#school sh00ting
hauruckzuck · 2 months
Columbine yearbook class of 1999
The class yearbook of 1999 was published on may 22 1999. It features the Columbine class of 1999 including Eric Harris and Dylan klebold.
Some people criticised that they were left in the yearbook, but they had removed certain pages which gave information about them as shown below. There is at least one known page featuring Eric Harris which had been removed. This was apart of the 1st edition yearbook, which was not given to any students or printed. Nathan Dykeman mentions Eric and Dylan in quote which reads “ High school has been the best of times and the worst of times, but through it all two guys have been with me. Thanks for the memories and everlasting friendship Dylan and Eric.”
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musicalislife · 6 months
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📸Käärijä’s ig story 2024.04.02.
I’ll add a link below to read about the situation in more detail. I’ll try to write summary of the article: there was a school shooting in Vantaa this morning a student died and two were seriously injured. It happened in an elementary school. Everyone involved was/is a student of the school.
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uvalde and army public school aftermath
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tumble-tv · 14 days
Here's my apparently unpopular opinion: we shouldn't worry about locking up phones until we crack down on the guns and weapons making it into our education buildings.
God forbid something happens, like this past Wednesday in Georgia, students will be unable to contact their parents, authorities, or record anything that could help later on if their phones are locked up. Students will be unable to record when cops do nothing as kids are being killed in their classrooms or the shooter walks to where they're hiding. These student recordings have been helpful in the past to get the exact timeline of events during a lockdown, and taking away these devices completely would ruin so many lives and end so many others.
Parents will have no idea what's happening until they see the news or their kid doesn't come home or administration calls them two hours into the shooting and their child is already dead on the floor and covered up with a white sheet.
Siblings won't have last words to read over on the anniversary of their big sibling's death.
Friends in other districts or states may never know what happened or why their best friend stopped responding one day.
Fix the gun problem. Then talk to us about phones.
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We need to talk about gun rights
This usually isn't the type of content I like to post and this has been said time and time again but I feel like I have to bring something to the table because of recent events in my life
Of course i'll put trigger warnings for those who don't wish to view this type of content from me
TW: Mention of school shooter threats
Hello, as you all know my name is Alec, I'm 17, Jewish, and I'm a Junior in Highschool. I have a little sister who's only three years younger than me and who is in MIDDLE SCHOOL.
Last night she had to tell me that her school had gotten a shooting threat, Of course I immediately contacted our mother to suggest that we both stay home today because I could not in my right mind have my sister dropped off at school when the notion of a threat looms right over her in an environment she should be safe in. I didn't feel safe enough to go to school today either.
I've been in a lockdown before where the threat was somebody with a weapon of an unspecified type and it was one of the most horrific things I've ever had to experience in my entire life and I'd wish that type of fear and panic to nobody on this Earth. Not even my worst enemy.
Nothing is worse than having to sit in a classroom and fear for your life and your friend's lives because of somebody else. A substitute didn't have a lock to lock the door and couldn't find the bolo stick to put into the floor by the door.
After we were allowed out I had asked him if everything went okay and that's when he had told me that. He had stood in front of the door and was completely ready to lose his life for the kids he was in charge of.
I've had to teach my best friend where every available exit in the school was his freshman year because in the event that something does occur I want him to have a chance of getting out.
I have lost experiences such as homecoming and valuable time in school because I was too afraid to show up because of these threats.
Adults and Students, especially young ones, alike shouldn't have to worry about getting killed in an environment where they're supposed to be safe and learn in! Everyone should have a right to feel and be safe in their schools. One day I hope laws will come down harder on gun laws so kids don't have to memorize exits in their schools, to always keep it in the back of their heads that they might not go home that day and especially so no parent has to lose their child to something so horrific.
If you would like to help prevent gun violence I'd recommend donating to Sandy Hook Promise, i'll leave a link below. Thank you all for listening.
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phantommpains · 2 months
Goodness is the fulfillment of value
value exists only in life
If there is no life, there is no value
and thus goodness becomes an entirely
irrelevant concept
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head-post · 14 days
Boy, 14, arrested after school shooting in US state of Georgia
Colt Gray, 14, would face a murder charge after four people were killed and nine injured in a shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Barrow County.
The boy was arrested by two officers on campus, a US official reported. Gray will be tried as an adult. Local sheriff Jud Smith called the attack “pure evil.”
Within minutes law enforcement was on scene, as well as two school resource officers assigned to the school who immediately encountered the subject. The subject immediately surrendered. He gave up, got on the ground. And the officers took him into custody.
It turned out that the FBI questioned Gray last year after receiving anonymous reports of online threats of a school shooting, but agents did not arrest him at the time. According to the FBI, investigators visited the suspect in May 2023 and questioned him and his father about the online threats, which included pictures of guns.
The father stated that he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them. At the time, there was no probable cause for an arrest or to take any additional law enforcement action on the local, state or federal levels.
One of those killed on Wednesday was 14-year-old Mason Schermerhorn. Family members posted his picture on social media after they could not find him. Teacher and coach David Phenix was wounded after being shot in the leg and hip, according to reports by his family on social media.
Georgia State Governor Brian Kemp said he was “praying for the safety of those in our classrooms” and that he was directing “all available state resources” to help. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris called the shooting “a senseless tragedy.”
It’s just outrageous that every day in our country (…) that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether their child will come home alive. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Read more HERE
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isawthismeme · 3 months
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onlytiktoks · 3 months
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notsosweetheh · 14 days
I am so tired of gvns still being a threat.
My first time experiencing a sh00ting threat was when I was eleven, I've lost count up until now. It's been seven years.
A girl behind my school was sh0t by a stray from a pair of men arvuing with gvns on the road. Plenty of f1rearms have been taken to school, plenty of threats have been made. Security was seen as a joke compared to our unease. Last year, my church was sh0t up with all of my family in seperate areas of the building.
My first brother and I were in the fourth floor for kids ages 10-18. My dad and second brother were in the main area. My mom was in the daycare protecting newborns. And my two year old brother was in his own daycare area with other babies his age. My first brother and I were the last ones evacuated by the SWAT team.
Hundreds of people jeered and laughed because it was a megachurch and they thought we were all privileged white leftists (Not that it would make it okay obviously). Some were gay, some were democrats, all of us were hispanic people in the only hispanic service available.
I'm tired of being scared that one angry person will k1ll everyone out of nowhere. I'm afraid of being too naive while in a mall, while walking home, while going to college, and even when going to church.
More school sh00tings are popping up, more people are crying in fear and rage. How much more do the STATISTICS need to grow? How many more NAMES do people need until something is done to correct the law on f1rearms? Who else has to D1E until we can be safe?
I am so tired, and I can't do shit about it.
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jubivee · 8 months
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a random guy in my french 2 textbook looks almost identical to eric harris…
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hauruckzuck · 2 months
The Trenchcoat Mafia
A common myth in the days following the massacre was that the trenchcoat mafia had some kind of involvement in the shooting, but they quickly denied this by saying that they only hung out with Eric and Dylan a few times around 1997 - 1998.
The trenchcoat mafia were a group of columbine high school student who were mostly goth gamers who wore trenchcoats. Most of the real “original” members had graduated in the years prior to the attack. The group reportedly had been obsessed with guns, Nazis, the military, the internet, Marilyn Manson and goth rock culture.
The TCM had about 20 members, all of which were questioned by the Jefferson county sheriff office. Some of these members had close friendships or acquaintances with Eric and Dylan, causing some search warrants or consensual searches to take place on their properties. They had found no prior knowledge to the April 20 attack and were later cleared of any suspicions.
The photo below shows the TCM 1998 yearbook photo. ( Eric and Dylan are not here)
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cryingovermath · 9 months
It's been a long time since i've felt like this. I'm terrified, shocked, worried, and incredibly, incredibly sad.
Last night i picked up my godmother, a college professor. She waited for three hours until they let her go home. Scared, not knowing who made it out alive, tired.
This morning i woke up early to go light up a candle by the university. It was all silent, even though it's right downtown. There were people crying.
Tomorrow there will be national mourning, just a day before christmas. We're still so shocked, so scared.
I love you all. Stay safe.
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ivygrowsc · 6 months
In Finland there's a law where you have criminal liability when you turn 15. Kids who are under the age, are considered children by the law. The problem with it is that they know they can break the law all they want, because they won't be held accountable for the crime. Even under the age of 15, people should be held accountable. Instead, they are sent under social service custody. Killing another human being should never happen let alone killing another child. No one should ever get a call from the school, saying their child has died. The trauma will be with them for years. Maybe even forever. No one should ever get a call saying their child has killed another child. I can't even imagine the pain and grieve these people have to go trough. No one was born to be a school shooter. Every child is born to be free and curious about the world around them. When a child grabs a gun and shoots other children, every adult should stop and think: how did this happen. How is this possible? How could we make society a better place for people to live in? Petteri Orpo keeps cutting from students, families, poor people, workers, young people who suffer with mental health. I am disgusted. Shame on you the finnish parlament. Shame on you our "welfare state".
S h a m e o n y o u.
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kylieghistrash · 2 days
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when will it ever end?
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 9 days
uh. there were school sh00ting threats in my county... and there was a whole h!t list... im not going to school tomorrow!
And two kids at like another school in my county got arrested last WEEK. for sh00ting up the school. two SEPERATE threats.
guys a preschool was on (drill) lockdown near me. they replaced FLOOD DRILLS with school intruder drills.
what. the. hell.
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