#asdfg i'm just tired
quietlyblooms · 3 months
guess who has to make herself ready for a water park tomorrow :' )
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lovepmd · 1 year
Concept: As a human, Hero was named after a Pokémon. However, they do not actually turn into that Pokémon when they transform. Hilarity ensues when they try to introduce themself to others. Like:
“Hi! I’m Pikachu!”
“But you’re a Vulpix…”
“No, my name is Pikachu.”
“That’s confusing.”
oh my god
poor hero
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tvrningout-a · 11 months
so a lil heads up!! that i will probably be very scarce/quiet until monday! despite my efforts to juggle everything, this weekend is just busy and it's got me pretty tired. thank you for being patient with me and pls have a very lovely pre-halloween weekend!!
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tvrningout · 9 months
sometimes i think about moving all my dorverold stuff and muses to a separate blog bc there's so much and it's just gonna keep growing, but then i worry that i'm gonna neglect either chiyo or my dorverold muses bc i am notoriously bad at managing more than one blog
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tvrningon · 1 year
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i think i've said it before? but chiyo is really big on visuals/aesthetics, which is why she's into dressing up ( like in pretty clothing, but she'll wear some kinda costume if you ask nicely <3 ), lingerie, etc. it's also!! why her favorite positions tend to be the ones that allow her to see her partner's face. watching their expressions and reactions really gets to her, and making direct eye contact will initially embarrass her before simply!! pushing her further along!! demand it from her and she's gonna become mush beneath your fingers :' )
all that said, i think any position involving a mirror would probably end up being a guilty pleasure of hers, if that makes sense?? like it's embarrassing and feels vain, but chiyo just really enjoys being able to see everything going on.
and last thing!! if chiyo's in control, her favorite position is cowgirl bc, well, she's on top :' ) and like i said before, she's able to see her partner's face and how she's making them feel. she also generally likes when she can be as close as possible to her partner, so sitting in their lap, being propped on a counter, or pressed against something -- the position doesn't matter so much so long as they're close.
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weregreatatcrime · 1 year
I'm sick and rereading Two Halves and I know I leave a lot (A LOT) of stuff in the end notes but there's actually lots of stuff I still never mention or talk about so here's a long sick at 4am ramble about things I didn't get the chance to talk about but wanted to (in somewhat of an order reminded by rereading) or at least just some lines I particularly enjoyed
Chapter Two commentary ayyy
Stockman is great at keeping a secret but horrible at reigning in his scientific curiosity. Karai literally running away from attention asdfg. Karai twitchy (stabby) when people stare at her part 2
"She didn't even understand half the things he said. She wasn’t going to waste her only shot by being a dick to the scientist making it possible."
Karai playing ambush predator ninja on the Kraang just makes me happy
Her magic cloak isn't like an invisibility cloak or anything. It just retracts light juuust enough to distract from the size of her. If you don't know she's there your eyes will glance right over. Rip her cool cloak, torn to shreds in the Darklands later
The cloak is a thing because 1: drawing four arms EVERY TIME can get frustrating and 2: she holds it tight around herself when anxious. Karai twitchy (stabby) when people stare part 3
Karai doesn't NEED her magic to be stealthy, it just adds an extra touch
Her worst fear is being Caught
If I were to explain cognitive difficulties fucking with the way I talk, I would point directly at the Kraang. That's what I sound like on bad days, except a lot simpler and a lot less robotic hfvsjfhsf
I'm never writing Kraang dialogue again, that One sentence made my head spin
Karai’s lower legs are super thin and she uses this to her advantage. They work excellent as piercing weapons when she needs em. She landed on those Kraang and her legs just fucking stabbed through them.
I like to think that despite how easy she makes it look, the Kraang armor is actually harder to cut through than she expected. Even for her magic burny blades
I say "blades" because her weapons aren't exactly swords. She has some swords, but she also has a wide variety of weapons all shaped differently. Most are curved and jagged in strange ways like most changeling weapons tend to be. She's got a couple hand axes too
She stashed Kraang tech in her actual pockets and also in her magic pockets
Karai stuffing wires in her mouth like a little kid shoving candy in her mouth trying to hide that she did it
"Donatello's voice crack was always funny to hear in the middle of combat."
"Karai thanked the Pale that her cloak covered most of her. The four sets of curious staring to suspicious glaring made her hackles raise." Twitchy (stabby) pt 4
The Kraang started trying to bug their tech when DONNIE started to steal their shit lmao
Using Leeroy Jenkins as a non, verb, and adjective brings me joy
Unfortunately those thin legs mean when she loses her balance it goes hard
"She just wanted to eat him up, he was so cute." <- literal
When designing her I briefly considered tusks but tossed them aside almost instantly
Karai definitely almost cried when Mikey gave her a name. She's never been given her own real name before. Crying in the club
I'm gonna stop trying to count all the times Karai gets twitchy (stabby) over being Seen bcz it's a lot and I'm too tired to count. Just know it's Everywhere
Shout out to this chapter for the comment that gave me a dizzy spell from excitement because it's when the TV Tropes was first set up lol
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starlightkeybright · 11 months
tagged by @astarionsass man it's been ages since i've done this sort of thing lmao
Name: gwilly
Age: 31 (almost 32)
Favorite color: green
What emoji best describes your current mood? 😴 i just put half of my room back together and i am TIRED
What season is it where you are right now? fall, the best one (can it actually cool down please that'd be nice)
Were you up before or after the sun this morning? before, i like getting up early to get shit done as early as possible
Are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? nope, i don't think i ever have been?? ever?
Do you prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? i think i would prefer painting them if i had the option/chance
Do you have a favorite pumpkin-spice flavored treat? If so, what is it? i'm not big on pumkin spice stuff, don't hate it, just not for me
What's your favorite season and what's your favorite pie that you associate with it? fall!!! the best. not too cold usually, just NICE. and i guess pumpkin pie, but i have been liking apple pie more recently
We're having a pot-luck, what are you going to bring? banana bread or pumpkin bread! i have made....so much banana bread...cuz we keep having over ripe bananas and save them for bread so like 10 loaves i've made out of 15 were cuz of that, the rest for holidays lollll we usually make 1 for every household for xmas, it's a present from us everyone looks forward to asdf
It's chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? coffee, and i haven't had hot chocolate for ages but i'll take it if anyone offers
Will you be wearing a costume for Halloween? Is it ready? yes, it's the same thing i've worn the past...3 or 4 years? my deer onesie
Finally, what's something you've made or done recently that you're proud of? i guess there's two things? one, i've written almost 50 chapters of a fanfic and i've NEVER been this dedicated to a multi-chapter fanfic before, i prefer doing one shots. two, i'm very very close to finishing persona 5 royal, after trying like TWO times to play it and chickening out and finally FINALLY beating it after about 3 years asdfg (i'm like right at the end, i'll be finishing it on monday)
i tag no one, anyone can do this if they wanna
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
i definitely no longer have the mental power to get out full, coherent ideas, but i’m here to ask what if your muse befriended kaiya despite her being a demon and eventually kaiya became comfortable enough to stop hiding the little differences between her human and demon appearances like how she has fangs that poke out a little, or how her eyes are an icier shade of blue and her pupils are cat-like. they’re little details that greatly affect how kaiya feels about herself bc they’re a reminder of her mistakes and what she’s become, but what if your muse made her feel better about them and convinced her she doesn’t have to hide them all the time :’ )
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bulletbtch · 7 years
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    announcement thing i’m sorry, i haven’t been on this blog much in the past three months. I love revy, she’s a special character to me but i don’t feel like public rping much anymore i’m going to be transitioning to private rp for the most part. i know i’ve been saying i’ll come back to revy over and over but i’m going to just leave her blog here as an archive for myself.
i’m going to be making a private rp blog nd i’ll give it out to a few people so if you catch me there, double finger guns
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facetmindarc · 3 years
something something darling
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quietlyblooms · 3 months
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some things about chiyo’s mha au 💜
given that her quirk is most useful if you don’t know she’s coming, chiyo’s career consisted of covert operations and more delicate situations. these assignments were, ofc, pretty stressful and part of the reason chiyo needed a break; however, the defining reason she chose to teach at u.a. is an incident involving an old classmate of hers. i'll get more into this later after i brainstorm more!
chiyo’s hero uniform has a utility belt that carries smoke bombs, an extending bo staff, and whatever else she can fit within it ( typically things that can be used for traps and distractions ). what she can carry is limited bc if the belt were any larger, it would be difficult for the material to react to her quirk like the rest of her suit.
i'm still brainstorming how i want her suit to look, but it's likely form-fitting/skintight because adding extra material just isn't practical and could cause complications? that's my line of thinking, at least uvu
chiyo went through vigorous training during her first year so that come her second year at u.a., she could join the hero course. she got her wish :’ ) and made quite impression, too!
her mentor was quite the character, subjecting her to training exercises that chiyo calls " cruel and unusual, " but she never elaborates bc she's really just messing around. truthfully, chiyo's mentor didn't let her give up, pushed her beyond her limits bc those limits were just doubts. the training was actually kinda intense, considering chiyo needed to catch up with classmates way ahead of her, but it's exactly what she needed.
does chiyo take after her mentor a bit?? yes asdfg chiyo's a kind teacher, but she's a tough one when she needs to be. no slacking off or going easy even if you pout about it!!
something to note is that chiyo is good at disappearing not just bc of her quirk but bc she's trained so much, too. her steps are silent or close to it; she's well-aware how to use background noise to her advantage, knows the best places to set traps; overall, she's honed the other skills that are vital for sneaking around to the point that she'd be good at it even without her quirk.
that's all for now bc i'm getting tired uvu
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loafbud · 3 years
Yooooo so look— I promised a face reveal so BOOM, here is how I look
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For so long, I've always lacked confidence with how I look... and didn't like taking pictures and I avoided looking at my reflection. But now, quite literally for the first time in my life, I have this newfound confidence in my appearance. My freakin' face. I look in the mirror every now and then & open up the front camera to kinda check myself. I used to look and immediately twist my face, but now when I look at myself I'm like "ASDFG LOAF, LOOK AT YOU, YOURE SO BABY AT SELFIES LMFAO"
I actually wanna take care of myself and invest my time in my appearance more, like hairstyles, clothes, a skincare routine, all that y'know? Plus, I see a future with me having myself in the camera more, especially in videos and stuff??
SO YEAH UHHH WHOEVER SEES THIS, NOW Y'ALL KNOW HOW I LOOK! IM SO BABY LEVEL AT SELFIES, DAWG... BUT HEY- IT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING. Showing my face is definitely outside my comfort zone, but I'm about tired of holding myself back out of fear. Sometimes you gotta look at the comfort zone and go, "Well... you served me well back when I needed you. Now you're restricting me from reaching to greater heights. See ya, dude" 🤠
I'm about to sleep LMAO!! 🤣😂🤣 I threw this jacket on just to have on something decent for my first face reveal
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
SO YOU WANNA SHIP | a guide to building relationships with bel's muses
ft. chiyoko hisakawa
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difficulty level
platonic: ★★★☆☆ romantic: ★★★★★
WARNING: slow-burn relationship & will tell you horrible puns
chiyoko is a filthy memer and a dad-joke lover, and getting to know her can feel like pulling teeth at times. if you aren't in it for the long haul, that is unfortunate because she's an absolute gem!
general obstacles & overcoming them
having been bullied as a kid, chiyo does not trust very easily, nor does she allow most people to know the real her. she often puts on a mask, changing her personality to suit whoever she's currently dealing with. this makes getting to know her difficult; she will do everything in her power to keep a safe distance from you while still keeping you comfortable and thus fooling you into thinking you know her. say you do get to know her a little, enough to call each other friends. while chiyo will share her interests more freely with you, she will still hesitate to open up. she will keep her feelings to herself rather than be vulnerable with you. chiyo fears being a burden. she would rather suffer alone than push someone away because she was too much to handle yet not enough to try. the solutions to all of these obstacles are consistency and persistence. insist on getting to know her better, push her to open up -- even if she pushes back. and do it every time she tries to shy away. don't let her pull away from you. her insecurities might be loud, but if you keep chipping away at them, they'll go away eventually, and your friendship will be much stronger because of your efforts. in the end, chiyo just needs to see and believe that you care enough to put up with any " trouble " she might cause you.
most effective love languages
while chiyo herself shows she cares through physical touch and acts of service most commonly, words of affirmation and a mixture of quality time/acts of service are most effective when trying to communicate your feelings to chiyo. putting in the time and effort mean the world to her as she's had people in the past who would not do that for her. she believes in " actions speak louder than words. " yet words can impact chiyo greatly if you tell her the right ones. you can tell she's feeling down, that something's off? tell her you're there for her and make it clear that you want to be there. you think to yourself that you're grateful to know her? tell her. say the things most people hesitate to admit aloud, and i promise it will pay off.
romantic obstacles
so you befriended chiyo, and now you're thinking about dating her. well, my friend, get ready for some more work! ever since dating her best friend in high school and ruining their friendship when she couldn't love him back, chiyo has a fear of dating. she would much rather keep her friend and never experience romance than have a significant other who she eventually loses. that being said, chiyo will not act upon her feelings without an outside pressure that forces her to confess or without a great deal of build up. if you want to get anywhere, you either need to be patient or make the first move yourself. don't be ambiguous whatsoever because chiyo will absolutely overthink and become an anxious mess. if any sort of romantic confrontation occurs that does not result in a relationship, please expect chiyo to avoid you for a while until you either confront her or she gets her feelings sorted. for reference, chiyo is demiromantic and bisexual.
polyship obstacles
these obstacles will be pretty much the same as the above, though with a little more insecurity sprinkled in. chiyo is open to the idea of poly relationships as she's seen them in media, and they look appealing, comfortable. yet she knows herself and worries that she may be too insecure to ever be in a poly relationship. if you want to convince her to be in one with you and your partners, it is vital that everyone puts in the work that i have already described, and everyone has an open and honest conversation with her. that is the only way to dismiss any fears she might have.
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tvrningout · 9 months
i'm about to try and write a plots post for chiyo from scratch and i'm... girl why did i give you so many verses
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nedsseveredhead · 3 years
12, 16, 27
12. if you could make a candle that smelt like anything, what would you pick?
The smell of my cat riiiight behind her ears. Smells nice :'D
16. how you wake your body up when it’s feeling tired, achy or needs a stretch
I usually do a lil stretch, sit down and crack my back if I'm able to, then have some kinda hot drink like tea or coffee! Or if I want a cold drink I mix a can of monster energy with a bottle of orange juice from the gas station asdfg
27. your favourite flavour and brand of tea
I loooove Yogi's brand of sleepytime tea. It doesnt make me sleepy but it just tastes SO good
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arctic-urpo · 7 years
The new chapter’s up!!
Link to FF.net here!
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