#as shes always compared to jim anyway
thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
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Some random Winx designs I did for OCs in another random AU that I dunno if will be expanded on much but like, from left to right:
The Fairy of The Gods Flames, Reese grew up on Earth as a lover of anything fantasy, especially fairies, refusing to not see them as stories like her adopted father did, and she's ultimately proven right to do so when on her birthday, Reese encounters a fairy named Lia in a fight and in the process of trying to help, discovers she's a fairy as well when using magic for the first time. The Fairy of Space, Nova hails from the world of Montressor and after being discovering she's a fairy, Nova would end up going to Alfea...for about one year, before she ultimately decided to transfer to Red Fountain, seeing more appeal in becoming a specialist then a guardian fairy, but despite trying to not use her magic form and powers so she doesn't have an advantage over her team, Nova sometimes is forced to use them at times if its too much in a fight.
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weirdmorefics · 10 months
How Are Hands Attractive? (crowleyxreader)
Word Count- 1,078
Summary- Reader is a witch and close friends with Aziraphale and works at the bookshop restoring books. Aziraphale asks Y/n for romantic advice for Nina and Maggie which leads to interesting covo about Crowley hands.
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The day was stormy there was hardly anybody out on the street because of the terrible thunder and lightning. I was peacefully sipping her cold coffee and restoring an old spellbook that Aziraphale found. The sound of the rain was very soothing and I did not have to worry about Jim short for Gabriel bothering me because Aziraphale told him bookstores are closed on Wednesdays. Aziraphale on the other hand kept interrupting my work so he could get my opinion on most romantic situations for Nina and Maggie.
"Y/n what do you think is the most romantic thing?" Aziraphale asks.
" I don't know. Hmmm maybe leaving me alone so I can finish restoring this book in peace," I respond.
"Seriously, Y/n the book can wait! This matter is of life and death! You are sort of human so you should know more about these things than I." He says looking me very seriously in the eyes.
I sigh and very gently move the book to the side. I take a deep breath " I have personally always found hands very attractive-"
Aziraphale interrupted "How can hands be attractive? They are just helpful tools. Books always say it's the eyes that are the windows to the soul."
"Don't get me wrong eyes are pretty as well but I have always enjoyed hands they help us create they help us hold on to each other. Why did you even ask me anyway if you're just going to think I am wrong. Also, I think we both know I lack any experience or knowledge on romance." I respond annoyed.
Aziraphale smiles at Y/n, "I guess I was just curious." Then his eyes light up like something just clicked in his mind. I think if he was a cartoon a light bulb would have appeared above his head.
"Y/n!" He gasps and I give him an inquisitive look. "You are always staring at Crowley's hands so does that mean!!!"
I quickly crossed my arms across my chest denying the accusation profusely.
Crowley enters the bookshop closing a soaked umbrella, "Who is always staring at my hands."
Y/n's heart nearly pounds out of her chest and she nearly knocks over her coffee.
"Don't tell me you haven't noticed-" I quickly cut Aziraphale off
I come out from behind the desk I was working at and take the umbrella from Crowley, "Don't tell me that you were outside in this weather with an umbrella you could have got struck by lightning."
Crowley lifts his glasses down to look ME in the eyes "Are you serious? A demon struck by lightning would do nothing compared to the heat of Hell."
"How should I know I've never been to Hell," I whine.
Crowley kisses the top of my head and says "And you never will."
Aziraphale smiles a plotting a smile that scares me for what he is planning. He cups his chin with both hands and tilts his head "Crowley what do you find most romantic? Y/n has been telling me what she finds most romantic to help Nina and Maggie. I can see she has quite the type. I think we might even know the guy."
Crowley's face seems to turn sour at Aziraphale probably at the notion of discussing romance so I try to assure him it is unneeded to chime in. "Please ignore him he has been like this all day. He has not let me get a single thing done today."
Instead, he completely ignores me and walks up to Aziraphale, "So what does this man that Y/n fancies have for qualities that make her swoon."
"No, I can't say that would be betraying her trust," Aziraphale puts a hand on his chest and makes a big show of it like he didn't just start this whole mess.
"Come on Angel we are all friends here! Right Y/n? What can you tell the Angel that you can't tell me," he pouts.
"You bring up a great point, Crowley! Y/n can certainly tell you about the man she fancies I don't see a reason she could not! Let me start off I know she loves this man's hands she is always staring at them it is so obvious." Aziraphael smiles brightly and if my glare back could kill he would be dead.
Crowley circles me like prey as if my answer could cure him from hunger. "I've never noticed our little sorceress staring at hands that's very impolite to stare you know."
He calls me a nickname he uses for me frequently as he knows it annoys me. "You know what's impolite to spill others secrets Aziraphale" I glare.
Aziraphale straightens his bowtie, "You never said it was a secret if you had I would not have said a peep. I am very good at secrets you know"
"The thing is I just don't understand why there is anything to hide from your good old pals!" Crowley interrupts. "Unless this guy is someone unworthy of our sorceress's heart. Then in that case Aziraphale would have a duty to tell me."
"Do not be concerned this man I have known longer than anyone. No one could compete with him he is very kind." He quickly assures Crowley.
Crowley started to look like that time when Aziraphale took Gabriel under his protection, "So he is an angel... those are the only beings you have known for the longest. I swear to Hell if it's Gabriel he is not kind Aziraphael you have no idea what he said to me when I was you! I can not believe you let him stay here! He is worse than any demon!"
I quickly put my hand on Crowley's shoulder, "It is not Gabriel I would never do that to you."
Crowley's eyes softened as he looked into your eyes but only for a second before they turned into confusion, "What other angel do you even know on a personal level!"
I saw no choice but to come clean, "It's you! You idiot!"
I took a deep breath to prepare myself for the heartbreak because I am no celestial being who will be around forever. I am just a witch I am really not that different from an ordinary human. But the heartbreak never came instead he held my face and kissed me deeply.
I was stunned speechless and he smirked "So you think my hands are romantic you say."
Aziraphael- Now both of you thank me! I also accept books as thank-yous Y/n has a list of the books of that I am on the hunt for! I also made photocopies of the list so you can carry the list with you at all times as a reminder.
Y/n- Shut up, Angel!
Crowley- Thank you, Angel
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sylvestris123 · 9 months
Gabriel and Beelzebub's relationship was neither surprising nor rushed
I read an early review of GO2 where the reviewer thought that Gabriel and Beelzebub's relationship was surprising and a bit rushed. I don’t think it was, and this is why.
First,  what are the chances that a second angel and demon should fall in love? I think that the answer is ‘quite high'.
Demons, as fallen angels, have been cast away from God’s love. But a lot of demonic behaviour can be explained in the same way that a toddler, having been scolded by a parent, decides that they hate mummy and her stupid hair and her stupid shoes and all the stupid stuff that she cares for, but then desperately crave her love anyway. An angel showing a bit of affection for a demon is likely to fill that craving and provoke a strong positive reaction.
Angels, living in God’s love, should not have the same craving. But we see that something is not quite right in the Good Omens Heaven. I can’t be the only person getting a little stab in the feels when Gabriel was quite overcome and confessed to Beelzebub that nobody had ever given him anything before. (And this is full-fat total dickhead Gabriel, not sweet innocent Jim). It seems that either God's love alone is not enough to sustain an angel in Heaven, or maybe it has gone missing...
(This is a subject for a whole other meta, so we’ll leave it there for now).
So apparently angels are also starved of affection, and a simple kind gesture will provoke a strong positive reaction.
So action and reaction will feed off each other and you’ll see a strong mutual attachment develop.
In fact, my personal head canon is that both angels and demons in general would be quite inclined to form strong attachments if they were to speak to each other rather than smiting first.
As an aside, do angels and demons form relationships with their own kind? Canon neither confirms nor denies this. I think in some ways it might be more difficult to initiate because in both cases there are unspoken rules ‘this is how we do things'. In Heaven everything is supposed to be perfect, so who is going to risk confessing that it is not enough? In Hell the vibe is ‘we don’t need all that stuff’, so who is going to admit that they do?
An angel and demon talking together already crosses one line, and then you are in uncharted territory, and it may actually be easier to continue into the unknown.
So the relationship that develops between Gabriel and Beelzebub is not surprising, once they met and started to speak.
What about the timing? Actually I don’t think that there is so much difference in how long it took both pairs to form a relationship  - Aziraphale and Crowley certainly didn’t behave like enemies even very early on. There is (neither confirmed nor denied) canonical evidence that Aziraphale was at least a bit smitten by Angel!Crowley before the Fall, and Crowley was pretty taken with Aziraphale on the walls of Eden.
So compared with our favourite angel/demon pair, Gabriel and Beelzebub’s relationship probably took quite a similar trajectory.
The only difference (and it is a huge one) is how long it took each pair to *admit* to having feelings for each other, and that can be explained by their psychological makeup.
Aziraphale is desperate to be a good angel, to do what is right according to God and Heaven (without necessarily noticing that those two things are not always the same). He is also fiercely protective of Crowley, and doesn’t want to do anything that will result in punishment for the demon. Crowley, for his part, wants to protect Aziraphale from what he can see are the cruelties of both Heaven and Hell.
The Archangel Fucking Gabriel on the other hand, knows that he is right. If he does it or feels it, by definition it must be the right thing to do. Start Armageddon leading to the destruction of the Earth and a terrible war between Heaven and Hell? Sure! Total U-turn as soon as it’s in his interest? Of course! Must be right, if Archangel Gabriel says so. Falling holds no fear either for him or for Beelzebub on his behalf. He won’t be punished by Hell, when the most senior demon is there to protect him. He’s also been in Heaven for long enough to know its weaknesses and flaws, even if he would never admit them. Beelzebub has nothing to fear either – they are both senior enough for punishment by either side to be less of a threat than it is to either Aziraphale or Crowley.
Plus, finally, neither of them cares particularly about the Earth or its people, so they have no feelings of guilt about running away from their jobs and abandoning all of their responsibilities.
So I would summarise by saying that I don’t think the relationship between Gabriel and Beelzebub was any more rushed in its development than that between Aziraphale and Crowley, but they got to acknowledge and act on it a good deal faster, because they are both inherently more selfish individuals, as well as being a lot more senior in their respective hierarchies.
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akai-joou · 3 months
ANY????? OH GOSH OKAY OKAY UH. I'm super, super into TWST right now and constantly work on my ocs from there along with my friend, Kiki!
I'll go off about Grace for now, because she's the one with most development at the moment! And I have a bit of art that I've commissioned of her ♥♥
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Reference Sheet by @marisashinx ♥♥
This here is Grace! Originally, I made her based off of Aurora/Rapunzel and wanted to ship her with Silver. She came as a concept of a Yuu but... then I went back and decided [What if I based her off of Prince Philip's sword and gave her purpose in the story?]
I have a BA in English and one of my favorite topics when I studied was of course the Hero's Journey along with the different ways you can retell a story. My Research paper was an analysis on Disney's Cinderella and what it made it the tale that we know today by comparing the earliest recording of it and both of Disney's movies.
ANYWAYS. I decided to twist Grace from Prince Philip's Sword of Truth but with the addition of bringing in The Sword in the Stone.
While the sword in the stone IS excalibur, if you go by Arthurian Legends there are.... various origin tales (because history mixes with fiction and documentation and exageration,,,, shout out to Lancelot being Malory's OC). SO I WENT WHY NOT ! AFTER ALL TWST CHARACTERS ARE MADE BY MIXING DISNEY CHARACTER TRAITS! (im talking about how deuce is absolutely twisted from jim hawkins as well, i will die on this hill)
But, I wanted to put her with Silver, you know? So, I made her upbringing a mirror of his.
She's the daughter of Duke Lanclos (Lancelot). The Lanclos family has served the Royal Family for centuries, the head of the family always being the King's right hand in battle simply because of the family's UM. I took a page from Idia's UM and how it's like... generational? So, their first first born is the one with the UM that allows them to use a weapon as [Excalibur], but only once per weapon. I guess she could use a tooth pick and cast her UM on it as a weapon HAH.
But the thing is, that until Grace all the other first borns had been boys that were trained to be a commander. So... the families quickly decide that to ensure the next heir be born with the UM that she should be married off to the crown prince as soon as it is possible for her to.... yeah. I place this about 300/400 years before the in-game plot is going down; so it's roughly around the same time the Fae War is going on in Briar Valley?
There are light/day fae and magical humans around. Important solely because you know... sword in the stone... Merlin (Ambrose's ancestor or something). When Grace is around 3-4 a mini war breaks down and he decides to send her off to live with an "aquantaince" of his in the woods. They can get another heir to the throne, but they can't get another sword.
That's when she meets the Lady of the Lake (Thea), a day/light fae who takes her in as a favor to her friend and raises her while training her with the sword. [This here is a direct reference to Lancelot being raised by the Lady of the Lake in some versions, but also a direct parallel to Lilia raising Silver].
Years pass by and Grace never does call Thea "mother" instead choosing to refer to her as "My Lady". By her 12th birthday her magic and UM were blooming, but she doesn't quite master her UM until a bit later. By the time she's 16, Thea gets a letter from the Duchy informing her that a war has broken out and the sword is required to join in battle simply because they know she's been training her. Thea can't even begin to imagine that this child that she sees as her daughter either die in war or live long enough to be simply... made a wife and left to raise children.
On the dawn of Grace's 17th birthday she (Thea) makes the decision to place her in a slumber at the bottom of the lake next to their cottage. [Referencing how Excalibur came from the lake]. She uses a generous amount of her own magic to ensure that her daughter remains protected in slumber where no one can find her. She then shifts her visage to resemble Grace's and joins the battle while pretending to be her.
Now, while Grace IS the sword that comes from the lake, what about the sword in the stone? The sword in the stone is a sword that is used in battle by the Lanclos Family, a family heirloom of sorts and most likely the only weapon able to be used more than once with the UM. It is however made out of iron, which is a fae's weakness (Maleficent reference). So, not only is she low on magic because of the spell she used earlier, but she's also dwindling because of the visage AND burning her hands with this sword. Her visage flickers once or twice and then faces to reveal the revered Lady of the Lake that's only been heard of by word of mouth.
She glances around and decides enough is enough while stabbing the Lanclos Sword onto the ground casting a curse on these lands. Only the true Lanclos heir will be able to pull this sword out, only she will be able to bring prosperity and fertility back. Only she (Thea) knows where the girl is and she passes on with this knowledge.
And so... 300-400 years pass by with these lands barren and nature reclaiming the cottage, surrounding the lake. On one night, a girl wakes up gasping for air and clawing up towards the surface only to see the moon shine down on her as the cold air bites her skin. She manages to drag herself out of the lake, to step around as a comforting presence follows her towards the cottage. Her memory is... more hazy than she would like. Her arms are crossed over herself and her fingers hurt as she rips folliage away from the door to the cottage only to step in and find nothing.
On her way out, she steps on an envelope. An invitation, she looks back up and a horse-drawn carriage is waiting for her.
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thetragicallynerdy · 4 months
Writing Patterns Pt. 2!!!
Rules: list the last line of the same 10 fics you shared opening lines for and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged again by @zombiethingy - thanks for the tag!! It was really neat to look at all of these and see where it ended after looking at where it started.
(Note: I added an extra sentence to a few of them because I was noticing a pattern and wanted to make it more obvious lmao)
1. flotsam and jetsam - chapter 9 "We’re glad to have you on the Revenge.” 2. never seen you shine so bright
“Yeah,” she murmurs, “that sounds lovely.”
3. Yippee-Kiyay, Motherfuckers
“Morning, love,” they whisper, “Merry Christmas.”
4. heel
“I’ve always wanted a dog.”
5. you and i - we're sweet
"Them fishies aren’t going to catch themselves.”
6. maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both live again
“Sí,” Jim says softly. “I suppose it is.”
7. already halfway gone
“Same, mate,” Edward murmurs. “Hard fucking same.”
8. won't you sing me something for the dark
“That’s what I get for kissing you.”
9. lord, have mercy on my rough and rowdy ways
Her lips press to the middle of their back, soft and lovely. “Love you too.”
10. oh go on baby, hurt me tonight
Mary’s mouth pressed to the top of their head, smudging a kiss against their hair. “Good.”
Okay these last lines are a self callout, there are MANY patterns here lmao.
All of them end in dialogue.
Four of them follow the pattern of "Sentence," X character said softly/murmured/whispered, "continuation of sentence." (This is my favourite sentence dialogue pattern, but I definitely over-use it)
The words "soft" and "lovely" and "murmur" feature frequently (a general problem in my writing overall, someday I need to challenge myself to not use those words at all XD)
It's not really obvious in the last lines alone, but 6/10 of them also have a kiss in the last paragraph. Also the two in here have a kiss specifically being pressed to skin/top of head. Hmmm.
Anyway - a challenge for myself would honestly be to try ending something not with dialogue. Dialogue comes a lot easier to me than descriptive writing, but it would be good to change things up now and then! And looking at my 'first lines', most of them started with dialogue too.
Something else that's really evident is that I like ending things on a soft note where characters feel loved. I don't think it's a bad thing, I think it's pretty reflective of the type of fics I like writing, but it is good to think about!
Gotta be honest though, my absolute favourite last line is for heel, the paragraph its from is - chef's kiss. (She is not talking about animals.)
Anyway - this was a lot of fun, thanks for the tag!!
Tagging (but only if you're interested!) the folks I tagged for first lines, because it was really fun comparing first vs last lines and maybe you'll find it fun too!
@yerbamansa, @yourlocal-charlatan, @alfalfairy, @dragonmuse, @redxluna.
I am having a hard time remembering who else of my mutuals writes, so please also consider this an open tag for anyone who sees it and wants to join!!
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
No Worries (Bret Hart x Reader)
Summary: you accidentally help Bret stop stressing about an upcoming title match. The reader is a kind of valley girl.
Warnings: just silly fluff. Enjoy <3
"Geeze. How many pairs of shoes do you own, baby?" Bret yawned as he looked over at his girlfriend from his spot on the edge of the bed. She sat on the floor of her closet, tossing things into piles here and there.
"It's not even that much, like, ten or twelve pairs…I'm gonna get rid of some anyway," she said, tossing a small black purse into the "give away" pile. "Ew, that's the purse I wore on that shitty blind date last year. Good riddance."
He reckoned any other guy would gag at the thought of helping his girl organize her clothes. But he didn't mind. He'd rather be here in her pretty pink room than in the gym. He pulled one of the frilly blue pillows from her on her bed onto his lap, mindlessly flipping through the channels on her little TV until he landed on an old movie. No matter how tight he held the pillow to him the gross feeling in the pit of his stomach wouldn't seem to go away.
That's why he was here. He needed this break, after training for three days straight for his up and coming title match, he needed to get his mind off of it. And there was no better place than Y/N's house. There wasn't a single thing wrestling-related in her house, except for a replica of one his jackets she had bought because it was "so forward". It was one of his favorite things about her, she really knew nothing about the business.
Still, it felt almost like he was running away from it. The more interviews he had to sit through, the more he trained the more he just felt sick. Either from the anticipation of it in the big arena or the fear of losing was making his stomach churn and his head occasionally ache. He had no idea how to get his mind off it, and he couldn't figure out how to talk to her about it. Maybe comparing his championship to a trophy may make it easier for her to understand. He had no idea who else to talk to. Jimmy would probably just tell him to shake it off, and Jim would just give him the longest pep talk in the world.
The sound of gum popping startled him out of his thoughts. She turned to him and held up a blue tube-top. "Keep or toss?"
"Uh… I like the sequins on it?"
She studied it before nodding and putting it in the "Keep" pile. "I am going to that soiree at that new sky bar that opened up with my sis, it'll match my eyeshadow. Totally works for a monochrome thing, you know?"
He nodded, though he honestly just liked it because her chest looked great in it. He decided to keep that thought to himself. He watched as she crawled and pulled out a shoe box, tugging her shorts back down as she returned to her sitting position on the carpet.
"I don't even remember what's in here, I haven't seen this box in centuries…" She opened the lid and squealed. "Oh my God, I forgot about these!"
Bret tilted his head. Inside were a few belts curled up to fit in. In the middle were a few metal bangles and a charm bracelet.
"Keep, keep, keep- oh, damn!" Her shoulders slumped as she pulled out a thick, gold belt with a large metal buckle. The material was starting to peel and crack in places, the faux snake material looked like it had seen better days. "I won this from Alundra playing Twister that one time. This is what I get for not buying a belt rack!"
"It doesn't look that bad," he tilted his head. Between the blue rhinestone-colored buckle, the gold material and black leather back reminded him of something.
"Yeah... at least it's not all rusty or whatever, that would be a major pain to fix. I guess it's whatever. It's just a belt. Still want it though!" she dropped it into the keep pile and began to look at the shoes.
It was just a belt... it was just a belt...
Then it clicked.
"It's just a belt...I can always- or win it back..." Bret mumbled as he tossed the pillow in his arms behind him.
"D'you say something, babe?" She turned back to look at him, letting out a squeak as his arms were suddenly around her waist, pulling her up from the floor. He brought her to the bed, and she sat down, straddling his lap, a confused look on her face.
"It is just a belt, isn't it, hun?" he said, grinning from ear to ear as he held her face in his hands.
"Yeah? Are you okay? You're smiling real funny."
"I'm perfect, and so are you," the man said as he peppered her face with kisses. She giggled as he made his way down to her neck, moving his arms back around her.
"What is with you today, Hart?"
"Nothing, baby. Absolutely nothing. You wanna make out?"
She tilted her head before nodding, spitting out her gum in the waste basket by her bed. He laid down on the bed, pulling her closer on top of him as his lips crashed against hers. He could deal with everything later, it wasn't worth stressing about anymore. After all...
...it was just a belt.
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mortalfollies · 9 months
ghosts rewatch!! prepping for season 5’s drop.
- i always forget how fucking mean they are in the first two eps lol.
- man episode 3 is actually kind of weak. and awkward. the pat b plot is good but the a plot with the builders is stilted. awkward. not executed well. alison throwing that mug is the highlight tho lmao.
- pat <3 he's so sweeeeet
- the s1 wigs!! i love them and i miss them so much. julian's especially.
- god mike really is the best husband. covers for alison so quickly.
- moonah stone is way funnier than i remember. barclay looks fucking terrified of mike and alison in some shots lmao
- bunny 10/10
- kitty standing up to cap in ep 6! “I like Alison and I miss her when she’s not here!”
- "WiThin the YAr?"
- i’m really scared that alison will lose the power to see ghosts. cuz like…how IS she supposed to move through the world? how could it possibly end with her leaving button house without us, the audience, knowing she’s going to be bumping into ghosts everywhere. hoo boy. #1 fear.
- kitty 💖💖💖 she’s so funnyy. “We could sell cakes.“ “That won’t work.” “Scones then!” “That’s not the problem Kitty.” “😞oh”
overall…a good introduction but it’s weak compared to s2 & 3. Some moments are silly & not funny (by my standards anyway) which I think comes from the fact that they were experimenting with the show & also the last thing they did was yonderland, right? Which isn’t my cup of tea lol. also, during this season I like eps written by Mat & Jim best.
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inposterumcumgaudio · 5 months
penelope snug!
So officially, it seems Penelope Snug is supervisor of motilene infrastructure while Jim Watt is in charge of motilene acquisition. However, we have communications between Jim and the boys in the Barrow Holm hatch, who would seem to fall under Penelope's purview if that were true. (See my theory about early motilene distribution and why Barrow Holm has motilene at all). Jubilator operation and maintenance also seems to be run out of the Motilene Control HQ, even though you would think that would fall more under the Doctors' oversight since Jubilators were invented to relieve them of corpse collection duties. Very tangled system of duties and obligations.
Penelope also maintains an office in the Parade District Document Control, oddly enough. Perhaps this means her position is higher than implied, that she oversees broader civil engineering and not just motilene.
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In her office, she has three bowler hats.
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Imagine! A lady in a council worker's uniform topped off with a bowler hat. That's a look! I eagerly await the fanart concepts.
I think this is one of those things that evolved and got muddy over time, that Penelope might have been meant to be in charge of one thing and kept getting subbed in to others. Penelope also makes me think a lot of BioShock 2's "Big Kate" O'Malley, who is also a supervisor of civic works in Rapture and the first person you find an audio diary from in that game. Parallels are often drawn between We Happy Few and BioShock but I would almost think Penelope could have been an homage.
A thing I think is interesting in comparing the two though is that Rapture did not set out with a specific intent of gender equality but ended up with it by selectively choosing the best people in every field regardless of it. In Wellington Wells, however, that women are able to achieve such high positions in the town is due to its inability to choose from only men. The town suffers shortages in nearly every way, but this also presents opportunity for those who would otherwise be overlooked.
Her correspondence with Verloc shows that the two of them are on a first name basis (Anton, though, not Tony). He even invites her and her husband Richard (whose name he knows and remembers) to dinner, which tells us he can cook. I rather would have liked to think that anyway, since cooking is just chemistry in another room, but he wouldn't be inviting people over if he couldn't.
Funnily enough, the one note we have from Penelope to Victoria lacks both a greeting and a signature, but Penelope does know specifically that Prudence Holmes is on holiday. So it means either Penelope and Victoria are so friendly as to dispense with formalities in their coorespondance... or Penelope considers this to be an interdepartmental memo... to a subordinate. Which, if she's in charge of document control as well might make sense.
The government hierarchy tree in How to be Happy is actually more of an inbred circle so make what you want of that.
Lastly, Penelope's note to Thomas Horner gives us a bit of nuance as to how she runs her crew.
So Thomas is running Jubilator Jousting tournaments on the off hours, which is a misuse of city property that perhaps Penelope was overlooking (and participating in) because it's good for morale. There's a lot of other morale initiatives happening in the Motilene Control HQ so this would seemingly fall under her interests and as long as it's not hurting anyone or getting out and making her look bad...
The problem occurs when Peter Thump loses during the Grand Derby and won't settle his unpaid debts. And this is interesting because in this scene, you're supposed to sympathize with Peter, right? He's being chased by a maniac in a Jubilator, of course he's in the right. But with the knowledge that he's ratted Thomas out not because he owes him money, but because he's not being allowed to bet further until he pays up... It's such a small side story, but it's very indicative of my larger point I'm always trying to make here, that what you're told is never exactly as one side presents it.
Anyway, so Peter rats Thomas out to Penelope and now that there's notes about it, it has become a problem. So Penelope does the only face-saving thing to be done, which is promote Peter to shut him up and tell Thomas to quit with the tournaments.
So Peter has not only fucked Thomas out the money he already owed, but also out of further profits from the tournaments, and presumably a pay raise that would have come along with his missed promotion.
He is a rotten swot, honestly.
And this puts Penelope in an unfortunate situation too because she knows what the actual haps is probably, but this is the bind they are in now. Whether she wants to side with Thomas on this or not, her hands are tied. And what's funny too is, Peter is lying about not being involved with the jousting at all - it's "Other people's money, I mean. I never bet myself." - so Thomas can only lie about being completely innocent of hosting the tournaments in the first place. To which Penelope replies that "If you persist in proclaiming your innocence, then I suppose I don't owe you 10 quid for the Grand Derby, do I?"
Thomas also lets us in on a bit of the discussion had about this:
"Come on! Let's have a "conversation." I'm sorry, no, a constructive, let's have a "constructive conversation." Has my work been "slipping"? Oh no? It's just that I've "failed to improve as much as we would have hoped"? Who the hell is "we" anyways? Have you got an invisible friend, or are you now the Queen of the bloody Pipes?"
Penelope is at home placing wagers on the destruction of her work equipment along with her crewman, but is also fluent in euphemistic (if a bit anachronistically modern) corporate-speak.
I do think the record-keeping is the thing here. If not for Wellington Wells' dependence on written notes, Penelope might have gotten away with firing Peter or transferring him to another department due to "poor culture fit".
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acacia-may · 1 year
Heyo! I saw that you love A Series Of Unfortunate Events and that's so cool, I love it too but sometime I have the feeling it's not well-known. Question, what do you think about the adaptations, the film with Jim Carrey and the Netflix series? Personally, I like them too, but I also understand why they're not for everyone's taste, which is fair. I'm just someone who loves books, film and show of this series, so I always wonder how it's for others.
Hello there! Thank you so much for the ask! I so rarely get ASOUE asks so this is really special and very exciting to me! 🥰
I do love A Series of Unfortunate Events (I also enjoyed All The Wrong Questions). ASOUE was such a big part of my childhood and something I've gone back and reread several times in my life, and I've always gotten something new out of it which I think is the mark of an incredible story. It was also something I got to share with my two sisters, so it's special to me in that way as well. I'm much older than both of my sisters, and my youngest sister and I are nearly 10 years apart in age, so it was kind of difficult to find things that we all could enjoy together, especially when they were young. However, we read ASOUE aloud when my youngest sister was old enough to understand/enjoy the series and also in preparation for the Netflix series which was scheduled to be released, and she just loved it and we had so much fun reading it together. I tried my best to do all the voices... (I remember I could never quite get Book Olivia/Madame Lulu's and kind of butchered my way through Book 9 😅). When they were very young, my sisters wanted to have these imaginary "VFD meetings," and it was a very silly game but always so much fun to get to play at that with them. [And to this day, my one sister's nickname in my phone is actually still "Jackalope" as a very meme-like reference to her always being the "Jacques"]. Anyway, I have so much love for that series and a lot of good memories related to it. 💕
Long story short: I have an appreciation for the ASOUE adaptations since I think it's a very difficult story to adapt due to the fact there is barely any, actual "canon" information, and I especially liked a lot of Netflix's interpretation of the series. However, they are all very separate things in my head (so it's almost like I've got a "Book Lemony," "Netflix Lemony" and "Movie Lemony" in my mind, just for an example). My ramblings about the adaptations got so long and are riddled with spoilers so I am putting them under the cut!
(Warnings: Spoilers for all iterations of ASOUE and mentions of death, murder, & trauma)
As far as the adaptations go, I think that the nature of ASOUE makes incredibly difficult to adapt in any medium. Lemony is an incredibly unreliable and biased narrator, and the canon is often (purposefully) ambiguous, contradictory, and riddled with plot holes, which makes for a great story in which the reader really gets to take the reigns and, in a way, "make the canon" whatever they want it to be. It's such a different experience because we/the readers, honestly just don't know so many things about the story, the world, and the characters so it's up to everyone to kind of "play detective" and essentially create a canon of their own--but, at the end of the day, that "canon," as each individual reader perceives, is probably 20% actual canon and 80% headcanon (and that's being generous). So for me it's difficult to judge the quality of an adaptation of this story because I really view a lot of my personal perceptions and understanding of the series as my headcanons rather than the actual canon so my perception of the tv show and the movie is really just me comparing Netflix's headcanons or Nickelodeon's headcanons to my personal headcanons, if that makes sense? And in that way, like you said, I can completely understand why one or both of them would not be to someone's taste.
I personally see both adaptations as separate things from the book series and will often talk about certain characters as like "Netflix Kit" or "Book Kit" and things like that. They really are that separate in my mind. Overall though, I really enjoyed the Netflix series and was really happy with a lot of what Netflix did. I did not go into it expecting a lot because I just figured that my interpretations were going to be different than theirs, but I was extremely surprised by how similar the portrayals of a lot of the characters were to what I was imagining in my mind. Esme especially was just phenomenal--everything I had ever imagined her to be like! The children (both the Baudelaires and the Quagmires) were great! I loved a lot of the guardians/supporting cast: Monty, Josephine, Georgina, Vice Principal Nero, Hal, Justice Strauss, Carmelita Spats...I can't even list all the people. It was just so well-casted across the board!
And even characters who were different than what I imagined in my mind were really wonderful! I really liked the portrayal of Netflix Fernald for instance--he was much more likeable, and I loved that friendship he had with Sunny (and how that hinted at his own relationship with his (long-lost) younger sister). Netflix Count Olaf is another example of a character who I feel much more positively about in the Netflix series than in the books. Overall, I think Neil Patrick Harris's Count Olaf was a much closer interpretation to how I personally imagine Count Olaf than Jim Carrey's Count Olaf. Netflix Olaf was definitely, ultimately much softer and more sympathetic than I how I imagine Book Olaf, but I think overall Harris did a good job of treading that fine line of being a very melodramatic villain but also being actually threatening and menacing. I can really appreciate how difficult that must have been because Olaf is such a very complex character and I can see why he wouldn't be an easy one to portray. And of course, Netflix Olivia is basically an entirely different person but a very amazing person!
Which reminds me, I know that Jacques gets thrown out a lot as a character whose Netflix interpretation didn't quite match up to what people were imagining, but for me (and this was probably the most shocking because I always felt like the odd one out when it came to my personal interpretations of Book Jacques), Netflix Jacques was very, very similar to what I imagined his book counterpart to be like so I was feeling very excited and very vindicated that I wasn't the only one who imagined in that way. I think the most radically different (besides Olivia of course) was probably Ernest, but we know basically nothing about him so I don't have a problem with Netflix Ernest. For all we know, Book Ernest could secretly be an evil cowboy and lasso someone and boil them alive in curry--but my personal interpretation of Book Ernest is that he would not have done that. But I recognize that's all headcanons so I don't really have a criticism there.
Besides with Ernest (who was much more of a coldblooded killer than I what I was imagining), I think most of the changes in the Netflix universe painted the characters in a much more positive and sympathetic way than what I was imagining in my mind. Netflix made them less broken, less traumatized, less morally dubious, and ultimately much more well-adjusted than what I had been imagining based on the books. I think Netflix Lemony and Netflix Kit are both good examples of this. Neither one of them are nearly as jaded in Netflix as they are in my interpretation of their book counterparts. I love them as characters--have always loved them so I want these good, happier things for them. I want a universe for Kit where she gets to hold Little Bea before she dies. I want a universe for Lemony where he gets to reconnect with his sister one last time. And yes, though I realize that most interpretations (including my own) of Book Kit Snicket would have never, ever, ever in a million years been on board with jumping ship on VFD when she got pregnant and running away to island to the raise the baby away from all that, I still want that universe. I still want that universe where things are a little less bleak and a little more hopeful, so I feel I am very biased in that way because in a certain sense, I was grateful that Netflix gave us a happier, more hopeful world for these characters that I loved.
Overall though, despite the differences, I think Netflix ASOUE was made with care. I got this feeling while watching it and squealing over the little details and references to all parts of the Snicket-verse that the people who made it and were involved in bringing this story to life really, genuinely cared about the source material. They were forced to pick an interpretation and though that interpretation might not be exactly like mine, I can respect that they picked theirs with thought, effort, and care because they loved this series. And it was really such a delight to get to experience an adaptation that was made by people who clearly have as much love and passion for this series as me, if not more.
I'm not as fond of the movie. I feel like it missed the mark in terms of the macabre sense of humor of the series and was more tonally uneven than what Netlflix made. I did love the portrayals of the children in the movie--especially Klaus. Movie Klaus's sass was just top-tier. I loved watching his faces in the background! They're hilarious! But they didn't give him glasses (at least not ones he wears all the time), and the movie is just kind of full of little things like that that just kind of miss the mark for me. I wasn't a big fan of Movie Olaf either--I felt that he was too goofy and not threatening enough as a villain, but I did love Movie Monty. He's such a sweetheart, but Netflix Monty was just as good. The same with Movie Lemony versus Netflix Lemony. Jude Law and Patrick Warburton kind of played into different aspects of Lemony's character so they're very different portrayals but both still good.
My favorite thing about the movie by far, however, is the soundtrack. I have owned it for years, and I still listen to it all the time. I was just listening to "The Letter That Never Came" last week, actually, when I was working on my piece for the Wicked Way Exchange. I just love the music! It's gorgeous and fits better with the tone of my interpretation of the series than probably anything else in the movie. I grew up with this movie, so I think there is some nostalgia there, but if I wanted to watch or recommend an adaptation of ASOUE, I'd definitely choose Netflix.
Thanks again for the ask and for indulging my ramblings! Feel free to drop by to talk about the Snicket-verse anytime! 🥰
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quacka-quacka · 2 years
I love your blog so much. I read all your previous post and it was incredible. The amount about Paul previous partner is really meticulous and impressive. I dont really know much about his partner, tbh they never strikes me to know more about them. Since i’ve run through your blog, now I understand Linda and Jane better and some insight on them. I dont quite fancy about Paul&Linda as hippie lovey dovey couple as much this fandom likes to portrayed them especially in Mclennon fandom. I always felt that Linda cant be that clueless about John relationship with Paul. Since ive read your blog about Jane, maybe she(Linda) did not know much his feeling towards John. And i think John’s jealousy on Jane is same as Paul’s jealousy on Yoko. Now i feel bad for Linda, she just a girl from America think that she scores the most hottest Rockstar in the world was actually in love with his male partner? I think I understand the resentment Linda felt towards Jane, Jane who has the courage to leave Paul and pursue her career as an actress and don’t want any association with The Beatles that was sophisticated badass. While as for her, she just a wife and mother who runs thing in the house and thats not the image she want to be. Linda before Paul was sexy and independent woman suddenly had to mothered Paul during Beatles breakup and that’s the roll she have to take must be too much for her too. Anyway sorry for long rambling, i just want to thank you. I admire your intellectual on Paul’s mind. Finally i found some Paul blog that are not blind as bat when it comes about him. As Linda said John and Paul were a lot similar than not, its true. Again thank you for being amazing.
Hello, anon. Thank you for taking your time reading my posts. I'm glad you like them.
When I was a McLennon shipper, John and Paul's business was the only thing I was concerned. But as I learned more about the Beatles, my interest has gradually shifted to other aspects which I couldn't care less-- like Paul's girls. I started to wonder, what do they look like? Why did Jane leave Paul? What does she think of him? What exactly did Francie Schwartz and Heather Mills say make Paul's fans hate them so much? Why was Linda a woman of contradictions that she's longing to be free while being overly possessive of her husband? To me, those are no less fascinating than whether McLennon was real. Now I would rather try to figure out what did Jim McCartney do made Paul treat him so cold in later years or why would Stella, the most rebellious child she seems to be become the one who suits her family interest most than plung into discussions about what happened between John and Paul in Inida.
As for John and Linda, I tend to believe they represented two different parts of what Paul wanted, which were irreplaceable for each other. John was the creative partner no one could match, but he would never be the mother who could nurse Paul and meet most of his needs. Linda was the perfect mother figure Paul selected (although Linda herself wasn't keen on being a good mother) to create his family, but she wasn't a tough rival who could scold him and urge him to become a better musician. Creative partner and mother figure are indispensible to Paul, though he couldn't have both at the same time. In Paul and Linda's case, there was a gap between the trad wife/mother role Paul expected compared with what Linda really wanted to be - deep down she was stil the girl with casual manner, which also attracted Paul at the beginning.
BTW, I like your analysis about Linda's resentment towards Jane. It's a good theory.
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hollybluberry · 2 years
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here comes the boi~
now it's info time
Evelyn connors
full name: Evelyn amalia connors
height: 5'3
occupation: painter and a baker
personality: loveable, creative and hardworking
status: not married
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about her:
Evelyn is a 27-38 year old lady who temporarily quits his job as a painter works as a baker at a bakery in Bristol next to spyglass inn that was owned by an old lady who is in need of an assistant baker in the bakery.
fun facts/trivias:
uses any pronouns
yes, they're genderfluid
hates that one pet peeve in art where someone compares an art to your own art
sees art in everything
Leaves? She's taking them with him
Broken glasses or bottles? Taken!
gets a lot of visits from Dr. Livesey because they always injure themselves from doing arts and crafts, hence the reason why she got scars at their right hand
The feather on their hat is actually a gift from her "friend" that she won't talk about
has feelings for dr. Livesey but doesn't wanna admit it and tell him what they feel
what does she do instead?
she paints her feelings for Livesey by telling a story in one of their paintings.
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they're left handed
does she hate it?
sometimes.. she sometimes hates it very much because when you're an artist, you get smudges of paint stains or graphite smudges on the palm of your hand..
she treats Jim Hawkins like a younger cousin or a brother because she never had brother or a cousin in her life to talk her feelings out because she was the only child in her family
she's protective of jim and would hurt a soul if jim was hurt
(that's one girlboss moment)
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adopted, she's adopted
her favorite thing to bake is banana bread
when art block or painter's block hits, oohhh boi.. you're in for a treat..
instead of finding inspiration, she just drinks herself out with a lot of mugs of tea
how many you may ask?
she wears a coat but she doesn't wear it a lot, she just keeps in in her closet for it to be forgotten
she stopped drinking rum after she got visited by dr. Livesey because of her maid's worries of her health
she was just a baby where she was left by her biological parents at the manor of the Connors family and when the Connors family found her, they named her Evelyn.
Evelyn didn't had a good childhood, she lived with a controlling family, who only cared about the public appearance to please people.
she was forced to read books instead of painting because they think painting is not "lady like", was forced to make friends with the rich kids who treats the poor badly, and was constantly yelled by his parents for being clumsy when she scraped his knee or being sick.
when she was at her young adult years, she was forced to marry another rich kid, but thankfully he rejected her and when she was already at her mid adult years, she made a friend who became close with her and she was gifted a feather from them, then after that wholesome moment that day, her friend told some rumors that Evelyn's biological parents were pirates and she was thrown away because she wasn't worth anything and the rumors spread like wildfire and this made Evelyn badly scarred for life and she permanently cut ties with her "friend" who gave her a feather as a gift and she still kept the feather since she doesn't wanna forget the old good times she had with her ex friend.
when she was now an adult, her parents died from a shipwreck caused by the storm and he was given ownership of the manor and everything in her life became more stressful, she had to do alot of manor work, gathering and other things her parents do and this caused her a lot of mental breakdowns and then she decided to paint out her feeling as a way to vent out her problems then a couple of days, one of her maids were worried about her because she was not getting enough sleep and not eating enough, so one of them called dr. Livesey..
dr. Livesey noticed her and decided to help her and talk to her, and visit her any time to see improvements on her behavior, this happens everyday until Evelyn grew close with Livesey and began to have feelings for him and then Evelyn had received a letter from him where she was invited to go with him to skeleton island alongside with jim, captain smollet and squire Trelawney to go on an expedition on search of a buried treasure..
(Whooo, that's all and gosh that's alot of stuff to type and hope y'all like it!)
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It's so interesting seeing my liveblogs of watching SL for the first time and then comparing them to the ones I did in my 1 year anniversary rewatch.
Especially in season 2. Cause in season 2 the first time, I focused a lot more on the Sol Benson plot especially Ámbar's part, Jim and Yam being lesbians, and the fact that "holy shit I'm actually getting hooked on this show for REAL" feeling.
In my 1 year rewatch, I still focused a lot on the Sol Benson plot and Jim and Yam being lesbians, but there was definitely a lot more focus on Lumon too than what it was the first time around.
I think it had to do with the fact that, when watching S2 for the first time, I had no idea about what would await me in S3, so I had settled that Lumon would only be friends from here on out. So I was like "yeah, it was nice with their short romance in s1, but I really love their friendship <3 And I'm happy they'll always be such close friends <3"
But in my rewatch I knew exactly what would come next, so that's when I just started speculating how things could've been. What if-scenarios. What would have changed, could this have worked? What would happen to Ámbar? Matteo? And there was some conflicting feelings cause in the end I knew nothing could compare to Simbar, they're just superior and more mature so I get it, but just for Luna specifically she deserved someone better, and Simón was the only solid choice of all the love interests. Then by S3 I got the realization that OH MAYBE LUNA SHOULD JUST BE SINGLE. Or get a gf
Anyway still happy Lumon always will be such tight besties and be close, their friendship will always be my fave, but I also wish S3 didn't have to spit in my face, I could have been very fine with them just being an only-s1 thing, I had MOVED ON and you decided to just shove them in my face again so now I have these fucking unresolved feelings I can never get closure on
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ralucasalmostgone · 5 months
the point was to demonstrate a point, I think
2 evil fairytale women causing a mess and a lie
2 big-nosed girls that I'll always have to deal with anyway
2 shunned bitches that don't believe that there's a girl out there that looks different than them and that physical apperance differences are enough to take attention away from them and back to the other girl they won't stop insulting because they think that's gonna work cause they saw 1) happen, the evil fairytale characters do their thing
I think you're fucking dumb if you think their thing EVER worked on me. I said I saw through them at age 5! I knew I was in Snow White's tale, you dumb fucking bitches!
Now, the point was to create a balanced state, I think. I think that's why 3 happened the way it did, against 1's whatnot. Basically if we can't ruin the narcissism of two deluded women in 1, we'll ruin the next 2 evil bitches in line, when we get to 3.
I never thought it would get to 3. When I look back, I remember (vaguely!) some kind of three thing encounter but is it like a false memory or is it just me? I'm not sure. So like, I'm in the lab, and then I'm on the computer and then either Jonas or Jim is already there. And then I think Jim arrives instead. So now all three are sitting next to each other, not in an awkward silence thing, just staring at their respective computer screen.
And I remember the thinking of my waaay younger self. She was not concerned with a triangle thing mostly cause I was just sooo busy walking all over Jim's ego it was hilarious for me! When the third one was added (Jonas) it didn't feel like a third anything!
UNTIL! This strange memory comes to mind, where no one that formed this trio was really talking when staring at the computer screen.
The silence though. That's the only "trio memory" I have and I'm not even sure, cause like, I was sitting next to a lot of people in those labs and talking to them!
But I get this impression that this happened. Cause like, I swear to God, I had no clue Jonas was just constantly talking about Jim instead being a thing.
Honestly, Jonas, I get at least a boy every year of my life, especially ever since I was 18, coming and knocking at my door! Every freaking day, all asking for the same thing and having the same expectations soon as they're at least 1,70 tall or...do sports so have muscules or whatever!
Why would Jim be any different THAN THE FUCKING hundreds of similar boys before him?
A love triangle? Seriously?
Not in this life! I'd rather kill myself. But oh wait, I did already!
And Jonas was all like: "nooo, she's obviously into him instead!"
And I'm like...yeah, like a moth drawn to clothes in order to destroy them maybe!
Dude, I had Jim so pegged, he was in a category of a boy that I had to deal with in the past, before him, by the time he opened his mouth the 2nd time around!
He was actually done!
In fact, if I had difficulty levels for how to deal with boys (like a game thing), he would be my EASY level, okay?
Talk about MEDIUM or HARD levels of difficulty, like say...not being able to get rid of a guy trying to trick you into getting married with him! Okay?
You don't know half of it!
Jonas like: "ohh nooo, he's gonna snatch her the next day"
A ton of boys couldn't...snatch me before him, and you thought Jim was gonna succeed because?
You know the irony?
He thought he failed because of his big nose compared to yours instead, because your nose is more aesthetically pleasing! Yeah!
Did you know that?
Isn't this fun though?
A trio? Seriously?
Better shoot me instead, I beg of you. This is dumb...It's dumb when I don't deal with trios when it comes to boys, I deal with hordes and variations around types! It ain't that simplistic as you would think!
0 notes
ducknotinarow · 2 years
Any of your muses have a favorite Disney movie?
Unlike that music one here one I can go into more! I'm mostly gonna focus on my tmnt muses and cause I saw my friend got this too! Imma do Richard as well uwu. Since either wreit a few versions I decided I'd give them each a movie uwu
Rapheal 2003
Aladdin: Raph loves Aladdin he likes the story of this street rat proving himself he loved the fights in it mostly when Jafar turned into a giant snake. And Aladdin was shown to be accept as he was at the end. Let's also just say he got the bi awakening between Jasmine and Aladdin.
Tranza: Again, action he likes the fights. The gorillas and such and well the whole acceptance of Tranzan among the humans and gorillas?
Raph 2012
Treasure Planet: It's a sifi action pack film with pirates! Raph kind of related to the charater Jim in the flim as well and he likes the father son relationship Jim forms in the movie. It's one of few films he watches that isn't an action or horror film.
Praites of the Caribbean: not much reason just more praise adventures uwu
Rise Raph
Beauty and the Beast: because well him and Yvoone fit it and I like referencing it for them uwu
Hercules: he wanna be like Hercules! Big strong and helps everyone also later when he meets yvoone she kind of looks like Meg soo uwu
Mikey 2003
Brother Bear: Mikeys pretty spiritual and intune with that naturally so a movie focused on it is up his ally not to mention he loves thst the baby bear got a big brother to look out for them and that despite the fall out between the human brothers everything turned out fine
Black Cauldron: mostly cause this film is a bit obscure and dark and that's up his alley.
Mikey 2012
Toy Story: deff that kid who thought his toys had lives and kind of why he so openly nice and friendly to inanimate objects even
Soul: again mikeys always been a bit more spiritual compared to his bros so a movie touching on life and learning to turly live it? Yeah he's all for that message
Rise Mikey
Peter pan: young forever a d living free that all mikey. He is someone very about living in the moment and feels Peter pan jsut kind of enforced that sure Peter younger forever but the darling kids aren't
Onward: two brothers going on an adventure to see thier dad one more time only to give up the chance for the older brother to have that moment? Mikey is very touched by someone who would put his big brother first
Starwars: okay this might be a cheat and I almost gave it to 03 mikey but I think he's mkre a terky anyway and by rise time-line starwars is owned by Disney xD
High school musical: You know why this boy is a theater kid waiting for his chance to shine pluuuuus he kind of gets the struggle of the leads. Claims it just the theatrical stuff
Usagi 2003
Mulan: I can see Usagi e joking movie night when he visits and he took a liking to Mulan mostly cause it made him think of Leo uwu. He also loves the message behind it honor to one's heart. Usagi can admire that message a lot for someone who lives and will die fir the same reason
Tangled: because yeahhh he relates far to hard. He felt like he was trapped and locked away by his parents forced to live a life he had no say in till finally escaping the tower. He'd soon die then admit it as well but far as he is concerned? Bailey is his Flynn. This smooth talking guy who manged to get him to break out from all he knew. And well Bailey became Richards new dream much like Rapunzel and Flynn did for each other in the film.
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onemuseleft · 2 years
Untitled Fic 1/1, Steve/Tony, 3580 words
Happy bday @brandnewfashion!
“Oh my god,” Tony said. He turned abruptly so he was facing Steve, turning his back to most of the rest of the room, and took a deep drink from his cup like he needed the fortification.
It was Diet Coke, so Steve doubted it was going to do the job Tony was hoping for.
“What is it?” Steve scanned the room - they were at a wedding reception for some old associate of Tony’s. Tony had described her as a college friend, but college had been fifteen years go and she still invited Tony to her wedding, so Steve figured they kept in touch. The party was low-key for a friend of Tony’s, just a nice banquet hall in a fancy hotel, with decent catering and a live band. No ice sculptures or living furniture or gilded cages full of white tiger cubs like he’d seen at some of the weddings he’d gone to with Tony since they started dating. Instead the hall was decorated with strands of fairy lights and greenery to make it look a little like an enchanted forest. The centerpieces were wildflowers with little - fake, Steve felt he had to specify based on some other wealthy weddings he'd been to - songbirds perched among them. It was pretty and tasteful, and was doing some good to convince Steve that being a millionaire didn’t require having awful taste.
Tony made a face and took another sip of his drink. “Old friend,” he said, but reluctantly, and he kind of chewed on the word “friend” for a minute like it wasn’t his first choice. “Steve, I’m afraid you’re going to realize that I had terrible taste and worse judgment when I was in college.”
That… absolutely did not come as a shock, but Steve just grinned at him and let him keep the illusion that he’d had his act together a little better when they’d met. “To be honest, you’d always given me the impression that Jim was your only friend when you were in college, so I’m kind of enjoying meeting all these people who knew you back then.”
Tony pulled a face so disgusted that Steve couldn’t hold back a short laugh. “Steve. Babe. No. Aside from Kayla, I barely even remember these people.”
“Sure you don’t,” Steve said. He took a half step closer to Tony so he could lean down and murmur in his ear. “But I bet every one of them remembers you.”
Tony tipped his head to the side and gave Steve a smile that was all teeth and mischief. “Steve, I was a walking scandal until about ten minutes ago, of course they do.”
It had been longer than that since Tony was tabloid fodder on a daily basis, but Steve conceded the point anyway. “So who is this particular example of bad taste you’re hiding from?”
Tony sighed. “Tiberius Stone. Steve, whatever he says, please don’t hold it against me.”
“Hey. You know I won’t.” Steve caught Tony’s free hand in his and squeezed. “Besides, you were a kid back then.”
“I was an asshole back then,” Tony said ruefully, “and stupid enough to think I was charming.”
“Oh,” Steve said, “so this was last week.”
Tony shot him a narrow-eyed glare, but it was belied by the way the corner of his mouth ticked up. “Speaking of assholes.”
“Everyone knows that about me,” Steve told him.
Tony snorted. “Anyway, there was a group of us - Rhodey used to call us the Snob Squad.”
“God, I love Jim,” Steve said.
“He was 85% of my common sense and at least 90% of my impulse control,” Tony agreed. “Anyway, it was me, Kayla - the bride,” he clarified, as if Steve was going to forget who’s wedding he was at, “who wasn’t much of a snob, to be honest, she was kind of like. The poor friend?”
“Kayla the Krispy Kreme heiress is the poor friend?”
“They only own part of Krispy Kreme,” Tony said. “It was more comparatively. Anyway, there were three other friends, only one of whom matters for this story. His name is Tiberius Stone.”
The name rang a bell and Steve flipped through a hundred past conversations about college and Tony’s past while he took a long sip of his drink. “Tiberius Stone the guy who once framed you for cheating on an exam when he was the one cheating off you?”
“Yes, him, and that happened before the story I’m about to tell you, so you’ll see in a minute why I said I was stupid.” Tony exhaled heavily. “So we all had a place off campus together.”
“An apartment?”
“Yeah, a penthouse not too far from the university. Mom convinced Dad to pay for it because she thought it would be safer than the dorms - less drinking, less sex, you know?”
“Bunch of rich teenagers in their own place with no RAs was going to be less disruptive than the dorms,” Steve said skeptically.
“In her defense, Mom never went to college and was not a troublemaker before she met dad. Anyway, yeah, it was probably as bad as you’re imagining. Just 24/7 party pad. And Tiberius was one of the semi-permanent fixtures. He and Kayla and the other two were basically my roommates at that point. Ty mostly used it to impress dates, and get laid.” Tony shrugged. “Uh. he was kind of gross, to be honest. He’d bring his dates back, show them the fancy digs, parade them around in front of us and then go have very loud, performative sex with his bedroom door open.”
“Sounds charming,” Steve said.
“Oh, it gets better,” Tony said. “Cause after about ten minutes of rhythmic grunting he’d come back out naked, dick still wet, and grab a beer or something, then tell us he had to get back before his date “cooled off”.”
“That’s…” Steve considered his word choices carefully.
“Gross,” Tony said, “yeah, trust me, I know. So anyway, I slept with him.”
“Tony,” Steve said. He couldn’t quite keep the dismay out of his voice, and if part of it was regret for the young, emotionally delicate boy he knew Tony had been back then, part of it was also just dismay at his boyfriend’s terrible taste in men.
“I know, I know, I heard it all from Rhodey.” Tony waved him off, but his eyes were glinting a little. It was a bad memory but one Tony apparently was able to find some humor in. “Steve, he was awful.”
“Well if it only took ten minutes every time-”
“Just-” Tony gestured, a little crudely. “Straight in, no foreplay, barely any prep, and then just him grunting like a pig digging for truffles while pounding away with no finesse and less self-control, and he’s drunk so it takes about two mintues for him to come, right? So I’m just lying there in the bed, barely hard because that was the unsexiest thing I’d ever seen, and he’s passed out on top of me snoring and drooling.”
“Tony,” Steve said, but he was laughing a little too at the image Tony was painting. “Please tell me he didn’t hurt you.”
“Only my illusions,” Tony said. “Anyway, Kayla came home and rolled him off me and we left him on the floor where as near as I can tell he stayed until the next morning. She made me promise never to have sex with him again and I made her promise not to tell Rhodey and that was basically the foundation upon which our casual friendship has been built. Anyway, Tiberius is heading straight for me, isn’t he?”
Steve pulled his eyes away from Tony’s face long enough to scan the crowd. “Blond, kind of smug, a little too pretty to be handsome?”
“That’s him.” “Like a heat-seeking missile.” Steve wound an arm around Tony’s waist and pressed a kiss to his temple. “How mad am I at this guy?”
Tony snorted. “It’s been almost twenty years, I’d say we’re mostly just dismayed at his continued uncouthness.”
Steve let his mouth curve into a smile before he pulled back. “He’s permanently vetoed for a threesome, in case you were wondering.”
“Please, I have acquired some self respect. Besides, I’d never let him touch you.” Tony briefly let his head rest on Steve’s shoulder, but straightened up as Tiberius approached.
Tiberius Stone was about six feet tall, with golden blond hair carefully arranged to look windswept and tousled. He was good-looking, broad-shouldered and well built, with a tapered waist and strong legs that his pants were clearly tailored to show off. Steve thought he could see the appeal, except for the look in his eyes. Tiberius Stone looked at everyone he passed with a thoughtful sort of evaluation, as if he was calculating how much he could sell them for.
Then he turned that gaze on Tony and Steve ground his teeth together.
“Anthony.” Tiberius swept up to Tony and slid an arm around his back, pulling him into a hug. “You look so much better than the last time I saw you. I’m glad you’ve gotten over all that horrible drama.”
Tony’s smile thinned, and he pressed a little closer to Steve’s side. “Oh, yes, Rumiko and all that unpleasantness. Honestly, I’d all but forgotten.” His tone was dry enough to be sandpaper but Tiberius didn’t even blink.
“Who can blame you, with this arm candy?” Tiberius turned his smile on Steve - gleaming white teeth peeking between lips so pink that Steve thought he was probably wearing lipgloss or something. “You must be Steve. I have heard so much about you.”
“Yeah, the rumor mill does get around.” Steve smiled but didn’t offer him a handshake - he tightened his grip around Tony’s waist instead. Rumiko, Steve remembered, had been Tony’s fiance at one point. He wasn’t sure what that unpleasantness entailed but it left a sour taste in his mouth.
“She wasn’t even that good,” Tiberius said, nudging Tony in the ribs. “We’ve both had better, hm?”
Steve kept his smile firmly in place and resisted the urge to physically move Tony away from this guy. “I’m not sure I know what you mean?” he said, giving Tiberius the wide-eyed Captain America look that the newspapers loved.
Tony huffed a little laugh and drank the rest of his Diet Coke. “So how’d you like the wedding, Ty?”
“Tacky,” Tiberius said instantly. “It’s all a little low-brow, but what do you expect from Kayla? She was always a little bit lower-class, wasn’t she?”
“Heiresses aren’t generally considered low-class,” Tony said. “Anyway, Ty, it’s been really nice seeing you again-”
“It’s good to see you again too,” Tiberius purred in a way that made Steve’s hand want to clench into a fist. “It’s good to see everyone again. This has been like a walk down memory lane, hasn’t it.” Tiberius gestured toward the rest of the room with his champagne flute. “Bringing back quite a few nice memories, isn’t it?” He grinned. “I should revisit a few of the better ones before the night is over. I wonder how many I can fit in before last call.”
“Ew,” Tony said under his breath. “It was a long time ago, Ty, I bet some of those memories have faded.”
Ty laughed. “You don’t have to play coy, Tony, I’m sure Captain America understands you have a past. He can read, after all. But don’t worry, I’m not going to make your man self-conscious.”
“Should I be insulted?” Steve asked Tony. He wasn’t particularly, but he was annoyed at the way this guy was talking to Tony.
Tony snorted. “He’s trying.”
“I bet the Captain is very gifted in that department,” Ty said. “Maybe we can compare notes, one day, you and I.” He gave Steve a sly grin.
Steve wasn’t sure if he was being propositioned or if Ty was implying something about Tony, but either way he didn’t care for the implication. “I’m not the type to kiss and tell,” he said flatly. “Tony, didn’t you want to go see Kayla before we left?”
“Oh, I’ll go with you,” Tiberius said. “I haven’t had a chance to give the groom my sympathies yet.”
“Sympathies?” Tony asked, in a tone of voice that said he fully expected to regret asking.
“That he’s marrying her after I’ve had her,” Tiberius said. “Poor man’s marrying a girl who’s already had the best she’s ever going to have and now she’s settling for the rest of her life.” His eyes caught Steve’s and the toothy grin was distinctly mocking now. “I bet that’s hard on a man’s ego.”
Steve exhaled slowly and counted to ten in his head.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Tony said in a loud voice. He stepped away from Steve’s side and Steve let him go, even though the instinct to drag Tony back away from this creep was powerful. “The best I’ve ever had? Are you - Ty, you were were definitely in a top ten of sexual experiences, but it wasn’t the best.”
A blonde woman standing a few feet away snorted into her drink, and Steve heard a delighted cackle from behind him.
Tiberius’s eyebrows drew together in clear confusion, lowering Steve’s already tripwire-low opinion of the man. This was clearly news to him, although it probably shouldn’t have been.
“You flopped around on top of me like a dying fish,” Tony said. “The whole thing took less time than it takes to sing Happy Birthday. You didn’t even get me off before you passed out. And I know-” he raised his voice when Tiberius opened his mouth to say something, “that you didn’t treat anyone else any better, so whatever memories our former classmates may have of you, I don’t think they’re going to be driving anyone into a sexual frenzy tonight.”
Tiberius’s eyes went hard and flat, and there was such a flare of anger that for a second Steve thought Tiberius was going to attack Tony. But instead his smile, which had been steadily fading during Tony’s rant, turned sharp. “If you wanted first ride all you had to do was say so, Anthony. God knows you were always gagging for it when we were in school.” He shot Steve a smirk while Tony sputtered. “He was such a little slut back then - well, I don’t suppose much has changed.”
Tony slapped a hand against Steve’s chest, which is how Steve knew he’d taken a step toward Tiberius. Steve held himself still and settled for watching Tiberius the way he watched any other threat. He was fine letting Tony handle this, he was, God knew Tony could handle himself just fine. But it burned in his chest, listening to someone try to hurt Tony and not immediately stepping in to protect him.
“Such a slut I only ever fucked you once,” Tony snapped back. “All those hot dates you used to parade around the apartment and not one of them ever came back for a second date.”
“Someone’s feeling feisty tonight,” Tiberius snapped. “Clearly the Captain hasn’t figured out how to keep you in line. I’d be more than happy to show him how to put a little bitch like you back in his place.”
“Fuck it,” Steve said, and decked him.
He checked the punch because he’s not actually trying to break anyone’s neck, but that doesn’t stop Tiberius from going down like a sack of wet sand. The same blonde woman who had laughed at Tony’s comeback earlier gives Steve a quick burst of applause. “God, he deserved that,” she said, and tossed back half a glass of wine.
People were looking, though a not-insignificant number of them looked either unsurprised or straight-up pleased. Steve was guessing those were former classmates who had spent more than ten seconds in Tiberius’s presence.
Tony arched an eyebrow at him.
“Sorry?” Steve crossed his arms over his chest. “I should have let you handle that. But I didn’t like the way he was talking to you.”
“My boyfriend is such a caveman,” Tony said, but he was smiling so Steve figured he wasn’t in the doghouse.
Just as Steve was debating if he should pick Tiberius up and help him to a chair or something, there was an increase in murmuring around them and the crowd parted to reveal the bride.
Tony’s college friend Kayla-the-Krispy-Kreme heiress stared at them from the edge of the crowd. Her hair was a mass of golden curls spilling down her back and her dress was glittering with swarovski crystals. She looked like a princess, complete with a golden tiara. She glanced down at Tiberius, who was groaning loudly and clutching his jaw, then up at him and Tony with wide eyes.
Guilt settled into his stomach like lead. This was her wedding, she was Tony’s old friend- shit if he’d ruined things between them, or destroyed her day he’d never forgive himself. He took a half step forward, trying to figure out the best way to apologize for something he didn’t actually regret doing.
Kayla hiked up the long flowing skirt of her gown, revealing delicate golden heels. She stepped over Tiberius like he was nothing but a mud puddle, then dropped her skirts and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “You must be Captain Rogers. Tony’s told me nothing about you because he doesn’t reply to my emails.”
Tony narrowed his eyes at her. “They’re not emails, Steve, she’s a liar, she only uses Facebook Messenger and I refuse to contribute to that.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Steve said, offering her his hand. “Tony has probably told me more about you than you’d like him to.”
Kayla laughed. “That sounds about right. Look, I have to get back, the photographer is a fucking Nazi - not literally,” she assured Steve, “sorry, that’s probably insensitive now that the Nazis are back, huh? Anyway, I just wanted to come over and thank you guys for the lovely wedding gift.”
Steve has a brief moment of confusion because 1) he knows she hasn’t opened any gifts yet and 2) he knows Tony got her some little glass tchotchke thing that probably didn’t warrant interrupting her reception to thank him for.
Kayla shimmied her hips a little, making her skirt swirl around her legs, the crystals catching the light. “It’s exactly what I wanted, thank you!” She turned and peered over her shoulder at Tiberius who was slowly pushing himself up into a sitting position. “I’ve been dreaming of it since college,” she said, shooting Tony a wink. Steve felt some of the tension he hadn’t realized was there go out of his shoulders. At least he hadn’t upset Tony’s friend.
Tony snorted. “It was Steve’s idea, you know I’m shit at gifts.”
“I do,” Kayla said. “You’ve been sending me Edible Arrangements every year for ten years and you never remember I’m allergic to honeydew.”
“What I’m hearing is that I should start sending you chocolate.”
“I will accept that,” Kayla said. “But if you wanted to just punch Ty again I’d take that, too.”
From somewhere near her ankles Tiberius made a garbled noise of objection.
“I hope you broke his nose,” Kayla said.
A man in a tux pushed through the crowd, took in the scene with a complete lack of reaction. “Oh, hey, Tiberius. About time. Babe, the photographer and your mom are about to get in a fist fight.”
“Gotta go!” Kayla swooped in to plant a kiss on Tony’s cheek, then grabbed Steve’s hand in both of hers. “Thanks again,” she said. “I love it. Come see me after dinner and we can share a dance!” She hiked up her skirt again and skipped over Tiberius, smacking him in the face with what looked like thirty pounds worth of wedding gown.
“Bye, Kayla!” Tony waved after her. He turned to Steve. “We can leave now, right?”
Steve snorted. “She paid for two steak dinners, Tony, it seems rude to leave before they even start serving.”
“I’m going to sue you!”
Steve made a show of blinking and staring down at Tiberius. “Oh, are you still here?”
Tony laughed.
“That was assault.” The words came out slightly slurred. Steve was 99% certain he hadn’t hit Tiberius that hard, but maybe the guy had a glass jaw.
“So sue me,” Tony said cheerfully. “Better yet, sue him. You want that in court? You wanna tell the world why Captain America laid you out cold?” Tony’s smile went thin, and his voice lowered to little more than a whisper. “I was sixteen at MIT, Ty. You want that getting out?”
Steve cracked his knuckles. “I hadn’t thought about that,” he said in a low voice, and was grimly pleased at the way Tiberius’s eyes went wide.
Tony slid an arm around Steve’s waist. “Compromise?” he said, ignoring Tiberius who was staggering to his feet and away from them. “You and I go up to our room for a bit and see if we can’t get a new entry in the other list of Top Ten Sexual Experiences.”
Steve laughed and leaned down to press a kiss to the shell of Tony’s ear. “I,” he said softly, checking to make sure no one nearby seemed to be listening, “am going to make you forget Tiberius and that other list ever existed. And then,” he added, taking Tony’s wrist and tugging him toward the exit, “I’m going to come back for my dance with Kayla. I bet she’s got some great blackmail material.”
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bigstripeylie · 3 years
Ghosts theory- “sucked off” edition
Apologies for the title.
I have a theory about how each of the ghosts in Ghosts has a parallel with another Ghost and how this could be the key to them finally being able to move on, or “be sucked off’ as Mary would say.
Putting it behind a cut as this is extremely long and rambly. Spoilers for pretty much every episode of Ghosts
First of all I was listening to Mat and Jim on the Empire Spoilers podcast and Mat said something really interesting about how he intended “you stays how you dies” to refer to the ghost’s mental and emotional state, as well as physical. So Thomas always being obsessed with seeking love is because he died broken-hearted and Fanny always being so grumpy is because she died angry at her husband. 
I believe, therefore, that if the ghosts were able to overcome each of their emotional blocks that would be the thing that would allow them to move on. Furthermore, each of the ghosts has another ghost that seems perfectly suited to be able to assist them in that.
Let’s go through them:
Thomas- Thomas died believing his love never loved him back and now is forced to spend eternity seeking for love as a ghost. If Thomas was able to find someone who could reciprocate his affections, this would the resolve that issue. In the Series 2 episode “About Last Night” when Alison drunkenly tells Thomas “if you were alive and I was 200 years older, then we might have…” we hear a choir start singing and Thomas is pulled, as if compelled, through the wall, similar to how Fanny is pulled forwards towards the window to jump when she “doesn’t even realise [she’s] doing it.” Thomas desperately craves love and affection from another person, but in life was constantly rejected by the people he loved most. You know who else that sounds like? Kitty.
Kitty- Like Thomas, she is from a wealthy family who sheltered her a lot growing up, but is ultimately good and tries to be honourable. Kitty also craves love and affection as well as companionship and she tries to seek it, first in Eleanor and then in Alison (because Alison reminds her of  Eleanor, like how Alison reminds Thomas of Isabelle). However it comes up again and again that Kitty’s relationship with Alison isn’t as fulfilling to her as she would like it be because her being a ghost prevents her from sharing every activity with Alison, and Alison cannot show her physical affection. Kitty is trying to recreate aspects of her relationship with Eleanor using Alison as a substitute but this isn’t very healthy for her, as it simply traps her in the constant state of seeking affection that will not or cannot be returned fully. We don’t know the exact circumstances of Kitty’s death but after Series 3, if seems likely that her sister was in some way involved. Maybe what is keeping Kitty trapped as a ghost is her need for approval and love that she never got in life? But by seeking it in people who remind her of Eleanor exclusively, she is further trapping herself.
If Kitty and Thomas could find love with each other, they could each fulfil the other’s need for reciprocated affection. They are both equally needy so this quality wouldn’t likely annoy the other. Kitty seems to genuinely enjoy high romance in earnest and in finding an outlet for her love in Thomas, she could finally move on from her sister. Thomas would also find someone to love him and could devote himself completely to someone who would actually return his love, instead of fruitlessly pursuing women who remind of Isabelle’s rejection. This could lead to the resolution of both character’s finally moving on from their deaths.
Next up, let’s look at The Captain-
The Captain’s central conflict is obviously his sexuality. I believe that the resolution to this conflict would be him finally accepting and coming to terms with being gay and feeling comfortable with that part of his  identity. Which ghost could best help him in this?
Maybe not the answer you were thinking, but hear me out. The Captain already has a strong positive relationship with Fanny built on mutual respect. He is more likely to value her opinion as an equal that any of the other ghosts and he seems to align himself with her on most issues. Which makes his choice to go against Fanny and defend the same-sex wedding and its guests to her in “Perfect Day” really remarkable.
In “Perfect Day”, Fanny expresses some pretty disapproving remarks about the wedding guest’s attire and some homophobic opinions about the same-sex wedding in general, which prompts the Captain to defend one of the guests to Fanny. “It’s chic, it’s now, and if it makes her feel fabulous…”
Imagine a scene where The Captain has to defend himself towards Fanny in a similar manner after coming out, showing that he is finally accepting of his sexuality as being the right thing for him. 
Anyway, that was a slight digression…
Fanny is still struggling to deal with the circumstances of her own death which was brought about in part because she caught her husband having an affair with other men. Fanny needs to accept and come to terms with the fact that her husband didn’t love her and that while he was obviously wrong for murdering her, she needs to move on so she can stop reenacting it by jumping out the window every morning. Because she died feeling angry and betrayed, she is trapped in that state in death. Discovering that one of her closest friends is gay and realising that it is possible for someone to be both gay and a good person might prompt her to think differently about her own life, as she started do with Humphrey in Perfect Day. 
The Captain, in turn, could be driven by Fanny’s ability to accept his sexuality into thinking ‘if she can accept that part of me, then maybe I can too.’ Personally, out of all the ghosts, I think it could only be Fanny who could prompt him to think that because it would mean the most to him coming from her.
Humphrey- Humphrey died because he was trying to protect Sophie, who rejected any attempt to get to know him and who he believed didn’t even like him. In death he is trapped in a state of being a selfless self-sacrificing people-pleaser and desperately wanting to be included in the other ghost’s activities, even allowing himself be kicked and thrown around if it means he can just be involved. In ‘I Love Lucy’ he even attempts to make a relationship with Fanny work, showing he is willing to sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of others.
Julian, by contrast, is the most selfish of all the ghosts at Button House. Deep down he feels guilty that his selfishness negatively affected the relationship with his daughter but seems not to be consciously aware that he feels like this. Julian’s selfishness to not spend time with his family ultimately leads to his death in Button House, as he neglected his family to spend more time at work and was clearly cheating on his wife, showing he is driven by selfish impulses.
If Julian were to perform a completely selfless act to the benefit of Humphrey, then Humphrey would get to feel as though someone was putting him first for once and valuing him the way he seeks to be valued. Julian would also break the pattern of selfish behaviour that caused his downfall.
The rest are little less well-defined:
Pat is the probably the ghost that we know the most about, through seeing his death and actually meeting his family in “Happy Death Day”, to the numerous anecdotes he reveals about his life throughout the show. However, I can’t decide for sure what is the thing that is keeping him a ghost. Pat himself seemed to think it was that he was missing his family, but this was ultimately proved wrong after he saw them again in ‘Happy Death Day’. Even meeting the boy who killed him and forgiving him in ‘Perfect Day’ didn’t cause him to move on. It could be something to do with Carol’s affair with Maurice but I just don’t know for sure. I like the idea of him fitting in with the plague ghosts. I think his personalty and leadership style would get along better with them than say, The Captain, who is too authoritarian. I also think Pat is someone who thrives in a group setting.
Robin and Mary are also tricky to work out what the thing keeping them as ghosts is because we know so little about their lives and deaths compared to the other characters. I think these are the only two ghosts who have not yet received a flashback to their lives. We know that Mary was in some way involved a witch-trail and this has traumatised her. Robin also has experienced a lot of trauma in his life but he seems to be more philosophical about it and accepting of it. He shows great empathy towards others both in trying to comfort Pat about his death in “Happy Death Day’ and Kitty in “About Last Night’, he could use his experience of trauma to help Mary deal with hers. They both seem to be looked down upon and ‘othered’ by the other ghosts due to their perceived lack of intelligence even though they are both very emotionally and socially intelligent.
If anyone has any thoughts about these last two pairings or any of the others, then please reblog and add your take!
I am not in any way saying that I think this is what will happen in the next series or what even I think should happen, but that this is one possibilities for much further down the road when the ghost are all ready to move on.
Also I have spent way too much time thinking about this…
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