#asexual bucky
betterthanworse · 1 year
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bucky and yelena my beloveds 💜 happy pride month, friends
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angrycmo · 4 months
so like does anybody actually write anything but smut bc i swear to god its all i see
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lives-in-midgard · 4 months
Part of the Community
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: When Bucky asks you about the pride parade, you decided that it's the right time to tell him that you're part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Word Count: 810
A/N: Hey everyone I wanted to write this for so long and now I finally did it. I hope you enjoy!!
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
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When Bucky read about a pride parade in June, he became curious about what it is. So, he decided to ask you, his best friend who is also his girlfriend. You were sitting in the living room of the compound when Bucky came back from a morning walk. You were surprised when he suddenly asked you about the pride parade, but then you started telling him everything you know about the LGBTQ+ community.
At first you were a bit nervous about his reaction to the topic, but Bucky was very supportive and listened to everything you said. Bucky was very happy that these days people don’t have to pretend anymore and that they can be and love whoever they want.
As you were about to say something very important to him, you were interrupted by Steve, who wanted to talk to Bucky about their last mission together.
“I’ll be back soon.” Bucky said and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You smiled and watched him walk away with Steve. You finally had the feeling that it was the right time to tell Bucky, and now you couldn’t tell him again.
You and Bucky have been dating for about four months and you’ve loved every second of it. You tell each other everything, well almost everything. There’s still one thing you haven’t told him yet. It’s about you being part of the LGBTQ+ community and identifying as asexual. This means you have a lack of sexual attraction to others. You have strong feelings for Bucky, you love kissing and cuddling him, but you’re not interested in sex. At the beginning of your relationship you didn’t want to tell him because you wanted to see where this relationship goes, but after a while you really wanted to tell him, but you got so nervous every time. And now as you were about to say it, you were interrupted.
You decided to talk to Bucky about it today, even if it might mean that he will break up with you. The thought of Bucky breaking up with you made you so sad that a tear rolled down your cheek, but he needs to know.
“Hey, doll.” Bucky said as he walked in your shared room.
“Hey Buck.” You greeted him and Bucky came closer to you and sat down next to you.
“You okay, doll?” Bucky asked because he noticed how nervous you were.
“Yeah.” You said and Bucky tucked a hair behind your ear.
“Are you sure?” He asked worriedly and reached for your hand.
“Actually, there’s something I want to tell you.” You confessed.
“Sure, go for it.” Bucky said softly.
“It’s not that easy.” You explained nervously.
“It’s okay doll, take your time.” Bucky softly kissed your cheek, and gently rubbed the back of your hand. After a few minutes, you were ready to talk to Bucky, who was now also looking nervous.
“When we were talking about the Pride parade, there was something I didn’t tell you. It’s that I’m also part of the LGBTQ+ community.”
“Oh, you are?” Bucky asked with a smile and curious what you would say next.
“I’m asexual.” You finally confessed.
“What does that mean, doll?”
“It means different things to different people. Some people don’t have romantic feelings for others, others have little or no sexual attraction, and that’s how I feel I have a lack of sexual attraction to others. I have no interest in sex, but I love kissing and cuddling. I love you Bucky and if you want to break up with me now, I can understand that. I just hope we can still be friends.”
"Doll, I’m not breaking up with you.”
“I love you. I’ve been through so many years of torture…I don’t mind not having sex with you. I would never do anything you don’t like or want. Doll, you are so important to me. I want us to be happy and if that means we don’t have sex then that’s totally fine and I’m happy with that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, I am.” Bucky said, and you started smiling.
“Oh Bucky, I can’t believe it…this makes me so happy.”
“You said you like to cuddle, how about we do that now?” Bucky asked with a smile.
“Sounds perfect.” Bucky held you close, and his reaction made you so happy. You cuddled for a while until Bucky broke the silence.
“Are you going to the Pride parade?” Bucky asked.
“Yes, I want to go there.”
“Can I come with you?” Bucky suddenly asked and you smiled at him.
“Of course you can.”
“I love you so much, doll.”
“And I love you.”
You’re both so excited to go to the Pride parade together. Bucky makes you so happy and you’re glad that he doesn’t have a problem with your sexuality.
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@marvelogic | @eviebuggg | @buckys-wintersoldier | @nicoline1998enilocin | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @noellez-best-life23 | @beaubbdoll | @sgtgarricks | @ratchildspartan | @scott-loki-barnes |  @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 | @mrsbuckybarnes1917 | @brnesblogposts
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archivomeow · 1 month
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so with the Thunderbolts* trailer being leaked, i’ve seem edits and edits of it and many comments about winterwidow and bucky x yelena.
let’s start off with the fact that forcing winterwidow in the mcu is wild, ESPECIALLY with nat’s sister in the movies/enemy in the comics. like bruuuh.
i have a whole ass post that’s linked in my pinned post about why yelena is aroace, she’s heavily implied aro and confirmed ace.
and before i hear that aroace’s can date, qprs are a thing shit. i will actually go on a killing spree yall.
1. bucky’s role in the movie is minor as it was stated already before by someone i don’t remember who wtv.
2. yelena is aroace and if you don’t care you’re aphobic
3. qprs and aroaces in relationships are both a thing but yelena shows no interest in a romantic relationship and if they write her in one while keeping her aroace i just know it’s going to be a flop and aroace erasure, just cause aroaces can and do date doesn’t make them allo all of a sudden, they are still aroace just in a relationship, just like bi people in straight relationships aren’t straight and in gay relationships aren’t gay, they are bi, so they have bi experiences still.
Katelena also sucks ass and i hope we get ruthless comic yelena and yall hate her so i can love her and people who ship her can fuck off for once and all.
katelena sucks ass again because yelena is not a lesbian and says so herself.
“oh but comphet” 🥹
bruuuh. if there was a lesbian character who says “i’m bi” and everyone would hc her as a lesbian and say “but many lesbians people think they’re bi before they realise they’re lesbians.” you would be mad, cause that’s just wrong to say.
aroaces are queer they are a part of the lgbtqia
we are valid
we are nor broken
we don’t need romantic relationships or friends or family or a qpr to be fixed or normal
just let us exist i peace and have our little to no rep just like out attraction pls.
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astridmargrethe · 11 months
I’m so sick and tired of all the pornbots/pornsites cluttering up my feed/messaging me these days. I feel like all I’m doing on here now is blocking bots 🤬🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m ACE! Leave me alone! I’m not interested 🤬
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lokigodofaces · 2 months
it's always weird when there's a character that the fandom considers a bisexual disaster (& truly is a bisexual disaster) and everyone writes them off as being really into sex & sleeping with everyone or having considered it at least while i'm over here and have headcanoned him as acespec for years.
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scarfacemarston · 3 months
Reader Comes Out as Ace to Bucky
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(Anddddd Bucky kind of comes out as ace, too? I Hc him as Demisexual, which is on the ace spectrum, but feel free to hc differently!) Here are more ace headcanons here! Sam introduced the two of you, and you struck up a slow friendship. He wasn’t the easiest man to get to know, but you knew there was more to him than he let on. Soon, that trust and friendship turned into something more, and now, you were quite pleased to say that James Buchanan Barnes was your partner.
The day had come for you to explain your ace identity. The subject would come up at some point, but you decided to get it over with.
"The Talk" with Bucky went better than you ever hoped for. Would a man like Bucky Barnes be able to truly understand you, your identity, and your needs? It turned out he could in a lot of ways. 
At first, Bucky appeared hurt - but not for the reason you thought. He thought you heard the rumors about him before the war and was worried you'd think he was only interested in sex.
"I may have been a bit of a flirt and a ladies' man, but I wasn't sleeping with every person I saw, you know. People had this expectation and view that I'm out to have sex with everything that moves. I wasn't. I took gals out." Bucky paused,
"...And a few men , we made out or necked. A few I slept with , but I was always clear in what my expectations were. I never promised to be someone's best guy if I didn't mean it. I wasn't a playboy like Stark," Bucky huffed.
"I'm sorry, it's somethin' from the old days that used to bother me, and I guess it still does. It's not who I was then and it's not how I am now. Even if I did sleep around, why does that matter? I'm sorry. This is about you, I suppose I just wanted to say that I'm not some sex fiend that wants you for your body. I want you for you. I didn't grow to trust a body, I grew to trust a person."
You couldn't help but embrace him, which he firmly returned. You could tell something else was on his mind. You squeezed him in reassurance. He sighed.
"And now, well, now it's not something I want. All these hook up apps, that seems to be the only way to meet people and it just doesn't feel right. I mean, they're strangers! If someone wants to do that, that's their business and more power to them, but for me? I can't do it. I just can't. I have too many trust issues and any time I've thought of sex, there's no spark. I don't feel anything."
Bucky paused once again.
"Maybe I'm just like you? Or at least a little bit?" Bucky asked.
"You can be whatever and whoever you want, Bucky. That's the beauty of today. You don't have to hide anymore no matter the gender of who you love or how you love them. But I have to say, two ace people finding each other, imagine that. I can't think of a better relationship", you sighed, relieved. Bucky laughed softly.
"I suppose that does take some pressure off of me. It makes me feel ….different, but I suppose I am pretty different. I'm a 100 year old former assassin, for God's sake."
"I've always felt different, too. I always felt I was broken, or messed up or like I was too much of a prude. Everytime I told someone, they left me. It's been hard to let people in. I was so anxious to tell you. I'm so lucky to have you in my life, I didn't want to risk losing you, but I have to be myself, too." You explained. Bucky held you close.
"Of course. I wouldn't expect anything else. It's hell to live a lie. I think Steve was similar to you in a lot of ways when it comes to this sort of thing. I supported him and I sure am going to support you, too. But you're not messed up, or broken. To hell with those who made you feel that way. I'm sorry. However, you have me now, for what that's worth, Y/N." Bucky muttered.
You kissed his cheek before smiling warmly.
"Always". You whispered.
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I don’t think they’ve confirmed it, but what is confirmed is that Yelena Belova is canonically asexual/aroace (im not 100% sure if aro is confirmed). it’s just sad and disappointing to see the possible erasure...
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roseredsnow · 6 months
I've said this so often but saying it again and please reblog.
"But people headcannon straight people as lgbt+ without a problem, why is it an issue for aroaces"
Is such a bullshit argument.
Cause what character is actually confirmed straight? Genuinely name me one, not assumed because it's still the default, or because they like someone of a different gender.
But writers or an actor or said in the media and never retconned, confirmed straight.
That's the difference.
(Fuck Marvel for supporting genocide and I don't even ship it but the most common example)
Shipping Bucky and Steve doesn't erase anything because neither character is confirmed straight.
Shipping Yelena and Bucky or Kate blatantly ignores Devin Grayson (Also fuck her for how bad she screwed nightwing) confirming she's ace and clearly implying she's aro just didn't realise it needed to be specified too.
It ignores the line in Pale Little Spider #2 "I'm not a lesbian, Im not anything" and the entire trio of those comics where Yelena is baffled about the idea of sexual attraction.
(And don't you dare tell me that's out of context I've read it multiple times I know the context).
It also ignores other aroace characters that have had their identity erased for the sake of plot. Jughead Jones and Shatterstar to name two, I've even seen a fic shipping the High Republics beloved Vernestra Rwoh and while I don't believe her identity will be erased in Acolyte (cause HR fans will riot) it's still a major concern new fans will.
However shipping Vernestra is not comparable to shipping say Reath and Bell because neither character is confirmed straight.
This isn't even touching on the fact (cis) straight people don't experience discrimination for being queer (both from queer and non queer people) and have already got tons of rep to see themselves in.
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margarethx · 2 years
I know that it’s not the most common interpretation, because a lot of fans find the actor handsome, but I honestly like the idea of Bucky being... not that attractive. At least when he’s after his Hydra treatment.
Most people see his flirtatious behaviour and good looks as a big part of his characterization, but I prefer to think about those things as something he has also lost over time. It just makes more sense to me that he would look less presentable in the 21st century, considering his experiences.
And it also makes Sam’s affection for him even more special, because it’s not just: “Sam is reckless and does anything for a pretty boy” (which is also a fun plot at times), but more of a: “it never mattered to Sam if Bucky looked good, because he cares about him so much that it’s irrelevant”.
Idk... maybe I’m just not a big fan of a “tragically beautiful” trope. But also the idea of Bucky re-learning how to take care of himself and look better while he heals is more appealing to me that him just being freed from years of torture and looking like a model with no effort. And... It’s also a cute idea for a fic where Bucky would not care about his looks at all, but the moment he meets Sam, he suddenly wants to comb his hair, or shave, or find clean clothes. (Even though Sam had liked him even when he had dark under eyes, uneven beard, or greasy hair.)
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bluehourbucky · 2 years
bucky x acereader
summary: bucky gets uncomfortable when guys ask about his and yours sex life
a/n: for my sex neutral aces ♡ p.s I'm in no way an expert on asexuality but here are some of the resources where you can find info on aceness asexuality.org what is asexuality.com thetrevorproject.org/trvr_support_center/asexual
warnings: talks of sex;alcohol; angst;
btw theres probably some typing mistakes sorry about that it's almost 1am oh and also sorry this is long idk how to add read more 😅
hope you enjoy let me know what you think please :)
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Bucky's and yours relationship was perfect, at least as perfect as it could be; obviously you have minor fights but that's it.
For Bucky it was very hard to get into a relationship after everything that happened to him. He didn't think he was deserving of love, and especially because he had a hard time letting people get close to him he never expected to fall in love.
It wasn't easy for you either; Being an ace person in a world of allosexual people was alienating not only that but also being a sex neutral fell hard on you. Since you were a teen when all teens thought about was sex and relationships you felt completely lost, thinking something was wrong which was obviously not true but at the time you felt it was.
What surprised you the most was Buckys reaction to your "coming out" as sex neutral ace. He was more understanding than people from the 21st century! Of course he was a bit confused what it was but he never judged you so you were thankful for that.
That was over a year ago.
However there's one slight "issue" both you and Bucky had come across on. People are generally curious about other people's sex life which is quite annoying especially because you don't like talking about it, neither does Bucky. Truth be told you don't have sex often which is fine for both of you, but you prefer to not to talk about it at all to other people.
Today is a Friday night and usually Bucky, Steve, Sam and occasionally Thor hang out at someone's house, today it was Buckys and yours place. Usually you would be out with your friends but tonight you stayed as you weren't really in the mood to go out.
Now you're sitting in a circle, beer in everyone's hand, playing monopoly for what seemed ages, but everyone's so competitive so you don't expect anyone to give up soon. Everyone has gotten a bit tipsy even Bucky and Steve since Thor did bring some Asgradian mead.
As you were getting tired and quite honestly a bit dizzy from the alcohol you drank you decided to let the boys finish up with the game ,or just cheat til one of them wins which is what usually happens.
"Alright! I'm going to bed! Do not break anything and if you start fighting please take it outside there's still a hole in the wall from last time!" you said kissing Buckys cheek. Bucky being Bucky obviously had to pull you in for a longer kiss before letting you go.
Everyone in the group reacted differently since you weren't big on PD. Steve gasped, Sam whistled and well Thor stole Buckys money. You rolled your eyes and went to get ready for bed leaving the boys alone.
"Sooo I been curious for a while... How is the sex like you never talk about it! This is the first time I ever saw you two kiss!" Sam's question immediately made Bucky stiff. Unfortunately you also heard the question and froze, you didn't like talking about it.
Bucky was the only person apart from your close friends to know about you being ace and all, and you told Bucky you weren't comfortable sharing that with everyone. He understood that and kept his promise not to tell anyone. But until now he was never asked this question before so he had no idea what to say.
"Sam that's a really inappropriate question." Steve said and Bucky exaled until his dumb ass friend continued.
"But seriously you never talk about it do you not have sex like you've never been shy about it what's up with that?"
Bucky being tipsy and scared out of his mind replied with " Yes, sex. We have a lot of it like all the time! Like you think I would've stayed with her if we didn't have sex like that's fucked up! such hot sex like you can't even imagine. " As soon as those words left Buckys mouth, his face paled at the realisation of what he had said.
"Damn. Okay you don't have to get so defensive about it!" Sam and Steve said in unison.
You however couldn't belive what you had heard.A tear rolled down your face as you quietly went up the stairs to the bedroom.
Bucky wasn't having fun anymore the guilt of what he had said was eating him alive so the obvious thing to do was to drink more.
You were having a hard time falling asleep and after hours of tossing and turning Bucky had finally showed up. He was drunk you could tell. You decided you would rather sleep in the guestroom after Bucky had laid down next to you.
Falling asleep alone in bed was weird but what Bucky said hurt you, it wasn't something you ever expected to hear from him. You thought you were fine you talked about it hundreds of times since you were always insecure about it,and he always assured you it was fine. Previous partners have broken up with you because of your indifference to sex.
You decided you were going to break up with Bucky so he doesn't have to suffer anymore as much as it hurt you maybe it was better.
Morning has come and you have not slept for a moment the whole night. As you heard familiar footsteps coming from the hallway you quickly laid your head on the pillow, closing your eyes pretending to sleep.
Bucky was feeling awful, the hangover was nothing compared to how bad he felt about saying the thing last night to the guys. He loved you and he genuinely doesnt mind the "lack" of sex. He is perfectly content with how your relationship is, he wouldn't change it for anything. The second Bucky woke up alone he just knew you must have overheard the conversation otherwise you would be in bed with him.
Doing the walk of shame he sheepishly opened the door to the guest room where he knew you'd be.
"Hey love." he whispered knowing that you were awake but also hurt.
He was met with silence so he approached the bed quietly, and slowly sat on the edge of the bed. Bucky gently uncovered your face that was covered with a duvet, then with a feather light touch moved the hair out of your face.
"Morning my darling I want to talk to you can I please?"
"Yeah I think we should talk." you replied softly sitting up finally looking into your favorite eyes.
"I'm sorry. I know you heard what I said last night and I didn't mean it, I just didn't know what to say and I'm sorry. I know it's not an excuse." Bucky sighed sadly, not knowing what to say. His apology was sincere and you knew that but there's still something bothering you.
"I know Buck. I'm just. I want you to have everything. I don't know if I can give you everything. I don't want you to pretend to be okay with having sex once a month or I don't know wait for me to want sex or just always be in a situation where you have to hold yourself and your needs back just because I'm not normal." it hurt you to say this but you had to say it
Bucky had to take a moment to let your words sink in before replying.
"Doll. I love you. I don't care about how much sex we have. There's never going to be anyone who compares to you. You're IT for me, you and no one else. Not only are you enough you're more than I deserve. I'd rather never have sex till the rest of my life than lose you. I'm never holding back or anything like that and I don't want you ever thinking how you're not normal okay,being who you are is valid and not weird.All I want is you if you'll have me."
Buckys words hit you more than you expected it's exactly what you needed to hear. You couldn't help but pull him into a hug which he returned immediately.
"Thank you for saying that I needed it. And I'll have you always, all of you. I love you too."
Bucky smiled and whispered another love you.
"We're okay?" you asked.
"Of course my love." Bucky assured you.
"Great now let's go to sleep I haven't been able to close my eyes all night!! I need you to hold me I can't sleep without you anymore which is completely your fault!" And who was Bucky to say no to holding you when it's his absolute favorite activity.
hope you enjoyed thank you for reading :)
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good-question-love · 1 year
guys i have just now figured out that I only like fictional men because of their vibes.
kaz brekker -> ☠️vibes🖤
theo raeken -> vibes🐺
loki laufeyson -> 👑vibes🗡️
james "bucky" barnes -> 🦅vibes🦾
peter hale -> 😈vibes💸
merlin -> 😇vibes🔪
five hargreaves -> 👔vibes🩸
klaus hargreaves -> 🌈vibes⚰️
elijah mikaelson -> 👔vibes🧛‍♂️
kol mikaelson -> 🧛vibes😏
which brings me to my second conclusion of the day...my future partner (if I have one) is very likely going to be the personification of a biblically accurate angel.
and honestly I am here for it.
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de4d-bo7-666 · 7 months
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DNIz !!!!!!!!
P3D0Z !!!!!
Z00PH1LEZ !!!!!
PPL OVER 18 [ I'm a minor ]
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SCP-073 + SCP-076-2 FANZ/SUPREMACISTS !!!!!!!!
BUCKY FANZ ( pls interact ! :] ) !!!!!
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steevbuckk · 2 years
series Ace!Bucky Verse by steveandbucky
[Modern AU, 25 430 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
Steve Rogers doesn't expect to meet someone when he signs up on a dating website after being persuaded by his mother, especially not someone like Bucky Barnes, who messages him to gush about his dogs, makes him laugh, sparks a little hope in him, and step by step slots himself perfectly in the empty spaces of Steve's life.
(In which there's a pair of dogs, chance encounters, first and second kisses, Disney movies, lots of cuddling, and two idiots who fall in love.)
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more fics
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archivomeow · 1 month
! in my pinned post you can find a link to another one of my posts where i wrote more in depth about this (tumblr isn’t letting me add links idk why) !
i wanted to make one long post with everything + any new finds will be added on if i remember about this.
notes! if any more pictures will be added it will be in reposts as 10 is the limit!
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* all panels from Black Widow: Pale Little Spider *
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purple + green for aromantic & asexual.
yellow + blue for aroace.
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from left to right: aromantic, asexual and aroace.
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emomusicalnerd · 2 years
I just saw a leak say Bucky and yelena will have a romantic subplot. No. We don’t want that. You can’t erase aroace rep and say that women are interchangeable with each other.
How Natasha and yelena view romance and sex is very different. For nat that’s something that matters a lot to her and is a part of her central story. Yelena has never shown any interest in it. She’s said that she isn’t interested in it.
Natasha and Yelena are separate characters and treat them that way.
Also not to mention they literally set up for Bucky to get with Sarah in fatws.
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