#arthur ardenne
tfwcharles · 1 year
ooc | Charles & Arthur
Cousin!!!! (aka one of the best relationships ;D)
Honestly being cousins w/ the actual king (almost) makes up for the fact that Arthur’s insufferable half-brother thinks that the relation extends to him!!!
Tbh as much as he definitely appreciates the connection, he does have a lot of loyalty for his family, in general, and even if Arthur wasn’t the king, he would still do literally anything for him!! Annnd he also has a lot of national pride and loyalty to the crown, too, so Arthur gets double points for that!! 
Because of this, I think Charles is probably more blind to Arthur’s faults than he might otherwise be. I don’t think he approves of Arthur’s flirtations/the fact that he has an official mistress while searching for a bride and I also think he probably finds his tendencies to want to do the opposite of what he’s told childish (even if I think he would also kind of understand the desire to escape blindly doing what others wish who would control him, as Charles has witnessed his own brothers being manipulated by their father). However, since both king and a cousin, I don’t think Charles judges him harshly on this, if at all -- definitely not as severely as he would if he was anyone else. 
(Also depending on their relationship, he might raise his concerns about Arthur’s behavior -- but it would only be to Arthur and Arthur alone and nEVER in front of anyone else. He would also not let a single word be said against him by literally anyone and would fight them on it even if he agreed with them #facepalm). 
Anyway, I’m not sure what exact relationship they would have, beyond this??? They are both the same age, so I think that’s in their favor if they spent a lot of time growing up??? I can see them being good friends and kinda of balancing each other, but I can also see where Arthur might find him to be a wet noodle b/c Charles is the kind of guy to point out how they shouldn’t be doing something whenever would try to do anything remotely fun ;DD
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tfwaloysius · 2 years
Feast of Noros
Aloysius’s first official feast of Noros went about how you might imagine aljdfljfslkd
His mother wouldn’t let him go until he was thirteen years old, which was older than both of his other brothers had been 
She deemed him too irresponsible to go and be trusted to stay out with the others and because she didn’t trust him to return home before that, he wasn’t allowed to go at all
Of course, this didn’t stop him from trying to sneak out
He tried every year since his seventh birthday to do so, but kept getting stopped
He prided himself on the fact that he made it further each year, even though the security was heightened each time 
(Isabella definitely pointed out to him on multiple occasions that she managed to sneak out to attend when she was six, which certainly wounded Aloysius’s pride, even if they acknowledged that it would be harder to do if one were a prince) 
For his costume, he tricked his older brother Amrbose into lending him some of his clothes 
He then went as Amrbose, saying that if he does anything to offend the spirits, it will be with his brother who they will quarrel 
He also had his first kiss that night 
He made friends with some girls who were a few years older than he, but were clearly uneasy to be out so late and he promised to protect them 
He also hinted more than once that he was a prince (which is true!) but may have suggested that he was arthur instead (or at the very least ambrose) 
He managed to kiss each of the girls which started his official tradition to kiss a strange girl every year on the feast of noros (something he has observed faithfully every year, except for when he was courting Felicity & Isabella)
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sapphic-outlaw · 16 days
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Mistakes were made
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dalekofchaos · 5 months
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jfht · 5 months
Lonely is a man with no one to love but his horse.
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somekindofhat · 1 year
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Kieran looks like he just want to have a normal, one sided conversation all horse girls have with their ponys but the arabian just goes "excuse me, you are letting me starve here give me treats"
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aiisstuffnthings · 11 months
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In Motion
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angrybatgaming · 2 years
Some more fun with photo mode, but Red Dead Redemption 2.
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🎵 I like big horses and I cannot lie 🎵
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hcdahlem · 6 months
Brûlez tout!
Pour son premier roman, Henri Guyonnet a choisi de réhabiliter Rodolphe Darzens. C’est à ce journaliste, émigré russe, que l’on doit la (re)découverte d’Arthur Rimbaud et de son œuvre. Oubliant la biographie et l’hagiographie, son roman est passionnant.
  En deux mots Le journaliste Rodolphe Darzens se voit confier la mission de retrouver Arthur Rimbaud, un jeune poète qui a suscité l’attention avant de disparaître mystérieusement. Menant sa difficile mission avec abnégation, il va finir par retrouver l’homme et l’œuvre et contribuer à la gloire de ce prince des poètes. Ma note ★★★ (bien aimé) Ma chronique L’homme qui a sauvé Rimbaud de…
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m00nz-artpad · 4 months
Olivia's horse, Magnus
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Even though she couldn't remember much, she remembered that gorgeous Clydesdale, Magnus. The horse she had since they both were so little. Logan had found the Clydesdale at a local stable, a young foal nobody wanted because he was so stubborn and so scared, yet Magnus and Olivia connected quick. Maybe it was because Olivia knew what it was like to be scared in a world that didn't understand you or even want to, or maybe it was due to the fact that Olivia shared Logan's unique ability to emotionally connect with an animal.
Even now, Olivia knew this horse. He was the one thing she could remember; the tight-knit connection they shared was undeniable and it alone helped her realize that she truly was the woman everyone claimed she was. Because if she knew at least one creature from her life before the amnesia, that was more than enough to prove to her that she belonged with the Van der Linde gang.
Whoopsies. I disappeared for a bit! I've been a tad busy, between trying to get a new computer, making summer plans, and playing RDR2, I just got side tracked.
Anyways; this is Olivia's horse, Magnus, as the blurb explained. Magnus is an auburn Clydesdale with white and black patches. He's actually very heavily inspired by the main horse I have for Arthur which is a big Ardennes with very similar markings. I like to think that Magnus and Cadet (Arthur's horse) are BFFLs because it's funny to me how two very intimidating horses for two very intimidating people can be besties for life.
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marthalovesu · 2 years
My gf asked me to draw humanizations for her Arthur's horses so bad xd
So here they are!!
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Gingerbread is a mustang, wild and hyperactive (also he is a meanie >:c)
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Valanten de Marre is ardennes. He is arrogant and you have to earn his trust. Arthur took him after killing bounty hunters that were after him.
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AAAND JENNY SMITH🥰 She's a shire, a sweetheart, but loves to annoy Valanten:3 Arthur killed her owner just cause he liked the horse
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She dates Branwen😌 (he's totally a bottom)
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tfwaloysius · 1 year
ooc | Aloysius & Arthur
arthur: I have never done anything wrong ever in my life
aloysius: I know this and I love you. 
Not even sure I’m kidding tbh ;DDD Aloysius IDOLIZIES his elder bro and tbh always has!!! No lie, he legit wanted to be him when he grew up!!! Ofc they are bros, so Aloysius def teases Arthur/gives him shit sometime, but do NOT let that fool you b/c Aloysius legit thinks he is the greatest. 
(Also you know they team up and mess with Ambrose all the time ajdslfjaldsfjasdf)
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trappers-cloak · 11 months
I saw a post about Arthur’s horses and now I wanna do that but for fanfic stuff
After Bodaceia (sp ??) passed, Arthur kept the Tennessee Walker from Adler ranch for only a short time. He sells the horse in exchange for Ares, a blue roan Ardennes.
Ares is an impatient war horse. Arthur got the name from Jack. The horse is fast for an Ardennes and sturdy, and the size of a Missouri Foxtrotter. Arthur forms a great bond with him.
Diana comes on the scene with her grullodun Breton, Althea.
Althea is on the older side- she was a wedding gift for Diana. She is very strong and loyal, with incredible endurance.
Once the events of Part 1 - Emerald Ranch are over… SPOILERS FOR THE FIC I HAVENT WRITTEN YET BELOW‼️‼️‼️
…and Diana kills her husband Eugene and joins the VDL gang, Bucephalus, Nyx, Phobos and Deimos join the crew.
Bucephalus is a buckskin mustang previously belonging to Eugene Wegner, and a very spirited one, similar to Ares. He takes to Diana right away once she kills Eugene, as Eugene was not a good owner. Althea becomes a horse to pull a small coach that Diana is given by Seamus. Diana also lives in the coach until she moves in with Arthur.
Nyx is the pitch black American standardbred belonging to Miriam Wegner (Diana’s stepdaughter). Later in the story, Miriam gets the beautiful Foxmore saddle from its original owner, Molly O’Shea.
Nyx is shared between Cripps and Miriam in my mind, with different saddles. Cripps uses a nice one he made from cougar skin.
Phobos and Deimos are two raven black shire horses- one of whom belonged to Hosea, who sold it to the Valentine stables. These are Cripps’ horses.
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mostbrilliantidiot · 6 months
So I normally favor a shire horse named Bully in my RDR2 playthroughs.
I'll branch out on occasion. There was J Edgar (a Turkoman mare. Yes the name has a story), Gentle Buffoon (a Kentucky Saddler I stole off an O'Driscoll. Bonus points if you know why she's named that), Lightning (the white Arabian), Thunder (a big grey Ardennes), Tank (Belgian draft), and a few others but I always come back to Bully.
Current playthrough I got a handsome looking Andalusian.
And someone earned their name.
Her name is "Sorry Bastard" (yes I modded out the profanity filter)
Sorry Bastard has:
Ragdolled while slowly walking across a bridge
Ragdolled suddenly while standing still
Thrown Arthur down a cliff
Thrown herself AND Arthur down a cliff and then LANDED on Arthur
Went ass over tea kettle near the trapper at Riggs station (I think a pebble offended her??? Idk) and nearly landed on Arthur
Somehow wandered while I was at the trapper in Saint Denis and got into a courtyard many blocks away???
Can and will spook at any snake in a ten mile radius. Or nothing. Usually spooks at nothing.
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jfht · 5 months
Surprise surprise, I took more photos like minutes before I leave (these ones are rushed)
Lower or higher contrast tho?
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preparedpublic · 2 years
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« Quant à la façon dont je suis arrivé ici, elle a été accidentée et rafraîchie de temps en temps par la saison. Sur la ligne droite des Ardennes en Suisse, voulant rejoindre, de Remiremont, la correspondance allemande à Wesserling, il m'a fallu passer les Vosges ; d'abord en diligence, puis à pied, aucune diligence ne pouvant plus circuler dans cinquante centimètres de neige en moyenne et par une tourmente signalée. » 
(Lettre d’Arthur Rimbaud à sa famille, Gênes, le 17 novembre 1878)
À quel endroit Arthur Rimbaud a-t-il franchi les Vosges ? Combien de kilomètres a-t-il parcouru « par une tourmente signalée » ?
La ligne ferrovière Mulhouse-Thann est ouverte en 1839. En 1863, la prolongation de Thann à Wesserling rapproche les voyageurs du col de Bussang, qui n’est plus qu’à 9 km. Ces deux communes situées sur le flanc alsacien des Vosges, deviennent allemandes après la guerre de 1870. Le col de Bussang devient un poste frontière et le restera jusqu'en 1918. 
Il se trouve dans la partie sud du tracé de la nouvelle frontière franco-allemande, issue du traité de paix de Francfort (10 mai 1871). Cette ligne plantée de 4056 bornes, valide la cession du Haut-Rhin, du Bas-Rhin et de la Moselle à l’empire allemand. Elle descend le long du bassin lorrain, rejoint la crête des Vosges, qu'elle suit du nord au sud, traverse le Territoire de Belfort pour atteindre la Suisse. Le col de Bussang se situe à environ 50 km à vol d’oiseau de la Suisse, au niveau de la borne frontière n°3100.
Dans le sens Vosges-Alsace, Rimbaud monte dans le train à Épinal pour en descendre à Remiremont, le terminus, à 35 kilomètres du col. La diligence le conduit à Bussang, en longeant la Moselle sur 31 km. C’est la dernière commune française avant la montée vers le col où cette rivière prend sa source. C’est donc là que Rimbaud entame très certainement son périple « dans 50 cm de neige en moyenne et par une tourmente signalée. » 
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Après 4 km de marche, il atteint la douane française, à l’entrée ouest du tunnel construit sous le col de Bussang. Sur la carte postale, le photographe est perché à son sommet. Les douaniers français sont au premier plan, leur guérite en rondins à droite. À la sortie du tunnel, du côté alsacien, Rimbaud passe le poste frontière allemand et montre ses papiers. Derrière les  gendarmes à casque à pointe, on aperçoit un poteau frontière allemand que Rimbaud n'a pas pu voir, ce modèle datant de 1889. Celui qu’il a pu voir est moins spectaculaire.
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Rimbaud entre dans une Alsace allemande. La guerre de 1870 a joué un rôle essentiel dans son parcours de poète, peut-être aussi dans sa décision de partir loin de son pays. Le poète qui a fréquenté la Commune, qui a écrit l’un des plus beaux poèmes de la langue française en hommage à un soldat mort en 1870, est le bref témoin d’une déchirure territoriale qui a coûté la vie à 200 000 hommes. En traversant les provinces perdues, il foule une terre étrangère, une utopie dérisoire, un lieu qui n’existe pas sinon dans le cerveau de l’empereur Guillaume Ier, du chancelier Bismarck et du général Moltke. 
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Encore 9 km de marche et Rimbaud atteint la « correspondance allemande à Wesserling ». Il aura donc marché 13 km. Le train quitte la vallée de Thann, atteint bientôt Mülhausen (Mulhouse). Il fait quelques pas dans cette ancienne république protestante longtemps rattachée à la Suisse, aperçoit le Klapperstein, figure grimaçante que les condamnés pour médisance devaient porter autour du cou. Il se réchauffe au café Moll, où il écoute parler un dialecte étrange. Par la vitrine, il contemple le triangle rare d'une jolie place des années 1820, encadrée d'arcades qui encerclent un jardin. Puis il monte dans le train pour Bâle. On le retrouvera bientôt à Chypre, puis en Abyssinie.
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