#ash also wishing he still had his gun
d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 1 month
wind breaker au where ash lynx is sakura's guardian angel and is currently having an aneurysm, wanting to strangle endo and giving griffin a thousand apologies and praise cuz he now knows what it's like to be an older brother to a reckless idiot
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Tylyn oneshot
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“We need to go on a supplies run,” Ashlyn said. “We need more ammo, batteries for the flashlights, gas for the car, and better protective equipment.”
They all groaned and sinked deeper into the couch, wishing they could just spend their Saturday resting. 
“No complaining. This is necessary for survival. Now, I’m going to separate us into 3 groups. Logan and Aiden, you guys get us batteries and gas tanks.”
Aiden smiled at Logan, who tried to remain calm, but was terrified deep down. 
“Ben and Taylor, you two get the protective equipment.”
“Yay!” Taylor exclaimed. “Grocery run, Ben!”
“So that leaves us?” Tyler asked in an annoyed tone. 
“Yep,” Ashlyn said, equally unhappy sounding. “We’re in charge of ammo.”
“You don’t sound enthused either. Why pair us up then?”
“I just used a random name picker to make the groups..”
Tyler groaned and him and Ashlyn began to put their shoes on to run this stupid errand. 
“I’ll drive,” Ashlyn said. 
“Oh, hell no. Not after what happened last time I was in a car you drove.”
“Seriously?! We’re not gonna be driving from a monster trying to kill us. You’ll be fine!”
“I’ll drive,” Tyler said darkly with that tone that says he’ll just be a stubborn ass about this to the end. 
“Fine,” she said, tossing the keys to him. 
They got in the car and drove in awkward silence to get their supplies. 
They reached a pawn shop that specialized in guns and ammo. 
Ashlyn pulled out her hunting license as her and Tyler looked for what they needed.
Tyler grabbed several packs, Ashlyn glaring at him. “All that’s gonna be really expensive. Put some of it back.”
“Wouldn’t it be smart to get as much as we can get?”
“Just put a couple away,” she said, annoyed. 
He grumbled under his breath as he put a few away. They eventually went to the front to pay and went back to the car. 
“So where are we gonna plant this stuff?” Tyler asked as he started the engine. 
“The forest. Somewhere we can find easily, but can’t be tampered with.”
They drove to the edge of the forest, Ashlyn tying up her hiking boots. 
“We’ll have to look for the spot we were at last night and we can put the stuff there. And then we can send those coordinates to the others.”
“Right..” Tyler was always taken off guard by how responsible and level headed Ash was at all times. As much as he hated it, he found it admirable. 
The two walked through the forest and eventually reached the area they were at the night before. 
“It’s weird..” Tyler murmured. “To be out here.. not running for our life…”
“Well, there are wild animals out here like bears and coyotes. So it’s still technically not safe.”
“Way to calm my nerves,” he said sarcastically. 
They looked around for a good spot and along the way, they struck up awkward small talk. 
“How was the hospital?” Ashlyn asked. 
“It was fine.. the food was probably the worst part.”
Ashlyn chuckled ever so slightly. “Yep. That we can agree on.”
“You’ve been to the hospital?”
“Ya. Multiple times when I was younger.”
“….You gonna tell me, or-?”
“Migraines. Real bad ones that caused me to pass out.”
“Oh, really?” Tyler had no idea she had to deal with stuff like that. 
“Another side effect of my curse.”
“My ‘super hearing’ as Aiden puts it,” she said, rolling her eyes. 
“Ah. Right…”
Another moment of stifling silence. 
“I’ve also been to the hospital before..” Tyler said eventually. “Things like sprains and broken bones.”
Ashlyn let out a soft breath, sounding like a half-laugh. “Ya, sprains are the worst. I’ve dealt with those because of dance.”
“Oh. Ya, I forgot you did ballet.. that’s cool.. you ever do any performances?”
“I just do it for the exercise and because it’s fun. Performing isn’t really my thing..”
They eventually stopped walking, looking around their area. “This area looks familiar..” Tyler said. “But I can’t quite name it..”
Ashlyn nodded in agreement. She found a steep cliff and went over to it. Her breath got caught in her throat and her blood ran cold after what she saw. 
“Ashlyn? What’s up-“ Tyler stopped in his tracks once he saw it. 
The tree. 
He felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He remembered his organs mangled on the branches and the blood dripping down to the grass as the red moon glowed like a blood splatter in the sky…
He backed up, clutching his sides as he tried to keep himself from vomiting. 
“Tyler!” Ashlyn exclaimed as Tyler began to sink to the ground. 
She grabbed him by his shoulders in an attempt to steady him. 
“Don’t throw up,” she urged him. 
“Great advice!” He yelled, panicking. 
He grind her teeth and got to her knees to be at his eye level. 
“Tyler, you’re ok!”
He didn’t, couldn’t, hear her. The world was spinning and all he could see was crimson red, like when he was forced to stare up at the moon that night…
Ashlyn placed a hand on his stomach. “Tyler, look at me. You’re ok..”
He looked up, seeing her green eyes, hard and worried as she tried to remain calm. That sense of calmness, steadiness, managed to help him. 
He followed her breathing and his heart rate slowed to a steady pace. 
After he calmed down, a wave of exhaustion hit him. He rested his head on her shoulder, trying to keep his breathing steady. 
Ashlyn was taken off guard, but didn’t pull away, instead continuing to try and comfort him. She pat the back of his head and continued to instruct his breathing while also lifting him back to his feet. 
“Cmon..” she said. “Let’s hide this ammo and then go home.”
He nodded slowly. 
She looked down at the tree and lead him to it. 
She looked up at its branches and scoffed. 
“This is one ugly tree..” She pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed at the bark. She stabbed, and stabbed, wood chipping off and burrowing into her hands. 
She let out one final grunt as she left the knife stuff in the tree. She then turned to Tyler, who was looking at her life she was crazy. 
“You give it a try,” she said. “This tree..” She looked up at it. “It’s.. it’s pretty ugly..”
He couldn’t believe she was trying to cheer him up. It was a different form of cheering up, but it was Ashlyn’s way to show she cared. And that’s all he needed, maybe..
He pulled the knife from the tree and stabbed at it. He remembered that night, that horrible night. But he also remembered his friends rushing to his aid. The way they all hugged him at the hospital. The way Ashlyn had hung over him at the hospital, unable to say what she really thought. But her stare had said it all:
I do care about you. 
He eventually stopped, his wrist hurting. The tree looked like someone swung a full ax into it once or twice before leaving it. 
Tyler took deep, heaving breaths before turning to Ashlyn, who had her arms crossed and a half smile on her face. 
She tucked the ammo into a hollow in the tree before turning back to him. 
“Let’s go home.”
As they approached the car, Tyler stopped. 
He pulled the car keys out of his pocket before tossing them to her. 
“You… you can drive..”
She blinked in surprise before letting out a breath in amusement. “Ya.. thanks.. now get in..”
He nodded slowly, climbing into the passenger’s seat. 
As they drove, Tyler wasn’t afraid anymore. It was like a new beginning started, even if it was small. 
All he had to do was trust Ashlyn. 
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90sbee · 10 months
The patrol is over
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Leon S. Kennedy x Ashley Graham
2k words. Also on ao3
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As Leon and Ashley await for the helicopter to take them to safety, Leon is slowly spiralling, full of concern still. It is then that a ghost from his past decides to visit him.
What can I say, I had this idea already and then I saw Leshley Week... It was like the perfect excuse to write and post this one. Also this fic is quite silly but, hey, I love writing Leon's pov. Also @lightning-hawke is a sweetheart and she made sure that this was readable. Everybody please thank you to this brave soldier who had to face my 3am delusional writing.
Content: All Leon's pov, angsty and sad but also. Cathartic. Ash is asleep the whole time cos baby needed a nap after all that. Spooning, protective!Leon.
Warnings: Hallucinations, anxiety. Mention of guns, knives, zombies. Sleep deprivation. And I think that's it? Yeah, this is actually SFW, for once, haha.
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It’s been three hours. Maybe four. Perhaps five.
Leon can’t sleep. He has tried it, though, but his body is still running on adrenaline and anxiety and he doubts that he will actually get some rest today.
Whatever. He has had it worse.
Ashley is passed out on the bed, curled up into herself, softly snoring. Leon blinks, trying to keep his eyes open. Even if his body is exhausted, his mind is still rushing through all the different scenarios in which this could still go wrong, heart rattling inside his chest.
What if Luis was wrong? What if the Plagas is still inside them? What if he ends up falling asleep, body going slump on this old chair and when he wakes up, he has hurt her?
God. Such idea gives him goosebumps, and he sits even farther from the bed.
What if instead, it is her? What if Ashley opens her eyes and tries to attack him?
Leon eyes the knife on the nightstand, the guns on the floor.
He knows he wouldn’t use any weapon against her, anyway. But if she hurt anyone, he’d be responsible.
God. Fuck responsibilities and guilt. It would’ve meant he had failed.
His blood runs cold then.
A failure. Assigned on what was, probably, the most important mission in his life. The president’s daughter involved, and what was supposed to be one of the top agents in the country, ruining everything. Returning a shadow of a woman, a timebomb.
Leon hides his face in his hands for a while, trying to catch his breath.
He knows he is spiralling.
He has to keep some faith: faith in Ashley, faith in Luis.
In himself, even if he is not used to it.
He looks at her, pursing his lips.
She breathes so calmly. Expression soft, features finally having some well-deserved rest. She is so gorgeous too. A soul too kind for him. He feels guilty for refusing to accept her proposal, though he is aware that being her bodyguard would have never actually been possible.
He blushes slightly, knowing that she at least wanted his company for a little longer. Maybe he is not so useless after all. She had also asked him to hold her to sleep, but he had simply shaken his head. “You’ll be fine, I promise. You’ll probably have a better rest taking up the whole bed”.
He sighs, crossing his arms. Leon is not sure how long it will take until the helicopter arrives. He hopes it is soon, because his head hurts and he feels hungry but he can’t leave her side and he definitely doesn’t trust the police officers next door.
No, scratch that.
He wishes the helicopter never arrives.
Because that means it is all over.
His gaze softens as he looks at her, feeling his heart pulling at its strings. For a moment, he considers it. A life with her. Visiting her at the White House. Maybe indeed fighting to accept the bodyguard position, his hand on her back as he keeps her safe once more, the sound of her laugh. The idea of getting acquainted with her shampoo brand, learning her favourite colour, kissing her forehead.
He is spiralling again, but this time in a more dangerous direction. Leon cracks his knuckles, yawning.
There is no point into wasting time thinking of all this. He can’t afford to lose footing in reality. And the reality is forcing him to remember that only a few hours they had both been fighting a Plagas, and he can’t be completely sure that the coast is clear. The mission isn’t over until she is back home, until they both reach American ground.
His foot starts hitting the floor quickly, as his headache gets even worse. He has to keep himself awake, he can’t lose focus.
At any given point Ashley could wake up and look at him with those soft doe eyes and ask anything, anything from him and, god, he’d give her the world, but first… But first he has to make sure that they’re both safe.
She’s make him feel like a worthy prince.
He can’t lose the princess for being careless.
He feels thirsty but he doesn’t even want to move his eyes away from her. His heart picks up when he thinks her chest stops moving up and down, but he realises it is his mind playing tricks on him as she sighs again.
Fuck. He is really losing his shit. He’s been trained for this crap. He barely sleeps anyway.
He curses in a whisper and looks down, grabs the water bottle next to his foot and sits down again.
That’s when he notices there is someone else in the room.
How? How would that be possible? There is no fucking way. It takes him just a second to fucking comprehend what is going on, but in an instant he has his knife on his fist, standing up as he approaches the figure, ready to attack the stranger.
The knife doesn’t hit anything.
Leon stills his movements then, realising that he recognises the face in front of him: the dirty-bloodied uniform, the stupid toothy smile, the look of hope in his eyes.
It’s him. The ghost of his younger version, the one from Raccoon City, stands before him.
“Fuck off,” Leon groans. He knows now that he is hallucinating. “Go away,” he pleads, in a growl, sitting down once more. His fucking head feels like about to explode.
“Buddy, I don’t think I’m going anywhere,” answers the more excitedly voice.
Leon considers replying, but he doesn’t want to wake Ashley up. The poor thing has already gone through too much, the least she needs at the moment is the man that is supposed to keep her safe having a full-on discussion with himself.
Fucking insane. He hides his face in his hands.
It’s not the first time it’s happened, that’s for sure. He’s gone through it all: hallucinations for being sleep-deprived, sleep paralysis after the most excruciating missions.
Most of the times it’s not even monsters, or zombies. Most times it’s people he knew: Annette, Ada a couple of times too. Last time it was Marvin, his body bloody and his eyes white as he swears he could hear his cries of pain still.
He wonders if maybe Luis will join as well, sometime, another painful reminder of his failures.
But himself? This was new.
“What the fuck do you want?” he mumbles. It Is stupid, Leon knows that. But perhaps by talking to this ghost of himself he could get rid of it faster, make sure he can go back to guard Ashley.
“Heh, I think it is obvious what you want,” the high-pitched voice replies. Leon looks up a moment, seeing the rookie sitting on the floor next to the bed, pointing at Ashley.
“Very funny,” Leon groans.
“What? Are you gonna deny it? I’m literally you.”
“Just, shut up.”
Surprisingly, that works. When Leon looks up once more, the figure isn’t there. He yawns, rubbing his temple. Maybe he is gone, for real. Maybe his mind will stop playing tricks on him now. He resumes his watch, his whole attention directed towards Ashley.
He is not even sure what time it is now, but he hopes it won’t be too long. At this point, he is being more of a nuisance than an actual help, a real protection for her. He knows he will have to sleep soon.
Not yet, though. Not fucking yet. He has to fucking hold on, try to keep it together.
“Hey, maybe you should get some actual sleep,” the voice suddenly interrupts him, now coming from next to him.
Leon almost stumbles from his chair, heart racing.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” he half-shouts, and immediately purses his lips, embarrassed.
The rookie, the fucking rookie, sitting down next to him.
“Sorry, just trying to help,” he mumbles.
Leon shakes his head. He doesn’t want to say anything else. He is sure he almost woke Ashley up. He decides to acknowledge this presence, since it is becoming quite clear that it is not leaving for now.
“What do you want? Don’t fucking say Ashley, I swear to God,” he whispers, ashamed.
“Well, you’re the one that should know that. Your brain is literally hallucinating me at this point.”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. I can’t sleep yet,” he replies, crossing his arm as he stands up, trying to walk around the room a little, forcing his body not to pass out.
“You look incredibly nervous, dude,” his younger version chuckles, seemingly amused.
“I’m not.”
“Why are you walking around, then?”
“Well, someone has to make sure the president’s daughter doesn’t die on my watch. I’d say that’s some pretty big responsibility,” his heart is about to get out of his chest, and he is sweating.
The headache is now deeper, more annoying.
“She is safe now, Jesus Christ. Give yourself some credit, man.”
“She is not,” Leon suddenly replies.
“She is. Don’t you trust Luis? Do you think he would have lied to you?”
That does stop him in his tracks. Perhaps the rookie has a point. Leon nods, slowly. In the darkness of the room, he looks at his arms. The veins are normal still. He hasn’t had any weird visions since they got the Plagas expelled.
Well, except for the unpleasant vision that his own mind conjures. Maybe even more annoying than Lord Saddler’s ones.
He doesn’t acknowledge the rookie, though, but he comes back to sit on the chair.
“How many hours has it been now?” this ghost insists.
“I dunno.”
“You do know.”
God. He didn’t remember his younger voice being that annoying. Leon inhales, trying to calm himself down.
“Five hours,” he replies after a moment.
“If any of you were still infected, don’t you think the Plagas would have acted up by now? Also, Lord Saddled is dead now. There is no one controlling the Plagas now. All the Ganado died, remember?”
Leon hates that the little kid is right.
“I guess that’s true,” Leon admits.
The rookie laughs.
“She is fine. You don’t need to keep watching over her like a creep. I mean, not that we are being creepy…”
Leon interrupts himself: “Just go to the point, man”.
The rookie looks up at him, glittering eyes full of hope and a gentle small on his face.
“Look, I thought I was the rookie here, but you’re being a whole amateur now,” he stands up, in silence. “The patrol is over, rookie”.
Leon looks at himself. That shadow of himself, too full of hope and of light. He blinks, still processing the rookie’s words… His own words, echoing from and inside his head.
The patrol is over.
He slumps on the chair, eyes welling up with tears. For a moment, he lets himself cry in silence, under the soft sound of Ashley’s breathing. He breaks down a little, feels pity for himself, as well as relief. He dries off his tears with his palm, trying not to be too much of a mess in case she wakes up. He should be strong still. He needs to be.
By now, the headache is unbearable and his eyes hurt, a combination of exhaustion and the tears. But he knows it’s true: they’re both safe. He saved her. Ashley is safe. And even if he can’t have her, if this story ends in a few hours, he can still breathe without regrets. He can even make sure that their last memories together are something pleasant, something nice and comforting.
Leon tries to calm his breathing. He looks up, still curious as to whether the old presence is still there, but not anymore.
No more ghosts in the room. Just Ashley and him now.
With heavy steps he moves towards the bed, dizzy by now. He lies down on the bed and allows himself to breathe against Ashley’s shoulder, timidly holding her from behind. He grips her body close to his, knowing this is the only and last time he’ll have this chance. And even if she is half-asleep, Ashley sighs, content on her sleep, as Leon closes his eyes, finally allowing himself to rest.
The patrol is over and so is their story. But for a while, they can still lie close together, in the dark. Both finally safe, at last.
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My brain actually wanted to be mean and make it Marvin instead of Rookie Leon but you know what. I don't need to break my heart like that SO much. Let Leon be angry at himself, it's fun, lol.
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misguidedasgardian · 4 months
From the Ashes (II)
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II. Mother's little helper
Summary: The situation with John is still pretty rocky, lucky for you, Djinns had been said to grant your wishes 
Pairings for this chapter: Dean x reader, John x reader (you'll understand)
Warnings: Supernatural (and all that comes with it), monsters of all kinds, pyrokinesis, cursing, murder, child endangerment, impersonating of law enforcers, guns, mentions of virginity loss, birth, blood drinking, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 2,9 k
Notes: I re-wrote the first one
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2001, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
You woke up with a smile on your face, it was an exciting day after all, you almost jump out of bed, energized by the smell of breakfast, you could hear your mother singing in the kitchen downstairs. You wanted to jump to the first floor but you knew she wouldn’t like that, so you ran as fast as you could and in a second you were right by her side
“Good morning mama!”, you chanted, she smiled at you grabbing your face and kissing your cheek
“Good morning my love”, she said, with the brightest smile, “excited for today? I can’t believe my daughter is going to Stanford!”
“It’s not a big deal!” you said coyly, but you knew it was
“I’m so proud of you”, she said, looking at you with loving eyes
“Thank you mommy”, you whispered, she hugged you tightly, kissing the top of your head
“You have to get me one of those stickers for the car, the ones that read “my daughter is in stanford” or a t-shirt!”, she said excitedly, as she served you breakfast, scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, you made the coffee, and you shared an amazing time.
“You know, california is beautiful, if you want, we can sell the house and I can move down there with you”, she offered
“Mom, you love it here, is where our family was from”, you said softly, “besides this house is a dream, with how expensive everything is in San Francisco, we’ll get a place like a ⅓ of the size”, you explained
“Oh I get it, my daughter doesn’t want me going down there and spoiling her fun!”, she teased,
“No!”, you giggled, “that is not it”
“I get it love”, she said softly, caressing the side of your face, “you are going to be great”, she said 
“Thank you”, you said, smiling widely. You had spend the last two years traveling the world after you ended high school, and now you were ready to start college, not any college, you had been accepted to Stanford
And you were so excited
“Remember to use your gloves honey”, she said sweetly, kissing you on your forehead, already saying your goodbyes, “and also, remember to keep away from photos as much as you can, alright?”, she asked, “you know now in the new age, everyone wants their picture taken to upload it to the internet and the internet…”
“Is forever”’, you completed, “I remember”
“Have fun, and take care sweety”, she said lovingly, and you hugged her one last time to leave your home
You got into your car, your Pontiac firebird a family friend had gotten you for your birthday and started your journey
You were driving to California, you loved roadtrips, good music, your baby, an open road… amazing
You reached San Francisco three days later. Just in time for orientation, as you were getting out of your car, you stumbled upon a large dude, he was tall! like a tree!
“I’m so sorry!”, you mumbled at the same time, his dark eyes met you down
“Nice ride!”, he admired, you felt your cheeks heated
“Thank you”, you whispered, looking back at your baby, “are you here for orientation?”
“Yes actually, you too?”, you nodded enthusiastically, “great, I’m Sam, Sam Winchester”, he said offering his hand, you shook it back, muttering your name back to him, he looked at the gloves weirdly, it might be fall but it was still warm
“What’s with the gloves?”, he asked curiously
“Oh I… well, it was an accident, I was four, my mom was cooking, she turned for one second…”, you said like you have told that lie a thousand ways before, “my hands… are weird looking but also very sensitive”
“Oh”, he said, like he had messed up, “sorry”
“Don’t sweat it”, you said softly, “it’s a common question”, you walked into the campus together, you were looking at everything with a mouth wide open, it was an incredible campus
Turns out, you and Sam met the first day, and you sticked together every day since, he wanted to become a Lawyer, you wanted to become an architect, but you made it work, you studied together, you hang around together and you started to build a group of friends around you
And just like that, four whole years happened, Sam started dating Jess, and they were super happy, and you were already enlisting yourself to be the maid of honor, and you… well… you were hanging around with a guy, but you weren’t too sure about him
He was so handsome and tall, he was the perfect man, a gentleman, and yet… you still weren’t so sure about him, there was something missing. 
You were actually discussing this with Jess, you were together, the three of you, when Sam’s apartment doorbell rang. Sam frowned, going for the door, and when he came back, he wasn’t alone. 
“Well, hello gorgeous”, he purred your way when Jess and Sam were in the kitchen
“Hi”, you muttered simply. He was handsome, deep green eyes, spiky hair, leather jacket, very hip. VERY handsome
“Are you… Sam’s friend?”, he asked
“Yes, we met first year here”, you said simply, he only nodded, a smirk on his lips, you even felt nervous with him.
“I’m Sam’s brother”, he said and you nodded, acknowledging him
“Here”, said Sam, bringing him a beer. You couldn’t stop staring at him, and him you. Sam noticed this, and seemed uncomfortable
“What brings you here Dean?”, he asked nervously, just then Dean looks at his brother
“I can’t pay a visit to my little brother?”, he asked  cheerfully, “let’s turn this around, order a couple of pizzas, drink some beer, you can invite some friends”, he said lightly
And turn it around you did
Soon the small apartment was packed, Dean was the soul of the party, that let you have a chat with Sam
“He just got out of SFS”, Sam said apologetically, “he majored in mechanical engineering”, he said lightly. You sneaked a peek at Dean and he was looking back at you, he smirked 
“Is that so?”, you mumbled, he chuckled, you looked back at him
“I know that sneaky look in your eyes”, he said
“He is handsome”, you said, he seemed entertained, “is he going to break my heart?”, you asked
“No”, he said softly
And he didn’t. Dean worked at a garage with his father while you attempted to finish school, by the time you were graduating, Sam proposed to Jess, even though they were very young, they were so in love, they got married, and when you attended their wedding in a beautiful deep purple dress -as a maid of honor-, you and Dean, both attended the wedding together, you had been dating for a year now, you danced all night, you in his arms, and he asked you, to move in with him, you of course said yes.  
You met his father, John, at the very wedding, he was happy. Their mother had died when they were children, he never remarried. But he seemed so happy to be there, with his two boys, and with their girls. 
Your mother had told you, many years ago, as a bedtime story, that you, as a phoenix, mated for life, you feel a pull, a string leading you to that person, and you’ll be happy together. You believed that, you wanted it. Dean holds you in his arms, kissing the top of your head.
“I love you”, he whispered
“I love you too”, you said happily. 
You told him you were a phoenix, he didn’t care.
He found it fascinating.
You lived happily, you moved in together, you worked in your dream job, restoring old buildings in San Francisco, Dean worked in his father’s shop. He asked you to marry him, you eloped in Vegas. With Sam, Jess and your parents. 
You were living in an apartment on top of the shop, it was so comfortable, it was your home.
You found out you were pregnant, with twin girls
Your mother was there, she lived with you to help you with the girls, she was by your side when you gave birth. Dean loved her, and… you could honestly look up into the skies and give thanks, because you were the luckiest woman on the earth.
Dean was so over the moon, he was the greatest girl's dad you had ever seen. You fell even more for him, if that was even possible.
You had friends that you adored, you had the most handsome and incredible husband, which you loved with all your heart, you had a caring father in law. And you had two perfect little girls that took after their fathers, and you had your mother. 
Your life was perfect. 
“Really?”, she asked him, “you are giving her dreams instead of nightmares?”, she mocked, watching you on the floor, sleeping peacefully, “you are getting weak”, she whispered in her mate’s ear. Who had your wrist on his mouth, he had managed to break the skin, he was feeding from you. 
“She is too powerful”, the Djinn responded, blood dripping down the corner of his lip, “if she gets distressed she will break out of the trance”
“What is she?”, she asked back, fascinated
“I don’t know”, he answered, “but her blood… is delicious”. The other Djinn turned to John, laying on the floor next to you
“Let’s see how you taste old man”, she purred
John looked at the big farmhouse with curiosity, he went up the three wooden steps that lead to the porch and then inside of the house.
It was his parents house, they were gone now, but the house was lit up with life inside of it. The house had been abandoned but now, it had been brought back to life.
“Sweetheart? is that you?”, he heard a melodic voice coming from the kitchen. He looked everywhere, the house was completely renovated, it was beautiful, more beautiful than he remembered.
“Yes”, he answered, he didn't even know why, maybe it was a force of habit. 
He stopped by the mirror in the corridor and he looked at himself in it, there he was, himself. when he was thirty.
What the hell was going on?
He heard footsteps from the corridor leading to the kitchen, and then, his breath got caught in his throat when he saw you, coming towards him, with a beautiful smile, and a big baby bump. You look older than you were, at least thirty 
“We missed you”, you said with a bright smile, you were wearing an apron, you had flour staining it, you took his face gently in your hand and you kissed him, his hands traveled to your hips
“Hello darlin”, he whispered against your lips
“Papa!”, he heard footsteps tapping around in the corridor. Two children appeared, which he could recognize anywhere, Sam and Dean, looking as cute as buttons. Dean was eight and Sam was four. 
“(y/n) is baking my favorite pie”, said Dean Happily, John dropped his bag of tools, grabbing Sammy on his strong arms, and followed you into the kitchen. He found it weird that he called you by your name instead of… and then he saw a picture of Mary on the wall, with the boys. Where you…?
“Your little girl had been kicking me all day long!”, you said happily, finishing up in the kitchen
“Little girl?”, he asked, curiously
“Well, I know you can never know for sure”, you said softly, “but this old lady told me she thought it was a girl, and well, many things, we did the ring test, and rhe shape of the belly too…”, you muttered. He looked at your shape from where he was sitting. He must be dreaming. He looked at his boys, eating the chicken and potatoes you had made them. 
This had to be a dream
But he didn’t want to scare you.
He looked at your shape again, you were a woman now, grown, which let him know you were no longer a supernatural creature.Your huge belly, he looked at his boys, who looked back at him wide eyed, and smiling
He felt… happy.
“What happened?”, he dared to ask you, when you were both ready for bed, in the master bedroom.
“What do you mean?”, you asked softly. He was clearly… with you… but the boys existed too, and… “remember that this week, well, of course you remembered but I called the florist already”, yous aid gently
“What florist?”, he asked
“For… Mary’s memorial”, you said, looking at him sadly. Mary died, he remarried… you…. he had the boys and now he was expecting a girl… with you.
“Alright, thank you”, he said, leaning in and kissing your lips, you felt asleep cuddled by his side, your big belly over his stomach.
He was putting flowers on Mary’s grave. His friends and remaining family were there. but you weren’t, you didn’t feel well, and he realized you wanted to give him space, which he appreciated. It had been four years since Mary’s death, he believed it was a bit too soon to be married to you, but right now, he didn’t know what happened.
He worked in his own mechanic shop, his own, he was so proud of himself for achieving it, he came back to you and the kids every night, he went to his kid’s games, he even coached little league. 
He found you in the kitchen, your water broke, and you whined in pain.
He took you to the hospital, he left the kids with the neighbors, a loving couple you liked so much, that you barbequed with.
It was a girl, a beautiful little girl who looked like you.
He was happy, really happy. He’s got the cake, and he ate it too.
He woke up early that one morning, you were so tired, Violet kept waking you up for feeding in the middle of the night, but there you were, sleeping soundly next to him
“Dad!”, he heard, in the back of his mind, “DAD!”, the last thing he saw was your sleeping face, before Dean was shaking him awake. 
He was back in the present, and two Djinns lay dead, one, killed by the Dean, the other… copious amounts of blood were dripping from his mouth, like he just throw it all up, he was right next to you, your wrist… was healing but it had been bitten onto, severely.
Dean was over you now, shaking you awake
“Mom?”, you felt like you would die, you were so weak, your eyelids were heavy, very heavy
“No darling, it’s me”, you heard that gruff voice, Dean, tried to make you sit, but he had to grab you, you couldn’t keep your own body up
“Mmmm Dean?”, you asked, feeling so faint, like your brain was made of cotton
“Shh, I got you”, he shushed gently, “those bastards got you good”, lifting you from the ground. “Dad, are you ok?”, he asked
“Yes I’m fine Dean, take care of her!”, he insisted, the Djinns didn’t get to him in time. 
“What were they?”, you asked, as they both started walking away. 
“Djinns, got you and dad”, Dean carried you like you were a princess, out of the large Warehouse. It came back, all of it, you had come to Denver, in Colorado, to find and kill the Djinns that were draining dry innocent people. 
“I’m sorry”, you whined
“It’s fine, thanks to you, I got the time to rescue dad and gank them”, he said
“What happened?”, you asked then
“They fed off of you, they seemed rabid for it”, he said, he laid you in the back of the Impala, and closed the door gently, you curled up, hugging yourself, it seemed impossible, but you might have been experiencing cold for the very first time
Both John and Dean got inside the car, John in the passenger seat, he turned over the leather seat and looked at you
“Sweetheart, are you alright?”, he asked, concern in his features
“Mhm”, you mumbled, barely
“I’m sorry”, he muttered
“It’s fine”, you whispered
“Is she going to be alright?”, he asked Dean, he shook his head
“I will”, you promised, “I need a minute”
“I didn’t even know monsters could feed off of phoenixes”, John said, Dean started the car and leaving the scene quickly
“They did, but one of them died because of it, he started screaming, like he was being burned, and then he just collapsed and died”, he said quickly, “like her blood was poison or something”
“Mmmm I need a sandwich”, you mumbled, really out of it
“What kind of sandwich?”, asked Dean
“Mmmm meat… cheese… mayo”, you barely whisper, “and a strawberry milkshake”
“That sounds… pretty good”, Dean said happily. “Let’s get away from this crap-ass city”, he said 
John kept looking back at you. You just dozed off, only in a couple of hours, you were going to be brand new. 
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Post chapter notes: Soooo Reader wished her mom never died. And John fleetingly wished he met the reader “before”, didn’t specify much.
Maybe this chapter is a bit weird, its similar to the one where Dean gets trapped by a Djinn and he alucinates... anyways... happy reading
taglist! <3
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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“It's about time somebody tall, dark and fine stumbled your way,” Zora’s best friend, Nique, chats into the phone.
“And in the flower shop of all places?? Sounds like heaven to little miss botanical girl!”
“You know, I could really hang up.”
“Who else would you spill your bullshit to, Z?”
“My mama.”
“Girl, please. Pam ain't listenin’ to you blab about another man, and I can bet on it.”
“Did you just call my mama by her first name?” She laughs.
“Don't tell her, she'd skin me.” Nique snickers.
Sparking up her blunt, heavily pulling and exhaling, she laughs at her friend. “I should tell her, especially since you tryna clown.”
“Okay, alright. But for real, he seem cool?”
“Yeah, he might be alright. We’ll see.”
“You ain't ever too excited,”
“Cause why would I be?”
“Cause this could be different, Zora Jean.”
“I told you to stop calling me that, and if it's different, then my excitement will show. I mean, he has my number. What else you want from me??” She huffs, placing the blunt back between her lips.
“Alright, I'll quit before you start yellin’,” Nique sighs.
“I'm two seconds from heading your way and kickin’ ass, Nique. Ain't nobody yellin’.”
“Put your guns away, jeez. I hope his fine ass makes you eat your words.”
Me too.
“Like I said, we'll see! But I gotta go, Shaun got me covering her shift in the morning.”
“When you gon leave that place in the dust, chile?” Nique asks, referring to The Pub, a family-owned restaurant with its own list of problems.
“Nique, please. We talk about this all the time. The pay is great and my boss loves me. Her dickhead of a son is the least of my worries, cause if he don't back up off me, he'll meet my pretty little taser. It's juiced up at all times.” She smiles, ashing her blunt in the red, heart-shaped tray.
“I wish I would put up with some shit like that.”
“What you suggest I do? Ain't nobody hiring right now.”
“I could get you a spot here at my office!”
“As much as I appreciate that, I couldn't be in no office. Sitting still for too long makes me antsy and you know this.”
“Yeah, you right.” She laughs. “Well, have a wonderful day at work, hopefully you won't have to shank nobody.”
“Thanks, Nique Nique. You have a wonderful day, as well!”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Pulling into the parking lot a little before ten-thirty, Zora takes the extra time to gear herself up for her six-hour shift.
She dryly blinks at her screen, her thumb steady scrolling and stopping, and scrolling again through twitter, tiktok and the like.
The sound of her ringtone jolts her slightly, as she stares at the top of her screen, Leon's name making the left corner of her mouth lift.
Letting it ring for a beat, she answers and watches his face come into view.
Damn, he was fine.
“Good morning.”
“You're bold for wanting to see my face this early, but I'll let it slide.” She laughs, making him do the same.
“I had to take a chance. Who wouldn't wanna see such beauty, first thing in the morning?”
She hums, fondly shaking her head.
“I see you also follow directions.”
“Of course! I told you no worries, right?”
“Mhm, you did.” She nods; the hint of a smirk still ghosts on her lips.
“You heading into work or?” He asks, referring to the jacket with her job’s logo on it.
“Yeah, I've got like twenty minutes before I head in.”
“Gotcha,” he squints. “The pub… a bar?”
“There's a bar inside, but it's more of a restaurant.”
“Oh cool, I gotta check it out. Good food? Be honest.”
She smiles, nodding her head. “The best. We've got these cheesy potato bites that are to die for. Same with the wings, those are my favorite.”
“Sounds good. I might swing by on my lunch break.”
“Where you work at?”
“A warehouse out in Midland. It's a bust, but it pays great.”
“Yeah, I know how that goes.”
“The life, amiright?”
She chuckles, giving him another nod.
“Well, maybe I'll see you later.”
“What time are you out?”
“You'll see me later.” He flashes that smile, making her sigh.
“Alright, til then,” she smirks, waving him bye.
“Til then,” he responds, returning the gesture before they hang up.
Another ten more minutes of aimlessly scrolling, she's heading into her beloved job, being immediately greeted by her boss and pulled to the side.
“Zora, dear! Good morning. I'm so glad you're here with me this morning.”
“Of course, Linda. You know I love to help out.”
“Yes, such the sweetie pie. I know Shaun appreciated it, too.”
“Yes, she definitely needed a day off after the way her week started off.”
“I know, but don't worry, those rednecks aren't welcome back in here.”
“Now, all I really need you to do is ring ‘em out, we got the rest.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, no worries. The cooks are good, my boys are gonna be out on the floor, running the food so just stand here and look pretty, kay?” She requests, making Zora laugh.
“Gotcha boss lady.”
As soon as she walks to the back, it's as if Cory sniffed her out and made a beeline towards her, disregarding her don't-fuck-with-me expression.
“Sup, beautiful. I thought I heard an angel's voice in here.”
“You layin’ it on like molasses, and it's making me itch. Go away.” She says, her expression unmoved.
“Oh come on, Zora. I just be tryna–“
“-get on my nerves, yes. I know. Go find a table to wipe down and leave me alone.” She glares at him now, and he backs away.
Once he's outta sight again, she sighs and rolls her neck, shaking his sliminess away.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
A few hours, many to-go boxes and a small meltdown later, Zora was finally on her break, munching on those potato bites she raved about earlier.
She was back to scrolling on her phone, silently laughing at the tweets that got more and more bizarre as she went.
The chimes on the door continued to go off as people came and went, but once that woodsy scent flowed through the air, coupled with that deep voice, she'd turned her head before she could stop herself.
There he was in his lanky glory. A toboggan covering his hair, his thick sweatshirt still showing off those cut arms from all the heavy lifting he does, and the polite smile he flashes at her coworker makes her weak in the knees from where she's sitting.
He'd ordered what she suggested, and she doesn't know why, but it made her smile. She turned back to her phone, knowing how mortified she'd be if he caught her stare.
He'd seen her when he first walked in, unbeknownst to her.
Her head was buried in her phone and he got a chance to glance at her once more, unable to get over how beautiful she was to him.
Her hair was still up in a bun like earlier, the gloomy day wasn't taking away from her natural glow at all.
He'd really convince someone that she was a goddess, if he had the time.
After grabbing the to-go bag from the bar, he headed in her direction, giving her a warm smile as she looked his way.
“Hey, Leon.”
“Hey, Zora. Mind if I join you?”
“Course not, have a seat.” She offers, secretly loving the way his scent wafted over her as he did so.
“How's your day been?” He asks, tearing into the double-knotted bag for his food.
“Sorry about the knots, Claire kills me.” She snorts. “But it's been chill, still ready to clock out and curl up on my couch. How about yours?”
“I'm just about ready to do the same. I lifted a box full of glass lanterns and the bottom fell out.” He sighs, making her gasp.
“Really?? I know that was a bitch to clean up!”
“You shoulda seen it. I mean, glass everywhere. It took me about an hour or so, so I'm definitely ready to turn in for the day.”
“Nobody helped you?”
He shakes his head. “I prefer to work alone, most of the time. People like to unnecessarily make things more complicated than they have to be sometimes, so I'd rather do it myself.”
“Huh, you sound like me.”
He smirks, finally opening the styrofoam container. His eyes widen as the golden, cheesy bites stare him in the face.
“Wow, these look so good!”
“Eat one,” she laughs, popping another in her mouth.
Obliging, he grabs one off the top of the pile and bites into it, his eyes briefly closing. The cheese pull was excellent.
“Good, yeah?”
“Hell yeah,” he says with a hand over his mouth. “There's bacon in these, too??”
She laughs all over again, nodding her head.
“Magical, aren't they??”
Dipping them in the chipotle ranch, he wholeheartedly agrees, pulling another one apart.
Like a creep, Cory was watching their interaction play out and he was seething, wondering why a girl like Zora didn't wanna be bothered with him, but yet here she was, giggling up a storm with some man.
“There's this kid when I walked in the door, started mean muggin’ me. Like he knew who I was or something.” He cracks, making her shake her head.
“About your height, curly hair, looks like a douche?” She asks to clarify.
“Yup,” he nods. “Who is that?”
“Cory. He thinks we're meant to be together or whatever bullshit he tries to spin. I'm sure he's around the corner, scoping us out, right now.” She rolls her eyes.
“Need me to handle that for you?”
“I got a taser with his name on it, and a kitchen knife if that don't work,” she sighs.
“I couldn't ask you to do that, Leon.” She shakes her head.
“You didn't ask, I offered.” He quips.
“Ooh, you got me there.”
“I'm just saying, you don't have to deal with that bullshit and I can take it off your hands.”
“Don't kill him, please.”
He scoffs. “I'm too pretty to be in prison, girl.”
She lets out a hearty chuckle, thanking god water was within her reach.
“Plus, if I lay him out, he won't mess with you again.” He blinks.
“One good left hook, huh?”
“That's my good hand too, girl. How'd you know?”
“I'm good like that.” She flashes him a smile of her own, catching him for two seconds too long.
The way his tongue swipes over his bottom lip, making them look even more kissable, has her crossing one leg over the other.
The alarm on her phone goes off, making her sigh heavily.
“My break is over, unfortunately.”
“Damn, and I was just startin’ to like you.” He cracks, shaking his head as she stands up.
“Ima have Cory kick you out, how bout that.” She cracks back.
“Working with the predator? How low can you go.”
“To hell.” She blinks.
He stands from the table as well, easily towering over her five-three frame. Her gaze shifts above her glasses again, but she can see everything she needs to.
Adjusting them on the bridge of her nose anyway, she tugs on her jeans and slides her phone into her jacket pocket.
“Thanks for coming in and killing time with me.”
“No problem. I had to check it out, and after eating these babies,” he taps the box, “I'll definitely be back.”
“Next ones are on me.”
“You don't have to do that.”
“I know, that's why I offered to do it.” She mocks his earlier sentiment.
“You got me there.”
They share another laugh, stalling for another fifteen seconds.
“Would it be inappropriate if I wanted a hug?” He asks, not missing how fast she shook her head.
Engulfing her in his warm embrace, she giggles as he rocks side to side before letting go.
“You smell good. What is that?”
“One of them Armani fragrances. It's expensive as hell, but if it attracts a beauty like you, I'll keep it on me.” He winks.
“You are too much.” She says, fondly shaking her head.
“That a bad thing?”
“Not in your case, no.”
“Good to know.” He says, before rebagging his food. “It's always a pleasure, miss Zora.”
“See ya later, Leon.”
They reluctantly part ways, but not before he catches eyes with the freckle-faced bonehead that is Cory, glaring at him something awful on his way out.
“The fuck was that?” He cluelessly asks.
“A warning.” She mumbles, heading to the back with her empty dish.
Ch 3
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hearts4violett · 16 days
dead man
tw: r4pe (not done by/to fez or ash), abusive bf, murder, and the rest is just sweet
(i was r4ped 3 days ago so this is kinda my way of coping, also this is my first time writing on here so im sorry if it sucks lol)
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why did this have to happen to me? thats all that you could think as you stumbled your way to the house you always go to in times like these, fezcos house. this time was different. usually you would go there after you and your boyfriend had an argument which would result in him hitting you. fez and ash had always told you to leave the guy. they hated him more than anything in this world. you had feelings for fez and he had feelings for you, but your boyfriend was in issue. ash had seen you as a mother. he loved you to death and would do anything for you, both of them would.
this time though was worse than you couldve imagined. your boyfriend came home drunk as he usually does and was in the mood. you said no and he didnt like that, he took it as a challenge. he had forced himself in you and left you when he was finished. hes probably out drinking again. you finally make your way to fezcos house and knock on the door softly, having no energy from walking and what your boyfriend had done to you. Ash opens the door and sees you, blood running down your legs, mascara and tears smeared down your face, and your hair going every which way. ashs face drops and its then that you see fezco come from out of his room.
they took you in instantly. fez sat you on the couch as ash went and got a blanket. "Did he do this to you?" Fez wasnt stupid, he knew what he had done and so do ash even though you hadnt told them. As i stare off blankly, i slowly nod, the words not coming out. Ash wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and walked to the other room. I knew what he was going to do.
Ash walked back in and tossed a gun into fezcos lap, ash having one of his own. "Lets go fucking kill him." I turn to look at ash and then to fezco who was shaking with rage. How could someone do this to someone like you? you were kind and gentle and you didnt deserve any of this. Fez turned to you "You want me to kill him for you? I'll do it, ill kill that motherfucker, just say the word." He said as he reached out and held my hand. Again, all i could do was nod. He was a dead man.
Me nodding my head was all fez and ash needed before getting up and walking to the door. Fez looked back at me and mouthed the words I love you before leaving. i sighed, as if i knew the one thing in my life that made me want to die, was going to be gone soon. I got up and made my way to the bathroom to shower. I could feel his hands still lingering on me and i couldnt stand how dirty i felt.
While stripping off my clothes, i noticed the marks he had left on me. He had left hand prints on my neck and bruises littered my body. I wanted to cry at the sight of them, but at this moment, i couldnt. my body couldnt produce a single tear. I wish it would though.
After getting out, i felt better in a way. less dirty. i went to fezcos room and stole a tshirt and some boxers. Fez always told me i was more than welcome to wear his clothes when i stayed here. As i had finished putting on my clothes and brushing my hair and teeth, i heard the door open. I peeked out and there stood ash and fez, covered in blood. He was finally gone.
Now my tears started to work. I let out a small sob and ran over to them, hugging them tightly. "Thank you" i whispered out. They hugged me tightly, as if i would disappear if they let me go. Fez rubbed circles on my back and caressed my hair. Ash had walked away to clean up. "Hes gone, baby, its ok" fez says quietly. I was finally free.
I took my head away from the side of his neck to look at him, i wanted nothing more than to be with fez forever. I finally could and i knew he would take care of me and do anything for me.
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rozcdust · 2 years
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Pairing: Shinichiro Sano x F!Reader
Genre: Crack, angst, fluff (in that order)
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: Canon divergent, OOC, profanity, nightmares, mentions of gore, body horror
You were born rotten, but he had a chance.
pt. 1 | previous | playlist
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Shinichiro did his duty as a friend, holding Wakasa’s hand, and all he got in return is his hand going numb an hour ago.
At least he got to see you at work, and personally, he considered that reward enough.
Your eyebrows were furrowed, lips pursed in focus, hair pulled out of your face allowing him a full view of your side profile as you worked silently and patiently, and if it weren’t for Wakasa’s constant and valiant attempts to break his hand, he would have started drooling.
He also had time to observe your tattoos in curiosity - he wasn’t even aware there were any but the one on your shoulder blade.
On one arm, there was a black and white sleeve of a skeleton with flowers and snakes perturbing out of its ribcage and orbital bones, running from your wrist to the shoulder, and on the other, it was only a half sleeve, a colourful tiger done in what Shinichiro could only assume is a traditional Japanese style, a sun behind as the tiger snarled, clovers and roses and meaningless swirls next to it.
He couldn’t help but grin at the thought he managed to land you, you with your sharp tongue and tired eyes, you with your slightly cracked lips and a reputation of utter cruelty, and he wished to know how your collarbones would feel against his, wished to know if you’d fit against him like a puzzle piece or if you’d be full of sharp edges, tearing the skin of his ribs.
You were beautiful.
You were horribly kind too, considering how awful of a client Wakasa was with his constant twitching and sharp inhales of pain.
“Alright, I’m calling it a break!” Turning off your tattoo gun, you rolled the chair back, cracking your neck as you decided you were satisfied with the current state of affairs as you peeled off your gloves.
“Already?” Grumbling, Wakasa hissed as he went to get up, finally letting go of Shinichiro’s hand.
Shinichiro observed the way Wakasa’s fingers left a mark on his hand in curiosity, each finger perfectly marked into the pale skin.
“It’s been two hours, and you’ve been twitching like crazy.” Shrugging, you made your way to the entrance, rummaging through to pockets of your jacket to find your box of smokes, and when you do, a slight turn of the head and a grin towards them, “I’ll go outside for a smoke, you coming?”
Shinichiro stood up much like an overexcited dog, not even thinking to grab his own jacket as he followed behind you like a duckling, much to Wakasa’s annoyance, who had no choice but to either die of boredom or tag along.
To Shinichiro’s great misfortune, his friend chose the latter.
You wordlessly took three cigarettes out of your pack, sticking one in between your own lips as you handed Wakasa one.
Shinichiro went to reach for the one still in your hands, but you beat him to it, gingerly placing it in front of his lips, not even looking at him as you searched the pockets of your jeans for a lighter.
He was almost glad you didn’t see the way the tips of his ears flushed red.
“How much more?” Wakasa whined, actually whined, and Shinichiro wanted to smack him himself.
“Around 3 more hours, give or take, You took a drag of your cigarette, tapping off the ash, “You know, Imaushi, for someone who gets their shit rocked on the daily, I thought you’d be better at this.”
“Shut it.” Wakasa fumed, glaring at you as if he already planned your death a thousand different ways.
You grinned.
“Ya know, my 11-year-old brother did better than you. And he got a neck tat, those hurt like a bitch.*”
Wakasa and Shinichiro both looked at you quizzically.
“Why were you tattooing your 11-year-old brother?” Shinichiro tilted his head like a confused puppy.
You merely shrugged.
“He’s horribly persuasive.”
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Kazutora could tell it would be a bad night before he even gave himself a chance to crawl into his bed.
He kissed your forehead goodnight as usual, softly smiling at your tiny yelp as he put his freezing hands on the back of your neck, and the glare that got him, turning on his heel to return to his room.
It will be a bad night, he could tell by the way the heating pipes in the walls whispered, restless and moving, he could tell by the way he heard his blood rushing through his ears.
He still gave it a shot, forcing himself to think about meeting the friends Keisuke speaks so highly of, but the muttering of pipes and wind whipping at his window never calmed, picking up speed, the sound of his tiny alarm clock ticking on his bedside table almost matching his heartbeat.
He gripped the plushie you bought him a forever ago to his chest, curling up in a fetal position as he hugged himself, considering if he should just go and crawl into bed with you immediately, considering if your sheer presence could help him escape whatever terror his brain has prepared for him that night.
His therapist said that was normal, said nightmares are a normal trauma response after living in an abusive household, but Kazutora didn’t miss the way your lips pulled into a tighter line, the way panic seemed to widen your eyes as you looked at him in worry.
He was happy like this though, living with you.
He never before knew your skin could be anything but bruised, never before knew your lip could be anything but split and bleeding a bright, cherry red.
He decides to sleep on his own for now, to give his own subconscious a shot to behave.
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“Y/n?” Kazutora calls out, feeling so horribly small and so horribly powerless, feeling like ants he sometimes watched in front of his parents' house.
He’s 6 again and nothing but a speck of dust in the corner of his cold, cold home.
You’re on the floor, facing away from him, holding onto your ribs, curled up into a tight ball and twitching every now and then, twitching like a corpse as the last impulses of electricity leave its brain, twitching like a slaughtered animal and you’re curled up on the floor, shaking and twitching.
He calls out your name again, but you don’t answer and he knows you won’t, for at least a little longer.
A minute.
That was always how long you allowed yourself to stay on the floor, curled up until you soaked in all your father’s anger and made peace with yourself so you could get up again.
Kazutora was certain, in that one single minute, that is when you let yourself mourn.
That one minute is when you let yourself crumble into dust and salt, bleed as you deserved to, that one minute is when you allow for death’s dogs to tear into your flesh and rip you apart, nothing but candy cane bones and pink candy floss on the inside as you wait on the grim reaper to kiss you before leaving again.
The one minute, Kazutora knew, is when his sister let herself fall apart.
But then you sit up as if nothing happened, brush yourself off, dab up the blood running down your cheek and turn to him, smiling.
But it’s wrong, God, it’s so wrong, as his nightmares always are, and he trembles at the sight of your face.
You are his sister, he knows this, aware of the fact as intimately as he is of his own name.
He blinks, and the scene changes.
You crawl towards him with your eyes scratched out and broken ribs poking out of the skin, you crawl towards him with blood staining the ground behind you and your legs and arms are broken and when you finally approach him in his corner, where he’s trembling and afraid, you take his face into your hands and your smile.
“I love you, Kazutora, it’s okay.” You smile and blood pours out, smile with rotting and blood-stained teeth as your lips unravel themselves like stitching on a cheap dress, and he can’t help but let out a sob.
His eyes were full of regret, neglectful and broken, a mean snd wretched performance of a good mother, but yours.
Your eyes speak of blood spilling at three a.m. and painful lies, your eyes speak of a desire to fall into the deep side of the pool and drown.
His eyes are neglectful, but yours are violent.
Kazutora screams.
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You barely even react when you hear the pitter-patter of small feet, stopping just as the covers of your bed lift and a new form crawls in, his feet and hands cold as he clings to you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and holding on tightly.
“Hey, little man.”
His face is wet.
Still half asleep, you instinctively wrap your arms around him, caressing his back, muttering sweet nothings like a habit, craning your neck to kiss the top of his head gently.
“Another nightmare?” Murmuring, you never open your eyes, never stopping your movements either, hoping the child will find some comfort in you.
Your brother doesn’t respond, only a pathetic whimper escaping his lips and he holds you tighter, his small frame shaking.
You make a mental note to talk to his therapist.
“You are such a good kid Tora, such a kind boy, and hey, mum and dad may have been shitty, but you got me.” Kissing the top of his head, you can only hope he’ll nod off to sleep, “I’ll give you anything you could ever ask for.”
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. . . next
🔖Taglist (open):
@1818cigarettes @nana-phobia @dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @rinsie @kisekihany @missarabellla @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @levistiddies @graythecoffeebean @yukihime-mikeys-girl @mukounisuru-gashadokuro @sunahyejin @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @trashmemebitch @frogtits1 @sup-zfam @whydohumansss @xashiui @bontens-whore @nqctre @lumi-does-some-stuff @hana-patata @hxked @erza-uzumaki @sh4nn @sisnot @soushswag @kneeapartman @anahryal @reiners-milkbiddies @satsuri3su @aretheea @bluerskiees @galactict3a @bontensbabygirl @somniari-94 @astropheia @rgtgt @bubble-dream-inc @princesshaitani @luvjiro @inurmom00 @secretanimesimp @sweeneyblue1 @ameliabs-world @levii-s 
a/n: first part kinda inspired by the time i went with a friend to her tattoo appointment to hold her hand. istg i saw god 🤧
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rioreeve · 10 months
trip to the docks
//Ground floor retail access & the docks. Nov 21.
Zach put everything on his bed: a flashlight, two powerbanks, his phone, two knives, and a gun he had brought from the chopper. Two bottles of water and a few protein bars. A small first aid kit. He crossed his arms on his chest and studied the items before he decided he had everything they might need and put them all in his backpack. "You're not going with me," he told Doom when he jumped onto the now-empty bed, wagging his tail. He had prepared some food for the dog earlier, and this time, he also had to ask someone to puppysit Doom while he was gone. They would soon run out of dog food, so if he and Ash were lucky enough to get some on their way back, he would kill two birds with one stone. If that wasn't possible, however, he would have to sneak out and get some for Doom Slayer by himself. He wished he had ordered more last time... Now that everything was ready, Zach checked his watch; Ash should be waiting for him at the only available exit from the building, and he still had to drop off his dog at Ember's, so he picked up the backpack, collected Doom's stuff, and headed out of his condo, hoping they would be back before it got dark and the streets were an even more dangerous place. "Come on, we gotta hurry, buddy."
He knew neither of them would change their mind, but the closer to their meeting point he was, the more he thought about the whole undertaking. They had so many questions, and the answers to at least some of them would be on that ship. This trip and getting those answers wouldn't bring an end to anything, but he wondered what would change. Maybe, they would be closer to understanding something about this virus and how it all started. Well, they had to get there first.
Greeting Ash with a nod when he finally joined him, he asked, "Ready?" A part of him was excited to leave this building for several hours and see how the city looked now. Not that it had changed much since the last time, though.
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@ashton-ryder // @byenycfm
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gayvecchio · 6 months
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The Other by omnishambles - word count: 30006
Then it clicks: she means the other one. Ray Kowalski’s back. Ray Vecchio's trying to scrape his life together post-Vegas, and then Kowalski turns up - quiet, unsettled, with a badge that still has Vecchio's name on it and nowhere to go. Why not work together for a while? Both of them are down a partner, after all. A post-canon AU.
Wisely and Slowly by brynnmck - word count: 3799
The first time it happens is a complete fluke.
Reasons that need exploring at this juncture by belmanoir - word count: 10247
After the Quest, Kowalski tries to figure out why he's remained in Chicago, and whether he really belongs there. Also, he and Fraser are roommates and he has the world's biggest crush on Vecchio.
We could be a whole parade by belmanoir - word count: 7910
Kowalski runs into Frannie at ballroom dancing at the Y.
We'll Sweep Out the Ashes in the Morning by ignaz - word count: 19350
Something had happened up there in Canada -- that much Ray knew. Something big, something serious, something that was still aching and raw. He had no idea how Kowalski had managed to stay alive in undercover gigs for so long; the son of a bitch wore his pain like a hairshirt, like a new tattoo so fresh it was still oozing blood.
By His Bootlaces by prudence_dearly word count: 15794
Time Travelling Rays!
In a Little While by brooklinegirl - word count: 9420
I lie awake at night and wait 'til you come in. You stay a little while and then you're gone again. Every question that I ask, I get a lie, lie, lie. - "Cry, Cry Cry" See, that was the thing: Vecchio always had to go.
Trample Down Barbed Wire by catwalksalone - word count: 2364
Ray's never been a fan of confined spaces.
Take Another Road by brooklinegirl - word count: 31927
Ray stared out the front windshield, wishing he had never heard of road trips, or Ray Kowalski, or Benton Fraser, for that matter.
Thursdays by spuffyduds - word count: 5140
AU where the Rays meet between s2 and s3
All These Stupid Things  by sdwolfpup - word count: 1468
Every time he turned around or moved at all it seemed, Kowalski would be there pressed tight up against him or have an arm draped casually near Ray’s thigh and the invitation so obvious in his eyes that Ray was surprised no one else said anything.
Secret Agent Man by aerye - word count: 3562
Secret agents, double agents, guns, microfilm and a gay bartender.
Opportune by seascribble word count: 2699
Kowalski has blown Ray seven (and a half) times total, and Ray's gotten the chance to return the favour exactly never.
dressing bad is like loving you by snoopypez - word count: 1708
The day Vecchio showed up to work in a pair of worn jeans was the same day Ray lost his mind.
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emptymanuscript · 4 months
When they say shelving stories isn't the end of things and that you can always come back, we mean it.
I did some extremely light editing work today, on a whim, for "In Shining Armor" which I wrote in 1993!
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The file is so old that I had to download LibreOffice to even open the file and then convert it because Word considered the file format a threat (probably to their pocketbooks more than security but still...).
So, to go along with you can always come back, also remember to both back up and never throw any writing away. You do never know when you might need it.
Someone brought some of their old work in to writing group this week, mentioning it was one of their first things which they had been thinking about again but also that they felt bad about how bad it was. And I mentioned, hey, it's probably fantastic compared to my oldest stuff.
So then I was like, hey, I should dig out my equivalent piece.
And... Sheesh, it is BAD bad.
63 pages double spaced but still with 8 parts and 41 chapters. One is a prologue and I'm fairly certain the last 4 "chapters" are all epilogues, two with multiple brand new characters being introduced in them. You know, for all those epic sequels I was going to write.
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Peter Jackson has got nothing on me.
I also managed a very graphic sex scene without ever describing the body of one of the participants. Must have cut that for the magazine back in the day. Highschoolers writing smut! Scandal! Outrage! Why, I never! It's all too shocking! For shaaaaame!!
But it is at least spelling and grammar checked now XD so that's an improvement.
I don't know if I can quite imagine what this story would look like if I tried to do it now. Definitely not the same amount of smut. Don't know if it would be more or less, though.
It's so cliched fantasy.
Evil Tyrant overlord, check.
Return of the long lost prince, check.
Cursed good sorceress, check.
The peasants are revolting AND they're rebelling, Check.
My god the accents >_< XD!, yes, spell check, I do wish to keep all the whadya means.
...Somehow the rebels have guns when everyone else has swords.
The evil good Wizard did it.
The Wizard's name is Marlin, not to be confused with Merlin.
Villain (and HOMG check his name) gets a final monologue. AFTER he has gotten a fatal stab wound and is bleeding fire.
"You may think you have won," Darius gurgled, "But this is only the beginning. I shall come again. When you least expect it, and when you are least prepared to handle it, I  Darius Lucifero shall return." With that the flames engulfed him, and his ashes were set to the winds.
Che-eck, PLEASE.
Ah, no, it was only THREE epilogues. That's fine then.
So, you know, don't get too down on your writing. Trust me, you will get better. And probably faster than me XD! I still give villains final monologues. I like villain monologues.
I may just like monologues XD.
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thedroneranger · 1 year
The Drone Ranger's Be Kind Rewind ⏪ indynerdgirl Edition!
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A rec reblog series dedicated to the fics that we love so much, we've re-read them!
@indynerdgirl's Rewind is here! I'll be taking a few recs off the list, and I hope you will, too!
While we continue to churn out amazing new content, let's be kind and rewind to look at some of the OG content we love! And don't forget to reblog when you re-read! Continue to show your comfort fics and favorite creators some love. It helps keep the fresh content coming :)
Let's keep this going throughout the summer, so if you're interested in participating in the Be Kind Rewind, message me. The more, the merrier!
If you want to know when a new Rewind drops, join the tag list, and check out previous Rewinds!
fics below the cut (listed in alphabetical order by title)
Flyboy, Jake Seresin, @kryptonitejelly This friends to lovers fic is just *chef’s kiss*. Jake is just so swoon worthy in this fic that everytime I reread it, I get just a little bit upset that he’s not real.
From The Ashes, Jake Seresin x Natasha Trace, @myshipsaresunk This Hannix rock star au will put you through the emotional ringer but it will be so worth it! I was lucky enough to beta read this one as it was being written and the endings of some of the chapters had me literally shouting at my computer screen due to some of the characters’ life choices.
Je te Laisserai Des Mots, Bradley Bradshaw, @jupitercomet This is an arranged marriage au but it’s also what I would call a period piece au. The writer says she was heavily inspired by Greta Gerwig’s Little Women but it also gives off some regency era vibes as well. Whatever era it’s supposed to be, this fic is another one that I wish never ended because I would love to stay in the world forever.
Mamma Mia, Bob Floyd/Jake Seresin/Bradley Bradshaw, @perpetuelledaydreaming Take the plot of Mamma Mia, set it in the world of Top Gun, and you have this absolutely amazing fic! And I love how it’s tied into TGM by having the reader run into all three of them again when they’re back at Top Gun for the special detachment.
My Girl, Jake Seresin, @ereardon This fic just hits all of the right spots for me when it comes to the single dad trope. And it’s also one of those fics that I wish just never ended because I just adore this little family.
Oh, Baby, Jake Seresin, @seresinhangmanjake This is the first in a super sweet series and the emotions that come through this one had me tearing up a few times the first time I read it.
Sugar and Spice, Jake Seresin, @wombtotombx This is a fantastic fic and the way SB describes things makes you feel like you’re right there in the fic with the characters. And with how knowledgeable she is when it comes to all things Navy, there are a ton of little things in this fic that just give it that extra touch. She also has a really fantastic dad!Jake series that I highly recommend!
That's a Problem?, Bradley Bradshaw, @archivallyfound09 Another super sweet fic that does the single parent trope well! Bug and his love of his ‘Ooster and Dino snacks will absolutely melt your heart!
the echo (or the answer), Jake Seresin, @anniesocsandgeneralstore I still can’t believe that I almost skipped over this werewolf au when if first showed up on my dash but I am so glad I decided to give it a go. It quickly became one of my favorites and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it. 
The Princess and The Pilot, Jake Seresin, @perfectprettypisces I am a sucker for a good ‘dating the admiral’s daughter’ fic, especially when said daughter is the only girl with over protective brothers and this one ticks both of those boxes! And the sibling dynamics in this are top notch and very believable!
Creator's Own I Heard From The Heavens, Bradley Bradshaw Not only was this the very first Top Gun fic I ever wrote, but it was the first fic I had written in six years when I posted it last year. It’s also very personal to me. One of my younger brothers is a fighter pilot in the Air Force and while I am incredibly proud of him, I still can’t help but worry about him as an older sister is wont to do so this fic was me channeling those worries and fears I sometimes have in regards to my brother.
Tag list and friends: @petcr3 @desert-fern @Sagittarius-Lovewitch @mygyn @sweetwhispersofchaos @horseshoegirl @the-annoying-fan @dingochef @moon42flight @thecitysgraveyard @ereardon @roosterforme @cherrycola27 @galaxy-of-stories @taytaylala12 @malindacath @violyn20 @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @blue-aconite @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @hecate-steps-on-me @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @s-u-t @mavrellover91 @chicomonks @averyhotchner 
A kind reminder, this is a 18+ blog. While not all stories in the recommendation list are 18+, please respect boundaries and do not interact unless you are 18 years of age or older.
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actualbird · 8 months
God I agree so hard with you on the afterstories. I get what they were trying to do with them as a sweet ending to take the sting off the main story but it just cheapens the story so much!! I don't feel relief when reading about how they miraculously survived, I just kind of feel frustrated because the afterstory just really doesn't earn that relief at all.
I'd have preferred if they turned the afterstory into an actual additional part of the main story detailing how the boys survived because at least then it'd have a better chance of landing since it's more developed than just "oh yeah don't worry about it I got out fine :)". Or if they really wanted to keep it an afterstory...I don't know, maybe a reunite in the afterlife thing? It's also cliche but at least it doesn't cheapen the story as much by magically undoing the tragedy of the story.
Of course, ideally they'd stick to their guns and just end the story where it's supposed to end without any afterstory. Maybe I could understand the need for a fluffier epilogue for the other AU cards which could catch players not expecting angst off guard since the art doesn't give anything away but for Enduring Light's set of cards? Every single card has the boys looking badly beat up or in a bad situation for Luke, I'd be surprised if anyone pulled for the cards not expecting heavy angst.
I think in the end I just act as if the afterstories are non-canon, and considering during the secret chats some of the boys talk about their card counterparts as if they did die I think that might be what the devs intended too. I do still think the stories told in the AU cards are generally good from what little I've read, I just wish they'd commit that tiny bit more to telling a tragedy when they want to.
irt my thoughts on marius and luke's enduring light cards
wahhh hi hi milkyway anon!! glad im not the only one hehe cuz I AGREE WITH ALL THIS
the thing i most most agree with is if they took the "actual additional part of the main story detailing how the boys survived" approach to the afterstory, i wouldve Loved that. for luke's in particular his recovery seems like suCH AN INTERESTING STORY IN ITSELF HELLO??? he was fished outta the ocean and injured so badly that his recovery took a whole year???? i wanna read that!! i wanna read about him coming to terms with his injuries (and maybe even disability because you dont get out of an Exploding Airplane Crash unscathed. in my mind he had to get a limb amputated (hi chika if youre out there reading this ask you have infected me with the "amputate luke" hc) or at the very least cannot walk for a solid period of time after the accident. oh, and ptsd of course) and how he copes with all this
all in all, my dissatisfaction with the inclusion of the afterstories in this set of cards seems to show a pattern for my dissatisfaction with other tot cards i didnt vibe with: they were all (even partly) caused by tot's dedication to the format of their cards rather than the story within it
why didnt i like ssr looming nightmare? 6 acts were not enough to flesh out mc's side of the story, given that it was her nightmare. alas, 6 acts are all we get for regular ssr cards
why didnt i like ssr orange scent? 3 acts were NOWHERE near enough space for luke to be able to get over his fears and propose to mc. alas, 3 acts is all we get for anniv ssr cards
why didnt i like this bit of ssr sky ashes? because the existence of the afterstory undermines the tragedy's tragedy-ing. alas, afterstories are a staple of big event ssr cards
like.....i get that tot has to be consistent in their format for types of cards but it makes me sad to see when that consistency actively does the card story a disservice. these stories could be homeruns! if they were treated as the priority and not something to shove into a template that must be followed
anyhoo, it's nice to see im not the only one w iffy feelings abt the afterstories. i still liked sky ashes and im going your route about it by mentally editing the afterstory to be a recovery story instead of a fluff fix-all
thanks for the ask!!
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easy-revenge · 2 years
Imagine Aki randomly finding things Himeno left behind at his place while cleaning or doing laundry. A tank top in his laundry. Her book she never finished reading. Her lighter she kept misplacing. Her shampoo he always loved the smell of. He keeps all of these things in a shoebox and he wishes he could find a photo of her. He's so scared of forgetting her face, even though he knows that can't possibly happen. Haha. I'm fine.
i was gonna answer these in chronological order since I've fallen off the face of the earth but i got this ask yesterday and i haven't stopped thinking about it......
criminal line of thinking. right up my alley.
i reposted fujimoto talking about her the other day which this post is a reference to and amidst all the love and respect his words about himeno conveyed, that line stuck with me.
it's so real of him to say that himeno leaves things of hers in aki's apartment. the follow up about her leaving little parts of herself in ppl's lives? not ready to talk about that yet, it's such a himeno thing and if sb doesn't say this about me after im dead i might as well not have lived /hj
anyways back to this. time to talk about grief again. oof. aki is such the type to be so quiet about it. he'd have such a personal grieving process.
him doing his errants at the crack of dawn and finding himeno's tank top in his laundry, briefly wondering if it belongs to power but knowing better. the way he'd stay very still for a moment, gripping the soft fabric a little too hard, knowing he washed every last bit of himeno off of it already. all but his memory of her wearing it, gone.
he'd definitely keep the things in a shoe box in a secluded place in his room. mostly to keep them safe from denji and power. somewhere inside also knowing that not seeing them around all the time will eventually help him heal. if he even has enough time left for that.
i imagine even after safely collecting everything and tucking it away, he'd still be reminded of her often. power sitting crosslegged on the balcony's chair just like himeno used to do. denji crouching in front of the fridge to inspect its contents, elbows on his knees.
every time, aki would lose his train of thought, stay still, stare for a moment, then seemingly snap out of it.
he does worry about forgetting her. not just her face. her voice, the way she would sing-song every sentence when she was tipsy, her easy smile, the blush on her cheeks. her touch, her casual affection, her long, knowing looks.
even the small things. the way she would hold a cigarette and refuse to dab the ash off until it was basically hanging off of it and threatening to burn any piece of clothing or paperwork around to cinders. her satisfied sigh after the first sip of cold beer.
the way she'd let her guard down around him sometimes, when they would sit in silence for a long time, her face muscles relaxing and her gaze getting more vacant. it'd remind aki of the himeno he met at the cemetery. selfish and honest and lonely. it never failed to bring tears to aki's eyes. he was always quick to cry.
it gets worse the more time goes by. he thinks about her less. his own life a slippery thing in his hands and his goals staying unachieved and unachievable.
it feels like even more of a betrayal when he asks to be off the gun devil mission. knowing he'd go private without a second thought now if it meant securing a normal, safe life for power and denji. knowing he could've had this with himeno if he'd only said yes back then. he'd be spared so much loss. he'd be spared from loving more people who were just as disposable and temporary as him.
yet he can't bring himself to regret any of it.
the shoe box collects dust in his room and aki keeps his fingers loose around his feeble, unimportant life and his heart open till the end.
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ecargmura · 1 year
Pokemon Horizons Episode 20 Review - Kabu Time
It’s finally nice to actually see a Galarian Gym in full! What I mean is that since Ash didn’t focus much on Gyms in favor of the PWC in Journeys, Galarian Gym Leaders have been brushed off to the side aside from a few. Kabu didn’t make an appearance in the previous series so for him to have an entire episode of spotlight dedicated to him, his Gym Test, and his Gym Trainer was very nice to see! It’s finally time Galar got the respect it deserved.
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In Galar, Gym Leaders are like celebrities, so it’s nice to see that sort of vibe when Kabu was in the Battle Cafe. He’s still the same passionate and wise character like he was in the game. He gave a lot of advice that hopefully will be useful for future development—especially Liko’s. I do like how he sees their potential and does his best to bring it out. He sent out his Centiskorch, who’s too OP for rookie trainers like Liko and Roy and I’m glad that he didn’t hold back. That would defeat the purpose of the wisdom he implemented onto Liko.
Liko’s major flaw as a character is that she’s kind and considerate. While those are good traits, they are also weaknesses in a way. Holding back will only let opportunities slip away; I’ve held back many things in the past out of consideration for others, but I then realized as I got older about all the missed opportunities I could’ve had if I wasn’t so caring towards others. Being too considerate for Wakaba caused her to be upset and for Sprigatito to get annoyed. Consideration is a double-edged sword in a way. While it’s nice to have, it can hurt others. I’m glad that Liko learned how it could hurt others and how selfish it can be from a different perspective. This can open up a path of development for Liko as she has to learn that being too nice on a battlefield isn’t always right and showing compassion isn’t always a good thing. I’m also glad that she actually contemplated on her actions and Kabu’s words at the end of the episode; like her, it makes me wonder what sort of Trainer she will become.
Roy is his usual self in this episode. However, I do notice that he was shown as Liko’s opposite int his episode. While he is kind, he’s not holding back on Fuecoco. While Fuecoco is down, Roy’s doing all he can to encourage and support his crocodile and, in turn, that’s what caused Fuecoco to learn Flamethrower. However, I do wish that Roy gets an opponent on his level soon and not get jobbed by stronger opponents. He’s essentially bringing a knife to a gun fight.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but Wakaba is the first instance of a Gym Trainer in a Galar-focused episode. While she’s a Gym Trainer apprentice, it’s nice to see the system of Gym Trainers be implemented in the anime. When was the last time we had Gym Trainers mentioned in a past series? Wakaba is a girl who admires Kabu and wants to be a Gym Trainer out of admiration. I do feel bad for her because she’s essentially fodder in this episode. She’s fodder for Liko to be nice to. She was fodder in the first part of the double battle as she was just sitting there and not helping out; though, I get why she just stood there because she’s still inexperienced in a way. It was super nice seeing Rolycoly spinning around like a top and I wish there was more action.
I do want to see Liko and Roy grow after this battle. I’m sure they will accumulate everything they have acquired throughout this journey to become the best versions of themselves in the future. I’m sure that we won’t recognize the flawed children they once were a few years from now. Next time, they're heading to the Galar Mines to find Rayquaza after hearing Kabu's anecdote. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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crying-fantasies · 2 years
Where Is Your Soul?
Synopsis: Everyone can live, everyone can have a future, a brighter one, if you give up your own.
Warnings: Character's death, suicide thought, self-sacrifice, angst, dismembered body, blood, mention of sexual assault, if you don't like this don't read, it's just me searching for some pain.
Jonathan Joestar
- When he declined your offer to keep searching for Dio's possible corpse he didn't believe that it would end like this, he wanted to spent time with Erina after so long, he could have told you, he really should have done it.
"Maybe later" He was trying to get to see her soon, so he left you there, in the street near your home, you only needed to turn around the corner and get safely to your house, "go straight home, it's dangerous at night"
In another reality you did as Jonathan told you
But now you decided to go along your own idea and turned around, entering the dark streets
- He never thought that you would go alone.
- When he heard of the shooting he didn't connect the dots right away, he thought that you would be still sleeping, your hair a mess and refusing to wake up earlier.
- Then, out of nowhere his father was calling for him, he was going downstairs when he noticed his master, Mister Zeppeli, with a gloomy expression that his father was starting to show too.
- His master appeared with something on his hands, when Jonathan saw it he didn't believed.
- He wished that it was a joke of yours, a weird one, a terrible one, a sick one.
"The body was found next to ashes and this..."
- He was holding your revolver, the one that your father gifted you so many years ago, one that your family didn't want back because of such a thing, such a tragedy, happening.
- It had blood over it, and anyone would know that it was yours.
- Jonathan didn't believed such a thing.
- George tried to stop his son but Jonathan was stronger, he was faster, he got to the place of the events in such a short amount of time.
Why wasn't I fast enough when you need him?
- When he arrived he found Speedwagon there, looking perplexed at the officers and a body in the floor, the blanket over it to spare the gruesome scene from the public didn't cover all the blood that was painting the floor or the walls.
"They really did it" he was trembling, crying, in his hand was your coat, the one that you used to carry all your guns around, it was empty, every gun and bullet on the floor, with blood, "They are both death, Dio is death and..."
- Speedwagon got wind of what was happening, but it was already late, when he got there he found you dragging your body on the floor, so much blood on your way, some kind of bloody pulp on your hands that then he realized was the remains of Dio.
- You left them fall in the sunrise light of the new day, smiling at him while it was turned to ashes that got carried away by the wind.
"Hey, Rob, I did it..." Your body on the floor, your hand full of ashes like some other parts of your body before you finally collapsed, he wanted to call for help but the police areived and at first they put the blame of such a crime on him.
- They just concluded that you committed suicide.
- Even if Jonathan asked Robert would never tell him that you used yourself to trap Dio in your embrace and started shooting, the bullets got to him but also your body, it weakened him and you could wait till the sunrise to finally kill him with the sun, the horrible escene would be forever on his mind.
- People would talk about you, about how your soul would haunt forever that street, how even in the future people would find the many bullets that you used in the walls near.
- Jonathan just thought, with tears on his eyes and your revolver in his hands, how reckless you were, just like always, even when he believed that Dio was already death you thought otherwise, not believing that everything ended, and you were right, even so, why didn't you ask him for help when you found Dio, why did you just go there all alone and without calling him for help, but what if you did, what if Dio caught you and you could only fight trying to survive? If you called for help but he was so far away to even know that you needed him there?
- Why did you choose to go there? All alone, almost ready to die for something that was supposed to be his responsibility.
- When his son is born, Jonathan would be overprotective, almost forbidding him to be near the place where the "Crazy ghost" would be roaming, that damned street where his nightmares would take place from time to time, punishing George when he, after a dare, put a foot in that place.
"Don't you dare to return there!" in all the years that he was a father, Jonathan have never shouted at his son.
- He used so much of his mental strength to even go after his son at that place.
"Dad, why do you have a revolver?" His son would ask but Jonathan would never answer, just taking the gun in it's glass box out of his son's reach.
"I'm..." He finally decided to tell his son when he was 15 years old and planning to enlist, the terror of having his son near weapons was real, and for a moment he would be terrified about the possibility that George would die like you, like a soldier, dying for others, "I'm just taking care of it for a dear friend"
- Years go and never return, now, after so long, he can be near that street again, it's early in the morning and with the help of his wife can finally put a feet there, say a prayer and left flowers for you, finally accepting that you died that day, that he can let go of your ghost.
- For a moment he believed that he saw you with the first sunrise's lights, smiling with mischief at him, snorting in disbelief and laugh at his tear stained face like the good ol' times.
- He hopes that if there is an afterlife then he can meet you again.
You die, all your descendants never existed, you defeated the great danger, everyone else survived
Are you happy with your choice?
Joseph Joestar
- Joseph would be the instigator of many problems but you were the one that would get the two out of trouble, he believed that it was a good dynamic, but then he would regret such beliefs.
"Why can't we just talk about it with them?" You asked that when everything started, like the peace lover that you were, Joseph only said that you didn't understood while giving you a hug, his hand on your hair and messing with it.
"Don't worry your little head" he would say while while smiling, Joseph had his usual mischievous grin, "everything is going to be fine, I will get that ring and we will live till we are old people"
- He knew of your worries and maybe he was a bit bitter about the fact that you liked Caesar, and that maybe you already did the do, it irks him to even think about it.
In another reality you would listen to Joseph and not worry, they were strong
But now you decided to use your imaginary friend, you had an idea, you could at least help a bit
- There is no one on your room when Joseph goes to say good night to you, maybe spend some quality time together after so long, and also to be sure that Caesar wasn't in your room again.
- He believed that maybe you got to eat something or to walk around the island, but then he thought that you may be with Caesar, he wants to puke at the idea and decided to let you be.
- The next morning you weren't in your room, with Caesar or even in the island.
- Joseph was worried, but he believed that you would be doing some tourism around bay because the boat wasn't in the shore.
- Lisa Lisa, Loggins and Messina thought otherwise because the boat was in reality there, bits of steel near it, also because the Red stone of Aja that she had was in reality a perfect copy made of steel.
- Who would do such a thing and keeping her in the shadows about if not you? The one with a strange ability to move things around without even touching them and to create different things out of steel, perfect copies of metal.
"You two will keep training while I'm away" Lisa Lisa didn't gave much explanation and just left.
- She was the one that found you, or at least what was left of you, your body impaled by giant metal bars.
- At first she believed that they got thrown to you, resulting in your death, but she then notices that those things got out of the soil around you, she notices the traces of a fight around but only your body is there, she finds what appears to be the sacred stone but it's broken and pieces of red steel and glass like pieces are everywhere, next to the pieces is the ring that Joseph needs.
"I'm not sure what was the idea but I found the real one secluded underground with many layers of steel around it" Lisa Lisa didn't have a soft touch, she knew that, and maybe she could have been a little more worried about the shattered expression in the faces of her son, her student and Suzi.
- Joseph just tried to figure out what happened with you while trying his hardest to be stronger after drinking the content inside the ring, he cried when he noticed little drops of dry blood on it but he stopped himself soon when the mask on his face didn't let him breath or cry like he wanted.
- When the time comes and they are ready to fight they only find Wammu, Esidisi and Kars, they didn't expected to see them there.
"We already accepted your victory, why are you even here?"
- Turns out that the day that you disappeared you took the real Red stone of Aja.
- For what the pillar men answer to their questions they now know that the stone that you left underground was a perfect copy, a second one, just to take the real one to the pillar men and destroy it in front of them.
- You were little, you were unarmed, so they didn't expected you to form some kind of hammer out of nothing, "this is the real one, the cause of so much problems"
- All pillar men jumped to stop you when you used steel to destroy the stone, summoning steel bars around you to stop them because you couldn't destroy it so easily, they got near you and that made you attack even more close to you, ending in your death and the stone being destroyed by the same bar of steel.
"That one" Wammu started to talk, "Was indeed a great warrior, so I let them the death ring"
- Caesar wanted to keep fighting, to avenge his father's death and your sacrifice with a broken heart and tears in his eyes.
- Joseph didn't know what to do.
"Don't worry your little head, I will take care of it!"
- And like he said, he would take care of it, accepting the plan that you almost did with the pillar men, a way of peace, it was everything but easy yet his achievement finally brought what you wanted.
- He needed to explain what happened to everyone back home, when he finally arrived to his grandmother's house he was welcomed in a warm home and her worried expression, he just wanted to get into his room but in his way he collided with a picture of the two of you hanging on the corridor.
- It was just too much for him.
- Erina had to help her grandson, hugging him back together when she found him crying in front of the picture, finally shattering his shield of normalcy and letting go all his pain even when he kept denying his tears, even when he tells his grandma that he will be okay soon and tries to believe it himself.
- She knows that he is lying, he also knows it, because he has lost someone that he held dear to him, someone that was with him since the very beginning, someone that he loved and he just realized it.
- He put a candle for you near the picture and a steel brooch with the form of your favorite flower next to it, in that way, a flower that would never wither.
You die, all your descendants never existed, the war between the Pillar men and the Hamon masters was over, everyone else survived
Are you happy with your choice?
Jotaro Kujo
- Love can make people do stupid things, that is something that Jotaro believed, but in a different way, for him love would make you a blind idiot.
- He saw it with the girls that chase him, it's not love, it's some kind of infatuation, but they want that belief that they like him, that they love him.
- His grandfather told you that you must go with the others after they returned.
In another reality you would listen, you would wait while the others go ahead.
But now you decided to go alone, you knew Hamon, just a little, but it will help you.
- No one noticed when or where did you go, Iggy was also nowhere to be found, but they had an idea faster than later after hearing a fight inside, a explosion that shattered many windows and the ominous roar of two creatures.
- You were still alive, almost in the verge of death, destruction around you after the attack of Vanilla Ice with Cream, you used Overdrive to finish him but it took your arm after touching it.
"Will you keep me company to the end?" Iggy lost a little piece of his ear but after looking at him you found relief that no further damage was done.
- Talking to the little dog wasn't common, maybe you were starting to lose your mind due to blood lost, even when you already closed it with Hamon.
- You continued till the moment that you noticed an ominous shadow behind you, Iggy barked but it was late, an unknown hand grabbed you from your neck and started to put pressure, you couldn't breathe, you couldn't use Hamon, you couldn't use your Stand.
- You recognized the man, that demon, that nightmare, with your last energy you tried to land a hit in vain, a kick that was blocked, a punch from your Stand was just too weak to inflict damage, The Fool was sent flying by a mere movement of his hand, then you give the command.
- Your Stand took Iggy and ran away, in the exact moment that Dio ripped apart your shirt and opened his mouth before finally biting you, but you smiled, pain cursing your whole body and a silent scream, puting your last breath to use.
- When the rest noticed your withered Stand approaching with an injured Iggy in their last arm they just needed to follow the pieces that kept falling from it, leaving a path of black pieces.
- The first one to found your body was Joseph, the one that raised you like one of his own flesh and blood, the one that teached you the ways of Hamon and the one that got you in all that mess.
- The rest just saw the old man trying to cover your exposed body with his own, sobbing and saying that it couldn't be, your ripped shirt and your face almost a distanced memory when now it had such a malicious wound in it that was still bleeding next to the one on your neck.
- Avdol with Iggy in his arms noticed that your Stand was fading, Polnareff remembered the attack to his sister and almost puked, Kakyoin would remember the day that Dio attacked him and almost had a panic attack, Jotaro was at a lost of words after seeing with his own eyes how your Stand just evaporated with a final and soft growl.
- You used your Stand running away to use ripple in your own body, affecting Dio in the way and making him lose part of his mouth and hand.
- You cleared the path and you gifted then a chance, it wasn't easy, at the end of all everyone was still fatally injured, one worst than the other, but they would survive.
- Joseph was the one to tell your family what happened, drifting apart the two families.
- Jotaro would return home, to his smiling mother, she was now safe and sound, and he tried to go with it, go on with his life even if it hurt.
- Every now and then he hears, in the middle of the night, the last growl of your Stand, one of pain, when he sleeps.
You die, your descendants never existed, Dio is finally death, all your friends return home and enjoy what life can offer.
Are you happy with your choice?
Josuke Higashikata
"(One) more time" you would say when he needed some extra energy in the middle of a fight.
- You did it often, even when they just needed the motivation to give their all in an exam, you would say the words, when they were in trouble and needed that shot of adrenaline you would be there to give some.
- Without the ability to cure you could at least improve power for a limited amount of time
"It's just a bit of my energy" you would say, giving little worry to it, "I only feel dizzy when I over use it"
- Everyone would laugh at your own description of your Stand, it could boost the homeostasis, improve one's health and pain resistance for a short or long period of time.
- You never overused it, so you never knew what would happen when you did it.
- Josuke was bleeding, everyone was like that, and you just found them with Shigechi in the middle of the street, your friend shouted in horror after he recognized the man in front of you, the man that tried to kill him.
In another reality you would take Shigechi with you and run away, make the killer follow you and give the others time to recuperate.
But now you decided to put your hand on his shoulder.
"We are going to fight..." You only whispered but now he felt stronger, Harvest was now even faster and numerous.
- While Shigechi was fighting you kept using your Stand on every one, once, twice and again, then to one nearest, once, twice and again.
- Then you were reached by a bomb.
- When Josuke opened his eyes he saw something on his hand, you were near him, your fingers touching his, and you started to talk in a low voice.
"One more..." He almost didn't heard you, "One more!" Now he could, he understood what you were doing, "ONE MORE TIME!"
- Josuke could feel his body awakening, his mind refreshing in an instant, fast enough to catch your body and heal your wounds, he left you there in order to finally end the biggest danger.
- When the ambulance arrived he felt remorse and hate, but he was just too exhausted to think anymore, then he noticed that Jotaro was next to you and he wanted to ask you why you were still on the floor, was it that using your Stand tired you to that point? Crazy Diamond should have done the work just fine and you should be on your own feet by now.
"You fool..." He heard Jotaro say, and when he was near enough he noticed that you looked fine, you were supposed to be fine, he healed all your wounds.
- So what was the reason that your heart stopped working?
"Hey, this... This isn't funny"
- He didn't know what to say.
- The ambulance ended up picking your body too even when Josuke tried to stop it, Jotaro was the one to put him back on his right mind with a punch.
- He just couldn't grasp the idea that you died so easily, even worse, that you died seconds before he healed your body, he didn't know that you were gone when he touched you, he didn't notice, he just thought that you were exhausted.
- You body, it was warm at that moment, there was blood at your side due to the bomb that got to you, that same blood, he didn't noticed it on his hand, he didn't noticed when it dried up, leaving the sensation that he almost couldn't move it, he tried to clean it at the spot with tears on his eyes and the dry blood fell on the street.
- He realized one day that where you died a little plant started to grown in the middle of the street, not even a year later it was a giant rainbow like wisteria tree, one that emitted melodies with the wind and every person that hugged it could feel energized again, the street is now a park for tourism.
- All the friends that you did in Morioh still go there to reunite.
You die, your descendants never existed, Yoshikage Kira is death, all your friends can live a peaceful life, the "Rainbow tree" is a new point landmark in Morioh.
Are you happy with your choice?
Giorno Giovanna
- Your destiny was already set in stone.
- Meeting Giorno was only a way to make it come to you faster.
- You weren't exactly, and legally speaking, related to all the group so you were the first choice when there was the necessity to bought things and to interact with the public in general.
- Now that Trish was with you all someone needed to buy more supplies.
In another reality you would deny this, preferring to stay with the others while Narancia did the shopping.
But now you take the shopping list and go, alone, trough a different direction and cross paths with the last person that you wanted.
- The explosion that results of your sonic attack is something that everyone is familiar with to that point, they recognize it quickly.
- They are near to the point where they will let Trish with her father, but a second and third explosions later they decide to at least see what is happening, who is attacking you and where exactly are you.
- Using Aerosmith was the first choice.
- Because the Stand returned with the red book that you always had in hands, Bruno is the first to open it, knowing how it works, and what he sees makes some take Trish to safety while the others go to help you.
- Giorno gets the book and also read it.
"You cross paths with DopiolovaiD, Trish's father, who is in his way to kill her and the group that comes with her"
"He realized your presence, your fear, he attack- he has you in a corner, something happened, the time isn't right"
- It was like a horror story, the pages in the book continue to move, to flip, now full of the same words.
"It hurts, it hurts you so much, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts" the same word keeps repeating, page after page of the same words.
"You are bleeding, it hurts- IT HURTS"
- Giorno is supposed to be in the group that protects Trish, but is her who tells him to go.
- When Giorno arrived it was already too late, two bodies on the floor, one is yours and the other is the one of a young man that he can't recognize, both bodies with blood on their ears, the book that he has on his hand starting to turn into ashes.
"If I can ask..." Days before you were eating ice cream together, he had extra cash because he stole a wallet, but he wasn't going to tell you that, you had some kind of heroic mind, "why the Mafia?"
"Why not?" He asked, to you and to himself, he remembers the man that helped him in his worst days and the changes that he wants to happen.
"I mean, what do you wanna do? How can the Mafia keep working without selling drugs or collecting protection money?" Your words held some truth, maybe the whole deal, and he didn't know how to answer you at that moment.
- Even years later he was struggling.
- All the group had to left both bodies on that place to avoid the police, but when Giorno got the power he ordered your body to be dragged back to Italy even when your family had already buried you.
- His people never touched or destroyed your first resting place, so your family would never notice.
- Giorno would use GE to keep flowers around your new resting place, he would visit you often and talk to you about how everything was going.
"I can create a cure for the addicted, I can protect everyone by just giving the order, I don't need their money, we can keep killing and obtain money only if the person is shit and the pay is good" his hand holds a bundle of rocks and these transforms into gold, then all the gold just rumble and turns to ashes, "but I can't take someone dear to me back from the death"
You die, your descendants never existed, Diavolo is death, all your group can achieve their dreams.
Are you happy with your choice?
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 months
Black Adam (2022)
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Pitched as a different breed of superhero film, Black Adam fails to reach its full potential. We're not getting a sequel but if one did come one, there's enough here that works for me to say "I'd see it". Maybe it’s my history with the comics combined with the source material shining through but I had fun.
In Kahndaq, archeologist Adrianna Tomaz (Sarah Shahi) is searching for the Crown of Sabbac. If this ancient artifact falls into the hands of Intergang - an international criminal organization with a foothold in the country -, there's no telling how much damage it will cause. Ambushed by Intergang, Adrianna and her brother (Mohammed Amer) awaken the super-powered Teth-Adam (Dwayne Johnson) from his 5,000-year slumber. His arrival summon the Justice Society - Hawkman (Aldis Hodge), Doctor Fate (Pierce Brosnan), Cyclone (Quintessa Swindell) and Atom Smasher (Noah Centineo). In theory, they'd be on the same side, but Black Adam takes things too far.
The biggest difference between Teth-Adam/Black Adam and the other mortal given powers by the wizard Shazam (see 2019’s Shazam!, who curiously isn't even mentioned) is that this antihero is a jaded former slave who doesn't hesitate to kill. When we meet Black Adam, he sends enough lightning through a man to reduce him to a screaming pile of bone and ash. He hits so hard limbs come off. Oddly, you still never feel that the Justice Society is truly justified in their “going in guns blazing" approach. While in-universe these mercenaries had lives and families of their own, to us they’re just faceless goons. Black Adam kills them but they were about to execute Adrianna. It's not like he demonstrates a harsh idea of justice that has him cutting off a thief's hands or executing corrupt politicians, for example. He's "bad" because he kills people but we still remember Man of Steel and that time Superman snapped General Zod’s neck. Meanwhile, the super-powered squabble is tearing up streets and demolishing historical statues. For that destruction to feel worth it, this movie needed to push the “antihero” idea much further.
The film is also hampered by certain decisions at the story level that I strongly suspect were mandated by Dwayne Johnson or his agent (famously, the characters he plays are never allowed to lose a fight). Then, there are some odd choices toward the front end of the story. They end up paying off satisfyingly, thankfully. Also on the positive side are several surprising twists. I can't list them because they would give too much away.   One of the best things about Black Adam is the way it translates characters from paper to the screen. If I told you that Cyclone’s power was to manipulate wind, you’d think we’re about to have some flashbacks to The Last Airbender and its uninspired combat but when she moves, director Jaume Collet-Serra takes the colours from her costume and makes them swirl around the screen in a surprisingly beautiful display. Hawkman is a character that could easily seem ridiculous. Here, he’s awesome. As the other junior member of the Justice Society, Atom Smasher is so-so at best. Like Cyclone, he doesn't have much to do. This leaves us with Dr. Fate. All of the actors in Black Adam are well-cast. Years before they announced this movie, every comic book fan knew they had to get Dwayne Johnson to play him. It's saying something that Pierce Brosnan steals the movie away from Johnson - and not only because his character’s powers look super cool.
I wish Black Adam was a better movie. There's so much more it could have done. With the idea of an anti-hero protagonist, with its characters (I guess I should mention Bodhi Sabongui, who plays Adrianna’s teenage son because he doesn't do much but is important in theory) and/or with its superhero vs. superhero story. The universe this film belongs to is over so none of it will pay off and that wouldn't have been so bad if as a stand-alone, Black Adam was great. Instead, it's ok. If you want to see what might've been, check it out. There's a mid-credit scene that will blow the minds of all those Snyderverse superfans. (Theatrical version on the big screen, December 17, 2022)
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