#laughing at myself
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s-h-a-s-e · 4 months ago
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sometimes tiktok is kinda funny
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internetgreatesthits · 7 days ago
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eemamminy-art · 5 months ago
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I was putting together a height chart and I thought I put in Mal's height wrong, but no, I just stretch him even taller in my head (he is already 6'4". Elezen brain, sorry.)
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goodgrammaritan · 3 months ago
Our honey had gotten all crystallized, so I decided to microwave it a little to get a more viscous honey that could easily be put in my tea.
I did it too long:
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But then I thought, hey, that looks kind of familiar...
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disbestyx · 2 years ago
May the power of pride be with u all this month.. also, here is a dedication to that one tiktok thing dominating my for you page... You know, aside from the SUB-sized elephant in the room..
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kawaii-kushami · 1 year ago
everyone should play the new york times connections game today its really important
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paperclipbean · 1 year ago
Chapter 4: Crowley walks Aziraphale home and they talk about his punishment. Crowley helps Aziraphale to see things creatively. Invitations are extended. Rescues are required. We get a glimpse at Crowley's home.
I had a very busy week last week and then got sick. But, I'm doing my best to keep the promise I made to myself to write and post a chapter a week. 💜
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emptymanuscript · 10 months ago
When they say shelving stories isn't the end of things and that you can always come back, we mean it.
I did some extremely light editing work today, on a whim, for "In Shining Armor" which I wrote in 1993!
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The file is so old that I had to download LibreOffice to even open the file and then convert it because Word considered the file format a threat (probably to their pocketbooks more than security but still...).
So, to go along with you can always come back, also remember to both back up and never throw any writing away. You do never know when you might need it.
Someone brought some of their old work in to writing group this week, mentioning it was one of their first things which they had been thinking about again but also that they felt bad about how bad it was. And I mentioned, hey, it's probably fantastic compared to my oldest stuff.
So then I was like, hey, I should dig out my equivalent piece.
And... Sheesh, it is BAD bad.
63 pages double spaced but still with 8 parts and 41 chapters. One is a prologue and I'm fairly certain the last 4 "chapters" are all epilogues, two with multiple brand new characters being introduced in them. You know, for all those epic sequels I was going to write.
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Peter Jackson has got nothing on me.
I also managed a very graphic sex scene without ever describing the body of one of the participants. Must have cut that for the magazine back in the day. Highschoolers writing smut! Scandal! Outrage! Why, I never! It's all too shocking! For shaaaaame!!
But it is at least spelling and grammar checked now XD so that's an improvement.
I don't know if I can quite imagine what this story would look like if I tried to do it now. Definitely not the same amount of smut. Don't know if it would be more or less, though.
It's so cliched fantasy.
Evil Tyrant overlord, check.
Return of the long lost prince, check.
Cursed good sorceress, check.
The peasants are revolting AND they're rebelling, Check.
My god the accents >_< XD!, yes, spell check, I do wish to keep all the whadya means.
...Somehow the rebels have guns when everyone else has swords.
The evil good Wizard did it.
The Wizard's name is Marlin, not to be confused with Merlin.
Villain (and HOMG check his name) gets a final monologue. AFTER he has gotten a fatal stab wound and is bleeding fire.
"You may think you have won," Darius gurgled, "But this is only the beginning. I shall come again. When you least expect it, and when you are least prepared to handle it, I  Darius Lucifero shall return." With that the flames engulfed him, and his ashes were set to the winds.
Che-eck, PLEASE.
Ah, no, it was only THREE epilogues. That's fine then.
So, you know, don't get too down on your writing. Trust me, you will get better. And probably faster than me XD! I still give villains final monologues. I like villain monologues.
I may just like monologues XD.
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ghostsandgod · 7 months ago
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Painting of me writing my wrestling boi and/or slasher rapist fanfiction at 2AM.
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paramores · 7 months ago
made a pinterest board for "pretty boys" and the pretty boys in question is just the same man
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cgarttrailsandtails · 2 months ago
I’m dying of laughter at my own expense rn!
I just read a comment on one of my really old fics being like “where’s the next chapter?” Cause the first one left off on a cliffhanger, and I didn’t even recognize the name of the fic because I f*cking FORGOT IT EXISTED XD
I feel so bad for that person, cause I never finished the next chapter and I even think I lost the draft because I didn’t have enough motivation at the time, since I just completely forgot about it 😭
I’m so sorry to that reader qwq
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divinekangaroo · 3 months ago
Explaining road crossings to the kid in real time:
it’s not just the size of the gap it’s your readiness to leap across
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miraiwu · 8 months ago
me every morning
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pizzafishandchips · 6 months ago
Just got humbled hard writing a few things for a card because I wanted to write a bit in cursive to make the words look nicer and was immediately hit with the realization that I can't do it on the fly and I had to think really hard to remember how some letters are supposed to look
So yeah kids don't believe them, you really can use cursive in your future for reasons beyond signing your signature!
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void-galaxy-shenanigans · 9 months ago
side mirror on my car: “objects in mirror are closer than they appear”
me, nearsighted (don’t have glasses yet): “yeah, just like my vision”
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rebmik · 9 months ago
Thanks for putting up with my despesh-sesh thinkin about taking it on the road 👯‍♀️
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