Call me Vic. Nothing else. | semi-selective | I'm the smart one of the bowers gang. | Rp/ask blog | for the sake of the blog, muse is 18+
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Vic obviously looked rough, his features easily showed the fact that he had so many things on his mind but it seemed like the blonde lacked any words to describe what was going on.
'How are things?'
Uh... how were things? Vic was stuck at this point. Did he tell belch everything? From start to finish, from his suspicions of Patrick being the reason for sickness to the growing vet bill or does Vic simply hide it, mask his true feelings and go with a 'things are good.'
'How are things'
It echoed in his head as his suddenly shaky hand brought his cigarette up to his lips to take a long, drawn out drag. Vic didn't cry.
Well, not in front of others. He had a reputation to up keep. If he cried it was alone and usually late into the night.
His lungs burned as he exhaled. Cigarette smoke drifting from both his mouth and nose. It seemed recently his lungs were more filled with the smoke of cigarettes and less legal things than they were with oxygen.
Vic's eyes landed on the gravel, he let out a small pathetic whimper before flicking his cigarette butt away. Tears began to quickly fall down his face. He couldn't help it. His baby was hurt. The one thing he cared more about than anything else was in the hospital...
And with that, Victor Criss was crying. For the first time since he was young, he was crying in the company of another.
"I don't know if things are okay."
"Hey buddy" Vic said slowly, a cigarette hanging loosely in his mouth. It's been what seemed like a couple months since Vic had gone missing. He looked skinnier, his eyes looked heavier and he somehow felt older. This year had been shit. Smoke was sick. Smoke was really sick, infact he was under 24 hour care at the local vets office. Vic wasn't sure how he would come up with the money, but that dog is his baby and he'd do anything to make him okay.
"Hey" Belch's voice seemed softer than usual. Not being as gruff or sarcastic as he might usually be. Now was not the time for such things.
The bigger man would relax his shoulders and lean upon the car he had been working on when the blond appeared. "How are... things?" Unsure if he should outright ask about Smoke or just wait for Vic to bring it up himself.
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Vic looked up at the anon from his lawn chair, a cigarette tucked between his pointer and middle fingers. What in the god damn fuck was up with kids today.
"What the fuck? Weird ass kid."
(HI! I'm gonna try to be in here more frequently at least. Bare with me while I get back into the swing of things)
#its vic#vic#victor#vic criss#it#victor criss#it chapter one#pennywise#stephen king#stephen kings it#it 2017
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Would he get professional tattoos or not?
Yes and no honestly.
Im gonna give you my Vic head cannons and my kind of general bowers gang head cannons for this.
Professional and stick-n-pokes:
He’s a poor boy
Professional tattoos are expensive
Vic works jobs sometimes, summer jobs usually.
He has one or two small professional tattoos.
Small because its what he could afford
He’s come to like the pain from a tattoo gun, it’s almost addicting.
like nicotine
Definitely a hobby within the bowers group
Henry is the one who brought it up first
Vic didn’t want to do it.
“That’s really fucking dangerous.”
Henry has a way of convincing the others to follow his stupid ideas.
Belch didn’t get any stick-n-pokes that night
As time goes on they keep getting stick-n-pokes (They being Pat, Vic, and Henry)
Belch might let Vic do one. He trusts Vic.
Vic has the Steadiest hand in the group
He is usually the one dishing out the Stick-n-pokes to the others.
Vic is actually very artistic. But he doesn’t practice on it at all.
Later on down the road, when smoke dies Vic has him cremated.
When Vic get’s the ashes back he takes a small portion of the ashes and turns it into an ink
He gives himself a stick-n-poke tattoo with Smoke’s ashes.
Smoke is always with Vic.
It’s a little bit of a more feminine tattoo. It’s a bone with a flower and a vine wrapping around the bone.
Its symbolic to the big fluffy boi that passed away.
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What about his industrial?
I definitely believe Vic would get his industrial pierced! It’s a very painful piercing but it’s definitely bad ass!
When he gets it pierced:
It was in the summer
He picked the first tattoo and piercing shop he saw while wandering around Derry.
He had a summer job and spent his money on stupid teenage boy things
He knew he should probably save his money
He pushes the door open and gets greeted with “What can we do for you?”
“I’d like to get a piercing”
“what are you doing?”
He doesn’t fucking know what piercing to get??
He’s kind of dumb when it comes to this
What is there even to pick from
“Dealers choice.”
Getting stabbed:
They told him it was an ear piercing through the cartilage.
That didn’t sound so bad
He wasn’t nervous
Until he sat in the chair
His palms are sweaty and his stomach is doing flips, but it’s not that bad
The first piercing hurt. Bad.
“Oh fuck!”
The piercer laughs
“That’s it right?”
That’s not it.
The second one is worse, but it’s over quickly.
He stands up to leave and gets light headed.
His knees buckle.
It was bad
Everyone’s bodies react different to pain
Vic swore he would never tell anyone about how he almost passed out getting his industrial pierced.
#piercings#victor criss#industrial piercing#Mun has their industrial!#Tattoos#Headcanon#vic criss headcanon#summertime#derry maine#it#it 2017#Bad boy#The Bowers Gang#bowers gang
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Hey Vic, it's been I bit of a stressful day, so would you mind eating me out? It's helps me relieve that stress ;))))
He was going to give a short, cut and dry answer, but he paused.
"What's in it for me?"
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She bit her lip and covered her blushing face with one of her hands as she giggled softly. “A very hot bad boy indeed.”
His signature smirk crossed his features.
"Dont forget it." As an added gesture, he grabbed her free hand and placed a light kiss on it before letting it fall back to her side.
What a casanova.
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“Hello Victor. Have you made anyone cry today?” She smirks smoothly and wrapped her arms around his neck. The shorter girl pressed herself against him for a “hug”. (I have headcanon that they’re flirty friends and Sally likes being a complete tease to him. )
Hearing his full name roll off her tongue was like music to his ears. He didn't have a thing for her, he never really did however, if a girl comes at you flirting... what's a man to do? Flirt back.
And that's just what Vic was. A flirt. He had his morals and was a genuinely good man to women, but he flirted as often as he had a pack of cigarettes.
All the time...
His hands came to rest on the others hips, holding her close to his body.
"Haven't yet. Buuuut it's on my list, princess."
#victor criss#vic criss#it 2017#it chapter one#it chap 2#hes a big flirt#honey run away plz#he will break your heart
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Let's play a game!
Kind of a game, ish.
Just send me what kind of piercings or tattoos you think Vic would have or get!
I'll explain yes or no and give some headcanons based off of it!
#victor criss#ooc#it#ask#ask me things#ask post#lets play!#vic#Vic From It#stephen king#it chapter one#tattoos#piercings#roleplay#rp ask
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Vic your back!! *gives him a big kiss!*
He quickly turns his head so the anon catches his cheek. With gender being unknown he couldn't take any chances.
"Yeah, I'm back and better than ever bitch."
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*looks around*
“So many trees”
*gets down on knees*
“Am so lost”
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That's a wonderful question. I just dug my way outta the grave
@victor-vic-criss 👀 I see you in my notifications. Where you been?
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Vic gave the girl a skeptical look, before deciding to set his ass down on the concrete, as he was already crouched pretty low. This gave room for the dog to sit on his lap if she wanted to.
"Nobody told me what?!" He said, his voice sharp.
Elphie was walking Rosie when she spied her friend that she hadn't seen in a while. The dog was now pulling at the leash to greet him "So you finally decided to wake up, Sleeping Beauty?"
Vic shook his head in annoyance, as if trying to move his hair from his eyes.
"Yeah. Yeah. I finally decided it was time to grace your day with myself."
If Vic was a sucker for anything it was dogs (and maybe Henry). He crouched down to pat the dog that was so excited to see him.
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(Can we maybe rp?) Sally waited in her expensive convertible as she watched Vic sweet talk some blonde tramp. She was supposed to be giving him a ride home from their study session. “Could you please hurry it up I don’t have time for your whoring.” The brunette girl called to him. Her voice was dripping with annoyance.
Vic knew she was annoyed, god he knew all too well. He was good at annoying people and being very aware he was doing it.
He gave the blonde a half smile and a wink before briskly walking over to the sassy girl's car. Instead of opening the car door, he hopped over it, like a heathen and slid into the passenger seat.
"Gotta problem, princess?"
(I'm gonna have to look back into Vic as a character and try to play him as accurately as possible 💕)
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(Oh hell yeah! I'm down!)
He looks up at Elphie, his features hard but confused. He lightly rubbed the dogs face, before replying, "the fuck you talking about?"
His mind felt foggy and he couldn't exactly remember much, except for laying in his bed the other day to sleep. He must have been a very heavy sleeper.
Elphie was walking Rosie when she spied her friend that she hadn't seen in a while. The dog was now pulling at the leash to greet him "So you finally decided to wake up, Sleeping Beauty?"
Vic shook his head in annoyance, as if trying to move his hair from his eyes.
"Yeah. Yeah. I finally decided it was time to grace your day with myself."
If Vic was a sucker for anything it was dogs (and maybe Henry). He crouched down to pat the dog that was so excited to see him.
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You look tasty.
Vic shoots this anon a glare.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
#is it a compliment?#is it a minor cannibalistic threat?#who knows#vic isnt having it#vic answers#victor vic criss#victor criss
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*pets teh mun* We want you, we love be you. 🤡🎈
((Well, thank you I think))
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what the fuck is wrong with Henry? i mean, he's cute, but kids got issues.
Vic eyed the anon up and down. Vic may have had his own problems with Henry, but he wouldn't tolerate anyone bad mouthing Henry.
"The kids got things goin on you wouldnt even fuckin begin to understand, fuck outta here."
#victor criss#vic criss#vic is big gay for his boys#but definitely wont admit to it#henry#henry bowers
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