#as a dude in my 30s who has been in fandom since I was a teenager this is the observation I've been left with over the years
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bigbuffelves · 1 year ago
sorry I legit don't have patience for people trying to force me into a debate about behaviour I've made clear is extremely uncomfortable and weird for me lol. I genuinely believe there's something deeply wrong with the people fighting so hard for the position of "I should be able to disrespect boundaries if my feefees are hurt". I don't want to talk to those kinds of people. I don't want them around me. I see no need to explain myself to them because I understand their warped minds will never understand what I'm telling them
all people like that see is "well *I* was slighted and *I* want this and *I* feel this way and *I* *I* *I* *I*"
it doesn't even occur to those people that I'm not defending myself in this argument. I have no kink or fic related boundaries. I don't feel the need for them. Evrytime I talk on this subject people assume I'm speaking from a personal place. I'm not. I'm worried about teenagers/kids, mentally ill people, and people with social difficulties who are basically bullied by fandom for stupid shit like having an angry DNI that pissed some no-life off because their whole life revolves around fucking shipping discourse on tumblr
I've dealt with a lot of people like that in fandom and they were always incredibly toxic in their personal lives too. I'm not exposing myself to that insanity again thanks
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alexandraisyes · 7 months ago
You on the TSAMS writing team?
But your stories are just for crying and masturbating at the same time lol
These are the most OC things I've read in this fandom, and look, I've also read things written by Infamous Doctor lmao
Well, aren't you a salty little shit?
It's almost like I write my AUs to not reflect on the canon timeline. It's almost like those are personal fanworks that I do for fun in my free time with my friends and partner because I enjoy writing. It's like they aren't meant to be accurate portrayals of the canon story or characters since it's an, oh I don't know, alternate universe. And clearly, if you both cried and masturbated to my fics then I'm doing something right because that's the point of them. To have fun and be unhinged and not worry about canon and just explore different dynamics in my own little world of my making.
I have fanworks that have nothing to do with sex or angst or anything like that on my safe-for-work archive, but I think that sex is funny so I write about it. Sue me for enjoying a specific genre of literature. I guess that means that my works for the canon timeline of the show have all been for naught, and I should just stop analyzing canon because I'm clearly not allowed to have both cakes. Right? I can't enjoy my own personal stories that aren't supposed to reflect on canon at all and it's supposed to feel "OC" because the interpretation of the characters changes for every AU because I also enjoy canon. Right?
I explained the other day that when I talk about TSAMS there are two things that happen in my head. There's the canon timeline that I do my "professional" writings on. The same writings that the VAs and most of the mod team have joined my thread on the official discord for. And then there's the silly little version in my head that I play with like dolls that has nothing to do with canon and never was supposed to be and that's the version for my friends. See also:
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I'm not hiding the fact that I make NSFW content and I never had. It takes 30 seconds of research to find that content if you want it, and you've made it obvious that you've engaged with that content, so I don't think you have room to talk, anon.
Let me break it down in terms that you can understand.
I am not pushing to get me on the writing team. I am not the one flooding the TSBS server, I am not the one writing letters, I am not the one overwhelmingly wanting me on the team. I am just some dude who "writes fics to cry and masturbate to" and also analyzes the canon story with my excessive knowledge of psychology and neurology and other miscellaneous information. People know me better for the second than the first. Most of the people who are pushing for this to happen have never read a single one of my fics (as far as I'm aware), and have purely read my analyses. Do not insult me by insinuating that I cannot separate my personal and professional level work, because I do it every day.
I have been making deep-dive, psychological, and lore-accurate analyses of the show for over six months. I have almost never been wrong when I make an analysis, and people come to me to help them understand the lore. My reputation in this fandom is high for several different reasons, but most people don't know me as "The sad porn author" because that's the smallest fraction of the content that I produce that it's actually insignificant. I can see what kind of opinion you have of me, and it's at once amusing and insulting, so do me a favor and stop interacting with my content, because you're bringing all sorts of vibes that I don't agree with onto my blog.
Also, there was no reason to drag DoctorF into this. They are a wonderful and kind individual and they're also doing their own thing for their own amusement. If that's something you have issue with, since you clearly do, then do yourself a favor and stop interacting with their content.
And again, in case you missed it the first time. I'm not the one that wants me on the writing team. It's everyone else. Maybe you should think about what the implications of that is, instead of being jealous that no one knows who you are. And good job being so brave and putting on your big boy shorts just to shit in them by hiding behind anon. Go clean up your act, anon, you've wasted my time and I loathe people who waste my time.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 1 year ago
Ok a rant about Cerri bomb and how much I HATE her
In the addict music video she was a very supportive friend of Angel and I loved her in the pilot! I wish we got that supportive best friend to Angel in the final product, but unfortunately she is a woman in a vivziepop show.
She’s AWFUL now I can’t stand her, the way she tried to make Angel relapse was so weird like pilot cherri wouldn’t do that! I also really dislike her design it has to be one of my personal least favourites (not the bottom though nothing is worse than alastors design to me) she isn’t enjoyable to watch anymore she had potential if she’d only been introduced earlier! Imagine if she was introduced in episode 4 and played the supportive friend she was originally supposed to be!
And GOD I hate her ship with pentious, it was SO RUSHED, so poorly done and the ship isn’t very “so cute and in love!!” When you remember she showed literally NO interest in him until Angel brought up that he has 2 dicks, and this is supposed to be a romantic relationship we CARE about.
Cherri didn’t need a romantic relationship she needed CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT we needed to get to know her! If you’ve only seen the show and no other Hazbin media at all (which shouldn’t be required you should be able to get all your info FROM THE SHOW) you’d barely know anything about her character or who she is. I wish we got pilot cherri bomb, and that she got a design update, and that her and pent’s relationship was either taken slower or didn’t happen at all
You silly little creature you, you have me writing in my notes app instead of Tumblr because I’m about to go crazy!
Cherri Bomb. More like Cherri what the hell happened
Anyway I’m gonna tackle this one thing at a time, and also forgive me if I word something weird I just woke up an hour ago at the time of writing this.
First thing, design: I personally quite like her design since it very loosely reminds me of Iris from Ruby Gloom with ofc the one eye, the very rowdy personality and kind of the hair, but those are very broad design choices and its just me remembering some random girl I thought was silly but like Iris did it better.
Okay now second thing and then we go into literally everything else: My blog has been an angry pit of despair for everything in Episode 6 as of recent so let’s tap into that again 🤏 just a little. I am going to give my classic centrist opinion and say I don’t mind Cherri Bomb all that much but I absolutely get why people dislike her, and I mean this in the kinda way as people who dislike… Idk Fukuchi from BSD. WILD jump in fandoms but gimme a second. I can’t 100% say that Cherri Bomb in the pilot was better than the series since we have no idea if maybe for some reason she was intended to be like that offscreen, but judging by the pilot and “Addict” alone, it’s very unlikely. I could see her maybe being a bad influence at times and being like “Loosen up dude we’re in hell and its Friday” or something (idk if they have Friday in hell but everyday is probably Monday 🥁) but overall I feel like she’d end up apologising for it. However on the other side of things, I can understand why Cherri did that in Episode 6. Of course not to say this is okay, but Cherri is still very clearly not in the “redemption” mindset. She’s happy the way she is and is really only focused on certain aspects of issues. We see her comfort Angel in “Addict” but thats basically the extent of it. Cherri’s definition of “self-care” seems to be less of actually taking care of yourself and more like just letting go and having fun instead which really only gives a momentary fix to the issue, much like how substances can be abused. Do you kinda see what im getting at? Cherri offering Angel drugs while he’s trying not to relapse is not okay, full stop. But her reasoning as to why makes a bit of sense for her purpose in the show which is honestly not much, since, as you said, she is a woman in a Vivziepop show.
To my knowledge Cherri is like 30-ish years younger than Angel Dust in Hell experience so she’s likely not reached a point where she’s gotten tired of how things work, as well as the fact we don’t really have much of an idea on her backstory aside from that random shot in “Addict” of that guy in a puddle??? But generally she seems to be in a better position than Angel is, so there isn’t really any reason for her to want to change, yknow? I will say I do like exploring characters that are good friends while still being bad influences at times, but I’m going to be honest I feel like thats really not what Angel needs right now. I wouldn’t be as pissy about it if she did end up apologising afterwards (I’m just gonna headcanon she did for my sanity) but even then as Angel’s friend we don’t know like… anything about her. I would’ve really liked to get some kind of callback to the pilot where Cherri mentions she thought Angel was dead until the random Sir Pentious turf war, and maybe we could see her actually being worried about Angel again instead of those 3 frames in “Addict”, but Hazbin is rushed and I guess we don’t have time for that. And also YES it would’ve been great to see her in Episode 4 and actually doing something but again, Vivziepop is boring.
Going forward I would really like to see Cherri, if not become a patron, at least try to be a better friend and sure if she wants to keep doing stuff she can keep doing it, but just don’t encourage other people to relapse. It is very simple.
SIR PENTIOUS! About Sir Pentious, this is going to be incredibly short. I don’t hate the ship but also I’m not really crazy about any of the Hazbin Hotel ships? I also don’t really hate any except for the genuinely horrid ones but thats basic sense. I absolutely agree with you, Cherri does not need a romantic interest. Romance doesn’t always = growth and growth should not always = romance. She needs some genuine character TLC and I hope to god she gets some in season 2. We’ve only seen a few minutes of her so I have yet to give a firm opinion, but as of now I’m just hoping they do something actually interesting with her instead of just alluding to Sir Pentious ship. Also the penis thing. 1. What was that, and 2. It made me and my friends briefly pause to sex Sir Pentious and come to the conclusion he is likely transgender/hj
TLDR; Please give us a fun Cherri Bomb again. ☹️
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officeobject · 3 months ago
This has become a routine, and warning for aphobia, folks!
30+ year old cishetallo: *Makes a joke about me liking my 30 year old squish*
Me: Well, that can't/won't actually happen, since I don't get crushes/I'm aromantic (asexual).
That same person: Well -
Me, quickly: I'M NOT INTO MEN/GUYS/BOYS! *Leaves it at that*
Also my squish is awesome, and like, they're literally some professional-wannabe 30 year old who works at an office, and they still always acted like my emotional signs of liking them was platonic, and like there was no other option, and didn't treat me differently after the progress pride flag in the window, and not only do they somehow treat my admiration of their body as if it's platonic (and only GOD knows how THEY know at this point), but LET me watch, and might even show off on purpose, and like, people who know me will doubt I'm aroace and/or that what I do and say is platonic, or even outright find it creepy, but this random person I STARE at, and NEVER MET, somehow knew from the start - like, people who know me, have been friends with me, have the same identity as me, have the same age as me, etc, get it wrong, but THIS person never does, and they're also exactly like an aroace character I had, a year before I even knew they existed, and they're somehow such a good ally, amongst all these crush-assumptions when I tell someone about them, or let too many hormones out from the platonic department - and yeah, like, them accepting it, embracing it, encouraging it, etc ... and I think about them when others be like that, or find my emotions creepy, because even one time, I was sobbing about being apothiaroace, and someone tried to comfort me by saying I can end up having a different orientation, meanwhile, THIS DUDE, A FECKING FIELD AND TWO WINDOWS WITH HEIGHT DIFFERENCES APART, looked over at me, and my sobbing basically instantly stopped, and they stared for a few extra seconds, after making sure I'm okay - they're generally an ally when it comes to every part of me, takes my emotions seriously and doesn't even have our age-difference as a point of weakness in our friendship, and yeah, they're an emotional mess trying to be professional while processing everything, and not even expressing themself with a smile at me anymore, and yeah, I find them entertaining despite what others think, I adore them despite others saying they don't and won't reciprocate, and I can write about what they're like, despite people saying I can't find out so much just based on viewing - they're exactly like a character of mine, who is basically a mix of a character from a role-play quiz, a character from a fanfiction, fanon Phone Guy from FNAF, with "the personality of a 30 year old" and more details, and y'all are welcome to adore them too, or to write about how good of an ally they are, and one day, I'm gonna meet them, aren't I? And then we can make a whole fandom thing for them - but also there's the weird limbo of them basically being an IRL version of the character I just mentioned, so like, you can just be a fan of the character I guess - like, same thing - weird loophole in my life but sure).
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cookinguptales · 2 years ago
1 and 25 🖤
the character everyone gets wrong & common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I think I can answer these together, tbh.
There are some criticisms of 4.09 I think are very valid, and others... less so. Personally, I didn't like the writing in the episode at all. I was annoyed at the wasted potential of the Marwa and Freddie storylines and just... did not think the script was there, honestly.
(I am also irritated by a lot of the backlash to the backlash, especially the people who insist that Marwa was never an important character and there's no reason to be irritated at the way she was written off.)
That said, there are some criticisms of the episode that kind of make me roll my eyes.
I usually just ignore takes I don't agree with, but one that I keep getting over and over in my inbox is that Nandor was so uniquely awful to Guillermo in 4.09 that the ship is Over, that no one should ship them anymore, that Nandor deserves to suffer before he gets the God that is Guillermo, etc. and like.
Okay, I've already written about how Nandor's characterization was actually pretty normal in 4.09. He hurt Guillermo terribly but he didn't mean to. He was selfish and oblivious but ultimately meant well and was willing to sacrifice his happiness for Guillermo's. We've seen this pattern since s1, with particular parallels in the literal first episode with the glitter portrait. I'm not actually that bothered by Nandor's behavior in the episode.
I'm not here to talk about Nandor, though, actually. I get much more annoyed by the way people talk about Guillermo. Like... I love Guillermo. He's probably my favorite character on tv. But I love how complicated and fucked up he is. I love how most of his problems are entirely of his own devising. I love that he is every bit as selfish, fucked up, and cruel as the vampires are if not more.
His smiles get to me as much as anyone and I think he's adorable! Endearing! Warm and fuzzy and sweet! But he's also a character that specifically preys on the weak in order to make his own life cushier. He specifically seeks out lonely humans and pretends to be their friend in order to feed them to his family. He makes fun of how "pathetic" they are largely to mentally separate himself from prey. I feel like he's especially scornful towards anyone who reminds him too much of himself, honestly, and he shows them particular cruelty.
He hurts humans to get in good with the vampires, but he also does it because it makes him feel powerful. It makes him feel like he's better than all the other stupid livestock he feeds to his family. It makes him feel like he deserves to be turned. When he destroys them, it's a way for him to metaphorically destroy the parts of himself he hates, too.
Guillermo! You talk mad shit about virginal nerds for a dude who plays Fortnite with your nerd-ass friend and was afraid of kissing for 30 years!
So when I get comments on my fic or whatever telling me that Guillermo is far too sweet and good and understanding for mean, evil Nandor I am just like??? On what planet???
The two of them are both disasters and they deserve each other. The living embodiment of this AITA judgment.
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And being real with you, I think the fandom characterization of Guillermo as a cinnamon roll who's never done anything wrong (actual phrasing in some messages I get) is boring. Guillermo is fun because he can give as good as he gets.
Like -- I genuinely think the reason why 4.09 didn't work for so many people is that the writers forgot that Guillermo has power. At the end of the very first episode, Nandor forgets how long Guillermo has been serving him, he gives him the portrait instead of turning him, he hurts his feelings -- and the scene ends with Guillermo visibly considering exposing him to sunlight. Their relationship works only because Guillermo consents to it. He could leave at any time. He could kill Nandor at any time. He just chooses not to because he's just as fucked up as Nandor is.
But in 4.09, the bad things that happen to Guillermo largely are not because of the choices he's made. (Like lying to Freddie, which he never really seems to need to answer for.) Freddie mistreats Guillermo, Nandor mistreats Guillermo, the Freddie clone really mistreats Guillermo, and Guillermo never gets any of them back. The last shot of him is him crying, heartbroken, through no fault of his own.
I think that's what really bothered people. The weird tilt in the power differential that didn't make a lot of sense or fit with other writing decisions in the series. Guillermo is repeatedly victimized for weak laughs in that episode, and he's not given the chance to stand up for himself other than briefly yelling at Nandor and then getting victimized further. It's just... not fun to watch when it feels more like it's punching down, y'know?
I think the writers framing Guillermo as a weak and helpless victim in that episode is as boring as the cinnamon roll stuff. I need the push and pull of Guillermo's own decisions and selfishness tearing him apart. I need the weird, fucked-up power play between him and Nandor. I need Guillermo to have a fallback plan, which is that the door is always open. His stakes are always sharp.
I guess I just feel like people forget that Guillermo belongs in this horrible little family because he's horrible, too. He does not deserve better than the fucked-up thing he has with Nandor because he designed the fucked-up thing he has with Nandor. Every morning he wakes up and consents to the fucked-up thing he has with Nandor. He's addicted to the fucked-up thing he has with Nandor.
Because! Guillermo! is fucked up! too!
He's power-hungry and petty and vindictive and cruel and one of the sweetest people on tv. I love how complicated and interesting he is. How he treats people in his in-groups vs. his out-groups. How easily he can dehumanize and depersonalize his victims. How uncomfortable he feels when they are forcibly humanized without his consent. How he can simultaneously be so kind and caring and so utterly soulless.
Guillermo is victimized by the vampires because he allows them to do so, and then he takes out that frustrated powerless feeling on the people he deems weaker than him. And I love that for him.
So I guess my answer to both questions is -- yeah, I hate the way people characterize Guillermo sometimes, and I'm tired of hearing about how a nasty person like Nandor doesn't deserve a blameless, faultless victim like Guillermo. It makes them both less interesting!
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wyntereyez · 2 years ago
I should probably post about GalaxyCon before I forget everything, huh? 
My first day was Saturday and I. Was not prepared. Most of the cons I’ve attended are fandom-specific, and can draw large crowds, but nothing compared to this. According to a news article the next day, there were some 50,000 attendees.
I’d originally only planned to go Saturday, but then Colin’s panel was announced for Sunday, so I got another ticket for then. Saturday was spent beating my way through the crowds (or, more accurate, being beaten) - and getting my photo op with Colin.
It’s been four years since I’d last seen him at Enchanted 2, and damn, he looked amazing. The op was brief, because they do thousands of photos in one day, so I barely had time to do more than say ‘hi’ and ‘thank you.’ He thanked me for coming, and at that point I remembered just how blue his eyes were, and how lovely that Irish brogue is, since it’s currently very thick after being in Ireland for so long. Yup, I still swoon for Colin.
I didn’t get an autograph, but a friend did, and I hung around in line with her until were almost to Colin. His line was so long, it wrapped into the next aisle. I’m not sure the staff anticipated his popularity. And while I was in line, someone told Colin how long his line was, and he gave a little “Yeah!” and put up his arms.
Then we have the Sunday panel. I’m trying to remember as much as I can, but I know I’ll miss things. I’ll put it under a cut, since this is starting to run long.
First of all, kudos to the panel moderator, who helped rephrase questions and guide Colin so he could follow strike rules. That can’t have been easy, so good on GalaxyCon for being prepared and still being able to give us a great panel experience.
Colin was introduced as that actor from That Show, and That Other Show, and That One Movie, etc. At some point, OUAT became ‘The Thing,’ and now I want to embrace that as the show’s alternate title. Also, that would be an awesome crossover.
Anyway... We got a brief introduction, and Colin talked about how hot it was (it had been well over 90 degrees, with a Real Feel of over a hundred, on the day he arrived) and how he’d chosen to wear a suit jacket over his t-shirt and had Regrets.
He apologized for if he was difficult to understand, because he knew how thick his accent was, but someone yelled out they loved it, which he then said was why he brought it up, because he wanted people to say that.
He also said he was doing the panel because he liked having people tell him how great he was, to which the moderator had the entire crowd yell out, “You’re great!”
Then we got to the most bizarre mix of questions I’ve ever heard, and it was wonderful. Things we learned included:
- Colin owns 30 guitars, one of which belonged to Ringo Starr. He has another one that belonged to someone famous, but I can’t remember whom
- If he were a dog breed, he’d be a black Labrador retriever mix
- If he were a comic book superhero (the comic part is very important) he’d want to be Batman. He wanted to be Superman once, but now he wants to be Batman. He earned a blue candy for this, which he promptly put in his mouth with predictable results. Dude, don’t eat candy when you know you’re gonna have questions, LOL.
- Voice acting roles aren’t taboo, so he talked a bit about how different it was to voice Douxie, and how different it was to do dialogue in a booth because he had to be more dynamic rather than speak normally. He also at one point did a bit of Gerry the Leprechaun for us.
- Colin was asked about his feelings on ‘Rise of the Titans.’ He said he enjoyed it, then said he trusted the writers to know what’s best for the characters. I’m not sure if that’s how he really felt, or if he’s just being careful.
- If he were two scoops of ice cream, he’d be pistachio and vanilla - the real vanilla, with the bean.
- He likes pineapple on pizza. He will accept no criticism of this.
- If that one character with the thing on his hand had a dog breed, it would be a black Labrador retriever mix.
- Something he did for The Thing was play INXS’s ‘Need You Tonight’ and did a little strut while wearing the coat. Colin demonstrated. I died.
- When asked what comic villain he would want to be, he said the Joker. This earned him a green candy. He ate it, though he also said he didn’t care for the candy. Colin, why.
- If he could have one mythical creature as a pet, it would be Cerberus. But the heads would be black Labrador retriever mixes. I’m starting to think Colin really loves his dog.
- At one point, Colin said he was having a lot of trouble with this, and that he was worried he’d say the wrong thing. The panel mod assured him that he was doing well. I felt bad for him, because yeah, this can’t have been easy.
- Colin was asked what his most ridiculous phobia is. Colin answered that he fears NOTHING. Except panels.
- When asked if he still talks to people from The Thing, he said a very firm but teasing NO - then proceeded to list a number of people that he does, in fact, talk to.
- Then there’s the beard... at the end of the panel, he said he can’t talk about it, but there’s a reason he has the ‘stupid beard.’ He really doesn’t like it, and it’s kind of hilarious that thanks to the strike, he’s kinda stuck with it for an indeterminate period of time.
And that’s all I remember. If you have more, please add to this post!
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alicepao13 · 1 year ago
Well, that wasn't as bad as I feared. I have zero trust in shows like Hudson and Rex portraying people with disabilities, so I was cringing before watching the episode (for like, a while). I still need to ask whoever's in charge, how the fuck they manage to lose the balance of a show on its 6th season, but I'm getting slightly used to that and the (very, very bad put together) promo for the next episode slightly helped.
I'll put my scrambled thoughts below:
Did no one seriously notice (from the production, not the fandom because we did) how isolated Charlie and Rex seem? Like, this is my primary complain in each episode so far and I tried not to mention it again, but it really showed in an otherwise okay episode.
The actress did a good job, or that's what it felt to me as a non visually impaired person. I did feel that they could have had her do more at times. She seemed like she could handle it.
Oh, Karma. At the start of the previous season I thought they'd keep her for that season alone, because they really didn't seem to know what to do with four extra episodes and extra budget, and I was right.
Of course Jesse would be delighted by the use of AI, the little shit lol. I liked Sarah pointing out that someone was going to lose their job if the AI could do it. Even more when it turned out that it wasn't exactly ready to do anyone's job just yet. I could write like five paragraphs over that, but I'll spare y'all.
If Rex could talk in the scene where Charlie managed to slip through the garage(?) door, I'm sure he'd say something like, "Oh no, the idiot is alone". (That voice in Moonknight, yeah, that one. Do not expect any names, I forget as soon as I watch these days.)
Fucking hit him with the painting, dude! Why are all criminals in that city useless in giving me whump?
Absolutely amateurish of Joe to let slip to the dad that there was a witness. I mean, why did he need to know? That part was just there so that the dad could later try to find said witness.
Also, I'm pretty sure Charlie got punched in that dark scene where I'm certain the intent was to make us feel as in the dark as the blind girl. I don't find a reason for these scenes, I've said that on other shows too, we've all been left in the literal dark at some point in our lives, we don't need a show scene like that to get us to empathize with a blind person. Anyway, just because we didn't see it doesn't mean Charlie shouldn't have bruises afterwards.
General observation, I don't like how in this season they have Charlie say, "my forensicist" (which, is that even a word because dictionary says no lol), "my techie". A few months ago they were a team, now they're just... helping him. And I don't know about Jesse, but technically Sarah outranks Charlie, even though they're not in the same chain of command for that to become an issue.
Another general observation is that there seems to be a darkness? moodiness? overall in these episodes. It could also have been facilitated by the bad weather, but also, I have a general feeling that the characters also seem more rough around the edges, and since there's nothing in the show's storylines to support that from what they've shown us so far, it just sets the tone of the show to something offputting without a real reason why. I don't consider these elements inherently bad in a show, much less a crime show, but you can't suddenly do a 180 when you have an already established show tone and offer no explanation for it.
For the next one: In my opinion, they cannot skip having Charah scene(s) in the next episode. But also, I trust these writers less than I would trust an overworked and underpaid Greek screenwriter who has to deliver 30+ episodes each season. And that's saying something.
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landograndprix · 1 year ago
I wish I had been around for the age discussion a couple of days qgo 😭😭 I feel like I'm one of the older people in f1blr (over 30) and I tend to avoid fics where the mc is so young or in uni or whatever. even with the older drivers, it's rare you come across mcs who are close in age, let alone older :/
I can relate to feeling weird about thinking lando is cute tho dmleld, since I am a decade older. but he is cute, and charming, and funny and I don't think it's weird to recognise or like those traits in an adult man. lando when he was new to f1 was a cutie pie, the kind of person I would pat on the head, but now he's grown up somewhat I think it would be infantilising if I never changed my view of him or any guy as they got older. I do still prefer guys who are closer in age to me (carlos to lewis) but I would not immediately turn lando/a guy away because of his age. I'm not like leo dicaprio, who only dates young women but I can't say I wouldn't do it if the right person came along either. I think I would need some convincing though, to make sure there wasn't a power imbalance and we both knew what our expectations etc were
I haven't been around for a few weeks so I've been catching up on mini me, mini you and ahhhh I'm excited to see the 2nd ending. I like that you chose to do it this way! I was team lando from the start but the charles girlies made some valid points..
Let me tell you girlie, I did not give 2 shits about lando before winter break and idk what happened but I got my eyes on him ever since and since a month or 3? Dude has me in a chokehold, it's insane actually– the man has a glow up and continues to glow up and I'm scared 😭 no joke, I don't really care about it anymore but like you said, being older than the average fan here is tough, and I know this discourse started because of a silly fic but it showed me enough to know that we, 👵the elderly 👵have not quite been very accepted in this fandom– time to hit the retirement home sister's, we're done for!
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policemanofprincesspark · 1 year ago
# he's not some straight/bi-curious dude who says he's “unlabeled” bc he doesn't want to admit he's straight Add to this tag, newest fans (those who are there since the 1D hiatus/start of his solo career) forget or they don´t even know that he was head over heels for one specific boy/man since he was 16 and that´s like really telling he´s not just straight/bi-curious dude when you are in the whole ass same-sex relationship for years. We can´t tell how they relationship looks like these days because there´s zero evidence and interaction but I believe they are it for each other and gone through so much that they won´t just simply call it quick. And yes, we can see how much comfortable H is around literally any men, that´s also like not a behaviour of someone who´s confused/curious about his sexuality but he´s rather well-aware what/who makes him feel good to be around. So even if HL are not together anymore, they are still gays who will go into same-sex relationship. Or do you think one/both of them will end up with woman to have a wannabe normal family life?
If they ever break up, I will always be here to love and support them, and they will always be a huge, huge part of queer history—especially queer music history.
I have thought about the "wannabe normal family" situation before in regards to babygate. I've wondered whether Louis decided to have a real child in order to become a single parent purposefully and to give his mother a grandchild before she passed, since he knew she had cancer a whole year before he "got Briana pregnant." I've had discussions with someone in the fandom who claims to be involved in tour life, and she told me that it's not uncommon for gay men on tour to have sex with women out of desperation. It's not at all difficult to believe that F is Louis's kid and that Louis wanted a child.
The problem comes in when you look at the ways that they've shaded it. Harry putting a balloon under his shirt while singing "Little White Lies" before the news dropped, the "it's not real" baby doll toss, the Dirty Dancing tweet from Louis two days before the news dropped, "Preaching to the convinced", Harry's Jack Nicholson instagram post, the Billie Jean shirt in a teaser for a music video in which Louis also wore a "Tomorrow" shirt (and the music video dropped the next day), the song Kiwi...
There was also a lesser known thing that I saw where Louis had a puzzle on the FITF website that showed different locations on a map, all of them referencing Larry in some way (like daggers and roses, princess park, etc.), and then one of them was a paternity test clinic? If someone has more information on this, please let me know because this was from around the time when I was still taking a long break from the fandom.
Anyway, marriages can fizzle or burn out no matter how long you've been together. So many people get divorces even 20, 30, or 40 years into their marriage. If Louis and Harry last, good for them. If they don't, they'll always cherish their time together I'm sure. I'm not worried about them breaking up because it's not my life. Their relationship will always be important to queer history, to us, and, in a way I assume, to them.
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auradon-bore-a-don · 2 years ago
OC Masterlist
Because both my computer and Tumblr are testing my patience, here is a quick guide/masterlist of my OC's (mostly for the OC Creator Bingo 2023, but who knows i may keep it around).
Most of my OC's are still plot bunnies but I'll give a brief description of the ideas I have for any that are more than that. This will contain some spoilers.
General tag for my ocs, (all for the Descendants fandom)
EDIT: I am SO sorry for anyone from the OC Creator Bingo who has been waiting for this
Most Recent Update: 6/15/23
Non-Descendants OC's
Coming Soon
Descendants OC's
Daphne (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Maia Mitchell
Parent(s): Roger and Anita RAdcliffe
Bio: Daphne is the daughter (she/her) of Roger and Anita Radcliffe. She has an older brother named RJ who is a historian who works at the Museum of Cultural History in Auradon City. Daphne takes after both her parents, she is an adept piano player and a lover of both music and reading. I headcanon Anita as an author. She visited Belle and Adam's castle often as a child alongside her parents, Pongo and Pertida as they attended Council of Sidekick meetings. She became friends with Ben, Estella, and Antone during these visits and is very close with Ben.
Daphne takes care of Dude, Auradon's campus mutt, as well as the other various animals that live on the school grounds. Growing up with over 101 Dalmatians she has become adept at dog training and was allowed to bring two of them to campus with her, Biscuit and Buttercup, as she has raised them since they were puppies. She is hopelessly in love with Ben and has been since she was young, but would never let it ruin their friendship. Nor would she allow her crush to get in the way of her relationship with Audrey, who she is very grateful to be friends with as being friends with the King comes with some pressure as well. Daphne is still a commoner and feels out of place at times among the royal kids at Auradon. Luckily she has Audrey and Naomi to make her feel welcome and not excluded.
Plot Bunnies: I created Daphne because I refuse to believe Carlos got over his fear of dogs in the 30 seconds he did in D1. Daphne would be enlisted by Ben to help him slowly and naturally get over his fear. Since then she has evolved and is a main character in my D1 rewrite.
Connections: Ben, Carlos, Jay, Evie, Mal, Estella (OC), Antone (OC), Audrey, Chad, Naomi (OC), Faline (OC), Jane, Lonnie
Acadea (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Sierra McClain
Parent(s): Dr. Facilier
Bio: Acadea is the eldest daughter of Dr. Facilier. She is is given a lot of responsibility and pressure from Dr. Facilier to keep her sister's safe while living up to his expectations. While he may want what he thinks is best for her, it doesn't fit with what she wants or herself. Acadea wants to be free of her father's shadow.
She is fiercely protective of her family and will do anything to keep them safe, even if it means they hate her for it. Acadea is extremely cunning and enjoys messing with inhabitants of the Isle. Often scamming them with her Tarot readings and other scheme's. She is also considered one of the Isle's biggest threat of the next generation of villains and is know as the keeper and seller of Isle secrets. Acadea is bisexual.
Plot Bunnies: Acadea was one of the next wave of kids from the Isle to be brought over for Ben's proclamation after D1. On the Isle, she is always watching over her family, even the extended family. She is the only one who knows of Freddie and Uma being twins before they find out for themselves. She is considered the holder of secrets on the Isle and appears in many stories as a side character.
Connections: Freddie, Celia, Dizzy, Kinsey (OC), Quinn (OC), Uma, Harry, Killian (OC), Gil, Elysia (OC), Evie, Jay, Elise (OC)
Killian (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Milo Manheim
Parent(s): Captain Hook
Bio: Killian (he/him) is the third youngest child and youngest son of Captain Hook. Often forgotten as the middle child, Killian feels as though he cannot measure up to any of his siblings. He's doesn't feel like he is as strong as Harriet, ruthless as Harry, nor his father's favorite like CJ. The fact that he cannot swim and has a fear of water make him an easy target for his father's ridicule.
Killian spends most of his time in the crow's nest of either his sister's or Uma's ship, looking at the stars and writing poetry. He and Nessa bond over feeling inadequate and wanting their parents approval. Killian uses his height to his advantage on the Isle, accompanied with a tough exterior, so he can appear more intimidating than he actually is. His love interest is Nessa.
Plot Bunnies: Killian was originally created after D1 and before D2 was announced. He was originally the only son of Captain Hook. When D2 was announced I decided instead of changing his parentage, I decided to keep Killian as the son of Captain Hook as I don't think it's unreasonable to assume Hook would have many children. I have various stories involving Nessa and Killian. 1. Captain Hook and Ursula are sworn enemies and Nessa and Killian go behind their backs to be together, Romeo and Juliet style hopefully without the dying. 2. Ness and Killian are chosen to join the next wave of kids going to Auradon for Ben's proclamation. 3. Included in a rewrite of the series that introduces more characters alongside the ones from the movies.
Connections: Nessa (OC), Uma, Harry, Gil, Harriet, CJ, Acadea (OC), Freddie, Celia, Dizzy
Nessa (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Riele Downs
Parent(s): Morgana
Bio: Nessa is the daughter (she/her) of Morgana from The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea. All her life Nessa has had to listen to her mother go on and on about how her aunt Ursula was her grandmother's favorite. Because of this, Nessa has always been compared to her cousin Uma. While Ursula might not see how great Uma is, Morgana sure has. It has always been a competition between Ursula and Morgana about Nessa and Uma and who is the better child. Nothing Nessa could do ever seemed to be good enough for her mother.
Nessa never wanted to fight with her cousin, and since they were little Uma and Nessa made a pact to never let their mothers get in the way of their relationship, but it may be harder than they think. Nessa spends a lot of time with Uma's crew and the Hooks and has a close relationship with Killian Hook, the second youngest son of Captain Hook. She is also the cousin of Acadea, Celia, and Freddie Facilier as I headcanon Uma and Freddie to be twins separated by Ursula and Dr. Facilier. Her love interest is Killian.
Plot Bunnies: Nessa was originally created after D1 and before D2 was announced. She was originally the daughter of Ursula, named after Ursula's alter ego, Vanessa. When D2 was announced I changed Nessa to being the daughter of Ursula's sister Morgana but liked the name too much to change it. I have various stories involving Nessa and Killian. 1. Captain Hook and Ursula are sworn enemies and Nessa and Killian go behind their backs to be together, Romeo and Juliet style hopefully without the dying. 2. Ness and Killian are chosen to join the next wave of kids going to Auradon for Ben's proclamation. 3. Included in a rewrite of the series that introduces more characters alongside the ones from the movies.
Connections: Killian (OC), Uma, Harry, Gil, Harriet, CJ, Acadea (OC), Freddie, Celia, Dizzy
Elise (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Abigail Breslin
Parent(s): The Enchantress
Bio: Elise is the daughter (she/her) of the Enchantress from Beauty and the Beast. Depending on her backstory (of which there are two depending on the story), Elise's personality changes slightly. Growing up in Auradon, Elise is shy and a quiet girl who tends to keep to herself. She is always trying to fit in with those around her but feels like she doesn't belong. Growing up on the Isle, Elise is calculating and keeps to herself, she trusts most people about as much as she can throw them - which isn't much. Even to people she considers friends or allies she doesn't allow to get to close.
Plot Bunnies: 1. Elise was raised by Fairy Godmother as her adopted daughter. Though she was older than Jane, Elise felt like she wasn't treated the same as her younger "sister." It was like she was on the outside looking in. Fairy Godmother kept both Jane and Elise sheltered and close as they grew up, but Elise always had the suspicion that FG was more strict with her than she was with Jane. Even in school she never felt like she fit in with the other kids, sure she knew them, it's hard not to when everyone knows you as the headmaster's kid, but she felt she was never more than an acquaintance. When Elise is tasked with a school history project about her family's heritage - she learns there's more to her history than FG ever let her know and must decide if she will keep everything the way it was or if she'll follow in her mother's footsteps.
2. Elise grew up on the Isle of the Lost feeling jaded and betrayed. She and her mother never believed they belonged on the Isle, after all her mother's only crime was being the catalyst of Belle and Adam's happily ever after. So why was she thrown on the Isle with the rest of the villains? She should be living in Auradon with the Heroes! Instead, Elise loses her mother and is left to fend for herself. Fueled by anger and greif, Elise will do anything to get off the Isle and get revenge all of Auradon, starting with King Adam and his son.
Connections: Mazarine (OC), Jane, Fairy Godmother, Audrey, Estella (OC), Acadea (OC), Quinn (OC), Ben, Mal, Daphne (OC)
Antone (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Dylan O'Brien
Parent(s): Cogsworth
Bio: Antone is the son (he/him) of Cogsworth from Beauty and the Beast. Antone is a bit high strung and is known to fluster easily, something Estella uses against him often. He's a known rule follower and doesn't like spontaneity. Antone grew up in Belle and Adam's castle along side Estella and Ben. He likes to deconstruct and rebuild any items he is able to get his hands on and was known for deconstructing various toys and objects around the castle as a child. Antone's favorite to work on being clocks.
Being older than and not royal like Ben, Antone and Estella spent a lot of time together. Much like their father's, at times they butt heads and get on each others nerves, but when the chips are down, there are always there for one another. Antone is bisexual and his love interest is Estella.
Plot Bunnies: Originally created for a story taking place between D1 and D2 where Ben takes Mal out to the C'est la fete restaurant where Estella and Antone work. In other stories, Estella and Antone are on Ben's Royal Council and are close friends with him. They are a few years older but consider him to be like a little brother. Estella and Antone are side-characters in a few stories and are usually part of Ben's support system.
Connections: Antone (OC), Elise (OC), Mazarine (OC), Ben, Daphne (OC), Audrey
Estella (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Halston Sage
Parent(s): Lumiere & Babette
Bio: Estella is the daughter (she/her) of Lumiere and Babette from Beauty and the Beast. Estella, much like her father, is a bit of a flirt but she mostly does it toward Antone as she loves to see him flustered - which is very easy to do. Estella grew up in Belle and Adam's castle along side Antone and Ben. She was known for her sweet tooth and sneaking into the castle kitchen to steal treats and take them back to her room.
Being older than and not royal like Ben, Estella and Antone spent a lot of time together. Much like their father's, at times they butt heads and get on each others nerves, but when the chips are down, there are always there for one another. Her love interest is Antone.
Plot Bunnies: Originally created for a story taking place between D1 and D2 where Ben takes Mal out to the C'est la Fete restaurant where Estella and Antone work. In other stories, Estella and Antone are on Ben's Royal Council and are close friends with him. They are a few years older but consider him to be like a little brother. Estella and Antone are side-characters in a few stories and are usually part of Ben's support system.
Connections: Antone (OC), Elise (OC), Mazarine (OC), Ben, Daphne (OC), Audrey
Naomi (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Lovie Simone
Parent(s): Tiana and Naveen
Bio: Naomi (she/her) is the daughter of Tiana and Naveen of Princess and the frog. While her parents talents lean more toward the physical, Naomi's lies more in the mental, though that doesn't stop her from trying to follow in her parents footsteps. She is at the top of her class at Auradon Prep and considers herself to have two left feet. She tries to focus on both her work and relaxing/making time for herself like her parents have taught her but can find it hard to maintain the balance at times.
Plot Bunnies: Naomi was created as a side character to appear in various stories. She tends to appear on Ben's Royal Council and/or as a background character during D1.
Connections: Daphne (OC), Ben, Audrey, Chad, Jay, Lonnie, Jane, Doug, Mazarine (OC), Elise (OC), Winter (OC)
Elysia (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Samara Weaving
Parent(s): Hades
Bio: Elysia (she/her) is the youngest daughter of Hades from Hercules. Like her father she has both a temper and a sharp wit that can often get her into trouble. She is on the shorter side and tends to believe she can fight people much larger than her but this also leads people to underestimate her due to her size. Though she may not admit it she has a soft side, especially for Kinsey and the younger children of the Isle. Elysia is a lesbian and her love interest is Kinsey.
Plot Bunnies: In some stories, Elysia is an only child, and in others she is the younger sister of Haddie, the son of Hades. Very rarely she has Mal as her older sister. Elysia is one of the next wave of Isle kids to come to Auradon as part of Ben's proclamation. She can be seen as a side character in most stories.
Connections: Kinsey (OC), Quinn (OC), Mal, Evie, Dizzy, Celia, Acadea (OC), Freddie, CJ, Uma, Nessa (OC), Killian (OC), Harry, Harriet, Gil, Hadie
Kinsey (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Landry Bender
Parent(s): King & Queen of Hearts
Bio: Kinsey (she/her) is the youngest child of the King and Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. Growing up on the Isle doesn't make life easy, especially when your mother is the hot-headed Queen of Hearts. Kinsey learned very quickly in life to keep quiet and avoid her mother's wrath or else face the consequences. Because of this, both Quinn and Kinsey never stayed home very much and often took refuge with allies on the isle such as the Facilier's, the Pirates, or the children of Hades.
Out of the two, Kinsey is the one who spends the most time at home, trying to placate her mother and live up to her nonsensical expectations. She often keeps to herself, both socially and emotionally, and tries to please everyone around her. Luckily, she has some very close allies/friends on the Isle that would do anything to protect her. Kinsey is pansexual and her love interest is Elysia.
Plot Bunnies: Originally created as a single character (Ulani) then split into two in an effort to have more siblings in the Descendants world, Kinsey and her brother would be two of a small group of Isle kids to be brought over in the second wave of Ben's proclamation after D1. They also feature as side characters in various stories focusing on other OC's.
Connections: Quinn (OC), Elysia (OC), Killian (OC), Mal, Dizzy, Jay, Harry, Uma, Gil, Nessa (OC), Harriet, CJ, Celia, Freddie, Acadea (OC)
Quinn (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Tanner Buchanan
Parent(s): King & Queen of Hearts
Bio: Quinn (he/him) is the eldest child of the King and Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. Growing up on the Isle doesn't make life easy, especially when your mother is the hot-headed Queen of Hearts. Quinn learned very quickly in life to keep quiet and avoid his mother at all costs due to the smallest things being able to set her off. Because of this, both Quinn and Kinsey never stayed home very much and often took refuge with allies on the isle such as the Facilier's, the Pirates, or the children of Hades.
Quinn has no illusions as to who his mother is and knows she is uncapable of change. He tries to help Kinsey realize the same but as she is still young she can't see it yet. This does not stop Quinn from doing everything he can to protect her, even at the expense of himself and his safety. He would do anything to protect his sister and finds it hard to trust people, even the people he considers allies. Quinn is aromantic and asexual.
Plot Bunnies: Originally created as a single character (Ulani) then split into two in an effort to have more siblings in the Descendants world, Kinsey and her brother would be two of a small group of Isle kids to be brought over in the second wave of Ben's proclamation after D1. They also feature as side characters in various stories focusing on other OC's.
Connections: Kinsey (OC), Elysia (OC), Killian (OC), Carlos, Harry, Uma, Nessa (OC), Harriet, CJ, Celia, Freddy, Acadea (OC), Gil
Winter (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Laura Milano
Parent(s): Snow White & Prince Florian
Bio: Winter (she/her) is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Florian. Growing up she spent a lot of time with the sons of the Huntsman as there were not many children in the palace. Winter was a rambunctious child and often found herself getting into trouble around the castle. It wasn't unusual to find her covered in dirt from playing outside at the end of the day.
Plot Bunnies: Originally created for a story idea I had that takes place after the events of D1, Evie would have gone to visit Doug's home during a break from school and would meet the children of Snow White, the other six dwarfs, and the Huntsman.
Connections: Audrey, William (OC), Hunter (OC), Doug, Evie, Naomi (OC), Lonnie, Doug
William (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Austin Butler
Parent(s): The Huntsman
Bio: William (he/him), is the slightly older twin son of the Huntsman from Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs. He is very stoic and tends to hide his emotions. He does so because he feels the need to protect both his brother and Winter.
Plot Bunnies: Originally created for a story idea I had that takes place after the events of D1, Evie would have gone to visit Doug's home during a break from school and would meet the children of Snow White, the other six dwarfs, and the Huntsman.
Connections: Winter (OC), William (OC), Doug, Evie
Hunter (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Austin Butler
Parent(s): The Huntsman
Bio: Hunter (he/him) is younger twin son of the Huntsman from Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs. He is the more approachable of the twins and is often described as the friendlier of the two. As a kid, Hunter was very sickly and often had to stay inside or in bed instead of going out and playing, since then he has grown out of this but still has some health problems from time to time. He is Pansexual.
Plot Bunnies: Originally created for a story idea I had that takes place after the events of D1, Evie would have gone to visit Doug's home during a break from school and would meet the children of Snow White, the other six dwarfs, and the Huntsman.
Connections: Winter (OC), William (OC), Doug, Evie
Mazarine (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Olivia Holt
Parent(s): The Blue Fairy
Bio: Mazarine is the daughter (she/her) of the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio. One of my older OC's, Maz is in her 20's and works as her mother's apprentice on the Royal Council. The Blue Fairy is close with Fairy Godmother, resulting in Maz knowing FG and Jane very well. She even considers her a little sister. Maz is usually the one to be level-headed in stressful situations.
Plot Bunnies: Maz tends to be a side character in a lot of my ideas, either as someone to help Jane become more confident, travelling to the different regions of Auradon as a diplomat, working as a Guidance Councilor at Auradon Prep, or as a Royal Advisor for Ben.
Connections: Elise (OC), Jane, Ben, Poppy (OC), Faline (OC), Tempest (OC), Mal, Antone (OC), Acadea (OC), Estella (OC)
Poppy (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Isabella Merced
Parent(s): Flora
Bio: Poppy is the daughter (she/her) of Flora from Sleeping Beauty. The unofficial "leader" of the three teen fairies, Poppy is the most vocal about things she is passionate about.
Plot Bunnies: Mostly a side character, Poppy was created to give Audrey a bigger support system after D1. In a more worldbuilding heavy story, Poppy is a vocal dissident of the magic ban in Auradon. Along with her the good fairies and fellow teen fairies, Poppy fights for the rights of her fellow magic users.
Connections: Faline (OC), Tempest (OC), Mazarine (OC), Audrey
Faline (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Yara Shahidi
Parent(s): Fauna
Bio: Faline is the daughter (she/her) of Fauna from Sleeping Beauty. She is close with both Poppy and Tempest, the other children of the good fairies. Faline often spends her time in the forests, preferring the company of animals and the few people she is close to.
Plot Bunnies: Mostly a side-character, Faline was created to give Audrey a bigger support system after D1. In a more worldbuilding heavy story, while not as vocal as Poppy or Tempest, she is fully against the magic ban.
Connections: Poppy (OC), Tempest (OC), Mazarine (OC), Audrey
Tempest (desktop) (tag)
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FC: Terry Hu
Parent(s): Merryweather
Bio: Tempest is the non-binary (they/them) child of Merryweather from Sleeping Beauty. Tempest is the more mischievous of the three fairies and can often find themselves in trouble for it.
Plot Bunnies: Mostly a side character created to give Audrey a bigger support system after D1. In a more worldbuilding heavy story, Tempest is not afraid to get their hands dirty if it means overturning the magic ban.
Connections: Poppy (OC), Faline (OC), Mazarine (OC), Audrey
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bookofmirth · 1 year ago
Thank you for answering!
I didn’t want to come off judgy of the book I was just confused as it seemed out of character. But I just weighed it more as her going through the process of thinking through Rowan’s idea
No worries! I hope my answer made sense, it's been a while since I reread or engaged with the fandom. I know that in the past it's been controversial that she said that, people who dislike Aelin took it as evidence that she's a bad person. And yeah, colonizing and taking over lands - not great!
I can see how people would take it as a negative on top of the way she's already acted and treated certain people, like... not Devlon. Not Declan. That guy who had been running Terrasen and then got bitchy about her coming back? (And accused Aelin of not having been there for her country when she was a literal child but whatever.)
Aelin has a lot of swagger but IMO it's not always genuine. Yeah she's confident, and sometimes she's irreverent and treats other people like they are beneath her. But sometimes that's an act, it's calculated. Imagine if she'd cowered in front of Lorcan, or gone to that dude whose name I can't remember and acted like a scared little girl asking to run her country again. To some extent, Aelin has to act brash and confident, because that's part of her role as a leader. She has to inspire confidence in her leadership, or people won't follow her. So this whole thing with playing with the idea of being a conquerer, to me it's an extension of that persona. The person she could be, and sometimes the person she's trying to be.
And also - she's like 18? 19? I didn't feel confident in who I was and what I wanted until I was in my 30s. I played with plenty of personas and identities while I was trying to find myself.
I know you didn't technically ask for more thoughts, but I had them! :)
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zeroducks-2 · 2 years ago
In the stranger things fandom you get called a racist for liking Billy Hargrove and than those same people think abused kids shouldn't act out and also wished death on said extremely abused child. Like batfam definitely can be bad but stranger things is an entire beast
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This seems to be a case of "the narrative presents this character as Bad™ therefore everyone must dislike him, and who instead likes him is automatically off of the moral high horse, which means they are Bad™ too".
Whereas Steve was redeemed by the narrative (and from Cool Guy turned into Loser Dude the moment he stopped being a bully, lmao good job there folks), so every bad thing he did was automatically forgiven. Billy was given the "sacrifice as a redeeming quality" moment which surely isn't enough for the morally hungry crowd of puritans who will deem people Bad™ unless the narrative doesn't spell it out real clearly for them: "This Character Is Good Now, They Redeemed Themselves, Look At Them Doing Good Things, It's Okay To Like Them Now Child Do Not Fear Jesus Loves You".
Which is pretty bad for sure, but anon, let's be real honest here. This bullshit happens in every single fandom where someone DARES like the bad guy. Long gone are the days where me and my fellows fans were openly drooling over the villain(s) without anyone trying to beat us with the moral stick of doom, calling us perverts and racists and monsters who glorify murder/rape/pedophilia/whatever.
People chug morality juice like cocaine bear with her beloved white powder, and again, this happens for every fandom I've been in for the past five-ish years. Just to make you a simple example, if you dip your toes in the Batman fandom you will know how a lot of fans treat their fellows for simply LIKING Jason Todd.
Not the Joker, Lex Luthor or idk Darkseid or some other "narratively irredeemable" fucker, no, we're talking about JASON PETER TODD, one of the protagonists and pivotal characters for the entire dynamic of the story itself - a good chunk of this fandom of fucking idiots will come at you with pitchforks because Jason kills other criminals in some of the comics in which he appears, so if you dare like him you're clearly the antichrist.
Even if Jason is traumatized as fuck after having been brutally murdered at 15 by a maniac with a crowbar who exploded a building on him after crippling him, and after his bio-mother had betrayed him? YES! EVEN AFTER ALL OF THAT! He's still a murderer and if you dare like him you're A MONSTER!
And let us not forget! In some chunks of this fandom you will get called a racist if you draw Dick with the skintone that he has in EVERY SINGLE COMICBOOK in which he appeared since the literal '30s, because some writer at some point decided that Dick has a Romani heritage, and people are too fucking dumb to understand that Romani is not a race of people with dark skin, rather a mixed group based on culture and language - so drawing Dick with fair skin DOES NOT MAKE YOU A WHITE SUPREMACIST!
So, sorry anon but no, you didn't convince me. A simple "people will attack you for liking a morally reprehensible character and won't listen to reason" isn't enough to convince me that the Stranger Things fandom is worse than this madness I find myself in :)
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ropes3amthoughts · 3 months ago
Long ramble of my thoughts in a diary entry-esque format that felt too ridiculously long to post without a cut before it:
At work (I can’t spend the money btw bc I’m a minor and I don’t have my own credit card or like financial independence so my parents just put it somewhere. I thought they were saving it for college but apparently my mom plans to put it into my retirement fund? Ok this wasn’t what I was going to talk about in my rant at all but I just need to say that sounds like a total scam. Save up like a million dollars for when you’re 62 years old? What the fuck am I gonna do with a million dollars when I’m that old? Buy snacks that’ll kill me instantly? Buy a trip somewhere and then get dizzy in the plane because I’m old as shit? What could a 62 year old do with one million dollars wtf why not just put it in an account with normal interest now so I can like have it for when I need it/want it? What if I die before 62 is my money just wasted? Sounds like a horrible plan to me. I know it’s like to last me but I feel like if I turn 62 years old I’m dying the next day I don’t have a model healthy life style my ass is making it like maybe 70 at most. I feel confident that I do not need a million dollars in my 60’s. I don’t have a million dollars on me by the way I’ve only made like $3000 but with interest my mom said it’ll be like a million when I’m 62 and like man can’t I just like have my money now I could like give it to people who need it now or like use it for college like c’mon now why are we gambling on me needing it 45 years in the future wtf I am scared of even being like 18 years old or like 30 years old like 62 is some crazy fuckin numbers and I told my mom I didn’t want to but she never listens to me so she’s probably doing that anyways smh bruh)
Ok anyways what I was originally saying was at work I was struck with the thought of the Dungeon Meshi fandom becoming one of those notoriously evil fandoms (like Voltron) after season 2 of the anime airs and I felt like Kate from Alpha and Omega when she has that prophetic dream of the different wolves fighting (ok that’s a cringe ass reference but like I was kinda like her in that one scene and it’s so funny to me at least) like oh lord bruh that’s gonna be me fr I can already see all the people getting insane over ships especially since in the latter half of the manga the characters get closer and form new bonds and stuff and it’ll be a mad house with people saying what ship is better and what not dude I can already see like the KabuMisu foot massage scene, the Laicillle Succubus scene, the Marchil marriage scenario thing, the scene where Marcille is longingly staring at Falin in the ice, the scene where Kabru says he wants to be Laios’ friend, etc. etc. like all of those scenes are gonna be like putting an apple in a container of 20,000 meal worms put in 500x speed the people are gonna go mad I tell you and I am afraid
I think what spurred this is I’ve seen a handful of my buddies like diss each other (though it’s not been direct like fighting it’s more like they show a screenshot of one of their posts and be like “yikes” or vague them or stuff) plus I’ve been on Twitter (ok that’s my fault I know I know Twitter sucks) and people were getting into the stupidest arguments about shipping like the one “Laicille is hated because it’s straight” thing getting like 40k likes and people were being like wildly homophobic n stuff and like it dawned on me that once season 2 comes out and like however many thousand people come back plus the new people coming in too it’ll be like that times however many bajillion people and that’s crazy idk if I could put up with that Imma fall to the floor sobbing especially if anybody asks me to like a pick a side or some shit like I don’t even care about ships that much 😭😭😭 Idk if it’s bc DunMeshi has like no romance or if it’s just one of those medias where I don’t ship anything lmao because I’ve gotten in a handful of those like Subnautica and Hollow Knight were games I came out of shipping nothing and DunMeshi was the same for me like after people pointed out ships I was like that one “what the hell sure” meme and just went with whatever but I just didn’t ship anything reading it and I’m not even really attached to anything now and I’m just kinda whatever y’know
Man this is kinda awkward now because this was gonna be like a post post but it’s just like awkward rambling I’d tell my friends but now that I’ve said it all at once and with a bit of a like undertone of me telling it to an audience (a tumblr audience) I can’t really organically share it with my friends anymore so I guess I’m still sharing it with you guys? Idk I feel weirdly share-y tonight that’s probably not a good thing. I’m gonna play a game after I post this I think. What game? Idk imma just look at stuff and figure it out as I go lmao but imma have fun and play uh bye to anyone reading this
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ghosts-and-blue-sweaters · 10 months ago
2, 4, 7, 8, 12, 20, 21, 24, 27, 30
a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
Currently, I’m exploring Nobody’s POV because writers block!! has struck!! and it has struck hard!!
I guess Artham Wingfeather? Before writers block came about, I was working on a couple fics about him :) It’s been fun and tricky to explore a new character!
a story idea you haven’t written yet
*stares longingly at my completely filled up notebook* Do you even want to know…
Seriously, most of my story ideas are unwritten—and this is coming from the girl who has over 100 WIPs. I am overwhelmed please.
I have a vague vague vague idea for a crimeboys timeloop fic, but I don’t really know where to begin for that. Perhaps someday the story will work itself out.
your preferred writing fonts
Honestly as long as it’s not Times New Roman 😭
I really don’t pay much attention to the names of fonts though. Whatever’s the default font on whatever writing software I’m using, I’ll typically just go with.
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
I’m assuming this means published fics, so! I Was Nothing But A Kid Who Couldn’t Understand!!! THAT ONE!!! I’m actually working on a sequel! Well. I’ve. been working on it. for like… over a year. ish.
The problem is that the sequel is multi-chaptered, and I am not too great with multi-chapter fics. I’ve written four chapters so far (which… well dang!! that’s a little impressive!!) but the plan is for there to be twelve chapters + an epilogue. I’ve been wanting to actually sit down and come up with an outline for the rest of the fic, but I keep forgetting to do that. I do know just how it’s gonna end though!!
Gosh Kidbur is so freakin fun to write. I’m not even kidding he is literally so so so much fun. He’s such a great little guy. Oh my gosh.
a trope you’re really into right now
*gestures at writers block with shaky hands* n-nothing? :( I have been thinking about Ghostbur lately though. Does. Does he count as a trope.
in what year did you publish your first fic?
2021!! Fanfiction.net babyyyyy. I’d been writing fanfiction for years before I published any though.
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
Yes! Yes I definitely do! Mostly with Ghostbur fics, quite honestly; he’s not nearly as popular as Wilbur or Tommy or Phil (<—other dudes I’ve written about) and my A03 stats… definitely make that clear lol. I try not to mind it, and most of the time I really don’t care, but it… is kinda discouraging. Y’know? The ghost deserves so so so so so so so soooooo many fans I’m not even kidding. Why must he be so very discarded by fandom :(((
Also lately I’ve been a bit nervous about me branching out & writing for The Wingfeather Saga. I know that most of the people subscribed to me on A03 did not subscribe to me for Wingfeather fics, and I just don’t want them to think I’ve moved on from the fandom—because I have not!!! More Dream SMP fics will show up, hopefully soon!!
I haven’t posted any Wilbur fics since the whole situation occurred, and I honestly haven’t been too worried about that at all, but… eh. I’ll probably feel on-edge when I post a Wilbur fic next. I know that some people have been weird about the whole thing.
How have I gotten past these things? Ah… I haven’t 😅 I just try not to think about it all too much, which does help!
how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
Focus on other things besides writing!!! I have learned the hard way that trying to make myself write has made me avoid/dislike anything that I end up writing. Which sucks on a number of levels.
I read, do music, spend time on tumblr, chat with friends, so on. I take a break from writing until the Motivation returns. It tends to work out.
That being said, I’ve been in writers block for probably a month now, and at this point I just miss writing. I really do.
your favorite part of the writing process
Being able to see every little scene of my stories inside my mind :) It’s like a movie but Better because they have GHOSTBUR IN THEM!!! AS WELL AS OTHER THINGS THAT I QUITE LIKE!!!
Writing is a very… I guess visual thing for me, because I really do imagine & see everything in my mind, playing out like a movie. Being able to run away from this world for a little while and spend time in so so many different worlds, filled with different people and scenery and weather and sounds and sensations and emotions… it’s amazing. It’s so amazing, and being able to experience that every time I write something is incredible.
share a fic you’re especially proud of
Better Than a Painting, Because Paintings Aren’t Perfect. This is one of the (relatively few) stories of mine that I have quite positive feelings over, even after months or years of it being published. With most of my stories I just post them and then don’t look at them again, and for others I post them and then grow negative feelings towards them. But for this fic, along with a handful of others, I still… like them. A lot :)
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booperbeanv3 · 1 year ago
ok i know this ask game is from Þe Olden Times but.
everything except 1, 2, 7, 8, 30 and 31. covering all the bases
“Homestuck Isn’t Dead” Tag
jesus a full faq here
Well I'm incredibly vain and love talking about myself so here goes
3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit? 4. Do you call your best friend your moirail?
S/O, no. Best friend, sometimes.
5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character?
I've never taken kinning seriously and never will, but I strongly related to Dave and Karkat thanks to that "born wrong + childhood neglect" flavour. But my friends (SIDE-EYES YOUR URL) have holed me into Jake English, so, y'know, whatever. Not everyone can be davekat, I get it
6. God Tier?
Knight of Light!
9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often?
I haven't been able to do it often thanks to the circumstances. I'm too scared to use dreambubbles.xyz. But if you're interested, my discord is boolean2390 and while I main alphabeta boys (i.e. Dave, John, Jake, Dirk), I have RPed Dave and Karkat before in actual, concrete examples I can show you.
10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?
I was gonna cosplay Karkat before Omegle shut down.
11. Are you apart of ask blogs?
I am not and I have actively avoided this! I'm gonna be real here, I'll never top the current set of kid ask blogs, so I'll just watch from afar. Plus, it's quite a bit of work when my faves are so popular, and therefore will not fill any real niches. (a jake english would be kinda funny even if it already exists tho)
12. Are you in any homestuck groups?
Hoesslut server on Discord
13. Favorite character?
you can make a tri venn diagram of all my faves with the headings "waifu", "literally me" and "actually good/interesting character" with some mild overlap
that said
objective best is jade and personal fav is karkat
aradia is super based also. best part of act 5 but utterly forgettable afterwards. served cunt, died, served cunt, revived
14. Least favorite character?
tri venn diagram of "obsessive hatred", "boring" and "annoying"
most of my "least favs" disappoint me from lack of potential being utilised effectively
idfk doc scratch??
15. OTP? 16. NOTP? 17. BROTP?
JANEROXY 4EVER!!!! that's the only consistent one. i can like any ship if given some good enough motivation (even if it's my dick).
that being said i scour johndave and johnkat most often. however i am THE blackrom vantas and johnkat/davekat must be spades ONLY. spades johndave is fun but no one writes it. dude i just love spades
18. Do you want homestuck to just die already?
No, I just got here!
19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos?
I don't, and I don't care.
20. Tell us how homestuck has affected you in real life?
Locked myself in my room and did nothing but read Homestuck for about 2 weeks to a month. I finished it during this time
Got so high I tripped balls thought I killed my best friend and got stuck on Prospit while Homestuck music was playing in the background. Last summer!
Started laughing uncontrollably in the middle of a psychotherapy appointment since I was being so Davecore
My karkalicious x wannabe remix is on my friend's playlist bc she genuinely enjoys it. This remix also haunted me during an important art project I was doing and singlehandedly cursed the entire thing
Wore sunglasses IRL for a bit. (It does help.) Would keep doing it if I didn't lose my clip-ons
My sister thinks I sell Karkat foot fetish art now. She follows me here
21. Have you met anyone through homestuck?
IRL? No. Online? Duh
22. Have you left the fandom before?
No, I'm a total newfag
23. How many times have you read through it?
TOTAL newfag. Only once
24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations?
I'd scan over them, but not totally skip. I also read act summaries in full when they were there because I am a baby with goldfish memory
25. Opinions on the fandom?
Depends... I think it's gotten a lot better from my observations, but of course, Twitter is still a cesspit full of retarded babies that shit their diapers. But that could be said about any fandom that's majority kids. Also any stridercester that thinks theyre oppressed for liking shota boy twincest should btfo and jerk off in peace. Which in fairness, most of them do! But to the ones that don't, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY NOTES FAGGOT
Besides those, I think it's great, but I also main Tumblr, so...
26. Opinions on the comic?
Personally I enjoyed it a lot, but I'll get a more rounded impression once I re-read it. All plot shenanigans aside, Homestuck's main selling point has always been its characters, and its method of introducing and developing them is one of my favourites. Also its humour
27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces?
Humans, because I'm a boring fucknut who reads sci-fi for the humans and will put them in an office building and say "imagine if they did IT"
28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck?
29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck?
beginning of act 6 felt like i nodded off on dope and woke up in the hospital. retcon was kinda mid
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whynotzoidbergdotorg · 2 years ago
Okay lets break down this argument piece by piece as to why this post is one big fat nothing burger flavored with what aboutism. And before you say anything I’m not an “anti” or a “proshipper” because both sides are so terminally online I can smell them in their basements, spilling sprite all over their already moist, sticky keyboards.
let’s start with the fact that most people actually don’t like sargent hatred, I don’t, nobody in my friend group does, and I literally run a venture bros discord server, where if I were to just…type in his name into the search bar
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oh would you look at that. people literally hating him. because nobody actually likes him.
next let’s address deanjared.
I’d like to start off with the fact I don’t ship it, for one.
But regardless of that fact…if you’re going to claim that Jared is 30…well, I’d like to see a source on that. (And nevermind the fact that the showrunners almost made it canon in some early storyboards…which doesn’t make the ship morally pure, but clearly it wasn’t disgusting enough to the showrunners for it to never have been a possibility to begin with 🤷‍♀️)
next point: nobody actually even likes captain sunshine. literally both of the times he showed up he was intentionally written to be the most unlikeable POS on purpose. (Also please enlighten me on how incest somehow isn’t as bad as pedophilia? 🤨 Some “proshipper” you claim to be)
next: if you wanna complain about horny teenager jokes, I’d like you to make that complaint at any adult oriented show that has teen characters in it. I bet you won’t 🤷‍♀️
furthermore: I didn’t ship Rusty and Monarch, even before I knew they were related. because well, for one I had a feeling from the beginning they might be (the two look extremely similar, come on) but even then, why would I ship Monarch with anyone other than his literal wife??? Are we not watching the same fucking show???
in addition: why would Gary be a proshipper in the year of our lord 2004, before literally any of that terminology was even coined to begin with? This whole “proship vs. anti” nonsense literally reeks of terminally online internet dwellers of the late 2010s/early 2020s. Also why would he care about shipping? Men in fandom were usually the ones who complained about shipping, and considering Gary is supposed to be a stereotypical nerd of the time, let’s be honest, the dude would be unintentionally sexist, and say that shipping is “just for girls” 🤷‍♀️ He literally would not care. He’s too busy trying to win an ebay auction to get more star wars memorabilia.
This next one I feel I’m ESPECIALLY equipped to answer, as a jewish person myself: do you GENUINELY think anyone actually likes female hitler? i mean literally she hasn’t been in the show since the second season. I think that says everything about her reception by the audience. (And even so, I don’t think we were supposed to like her in the first place? because she’s FEMALE HITLER.)
also, for your last point, nice job using a picture from the episode where dean literally was possessed by abraham lincoln. y’know. which means that was abraham lincoln, a man who is over 200 years old and probably like mentally 40 in that context trying to kiss on a teenage boy. so you know. argument doesn’t work.
I was happy enough leaving you alone and just continually blocking your blogs as I come across them, but this was the post that broke the camel’s back and I couldn’t stay silent anymore.
I leave you with this: you are an idiot. please get therapy.
reasons why antis should be banned from the venture bros
literally one of y'all's favorite characters is a "recovering pedophile" who sexually assaulted hank and dean, even going so far as to getting at latter teen passed out on wine in order to do so AND later tried to get them to stay the night and SHOWER WITH HIM after previously telling them leave his house because he's not allowed to be near underage boys
90% of you ship jared, a 30 year old, with dean, who just turned 18
yes it was stated in the art book that captain sunshine is not a pedo but he still acted very creepy towards hank and kissed him without his consent
the constant horny teenager jokes aimed towards dean in the early seasons
literally everyone shipped malcolm and dr venture until they were vaguely revealed to be "blood related"
dean basically confessing his love to hank in the season finale
you all lust over gary like you dont know he would absolutely be a proshipper and argue with antis online all the time
there is literally a character that is female Hitler why do you think you can watch this show and think you're morally above everyone else
dean is in love with hank
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