#ashlesha meaning
marsprincess889 · 6 months
Basic themes of nakshatras
May edit this later, this is as far as I understand and have observed them, and I think it's pretty nice to see them simply.
Newness, freshness, the unmanifest, speed, energy, vitality, instinct, healing, fast healing, unlimited energy, self-expression, selfishness, blocking outside noise, trusting yourself, self-empowerment, unfiltered actions.
Things that remind me of Ashwini: bees, the sun, horses, two white horses, golden deserts, horses gallopping, honey, long hair flying in the wind, apples.
Love, death, sex, the female, the feminine, limitations, the material, fate, destiny, coming into the body, struggling against limitations, struggling against fate, mind trapped in its own hell because of the inevitable, dealing with the harshness of life, harshness of mothers and mother nature, the hierarchy, privileges and deprivations, desire, going after your true desire, the immortality of the soul, adapting to changes, passion, tragic love, bravery, facing the truth, choicelessness, nessecity, revenge, violence, gatekeeping, reduction, denial of access, conquering your fate, everlasting beauty, immortality, eternal love.
Things that remind me of Bharani: hot pink and black, darkness, roses, the yoni, gateways, keyholes, caverns, boats, rivers, the damsel in distress, fantasy, high fantasy.
Adam, the main character, naming things, language, rationality, precision, sharpness, criticism, the poet, the "it" person, simplicity, cleanliness, expressing oneself, selectivity, the heat, the knowledge, the light, masculine ideals, stoicism.
Things that remind me of Krittika: knives, razors, lighers, sparks, fire, hearth, cooking.
Eve, sugar babies, growth, receptivity, enjoyment, pleasure, unrefined, doted on, subconcious, absorbtion, sharing, union, creation, the youngest daughter, naivete, feeling no shame.
Things that remind me of Rohini: sugar, stickiness, sweetness, heaviness, red, pink, flowers, the A.I(lol).
Distraction, realization, fickleness, adventure, running away, chasing, the hunt, excitement, softness, pleasure, altering conciousness, magic substances(iykwim), curiosity, fulfillment, insatiability, teasing.
Things that remind me of Mrigashira: silver threads, deer, green forests, green and blue, running in the woods, alcohol, the moon, Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
Disillusion, crying, lamenting, awareness of others, awarness of other's expectations, hyper-awarness of everything, intellect, the rational mind, pressures from society, rebelling against society, anxiety, hunting.
Things that remind me of Ardra: tears, water, storms, technology, teenage angst, emo culture, the rain, sad songs, dogs.
Mercy, forgiveness, permission, freedom, flying, expansion, gentleness, regrowing, realigning, returning, home, unconditional love and nurture, celebration, peace, peacefulness, centering oneself, sunlight, warmth, fostering, taking care, being taken care of, luck, unlimited fertile space, shelter, genuine kindness, believing in humanity again, cycles, patterns, seeing the cycles and the patterns, prophecies, the oracle, openness, second (and third, fouth...) chances, a comeback.
Things that remind me of Punarvasu: staying at home, pets, plants, cats, gentle rain, a bow and arrows, a target.
Asceticism, routines, self-restraint, servitude, control, self-control, working, working on yourself, patience, simplicity, striving for perfection, nurturing, nourishment, quiet ambition, symmetry.
Things that remind me of Pushya: milk, milkmaids, country life, milking, symmetry, goats, sheep, agriculture.
Manipulation, abuse, poison, emotional abuse, blackmail, resorting to everything for safety, protection, pent up energy, the nervous system, purity, water, sensitivity, cleanliness, energetic build-up, tension, restraint, preservation, self-preservation, virginity, feminine tactics, being "mean" for protection, lying for safety, sensuality, mother issues, agitation.
Things that remind me of Ashlesha: the color white, transparent things, cats, poisoning, snow white, Sofia Coppola films, teenage girlhood, ties, strings, knots, snakes.
Royalty, power, ancestry, family trees, history, the past, regality, honoring the past, honoring the elders, honoring the authority, religion, tradition, customs, confidence, ego.
Things that remind me of Magha: crowns, thrones, churches, goth culture, smoke, big hair(like the lion's mane).
Purva Phalguni:
Pleasure, enjoyment, being spoiled as the feminine, loving to spoil as the masculine, procreation, sex, leisure, art, holidays, parties, exclusivity, pride, charisma, sexual dispersion, love as a method of self-expression, admiration, directness, active pursuit of your passions, indulgence.
Things that remind me of Purva Phalguni: fruits, eating fruits topless, rose gold color, the "rizz"(lol), the phallus, dramaticism.
Uttara Phalguni:
Favors from friends, family and partners, contracts, beneficial agreements, the perfect wife, likeability, popularity, friendliness, appearing cool, stoicism, beneficial arrangements, gain through partnerships, self-expression through relationships, wife/girlrfiend material, harvest, family associations, marriage associations.
Things that remind me of Uttara Phalguni: the "chads", simplicity, genuine friends, loyal companions, family business, the perfect male stereotype, the "rich heiress running away" trope, wheat, gold, power couples.
The earth, the veiled feminine, manipulation, denial of access, materialism, cheating, everyday matters, empowerment of women, deception, skill, seeking knowledge, wanting to be in control, activism, street-smarts, manipulation of masses.
Things that remind me of Hasta: the hand, Goddess Persephone, skilled hands, thieves, easy money, fairies, witches, scammers.
Crafting, building, perspective, truth, law, gems, sacrifice for your craft, vanity, stereotypes, aesthetics, the truth in stereotypes, building based on the law and the truth, the surface of things, the appearance of things, the substance reflected in the vessel, gossip, cliques.
Things that remind me of Chitra: the god Hephestos, martian gods in general, jewelry, fashion, make-up, drama, pettiness, the coquette aesthetic, pranksters, Olivia Rodrigo(ig).
Space, the cosmos, shifting realities, love, rebellion, alternate realities, possibilities, seeing beauty in everything, inspiration, art, the cosmic egg, creation of the world, creation of worlds, microcosm and macrocosm, freedom through love.
Things that remind me of Swati: video games, the wind, plants beggining to sprout, the sword, technology, the Sims.
The lightning, snapping, splitting, joining opposites, compromise, marriage, repressed anger, repressed aggression, alter egos, passion, enthusiasm, standing up for yourself and others, repression and then expression, energy, love and hate.
Things that remind me of Vishakha: lighning bolts, Zeus, Thor and other lighning gods, superhero "Shazam", celebrations.
Friendship, devotion, depth, loyalty, unconditional loyalty, bonds, the occult, sex with love, numbers, gatherings, friend groups, groups, gentleness, humbleness, discipline, seriousness, organizing society, social groups.
Things that remind me of Anuradha: the color burgundy, dim lights, bunnies, "Sex Education" (tv show), sci-fi (for some reason), "The Vampire Diaries" (and very similar teen shows), frat boys, cheerleaders.
The battlefield, war, hunger, thirst, insatiability, conquering, the underdog, street-smarts, competition, strategy, extreme independence, mind games, the art of war, survival, ruling, rising above, self-reliance, wisdom, becoming the authority, the eldest, dryness, trust issues, enemies, destroying enemies, outsmarting all enemies.
Things that remind me of Jyeshta: grandmothers, owls, eagles, dry places, flags, marching, chess.
Horror, the abnormal, the truth, the core, the center, the absorbing darkness, the black hole, the roots, violence against falsehoods, seeking the truth, seeking the cause, seeking roots, uprooting, chaos, from chaos to order, the unchanging truth, taming beasts, holding to your truth.
Things that remind me of Mula: "Phanton of the Opera", "Twilight", final girls, horror movies, dark murky green, the wilderness.
Purva Ashadha:
Art, beauty, alliances, artistry, ideals, fighting for the ideal, discrimination, exclusivity, philosophies about beauty and art, passion for love and art, attachments, secrecy, luxury, vitality, vigor, going for victory.
Things that remind me of Purva Ashadha: the sea, seafoam, goddess Aphrodite, seashells, mermaids, sirens, fans (the ones you hold in your hand lol), Arwen from LotR.
Uttara Ashadha:
Victory, loneliness, individuality, government, empowerment, independence, being looked up to, composed self-expression, ease, simplicity but regality, confidence, self-assuredness, melancholy and hardships of aloneness but contentment, stoicism, invincibility, unapologetic behavior.
Things that remind me of Uttara Ashadha: earnest people, goddess Nike, mint color for some reason.
Connecting everything, secret knowledge, interest in everything, reading between the lines, subconcious access, extreme sensitivity, holding the humanity together, secret agencies, percieving what others can't percieve, saving humanity, navigating, receptivity, mysticism.
Things that remind me of Shravana: Superman, Geralt of Rivia, Aragorn, King arthur, pathways, footprints, ear, color blue, spies, astrology, outcasts, fringe societies.
Celebration, celebrities, fame, visibility, aggression, agitation, action, bringing people together, idols, propaganda, wealth from fame, that which attracts attention, public image, benefits and downsides of fame, openness and flashiness, branding.
Things that remind me of Dhanishta: supermodels, Princess Diana, dancing, rhythmic drums.
Complexities, seeing everything, lurking in shadows, holding the knowledge, secrets, secrecy, hiding, technology, innovation, being ahead of your time, advising but manipulating, society, the collective, trends, the conciousness of masses, propaganda.
Things that remind me of Shatabhisha: midnight sky, stars, the seas, water reservoirs, the circle, the all-seeing eye of Sauron(lol), Lord of the Rings, rings, the movie "Stardust" (the book too), the evil advisor/black cardinal trope.
Purva Bhadrapada:
Notoriety, expansion, uncontrolled expansion, persmissiveness, growth to ruin unless restrained, fighting for your soul, the scapegoat, going against society, getting tested, the point of no return.
Things that remind me of Purva Bhadrapada: gangs, famous criminals, laziness, femme fatales, the grotesque, deserts, werewolves, the black sheep.
Uttara Bhadrapada:
Finding grace, hardships, working, inner strength, steeliness, resilience, patience, restraint, contol, self-restraint and self-control, bravery, honesty, stubbornness, fighting for your truth, perfect control, freedom through limitations, seeking a permanent foundation built on truth, working for the foundation, long-term goals, innocence, purity of soul, stillness, refinement, honor and glory.
Things that remind me of Uttara Bhadrapada: butterflies, clouds, baby blue color, Cinderella, warriors, knights, knight orders, ice, coldness, queens, ice-queen, dragons, water dragons, deep waters, deep sea and its creatures, wings.
Ultimate freedom, creativity, wisdom, gentleness, compassion, guiding, herding, fun, laughter, mischief, lightnness, ease, finding peace, reaching the end, enjoying what you have, contentment, nurturing, open-mindedness, conclusions, gratefulness, freedom and free will, having choices, diversity, finding the truth, true wealth, parenthood, the guide, guidance, individuation.
Things that remind me of Revati: shepherds, herding, everything easy and light, the tricksters, the fool, jokes, Loki, The Joker, fish, comedy, the movie "A Fish Called Wanda", caring for everyone and everything, light and soft shades of green and blue.
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divinefemmexx · 11 days
Your Beauty Based On Your Nakshatras 🍒
*DISCLAIMER- This is my first observations post about the nakshatras so please bear with me! i know there is some discourse about these types of posts in the astrology community but oh well lol i just wanted to do something fun for my first time. i will make more in depth posts once i deepen my knowledge on it.
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Note: This is how I see the Nakshatras other people will see differently and that’s ok!
🥀 Venus Nakshatras (Purva Phalguni, Bharani, Purva Ashadha)
-They seem to have an air of mystery in my opinion. They have the girl next door kind of beauty, think of movies where the guy sees a girl at the airport or on a train and he doesn’t see her ever again but he keeps fantasizing about her. Venusians are the type to captivate someone within one glance. They are also sensual but in a subtle way, they don’t have to do too much to show that side of them because it’s not only based on how they look but the way they talk, walk, and their personality.
Ex. Jasmine Tookes (Purva Phalguni Moon), Adele (Bharani Sun), Alina Baraz (Purva Ashadha Moon)
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❤️‍🔥 Mars Nakshatras (Dhanishta, Chitra, Mrigashira)
-These people are just…SEXY! But honestly what can you expect when it comes to mars. In my opinion it seems like they can’t hide their sexiness it doesn’t matter what they wear or if they wear a lot of makeup or not they will always ooze sex appeal. They are the type to turn heads no matter what room they walk in because that’s how good they look, not only that they seem to have this confidence about them whether you see yourself that way or not others may definitely do! They are always topic of conversation.
Ex. Ana De Armas (Chitra Moon), Megan thee stallion (Dhanishta Sun), Jennifer Lawrence (Mrigashira Moon)
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🌙 Moon Nakshatras (Rohini, Hasta, Shravana)
- These women have the popular girl in movies type of beauty, they are usually peoples girl crush. I notice that their physical appearance is often talked about. They appear younger than what they actually are not just physically but their demeanor, personality, and spirit. They may get stared at a lot. I will also like to add that pictures does not do these nakshatras justice at all, they are so beautiful in person similar to the moon!
Ex. Ariana Grande (Hasta Moon), Normani (Rohini Sun), Nina Dobrev (Shravana Moon)
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✨Mercury Nakshatras (Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati)
-They are so sultry in a dark feminine type of way. They also have RBF and can appear very intimidating. Many people might assume that mercurials are mean due to the way they look (imo they are pretty nice). They are the kind of girls that you want to talk to but they come off unapproachable so you just admire them from a far lol. I also notice they love playing with makeup looks especially their eye makeup!
Ex. Ryan Destiny (Revati Moon), Alexa Demie (Jyeshtha Sun), Megan Fox (Ashlesha Moon)
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🫀Ketu Nakshatras (Magha, Ashwini, Mula)
-Ketu Nakshatras have the dark feminine vibe but more in a melancholic kind of way. Their femininity is more darker than mercurials and often dress in black or darker colors in general. they also have a very unbothered look to them. I notice that these ketuvians can be complex and very misunderstood, you think that you have them figured out but there is WAY more to them than beyond surface level. They have a haunting type of beauty! The kind of women you never forget.
Ex. Kat Dennings (Magha Moon), India Eisley (Ashwini Moon), Amy Winehouse (Mula Moon)
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🌞 Sun Nakshatras (Uttara Ashada, Krittika, Uttara Phalguni)
-These hotties are bombshells. They have the ability to light up any room. They also have such a radiant aura as well. They are the "hard to get" hot girl that everyone pines over! They are usually center of attention no matter where they go. I notice that they are charismatic as well and that’s what honestly reels people in the most! In my opinion, they remind me so much of a trophy wife. Their partners love being able to tell people that you guys are married/dating.
Ex. Madelyn Cline (Uttara Phalguni ASC & Moon, Eliza Dushku (Krittika ASC), Naomi Campbell (Uttara Ashada ASC)
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⚡️Rahu Nakshatras (Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha)
-Have you heard of the quote from Scarface “The eyes, Chico. They never lie.”? Well that’s basically these nakshatras. Their eyes can tell stories and they can communicate to others very well with them. Often times they can look pretty sad even when they aren’t. Rahuvians look so dreamy, I can’t explain it, they look so soft but intense at the same time! Honestly, they are the type of girls people write about. Absolutely captivating!
Ex. Brittany Murphy (Swati Moon), Kaya Scodelario (Ardra Moon), Audrey Hepburn (Shatabhisha Moon)
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🛸 Saturn Nakshatras (Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada)
-Otherworldly beauty! If you go outside you won’t see many people that look like them, their beauty cannot be replicated ever and trust me they will try to! These nakshatras were blessed with alluring and unique features. Saturnians look like they came right out of a fantasy film with different beautiful creations that are not of this world. They will also kill it in modeling especially editorial/high fashion they have the type of beauty that the modeling industry goes for.
Ex. Yara Shahidi (Anuradha ASC), Angelina Jolie (Pushya ASC), Halle Bailey (Uttara Bhadrapada Sun)
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💋 Jupiter Nakshatras (Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada)
-These Nakshatras are MANEATERS! no but seriously they are so seductive! They can give office siren as well. I truly believe they can make anyone get down on their knees for them. Their aura to me is pretty powerful they know exactly how to act to get people (men especially) at their beck and call. I also notice that people lust after them quite often, they could easily use that for their personal gain if they wanted to.
Ex. Penelope Cruz (Punarvasu Moon), Lily Rose Depp (Vishakha ASC), Madison Beer (Purva Bhadrapada Sun)
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Yours Truly,
divinefemmexx 🖤
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sxorpiomooon · 2 months
What does your older self wants to say to you? A pac reading<3
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Pile 1-
you need to let go, this is so funny to me given the pile that you guys have chosen has a tattoo of "amor fati" which literally means this. If you've chosen this pile you might have an anxious attachment and some of you need to go off a relationship that you are holding. A japanese song is playing in my head? Sometimes you only hold onto things very tightly because deep down you know that the moment you let go they are going to leave you. Your older self wants you to let go of such relations one particular scenario that I'm getting is of someone being in a toxic relationship being completely dependent on their significant others knowing that the other person might not choose to stay with them once they let go or once they are given the choice to do so. Stop being dependent on people and allow them and give them the space for them to leave you if they wish to do so the only way to understand how much they love is by giving them the space to leave then only you know that they truly do love you. The other people in this pile need to know that all relations require space and time for both individuals to grow individually too. Only when you have enough space and time to grow individually you can contribute something to the relation. Some of you might have ashlesha nakshatra. Also take care of yourself by yourself your older self really wants you to take care of your hair lmao I keep hearing "wash up wash up" I'm also seeing fishes for some reason those orange ones I don't know what they're called? You might love them now or definitely own them in the future. Your older self also wants you to know that the cycle ends with you. Breaking off from the generation trauma cycle seems to be a very important theme here. I see y'all are already very cool but are even cooler in the future man I'm not gonna lie I also keep hearing alt for some reason whether it's for songs or fashion but y'all are gonna be fucking cool in the future man. Be resilient I have full faith in you pile 1 do it for the super cool you. I also see this pile moving out of this house if they haven't alr I keep getting japan again and again but y'all gonna live a pretty great lifestyle also reminded of lucky from the blue sisters novel? Thankyou!!
Pile 2-
this pile might have the tendency to overreact at that exact moment when they are faced with a problem. Their emotions at times might make it hard for them to actually get a good grasp on the situation. Your older self wants you to learn to differentiate between illusion and intuition lmao. I also had a vision of someone journaling so I think the older self might want you guys to write it down before reacting or coming to a conclusion on any sort of situation. I also think that writing it down might make it easy or better for you to feel and understand your emotions better and the problem as well. This pile also needs to focus on their unconscious mind? If you are manifesting something you might have some biases already that you need to pay attention to. This pile might also easily interpret things and get confused. Your older self wants you to follow your heart I heard "it will lead you to the right path" and right after this "sometimes to run is the brave thing" played in my head from its time to go by Taylor swift. You need to act on whatever feelings you have some of you might write and be confused about whether it's good or not or some confusion related to it here's your answer- it is<3 go ahead and follow your heart pile two it will never lead you to the wrong path in the long end. I also heard "beauty and art is everywhere" this pile needs to follow their passion. Lord this is ending on such a good note. Your older self also wants you to know that you should not fear bc all your hardwork will pay off<3 all your hardwork and sacrifices will pay off and you'll get the success that you desire and want. This was also a pile that I chose and I needed to hear this<3
Pile 3-
The time or whatever you are going through will not be wasted. The journey is there to prepare you and give you the experiences that you need to get to the level that you want to achieve in your life. This pile might be going through some hard things. This pile also needs to know that you cannot force anyone to grow early or to change early or hurry up some process everything has its own time be patient a delay does not mean a no. This pile also needs to come face to face with their problems and fear only then they'll be able to move past it. "The only way out is through" "change is the only constant thing in life" "no one else can do it for you" are the things that I'm hearing. This pile knows what's needed to be done but might fear the unknown. A big transformation that is much needed is coming after that I see a wonderful new beginning for you<3
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moonchild033 · 17 days
Astro Observations -5💃
Here we go with part-5!!! My schedule is getting hectic, I managed some time to make this finally 😭😭❤💫
(These observations are based on the whole sign system, sidereal charts and all obs are subject to change with other aspects in the chart, so don't conclude anything with a single placement) ❤
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1. Mercury in Capricorn/Aquarius or in Saturn ruled stars- Could've got late admissions in educational institutions or had academic gaps or breaks. This could also be true if Saturn is in Gemini/Virgo or in mercury ruled stars.😌
2. Jupiter in 10H esp in fire/air signs- They could have the tendency to change jobs frequently, mostly because their interests are diverse or they like the concept of exploring, taking a long time to settle down.😊
3. Having same ascendant in both D1 & D3- The person will be courageous, they could get benefits and significant help from siblings. Their source of motivation in life could come from their friendships, a close knit of circle who always motivates them to move forward.💫
4. Virgo mercury - Can be prone to losing money in share market, due to online frauds etc. These ppl should be careful with their money. You could even lose it carelessly, like forgetting the money purse somewhere. 🤧
5. Jupiter in 7H for Gemini ascendant - Even though Jupiter is in own house in this placement, it can give late marriage to the person if it's alone in 7H or doesn't receive any aspects from other benefic planets.😇
6. More planets in Leo house in D2- You will attain wealth by your own hardwork and independently. This placement can also make the person to start earning earlier than their peers or simply have more earnings regardless of what age they started going to a job.💃
7. More planets in Cancer house in D2- You will be blessed with extravagant lifestyle and wealth after marriage. Your partner will play a significant role in determining your wealth---you could either have a joint bank account with your partner OR after their arrival in your life, you could've experienced significant rise in your salary.🤩
8. Mars-moon conjunction in D4- The property you buy in your name could be located near water sources or you can be inclined to buy agricultural lands or at least buy a commercial plot with a countryside environment. If it's in a water sign, you would buy properties in your name near coastal cities.💙
9. Ashlesha/Jyeshta/Revati Moons- No matter how manipulative or cold they might appear due to moon in mercury star, they can fall in love easily. Even if they're slow, they're as obsessive, deep and consuming as Scorpio moons when in love. Some ppl might have had obsessive crushes or a long relationship for years during school days itself.💖
10. Mars-Sun conjunction in D4- House in your name could be placed near government owned buildings or in a colony where many government officials reside. You might construct a house in warmer places (by temperature in surrounding) than the ones you grew up in.🌡
11. Cancer Venus in a woman's chart- Female friends can get jealous of them, after wedding, even the female family members of the groom could do so. It's because of their perfect embodiment of feminine self, it can make other underdeveloped females insecure. Might not be the case for everyone, just observed this in few.💜
12. Placements and the type of house construction/aesthetics you may like & build:
(This doesn't mean you will end up building your house like this for sure, these placements should make aspects to the 4H/4H lord, 4H shouldn't be afflicted, favorable mahadasha should come and many more other aspects, so take the below ones as a fun read!)
Venus in Taurus/Libra/Pisces- Lots of interior designing & unique architecture. They want their house to be very aesthetically pleasing and appreciated by others. They have a eye for beauty.😍
Rahu in 4H- House constructed in an extravagant manner, has many rooms🤭
Mercury-saturn conjunction - Likes building staircase inside the house and basements having those spiral steps like in the horror films lol.🤫
Aries Sun - Grand entrance, the main gate or the house door will be big both in terms of height and width. They could like adding glass elements that reflect light on top of house door or any architecture near that.💅
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction - Loves unique and high class wooden sculptures and furnitures. These could be the people who would import specific type of wood to make their study table hehe.💪
Taurus/Cancer Moon- Water flowing architecture inside the house. You may also be fond of having fish tanks. This placement along with taurus or libra venus can give (for ex.) unique statues and water flowing from it or glass floors and fish maintenance below it.🤪
Leo Moons- Most probably likes having their own swimming pool in their house, especially purva phalguni moons.😻
Mars-moon conjunction - Loves doing indoor gardening. Rahu in the mix can give technological advancements in this, like having hydroponics system or any specialized type of gardening.🌱
Venus-rahu conjunction - Prefers different colored lighting settings, can even have home theatre setups. They like aesthetic light works with multiple colors and all shiny at least in one room for recreation.✨
Venus-Mars conjunction - Highlights strong security systems. They could appoint a watchman or have CCTV cameras surrounding their house. Mars in rahu's star having this conjunction, they might have advanced touch or face recognition type of security systems.😼
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Let's Learn and Grow Together!💋💅
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
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Masterlist 💖
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veronicawildest · 2 months
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by yours truly, veronicawildest
• Saturnian rashi (Sidereal Capricorn and Aquarius) knows how to handle fame. Yes, there are struggles (just like their mental health), but no matter what they do, people love them, and that will leave a mark on the minds of the audience. They are the type of people who, even though they are dead, are still known. The music they made is still being played, and movies with them in them, etc.
Sidenote: It can also be noticed that usually, when celebrities become famous, based on the mahadasha, no matter what planet is Shravana, as long as your mahadasha is Shravana, there is a high possibility that you will become famous. For example, if your current mahadasha is Shravana (it doesn't matter what the antardasha is), there is a higher chance you will be famous.
Celebrity example: Miley Cyrus (she gained fame when she was in Hannah Montana).
•The former is so ironic that you have acquaintances who are Shatabisha, but you only know them by name. They are secretive (more secretive than other Sidereal Scorpios). They are better known by the rumors about them than by their real identity (what do they really do?). This explanation is the effect of the height of Rahu (this is the final nakshatra of Rahu).
• I just realized that Princess Diana has a lot of similarities with Marilyn Monroe. Both were born on the 1st of the month. They are also in the same nakshatra (Dhanista). They remain famous even though they are deceased. If you notice, their Arudha lagna has Mars influence.
• Sidereal Cancer (Pushya and Ashlesha) is really overhated. I know that some reading this might ask, "Why did you include Pushya?" But there is too! They are definitely included in the hate, not just Ashlesha. Ashlesha is more self-centered compared to Pushya, so people only notice that Ashlesha ends up being hated, which is not the case. Most likely, Pushya Sun (the bashers will really flock to them).
• Saturn nakshatras are not for the weak. Even if it is said that Pushya's deity lord is Brihaspati, the guru will not condone your mistakes. You will truly experience lessons and hardships. Additionally, Saturn rules laziness. I don't know where the "hardworking" stereotype of Saturn comes from, because it's a slow-moving planet.
• Apart from Jyestha, Chitra and Vishakha nakshatras are envied by most. The deities of Vishakha are Indra (lord of Jyestha) and Agni (lord of Krittika).
The difference between Chitra and Jyestha is that Chitra deliberately provokes others (to annoy them), while Jyestha, yes, they also do that, but there is a subconscious factor. It is not their intention to provoke jealousy in others. The Jyestha that I know personally are happy-go-lucky. They even like to joke (heavily into memes) and are also very sociable. They embody typical Western Sagittarius traits like that.
• Most of the Purva Phalguni (including Jyeshthas) like to stay up late; they have big eye bags.
• The pairing I see most is Mars Vimshottari Nakshatra and Bharani (Sun/Moon). For example, Bill Burry and his wife, as well as a classmate who has a girlfriend that is a Bharani Moon. The pattern is also the same: Mrigashira Sun for the guys and Bharani Moon for the girls.
• I just noticed that Uttara Phalguni boys (or any Sun-ruled nakshatra) criticize a lot of women, but they also love attention from women. The best example of this is Rhino from LoveLiveServe.
The positive attributes that I noticed in Sun-ruled nakshatra men are their value for friendship. They value friendship a lot. Boys support boys.
• Krittika is all about survival. What I mean is the type where you are stranded on an island and don't know what is essential to do; Krittika is all about that. The one who can build a house is like a civilization. This is not the type like in Ketu nakshatra that can kill and conquer animals.
• Ardra, Mrigashira, and Hasta are the best proof of the "girl's girl" motto. They really love their friends. Yes, the rest of them have a mean streak, but they are the nakshatras that stand up for being a "girl's girl" and are really into women's empowerment, not just clout. They are the type that will really fight and rally for women's rights and also fight against injustices related to women. Mula women and Krittika nakshatra women too, but in a lesbian way.
• I can say that Rahuvians are romantic, just mixed with an obsession/crazy factor, especially in Arda and Swati nakshatras—especially Swati.
In Swati, it's really an obsession, which is ironic since they are all about freedom. It becomes mixed with craziness when it comes to love.
In Arda nakshatra, they tend to be clingy and always want to be together (this is only based on my acquaintances, and I have noticed this). That's why they are also prone to heartbreaks related to their romantic lives, as they have high expectations when it comes to romantic relationships.
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opalblade · 4 months
06 JUNE 24.
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day charts: sun is in 7h-12h -> sun is better, jupiter is the stronger benefic, saturn is not as malefic.
night charts: sun from 1h-6h -> moon is better, venus is the stronger benefic, mars is not as malefic.
my source? analysing birth charts and mc persona charts
wherever the 11H ruler is and planets inside the 11H denote what you will make money from in your career
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:: saw this on twitter and just... sigh
saturn does WORSE in aries for those reasons. being all hotheaded and quick to move and start something vs taking it slow, planning, putting in the work and laying all the appropriate foundations
saturn does better in libra since it's a cardinal air venusian sign and so yes it sits and ponders, creates all the necessary structures, considers both sides (pros and cons etc)
if we think abt saturn as a judge, would u rather want the hot-headed judge or the diplomatic, fair judge? the one who makes a decision quickly or the one who may take too long, but delivers a fairer decision?
just because saturn likes a sign doesn't make the sign bad!!! it means it does BETTER in the sign.
while this is seemingly incompatible and contradictory, venus historically ruled over war (aries) and the underworld (scorpio) in several ancient mythologies.
as it's fixed fire, leo rules over both fame and obsession. we see famous people dealing with obsessed fans and haters all the time. think of a flame that just keeps on burning and burning.
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left: swati asc + mrigashira moon / right: mrigashira sun + swati asc
the vastttt majority of people in an astrology discord i am apart of have mars darakaraka (including myself)
jupiter individuals have large eyelid space, which makes sense given jupiter's expansive quality. below are some celeb examples, but i have also seen this with people irl.
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kehlani - punarvasu asc, kali uchis - punarvasu sun, ice spice - vishakha moon
ashlesha is represented by the coiled serpent and means 'embrace' / 'entwine' + alexa demie's fairytales photoshoot incorporated a lot of bondage imagery
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alexa demie - ashlesha ascendant
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© 2024 opalblade. do not copy, repost, or translate my works to any other platforms.
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starsandsuch · 15 days
Astro Observations
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Part 10 I think ! I lost count 😂
1. You’ll notice many astrologers w Saturn prominent in the chart. Saturn represents time, and astrology is the keeping of time.
2. People obsessed w astrology have a strong connection w the 8th house in their chart. Especially Jupiter, rahu, ketu, saturn, mars or their Atmakaraka in the 8th house.
3. Krittika is connected to farming and agriculture , especially the Aries portion of it.
4. Opposition Nakshatras experience similar themes
5. For example Ashlesha opposes Dhanishta (Capricorn portion) they both deal with the perils of abuse in early life and the perils of fame too. Both have challenging connection w mother figure.
6. Saturn is metal, Saturnians have this robotic coldness ab them. With Saturnian nakshatras especially uttarabhadrapada and anuradha they can appear very still and controlled to others, where ppl find them a but off-putting bc of this.
7. The only ppl that loosen Saturnian’s coldness is the luminaries, sun and moon. Saturnians will be mean to everyone but have a soft spot for solarians and lunar influenced ppl.
8. Saturnians also love venusians since Saturn exalts in a Venusian sign
9. Then martians loosen mercurials. This is especially prominent with the tightly wound Ashlesha where they are loosened by mars naks especially Mrigashira and Dhanishta.
10. You’ll see that Mrigashira and Ashlesha is found in the charts of many couples.
11. The 5th house is “the king’s favorite” so for example if a boss, teacher, authority figure etc will have 5th house synastry with their “favorite” student, employee etc
12. This is why Leo’s are considered lucky. 5th house - is connected to Leo- it’s the 5th sign. Leo natives often experience luck in life bc they are favored by higher forces, which is connected to the 9th house , houses 1/5/9 form a trine. They are chosen as the “favorites” when it matters most.
13. Think about in Harry Potter, (the actor is a Leo IRL). In the movie he’s always chosen as the favorite, by hagrid , by Dumbledore , even though he had enemies, was in danger, and was in poverty at first, he was always protected and taken care of by otherworldly forces.
14. Same applies to dating, people date their 5th house sign bc out of all the suitors you attract , 5th house is the favorites out of everyone.
15. Houses 1/5/9 all are related to royalty , 1st house are like the princess (daughter of a king) the 5th house is the children of the princess, and 9th house is the king himself, or the grandfather.
16. Aries-1st house, Leo- 5th house , Sagittarius 9th house
17. That’s why Ketu Nakshatras -Ashwini(Aries) , Magha (Leo) , Mula (Sagittarius), are often seen in the charts of royalty IRL.
18. Princess Diana had Magha lagnesh and Rahu, her son Prince William has Mula Ascendant , Queen Elizabeth was Ashwini Sun.
19. Ppl think only Leo is royalty but it also extends to the Signs that trine Leo - Aries & Sag
20. Your 4th and 9th house are people who are genetically related to you. 4th house is mother, grandmother and female ancestors, 9th house is father, grandfather and male ancestors
21. 8th house is your in laws and how they receive you. 8th house in Leo, your in laws adore you, 8th house in aquarius they can reject you and not accept you at first. Etc
22. Sometimes 4th house synastry can create discomfort btwn ppl. Where 4th house is ur innermost self. So when’s someone’s personal planets are in ur 4th house , you feel like they can read your mind or know u too well.
23. Couples w 4th house synastry find it hard to break up permanently they usually always get back together.
-starsandsuch ✌️💕
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astroesque · 1 year
Vedic Astrology Observations: Part 1
#1. Women with Mars, Rahu, or Mercury placements in their big 3 or these planets in their 1st house can come off as quite sexually appealing without even meaning to do so. Also, these women are usually quite attractive in regards to their physical bodies. Particularly with Mars. Rahu enhances unique aspects to the body, particularly the face. These women are quite ethereal looking. Mercury gives the impression of innocence, but is deceptive and has to ability to trick through the appearance. Mercury women might look very youthful and younger than their actual age. All in all, women with Mercury, Rahu, or a Mars nakshatra(s) in their big 3 usually have a natural sex appeal. They can receive more attention from the opposite sex fairly easily, (wanted or unwanted). They can easily attract the opposite sex with a simple and single gesture. They can also get into relationships quite easily, even if they are not serious. Something about Mars, Rahu, and Mercury energy prominent in the chart makes someone quite exuberant and interesting to the masses. They can also radiate sexual confidence. (This quality also applies to Venusian people). They can get famous/become popular fairly easily as well. Same for these men in regards to possessing this energy.
#2. Women with Moon placements in their big 3 generally have an aura of familiarity about them. It might feel as though you have met that person before, even if you haven’t. These women are quite feminine in regards to their beauty and bodies. They can be some of the curviest out there. They have a natural feminine energy about them and are usually deemed traditionally beautiful as women. Their feminine side comes very naturally to these women, they possess the energy in their existence. They can have a motherly nature and can be very close to their mother figure and women who have shaped them as children. They naturally gravitate towards women and are comfortable in their presence. Can have more female friends than male friends. They are practically the archetype of the traditional feminine in regards to appearance and attitude. Very attached to their homeland and prefer comfort and comfortable/familiar surroundings.
#3. Women with Saturn placements in their big 3 can be quite tall and thin. But not always since other nakshatras and aspects can impact those qualities. However, many successful supermodels have Saturn in their big 3. Also, these women can have amazingly symmetrical faces. Some of the most attractive women in the world. Saturnian women are usually quite pleasant in regards to their appearance and demeanor. Can look older than they really are. However, this quality is not as prominent in Pushya nakshatra due to lunar energies from Cancer. However, they are quite stunning regardless. Saturn women like to instill discipline into their lives and can be the ones to be setting a schedule for themselves each day and can follow it with ease. They are the masters of limiting themselves and can go on diets with success. They maintain their lives quite well and make sure they have everything under control. As parents, they can be the strict one and make sure their children are well mannered at an early age. They discipline their children early on. You’ll be scared to rebel against your Saturnian momma. Nonetheless, they make some of the most loving and caring mothers out there. Particularly when they have prominent moon and/or Pushya energy in their chart. They can appear seemingly perfect to others. Can appear intimidating to others due to their cold attitude and rbf 😂, but they are truly some of the best women you will meet out there and whom you can rely on.
#4. Ketu women can appear to have “sleepy eyes” and their gaze is quite intense. It can feel as though they look right through you. It’s very magnetic. However, not necessarily the same energy as Ashlesha nakshatra. They have something unique about their teeth such as a gap. Can be intimidating similar to Saturnian women. However, they carry a more darker energy. Not necessarily bad, simply their energy is more mysterious and empty. They can easily detach from things, opposite to Rahu natives.
#5. Ashlesha and Hasta women have a similar energy due to them both being ruled by Moon and Mercury. They can make their natives look younger and have a distinctive innocent yet mischievous look to them. Arguably some of the most manipulative women that you will ever encounter. They can deceive with their externals, but can be master manipulators. This makes them quite fascinating to others. Of course, there are differences between Ashlesha and Hasta due to individual energies both the nakshatras carry. However, both of these nakshatras can produce similar archetypes in women due to the Moon and Mercury rulership. Innocent, yet not. Can be a power duo imo.
#6. Pushya women are considered as some of the most attractive in the world. Women with this nakshatra in their big three have a natural feminine energy that is crafted beautifully. Pushya nakshatra is ruled by Saturn and Cancer (moon). The combination of saturnian and lunar energies makes for a very ethereal or “otherworldly” appearance but that is still familiar and unique. These women have a natural nurturing quality about them and can make fantastic mothers, (especially when Jupiter is in Pushya). These women generally have an accommodating personality and aesthetically pleasing feminine appearance. They are really desired and can have many men going after them/liking them. (Also present with Ashlesha energy, but Ashlesha people can attract the masses due to their charm while Pushya energy is more idealized upon.) Due to their feminine magnetism, this is why men can get so easily attracted to these women. However, Pushya women generally feel more comfortable being with women. Similarly to lunar women, they gravitate towards women as friends and they usually get along with them quite easily. Pushya women have a striking face that is well regulated and balanced in regards to their features. They generally have a balanced physique and face. Generally, nothing is too prominent or exaggerated.
#7. Jupiter women can have lush and abundant hair. This is due to Jupiter being the planet of expansion and growth. These natives have a rich inner world and can have a curvy/soft figure. They are usually shorter in stature. Their hair can be some of longest you’ve seen and is usually very healthy. They can get compliments on their hair frequently and their hair honestly makes them them. Their hair is one of their best features.
#8. Rahu women can become quite obsessive in relationships and in general. They can have trouble letting go of someone/something even if it’s not good for them. They can also have hypnotic eyes. There’s something about their eyes that tells a story. Also, their voice can be distinct. Due to Rahu energy being tamasic, they can have issues with anxiety/their mental health. It’s important for these women to ground themselves daily and practice detachment from things and people.
#9. Sun dominant women can have an obsession with fitness and love to exercise. They can be incredibly physically strong and love to spend time exercising their bodies. They are some of the most successful and famous female athletes today. They excel in physical endeavors and love working out.
#10. Ashlesha people can become clingy and attached fairly easily. However, they are some of the most passionate lovers and are usually quite loyal.
#11. Hasta people can have the ability to manipulate people very easily. They are the masters of getting what they want. Masters of manifestation.
#12. Chitra people can be idolized as sex symbols/body icons.
#13. Pushya ascendant and Uttara Phalguni ascendant have been statistically proven to be the most attractive placements for women and men, respectively. Source: Claire Nakti (trusted Vedic astrologer).
#14. Mars dominant men are very emotional in regards to how they express themselves and feelings in general. They can quite flamboyant and seemingly “crazy”, but they are simply very tuned in with their emotions and can express themselves radically.
#15. Ketu men are usually quite spiritual in nature and are always connected to their inner selves.
#16. People with prominent Gandmool energy in their chart (Mercury or Ketu nakshatras), might go have to through more karmic experiences in their lifetime.
#17. The most feminine nakshatras are: Shravana, Pushya, and Rohini
#18. Vishakha women might have a tendency to be lesbian/bisexual.
#19. Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Rahu women usually have the nicest bodies. Particularly Mars and Sun.
#20. It’s kind of a weird thing, but I have noticed Pushya people get mistreated for no reason. Also, they get experience situations in where they give their all to someone and get nothing in return. It is a little contradictory to the nature of the nakshatra being prosperous and auspicious for basically all endeavors, but Pushya people can suffer from being the victim more often than not.
#21. Krittika people are often great cooks! Their food is very delicious and they are a natural at cooking as well as they might enjoy it too!
#22. Women having Cancer rashi and men having Virgo rashi are statistically the most attractive women or men in general. Same as how Pushya and Uttaraphalguni are the most attractive placements for women and men, respectively. Cancer and Virgo rashi is like that for women and men.
#23. Punarvasu and Ashlesha energies are the most sexually selective and sexually uptight. They are generally not very open to sexual advances/flirtatious behaviors. They also do not typically exhibit flirtatious behavior/sexually charged behaviors. This is opposite to Dhanishta energy which is open to advances and show flirtatious behavior often.
#24. Chitra people might come across as being superficial in terms of who they hang out with (only attractive people, people with certain status or similar to them). I have noticed this personally for a few Chitra natives if they do not any benefic influences like having Pushya energy or certain placements. This quality can be emphasized if the native has Venusian influence too (planet of beauty, gravitating only to beautiful people or similar individuals, usually with Venusian influence as well).
#25. Venus influenced women are seen as highly attractive. Whether Venus is conjunct sun, moon, or ascendant, placed in the 1st or 2nd house, or Venus-ruled nakshatras in the sun, moon, or ascendant.
#26. People who share the same ascendant, sun, or moon nakshatra placements typically form stronger and more passionate romantic relationships.
#27. Ketu dominant women are so alluring and magnetic. They are also very spiritual and can come off as androgynous.
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hoodreader · 2 months
cat women — vedic astrology.
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i think cat woman is one of the most inspiring vigilantes for the ‘dark feminine’. she’s mystical, intuitive, cunning, flirtatious, & seductive. so when my friend & i were talking about the krittika nakshatra. she made a connection between krittika & animal textiles then i had the sudden realization that krittika reoccurs in the charts of people who play or dress as her.
i think this is because krittika is the blade; it means “the cutter.” whether the native has aries krittika or taurus krittika, the qualities persist. there’s always an iconic cat woman scene where cat woman uses her razor-sharp nails to cut a hole through glass. this also shows not only physical blades, but blades of the tongue, ie being “silver tongued” and/or having a “sharp” mind. the krittika nakshatra is very cutthroat. this also reminds me of that iconic whip scene, and the phrase “sharp as a whip.” sharpness is commonly used as a term to also describe someone’s intelligence… but also them being good-looking.
i also find that krittika nakshatra in women is highly sexy & desired, but due to the dark nature of krittika, a krittika woman is not wanted without adversity. this nakshatra is also associated with “splitting / cutting” up relationships & being “the other woman.” in a way, men deal with an inner conflict when being involved with the krittika woman. i think it’s because martian or solar qualities over a woman causes insecurity in men who are not secure with themselves. the type of men who hate you because they hate themselves. so these men project. there’s no way a woman like that could simply be liked, she must’ve seduced him.
and i feel that’s because the krittika woman is not the “ideal” woman. she’s not demure, she’s not passive, she’s not insecure, and she doesn’t depend heavily on the men around her. instead, she’s dominant, assertive, flirtatious. she cuts her hair short. and she’s sometimes androgynous in presentation, but still so sexy. and it drives men and women crazy. the presence of other planets being in anuradha, ashlesha, jyeshtha, bharani, mrigashira, etc can also strengthen these “dark” qualities in a krittika woman.
! halle berry is probably the most iconic cat woman in modern pop culture. she’s a krittika rahu, with an ashlesha sun.
halle berry’s role was so iconic, i think she informs the way modern actresses give their takes on cat woman, which is why we see so many of them having krittika placements. for example:
— ariana grande recreated cat woman in her “the boy is mine” music video. she’s a krittika venus & jyeshtha north node. — normani dressed up as cat woman for one halloween. she’s a krittika mars, as well as a bharani mercury. — zoë kravitz is a krittika jupiter & anuradha sun + mercury. — saweetie dressed as cat woman for halloween [?] and she’s another krittika venus. — naomi campbell did a shoot as cat woman, and she’s a krittika sun. i don’t know if that naomi shoot was before after halle berry’s movie but i digress.
kinda unrelated side note. my point about “the other woman” rings so true for the reputation ariana got. halle berry also applies, as she’s been in three marriages thus at least two separations. saweetie for her allegations with cheating. and so on. krittika can be a little romantically corrupted, but i think that’s why it translates into something so irresistible. in a “i’m not supposed to be doing this” way. i myself am a krittika venus, and i never cheated on someone or have been “the other woman” bc why the fuck would i do that to myself lol. buttt i will say that people usually start liking me when they know they shouldn’t. as a rebound, while they’re involved with someone, rebellious fetish, them pursuing me but hating the type of person i am because they want me to conform. like an exercise of conquest.
anyways… this is what i noticed of krittika and cat woman. hope y’all enjoyed my ramble. :P
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seesree · 7 months
Dark Feminine Energy(Jyestha Nakshatra) + Mercury Ruled Nakshatras
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Alexa Demie, Jyestha Sun
Jyestha opposes the sweetly coated nakshatra of Rohini, which is a nakshatra of abundance & joy and being internally satisfied thus outwardly not doing much. But in Jyestha, it’s where you are internally unsatisfied thus outwardly you do everything to achieve satisfaction thus making you outwardly abundant and full of richness. They get more inward satisfaction after outer satisfaction. This nakshatra is connected to Alakshmi, Lakshmi’s jealous, hungry sister.
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Naomi Campbell, Jyestha Moon
Alakshmi means ‘Not Lakshmi’, so Alakshmi is everything opposite of Lakshmi. Lakshmi loves sugar and sweets while Alakshmi loves spice. Alakshmi is literally everything you neeed to know on why Jyestha’s have such a dark feminine power. They are not trying to satisfy a male force but more trying to satisfy themselves. This nakshatra has a similar energy to Chitra but Chitra’s are nurturing when it comes to male energy just like Maddy Perez(Jyestha Sun, Chitra Moon) . Alexa Demie’s Chitra Moon made her character in euphoria more sympathetic to the toxicity of Nate.
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Jyestha Moon, Shomi Kaiser & Jyestha Sun Alexa Demie
People spotting Jyestha energy. It mostly has to do with energy not the physical
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Jennie Kim, Jyestha ASC
Jennie’s birth time is unreliable but for now i will use her for Jyestha and maybe the frequent comparison between her and Alexa Demie could be because of Jyestha
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Tyra Banks, Jyestha Sun & Megan Ewing, Jyestha Moon
This Nakshatra’s dark feminine energy tends to extend towards it’s trine nakshatras too( Ashlesha and Revati)
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Kim Kardashian, Jyestha ASC
A Side Note: Ashlesha is the stage where a woman awakens to her sexuality and master it
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Megan Fox, Ashlesha Moon & Angelina Jolie, Revati Moon
You’ll notice Mercury ruled nakshatras have alot of sexual energy and give a sexual or terrifying vibe
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Barbara Mori, Revati ASC & Adriana Lima, Jyestha ASC
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This image is so Jyestha CODED(Chitra as well)
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rabiosantologia · 1 year
→ Volume 2 | Volume 3 |
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MOM (4H) & DAD (9H)
SATURN IN THE HOUSES: 1H - 3H | 4H - 6H | 7H - 9H | 10H - 12H
ASHWINI (0°00' - 13°20' ARIES) — SWATI (6°40' - 20°00' LIBRA) | ASHWINI NAKSHATRA
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marsprincess889 · 1 month
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Part 3
More random and messy but still true
DISCLAIMER: if you consider some of these positive and others negative, then I want you guys to know that they come from my personal observations of real life. None of the nakshatras are better or worse, or positive or negative, these are just aspects of them, but nevertheless, true.
Magha people can have such an ego omg like I've said that before with rat yonis but P.Phalguni I think is nowhere near Magha in that department. Ashwini can also come off as egotistical, but it's moreso that they're unintentionally(or sometimes, intentionally) ignorant. Mula can also have egotistical tendencies, esp cause the galactic center(the black hole) is in Mula nakshatra, so they can have this "I'm the center of the world" attitude, but in my experience it manifests as just them mainly trusting themselves. All Ketu nakshatras have this theme of going inwards and shutting the world out, but since Magha is in the Sun ruled Leo (sun=ourselves, confidence) it can come off as undeservedely egotistical, different from Ashwinis aggressively(Aries/Mars) ignorant and Mula's relentlessly preachy(Sagittarius/Jupiter).
The Ashlesha to Jyeshta pipeline is actually very obvious, they're more connected than people realize. Obviously they're both Mercury nakshatras, but Ashlesha is often seen in a very sensual, feminine light and Jyeshta in a no-nonsense, cut to the chase light. The difference is that all that bottled up energy of Ashlesha, that was either healing or poisoning the native is ready to fight and be more direct in Jyeshta. They're both laser focused on survival and protecting themselves, desperately trying to realize themselves in the proccess, so it's a struggle. Both are trying to preserve their energy, but Ashlesha was trapped in the confines of the 4th house(family, roots,mother) and the sign of Cancer/Moon(emotions, fliudity, sensitivity), either for its safety or to its detriment, and was trying to get their energy out in a correct way. Jyeshta is out in the open, thrown in the sign of Scorpio/the 8th house/ passive Mars (transformation, rebirth, purging, sex, death, warfare, survival, defence. You and the other are one and the same in the 8th house). For Jyeshta, the only way to survive, is to win over everyone else, and when they eventually win, they gain dominion over others. So Jyeshta is kind of about revisiting that Ashlesha state and having the revenge, so to speak, because after gaining strength on your own, you eventually have to face the ones who you were so desperately trying to get away from(ashlesha).
Mulas can be so gentle and honestly at first I did not know where that came from, but since the last third of nakshatras are about transcending and mastering their ruling planet in a sense(btw, that does not mean that they embody the energy of the planet more, or that they're better) and Ketu is about primal instincts, then Mula is the place where the individual centers themselves in their truth and is unmoved by others, thus, avoiding unnecessary energy drainage. Of course, they can also be the most untamed of all, but in our civilized(mostly🙁) society, their natural demeanor is extremely calm.
Chitra natives are soooooo chaotic like calm down jesus. It makes sense when your consider that its gunas are TTT(tamas, tamas, tamas). Among the planets, Ketu is the most tamasic one(Chitra's ruler_Mars is also tamasic), but each nakshatra has their own guna(Ashwini is Rajas x3, Bharani is Rajas-Rajas-Tamas, Revati is Sattva x3, you get it). So Chitra people are the most chaotic, if I may say so. (Gotta credit The Hidden Octave's Chitra video for the observation). There are a lot of indicators that explain this but I've already written a lot in the previous ones😭 if you know basic vedic, this observation is of no surprise to you. They can also be prone to anxiety, but often they're unaware of it, so that has a detrimental effect on people around them.
Uttara Bhadrapadas are VERY hard to order around. Impossible even. Idk why someone would want to order someone else around but nevertheless, these natives can deal with any kind of unfairness with such grace, self-mastery and quiet strength that eventually nothing gets to them anymore. So if you see an U. Bhadra child disobey their superiors calmly and in a controlled but determined manner, you know why.
I really have a lot of respect for Uttara Ashadas(not all, lmao), because they just deal with stuff alone. And it's natural for them, and they don't do it for a goal(like in Jyeshta, which is not bad, it's just different) or for attention, it's just a way of life for them. Simplicity and stoicism 🤌
Okay, now a fun one: Moon girls (Rohini, Hasta and Shravana) are the blueprints of Y/N. If you guys don't know what Y/N please look it up. Not just Y/N, but characters like Bella Swan(hasta moon, rohini asc actress) and Elena Gilbert(shravana moon anctress) come to mind. Even popular instagram users who parody those movies/fanfics/characters have moon placements(@laframbuesaa_ rohini moon if i remember correctly and @yasmine_sahid_ shravana moon(?) on insta). Even Harry fcking styles, who is probably the most common love interest in those fanfics has hasta moon. If you know a little about nakshatras, this makes sooo much sense. Moon is something that masses can understand and digest easily, so it's not complicated and sometimes, it can verge on delusions(or an insane sensitivity and receptivity and the ability to read between the lines, but that's just for a number of their natives). Other nakshatras that can fall into the Y/N trope are venus and ketu nakshatras, but moon is the most classic example of it.
I want confirmation in the comments/reblogs for this one: Bharani natives love high fantasy, history(esp medieval), fantasy in general and/or just everything/anything with that vibe. Cause I'm bharani moon and I do, and I've seen some other examples. If not, then the Bharani natives themselves seem like they're out of those times/stories. I can't explain it in any other way. (This might be true for Bharani Ketu too.)
Alright, this is all. Reblog, comment, like. Interact please
Take care
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makingspiritualityreal · 10 months
The Path of Evolution of Nakshatra Yonis
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In traditional Vedic Astrology, every Nakshatra is attributed an animal, that explains its primal, instinctive nature. Yoni, besides its sexual connotations literally means "nature" and "origin", implying that our human nature is going to be similar to that given animal, indicating a level of similarity in fate, spiritually. Yoni energy, in collective consciousness, is what originated people saying that "a Tiger cannot change its stripes", just like we can't change our natural instincts.
The fate of Yoni energies, however, is not stagnant, as it indicates a certain path of evolution. The animal characteristics point to changing one's roles within the species. They are symbolic as to the instinctual nature that we take among other people, and how that evolved over time.
The best, brief description of Animal Yonis, translated by a native Indian can be found here, and after years of my own study and analysing the work of other astrologers also, I find this explanation to be very congruent with the reality of people's behaviors, coming from their Nakshatras.
Below, I will give an explanation of how each yoni grows over time using Nakshatra pairs.
Sheep Yoni - Krittika, Pushya
The name of the Yoni is in fact translated more to "Herder" or "Shepherd" rather than Sheep, another entry even translating Mesh to "The Best Guidance". That showcases the gentle, caring form of leadership that this Yoni is supposed to embody. It also shows the path of being born as one of the masses to becoming a leader of the flock. That contrast occurs through a simple truth in the Universe, that there are those who start waves, who "herd", those that initiate, or those who blindly follow, thus becoming "sheep". These Nakshatras are very strict, even black and white in embodying a simple truth, that if you don't dictate the current of your own life well, you will end up being swept away in the current dictated by somebody else. We all make decisions all the time, and if our actions are self destructive in face of opportunity, we won't ultimately arrive at the right place. The Universe at large is of course more complex than that, but for these natives, this idea is what charts their spiritual path. These natives karma is to undergo an evolution from being a "blind sheep", having an energetic poverty mentality and obsessing over feeling wanted through other people's approval to proudly showcasing oneself into a nurturing, guiding figure that cares about the well being of its people and cares for their sensitivity, as sheep are very delicate animals, get spooked easily, and herding them requires quite a skill, yet they still respond to natural confidence. It also shows this Yoni's attachment to working with common people in simple communities with a grass roots philosophy. The struggle for this Yoni is believing in themselves, their correct path and their own leadership power, as their emotional association and attachment with the masses and the common man can give them quite an inferiority complex early on in life and cause them to try to follow and imitate rather than lead, and their leadership is something they must create themselves, not something given to them or encouraged from birth. They key is to be a leader not out of ego, but out of love and service.
2. Snake Yoni - Rohini, Mrigashira
The Snake, just like the wildly misinterpreted biblical symbol, referred to in this Yoni is symbolic for a Kundalini awakening. Rather than the animal itself, which is associated more with Ashlesha Nakshatra, this Yoni relates purely to the awakening of our life force through passage of time and surviving certain events. The Yoni name in sanskrit translates to performance of gentle, cautious movements, slowly over time to the point of testing its subjects and bringing them to the point of torture. This test is necessary, as Kundalini awakenings and working with one's spiritual progress does not happen overnight, and without merit. These natives feel a significant pressure to awaken their energy, which initially can manifest as flightiness and careless, scattered romantic and sexual behavior. That happens on a subconscious level, as this Yoni tries to apply pressure to their kundalini energy from different angles in different forms through other people, and some of that experience has to be physical. They are naturally talented at accessing other people's kundalini points too, which can make them seem manipulative, but they in fact have the power to trigger a spiritual awakening not only in themselves but in others, which also will manifest as physical abundance. Often they have to go through very intense experiences for their kundalini to burst through. Their evolution has a deeply spiritual dimension, that transforms their energy from restless to rhythmic. As their consciousness is rising, the Kundalini is recoiling into purpose of energy mastery through transformation of both material and spiritual. The dharmic nature of this Yoni shows the importance of righteousness for these natives without looking out for merit, which arrives at its own designated time.
3. Dog Yoni - Ardra, Mula
The direct translation of this Yoni indicates the concept of being "easily attracted or captivated" or "easily attracting due to emitting an attractive sounding noise". Thus, these natives have issues with bondage to other people since their early lives. The challenge set before this Yoni is discipline and dignity, and finding their winning place in hierarchy. They have a pack mentality, and they tend to be picky but unwavering in support. However, that also makes them very frantic in earlier life, as their loyalty often gets the better of them and they are generous even to their own detriment, not looking where the pack leads them, because the concept of being "packless" scares them. As a result, they "bind" themselves to people not worthy of their loyalty, instead of embracing their power to control worthy others in an organized fashion. Their evolution is meant to go from Loyal to Steady, as they become more self assured and less reactive, and as a result, they attract their own tribe. The spiritual understanding here, is that one will always naturally attract their own tribe, and you are never truly alone, and you should not be afraid of restraint and self-focus leading to loneliness, as ultimately, your people will find you. These natives have an inbred discernment of who really is loyal to them and to their cause, as they know that a pack can only survive and function if its built on solid ground.
4. Cat Yoni - Punarvasu, Ashlesha
Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows, that these animals not only love to clean themselves constantly, but they also love laying down on you, whenever you are ill or unwell, and their natural frequency has a healing vibration. Sadly for these natives, early on in life that means attracting a lot of damaged people, or being the one that has to energetically clean up situations, even if it's just friends and family. In their youth, they are born or forced into environments that are not good for them, because of their burden of erasing destructive karmas. Such is the original karma of this yoni, as they are sent to clean up messes and "gather and purify" energies in places and environments, where they are needed to balance out stagnant situations, that no-one else can or wants to help with. Over time, this scenario gets old, as the natives themselves get blamed and pegged for the difficult situations they came into to help, as the people they work with are too low spiritually to acknowledge the truth of their own destructive actions, which is why they were targeted for this Yoni's "karma cleaning" force field to begin with. In reality, this Yoni natives suffer a lot of damage and can build up a lot of distrust towards people, just like cats don't immediately show love until you gain their trust. Their lives only get better once they place themselves in a healing profession, so they can channel their karma clearing energy productively, since they can't hold back their instinct of "constantly cleaning up", just like cats constantly clean themselves. Punarvasu is more responsible for emotional, spiritual healing and environmental causes, Ashlesha is more of a physical healer/doctor figure in modern society, because of its links to the caduceus, used in medical science, and its links to poison, as the right dose of poison is medicine. The challenge for these natives is to evolve from absorbing negativity and cleaning up other people's messes endlessly without merit to finding a good environment, and remaining so Pure, that they radiate it and they can contribute to cleaning up world problems on a larger scale, and get fairly recognized for it.
5. Rat Yoni - Magha, Purva Phalguni
The literal translation of this Yoni indicates not only a small rodent, mouse or a rat, but also a thief, and one's ability to gain entry into difficult to enter places sneakily. All of these abilities pertain to how socially skillful this Yoni is, being able to charm its way into various circles and thus "gain entry" into places way above their stature of birth, places one technically shouldn't have the right to be in. The instinctual nature of this Yoni is to cast a wide social net, and charm every single person for their benefit. However, there is a difficulty in settling into place, which can come at one's detriment. This yoni has a challenge of transforming from running around between meaningless people restlessly to circulating intelligently and with purpose. They have an inborn skill of social grace and are able to benefit through wise navigation, but they struggle with choosing and contributing to and moving consciously between meaningful alliances. Often, they manage to charm their interlocutor, only to get to know them better, lose interest and move on. This cycle can continue futilely, until this yoni learns discernment in networking, as their fickle-mindedness can cost them valuable partnerships. Just because one can enter into many places, doesn't mean one should. The other party can sense, that this Yoni isn't fully "settled" into the interaction long term, as they're still keeping their eye out for the next best thing, and as a result, they don't inspire loyalty or trust, which are necessary even if in small amounts for social benefit. In its matured state, this Yoni is able to build a meaningful network over time, being able to convince each of their allies that they are also indispensable to them and make their way up, climbing the social ladder. However, it is also necessary to contribute more than charm to partnerships, as the veneer of pleasantry fades over time, and one is likely to make enemies if not cautious. Thus, learning multiple, substantial skills and building actual character is necessary for this yoni to function well.
6. Cow Yoni - Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Bhadrapada
The literal meaning of this Yoni is translated to "boundless", showing one's energetic ability to provide to all generously, and a heavy quality of pure, positive energy. That is done by associating this name with all possible metaphors for abundance, such as flowing milk, boundless sky, beaming rays of light. The Cow Yoni needs to be understood from the perspective of Hindu culture, where it is a sacred animal. This Yoni refers to a particular purity and grandiosity, mixed with gentleness of nature. However, as we in the Western Society know, cows tend to get mass butchered for the benefit of men, and this Yoni's fate is a mix of approach from both cultures. That reflects the path of this Yoni, that faces a challenge from being taken advantage of to being given a safe space, creating and participating in an organized system and being worshipped for its merit. As they settle into the space that is right for them, they begin naturally spreading their abundance, which leads to getting respect for a wide scope of provision and protection, that their aura provides. They attract people either way, but with status comes ability to control ones worshippers and maintain their safety as opposed to getting taken advantage of. The ultimate goal of this Yoni is to find satisfaction in achievement through abundant sharing while remaining in their secured position, as they are sort of a Universal parent of humanity, meaning to guide, provide for, and control it, rather than being controlled. They need to create a system to "get milked" in a way that's healthy for them, not butchered.
7. Buffalo Yoni - Hasta, Swati
This Yoni possesses within itself an interesting contrast, as the translation has a dual signification. One of them indicates "a person of a lower origin", with specific pointers towards women needing to sell their bodies to survive, and then transformed into "a wife of a king" or "a god on Earth". This duality relates to this Yoni's earthly task, to purify false currents and blow in the winds of true wisdom. Roaming is the word best described to define this Nakshatras nature. Their path is one of dynamic, responsible grace. They are freedom loving and boundless, they don't like to be limited and as a result, early on in life they make mistakes of trampling over people just to rebel and avoid feeling tied down. In another scenario, they themselves get trampled on by others. That takes away their best trump card, which is positively inspiring others, as the truth they carry needs to be heard. Over time, the course they chart becomes more conscious and inspiring to people, as they deep down want to use their freedom for a good reason, and their flair and spirit attract others, who want to feel the fresh breath of wind of manifested spiritual reality with them. Their mission is to go from childish and avoiding of facts and responsibility or struggling, to becoming a unique, genuine freedom fighter with a good cause, a spiritual scientist that has the power to influence crowds yet still remain free spirited. In their refined form, these natives, every time they fly by, bring blessings to their surroundings with a gust of energy current, that they leave behind them, purifying and correcting falsehoods plaguing humanity. They have to be very responsible for the quality of the energy they carry, as what they scatter, will be left behind, and they will be judged and remembered for the fruits of their effort, and their truth. Thus, their natural ability to spread the energy far and wide has to come in pair with integrity, assuring, that what they share is worth spreading.
8. Tiger Yoni - Chitra, Vishakha
The meaning of this Yoni is directly translated to potency and readiness. More than a tiger itself, the name translates to "A Vibration that Causes Manifestation", but also "restless, agitated" and "exposed to dangers". The energy here is purely rajasic, concentrated on one's ability to obtain and manifest one's desires, but it also talks about the fact, that there will always be those, who are against you fulfilling your desires because people don't always want our good, and getting what you want is contingent on overcoming opposition. The goal of this Yoni is to discover its immense inner power on the path from prey to predator. As another catlike Yoni, they are rarely born into circumstances fitting them, and they have to fight for their position in the Jungle of life. Their road develops from being hunted to hunting after their goals, from stumbling to graceful and intimidating. The power here is to go for what you want, regardless of opposition. Deep down these natives are powerfully sneaky, being able to influence or intimidate people to get what they want and elevate themselves out of difficult circumstances. They face the challenge of overcoming negative attachment and betrayal of people who question their authority, which is exactly what pushes them to embrace their power. Side note, please watch Katy Perry's "Roar" music video, it is so cliché of this Yoni it borderlines on hilarity.
9. Deer Yoni - Anuradha, Jyeshta
The main characteristic of this yoni, is that they are always in motion. They rarely pause, and they are very cautious and weary of enemies. This Yoni is not actually associated with the Deer itself, but with hunting, and chasing, Sanskrit even giving referrals to hyenas, showing the ruthlessness of their pursuits. The key element here is conquering fear of opposition, as this Yoni is closely linked to the Sacral Chakra, which cannot be expressed in a state of fear. The name of the Yoni also means relentless, which indicates that to achieve one's goal, one must have continuous persistence in face of opposition, until no-one dares to challenge them. Their path is one of developing merit and achievements over time stemming from their relentless pursuit of a worthy goal. They are supposed to move forward from blind ambition towards meaningful contribution and protecting their work for their work's sake. It is very important for them to have an outlet, as they become attacking and destructive when lost and not contributing to anything meaningful, just to deal with their inner restlessness and their desire to hunt or chase for something. They need to have an external endeavor to obtain, something to seek or strive after, as they delight more in the hunt than the tasting of the reward.
10. Alien Yoni - Purva Ashadha, Shravana
The traditional name of this Yoni is associated with a Monkey, but it is due to a lack of precision in understanding the nature of these natives. It is true, that they have to learn how to navigate and exist among humanity through imitation, just like Monkeys navigate the jungle, but that is a gross understatement of their higher nature, as deep down, they are "not from here". The confusion with the monkey also comes from calling these natives "a mysterious creature that appeared in the forest" in Sanskrit. The evolution path of this Yoni is marked with their eccentric nature, as they are the most unique of all the Yonis, possessing a high level of depth due to their connection with otherworldly realms, being literally, not of this world. As a result of their uniqueness, they often feel separated from the rest of humanity in early years. Human beings initially have an impossible time grasping their higher nature, calling them "weird creatures of the forest" and frowning upon them, often abusing them as a result, as what we can't control, we fear. As these natives learn to harness the special gifts they are born with, they become a visionary, which leads them to gathering a following of people who finally appreciate, even worship their irreplaceable contribution, and pure heart that bursts forth through their creations.
11. Mongoose Yoni - Uttara Ashadha
The interesting part of translating the Yoni name for these natives, is that minus the obvious animal connotation, this Yoni can be translated to something akin to "A Spiritual Weapon". The struggle of this Yoni, that is well known is that it exists in a solitary form, possessing its equal only amongst the stars. Yoni matching here is not of interest, as these animals tend to travel in organized packs of their own. There is an element of being misunderstood and ostracized from the rest of the world, which leads them sometimes to questionable means, that they need in order to survive in early life. These means however, never last because these people possess a higher spiritual vibration, that seeks to purify itself. Their path is one from solitude, fear, lack, being hunted and outcast to surrender, enlightenment and brotherhood. They have a unique ability to establish a higher connection to the entire universe through equating people with nature. As much as they are without a consort, they can instinctively smell the nature of all other yonis. These natives are of such an advanced nature, that they understand our human selves are ultimately only tools in ascension and freeing your energy, which is their true goal, and their only real interest on this planet, since they operate mostly from the higher chakras.
12. Lion Yoni - Dhanishta, Purva Bhadrapada
The aspect of the Lion, coming from this Yoni's name comes from its dignified, steady posture, emitting calmness and pride, much like the dignified, yogic, lotus position, pertaining to the spiritual dignity of steadiness in form. The theme of saving face is very strong with this Yoni, as they are taught not to show weakness and preserve their stance since birth. They tend to get angry easily in earlier life, as they are naturally rebellious, independent, touchy, reactive and territorial. However, even if they are not born into status, they are born into a family that put an emphasis of making an impression and maintaining a certain position, even among obstacles. The key is to learn how to make being authentically oneself look good, and maintain one's dignity even as people oppose their natural, chosen path. Their path is one from laziness and reactivity to pride and dignity in face of adversity. Developing nobility of spirit is essential, as they need to be unflinching on their way up. If they develop a mix of internal integrity and an ability to present a good façade and a strong posture, they become very charismatic and inspiring, as their courage and determination is a guiding light for the world. They embody the spiritual meaning of appearances.
13. Horse Yoni - Shatabhisha, Ashwini
The biggest challenge of these natives is to be able to charter a long-term course, which in human life usually has a form of a complex, long term project. That is why both Shatabhisha and Ashwini are linked to the concept of inventing and developing miraculous cures, as this process can sometimes take decades. The other reason for this power they have, is that the name of the Yoni can also be associated with "revitalization". Think of the process of taming a wild horse. Initially, they put up a lot of resistance and they tend to scatter, and run without purpose. But with the right guidance, they can carry enormous burdens and have a lot of stamina, which allows them to traverse huge distances and bridge gaps, leading to novelty. Their path is one of moving from variety mindless pursuits to actually being able to hone in and finish a meaningful task, as they tame their own kundalini spark, that has the power to initiate breakthroughs for all mankind.
14. Elephant Yoni - Bharani, Revati
There is an element of subconscious fear of being consumed in this yoni, as they have an acute awareness of death, mixed with the consciousness of carrying a precious heritage. On their track, as contradictory emotions often go in tandem, they move on from initial timidness to reckless fearlessness, as if to taunt the world. As they mature, they grow into careful judgment and investment, thinking about what they will leave after death. Their path is to grow from being anxious about their fate to trusting in and performing divine judgment and working on their legacy. The challenge to overcome here is to develop an understanding, that death will ultimately come for us all, but our achievements and energetic contribution, as well as really strong, authentic bonds, can transcend that, and so one should be neither reckless nor fearful in the face of one's own mortality. These natives have the power to pour all of their wisdom and enormous energy body to nourish very wide projects, and they also have an inherent spiritual control to accessing huge bodies of energy, as they grow into being able to transcend their own limitations. In that way, they can become a measuring stick for others or even society at large. They are concerned with offspring, as they want to pass their heritage to them as a way of transcending death itself.
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etherealpersephone · 9 months
Vedic Astro notes 2
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Those who have primary Punarvasu placements tend to love cats a lot
With 6th house placements or Stellium in 6th house you might panic a lot. Anxiety hits hard:(
Those who have Taurus stellium or so many planets in Taurus tend to be born in Royal Families.
Revati is the ultimate nepo baby nakshatra eg: Raha kapoor daughter of ranbir kapoor and alia bhatt has revati moon.
I've seen saturn dominant people to study law frequently.
Magha natives tend to find their love early on their life.
Ardra Nakshatra in general deal with IT and communication fields.
Your 1st house Lord has significant effect on your appearance. The conjunction your 1st house Lord making is important too.
Saturn Nakshatra Natives are sarcastic af!
Ashlesha natives doubt each and every move of someone and they usually don't trust anyone as they themselves know what other people are up to.
You may struggle a lot with your emotions if you got your moon on 22° degrees.
Venus Nakshatra Natives are judgemental and aloof.
Moon in 8th house in d 10 can mean that your emotions can easily be seen by your colleagues but you still tryna hide them.
Ashwini tend to look younger than their real age .
Thank You<3
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moonchild033 · 2 months
Random Astro Observations 💅🤓
I always used to do specific topics, this is my first random observation post where I compiled my notes from specific topics. Hope u have a good read! YAYYY THIS IS MY FIRST ASTRO OBSERVATION POST AND I'M EXCITED!!! ☺
(These are based on Sidereal, whole sign system based charts and all the observations are subject to change with other aspects in the chart, so don't conclude anything with one placement) ❤
1. Ascendant Lord is in Jyeshta, Revati or Ashlesha nakshatra- These ppl have utmost self-confidence and determination. It's hard to break their will. No matter how hard life gets, they have the tendency to get up right back and continue with their day like nothing happened.😎
2. 6H ruler in Ascendant - You find yourself surrounded by enemies or ppl who wish for your downfall even if you did nothing to trigger them and you're just doing your own work. This placement attracts enemies. 🤧
3. Ascendant ruler in 6H- You are the one MAKING enemies lol. You can be prone to picking up fights or rubbing ppl off the wrong way and earn a handful of non-well wishers in your life.😶
4. 3H and 4H lord in conjunction - You could've moved to a different city during childhood or at least a different house in the same city. 🏡
5. Venus in Leo in Man's chart- Your wife could be bold, shares your burden and solves it especially career oriented or financial troubles BUT can be prone to frequent health issues and weak eyesight
6. 5H lord aspected by Sun/Jupiter- You definitely believe a lot in starting new endeavors after visiting your favorite deity or a specific religious place. You could develop this into a strict habit.✨
7. Placements that makes one an amazing astrologer - Ascendant in Mercury ruled stars, Ketu in 3/6/10/11H, Ketu aspected by Jupiter/Mercury.🤓
8. Ketu-Mercury conjunction - Very knowledgeable in astrology and one of the auspicious placements to begin a career in astrology.⚡
9. DO NOT buy land or any properties in your business partner's name ALONE, if mars is in 6/8/12H when counted from your 7H lord's position. (It doesn't matter if ur business partner is ur family member or a good friend, just don't, u will end up losing everything or never gain anything)💀
10. Mercury or Jupiter in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu/Saturn- Take care of legal documentation files and procedures, PERIOD.🤥
11. Work in Healthcare or Doctors- Sun in Ashwini, Sun/Mars/Saturn/10H ruler in Ketu ruled stars, Scorpio house aspected by Jupiter/Mercury/Moon and Ketu in Scorpio.💊💉
12. If you have any of the mentioned placements below, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THE WORDS YOU SAY! I mean, your mouth is y'all's problem tbh 😭 Refrain saying irrelevant things or giving instructions or advice in public setting, you gonna end up in unwanted trouble for ✨speaking✨
Saturn in 2H or Saturn aspecting 2H
Planets in 2H sitting in Saturn ruled stars
Air risings (As they have Saturn ruled stars in their 2H)
Mars in 2H
2H lord in conjunction with saturn and sits in 6/8/12H
8H lord in 2H or vice versa
13. If 4H lord is placed in 7-12 houses, get out of your hometown and you can have a peaceful, amazing and ideal lifestyle. If you have this placement, don't be in your hometown, it restricts your growth and gives a sense of dissatisfied life.😌
14. Rahu/Ketu/Sun/Saturn in 6H- Wins over enemies. FLEX 💅
15. Jupiter -Moon conjunction and Moon-Mars conjunction ---> Your family deity or your favorite God or just a divine power ALWAYS looks over you. You can see miraculous things happening when you pray or have God related or spiritual dreams. 🤩
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Let's Learn and Grow Together! 💋💅
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
Here's my Masterlist!💖
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veronicawildest · 6 months
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(Disclaimer: If you get butthurt on my other observation just blocked me and move away from me. This observations is from the celebrity i've observe and my social circle. Just take this like a grain of salt)
The trait that I love about Punarvasu is their resourcefulness. It makes sense because of the Vimshottari Nakshatra of Jupiter. They are also very giving.
(Unevolved) Punarvasu are fake. When they're talking to you, they act like a goody two shoes type of boy/girl, but when you're gone, they talk behind your back. They don't like confrontation (very passive). Also holier than thou (This only applies if you're UNEVOLVED, otherwise don't get butthurt).
Punarvasu are also people-pleasers. They want to have a "goody-two-shoes" reputation. (I can't fully describe it, but if you get it, you get it). A primary example that I'm going to give is Elon Musk (Punarvasu rising). The way he acts and presents himself in public. He just wants to be likable, but clearly, the public hates him.
Punarvasu are smart and they will show you that through their actions (I mean actions, for example, problem-solving activities)
The casting stereotype of this nakshatra is a hippy vibe. Just like in animated movies, Matilda (from Angry Birds Movie played by Maya Rudolph (Pushya sun)) and Brooke (from Ice Age: Collision Course played by Jessie J (Pushya moon)).
Pushya isn't as auspicious as it is portrayed in the Vedic astrology community. You will go through some hardships and heartbreaks that will make you easily susceptible to mental health issues. (I have this placement so this comes from my experience).
I observed this from other Pushya natives that they're just plain and simple, not glamorous but classy when it comes to their appearance. Just simplicity and vibes and natural.
I've seen on Twitter Vedic discourse about Tikshna Nakshatra getting all the hate, Ashlesha getting all the hate, not Pushya. I have a Pushya placement on my luminary, and I can tell y'all that's not true.
Jennifer Lopez (Pushya sun) gets hated for getting all the benefits of being a celebrity when she's just allegedly stealing (I've also read this through Twitter).
Selena Gomez (Pushya sun) is hated for having this victim mentality complex and being "obsessed with Justin and Hailey."
(DISCLAIMER: This isn't my opinion on these certain celebrities, but I've been reading and seeing them on Twitter)
Despite being a Mercury-ruled Vimshottari nakshatra, Ashlesha doesn't speak too much.
I've seen Ashlesha males acting like sigma males, but they're funny. This is the nakshatra that embodies the "tropical Leo archetype," the archetype of funny, center of attention, fashionable, and dramatic.
Ashlesha either love all the attention or hate it. Mostly it's a mixture of the two. That's why the center of attention archetype for Tropical Leo.
Claire Nakti just conducted a survey on YouTube, but the leading people on Instagram (having the most followers) have Ashlesha placements. Selena Gomez (Ashlesha Venus and Mercury - still prominent because it conjuncts the Sun, which is her luminary), Kylie Jenner (Ashlesha Sun), and Cristiano Ronaldo (Ashlesha Moon).
If you have Magha in your big three, you're egoistic as fuck (for me egoistic above on other nakshatra). Napoleon has this Nakshatra on his sun. The new TikTok hype about King Baldwin IV (played by Edward Norton, Magha sun).
It's hard to differentiate Ashlesha and Magha because of the Gandanta point (and other Gandanta nakshatras):
- Both private
- Romantic (because other nakshatra of Leo gets all the credit of being romantic, but not Magha; they're romantic too)
- Both GREAT at their stuff/profession/talent
But to tell them apart is Ashlesha says, "I don't give a fuck," and they do give a fuck (because of the Crab cancer symbolism, it really makes sense why they put up a facade because of the shield) when Magha says nothing and literally doesn't give a fuck. They won't entertain. Yes, they're sensitive, but mostly they really don't give a fuck.
I don't get the hype of "Ketu nakshatras are not on social media. They don't usually use social media" on Vedic Twitter. Magha (Ashwini and Mula too) are active; they just don't interact or have private accounts. Ketu is exalted in the sign of Scorpio (investigating, lurking), and y'all think that they don't use social media? Joking, for real.
I still emphasize that Magha nakshatra individuals have sleeping problems. One of the Magha moon actors (in my home country) opens up about having sleep apnea and having a near-death experience. (Also, the beauty queen Magha sun talks about a near-death experience). It's common for them to experience the "Their soul is leaving the body while sleeping" phenomenon and meditation.
The impact of the death of loved ones for Magha is crucial. It's a sign that something significant will be happening or transforming for better or for worse. The best example that I can give is Megan Thee Stallion (her family).
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