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titanomancy · 2 months ago
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Wave two of the Solar Auxilia range is shaping up nicely. I think at this point we can take it as a given that any Forge World vehicle is likely to get plasticized, late though they may be to that particular party.
The Arvus update looks great, bearing out that the Legions Imperialis version is just a reduced scale rendition of the full-size geometry. Which we knew, of course, but it's always nice to see the evidence first-hand.
The Malcador variants are also welcome additions to the range, although I'm admittedly a little surprised to see them instead of the previously "leaked" Shadowsword. Not that I'm disappointed, but it seems a weird thing to sleep on unless it's been shifted to wave three.
And you just know there's gonna be a wave three.
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opttwoodrow · 1 year ago
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Meet my new sons.
Name suggestions welcome!
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thepolishlynx · 3 months ago
Starmaker Story - Heavenly Husband! Amelia Ending! Anna Endings! [Part 1...
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badbobdooley · 7 months ago
I got my favorite model in the entirety of warhammer (arvus lighter my beloved) for Christmas, and I’ve finally had the time and lack of more immediately fruitful projects to work on it
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(Here’s all the parts after they’ve been scrubbed)
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I hadn’t known this about the kit but apparently it can be a pain to put together (ask me how I know)
I will admit though that a part of that is my fault (I was a goofus who forgot to put the interior components in [pilot, bay door, cabin door]) but that was able to be fixed. The main problem was that the main fuselage pieces were slightly warped and did not fit together cleanly. It took a lot of effort but I was eventually able to make it work
Also, another issue I ran into (again, completely my fault) was with the canopy piece for the cock pit
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It was my first time working with the little acrylic panels and supposedly the standard glue for that is actually pva glue. I used superglue and now my panels are completely frosted. As bad as it is in the picture, it’s a thousand times worse now that the glue is dry. If anyone knows how to fix this I’d love to hear it (please)
I left the canopy piece separate for the purposes of painting it, I imagine I will have a hard time not painting the panels when I get to it.
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Here’s the (mostly) final results! All I have to do is clean up the superglue, then I can start painting it and working the base and after that I can attach my darling beloved arvus lighter to its flight stand. I love this model so much you have no idea
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heyupyoursjr · 10 months ago
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Art from today's stream
Lineart that I drew for ArvuReBantra for fundraiser stream for Kenn https://twitch.tv/kenntowol, a warm up sketch of "a derg taking a drink" & the last one is a color sketch of Vrehl with her new toy & I tried to draw a different style feet for her ^.=.^
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jae-still-lives · 2 years ago
I was taken aback by their striking gaze. The color of Amethyst shining through their eyes, despite the protests of the dark that surrounded us.
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444namesplus · 1 month ago
Ahvak Ahven Ahves Ahvul Akan Alvah Alvef Alvem Alvil Alvoh Alvos Alvur Ambat Ambom Amvuv Andap Andef Andet Andis Andul Angal Angat Angif Angom Angov Arvak Arvus Asav Asil Asver Asvuf Asvuh Azveh Azvip Azvuv
Ehvam Ehvef Ehves Ehvih Ehvov Ehvuf Ehvur Ekvaf Ekvif Elvip Elvop Elvos Elvum Embeh Emben Embol Embom Embon Embop Embut Emvam Emvap Emvem Emvol Endaf Endem Endep Endih Endik Endol Enduk Endun Enduv Engev Enguv Ervet Ervol Ervul Ervup Ervus Ervuv Esov Esven Ezvam Ezvul Ezvum Fandov Felvis Femvil Fenduh Fengin Ferves Fesvat Fimbul Fisvuk Fizvam Folvok Fondef Fondis Fondok Fongip Fozvev Fozvih Fozvof Fukam Fukep Fumbut Fundak Funguf Furvop Hahvav Hahvet Halvem Halvus Hamval Hamviv Hangof Hasvuk Hazvih Hemvoh Henget Hervil Hilvin Himven Hokvuh Honger Huhvat Hukum Hukvun Hulviv Hundem Hunden Hundet Huser Huzvun Ihvar Ihveh Ihvem Ihven Ihvep Ihvop Ihvuk Ikav Ikek Ikiv Ikok Ikvah Ikvik Ikvon Ilvav Ilvep Ilvop Ilvus Imbak Imbel Imbif Imbip Imbir Imbis Imbit Imbor Imvev Imvin Imvit Indas Indes Indet Indis Ingam Ingel Ingem Ingep Inger Ingof Ingoh Inguk Irvaf Irvas Irvir Irvon Isek Isov Isvim Isvur Izves Izvif Kekep Kezver Kezvok Kezvul Kilvef Kimvok Kindan Kizvop Kongop Korvam Kozvuf Kukak Kusvuk Kuzves Lahver Lakvef Lambav Lamves Landas Larvot Lelvef Lihvin Likvas Lilvek Lisit Lizvit Lokup Lokvuv Luhvap Luhvos Luhvup Lundel Lungis Lurviv Mandif Mehvuk Mekviv Melvar Melviv Mervuh Mimvaf Misak Misvim Mohvom Mumbip Mumven Murvev Nakek Nandeh Naset Nasih Nekif Nendek Nengis Nihvoh Nilvul Nimvaf Nimveh Nindot Nizver Nizvoh Nohvef Nolvis Nongil Nongok Norvum Nukuh Nukvih Nulvuh Numbaf Numbim Numvel Numvul Ohvav Ohvet Ohvik Ohviv Ohvov Ohvup Ohvur Okveh Okvut Olvem Olvil Olvoh Ombaf Omban Ombat Ombem Ombif Ombil Ombor Ombos Omvah Omvef Omvek Omvuv Ondam Ongat Ongem Onget Ongih Ongor Ongum Orvep Orvih Orvor Osek Osul Osup Osvik Ozvaf Ozvof Ozvur Pahvuf Pakul Palvon Pandon Parvas Pazvas Pehvok Pembus Pemvel Penger Pesor Pikvor Pilvok Pimvir Pingav Pingor Pinguh Pomban Pomvik Pondal Posvaf Posvep Pundov Punduk Pungil Pusvov Rahvel Rakvak Ralvor Ralvut Ramvep Randif Rezvik Rihvuv Rilvul Rindet Rirvot Risor Rokvan Rolvut Rombir Rombun Rondif Rorvun Rosar Rukveh Rungep Rungul Ruzvor Salvar Salvit Sambus Sekel Semvet Sendim Silvil Singuh Sirvet Sirvir Sizvar Sombik Sombur Songif Sozvoh Suhvup Sulvah Sumbar Sumbet Tandal Tarvek Tazviv Tazvup Tekam Tekas Temvot Tendin Tezvum Timvov Tindil Tingif Tinguh Tingul Tizvok Tongeh Tongip Tongut Torvon Tosvus Tozvip Tozvuf Tozvun Tumvop Tungem Tungol Turvaf Turvos Uhvuk Uhvum Ukit Ukvul Ulvap Ulveh Ulvol Ulvor Ulvul Ulvus Ulvut Umber Umbof Umvar Umvek Umvem Umvis Umvos Umvot Umvup Undan Unden Undet Undof Unduf Undus Unduv Ungan Urvap Urvek Urvuk Usuk Usvin Uzvan Uzves Uzvev Valvep Valvil Valvul Vambam Vamvum Vangaf Vekvul Vezvan Vihvek Vikvil Volves Vombop Vongih Vosol Vumbop Vurvap Vusveh
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nightbringer24 · 2 months ago
Seeing the Arvus Lighter as a plastic kit reminded me of the scenario for the Medusa V campaign which had the new metal Vostroyan Firstborn models trying to rescue the planetary governor and his retinue from the new metal Daemon Prince of Nurgle and his forces.
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notsosweetheh · 4 months ago
I am so tired of gvns still being a threat.
My first time experiencing a sh00ting threat was when I was eleven, I've lost count up until now. It's been seven years.
A girl behind my school was sh0t by a stray from a pair of men arvuing with gvns on the road. Plenty of f1rearms have been taken to school, plenty of threats have been made. Security was seen as a joke compared to our unease. Last year, my church was sh0t up with all of my family in seperate areas of the building.
My first brother and I were in the fourth floor for kids ages 10-18. My dad and second brother were in the main area. My mom was in the daycare protecting newborns. And my two year old brother was in his own daycare area with other babies his age. My first brother and I were the last ones evacuated by the SWAT team.
Hundreds of people jeered and laughed because it was a megachurch and they thought we were all privileged white leftists (Not that it would make it okay obviously). Some were gay, some were democrats, all of us were hispanic people in the only hispanic service available.
I'm tired of being scared that one angry person will k1ll everyone out of nowhere. I'm afraid of being too naive while in a mall, while walking home, while going to college, and even when going to church.
More school sh00tings are popping up, more people are crying in fear and rage. How much more do the STATISTICS need to grow? How many more NAMES do people need until something is done to correct the law on f1rearms? Who else has to D1E until we can be safe?
I am so tired, and I can't do shit about it.
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lmelodymusicl · 7 months ago
Snipeshooter headcanons
Snipeshooter is the resident smartass of the lower Manhattan newsies, and also one of the younger ones.
His parents were always smoking and drinking, which led to them hitting him all the time! His older sister Ginny always had to rescue him from the abuse.
One day, when their parents couldn't work anymore due to their addictions, both of these kids started selling papers just to support them.
After their parents' deaths, they started living at the lodging house. At the time, Ginny was eleven and Snipeshooter was seven.
A year later, they met Maggie and Boots Arvus. The four instantly clicked and became best friends.
Snipeshooter spends most of his time taking Racetrack's cigars just to annoy him, and because his parents were heavy smokers. The two may clash often, but they also have a brother-like relationship.
Ginny and Snipeshooter often fight a lot, but they always have each other's backs.
He's close friends with Boots, Tumbler, and most recently Les. He also hangs aroung Guttersnipe, Sprinkles, Flipper and Stick.
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I’ve been busy building this weekend and managed to assemble an Arvus Lighter for my Coronid Watchmen Cult. The Watchmen have salvaged this spacecraft and are already putting it to good use, ferrying cargo and Cult members to nearby asteroid mining complexes, system defence platforms, and deep space listening stations.
This kit was alright to assemble, but a fair bit of cutting and bending was required to get the main sections to meet up. Even still, some of the gaps were huge and had to be filled with green stuff and plasticard. I’ve left the cockpit canopy off for ease of painting the pilot, and the rear door can still be opened although I think I’ll just glue it closed (I might try some LED lighting after being inspired by @copperforge ‘s incredible work recently).
Been on a real building kick this week, really enjoying assembling kits at the moment.
The Coronid Watchmen have gained flight to the stars, and they will spread their influence inexorably…
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titanomancy · 1 year ago
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According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that an Arvus Lighter should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
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farsight-the-char · 2 months ago
More tanks and dorito for the plastic heresy stuff.
The big Infernus tank looks fun.
Oh hey, plastic Arvus Lighter.
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thepolishlynx · 3 months ago
Starmaker Story - She looks great in new clothes! [Part 11]
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starweaving-fairsuns · 5 months ago
Saedre and Aveem's New Adventure
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It had been some time since Saedre had found herself walking the city streets of Stormwind. With Aveem in tow, the highborne woman had returned to the kingdom with a purpose in mind once more. A hope for new horizons on familiar grounds. 
For the last handful of years since she had ended her tenure as the headmaster of the Violet Bastion, she found herself spending more time abroad and had even settled for a short period of time in Suramar where she connected with her nephew, Arvu Astarmaux. And while it was all well and good, she couldn’t deny herself the feeling that she needed somewhere more stable to find her belonging once more. Somewhere to ground herself where she had started to spread herself so thin. 
Perhaps it wasn’t so out of the ordinary for one who had spent millennia rooted in one place, minding their own affairs - but Saedre could not deny that she ached to spread her roots in more solid ground once more. Stability had been missing from her life for a time and no matter how thrilling the world around her was, the more of it she discovered, the more she felt something was missing. With the Violet Bastion, she felt she had that and for years, it had been something remarkable to her - but she simply wasn’t of the same mind now to seek that sort of  position again. Indeed, she had exhausted herself.  With the events that had once left the Bastion’s neighboring village of Lakeshire in shambles at the return of the Scourge, well it had only pushed her beyond the brink of something she had once believed herself more than capable of shouldering. It was, in truth, more than she could handle.
Wise is the one who can come to such a realization and take the step back that they needed. For this was in benefit to the longevity of all in association to the prestigious institution. 
Making her way through the Cathedral Square as the bells tolled, she smiled to herself as her eyes drifted on over to the orphanage she had once frequented; remembering her free time spent bringing books and other supplies to the children. Perhaps she might find the time for this again in the near future. Those trips had always brought a sense of calm to the arcanist, reminding her of simpler times when her own daughter was alive. 
Rounding a corner, she took a familiar shortcut over the canal and down through an alleyway that eventually led to the flightmaster’s area. Weary from her travels overseas that returned her from the Dragon Isles, she didn’t want to expend any further mana at this time to conjure her traveling disc for another length of travel without at least another night of proper rest and so, the back of a gryphon, seated behind its trained rider would have to suffice. Time was of the essence as it was and she had a very important appointment to make within the darkened forests of Duskwood today. 
“Soon we will find new walls to familiarize ourselves with, Aveem,” she turned to her familiar and smiled, handing him her staff. The familiar looked up to her and nodded, taking her staff in both hands proudly. “I will summon you once I land at our new destination. Until then, you are dismissed.”
As the familiar disappeared through the magical wormhole that opened up beside him, he bowed once and disappeared into the next plane until called forth once more. Turning to the flightmaster, Saedre counted out her coins and handed them over, instructing him on her destination, “One way to Darkshire, please.”
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heyupyoursjr · 1 year ago
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A few pics I drew for a fundraiser for Kenn https://twitch.tv/kenntowol
The full body & emote are for CaptainTeo
The headshot is for ArvuReBantra
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