#as the clock chimes
stargazerspringles · 2 years
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“Your time is up”
ART, me has brain worms about my story [AtCC]. College is wack, art? No time for it woooo so me going ham for 6 hours straight? Hecc yeah!!!!
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ghostlykidplaidbanana · 9 months
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A continuation of this post
You thought it was just rise and 2012?
Im thinking I’ll make more of these crossover shenanigans I’ve got a lot of ideas silly smirk emoji
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green5quirrel · 7 months
TL;DR: I think Monroe's striking and chiming clocks were underutilized for truly hilarious interruptions when the hour strikes and 5 or so clocks announce it in sync.
I think we've all looked over a very important detail in Nick having stayed over at Monroe's for a time. I feel like I REALLY want someone to explore this in a fanfiction of some sort.
Monroe has several "striking" clocks in his house. A striking clock (or just clock for those who differentiate clocks as striking and timepieces as non-striking) makes sounds every hour, half hour, or can chime every quarter hour depending on the number of mechanisms.
Monroe obviously has a grandfather clock (or grandmother clock as I'm not sure the height of it) thanks to him telling Hap not to touch it. So that is definitely a striking and chime clock. Or has the potential to be as such if it's not silenced. He also has potentially more than one cuckoo clock.
Can you imagine the absolute terror of a person who has never been in a house with more than one striking clock as it hits the hour or half hour for the first time.
Now, ideally Monroe will have silenced most of his clocks. I don't know. I don't have any working clocks. I don't know how most horologists do things at their private homes. If they find the striking nostalgic or welcomed. But let's err on the side that Monroe has been living alone for a long time and actually does find a few chimes and striking nostalgic after growing up with it as his dad seemed to also be into clocks.
Let's layer this with the fact that Nick has very sensitive hearing (though I'm not sure when that happens. I could have my timelines wrong). Despite that, you're just getting to sleep at around 11pm or midnight and for some reason have been oblivious to or accepting of the chimes during the day. Or this is your first night in your friend, Monroe's, house and suddenly the first floor below you erupts in various chimes and tunes.
Can you imagine?!
I'm actually kind of astounded that this was never properly explored in the. In not one scene does any of Monroe's clocks strike despite how long everyone is at his house. I mean, if I had clocks I'd at least appreciate one of them striking.
The point is, I really want to either write or read a fanfiction where either Rosalee or Nick or Hank experiences the sound of an hour in the most unexpected way and grumpily complains to a completely and adorably oblivious Monroe.
(It would also have been a great gag if in the middle of a dramatic conversation it struck the top of the hour and Monroe patiently waits for his clocks to sound off before continuing. And Nick/whoever he's talking to is just like "Seriously dude?" And he's like, "What? ...fine! I'll silence them. Jeez! I didn't ask you to be here anyway, man!")
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nuttersincorporated · 9 months
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No Strings Attached
As midnight struck, Mickey felt his strings snap and he immediately crumpled to the ground. He tried to get up but only made it as far as his knees before he collapsed again.
Lying on his back, staring up at the stary night sky above, Mickey became aware of a strange whimpering sound. It took him a few moments to realise he was the one making those noises. Tears rolled down his cheeks.
He distantly wondered if he could lie there forever; just stay there until the ground claimed his bones. It seemed so much easier than the alternative. He was so, so tired.
“Mickey!” the voice sounded far away but he recognised it instantly. “Mickey!”
No, he wouldn’t give up. He couldn’t. He wasn’t the only one who’d had his strings cut.
Angry with himself, Mickey scrubbed the tears away. Then he balled his hands into fists and with a great effort of will, pushed himself into a sitting position.
“Mickey, where are you?”
“Min…” he started to answer but that was all he managed before he started coughing. He tried to stop but it only seemed to get worse.
She must have heard him because he could hear her running towards him. A moment later and she was there, flower in her hair and worry on her face.
“Oh Mickey!” She dropped to her knees beside him and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He continued to cough and she rubbed circles on his back until, at last, his body relaxed and he could breathe properly.
“It’s okay,” she reassured him, still holding him. “It’s going to be okay.”
Mickey hugged her back. He realised he was crying again and made an effort to stop. He opened his mouth and tried to speak for the second time. This time he managed it.
“Minnie.” Mickey stopped. He didn’t recognise his own voice. It was horse from all the coughing but it was more than that.
His eyes widened is shock as realised it was the first word he’d ever spoken. Oh, words had come out of his mouth before but he’d never been the one making the decision to say them.
“Minnie,” he said again. “We’re free.”
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fabaceous · 1 year
like guys shauna literally NEEDS jackie to be dead in order to have the (in shauna’s head) ideal relationship with her. i saw this amazing post once that i cannot for the life of me find again (but if anyone has it on hand pls attach below as a supporting document 👇) about how shauna’s main crime is passive aggressiveness, which is to say, she is completely incapable of facing anything directly so instead she puts it through 10 trillion layers of filters and it comes out super warped and toxic.
if we extend that logic to her own feelings towards jackie (which we absolutely should) then there’s no WAY she’s ever going to let herself directly “worship” saint jackie in a positive way, like in the sense of confessing her love for her or EVEN allowing herself to have a crush or EVEN being an exceptionally devoted friend. she can’t confront the bad but she can’t confront the good either. there IS genuine love there and shauna clearly wants to experience the feeling of worshipping jackie otherwise she wouldn’t go through all these contortions! but because shauna is shauna, the safest way for her to experience that feeling is by hurting jackie and then self flagellating about it and convincing herself that this is love. and jackie dying, arguably by shaunas own hand, is actually PERFECT for shauna. it literally gives her enough material for the rest of her life!
once jackie is dead and becomes - dare i say - frozen as the eternal and unchanging saint jackie, shauna is finally free to worship her forever and ever, without the possibility of jackie putting a stop to the vicious cycle by calling her out on it and forcing a confrontation that would lead to EITHER the end of their relationship OR a reckoning with their feelings and the creation a new kind of relationship that shauna is not prepared to have.
and in either of these scenarios she will ALSO be forced to reckon with both her and jackie’s faults and accept that they are both flawed but redeemable humans rather than Saint Jackie and Sinner Shauna. this is apparently such complicated and uncomfortable idea to shauna that she would literally rather worship her dead best friend than have to face it.
so anyway. yeah. shauna needs jackie to be dead because Sinner Shauna needs her Saint Jackie. normal relationship for normal people
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dylanconrique · 4 months
ooohhhh, if ya'll could hear the argument i'm having with myself in my head about the symbolism of the clock chiming at the end of the teaser trailer for part 2 after penelope passes out.
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jt1674 · 4 months
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toadstool32 · 2 months
Took a break from art despair to oil up our old clock who hasn't been cleaned in more time than I have been alive
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tamaharu · 6 months
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or, "Myself Isn't Here"
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windtooth-plane · 8 months
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{Hey there!}
{I'll just get right into the rules and notes. Below said rules and notes will be lore, extra stuff and reference sheets.}
{1. Uploading may vary from time to time as my motivation is rather silly if you want to put it that way. Please do not expect updates in small periods of time, and please do not pressure me to upload anything.}
{2. This blog is run by @nixii-sabre , however, multiple other characters belong to @chaoticgoober and chickenboi on discord- and non-frequently a few other folk. If you have any technical questions or other questions feel free to ask me.}
{3. Suggestiveness is occasionally allowed, however please do not overdo it. No complete NSFW. Most heavier suggestive asks will be deleted or answered if the ask belongs to one of my closer friends who actually know the lore as well as various other inside jokes.}
{4. If your question specifically takes place at a different time of the story, please say if it does. If you don't say, I will immediately assume where it is in the timeline.}
{5. Please do not antagonize me or other askers. Anonymous is always allowed however please do not send any negative stuff or hate.}
{6. Some asks will be answered with simple text, some drawings or doodles here and there, or sometimes full illustrations and/or comics. Please do not expect absolute top-notch with every ask.}
{7. Fanart and giftart is completely always allowed. If you can. @ me (the moderator) whenever you make it! I'd love to see it. However please do not claim any of the characters here as yours, do not copy designs or trace any artwork shone. Just simple art rules n' stuff.}
{And finally, for lore and reference sheets, read under the cut!}
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Endless Moving Nights He/They 3rd Gen Endless Moving Nights is usually referred to as "Nights" or more commonly "Endless" as for short. He majors in Biological mechanics and his facility status is currently collapsed after Hidden Niche of Pearls sent a large squad of scavengers and used highly reactive explosives. Before the collapse, Endless had severe insomnia and tended to stay up late into the cycle to work on finding the solution to The Great Problem. He (somewhat) found the solution to, but it was far too dangerous without testing. He had contacted his friend, Witch of Twin Stars to test it out for him- as it was technically a way to save her from the immense rot in her superstructure. She was dying, and what Endless was offering was a body switch into a slugcat subspecies. The subspecies being the only bipedal smart enough in Endless' facility that could be rewired to comprehend the ability to bodyswitch- Bottomfeeders. He sent one of his Bottomfeeders to Witch's can- in which Witch enacted on the instructions Endless had given to her. It was a success, however due to the 'solution' being far too close to being against the self-destruct taboo itself- they both kept it a secret. One of Endless' personal logs stored in a data pearl was 'accidentally' delivered to Hidden Niche of pearls- the iterator being extremely lawful. After the collapse, Endless' half-dead puppet was brought to Pines' can where he was hooked up to an emergency port for an umbilical.
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Clock of the North She/Her 3rd Gen Clock of the North- formally known as Clock that Forever Points to the Northern Sky or a simpler short name just being Clock. She used to frequently learn more and more about botany and alchemy- however one time, her potion created The Rot in her superstructure. It spread, and she eventually soon collapsed. The rot had gotten partially cleaned up by a squad of slugcats sent by Green Pines, however, when Clock was kidnapped it simply invited itself back in. A large prehistoric slugcat named Memory had taken Clock to an iterator's facility from another local group, which has since been resolved. She was taken to Pines' can for a short amount of time before deciding to leave to beeline from there, to Chime's can, to her own can to finally get back to. She's close friends with Emerald Leaves of the Pines and Endless Moving Nights.
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One Last Chime He/They 2nd Gen One Last Chime, commonly known as Chime or Chimes. One Last Chime is best friends with Endless Moving Nights, WAS friends with Howling Winds over Bronze Seas, and is either neutral to everybody else or hates everybody else. Ever since Clock of the North was created, it was rather obvious Chime had a big fat crush on her. He talked to her almost every cycle trying to engage her in conversation, frequently showing that he cared about her and just liked talking to her in general. That was until he accused Pines of simply wanting to use clock and claiming he was untrustworthy- and also accidentally slipped out that he loved her. Clock cut off all communication with him for many cycles. They only started talking again- just as friends- when Clock was transported to Pines' can. Chime still has often arguments with Pines, however, he is beginning to become good friends nowadays. Chime is now beginning to realize he has a crush on Endless now which is gonna end fine and dandy! (it's not)
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Hidden Niche of Pearls She/They 2nd Gen Hidden Niche of Pearls- normally known as Pearls or more commonly as Niche. Niche is an extremely lawful neutral iterator with a high sense of regal and betterness. She understands her place in situations, however enjoys being formal- especially with other iterators. Niche likes to indulge in cultural study from the ancients to her own scavenger colony. Her colony of scavengers respect her and see her as their caretaker and leader, however, there's one particular scavenger- Cookie- she has a direct bond with. Cookie is a young scavenger working to become an elite with her siblings Sylvester and Natalie, and she occasionally pays Niche a visit. They'll talk a lot and Niche lets her guard down whenever with the little scavenger. She feels like a mother figure to Cookie, and Cookie feels like a child figure to Niche. Pearls is slightly antisocial as she would rather spend her time studying or talking to Cookie- and she also has mild paranoia due to a certain fallacy from another iterator which had lead to her breaking her morals.
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Emerald Leaves of the Pines He/Him 2nd Gen Emerald Leaves of the Pines- almost always referred to as Pines. Pines is an authoritive yet layed back iterator with a set of his own code and morals. He frequently got into heavy arguments with the iterator Howling Winds over Bronze Seas- one day Winds sent him a file that was supposed to help him find the solution. Pines was grateful but suspicious of the hospitality- and rightfully so. The file contracted rot that quickly spread through Pines' superstructure. He was silent for a long time, however in that time had been readying a slugcat colony. The slugcats had cleared out almost all of his rot, and 40-50 of them had been sent to take out Winds for what he had done. Only one of them came back alive, however the mission was successful. After word was out that Pines had murdered Winds, most iterators banned him from chats and/or simply resented him. However Clock of the North believed his intentions were good. She didn't have a good relationship with Winds either, as he tended to be rather hostile. Later on in time, Pines began to rebuild his reputation back up and became friends with most iterators in his local group. He cares dearly for his colony of slugcats and hopes for them to continue advancing without the constant threat of rain above the clouds on his superstructure.
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Witch of Twin Stars He/Her 2nd Gen Witch of Twin Stars- the slugcat now encompanying her puppet is referred to as Kasume, however the iterator who body switched with the slugcat is simply reffered to as The Witch or just Witch. After being body switched, Witch set off to head to the Void Sea where she would then attempt to ascend and see if the solution was truly plausible. Along the way, she met a fluffy yellow slugcat named Sunny- and the pup they took care of, Junior. While travelling, Witch had not told Sunny about her intentions, nor was she sure if the slugcat friend could comprehend it. She began growing a close bond with Sunny, and when it came time to dip into the void sea, she came back up. She couldn't do it. She couldn't leave what she had behind. She headed to Endless' can without telling Sunny or Junior where she was going only to find he had since collapsed. Witch found a pup of her own that she treats as her son- Smoky. They have since been living in Pines' colony.
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Karmic Obnoxious Inaccuracy She/It 1st Gen Karmic Obnoxious Inaccuracy, almost always referred to as Koi. She isn't technically a part of Windtooth Plane as she's a bit farther away with no local group of her own, though was originally created to be a part of it. She has no communications with the local group, however she does have communications (occasionally) with her brother Endless. Her facility is submerged underwater, so her arrays and different parts of the superstructure constantly get flooded- making communications somewhat unreliable a lot of the time. She's a bit of an aggressively caring iterator with a strong protectiveness over her brother. She doesn't talk to many other people, however, she has had a word or two with One Last Chime.
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Howling Winds over Bronze Seas He/Him 2nd Gen Howling Winds over Bronze Seas, sometimes referred to as just Winds. Winds is a highly 'lawful' iterator who frequently antagonizes most others. Despite having administrator privileges before he was murdered, he worked in illegal arsenal manufacturing- weaponry, essentially. Most iterators were neutral toward him, however he had a personal vendetta against Emerald Leaves of the Pines. The only two people he conversed with as friends were Endless Moving Nights and One Last Chime, however Chime moreso tolerated him than not.
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(FYI, the second and third image are NOT alternate outfits. The second one is what's underneath the cloak.)
Angel of Dominance She/Her 3rd Gen An iterator who was kidnapped by an iterator of her own local group. She had many experiments done on her and eventually was found dead by Pines' slugcats. She was brought to the facility and temporarily revived but due to a large surgical cut from her hips to her chest, she was in constant pain. The temporary revival was taken away as they did not have the resources to keep her puppet maintained. Eventually, her puppet was rehooked up to the structure when Endless effectively left. She hopes to one day go back to her can in Loveless Meije, however with it being left unattended for some time there's a chance it'll collapse soon.
Eight Islands Under Storm Clouds He/Him 2nd Gen An iterator in Windtooth Plane who's extremely antisocial. They haven't said a word to the local group other than Niche. He was created for the purpose of making explosives.
Two Rocks Eroding He/Him 2nd Gen Another iterator who's not necessarily in Windtooth plane, but is in the area. They haven't spoken to anybody.
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Pristine Snow, Twisted Mountains She/They 2nd Gen An iterator who was previously conceived as dead from a power surge. Their facility was built on top of a snowy mountain that has heavy snowfalls. They have spoken to the local group a few times here or there but has mostly talked to Emerald Leaves of the Pines. Their 'death' was soon discovered as faked. She has broken many taboos- almost all of them, to be exact.
Misguided Information Any/All 3rd Gen INFORMATION CLASSIFIED
{ Clock of the North and One Last Chime both belong to @chaoticgoober . Emerald Leaves of the Pines, Howling Winds over Bronze Seas and Pristine Snow, Twisted Mountains all belong to chickenboi on discord. Two Rocks Eroding belongs to King STAZE on all platforms (mostly). Eight Islands Under Storm Clouds belongs to my brother, SomethingUnusual (on all platforms). Everyone else belongs to me. }
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stargazerspringles · 1 month
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I SAID I WAS GONNA POST DOODLES- WHAT DID I NOT DO? Post doodles, so here are some sketches of my ocs >:]]]
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tickfleato · 2 years
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he has hot pink hair because as much as i like taking my color palettes from the karma murals it just looks right. i kinda wanna redraw thirteen clocks, eleven chimes’ reference but honestly only a few details need to be updated so i haven’t bothered yet. anyway pillars is their boss, kinda. i think their places on the iterator project are something like this:
on top you have the people who are financing the whole thing and get their names put on the credits so to speak but who aren’t actually doing much in the way of actual work. and then working under them you have actual managers and then people like pillars who are in charge of more detail stuff... in the case of pillars he’s got the job title of a lead engineer but mostly he just keeps track of what bio-coders like clocks are doing, he’s in a mostly managerial position. and then under clocks you have the people who are actually going in and doing construction and growing the microbes that the coders wrote the genomes for.
when the disaster happened everyone blamed everyone else but it was generally the ones at the top blaming those at the bottom and the guys in the middle got left out of it, even though the issue in the first place was a genetic one...
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emblazons · 1 year
Honestly the more I get into thematic subtleties in character dynamics in this show, the wilder that one way into the closet sign Mike has gets. LIKE. The Duffers out here crafting the smallest lil details in the way they cut shots and frame expressions, paralleling scenes and dynamics across 34 episodes of television to the point where a dice roll in a scene preluded the entire ending of a season…only to give Mike a LITERAL SIGN as bedroom decor that people ignore when it comes to foreshadowing / subtext.
I just. How. HOW
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candidateofloyalty · 25 days
Every now and then I'll go "I can't believe Counter/weight is only the second season, it's so good" when in reality a lot of the things I like about it are clearly the result of it being the second season.
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meowmeowbilly · 2 months
Just a friendly reminder that Billy was actually a victim of Vecna and possessed by Vecna. He was not possessed BY the mind flayer, the mind flayer was just a tool that Vecna used.
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demadogs · 2 years
Honestly I find it really telling that every person I see that is a professional writer or studied/studies film like you is convinced of Byler endgame but none of them support milkvan...
i am so dead serious when i say this, byler WILL be taught in professional film lectures and classes for years after its canon. they do so many things with film alone, other than just dialogue and actions.
a lot of film/video/editing classes bring up things that you wouldnt even think were something that was studied or analyzed that seriously. in one of my classes we watched the twilight baseball scene. in an editing class im taking right now we watched the happily never after disney videos by jon cozart. so if you think this wouldnt be something talked about in film classes youre so wrong.
in pretty much all of my film classes stranger things has been brought up for multiple different lessons. after byler is canon everything like the closet framed kiss, the aesthetics of the mlvn breakup compared to the rain fight, blue and yellow symbolizing mike and will, framing will in the middle of el and mikes reunion, the fact that will is in the shot when mike says he loves her. all of these will be in slideshows and used as examples of how you can film your subjects in ways that foreshadow whats to come. i wouldnt be surprised if it already is being used in lectures.
if i asked any of my professors if they think byler is happening i think all of them would say yes.
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