#as you can see i decided for this poll to go with 12
dailybuffysummers · 8 months
Buffy Summers in Every Episode Poll
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empiropediazine · 10 months
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Hello empiresblr! We're in the early stages of planning an Empires SMP themed zine focused on worldbuilding and we are doing a bit of an interest check :)
If you find that interesting please go ahead and vote on the following poll! If you're not sure what to vote for make sure to read the whole post before picking an option :>
If you wanna know more about this we will be providing more in-depth info under read more!
What's the deal with this zine?
This zine is about Empires SMP Season 1, focused on exploring and expanding the worldbuilding and lore of the series. The name, Empiropedia, is a play on words between ‘empire’ and ‘encyclopedia’- it’s not structured quite like a regular zine, instead presented as if it were an in-universe book (or books) that puts together different sources to describe the culture and history of the 12 different empires. The zine will include both illustrations and writing. Some of the things we want to include are clothes, architecture, folklore, and artifacts/cultural items!
What's the difference between the two options the poll offers?
We are currently deciding whether we want to make one (very big) zine with a set amount of pages dedicated to each empire, or if we want to make multiple zines (one at a time) with one dedicated to each empire. Both options have pro and cons listed below!
120+ pages zine:
An overall shorter project since it would be put together all at once
More intersection between different empires (pages dedicated to discussing alliances and the like)
People participating can contribute work to multiple empires more easily
Less pdf files to download! :D
FAR less space for each empire to shine and be explored
A pretty long read
While it will take less time overall, it will definitely take much more time and coordination to put together than one singular empire zine of the 12 zines option.
12 separate zines:
So much space to truly explore each empire!
You can decide which zines to pick up according to what your favourite empires are
The overall project will be able to include more artists and writers
Each singular zine will take less time than the 120+ pages zine to put together
A much bigger project that would stretch over a way longer amouth of time to get to all empires being included
A lot less cross-working between different empires
Certain empires might not get as many applications from artists, making it harder to put together a zine dedicated completely to them
Will Season 2 be included?
While we are thinking of making a similar project focused on Season 2 that's pretty far off in the future, so for now we are focusing on the current project.
How/when can I apply?
We are currently getting everything set up, and we might open mod applications before opening contributor applications, so for now we don't have a set date. All necessary information to apply (including a timeframe) will be provided as soon as we set everything up!
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whumpinthepot · 6 months
Hamster Interactive Story
Chapter 12. Decision
Prev - Masterlist
Content: Giant/tiny, tiny whump, pet trope/whump, kidnapping, cages, loss of mobility aid (prosthetic leg), solitary confinement (non descriptive), manipulation, power dynamics, fear, female cast
Ashley’s Pov
Poll winner: Let Hamster decide what to do with Soap Scrub. 
A row of ideas fills your mind on what to do with this pest. Just as you’re thinking of chucking the whole jar out, you look at your little girl's face. Hamster’s eyes are full of worried tears and it dawns on you to get her input on the matter.
Placing the jar with the tiny man inside in a different room, you return to converse with Hamster. Admittedly you sway the options in your favour when speaking to her. Picking her up, you wipe her tears and brush back her curly hair. “Do you want him gone sweet pea? I can get rid of him for you,” you roll the words slowly, “Or, would you like a new friend?” A careful smile spreads across your lips while you rub her back gently. “I think he could warm up to us. He could be a new model for our blog. Who knows, if we got rid of him he could get hurt again. He would be safer with us don’t you think?” 
Hamster frowns slightly with pressed lips. You can only guess her worries and reassure her. “Don’t worry honey bunny, I would never let anyone hurt you. Ever. If he’s not nice we can make him go away after all.” 
Hamster hums and then nods her head. She smiles some, and dare you say she’s starting to get excited by the idea. You give her a little kiss on the cheek and explain that it might take some time to become his friend. She’ll have to be patient with him. You also tell Hamster that she gets her cast taken off in the next few days, giving her more to look forward to. 
Once that's settled, you go into the room where the pest was left alone. He’s there in the jar with his head slumped against the glass. He becomes alert when you get closer. 
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You rest your arms on the dresser with your face close to the jar to talk to him. “I know it was you who scared her before. Tell me what happened.”
The man reacts exactly how you want, and goes rigid. “I- I never hurt her. Ask her. When she fell off the counter a mouse was going to attack her, and I scared it off.”
“And then?” You raise a thin brow. 
“And then, what? That's all that happened,” he defends quickly. 
You watch him for a second as his eyes dart around, then break the news to him. “I’ve decided to keep you. It's that or I sell you and who knows what could happen to you then. I won’t hurt you as long as you never upset Hamster. M’kay?” 
“You have to be kidding me…” Tears well up in his eyes and he cradles his bandaged hand. “Can’t we make some soft of deal? I- I can do what ever you want if you let me go after. Then you’ll never see me again, I swear.”
Furious, you pull the jar closer just to startle him, who does he think he is trying to negotiate as if he has any leeway. “That is the deal, little boy. You’ve caused a lot of stress to my pet, and now you’ll pay it back to her with nothing but kindness. Do that and I’ll make sure you’re comfortable, well fed, and I won't hurt you. If you don’t, well… I’ll sell you and who knows where you’ll end up. Snake food? Some kids live Barbie doll? Neglected, starved, forgotten in a tiny. Little. Jar?” You tap the glass with your long nail between words. “The choice is yours.” 
The man is left speechless with his mouth gaped open and his hair sticking out everywhere. You take a second to breathe deeply to calm down. The thought that you're taking this overboard clouds over you - but he really did cause a good amount of grief for you last week. "So, tell me your name or I'll come up with one." You smile, feeling just slightly sadistic. "Maybe Rat, Pest, or maybe Hamster can choose."
“It’s Soap.” He chokes out in a tiny voice.
You snort at the strange name, but wild pets are usually an odd bunch so you don’t hound him on it. 
“It's nice to meet you, Soap.”
The next few days you set things up as a precaution. Making sure there are no other wild pets in your home, getting Hamsters cast off, setting up an escape proof cage for Soap, and isolating him just enough for him to crave the company of yourself and Hamster. On the fifth day of leaving him in the dark alone, you enter the spare room to check in. He’s sulking, hidden under a toy that you’ve given him in his cage. 
“Soap?” You use a softer tone than the last time you two spoke, “Are you ready to come out? What would you like to do?” You give him a few options to choose from and offer to give him his doll leg back if he cooperates. 
(Multiple options may be used depending on the top poll winners)
Thank you @alittlewhump for looking over my chapter <3
Tag list: @frogkingdom @verkja @whumpsday @octopus-reactivated @marvel-gt @rsitb-second-account @fallen-grace-smd @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts @kyp-the-spacekiwi @ilasknives @hollowgast1 @redd956 @zobodahobo @alittlewhump @blackrosesandwhump @angst-after-dark @sandygarnelle @coppercoyoti @kim-poce @mayisreallygay @smoll-stace @demondamage @vickytokio @whump-in-the-closet @sunshiline-writes @coyotehusk @cypresscove @shadowsnowdapple @whumpy-wyrms @re-whump @whumpninja
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transgenderpolls · 8 months
Submission Guidelines/Disclaimers
First, things to keep in mind when you submit:
there is a limit of 12 answers for polls, and on this blog one of those answers will always be 'show results,' to allow for people that the poll doesn't apply to to see without skewing data. so in reality you have a maximum of 11.
there's also an 80-character limit on the options
SO, if you go over those limits, know that I will take it into my own hands to decide which answers to omit and/or how to re-word it to fit the limit.
even otherwise, expect that the wording of your submission may be slightly altered in order to be more inclusive (when it doesn't affect the data), or because i think you missed an option that you probably meant to include, or just to make it sound less clunky. if you have an issue with any changes upon posting, i'm happy to hear you out.
tbh i may also alter it heavily if i cannot imagine for the life of me why your poll is worded/split up the way it is. like, sorry, i truly do not think that whether someone is transmasc or transneutral would affect their ability to take off a binder without taking off their shirt. if i can instantly think of a smarter way to split it up and collect more thorough data i'll do it.
depending on how many submissions i have it could be anywhere from a day to a week before you see it posted.
if your poll is addressing a very small group, don't be surprised or angry when the 'see results' poll is the biggest. that needs to be there to keep data from being skewed by anyone's curiosity.
Base Guidelines For Submitting:
poll must be related to being trans. it doesn't have to be exclusively directed at trans people, but if you want cis people to be allowed to answer, please make that clear in your submission. otherwise i'll default to it being a trans-only poll.
it CAN be directed at a specific type of trans person, such as trans men/women, non-binary people, trans lesbians, trans moc, etc - literally you can address any specific trans group you want, just make sure to say so.
it CAN relate to sex, just try to be tasteful about it.
What would make me NOT post a submission:
if it's an opinion poll about the validity of any particular type of trans person. "validity" is a moot topic and i'm not going to encourage it, and in any case i'd like the focus of this blog to be about recording experiences (real, undeniable, forever in stone) rather than opinions (always changing, meaningless)
if it's too niche and/or would just make a pointless poll. like, you guys, phalloplasty is expensive as fuck. if you wanna know info about it you're better off just finding someone who's had it and talking to them.
if it's something like "trans people: do you like pineapple on pizza?" or some other question that doesn't actually have anything to do with being trans. if you wanna send something like this, make your case for why it's relevant that the poll is directed at trans people.
if it's some other obviously offensive shit, obviously. no racism or whatnot here.
Who counts as trans?/Can I vote on a poll for trans people if I'm nonbinary?
We self-define here, so if you consider yourself trans, you're trans. Non-binary is definitionally under the trans umbrella - though you're not obligated to consider yourself trans if you don't relate to a trans experience.
Why isn't there an option for X?/You missed an option.
Sometimes I may genuinely miss an option, but 9 times out of 10 the lack of the option is either due to the poll limits on tumblr, or because it goes against the point of the poll. For example, if the question begins with "If you're on HRT," then "i'm not on HRT" isn't going to be an option. If the prerequisite of the poll doesn't apply to you, then what you click is "see results." If it's something a little less concrete, polls will always include some kind of "other" option anyway.
Can you make more polls for X type of trans person?
*I* make polls based off what I'm personally curious about. If you're curious about something, submit it!
Can you get rid of the 'see results' button? Or can you not include it on this particular poll? I only want X people to respond. This poll is ONLY for X people.
If a poll is on this blog, it's for everyone, questioning and simply curious people included. It's also not going to stop curious people from clicking if there's no 'see results' button. It ensures that the data doesn't get skewed, and gathering data is what polls are for. It doesn't hurt you to see a big see results bar. The data is still there. If the bar does wind up obscuring more significant data, that means the poll was addressing too small of a group to begin with. And that's NOT the end of the world. This blog is far from the only place where you can get information about other trans people's experiences.
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choicesbookclub · 5 months
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Current Featured Book: Veil of Secrets
Welcome to the Veil of Secrets Book Club!
This Book Club is open to anyone and everyone! You can participate as much or as little as you want.
Our playthrough of Veil of Secrets will take place on Saturdays with posts going up around noon EST. However, late entries are more than welcome. [Learn how to participate here]
Meet our VOS MCs:
If you have a profile page for your MC, feel free to send it to me so I can add it to our directory.
Reading Schedule:
Saturdays beginning May 4
We will start with 2 chapters a week as decided by our poll, but if people feel this is too much, please don't hesitate to reach out and we can reevaluate.
Each week, I'll try to include questions, polls, or prompts to inspire some discussion. Feel free to send suggestions if you have something you want to see!
Weekly Prompts:
links will be added when the prompts are posted
May 4:
Chapter 1: Missing Persons
May 11:
Chapter 2: Unveiled
Chapter 3: The Powers That Be
May 18:
Chapter 4: First Blood
May 25:
Chapter 5: The Whole Bloody Affair
Chapter 6: Down by the Water
June 1:
Chapter 7: Into the Woods
June 8:
Chapter 8: ...And Found
Chapter 9: The Rocket's Red Glare
June 15:
Chapter 10: Collateral Damage
June 22:
Chapter 11: Lawful Good
Chapter 12: The Kraken
June 29:
Chapter 13: Under the Bed
Chapter 14: The Face of Evil
July 6:
Chapter 15: The End of the Line
Chapter 16: All's Well That Ends…
I hope you'll join us! 💛
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 21
Executive dysfunction is a bitch and can go to hell. I had something I could have posted yesterday while I was working on this, but no...
I am starting to wonder if maybe I shot myself in the foot with my tag rant as engagement for the last Reconnect AU was WAY down. But oh well. I can only continue to move on and hope I find new people who like my stuff.
All righty, my lovelies. We have gotten to the part where I was going to end it originally before you absolute menaces said you wanted me to continue it through season 4.
But here’s the deal, this story has reached nearly novel length of 40k. So what I’ve decided to do is call this the end of book one. And then I will start up book two, which will be through to the end of the school year and probably through the events of season 3. And then book 3 should take us the rest of the way.
I hope that’s acceptable to all of you. I want to continue it, but I think from here on out the title doesn’t fit Steve anymore and he needs a new one.
Now if you’ve followed me long enough, you know that I don’t start putting out a story until it’s done (if it’s short enough) or if I’m three to four chapters deep. So hopefully by the end of the month (if not sooner) you should start seeing book two.
I will run a poll on how you think I should do the tag list for it. But thank you all for coming with me on this absolutely wild ride. And hope you’ll stick around for the next two parts.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Word had been handed down, Mindy Jones, Ollie Anderson, and Kyle Carver had been suspended with word that Kyle being the instigator might be expelled. For sure he wasn’t going to be able to walk in his cap and gown at graduation.
Steve felt a sense of relief and strangely justice too. Yes, all right suspension wasn’t getting expelled, but the kids had been punished. They didn’t try to hand wave it away.
Steve had heard that Mr Vinke, the math teacher, Mr Cole, Miss Lucy, and Chief Hopper had all gone to the principal and superintendent for all three of them to be expelled.
The suspension was a given, but the school district wanted to do their own investigation and then expulsions might be handed out after it was complete.
Steve didn’t have much hope.
Marty, Gethin, and Janice all sat with the Corroded Coffin boys at lunch, something they didn’t normally do.
“Fuck,” Janice swore. “Why I am more nervous about tonight than I have all week?”
Steve nodded, poking at his food. “I haven’t been this queasy since I took a plate to the head.”
Everyone winced and murmured sympathetic platitudes and other noises of sympathy.
“I think it’s because it’s your last performance,” Gethin murmured. “Your last chance to completely biff it on stage.” Steve and Janice looked at him in wide-eyed fear. He waved his hands placatingly. “Not that I think you will. Just that your brain thinks you will.”
Steve and Janice looked at each other and then nodded.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “That tracks.”
Eddie slid his hand under the table and gripped Steve’s knee. Steve covered his hand with his own and gave it a squeeze of thank you.
Steve scanned the crowd the second night. He spotted Jeff and all his family, Gareth and Gethin and their parents, Brian and all of his younger siblings, and what looked like his dad. Wayne shuffled in his seat nervously, having never been to a musical before. But still no sign of his parents.
His mom promised that at least she would be there, even if his dad refused to come. And he held on to that. He managed to make it through the show and held it together.
He went out to be congratulated by his friends and their families. Wayne brought him flowers.
“You did good, boy,” he said gruffly, after giving him a hug. “I looked it up and flowers are the gift you give someone after a well-done performance.”
Steve looked down at the bouquet of wild flowers and smiled. “Thank you. I love them.”
Jeff clapped him on the shoulder. “They might be a tad wilted by the time we’re done, because we’re taking you out to eat in celebration.”
Steve teared up a bit. “Thanks, guys.”
Gareth smiled. “You deserve it, man. That was awesome!”
Gethin nudged his shoulder. “We’re just waiting for Janice and Eddie to get done.”
Steve nodded. Eddie had to reset the stage for tomorrow and Janice had to get out of a corset and that took some time.
“Yeah, no problem!” he enthused.
Eddie finished first and came out to meet them.
“Hey, Steve!” he said. “Feeling famous yet?”
Steve laughed. “I’m going to get fat if this keeps up. First ice cream last night and then dinner tonight.”
They all laughed. “It’s impossible for you to gain weight, man,” Brian huffed. “I’ve seen you eat a whole pizza and didn’t even get bloated.”
Steve laughed. “Playing three sports does that to you. Hell, I still life guard at the rec center every summer.”
Brian eyed his lean form skeptically. “I suppose so.”
“Swimming’s fun,” Steve said. “And it’s not just for us jock types.”
Janice finally came out. “Sorry to keep you waiting guys. Sharing with Tammy Thompson is hell let me tell you. I don’t know how someone so tiny can take up so much room.”
“At least you don’t have to share the choir room with twenty sweaty dudes that wouldn’t know deodorant if it bit them in the ass,” Steve grumped.
Gethin shook his head. “Shouldn’t you be used to that from sports?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “At least there are showers after basketball. Can’t say the same here.”
Gethin’s lips curled. “Fair.”
Wayne clapped his hands. “All right, I’ve got us a place reserved, so we need to hustle. Eddie and Steve are coming with me.”
Eddie and Steve filed out with the rest of them and followed Wayne out to his truck.
Steve slid into the middle between Eddie and Wayne.
“Thanks for this, Wayne,” he murmured. “And the flowers, too.”
“You’re welcome, Stevie,” he said. “I didn’t see your parents. Did they show up last night?”
Steve shared a glance with Eddie and then shook his head. “There’s still tomorrow.”
Wayne and Eddie shared a glance of concern over Steve’s head.
“I’m sure that’s the case,” Wayne agreed.
An uneasy silence settled on them as they drove to the restaurant. Wayne parked and turned to Steve.
He pulled him in for a great big hug and then opened the door. “It’ll be all right.”
Steve nodded and slid out after Eddie.
The dinner was just as ruckus as the ice cream parlor the night before. With just as many people. Steve looked around and smiled.
Yeah, 1985 was his year and it was just getting started.
Steve looked out to the audience and knew, even in the dimmed lights his parents weren’t there.
“Tell me, Mr Thomson, out of curiosity, do you stand with Mr Dickinson, or do you stand with me?” Vince asked.
Steve could feel the sting of tears in his eyes. He held up the dispatch. “I stand with the General. Lately–I’ve had the oddest feeling that he’s been–writing to me…”
He slowly rose to his feet as he sang,
“I have been in expectation Of receiving a reply On the subject of my last fifteen dispatches. Is anybody there?”
His voice cracked with emotion as he stepped half out of the spotlight.
“Does anybody care? Does anybody care? Y’r humble & ob’d’t–”
The drum rolled and Steve looked up into the eagle’s nest where Eddie was doing the spotlight. A single tear ran down his cheek.
Steve looked down at the paper in his hand and then back up at Eddie. And then he exited the scene on cue.
Eddie swore he saw more tears in that moment then for ‘Mama Look Sharp’ that night.
But that performance of Steve’s brought out something in Vince in that moment. Vince’s John Adams bid Hancock good night, but then it changed. All the emotion and fear of not being seen or heard. The loneliness that Adams must have been feeling in that moment, borrowed from the loneliness of both Washington and Thomson.
“Is anybody there–”
“Does anybody care–?”
Again, nothing.
“Does anybody see–what I see?”
And then Kenny came on and delivered the line with a sharpness that hadn’t been there before.
“Yes, Mr Adams, I do.” As if to banish all the fears and insecurities that John was having in that moment.
And Steve could almost hear it as though it was coming from Eddie. As if it was coming from his friends. The party. Wayne.
Yes, his parents weren’t there. They never were. And probably never were going to be. But that didn’t mean that no one was listening to Steve. That no one cared.
They all cared. Every last one of the dozens of people that showed up the last two nights. They cared. They brought their families. Brought flowers. Thought he was worthy of celebrating. Worth treating.
For the boy with the bat.
The boy that never knew what love really was until he looked up from a god damned garbage can into those warm and friendly brown eyes. A warm hand on his back and a gentle ‘Are you okay?’
In that moment, Steve’s life had become changed. Different. Better. All because a teacher took pity on Steve and chose Eddie Munson of all people to be Steve’s protector.
And he looked up at Eddie in the rafters and though he couldn’t see him, he knew that Eddie was looking back at him. Smiling back at him. Loving him for all his worth.
And if you had asked Steve what his worth was back in December he would have told you nothing. He wasn’t worth anything but being the baby-sitter. But now?
Now Steve was a baby-sitter, chauffeur, groupie, actor, chef, swimmer, friend, brother, and most importantly boyfriend. And maybe if he was really lucky, someone’s son.
Fuck, rereading this to add back in the formatting made me cry. My apologies if it makes you cry too.
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @garden-of-gay @anaibis @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites   @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @lovelyscot @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @jinxjinn @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @estrellami-1 @dangdirtydemons @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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All main polls have been posted! And in a week, I’ll post two stat posts. One for Paldea+, and one for overall ^^
In the interim, we can decide…
Contest Hall
Restarting from the beginning! Keeping with posting full evolution lines, in National Dex order per earliest number (Example: Happiny and Blissey posted in Gen 1 with Chansey). This will keep the 2-3 polls a day format, and keep continuous posting through regions. (Example: The Chikorita line posted 12 hrs after Mew)
Restarting from beginning, but doing individual polls for every pokemon! Fully in Pokédex order. Over 1000 polls to be posted. For this, I’ll boost posting up to 8 polls a day (a poll every 3 hours), but keep posting continuous through regions.
Safari Zone
Doing polls grouped by each games’ Regional Dex! So the question will change to ‘Have you used ___ in ___?’ Stat posts will go by games and therefore not exclude repeat pokemon. This will go by Mainline games only, and exclude National Dex-only Pokemon. I’ll post 4 polls a day, once every 6 hours, and have a week long break between regions.
Hall of Fame
Individual polls asking not only if you used the pokemon, but also where you first used them! Poll options will expand the ‘yes’ selection by asking what generation you first used them in, with a list of games they were available in below the poll. (Example: Yes, I used them in Gen 1. Gen 1 includes Red/Blue/Green/Yellow, Stadium, Trading Card Game, Super Smash Bros, and Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee). This will include spin off games where ‘using’ the Pokemon is applicable. I’ll post 8 polls a day and keep continuous posting through regions.
Friseur Furfrou
This blog will go on break until 3 months after Legends Z-A and then pick up where we left off, to help avoid spoilers.
Pokestar Studios
I’ll convert to fully polls by request! This can be for any pokemon or non-pokemon, similar to April fools day. I’ll turn on submissions to help ease us into this, and will keep things scheduled to up to 8 polls a day. This will vary based on amount of submissions.
Thought of a better idea? I’d love to hear it! I’ll record any suggestions here ^^
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otherkinpolls · 5 months
well, nobody else has done this yet... so i will!
welcome to otherkinpolls, where i will post polls relating to otherkinity + similar identities/experiences. PLEASE feel free to submit polls
currently in queue: 8 currently in askbox: 0
submission guidelines/FAQ/etc. below
submission guidelines
-> submit polls through the ask box!
-> limit of 12 answers per poll. if there's space i will include a "see results" option, and if there's more space i will include an "other" option separate from the see results option by default. if you don't want these on a specific poll then let me know ⤷ in addition, there is a character limit on poll options. i will reword or combine/exclude options if necessary
-> if submitting a poll, please format it with the question being asked, the options you want included, and any additional info after that. please let me know if you want additional info included on the post or not; i will default to not including it
-> polls have to be related to non-human identities in some way, obviously. they can be directed to the community, to non-kin people about otherkinity, etc.
Q: what do you define as "otherkin"? A: for the purposes of this blog, anything related to non-human identities. if you disagree with otherkin being a catchall term that's fine, but i have to call the blog something
Q: what topics are allowed? A: as said, any questions about otherkinity, non-humanity, et cetera are allowed. otherkin, therians, fictionkin, otherhearted, anything like that. the only thing i probably won't post is questions that are hateful, but negative questions and opinions i may decide to post on a case-by-case basis, if it's an interesting question
Q: how often do you post? A: as of now, the blog runs on a queue twice a day! until i run out of polls, or if i start getting a LOT of submissions, that probably won't change
Q: can i resubmit a poll if i want different/more answers than are on the original? A: sure, if it's worth it to resubmit. if the original is still going i might leave it for a while to space them out though
Q: can you tag x A: probably, yeah
Q: are you (blogrunner) otherkin? A: since day freaking one brother
Q: what are YOUR pronouns? A: he/she/it
Q: you write in british english! A: sorry
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rosie-b · 1 year
What would you think if an evilized villain (maybe a wishmaker-like villain or maybe even a villain that's unrelated to the butterfly miraculous) caused Chloe and Zoe to switch bodies somehow...
Please reblog so we can see how many people in the ml fandom have gotten the ask! It's one that I see popping up every so often, and one that I've gotten myself (although the ask has evolved somewhat since then to include the aftermath of the s5 finale). I'm very curious to see how many other ml fans have received it!
What would you think if an evilized villain (maybe a wishmaker-like villain or maybe even a villain that's unrelated to the butterfly miraculous) caused Chloe and Zoe to switch bodies somehow, and nobody fully understands what's going on, so Zoe (in Chloe's body) is taken by Audrey back to New York, despite Zoe desperately trying to explain things. But Chloe enters a fugue state (heavily due to trauma caused by the neglect of her parents) and genuinely thinks she's Zoe, and is even able to recall many of the things Zoe did due to being in Zoe's body. The class thinks “Zoe's” change in behavior is due to the psychological effects of method acting, since “Zoe” is playing Chloe in Astruc's new movie, but they gradually convince “Zoe” to let them help her relearn how to be “herself” again. Meanwhile, in New York, Zoe is trying to get back to Paris, but when she gets there, “Zoe” thinks she’s there to try to hurt Marinette. Eventually, after listening to “Chloe”, Marinette starts to suspect that “Chloe” might be telling the truth, so she decides that she must test “Chloe” and “Zoe”. She fakes being in danger to see how they react. “Zoe” reacts slightly faster than “Chloe”, so Marinette comes to the conclusion that “Chloe” is lying and that “Chloe” has an evil and manipulative plan. Marinette thinks that “Chloe” must have picked up a few tricks from Lila, because she thinks no version of Chloe could possibly react faster than Zoe when it comes to protecting her. So Audrey takes “Zoe” back to New York again to “correct” her after “Zoe” fails to convince anyone of the truth. 12 years later, “Zoe” gets seriously injured after fighting a villain when Ladybug isn’t around, which causes “Zoe” to not have long to live. Then Ladybug accidentally stumbles upon the truth about “Zoe” while trying to help “Zoe” using magical powers. Ladybug decides that the moral thing to do is to switch Chloe and Zoe back to their original bodies. Once Zoe gets her body back, she blames Chloe for her impending death and for leaving her with 12 years of torment, while Chloe got off scot free. When Lila gets defeated, Zoe steals the Butterfly Miraculous to get her hands on Ladybug and Catnoir’s miraculouses, hoping to “make things right”. Zoe gets defeated by the heroes (including Chloe) and Ladybug manages to cure Zoe’s injuries. 
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Perachel Bingo Week F.A.Q.
Q: What is Perachel?
A: It's the romantic relationship between Percy Jackson and Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
Q: I prefer to make fanworks of them as friends. Is that allowed?
A: Absolutely! Just make sure that Percy & Rachel's friendship is the focus of the fanwork.
Q: When is the event?
A: It's seven days long! July 28th, 2024 to August 3rd, 2024.
Q: How does a bingo week work?
A: I have provided prompts, link here. For everyday you participate, you create one work based on one of the prompts on that list! Totally up to you which ones to choose. You must use a different prompt everyday, no repeats.
Q: Do I have to participate everyday and make 7 works?
A: Absolutely not!! However many works you want to make is fine! If you just want to do one, that's great! If you want to do all 7 that's amazing!
A: ...For the one insane (/affectionate) friend who said they wanted to do all 12... you are one of a kind. Please take care and don't burn out. The point is to have fun, not to stress!
Q: What if I don't finish in time?
A: I will leave the ao3 collection open and continue reblogging fanworks on tumblr until August 10th.
Q: Where is the ao3 collection? How do I add my fanwork?
A: Its right here. To add your work to the collection, when you're about to post it to ao3, scroll to Associations -> "Post to Collections/Challenges" and type in: Perachel_Bingo2024 as shown below.
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Q: I want you to reblog the works I made for this event! Why didn't you?
A: I want to reblog them! Just make sure you follow the regulations on content.
Q: What are the regulations on content?
1. The focus of the fanwork must be on Percy and Rachel. 2. No Percy Jackson or Rachel Elizabeth Dare bashing. This is a hard rule that will be enforced. If I see bashing, I will remove the works from the ao3 collection and I will not reblog it here. 3. NSFW content is allowed, however it must be appropriately tagged here and on ao3. Additionally on tumblr all nsfw content must be hidden under a "read-more" to be reblogged on his account. That is another hard rule. This event is open for all ages, and I hope to provide a safe space for everyone.
Q: What does Rachel or Percy bashing mean?
A: Bashing for this event will be defined as inventing qualities etc. to hate on the characters [Percy or Rachel] and not giving them any redeeming qualities to balance it out.
Q: Does that mean I can't write any tragic stories where they die/suffer?
A: Tragic stories and sad endings are absolutely allowed!! I just don't want Percy or Rachel to be morally demonized. As long as you steer clear of that, you're good!
Q: How do I insert a "read-more" on laptop and mobile?
A: On laptop web, when you start a new line you'll see these icons (in the pic below). Click the grey one on the far right, with the squiggly line instead the two straight horizontal lines. The "read-more" should pop up immediately!
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A: On mobile, type :readmore: . No spaces, just the colons plus the letters. It won't pop up immediately; but it should show up when you save as draft, queue or post.
Q: What kind of fanworks can I make?
A: Anything! Fanfics, fanart, moodboards, poems, playlists etc. If it's made/complied by you and complies with tumblr and ao3's rules, then you can submit it!
Q: Is there a minimum or maximum wordcount for fanfics?
A: Nope! Want to challenge yourself and write a 50 word mini fic? Go for it! Your one-shot spiraled into a novella? Please share, I'd love to read it!
Q: You didn't choose the 12 most popular prompts from the poll results!
A: Nope! 4-5 prompts were already chosen, regardless of the poll! The other 7-8 were determined by the most popular poll results. That's the perk of running the event, I get to decide everything :)
Q: I have more questions that aren't answered here.
A: My inbox is open. Feel free to ask! :)
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cinderella-ish · 4 months
Fruits Basket Ao3 Media Tags Poll Results, and Some Thoughts on Ao3 Fandom Tag Wrangling
Over the past few weeks, I've put out a few polls to find out how other Ao3 users are using the different Fruits Basket media tags. Here are the results!
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(Obligatory disclaimer that a tumblr poll by one user with fewer than 50 followers is hardly scientific data)
For writers, it looks like most of us (52.6%, or 10 out of 19 respondents) are tagging more than one media type every time, and an additional 10.5% are sometimes tagging multiple media types (total of 63.1%, or 12 out of 19). 31.6%, or 6 out of 19, are only tagging one media type. I believe the person who selected "other" hasn't posted Fruits Basket work yet, but indicated they'd be likely to tag all three.
Of note: even though far more works are tagged with the manga tag than either anime, including when I excluded crossovers, the 2019 anime had the most works updated since January 1 of this year excluding crossovers at 25 (vs 4 for the 2001 anime, and 12 for the manga).
For readers, it looks like most of us (46.4%, or 13 out of 28) are filtering by relationship or character. (Sometimes I think I must be the only person who will read fics for any relationship or character if the premise is interesting!) For those who search using media tags, the manga tag is by far the most used at 17.9%, or 5 out of 28.
Then, 50%, or 14 out of 28 readers don't expect anything different between the three media tags. And that number raises to 78.6%, or 22 out of 28, if you include people who only expect minor differences between content found at each of the three tags.
So, why did I do these polls (and what are my thoughts on how these tags should be wrangled)? More info below the cut!
At some point between when I joined Ao3 and now, the tag "Fruits Basket" went from being a metatag that contained all 3 Fruits Basket media to being made a synonym of the manga.
In practical terms, what this meant for me was that I could no longer sort or filter all Fruits Basket works at once. I would instead have to go to all three media tags separately, and would have to repeat searches for all three media tags if I was looking for a specific trope. Additionally, I didn't actually realize this change until a couple of months after it occurred. I almost missed one of my now-favorite fics because of this change!
Worse still, it means that when I filter out crossovers, any works that are tagged with more than one Fruits Basket media are considered as "crossovers." If I want to filter out actual crossovers, it needs to be done by manually clicking all other fandoms under the "exclude" option.
So, I sent a support ticket to Ao3 asking them to either reverse this change, or add a similar "All Media Types" sort of tag.
They responded after about 12 days, letting me know that the Archive is no longer creating "All Media Types" tags, and is actually dismantling them where possible. The goal is for users to be able to find what they're looking for, and to avoid confusion, which apparently "All Media Types" tags can cause, both for creators and browsing users. They pointed out that searching by relationship or character would allow me to see all works across media tags with those characters (although this doesn't solve my problem).
(Note: no shade to this Ao3 volunteer - I'm not upset at this answer, and they were only communicating Archive policy and were very professional and gave me good and important info!)
Anyway, this confused me, so I sat with it for a bit. I did some searches of the Ao3 blog, the Reddit and Tumblr, and some tag wrangler's Tumblrs where they talk about tag wrangling, but couldn't find anything about dismantling "All Media Types" metatags. So, I decided to get some data. Hence, the polls.
Other than my continued surprise at how many people search by relationship (multishipper problems...), the polls basically aligned with what I expected. So, if I'm using the tags in a similar way to most other users, this can't be the best way for these tags to exist.
I sent a followup request outlining some of what I shared here, then decided to browse Ao3 fandoms outside of Fruits Basket to see how other fandom tags, especially anime/manga fandom tags, were generally canonized.
On the Fandoms page, several "All Media Types" tags are present (Star Wars, Les Mis, Newsies, Batman, and Captain America, to name a few). Additionally, several "& Related Fandoms" tags are also present.
But this might not be a fair comparison. Star Wars has had movies, TV shows, comics, novels, video games, audio novels, radio adaptations, theme park rides, and more. A broad metatag makes sense for that fandom.
Or maybe the Archive just hasn't dismantled those "All Media Types" tags yet?
So, what about other anime and manga? Well, several (including the extremely popular BNHA and Naruto, as well as the shoujo that's always being compared to Furuba, OHSHC) are canonized as (Anime & Manga). Some (like Haikyuu!! and AoT) are canonized so both the manga and the anime are synonyms to the overarching fandom name.
And what about a manga that had two adaptations? Well, Fullmetal Alchemist has an "All Media Types" tag, which acts as a catchall for the 2003 anime, the live action, Bluebird's Illusion (which is apparently a fan-made game?), and a single tag combining the manga and Brotherhood.
So then, I did another search for information on how the Archive is handling "All Media Types" tags.
That search led me to a Tumblr post on tag wrangling guidelines from way back in 2013. Obviously, that post was out of date, but it led me to a handful of other posts, and eventually to the tag wrangling guidelines on the Ao3 website.
I actually didn't know the wrangling guidelines were publicly available before this, so this was exciting! After some brief searching, I was able to find some relevant policies:
Wrangling Guidelines - Metatags still mentioned "All Media Types" metatags in their guidelines, so perhaps those guidelines are out of date? Or instead, they're for those exceptions where "All Media Types" tags make sense?
That page led me to Wrangling Guidelines - Fandoms, which was MUCH more informative.
Under "Base Rules" > "Shared & Similar Names/Multiple Media" > "General Disambiguation Suffixes" it says:
General Disambiguation Suffixes are a legacy disambiguation format and last-resort disambiguation options for fandom tags that could not be easily separated into specific media. Fandoms disambiguated in these ways are no longer being created and are being removed where possible.
General Disambiguation Suffixes includes "All Media Types," "& Related Fandoms," and "Ambiguous Fandom."
Under "Fandoms With Multiple Media" it says:
Existing "All Media Types" tags may have new subtags added beneath them, but should no longer be created. The different existing media tags can be made into subtags under this metatag, as they are added to the Archive. There is no need to make an "All Media Types" metatag just to connect fandoms. Such fandoms can simply sit separately.
Bleh. I guess my hopes have been dashed.
But wait!
Under "Anime and Manga" > "Disambiguation Between Manga, Manhwa, Manhua, & Anime" it says:
Anime and manga fandoms should be canonised separately as much as possible. For fandoms where the completed manga and anime canons overlap enough to be considered one unified canon, or the user-made works do not specify whether they are for the anime or the manga, the disambig may be (Anime & Manga), with the terms in alphabetical order.
If canons do not overlap and users make tags for the separate canons, disambiguate with (Anime), (Manga), (Manhwa), or (Manhua).
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So, I guess the tag wrangler(s) for Fruits Basket consider the manga and the (unspecified which) anime to... not overlap? Or not overlap enough? Again, this confuses me. The 2019 anime covered all of canon and only had extremely minor changes, and those were mostly done just to make it work better in animation instead of print. The 2001 anime only covered the first third or so of the story and had some bigger changes, but nothing outside the realm of what a fan might change in a fanwork for the manga.
So, what do I think would be the best outcome for the Fruits Basket media tags on Ao3?
When I think about it, I could see people who had only seen the 2001 anime benefiting from being able to search only for works relating to the 2001 anime. And I could see people who have read the manga/seen the 2019 anime being annoyed if the major changes of the 2001 anime were referenced on works tagged to the manga/2019 anime. But I can't really see that happening between the manga and the 2019 anime. Those changes were so minute, I doubt they'd be relevant most of the time.
So, with the caveat that I'm only one user, and I don't know for sure if my opinion is the one held by most users in the Fruits Basket fandom, here are some potential solutions that would work for me & (I believe) for most users in the Fruits Basket fandom:
bring back "Fruits Basket" as a metatag for all 3 media types, or
make the manga tag synonymous with the 2019 anime, with the new canonical reading [Fruits Basket (Anime 2019 & Manga)], and make the 2001 anime a subtag of that new combined tag, or
make both anime tags subtags of the manga tag
Anyway, if you wanted to know what I've been doing instead of writing over the past few weeks, this is it. 😅 I'd really love to hear what you think of my proposed solutions, and if the change caused problems for you as it did for me, or if it actually made things easier.
Info about another tag wrangling issue for Fruits Basket coming soon in a separate (much shorter!) post!
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Round 3: Chara Dreemurr (Undertale) vs. Jason Todd (DC)
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Propaganda below the cut
Chara Dreemurr (?):
They were constantly blamed for killing all of monster kind in the no mercy route, despite players choosing to go that route. People ignored that they sacrificed themselves to attempt to free the monsters from the underground.
everyone wants to blame their own actions (genocide route) on chara, who is a literal child. i don’t know how to tell you this but you are the one playing the game. it’s about YOUR CHOICES. chara is there is punish you for that, you killed the only family that ever loved them! how could they not be upset at that! also if you don’t mind, here’s a good video essay on the subject 
Jason Todd (~12):
Most of the Tumblr fandom likes this guy but if you step outside this website then wham so many people say he got what he deserved as a kid and Batman can't be cool if he's a dad so it's important for Batman to trash-talk his dead child constantly so we can all agree what a bad idea it was. Also wanna highlight that a lot of the records we have from fans at the time were clear they disliked Robin for BEING a child. Like a lot of the little dude characters in this tournament are treated too harshly for making an ugly choice and the fans aren't being understanding or sympathetic that the choice is made by a child character who is immature and not developed and strong enough to make a good choice and stuff. But THIS little dude was specifically hated FOR being a child. People wanted tough loner guy Batman not Batdad and his little buddy. The first Robin would drive back from college and guest star sometimes and be advertised as the Teen Wonder and people were like yeah okay but then Batman actually starts being a single parent for a child with needs and people were like UGH not the BOY Wonder. Today pretty much everywhere you see Batman fans saying Batman is better solo, no kid, it's not realistic to have a kid, a kid shouldn't be in the movies blah. Even if the comics they always find a way to send away the new kid so that Batman never has to parent. So all the Robins are being excluded from the narrative but I think this one is THE symbol of Batman fans hating a child character just for being a child.
Robin, Jason Todd, THE hated child character. In the 1980s, Batman comics had become increasingly dark and gritty. According to editor O'Neil himself, the courted audience wasn't kids but 19-40 year old men with disposable income. Batman's child sidekick, Robin, was offensively campy and childish. Fans called him wimpy, annoying, dumb, bratty, etc. Also people complained that Batman acting like an affectionate dad was unmanly and gay. Robin acts violent and emotional and people are like "ew he's so childish and emotional"—and then Batman literally acts just as murderously and emotionally within literally the same exact story and people are like "wow he's so dark and tortured". So in 1988 (after brutalizing Batgirl to get rid of her for being too bright and nice and kid-friendly), DC held a paid poll for fans to vote for Robin to live or die. O'Neil claims he heard a fan (a grown man with a dayjob as a lawyer) programmed a phone to spam kill votes. One fanguy claimed that he sold his Mercedes to buy kill votes (probably an exaggeration but still). By less than 1% margin, the vote decided to kill Robin in a spectacularly violent way. Anyway the 1989 Batman movie brought in a huge wave of new child comicbook fans who liked the new Robin (a very cool teenage high school Robin with a driver's license and a girlfriend), and DC started a separate Robin-less Batman series called Legends of the Dark Knight to make the anti-Robin writers and fans happy. But to this day, many fans agree it was a good idea to kill off the other Robin so that his foolish death reminds other characters to never be childish and stupid again. Bonus: the current Robin (usually a traumatized 10-year-old) has also been facing some pretty loud hatred for over 15 years.
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remuslupinsdaughter · 8 months
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Molly Shelby
Chapter two
Ok so this is a fic from years ago that I’ve decided to sort of change up and develop, imagine Tommy Shelby had a daughter before he went to war, she’s around 12 now.
Molly pulled on her black cardigan of her school uniform and went to find Linda who was in the living room in front of the fire, “can you help me with my hair?” She asked, Linda smiled “of course love come sit in front of me” she said, Molly sat cross legged on the floor in front of Linda and passed her the white ribbon and a hairbrush, Linda gently brushed Mollys hair and put it into a neat ponytail. “Is my dad still here?” Molly asked and stood up, Linda shook her head, “I’m afraid not, he left with Arthur and John about an hour ago” she said, Molly nodded her face falling with disappointment, “ok”, she left the living room, passing by Polly and waved her a quick goodbye before stepping out and walking to school.
Molly walked the school corridors, trying to ignore the whispers from the other girls, it was well known she was a Shelby, Tommy Shelby’s daughter nonetheless. She left the school gates and walked to the graveyard where Grace was, she sat down on the grass, took out a book, and began reading out loud.
She read three chapters and closed the book, “I have to get home now or aunt Pol will have half the peaky boys out looking for me” she said, “I’m going to bring dad soon, he misses you too and i think it might help if he talks to you” Molly said standing up, she kisses her hand and touches the headstone. She puts her book away in her bag and turns to leave when something catches the corner of her eye, she turns and notices two men stood next to a car watching her, it sends a chill straight down her spine and her stomach churns, she quickly walks out the graveyard at the opposite side to where the car is and breaks out into a run, she sprints as fast as her legs will carry her, her lungs burning as she reaches the house, she bursts through the door and sees Arthur and Polly both looking at her confused, Molly looks back at them her eyes wild and scared.
“Mol? What ‘appened?” Arthur asked moving towards her, Polly behind him, “I think people are watching me” she said her hands shaking from the adrenaline surging through her, “get Tommy” Arthur said, Polly nodded and marched to the shop, bursting into Tommys office where he was doing paperwork, he looked up angry then his face changed when he noticed Pollys scared expression, Polly was never scared. “Pol, what’s happened?” He said his voice sounding concerned, “it’s Molly” she said, Tommy stood from his desk and followed her back upstairs and to the kitchen where Molly was sat next to Arthur, she looked up when she heard the footsteps and got up going straight to Tommy, she hugged him, Tommy resting one hand on her back and the other on her head, petting her hair softly and looked at Arthur who just shook his head, Tommy squeezed Molly and kissed the top of her head, “alright, it’s alright” he said softly.
“Sit down Molly” he said and pulled a chair out, Molly sat down, Tommy sat next to her and faced her, “I need you to tell me what happened, what scared you” he said softly, Molly looked at Polly who gave a reassuring smile, “I um went to see Grace, I read to her after school, and when I got up to leave I saw these two men stood by a car and they were watching me so I ran back here” she said. Tommy nodded, “these men, what did they look like? Did you hear them talk? What car was it they had?” Molly stuttered “I-I, I um I don’t” “Molly this is important I need you to think” Tommy said raising voice and holding her shoulders, “Tommy stop it you’re scaring her” Polly said, Molly looked at him, her eyes shining with scared tears.
Tommy pinched his nose, “listen to me Molly, ok listen, I know you’re scared, but I need you to try to remember because these people, they could be dangerous and I need to know who they are because they could hurt you” he said, “Thomas that’s enough” Polly shouted, “go to the living room love, your little brother and cousins are in there, I need to have a word with your father” she said to Molly softly, Molly nodded wiping away her tears as they fell, she left the kitchen, Tommy leaned on the table with his palms. “The fuck is wrong with you, she’s a child, you can’t interrogate her” Polly said angrily, “I need to know who the fuck they are Pol, what if they try and grab her, or what if they put a bullet in her chest like they did to Grace” Tommy replied, he wasn’t shouting but his words couldn’t have come out any angrier.
“She’s twelve years old and she’s scared Thomas, firing questions at her and shouting isn’t going to get you answers” Polly shouted. Ada walked in “what the hell is going on! You can probably hear your shouting from Camden! Molly looks in a right state and she won’t tell me what happened” she said throwing her hands up, “Molly was followed from school, says she saw two men watching her” Polly said, Tommy looked like he was about to be sick.
After a while of shouting and then a quieter conversation Tommy, Polly and Ada entered the living room, Molly was playing with Charles, handing him blocks. She looked up as they walked in, she looked at Tommy nervously, he cleared his throat, “Molly come over here please” he said, Molly stood up and walked over to them, she looked at Ada who smiled at her reassuringly, “sit down” Tommy said, Molly sat on the chair. “I’ve rang your school, you won’t be going in for the next few days, not until we find out who those men were” Tommy said then crouched and took Mollys hands, “it also means you can’t go and see Grace” Molly shook her head, “no please, what if someone comes with me, dad I have to see her” Molly said, Ada ushered the other children out of the room and passed Charles to a nanny, Tommy shook his head “It’s not safe”, Molly nodded, wiping her tears away, she was upset but she understood.
Molly tossed and turned in bed, she couldn’t sleep, the image of the two men playing over and over in her mind, she got up and walked to Tommys room, the room was dimly lit by an oil lamp, Molly pushed the door open, the creak making Tommy look up, he was sat on the edge of his bed smoking a cigarette, Molly stuttered, “I uh, I can’t sleep, kind of a stressful day I suppose” she mumbled, Tommy outstretched an arm, Molly climbed on the bed, Tommy lay back and Molly snuggled into his side, laying her head on his chest, “you’re safe here angel” Tommy said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, “dad?” Tommy hummed, “can you read to me? Like when I was little?” Molly asked looking up at him, Tommy nodded and opened his nightstand drawer, pulling out a copy of Sherlock Holmes (idk if this book was out in this time period but fuck it) he put on his glasses and began reading, Molly listened intently until her eyes grew heavy and she eventually fell asleep.
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rustingcat · 5 months
tagged by @inkedroplets who tagged me in a few things now, and I forgot to answer some of them. Shame on me, but thanks for the tag, darling:)
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
I started with art, then began writing, then started animating, and recently uploaded a fanvid 😅
I'm proud of them all because they are all part of the progress 😌
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
Supergirl. I'm counting my Sadie/Saskia vid as supercorp.
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Supercorp. And apparently a lot of people don't like them because they hated supergirl? (At least according to tumblr tags in polls. But those people also accuse them of being too straight...)
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
They are in my heart. Also, I feel that their last conversation was as close to canon as they could get.
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
I was deep into Harry Potter for a long while in my life. That's what got me into fanfiction and tumblr. I still have a sweet spot for what it represented to me in my childhood and the stuff I took away from it despite the actions of some extreme lady.
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
My Twilight Au fic 🤣
Was written as a parody, but somehow ended up being way too wholesome.
The power of pasta is my one crack fic, so there's also that.
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
I was an avid consumer for years, but it was all thanks to the Supergirl fandom that I dared to try and create something. I was in the process of coming out and accepting myself for who I am, which, despite being in a very open and accepting environment and family, was really hard on me. Both the show, and especially the fandom, were what helped me not only to come out but also to see it in a positive light. It made me understand the meaning of pride, and I am forever grateful for that. That's why I decided to dedicate my time to creating stuff myself as thanks to this amazing community and to do my best to keep it active.♥️
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
Some, yes. I have a few friends who know I write, but had not read any of my stuff. I have a few I share my art with, though.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
Someone wrote a fic based on my art a while ago, and I'm still excited about it!
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
Depends on the content. Each piece has its own purpose. I try to aim for fluff, but I've been told I accidentally write a lot of angst... oops?
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
I'm always excited when fandom friends tell me they like my stuff. Or just anyone in general. It just warms my heart.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
Have you read the most recent space log update? It's pretty cool...
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
"Alex, you're saying that as if we're not literally standing at the entrance of a school for fairies." Kara said as she rested her hand on the handle of her large blue suitcase.
"Fair point."
"It is ridiculous, isn't it? Like, fairy collage, it just sounds so…"
"Bizarre?" Alex raised an eyebrow as a small chuckle escaped her lips.
Kara sheepishly nodded.
"Well, yes. Very. But that's our lives now, I suppose," Alex shrugged and shoved her hands in her jeans's pockets.
"You mean my life. You're going to badass school for ass kicking," Kara teased her sister.
Because apparently I'm not done making AUs based on questionable IPs.
And a bit of my card game AU:
Lena was the one to drag Andea to sneak out of school for a change. Only unlike her best friend, Lena didn't drag her out to a party or to drink alcohol, but instead to the local game shop where she could learn more about that mysterious game. Andrea wasn't as excited as her, but reluctantly agreed (if only to get out of trigonometry class). Fight for Justice, while being a bit too cheesy, Lena couldn't deny the strange allure of the name. She was fascinated to learn the different ways the game could change from moment to moment, the various objectives one can approach to win the game, and she couldn't help but absolutely adore the art on each and every card.
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
Rich girl with issues is a masterpiece, and you should all go read it!
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
I try to always comment, and especially on stuff I like. I don't think I have a specific style tho😅
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
I have about 12 that I actively started, but more that are in the concept phase. Ideally, I'll finish them all eventually.
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
It's been almost 2 years since I started The Art Of The Game. I'm close to the end, but it's been a while...
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
The hottest new trailer for the film we all have been waiting for;)
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I feel like a foreigner when I see stuff from other fandoms, and I usually don't know enough about it to interact with it.
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
@awaitingrain has some really amazing artwork with adorable chibi designs! I'd recommend checking out her stuff!
Suggested tag list, but there are no rules here, follow your heart.
@eqt-95 @fazedlight @autisticlenaluthor @snowydragonscave @missluthorwillseeyounow @luthordamnvers have fun;)
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not-a-seagull · 2 months
Okay explanation time: I saw some time ago on Twitter (now known as X) that someone made a poll with nukani ships, and if I don't misremember, it was mostly Eiden ships.
So I've decided to be a bit mean and make a popularity poll without Eiden (sorry babygirl...)
Here is the bracket in questions:
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As you can see, there's 16 different ships. I used the tag system in AO3 to figure out which ships to include by picking the two to three most popular relationship tag in each character.
I go to the "Search Tag" tab, type in "Edmond (NU: carnival)" in the tag name, select the "relationship" option, sort by "Uses", sort direction "Descending", and done!
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As you can see, I picked the two options most popular options that weren't Eiden, leaving me with Dante/Edmond and Yakumo/Edmond as the bracket participants.
Back to the bracket itself, here is a list with the chosen pairings:
1. Yakumo/Edmond 2. Yakumo/Olivine 3. Dante/Edmond 4. Olivine/Quincy 5. Kuya/Olivine 6. Kuya/Quincy 7. Garu/Kuya 8. Blade/Garu 9. Blade/Edmond 10. Blade/Kuya 11. Aster/Dante 12. Rei/Yakumo 13. Kuya/Rei 14. Aster/Morvay 15. Morvay/Olivine 16. Edmond/Kuya
Here is also a little counter with every time a character's name appears:
Yakumo: 3 Edmond: 3 Olivine: 4 Quincy: 2 Kuya: 5 Garu: 2 Blade: 3 Dante: 2 Rei: 2 Aster: 2 Morvay: 2
So, how will these posts be formated?
The idea is simple, I make a silly post with each pairing at the side of a poll, and people vote! How fun :] You're free to like... Team up with your friends to vote for a specific ship or incetivise people to vote for a pairing. I don't care! I'm doing this for fun, and because I'm curious lil guy!
The posts would look something like this, I think...
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I plan on releasing each match one day after the other, so in total round one would take about two weeks I believe (if we count from first day of first match to last day of last match).
The posts would go up on 22:00/10:00pm UTC, with the polls having a duration of one week as to have a large poll of voters.
Also, each match up was chosen randomly. Basically I used a random number generator and pulled two numbers at a time to determine which ship should go agaisnt which.
That's all, really. Round one of voting should be starting next week, with the team matches being:
Yakumo/Edmond VS Blade/Kuya (22/07) Yakumo/Olivine VS Blade/Garu (23/07) Dante/Edmond VS Garu/Kuya (24/07) Olivine/Quincy VS Edmond/Kuya (25/07) Kuya/Olivine VS Morvay/Olivine (26/07) Kuya/Quincy VS Rei/Yakumo (27/07) Blade/Edmond VS Aster/Morvay (28/07) Aster/Dante VS Kuya/Rei (29/07)
The team/pairing that gets the most votes wins, of course. As of writing I'm not planning on having a thrid neutral/"show results" options since I don't think its necessary, but if enough people ask me about putting said option I will do so.
Lastly, I got the bracket template from Make a Bracket, and used this template by LKGamingART on deviantart for the VS image.
That is all, have a nice week :]
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the-corvus-luna · 4 months
How to Play CLAMP TRPG
[This Game-play Start Guide is a Prototype, since some of the terms are being decided by polls. This guide is meant to be a quick guide of how to make a character by using translated excerpts from the Clamp School Detectives Guidebook. This is not the book fulltext, as this guide is a summary of the game rules. The charts are copied from the book so the translations are rough.]
START HERE : Making a Character
This game can be played solo or with any number of players. First, determine the first player to play with “Rock, Paper, Scissors” and go in a consistent order, either clockwise or counterclockwise. It will also help to select a mediator; to make decisions on rules, and an archiver; to record what is happening during gameplay.
First, establish "what their character wants to do" and "what situation they want to be involved in." and establish reasonable boundaries for the session. This is the initial setting of your character, meaning they start their game from a stated location and doing a stated activity.
This is what a player’s turn looks like as a flow chart:
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What is a Check and How to Use Them
Checks are decided by group majority, as a game wouldn't be fun if you had a Check for each mundane activity such as walking or breathing. Checks are meant to see if your ability is high enough for the task your character is going to do, but only if it seems unreasonable to the group.
 Compare the "difficulty level" of the task that the group selected and the "ability value" of the chosen character, and compare them to the table (Note: The table to be compared is different depending on the Check Difficulty.)
 Determine the "Reference Value".
Draw a card at random from the deck of cards, and compare the number shown on the card with the “Reference Value”. In this case, "A" indicates "1," and "J," "Q," and "K" indicate "11," "12," and "13," respectively.
If the number on the card is equal to or smaller than the check threshold, the action is successful.
 If the number on the card is higher than the check threshold, the action fails.
If a joker is drawn, another card is drawn, and if the color of the suit is "red", the action is a success, and if the color is "black", the action is a failure.
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For Example, Character wishes to pick a lock on a door, [Character Rank: Professional, Ability Values: Int:B (9) Str:E (6) Luck: G(4), Special Ability: Lock-picking] and the group determined that the lock isn't that difficult but someone without some skill would face difficulty. so the decided Check Difficulty is D.
Since lock-picking in this character's case was a learned ability based on their background, the Ability Value checked would be Intelligence. Since the Ability Value is +2 above the Check Difficulty, we would need to draw a card that is equal to or less than 9 to pass the check. If the number drawn is higher than the threshold, the check failed. 
If a Joker is drawn, the next card drawn determines whether its a instant success or an instant failure. If you draw "red", it will be a success. On the other hand, if you draw "black", it will be considered the worst possible situation that could have occurred.
Destiny Draw
After you have declared a character action and after deciding whether a check is needed, draw a card. This card will determine the outcome of the desired action.
 If a red card (Hearts or Diamonds) the action is allowed to happen unchanged.
 If a black card (Clubs or Spades) the action is changed. If its a Spade, its an unfortunate change.
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Changes are determined by drawing 3 cards and creating a scenario using the keywords from the selected cards, referencing the charts below. These changed scenarios will happen in place of the declared action. If you encounter a Joker, keep drawing 3 cards until no Jokers appear.
For Example, I decided on an action to go to the library (no checks were needed), I drew a Club. The 3 cards that I drew to decide the change was A of Hearts, 9 of Hearts, and King of Spades. Those terms could be interpreted as Surprise, Emotions, and Disappointment. The scenario could be "While trying to go to the library; I got surprised by some dark figure. It scared me a lot so I ran away, but it was just the statue at the front of the library so I felt disappointed and embarrassed."
This is the part of the game that requires improv, as these randomly decided scenarios can be serious, or absolutely silly.
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Dealing with Misfortune or How to Change Destiny
Misfortune is inevitable in some cases, but we still need to determine a few things before an unlucky event happens. Primarily, who the Misfortune will affect:
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If your character wants to change Destiny (Hell, which respectable CLAMP character wouldn’t want to change Destiny… or at attempt it), they can reject Misfortune one of two ways:
Redraw Points: Deduct one (1) Redraw Point per turn to Redraw the Destiny Draw, but it can only be done once per character turn. Once your Redraw Points are 0, you’ll have to wait until next session for them to be restored. 
Bounce-back: Draw a card and compare the number on the card to the Ability Value Luck. if the drawn card is equal or less than the Ability Value, you have bounced back the misfortune and your character is unaffected. If the drawn card is greater than your Ability Value, you will be affected by the misfortune. If a Joker is drawn, draw one more card: If the suit is red, success and if the suit is black, unsuccessful. Bounce-back can only be attempted once per Misfortune. Whether or not the player receives the misfortune, he or she must draw three new cards and perform the "Situation Change" 3 card draw.
After we decide Who will be affected by misfortune, we have until the end of the player turn to declare whether we want to use Redraw Points or Bounce-back to reject the Misfortune. 
Misfortune Points 
In Destiny Draw if you draw a Spade card, you acquire one (1) Misfortune Point on your Character Sheet. These Misfortune points can add up because even one point can affect a player. If you have more than 9 Misfortune Points, you cannot bounce-back Misfortune.
If a Misfortune is Bounced back by a player, the misfortune will happen to the player with the highest Misfortune Points and the player will receive a Misfortune Point. Successful Bouncebacks do not gain Misfortune Points.
Fortune Points
Fortune points can only be granted to players who have accumulated Misfortune Points. If you have more than 14 Misfortune Points, you must convert them to Fortune Points immediately upon accumulation. 
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Fortune Points can be used at any time during play through one of two ways:
Spend 1 point to automatically succeed in any check.
Spend 1 point to manipulate the scenario as you see fit.
Collective Actions
Whenever two players are in the same location, Collective Action can be declared (or not declared). This allows for players to discuss their actions and to decide the order for the chosen actions. This could be seen as these characters “taking their turns” all at the same time, or in a sequence as it's up to the group to decide. Ensure that everyone gets to speak freely. The individual actions still are subject to the Destiny Draw outcomes, though.
If a character leaves the location of the other players or any changes happen, the Collective Action automatically ends. The next player continues normal play.
Creating a Story 
Games must have excitement and this game should be exciting for people to be interested. Misfortunes can be terrible, but also create a captivating story. Players are encouraged to make their characters’ performance dramatic, as it will naturally create interesting stories.
Ensure that everyone is involved in the game, as this creates excitement! Avoid situations where only one player experiences exciting scenarios or one player can’t experience exciting scenarios. This game is a group activity, be sure to leave nobody out of the fun!
Ending the Game
Your characters will be changed by the story’s progress, some changes might affect the next sessions. For Example, a Character sprained her leg or the character's personality has changed. These changes are to be recorded on the Character sheet and could affect other play sessions.
Once game play has gotten to a stopping point, discuss the game. Check up on any problems or questions that you had about the session. Declaring a definite end to a game allows players to know the game’s story has ended, as most games don’t get played forever. 
Recording Sessions
The archiver has the most important job as they record the story as its unfolding. This will serve as a memory to lock back on or to see new aspects of the game you didn't notice during play. Recording is vital as a narrative device too, as that’s how Clamp School Paranormal Investigators started out as. 
To Be Continued…
You made a good captivating story that people want to continue. Congratulations! It’s encouraged to continue playing with the same character as the previous session so that personality traits can be developed. 
This is the end of the quick start guide, I hopefully covered most of the game-play to at least give people some sort of idea what this game even is. Again, this is a very early prototype of a translation. <3
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