#as sad as it sounds
blindsighted · 7 months
Mourning Dove
A storm was brewing far in the distance. Thunder rolled in the valley, still twenty miles out. Grey clouds set back the sunrise by an hour, and young Kakashi wakes all alone in his father's bed. He shivers. It feels empty in the house. He grips the covers tight just under his eyes, wide awake and alert.
pit pat
The first drops of rain fall against the glass in large splatters. It's going to be a big one. Kakashi shivers.
A low rumble creeps ever closer; ten miles out, and Kakashi sits up all at once, just in time for a bright flash of lightning to illuminate the still and shadowy space around him. It looks like his home, but with the color washed out. His eyes are round with large black pupils that disappear into a dark iris. They scan from left to right, searching for what is missing.
Another droll of thunder lifts him to his feet. They hit the wood grain with a soft slap and the cold jolts him a little more awake. His heart thud thud thuds against his chest and he swallows a dry lump to try and keep it from leaping out.
Something is wrong.
The smell of iron clings to the electricity in the air and Kakashi shifts one foot forward, then the next. His eyes stare wide and fixed across the hall and into the living room, where an unfamiliar dark stain just broaches the edge of the doorframe.
His feet carry him, one shuffling step after the other, closer and closer, until he's standing in the doorway. He can't make out the identity of that shadowy lump, so he steps closer...
A flash of lightning and a sharp bang shatters the darkness, and in that instant, Kakashi's world falls to pieces.
A fragile breath shakes loose from his constricting throat, but the boy doesn't move. His heart is frozen. It stabs through his chest and sends waves of ice and fire through his veins, till Kakashi can no longer stand. His knees give out and he collapses there behind his father's slumped over shape.
A timid hand reaches for him, the unfamiliar hand of a child, and when it touches his shoulder, he feels the solid touch of ice, far removed from the once warm and comforting presence of the man he'd known. The hand pulls back and disappears, and Kakashi sits still. Everything has stopped.
He exists here, and nowhere, for the person he was before has died. In his place, emptiness lives on.
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ya-zz · 5 months
Been staring at a blank drabble post for ten minutes and not a single way to phrase what I had initially wanted to write comes up… the idea is there but the words aren’t…
Hhhh… I hate this. I wanna write again…
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Will I ever truly get over NSR? I have no idea but I really hope I don't.
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luminixx · 8 months
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“Your mom” gone wrong. Not the right person.
this is lowkey so unserious don't kill me. it's a reference to all that stuff about his mother that I am seeing.
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pangur-and-grim · 3 months
Belphie made a super strange beep-screech when I picked him up, and I though “oh god, he’s got abdominal sensitivity, he’s ill,” but then I followed his line of sight and saw a large stick that I’d been inadvertently taking him away from.
so now he has his stick, and everything is fine
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the-ratt-king · 1 month
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ittybittybumblebee · 2 months
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the-eggplant · 22 days
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The prose of sketches from me. part 2
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fauchart · 2 months
I miss being able to make art and post it. And I miss when doing those things brought you interactions and friends
Idk, someone recently liked an old piece of mine from a bygone era where even sharing an OC of all things had people react. It brought me back to those days where you'd make a whole community and happily include newcomers and draw for each other and send asks etc, all for simply existing on this platform
Now it feels like you post in an empty room and the best you can hope for is a vague echo in return. People will see your art and move on without barely touching it at all
Why have we gotten so stingy with our comments and interactivity?..
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laurapetrie · 11 months
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I was Elvis's doll, his own living doll, to fashion as he pleased. The more we were together the more I came to resemble him in every way. His tastes, his insecurities, his hang-ups — all became mine. My sole ambition was to please him, to be rewarded with his approval and affection. When he criticized me, I fell to pieces. - PRISCILLA PRESLEY
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egophiliac · 11 months
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I love these guys so much. forget NRC, I want to attend their terrible disaster school for disaster children that might actually be plastered on top of the smoking remains of an actively sinking ship. I may or may not actually learn anything, but I will have the time of my life.
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felsicveins · 9 months
I'm so lonesome all the time
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Some sweet day
Gonna take away
This hurting inside
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crabussy · 2 months
"humans are inherently evil" "humanity deserves to go extinct" okay. if that's the case why are we such a community based species. why have we seen evidence of careful amputations in ancient humans that allowed them to live longer, fuller lives. why do we have thousands of years of evidence of toys made for children by their guardians. why do we consistently find burial sites where the deceased has been buried with items of significance because the people in their life cared about them even after they were gone. why do strangers help strangers without any reward. why are most of the people you meet each day not cruel. we have ALWAYS been kind. I know it is so so easy to get swept up in all the horrible happenings in the world. these things can be extremely important to know about. but please, please please know that there are so many kind people in the world. you are one of them!
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muffinlance · 7 months
I'm barely to the massacre and I can already tell I'm going to be screaming at every this-makes-no-sense decision made by the writers (your temple is under violent attack, and you evacuate the kids... to a barely enclosed corner in a prominent temple room? Instead of to the hundreds of sky bison that were highlighted as flying in earlier? Why?) (And Aang left to clear his head and think instead of to run from his duties? That's such a less compelling plot arc?) (And the show had him briefly monologue about being a goofy kid who loves pies and his friends instead of using the extended temple scene to show any of that? Didn't want to pay more child actors, did you, Netflix?)
Yeah I'm just. Going to be screaming at the screen instead of enjoying this. Different decisions aren't necessarily bad, but when those decisions seem to be in the direction of "show a man burning alive before we even get to the on-screen massacre" this is just... not the show for me.
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headcanonthings · 1 year
Damian: Apologies for my tardiness everyone. I have not been sleeping well. Tim: Have you tried a weighted blanket? It's like two people holding you down while you sleep. Jason: Tim, blink once if you're in trouble and need assistance. Blink twice if you're just a freak. Tim: *winks five times*
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unhappy-sometimes · 1 month
the most important stuff
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inspired by @dailytwiyorprompts prompt “time traveler au”
unso remembers how to draw traditionally, not smudge, and take decent photos challenge (level: impossible)
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