#arriving by boat and the whole thing was...how little things change
mourningmaybells · 2 years
i’m still looking up historical information, but another way dracula (the threatening immigrant) and van helsing (the non-threatening immigrant) mirror each other is that dracula famously arrives by boat which is associated with undocumented immigrants, and van helsing uses the trains to go from amsterdam to england and vice versa
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sturniluvr · 4 months
Love in the sun
Lando Norris x fem!reader
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word count: 2.8k
warnings: none other than a few mentions of children (if you don’t like kids😭) possible spelling mistakes(?)
summary: Lando and Y/N go on holiday together during the summer break and come home engaged.
A/N: Keep in mind throughout that I have no idea how the luxury life works im broke asf so it may be inaccurate😭and sorry for quite a few time skips I had a bit of writers block😭
❗️semi proof read❗️
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Y/N and Lando were currently halfway through their flight en route to Mykonos for a week while Lando had the summer break. The couple had a few things pre planned for the week in Greece such as a party boat they had booked prior to the holiday and Y/N was hoping for no more injuries on Lando's end after the incident in Amsterdam and going to a few tourist attractions, but they mostly just wanted to spend time with each other, they didn’t care what they were doing as long as they were together, and of course they were staying with Hilton as the couple always had the best experiences with Hilton hotels and being a sponsor of McLaren, it was only right they chose Hilton. 
Lando was scrolling on his phone and he felt a weight on his shoulder, he looked to his side and saw his girlfriend asleep on his shoulder. The love of his life, his best friend, his girl and hopefully, soon, his wife. She had been by his side since before he made it into f1, he remembers vividly how excited she was when he told her he was offered a seat with McLaren, she seemed more excited than he was, and she hadn’t left his side since. He smiled at the memory. He had a whole plan set in place to propose to Y/N, he couldn’t wait to propose to her, he had brought the ring around 2 years into the relationship when he was out with Max and he saw the perfect ring that just screamed Y/N to him and he’d just been waiting for the perfect moment, which was this holiday and also their 5 year anniversary. 
time skip to landing
Lando was looking out the window in his own world when he heard the pilot over the intercom. 
“Mr Norris, we will be starting descent in Mykonos in about 10 minutes so please get ready to fasten your seatbelt sir.” On cue, he saw the little seatbelt light come on above his head. He gently shook Y/N to wake her up. 
“Darling, we’ll be landing soon, you need to put your seatbelt on.” He spoke quietly as he knows she doesn’t like loud noises when she first wakes up. She stirs and slowly opens her eyes and lifted her head off Lando’s shoulder. Lando looked at her with a soft smile and a little chuckle escaped his lips at the sight of the woman’s messy hair.  
“Hey sleepy head, pilot just said to put our belts on we’ll be descending soon.” She nodded at him as she fixed her hair and put her belt on, Lando doing the same next to her. 
As they got closer to the ground, Y/N grabbed hold on Lando’s hand to comfort herself as landing was probably her least favourite part of flying and he rubbed her knuckles in a comforting manner. 
After landing, they grabbed their luggage and made their way to the chauffeur who led them to the car provided by Hilton to take them to the hotel.  
small time skip cus I’m lazy
They arrived to their room in the hotel and unpacked their suitcases and got changed into some clothes more suited to the warm climate of the island they were on for the next two weeks as they had an early flight and when the couple arrived it was only early afternoon After changing, Y/N and Lando left the hotel and went for a small walk around the town and get anything little essentials they may need while on holiday like bottles of water, snacks for the hotel room etc. 
“Don’t forget we need to buy sunscreen aswel, since somebody left it behind being the clever clogs he is.” Y/N said, giving Lando a cheeky smile.  
“Ha Ha, very funny cheeky.” Lando replied sarcastically, pinching her side softly. The couple laughed as they continued to walk in and out of shops and buy the essentials. 
Later on that day, Y/N was relaxing on a sunbed reading her book and Lando was next to her on another sunbed with his hat over his eyes. About half hour later, Y/N was now lying on her stomach so she could tan her back aswel as her front and she felt a pair of hands smack her bum. She looked behind to see her boyfriend with a boyish smile on his face, she smiled back at him and rolled her eyes jokingly at his actions. 
“Do you want another drink baby? I'm going to the bar.” Lando stated and she nodded. 
“Same again please Lan, I'm going to head up to the room for a little siesta, it’s getting pretty warm out here.” He nodded in understanding knowing how easily the heat got to her sometimes, that’s why he always made sure she was well hydrated and was taking care of herself. 
“Okay baby, I’ll grab our drinks and I’ll come up aswel and have a quick shower or something.” She nodded at her boyfriend before he left to go get their drinks from the bar. She packed up everything she had brought down to the pool with her and made her way into the hotel and up to their room. 
couple days later
Y/N was relaxing on the balcony of the hotel room while waiting for Lando to get back, he’d told her he was going out to get some more water for the room when in reality he was sat in the hotel reception talking on the phone to the manager of the restaurant he was planning to take Y/N to on the last day of the holiday, their anniversary, to finalise any details about the proposal and the booking details.  
“So, you’ll tell her you’re going to the bathroom and one of our waiters will lead her out to the beach? Is that correct Mr Norris?” the manager asked Lando over the phone.
“Yes, that is correct. Thank you again for helping me with this. It means a lot.” Lando replied, the manager smiled at the idea of young love.
“It's quite alright sir. Right, that's all booked and ready for you for a few days' time.” 
Once everything was finalised, he thanked the manager and hung up the phone and left the hotel with a small smile on his face at the thought of him proposing to the love of his life in the next couple days and made his way to the little shop 10 minutes from the hotel and grabbed the bottles of water like he had told Y/N he was doing. 
He walked back to the hotel and into the hotel room where he was met with the sight of Y/N asleep on the sofa in the living area with the balcony door open to let a breeze in and her book covering her face. He smiled in amusement and put the crate of water bottles down and he made his way over to the sofa. He crouched down in front of her and took her book from off her face, keeping his thumb on the page so she wouldn’t lose her page and quickly put her bookmark in place before closing it. He gently shook her awake.  
“Wake up sleepy head. We need to go downstairs for lunch soon.” She opened her eyes lazily and looked at Lando with a sleepy smile which he returned with a smile of his own. She slowly sat up and picked up her half drunk bottle of water off the table in front of her. 
“Hey pretty girl, the sun tired you out huh?” He joked, stroking her thigh. She nodded softly before speaking. 
“Yeah, and it didn’t help next door had a crying baby and I couldn’t focus on my book, so I just came inside.” Lando chuckled at her response.  
“We’ll be heading down for lunch in a minute if you wanna go freshen up a bit beforehand.” The curly haired boy spoke, Y/N nodded and made her way to their bedroom to put a clean top on as she had some sweat stains that didn’t look flattering at all and touched up the small amount of makeup she had on which consisted of just concealer, mascara and some lip balm. 
The couple both headed down to lunch, indulging in conversation about the most random topics causing them both to start laughing. The couple were suddenly interrupted by a little girl, who looked no older than 5 and had a little bunny stuffed animal in her arms, who came up to them and tapped Y/N’s arm softly. 
“Excuse me miss, can you help me find my mummy. I was with her and my older brother and now I can’t find them.” The older woman’s eyes softened at the sight of the tears in the little girl's eyes. She nodded at her. 
“Of course, sweetheart. What’s your name?” Y/N spoke in a gentle tone. 
“Emily, I’m sorry for interrupting you two, but I recognised Lando because Jack my brother is a formula one fan and I’ve seen him on tv, so I thought you two seemed safe rather than a complete stranger.” Emily admitted shyly, Lando nodded at her with a smile before the couple stood up to help her find her brother and mum. 
“You did the right thing sweetie. C’mon we’ll help you find your mum” Lando spoke, he held the little girl's small hand in his and the three of them made their way over to the front desk at reception. 
“Excuse me, this little girl has lost her mum. Do you have any idea where she could be?” Y/N asked the lady on the front desk. She nodded and made her way around to the front of the desk so she could talk to Emily. 
“What does your mum look like sweetheart?” She asked as she crouched down to her size. 
“Brown hair, green eyes, she had a long blue dress on, she was with my older brother who was wearing red swim shorts and a Minecraft t-shirt” the receptionist nodded at her. All of a sudden, they heard the voice of a woman, Y/N looked up to see a woman matching Emily’s description of her mother.  
“Emily! There you are baby!” She ran over and gave her a quick hug. Emily pointed to the three other adults before she spoke to her mum.
“The helped me mummy. Lando and his girlfriend helped me find you and the nice lady on reception!” Emily walked over to Y/N and gave her a hug which Y/N reciprocated. 
“Thank you.” Emily muttered smiling up at the couple. They both smiled at her. 
“Thank you for helping my daughter, we were so worried!” Her mum exclaimed.  
“It’s fine honestly! I can’t imagine how worried I’d be if I’d lost my kid in a resort this big.” She replied, the two women chuckling at her response. Lando looked to Jack and smiled. 
“Hey buddy, I hear you’re a formula one fan? Do you want a photo?” He asked and Jack nodded quickly, the children’s mum pulled out her phone and Jack walked over to Lando and the pair took a photo together. Jack said a quick thank you to the driver before the little family headed off and the couple went to their room to get ready for the party boat they were going on later, which thankfully did not end in any injuries on Lando’s part this time.
the last night of the holiday
Tonight was Y/N and Lando’s last night of the holiday, and it was their anniversary. After a morning full of cuddles, kisses, some less PG stuff and exchanging cards and gifts, the couple had spent the rest of the day walking around visiting little landmarks around Mykonos and getting gifts for family members.  
They were now currently getting ready to head out to the Italian restaurant Lando had booked for them. Y/N was wearing a flowy white dress that came down to just below her knees and Lando was wearing a plain white dress shirt and some khaki shorts that Y/N had brought him just before they came to Mykonos. 
“You ready sweetheart?” Lando shouted to Y/N from the bedroom. She walked in and smiled at him. 
“Yup. You ready?” She replied walking into the bedroom smiling at Lando who was sat on the bed. He reached out to her and rested his hands on her waist and pulled her into him, he pulled her down slightly and planted a kiss to her lips. 
“You look stunning baby. An absolute princess if you ask me.” he expressed with a small smirk on his face. She grabbed her bag off the bed and grabbed Lando’s hand and the couple made their way out the hotel and to the restaurant.  
Once they arrived at the restaurant, the waiter took them to their seats and took their orders, coming back shortly after with the drink orders which was some red wine for both of them. When they had their food brought to them around 20 minutes later, they ate their food while talking about anything they could think of. There was never a dull moment with Y/N and Lando’s conversations.
After eating and having paid the bill. Lando was about to put the plan into motion. 
“I’m just gonna head to the bathroom before we leave gorgeous. Won’t be long.” She nodded at Lando, what she didn’t realise was Lando was actually leaving through the back entrance of the restaurant to get to the beach across from the restaurant without Y/N realising. 
Shortly after, the waiter came over to Y/N and held his arm out for her to take. 
“If you’d like to close your eyes and follow me miss.” he requested. She skeptically complied and took his arm as she closed her eyes, and he took her across to the beach where Lando was waiting by the ocean.  
Once she was in front of Lando, he silently thanked the waiter and he left and went back to the restaurant. Lando grabbed Y/N’s hands in his and she took that as a sign to open her eyes and her and Lando were the only ones on the beach and the only sounds was the water crashing onto the sand. Lando began to speak. 
“Y/N, from the moment I made it home after our first date when we were 19, I knew you were the one. You’ve been with me through the ups and downs of not only my life, but my entire career and I could not thank you enough. You experienced my first podium with me and my first win and every other milestone in my career and I’ll forever be grateful to have you by my side for everything. My mum always told me as a kid that when I meet the one, I’d feel it. You’re the one Y/N. You’re my person.” Lando announced. Y/N’s hand flew over her mouth as Lando got down onto one knee and pulled out a red velvet box, opening the box to reveal the most stunning diamond ring, tears were welling in both of the adults’ eyes. 
“Y/N M/N/ L/N, will you make the happiest man ever and marry me?” He spoke with a hint of emotion in his voice. She vigorously nodded her head, tears flowing down her cheeks. 
“Yes Lando! Of course I’ll marry you” she replied. He grinned up at her and placed the ring on her left ring finger as he stood back up, hearing distant claps from people passing by and sat outside the restaurant who had witnessed the proposal. He then cupped her cheeks and pulled her into a passionate kiss full of love. The newly engaged couple pulled out of the kiss and smiled at each other, eyes filled with just as much love as the day they met. 
“I love you so much my darling girl. I can’t wait for you to be my wife.” He grinned ear to ear at his now fiancée.  
“I love you too my love. I can’t wait to be married to you and spend the rest of our lives together.” She replied, smiling back at her fiancé. 
They made their way up the beach, walking along the shore in a comfortable silence. Y/N was first to break the silence. 
“Oh my god I just realised I can now put my Pinterest board to use!” She exclaimed in excitement, clapping her hands together with a beaming smile on her face. Lando let out a laugh at her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and Y/N wrapped her arm around his waist. 
“I knew you’d say that you muppet” Lando joked. She smiled softly up at him. 
“We’re both muppets but we’re each other's muppets.” She corrected the driver. He just smiled at his girl. 
“That we are beautiful, that we are.” He softly chuckled as they continued to walk down the beach. 
Once they got home from Mykonos early the next morning, Y/N and Lando had announced the proposal on social media and rang their families, who were all very happy and excited for the couple. 
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Liked by: landonorris, maxfewtrell, pietra.pilao, mclaren and others
y/user: Mykonos with my favourite human, swipe to the end for a surprise👀 (hint: he’s now completely off the market ladies🤭)
tagged: landonorris
landonorris: had the best time with you beautiful, love you forever🤍
liked by creator❤️
y/user: right back at you my love. Love you more❤️
pietra.pilao: congratulations you two!! So happy! Love you both🫶🏻
liked by: landonorris, y/user
y/user: thank you p! We love you too🫶🏻
mclaren: congratulations to you both!🧡
liked by: landonorris, y/user
lilyzneimer: omg!! Congrats you guys🤍(I better be your bridesmaid y/n/n😉😂)
liked by: landonorris, y/user, oscarpiastri
y/user: thank you lils! You already know you’re my bridesmaid babe!😉😘
liked by lilyzneimer
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Liked by: mclaren, y/user, oscarpiastri and others
landonorris: Lando Norriz who?😏 here’s to forever with you my darling girl I can’t wait for you to be Mrs Norris🥂I love you endlessly🤍
tagged: y/user
y/user: I love you my boy🤍can’t wait to be mrs Norris🤍 (and to use my Pinterest board😝)
liked by creator❤️
landonorris: 😭😭😭 I do love you baby😂❤️
oscarpiastri: congrats mate!👏🏻Love you both!🧡 (Y/N and Lily have already been messaging non-stop about dresses😭)
liked by: y/user, landonorris, lilyzneimer
landonorris: thanks osc!🧡 and trust me mate, I know😭
y/user: watch it you pair, lily will be just as bad when you finally grow a pair and propose osc😌😘
lilyzneimer: yes I will😉😘
oscarpiastri: 👀
maxfewtrell: congrats you pair! Lots of love❤️
liked by: y/user, landonorris
landonorris: cheers mate we love you too❤️
user3: omg my parents!!😭🫶🏻also trust Lando to wear a jumper in Mykonos😭
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🏷️: @allywthsr @idathereader @moonlight-girls-posts @saturnbloom77 @scar-005 @barcelonaloverf1life @shellybee456 @meandjoemama @wellwellwellsposts @charli123456789 @timmy-wife1 @m4rt10ne @tellybearryyyy @hc-dutch @nocoolusernamesavailable-blog @neo-teenkidz @landosgirl97 @promenadewithme
If there’s a line through your name, it wouldn’t let me tag you😭
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eggcats · 5 months
Radioapple fic, where after it's revealed that Pentious was redeemed, Heaven sends some angels (including some of Lucifer's own family) down to check out this Hazbin Hotel. (common fic theme)
And Lucifer is STRESSED. He hasn't seen any of his family in millennia, and they absolutely did not part on good terms. Especially because now he has to make as good of an impression as he can because he will NOT be the cause of Charlie's dreams failing.
Anyway, one of Lucifer’s estranged family arrives and they have absolutely NOTHING good to say about the hotel, it's people, or even hell itself. Insulting the decor, how it looks, being like "You got kicked out for free will and THIS is what they do with it? Ugh." and the like.
Lucifer is trying to keep himself together for Charlie's sake. (He's only had 3 breakdowns today, he's doing good!)
However, the last thing he expects is Alastor coming to his defense. Alastor looks at this shitty relative of Lucifer’s and is immediately like, "How DARE you? Antagonizing this angel is MY JOB, and I don't send him into hysterics, I send him into MUSICAL NUMBERS. Get out of my hotel immediately." But, obviously, he can't SAY that (for many reasons, the least of which is that Charlie needs them here for her redemption project).
So instead, he just picks at everything they say. "Hmmmmm, yes, but we at least chose to do this with this, free will you're insulting. What's your excuse for that eyesore youre wearing, hmmm?"
Alastor goes as far as to defend Lucifer’s choices in decor in the hotel, and Lucifer is completely confused because he and Alastor literally fought the day before about that SAME decor??
(The second the angel leaves Alastor turns to him and goes "They're right, you know, that is the ugliest interior design I've ever seen," and then DISAPPEARS before Lucifer can even respond. What the hell?!)
Alastor is not ignorant of toxic family dynamics, and while part of his initial issues with Lucifer stemmed from his belief in him being a deadbeat father, actually knowing him kind of changes his thoughts on this. It's a little telling that Charlie has been (apparently) attempting to contact her mother during her 7 year disappearance and has heard nothing, but the father who (she believed) thinks she's a failure shows up within an hour of her calling him ONCE. And then he does whatever he can to help her dreams, and the second she implies she wants him around more, he MOVES IN. It's kind of hard to continue thinking that LUCIFER is the toxic parent in the family dynamic, after all this.
(He still fights him, though, because it's fun to tell the most powerful being in hell his choice of interior design is ugly. If Alastor kind of doesn't go for the throat in all of Lucifer’s insecurities anymore, no one needs to acknowledge that.)
So, during the entire Heaven tour, Alastor is strongly in the "form a united front" boat. He can and WILL come out of the shadows for a sarcastic quip that simultaneously shuts them down AND makes Lucifer feel better.
(Alastor will NOT acknowledge the anger that goes through him at the idea of someone other than him picking at Lucifer, especially when they are CLEARLY trying to send him into a breakdown. How dare they. *cough* Anyway.)
So the whole ordeal winds up not as stressful as Lucifer was dreading, because somehow he has an antagonistic cannibal deer defending him the entire time. And Lucifer has no idea HOW that happened, but it does kind of make him feel better. (And Alastor's form of mocking him does, too, somehow.)
When they're alone, however, Alastor still picks at him so they can fight. (And Lucifer didn't notice until now how much FUN he has fighting with Alastor, and that Alastor insulting him makes him want to do better and prove him wrong, unlike his visiting family that makes him want to lock himself away for a decade.)
The tour ends, and Alastor and Lucifer go back to how they were before. (Sort of. Lucifer might be re-evaluating every interaction they've ever had and might send himself into a mild crisis.)
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angelicsoka · 7 months
BLIND DATE, j. drysdale
part two <3
word count | 758 words
pairings | jamie drysdale x single mother!hughes!reader
summary | you were never one for dating, especially when trevor is the one setting them up. but one date can’t hurt, right?
warnings | talk of pregnancy and terrible ex boyfriends. not proofread. one use of “y/n”. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | thank you for 200 followers! i can't believe people actually enjoy my writing but here we are lmao. i’ve had this idea sitting in my drafts for a while but i finally decided to sit down and write it. its pretty short but i’m not against writing a part two :) anyway, enjoy!!
dating was never really your thing, at least not since your last boyfriend left you pregnant and alone in a city you were unfamiliar with. your ex had convinced you to move from michigan to california, something your family tried to warn you against, but you were stubborn. finding out you were pregnant was an accident, a routine checkup. what was supposed to be a wonderful thing turned terrible quick. your ex was angry, he wanted nothing to do with a kid. he gave you an ultimatum: get an abortion or we are over. but, as stated before, you were stubborn and had already to start to fall in love with the idea of being a mom. so, he left and you chose to stay in anaheim, a difficult decision but your ego was already hurt and proving your parents right was not what you wanted to do.
so, here you were, the mother of a two year old little girl who was your whole world. she was your moon and stars, the light of your life. it was you and her against the world, and you were content with that. that was until trevor zegras decided to intervene. “one date.” he begged, “he's a good guy, you’ll like him!” you had simply rolled your eyes, but after he offered to babysit for you whenever you wanted, you faltered, agreeing to the date. 
now, you were sat in a fancy restaurant awaiting the arrival of trevor’s friend. she felt out of place, her dress not nearly as elegant as the women that surrounded her. she checked her phone once more, ready to leave when a man in a suit rushed over, a hurried look on his face. “sorry, i’m sorry! trevor wouldn't stop yapping.” you stood up, smoothing out your dress before offering him your hand to shake. 
“it's all good, you must be jamie?” he nodded, shaking your hand. his smile made your heart flutter slightly, bringing a smile to grace your own lips. “y/n, it's a pleasure.” the anxious pit in your stomach began to settle as you sat, feeling comfortable in the presence of jamie. 
“trevor didn’t tell me much about you.” jamie smiled sheepishly.
“guess we’re in the same boat then.” you smiled, taking a sip from your water. “tell me, jamie, how is it that a handsome guy like you is resorting to blind dates to find a girl?” you questioned, a teasing look in your eye. jamie blushed, ducking his head slightly.
“well, hockey takes up most of my time and trevor takes up the rest of it.” you laughed at that, “it's like wrangling around a small child.”
“oh, i know that feeling all to well. my daughter is great at matching his energy.” jamie did well in hiding his shock, masking it with confusion, but you had learned to pick up on the small cues. “he didn’t tell you?” 
“no, uh, he wasn’t very forthcoming with information.” you nodded, unlocking your phone and pulling up a picture of your daughter. 
“this is my daughter, isla. she has enough energy to outdo trevor, but she’s my world and i wouldn’t change a thing about her.” jamie smiled at the photo of isla who was wearing an elsa dress, her mouth covered in chocolate. 
“she is very cute.” jamie looked to you, “just like her mom.” you blushed, laughing slightly. “how old is she?”
“just turned two, here’s her with my brothers at her frozen themed party.” you swiped to the photo of isla opening her presents with the help of your brothers. 
“is that jack wearing a… tiara?” jamie questioned, pointing to jack who had a crown, which was too small, on his head. 
you giggled, swiping to another photo, “yeah well, quinn and luke were wearing tutus but they attacked me when i tried to take a picture, but isla has them wrapped around her finger.” you showed jamie the photo of your daughter in her elsa dress, quinn and luke wearing matching tutus. “they don’t know i have this photo.” jamie laughed, a sound you were already growing to love. you closed your phone, setting it beside you. 
“anyway, tell me about you.” and he did, and you listened intently, never once losing interest. what you thought would be a boring date, had turned into one of the best dates you had ever been on. you exchanged numbers before you went your separate ways, another date already in the works. 
who knew trevor would make a decent matchmaker?
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spitdrunken · 7 months
response to this ask: ABSOLUTELY NOT TOO MUCH!!! This ask has brought me infinite joy and I have reread it a LOT. (Also dw, I will always assume Reader is an adult through asks!! But I get why you’d wanna say that with a term such as grooming, haha) also this got REALLY LONG… HELP.
Notes: pseudocest, obsessive behaviour, codependency, unequal power dynamics, implied minor character death, infantilization… general creepiness. Perhaps this veers away from my original post a little, but I love the idea that you’re someone entirely new to Hell. You’re fresh off the boat, so to speak, entirely unfamiliar with the way things work around here— Except that everything’s fucking terrifying, and you want out! Right now. Please. You see an ad on a random TV in a store’s display, one featuring a hotel that promises ‘sinners’ (which is what you are now, apparently, even your own body now being a new and confusing factor of your existence) a possible way to ascend up to Heaven. Now new and refurbished, after the last successfully averted extermination! Whatever that means. With nowhere else to turn to, no other leads or possibilities except sleeping out on the blood-soaked streets, of course you go! Who wouldn’t? You’d be stupid not to go! …Unless this is all a big scam In which case, you can only hope that you can’t die more than once.
Maybe you arrive, and this grand, beautiful hotel, is, well… Deserted. It’s beautiful on the outside, sure, but where are any of the staff? Or the people staying there, for that matter? You’re so uncomfortable out it all, that you nearly turn tail and run back from whence you came. You would have, if where you came from wasn’t ten times worse.
You walk up to the front desk, and, before you can change your mind, ring the little bell placed on the desk. Someone appears in a flash of golden light, and you have to squint your eyes to avoid being blinded. It disappears as quickly as it came, and a man… Demon, actually, appears in its place. (You catch a quick glance of something bright yellow being quickly stuffed into his pocket, but you have no idea what it is.) His form is noticeably more humanoid than the others you’ve seen out and about. Yes, his skin is an inhuman tone, and his cheeks take apple-red to a whole new level, but he doesn’t appear monstrous. That doesn’t make him exactly inviting, however. His face is set in a neutral expression, and he openly looks you up and down, pupils narrowed into slits. You scratch at the side of your neck, only to immediately flinch. You aren’t quite used to how sharp your nails are nowadays. “Um, hello! I— Sorry to bother you, sir,” you break the silence. “I might be wrong, but is this the Hazbin Hotel…? I saw the advertisement that was put out, and I was interested. Would you happen to be the owner?”
His neutral expression fades, and a small smile takes it place, eyelids sliding half-closed. “Oh no, no— Old me isn’t the boss of this place. That would be my daughter! I’m sure you would have heard of us.” He leans on his staff, both of his hands cupped around the apple on top. His eyes roam around your expression as if searching for something. “You’re pretty new here, I’m guessing?” “…Mhm. It’s that obvious, huh?” You don’t know how he was able to tell so quickly, but you laugh in a way that can only be heard as self deprecating. You shift your weight from one foot to the other, and avert your eyes.
“It’s kind of hard to tell how much time has passed, but— Not a lot. Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on. One moment, I was alive, and the next I was here, with this weird body, surrounded by terrifying people, and I don’t know—“ Your voice cracks under the weight of the reality of your situation. An eternity in Hell. “God, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… Yeah. It’s just been a lot.” “I see. Yes, this realm isn’t particularly kind, least of all to newcomers. I can’t imagine what you’ve seen.” He says, quieter now. You dare a glance at his face. Something in his features has softened at your words, his slit pupils and smile wider in size. When he sees you looking, he extends a hand. You take it, and he gives you multiple firm shakes, before pulling you into a quick hug that has your knees buckle a bit and crushes the air out of your lungs. For a little guy, he really is surprisingly strong. When he lets you go, he’s still got a hand holding yours, leading you to one of the couches in the lobby, and promptly plopping down, pulling you with him. “But things are already on the rise for you from here on out!” He says, all boisterous and smiles, revealing rows of sharp teeth. “You’re new here, and already hit the jackpot! Lucifer’s the name!" And you can only imagine what kind of expression flashes over your face, because he nods rapidly and winks at you. “—Yes, that one, glad that, at least, rings a bell. And staying here places you under my family’s protection." His gaze drifts over the lobby. "My daughter and her friends are out doing trust exercises somewhere right now, but I’m certain she’ll be happy to welcome once she returns. She’s a real sweetheart, let me tell you! She didn’t get that from me, I can tell you that!” He laughs, but it quickly tapers off into a sigh. You wish you could laugh along. You have to admit you’re more than just a bit frozen up, questioning all of the decisions in your life and death that lead up to this moment. Sitting on a couch in a hotel lobby with Satan himself… Maybe you could die again, after all, and you were about to experience it. You probably have committed like fifty gross breaches of etiquette already, and, and— There’s a little rubber duck sitting on your lap.
It immediately snaps you out of your stupor, with how sudden and unexpected it is. The duck is bright yellow with chubby orange cheeks, and wearing a little black top hat. You can’t help cracking up a bit, taking it into your hand. …Maybe this guy is as silly as his outfit would suggest. Was calling himself Lucifer his idea of a joke? Things might be alright after all. “Ah..." You smile. "He’s so cute!” You relax, letting your back hit the sofa you’re sitting on. “Like a little gentleman!” This is the only adorable thing you’ve seen ever since arriving in Hell, and no one should blame you for getting a bit excited. Your days have been nothing but utter misery, after all. “You think so? I mean—“ He laughs, short and sudden. “Of course you do! Just look at the little guy! Who couldn’t love him? You can keep him, I can make another one lickety-split!” “Oh! Um, thank you! Does he have a name?” You’re full-on smiling now, and turning to look at ‘Lucifer’. At a shake of his head, you hum in thought. “A fancy guy deserves a fancy name… What about Reginald?” You turn the little toy around, inspecting it from all sides. “You’ve seen nothing yet! Just give it a little squeeze, not too much.” You do as he says. Through the little hole in its beak, a white droplet emerges. “It’s glue! He used to help me with my crafting projects. But, well, he’s yours now. Off to greener pastures, as they say.” You can’t help yourself. The whole situation is really not all that funny, but you crack up, and once you start laughing, you can’t stop. Your chest hurts, and tears are burning at the corners of your eyes. You have no idea why! Everything’s been such a mess lately. After a couple of seconds, you babble out some nonsense. “I gave— I gave Reginald such a posh name! But… Y’know, he’s a working man!” You say, still cracking up in between the words. At this, it’s Lucifer who laughs, a sound loud and sudden enough to ring in your ears. Seems you hadn’t heard a real laugh out of him before after all.
In other words, Lucifer (who you end up finding out really is the Devil himself) quickly grows fond of you, and takes you under his wings. Perhaps it’s your innocence about Hell and it’s mechanisms that pulls him towards you, combined with the fact that you’re just kind of easy to fuss over. You’re none the wiser that Lucifer was all but hopeless about sinners before helping restart the hotel, and entirely unaware that your dynamic is anything but normal. In your mind, Lucifer must befriend people rather frequently! While you’re quickly taken in by Hazbin Hotel’s other friends and staff, it really is Lucifer who helps you through your adjustment period. He makes you little covers for your claws, so you can get used to having sharp appendages, and not accidentally keep clawing open furniture or your own flesh. He requests Nifty makes some food that is at least visually similar to some Earth meal. When you wake up in the morning, there’s always a little duck sitting in front of your hotel door, making you start your day with a smile. You’ve got a shelf full of them now, and love all of them. (And when you’re curled up in your bed, late at night, crying over all that you’ve lost, smothering your sobs with a pillow, there is a gentle knock on your door. Lucifer sits on the side of your bed, wearing striped pajamas in red and white, and encourages you to pour your heart out to him.
There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Everything you’re feeling, everything you’re going through— He’s heard and seen it all before. In fact, he’s sure he’s heard much, much worse. Has he ever done you wrong? No, he hasn’t. So, talk to him. He tells you, dabbing at your face with a white handkerchief decorated with apples stitched onto it. And you do.)
Lucifer looks after you. Sure, he’s not perfect. But no one is, right? Lucifer often seems to lose track of the conversation you’re having with him, distracted by the things around him and suddenly veering off into entirely different territory. In general, his memory is spotty at best, but you’re not surprised that an immortal being such as himself wouldn’t remember every single little thing you say.
He’ll hole himself up in his workshop for days at a time, only to emerge with nothing to show for it, except for a downtrodden expression. He’ll fight with Alastor (and continuously remind you to stay far away from that piece of shit), and get fussy whenever you try to leave the hotel without him glued to your side. Though his memory seems to often be unreliable, and you believe that a lot of simple conversations you have with him are simply left forgotten, there are instances you would consider insignificant that remain fresh in his mind.
“You’re doing it again,” you tell Lucifer. He’s pacing up and down the length of his room, ranting about Alastor. He blinks, and halts his movements, tapping his staff on the floor. “Doing what?” “The thing,” you emphasize, before standing up and walking towards him, dragging the top of your finger across his bottom lip. You can feel him take a quick inhale as soon as you make contact. A golden smear is left across your skin. “You’re always chewing on your bottom lip when you get upset. Doesn’t it hurt? I know it heals within, like, ten seconds, but still!” Absentmindedly, you look at his blood. It’s a weird thought to have, but it’s strangely… Beautiful. You look back up at him, and your brow furrows. “Hey… Were your red spots always that big? I think I’m seeing things.”
But things get better, and he improves. He starts to try and take little notes of the things you’ve told him, alongside the words of other people important to him, like Charlie, like a diary of sorts. The door to his workplace starts being left unlocked, and you’ll wander in, from time to time. You’ll sit on the chair in the corner of the room, reading or otherwise occupying yourself, and telling him that no, that duck or toy is not the worst thing you’ve ever seen, and doesn’t deserve to be burnt to a crisp.
You listen as he, on bad days, talks about his wife with a forlorn expression on his face. Things get better, though. He tries not to see the worst in sinners any longer, and his moods grow better. He spends more time with Charlie. All is well. You don’t realize just how entangled your existences are until you’re in too deep. That your eyes search for him every time you enter a new room, that you’ve grown comfortable with him doing the talking for you. You try to convince yourself it’s not a bad thing, but the simple truth is that you’ve lost a chunk of your independence. And when you try to go out with the other residents, it’s so easy for him to coax you back out of it.
Are you really sure you want to go? Look, I’m not trying to keep you here— I’m really not! But Hell’s a dangerous place out there, and I can assure you there’ll be things there that you really don’t want to see. …I’ve been working on a little display case for your favourite ducks, I can show you that instead.
He only grows more protective when time goes on, and you do more exercises with the rest of the hotel, bond with the other residents. At times, he tries to convince you to forgo their shared activities entirely.
(You try to forget about what you found in a drawer of his desk, one day. A note among so many other reminders that he is known to keep. But this one is wrinkled, pen pressed so hard to the paper that it’s torn in places. All of them want to go to Heaven, all of them want to leave here. Me. I get it. Because she has left, no one can be guaranteed to stay. But I won’t let the apple of my eye be taken, even if they send down an envoy and try to escort them up themselves. …But it’s hard not to remember.) When he gives you your a warning about the ‘scary outside world’ for the umpteenth time, you can’t help but roll your eyes and counter. Alright, dad. Nothing about your tone shows sincerity. You mean it as a joke or a jab, but Lucifer doesn’t laugh. Instead, he hums out a pleased little noise, a smile settling on his face.
The way he looks at you is so utterly tender, all half-lidded eyes and pupils blown wide, that it leaves you reeling. He nestles himself at your side, under the comfort of your arm, and promises to take care of you for the rest of your eternal life spent there. You have an eternity. It’s sweet, and knocks the breath out of you.
But you would’ve been able to reconcile the image of Lucifer and ‘father figure’ more easily if he, sometimes, didn’t act so contrary to such an image. He’ll call for you from behind his workdesk as you’re sitting on your usual chest, ready to show you a ventriloquist doll he’s been working on.
As you stand next to him, an arm is wrapped around your waist, and he pulls you on his lap. It’s in no way comfortable for him. He has to stick his head underneath one of your arms to see anything at all. It would be silly otherwise, but the way he pulls you flush against him, face nuzzled into your side as he audibly inhales, one clawed hand resting on your thigh… You can’t help but have it muddle your feelings towards him. He frequently kisses your hand as a greeting, and insists you let him kiss both of your cheeks before parting. You would write it off as one of his unique quirks if he did the same thing for Charlie, but he doesn’t.
Lucifer, with an eternity of time to hone his skills behind him, has picked up all kinds of crafts, including sewing. He’ll make pieces of clothing for you in his colour scheme, sew apple-themed patches on your clothing, among other things. It’s always embarrassing when he makes something. He fusses and cooes over you like you’re a child when you first wear any piece, clapping his hands and grinning. Oh, just look at you! Aren’t you the cutest little thing? It looks lovely on you!
Anyone with more than two braincells can tell something is going on between the two of you, though no one is quite sure exactly what. Perhaps Angel is rubbed the wrong way by just how overbearing Lucifer is being, and considers you to just get out there for once with the rest of them. You’re always cooped up inside the hotel! Come on, he’s been around the block more times than he count, and he knows every trick in the book. You’ll be fine as long as you stick with him. And… You have fun! Going out, dancing and drinking, accompanied by your friends, is wonderful. But maybe you drink a little bit too much, yet entirely unfamiliar with the different types of names alcoholic beverages in Hell have. How were you supposed to know you accidentally ordered one of the strongest drinks on the menu? And, in the crowd of people, you lose the rest, wandering outside without really noticing it. You’re such an obvious target, staggering on the sidewalk, giggling and mumbling to yourself, that you wouldn’t entirely blame anyone for the poor argument that ‘you were asking for it’ in a place like this. Your world is left spinning as you’re pushed against a wall, vision momentarily blacking out as your skull bashes against brick. (Somewhere in the club, Angel is looking for you, getting more frantic by the moment.)
You never get the chance to figure out exactly what the demon’s intentions are. As soon as their fingers brush over a patch Lucifer had sewn into your clothing, an apple with a little snake head popping out, they’re blasted back by golden light.
Your addled mind is still struggling to keep up when you’re wrapped in a set of soft, beautiful wings. The back of your head is cradled by gloved hands. You catch a glimpse of blood-red eyes set within a familiar face, but, soon, a cluster of feathers covers your eyes. There are horrible cracking noises, gurgling, wheezing— Though you see none of it, your imagination more than makes up for it. You press your face up against his chest, nauseous and shaking like a leaf. Lucifer takes off without a word, the flapping of his multiple sets of wings loud enough to awaken an oncoming headache. Mid-flight, when his features have returned to the ones you know him for, he peppers your face with kisses, and makes you look at him. You mumble out apologies, sniffling, drunk and shaken, but Lucifer shushes you.
What were you doing all the way out there, on your own? You’re usually such a good listener, my dove. You always listen to all of my warnings. A gloved finger traces your cheek. Someone convinced you to go out, didn’t they? That has to be it. You can tell your dad who it is. I won't be mad at you. You’ve never been afraid of Lucifer before. Now, though, you’re filled with apprehension. You frantically shake your head. Oh, then it was your own idea? The tip of one of his nails pokes your cheek. Not nearly hard enough to hurt, but the pressure is there.
…And you really do deserve to be in Hell, because prompted with this question, you take the selfish way out, and once again shake your head. More slowly, this time. See? It wasn’t that hard to be truthful, was it? I knew it wouldn’t be your fault. Now, all you have to do is tell me who it was.
That night, you spend the night in his bed, with Lucifer arguing that you’re very drunk. Which is very much. It’d be horrible for you to go ahead and choke on your vomit, or something like that! So, you should just stay with him. As you're drifting on the verge between conscious and unconscious, his lips find the skin of your throat, placing kisses up and down. Open-mouthed and warm, barely restrained.
You wake up the next morning with a splitting headache and only vague memories of the day prior. But you wake up with Lucifer’s arms wrapped around you, his face hidden in the crook of your neck, each of his breaths tickling your skin. You wake up to one of his legs slotted in between yours. You wake up to the realization that you’ve bitten off far, far more than you can chew.
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w2soneshots · 6 months
Break up era -W2S
words: 0.8k+
warnings: angst, break up.
summary: Harry breaks your heart so you book a solo trip to Greece.
notes: I don't love this but I had to get something out for you all!!😚💞 (also please send requests to my ‘ask me anything’✉️)
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Liked by mollymae and 242,179 others
y/username: meh
taliamar: my girl, my girl🫶🏼
-> y/username: you already know😘
freyanightingale: love u
-> y/username: love u more
y/nfanpage21: she's healing😭✨
user40137927: my faith in love has disappeared.
Me and Harry broke up last week and I've been struggling. We were together for just over two years and I truly loved him with my whole heart (still do). He broke up with me because he said he'd 'lost feelings', which completely shocked me. Faith, Talia and Freya have been desperately trying to cheer me up and get me out of my apartment. I went on a shopping trip with Frey and T, as well as lunch with Faith. I also went to the gym for the first time in a while since it's meant to act little bit like therapy. None of it helped.
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y/username just posted a new story!
After sitting in my apartment crying over Rapunzel and Eugene's love life I decided that I needed to get out of London, so I booked a last minute flight to a random island in Greece.
I spent the next week buying things for my trip, packing and trying to distract myself from Harry. When the day finally came I woke up early and headed to the airport via Uber. When I arrived I went through security, checked my suitcase in then spent the rest of my time in the business class lounge. Once my flight was called I left the lounge and headed to check in. When I got on the plane I found my seat and got situated, not soon after we took off.
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y/username just posted a new story!
When we landed a few hours later I went to collect my bag. Then I got a taxi from the airport to a small boat that took me to the island. When I saw it on the booking website I thought it looked beautiful but it was seriously breathtaking in real life. The air smelt clean, the people are so kind and the food looks incredible.
The hotel is so rustic looking but also very well kept and clean. "Hello dear, do you have a booking?" The sweet lady at the front desk asked. "Yes I do, it should be under 'y/l/n'." I replied. "Ah! Yes, I'll show you to your room." She gestured for me to follow her with a big smile. "And here we are!" She said as I set my suitcase in the corner. "Wow this is beautiful, and what an amazing view!" I said enthusiastically while looking out of the window. She smiled "enjoy dear." And with that she left.
I spent my afternoon exploring the island then went back to the hotel to get changed for dinner. I wore a simple white knitted dress, along with some black flip-flops. I had an incredible (and surprisingly fancy) steak, along with some wine. I spoke to one of the locals for a little while before I decided to call it a night so headed back to my room.
The next day I woke to the bright sun shining through the sheer curtains. I practically jumped out of bed, got dressed then went into town to get some fresh fruit for breakfast. I then got into a swim suit and made my way down to the beach.
I sat enjoying the peace and quiet when I got a call from none other than Harry. I answered reluctantly "hello?" "Hey." He replied slowly. "What do you want Harry?" I asked with a sigh. "I'm sorry I- I know you're on holiday but- but I just wanted to apologise, and I couldn't wait any longer." He started. "Apologise for what? Because you don't love me anymore?" I said quietly. "That's just it... I do love you. I just didn't how much I did until you were gone. I don't know why I felt that way I don't know what happened." He said. "But- Harry you broke up with me... you broke my heart." He sighed "and I'm so sorry y/n," A tear slid down my face "I want to be with you but I- I understand if you don't want me anymore I-" "I still love you Harry, I always have. Of course I wanna be with you." I cut him off. Even know he hurt me I know that he wasn't trying to, he just didn't want to lead me on.
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Liked by taliamar and 540,129 others
y/username: umm... that was a weird week.
wroetoshaw: 😶
shannonlangdon: stunning stunning stunning!!
-> y/username: ❤️❤️
faithloisak: iconic⭐️
y/nfanpage21: love a good solo trip🤭
user63071426: omg!! Are they back together??
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paradoxlemonade · 9 months
Mirror Mirror
Fandom: Double Life SMP
Dynamic: Etho & Joel
words: 1313
Warnings: body image issues, insecurity
Ao3: Here!
Summary: Etho doesn't like how he looks. Joel does not know this. Hurt/comfort ensues. (This is my @mcytblrholidayexchange present for @kyleknight! I hope you enjoy ^^)
— — — — —
Joel likes to think he’s a pretty funny guy in his own humble opinion, thank you very much. People laugh when he starts cracking jokes, and those that don’t are probably just peeved that they’re the subject of his mockery—after all, when there’s a punchline, someone has to be the one to get decked. It’s all in good fun!
It’s… disconcerting when someone who’s supposed to be in on the joke isn’t smiling along with it. 
And it’s not like Etho’s even the one on the receiving end! The whole point of the thing is how they—as soulmates—can ruin everyone else’s thumbnails together!
It’s a bit of Etho’s that Joel has always found fun as long as he’s known about it: hiding another layer of visual data in his player code only visible upon lookup is a fantastic prank for messing with one’s friends, since it’ll only show up when they pull his image to build the thumbnail. Etho himself, who doesn’t bother with that sort of menial technicality and just whips out a camera from his back pocket when he spies a good thumbnail, is immune. And sure, sure, Joel doesn’t actually know how to replicate the effect and just went for a plain t-shirt with the face painted on in crooked lines, but it was still funny and would show up on the lookups (And Etho’s pictures, but that’s what hiding the shirt with armor is for).
Joel was grinning like mad as he showed off the creation, hands waving and detailing the concept. Etho gave an affirmation, but he hadn’t seemed particularly enthused with the concept; the mask hiding his face stretched with a smile even as his eyes skittered to the side and hid under knit brows.
So. Joel tries not to let it bother him and simply enjoy the thought of his friends being annoyed with him.
He picks at the hem of the t-shirt as he paces about the Boat Boys (not Small Etho!) base area. The day passes as usual: chaos reigns, problems are caused (all on purpose if asked, mostly on purpose in actuality), and Joel enjoys Etho’s company. Really, the man is a delight—Joel knew of him more than he knew him personally before the latest season, but every new interaction reveals something new about Etho that he didn’t know, and Joel’s actions and mannerisms in turn to him.
Everything seems fine, until. Until, until, until.
Etho removes the secret layer. Joel finds out about it in between sessions and tries (fails) not to take it personally.
It… stings.
The start of the next session and Joel’s ire do not roll in like thunder, but instead stumble in on unsure legs like a fawn. Sure, he’s irritated (and a little offended, and a little hurt), but it’s Etho. So Joel leans on the edge of The Relation Ship and drinks in the sight of the server.
A creaking floorboard from behind him and a gentle wheeze of breath belies Etho’s awaited arrival. 
Without turning around, Joel begins, “I see that you’ve changed your skin?” It’s light as he can manage with a slight chuckle of incredulity, but from the tightness in his jaw, it does little to masquerade much of anything.
“I did, yes—”
“You took the face off? Was it because I—”
Joel huffs. “Wow, brilliant.” He pushes off and turns in a single motion, and—
…Any plans Joel has for a polite (but frigid, but pointed, but sardonic) questioning evaporate once he gets a look at Etho’s face.
He looks tired, bags like smudges of coal languishing, shifting with every blink. Every step is upheld with an air of casual nonchalance, but the slight tremble in his fingers betrays him. His pale hair is dull and falls over his scarred eye.
“...You look like a wreck.”
Etho scowls for a bare moment but beats it down to a practiced neutrality. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
Joel snorts. “Considering that I hadn’t asked but you tried to deflect anyways, say that I don’t particularly believe you.” He grabs Etho by the wrist and slides past, leading him down to their chests. “Did you sleep at all between now and the last session? Because your eyebags have eyebags. Bet we could fit a whole stack of items in there.” Before Etho can respond, Joel pops the lock on a chest and picks out a loaf of bread. He drops it into Etho’s hands with a nod of finality.
“I slept just fine. And I ate too, if that’s what you’re getting at by this.” He gestures helplessly with the bread. “I told you, I’m fine.”
Joel shrugs. “And I said I didn’t believe you. I can play this game all day, especially since your face isn’t helping your argument.”
Etho scowls again. “Stop saying that.” 
“Saying what? That you look like you’ve been fighting phantoms? And losing?”
 “Joel, please…” His shoulders are drawn in close and his grip on the bread grows tighter, more desperate.
Joel falters.
“Are you… okay?”
Etho makes a face and stalks back onto the ship. “You don’t need to rub it in, you know.”
Joel trails behind him, his sense of assurance drying up. “You’re gonna need to be a little more specific than that, mate. Rub what in?”
He laughs. Laughs. Something dry, something quiet, something brittle. Etho keeps his gaze trained on the bread crust he picks at aimlessly. “I know I’m nothing nice to look at. I’ve known that basically forever. So you don’t need to rub it in; I already know.”
Joel blinks. He stops following Etho’s pacing and stands in place. What does he say to that? “You’re kidding, right?”
Mm. Probably not that.
Etho gives him an unimpressed look. “Why would I be kidding about this? You’ve been saying it yourself all morning.”
Wait, he thought that… and then Joel…
Oh, goddammit.
Joel rubs a hand across his face letting it trail up to drag through his hair. “You look tired, man, not ugly. You’re not a supermodel—so what? Neither am I. And neither is anyone else that we hang out with. You’re in pretty good company.” His feet finally unstick from the floor and he manages to scoot next to Etho, their shoulders brushing. “You’ve been thinking about this the entire break, haven’t you?”
Etho shrugs, as if it hides the way his shoulders droop with the weight of his thoughts. “I don’t… I try not to think about my face too much. Not ever since”—he waves his free hand at the long, ropy line bisecting his face—“that. No mirrors in any of my builds or anything. I guess your silly t-shirt just reminded me that everyone else is looking at me when I talk to them.”
Joel kinda feels bad for taking that personally, now.
He shakes his head. “If you told me what was up, I would’ve ditched the shirt. Here, like this.” He reaches up with one hand and yanks it off by the neckline, tossing it across the ship in the same motion. It hits the wall and slides to the floor in a crumpled heap. “There, now it’s gone.”
Etho takes a minute to gather his thoughts. After a pause, his eyes trail over to meet Joel’s. “Thanks.”
Joel leans over and bumps him, never breaking eye contact. “Bothering people is fun. Hurting them isn’t.”
The moment passes, and Etho turns his attention back to the bread. He slides his mask down and takes a hesitant bite.
— — — — —
Joel leans back and kicks a foot over his leg. “Besides, I can still think of, like, at least three different people who would throw themselves at you in a heartbeat if they thought they had a chance of getting you into bed with them.”
Etho chokes on a mouthful of bread.
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plothooksinc · 11 months
As promised, I have arrived with a prompt for NRFTW extra-content. I would loooooove to see the Hamato family come over to meet April's parents over dinner. 👀😎
this was less written and more 'the characters stuffed the author in the trunk and drove the plot themselves, but at least they gave the author popcorn'
“Okay, so remember what I said about Raph.”
“He’s big. Don’t stare.”
“Great. I mean yeah, he’s huge, but he’s a big softie—”
“I get it. Stop being so worried.”
“Oh, and keep the gravy separate—”
“I got it!”
“—for Donnie, he has—”
“...sensory issues?”
“So does your dad. Business as usual. You remember we’ve had this conversation three times already, right?”
“Sorry, mom. I’m just, uh…”
“You’re sitting down with friends you’ve known for years, not going to prom with a flock of mean girls. Stop pacing, for Pete’s sake. Look, get the potatoes out of the oven for me.”
“You got it.”
“How is… Leo? Is it Leo?”
“Yeah. He’s coming. AOPBA.”
“I have no clue what that means.”
“He has over-protective brothers.”
“Well, great, two birds with one stone. Go make up the couch so I don’t have to look at your face. Green is a better look on your turtle friends, baby, just sayin’.”
“Thanks so much.”
There was really no good reason to be nervous. Donnie had already met her parents in less than stellar circumstances, and it had put Mom in a good mood for the rest of the evening. The ice had been broken; the guys had wanted to meet her family for ages, and she knew now it would be okay.
It didn’t stop the low level jitters as April padded the couch out generously with pillows and a comforter or two. It was like elation and terror had decided to go clubbing together somewhere in her rib cage. In the end, it came down to this being new. Something life-changing. The status quo forever being overturned. It was a good thing.
(It was damn terrifying, was what it was.)
The living room floor was generously covered in rugs and loose carpeting—both new and borrowed—because they weren’t made of money and the floor was still in the process of being repaired. Her dad had made fretful noises about inviting guests over in such conditions, and it was Carol that had reminded him, dryly, that “Honey, those kids live in a sewer. I don’t think they’re gonna judge us.”
“They live in an old subway station now,” April had said helpfully, and August had perked up with some interest and asked about logistical details, because her dad was a nerd like that and enjoyed his boats and trains, and his nerves about the floor were long forgotten. Nobody mentioned the fact that the guys already knew her apartment had been half destroyed in the little Krang’s attack. It was a fact that, by unspoken agreement, they had all decided to sweep under the rug.
Anyway, given Carol had slung a whole bunch of rapid-fire questions her way about the boys’ dietary requirements and August was fretting about being judged, April was reasonably sure her parents had come to terms with the fact her four best friends were giant walking turtles with comparative ease. It probably helped they’d been thrown into the deep end of things, even if it had led to super uncomfortable conversations and her parents staring at her as if they were expecting her to don a cape and go fight crime or some dumb stunt. It probably also helped that they knew Donnie and Mikey had come to bail her out, and that they were literally, y’know, responsible for saving the city.
Most of April’s nerves weren’t about the turtle aspect. It was whether her two families would like each other. Which was hilariously one of the most mundane things to worry about, considering literally everything else.
Story of her life, honestly.
She’d just finished squishing a pile of pillows into the corner of the couch when she heard her phone buzz, and fished it out.
Donnie: >> We’re here. Wardrobe check? Puppy eyes face.
Dumbonardo: >> Donnie has no class. 🥺
Donnie: >> Leo has no brain, but you already knew this.
She snorted. Then April glanced toward the kitchen to make sure Carol was busy with the oven and sidled toward the front door, slipping through as quietly as she could.
They were waiting there for her in the hallway. Splinter stood slightly apart from the boys, arms folded and looking sulky, but his fur was neatly washed and combed through and he was wearing a nice shirt which… was more flattering than some things she’d seen on him. April could be that generous. Donnie was wearing his sweater vest combo and standing ramrod straight like someone was about to push him onto a stage—no surprise there—and Mikey was wearing some nice slacks and an orange turtle-neck and beaming widely, carrying a casserole dish.
“Hiii, April,” he whispered. “We clean up good, right?”
“Puttin’ the rest of us to shame, Mikey,” she said with a grin, and gave him a fist bump.
“Speak for yourself,” Leo said lazily, draped over Raph’s shoulder like a blue and green fur stole. He was wearing one of his over-large hoodies; comfort over style, and April was relieved, to be honest. “I think Raph gives him a run for his money.”
April turned to take him in, and-- “Damn, son.” She gave a low whistle at Raph’s white suit and pink shirt, hanging on him pretty stylishly for all that his spikes had already done a number on his elbows. “You go shopping for that? Tell me you didn’t just have that hidden in your room this whole time.”
Raph preened a little before glancing down at the carpeted floor, pushing his fingers together bashfully. “We had to find something nice for Casey to wear anyway, so Raph thought—”
“Raph thought right.” April gave him a double thumbs up. And then frowned. She couldn’t see the last invited guest. “Is he not here?”
“Oh, he’s here,” Leo said quietly, a small helpless smile on his face. “He’s just shy.”
And Raph and Donnie separated so she could peer down the hallway; at Casey, who was literally lurking in the gloomy corner by the entrance to the stairwell, hunched as if trying to make himself small.
April frowned.
“Be nice, April,” Mikey whispered. “He’s, uh…”
“I get it.”
April made her way past them all, coming to a stop in front of Casey. He cleaned up pretty nicely, actually; she wasn’t sure who’d dressed him, but dress jeans and a nice jacket over a dark T-shirt nearly made him look like a different person. His hair was tamed and in a neat braid, and he looked up and gave her the shyest of smiles. “Hi, April. Sorry, uh…”
“Not used to the idea of family dinner?”
“Not really a thing where I come from, no.” He ran a hand through his hair, causing some of the strands to come loose, and she hid a grin. “But it’s not that. Um… are you sure I’m... welcome? I’m not really—”
“You think these guys would take you for a fashion montage if you weren’t?” she said drily. “Mom and Dad know you’re coming, trust me. They’ve made some simpler food just to make sure you can stomach it okay, and they’re looking forward to meeting all of this extended family. Which you are a part of.”
“Tooold youuu,” Leo sing-songed down the hall.
“Shut it, Nardo.”
“You can’t talk to me like that, I’m walking wounded—”
“Who’s walking?”
There was some general cackling. Casey’s next smile was more relaxed, and he let April tug him back down the hallway.
...and then they all jumped as the door to April’s apartment was flung open suddenly and her mother leaned casually in the open frame, tugging her oven mitts off, meeting their deer-in-headlights stares with a wry look of her own.
“Hi—um, that—um--” Donnie pushed forward and saluted her mother, and April clapped a hand over her mouth to stop the laugh. “Hello, Mrs O’Neil! As you can see, I am a sweater vest—I mean—”
Leo made a strangled sound and flopped limply over Raph’s shoulder; he’d have slid down if Raph hadn’t reached out to steady him with a tired move that said he was very used to this happening. “Oh pizza supreme, don’t make me laugh, you know I’m fragile—”
Mikey slapped a hand over Leo’s mouth, smile bright and eyes a little too wide. “Hi, Mrs O’Neil!” he chirped. “It’s nice to meet you, we brought casserole!”
Said casserole was snatched out of his hands a moment later by Splinter, coughing dramatically before he gave a dramatic bow that meant he was mostly addressing Carol’s knees. “I brought casserole, in fact! It’s my traditional green bean casserole, handed down through generations, made for one of my biggest fans!”
Carol raised an eyebrow.
“Dad, we talked about this,” Donnie muttered.
“No, you talked about this,” Splinter huffed. “I was going to come dressed in style, until you rudely tackled me to the ground and took my clothes.”
Carol’s raised eyebrow took on a level of alarm, and April sidled up to her mother with a quick hiss. “It’s not as bad as it sounds.”
“No, we did in fact do that,” Donnie said flatly. “Trust me, it was necessary.”
“...okay, it is as bad as it sounds—”
“My own sons,” Splinter grumbled. Then he straightened, beaming at Carol. “Children, am I right? Full of well-meaning hypocrisy. Sure, my son gets to dress as that hack Don Johnson, but when I try to dress as—”
“Yeah, Raph still doesn’t know who that is.”
Splinter wilted. To April’s delight, Carol seemed to wilt right along with him. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
“Well,” her mom said, dry as the desert. “If you’re done making us feel old as dirt, won’t you come in? Unless you want to spend the evening in my hallway doing more fashion checks. I could always bring you a mirror. But if you’ll take my word for it, I think you all look just fine.”
She stepped aside and they filed past, shuffling into the living room more bashfully than April had ever seen them, which was altogether kind of endearing. Carol paused long enough for April to close in with Casey still in hand, and gave him a warm smile that made him relax just a little more.
Then she hissed quietly to April, “Biggest fan?”
Eugh boy. “Yeah, you uh…” April trailed off, wondering if she could just deflect that question with a shrug as if to say she had no clue. But she knew Splinter; he would keep making comments, so better forewarned, right? “You know how you started watching Lou Jitsu movies with me? And, uh, how much you like them? To the point Dad threatened divorce if you mentioned Lou’s tight pants one more time?” Which was an empty threat, given Dad watched those movies almost as closely as her mom did, and April suspected it was for the same reasons. It had been a running joke for a while.
“Great! Get ready to be emotionally scarred.”
They introduced themselves properly once they were all inside, and to her credit Carol was still smiling, even if April could see the faintly wild look in her eyes. At least she’d never told Splinter just how much her mom liked him-- enough to say she was a huge fan, nothing more.
“August will be here in a moment,” she said cheerfully. “He’s just finishing up with the roast, and then we’ll serve. You can call us Mr and Mrs O’Neil, or you can call us Carol and August. We don’t mind. It’s lovely to meet you at last. Donatello, your sweater vest looks great.”
Donnie jerked ramrod straight again, voice high-pitched. “Thank you!”
Bless her mom for throwing him a bone. April grinned. “So, this is Splinter, or Hamato Yoshi—”
“You can call me Lou,” Splinter said with a small bow, taking the casserole from his hands with his tail and depositing it onto the table with a flourish. April had never seen him like this. It was hilarious and painful, but the mortified looks on the guys’ faces made it worth it. (Casey just looked clueless. Lucky kid.)
“Nice to meet you, Lou,” Carol said, politely and as if April hadn’t upended her world not thirty seconds ago. Damn, but her mom was good. “And Donnie I’ve already met. Hmm, can I guess the others?”
“Oh, go ahead,” Leo said cheerfully, waving at her from his perch, and her smile softened considerably as she glanced up at him, taking in the curve of bandages just visible through the over-large neck of his hoodie.
“You would be Leo, then. You doing okay, sweetie?”
Leo blinked. “Uh… yes? I mean, of course! I mean—” He darted a look at April, eye ridges raised.
“She knows,” April assured him. “It’s okay.”
Leo grinned in response, letting himself flop loosely in Raph’s grip to finger gun with both hands, and April grinned as Raph obligingly kept hold of him and rolled his eyes. “I may be a little bruised, but I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs O! I also rock a mean sweater vest, but my brothers would only let me travel casual.”
“You’re lucky we let you come at all,” Donnie muttered.
“You’re just jealous because I, unlike some brothers I could mention, did not make my first impression in—”
Then he yelped as Splinter smacked him in the side of the head with his tail. A light smack, April noted with amusement, as Donnie flicked him from the other side. Clearly Leo was slowly losing all his coddling rights.
“Well, a little bruised or not, it’s nice to meet you too,” Carol said easily. “April did tell me you’ve been laid up until just recently, so we’ve made up the couch for you, okay? There’s no shame in tapping out early if you get tired.”
Leo blinked at her, looking taken aback. And then his answering smile was a faintly relieved, hesitant thing as he held out a hand for her to shake, voice small.
“Deal. Thanks, mom.”
You could have heard a pin drop.
“Mom?” Mikey said slyly.
Leo promptly went as red as his stripes and planted his face on Raph’s jacket. But he kept his hand out until Carol shook it—gently, holding back a laugh—and then went full limp noodle. “Case,” he whined. “Help me out here?”
Casey helpfully reached out to tug the hood over his head. Leo gave him a thumbs up.
April dissolved into cackling as Carol turned a carefully blank face on Raph. “April’s told me just enough about all of you, really. You must be Raph. And this sweet little man here must be Mikey?”
She was expecting a clap back from Mikey about being little, so April was very surprised when he just dimpled sweetly and gave her his best I-am-an-innocent-child impression. His cheeks were faintly flushed, and for the first time she wondered if she should be recording this for posterity. That was like… three blushes, so far.
“That’s right! Raph’s all gentle giant and I am just the sweetest little package, baby.”
“I’m sure,” Carol said, straight-faced. And then lastly she turned to Casey, and her smile was warm. “And you’re Casey Jones. Are you nervous?”
“A little,” he admitted, tugging at his braid but he smiled back. “But it’s so nice to meet you again. I mean—sorry, the first time, I’ve just heard a lot about you—”
April blinked, mouth open as she considered that particular insinuation. And wasn’t surprised when Leo’s head suddenly shot up, all sign of embarrassment gone and with a blinding smile. “Yeah, I gotta say April has told us so much about you guys that it does kind of feel like we’ve met you already!”
“Well, then,” Carol said lightly. “You’ll have to tell me all about yourselves to make us even. April’s told us a little this week, but it seems we might have years to catch up on.”
“We would be more than happy to regale you with tales of our exploits,” Splinter beamed back. “And in turn perhaps you could tell me your—”
“And we should all sit down because Dad’s probably almost done,” April said loudly. “Save the talking for after dinner! I’m starved.”
“I should help August bring the dishes out anyway.” Carol gave April a pointed look. “Hon? Would you give me a hand? The rest of you, table’s just through here…”
“What do you mean that’s Lou Jitsu?” August hissed, handing April the cauliflower bake. “He’s a rat. Lou Jitsu isn’t a rat.”
“He is now, babe,” Carol said blandly.
“A rat with four turtle children?”
“And a human child.”
“How does that even—”
“Remember asking about the skeleton, sweet pea?”
“...okay, fine,” he muttered, nose wrinkling. “I’ll be good.”
April eyed them both. “Look at it this way, dad. The longstanding threat to your happy marriage has been removed.”
She burst into giggles and skipped out of the kitchen, balancing the cauliflower and potatoes and the jug of gravy, and wasn’t surprised to find Mikey just outside the kitchen door, making grabby hands for her dishes. April cheerfully palmed them off and returned for more, grinning sunnily at the twin glares of her parents. “Anyway, Casey’s… uh, adopted? That’s the simplest way of explaining him.”
“Gotta admit, I wasn’t expecting the one I find the strangest to be a normal human boy,” Carol mused. She frowned. “Is he the one from the, uh. Future?”
“The future,” her dad repeated back mechanically.
“Shush, dear.”
“Yeah.” And April had both a burning curiosity of how Casey knew her mother in the future and a dread to find out, because she was pretty sure none of them got happy endings where Casey came from. “Best to leave that well alone. Too heavy for a dinner topic.”
“Right. Future discussions are off the table,” August said, with a weary tone that said sure, fine, this might as well happen. “The invasion too, obviously. Anything else we haven’t already covered?”
“No. But just so you know,” April said mildly, “Rats have excellent hearing.”
She nudged aside her suddenly frozen parents, scooped up the roast tray, and sailed back out to the table.
Mikey took that from her, too, apparently intent on setting the table with a certain amount of flare, and April let him, more than happy to watch him handling pans that he might have had difficulty holding a week ago. She knew his arms were still bandaged under the sweater-- and knew also why he was wearing an actual turtleneck, no pun intended. The scarring up to his chin was still fading, but they’d stopped hurting days ago, leaving him with full range of movement.
(“Unless I’m really tired,” he’d said, giving her jazz hands at their last movie night. “So I’m still being careful.”
“Yes,” Draxum had said flatly. “It’s amazing how fast one heals when one actually pays attention to a mystic’s expert advice.” Mikey had thrown a pillow at him, end of discussion.
...which reminded her--)
“Hey, Mikey. Barry knows he’s invited, right?”
That earned her a predictable snort from Leo, who had been settled into a chair by Raph. “I’m not sure Draxum does family dinners.”
“You’d be surprised,” Mikey muttered.
“What was that?”
“I said what a surprise.” He twirled the roast tray once and settled it down on the table with flare. “He’ll be here. Just in time for dessert, he said! He’s looking forward to it.”
“Uh huh.” Donnie eyed him. “You threatened him, didn’t you?”
“I would never.” Mikey waved a finger at them, planting his other hand on his hip. “I merely pointed out it would be sad if he wasn’t included in this family get-together, given he is now family, unless he wants to deny any such attachment, and shunning a family dinner isn’t the proper or the neighbourly thing to do—”
“Oh, my apologies. You emotionally blackmailed him.”
“That’s better.”
“Why dessert?” April wanted to know.
“He’s, uh…” Mikey trailed off. “Well, it. Takes a while to bake brownies.”
Raph squinted. “Draxum is baking. Brownies.”
They all paused to take in that mental image.
“Oh, that’s not going to be edible,” Donnie muttered. “The guy can make a sandwich. Barely.”
“He can make a mean gruel, though,” April said wryly. “I mean. Literally.”
“I left him a recipe!” Mikey defended, though the way his shoulders hunched told April it was more out of loyalty than any actual belief in Barry’s capabilities. She frowned.
“Shoulda just told him store bought was fine, Mikes. Then he’d be here for dinner.”
Mikey gasped theatrically. “First of all, how dare you.” Leo gave a snort at his little brother’s affront and reached out for the gravy boat, flinching back when Mikey slapped his hand away without even looking. “Second! He wanted to try. You don’t want to hurt the nice goat scientist’s feelings, do you?”
“You want an honest answer?” Leo muttered. Mikey yanked his hood violently down over his face.
“Letting him try is just fine,” Splinter said with great generosity, leaning back in his chair. He’d been sporting the same cheesy grin since April walked back in from the kitchen, and that promised to be entertaining. But later. “When he fails, we can point and laugh—”
The way Mikey just teleported right in there to tower over his dad was impressive, and April reached out automatically to grab the back of Splinter’s chair before he could tip it all the way backwards in sheer terror. “We are not doing that.”
“No, we are not,” Raph said comfortingly, hands up as it to forestall a tiny mystic warrior explosion. “I know some will hate to hear it, but Draxum really pulled through for us. We should support him! In his, uh… domestic endeavours.”
“And his mad science endeavours.”
“What? I have my interests.”
“I do hate to hear it,” Leo said slowly, and they all turned to look at him as he peered out from his hood like some evil alternate Kermit!Leo. “Buuut you know. There’s petty, and then there’s mean. If he’s trying to be nice, let him try.”
There was silence at the table for a second time.
Then Donnie stood and pointed dramatically. “Who are you and what have you done with our brother?”
“Wow, Leo, that’s very mature of you,” Raph said suspiciously.
“I know, right?” Mikey wiped away a fake tear. “He’s come so far.”
“I am the very model of maturely letting my grudges go,” Leo said, stifling a yawn. “And if he accidentally poisons us all, I can hold it over you for at least a month.”
Oh. That was more like it.
It took her parents longer than strictly necessary to bring out the rest of the food, and April was pretty sure they’d just been schooling their expressions into the most poker-faced they could, mortified by the knowledge that Splinter had probably overheard every word-- and honestly, given that Splinter occasionally gave a small muffled snort into his hand and tried to look innocent every time his sons stared at him, Carol and August were. Probably still talking about him. She was kind of glad she couldn’t hear them. April shoved his chair with a foot as she sat down and levelled him with mock glare over the rim of her glasses.
“Be nice,” she whispered severely.
Splinter leaned towards her to whisper back. “April, such little faith. I am already having the time of my life at this dinner. Why would I do anything to spoil the mood? I know how to act around fans.”
“These aren’t just fans, these are my parents.”
“Well, I know how to act around parents, too,” he said, waggling his eyebrows and outright leering, oh god. “I was a teenager, once, and dating was—”
“Please stop talking,” she hissed.
Splinter gave her a wide and mischievous grin, and that’s when it occurred to her he was being a little shit on purpose. But his smile faded, and he folded his hands delicately on the table in front of him. “Trust me. I know this is important.”
She breathed out. Yeah, okay. She did, after all, trust him, and he had dressed nicely for dinner. If he was truly set on arriving dressed as his eighties-Lou-Jitsu persona, April was pretty sure the guys wouldn’t have been able to stop him.
“What’s important?” Mikey said from the other side of the table, and she glanced up to find the others looking at them with curiosity.
“Good table manners,” Splinter said mildly. “Which means you should all stop leaning on the tablecloth like that. Elbows off!”
They all immediately pulled back and sat primly at the table, looking various shades of guilty—except for Casey, who flinched back from the tablecloth as if it might bite him. Poor guy had no reference for things like this, did he?
“Surprised you know decent table manners,” Donnie muttered.
“If it is such a surprise to you, I have failed as a father and we shall practice them more often at home.”
“Don’t you—”
“Leo,” April interrupted, watching Leo list faintly to the side. “You’re hurt. Nobody’s gonna care if you keep leaning.”
“Thank you,” he said fervently, and promptly flopped forward again, just as the kitchen door swung open.
Oh, good. Her parents had gotten over their crisis and were ready to feed the hungry. Carol hip-checked the door with her arms full of dishes and Mikey immediately jumped to his feet to help, and she shook her head at him, smiling gratefully. “I’m okay. But if you could help August with the glasses—”
“On it!” he said cheerfully and caught the door for her, holding it until she was clear before vanishing inside.
Carol smiled widely at the table and the guys smiled back, some smiles more natural than others—Donnie still looked like he was trying to get A Good Grade In Family Dinner—and she slid her burden of plates easily onto the table around the roast platter.
“Okay, so it’s a bit more buffet style than a usual roast dinner, but I thought that would be better, given I don’t know what you’d prefer. Casey, hon?” She favoured him with a warm look, and Casey straightened even more. “I’ve got both seasoned and steamed vegetables here, and a few alternatives in case the meat is too much for you to handle. The seasoned ones are on the spicy side. April tells me you’re still getting used to richer food?”
“Oh…” Casey blinked, darting a look at April that was both surprised and faintly grateful, and she huffed. She’d told him this already. Did he think she’d lied to him? “That’s—yes, that’s right, ma’am. I appreciate it, I’m sorry you had to go to so much effort—”
“None of that.” She handed him a plate. “This is a dinner for all of us. I’d feel like a lousy host if you couldn’t enjoy it. Pick and choose as you like, take it slowly. No one’s gonna judge. That includes the rest of you, just FYI.”
“No judgement!” Raph saluted, eyes darting to Donnie. “We appreciate it, Mrs O.”
“Thank you,” Donnie muttered quietly, eyes on the tablecloth.
“You’re very welcome.”
Mikey exited the kitchen with a tray of glasses and August trailed behind him with a collection of bottles-- soda and juice, and something that distinctly looked like the wine from the top of the fridge, and April squinted at it before raising an eyebrow at her dad.
“None for minors,” he whispered back. “Liquid courage.”
She snorted. “You’ll be fine.”
“But will your mom?”
“I heard that.” Carol snatched the wine away and deposited it by Splinter, whose eyes lit up. “Anyway. We’re sorry to keep you all waiting. Dig in! Don’t wait on us, there’s plenty for everyone.”
Leo put his hand up. “I admire your optimism, but I still vote Raph goes last. He’ll inhale everything here if he gets the chance—”
“Leo!” Raph sounded scandalised.
“What?” Donnie said, finally looking up with a more natural smirk on his face. “You know he’s right.”
“There’s a lot of me!” The poor guy was going as red as his mask, and April hid a grin. “You know Raph’s still a growing boy!”
“Raph can have as much food as he likes,” Carol said firmly, reaching up to pat him on the shoulder. God, April loved her mom so much. She was just rolling with this table of lunatics. “I honestly wasn’t sure how much to cook, so we’ve got plenty extra even if you do somehow inhale everything here. Just try not to inhale the dishes.”
“I would never,” Raph said, sounding horrified. “Turtle’s honour—”
April burst into giggles. “She’s joking, Raph, chill.”
“Oh.” Raph blinked. He met Carol’s gaze, who stared unflinchingly back and held up a hand.
Raph blinked again. Then he hesitantly gave her a high five, watched Carol’s smile grow, and finally grinned, the tension going right out of his shoulders.
April loved to see it.
“Aight, everyone,” she said, clapping her hands. “No more picking on Raph unless you want me to poke fun at you fussy eaters to make it even. Dig in, and don’t you dare insult my mama’s cooking.”
“We would never!” came the chorus.
Yeah. This should’ve happened years ago.
The meal passed with some minor chatter—mostly complimenting the chef and asking for plates of food to be passed around. Mikey helped Casey pick out some simpler fare for his plate and he ate sparingly, but the expression on his face said he savoured every moment of it. Donnie was similarly picky for Donnie reasons, and looked faintly apologetic about the whole thing until April kicked him gently under the table and sent him a text.
April: >> Dad has sensory issues >> dw abt it
He relaxed a little after that, flashed her a small relieved smile, and even unwound from his stage fright enough to engage in conversation with her dad about the subway station and its abandoned trains. Mikey and Raph ate with their usual flare, though Mikey paused on each individual dish to gleefully exchange cooking tips with her mom. Splinter was surprisingly well-mannered, given April had seen him more than enough times with cake crumbs all throughout his fur.
Leo was being uncharacteristically picky, but he’d only come off a simple diet himself not so long ago, and the painkillers would be doing a number on his appetite. Raph and Donnie were both piling his favourites on his plate and he was clearly enjoying the food, but April had never seen him eating so slowly before, still balancing one arm on the table to support himself. Poor guy.
She wasn’t the only one to notice. Carol watched him waver and frowned. “You doing okay, Leo?”
He promptly flashed a peace sign at her, beaming. “Oh, for sure! I’m just a little low on energy. Kinda want a little bit of everything here, but—“
“Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak?”
“Hah…” His grin became rueful, and he lowered the fork to his plate. “Not weak enough to stop me eating your delicious food! Tragically, I have no devoted servant to feed me lovingly by hand, so I’ll make do.”
“That was absolutely a joke, Case, don’t you dare.”
April grinned at Casey as he wilted back into his own seat. But okay, yeah, she could read the signs—from Leo’s slouch, growing worse by the minute, and the glances from his brothers that probably weren’t as surreptitious as they hoped. April nudged her mother quietly and made a meaningful gesture toward the living room, and Carol gave her a thumbs up and kept smiling pleasantly as if nothing had happened. “Well, I’m glad my delicious food has such a draw to it. I heard Barry is gracing us with a visit and dessert, is that right?”
Donnie visibly shuddered, but Mikey beamed as if she’d complimented his six year old son’s bronze swimming medal. “Yeah! He’s making brownies! He assures me they’ll be edible.”
“Consider me assured,” Carol said dryly. “I must say I’ve never tried Barry’s cooking before this in any form. We invited him for dinner a few times but he always refused. I guess I know why, now.”
Splinter peered at her. “You do?”
“Well, uh…” She looked sheepish. “I never really saw him out of his robe. He seemed like such a shut-in at the time, but… I guess dressing for dinner might have given away a few things.”
“Ah yes, that sounds like Draxum,” Splinter muttered. “Shut-in, barely bothers dressing—”
“Sounds like someone else we know,” Leo said sweetly, and Splinter choked.
“Leo defended Barry,” Mikey whispered in awe, and Leo pointed his fork at him.
“Leo saw low hanging fruit and went for it,” he corrected. “Besides, something about houses and stones? Isn’t that how it goes? Don’t throw glass at a stone house, it’s pointless and makes a mess?”
“Nardo, that is not how it goes and you know it--”
Carol coughed politely. “If you’re done being mean to your elders…” They all shut up and tried to look innocent—save Splinter, who merely stared back at his sons mournfully as if he could not believe the wrong they’d done him. “It seems there might be a pause between dinner and dessert, so I was going to suggest you kids go pile up in the living room after and go through our movie collection. August and I can continue to pick on your dad in your absence.”
“You can?” Splinter said warily.
“In a manner of speaking.” Her smile was warm, and maybe only April saw the sharpness around its edges this time, and she swallowed. But… again, she knew this was coming, too. “A parent to parent talk, as it were. Nothing too serious, I promise.”
And it gave them a good reason to transfer Leo to the couch without him feeling like he was ruining anything. April grinned to see his eyes light up at the idea.
“Oh, are you roasting our dad, too? That seems so fitting given the spread—”
“I dunno, Leo, a roast followed by a roast seems a bit overkill,” Mikey said thoughtfully.
“There’s no such thing as too much delicious roast.” Leo leaned forward. Which also had the effect that he could support his weight entirely on the table, April noted. “We’d be more than happy to clear out of your amazing hair until the totally safe brownies arrive.”
Carol transferred her smile back to him, the sharpness gone. “You can take your plate with you, if you like. I don’t want you to feel you have to rush through eating. April, could you find him one of our TV trays?”
“I’m sure that’s doable.” Actually, at this point she had no idea if those had survived the home invasion, but there was one way to find out. “Is everyone else done? I could help clear the plates—”
“No, that’s fine, hon. Your dad and I will clear the table.” Carol gave her a peck on the cheek and a small, meaningful squeeze to her shoulder. “You stay with your friends. August?”
August blinked up at her, startled, half a potato still speared on his fork. “Oh, now? But I just-- okay.” And he shoved the potato into his mouth, fork and all, to gather up empty dishes.
Leo watched him do it, and smiled lazily.
Then there was a sudden quiet after both of them vanished into the kitchen, and he slumped forward.
“That was… an attempt at subtlety, right?”
April grinned. “Dad doesn’t do subtle too well, that’s for sure. But they’re parents, Leo. They’re just worried about you.”
“They only just met me,” he grumbled, resting his head on his arm. “They’re really nice, but—”
“My mom probably decided you were adoptable at about the point Donnie made high-pitched noises in her general direction, my guy. Just accept her concern and move on.”
“Oh. So good to know my humiliation had some kind of strategic effect,” Donnie muttered, reaching across the table to snag Leo’s plate. “You want any more while we’re here?”
“...I’m fine.”
“Well, Raph wouldn’t mind a bit more beef,” Raph said comfortably, sharing a glance with Casey over his head. “And some potatoes! We can just use Leo’s plate for that.”
“Blue?” Splinter was quiet and out of his chair, patting his knee, and Leo lifted his head to peer at him. “You are okay, aren’t you?”
“Man, all this fuss.” Leo grinned faintly. “I promise I’m fine--”
Mikey loomed on his other side, not saying a word.
“—okay, maaaybe I wasn’t quite ready for sitting upright at a table for so long.” He made a face. “But I refuse to be banned from the O’Neil family dinner! You know how long we’ve waited for this—”
“Well, congrats, achievement unlocked,” April said, holding out her fist, and he obligingly bumped it with his own. “Now go curl up on our couch and quit your whining.”
“I wasn’t whining!”
Donnie raised an eyebrow. “He whined, whiningly.”
“Raaaph, they’re picking on me!” Leo whined.
Raph raised an eyebrow. “You wanna complain about it some more or do you want the comfy couch?”
“...couch, please.”
Splinter stayed at the table, waving them off dramatically with a napkin, but the smile he gave April as she left was reassuring. It settled her nerves a little—she wasn’t stupid, she knew what was coming—and so she trailed after Raph as he carted Leo into the living room and settled him on the couch, burying him in comforters.
The sigh of relief Leo made as he sank into the cushions was more than enough to convince her that the move was well timed. “Heaven. I think everyone at family dinners should laze on a couch, honestly.”
“We’d need more couches for that.”
“That could be arranged,” Donnie said, passing a bottle to Casey and then… dropping to his hands and knees to investigate the carpet. What. April folded her arms and watched him.
“I think they’d need more room for the couches,” Casey said, opening the bottle—and oh, those were Leo’s painkillers.
“That could also be—”
“Donnie.” She scowled at him. “What are you doing?”
“Checking the damage,” he said absently, finally finding the edge of the carpet section and peeling it back, scowling at the torn up flooring beneath. “Huh. Bishop really refused to help pay for this?”
“Yeah, well. Bishop also didn’t arrest me for, I dunno, cavorting with evil yokai or whatever, so. I’ll take it.”
“This balance doesn’t add up,” Leo said mildly, taking his pills from Casey and his glass of juice. “Mr Edgelord also put you in danger in the first place. And your parents. Who we are adopting, by the way.”
“I don’t think it works that way—”
“It does, I don’t make the rules. Donnie, verdict?”
“Huh?” Donnie peered up at him. “Oh yeah, yeah, I guess we can adopt.”
“I meant the floor. But okay! Duly noted.”
Mikey started cackling as April threw her hands up and went on a hunt for the TV trays. Donnie blinked at Leo for a moment, then turned back to run his hands over the damage, flicking his goggles down. “I’m not much of a handyman type, but it looks like the structural integrity is intact. It’s just cosmetic and not particularly safe to walk on in the dark. Though that… is an understatement. The Krang did this?”
“Barry did, actually.” The TV trays had survived after all. April fished one out from its hiding place and passed it over to Raph. “But if he hadn’t, I’d probably be kind of torn to pieces, so--” She broke off to smile softly at Raph as he full-body flinched, and then stumbled as Mikey latched onto her like a koala. “Sorry. Anyway, I figure I’d give him a pass on that one.”
Leo slow blinked at her, resting his chin on the back of the couch, and his smile was an oddly cold one. “Yeah. Seems fair. Donnie, you still got a back door into Bishop’s stuff and things?”
Donnie hadn’t looked up, and his voice was very flat. “First of all, stuff and things is like literally the lamest way you could explain a black ops infrastructure, and second of all, why is it you just assume I would still be in his systems now that we’re—”
“He’s upgraded his security in the past week. I’m doing the digital equivalent of eating popcorn and sidestepping his laughable experts.”
“Good to know. I s’pose getting on his nerves wouldn’t be the smart thing to do right now.”
“It is the opposite of smart. But the EPF is already footing the bill for the O’Neil hotel stay, I don’t see why they can’t shell out for the floor as well.” Donnie finally sat up, flicking his goggles back, and frowned at the scratched walls. “New paint job all round, actually.”
Leo nodded in satisfaction and settled into his nest of comforters, taking the tray from Raph who was surprisingly… not seeming even slightly upset about the whole idea of stealing money from a bunch of amoral secret agents.
April opened her mouth and shut it. “Uh—”
Donnie finally smiled at her. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Seriously, he deserves it.”
“That’s not the part I’m worried about!” she snapped, and she waved an arm at Donnie as aggressively as she could with Mikey still limpet-clinging to her from behind. “You guys are on thin ice with him as it is—”
“So?” Leo said, eyes drifting shut. “He’s also on thin ice with us.”
“April.” Donnie finally got to his feet to regard her intently, leaning on the edge of the couch and deftly avoiding Leo’s attempt to nudge him with a foot. “I see you’re worried, but please give me some credit for basic money laundering tactics. The man’s never going to notice where the money actually went, if he even notices it’s gone at all. He’s got bigger fish to fry and it’s not as if we took millions.”
“You know, it says a lot when you say ‘basic money laundering tactics’ and everyone just rolls with it,” she said wryly, but her hackles settled a little. Bishop did deserve a little payback. She just didn’t want them painting even more of a target on their backs. “Raph? You sure you’re okay with this?” He was quiet and looked a little troubled, so--
“Well, see, the thing you gotta remember is…” Raph paused, clasping his hands together in front of him for a moment, and then exhaled gustily.
“...Raph only got to hit him once.”
There was a brief pause.
Leo burst into laughter, then hissed an ow and sank out of sight onto the couch, which caused Raph to dive for him with a panicked look. April wasn’t particularly concerned, given she could see Donnie rolling his eyes. She huffed a faint laugh herself, finally relaxing, and was rewarded with a squeeze of her shoulders and a full hug from behind.
“He messes with family, we mess with him!” Mikey said cheerfully in her ear. “Just go with it, April. You know Donnie covers his tracks.”
“Hmm.” But she smiled anyway, reaching up to pat his head. “Okay. Not gonna complain, as long as I can find a way to explain to my parents. But seriously—don’t go getting arrested or dissected or whatever on my account.”
“Depends on if we get a sequel or not,” Leo wheezed from the couch, resurfacing as Raph helped him sit back up.
“You sure you’re okay?” Raph said, still fretting.
“Oh, peachy. I can’t believe you punched a government agent and I didn’t get to see it.”
“Skill issue,” Donnie said, sounding bored. “Don’t get kidnapped next time, idiot.”
“Wow, rude. Raph, throw a pillow at him for me.”
“Yeah, Raph’s not doing that. Eat your dinner.”
“Aw, c’mon--”
A cushion sailed across the room and clipped Donnie in the face, sending him reeling backward, and Mikey caught it on the rebound, hollering. “For Leo’s honour!”
“You got kidnapped too, you know—”
“For my honour! For everyone’s honour except yours!”
And the room promptly descended into chaos, which honestly she’d been expecting sooner than this. April just grinned, clicking her phone camera on to record Mikey’s subsequent attempted pillow beat-down of a hissing Donatello. Raph alternated between snorted laughter, half-hearted attempts at lectures, and trying to keep Leo’s tray of food balanced while Leo picked roast potato daintily off the plate with his fingers like popcorn, observing the proceedings with glee. He caught April’s filming and nearly choked, before sinking back out of sight on the couch again with a wave of his greasy fingers as April giggled.
It took her a few moments to realise that Casey had vanished from the room.
“They sound like they’re having fun,” Carol noted.
“They’re probably destroying your living room,” Splinter replied glumly, taking the glass of wine August offered him. “Boys.”
“I’m sorry. Have you seen our child?”
“Better.” Carol grinned and offered her own glass for a toast. “Here’s to new friendships?”
“Very traditional!” But he beamed anyway, clinking against her glass and then August’s. “To new friends and old fans. Aaand awkward conversations.”
Ah. “Kind of obvious, isn’t it?”
“A little.” His smile faded, showing a seriousness that seemed somehow out of place. “But you are good parents and April thinks the world of you. If we did not have this conversation, I would be a little concerned.”
August took his seat again, sitting far more relaxed now that the kids had gone, and tapped the rim of his own glass. “Your boy, Leo. How did he get so hurt?”
Something flickered through Splinter’s eyes that she couldn’t quite catch, and he stared down at his wine, mouth twisting. “A very long story. All of my boys were hurt during the invasion, but Blue unfortunately took the brunt of it. I am as proud of them as I was terrified for them.” His voice was far too mild for that statement and all the depth it contained, and Carol bit her lip as he tossed half the glass back.
Then he beamed at them. “But that is not the question you really want to ask.”
No. No, it wasn’t.
Carol needed to know, but she wasn’t sure how to phrase it and found herself hesitating for other reasons besides—so she glanced to August, who had a knack for being terribly blunt at times. He gave her a brief nod, and put his glass down.
“How safe is our daughter?”
Straight to the point. Splinter took a smaller drink, and met his gaze.
“All things being equal, far safer than the average teenager.”
August frowned unhappily, and his voice was flat. “She was involved in an alien invasion. They came to our house. Her nose was broken—”
“Lou,” Carol said softly. “We’re just worried about her. Your boys weren’t just here for the invasion, they fought on the front line. And so did she. Didn’t she?”
“Your daughter,” Splinter said steadily, “Took out one of those aliens with a wrecking ball. She blinded it, one eye at a time.”
“Is that meant to make us feelbetter?” August demanded, and Splinter turned a sober gaze on him. “We know April can look after herself. She shouldn’t have to. How much danger is she in just by associating with your family?”
“August.” Her voice was sharper that time.
“I’m sorry,” her husband said more quietly. “I don’t mean it quite like that—they’re obviously good kids. You should know, the turtle and rat thing is… confusing, but in the end that isn’t what this is about.”
Splinter smiled a little. “What this is about is that you think my boys dragged April into their fight and made her a target. Has April ever told you how long she has known them for?”
August paused, but it was only to calculate the passage of time. They both knew when it was that April had come home talking about the boys she’d met on the roof. Six… seven years ago? Maybe eight? And...ah.
“This is the first time she’s been in trouble,” Carol said, feeling relieved. She understood. After all, holding an alien invasion against Splinter’s family would be extremely rude. April could have been hurt worse if she didn’t know such powerful people--
“Oh no,” Splinter said bluntly. “She’s definitely been in trouble before this.”
“Let’s see…” He sipped his wine. “She’s been captured by your upstairs neighbour at least twice by my count—”
“Don’t make those faces, he was nice enough to let her go again. Then there was the fiasco with Big Mama and Shredder, the yokai train, tangling with the Foot clan and fighting at the stadium—”
August stood up. “I’m sorry, she was at the stadium? When that maniac was threatening to wipe out the human race!?”
Splinter raised an eyebrow. “You do know who that maniac was, don’t you?”
April found Casey in her bedroom—or half in, half out, leaning out the window and breathing in the night air. She could hear sharp voices carry over from the kitchen window, and distorted with only a word here or there making it through, but she recognised her mother’s voice all right, shrill with stress, and winced. Splinter had said to trusthim. She was wondering if that had been a bad call.
She sat on the window ledge next to Casey, and he jumped, smacking his head on the window frame before ducking back inside. “Commander—I mean. April. Sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“To get some space?” she asked dryly.
Casey rubbed his head for a moment with a wince, then pulled himself inside, and April listened briefly to the yelling before she decided to resist all temptation and closed the window. She didn’t want to hear it, really. It would just make her feel awful and she’d be hearing the fallout soon enough.
“I did come out for space, and to see where the rats, uh. Came in. Or tried to? I felt—felt like it should be looked at,” Casey said awkwardly. “The eavesdropping was unintentional.”
“I believe you,” April said easily. She did. He wasn’t the type—or at least, she didn’t think so. None of them knew him too well, yet. “All quiet on the rat front?”
“Oh, yeah. I mean… evil alien rats, anyway.” He smiled a little. “I think there’s some normal ones further down.”
“Guess we’ll have to live with that.”
They sat in silence for a moment, listening to the laughter coming from the living room. Her light was off, but there was enough coming in from outside that she could just catch Casey’s wistful look at the door, and April nudged him gently with a shoulder.
“You wanna go back out?”
“...in a minute. Just… getting my head in order.”
“Too busy? Too loud?” She hesitated. “Weird seeing more people you used to know?”
He jumped a little at that, turning to look at her in the gloom. “How did you—”
“Kind of obvious, Future Boy,” she said dryly. “’Nice to meet you again’?”
“Aheh.” He ducked his head. “Yeah, I guess I’m not so good on the spot. I was… trying to prepare myself for seeing them again, but it was so different once I did.”
“More of a shock than meeting those idiots again?” She gestured toward the living room.
“A little. The turtles—when they grow up, they’re a lot bigger. Sensei is so much taller! And Uncle Raph was huge.” He smiled, looking down at his hands. “And like-- you were an adult. Commander O’Neil. I knew what you would all look like from the photo, and it was kind of like… meeting you all for the first time, even though-- well. It’s complicated.”
He really wasn’t good at it, was he? Not giving things away. Sensei is taller. Raph was huge. It told her so much. It was painful, and a small part of her turned over in grief-- an empathetic grief for the kid next to her, a pang of knowing it could have been so much worse. She was so relieved she could hear Raph through the door. (...yelling “Not the gravy!” which, eugh boy, okay, she would pretend she didn’t hear that.)
Then it occurred to her what Casey was trying to say, and April froze. It didn’t mean anything. They’d avoided the whole apocalypse thing. But--
“My parents… they look the same to you?”
Casey shrugged. “Well, they’re already grown adults. They’re not gonna get another five feet taller or something weird.”
Oh. Oh, that was… she was an idiot. “Hah,” she said after a moment with a small laugh. “For a sec, I thought you meant they like... died young. Or—”
And she felt the silence change, in that dark room.
An idiot twice over—looking at the crystal stillness of Casey’s reaction to her opening her dumbass mouth, April curled up on the seat next to him and knew she’d basically tripped into a minefield. A personal one, because this wasn’t just people Casey had known and grieved.
They’re not dead. They were yelling at Splinter two rooms over, words echoing off the fire escape outside, and she tried to focus on the more rational dread that they were gonna try and stop her from seeing the guys. But…
...she couldn’t stop her stupid brain from picking over the what ifs.
Casey saved her the struggle, touching her arm gently in the dark. “Do you…” He swallowed and tried again. “You wanna hear about them? I’ve probably given you the wrong impression. Well… half of one.”
She found her voice, rough, and forced a smile. “Not if it’s gonna stress you out. Besides—” And this time she stopped herself in time, because saying it’s never gonna happen now, right? to someone who had lived those events was so cheap and awful. It had sure happened for Casey.
“I don’t mind,” he said. “Uh, if you want to know… it might. Actually help.”
Share the grief, huh. Let him not be alone with some of this.
April breathed out. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
“Oh! And there was that one time when she accidentally got a job with an evil ninja organisation, but now that I think about it that was sheer bad luck...”
Carol was getting a headache. She refilled her glass, trying to sort out whether she wanted to laugh or scream or just throw a wine bottle at Lou, which definitely hadn’t featured on her list of Ways To Impress Him before she realised he was now a mutated father of four turtle boys. August had left the room, but the door to the kitchen was open and so she knew he was still listening; he was going through the bottles on the fridge perhaps a touch more violently than he needed to.
“Lou,” she said wearily, pinching the bridge of her nose, “I don’t get you. I would have thought you’d be trying to show us how safe she was with you, not—”
“Not be honest?”
She startled, glancing up to find him watching her shrewdly, and the smile that tucked into the corner of his mouth was an amused one, which made her bristle. Splinter put down his empty glass—his second glass, and he was still very sober in a way she wished she was not—and leaned forward. “Sure! I could have said, ‘Mr and Mrs O’Neil! My boys lead very boring lives! The worst scrape they’ve ever been in was an unfortunate one involving a skateboard and a cat and one too many magnets, and this alien invasion was a complete anomaly! Of course it will never happen again!’ That certainly is one way to lie to your face. I can think of more subtle attempts, but—”
“So you’re making fun of us?” August’s voice wafted from the kitchen, curt, and there was the snap-fizz sound of a fresh can of something being opened. Lord, Carol hoped it was strong and her husband was about to share. “You’re treating this whole situation with such irreverence that—”
“August.” Her voice was too sharp, and she softened it before she continued. “He’s not making fun. Maybe he’s being a bit of an ass, but—”
“I’m being a whole ass, thank you very much,” Splinter said mildly, and she pointed at him, baring her teeth.
“You are not helping. Tell me why.”
He raised his eyebrows at her in genuine curiosity. “Why be honest? Seriously?”
Carol paused, retort dying on the tip of her tongue.
Because. Because while he was telling them in the most irreverent way, it was the truth. Their lives were crazy and chaotic, and he was saying to expect nothing less. That the insanity of their lives had reached out and snagged their daughter at an early age, that—that she’d already been a target before these aliens came along. That Barry wasn’t who he said he was, had been a danger well before this and she’d been trying to introduce him to a daughter he’d apparently already kidnapped twice by that point--
Wait. That didn’t make sense.
“Barry saved April from the zombies,” she said slowly. “And reunited us. Are you saying that’s an act?”
“Good grief, no.” He tapped his empty glass and made a mournful sound, and one ear twitched back. “Much as I hate to give him any credit, Draxum is a changed goat. There is much behind his early motivations that I enthusiastically suggest you ask him about, if for no other reason than that it would be funny! But he just needed to see the bigger picture—that not all humans seek the destruction of anything they don’t understand.” He raised his eyebrows. “I am not sure if he would have come to that conclusion so quickly if it were not for your daughter. She is absolutely his favourite human, you know.”
There was a soft click as August exited the kitchen, shutting the door softly behind him. He came bearing another two bottles of wine and an opened can of Twisted Tea. Carol smiled at him, and he smiled back tiredly, a smile that faded into seriousness as he looked at Splinter. “Do you trust him?”
“With everything but money and my dignity,” Splinter said at once. “He’s a jerk, but he’s our jerk, I suppose.”
“You could have led with that.”
“I could have,” he said agreeably. They waited for him to explain further.
He didn’t.
“Okay,” Carol said finally, accepting the can from her husband and nodding as he refilled glasses all round. “So, what? You gave us a litany of horrific danger that our daughter has been involved with because…”
“Because to lie would have been extremely disrespectful, and you both seem strong enough to take the truth—oh thank you—” To August as his glass was refilled, and he snatched it up. “Of course I do not want you to separate the children. But you are both her parents, and good people, and you deserve to know all the facts so you can make a decision without any of us pretending that anything about this is normal.”
“As if it were as easy as that,” August muttered. “She’s already eighteen.”
“Well, that’s a you problem, I’m afraid.” Splinter sipped his wine. “But I’ve told you all about the disaster situations our children like to land themselves in. That’s only the ones I know of, mind you.”
“That’s so much better, thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” He cackled, offering his glass up for a toast. Carol gave him one, half-heartedly, and he favoured her with a softer smile.
“Now, I have a question for you,” he said. “How often has she come home hurt? Upset? Scared?”
August went to retort and then paused, looking thoughtful. Carol glanced between them both and frowned, thinking back. April had been hurt before… there was a sprained ankle she knew had come from an accident at school. A few minor bruises from early scraps with that girl with the purple hair. Nothing she wouldn’t expect from an outspoken teenage girl who picked fights with bullies.
Nothing that had raised alarms, until now. Until April’s poor face, bruising turning her skin even darker, coated in dust with blood in her hair, because aliens had attacked them directly. Because Agent Bishop had set them up as bait, which was a fault that could be laid at his doorstep, not the Hamatos’.
It took an alien invasion.
“I cannot make promises about how safe she will be. How safe any of them will be.” Splinter spoke gently now, drawing circles around the rim of his glass with a claw. He glanced up to meet their gaze. “Chaos magnet teenagers, the lot of them. But I will tell you that she is their big sister, and they would never let anything happen to her. And I will protect my family with everything I have. All of them.” He paused, then flashed a small smile. “It turns out I don’t do too bad a job!”
“All things being equal, you said,” Carol murmured.
“Yes, well. One would hope we don’t have to deal with anything as ridiculous as alien invasions again.” Splinter made a face. “They’re so exhausting! Barring city-destroying events, I truly think your daughter is safer than the average teenage girl. And I swear, large amounts of time go past in which the most exciting thing to happen is we’re late returning a DVD to the store, or the pizza order is wrong.” He paused. “...actually, that second one is generally a cause for alarm—”
Carol snorted in amusement, and she was relieved to see a faint smile on August’s face as well. “So. Family, huh?”
“Er, well. I know she already has a father and all,” Splinter muttered. “Just think of me as, I don’t know, cool wine uncle Randall.”
“Oh, and while you are considering what to do—” Splinter put his hands together. “Please take into account that we would miss her a great deal. But also, she is the intelligent one. I would appreciate it if you did not remove the brain cell from my boys…?”
Carol grinned outright. “I’m sorry, are you sure you know my daughter that well? Because—”
Carol O’Neil died when Casey was seven.
“There weren’t a lot of kids on base,” he said. “I mean-- there were bunkers, and civilians and their families mostly hid there, all through the cave systems below us… but for kids whose parents were active soldiers and had no one else-- I think there was maybe four of us all up. My mom and yours knew each other pretty well. Mrs O’Neil gave her a lot of advice about kids. I mean, my mom was your age, so…” He paused, staring into the darkness for a long moment with a mild frown. “You guys were friends, too. A long time ago.”
“Your mom and me?” April asked tentatively.
“Yeah. So I got to see you guys a lot as a kid. You worked out in the field more with my mom, and you’d both come back after days on end and mom would demand reports from the playroom and you’d laugh at her.” He grinned at her in the gloom. “But I’d see Mrs O’Neil a lot more because she stayed at base. I think she did a lot of behind the scenes stuff—I was too young to really get it. But I know she looked after us, too, and made sure we ate and got clean and slept safely. Ran drills for us on what to do if we were attacked. Where to run, where to hide. That kinda thing.”
Wonderful way for a kid to grow up. She gave him a small smile. “Mom does like to boss people around. She’s real nice about it, though.”
“Yeah, she is. And she’s, uh. Fierce when threatened.”
And a mama bear through and through. The Krang tried to take out the base while diverting most of the resistance fighters to another location, and they had to run. And Carol had made them go first and put herself between a bunch of scared kids and a pack of Krang war dogs. Casey didn’t see it happen. But he heard it, on the other side of the heavy trap door, too small to really understand what was going on, huddling with three other kids in the corner of the tiny secret basement.
He spared April the details. Her imagination had no problem filling them in for him, and April curled her knees up to her chest, wishing she couldn’t see it so clearly. A sick feeling curled in her gut, and she tried to remind herself her parents were still two rooms over with Splinter, but--
“It was a bad day for… everyone,” he said slowly. “The Krang hit us hard on two fronts, and we lost a lot of people that day. Including—” He broke off, and winced. “Well. Sensei and Master Donatello were the ones that pulled the survivors out, and I don’t remember much following. But I know the base was trashed and we had to move. That… happened, sometimes. Less as time went on.”
So her mom was a casualty among… dozens? Hundreds? More? She had trouble wrapping her head around the numbers and, if she were being honest, April didn’t want to think too hard about it. It was awful enough as it was. There was an odd, terrible relief that her mom hadn’t been singled out somehow. Because she’d seen what the Krang liked to do when they hated someone personally.
It was still a horrible way to die.
(There were no good ways to die in an apocalypse, huh?)
“You okay?”
She blinked, and found Casey much closer than he’d been a moment ago, hovering in concern, and April unclenched her fingers from each other and gave him a wan smile. “Hey, I knew going in it wouldn’t be pretty. I’m more worried about you.”
“You don’t need to be,” he said softly. “This was a long time ago.”
“Time doesn’t magically make things better.”
“I guess not,” he murmured. “But I grew up with this story. This is the first time you’ve heard it.” And he sounded so apologetic about it that she patted his shoulder.
“S’okay, Future Boy. I appreciate knowing. My mom was a total badass to the end, right?”
His smile was hesitant, but there all the same. “Right.”
She took a breath. “So, in for a penny, blah blah blah. If you’re up for it…?”
“Dad… did he outlive Mom?”
“By a whole lot.” His smile faded. “I really didn’t know him much until after Mrs O’Neil passed. And then he was kind of everywhere. He threw himself right into intelligence support, and he was so good at it—his strength was logistics and efficiency of movement on a mass scale, and we were still struggling with organisation, so… he and Master Donatello worked together a lot. He wasn’t a fighter, your dad, not like your mom. But he knew his stuff, and I know a lot of his ideas helped keep our home safe and our supply lines going as long as possible. He worked way too much—you came to drag him back to his room so many times.”
Wow. Was it weird to feel proud of her future and now non-existent dad? She hoped he’d never have to go through something similar. August was generally a laid back, quieter guy who enjoyed his trains and ships as hobbies.
That he’d weaponised his knowledge was amazing, but also heartbreaking. April could read between the lines just fine—he buried himself in work because Mom was dead.
“I can’t tell you exactly how he...uh.” Casey bit his lip. “We were always kind of awkward around each other. I think because of Mrs O’Neil. So I kept my distance.”
April frowned. “He can’t possibly have blamed you kids for Mom’s death. I’ll kick his ass. I’ll march right into the kitchen now--”
That surprised a laugh out of him. “No! No, I don’t think he did. But… you know. She died, and we were there. I think… it was just a reminder. And every time I saw him, I’d remember her too, and it just—it was like this presence in the room, I guess. By the time both of us got around to being rational about it, things were just weird. And I wasn’t really a logistics guy and had other places to be, so… we just let things go.”
She wondered what had happened to the other kids. The answer was obvious, given… well, everything. April kept her mouth shut and let Casey tell her the rest: that, actually, her Dad had survived up until the last days before Casey was thrown through Mikey’s time portal. That it was only when they were close to a full rout that he finally fell, along with the rest of the base personnel. That, as far as Casey knew, April had been with him when he died.
And by the clipped, hesitant way he spoke, constantly glancing to her as he paused and searched for words—giving her this heavily edited version, trying not to give her any other information—April could gather that she’d probably died at the same time.
That they all had, maybe. With the base down, and the guys choosing to send Casey back more than twenty years instead of continuing to fight…? That was some Terminator shit right there. Only this time, the good guys were the ones that lost. That wasn’t exactly a surprise; it had been kind of obvious since Casey first arrived. Time travel was a last resort kind of option.
In the future, they all died.
April wished that changing the future would wipe the slate clean for Casey, too. For the rest of them, it was a case of Hooray! Disaster averted! and they could be relieved that none of this would ever happen. But it had, for one of them. She wondered how he was going to cope with that.
Annnd he was apologising to her again. April wrinkled her nose—gingerly, it was still healing, stupid Krang—and flicked him on the forehead, smiling grimly at his yelp. “Casey Jones, I’m fine. Is this why you didn’t want to meet my parents?”
Casey blinked at her owlishly in the dark, and then pulled back, looking guilty. “What? N-no, I did, I swear—”
“Lemme put it another way,” she said, taking pity on him. This kid still took everything so seriously. But, you know. Justified and all. “Is this why you were so nervous about it?” More ninja than the guys, hiding in the one gloomy patch of hallway and trying to be invisible. But he could probably have gotten away with not coming for any number of reasons, so the fact that he was willing to try…
“...a little,” he allowed after a moment. “I mean—I know it’s dumb. Your parents—your dad has never met me in this time. But I kept thinking he’d take one look at me and just kind of… know.” He paused, then ran hand through his hair sheepishly. “Not very rational, I guess.”
April smiled. “Nah. But it still makes sense. And you made it through dinner okay, right?”
“Yeah.” He smiled back. “Your parents are really nice. I can tell the guys like them, too.”
“Don’t remind me. They’re threatening to adopt.”
“...does it work that way in the past?”
She couldn’t help the snort of laughter at his genuine confusion. “Oh, man. We so have to give you a crash course in literally everything, don’t we.”
“Probably,” he said wryly. And paused again, before sighing. “Also, I think they finally worked out we’re not in the living room anymore.”
April blinked at him, and then turned toward the door—and yeah, it had gone suspiciously quiet out there. She put a finger to her lips, grinning at Casey, and reached down for her Journalism and Media Studies text book.
Then she threw it at the door hard and burst into laughter at the girlish shriek that came from the other side. Even Casey gave a soft huff of amusement as the door was flung open a moment later by Donnie, Mikey sprawled on the ground behind him.
“See,” Raph grumbled in the distance, “I told you guys—”
“April O’Neil,” Donnie demanded, “Are you throwing books at us?”
“It’s the outdated thing they gave us in class that you found the newer edition of.”
“In that case, carry on.”
“Don’t carry on,” Mikey wheezed, rolling up to his feet. “Books are scary.” And he dropped his voice to a stage whisper. “Also, Leo is asleeep.”
Oh, whoops. April glanced at the sofa, where Leo’s hood and red stripes could just be seen under the comforter, Raph sitting in front of him and polishing off the last of Leo’s food. She lowered her own voice to something more reasonable. “Then you shouldn’t have been eavesdropping.”
“Of course we were!” Donnie proclaimed, arms folded. Then winced. “--n’t. Weren’t eavesdropping. Don’t be ridiculous, we were merely concerned that you had run into emotional difficulties of some—” Mikey smacked him in the shoulder. “I mean. Eaten by rats. Because rats. Are a thing in these parts. Zombie rats. They could still be here.”
“Uh huh.” She folded her arms. “Casey?”
He honest to god saluted her with a perfectly straight face. “No rats in the apartment, Commander. Could be a liar or two, though.”
Raph snorted, choking on his mouthful of beef as Donnie gaped at them. Mikey planted his face on Donnie’s shell and gave a muffled giggle. “Someone tell Casey the house rules—”
“We have house rules now?” April wanted to know.
“Uhh, something something don’t be funny while people are eating?” Donnie suggested. “You nearly killed Raph.”
Raph pointed in their general direction but said nothing, still coughing.
“That’s not a house rule. That’s something you came up with to get Leo to shut up and eat.”
“In our defense, his puns are very painful,” Donnie noted. “Also, how long has he been Dumbonardo in your phone?”
“My—” She glanced down to see her phone in his hand, and April snatched it back. “Give me that.”
“I was updating it for you.”
“With what?”
“Answer the question and I’ll answer yours.”
She glared, but after poking at her phone to make sure he hadn’t put Yet Another Firewall on it, April gave a shrug. “Since the invasion.”
“Hmm. Some might say I am required to speak in my beloved brother’s defense, but I merely question why you didn’t do it earlier.”
Raph finally found his voice, still pointing. “Don’t use Raph as an excuse. Also Leo went to sleep, like, five minutes ago—you sure you wanna be roasting him like this?”
“It’s a night for roasts,” Mikey said sagely. “Speaking of, d’you think we can stick a fork in Dad and call him done yet?”
“I don’t know,” Splinter said from behind the couch. “Can you?”
They all yelped and jumped away from him—with the exception of Leo, who let out a small snore, and Casey, who just lifted a hand and waved. Splinter beamed at them and continued picking his teeth clean with a nail which, ew. April made a face. “When did you get in here?”
“A good ninja never reveals his secrets.”
“Oh, so you’re going to tell us everything—”
Splinter’s tail cracked into Donnie’s head, and April cackled, flopping into the armchair as he waved a finger. “The O’Neils will be in shortly! I came to warn you in advance so you can repair all the damage you’ve done.”
“Huh?” Raph’s brow furrowed. “What damage? If you’re talking about the gravy, we dealt with that—”
“There was no gravy,” Donnie said swiftly, and April immediately started scanning the cushions and the carpeting with dread. “It’s all in your imagination.”
“Who cares about gravy?” Splinter hissed, flailing his arms in dramatic outrage. “What about what you’ve done to the walls?”
They stared back at him in disbelief.
“Okay, first of all, that wasn’t us,” Donnie said, voice flat. “Second, I admire your faith that we can somehow put the walls back to rights in the moments we have before the O’Neils descend upon us with whatever imagined wrath you think we deserve—”
April raised a hand, sighing. “In light of Leo being asleep, let me be the one to tell you that was totally Draxum, and the walls were like that before you guys arrived.”
“Draxum, you say?” Splinter said gleefully. “I mean—oh no, your poor walls.”
“Hey, he did it saving April!” Mikey defended.
“Yeah, he’s off the hook for that one,” Raph said, ruffling Mikey’s mask tails. “You can blame him for a lot of things, but—”
“I’m sorry,” Draxum drawled, towering behind Raph suddenly. “What am I being blamed for now?”
They all yelped and scrambled in the opposite direction. Except for Casey, who waved again, and Leo, whose snoring took on a more stubborn sound, and April eyed him suspiciously. Draxum loomed over them all, dressed in a surprisingly nice kimono, its stylishness ruined somewhat by the traces of chocolate staining its sleeve, and he was holding a tray that was…
...gurgling. Huh.
Splinter recovered first. “Everything I can possibly get away with, and surprise ninja entrances are my thing! Get your own!”
Draxum raised an eyebrow. “Surprise ninja entrances? I walked through the door. Perhaps your supposed ninja family needs more training in observation.”
April glanced behind him to see that, yes, the door to the kitchen was open, and Carol was leaning against the frame watching them all. She caught April’s stare and grinned, offering her a wink.
And April relaxed. Whatever her parents had talked about with Splinter, it had turned out okay.
Draxum eyed them a moment longer, then gave a disdainful sniff and set the tray down on the coffee table. It was full of brown, bubbling and uneven sludge, and an attempt to slice it into squares had clearly been made before the pieces melted back together again. They surrounded it and eyed it dubiously.
“Brownies,” Draxum said proudly. “I grew them myself.”
Mikey peered at him. “Don’t you mean baked—”
“I said what I said.”
There was silence as they all stared down at what, honestly, looked a little like a horror story. Like a village buried under a sudden mud slide, maybe. The lumpiness did remind April a little of tiny drowning people, and the fact that it was still bubbling didn’t help.
It did smell delicious, though--
“Who would like to try one first?” Draxum asked. “Carol? As host—”
“Oh,” Carol said cheerfully. “As host, I’ll… find you some plates.” And she was gone with a speediness that April envied. She wondered if she could somehow vanish through the same doorway without being noticed.
“I’ll pass,” Casey said, raising a hand, and he looked sincerely apologetic. “I’m still meant to stick to a simple diet, and I think your brownies are too… rich?”
Nice save. April felt a little bad for Draxum as he looked around with confusion and frowned. “I promise you they taste just fine.”
“Did you follow my recipe?” Mikey asked weakly.
“I improved on your recipe—”
“I’ll go first,” Raph said, face dark and slamming a fist into his open palm. “I’ve eaten weirder.”
“Yeah, good luck with that.” Donnie was on his phone. “I am not eating anything that looks like a crime scene. Tampering with evidence is a no-no.”
Mikey peered at him. “That’s not what you said at the college labs—”
“You’re all babies.” Raph rolled up the sleeves of his jacket, wincing slightly as the holes at his elbows grew a little bigger. “I bet it’ll taste great and you should all give Barry the benefit of the doubt.”
“Thank you,” Draxum said with a sniff. “I tasted them myself and I am in perfectly good health. I don’t know why all of you are such cowards when it comes to yokai cooking.”
“Raph ain’t no coward.” Yet despite this, he hovered over the tray for a long time, fingers wiggling as if he wasn’t sure what to grab, and April watched the drop of sweat roll down his cheek. Everyone watched him in silence. Except for Donnie, who was humming. April thought it might be a dirge of some kind.
Another green hand reached out and stabbed a finger down into the tray, twirling a pile of warm goop around it, and they jumped. Leo stuck it into his mouth, eyes still half closed.
“Nardo, don’t swallow that—”
“Oh, sweet pineapple on pizza,” Leo breathed, eyes flying open. “This is amazing. Who made this?”
There was dead silence. And then everyone pointed to Draxum. Leo blinked at him, wrinkled his snout, and snuggled back into his pile of comforters. “Oh, that’s right. Well, whatever, can’t win ‘em all. Can I have a plate?”
“Wait,” Donnie said, disbelieving. “You’re serious? You’re not just trying to trick us all into food poisoning?”
“You don’t wanna eat any, Dontron, it’s more for me.”
“Well, not that I doubt you...” Donnie squinted at the plate. “But brownies are meant to have a certain internal consistency. If you can twirl it around your finger I feel they should be classified as something more liquid—”
“Save me from picky eaters,” Draxum said, rolling his eyes. “If you wait a little longer I’m sure they’ll set.”
“They’re meant to set before you serve them, Barry—”
Mikey crossed his arms. “Hey, he tried! And therefore nobody should criticise him!”
“Oh, I think we can find plenty to criticise,” Splinter said, dabbing chocolate goop away from his mouth, and April gave a start and wondered when he’d managed that theft. “But I suppose in this case the brownies are exempt. I hate to say it, but they are delicious. In a strangely muddy kind of way.”
“Oh, nobody died?” Carol had reappeared, holding a stack of small plates. “I brought spoons as well, given their… unique texture. We can call it pudding instead of brownies, right?”
“But I made brownies,” Draxum said sulkily.
“Special recipe yokai brownies,” she said with a dry smile. “Clearly we poor humans don’t recognise quality when we see it.”
“Well, seeing as you brought it up—”
April stomped on his foot. Hard. Which probably hurt her more than it hurt him, given he had hooves and he merely gave her a blank look, but it did shut him up.
“Everyone stop arguing about dessert and eat it already,” Leo said, yawning. “Mrs O, dinner was delicious. I don’t know if I said that before, so…”
That prompted a general round of agreement, and she smiled at them, handing out the plates. “You’re very welcome. Maybe when you’re feeling better, we can do this again, huh?”
Splinter perked up. “You mean like a traditional Sunday dinner?”
“Not every Sunday,” August said, finally entering with a tray of glasses. “I’m not sure our poor apartment can take it. I heard something about gravy?”
“There is no gravy.”
“Oh, glad to hear it. Drinks, anyone?”
A chorus of hands shot up.
“I think there’s enough room for all of us,” Carol said, pointedly flopping down on the ground by April’s chair. “You guys haven’t picked a movie out yet. Anything in particular?”
“Do you have any Jupiter Jim?” Leo said, peering over his comforter.
“Who cares about Jupiter Jerkface.” Splinter huffed. “I happen to know they have the entire collection of Lou Jitsu’s hidden 80s gems—”
“We are not watching Lou Jitsu movies.” Draxum paused between serving up his pudding-slash-brownies onto plates to give him a disdainful look. “We already have to look at you enough today.”
“You only just arrived with faulty brownies, you don’t get a say—”
“My delicious brownies. Even the annoying one thinks so.”
“Don’t drag me into this, I’m horribly injured.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Anyway,” Mikey said determinedly, stuffing Leo’s mouth full of chocolate before he could retort, “That’s one vote for Jupiter Jer—Jim and like minus five for Lou Jitsu—”
“How dare you!” Splinter gasped. “The lack of respect!”
“Lou Jitsu’s ‘hidden 80s gems’ are uncut and not for children,” Carol said firmly. “Don’t scar them.”
“What do you mean—” Donnie paused, and then went a fascinating shade of grey as April hid her face. “Oh. Never mind.”
“I haven’t seen much of the Jupiter Jim franchise, actually,” August said thoughtfully. “Are they any good?”
“Actually,” Casey said, raising a hand with a hesitant smile, “I haven’t seen any. For, uh… obvious reasons..?”
There was silence as everyone stared at the two of them.
Then Leo reached out and smacked Donnie in the arm, making garbled sounds through his mouthful of chocolate sludge, and Donnie sighed. “Translating for my dum-dum brother here, I believe he wants me to say ‘Well, now we have to watch them. From the beginning.’”
“We don’t own any of them, though—”
“That is not a problem, believe me.” Donnie produced his tablet from out of thin air. “April? May I borrow your laptop?”
“You got it, Dee.” She wriggled out of the chair and scrambled past them to her room, cackling as Splinter stopped grumbling and snatched up a plate, perching on the far arm of Leo’s sofa. By the time she returned, dad had pulled in a chair from the kitchen to sit on and the rest were mostly lounging on the floor with what spare cushions they had, and Donnie was perched in an unlikely sprawl across the back of the sofa, setting up the connections they’d need.
“Okay!” Donnie straightened up as she handed him her laptop. “Given there are more than eighty films in the franchise we will clearly start with just the one, so let’s go for one of the more iconic for new viewers and take bets on how long it takes Nardo to fall asleep again—”
“Hey,” Leo protested sleepily. “Rude. I wanna watch people watching JJ.”
“Again, skill issue. I suppose we can ask April to throw more text books—”
“I know who I’m gonna throw ‘em at if I do.”
“—but books are sacred and should not be treated that way. I give him five minutes.”
“Eight,” Carol said mildly.
“Oh no, Raph is not losin’ another Leo bet. I give him three minutes, look at him, he’s already yawnin’—”
“You’re all jerks.”
“Shush, Leo, or I’ll rig the bet in my favour. You will not like my methods.”
“Dad, Donnie’s threatening me again.”
“Be quiet and go to sleep! Preferably after four minutes.”
“You’re all gonna lose,” Mikey sing-songed. “Leo loves these movies. I’ll give him a full half hour.”
“Thank you, Miguel, but also you’re still a jerk.”
“I love you too.”
“Shh, shh-- the movie’s starting.”
April’s phone buzzed as her dad got the lights, and she blinked down at it.
Donnie: >> I updated your panic button. For all your potential home invasion needs. If we can’t answer, it’ll summon a drone. No more zombies. Share it with parents?
Oh… right. The update. April smiled, and offered him a thumbs up in the dark as the movie started. She’d have to break the news to her parents that they were adopted after all.
Her chair hadn’t been stolen, which was nice of them. She settled back into it, and Carol glanced up at her with a small smile.
“Okay?” April whispered.
“More than,” Carol whispered back.
And...okay. Good. Great. Something in her settled into pure warmth and she curled her knees up to her chest, glancing at her dad. He smiled and gave her a quick nod. Two for two.
It was gonna be more than okay. From here, it was gonna be amazing.
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torialefay · 7 months
if you need me, i will be crying my eyes out over the new skz record
LISTEN. the scream i scrumpt was ridiculous. i didnt even know ab it until you sent this message.
like imagine going back home w channie. you start the mornings with the lil curly head and take berry on a walk by the water. the wind is blowing, and you & channie are holding hands while berry pulls on her leash and sniffs around. maybe you'll stop at a cute lil brunch place and get an outdoor table so berry can sit on one of the seats while you eat. they'll bring her a lil puppy treat so she's super happy. it's like literally having your own kid with him already.
then you go home and get cleaned up, mess around for a little bit, talk to hannah, before going back out for him to show you around his favorite parts of the city. he'll make sure to bring you to all of his favorite stores and favorite views. if you walk past a cute clothing store or jewelry store and he sees you eyeing something, he'll insist you go in and take a look around. whatever you want.
he'll take you to the harbor to sit and enjoy each other's company and watch the boats as they pass by. he'd promise you he'd buy you one some day. you'd giggle as you both tried to come up with names for your new boat. how he'd get it decked out with the best surround sound ever.
you'd be nervous as he'd invited his friends to meet you both for dinner. it was at one of their favorite spots to go together growing up. but once you actually met them, you understood why channie loved them so much. the way his personality changes when he's around them. he's cutting up the whole time as his friends tease him and they talk about old memories and funny stories. they make sure to tell you all about the embarrassing things chan did as a kid. at the end of dinner, they'd make sure to tell you how much chan bragged on you and that they were glad he had someone like you to watch out for him when they couldn't. channie would end by promising he'd see them tomorrow since you'd already made plans with his mom and sister to have a girl's day tomorrow.
he'd show you how pretty it was there at night time and take you to his favorite, romantic spot. a lot of couples went there to watch all the pretty lights. they'd have performers in the backgroup who were playing slow music to set the scene. he'd lean in and give you a quick kiss, telling you how happy he is that you could be there with him.
he'd buy you ice cream as you walked around some more before heading back home. you'd get back late, so the house was already still and quiet when you arrived. you both crept upstairs so you wouldn't wake anyone. after taking your showers to wash off the day, you'd both lay next to each other, reminiscing on your favorite parts of the day together. you'd ask him follow up questions about things he liked to do at those places and who he'd go with and if he had any important memories that happened there. you'd stay up giggling like teenagers until it was after 3 am.
once you'd both decided you needed to go to bed, you'd lay your heads on the pillows next to each other and close your eyes. before you'd drift off to sleep, channie would brush your shoulder before questioning you. "babe can i ask you a question?".
you'd turn over to see his face smiling softly at you. "of course honey, what's up?".
"do you think that you could live here one day?" he'd look at you with big eyes, looking like they were about to water.
you'd smile at him before moving a hand to the side of his face. "i could live anywhere with you. but yeah... this would be nice."
he'd lean in to give you the sweetest, most gentle kiss you'd ever felt. he'd linger over you before pulling away, his eyes full of endearment. "i love you. i promise i'm going to marry you someday and move us here. we'll make our own little world."
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queeniecook · 1 month
"Growing Pains" - Part 3
My birthday arrived.
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“I feel like Salem is judging us again for making love.” Pak told me quietly.
I looked over and Salem was starting Pak down. I had to laugh. Salem had done that off and on during my whole relationship with Pak.
“He’s just letting you know who the man of the house is.” I said, joking.
Pak chuckled a little bit “There’s a diving suit in the bathroom for you, ku’uipo. Put it on. There’s a boat outside that’s waiting to take you to a diving site.” Pak told me.
So that was some of what he had been up to.
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I spent an hour diving. Pak did it all the time for work, I could see why he liked it. Granted he had an advantage I didn’t. He is a mermaid. He could do it without the gear, I couldn’t. I enjoyed it though.
The boat brought me back home and Pak texted me, telling me to change into my swimsuit and meet him in the water.
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I swam to him and wanted to ask who was watching the kids, but he didn’t give me a chance to. I knew he wouldn’t leave them unattended, so I put that out of my mind.
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He took me frog hunting by the waterfall. I had hunted frogs before, but never in the water. It was a different experience. It was more fun.
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After frog hunting, we splashed around in the water like little kids.
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Naturally with the two of us, things turned romantic. We weren’t strangers to the waterfall.
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“This has been a great birthday, thank you.” I told him before heading back towards the house.
“It’s not over yet.” Pak told me in a playful tone.
So there was more.
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When we got back to the house, Pak started grilling fruit. One of my favorites. I went inside to change into my workout gear, I was going to do a little yoga before dinner.
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Sabrina stopped me though. She kept meowing at me, which she rarely did. She kept pacing and meowing until I paid attention to her. That seemed to calm her down for a few minutes before something started happening.
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Ares and Xena were born. They looked a lot like their Dad, I got all giddy and kept squealing about how cute they were. I got kittens on my birthday, not a bad gift from the cats.
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Vera congratulated Salem on becoming a Dad by giving him attention and cuddles.
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We all ate dinner together out on the patio. It was perfect to me.
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I still had to age. I blew out the candles on a Sugar Free Carob Coconut Cake. The same exact kind of cake that I made for Pak during his first birthday with me. The fact wasn’t lost on me. He did it in purpose. A reminder of all the time we had been in each other’s lives.
My birthday wasn’t so bad after all until…
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We lost Salem that night. We had gained Ares and Xena. It was a sad night. Vera wasn’t there, she had gone to Dominic’s house for a sleepover after I blew out my candles. I wasn’t sure how to tell her.
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saltygilmores · 9 months
Links to all previous episodes can be found in my Pinned Post.
Pre Opening Credits Filler: Lorelai and Rory are sorting junk mail . Of course I had to google whether or not "Shreiber's" was ever a real catalog. Google results were inconclusive. Lorelai's Poconos shirt is really cute.
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Post opening credits sequence: A town meeting.
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Miss Patty and Babette are too good for this world.
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I love seeing Luke smile. As the entire room rises to exit, Taylor instructs them not to leave and everyone immediately listens. I will never understand how he has this much power or why Luke dutifully attends every one of thse things.
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Stefon from SNL voice: This hot new club, Stars Hollow Town Meeting, has everything. Animal cruelty, blind obedience, women who pick up dates at funerals, politicians dunking on neurodivergent loners, protest supression.
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(tac·i·turn /ˈtasəˌtərn/ adjective (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.)
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Pretty rich for Lorelai to be dunking on loners when the guy she's in love with has no friends and her daughter has one friend.
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At least the loner must be intelligent. Evidenced by the fact that he doesn't waste his time in town meetings. But seriously...imagine you're this guy minding his own business just trying to buy some books and enact political change with protest so the mayor-type-guy calls everyone in town together to dunk on how weird and creepy and quiet you are behind your back (see also: Jess, who was also a child. And who also has to endure shitty comments about not being talkative enough).
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Is Kirk the only neurodivergent person in Stars Hollow who is allowed to be himself?
With our powers combined, we are our the Neurodivergent And/Or Deeply Misunderstood Outcast Super Squad! Kirk! A guy who talks to mailboxes! A quiet guy who likes books! Another quiet guy who likes books! Town Troubador! Rory!
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Look who else is way too smart to waste his time at a town meeting. His precious whacking off time is over, Luke is heading home, and he is outta here.
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Now, let's say the Gilmore Girls in-show timeline lines up with the air dates of the episodes (which it tends to do much of the time). "Teach Me Tonight" aired April 30th, 2002. This episode aired on November 5th, 2002. 6 months and 6 days prior to this town meeting. Rory's not-even-broken arm has healed. Lorelai, kindly...get the fuck over it and shut up. Lorelai: when did Jess get a car? Luke: None of your god damn beeswax. Luke had no idea Jess had a car.
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I always found it interesting that Jess was raised in the city his whole life, but knew how to drive. Many (but not all) New Yorkers get around on foot or public transportation and many never even learn to drive at all. But there's just no way Liz was a New Yorker who had a car that Jess could borrow, she wasn't helping him practice, she wasn't paying for lessons with an instructor, and before he arrived in The Hollow the only life he knew was getting around on public transport and walking. We come to learn he knows a bit about car repair as well. And he's only 18. Definitely not saying it's implausible or unbelievable that he knows how to drive. Far from it. Just something to ponder. Jess is scrappy. He finds a way. Lorelai has the absolute fucking audacity to tell Luke "You needs to get a handle on Jess" because he wasn't aware of this car purchase. How about you get a handle on your perfect child before she sleeps with her married ex boyfriend and steals a boat huh. How bout them apples.
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Narrator: Lorelai Gilmore was in fact, not sorry for equating a 6 month old minor car accident that caused a hairline wrist fracture with 1st degree murder, and she would not butt out now or ever again.
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 5 months
Teen and Up Rated Fics Masterlist (22)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17 / Part 18 / Part 19 / Part 20 / Part 21 /
Created: March 14th, 2024
Last Checked:—-
Into that good night…-Angylinni (ao3) Summary: She couldn’t believe he was gone, that she’d never hear his voice again. Katniss prepares to say goodbye to Haymitch Isn't it strange-Brown_Eyed_Devil (ao3) Summary: “I regret it all, because those gifts were made specifically for me, nobody else could ever really understand the significance of the row of flowers by my house, or comprehend why I felt so cheated when I saw the painting of a sun rising through the valley that I have watched many a time from my rooftop, or how it breaks my heart that somehow after all this time he remembers the lyrics to The Valley Song, that was written in delicate calligraphy in a paint that seems to only appear when the sun shines directly on it, over the painting. It’s all too personal. Even the loaves of bread which I’m sure are rotting away in my kitchen, and it fills me with an overwhelming sense of guilt, shame, anger, hatred, and fear, because all these actions are so inherently Peeta, and what I’m doing is so inherently me that I can’t help but hope just a little that things are going back to normal, and that maybe one day he can forgive me for everything I’ve done.” Post-mockingjay fic, through the seasons of growing back together. Starring Buttercup. Jolly Sailors Bold-aimmyarrowshigh (ao3) Summary: When Finnick came home from his Games, he had riches -- bloody gold for bloody deeds -- and a trident. So he bought a boat, and he looked out over that horizon. Just Close Your Eyes, You’ll Be Alright-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: Prompt 154: Soulmate au where your soulmates injuries and scars show up on your body tinted in their favorite color. Katniss through the years as she discovers new marks, pondering what it could possibly be, finally figuring out that her soulmate is being hurt way too regularly and in very specific places. Do her parents figure out Peeta is being abused? How do they find and "rescue" him? Or does Peeta live his whole childhood being abused before turning 18? Does he runaway? How do he and Katniss find their way to one another? Katniss, Is That You?-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: Peeta comes home to check on his wife before Trick or Treaters arrive. Keep the Blood in Your Head-atetheredmind (ao3) Summary: AU. "Katniss Everdeen wanted him to live. She wanted him to come home. And he could do it, for her. He would. If there was anything worth fighting for now, it was her." Peeta Mellark is chosen as tribute for the 74th Hunger Games. Last Wish-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: At 17 Peeta Mellark finds himself face to face with his long time crush, Katniss Everdeen, confessing his feelings for her. But, at 18, when they think they're free from the Reaping, they end up District 12's latest Tributes. As their lives are in peril, Katniss whispers to him: "Ask me!" Will she grant him his Last Wish?. One shot ('Long' One Shot) Learn Your Song-ashyblondwaves (ao3) Summary: Modern Day AU: Katniss Everdeen had spent the last three years working at the only electronics and office supply store in District 12, and it was time once again to prepare for Christmas. The rapid changes always brought new sights, new sounds, and this year it brought Peeta Mellark — the new seasonal hire. Less of This-HGfanonezillion (ao3) Summary: Katniss wakes up from a nightmare and Peeta soothes her back to sleep. Let the Moment Seize You-Abagail_Snow (ao3) Summary: Peeta's adolescence told through a series of vignettes.
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for not telling a version of my family from another universe who I was?
The cause of this is basically that I (19-for-a-while X) ended up being flung across dimensions after a really bad event ended up permanently ending the entirety of my own dimension. I had been seeing a little bit of this other universe before the destruction of my own, and survived its end purely because I wasn't IN my universe for it. I was the only one who made it out. And its demise was MY fault in the first place.
A whole universe of lives being gone because of you isn't exactly a good feeling. So anyways, I ended up in the other dimension, that was essentially running through a directly parallel and identical version of my own, except decades in he past. My own parents were just children at the time I arrived. Now, there's obviously not an easy way to explain this situation to ANYONE, the circumstances were just too awful. Everyone that had died here again, but it wasn't them.
I ended up simply sticking to the sidelines, doing things that wouldn't directly affect the timeline. The whole "dimension change" to a place decades before I should be has mostly shaken me too. Mentally, physically, I haven't aged a bit. My mind is constantly in the same place and it is PAINFULLY confusing. I mostly just ride my boat and try my best to do what I can to help from my partly frozen mental state
And that's how the last about 20 years have been. The version of my family in this universe have recently been talking to me and have even been trying to help me out. They know the basics of what happened to me, but they don't know who I am, or rather, who I will be soon, and keep telling me things like "we can help you explain to your family in this universe!" It's an awkward situation to be in, all these years I've been that mysterious boat guy and I'm supposed to just tell them all this?
We're all pretty sure some kind of end of the world event (different to the one I experienced) is going to be happening pretty soon and I have told them I'm an important way to help them, but I don't know how they'd feel if they knew this universe's version of me is probably also going to be important, or who this universe's version of me is
So do I bother telling them? And how?
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Unexpected pt. 5
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Summary: He returns to Kattegat, somehow alive. Too many things have changed while he was away.
Notes: I’d estimate that Ragnar + Ivar went to England for maybe a little over a month to two months. Also rewrote his arrival to be a bit more realistic than in the show (Why tf would the Saxons wait for a bunch of Northmen to see them come and go??)
Also, only a few people gave me their opinion on the whole pregnancy thing. If u wanted this to be without a pregnancy trope, feel free to comment!! I might write an alternative version in that case.
Taglist: @bragisrunes @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @punkrocknpearls @alicedopey, @ivarlover @levithestripper @tsundere-cherry-girl @buddhasoull @mypinklion @katieskidmore1 @vrtualfairy @akayxo09 @batmandallyboy
Masterlist | part 4 | requests are OPEN! | hmu to be added to a taglist!!
Ivar didn’t know how he had survived England or King Ecbert. He’d expected to die at the hands of an English soldier. Yet, these Saxon men had sailed him back all the way to Kattegat, pushed him off the boat and left as quickly as they could.
He sat himself up, having lost his braces in England. He needed time to think about how he’d tell mother that Ragnar was dead.
The people of Kattegat saw the Saxon boat before they noticed their prince, but in the matter of a few minutes, Ivar spotted Ubbe and Y/N running towards the docks. Immediately, he saw that they both looked incredibly tired.
Ubbe reached him first, hugging Ivar tightly. It was something he hadn’t done upon Ivar’s request for years, since Ivar hadn’t wanted him to embarrass him further. But now, he was glad for the embrace, even if he would never admit it.
Before either of them could say anything, she was next to him.
“You’re alive, thank the Gods.” She whispered, her hands shaking. Ubbe moved back, leaving them to their moment.
“You look…” Ivar began, before he trailed off. She looked tired, exhausted even, but he noticed the clothes she was wearing immediately. They were fit for a merchant’s daughter, and while they suited her, Ivar also saw her discomfort with wearing them.
He connected the dots quickly.
“Who freed you?” he demanded. For a moment, he suspected that Sigurd had done it, to take her away from Ivar, but that notion made no sense. It wouldn’t work, his mother wouldn’t have allowed it.
She sighed. “There’s a lot you missed. We should talk… somewhere else.”
Ivar noticed the crowd that had gathered behind them, whispering. He could see Torvi’s intricate braids disappear between the people that had gathered too. Why was she already back from Hedeby? Had Bjorn and Hvitserk returned?
Ubbe hoisted him up, and the two of them transported Ivar away from the whispering masses, towards the forest.
He noticed their faces of pity. It wasn’t something he was used to from them. As soon as they set him down, it spilled out of Ivar.
“Ragnar is dead.” He said. To his surprise, they nodded.
“We know. Sigurd and I saw Odin.” Ubbe explained.
“Who freed you?” Ivar asked her.
“Why would Lagertha have any choice in the matter?” he snapped.
She glanced over at Ubbe, who gave her a small nod.
“Aslaug is dead. Lagertha killed her.”
And with six words, Ivar’s world came crumbling down.
“No.” he said. “It can’t be true.”
“It is true.” Ubbe affirmed.
“Then where the fuck where you? Where were either of you?” he screamed. Roughly, he pushed her away from him. Ubbe caught her before she could fall, and Ivar felt a stab of guilt in his gut.
“Hedeby.” She answered quietly. Ivar let out another shout of frustration.
“Tell him the reason.” Ubbe mumbled to her, before he slipped away. Ivar wanted him to stay, so he would have someone to fight with. He didn’t understand why Ubbe was leaving.
“I’m sorry.” He said. “I shouldn’t have pushed you.”
“No.” she agreed. “But you did.”
Quietly, she sat down next to Ivar.
“What reason did Ubbe mean?” he asked after a while.
“Why Lagertha freed me.”
She took a deep breath, and subconsciously, Ivar grabbed her hand. He felt the quick pulse in her wrist, noticed her shallow breathing.
“Why are you afraid?” Ivar asked.
“I don’t know how you’ll take this.” She said.
“You cannot make me hate you, unless you sided with Lagertha.” He replied.
She shook her head quickly. “I tried to protect your mother. I really did. I know she meant a lot to you, and I’m sorry.”
“I don’t think I have to forgive you.” Ivar said softly. “What is it?”
“I’m with child.” She blurted out.
“I don’t- I can’t-“ Ivar began. “I don’t understand.”
“Just because your legs don’t work doesn’t mean you cannot have children.” She replied. “I didn’t think I’d get with child because I hadn’t had my moon’s blood in months before I came to you. I guess you fed me enough. She freed me because I’m carrying a prince.”
“Did you tell her?” Ivar demanded.
“She’s a mother. She was the first one to notice.” She admitted.
“And I’m the last one to find out.” He concluded.
“I would have told you, but there was the slight problem of an entire sea between us.” She joked. Then, her face grew more serious. “You’re not going to leave me, right? I know that Lagertha is using me as a bargaining chip, but I can’t raise a child alone. I’m barely above what I used to be.”
Softly, Ivar laid a hand on her belly. There was no way of noticing if she was pregnant yet just by looking, but he felt prouder than he ever had. He was normal, he could be just like any other man.
“How could I ever leave you?”
She let out a sound that was between a laugh and a sob. Ivar noticed the tears glittering in her eyes and reached up to cup her face. Softly, she grabbed his wrist, giving his palm a soft kiss.
“Who would’ve thought?” she said.
“Gods, I love you so much.” Ivar blurted out. “You’re all I have.”
She laughed again. “Sometimes I wonder how you can be so smart and yet so stupid. You have Ubbe and Hvitserk, and maybe even Sigurd. And if you put just a tiny bit of effort into it, the people of Kattegat will love you far more than Lagertha.”
“Don’t talk about her now.” Ivar hissed. She nodded, and hugged him tightly. Ivar sunk into her embrace. When he closed his eyes, he could pretend this forest was the whole world, and they were the only two people in it.
No Lagertha, no Ragnar, no Saxons. Only them.
The only reason why Ivar did not burst into the Great Hall with axe in hand to kill Lagertha was because she was carrying his child. He knew that this was already changing the stakes in Lagertha’s favor, but Ivar could not care less.
Instead, he grabbed her by the arm and went straight to his room. There, he sat down on his bed, trying to calm down and failing miserably. He noticed quickly that nothing had dusted over while he was gone, but was still in the same place. Well, except for the bedsheets.
“You slept in the bed.” He said.
“I hope it doesn’t bother you. You were gone and Queen Aslaug did not mind. Lagertha insisted.”
“She wants me out of the way.” Ivar realized. “If I marry you, my marriage cannot secure any alliances.”
She looked to the ground, the hurt in her face apparent.
“That’s not what I meant.” Ivar tried. “But it’s what Lagertha is trying to do. All she cares about is placing Bjorn on the throne.”
“You don’t necessarily need a political marriage to become King.” She replied.
“King?” Ivar asked. “I only meant that I was weakening Bjorn’s claim.”
“I know your ambitions reach higher than that, Ivar.”
Ivar looked over to her, and she was smiling to herself as she pulled the sheets tighter on the bed.
“Do you want to be queen?” he asked her.
“I want you to be happy. And you will be happy when you are great.”
“You’ve already made me happy.” Ivar insisted.
“Oh, but being King certainly wouldn’t hurt.” She replied cheekily.
Ivar grinned back, his mind going through the possibility. Of course he wanted to be a King, who was he kidding? To achieve that though, he would have to be greater than all his brothers combined. And he’d need an heir.
Luckily, one of those problems seemed to already be resolving itself.
He watched her walk around the bed, kneeling down in front of him. Quietly, she took his hands in hers.
“I will help you kill Lagertha.” She promised. “Your mother became quite dear to me before she died. But you lack patience. Let the people turn against her, as they will soon enough. Let time do the job for you, and they’ll see you as the hero that rid them from her.”
Ivar nodded, trying to ignore the itch for violence creeping up behind him. She was right. If he rushed into this, it would be like running into battle without a plan. Not that he’d been in one yet.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Ivar stayed on the bed, but she went and opened it. To his surprise, it wasn’t Ubbe who was standing in the doorway, but Hvitserk.
“Little brother! I heard you had returned.” Hvitserk announced happily, pushing past her.
“Like you didn’t just come back.” Ivar grumbled.
“Any news?” Hvitserk asked. “I know of mother.”
Ivar contemplated for a few seconds. Hvitserk was his favorite brother, and he wanted him to know directly, and not from one of Lagertha’s lackeys.
“Nothing much. Well, you’re going to be an uncle.” Ivar said smoothly. Hvitserk laughed, but when Ivar didn’t follow, he stared at him. Then at her.
She nodded slowly.
“I’m going to be an uncle!” Hvitserk almost shouted. In two steps, he had crossed the room, pulling her into a hug and twirling her around. She laughed as he finally set her down, stumbling a little. Ivar was glad when he did not feel jealous.
“I’m going to be an uncle.” Hvitserk repeated in a sing-song voice, skipping around the room like a child. “Ohohoh, Sigurd is going to be pissed.”
“That was not the main point, but I suppose it is a bonus.” Ivar agreed.
“So when are you two getting married?” Hvitserk asked.
She hadn’t drunk anything, but she still coughed as if she had swallowed a particularly large gulp of water the wrong way, and Ivar’s eyes widened.
“Mother said-“ Ivar began, doubt creeping up in him.
“Mother would gladly marry the two of you now. She respected Lagertha, liked her even, and the woman turned against her. Believe me, she would not mind.”
Ivar sat there in silence, thinking about his brother’s words.
“Please let me be there?” Hvitserk begged, as if the whole marriage had already been agreed on, and not just an idea he’d thrown into the room.
“You wouldn’t need an invitation.” She snorted.
“You would marry me?” Ivar asked, unbelieving.
“Have I given you any reason to believe the opposite?” she replied.
“I-“ Ivar stuttered. “No bridal race.” He coughed out finally.
Hvitserk’s grin widened even more as he made to leave the door.
“Where are you going?” Ivar demanded.
“To the market. I’ll find some fabric for the wedding dress. No offense little brother, but your taste in fashion is mostly… opulent or dark and brooding.”
“Ivar hasn’t agreed to marry me yet.” She said quietly. “Or even said that he wants to.”
“Oh, you two are getting married.” Hvitserk decided. Ubbe, who had walked up behind him froze.
“Are they getting married?” he asked. Before Ivar or her could say anything, Hvitserk nodded enthusiastically.
“Fucking finally.” Ubbe muttered under his breath. “Ivar, you’re not choosing the fabric for the dress.”
“Why does everyone think I’d do so terribly?” Ivar asked, starting to get offended. He looked to her for help, but she was obviously trying to suppress a laugh.
“Fine. I’ll marry you and not get to choose anything about the dress.” Ivar hmphed.
“That’s good.” Ubbe nodded. “Now you only have to promise me you’ll make it through the evening without exacting revenge on Lagertha yet. Both of you.”
Hvitserk hesitated for a moment, before he nodded. Ivar kept his arms crossed firmly. As if he was going to let Lagertha live any longer than necessary.
“Ivar.” Ubbe warned.
“Fine. No murdering for tonight.” He agreed. She’d promised him his time would come, and he trusted her. Lagertha would die, and Ivar would revel in her death.
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flowersandbigteeth · 8 months
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my long ask about Kherae alien courtship, and reading my rambles about misogyny/racism!
It was also intriguing to read about what you wrote with the domestic abusers. Your stories are always such a nice break from reality.
Sorry for a few follow up questions I have…
What’s the height, hair, and eye color range for the Kherae? Aside from being shades of purple, and having tails and horns, I was wondering what other characteristics they possessed.
Are there any marriage ceremonies the Kherae would like their brides to take part of that is important to the Kherae culture?
Similarly, what’s the culture around raising Kherae offspring? Especially now that it’s an interracial/intercultural relationship between them and the humans.
Also another thing I forgot to put into my first ask was that I resonate with the PCOS  reader in Balim’s story, as I have it too. Though it’s more “mild” compared to others that have it. Cause I want a cute hubby too (and kids as well). But like I understand the concerns of a Kherae not wanting to couple with me because of potential fertility issues. T^T
No problem! It was very interesting to think about! 😸 It's also fun to nail down some of the lore, because it is mentioned in stuff I haven't posted yet for whatever reason. This comes from unfinished books and fics sitting in my drafts , lol
There's a boat load of lore below: 👇🏾
As the cultures combine, especially after a period of about ten-twenty years where the Kherae aren't in danger of becomimg extinct, the focus on children will dramatically wane. Especially because, I haven't mentioned it in my published works (it's briefly mentioned in Idreod's story) but I have several stories in my drafts about this: there are MANY other alien species humans are exposed to after they meet the Kherae. They kind of open the floodgates to the whole universe.
So there is competition, advancements in technology, other wars, pirates, new empire's rise and fall, trafficking, trade, etc. and human relationships with the purple aliens dramatically change.
I have two different fics about small human colonies on some different planets. One about alien pirates, one about a tentacled race that takes every other species as servants, because they believe they are the peak of evolution. The first Kherae that makes it to Earth as a scout. There is a race of pink aliens that are not compatible with anyone and I have a love story about two of them 💖 Orc Aliens (mentioned in Cato's fic) as some examples.
So the dynamics shift as humans go from:
Phase One: a few humans abducted for trafficking, a few aliens in secret on earth
Phase Two: Kherae discover humans are universally (loosely, there are a few races they are not compatible with for body shape, composition reasons) compatible, saving some from trafficking on one of their war ships. Kherae descend on earth "defending" them from all other races.
Phase Three: the intergalactic war with the Golt shakes everything up, alliances change, more civilizations fall apart, some rise
Phase Four: other aliens come to Earth en masse as the Kherae hold on the solar system wanes
Phase Five: humans get into space independently and appear more and more frequently on other planets, creating colonies, engaging in independent intergalactic trade
The Kherae are all kind of united on survival when they first arrive, but every individual is different. Some don't want kids or big families and feel little stifled with the expectation that they are supposed to, Dessin being one.
Kherae society had a certain structure that their parents lived that many Kherae are happy to abandon when they see how humans live 😄
Before I get too off topic, the answers to your questions are below 😸 👇🏾
Height Range: 6'5 - 7' tall
Skin color range: Deep plum to lavender
Eye color Range: shades of violet from pale to deep, shades of gold/Amber/brown, shades of gray to black
Hair color range: shades of violet from lavender to plum, shades is gold, amber, and brown, shades of gray to black.
Hair texture range: Kherae have similar hair textures (coily, curly, wavy, straight) to humans but the actual threads are much thicker creating more overall weight with a thicker cuticle
Horn Shapes: Horns come in many shapes and sizes, some are short and straight, some arch, some curl like ram's horns and some face forward, while some face backward. They are largely dark purple to black, but gray with age. They all are symmetrically placed about an inch or so behind the hairline.
Tail types: Most Kherae have spade tails, but some have smooth tapered tails. A very small group of Kherae from a specific island region have long tails with a sort of fin at the end. Their tails are prehensile and can lift small objects. Some Kherae engage in tail strengthening exercises to achieve a thicker, more muscular tail that can lift larger objects. A tail that can carry a Kherae's weight is like a body builder in our terms and very unusual
Other characteristics: They have considerably better physical strength, hearing, and healing ability. They tend not to get sick, but do suffer from some similar mental illnesses (depression, anxiety, etc ) though their health care is far superior to human's, so those issues are generally discovered and treated from an early age. Because of their tails they have better balance and can move and climb more nimbly than an average human.
Both sexes were built with more muscle and taller on average than humans, as their planet is mostly thick forest, so their tails are an evolutionary byproduct of their ancestors living largely in trees. When humans were first introduced, there was a concern that they are "delicate" and everything that goes along with that implication.
They also have a natural attraction to high places, a little like cats. Their features tend to be a little more what we would describe as feline with more almond shaped eyes and high cheekbones. Their ears are slightly pointed. Their skin has a very slight pearlescent sheen and is a bit thicker. As they lived in what we would describe as a cool rainforest (more like Washington than the Amazon), their skin and hair is designed to shed water easily.
2+3. Since most Kherae grew up without marriages, many of them prefer to participate in human ceremonies, though there are some who are interested in reviving traditions.
There are two minds about it. Some want to get away from the tragedy of their pasts and don't feel personally connected to old traditions, while some want to preserve traditions. It's mentioned in another story I have in my drafts, that some women choose to go to the Kherae home planet, and are expected to participate in cultural traditions, and move their whole families with them. Some Kherae don't like the idea of raising their children on Earth and would rather marry women who want to live on their home planet in the traditional way.
Traditional Kherae marriages were more like binding ceremonies than western weddings. Families met at ceremonies to share gifts (not just to the bride and groom and not a "dowry"). It was considered a gesture of good will and pride to share products of their businesses.
The event was like a potluck dinner where the elders of the family brought traditional dishes and wares to share. There was a brief ceremony where the couple were officially bound, but most of the event was getting to know family members, sharing stories, and, playing games to encourage social cohesion. There was sometimes a ceremonial tattoo, depending on the region.
Business deals and alliances were often formed at these get-togethers. Marriage was considered an act of fate and a gesture of trust, so sometimes political alliances were also hammered out at weddings, as their spiritual belief was that fate brought them together and a fated mating brought prosperity. Often rivalries were squashed this way, as well. (Romeo and Juliet would have ended differently if they were Kherae)
As an aside: The concept of fate also informs why many Kherae want to abandon their traditions. "Fate" allowed half of their population to be murdered and "fate" brought humans to them...so emotionally it's a little complicated for the young Kherae. Idreod mentions he never believed in the "fated mate" story, and many other Kherae his age also share that. Also many Kherae are dissatisfied that their value is assessed by the children they can produce as Balim's general mentions in his story.
Their family dynamics were large families living in village-like compounds or if they live in urban areas, they had multistory buildings to house their families. Kherae family members would take on jobs within their family business (eg. Ranchers may have members who run shops and stock houses, raise animals, guard ranches, do marketing, etc.). There were many jobs available to support the family and cater to different interests and abilities. From Idreod's story: Dessin not actively contributing to Idreod's business is both unusual and a bit of an insult to him.
Either party in the marriage can choose whose family they want to live with, but if the families were small, many of them simply combine families to live together. A smaller family may also join a larger family. Large families with a few different business interests were considered ideal. It was considered a point of pride (lightly) if the couple chose to live with one or the other family. There was an old thought that the couple would choose to live with the family who brought the best food. 😅
Kherae marrying western wives, were a little confused and turned off by our small, independent families that are sometimes spread across the country, when they first arrived. Since most Kherae of marriage age grew up without that tradition, as most were conscripted into the military after the calamity, about half are excited to adopt new traditions and half want to return to their tradition, creating some conflict in this universe. Some Kherae appreciate how other human cultures do have similar family structures and feel more at home with them.
Kherae father's are generally very involved in child rearing. Everyone is expected to have a job in the family, so they often tag along with their parents at work if it is safe to do so. Another cultural difference is women in Kherae society don't necessarily stay home and raise kids because usually kids are running around whatever shop, ranch, farm, or whatever they have. They spend a lot of time playing outside, learning from various family members, and running around as a group doing small jobs (deliveries, helping preparing meals, etc)
Children are very integrated into the day to day activities of the family. Going back to Idreod, Dessin being sent to a boys school was unusual and also a bit of an insult, which is why he's a little angsty about it. Children with no family, families involved in businesses that would be too dangerous for a child to be around, or children who didn't get along with the other's socially for whatever reasons were sent away to school.
Many fathers after the calamity sent their boys off to school, largely for emotional reasons. Raising their sons on their own was difficult for them (not because they couldn't do it, but because they were watching, possibly the last of their people grow up) Most children, traditionally, learned reading, writing, and math from a member of the family whose role was to teach them.
Their planet is largely forested and naturally they feel more comfortable with a bit of cover, so most family groups were a bit isolated unless they lived in cities. The average Kherae family would only clearcut exactly enough space to do whatever they needed to do (raise livestock, roads, storage areas, etc.) using vertical farming and hydroponics to raise vegetables and fruits.
Families mingle with other families on market days, holidays, and organized events for socialization, but most goods were shipped directly from the source with drones or personally delivered by a member of the family who was given that job. Families in cities would mingle more frequently at cafe's, parks, and other common areas, and some Kherae prefer that lifestyle.
There are some municipal, infrastructure, and military positions that a member of the family would not explicitly work at their family business, especially in cities, but a large family in the countryside might have a family doctor, scholar, accountant, etc. Some individuals simply don't like their family for whatever reason and choose to either move to a city or another family might take them in, depending on the circumstances. A small family would likely bolster their numbers by taking in individuals.
When Kherae arrived on Earth some loved that human adults are often independent of their families and felt liberated!
Since their planet is very wet, there's no shortage of water for agriculture and aquaculture. Homes were generally built in sturdy, old trees in the countryside and tall, narrow buildings in the city, allowing for lots of room for parks and old trees.
So that's a lot of the general lore 😄 sorry if that's too much, but I have a lot worked out for this universe 😅
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smiles-ocs · 8 months
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Some concepts and ideas for Castor and Ronan’s story called Starchild. Some of these are… hard to get to drawing, specifically Ronan’s younger siblings, might redesign them, but they’re all very young. Ronan left to join a crew so he could make money for them while his parents physically can’t work, and he made sure that his 12-year-old brother is very helpful. Then some random character ideas. A first mate on Castor’s pirate crew, two important characters named Rigel and Esther, castor as a young boy, and random scene ideas I have.
There’s a lot of crap I’m rambling about under the cut so go there if you want to know more about the characters, lore, and spoilers
I also have an idea of a deity or something of the sorts. It’s bascially a “Star God”, something with incredible power that was given to them from the heavens, and it is responsible for the starchildren that have shown up around the world, hence why this series is called Starchild. The whole thing around the Star God is a mystery, but people do know it exists thanks to the star children. This is a little dark but some explanation on Starchildren:
Starchildren are born every few hundred years or so, it’s unknown how often a starchild is born, but people believe that starchildren are the star god’s children, and that when they reach a certain age, they are sacrificed to deal with all the problems the world is having. They believe that if a starchild is not sacrificed, demons from hell will arrive to destroy the world. I hinted at this on my last post, but starchildren turn into strange creatures, the main one being the Leviathan. There’s also the Kraken and the other one who’s name is so complicated I’m not even going to bother with it dhskdbsk.
Long story short, the whole thing is a lie. Starchildren have incredible power when they become adults and are “awakened” as Starchildren. They remember the person that gave them that power (the Star God) and their purpose, which is watching over the people. However, centuries ago, someone in high power believed that Star children were too powerful, and out of fear, he came up with an excuse to kill starchildren before they grew too powerful, because no one should be more powerful than him. So they killed starchildren when they were young and weak, hiding behind the excuse of it being a sacrifice to the world or something, using the blood to cleanse the world and keep the demons at bay. That way, if the starchildren escape, and inevitably take on the role of “deities”, people will believe that the demons have arrived to punish them for failing, and will try to kill the awakened starchildren.
Starchildren cannot escape their fate, however, because they cannot hide unless they are far away from people. They have blue hair that shines in the darkest fog, blue hair that cannot be hidden, and a star birthmark somewhere.
I suppose there’s no reason to hide this now, but Castor is the starchild of this era, originally called Orion, but he changed his name for safety. He ran away when he learned that he was going to die, trying to escape on a boat. The people almost caught him, but the kraken appeared, seemingly saving his life. As Castor tried to hide from people, he tried to hide his blue hair, but it constantly shines through whatever he hid it in. The best he could do was to wrap it up and put a thick hat on, which helped, but even so, you can see in his wrapping the blue hair. He tried to dye it, hide it in mud, even shaving it, but the blue cannot be covered up, so hiding in plain sight was nearly impossible to him. He left to sea to avoid people, but accidentally became captain of the pirate crew. He’s a very jaded man who is intimidating and skilled in sword fighting. People respect him as a captain, so he is in high status on his ship (obviously 💀). Problem is, there is a very, VERY high bounty on the star child’s head, so even the most loyal crew members may turn on him if he is found out.
Castor trusts no one, but he seems to have a soft spot for Ronan for some reason. Even when he eventually finds out that he is the starchild, he can’t bring himself to kill him. He’s just a boy…
Obviously, Esther and Rigel are starchildren as well. Rigel is an ancient starchild, who lived a good life before the starchildren sacrifices. He roams the ocean, punishing anyone who threatens the innocent or disrespects the ocean. There were a lot of starchildren too, but the creatures of starchildren were hunted and killed, leaving Rigel, Esther, and Castor the last three starchildren. Esther was a starchild who escaped the sacrifice, who is far more cruel and jaded than Castor, and when Castor is “awakened”, she goes after him to use him to punish everyone.
Rigel is that turtle Whale island thing, Esther is the kraken, and Castor turns into the Leviathan.
The star god is no benevolent being, and is not a god at all. He’s a regular human who got magic from some meteorite, idk, there doesn’t need to be any specifics lol, and he grew immensely powerful. He resides away from the ocean, but he is not a good person. He’s greedy, selfish, and does nothing to help the innocent starchildren he “created”. He would love to have the starchildren to do his bidding, but if they die, it’s no matter, cuz he doesn’t need them. Idk maybe he’s not greedy lol. Either way the star god is not a good person, but I kinda want the star god’s role to be similar to Davy Jones in pirates of the Caribbean. There must always be a star god.
Anyways I hope that all makes sense 💀💀 Ronan is just there, being roped up into this nonsense, but he’s a good boy with a good heart and wants to help the starchildren, and he and Castor grow close.
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