#art memes i have saved and finally had ideas for
mayhemmaybe · 2 months
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@dreamsofalife @aonokumura @anomalystudy
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Going Public || CL16
Another little blurb that was sitting in my drafts... F1 Masterlist
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“We heard your girlfriend is a driver for Ferrari too, can we expect a friendly race anytime soon?”
Charles smiled towards the Ferrari crew that was watching the interview from the side of the stage, knowing you were somewhere among them. “Oh no, she’s way too competitive, and unless it’s in a F1 car she will 100% beat me.”
The interviewer laughed along with the crowd. “Surely not?”
“She’s absolutely fearless!” he said seriously as he sat up straighter. “And she’s not even a racer.”
The woman frowned as she looked at her cue card. “I thought she was a driver?”
You saw the pride on Charles' face when he grinned at Carlos sitting next to him, who was trying to hide his laughter behind his hand. 
“She is, but she doesn’t race.” The interviewer was growing more confused and you could see the fans taking all the information in to try and figure out your identity after nearly a year of dating under the radar.
“She drives the transporter rig,” Carlos clarified with a laugh. “Which is perfect because Charles can’t parallel park to save his life, so he gets his girlfriend to do it for him. She is very good at it.”
The People’s Prince of Monaco is dating a Trucker???
The F1 Gossip pages were going crazy after the interview and you sat scrolling through them with an amused chuckle. 
“Babe, have you seen this one?” you asked as you showed him the latest meme. Some clever person had taken a picture of an overweight middle-aged man in a red plaid shirt over a dirty wife-beater, slapped a Ferrari badge on his truck and trailer and a long blonde wig on his head. The caption: Leclerc’s new girl. “I wish I could pull off that shirt.”
Two weeks later.
The camera crew were waiting out on the track and you caught Charles’ eyes in the mirror as you fixed your hair. 
“Ready, mi amor?” 
“How do I look?” you asked as you gave him a spin to show off your outfit. 
“Gorgeous as always,” he said with a wink. “And a little bit scary if I'm honest.”
You straightened up the collar of the red plaid shirt and brushed your fingers along his jaw. “Is it the wife beater or the wig?”
“Maybe the big dick energy?”
“Gotta play the part, baby,” you teased as you swaggered over to the door with exaggerated steps. “This is what your fans are expecting of me.”
Marketing and Promo were having a field day. They had scoured the internet for ideas to make this video after Charles had given them the heads up that you were going to take your relationship public. You were both more than happy to make it a unique announcement since a sense of humour was something that you both shared.
The final cut was a work of art, and you had watched it at least three times over as your stomach ached from all the laughter. There had been parking challenges, slalom races through cone tracks, and even hot laps around the circuit in Imola. It had been an absolute thrill to shoot, especially with the ridiculous costume, but you were glad to be back in your own clothes.
“Well at least you didn’t lie in that interview,” you pointed out after seeing the final score for the challenges. “You won the F1 race.”
Charles draped a lazy arm over your shoulders and he pulled you closer, his lips brushing your ear as he spoke, “Would you believe if I said I practised reversing and parallel parking with Pierre all week?”
You paused the replay on the tv and shifted onto his lap, cradling his face in your palms. “Oh, my love, Pierre can’t park any better,” you said before your lips twitched with a suppressed smile. “You should have asked Kika.”
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baddiecarl · 1 year
Streamer! Carl Grimes x Streamer! reader
Like Chandler Riggs, Carl Grimes in a normal world would also totally be a streamer. Here’s a peek into what it might be like to be his streamer crush!  (Also I’m pushing a slight resident evil agenda in this, I grew up watching my dad and brother play them and waited with bated breath to actually be able to play them myself!  It’s my favorite video game series of all time if you can’t tell lol)
For maximum enjoyment, please watch the clip I put right under this because I referenced it in this story!
  “Do I know who (your screen name) is?”  Carl says, reading his chat.  “No, I’ve never heard of them, gimme a second.”  He picks his phone up off his desk and types the name into google, coming up with endless pictures of you playing video games, doing cooking and baking streams, making art, reacting to the memes people made for you, all the things your streams are widely loved for.  Realizing he was quiet for longer than he probably should’ve been, he speaks up. “Oh yeah I’ve seen her before, she does awesome resident evil speedruns! I didn’t recognize the name at first, but yeah, I know who she is!”  
“Omg he’s blushing!”
“Is bro blushing rn?”
“Looks like no one’s immune to the charms of (y/s/n) lmfao”
  The teasing comments poured in while Carl did his best to play it cool and laugh them off, “yeah she’s pretty cute,” he admits through a soft smile as he focuses on the game he was streaming before he looked you up.  Teasing chats trickled in every once in a while, but for the most part, the topic was changed completely and by the time the stream was over he had almost forgotten about the situation entirely. 
  Little did he know that the next day your viewers would also ask you if you knew Carl.  Having been a streamer for quite some time you’ve seen a lot of clips of other streamers and you immediately recognized the name Carl.  “Oh my god, is that the dude who sucks at fall guys?”  You joked as you pulled up the clip of him failing epically at fall guys. “If you get eliminated at this part then you don’t deserve a single win,” he said, seconds before getting eliminated on the exact part he was referring to.  “He’s fucking hilarious,” you remarked as you smiled while you watched the video.  Well, that didn’t go unnoticed by any of your viewers either.
“She’s straight up giggling and kicking her feet lol”
“He called you cute on his stream yesterday”
“He called you cute on his stream yesterday”
  Man, did your fans come in clutch or what?  Returning to your game, you saved that bit of information for later, knowing that it probably got clipped and posted by now.  After you finished up your game and ended the stream you finally got to look up the clip.  You couldn’t help but laugh while you watched him read the comments and grow more and more red with each one that came in.  “Yeah, she’s pretty cute.”  THERE IT IS! HE ACTUALLY SAID IT!!  This was all you needed to want to reach out. 
  A couple of days later, Carl was streaming again as usual when he felt his phone vibrate.  A DM from…(y/s/n)??  Holy shit, okay, play it cool.  He tried to hide his shock and excitement as he opened the message but still, a goofy smile crept onto his face while he read it.  
“Hey, Carl!  It’s come to my attention that we have quite a bit of an overlapping fanbase so I thought it’d be a great idea to play a game together sometime!  Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to play fall guys ;)”
  By the time he was done reading your message, the grin had broken out into a full-blown smile and he hid his nervous and excited laughing behind his hand.  To no avail, his viewers saw this immediately and began teasing him, asking if (y/s/n) was making him blush again.  “No guys, that’s not it, don’t worry about it,” he said, still trying to hide his bashfulness.  Yet, again clocked by his fans, they knew he was lying.  But they weren't the only ones who knew he wasn't telling the truth, because you had joined the stream just before you sent your message.  You wanted to see him blush just by the sheer mention of you one more time, so you arranged to send it while he was streaming.  You were overjoyed to see him pick up his phone, and judging by his reaction you knew he had to have read it. 
He’s quiet for a minute while he types on his phone and you watch the text bubble pop up on your phone.
“I’ve noticed the same thing haha! I think that’d be awesome, but for the record, we will be playing fall guys so I can prove I’m not ‘the guy who sucks at fall guys’”
  You grinned at his message, not failing to see the humor in the fact that he did the exact thing you did, looking up the clip from your stream where the chat had brought him up.  You respond to his message simply and sweetly.
 “Fair enough! I get to pick the game we play next time we do it then!” 
“Sounds like a deal!”  Carl replies, his heart skipping a beat at the implication of you wanting to do a stream with him more than once.  Carl’s voice coming from your computer removes your attention from your phone. “Alright sorry about the pause there guys, I had a very important message to respond to,”  he says, refocusing on his game all while he's still being teased for his very obvious change in behavior since his phone buzzed.  Giggling at him regarding your message as very important, you sat back and watched him play his game, cracking up at the jokes he made.  After he wraps up his stream, you’re left sitting at your computer, alone with your thoughts and they’re all about Carl.  
  About three minutes into zoning out, you're startled by the buzzing of your phone.  You unlock your phone to see another DM from Carl. 
“Do you think I could have your discord or maybe your phone number if you don't have that? I just thought it might be easier to communicate that way if we’re going to be doing streams together.”  How does his nervous dorky voice translate so well through text?  It’s almost like you could hear him stammering over asking for your phone number.  Doing your best to reassure him, you reply: “I do have discord! But you can have my number too!  It’s ***-***-****!”
“Thanks (y/n), I’m really excited about collabing with you!  I was kinda shocked to see that you messaged me, even though I’m pretty sure this was orchestrated by our followers lol”
What can you say?  Your followers really do come in clutch!
Me again! I hope you guys like this while you wait on the next part of Carl Grimes x Dhampir! reader! Also I hope you enjoyed that clip of Chandler sucking at fall guys, I really wanted to include that in this fic lol
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cirusthecitrus · 8 months
Can I ask Entrapta and Hordak for the character ask meme?
First impression: with Entrapta, she caught my eye even before the show premiered, when I saw the promo art. I fell in love with her design right away, though i didn't care much for her character at first, just didn't get the hype. It is only after she showed her vulnerable side, when she thought her friends abandoned her (but we knew it was not true!), thats when I got invested. Tuned in for the drama, stayed for the purble mad scientist
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Same with Hordak. Didn't care for the character, loved the design. And I loved it specifically because he looked similar to the demon characters from my original story I was working on with a friend at the time. The long pointy ears, the nose, the glowing eyes, the clawed hands and sharp teeth, they also have wings just like Imp!
Oh and I always loved his relationship with Imp, it was so fun to watch these two interact :3
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Impression now: to me personally Entrapta and Hordak are the real heart of the show. They are both integral to the story, they're interesting and fun in their own ways and their relationship is simply the best thing the show has to offer. Plus their personal journeys are so exquisitly tragic, love me some good angst
They're both my lil scrunklies, my beloved chew toys, one of my fave evil power couples. Though I gravitate more towards Hordak, he got that melancholic sad doe eyes rizz. And older brother issues (hes just like me fr🤝)
Favorite moment: oof but there are so many. 'Imperfection is beautiful' and 'I am Hordak' are obviously in my top 5, but I also want to mention some other ones
From entrapdak scenes - the one where they chat while sitting on Hordak's throne, the one where Hordak protects Entrapta from the portal explosion and the iconic "What have you done to me?" scene
As for their personal moments, I still giggle at Entrapta's "Do I need to explain math to you?🤨", also I can't get over her soft hum and lil smile when she remembers her lab partner in the portal reality
And with Hordak, again, love all the scenes where he's so casually adorable with Imp, also s4 moments when he's being obsessed with Entrapta (can't deside between the blushing scene and the 'crying over her' scene)
Idea for a story: For Entrapta I've been thinking about an au where she gets consumed by the Island before her friends find her, turning into this scary powerful monster who still has some of her free will. And she either escapes the island herself, becoming a threat to both the Horde and the rebellion (but eventually she and Hordak save each other with the power of love~), or she stays on BI and has this emotional fight with Adora and Bow where she gets to voice all her fears and grievances, but in the end gets defeated and comforted
For Hordak I have this idea about him meeting another clone with the same defect as him. Maybe he was just fresh out of a pod, and his condition only took a toll on him after the fall of Prime. I imagine Hordak being so gentle and protective of him, giving him all the love and understanding + recourses he was deprived of. I also imagine him finally not feeling so alinated when he's around his own kind, like a black sheep among his "perfect" able bodied brothers, because now he knows he's not the only one
Unpopular opinion: Entrapta's trauma should've been treated more seriously and not forgotten right after the Beast Island episode. S5 felt like s4 events were erased from everyone's memory. Also, it should've affected Entrapta more. Again, where are the conflicted feelings towards Hordak? It was never established that she found out the truth about her exile, that Hordak was lied to and had no idea about it. And where are the conflicted feelings towards Catra? The more I think about it, the more I hate that dumb apology and the fact that it was enough for Entrapta to forgive her, after everything Catra did to her and her loved ones
With Hordak... those are not quite common, but it is still tiring to see some fandom opinions where ppl critique this version of Hordak by calling him a loser and a lame villain/character, because he's not "badass" and "threatening" enough and is bad at his job as the leader of the Horde. Cause like... that's the point. Hordak was bad at this because he was not suited for this role, he is not a leader and thats not bad/contradicting writing, thats just his character trait. He was only trying to mimic the only role model he ever had in his life, trying to fit into Prime's shoes and obviously failing at it, because he's not Prime. He was also programmed to be an obedient slave with no wants or ambitions, not a dominant power hungry ruler, and I can only imagine what it took him to become as powerful and threatening as he is in the show. He did not belong on that throne, not because he's incompetent/useless or stupid or a bad warlord, but because choosing to become Lord Hordak, choosing to go all this way to try and prove himself worthy to his uncaring god was,on itself, his biggest mistake, not the right path for him. The Etherian Horde is like that because it's existence was a mistake
Favorite relationship: romantic? with each other. Platonic? Also with each other, but also -
For Entrapta - her friendship with Adora and Wrongie (also Scorpia, but only pre s5 Scorpia, like girl what happened...)
For Hordak - his bond with Imp and his relationship with Horde Prime (i just love how tragic and messed up it is okay?)
Favorite headcanon: idk if a have a favorite, there are all sorts of hcs, so i'll just focus on a random one I like
I do find the idea of Hordak being creeped out and lowkey haunted by Entrapta's cat painting hilarious, but I also like to think that the cat was her real pet, maybe a childhood pet even, and by keeping the painting she honors the memory of her old friend
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ghostradiodylan · 8 months
Who among the Quarry counselors has had an emo phase?
This got lost somehow and I couldn't find it until I got on the desktop site and it was like HEY THERE'S AN ASK IN YOUR INBOX, I'm so sorry Torch! But thank you for the ask!
Obviously Ryan. Look at him. He's still in it. He's wearing a long-sleeved shirt with a short-sleeved band shirt over it! He's got the eyeliner and everything! 😆 If they had kept this concept art design with the black converse high tops with the contrasting red laces, we wouldn't even need to have this conversation because it would be so obvious!
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That right there is an emo boy. I actually have no idea what emo kids 10ish years younger than me were listening to, but based on my own experiences I'd put Ryan musically in the spot where emo, screamo, and post-hardcore intersect, so he probably liked stuff like Scary Kids Scaring Kids, The Used, Thursday, AFI, and some of the moodier Brand New albums (before they got canceled).
Miles says emo is not a phase and he is and will forever be emo (same), and while Dylan is not exactly or entirely Miles, I think he would agree. Not sure he would have adopted the outward style though, I think he was super nerdy when he was younger and wouldn't have wanted to draw attention to himself. But based on the handful of songs we get that Dylan is supposed to have chosen for the party, he probably listened to the more melodic and poppy (but still angst-riddled) side of emo, like Dashboard Confessional, Jimmy Eat World, Bright Eyes, early Weezer, and Saves The Day (before they got canceled).
And, look, Abi's the other obvious choice, right? She's got that Hot Topic aesthetic. But wouldn't it be funny if the other former emo kid was actually Emma? I HC her as into pop and top 40 rock and broadway tunes now, but Imagine middle or early high school Emma listening to early Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance and having split cherry red and black hair in kind of a scene shag cut and heavily lined eyes. I can kinda see it. she probably liked 30 Seconds to Mars too (before, say it with me now, they got soft-canceled--why are men in this scene and music industry as a whole so terrible??)
Finally, Jacob might be having his first ever emo phase right now. Remember when "Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)" by Simple Plan became a meme? I feel like that's just Jacob during the game and post-canon. He's a sad boy. He could have a small emo phase, as a treat. It might be good for him.
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Hang in there, big guy. 🖤🖤🖤
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
woah hey a year has been passed wowie :0
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First two weren't posted here cos they were too long ago & not CJish related but love the way he took up 70% of the year lol
[ Full images + templates below :} ]
[TW for Bright Colors, maybe blood & very very vague themes of depression/suicide for like 2 drawings I believe]
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Long text about the arts if anyones actually curious!!
January: An old OC I completely forgot about until making this. He's based on old radio like things :}
February: Played Person 5 Royal last year & drew Joker cos idk he's neat. Fun fact, the same day I fully finished the game was the day Storm & a Spring came out. Also while grinding in the game, I had his Bidding & VoaC covers on repeat. Which was a bit annoying to do since they weren't on Spotify yet & YT on mobile didn't have looping then.
March: The Hawaii Part ii album cover :} I did post that eventually but that's the time I actually made it. Had listened to TME a couple of months before then which got me into the album, so months later I drew it cos why not? [Also the month Vol.1 fully released on everything. What's funny is my gallery for that day was a handful of memes I saved at 4am before I fell asleep. And then the next image saved is when I woke up which was a screenshot of the whiteboard in TfaR lol]
April: First main Jash art !!! And its not even with any of the songs from Vol. 1 lol. I had his Moss cover on repeat again & now that all of Vol. 1 was out, I drew Heart in some moss. Or really in the image from the video.
May: Lil animation I made of Heart with the song Don't Hit the Lights! Link to my post & the song can be found here :}. Still really like the song & even the drawings. Might remake em eventually idk
June: Sky/socialc1imb's Clue AU! I like murder mysteries & this one was real interesting so I drew it a lot lol. Might remake that one or one of the others I made at somepoint? It'll be a bit later if I do but ye
July: A redraw of a HMS piece I originally made back in May, based on the Three Wise Monkeys thing. I like the idea of it so I keep wanting to remake it.
August: I honestly can't remember if I posted that art or not. Actually yea I don't think I ever did PFFT. It's one of the few drawings I did of myself this year & its from CJs Not Perfect cover [as you can tell by the lyrics on it]. Also one of the very very few vent-ish arts I made. I like the background more than anything but its still neat ig?
September: Art for one of the best songs ever. I love Fine, I'm Fine its so good & I listened to it for like 70% of the 20+ hours it took me to make the drawing. Still proud of it so there's the sketch I drew on paper, the one on my tablet & then the final versions.
October: There was a lot from this month due to Jashtober. I still like this one lot & it wasn't insanely rushed so I picked this one to show lol.
November: I have no idea why I made a fun lil soul. I was having an identity crisis over my art style & ig decided to draw the guy who is a walking identity crisis/j
December: Same as September. One of my favorite songs ever was covered & released, so I made a drawing like everyone else lol.
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bigmammallama5 · 4 months
hi 2 things 1: bone eater looks really really cool holy shit pls keep us posted and 2: is there like a story behind him or anything? i dont think ive actually seen him on your blog before
1. THANK YOU I'm so nervous. This is the second time I've built him and I haven't done much sculpture in a REALLY long time, certainly nothing this large in clay that wasn't a vessel. I've had to fix his left knee about three times even with a ridiculous amount of slip/score action, so hopefully I finally got him together (he's also got some support under his hips and wrists). He is. Very heavy lol. I think I may need to pick a connection point along his middle to cut him into two pieces, if only for drying and transportation purposes...
2. And kinda! He's actually been on my blog but in drawn form a couple times in my explorer supergirl/supercorp drawtober series from 2018 and then just this past year 2023! I totally understand how you missed him though because I'm just on here barfing memes 22 hours a day. To save you time trawling back through my blog (but if you're bored I won't stop you, just follow the "arting" tag") you can see those on my artstation:
Inktober 2018: Build a World in 31 Days "TERRAH"
Drawtober 2023: Return To TERRAH
I have a very loose idea, really more of a vibe, that Bone Eater is that culture and planetary system's deity of decay in a system of three, because everybody loves systems of threes and odd numbers! With him are the Spore Mother (birth, beginning), and World Ender (death, ending) (both names still not quite confirmed but I like them). He is the connection point between life and death, consuming so that more may become. Boom, crash, ominous sounds, goofy three-eyed grins and big chompers.
Here are my most recent super rough planning sketches of this current sculpture and hopeful next sculptures from a drawpile I noodled around in with @sango-blep (who is amazing and very supportive of my shenanigans while I gently coax my brain back to drawing after my health punched me in the face this past year):
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He's maybe not quite as padded as I made him originally but I'll just have to keep practicing, maybe see if I need to look into actual armature or something if I want to keep doing this in the future? If I can get him back in mostly one piece I'd really like to make the other two as well in the same scale (this is a reminder to myself to take some wet measurements today) but I'd have to adjust the pose of World Ender for him to fit in our studio kilns. Ours are 24" deep and Bone Eater is clocking in at about 20" (oops), so I'd need to lower his head. I think I picked some compact enough poses, but we'll see. I may be the one loading him into the kiln lol.
BUT YEAH that's Bone Eater and what little I have on him right now LOL.
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inhibitcomic · 1 year
I thought it would be fun to take you on a little journey through some old Inhibit art!
First up is Paulina, who was originally meant to be captured by Urquhart and sent to Earl in Chapter 2 - the kids getting ready to go down to breakfast would have been interrupted by them seeing a new resident arrive, and later we would have been introduced to her in class. I'm glad that didn't happen, the comic is much better the way it is now. These are from 2013/2014.
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You can also see here what I was talking about in this ask RE: Paulina's hair being "oil"! Her face shape was also originally much more square than it is now, I tried to be very strict with that angle but by the time I got to the comic I realised that wasn't realistic.
Vic has just been wrung like a wet towel since 2010. These are from 2010 to 2014. He was originally a side character, and then shuffled reluctantly into role of main character. He also used to be a confident jock. Vic is named after Victor Frankenstein because that's what we were reading in English class when I first wrote his character and I was scanning around my room for a name idea like uhhhhhh
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Have some more Vics from 2013 (which I redrew in 2021 because I'm a sucker for a redraw). Chronologically these come between red hoodie Vic and "uh" Vic:
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Julia hasn't changed much at all, though she was originally a more sporty girl. She just lost a leg and some fingers over the years, she's always been a goofball. Along with Vic, David, and Cameron, Julia is one of the only characters remaining from the original version of Inhibit! Everyone else got cut or replaced. Paulina was kiiiinda in the first version but under a different name and role; the original weird girl with a connection to the protagonist was called Margot and she worked for Urquhart.
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Masha was a later addition to the story so here she is from 2013/2014. Yes, as previously mentioned, she was originally a doublade gijinka so here's that drawing lmao. Her hair was so small! Masha is named after Maria GentleWhispering lmaox2
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Some 2010-2013 Davids! The half life shirt has me creased every time I see it because I know I was all about that "the cake is a lie" and other Valve meme shit at the time. David was the original protagonist's boyfriend; her name was Charlie and she, David, and Vic were in a really badly written YA love triangle. It's okay, David, I saved you. You're gay now.
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And some 2014 Nates to cap it off! Nate existed for a year or so before I finally decided to draw him. None of these are good. I do like the second drawing on the left because I hadn't settled on a final concept for the Urquhart uniforms yet so I was just going wild. Vic also already had a broken nose here, I'm not sure why. That drawing turned into this little exchange.
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That's all I've got for you! If you haven't read Inhibit, you can check it out for FREE at inhibitcomic.com, or pick up the first two books on Kickstarter right now!!!
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duckapus · 5 months
Since splatfest is it's own thing in the squid meme au what teams was Meggy?
(so I'm going with the North American Splatfests for this since in SMG4 canon the Mushroom Kingdom and Inkadia are in the US for some reason)
Splatoon 1
(since this would all be before she met Mario I can only base them off her pre-character development personality and Vibes. I have explanations for a few of them but for most I'm kinda-sorta picking at random)
Cats (since she eventually gets a cat in canon)
Roller Coasters
Marshmallows (we saw how that one food fight episode went)
Pokemon Blue
Costume Party
Early Bird (She would be a Morning Person, wouldn't she?)
Marie (I HC that she used to have a celebrity crush on Marie. Because I Can)
Splatoon 2
Flight (Mostly because she picked her team right after getting home from Mario's Challenge and was thinking that flight would've made some of those floors a lot easier to get through)
Vampire (This one's just for me ;))
Sci-Fi (the Fest started the same day she did a Matrix scene for a movie audition, it just makes sense)
Sock (honestly she kind of just picked one at random since she was too worried about Paige to really care. she almost didn't bother going at all)
Action (duh)
Soccer (anyone notice a pattern developing?)
Leo (okay losing streak aside I genuinely think Leo would be her favorite of the four)
No Pulp (the texture just feels wrong to her)
Octopus (She ended up in matches with Desti a few times and it was awkward being on the same side)
Fork (FINALLY A WIN! Just in time for Waluigi Time...)
Skipped (she was a little busy being the first victim of the Waluigi Apocalypse)
Salsa (she may or may not be allergic to avocados)
Friends (considering what I've implied Meggy and Paige's parents are like compared to the NSS and Glitchy Gang is it really surprising?)
Pancakes (she might have just flipped a coin for this one)
Skipped (she doesn't have time for Splatfest there's TRAINING TO BE DONE!!!)
Skipped (kind of hard to participate in Splatfest when all your weapons are stolen)
Skipped (both because she wouldn't have had time with the Tournament going on and...you know...the whole Being Kidnapped Thing)
Narwhals (after Mario's pep talk part of her getting back into the swing of things includes doing Splatfest stuff)
Chaos (she probably would've picked Order before she met Mario, but...)
Ketchup (a lot of things have changed for Meggy. her preference in condiments isn't one of them)
Super Mushroom (apparently she likes how they taste)
Splatoon 3
(I know she doesn't live in or even near Splatsville but thanks to the DLC we know that Inkopolis participates in Splatsville Splatfests and I figure that by this point there's be a large enough population of Inkfish living in the Mushroom Kingdom that they would too. Plus Meggy's still at least part inkling and is still culturally an Inkling so...)
Skipped (since her very existence happened to be illegal at the time and she and every other OC dropped dead the exact same day the Fest started)
Milk Chocolate
Aliens (in honor of Greg, of course)
Skipped (depending on how the timeline works out this is either during or immediately after everyone being stuck in a simulation for about a month. no way they're bothering with an ice cream Splatfest of all things)
Love (time changes a person)
Big Man (she did feel a little awkward picking between people she considers friends by this point. that being said, BIG MAAAAAAAN!!!!!)
Skeleton (I know this happens at the same time as Heist WotFI but she isn't even in that episode (I don't care that she was credited for the song that was her voice actress not Meggy herself she was not physically present and had no idea what anyone was doing that night))
[We interrupt this broadcast to bring you PUZZLEVISION!!!]
[And this one too!]
Save the World (obviously)
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s0ckh3adstudios · 1 year
What if Pizza Tower WAS a 90's cartoon?
Because of Pizza Tower's whole "aesthetic" and such, it's so extremely fun for me to just imagine it as one of those old 90's cartoons. (Especially when seeing art from people creating fake screenshots, and blogs like @pizzatowerepisodes full of ideas of episodes this hypothetical Pizza Tower show could have had.)
In some other universe, I like to imagine it was a 90's show LMAO And just for fun,,, I have some ideas as to what it could have been like
1: It would have DEFINITELY been a Cartoon Network show. No doubt about it. It's hilarious to imagine some of the Pizza Tower cast in those old CN bumpers. Pizza Tower would have been one of those shows a bit too edgy to go somewhere like Nickelodeon, and I imagine it would sometimes have those "HOW DID THEY GET AWAY WITH THAT" moments lol. It would have been a really meta show too, lots of fourth wall breaks. Think of Chowder! Like the game too, it would have had pretty smooth hand-drawn animation. Maybe the show even got popular enough it got an incredible video game.
2: The story of the cartoon... I'm not entirely sure how it would go. But maybe... Pizza Tower stars Peppino Spaghetti, a struggling italian pizza chef running his restaurant while dealing with the shenanigans he and the other characters get into, maybe the Pizza Tower beside his restaurant moving in and that's how all the cast got here and started bothering him, until season 2 they finally get into the story where Pizzaface finally decides to blow up Peppino's restaurant and a whole season is mostly focused on episodes of Peppino in the tower trying to save his restaurant. (Do you think the song for the intro of this season would be Pizza Mayhem LMAO)
3: After the intro song, the "Pizza Tower" title appears with two of the infamous purple TV's next to it. One says "Created by (insert creator name here)" and the other one has Peppino in it, where he says something unique every episode! Sometimes, another character may appear there, but it's usually Peppino. Really rough basic sketch haha. I could see it with like a darkened purple brick background, maybe a slimy pizza on the ground.
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4: At the end of every episode, before the credits, you get a minisode of NTV! Probably like 3 minutes of Noise's own show, being like "Who wants to watch a show about a pizza chef?? Watch MY show!" With some new topic every minisode. Maybe Noisette even takes over one episode! This is kind of like the thing they do after every Scaredy Squirrel episode if you've seen that.
5: This show DEFINITELY created some memes.
6: The season 2 in the tower is when Fake Peppino and Pizzahead would be introduced, Fake Pep becoming a new member of the cast and Pizzahead being the plot twist character after popping out of Pizzaface.
7: Whoever voices The Noise would be having way too much fun.
8: Two options for Snotty.
a) Always dies somehow but comes back the next episode
b) There's a whole episode dedicated to Peppino accidentally killing Snotty
That's all my random ideas for now lol Feel free to reblog with your own thoughts!
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dragonbma · 1 year
What’s Sammy like in your AUs? (Personality, but appearance in particular,, had an idea floating in my brain about an animation meme)
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Saw this ask and I swear I have never speedrun a concept so fast- it must be partially from the art high I’m getting from the animatic. /j
Sammy infodumping below:
I’ve had a rough idea for their design for a while so I’ll try to sum this up as best I can. Sammy in my AUs (and headcanons for in game) was originally an explorer with Nurm. The duo would go and chart new territories, with Sammy being oriented on studying the fauna/flora of biomes and Nurm mapping. Eventually, the two run into Jack and Vos while on a treasure hunt and decide to help out. One successful treasure hunt later and all four become a group, going on adventures and mapping and such. After a few years, Nurm decides to go off and map new locations while the trio go off adventuring.
Sea Temple time oh boy: The trio stumble upon a prismarine gauntlet while spelunking and accidentally open the original “heckmouth.” (The gauntlet doesn’t have the curse of binding, but the heckmouth does pose a great threat.) Eager to find answers on how to close the dangerous pit, they visit the closest village: Mushroom Archipelago. Sammy, used to conversing with Nurm, translates for the group and they deduce that their best bet lies in a Sea Temple nearby. (Not going into too much detail here because I’m saving it for my fic.) Unfortunately things go awry upon entering the guardian room of the temple when Sammy is killed by the guardians and Vos locked away in the room’s traps.
—Petra reminds Jack a LOT of Sammy which is why he is so quick to open up to her and offer to take her on adventures.
—The potion in Sammy’s inventory at the time of her death was given to her by Vos (something to help defeat the elder guardians with like strength or speed.)
—very similar to Petra (laid back, group mediator, etc)
—experienced archer and biologist (cartographer too after joining Jack and Vos)
—always carried a journal in her bag filled with sketches of biomes, plants, mobs, etc
—would have loved lush caves if she found one
Design Notes: (may be changed in final reference)
—bandages around hands help with climbing trees (usually to get to a vantage point for shooting)
—cape is very short and is often worn around neck or waist (also her diamond is in the center)
—every bit of me is holding back adding more plants to her apparel
—colors may be changed in her final design, but you’re absolutely free to use them nonetheless
—Hehe also as a little easter egg, for those of y’all who pay close attention to my drawings of Vos, you’ll know he carries leaves in his bag. Yes, that has always been a nod to my Sammy design. I may be slightly in denial that he’s dead, but he always plants to remind himself of her.
I cannot wait to see your animation meme omg. ^^ That sounds so freaking awesome—
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spacetravels · 2 years
hello! so i absolutely LOVED that mermaid au huntlow comic you drew; i was wondering if you had any more headcanons/ideas/world building/art for that au that you’d be willing to share?? i’m just a sucker for mer!aus AND huntlow, and yours was pretty much the first/only one i came across and i have a mighty need for that combo 🥹🥰
ps. i’m in sO MUCH LOVE with your art style aaaahhh 🥹🥹🥰🥰✨✨✨
wahh thank you 🥺💖 !! the au idea itself was the prompt i got for the valentines event, but i latched onto it so excitedly cuz i’ve been dying for AGES to figure out a huntlow merm AU so i am super grateful to my giftee LOL i do have some ideas about it :]
here’s my initial design sketches for hunter & willow tho so this isn’t All Text
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but my major ideas are like. willow’s an ecologist with kind of fantastical dreams of proving the existence of mermaids cause when she was a child she nearly drowned but was saved by what she believes is a mermaid, so it’s been a lowkey obsessive hunt for proof while conducting research for her uni thesis lol
meanswhile hunter’s a mermaid prince and is often out on scouts (both of his own insistence and the convenience of keeping him out of his uncle’s way) because he’s too curious for his own good…! very much ariel-esque in wanting to explore the surface/see what’s out in the world but is confined by like . the expectation that he’ll take over the throne someday. he doesn’t want that tho he wants to live his own life…
uhhh they meet by accident the first time cuz hunter got too bold seeing a human and it was like. pointing spider-man meme. the comic i drew is their technical second meeting, where they finally speak to each other hehe…
other things: willow’s staying at a lighthouse with longtime penpal luz, who’s been trying to find proof of mermaids for ages (they met on an online forum after willow was rescued and have shot theories back n forth ever since)
amity & gus are mermaids in the high court—gus is hunter’s advisor and closest friend, amity is hunter’s academic rival but in a fun friendly way and writes humanfic based on books that have made their way to the mer realm
is hunter the mermaid who saved willow and thus sparked their mutual interest in each other’s existence? 😳? is water wet? who knows—
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ghostofafruit · 5 months
you know your idea is stupidly funny when you feel the need to preface with you're not drunk. That being said, I am not drunk. I've just been watching a lot of mattshorehere and had the best crack fic idea. Let's call this a moonchaser week fic for Alt 1: Muggle AU, and it's a tumblr exclusive. It's also crack, it's pure crack, I'm not convinced I haven't somehow gotten drunk on water it's that ridiculous. If you haven't seen the video I'm referencing and that inspired this, here it is
mentions of nudes, again major crackfic, @ghostsfanficevents
Remus had a habit of making terrible jokes. Jokes so awful they circled back to funny and then back to bad. Subpar at best James would say. They still always pull a chuckle from him, and he refuses to leave Remus on seen when they're texting and he sends a dumb joke.
Autocorrect was a massive bitch.
James had only meant to send haha. That was it. It was a barely passable joke, a true Remus Lupin special. It wasn't really worthy of anything more than that. A HAHA would be too much, a hahaha even worse. He stared at his phone-screen in horror. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Eight, all caps, ha's.
He could picture Remus grinning at his screen, thinking his jokes had finally been good. It was a lameass joke, and now he was probably going to reuse it. He rushed to correct it. He could have sworn he'd typed out 'sorry didn't mean that' instead what sent was 'dude please hold me'. James continued looking at his phone in horror.
Remus had read it almost instantly, like he was staring at the messages waiting for James to say something. He hurried to correct it, some form of apology or excuse, but instead a row of roses sent. James decided to switch off his phone before things got worse.
Autocorrect was very much still a massive bitch. Several weeks had past since the incident as James had taken to calling it and they hadn't talked about it. It was for the best, James wasn't sure how he could explain his way out of that one.
A message from Remus popped up and James grinned to himself. The joke itself was utterly idiotic, it was more Remus himself that prompted the reaction in James. He rolled his eyes at the attempted joke and typed out a haha.
Except it did the thing again. Where James had written haha, and pressed send on haha, it send instead HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Once again eight all caps ha's. He rushed to fix the mistaked.
'I did not meant that' he sent. Instead 'Bro, please hug me' appeared in their chat. James tried to correct again, but a row of bouquet emojis replaced it.
"Fuck," James mumbled to himself. He opened his images, he had a lot of stupid things saved maybe something would work. He spotted the perfect one and selected it. He double checked that he'd only selected that and pressed send.
James watched the image load in their chat. Once it finished loading James cursed again. That was not the stupid meme befitting the situation. That was a hehhum, tastefully nude, photo of himself. A silk blanket draped across his lap, leaving very little to the imagination, but just enough to intrigue. He'd only taken it to boost his self confidence.
He went to delete it but Remus had already seen it. He'd seen it the second it had sent, he'd been lurking in their chat again.
"Fuck me," James said aloud. Instead of leaving autocorrect to it, he tried to call Remus. He did not answer. He switched to instagram instead and shot of a dm apologising for the weird situation. James didn't wait for a reply instead he tossed his phone to the side and got up to head to his art studio, he needed a distraction.
Autocorrect was a certified complete and utter bitchfuck. James wasn't even sure what that meant, but he liked it. It felt fitting. It had been another few weeks and Remus had accepted James' story and they'd laughed about it. Past that they hadn't talked about it, and James had never actually unsent the photo, Remus hadn't seemed too bothered anyway.
The familiar ping of a message rang out from his, and James grinned. He'd set a specific tone for Remus. He wiped his hand off on the rag next to him and grabbed his phone. It was yet another stupid joke. He snorted slightly and shook his head. Only Remus would find that funny, but it was it's own sort of charm James supposed.
'haha' he typed out. He noticed immediately that it had changed as soon as he'd hit send. Something was seriously up with his phone, his bet was Peter or Marlene both of them were creepily tech savey. If anyone could make him flirt with Remus through autocorrect it was them. In place of his two all lowercase ha's were once more eight all caps ha's. He sighed and typed out an excuse he knew wouldn't send.
'Mate please hold me' appeared in the chat. James sighed again. Maybe a meme would work this time. James scrolled past the photos he'd taken recently, careful not to click them, and found the same one he'd tried to send before. He clicked it, double checked it was the only thing selected, and then triple checked. For safe measure he took a screenshot of it selected and then sent it over.
James held his breath as it loaded. He waited for it to show the meme, but instead one of the new photos he'd taken appeared.
"FUCK!" James shouted. This one was even worse than the nude he'd sent before. The previous one had been artistic, taken on his camera, edited to look perfect. This one had been a similarly artistic photo, sure. He could just about claim that. The same silk blanket was draped in his, but instead on taken on the floor with a brilliant pose picked to show off his abs, it had been a mirror selfie. Even less was left to the imagination, the silk was more scrunched up and slightly higher too. It was damn good one of his hands was in his lap or he was something something would actually be exposed. The other hand had been held loosely around his phone, angling it perfectly so his slight smirk could be seen in the mirror.
James stared in horror as Remus saw it instantly. He watched as Remus went to type, then stopped, then started again.
"Shit," James said. He typed as much. He hit send without considering the current problem he was having with texting Remus.
'Mate I'm lonely' it read. James cursed again. He considered trying to fix it, but he wasn't sure how. Instead he threw his phone across the room and screamed into his desk.
Autocorrect was a brillaint wingman James reflected. He wrote as much in the vows he was drafting out. Without the weird situation his phone had started he wasn't sure he'd have ever gotten the courage to even face his feelings for Remus yet along act on them. Remus rather felt the same.
He wasn't sure exactly why his phone had started doing that and specifically with Remus, Marlene and Peter were pretty convinced it was entirely impossible until they'd both witnessed it actually happen in real time. Still, he thanked it for happening, even if it was embarrassing.
Who knew a bit of unfunctionally autocorrect would lead to James marrying his best mate?
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aberfaeth · 2 years
tlt holiday exchange fics!
by me casey aberfaeth (cee some other places, hi) :) this exchange was such a joy to be a part of!!! i really love all the fics i wrote for it, and the collection has some incredible works you should check out!
everything has breath inside
[Harrow/Gideon, Harrow&literally every other character ever, stardew valley au, 20k]
Dearest Harrowhark, If you’re reading this, I believe you are ready for a change.
(or: Harrowhark Nonagesimus moves to Canaan Valley to start afresh. Trouble is, it seems her teenage nemesis had a similar idea.)
whew did this one get away from me!! it was so much fun to write though and im looking forward to writing more of it because of course i didn’t get in all of the jokes i wanted to lol.
read everything has breath inside here!
i don’t need a parachute (if i’ve got you)
[Cam&Pal, leverage/criminals au, 6k]
The night air is cool, charged with pre-storm static. A cloudless black sky blankets the city, peppered with faint stars like bullet holes in drywall. Camilla Hect crouches in the shadows of the elevator equipment room atop the Canaan Museum of Art and Antiquities, shivering slightly in her thin elastic clothes, and snaps the final leg of her tripod grappling hook gun into place.
(or: Cam and Pal commit crimes.)
this was a treat for @junozeta which i actually wrote like. before assignments even went out, that’s how instantly enamored with the concept i was. leverage references, semi-witty repartee, and work friends to real friends abound within! this is also a universe i desperately want to return to because there is just. SO MUCH IT’S SO FUN FOR ME.
read i don’t need a parachute (if i’ve got you) here!
my girl’s a switchblade
[Cam/Pal, Team 69, d&d au, 5.7k]
“Warden,” Camilla calls, shifting her stance. “The double tap?”
(or: Five times Camilla rescues Palamedes, and one time he saves her back.)
this prompt was like the perfect mixture of my two favorite things in the entire universe!!!! this fic is wildly self indulgent nonsense, ten tropes in a trenchcoat plus memes, and was such a delight to write.
read my girl’s a switchblade here!
endless thanks to all the lovely folks who have commented such awesome stuff on these already, and to the rest of you, i hope you enjoy!! <3
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smalltownfae · 7 months
Fun asks ahoy ✨
1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11:D
Thank you for the asks. I will do like you and put it under read more since this definitely will end up being too long.
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
Preschool: There were so many creative activities in preschool and because it made me try so many things it made me discover my love for art and writing, especially. When I started the first year of school I got a library card which also made me discover a love for reading. Attending preschool also gave me the tools needed to tolerate others and learn to cooperate even with someone I don't like. It also gave me a little trauma, but that is not something for the public...
Cosplay Events: My teenage years were definitely the most awful years of my life until I was 16. At that age things got a little better because I finally met someone that made me aware that other people that liked anime and manga existed and there were even events where they dressed up as the characters and made art about it and everything. It seems odd nowadays because it seems to be a popular thing now, but there were very few events in my country and most of them were free at the time. It was just a way for all the nerds to get together and have fun and that's what I did too. People think they want to be unique, but I don't think anyone that was actually outside of the norm at one point wishes for that. I was lucky enough to have had one friend that shared my tastes since primary school, but being considered weird was still extremelly lonely. Not that I wished to be like everyone else around me, but I wanted to be liked. Living in a small town full of people with retrogade ideas while growing up was hell. Being able to go to the capital city often and making friends saved me from growing up bitter. I was so happy to find out that people like me existed. They just happened to be in a different city. Another thing we all seemed to have in common was the bullying we suffered in our schools so going to cosplay events and meetups was our safe space. At this time I was also on DeviantArt participating in manga events and meeting other artists. Knowing that I wasn't alone in my weirdness gave me hope for the future.
My first trip outside my country: In your answer you said you wanted the perspective of someone that never moved places so I can tell you that it made me very careful and fearful of many things. I am not the kind to take many risks (unless I am on a weird day because I swear that sometimes I am possessed by something that would rather die than be bored) and I need some sense of security and that can be provided by a place or a person. On my first trip outside my country I was so nervous because I had never gotten into an airplane and I went alone. I went to stay with a friend that moved to London and we were supposed to hang out all the time when I got there. However, I spent most of my visit alone since my friend didn't got the vacation for those days. I would like to thank my best friend google maps and the amazing transportation of London. Portugal wishes it had transports that efficient. I had to get by on my own and even though I felt lonely at times I was still happy to explore a new place and I even talked briefly with a few strangers. I still got to hang out with my friend when she got out of work at the end of every day. This made me a little more independent and also gave me a love for travel even though I found London a bit disappointing (my expectations were too high). It also showed me that when left alone I didn't know how to feed myself. Now, I plan those things much better because let me tell you that my stomach on that trip wasn't happy about the crap I was eating at lunch everyday.
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
I am sure we have some, but I remember nothing at the moment, sorry. It's usually some portuguese meme that we parrot around.
6. what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
As a creator that seldom creates, this is really hard to answer. I guess the best part is finding other creators that love something as much as I do and also to find people that appreciate what I do. The worst part would be negative comments and harassment, but I don't usually get those so... oh, having no reaction to what I post can hurt sometimes too, but I create mostly for myself and I am aware that the things I love aren't that popular in the great scheme of things to begin with.
8. any reacquiring dreams?
No. I seldom dream. When I remember my dreams they are usually weird and nightmarish like the fans on the floor that were cutting everyone's legs. I think I dreamed that I was falling from the sky at least twice in my entire life though because I remember once actually falling from the bed and another time when I woke up breathing heavily and grabing the corners of my bed.
9. tell a story about your childhood
One of the childhood moments I remeber the best is when I went to the beach with my parents and some of my family when I was really young. I don't remember my exact age, but I wasn't in school yet so probably 4 or something. One of my older cousins told me to go fetch water so we could build a sand castle and sent me on my way with my little bucket and nothing else because it was supposed to be a short trip. Turns out my sense of orientation has sucked since birth so I got to the water and filled my bucket, but somehow failed to find the way back to the towels where everyone was. I remember walking for what it felt like hours without a hat or shoes and at one point the sand started to burn because it does that around midday, when it's too hot in the summer. I remember that at one point I just splashed the water from my little bucket on my feet because I was in pain, but I never stopped walking even though I was crying and who knows where I was going. A nice couple found me and I remember the man held me in his arms and that's when my feet felt some sort of relief. Then they went looking for my parents and they found them eventually since my parents and the rest of my family were also looking for me. My mom has at least one more story of me getting lost as a kid, but this is the one I remember and the one I was lost for a long time.
11. what do you consider to be romance?
Damn, I just posted a quote from the Buried Giant about something similar hahaha Romantic love is very hard for me to define. When I was a teenager I thought I had it figured out because that was what most people seem to consider romantic love. The first person I ever liked wasn't only physically attractive, but was also my friend. That is what I would consider the whole package haha I would talk to them everyday and wonder what they were doing all the time and I would feel jealous if they liked someone or got with someone. Looking back it looks more like an obsession than love. I once had a friend that was in love with me and told me I had never been in love. It could be the butthurt of rejection talking, but maybe he was right. I honestly have no idea if I have ever been in love because I can't really define it. Right now I am in a weird situation. I am not really dating, but I have something (let's call it that). I don't feel jealous of other people that hang out with this person nor do I feel the need to talk to them or see them all the time, but it still feels nice when we are together.
Honestly, there are a billion definitions of romance and different people would provide different answers. All of this to say that I have no idea of what my own definition is and maybe I will never know. I decided to let things happen since I have bigger troubles than romance at the moment. That is another thing. What people usually call romance is also associated to stressful things to me. It's probably because of the examples I have had growing up. People are always afraid of being cheated on or jealous if their partner hangs out with others and such. Honestly, it looks way too troublesome for me to deal with so I do not want it to be like that and I also want to mantain some of my freedom.
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akkivee · 2 years
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an art meme i bumped into on twitter!!!! and me rambling about it lol
favourite colours: i did this all on my phone so i both colour picked and eyed it, but the first three are the base colours i use for kuukou lol and i tend to fall back on purple when i don’t actively think about which colours to use. (purple, ironically, is my favourite colour 😭😭😭) that brown orange colour warms up my images in ways that make me feel like i know what i’m doing when i colour it sure does save me lmao
favourite subjects: lol i’m actually getting worried i can’t bring myself to draw if he’s not part of the picture but that’s a different conversation lmao
favourite brushes: painting brushes come and go but himogi pen is eternal—
favourite piece: jyushi’s gorgeous, hitoya’s hair didn’t stab me through my stomach mortal kombat style for once, drawing kuukou’s ew04 hair helped me finally decide to draw kuukou’s bangs the way they should be; it was just a piece that improved the way i draw them lol
tried something new: i don’t think i made gif art before this in csp so it was really neat to figure that out!!!!
goals for next year: comic- since all i do is binge korean webcomics nowadays, this goal is heavily influenced by that, but i do miss making short comics 😭 i have an idea for an ichikuu comic i’d love to work on 😭😭 anatomy- if i could draw men’s bodies as juicy and fluidly as nu:carnival’s men, i would never strive to change ever actually LOL animating- had an idea for a gif but it would take a little bit of animation technique to get it to look the way i want. idk how to do that lol animating wasn’t something i was interested in but i can 👍 learn 👍
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