense of humor.
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disorganizedkitten · 1 year ago
A Study In Friendship Chapter 6
Miraculous Ladybug | 2019 | 5,056 | Ao3 | Prev | Masterlist
Voting In The New Shipmaster
Chloe had not, in fact, left her alone once the week was up. Instead, Sabrina learned that Chloe had been holding back over the past month. Go figure. And while Sabrina still had some problems defending herself, for every scathing comment Chloe sent her way, one of her friends would have a supportive comeback.
In short, life wasn’t perfect, but it was pretty amazing!!!
Did she mention she had seven friends now? Seven!! Marinette, George, Alya, Calista, Rose, Nino, and Adrien. And she was on tentatively good terms with the rest of her fellow students. That had never happened before! She could greet people and be greeted back, positively.
And sometimes it wasn’t her making first contact!
Like today, for instance.
“Good morning Sabrina!” Calista called, waving excitedly in the hallway.
“Good morning Calista!” Sabrina couldn’t help the smile as she dashed up and hugged Calista. “Did you have a good afternoon?”
“Oh it was amazing! I ended up in the catacombs, which yes I know is really dangerous, but I found some really cool stuff. I’m even checking with my dad to see if it counts as property open to the public. And even if I can’t keep it, I have like twenty pictures.”
“Oohh,” Sabrina breathed. Calista had shown in the past week that she had an affinity for finding the coolest things in the most random places. “Can you text me some of them? Or are they all on your camera?”
“Camera,” Calista said sadly. “But I’m going to print them this afternoon. The brooch was so pretty!” Calista sighed wistfully. “Anyway,” she turned her full attention to Sabrina. “How’s your turtle set coming along?”
“It’s coming,” Sabrina answered, rocking on the balls of her feet. “I think I’m ready to put a finishing coat on the main beads, finally.”
“Aw yes!” Calista jumped. “I can’t wait to see the finished product. I have told you how talented you are with beadwork, right?”
“You have,” Sabrina answered around a smile. Calista had said it at least five times in the past week. Especially after Sabrina had given her the star bracelet. Which Calista had worn every day since.
“Well I’m saying it again, you’re super talented, and the turtle set is going to come out looking so amazing.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Sabrina blushed.
“Cally!” One of Calista’s classmates skidded up to the pair. “Cally! Christian and Lucien are trying to claw each other’s hearts out.”
Calista sighed. “This is what I get for running for class rep. Well, better go stop them from getting hurt. See you later Sabrina!” She waved, her classmate latching onto her arm.
“See you!” Sabrina waved as Calista was dragged off by her classmate. Sabrina continued along the upper hallway to her classroom.
“Hey Sabrina!!” Alya leant over Marinette’s empty seat and held out a fist, Sabrina tapped it happily with her own as she passed.
“Hi Alya!
“Morning Ivan!” He glanced over at her, and she caught a small smile as he nodded to her before resuming his conversation with Mylene. Sabrina was… bad… in the love department, but even she could see how in love the two of them were.
Finding someone that compatible for herself in a few years would be a dream come true. For now though, Sabrina would just watch their love bloom happily.
She walked up to her seat, stopping to greet her almost-friend in the back row. “Hi Juleka.” the goth gave a tiny one-handed wave and muttered ‘Hello’ back.
Sabrina even chanced a wave at Nathaniel before she turned and slid into her seat. The redhead gave her a similar wave as Juleka had.
“Good morning Sabrina!” Rose called, skipping up the steps. “Good morning Juleka! Good morning Ivan! Good Morning Adrien, Good morning Mylene! Good Morning Alya! Good Morning Nino! Good morning Nate! Good Morning Max! Good Morning Kim!”
A chorus of ‘Good morning Rose!’ echoed back at the peppy blonde. Rose smiled as she slid into her seat in the back row.
Chloe stalked into the room, head held high. She sent a smirk to the back of the room, and Sabrina shivered. That was not a good kind of smirk. Sabrina hoped that Chloe was just acting haughtily to ride on her father’s coattails. M. Bourgeois was on his way to winning the mayoritorial elections, again. M. D’Argentcourt had been thoroughly humiliated throughout his campaign. At times it seemed the entire city was working against him.
Power players such as Andre were probably why the Americans had a limit on how many terms a leader could serve.
Sabrina listened in on the various conversations as she waited for Mme. Bustier to arrive.
Max was describing an idea for an AI with emotions to Juleka; Rose, Alix, and Mylene had started to talk about shades of the Color pink, and Kim was saying something about not being afraid of anything Ivan would ever know about, - spiders, if it hadn’t changed from when Sabrina had gathered blackmail info last year so that no one would run against her and Chloe in-
Oh crap.
Class representative elections had been making their way around the school this month. Calista had just been voted in on Friday.
Her life had changed a lot in two months. A lot, because she used to have the dates to start gathering information ingrained into her internal clock, and knew exactly what it was for every time. She had thought her secret hunting urges were just because she was so excited about Kitty Section forming and that she knew Nathaniel had been working on a secret project. She’d completely forgotten about elections.
Sabrina had never considered herself someone for whom adaptation was easy, and yet here she was.
“Oh it would be amazing if we got cushioned seats this year. Do you think that whoever gets elected would do that?”
Mylene hummed. “I don’t know, Rose, Chloe definitely wouldn’t.”
“Well no, but Chloe doesn’t have to be the rep this year.”
“She doesn’t?”
“I mean,” Rose took a breath and then leaned forward so she could talk to Sabrina. “Bri, are you gonna help Chloe run for rep this year?”
Sabrina wasted no time shaking her head, keeping her gaze stubbornly on Rose’s face. “Nope.”
Rose smiled, turning back to Mylene. “See?”
“Yeah, okay. But who’s going to run instead?”
“Good question!” Rose leaned over her desk again. “Bri, are you going to run?”
Sabrina paused at that. She hadn’t thought about it. She considered it for a moment, waving to Marinette as she entered, then turned and told Rose she really didn’t know, adding on a “besides, I don’t think I’d be that good at being in charge. I might run for assistant rep.”
“Wait does that mean we’ll have fair elections this year?” Marinette asked, turning around in her seat.
Sabrina nodded.
Marinette pumped her fist. “Yes! Have we decided who’s running this year?”
“I want to run for rep,” Rose admitted. “It’ll be fun to try.”
“I’m running too!” Kim added loudly. “This time she can’t hold my fear of spi-something against me!”
“Can’t I, Kim?” Chloe’s icy voice interrupted. Sabrina watched as she sashayed up the aisle and slammed her hand onto Kim’s desk. “I don’t have anything new to use against you, but don’t think for a minute that I won’t use what I still have.” Chloe turned her glare to Sabrina. She flinched. Chloe looked triumphant about that. “I don’t need Sabrina to keep you plebeians in line." She straightened up. “Anybody who runs against me this year will meet the same fate as previous years.” She yawned into her hand. “I’ll just have to go without an assistant this year.” Chloe turned away and sashayed back down the stairs. She slid into her seat, head held high.
Mme. Bustier clapped her hands before the conversation could continue.
The subdued attitude carried through the rest of class, and only worsened when Mme. Bustier officially announced that the Class Representative election for their class would happen this week, and that anyone who wanted to run needed to decide by fourth period, and have their paperwork in by Tuesday morning.
“I had been so excited,” Rose lamented, setting her tray down between Juleka and Sabrina. The entire class, sans Chloe, had gathered for lunch in the cafeteria.
“Is Chloe really that bad of a class representative?” Adrien asked.
The emphatic Yes from the rest of the class had him flinching. Sabrina felt a little sorry for him. She , at least, had no misconceptions as to what Chloe was like when they were friends. Or, less misconceptions. It was worse from the other side, but not by too much.
“I don’t think we should let her have her way this year.” Alix stated. “I mean, Marinette already told her to take her bad attitude somewhere else, why don’t we all help reinforce that idea? Between the, what, thirteen? Of us, most of her threats won’t actually mean anything, right?”
“Yeah!” Kim cheered.
Max cleared his throat. “As much as I hate to kill the mood, Chloe's threats do still apply. She can still spill secrets, and she has enough pull with the school board that she can still carry them out, just not with the same amount of ease as previous years.”
Alix groaned, laying her head on the table. “Her tyranny has to end somewhere.”
“What if we blackmail her back?” Juleka asked, forking a piece of Salmon into her mouth. Sabrina jolted, staring at her flabbergasted. Apparently she wasn't the only one, because Juleka shrunk in on herself a bit a moment later. “It was just a suggestion.”
“There's got to be someone she has nothing on,” Alix huffed. “Wait a minute, Sabrina?”
Sabrina froze as all eyes turned on her.
“Alix, what are you asking?” Ivan asked, a hint of accusation in his tone. Sabrina wasn't sure which girl it was truly aimed at.
“Who doesn't she have blackmail on.” Alix said again. “Sabrina, you know this, right?”
Sabrina nodded slightly. She didn't like it when the past was brought up, she had tormented them so much, but it was inevitable in this situation. She took a deep breath before answering, hoping her voice stayed factual and firm. “Kind of. I don't have anything on Marinette, Alya, or Adrien. But Chloe might have found something else since I left.”
At her words, the class erupted. Sabrina winced at the overlapping yells, moving to cover her ears. Some of the noise was cheers, some were questions, Kim was making a lot of it, really it was just too much, too much, she couldn't think, how could thirteen people make so much noise-
There was a bang as Marinette stood up, slamming her hands onto the table. “Guys!” her shout cut through the din surprisingly well. The class turned to look at Marinette instead of each other. “One at a time,” she ordered calmly.
Sabrina lowered her hands back to her lap, taking a deep breath in the relative calm.
Rose raised her hand.
“Yes Rose?”
“If you run, do you think we can build a petition for scrapbooking club like we did for the art room?”
Marinette flushed scarlet. “I don't think I'll run, but I can definitely help you set that up if Chloe closes it.”
“Girl, why wouldn’t you run?” Alya asked. “You might be the only one who can.”
“What?” Marinette sat back down, turning so she could focus her incredulous look on Alya. “I can't lead people! And even if I could, I don't have enough time to do so properly.”
“Well I can’t be class rep around the Ladyblog, and Adrien is always busy.”
Sabrina could bring up a few examples to fight most of the points Marinette had brought up. The time one was the only thing she couldn’t argue against. But... Hadn’t she said she wanted to be assistant rep? After running both her and Chloe’s lives for years, there was at least one thing she was good at, and that was managing events around the rest of their lives. And time as a whole. As long as Marinette was okay with that, of course.
“I could help with the time thing,” she rushed out, closing her eyes. She didn’t want to see what they thought of that. Rose would be supportive, but she didn’t know how the others would act.
There was no sound from the rest of the table. Had she just ruined their friendship by going against what Marinette had said? Oh she hoped not, she had only been trying to help!
“What about your own schedule?” Marinette asked.
Sabrina opened her eyes. Marinette didn’t look mad, thank goodness. Instead she looked… worried?
“Oh I can manage mine with time to spare!” she assured her. “It’s not a problem to help, really.”
“If you’re sure you want too, that could work.” Marinette said slowly. “But I don’t want to be an absentee rep for everyone.”
“I could run with you, and we could work together, like with the project! Find times that work for both of us, and then just plan a few weeks in advance.”
Marinette’s smile was worth taking the chance to say that. “I think that could work.”
 Rose started clapping, and soon the entire class was too. Sabrina blushed at the praise.
 She just kept topping herself at how happy and important she could feel. They weren’t clapping only for her, of course it was for Marinette too, but still.
 Sabrina rocked on her heels at the apartment door. Marinette had offered for her to come over Tuesday night for them to get a strategy working. Sabrina was late, an akuma had attacked while she was on her way to Marinette’s house. She hoped Marinette wouldn’t be upset. There were footsteps on the other side, and then Marinette yanked the door open. “Sabrina are you okay?”
“Yeah. I was able to hide,” Sabrina assured her quickly.
“Oh thank goodness.” Marinette hugged her. “Come on in.” she pulled back and opened the door wider. Sabrina smiled and followed her inside and upstairs.
“So where should we start?” Marinette asked, plopping into her desk chair and sliding over to her desk. She picked up a box and a screwdriver off her desk, and then spun to face Sabrina. “Do you mind if I work while we talk?”
Sabrina shook her head. “Not at all! What are you working on?”
“A locking box,” Marinette shrugged. “I figured that even though she shouldn’t realistically be able to get up here, I might as well lock up my diary anyway.”
“Better safe than sorry,” Sabrina agreed.
“Do you want me to make you one too after I’m done?”
Sabrina shook her head. “I’ve got my own measures. Thank you for the offer though!”
Marinette smiled. “Good on you.”
“So how are we running this campaign? Chloe normally tries to ruin her competition, but that doesn’t seem like a very you thing to do.”
“Definitely not,” Marinette agreed emphatically. “I was considering a full speech, you know?”
“I can help with speeches,” Sabrina agreed, perking up. It was true! “And you’ve come up with some good ones on the spot before, so this one is bound to turn out amazing!”
Marinette giggled. “Thanks Sabrina.
“Oh! We have to do the paperwork first! How did I forget that?” Marinette spun her chair again, setting the box on her desk so she could open up her computer. A few minutes later her printer was running. “Okay, there’s that.”
Marinette handed Sabrina her set of papers, and sat down with her own. “Do you need a pen?”
“Yes please,” Sabrina answered. Marinette passed her a pen, and they got to work. Line one; year, class, and name.
As it turned out, Marinette did a lot more work than Chloe ever had while they ran. In years past, Sabrina and Chloe had won immediately for lack of competition. Now, she and Marinette were running against Chloe. And even though they knew most would vote for them instead, Marinette was determined to be a worthy candidate, not just someone who was voted for instead. And that was just from the first night of planning and preparing!
Sabrina loved her.
Laying on Marinette’s bedroom floor, Sabrina ticked off another few boxes concerning her health status before looking back up at Marinette. Marinette was beside Sabrina, her cheeks puffed, and her legs kicking back and forth violently.
Sabrina pursed her lips, looking down at the next question on the form. Why do you think you’ll be a good candidate? That one was tricky. Why did she? Organizational skills would work as a reason, right?
“Sabrina, did they nominate me just because I wasn’t Chloe?” Marinette asked, flopping onto her back.
Sabrina looked over, puffing her own cheek. “I doubt it. You have the makings of a good leader. You’re super nice and check on everyone. Or, almost everyone.” She didn’t name the one person she didn’t think Marinette took care of, that was obvious. But still. “That’s what the representative does anyway, right? Take care of everyone?” And really, Marinette had a big enough heart to take care of even Chloe if it came to it.
Marinette sighed. “Yeah. I just don’t want anybody to think I’m only doing it because it’s my responsibility.”
Sabrina hummed. “I don’t think anyone would think that. I mean,” she forced a laugh, nervous and hoping it didn't show. “Look at me! I went from the second most hated girl in our grade to someone with actual friends in four weeks after you offered. And that was all before this.” She looked down at her hands. “They’d have to have pretty bad memories to think you only help because you have to.”
Marinette chuckled. “I don’t think we have anyone with memory problems in our class.”
Sabrina smiled, and turned back to her forms. The sound of pencils reigned for a minute, and then; “Thank you Sabrina. I needed to hear that.”
“No problem.”
You know, support for her friends and good at making things happen were both things that would be good on this. She might as well. In the margins, she ends up scribbling an extra note. Mostly to support Marinette.
“How do you speech?” Marinette asked, glaring at her tablet screen as though it had personally offended her.
This prep meeting was at Sabrina’s house, so they were sitting on Sabrina’s bed to brainstorm and write Marinette’s electoral speech.
“Be personal, don’t ramble too much, stay engaged, metaphors are only good if they’re simple or you explain them, bulletpoint a point a minute if you have that much time or that many topics, uh,” Sabrina leant over Marinette’s side to look at her screen. “That looks pretty good, actually. Do you want me to start the stopwatch and see if it fits in the time?”
Marinette shook her head. “I’m gonna revise it again first.”
Sabrina shrugged. “OKay.” She sat back up, and pulled her beadwork back onto her lap. She was working on a new set of more casual jewelry, pink flowers for this one’s theme. The turtles weren’t done yet, she had run out of the type of clasp and hadn’t been able to get more yet, but she was okay with that.
“Ah-ha!” Marinette exclaimed. “I think I got it! Where’s the stopwatch?”
Sabrina grabbed it from it’s pocket on her lap tray. “Right here. Want me to watch it?” “Sure. Thank you!”
Sabrina set up the clock and started counting down. “Three, two one, go!” She hit start, and Marinette took off, her voice loud, if a bit shaky.
“So as you know, I’m running for class rep-”
“Alya I think I’m gonna die,” Marinette said in lieu of a usual greeting as she slid into her seat.
It didn’t help Sabrina’s nerves at all.
Alya sighed, turning slightly to look at her friend. “Marinette, you’ll be fine. You and Sabrina worked on this all week, you’re going to kill it.”
“But what if we don’t?” Marinette asked, grabbing Alya’s shoulders.
“Marinette, you’re going up against Chloe.”
“Which is why I’m worried!”
“You’ll be fine. She’s not that big of a threat.”
Marinette didn’t seem convinced, but she let the subject drop. “Any luck getting an interview with Ladybug?” she asked instead.
As Alya descended into an excited ramble about the two minutes of talking she got to do with Ladybug yesterday, Marinette did a half-turn and waved. Sabrina waved back, trying to smile. She didn’t really feel it had come out right.
She was really nervous. Really, really nervous. They had been prepping all week, but there was still a small margin for error. And that small margin would become a big margin if there was an akuma attack or if Chloe came up with a really good plan.
“Are you okay?”
Sabrina jumped at Ivan’s question. “Yep! Of course! No problems here! Not nervous or anything! Heh.” From the look on his face, he didn’t believe her in the slightest. “No,” she sighed. “I’ve broken away from Chloe, but this is the first time I’ll be directly opposing her since the project. I’m worried.”
Ivan shrugged. “We’ve all been scared of Chloe at one point or another. Don’t worry, if she tries anything, we’ll have your back.”
Sabrina smiled. She and Ivan hadn’t talked too much in the four weeks since she started to sit by him, but she felt like they were almost friends anyway. “Thanks Ivan.”
“Alright class, settle down. Before we start our lesson today, I have to remind you that elections are this afternoon at city hall, so be sure to be there!”
Sabrina felt her gut clench again, and she stubbornly did not look towards Chloe’s bench.
Classes passed in a blur. Sabrina almost never had trouble paying attention, but today she was very out of it. She kept going through scenarios in her head that grew increasingly dire as the hours passed. The only things she could remember in detail were the talks inbetween classes. A lot of ‘good luck!’s were sent their way, and George and Calista even pulled her aside to give her a few packages of chocolate. Calista had said something about being excited to see her in presidency meetings.
Sabrina was really glad they had an hour between school and the elections. It was set so kids in fencing or scrapbooking would be able to go to both.
Sabrina stood on the school steps, trying to figure out where she’d go in the interim. She and Marinette had decided that the best thing to do would be to go propless, so she didn’t need to go home. She found herself watching Chloe saunter up to her car. Her dad had officially won the elections today. It was a fact that just made Sabrina more nervous. Chloe turned at the door, and smirked. Sabrina whined in her throat. Was it too late to back out?
“Want to spend the wait at my house?”
Yes, it was. Sabrina turned to shook Marinette a shaky smile. Marinette needed the support. “That sounds amazing.”
“You don’t sound too good,” Marinette noted. “Are you going to be okay? Do you just need to breathe for a bit?”
“I think so,” Sabrina nodded. Breathing sounded nice.
“Come on, we can watch a few episodes of something while we wait.”
They ended up watching lighthearted and simple cartoons, while eating some of Marinette’s scarily large cookie collection, to keep them from fretting too much. Eventually though, the alarm to start towards the city hall rung, and they were pulled back to the present.
“Ready?” Marinette asked, slinging her purse over her shoulder.
“Not at all,” Sabrina admitted.
“Me neither,” Marinette confirmed. “Better when it’s over, right?”
“Normally,” Sabrina agreed. “We should go before I decide I can’t.”
“Then let’s go.”
“Hey Sabrina?”
“Thanks for volunteering to have my back.”
“You’re welcome. I mean, we made a good team, right?”
They were only a block away from the hall when Marinette’s phone started going off. She dug it out, and held it between herself and Sabrina. “What’s up, Alya?”
“Chloe’s trying to buy votes,” Alya’s annoyed tone came through the speaker. “With Jagged Stone tickets.”
That sounded like Chloe.
“For real?” Marinette asked.
“For real. How close are you?”
“Just around the corner,” Marinette assured her. “Sabrina and I will be there in just a minute.”
“Alright, see you soon.”
“Jagged Stone tickets,” Marinette huffed. “Of course she’s going for a bribe.”
“We knew she would do something,” Sabrina sighed.
“Yeah. Well, let’s get in there and show her that money can’t buy everything!” Marinette said enthusiastically. Her nerves at least, seemed to have dissipated into fury. Sabrina couldn’t say the same for her own.
All the same, there were a lot of things money couldn’t buy. Like true friendship.
The girls entered city hall, and were greeted with the cheers of some classmates.
“Yeah! Come show us what you’ve got!” Alix yelled, her eyes alight with excitement.
Sabrina smiled a bit. She wasn’t going up against a hostile crowd. She was by Marinette’s side. She could do this.
And then the akuma attacked.
“I didn’t abandon anyone, Chloe!” Marinette snapped. “I got knighted while trying to close the upper windows.”
Everyone had been knighted by the end of the fight. It was scary, watching the darkness close in, not knowing if Marinette was safe - which she wasn’t - and knowing they were doomed too.
Adrien cracked some pun about it being a knightmare to be knighted, and Sabrina had to agree. She would be having nightmares for a week.
“Well, obviously only one of you showed any actual leadership skills during the attack, so I think we all know who we’re voting for,” Alya said sassily. Sabrina took s step back at Chloe’s scowl.
“Not so fast, Alya,” Marinette said.
“See! She’s already throwing in the towel! Obviously I’m the best representative, I can handle the job.”
“That’s not what she said,” Sabrina muttered. Chloe’s glare snapped to her. She took another step back.
“Sabrina’s right,” Marinette said. “I said it wasn’t time for voting yet, not that I was quitting.” She turned to the class at large. Sabrina could feel a speech coming on. “I don’t want you all to vote for me based on one interaction, and I don’t want you to vote for me because I’m not Chloe. I want you to cast your votes to who you think will actually do the job best. I won’t be able to do everything, but I’m good at finding compromises and thinking outside the box. Sabrina’s extremely good at schedules, and finding all the hurdles we need to jump to get to a specific goal. We’re good partners, and I promise we’ll both do our best. So, vote for Marinette and Sabrina as Class Representatives!”
Sabrina and Alya were the first to clap, followed by Adrien and Rose, and then everyone but Chloe and the mayor.
“Go ahead and go vote Class. I’m sure we’re all eager to have our representatives chosen for the year,” Mme. Bustier encouraged. The entirety of the not-nominated classmates surged forward at once.
Marinette meanwhile, stepped up to Sabrina’s side. “So, uh, that went...” she trailed off with a nervous laugh.
“As far from plan as possible?” Sabrina offered.
“Yeah, that’s a good way to describe it,” Marinette agreed. She buried her head in her hands. “I completely forgot my speech.”
“It sounded good anyway.”
Their conversation was stopped by Mme. Bustier clapping. “Alright students! Marinette, Chloe, Sabrina, please come up so we can announce the winner!”
“Come on!” Marinette whispered excitedly, holding out her hand. Sabrina took it, trying not to squeeze too hard.
Chloe kept her head up as she joined them, but Sabrina knew the look of fury in her eyes. She bit back another whimper.
“The votes have been counted,” Mme. Bustier said. “And the winners are...” she paused for emphasis. Sabrina caught onto her wording though. She took a deep breath, and fixed a smile on her face. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Sabrina Raincomprix!”
Alya and Rose squealed from where they were in the crowd, and Sabrina wasn’t able to fully turn to smile at Marinette before Rose tackled her.
“You did it! Sabrina I’m so proud of you! I just know you’re going to be amazing!” Rose pulled back, wiping her eyes. “I’m so proud. You’ve just bloomed!” and then she burst into tears.
Sabrina didn’t know what to do with that. Was Rose okay? She didn’t know, but Juleka seemed to think so. She took her friend’s arm gently. “Come on Rose, let others congratulate her too.” She looked up and smiled at Sabrina. “Congratulations, Sabrina.” Juleka led Rose over to tell Marinette congratulations too, and then Sabrina lost sight of them in the crowd of classmates. It was only her class there, but it felt like a lot more while they were all wishing her good luck and offering congratulations.
Eventually the stream died down, and Sabrina could breathe again. She turned to find Alya primed with her phone.
“Come on girls, lets get some smiles! I’ve got to put this on the school blog!”
Marinette found her way back to Sabrina’s side, and they took a moment to pose. Once Alya had the picture, she rushed up to give kisses goodbye, claiming she had a family engagement she was already late for.
“I guess this is it then?” Marinette said.
“This year is going to be wild.” Sabrina agreed. It had already been wild, between the Akumas and magic and the shifting power structures. “I’m glad I have you as a partner in this,” Marinette said, setting an arm on her shoulder. “Thank you, really.”
“I like doing things I’m good at,” Sabrina said honestly. “And I want to support you and the others. I’m just glad you gave me a chance.”
“Of course.”
Sabrina smiled, and in a spur of the moment, she held out her fist. “Pound it?”
Marinette smiled even wider, if that was possible, and tapped her own to it. “Pound it.”
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muslim-monster-marriage · 2 years ago
hellooo i just discovered your game and it's awesome! tomorrows my birthday so im gonna spend it playing the other prologues i didn't do yet hehe. im a bit curious as to how each character would react to or celebrate mc's birthday... i will pretend i am celebrating my bday with jibreel 🥰 thank u for making this game and lots of love!! ❤️❤️
Hi! I hope you have fun playing the remaining prologues 🥰
To be honest, the only characters who would celebrate birthdays are Asif and Nayab.
Yaqub and Haroon wouldn't for religious reasons.
Jibrail didn't even understand the concept of birthdays until he came up to the surface. He probably happily celebrated a few birthdays (he definitely baked the cakes himself) before he researched more and made the choice to stop.
Asif definitely is the type to pretend he forgot your birthday, just so he could plan a surprise party for you and your friends. He'd have his alone time with you afterwards.
Nayab would order in a whole bunch of stuff - food, gifts, some new games you had your eye on. He would celebrate your birthday in the comfort of your home, just the two of you hanging out and spending time together.
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whiterainbow-pearl · 1 year ago
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You weren’t my dream guy, In dreams, you’d never fly. But memories linger, soft and sly, In the corners where dreams lie.
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davereedme · 2 years ago
Apparently, we’re all supposed to Xeet on Xitter now? 🫠
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How did X get even stupider.
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deliasamed · 1 year ago
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Adverbial Clauses
(Forms and Functions of Subordinate Clauses)
Subordinate clauses can be classified into three main forms based on their functions within a sentence: nominal clauses, relative clauses, and adverbial clauses.   Nominal Clauses (Substantive Clauses): These clauses function as nouns within a sentence. They can serve as the subject, object, or complement of a sentence. Example: What he said surprised everyone. (Nominal clause as the subject)   Relative Clauses (Adjective Clauses): These clauses provide additional information about a noun in the main clause. They are introduced by relative pronouns (e.g., who, which, that). Example: The book that I borrowed from the library is fascinating. (Relative clause providing information about the book)   Adverbial Clauses: These clauses function as adverbs, modifying the main clause by providing information about time, place, manner, condition, etc. They are introduced by subordinating conjunctions (e.g., because, although, when, while). Example: Although it was raining, they decided to go for a walk. (Adverbial clause indicating a contrasting condition)          
Adverb Clauses:
Adverbial clauses are groups of words that function as adverbs in a sentence. They provide additional information about the action in the main clause, answering questions such as when, where, why, how, to what extent, or under what conditions. Adverbial clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions, and they cannot stand alone as complete sentences. Adverbial clauses modify the main clause in a sentence by providing information about time, place, manner, condition, purpose, contrast, or reason.       Types of Adverbial Clauses:   Time Clauses: After she finished her homework, she went to bed.     Place Clauses: Wherever you go, I will follow.     Manner Clauses: She completed the project as if she were an expert.     Condition Clauses: If it rains, we will stay indoors.     Purpose Clauses: She studied hard so that she could pass the exam.     Contrast Clauses: Although it was sunny, she decided to stay inside.     Reason Clauses: Since he was feeling unwell, he didn't attend the meeting.         Subordinating Conjunctions: The introduction of adverbial clauses is typically done through subordinating conjunctions. Some common subordinating conjunctions include:   After, before, when, while (Time) Where, wherever (Place) As, as if, as though (Manner) If, unless, provided that (Condition) So that, in order that (Purpose) Although, though, even though (Contrast) Because, since, as (Reason)   Adverbial clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions. They cannot stand alone as complete sentences. When an adverbial clause begins a sentence, a comma usually follows it. Main Clause: She went to the store.   Adverbial Clause: After she finished her work, she went to the store.           Adverb Clauses Placement: Adverb clauses can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. The placement depends on the emphasis you want to give to the adverbial information.   Beginning: If you want to emphasize the adverbial clause. Example: When the sun sets, we will start the bonfire.   Middle: If the adverbial clause is less important, it can be placed in the middle. Example: We will start the bonfire when the sun sets in the evening.   End: This is a common placement when the adverbial clause provides additional information. Example: We will start the bonfire in the evening, when the sun sets.           Participle Clauses: Participle clauses use a present participle (-ing form) or a past participle (-ed or irregular form) and function similarly to adverbial clauses.   Present Participle ( -ing): Example: (While)Running late, she hurried to the meeting.   Past Participle ( -ed or irregular):  Example: Exhausted from the long journey, they finally reached their destination.         Conjunctions used with Participle Clauses: No specific conjunctions introduce participle clauses; they often modify the main clause without a conjunction. However, you can use a subordinating conjunction like while, after, or before when it is necessary to indicate the time relationship between the actions in the main clause and the participle clause.   For example: While waiting for the bus, she read a book. He left the room after finishing his presentation.   In these cases, the conjunctions (while, after) are introducing the adverbial participle clause by indicating the temporal relationship between the two actions. But it's important to note that many participle clauses simply attach to the main clause without a conjunction.           Infinitive Clauses as Adverbials for Purpose: Infinitive clauses are used to express the purpose of an action.  Example: She worked hard, to pass the exam.   Conjunctions used with Infinitive Clauses for Purpose: To, in order to, so as to.  Example: He studied diligently in order to gain knowledge.               Adverbial (Adverb) Clauses Noun-Modifying (Adjective) Clauses Nominal (Noun) Clauses Subordinate Clauses Complex Sentences Negative Declarative Sentences: Structure, Usage, and Style The Interjection Read the full article
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rantphan · 1 year ago
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animusrox · 11 days ago
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Deli Boys (2025 - ) S01E03 "Delhi Boys"
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